Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, June 21, 1865, Image 1

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    11 Jf any man attempts to haul down the American .Flag, shoot him on the .;Of" John A. Dix.
I VOL. !
xNO. 11.
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Tl e following is a fart cf the . testi
mony, hitherto suppressed relative to
t!io Rebel leaderf, taken at the assassi
nation trial at Washington: Conover testified as follows :A
I am a native of New York ; have re
sided in Canada since October last;
was coiiM-rip'ed into the Confederate
army, and detailed to service in the
War Deparnnont'of the Confederacy
at 1 lit ini! jihJ , tu.dor James A. Sedden,
i Secretary of War; while in Canada
' was intimately acquainted with G. N.
S in h r., Jacob Thompson, Dr. Black
i burn. Tucker, Win. C. Cleary, Capt.
I Mr. Cameron, Rotterfield,
O.-y. Maruder, and others; I alio
; k:it:v C!i :i:ient C. Clay and Gen. Car
; r !1 of Ttuticssee; I knew Mr. Surra'.t
; al , and J. W. Booth, and visited
tl. ;: . i;i!cinen in Canada; saw Ssur
! rat: there on several occasions last
Apri!, in IMr. Jacub Thompson's room,
: airo in company with George N. San-
ders, and other llebeb in Canada;
Sarratt 13 about five fet uino or ten
s high, a fair-complexioned man
iig'it hair; I saw him about the Cth
r Till of April, with Thompson, San-
i d.-rs and Bjoth; atthattime he deliver
' ed to Tli .iiipson in bis room, in my
' pr-'-sencP, dispatches from llichmond to
T;;j;::p-ori, from Benjamin ar.d Jefier
I ton Davis; the latter either a cipher
dispatch or a letter. Benjamin was
secretary ot Me or me comeueracy.
I'revioas to this, Thompson converse
with me up. in the subject of .a plot to
:v..-n?s':nato President Lincoln and his
Cabinet, of which I gave notice, be
fore the assassination, in the N. York
Triiune, th'; paper for which I corres
r. nded. I hatl been invited by Mr.
Thompson to participate in that enter
prise. When if urra't di ilvered these
dispatches from Davis, Thompson laid
his h ir. I i;;'.?n the papers and said, re
ferring to the assassinations and to the
ast i t of the llebel authorities, "This
makes the thing all right." The dis
patches spoke of the persons to be as
sassinated : Mr. Lincoln, Mr. John
son, the Secretary of War, the Secre-
! ary ui Siate. Judge Chase and Gen.
; iraiit. Mr. Tiieinpson said on that
1 o casi in, or on the davy before that in
I tcrvicw, that the assassination rroiiosed
woi;ii leave the Govenwnent of the
United Slates entirely without a head;
that there was no provision in the Con
stitut'on of the United States by which
they could elect another President.
Mr. Welis was nlso named, bat Mr.
Thompson said it was not worth while
to kill him; he was of no consequence.
My first interview with Thompson on
this sr.ljoct cf assassination was in the
early part of February, in Thomp
son's r.-in in St. Lawrence Hall, Mon
tril. He then spoke of a raid on Og
d nsbwrg, New York, it was abandon
t i, Lt.t that was because the United
ff;atcs Government received informa
tion of it, he said he would have to
' i!r..- It fr.r - l-r-ri.-v n.1,tr.1 nVall
catidi the-7i asleep yet " and to me he"
said, "There is a better opportunity
to immortalize yourself, and sava your
country," meaning the Confederacy.
I told them I was ready to do anything
to save the country, and asked them
what was to be done; "some of our
boys are going to play a grand joke on
Abo ar.d Andy," which he said was to
kill them; his words were "remove
them from cilice," and he said that the
killing of a tyrant was not murder;
that he had commissions for this work
from the Rebel authorities, and con
ferred one on Booth, or would confer
one; that everybody engaged in this
enterprise would be commissioned,
and if they escaped to Cana
da they could not be successful,
ly claimed under the Extradition Trea
ty; I know that Thompson : and the
others held these commissions in blank;
they commissioned Bennett Young, the
St. Albans raider; it. was a blank com
mission filled up and conferred by Mr.
Clay; as it came from Richmond it
was only signed "James A. Seddon,
Secretary of War;" Mr. Thompson
calied me to examine these blanks to
that I might testify to the genuineness
cf Seddon's signature in the case of
Bennett Young, before Judge Smith.
The signature was genuine. In a
subsequent conversation, after the first
referred to in February, Thompson
told me that Booth bad teen'commis-
cicned, and erery man who would ea
I had a conver
sation with V.'m. C. Cleary, on the day
before, cr the day of the assassination,
at St. Lawreiice Hall. Vv'e were
speaking of the rc-j-icing in the Stat.-s
over the surrender cf L;e and the cap
ture of Richmond. Cleary said they
would have the laugh on the other side
of the mouth in a day or two. I think
this was the day before the assassina
tion. He knew I was in the secaet of
the conspiracy. It was to that he re
ferred. The assassination wtts spok
en of among us ns commonly as the
Uefore that, Sanders askod me if I
knew Rooth very well, and expressed
seme apprehension that Rooth would
make a fizzle of it that he was des
perate and reckless, and h3 wasjifraid
the whole thing would bo a fail-are.
I communicated to the Tribal: t!u in
tended raid on St. Alban and the pro
posed assassination of .President Lin
coln,' but .they refused tT pub'iJi the
letter. I did this in March last, as to
the President's nssnssination, also in
February, I think certainly before
ths 4th of March. Surratt delivered
the dispatches iu Thompson's room,
four or five days before tha assassina
tion. The whole conversation showed
that Surratt was one of the cjnspirators
to tak.e the President's life. That was
the substance of the convorsattcn. It
was also understood that there w3
plenty of money when there wa p.:;y
thing to be done. The conversation in
dicated that Surra'.t had a very few
days before, left Richmond that ho
was "jut from Richmond."'
I heard the capture of the President
talked of in February. When Mr.
Thompson first suggested the assassin
ation to me, I asked him if it would
meet with the approbation of the Gov
ernment at Richmond ; he taid he
thought it would, bu; he would know
in a few days. This was rurly in
February. .
Thompson did not say in Apr:1, when
these dispatches were delivered, that
this was the first approval they had re
ceived of this plot f-rcm Richmond, but
I know cf no othen; I only inferred
that that was the fim approval.
Thompson .-aid, in his ccuvtisaaon
with me, that killing a tyrant iu such a
case was no murder, and a.-ktd me if I
had road a letter called "Killing, no
Murder," addressed by Tims to Oliver
Cromwell; this was in February; Mr.
Hamlin was also named in February
as one of the victims of this scheme ;
in April, the persons befure named
were mentioned, but Mr. Hamlin was
omitted, and Vice-President Johnson
put in his place. I ran the blockade
from Richmond. These commissions
were all blank but the signature ; they
were to be given as a cover; so that in
case cf detection, the parties empioytd
could claim that they were rebel ioid
iers, aud would therefore claim to be
treated as prisoners of war ; it was un
derstood that they would be protected
as such. Thompson raid if tha men
who were engaged in this enterprise
were detected and executed, the Con
federate Government would retaliate;
that it was no murder, only killing. 1
thi&k Booth was specially commission
ed for this purpose; I saw Rooth in
Canada in the latter part of October,
with Sanders, at Mr. Thompsons, at
the St. Lawrence Hall, where he was
strutting about, dissipating and playing
billiards ; I have heard these inen talk
of the burning of New York, and other
enterprises which they have under con
sideration now.
There was a proposition bofcre the
agents of these rtbels in Canada to
destroy the Croton Dam, by which the
city of New York is supplied with wa
ter. It was supposed it nould not only
damage manufactures, but distress the
people generally Mr. Thompson re
marked that there was plenty cf force,
and the city would be destroyed br a
g-eaera! conflagration, and if they had
thought of this sooner they might have
saved a great many necks. This was
said a few weeks ago. Thompson,
S mders, Caslleman and General Car
roll were present. They had arms
concealed, and a large number of men
concealed, in Chicago some eight
hundred for the purpose of releasing
the rebel prisoners there. The Dr.
Blackburn, charged in Nassau with
importing yellow fever into this coun
jrage in it would If
try, is the eaci3 person referred to by J
me as intimate with Thompson in Can
ada; I saw him in company withG. N.
! Sander?, I.cui3 Sanders, Ca.nlemau,
Wrn. C. Cleary, Potterfield, Captain
! Mngrr.Jcr, and a number of other reb
els of less note; Blackburn was recog
nized there as an agent of the Confed
erate States, and so represented him
self. In January last J)r. Blackburn
employed a psrson named Cameron to
accompany him, for the purpose of in
troducing yellow fever into Northern
cities, lo-wit: the cities of New York,
Philadelphia and Washington; he went
from Montreal to Bermuda, about a
year ago last fall, fcr the purpose of
getting the clothing infected with yel
low fever; I saw him after his return,
in Canada, and heard Jacob Thompson
and Vv'ia. C. Cleary tuy that they fa
vored his cheiue, and were much in
terested in it; this was Ia:-t January.
About the same time it was proposed
to destroy the Croton Dam, Dr. Black
burn proposed to poiion the reservoirs,
and made a calculation of the amount
of poisonous mntter it would require to
impregnate the water so as to make an
ordinary draught poisonous and deadly,
lie had the capacity of the resorvoirs.
and the amount of water generally kept
in them. Strychnine, Arsenic, prussic
acid, and a number of other things I
do not remember, were named. Mr.
Thompson feared it would It impossi
ble to coileet so large a quantity of
poisonous matter without suspicion, and
leading to detection. Thompson ap
proved of tho enterprise, and disc'as'scd
it freely. Mr. Cleary did the imc;
it was also spoken cf by a Mr. Mont
rose A. Fallen, cf Mississippi, and by
a person who had been a meJical pur?
vejvr in the rebel army; John Camer
on, who lived in Montreal, told me
that he was offered large compensa
tion; I thick Mr. Thnnp-cn was the
moneyed agent for all the other agent;;
I think they ail drew on hha fr all ibe
money ihey required ; I know some cf
them did; when Thompson said it
would be difficult to collect so much
poison without detection, Tallen and
others thought it could be managed
iu Rurope; Fallen is a physician; I
thijk I have heard Mauris also men
liuncd in connection with the pestilence
importation; I think he lived in Toron
to. There were ether parties iu Mon
treal that Blackburn employed, or en
deavored to employ, but I do not re
member their names.
Nineva was nineteen miles long-,
eight miles wide, and forty-six miles
around; with a wall one hundred feet
high, aud thick enough for three char
iots to go abreast. Babylon was fifty
miles within the walls, which were
seventy-five feet thick and one hundred
feet high, with one hundred bra2en
gates. The temple of Diana, at Ephe
sus, was four hundred feet to the sup
port of roof. It was one hundred years
iu building. The largest of the pyra
mids wus four hundred and eighty-one
feet in height, and one hundred and
fifty three cn the sides. The base
covers eleven acres.
The stones are about sixty feet in
length and the layers are two hundred
and eight. It employed three hundred
and twenty thousand men in building
the labyrinth in Hgypt, and it contains
three hundred chambers and twelve
halls. Thebes, in Egypt, presents ru
ins twenty-seven miles around. Ath
ens was twen'.y-five miles around, and
contained three hundred and fifty thou
sand citizens and four hundred thou
sand slaves. The temple cf Dolphos
was so rich in donations, that, it was
plundered of 8.3,01)0,000, and the Em
peror Nero carried away from it two
hundred statues. The walls of Rome
were thirteen miles around.
How to Hill Ants. Take.a large
sponge, wash and dry it, sprinkle sugar
upon it, and piace it where the ants are
tnost troublesome; by and by dip the
sponge in hot water, and a lot of dead
ants will be the resnlt; dry the sponge,
put on more sugar, and catch some
- - -
&2rA rascal, going under the name
of Davis, has realized about four thou
sand dollars in Vrisccnsia in the exe
cution of forged title deeds to real es
tate within a few days past. The lands
were owned by non-residents, and this
man was unknown and personated the
"Why and how Jeff Davis was man
acled, or whether he was manacled at
all, has been enveloped in some uncer
tainty. It is true that irons were
placed on his feet, but they were subse
quently removed when they had an
swered their purpose.
Not only was he imperious and
haughty, as usual, but he became abso
lutely obstreperous, insulting the guard,
abusing the olTioers and their Govern
ment, throwing his food at his atten
dants, and tearing a secession passion
to tatters general!) sometimes threat
ening others, sometimes melo-dramat-ically
courting a biyoaet puncture of
his own breast.
As anecessUy (and possibly as a
punishment and warning) orders were
given to place manacles on his feet.
The Captain iu charge, attended
by a b!;icksmith and menacles, ap
proached, saying, "Mr. Davis, I have
a very unpleasant duty to perform."
'My God !" exclaimed Jeff, "you do
not intend to put thos e things on me."
Such were the orders; the Captain
could only obey. JeiF remonstrated.
They should never be put on The
Captain must goto Gen. Ilalleck and
have the ordfir countermanded.
The Captain replied, "But, Mr. Da.
vis, the order came from General Ilal
leck." Davis insisted that the order must be
countermanded. ' The Captain said,
"Ycu ttre a military man Mr. Davis,
and know that my only course is to
obey orders!" Jeff then went off in a
more t.owerit g passion than before,
and declared he would never be ironed
alive. After becoming a little cool,
and mechanically placing one foot on
a stool, the Captain told the blacksmith
to proceed.
Leaning forward to take to his arms
the heels of his Rebel majesty, JelT
seized him, and with a vigorous push
tumbled him backward on the floor,
while the blacksmith, justly iudignant,
hurled his hammer at "the President,"
but n issed him. Davis then attempt
ed to seize a gun. and asked to be
bayoneted. The guards presented
bayonets, and the Captain feared he
he might rush upon them, and so or
dered the j,uard to fall back.
The Captain then called in four
stout men, and ordered them to lay Jelf
on h-:s bank, which they did, the pris
oner resisting with almost preternatural
strength, and writhing in their grasp
while the blacksmith hammered on the
rivet, with a will. When placed in
his (hair again Jeff looked in utter
despair upon his manacled limbs and
burst into tears.
This medicine had the desired effect
and the great Rebel became compara
tively docile, far less defiant, but more
depressed, and the irons have since
been removed.
It was feared that he would starve
himself to death, refusing persistently
to eat soldieis' rations (which C. C.
Clay munches without a murmur, and
his physician prescribed a more agree
able diet, vvtnca the "1 resident ate
with great avidity and still enjoys
this extra Uiir. Washington Reinibli
ecu ' - .- x
Refuse this, and the Southern States
will make such laws as will allow the
friedmen only to be "hewers of wood
and drawers of water," and, uniting
with Northern Copperheads, will con
trol the legislation of the country.
Secure to the colored man the full
right of citizenship. And his vote,
united as it naturally will be with the
loyal vote uf the South, will always con
trol State legislation, and hence will
ciake certain to them fair treatment.
That is all they need.
The Border-State Union men, gen
c rally, are ready for this One of the
most influential and wealthy planters
recently urged and urged this measure
lipon his neignbors, saying that with
out it no loyal man's life or property
would be safe in the Southern States
for twenty years. Bojtton Common
vealh. I ISFor the gout, use toast and wa
ter; fcr bile, exercise; for corns, easy
shoes; for rheumatism, new flannel and
patience; for the tooth-ache, pluck it
out; for debt, industry; and for love,
Josli Hillings on Shanghais.
The Shanghai reuster is a gentile,
and speaks in a forin tung. He is l ilt
on piles like cur Sandy hill crane.
If he had been bilt with legs he wud
recembul the peruvian lama. He is
not a game animal, but quite often
comes off seckond best in a ruff and
tumble fite; like the injuns tha kant
stand civilization, are fast disappear
ing. Tha roost on the ground similar
to'he mud turkle. Tha often go to
sleep standing, and turn pitch over,
and when tha dew tha enter the ground
like a pick-axe. Thar feed consists
of corn in the year They crow like
a jackass, trubled with the bronkee
suks. Tha will eat as much tu oust az
a district skule ulster, and generally
sit down rite otr tew keep from tippin
over. Tha ar dreadful unhandy tew
kook, yon have tu bile one end uv them
tu a time, you kant git them awl into
a potash kittle tu oust. The female
reuster lays an egg as long as a koker
nut, and iz sick fur a week afterwards,
and when she hatches out a litter of
young shanghais she has tew brood
over them standing, and then kant kiv
er but 3 uv them, the rest stand around
on the outside, like boys around a cir
kus tent giiia a peep under the kan
vass whenever tha can. The man
who fust brot the breed intu this coun
try ought tu own them awl and be ob
liged tew feed them on grasshopper,
caught bi hand. I never owned but
one, and lie got choked tu death bi a
kink in a cloze line, but not till' he
had swallowed IS feet uv it. Not any
shanghai for me, if you pleze; I wud
rather board a traveling colporter, and
az for eatin one giv me a biled owl
rave dun, oraturkee buzzard roasted
hole, and stuffed widi a pair cf injun
rubber boots, but not ency shanghai
for me, not a shanghai.
J3v A prominent bachelor politi
cian, on the Kenneuec, remarked to a
lady that soapsrone was excellent to
keep the feet warm in bed. "Yes,"
said the young lady, who had been an
attentive listener, "but some gentle
men have an improvement on that,
which you know nothing about." The
bachelor turned pale, an! maintained a
wistful silence.
f'-QAmong the rules of the hotel in
the "diggins," at Reese River, are the
following : "Lodgers inside arise at 5
A M., in the barn at 6 o'clock; each
man sweeps up his own bed; no quartz
taken at the bar; no fighting allowed
at the table; any one violating the
above rules will be shot,"
- I : .
A carefully executed counterfeit of
United States legal tender $100 green
back note has made its appearance and
is likely to disturb the circulation of
the whole of that de nomination of le
gal tenders on occount of the perfec
tion of its workmanship. It is hardiy
recognizable except by an expert, or
on the closest examination. One of
these counterfeits was paid out to one
of our county officials a few days ago,
by the Bank of the Metropolis which
dad received it from some unknown
source, and had not recognized it as a
counterfeit. lie also received it as
genuine, and paid it over to a well
known lawyer, by whom it was also
taken ' without suspicion. This latter
gentleman deposited it on his account
at the. Mount Vernon Bank. It un
derwent the scrutiny there of the re
ceiving teller, who did not recognize
it as conterfeit, but credited it to tha
depositor. On a second glance, how
ever, he delected its character and
threw it out. It was then returned to
the Bank of he Metropolis, where,
upon careful and critical examination
it was pronounced to be good. But
being taken from there to the United
States Sub-Treasurer, it was there
pronounced to be counterfeit. Boilon
Cure for Dki'nkexsess. Joha Vine
Hall, commander of an KDglisn Bteamer,
who had become a confirmed drunkard
cured himself completely by using the
following mixture intead of his usual
potations: Sulphate of Iron, five grains:
magnisia, ten grains; pepermint water,
eleven drachms; spirits of nutmeg, one
drachm, twice a day. This preparation
acts as a stimulant, and so partially
supplies the place of the accustomed
liquor, and prevents that absolute physi
cal and mental postration that follows
a sudden breaking off from the use of
stimulating drinks.
iirxn.iRi.&x kass.
Among the late crops that may be put
in to advantage by almost every farmer,
we consider Hungarian grass among the
most important. Where other crops fail
from poor seed, the drouth, or the chinch
bug, this grass may be sown and a full
return for the land and labor bo obtained.
It may be sown fer ten days or two weeks
yet and will fully mature. If tho hay
crops threaten to bo light its loss can in
no other way be so easily made up as by
a few acres of Hungarian.
On fair soil it yields enormously and
cut before the seed ripens, and well cur
ed, is a most admirable feed for sheep,
cattle and horses. All are fond of it and
its nutritive properties are excellent. If
left to stand until tho seed ripens so as
to secure both seed nnd forage, it will
also yield a largo proSt. If fed in tho
seed care should bo taken not to give too
liberally. From too lavish feeding in
this way, there are doubtless many cases
on record whore horses have been greatly
injuroJ, and very many onco strong ad
vocates of tho grass havo thus become
prejudiced against it. Fed sparingly,
as any other rich grain should be, in
conjunction wit' hay, (prairie or timothy)
all danger can be avoided.
The seed alone gives a fair remunera
tion, as it always brings a fair price in
the market and yields abundantly.
Hungarian leaves the soil in fine condition
light and free from weeds "We council
our farmers to sow a patch of Hungarian.
Prairie Fanner.
A Talk About f rapes.
At a meeting of the N. Y. Fruit grow
ers Club the principal matter discussed
was the I' tuning of grape lines, by A. S.
Fuller, with examples. "With a yearling
vino ho showed how to clip the roots to
prcpar for planting, leaving none over
iifteea or eighteen inches, because it ia
important to get fibrous roots tartel
near the main trunk. Iu planting, if in
Autumn, set tho roots about four inches
deep leaving tho cane a foot or two long,
which should be cut away in tho Spring
level with tho earth. Grow but one
cane the Crst year which of strong
growing sorts will reach ten feet in
lenth. Cat this cane down to four eyes in
November, and allow tho two'lower ones
to grow next Spring, and ' tmin them
upright. These two canes are to bo cut
back ia November to about fivo feet,
and tied to stakes " or wires or slats of a.
trellis, to grow fruit-bearing canes.
Plants being set just eight feet apart, tha
ends of arms from each will meet and
fill all tho space. If the vines are of the
short-jinted varieties, every other bud
may grow, and every ono upon long
joints thus giving five or six uprights to
each aria. . The third year from planting,
each upright may ripen two bunches,
say twenty-four bunches to a vine. Next
March cut back each upright to two
buds, which are to grow two now canes.
This keeps tho bearing wood down to a
low head, the arms being trained to any
hight desired.
A well-established vine will produco
50 to 75 bunches a year upon a trellis
only four feet high, which allows rows
to be sot six feet apart, or nearer upon
very valuable land. Some prefer arms
three feet long and a two tier trellis.
After tho fruit is set, stop the growth
of the canes at the third leaf above the
upper cluster of fruit.
The cheapest and best way to make a
trellis is by nailing light slats to light
posts, with light upright wires betwe'n
the slats at each cane. These wires
should be galvanized. With tender sorts
which it is desirable to lay down in win
ter, his process would he to incline a
single arm at an asgle of 45 degrees,
and spur prune as in the double arm
system. They can then be readily laid
down and covered in winter.
The usual form of staggers which occur
among horses in this part oi tho country,
arc Stomach Staggers and Sleepy "Stag
gers; ia tho first case, the animal is usu
ally the subject of over distention of tho
stomach, and, when urged to ncove,
staggers like a drunken man; in tbo"lat
ter case, the function of the stomach is
paralyzed, and tho animal is somnolent or
Tho usual exciting causes of such affae-
tion3 are, overfeeding and want of proper
exercise, yet it may ariso from hard
work when the animal is tho subject of
an over-distended stomach.
Treatment. Eoth the abovo affections
may be treated a3 follows; Givo the pa
tient six ounces of tablo salt, one ounce
ginger, in a half pint of hot water.
Then dissolve half pound of Glauber
salts in hot water and throw tho same in
to tho roctum. In tho course of a couple
hours the dose may bo repeated. The
diet should consist of Eloppy brand
mashes, well seasoned with salt.
. m
37"New-York 13 having a virtuous
turn and wants to get rid of her concert
saloons aal frail waiter girls.
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