Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, June 21, 1865, Image 3

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-'t '
rt ti.n
S.t'.iv 1 ft SiiJx City ft
.inm K".-;i. jr., Kus l.oen p-
r;; of i ;.f Fii-.-t jti-l-clfl District
T 1 T I 11. .
in thi- tiTtif'ir.r- v"'p ,:ir " lv
p-rjj:r,i-; !.!'. will c untuTi'-!
so 'i :! - ! and. CM Follows
liuiM1'".-'- "i ! l'n -f-
I: no kk.-s oi rca,
e - T TT . . . I .. . . T l.
v, ;;7i. :i 1. : . . .1. li. .. r llitf lici.. iliac
coni-.-s t- tl:'i c:'y.
rc'i'li J.-u 'J- y. say win at Iiarvest-ir.-j:
j.-.s i- n'liii'.-nc-.I in I'nion, Jacon and
Vi:li;i:.i -o;i countie.--, In Southern iillnios.
f tr lin uf ti.irry-six wnzom, four
luulo-! to r'.. v. i- ftliiTO yesterday,
:.'. . t. of t-.ventv
h freijihS. for O. I..-n-1
th it J. .In ('. r.reek-
'.t.-.'aM;;h .. t:io sartinp; oint
,wr :i vast amount of freight the present
?en-on. Not lcs than five hundred thou
sand iMiun ls of freight has left here for
the west within tin; past week. Amn
ether train?, we notice that of C. IlurJ,
jr., with uhoatjone uhuudrcJ thousand
V'uii(J, oon;-i--tiii of machinery for a
Qaart.i mill which Mi II. jToposcs eet
tin"; up at or near Bunnoek City Montana.
H.' Ipk th- larst mill ever taken to the
western mints.
fj IT The following dispatch was rc
ctived hy Royal Duck, lri., of Nebras
ka City:
Salt Lakh, June 11.
(iivorr.rir Dotv Ii-"l last niht.
(Signed) " I). II- lUl-If.
Sup't Indian Affairs.
TIiM leaves Utah without n Governor,
Sec. Heed Lcin absent at New York at
ti,:s time.
V;i;Tli, . a ic
dri'.' i'f ' ui:c
vrv-t to-d . ".
i nri J
COn!i !erit of arrival t!
L is re.f.l.c i Cuha. His friends
t-j t.-ll hfv !i .v.n-, but t-peak
lar..- l. of
in --ri in th
i;:a!: : ;:r
rrvi-": ' '
la c I '
iiv;!. 1 1....:
the 11 I i:.
I: it . 11
r.;i i.t
t i : V
.- i:
it. ::
'i? ha e received a
:;r:if-!n of j l'uinineiit
States. C h and
M i ; J brethren
y t . at:-:. I th.'
at lii .;wnvi.i'S en
f t w n'y-t wi
ia i.'.o we-l
1 w
aia la
1 !.
the .. .;
teil i!iri-i'.-.
L; .cm. 1 f
f hi
hi a
1 sta.
llo'i-.':'' i- the li;li:n'
i i i ui -rly 1- ti wn f- -
1: h::s betn
a::d wi liTider-tan 1 will
t. av -i'.n: publh: in a
has a!--itt(l
r. k, Imt i" vet
Sr amboat-
; : r, ;';:,:!y
:i th- d.ivVut
1 .-rri
". .
t.i :
1 i.: '.'lit
,y th.;
US v
the I . if, .
V h f :--
M. Ki
lie loi:i i
j "ro'ti wlnnii h
I 'L-fore, an I v 1
T-ieased. We
, ,. ;
!. .v .hi r-.-; ' -1
: ..a it.)
f n exhiti'.'fr; nt
TV.' man v '.
tliat ti iv,
tlii ci'.iM,
visitors with r
i i '
y i 1 . i
h.v ' i-
t Ml" J
arh ill the
Til'' r-'a;ks
v. ... a ; ; ! ; n ee
' . . ; 1 ' t :i (T'SS
e.'i i.t f hii rtein.
V' .'. at f,r
; . : : r y kin :.
!a -;', of James
i ' 'i ." , wa s !i t
in at Fort f lail-ck on
t. II ; w as sh ,,t i v a
1 ;m-"-:,'J c.sii.; time
ha 1 -u:.--'.'ja.."!t!y
t. h
. s (
in les M
the. i o I i ; v
rhunaii i:
count v.
Wri-h'. For
Instntt tl'n, Ori;i
i th; Ciiiii.ii
In in v.-hlch J!r.
:'r rail-, n-.d
, :. . i n-.ii !'. law, is r,-iv
the u'feat fail- at Chi e.i ;..
- i J.'r i-airs partner at
5 a-:-;, 1 in h:!din
i at the djor to entertain
. '.hi; -.-(.:i'-fa of the eav'y
: tyr Ire-.'i.h-nr.
C. :iV.-M.luU ..iic;! I?, t
, n t'..' 1 hh in.-t.,
'i ' i. all by ae-
!i -r, the j escMt
:t -ne. For Lio-.j.-hah
of U'ehstoi-
cm .Ju !,;, Ceo. h
: r. hint of Public
i . i r Ik.v
, .v-.rnor
v:-Tr, 15 1
"or ;iM'-:n;
fj2?"Vhlch of the following paragraphs
are we to bel'eve; or are they to be ta
ken conjointly expressive of the posi
tion of tha .V
'I'f on tho w hole, we are ;had that the
New Constitution of Missouri is adopt
ed." J'.ir., J n ll'.' 17.
"Wa are decidedly opposed t the
adaption of the new Constitution; be
cause it tramples under foot the rights
of at lea-t ten thousand of Missouri's
bravest and best suns." AVm's, June 17.
Are the rights referred to, the onc9
that Parson Drownlow sa-,-s are not for
feited 'i
Si -! i:No!.:. The .brakitin haa not
! ' n i m i since lat Wednsday, and we
l.d hot refer to the matter at that time,
;:"t kiiowin- but that publication might
!" ve.-umed within a day or two.
'i ll e editor and proprietor of that paper,
as we an: it:f.rm."d, was called east by
the dani-'ois illness of his wife who is
in Wa-diirii.-ton. bince he left, various
creditors have commenced prosecuting
tii -.r c'aiais, th c !.-tablisliinent is
now un i -r iittatiiincrit. ht:j uiilican.
(VitoMtit's 1 NQL' Coroner Stnros
h 'l l an iii'j'n t yesterday upon the body
if ; ii unknown ni.iD.wli j was found
:' oiitin; in tie Mo., Kiver, three miles
north "f this City. U had be.-n st.ibbed
in t':e ri-ek ar.d throat four t'm?s, was
a thick s-t man. about ") ft. S or 'J inches
hi-h, liad on. wlien foiuid, a butternut
c 1 vd p:iir of pan4, lined, a hiciory
nn.h r.-hirt, and a cativas or duck ovcr--I
iit. One leather i-uprnder and one
caiivass one, :i blue or black corded vest,
and a piece of leather tied or eewed
around his left wrist, which was about
two inches in width. Also a left boot
i u his ri-ht foot, but he could wear a
niKuber 8 or 0, but the. boot was a num
V i- I'J. 11" w is apparently Z or 40
years of aj. t ut 'i '(..
lit filiations uu (lie I2iiss.
Accoiuin lo the provisions tf Gen.
Oriels No. -ll, series of lb(.;.t3 issued
on the 10. Ii uf February, the I'ust Com
in ii.Jers of J'ort Riley aiid Kearney,
are rciuireit u halt all traitu pi.ssintr
T -t, and t.roanie then: iu bodies of
one luir.'Ii i .1 arnieJ men under ihe coin
inati'i ('t a ;ia appoiiiteJ for that
purpose. TLL regulation lias since
he .'i C'alI ti.'i'.l to til! the Ii9sU'i! I IllV-
r !ovi;s, wnli the t-xjepii on that trair.B
from any of ihcin are required to be
-i :a:.i.-r ! in bandj of fifty armed n-eii
:i,?tea! of --i hundred. S-.-rg'i Mc
f.IaKeii is in the cityiur ihe purpose of
-rganiin.' leaving this point,
t.i.'lvr the ul ove ineiitioned orders.
rOlTsALE !
Thirty desirable bus;nos3 anl reil
dhne j
'i'.-n thuu-iind acies of piiiirie and tiin-
Terms to suit cash purchasers.
Jai.c :
il- .ii K:-'t Ak-nt,
fi.nrt H-iii-e, I'lut r-iiiuulli.
Ti?" I'Ih) Diaa'.a : . , ....3is t"
think that v ml 1 h-. a --more f .-.i-ibler"
route for th-: F- i'. l ,. to , ,-; f.t"
way i'f ;i :... i.. d ,.r , shan :
run down t!- bottora : ' ! ). th
I i nith of I'latte ! ufj:c 3t.n :iii Wcst.
The Ji' i'l.u'ii 'i' man cr: b'ntlv . s the
probability of th road h. in i han.-d to
t'ais si, Jo of the Platte, an i cm onlv try
to ri Jieul.j t!i- id.'.-:.
CVSteaauT Denver discharged a vajt
amount f fr, t at or h vee on la-t
TLur-.lay cvenln,:. inclu liax 'j ,'
pounds of n;a him ry for C. F. Ilendrie,
ef C i-ii'-.i L'. Aiiei.' i-c;i-
gers aboard w s:v.v ,', II. II. Waters,
late editot of the N ! ra-ka City J'n.s.
and (I. W. Sroat, Sh.-r:;Tf Droe county.
iney were leaairi a :.:
w it,! their
families, to
.the Piatte.
the rural district:
CSThe l-cal editor
Tlluffs .V' i I was ts
by a oowtrdly co; : er:
an article whlcii h id ::j
not 11:
tt.e c f p.rliea I d )c;ri:i
J:. . '. - , '
of the Council
ailt ' l recently
':, btc-ius' Of
or' i ib . ,i.,y !.
Notice is hereby iven that tin co
partnership heretofore oxiatinj between
ihe uiidor.sineJ, is this day oifsoivcd by
t .litual consent. Th bii ::.n ss w ill here
after be conducted bv M. 15. M irjdiv.
M. 15. MLTtPl'lY.
T. 15. ;lf.nn.
Piiittsmouth, Jane 17, ISoo w3.
Boots & Shoes A lartro lot just re
cievtd by, Avhon, Dovey & Co .,
Pistols A larg;e lot just received
by Amisos, Dovey &. Co.
Tatrouizo Ilome Institutions
All peraons wishing to secure a sure
preventive from damn-re by lihtnin
will do well to secure one of those Star
Fluted rol.s, with Sprats patent Insula
ters, and the best plated Points. All
work warranted. Leave orders at Mur
phy & (jlenn's shop, cr with the under
signed. Having permanently located
in the Territory, I solictit vour patronage.
Clothing. If you want to buy Ready
Made Ciothintr, call at
S. Iil.OOM'3.
Boots and Shoes. The best and
largest stock of Boots and .Shoes at
mlw4 S. Ploom's.
Revolvers- A new lot of all kinds
of llevolvers received at
iuhv4 S. Bloom's.
The Best Assortment of Emigrants
out-littin"; Good at
in 1 w4
S. Bloom's.
Tarm Tor Sale-
I have a pood farm for sale, consisting
of lOo acres ; 100 fenced, V0 under cul
tivation, and about Co acres of timber.
It ia situated 7 miles south of ITatts
raouth on the main thoroughfare to Ne
braska city. For particulars enquiie on
the prenieais, or of Hi rani Davis in this
April, 20 m 1.
Legal Notice-
IiO..-ila Archei,Uie.Tge V.. Ari li-r an. I AItihno
An-firr w ill laUo notice, lliat John K:ii tii i t and !u
fiu Ka' ha' t ! ..1. n tk 7tti d.-iy cf June, A. 1.
lite their bill of oiinplait t iu Ihe Distrii t Court of
ti.. 2. Ju I;-ti ict uitbia an-1 f -r Cas county.
N. T., Bt-aiiiRt tne f.iiJ I?ht.--llr., Ceorve Ar
h,T and AlphoUM AfdiT, arlvlKlanlN fctlil. forlli
ti at one. D.ivi'l V. Archer .ld to ihe plaintiff, tuu
H4;,.i:t, i e or the Mild Johu EarLart, the loliowuij;
J . .i ril" d iiremi--s, to-wit:
W.rt ti .If 1-2 of th-s Smith Ii!Xl f 1 -2 of the
North hall f the fie th East q-.nirter 1-4
of et-ti n hi.ty itr. : town twelve t'J lauii'-
f.mrteen 11 Kmt, in C a:-i- county, X. T.
lint thin iu making out the (, f c.inveyance,
said Oavid Ij. Ari-br made a mistake; and deeded
liiHi-p-nt and o-lier lund to the aid b isau Kurb.-irt
The snid Ari her bavin? since ! n;d. defeml mtj le injt
liia h irs. And jra ini; thai ai-l rnistakt.- be currect-
1. .-iti 1 that it lu-iy 1 e l cr "e.l that a M i-t-r f thin
Cr- ui t make unto lifi -Hiii Humn Kartart a ilecl tu
:d jiremijes, u; oi ra.lure of l"'inila!its t ; make
'h'.-saiiic. And that lie sjid Isa'ueiln Archer, ieo.
W. Arclierand Aljit-onso Aieher, aie hereby ntilled
;htthey are reoinrt d tt ajipjr and diisttt-r :i id
bill of cienlaints n or before the 4ih il.iy of October
A.I). lsij,it beii e the g.eoinl day of the next te. in
of said Ci urt. r j'id',-in.'i't wil; be. ren lurcd .linrft
them iccurdiiiir to petitionere' piiner.
John" kai::iai;t.
Kit.-d June 7 isr,5. w5
X. -M. MiHiH Eir, S. 1 far CoiioiUinauts.
Those in want of
can f.nd them at L'.aek, B utter v & Cc's
or at my liarden near Mt. Pleasant; at
23 ct. per EI im tired.
A liberal discount will be made for lots
of one thousand.
v. J. ii ess un.
Prob?te Notice
Xoltre is hereby triven t.i all person? interef-tej.
tha' .' n-ob Valley h i made application t.j t 'ie I'ro
I .ite Coiiit to m ine hnal sett'.-m'.-n' f his A.Iiiiinis
t ato'-shipof the Ktatef Jnwjili K. )lf-t J- eeai-d,
late of C'.ns county, Xebrat'iJ. The Court lias fcjj
yoiiitiiil Ka'unb.'i', ,7m w? 17i'.', If do,
as the day to rrnke sii.-h settlement, w hca all par
tita iir.ei--:ti! iuu ai ear.
W-tness bind nnd seal of otik'e this
Tl. . STlli day ct ilay, lsti."i.
1. II. VltFRI.VR.
Vi uhule Judy,
':v 27, 1 vX
Probate IToticc
Xo'.ire is herel y piveti that K. B Cotemitn lnt
mild- ai.i'.ict ibin t.. be app'-inied Admini: tralor i.f
the i.-ue i-fJ. V. i'i- i-m-u, lat ; decoised of Cnsd
County The Court will le-ar said application for
appointment in Admini-t poor, on Sj'ur ;ay, Jaly
lsl, lv(' 111 o'clock, A. M it. I'l iti-inoil h, N.
T , at which time, a. 1 persji,., i:.tu!etc.l wiil ap
1 e ir.
Witness my ban J aad j. at, th': s 23J it.iy cf May,
w:!. D. r. WlltEI.EIt, Tr. .bate Judge.
Estray Ehccp
Tiiken up by the subscriber, on his en
closed premises, in the South Lust cor
ti r of Cuss county. Nebra-ka, on the'Jih
day of June, l&Go. seven (7) old sheep
and one Iamb. Three of the old sheep
tire bluek, two havinp; white faces.
Marked with n crop from left ear and an
under-bit from each ear.
June 12 .v3.
Timber Land
foi: sAfj;
The Sub.-ei ibt-r oilers for Sale, S3 ncres
of jroi.J hard -wood Timber Land, situa
ted 1 1-2 miles South of I'hvttsmouth, on
the Missouri Kiver. N
Also. :V2') acres of raw Prairie Land, 3
1-2 mihs Southwest of Plattsmouth, on
Four Mile Creek.
Platfsmouth, N. T., Jun 10, 1 rsti-3 ml.
I "li ee
i!.d t.
tor in t!.i I cm-'S t
.llant that L.j a!oiu is i-j-r:on.-.:.i.i..-
f r v ;iat may appe ir in the columns of
ll piper, anl that hj enn ren;-(ii!y be
't-uul at home" ii :inv one feels arrriev-
a M:u:-p
l'ur (.S(
the "Arii.vv,-,,,
ance in var
r.-r. fn.., i..
ou. Iklilil.Jl tki.'CD
this cnemv of v
formeil thut 't e.'in .
el' by plowing a d -, fuv.,uw arj,jnJ
tae held: the worms cruv.l into this
and can't gt out, when all th,u remains'
to be done, is to d;a-- a loo- ,i.r ... .
infirm u that
ikii.-.; i:s j ear-
I'.iiiiiy. L.Oi.
o'; out for
NVe are in-
For the erection of a Church and Recto
ry for St. Luke's Parish, Prot. Episcopal
Church, inj'lattsmout'a, will be received
from the loth day of June, ISO"), by the
undcrsijine ' Pians, &c, may be" been
at my Office.
Plattsmouth, N. T., June 15, 1605.
For Sale Cheap At lle Store of
Kh patr .i Wise, oue copy of "The
Washington Map of the United States,"
published in lcoJ. Call ana see it.
Wm. Herald, corner of Main and Sec
ond streets, is still sellinr Groceries, Pro
visions Farm Produce, Ac. as low as
ar.v House in the West. Farmers who
trench every few d its, and slaughter th ' n,,ve ProJlce t0 ee .w' e' to ca
i-sai.arrs hv "---' u l"m Dcire uispusing ui ineir nuuc.
1 i.ay oO, lb'oo ti.
ii-ub:uii'-.l iu l-u
.4 C!"f:!, Cheip ami r-ry Yalur.hl-t Paper
fur livery .Man, o, :, and Child
ti i l:
Americau Agriculturist
Tarm, Garden, and Household,
Including a Spt ci il Department of Inltr-
etliiig and Instrucitr" lltading for
Children and Youl.'i.
The Agrii'ultHri'st M n laive periodical of 32 psifes
lo-.iiittfti ly pi inted, and filled with p'ain, praeOcal,
reliitlde oricinal luati-T, iiicludiug h'iudreiJs of beiiu
tilnl and instructive Kni;ravii.gj in every annuu!
It contains each month a Cat en !er of Oi er.itions
to be pt-rforui 'd on the I'dnn, in Ihe (h-rJinrit and
ttttriitii. ill and around the ictun(t tie.
The thousands of hint and 5ti::;."e-ti.B;i civn in
every vuiume aro pr-"pieil by practical, intelligent
Workirty J- n, who knr.w Ii ,t tl cy rite about.
The Iio'ith'il l L'i'iirl :iifi't is variable to every
I!ouel.c er, tT irdit! w vi ry 10 ,ny u-.cfal bints :;u"l
diteciou, calculated to li-hlca and facilitate iu
diur nmk
The f,,itimti) ' for 7iiiant an l Ymith in pre
p ned with spe ia! care, lo ot unly anone
111. ut, but also to incnlcite Luo - leek-'t: and sound
moral principles. The ciicnlation of th Amvrlcm Agri
rmlurM (more than lOn.ifl'O) is so larpe that it can
bd fumishe.1 Ht the low t-ric-e of l ;,i a year; four
copies one year, tea i-upies one yer. (f PJ: twenty
or more, 0110 year, 41 eich; bi-ajjia ivpies, lj ccul't
OUAXGE JUDD.rcn. dProp r.
' '-'1 Park Row, New Ycrk City
The undersigned are prepared to do
and at
S. B L O O M ,
Dealer in
G-etits Furnishing G oods
Eoots, '
&.C.J &c, Sic.
Also a l.irrrelot of RCIiRFR GOODS
and REVOLVERS always on hand.
will find it to their benefit to examine
my stock before purchasing elsewhere.
Cash paid for Hides, Purs
and JVool.
riattsmoutb, May 25, t
We have opened a
"X O 3E2.'.353
Opposite the
Where we are
lYcring and arc ScHinsr
Uaially found in the Provision Line,
yin VmitA p&4.
We wish to luy all kinds of
Country Produce.
Such as
Vcgetalilcs &c-,
For which the
Highest Price
will be paid
In Money.
rySTThose having such articles to sell
will do well to call and see us before
riattsmouth, May 22, '(55.
Alt ill 5-15
Chancery Sale.
.1. Tt. J.-nninps and Rerjamiu Childs, )
liria of J. 11. Jenninps Co., Conip's i
v. 1 la Chancery'
VVm B. Warhritton nud Elisabeth V
-Vai brittun, Defendants. )
In pursuance nd by uirtue f f a decretal order to
me lirec-ted from the Pistrict Court of ihe "Jd Judicial
District in and for Cass county, Nebraska Territory, and bearing date on the
Sth ilay of J-una, A. D. lil, beinjr a fpecial term of
aid Court, I , the nubscriber. Master iu Chancery for
aid Court, will Bell at pubiic T'-ndue, fr cash, t.)
the highest ml best bidder, in front of tha Court
House iu PlaUsuiuuth, N. T., on
Monday, the Qlh day of July,
at two o'clock In the afternoon of aiJ day, the fob
hiK-in? described teal cta,te, aituated iu.Caj. county,
Nebraska, to-wit:
The South-East qr. ? of ec. Xo. three 3 ,
and the North-hast qr. '4 of the Mouth. Went qr
of ut. 'o. three ti in owr.sliip c. twelve
12 north of range number twelve 12 east of the
6th 1. M.. in Cass count-', Nebraska Territory, and
containing two hundred acres more or less, together
wilh all and singular the iuiproTfmeut, here!ita-m-nis
or appurtenances thereon or thereto beljne
in or in any wist- appertaiiita?. To be sold a the
properly ef ihe derendants in the above cause, to
t-atisty said decre-, the amount of which is two hue
dred and fift-four dollars (254) and interest from
th date nl said debtee, ami costs of ynit al sale.
Dat'--U r;a:traout!i Keb. Ter. 7th J in". A. I. 1;1.
I. M lx.'lIiU.NGrON.
Master m Chancs.-j.
Main St., opposite I'latte Valley House,
Have on hand n large stock of
Curry Combs, Brushes, Cards, &c.
AVc can
Outfit a Mule or Horse Train
With everything in our line, on short notice.
Our motto is "Quick Sales and Small Profits."
1 chairing- done at all times, at reasonable rates-
Wholesale- and Retail Dealers.ia
Drugs, Medicines and Oils,
Fine Toilet Soaps, Brushes and Perfumery,
Pure Wines and Liquors, for ISedicinal use,
Dye Woods, Dye Stuffs, and Fancy Articles Generally.
Fanners, freighters and physicians
Will find our stock of Medicines complete. Warranted Genu
ine and of the best quality.
THE TKIUUii: for 1?G5.
The iTiiitnrT and NaTa I tnrcesses of 186-1, With th
auspicious result of our 1'resi UiUiul content, bars
lifted a heavy wiisht lrom mo rreasis oi " oj-
,.f ,.n.,-mmln-mi-n. it ia now felt, even b
Ih ise who have been dwnistful nd faint bearttJ
that the l uien is to emerge f. iamphant from tho
lieauly glri! whereiuto she w.-iE n wickedly prtcipl-
tated I v ber assailants, ana ma i Biaei,, uu ,c-
lentless re,i a to encounter iue um in hiu.
penla of foreiiru iiervention and of Western insur
rection are safely passed ; ADKAUAM I.INCL,( UU
l.inif'T assailable as a choice Jof the rninoiiiy, hi Ids
ihe helm of Male for four voars lonijei; tile ifbiluon.
palpably weakened by its defrats and lo--sei durinS
the past year witu lis creuit so . reoueeu iuu un
purse-bearer ciiUiaTly declares that its Treasury
notes can only be exih iiii; d lor coin at the raie a
twenty-live for one, w hiie its bunds command but
six ceius ou the diillir-M'Ut awaits the blow which
shall soon fcti ike the sword from iU paracidal baud
and remit its master spirits t the justice, or it may
be to the clemency, of a sorely wrotiped and justly
inccuMd but forbearin and tniganiuious people.
Such are the au-pics whu-ti jusiiiy our faith tha' tho
present year will seB the totals and Strip-S float un.
ch.lleueed from every batticiiieiit in liie K- ublic.
and the jH-rfi et law of Liberty lor All immovably iin
beiWed iu the Constitution of our Union.
Thk 'ew Cork Tkibi-mc, foun led iu 1ll, will en
ter upou its twenty-fourth year with quickened
hopes uud eularjfi d means of ir-ctuinesa. lis priuei
pb s need no re-stitteun nt: iis aims are the tlinusioit
of Intelligence and the inoculatio , of a spirit of Kine
doui and llumauity. When this truih shall liavt
been generally teenpnied and established as the ba
sis of our institutions and po ity, tlmt injustice to th
poorest, tho weakest, the most ucsi i.-cd, is a fearlul
mist.ike that no community oi- state can aftoid to
wrus even its humblest uuinbei then will our
land ba'k once moio in the calm euushiuc of pcaoo
and pro.'jHjrity.
The I uibLNK has for the last year been published
without profit to its proprietors, solely because of the
depreciation of our cum ucy below specie standard,
cuuipelliui; us to buy paper and other materials at a,
cost eonsi ierably above the amount received from
our subscribers. Ou our weekly edition, the net loss
has amounted lo several th iUsinds of dollarsi while ;
our larste receipts from adveitisiiij; have been wholly
absorbed by the extraordinary expense for Corr.s
pondence, i'eleit 'aphiu', etc., devolved ou us by i.e
war. A we do not suppose our patrous desire that we
should vvrk for them at our cost, and pieter u.t to
be patronized by any who Jiit de.-iie iu wo have
somewhat advanced lor luo eusuin year the prices
of our -Vmi-WeeUj- and "iVccaiy, us w e liad aneady
done with thoe of our da!ly editions. This increase
is purely nominal; there uover before was a tium
when the farmers of our country c ,untry could buy'
The Tribune for ht. little of their twu raoducts or
laiwr as they can by the lollowiu;;
DAILY lll.'lll'XE,
Simtlecopy -Mail
subacribcrf, one year, 31? issu.-j
Oue copy one year lUliseues,
Two copies ue year,
Five copies or over, one year, each crpy,
One copy, one year, 52 issues,
Ciis of ti ve
Persons remittinir ' for 10 oopies, will noiivc i ui)
copy ext'a. (itatis.
Persons remittioe ? 10 :or 'in copies, will receive ono
eupy Semi-Wt-ekSy, pr.itis.
Persons remit'.iiin to tor 40 copies, will rcceivij ono
copy Daily, rutis.
Drafts on New- vctk. payable to the order cf "Tha
Tribune,'1 beinir safer, are preferable to any other
mode l remittance. But where drafts cannot be,
rmnveniently procured, United S tatos, orNatiour
Brink bills are next best, and m:iy be Kent l y m ill ;
but iu case of luss,The Tribune will not be responsi
ble unless furnished wp h a full di sci iption of the
bills, including the name of the bank, denomination
and number, and the time and place of mailing of
the letter with the inclosures-
Tribune Buildings, New York.
jr., t?;ii ,i j. r,. Tt
INIay'lst, 1S6-5, tf
wmm mm mrm
E. T. DUKE & Co.,
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
Stoves, Tin, Sheet Iron, Brass, Japaned
Wh keep constantly on hand Emigrants and Freighters'
Such as Camp Stoves, Frying Pans, Skillets and Lid?, Ovens,
Camp Kettles, &c. We also keep Chain l'umps and
Fixtures, Hydraulic Cement, Sad Irons, Fruit
Cans and Jars, Lanterns, Coffee Mills &c.
-X0j3 WORK. 2
Tin Roofing, Guttters and Spouting done on short notice, with
neatness and despatch. Are agents for the sale of Stew
art's celebrated Combination coal or wood Cook Stove.
Give us a call we will not be undersold Main St., South Side, between
Second and Third Streets,
Dealers in
IVp lions,
Coal Oil Stamps.
are also sper.lsi for the Htirhansn Woolen
Mi'ls, of St Joseph, .Mo., and have now on hand a
b'o-.d assortment of
wl.ich we ha T;-: received on commission, and are
pr-' pared to exchange for
at'very reasonibla jgures. 5- Give ns ji call,
od-3 door east of the UtRiL glSce, l'l4ttluoutb,
Jibra ka.
-May 16, UU. U
Cor. Main and Sth ets.,
Dealers in
Saddlers' Hardware
Findings and Tools,
CSTOrders Promptly attended to.
'A Complete Pictorial Ilistory of
the Times."
"The Lest, cheapest, and most success
ful Family Paper in the Union."
Harper's Weekly,
CriMcal notices of tho rrvss
The best family in:s papor in the I'nil' d States.
JW'o to'?i Advtrtistr.
The modfl nt'wsaii.'r of our country romt.l't; in
all the ilcp irtin' tits of un Family rar,
llariert Weekly ban earned fir itn;lf Bright to Hi
title, "A Journal, of CiviLuniu.'' A', r t'i!t.
ning Pust.
Uhis paper furnish "3 the Viit ili.tsf rations. Our
future hintoi iaui will cuikh tl.fni-lve.s out of II jr- .
por'a Weekly lmip niter writers, imd rinteix, and
puhlishei are turiii.d to dust. .V. Y. EriiH'jt-litit.
A nicess-ity in every household. 12 7i Tuni.
It in at once a lending political and historical u
nalit Of the nation. I'ldlmh , ' liln Vt ext.
Ihe best uf it clats ia America. Jfio Tract Ur
Subscription. 1 65.
The publishers have perfected a syolem of ltnitlin; '
by which they can supply the MiM'Isi: and Wi'.fcK
I V prouiptly to thoe who priTer to receive their pe- '
rtodieals directly from the eliico ui pubiit-Htioii.
l'ostniatera Rnd others desirous of petting up cluti
Will he supplied w ith a hitU'iaulue J iciorial eLoW-bill
on application. , ;
HaRPFR's Wkeki.y. one year, - - - ' !!.'
An oxtrri copy of either th" W. ekly or 1Iniu ;
will be oupplied irmiis for every c!i:i of l ive K'lN--'
n-ribeis at -$1 each, in one rcmiilanee; or fcix coiiei ":
forf.'O. ' '
B.ick nnmhe'S can he unpplied nt any lino.
The annual voiuni s of II i nn: u's kkllv, in rcVit
cloth hindmur, w ill be sent hy txpr 4dr iter oi
pense, for $ii en-h. A cotnpl. i? s.t. oiopri.-ii,r
K.lphl Volumes, sent on receipt oldish at the i.ile of
St.iiO per volume, freight at tsnm of pureli,iwr .
Addreas HAUl tli i:HtillKlt.
1 rankliu bijuaie, S . 4
"Unquestionably the best sustained '
work of the kind in the Wold " '
Jciv Ionthly
Critical notices of the 1'resM ' ' -Ji
It is the foremost Mfrar.ine of th ilny. Thn. .M"
side never had a more rielit-'htful companion, nur the :
million a more enterprisiDir friond. thmi Harp, r'a-'
MaRKZine. MetuxiiH I'rotmttHit ( Balimiopa.)
The mott popuiar Mouthly'-in the world. X.' -y,"
Vbterter. "' f'," '.
We must refer in terms of eulosy to Vij-li (u'111)
and varied excellences of Harper's Magazine -:ii jour
nal with a monthly circulation of about ITD.onti , vr
iep vln whose pnjes are to b- found wirmi o'thfi' '
cheieest lii;tit and geneial realin;r ofthediy. ft'
prK"ak of thi work as an evidenre of tin; American"
people; nd the popularity it ha arq-iird f tuerit
ed. Each number cont.iins fill ly 141 pates rf
iufc matter, appropriately illustrated with yoo I vvnoJ
cuts; audit combines in itscir the racy niun'tVilyanil
the more pliiios, quarterly, bl.ud d wilL ti.c.y
best featurps of the daily Journal. It hnfTfitf pirtwr
in the dis?eminat ion .f a love of jure li"rature.
Turner's G'ui'le to Amiriran Liu future (London.)
The volumes bound constitute i.r themselves a li
brary of miscellaneous reading, Kueh as cjnr.ot bo
found in the same compass in any other puhiicai iou
that has come under our notice. boston Vvuritr.
suiiscnirTONS. i5t;-7.
The Publishers have perieetcd a ?y.-t.m Jof tuuiiinfT
by which they can fnpp y the .Vai.'a7iiii and Weekly
promptly t those who pr-'for to rt eive iir pr;ud
icala iliri.-ctly from the ortic" of pabfrcatj in. - '
The postage on Harper's Magazine is v t cents a
yeir, which must be paid at the suti-ci-ibefo i.ost oi
lice. TERMS i - ' ;
Hirpers MAfiizlst:, one year. i ' - .
An extra copy of either the Ma irazine dr. 'Weekly
will be tjiipplied gratis for every Cluo o(- Fife rUib
criberat H each, iu one remittance : or six cot.ies
for .
Bark nnrnbefa can be mpplied at any tune.
A complete set, now comprising Tweoty-uine A"ol
unie, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by express,
freipht at of purchaser, for f 1 2-i per vo.ume.
iin-ie volumes, by mail, post paid, il. Cloth cases
for l indine, 3 cents, oy mail, po.-t p:iid.
Address HARPElt. & V:t)THrR3,
t ra-nklia iqiiAie, V.
Filing Claims against Eitalc of P. A.
Xotice is hereby piven th it all persona BaviD(r
claims against the estate of reter A. harpy, di:ejsil,
late of Cass county, must tt;n tlicni Ujly u!heuti
cated hy oath, with the rrnt.t Court of Cas court .
ty, T., on 01 before the PKCOVO DiY dp JAK
I'AUY, lso'j, at which time there will be.a, bari
of all claims thus lied, and an aiiowau'.e. mJ-j by
the tNiurtof all claims proven to be i'Tst. - '-
Witness my hand and ae.i I this 15th dav of Ma",
l5 U.ll. WHKKLtK,
May 15, tn3 l'ruhut.iJudife.
Probate Notice.
Jfotice ia hereby givi-n that James Chalfaut, Ad
ministratijr of the estate of W'm. J. Rakes", tee-e'l,
has made application t.j the Probate Court of Cass
county, K. T , to make final settlement of his Ad
mlnistratsrship ofsaid estate It iocr)eriKithat
final settlement will be uiadu by the. court "wi'.U
said Administrator on : .. j
Thursday, June lji, 1S55, . "
if no one appears and shows that suck sct.leiar;..,
should not be made.
Witness my hand and efficial seal on this 15. a
day of May, lt65. i. U. ydZLLflk,
J r
'1 h
l A
001 ''''''''''''''' WsPislWMssMajsMlspi(lsBsjsB Pl'" yfc