Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, June 14, 1865, Image 4

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T 1 1 K
T)rrr TVTTTTcrs -nrrT? rnrcrvn
ick. litb -.
tirf"tatniiil MeiMnlaiM Atrmotw.: .
n 1 Mmon. lUvrri fiemi . .rn'on '
fitufalriu S""B-t'ilrM .i .-. Ji i-
laim u:l lU TkUin :. .. .)
I .il .:!,. CJAKtAjvV,, lud.. tV Juwe.lJi ji r
JCjiAyTit:-AC. Ciw:.I k-si it tlw j
t:io ijjir wimt : or .urMi.wi.welHi Uomu.-' iiMf , j-
tut'ered tru il in wu.. tr 3rvir..1,i'ui ,
r.i:ietilnJit tirrt i.ftirurui i-tiwii iue ut l.n
itoiuBchi Wi ffv Jifc out on my lieu
ml Bovi1:'!i:fcyHJti iiA"l wi'li one sore, v b:cl
tvuji'iui:ter:;ui.-ivi'-tliM)iuo bevontl li-Mri;tin;i. J
irifi ; Hi) -1 in iliciiies and fevcinl piiy.-ie.iui.s, bill
n iti.otit uiuali relief from nny tiling. In Let, tiiC
3;-onlrr irrew mw. At lenrth 1 wa rijticJ tc
read in tiw t.t-)n-l ilesM-user tiiat you had prepurej
in "jitiTHU-e t.Mtrsut. ti ilia I, for I kucv Iroiu yot i
re', aat-va that aiivtiiirsr you made urn-1 be fivxl
1 seta to 'iii:iiin:iti and pot it, and u-je.l it ml ij
Mr. tl inc.. I too it, as you uJvise, in f.uiall do? i li
a t -a)K.?iif'.l over a luoutii. auti use'I ulruott tbret
ti.'f-.cs. iiii' ami l.iriitliy skiu soon b aii to P-rt
t::tir the map, whieb niter u '.vbile K-.l oT. Tit
:!:in id now ciiar, and 1 know ?iy uiy feeiiuxs tlia
.!' Uisece lia-oni- from mt ayatcia. You em 'Mil
txlit ve tljiit 1 led what I ui'i sriviua: wlu I tull you
tl: it I lio'd you to Ik; ona oi the apostles of tiie a,ril
Si,Jmawvt,rt'ratt4UTLFnEDii"TALLnv. j
Bt. Aiilhoiit'. Tlrr, Uo or JMrysMnilrt. j
Tftfr- lid finl l Illicum. .Hen id iluiil
(!iiv;worin, Morn lroriy.
r. KniM.'1-t .M. j'rvbie wiilt- li"iu Salem, JT. Y. j
12th fuj't.. lv'.'J, t.'mt he Ln: cured an invett-raH i
ca- of - , which thrcnteiu'd to terminate li j
r:i' v. liv iie jpt-rcM-rinir uw of our har-aari.!a I
liii'i n fiia tiaiiirous AJ't!ijiant JCfisijeiis by Inr j
tl i rs ot'llirt oaue: wys ho eai'Cd tLccomuiou ii'ri
rr'( by it constantly.
I5-fTr'irrf s'', oitr or Swrltnl !YrTt. !
y.fl :!(ui .!r;:n. .f l'n;4ct, Txa, write?: "Tl nM 1
lott'" of vour f.r'.ii'nrrki CUK- I from ft (.ni'i i
a hi'tcfi' ft';i!iii the lack, which I hud cut i
f(.rod Ii oii over two year.." j
I,ucorr!iin or WZtitrv, OvnrJrtl TiimoT ,
S'ttriru- I'lcis :tsti. S'fiu.-ilr Si.;i-:i. ;
lir. J. hi . i t : cf Jii-w ork City, writes I
"I uui-t ch-triuli' c.t.i:v vrith the roq'iest of you.
fi-'.-ut ia eaviiig I hiiiO funi.Ji vour Kai:L!.;iji;iu I ;
ii-i'it txcciieiit iiitoi i;iv in th iiulk:o-? c.7n
iihiiiits lor '.viii-!i wo employ euoJl r-nw1r, t.u
i:-c:-:-y.;y it; F. -imU JMiuacs of thu ?cro.u!oiB
di..t!.-.-i-. 1 h;nt enroll man invitera'o cast.5 ol
1.' i i mti I ." it, and home where th romplaiir ,
o:iLici lx i" i-.i'ioii of the uUrr. The u'ct-r j
ni ion ii-r-f -in ion cured. Jiothiii within mi
ki.ow l-.-do cjua:.-i; f-r tucsc A.;nu: deratietitcul.1
Kil-.vard S. Jlvrov.-, of Newbury, J!., writ-3
11 A i'..uiL'1'ro'- tM -rri ni fni-ir on ono of t!io f.!i:i4 ;
:i nr.- i;.mi.v, v. iucu Jiiiu uii' aa ire reinv.irs wi
il fill
at I'-u.sih b'--ii C'lnplcte y fJ'tt
I v yi'iir il.Ntri-.t ot ar-apmiha. ),ir ;,iiy.-r:.u
l:::insr!it ..:!i;'i b'lt et;n,ntion rould afoi d r !i'f
but ittf :mI, th'.- tiii'.l of 3 our arsapa'-i:::i n r:
hi t r' -nrt 1 f.r or.Minjr, and it .n w d t-ft ...! titil
A t..r ti:Ui!i: yofr rio iiy fiht weokj no lutUU
oi the (li-e:ise ' remains."
fjpliili- ni;l 'Ir-rrnriil IJneaK'.
Ni.w 0::lka:.s, 'j. Aujn-t. 1(555
Dn. J. C. Avtu: :r, 1 chferiuh'y cui;iiy vrt
th! r---:( .-t of our r -ii;t, a;:d report to yotiftiu
ot the cll'ict I u ali-v 1 with y..tir Sarsaf arilhjt
1 have cured with it. in my prut? ice. moat of tt.'t
c nil !a::its I r wi.icil it is !-f jiiirnetid. fi, at:d haxt
1 "i:. i it-; eiiV.'' ujiy wcivuei tul m iuf euro ol
; ..T'-l 1
ti-lito ha.l ?
.V -i i '. -I'll ,o,.-:-.ift. One ot n:y pa
i i ' ; ; o r:ct-i i:: his thvotit, -.vhicii wt-a
p::i:i!e. ar.d tiivi tc; of l is Ii
iteadilv t.ii:n c it red liim in livi
k.- iu: utlac'ted by necojid ir- symp
t":ii- ..l I.i- a:td ii.e t 'ceratum had e:.i. :i avi;j
a c:: 'e-part of it, fj that I believe the i.i
cni-- M..uld V.-..H reaeli lii train and kill hi:ri. l'.iT
i! vit-':v.i nitir. lehreiii'trdtion of your Sari4parii!n
tit'- T V. i - -;r.-!. and he i well aain. not ot cour
v f;.i-r ;.m- !.:-t';iiri'.k to hij face. A r.-omai
i . . nil. e'eit i-iiiie naiuc unorder by mer
i'i:i -iii frjiii this poi on in her botiesi
i I- .-(i i! " !"i-.i. e tothe wostherthat ot
i-nv d.e hu.l--ii-l ex.cruri;iU:ir pain In lejt
I !:. (ci'e. t io. Win Cllle i entire' bj
; -." 'a in a tv" " ocks. 1 know fiota in
. I ieii y..:tr a,r lit pave me, th..t tliu
-ii tr'i.-i .- ir ir.l oniturv niu-t be n prea'
'l iu;a.
fitii n : .-..ii ..p.H-iit v. tiii-e truly reiuarUable re
-till - '! it !;:- not t .i-jTi'i'd me.
1 i .i ..;-i.ahy ..a:n, .. V. LAI! 131 En, ?I. D.
rth'iiMaiJri, !o-jf. Stiver Cflmplaint.
I M i e! .-. i:vcK. l'ietoti Co.. Yn.. tith July, Js59
JK: J. C. Ayi.r: Sir. I Pave been afilieted with I
ram! i! (-('iiujc t:U- iin'iyei lor a lou time, whi.-i
l-alib-ii the r-l.Pt ot' pli sii-iiins, nit 1 si'iek tt tnu tl
hjiite of all the reiueiiie-i 1 eouM find until I trii C
your a p a:: 'a. cue 1 ottte e'ireil m! in tvt
v--k. ; r inn.-d my periernl liealtti so i.iuej
that 1 a tii far l..i.--r ttia'i beforu I vi" attoeked. .
think- i a womteiial medioiue. J- I iil.A'I
JiiVn V. ictoh' ll. of St. Lou:. r.-r:tes: "I bar.
"v. i, !:!i?t'.'ii Uj? ye-ir? v it !i r.n iji etr'-n of the Lirrr
v..i.-ii i . -trove, Piny health. I t.ied everything
;,!! i i-vrr ti:iu7 t-.iN d t; relie.e me: and I havi
a prokeii-dowii m in lor Him; years from ri
i" r -..::-e t'tati r-r.imfnt 'if th" .r. 31;
bi'i ': fa-tor. tbe K' -. Mr. K.-py, n P.i-t I me t
r our ' i!V. 1 .-iftit-i lie -iiid be knew yfu
eii'l 1-.,. 11. ie. yon i.i.-iiv v trxin. Iiy tU
t -ii . r ofifd it !i:i i i! me. ci d ha f 1 puii!ie
niv l.iood a io made a new lr.nii of me. I f ' 1 riiimj
aTin. The i e-t that C:i.i be said i f you ii UOt hid!
good c-eiijh.,;
Hcliin-K-, f':inrrr Tumor. T:rf""TC"tticRl
l'!c-er.itii, t'iiri-'. :uJ ylwit "'oil ol
ilto rsiie..
A vari. ry of cases have been rrpc itod to i
where cme of ti'.oe Iorn.idab!s cctiipitiuH linfi
result- d from the u 2 of this remedy, but our pa
Peie will Hot thtm. Siiiii of th-'tii may t
louml in or.r Amerii a.i Almunae'. v. iilch the aent
beiow iiamed aie .icascd to furid!i gratis to ad win
call for them.
Sy':-ji!;i . IJenrt 7I""'M", T"tfi. TCpIlcpsy
.ij.-l oniiaiv, rVe-ii-:!5ii.
M.viv ri'mjikable cures of tiic?e aii.etions liar
been iiipde by the alterative power of this- medicine
it htiniuhitei the vital I'tiuetioii.. into vigorous aciioti
ai..Mhtt ovetcomes ilisu ilers wl.icli would bo Flip
posed be oi)i its reach. tMirh u leineily has Ion
l.evii 1 fi;iiiif-ii bv tho iieee-;i.cs of tli pe;; le, am
we aie coi.ti leiit tuat this vill ilo for tiim all tha
ingdiciiie can do.
Ayefc Cherry Pectoral.
ro:t Titr. r.AViD crus op
C'ciiti'i fV.;l-i, Fnnrisxti, f Sonpsoiirsi
S.'r:"U'. iiroiii iiiis, SiJ-ii;-!it '.-u-,
.n A '.11 '. ;:. iin.i fr 111 - iii. I.ef
ol' Ci.ii .-.mi jiii' HiitieaiL
Ha lilt V:tilc-ci W;tj;CM
f)f l!ie ltiri.
Tii"- ? fl '"nsedy k.i lifivei-sall v known to Fttrpas
(tn'r 01 - - -." -i ..' cure of t i.roat and lunir foinp'aiuts
t'i?t ii i- ii-. e ' here to pubii-li tlie Dii.iei-ee of it
ir;.i. Its ei,riai d pxc!!unce for coughs rut
c-il.P. M.ii it- iruiy wonderful cures of ptuiiiouar
'I1-1 :-. -I-, have uiade it known ihrouuho ,t the civil
ird na i.i is of t :.e earth, i 1 w Lie the Ci.iiiiiiiiiii'ief
or ivei: t ;.:ii:ies, aniom; them whohuvo not ww
l r'Ot-.-l of it effi eis Hume livin,
.rcph. i'i ' -r mi.!-t .f it.; vi'-tory orer the.pubtl
:t.d .' ' . 1 ro-is lir-ori'iis of the throat mid luiifc!
As ah k..ow the o.-ciu! 1 :i I fatality of these disorder!
a:;d a- t:..-r iat.)", toi, the t ih ets c.f this remed
w . d 1 ut io moi e than t a -ure thtin that it ha
now a I ti:e titt iics that it P.iil have when in2kiu
:ho cmts which have won to 6troni;!y upou til
Joiili Jence of mankind.
rrepared ty Dr. J. C. AYLU Si Co., Lowell. Host
P S L L 3 ?
1 r.,ifm - An'i 1 te f.r Sick Ilt-a J- .
a b", l'-si--'-U j-ever ana .i..u.-,
Ccuih'iiit, 1 oniTen;-
C JiKix
. ' " ' '
r. I'1 prnve.l A in titi-, Dj- r-
. "rr-IIjSOTa S PIIiLiS are nn'rrnillT a
JtuewKvit-d t '1 e tl.el etivw In use. As a P.iniiiy
' -k-'n-- th-y a. 1 p.rtiee.l.wly i-ceoiaiaended-simpie
: 1 M-irniP'-, t ut l.i-h!y Li. .h'-iaal in tlieir com
Tl .at:."r. Ono Pila i- e, t. it'n iiihl but cer
tun ff. ets. Tt r: Ua-t i:um and the dvlicato thai
&s thctn n!ik, with cvu:-y assuranro cf entiro
s.if ly. 'VVi'.h Wilseri's Pills.cvcry Mother ia
the 1-uil l -o'rn. k'-r dfii pLj-sicUia. They lave
pr0Tt.1l themselves a WEttric, and stand without a
rival f.r tho f .'Iwins afTeetiens:
Costlveness, Biliousnes3, Ifeuralsif
. Costivencsa, Biliousness, K"e-iralgi.-Sold
by Druggists & Daalera evcrjrwlioi
Prepared ir
23. Ij'FAni7ESTCCK & CO.
Importers & Wholesale Druggist
TSo. CO, corn&r Wooi eatl 4ih Sts.
sols rRircitTona of
v B. L. Fahnestock'a Verm! fuge.
V f 23 CIS- ! iT
r U
cnii a,'' Are yi.ufu
of o.drr. uiiii your syc!i-r
tleranr'-d, n:i! your fcciing
litiComtiirtable ! f hesc sr iej.
ni me otti u tee prtin
Ferioiis i;li.(?s. So'i.e li
r iii.-'-r.j of
of sickness is crr-ei in 1 i.poi
vou, and chould le avei lei
l.v si timclv use of the riL-ii
'y"l'r f .. renieuv. lake Aver B- 1 1! is
yYilSl I oi.d c.'i-anse out tho th or
r - ' I i. ..ft 1 irliliirs tr.irif. l!..
-i.vj Mood, aud let th i.uid
f .ut .'imKi' Oil llllOI;-!; 1:1 .. t 11
t- ' i, -v --'-.? t-aSSh itain. 'I hev -t.1.111
J" 'J-; late the functions f th.
"1 ?r-'-' j-1 body into iorotw activ ity
mriiV the s-'st'-m from tin o'.Ftruciioii w bich u-ai
li a'-e. A cohl Futihai somewhere in the body, ui
iliftrncts it.. i:anir,d iunetioi s. Tltoc. if not r.t
ieved, react upon theniEslvcs ami the suiroeiidinj
irjianf, prouii.-inj; currnl Brrpi nvation. Fi.t:V-riv ;
,:itl thea.-e. While in thU condition, o; pressed b;
l.e thranenifiitB, tahe Ayrr's i'ilN. nod Fee hor
iirertlv tiiev restore the natural action tf lh' kvr
ct!i. iiiid with it the buovant feeling of health araiu
Vhat is tree and so r.j .parent in this trivial and com
nun complaint, i.s also true in lupnv of 1 110 d. 1 ;i
1 at- d and dangerous dis'empers. I fie same purpa
ivc eliect expi ls them. Caused by Finiilar ol s! run
and .leisniementH of the natural function? ot
lie hodv, tluy aie laj.idly, and many of them surely
itied ly thd wine mean?. Noue who kms-.v tht
1rt!it-s of these l'ills, will nn.;k-';t to employ thtJ
ihcu Ui:i. rinir from the tlisorders they cure.
tinier. nuts from leading 1 hvsician- in Feme of t lit
rii!iips;l cities, and I10111 othlr well-kuowu pubui
yrom a Jrorirart7i)iff McrrTinht tf SI. I.ouii, Jb. 4
Pit. Avrit: Vour Tills are Iho paratron cf all thru
8 preat ia inediciiie. They have vnuii my itttli
la-.: .ht'-r of vleerons ores upon her hamls and f-et
Pat had pioved incu ruble lor year". Her tnoti-et
las been P l r firievotisly atllicted with bl-j'che J am:
liin les on ):er thin niid in her hair. Alter 0111
ibiid cured, ?Ue u'.tO. tried yt-ir l iil-. and they
lave cuixd In r. ASA 5Pi;olilLiOLl.
A a Family I-Lysic.
r.-rt nr. J' ?'. Or'irrirpt, .V ?r Ort'-tn.
Tor.r l i'ls ate the piinie. of purges. Their ts
filer. t Cjfaitti'-s F'jip...s any catiutrtio we pot-e.-.s.
'.. y ni mild, but very certain and 1 tl i-utunl in theil
e: en: 011 the bowels, which them invaiuauie
0- us in tl e daily treatment of d:etse.
5cRtl;ic!;c.Nii-k I3crti!ncl:c, t"oi:l i!ci:iscl,
J'rom I'r. r.Vrnril ;. J, TI"'tUiori.
L'EAtt r.itt). Avi:i:: I cnr.not cn.-wer you '7i."f
1 -; 1 1 t h.ii'.ts I Pave euro? with your i'i lis l.tthr thtm
1- ; - n'i t!,:;t ur a t.r trtJt vl'lt it j.f.r''t'irr n.-j'..-.
.' I j.liice L'reat deiienleure 011 tiuit itii e;;:.'.
i. ti
r'.ic in my di.iiy conte-t with di.-i:i-e, and be-.-,
r 1 do. that your l'ills M.iiru us the best we
hive, 1 of coiuse vi
iUc tiiiini iuiiiy,
TlTT.t;t:no, I'a.
Mtiv 1. li? .
nr.. j. r.
Avri. fsin 1 have been ri'.eate.i'v
rin-J of tho wor.-t kctfhiclu any body can have by a
to-- or two of your 1'iiis. It seeias tj utue fiom
bul sti.mac-P, Vihicii they clean"' at nice.
Yotiii With great respect. Pi '. W. l'iillTir.!":.
" Ch rk tfSttOiiHf e .'j.- .OIl.
Z;Iio?i TJiiortacrt Iiver CcuiyLiliit.
Frnn Dr. 77l.-...)?-e .' ". cfX, tc 1 CiV;.
?.'ot only are yotir l'iiis a imiir.iiiv in'a; tt 1 to t'u ir
na o.-t' its :iu "apt riel.t. but 1 tind ;la ir in i.e.ieial
tllict. upon tin Liver very marktil inihed. 'Hey
tave in riy practice tiroved more cihcturJ fir ti
ure of I'iir :j emn nctt . s than any one i-tnrdy I
ji'.i le.eriioii. I Finetrely r ioiee that we Pave at
c r.j-l-i n purgative which is worthy the conf-denco ol
Le i'loieisiou ::i:d the jteople.
Vi'a:hiirton, 1 . C , Ttii 1-tb., l-.'.S.
Pin: I tave used your Lib's iu my getmral and
iivj ,hd practice ever since you made them, anJ
tr.iiiiot hetiiate to tay they are the lest CMthart".
if employ. Their ri-Liilaiinr action ou the liver i
p ich and decided, ci.uscit-.ii ntly they are an 11 i
iiirable remedy lif Ceraivemeiits of that nrr''.n.
i.ei.'l. I ha u feltioui lou n.l a of i n'; ft.;
'i-i! fo obstinate ti nt it did not reati'iv 1 ii 1 I ti
l.t-la l iateiiiaiiy yours. ALUNZO I'A LI., i'i. 1 .,
Vky&ii-Mn ef.'.e Marin- Jl-i.j.i.f!.
Dy-nScry, Diunli ra, Krlnx, Wuraini
.From Jr. J. G. (.'. of Clt'fnro.
Vonr I'iiN have bad n long ti ial in iliv practi. 0.
.i d I bold '.h i t in e.-tc-rii as one of the 1 st aperi
id.i 1 have ever toe nd. XJ iir alterative "Ir ct i: on
1 liver makes the:a an excellent remi tiy, v hen
;i . 1 11 in sir.ail lioses lor t'. i,s tfrs-n': n iind ifi-tr-i.
lhe;r Fuiar-coatinir makes then very cc
t ;.1 le ui.d couvei.ieiit P r tha Uce of woiiien snil
Iyjei;;, Impurity of I-I. toil.
"rom, J. '. M.nn, P tf .U!- r.t (7in-,'(.
Pi:. Avkr: I Pave used your l'ills with rxtra
1 liiini y sueces in my laieily and amotiLr liaise I am
aiii .1 to viit in dPtrc.-s. I'i reultde the o; -'r.-' of
!i;.i'stion and purify th! l!oou they are the ery
.est remeiiy I have ever known. in;d 1 can COUU
:ei.tly recommeud them to my trie! (Is.
V..r..aAtv, AVycmin Co., N. V.. Cct. C4. L-Cj.
I!-..-.:; fciis: I a;u c.-ini; your Crthartic Pi. Is in my
n a, and bed them nil exn-llei.t. pir-;ativo to
It-aii-u the i sitiu anil iitW,V ''" rn'-iin.i t f tht
L-j-l. ' .iUitN C 'iilhU 1IA3!, 31.' L.
!Triitirm:oii, ('ostiverrw. iiiiprc-:pHj
i:U':iiunliii, (iiiiii, Aiuruijia, uie;t) .
t'm r.Ij fit, i'il, tc.
iVoiti I)r. J. P. 1'onrhf. X'-.:r.:y'U.
Too liincli cannot be sai l of your Pills ct he
r.rt! r-t' citrr!i-sx. lfo:hrs of t;i.- trrternitv h.ivt
i-iiud them as e.'.cnci(t-;i as I hv- e. t l.i-v bl-'-uid join
ue ia j.i 'ciaiT:iiijr it. tor t he belie .It ol the mu IT it u-b r
vl o hiili'er from that eotujiiaii.t. wi.i-.-ii. aitbuw ?h
i::d ..i.ii,a in it-e.i. 1? tre .v..
re vor". I l e i. -, e .'.' h'r. .'
iver, but your l'iiis i.hect tiiat
i.df.r i.i otl-t rs i hat
i to oriaieate in tht
r.iroji and cure the
ro X.-s. X". Sluart. Thv
anil Mi-Tirl
I find c no or f -to lav. -'e tlo-es 1 f yorr Tills, taken
it tho proper time, tire t.e( !h ut j.romotiv vs of tic
f.':-fu F crvi.-'i whets wholly or partiaily Ftip
nif. -.-(!, and also very vhi-clual to c-' iit thi
t'im-i:li and e.ijnl ic rm.s. 'Hiey are to tarcii the
lest physic we have that 1 recommend 1.0 other tc
uy patients
Fot?i the Jlee. . lTar?;rx. of the Fpis
t 't'irct.
TfLABKl IIouPV", avHonali, Ga., J?n. 0. 7 ".
3i)NOt:ti Mil; 1 shon d be nryrateful for tht
iTiefy our skill has l.ionzl.t mo if 1 did rot i-i port
l!,- case to you. A cohl scaled in r.-.y iiiiibs line'
r'tt;ht on "excrui iai'ni? u. i'rttjic jt'iin., whicl
::i(ie l in thr.tnic t l.e nin.ILr. 'otwithftaiidiii! 1
lail the If ,-t of physicians, the di-ense rew v.di-i
i:nl worse, until by the advice of your excellent
tt-eiit iti i'ahimrne, Lr. yiuckenxie, 1 trietl yotir
.'til.s. 'j'heir etlacts were flow, but Fitre. Jly'per
everin"; iu the Use ol them, I am noT entirety well.
Sk:;a-i-k Cii AJmiiLPnton l!ottcre, L.. 5 T)e-.,ir"
1 'it Avnt: 1 have beeu entirely cured, by ymn
' oi J:ici:miU:c t.o&t a t-tiiuful dr-ea:.e that iia:
Jihcled me tor ears. Y1MCLNX JjLiL!lLL.
C7J?"3Iost of tiie Tills 1:1 niro kct contn'n Mercury
viach aithoii;h u valuable remedy in skilful hand'ji
3 liai!.". rous in a public pill, from' the dreadful con
ei,ueii' es that fre. jitintiv- loliovr its it caut iolts use ii.ntaiii 1.0 xuercury or SiU.u-ral eukstaucl
Trice, 23 cents per Sox, cr 5 Uozcs for 1.
rcas6i Ij Er. J. C. AYES & Co., Lowell, Ilass
'he s i', cr-IP.- -erniM i-..i-.-tf :tl t-ntt t?:e nttor!
t''.:ior iteei-i.. (.f hhi' - n ; ; 1 1 ! ; a i he iui a'
t. - t i ' i a t 1 - - ui i i l ,i- teTi .a
Mr. 1: V C hu-et i wh, inter'! - ke.'l il:ir
in I .liel a. i m .' .1. lie- -I: rt. -t !i riee, -ve:v
...-!.; a t .- iii - -1 eh t"'li' --. 'ie. I y hilii-
- ;f. . a ! !: ,n-i.' - .'iftk luttltf Piit li'-: ia ti e
b.l f -e -eat th i! i.-c ,'il'a a:V.; satl-t.i
: ... i. ; . ' ill ea:i.
A..-:i 1" ' "- J. THOCKMt.'HTON.
f r t r?i .- i!i
D.Mlers in nil kinds of
School & Blank Eook
Third Door West c f S-'jiaonr ILiuf?,
1 . JL
-AN D-
Ti.o t-.tiJei --' inc..' fiv? j vcy:in-ii to da
all wor.:: in. Timir. liitl
rniJ at
ci:oi'.v-K Nonius.
'vr-ll m5 '
3crofuIti, or King's Evil
s a constlttititJftsil disci?, a corruption of th
lionj, by vvl.iea this -11 .i i.i heecnie.s vitiated
vcak, r.ii'.l poor. i:i t!iO i.-Lriulation, i
j-.rvh'.Ies the whole body, an t tnay Idtrst ou
ii ilboise on any pttrt of it. No out ft n is fie
from its attr.ek?, nor i; there one tvl.k-H it ma;
ut destroy. The .trrfuloux tn't.t is vaiioiisl;
:atised by jacrcuvid tlieiwr, 1-i.v livin;;, Iis I or t;til;tal:l:y f :.!, in.j-ttrc air, 111:1
tnd iiltliy habits, the d.t.rr-i; ;; vices, raid
ibove till, by tlio VcTCTtal it.i'. t tion. What
;vcr be i:s origin, it is heri'tl.lttry in the con
titutlon, desfi-ndinr? " frc:a par.-it to t-hildrc-t
into th-j third a-a-.l l'jti' tii p- ti ri.tion ; " iutieed
t secins ta he the rod of Jiin who says, !
vill visit the ir.i'iii.lcs of the fathers upoi
lair clridrcn."
Its chects i by d.-po-ifion from thi
j!oocl of coirant or tlleetotis n.att.r, wlileh, ii
he lair; ., liver, nr. 1 .'it- I'.al or.ptns, is lermoc
ubc-rclc.s ; in the i;i:!n N, -.vciiin; ; a:id cr
he smi'.u o, cri'-i'ltons or M-r.-s. 1 i.i-. f ml cor
upticn, v. hieh ;r- tuhi s ?n the bood, d-presse:
he cti.i'ti s .f hie, F.t that M-fol'uloti con-titu-ious
not oidy ist til', r finri urofuloii.s com
ilalnts, hut they have far power P with
tanil tiie tttacks c-'f other diseases; cotise-iv.e-ntly
va-t i.tirahirs vtili by ili-otthr:
viae!:, tdthourii not. scrofulous in their nature
io suJl r. tvkre 1 iatal by ttr'.s taint i:i tht
ystmi. Jlo.-t of t! c-onsr.mpition v.t ich L,
iraates tiie human lh.nily ha s i.-'. cii-in direct!
n this scr.-i"r.!ous f.'i:it.;:r.i';.(.ii ; titivl lutinj
les-tructive diseases ( f the liwt, kidneys, brain
nd, ind :ed, of ail t'te or;-ms, raiie from oi
to aggravated by ti c t-ame ca-.tse,
Oae tpuarter of tt'.i our pe(;;;h- are srrofulou
luir iK-r.son.s re.e isiv:-ded I y this Ittrkir.g in
eetiov, and their he;t;;a is usicvvrtiine-d by it.
?o elenti-e it from th system vv nm.-it n uovnti
!:e blood by r.n r.' .-.-.rive r taiei-u-, raid iu-ig-irato
it by hc.;!;;.y loo I sin. I exercise
Such a medicine v.; Miptdy i.i
oinpiind Extrra-t cf Sarrtpnr!!ia.
be jr.o-t tffeetual dy vl.:. h tl'..; ir.edicr.i
kill of our times e m devi-e ' for this c very
rhei'e pre vailing raid fatal ni: lady. It is -o:n-irvl
from the active reriteuiahs have
ceil discovered fur the oxput g ilicn of this foul
aiorckr from tne b-.oc t, and the rescue 1 U.c
vstcm from its 'dctnti t:v. concqnencs
Icnce it f-l.onhl be imrhived for lite cure oi
tot only Serofiiht, httt al.-o t'..r..-e other r.'fee.
ions wr.iih ti.! ;e .'. rea it, : tj It as lai-. i -i i vi
nd Ssix Iisesj:s, St. -Vxtkoxy's 1'iitr.
Iofk, or l-a:Yair:-.i. s. l'l-.t-tvs, lYsTfi.r.s
JtomiKs, Hi.irr- v.v llo;t. . Tf-totts. '1 Y.TTiat
.nd Salt ltirr.r;.:,. Scali, I;.i, I'lSGWuttK-,
InrrMATis.M, fvi litr.iTtc and Miatcriti.u.llis
asiw, )i:.fsY, Hvsi'i i siA, Dr.i.ti.rrv, and,
adeed, at.L Comm aints aim-in; latuM Yri.
tn oh l-.tvrrtK Uncoil. TI: e popular belli I
l " i.-rnitfUf ij't!:.-- l'.ii-l" i; '."ta::'.e I in tnrk,
jv ferolukt isaI..-:-;cn.; the blood, li.c
articular purpose and viitir.; of this Surapa-
ilia is to purity rogen: r:-te this vital l.'tad
itiihout v. hieh poantl health i.s i..n-o;sible u
cntajniiited conatitutions.
Ague Cuire5
'iitcrmittcnt. Fever, orTevtr nnuAgnr,
ler.iittent Pceer, CJiiM Ftvcr, luinli
ktrif, I't-riodi'-al IIv nd.ielie, or Ililions
ieal:sciie, ttntl Eiliotir. Ti-virs, imlciil
"or t!c wl-ole lns ut atsi-nsis oriaiitint"
lit; In liliir- lei-niir;,l. tnnseil liy
lie rialnrla. ol i'liasiimtic Countries.
W"e rsre enabled here to cf'rrtlie commuritv s
cmedy which, while it currs f!n above cr tnplaiiit;
ritii certainty, is stid j erfei tly harmless in nti
uantitv. btieli a retueclv ij iavalutihle in dislriet.-
.-here these nlTli-ttnr; c'is.c: Urs prevail. This
' CYltE" cxncls Hie mia-ni .tie roi.-.on of 1Y.VLI!
.Nn Ague from the sysU tn, .ir.d prevents the do-
clonmont of tt.c disease-, it taken on the last tip
irnaeh of it? prcmoiiitory sytaotonis. It isnot onlj
ho Lest remcJy crcr yet ilis.'ovcrrd fur this ( lass
f comtilainti, "but rl3o the cheapest. The large
uantity we supply for a dollar brinps it within tht
each of every body ; and in bilious ulstiicts, wheat
Yveii AXI Aocn prevail;, every Lodv Fheti'd
lave it and use it freely both for cure ar.l protec1
ion. A ;rent srocrior'ity of this remedy over r.115
ther ever discovered for the speedy and ccrtair
ure cf Intermitter.ts is that it contains no Quinine
r mineral, consequently it produces no quinism 01
ither nv.ur.ous cticcts wi atcver upon tr.e eonstuu
ion. Those cured by it are left as healthy as il
hev had never had the dise ase.
l-'evcr and Acrite is not rdcao the consequence o:
he miasmatic poison. A threat variety of uisor
lers arise from its irritation, among which art
S'cumliia, lUiei'tnatism, lint, Jlcaiiachc, Mind
less, Toothache, Laracte, Vct wh, Aithmn, Pal
ntation. Painful AJrection of tre ter, Jiytrrr
'cs. Pain in the liotci!':. Colic. Parahfii and Uc-
anffonent of i'lc. Stomach, all of which, wher
niginating in tiiis cause, put on the int riiutfem
tipc, or become periodical. This " Crr.E " cxpth
.he poison trom the biood, :-.nd eonsequcnity curci
dicta all alike. It is an invaluable rrotection te
ni'.nigrants ant? persons travelling or temporarily
esiding m the taalanous id strict;1. If taken or-ca-tionallv
or dailv while cxi osed to the infection
uiat will be excreted from -he system, and canno
iccumulate in suitlcient quantity to ripen into dis-
;ase. Ilenco ii is even laore valuable lor protcc
;ion than, and few will ever suffer from Inter
nittents if they avail themselves of the protectioi
his remedy ali'urds.
Prep arcd by Er. J. C. AY23 & CO., Lowell, Mass
rrobatu IToticc.
A !.. :ea- en (i.i,. .'..y e. r ft 't .1 A r tl re w It. TajlO', i. i-irater t t ) ., e-: 1 1 .f l. Y. . 1 e'lt r. late of
may. N . T , ii ud n.a Ue- . p lit alien t t make
lionl s.-:t.eiai at tf In A IniM-tl.', there-
... ut ta t- is I tin, fci. ea liut the C.U.'t v.U taake
e l: s eitl ae i. : ..:i
li', .;.;:...,;, .."IS 14'., lFfi'i,
.-1 . ep ,. , f..-ie j.rilt i:, cuit ia 1'lA-t-m -uth,
i'.: i'lovi-.i i itu oil-, i.i i - ars ;iial sle-ws ic ad cau..
.. .inii"'it'i-i.,,:..i.!Jcui i.e nrtiif.
V . tat.- h uxy 1, uiia aLii t eai. t.-is i:p i-f May,
t, -.. 1). ii. U ;; t hl.i :: ,
v J Pit I-.aio .UiJe.
Netic" i be: tl y -i v ..u all lurset.s hiving
-'. iims i'.? i iu-t the 'st .Te of Jr.n M-i -tr, Jr., e't Ci-a -
!, mu.-t ti e iLtLii vv ita t .c l'lbte Cuiirl ol Cab
e un'.y, N. T.i uu i-r b the
la.'t I: tf of SipUmLcrt IC'oj.
h i'i t.iart a lita-.iuj till te bsd of all claim..
":.u-.t.l .1. Aai .-.c.-.nifiis or ueiritntls uot presented
: nr IlIitj i.h tl tt..y wi 1 Li f irwvei tKi.:ieil, uo
; ; -e.-ea.i'.v ., v.. d le' i.iv.
Willi .-s i.:s l,a:. t aal i he iat .-. a' '.hi-U'i'h day of
I'lH, f-u. " 1. li. V lit ibl
il ri.ji.uU Jadjje.
l a n
t.A -r? 7 p 7 '0 '0
. ' v;'
JVcst of
Vhok-sale and
wines im itQucno cf all i:tm
Constantly on hand
And every article required Ly
K1I.25A7TS. mr.25STK2S8, .1233.25225 & FAR1I35KS.
And t vt ryl ody else can be supplied at tliii estatliihinent.
Vail and examine our cxlensicc slocli.
itixiie i?n o
Plaits-mouih, April 10, 'Go.
InomJi 1'iwe cf
Have on hand the LAKGKST STOCK of
Ever Oileretl in tliis .Market.
In fact, cverytuing the Fan nor, ?Iec;ianic, Freigliter or Emi-
crant wants.
i'liankful for past Patronage, we Iiope bv strict attention to bus
iness to merit a continuance of the same.
Vail and examine our sioch.
riatttsmoutb, April 10, 150-5. tf
f.-T n ecived, f" cf ' f I t ae! es ut
fj AMISO.N, JntVtV X CO'S.
1 O tn AMI-OX, POVEY4 CO'S to purchase rour
VI sivriuj: g"'iis.
N endless var iety if Luilies' Die?? Co--il at
A. u. v e o
- I CAfeKd Jlolti y's Cove Cycters f ir u!:- tt
)J A. 1. & CO'S.
GIIEAT bargains iu Ladies' Ure;? Geoe'sat
6 A. 1. A-CO'S.
T -"Oi: SALE at AMI-O:.', DoVtY & CO'S, Ctrre,
l1 T a, Siier. f; .i.t. n i-yrup, ' gar llousc Mu
litsses, Xcw Vui-k C'sudies, tte , etc.
larire lot cf Chewing uiid e-mokin T. ice ) for
X. suleat
A. U. At CO'S.
tOALOlL far sale by
A. D. & CO.
( COXEi Star Candles fer sale ty
a, r. & co.
IF you want to purchase gee at a barpaia, po to
A . I). A C
.) 13 AGS COFFEE received by
) a. r.
t Co.
Lare let cl Choice Tea at
o j: S T
Itf .Vv. ? ,S 3j
se.v. Sr":
St. JLouis.
Iletail Dealers in
A R E,
very description.
a Lar,c;e Stock of
nm. NAILS,
of Enxci:.
Tootle, Ilciima c Co.
?vlain Street,
b tri.-... asnrt:iifcat of nieti8 and b'.v' ciottiing
1 i f..r mie ty
A. ! i CO.
Hhl.LLtl CeKX fur sa.eby
A D.& CO.
1 AC'0" aa l LarJ for bale by
A.n. & co.
IIKAVY IWiiICE .'fell cf Faaoly Gro-
l X ceries aul
i Ouiiitiii; Goods just neeiveil ly
A. 1). & C').
A LL kinds cf Furr.iir.j; Iiiiplen.ciitij for f lie 1 v
J- - A. It. & CO.
VLjra;. lot of Two Ilorse Plows for tuie bv
A U. CO.
Nendlfss variety if Hardware- au.l Cut'crv f.jr
-ilfll-,a- Xl.4C0'j.
SAHil, Toors, Fhin-les, Glass, aud Kails ef very
description for said by A. 1). & CO.
PL kind of Cocntiy I'roiluee taken in exhatiKO
J. V. fur (roods br ,t . 1). i C":
rpo enumerate all the article we have for sale
-L Would till one t-ideof th.: Ukrald, and otaers
have ao guod a ribt to advertise as
''fllE largest OutfilfiUk' ll-.ii-o crth if St. Jes j
A IJ A !JM'N. IH'IVKV .1- l't .s.,
I-1:: -it-nh, I" .trai.i.
VT T? T I? A .Q V A
I I II II 1 VI l I
y .jr r-t .'.t
t-i i-k -t - f
f t--J. -w-., .i-j.. V-.. W-vJ
Is iho place to get
Jt.tZ. ill M. M j li
. tc s-- ii e.
Frcin a
. & jU W td?
in tiii:
ITebrcifikci Herald,
Havi::,,-re ea'.ly built a new au 1 sulfa le shop on
Ilain t., riattsmouth, N. T.,
Weill ! re-; et fully itifitrtn tlat.eit!.7-'iH ..f Cass an I
aa'e.iuia.r c.uiitiej tiiit be tile f.ieilities I Or ear.
i'i i.i ua tii -- -
In all it.-, bra: clr s
I ant procure ! to tarn out tlio
a ii l; a i k s t
and tiiest darabla
I'fevery desr rjption, ever c.l're ! iu the Terrjlery.
s a t i s r a cti o g ua ra n td ed.
3-'i.-;t.-.:Vr atfutioa laid t, m.,!.it:K and fin
: -v a- ( tt i-1 : :
A'i kiii-l- f liin-.'ter t.tlren n ' xi-liatipc fur f-oik.
Pl.itts a. a-l.. April Ii', 1 st:.,.
Axoihocmes Hall.
Cor. Main ami 5th Sts.,
zcznnASiZA ciiy, - - neb.
Divilers in
I'niii! Oils I'allvan.lf.'lafs.
l'-t it MelVi- .. .if a! ;,,,!.., Ti.iiit arti.b.t, t.i
tl -y.:,... , y ' v-l.iii ; l.i- i Pi a lii-t-rla-- Vnig
"a ii , 111 li i-U-l 1. je u-A S.
.:- We a', i tr.-:.! .1 to ;1 II all is, rel wirr.ii.t
ottrjt .i.Ji t-i be p.e-ii. .-j r. I 0 V.
We- are
l.tll e, I; I:.
: - en i, ...: I at i.u- i-le p, on tl.. -cuth
.-'re I, in: i. r'r ivc-t of t!ie lli.ail.u
JJoof.-i y Stocs io Order,
Vt t'if ! t Tn:itor!;l .m l
We a in. -i 'a: .,t tf wok o'l lae.t. alij
i'i ' i.ti:..s, u nk t sen eu-t'iinei
Kcp.vrinir T:mv on Short
ria.i.-t:i..iit'i, A;.i a pi, -ilj tr
this rr.Air.iE farmer,
IM.Vernai To
Arr;.?i.:tnrc, liorl '-.-iulnre, Mschaiics, lid
ii, ). ..,ir:-(.., ti-a-rul
AVw.v,, tr.;-b.-,i;We, klv.i.i a ,. ,t , r rv f.rm f,l,iwl,
piu-eK, wad au nub x at u,e end of eneii vouuuc
;-ix nioutli-. )
t:.!:ms: a advaxcj:.
A'..;- i I v't -ftirt tr-f. a, i.i $ !4, ox.; .,;.. f.-, .
:J!.pir..Jiri:i'.- a. ats v. il; 1 in
tl.e l-.M.'li Iv f.,r I. rent- p-r hue ef
tl. !, eaill ,s TVe.a, , ,eivi,!e,:. !-1 ;;1 iCe,
e a.l. ... e. .,, i. f,.;vt.rti. die i.;.s, y eeutr.
tit.e ' l s; ot-f . -r i j ,i .p
A ;i rue lor.j.ii-ts on liaet i frj.aee.
r-'j -.4i..-tin i.i. ti,.,, ,.f -,0 p,;i u i j; KAIIMPR is
ie... i'e ;.:. - .f anv t, i - . r i f i: - ia., j., 1 1 . - - v .-.t
N ir. ii -. , .; , a- i ui.'.-n t,, Ni .-; n--r , Fn.n.-ts
i" ! In.;. ',,:. t .) .: ! r..-i, tin- !...'-! Ileal. Hill ft
loae.i t,.c la.tsse. ,u'-.- - t-l.
Ll.iilti. A C '., U'.4 I. ah..' St..
C l leae.), U.
jLt'lsLcIl "ill OijL'cft
TJic unuersiii'ied will open an
Marble Yard in the City of
FLttUmoiitli, about
"Wo are
Heady to Ilccch c Orders
at any time.
josLTir lut;:j:hix i co.
.May 1 j-j, lal
Ij. Cl Co,,
G- H O O B H S.
Opposite the Voit 0.uc?,
A ie A COj