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About Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882 | View Entire Issue (June 14, 1865)
Che glilivaclia iuvuUl. i.-.o(jal ; i:vs- TiMT. I'.vi?. L':v?.' ii. S rvioj3 on Sun day ia the Drioi Schl Hon.', at S p. V ("Kuiiirra.ion still ccHUinuc-s in full fore-?. TI.e Omiha Ii j uLUcm s-.iys onl:rs have h-'en receive I to rcsuwa work on the r;i""oa,l nt l'irit r"';nt- fTTeterson for July lias been receiv ed. The mravin, "The Ashes of Life," is worth th- j'-rico of the Look. PTTho hnck is now hcin delivered for the h'ii'JIn corner Main rind Third streets. ErTha project of I r'nlarin- the Tlattc lifts fail ih :ind the OinalKi people are now l..cain;r tht feasibility of pontoons fjT7"" ;.-r'e W. rhanilierlain lias Leon f.piointe-1 h'V th-3 President, District At torney for Montana territory. fj v'The number of troops to be mu terhd out during the month of June, it has been computed, will etced lC.n'K)- T'ic-vir Th'TO will 1-e a Palbath Fehocii 'ie nic at I' M'.le Grove on nest V."u In-- l.-i v 21th In-i. f-T.rThc r-h'd l.vt.I-r -ontend,;d that Cotton. was Kin;:. We tru.-t they will ii .w he convinced of t! 3 superior pow r of h'.'i' p. J"l lie Iadi-m doctor Tumblu.r, "r- ret--d s-im licen ''il-',l: ne suuv ia r I .;;, has 1 hv "iOverr.iuent without C:;:::::i i'-i- or C." "Th.'-s" !" our i-itit u- v.h. d'-ire to "kr. " c )..;"' can procur.1 all the ice needed f r p:irr o-e hy calling on D. (raves at hi.-t barber tdiop. 7"Ihe Secretary of War has direr-t-.l thaf all returned Talon prisoners who Livv u!Y--re-l martyrdom at tIi-3 .S'iutli f-hall he i:r.-.n' ula'ly dl-i U:n ed and re ceive three r.i .n'.h- rxtra pay. f'A sword, o-tia- 7"", liss hern pundia-ied hy 1 1 1 frcdmen at Fortri M mr'"'. f,r rr'-'-r.t:ititn to (Irn. Iln'ier, in token cf servieos fiideroJ them while in ca:nmnd in that Department. r.r; " '"It was admitted during th" sin i'..rn trial n Saturday l-y t';o poi-c - r.r'-i c ''ins' I, that tli n im ff th t rIorc r known as liyn, is l'owel, n:l he came from Florida. C',"The I-.-iT h:n ih;.:lar-l in la- v.).- i trvi:.-- the, i 'a-.';-, for tra-'in bef to .a civil fri';ii:ri! rat. her than .- a o.urt-i.iar:::.I f ;r cji.:; lic i:y in the n--i ilnati.-n. C-Wad-J II an; the c h. hr.itcd II eh cavalry leader, h.ts lot yt t b-.L-n nrre.-ted by the Union forces. Th" M 's icai t rvn of Ih.i Iras was captured hy the l iberals i.n II. i; i2h.ii ul:. i"t'jn yttnlclman has opei;--1 of Cl .thio ia las j.i.-v.- ! uii,;h.r. - u v,r ta.-t j tho II:.::.;.d ofiiee. Call and cia'ir.ce his sti Ir. S. will te! ea.--o in ua i.i snowing you las go or: -i tu-m to voti at rasona? r'Wc havchaJ an almndaiieiof rain daring the pat week. The raia cn hi-t Thar-lay had tho cd'ectj to carry o!7 nearly all the culverts and small bridges, and cmi'lotdy destroyed the sup port of the new bridge on second street. f7?"D. J. Mcdnrj, Jl- -, Jhiymaster for this distiiet, was in town yesterday paying o!!'the ?dlli:ia Comj any that went from this t lace last summer to repel the la i aas. CVW. J. Hester, of ilt. Fi.iaiant, is furrdihing t'ie p- ple of I'lattsmoutli v.ltli the IarL'"t an 1 he.-t vegetables we have s-'-'n this season. Mr. II. carries on th " gardening laisineis quite extensive, and j-rof osei r uttlng up a large unanti ty of ch ...-e sr.,-.; this fall. - - m fr"r?"Th j ' h:v ra'ii- iit c out. mj hitrs ed-nhiing all the Li lian trihej between Minnesota, Iowa and the Hooky Moan t:.".rts. in a reservation on the north-rn 1 r K: of M .r.t.a.a Mil Dacota, with the l;:it:-h po.ii-.iiions a-ljoluing, as an la.llialtcd hunting ground. rtrFull retnrns Iiavo not yet been re-c-'.vi frm the voti on the new C, n-tltatl m of Missouri, but so far as rec ive-1 thev ir.dh.Tit-j its d-.feat unless tire rebel voted .ire thrown out latere Lumber of which are said to have been en:. f T.ll irp-i s 1 1 uf the loth inst, contains a l.irgc picture f "Death and Viet ry," r h -rolu Death is r-.prrsented as -si-ting up : his throne, while Victory kneels l;f r; blai, the sword falling from his hinds and the laurel laid away froru his br -.-.-. 7"H iioeck has jut received a large I : of chairs at hi j ship on Main street. '" e ui-.d- r: ind he is making arrangni-ats ' 1 k-- p ci-r.-tantlr on han-1 a large let of ' : ra'.t ire ef every description, so that u ' ' -al-:g anything ia that lino need T" t'i hate it laaimfacturcd. taaha A'-e ..7-.?;i states that 1 IS l,-- n r. .-:.'V.. 1 1 I '. - i :''ft a 1 1 tiia: 1 '. it v - r , " ".' ."r, or tais r.a s bct-n ::: po.r.t, i.:..,f.. ,, , ,. . ' ., - - .ae r.iwn-e ludi-ins, , . , u ;h is the fact, we would sav that r,.i I .... - ' , . , - 1 --r r-i-ruintiuerc t t..d liavo been m i ... .... . - i. . e.i r i tv, ry iv.iv t'.-,r L- ... . , - 1 - - I--"i-.i-'n, and "''i''l;' tranjaot tl.-. ,.iiUl, . ,.f g.T:ar,..,.; i.;jd th-i l..c,r in.rre; rj . rT"Ti. water in the river a; falling a iittio t'a:s jnornin . Vc l avo heon shown a car.ij le of wool, saeard from a buck helon.'in to Mr. Up ton, in this county, which id the finest article we have seen in the west. The !'or..'i we;.). 1 tvrentY-thrnf r.onrv'q. Mr. , - - j j Upton has been chord $175 for tho ani mal, hut refu.-cs to sell. IIo has a ewe of the s m-.e brce I. C y'Head the advertisment of Timber I. i:. l for t:ale,' in to-day?s paper. The timber will he soi l ia tracts to suit pur chasers, raid tho rrairc divided if desired. This is a rare opportunity for persons wishing to secure a home or those wh') already have prairie land and no timber. The price, we arc assured, is vcrv reasonable. rv7YYe have been informed that ten Llays worli would turn the water of the Platte river sa that it would run down the west bank of the Missouri, and there by open a permanent channel on this side. If this be the fact, why is the work not done. The channel once opened alonrj the west hank of the river, and wo have a permanent landing ;it the foot of Main street, which would be worth thou sands of d drirs to this city. CiiANcn. V. H. II. Waters has sold e I'r, s-; of N. hraska Cit v, to W. II. Mll- tl: h r- Mr. Waters has be n editor and proprietor of th'- I'rrss for ovc three yirs, duricg which time he has labored f.ihhfiji'v for tho interest of Nebraska elty, anil the perpetuity of our fre.o in stitutions as a nation. Altho;ie:h ho vacates the editorial chair, lie proposes riinalaing in tho Territory. Mr. Miller h is liad e.vpe; ienco in conducting a news paper, and pr jposos making the I'rcss second to no paper ia the vest. The -.apcr viilbe continued in the interest of free labor ard free institutions. V.". Reynolds-, for a long tim editor cf the Nebraska City A" tea, and later of tl." Omaha, X'1 !.'. i:n, is about to take control of the editorial colunms of ihe Uawrcnee (Ka.) in company with Mr. Christian, . former law partner of h':i. Lane. They sny the paper will remain Radical Ilr publicun, and advo cate the political equality of all men. We always thought that Milton had a desire to do right, hut the ''pressure' wa3 too heavv for lam in Nebraska AVererlaJ he mo oat on the sld3 cf Llbertv and Truth, and forsaken th.c evil ways of his vouth. Tl-.irty desirable business and rcsi- ili'iliCC LOTS IN" TLATT:-MOUTH. Ten tlni-.:i-;nd acres of prairie and tim ber LAND IN" CACS COUNTY. Terms t-j suit ca.i'i purchasers. la h. r. a i i.r.Fit. i: .: i - A. J .i- ". :. 1 Co'i, ; II:;:,., i'. o -.-:.! i.:h. LaC.M AViin.TlCZivlCr.iTS. 1-"V: ' J a ? - ".y r ; rr' I P "53 The SubM-rihcr c (T-ts for i-'no, ?." acre uf gio-1 hanl-v-,- od Timber Lan 1, situa ted 1 1-2 miles South of Piattsmouth, on the Mi BJori Ilivtr. Also. '-' acres of raw Pra'.rio Land, Z 1-2 mlh s Southwest of Ph-.tismouth, on L our Mile Creek. SAMUI1L MAXWLLL. Plattmouth, N. T., June 10, LSOj ml. Pro?50f3-?-Ia For the erection of a Church and Recto ry for St. Luke's Parish, Prot. Episcopal Church, in Piattsmoath, will be received from the loth day of June, lSOo, by the undtr-i.-ne i. l'lans, Ac., may be seen at ai v ( :;ice. D. II. WIlLEI.r.R, Clerk. Ph-Ztsmouth, N. T., June 15, lew. f . ivinrs . f i Ci V (p fi Twenty Men to drive Ox teams to ihaiuiock Cit", Miataaa. lln euire id V. HIT.!). Jn. Platte Valley House. Plnttsiuouth, June 1 1th, leo". . For Sale Cheap At the Storo of ih-pser tlC Wise'," on! COpv tf '-The Washington Map of the Uafted States," published iu j-'3. Call and see it. irOXICE TO TAX-PA YEH3. The City Taxes fur $Z, will bo due on the First day of Jnii and will bc eemo deiicptcat, August 1st., ls''o. J. W. MARSHALL. City Treasurer, riattsmouth, May 30, leO-3. CIIEAPL3T YET! Wm. Herald, corner of Main and Sec ond streets, is still selling Groceries, Pro-vi-ions Farm Produce, kc, as low as ar.y House in the Vtst. Formers who have product) to sell will 1 well to call on him before disposing of their trade. May."", ISo.: tf. Notice to Tux-payers oi Division 5, llch. Tcr. Notice is here'.y given to all persons within this Division having an income exceeiling in amount six hundred dol lars, that I will receive all returns of the saaie at the oliiee cf T. M. M'arquett, in 1 'laltsinouth, Nebraka, on Friday and Saturday, tho 1-V.h ,-uiil lTth of June, loj.j. Ail persons liable to tax will do well to call and make return of the same, thereby saving an addition of 2-J per cent on the amount of t is. Dated" Phittsmoii, Mav 20th, l?G-3. r. M. D iRUING'l ON. Assistant Assessor, Division No. 5, Nebraska, composed of the Counties of Cas, Lr.neaster, kSew ard, I hi. her, Polk and Calhoun. Loots CuSIiOtrS A largo lot just ic-tievt-d ly, Amiso;.. Dovkv A: Co ., -A larg'5 lot just received AtON. Dlw.v J. Co. Petronizc Heme Institutions Ail persons wishing to secure a sure preventive from damage- by lightning will do will to sec-ire one of those Star Fluted rods, with Sprats patent Insula tors, nnd tho best plated Points. All work warranted. Leave orders at Mur phy iv: Clean's shop, or with the under signed. Having permanently located ia the Territory, I soiictit your patronage. J. S. WATKRrf. ClctMnS'. If you want to buy Ready Made Clothing, cull at mlw4 . S. Rr.oo'fs. Boots and Shoes. The best and largest stock of Uoots and Shoes at ml vv-1 8. Rloom's. P.evolvers- A new lot of all kinds of Revolvers received at mlwl S. Bloom's. The Best Assortment of Emigrants out-iltting Goods at rulwl S. Bloom's. Sweet Potatoes. --Tho undersigned has a fine lot of Sweet Potatoe plants for sale; also a large lot of choico Tobacco plants. Orders may be left at the Drug Store of Black & Buttery, where tho plants will ho delivered, or at my garden, near Mt. Pleasant. Ma- la, w4 W. J. IIESSER. Lest Notice- There are still a num ber of men in Cass county whose taxes remain unpaid. A respite of twenty days is hereby granted, without penalty or "coats, after which time I shall pro ceed to collect the delinquent taxes ac cording to law, without respect of per sons. Please come up and pay, "while it is yet day," lest the time como when costs will be added. M ay 17 S. DUKE, Treas. FOR SALE- A good farm of lGO acres well improved, situated within four miles of l'lattsmouth. For partic ulars enquire at the IImrald office. Farm For Sale I have a good farm for pale, consisting of iC-j r.crcs ; 100 fenced, 90 under cul tivation,and about Go acres of timber. It is situated 7 miles south of l'latts roo'jth on the ir.ain thoroughfare to Ne brat ka city. For particulars enquire on the premesis, or of Iliram Davis in this city. A. M.P. WIIITTIER. April, 2i3 ra 1. IiCal Notice. I'mI'C'I.I Ar' Ilci , rgc V,'. Arel:rr ni l Aijlir,n-o AreVr vl.l ftV-.i is tire, th-it .Tulm Ernhart ami Sn r. a t, l -rl i.rt li.. on ike T'.!i l:i of June, A. i. 1 10.1, 1. 1- t ii.- i- lull !' i-'inr-t.-it-t in the Di-iiift C":i-.'t I t! -. Jiiiliri ii District w :th::i .m l f -r C-i ceinty. N. T., a.- t-:i fr.'i.l l.-;!l?llr. Arc!n.r, if,re'e Ar. cher al Al;-" Ar;l e -f ' :end;t:.t, s-1: 1 ' i 1 K leith one David L. Ardn-r H-ta t the pluintiir. So. an K.-.iI'.iit, w: t'i" b'i.l Je-iiU jEarl...i t, the Iluwiii: d- -- 'I lr.,iiii--:, to- it: V.' t h.ill 1 f.v Smi!i leilf l-C ' f the North lei't 1 ef the ti e S call Last, ifx-iner 1-4 ,;- .-.-.! Merty two t 'W.i t-:vi 12 rjug-: t-.u- ot-n 1 1 V. i-:, in '.': cuiinty, X. T. l;- , i .1.5 r ; l ;,-.!.i:: o-.U th il 1 of conveyance, i-i I vi. : Ar h-r rnp.,i.. n taistak.-; an'l ili-fl-.l .1..1L-1-- nt ieiu-r l:ir..l ti th--- Mid S K.irliart 'i' in- -ud Ar.-li- .- haviiiir since died. -'T-t ,i ict l-:ris 1 j'i.-.-. Ami ' -a :' -, t' ;if - ni 1 niiKartt: l? or i-i-ci-f i. i,t-.J th t it iiiuy le d.-cr-vd a 51 --t -r i f th.'s t.'iuit n:;.'.- uu': t';c id S-:g in Kr.;u-t a d- c i to .-a: I f :!ii--.-, i:,. -a .'.1 arc if -'- : c:m;. i. ts toin.ike !';.- ; t i - . Atid ti. it the sai-1 Is il't-ii i A-. ' i r, Cwi, W. A -'-I-,-r :i ul ;;-'.(. n.-? Arri-'-r, are h.vchy i,nir:rj ;!,Ot!,-v -i-L- ijtiiii-I r- iij-p-.-ar and uawci'.aid l-.ii. ft- 'ir,: i.n r 1 ,-f. rc the 4.h day ..f (-..-'- -r A. L-. l -ii.".,il l.einT t:n-9-rcniid day f the next term .-f i :.i '. in r j'l'i.. i;.-- it v -1 1 ht- ri ;i.i..i t-1 i-l ;iinsl Um c.--.r lu:g tj I c.Uiiicti ra-r. .JOHN' rAHilAUT, fci..-Ar tAUHAlU'. n ,f.ri J,:n.. T l--:5. 'j. .M. :iii '.; rT -, s. '. :.- C.-.-ni. .i:i.-.Tits. Tiiose in want of 3 can fnd thorn nt Hiaek, l-uttery & Cc's or at my Garden near Mi. Pleasant; at 25 ci'i- ici' SZcHitfrcri. A liberal iliscount will be made for lots of one thousand. May o-', W. J. IIESSER. Probato iNoticc S.i'ic i. 'irrMir :-:v-n d M prr.;oa iutere-'ti-d, t!. i .1 i.-.,'. Valley h n ciaiie a ; d; "n to t ti" I'ro l,:tto C.-iirt t,i n;ake rinal .t ti 1 mli t i f hi.s .A ilinin is ti a- ir-lii;. of th- !:-t i-ei-f J .--i'Ii I. K.-...-e d.-cead, laic ii(lJis cuuuty, Xot-tatkil. Tho Court Ljjj ap jioi.Jtcl ST!ur!inj, Juno. 17, lFGo, a the d iy t n:a le s'lcT: .-c'tlcmcut, wlita all ar- ics .iitt: '- U-.1 c:.n ;-.(.; e;kr. Vtne-R my ! " n 1 -".rl seal of oQ-'e this L. . 27tli day cf iiiy, l:)i..". i). ii. vrnEELFit, 1'i obi'tt Jtulje. S'ay 27, lsr." v Probate Notice. Nctir- l:en-hy sriv...n iTiat K. 11 (V.Trrfln has ri -. :ifji.ict.ii'.n to -- iiii--.inittl Adrniiitrator of O, r i'Jti c i, J. V. l'-,ir'iii, late ih-cea.ed of Cass v Th ' Cu'i-t x ill h'-.-ir Fiid ai'y-'.ic.nii.n fur a;- .iviatmei.t a-i Adn;ii.-;r it,.r, u S-nffday , July 1: J :.". .t t I' .i'i A. M., it. flattsiiii.-.ih, X. T , at fthich t.iac, all porfi-us ltitcrcatcd Wiil ni- "itr.ess my hand att.l s- al, !h" 3 201 d;iy of Mav, lie"'. v:S. n. IJ.vrHr.ET.EJ:, rr. hate Jui!i. F0H CALE. A McCormick two-horse Reaper, in good order. Also a Threshing Machine and Horse Power. Apply to Amisoa, Dovev .ICo., or J. V.. DOOM, -It Vceping Water Falld. titaldisli. d iu 1-1J. 4 GooJ, Cheap and rcrj Valuable Paper f-r luvrr'j .M':n, H'i-vi!, a-'d Child IX CITV, VILi.AC.FI, AXD COL'XIUY. American Agriculturist FOR THE Farm, Garden, and Household, hiclii'.lhf a !jcci'ji' Djarlhitrit of Inter esting and I-istrncllr IleaJiiifur Children nnd Yi.uth. The A jri.'i:'tTt't i a Urre periodical of CO pnf beautifully iiritiie I. au.Ul.ird with i.'ain, p. aciic!il, rtl:n'-le cricinal ttattcr, Inrln lin liunJre.U of bean, aaj initructiv ia every annua,!'aue. It cor.ti'.r. eich mont'i a CaJca lar of Oteration tc be l-r'nm.-d -.n tin I',r, m. in the OrcluirU and Ci-.-riA .1 . ia uni aronnd tha ccHing, etc. T'tie tJion-nB-i ef l:int3 aril fuee-tioaa firtn in every Teiume ar ).r .-r-t l.y, iutllife'Bt Working Men, wlic know what they write about. The .iu...Wi' iKj.iu tii.ri't U valuable t. every I! e.-.-eWc. p-r, Hlfirdiiif very tnany usvfU hints auj il ; ei te-.r;-, cilcsjlatuJ to lighten and facilitate in d r-w- k The J. ..arlmnt f.r ClUXren and r..i.7i in pre I irl with sj a.ial c.i.-e. t fu: r-;h only amaae int n;, hr.t ai-o 1 1 lucul rate kno -iedr and touoa ni-.rai j.riuc:d s. Tkkms. Th riica'utirn of th Amir! flit Agrl- c-i'rari-i (more th3 l.-n.'-"0) i laipettiat it can be f ini!-! l ut tue w price of 1 ; year; four o. cs i Q-' jer, JTi; tcu c(dcn ODe year, tl.; twcrity or :n: r, c:.e y.:r, Jl e.iChi kindle epics, 1j fetus eieh. IT A YEAH. OKAXGK JUDI, Pin. jso Tr.op'R. 21 I'.irt Kow, Kpw i,rk City. josEPn f SCnLATER. WATCyiTAKER and JEWELER, J1A1X STKtET, PLATTSMOUTII, - - NLCIlASIvA. A (rood a--ottpient f ':.'. e'- Ci-- .i Tens, J. -. i ii-v. siiier Wan-, F.itc t.-i' i-'s. Vi dins and Vi- . !;n ' riP'.ruiiff-; .liTjyi n hceA. Alt,;, i jii;- .i i . i..- i ut ce Wafra::iv1 S. BLOOM, Dealer in KEADY MADE Gents Furuishiag; Goods Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Trunks, Valises, &c., Arc., Sic. Also a lnrcro lot of KUIiTiEK GOODS and KEVOLYLRS always on hand. AND COUNTRY MERCHANTS will Cnd it to their benefit to examine my stock Leforo purchasing elsewhere. Cash paid for Hides, Furs and Wool. riattsmouth, May 25, tf PROVISION STOBE ! We have opened a 3 "Xs O DEL hi Onposito the PLATTE VALLEY HOUSE, Where we are OJj'crlng and arc Selling Everything Usually found in the Provision Line, 'A k w, ? '-rci We wish to buy all kinds of Country Produce. Such as Butter, VcgctaJilcs, &C-, Fur which the Highest F'ricc will Le paid In M o n e y fSThose having such articles to sell will do well to call and see us before selling. TURNER & GOODING, riattsmouth, May 22, 'G-5. Chancery Sale. J. P. Jf-nninp? aa l Peiijamin Childp, ) li.'m cf J. B. Juiininga At Co., C"tiip"s J vs. I In Chancery' Win n. TVarliritt ti anl Eli?a''v:l V V;irlri:ton, IVfVndants. J In pursnano an l by tirtuo of a nnler to me ilire leil Irora the Ji!!nct Cou' t if the 2.1 Jmlicial l:.-trict iuauj c'.iss county, Xthrask Tcriitory, inatlp i ti tlte aiove chu..-'. kuiI h date on tii .'tn ijy of uri". A- L. lvll, binj.' a rpecial turm of said Court, I, the f ulmi-rilifr, M -.t'r in (haucery for saj.l Ccurt , will t pubiic v -n.Iue, ,ir, to the hvhe't aiiilLtst hi.lilcr, in front of the Court H-JU.-e in Plaitsmou'h, X. T-, on Monday, the 10th dry of July, at two o'clock in tho afternoon of paid day, the f 1-1-ju-ir' descnho.l leal etat?, sitaut-'d iaCais county, Ni-braska. to-vi it: The tji.uth-ha.-1 qr. of kiv. So. thrive 3 , and the North-Iia?t qr. :,' ofi!;B S .nlh-West qr I. of fee. 2'o. three in oirr.ship No- twelve I- n.irtli 'f rnuge nninb -r twelve l'J eaEtofthe fith I'.M.. in Ciins countv, Ni-brahka T-i-ritory, and coutainiu two hundred acrei more or less, together Willi al! aod singular the improvements, heredita-ni'-nta or apimrtenances ther.'on or th-reto belong, ias or in nr.y wiseapp-rtaintnj. To be sol I as the pr-.p. riy of the dereii.lanu in tha above cause, to i-atifsfy iiai-1 decre--, the amount of which i two hun. drcd and firtr.f m d. llaii i.'.i-J ) and int'.rest from th-dale o( dej.e-, of sail and sale. LJt-J r.Atici.ioiuii Nr!v Ter. T'.h .Tun", A. I. i". M liOiiKI.Nr.TON. I-U!r;l - liaactry. iMisxv lETzsEi.nNriias shop. MURPHY fc GLENN, Main St., opposite Tlatte Valley House, rLATTSIOTJTIT, - - - NEBRASKA. Have on hand a large stock of SADDLES, HARNESS, COLLARS, PDTnT J? C "A7TTTT"C CTH"DC Cijirry Combs, Brushes, Cards, tfec. Wc Outnt a Mule With everything in our Our; motto is "Quick Repairing- done'ht all times, at reasonable rates. BLACK, BUTTERY & CO., Wholesale and Drugs, Medicines and Oils, Fine Toilet Soaps, Brushes and Perfumery, Pure Wines and Liquors, for Kedicinal use, Dye "Woods, Dye Stuffs, Farmers, freighters and physicians Will find our stock of Medicines complete. Warranted Genu ! ine and of the best quality. Physicians' Prescriptions Carefully Filled by Dr. J31ach jPlattsmouth, May 1st, 1SG-5, tf a. U -44 m E. T. DUKE & Co., "Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Stoves, Tin, Sheet Iron, Brass, Japaiicd AND STAMPED WARE. We keep constantly on hand Emigrants' and Freighters OUTFITTING- GOODS, Sflch as Camp Stoves, Frying Uamp lvcttles, vvc. we also Keep inain rumps ana Fixtures, Hydraulic Cement, Sad Irons, Fruit Cans and Jars, Lanterns, Collec Mills &c. Tin Roofing, Guttters and Spouting done on short notice, with neatness and despatch. Are agents for the sale of Stew art's celebrated Combination coal or wood Cook Stove. Give us a call we will not be undersold Main St., South Side, between ; Second and Third Streets, l!LATTfIOUTII. - ' XEIiltASKA- KLEl'SER & WISE, Dealers in BOOKS & STATIONERY, WAIaIj paper, J : WINDOW SHADES, Confectioneries, lYotioiis, Toys, Coal Oil Traill lis. &c, iVc. We ar. al.-o spreDts for the Buchanan Woolen Mills, of St Jos'-pb, Mo., and have now u hand a t:ood assoitru'-ut of FAXcr CASsnrxBES, CLOTHS, JEAKS, rAxxri.s, die., which we ha ve recf.ivd en commission, and are Prepared to exchange for WOOL OFl CASH, nt very rea-jonabla Jgures. tXB (live ns a call, one door ea t of the Herald cEce, Platttmouth, i'cira-kn. May IH, ISSO. tf can or Horse Train lino, on 6hort notice. Sales and Small Profits." Retail Dealers in and Fancy Articles Generally. 42444 Pans, Skillets and Lid?, Ovens, CIIAS. YOGT & CO Cor. Main and 5th sts., NEBRASKA CITY, NEBRASKA, Dealers in BATHER SADDLE &.SHOE LEATHER, Saddleis' Hardware Findings niui Tools WAGONS, PLOWS, &c. CP'Orders Promptly attended to. TI5E TKIKl Ii Tor 1SG5. rnosPKCTCs. The unitary and Naal fuecese of 160-1. witU the su-l'ii i. us result of our I'reaidential ontet, hT lii fd a lie:tw freight from the l reat of the loyal miUnTK of our couutrymen. It is now felt, even ly th. .-e h.i h.ive teeu rii'tms-.fiil nd faint hearted th-it the I'nion is to etnerpe ti iuiui'hant from the iie.nity s-rifa whereinlo the was si wickedly r-recipl-tBtrt I hv her assailants, an-l tha I clavery, her re lentles.i f-e,i h to enconnt-r the ftte of llaman. Tho Irils of foreik'n iterveiition and of Western inmr rection are sW; pas.e 1 ; Abr aham I.ixcolk.I no lonper .issailahle as a choice Jof the winoiily, lulls the helm oI'M.tle fr f iur yoars longer; the rebellion, pa!patlv Me&kened hv its defrnts and lossef during the past year witn its cre.i.t to renuceu mai u jurse-Uarer ctllcially d ciares that its Treasury noies can only be exi h-inir'-d for coin at the rare o twenty-five for one, w hiie its lnd command but six cents on the iio!lr--but awaits the blow which hall onn strike the sw.ird from it nana and remit its master .-pirita the justice, or it may he to the clemoncy, of a k rely wronped and justly iucensrd but forbearing and niHguanunous people. Such are the auspices which jtisti'y our faith tha the presi nt year will see the Stars and Stripi s float un-tiillen--ed fn m everr battlement in the Kcpublic, and the ierf-ct law of I.Herty for All immovably im bedded iu the Constitution of our Union. The 'ew Cork Thiih-xe, founded i nil, will en terurou its twetitv-fourth year with quickened hopes and enlarp -d means of usefulness, lis princi ple need no re-ttatenient: its aims are the diffusion or Int?-lliir-nce and the iii(culatioi of a spirit of Free dom and Humanity. When this truth shall have been Peneraliy recognized and established as the b. sis of our institutions and polity, that injustice to the poorest, the weakest, the most despised, ts a feariul mistake that no community or state can atlord to wr an even Its humblest member then will our land bask once more in the calm sunshine of peaco aud prosperity. The l KiuiNB has for tnc last year oeen puumneu without protlt to its proprietors, solely because of the depreciation of our cum ncy below specie standard, compelling us to buy paper and other materials at a cost consi lerably above tho amount received from our subscribers. On our weekly edition, the net loss lias amounted to several thousands of dollars I while our lare receipts from advertising have bei-n wholly absorbed by the extraordinary exiwuses for Corrts pondenee, Teleciiphiut:, etc., devolve 1 on us by the war. As we do not suppose our patrons desire that we sh.vild w.,rk for them at our cost, and prefer not to be patrouized by any who may desire iu we have smnewhat advauced for the ensuinp year the prices of our Serai-Weekly aud Weekly, as we hail already done with those of our daily editions. This iucrease is purely nominal; there never before was a time when th farmers of our tenntry country could buy The T lbnne for so iittle of their owu paoducts or labor as they tan by the lollowiuB TEEMS: DAILY TRIBl'XE, Pinclc copy - - - 4 celts. Ma-1 subscribers, one year, 812 Issues. - iflO.iO SEMI-wKEKLT TUIBUJfE, One copy one year, lulistues, - - $4. Two copies ue year, - - $7. Kive copies or over, one year, each crpy, S3. WEKKI.Y TKIBUNE, One copy, one year, issues, - f 2.5(1. Clubs uf live , - - 10.00. l-'ersous reniittinti $20 for 10 oojiies, will receive oue copy extra, giatis. Persons remitting -io for 20 cpies, will receive ono e.-py Senii-Weekly, (rratis. Persons remit-.itig $50 fr 40 copies, will receive ono copy Daily, gratis. Prafts on New-Yctk. payable to the order of "Th Tribune," b.-injr safer, are preferable to any other mode ol remittance. But where drafts cannot be cniivi ni'-ntly procured, ITnited S tatos, or National Bank bills are next best, and may be sent by mail ; but in rase of loss, The Tribune will not be rssponsi ble UDless fumish'd with a full drscriptiou of the bills, includ ing the name of the bank, denomination aud number, aud the time aud place of mailiDK of the letter with the inclosures Address TTIE TKIECNK, Tribune Buildings, New York. "A Complete Pictorial History of the Times." "The best, cheapest, and most success ful Family Paper in the Union." H arper's Weekly, SFLEND1DLY ILLUSTRATED. Critical notices of tho Press- The best family newspaper in the United States. .Yrip Lvwl'iii A'l ctrtiiir. 'Ihe mo'Vl in wrpap.'r of our country complete la all the departments of an American Family Paper, Harper's Weekly has tarue 1 for ite!f a rik-lit to its title, " A Jiit itxAL of Civii.izatio.n." Y. Eee nii"j 1'vMt. This paper furuisons the lirxt'iition. Onr future historiaus will eurich themselves out of Ilar per's Weekly loun after writers, and printeis, aud publisher 8 are tnrn-d to dust. .V. ". f'ritit.jflitt. A necessity in every lwus- hold i'--(oii Tmrm. It is at once aleadin? political and historical an nalist uf the naiioit. l'hiindti hiu Prrtt. 'I he best of its class in America. Bjsloii Traveler 8siI)criplioiis. 180.". The publishers have perfected a system of mailing by which they can supply the MiHAZi.vH and Wkek l.v promptly lo those who prefer to receive their pe-riodu-als diiuetly fr"i:i the tlice d publication. Postmasters andt.tliers desirous of petting up clubs will be supplied with a handsome j-iciorial show-bill ou application. TEK.1IS: IIarpfr's Wffki.y. oi.e year, - - - t. An xtra cot y of either the Vreltly or Majtaziue will be supplied iritis for every club of K'iefiuli tciiNus at ifi each, in one remittance; or six copies for A.o. Back numbers can be supplied at any time. The annual voium -s of H-iRrEK's Wkellv, in neat cloth 1 indine, will be seut by express, free of ex pense, for sj?ti each. A compl'-te. set, comprising K ijrlit Vuluuics, feiit on receipt of cash at the rate of $1.50 per volume, freight at expense of purchaser. Address HARi'Ell & BROTHER, Franklin Square, H. X. "Unquestionably the best sustained work of the kind in the World " HARPER'S Scw Monthly Critical notices of the Tress It is the foremost Mguzine of the day. The fire side never had a more delilitlul companion, nor the million a more eoteiprj.siui; frioud. than Harper's Maf.-i.zine. Uctlujtiixt 1'roteHtant iLalinuorc.) The most popular SIcuth;yin the world. V. 3". Via mtt-t ref. r in terms of eulogy to the high tono and varied excellences of Harper's Magazine a jour nal with a monthly rircuhition ofahout 170,00lirop-i- s-,ln tiliiwe are to he found nomeoltha rhi icest liL-ht and pruei al readiii;; of the day. We sp'-ak of tli w irk as an evidence of the American pcop c; anil the popularity it ha acquired ia merit ed. E:ich er cont ii:h fully m paires of read inp matter, appropriately illustrated with ood U'ood cuts: and t coiiibines in it'eif the racy monthly and the more quarterly, hl-.-uded with tho he.-;t features of ihe dully journal. It haa (treat power in tho di--eMii:i;it t.tii .f a love f.f jmre literature. Turner's Guti to Amtrictn Literature (London.) The volumes hound consipnto of thctnxelves a li hrary vf miscellaueous reading, itich aa cannot be found in the same compiss in any other publication that has coiue under o;:r notice. Uujton Courier. SURSCRirTONS. 1SG5. The t-ubiishors have periected a "jstem Jof mailinfr ly which they can m; p!y the VaKHiue and Weekly promptly to tiioewho prefer to reci ive their ptriod i directly from the office of publication. The pta;:e en Harper's Magazine i 24 cents a year, which must Le paid at the subscriber's post of lioe. TERMS : ILiRfEn'.-" MaoazIne, oue year, - (I. An extra copy of either the Mapazine or Weekly will he suppHed gratis lor evtrv Club f Five 6ub-gerib-rs at -1 each, in one remittance ; or aix copiea for .'o. liacu unmbers can he supplied at any time. A complete set, now comprising Twenty-nine Volume-, in n' t cloth binding, will be sent by expfcgn, freight at expanse of purchaser, for $ 2.i per volume, f-incle v.duin.-s, by iu;il,post paid, f i. Cloth cases Tor Lindiue, Is cents, r-v mail, post paid. Address UAKl'tll & BROTHERS, Franklin Square, N. T. NOTICE. Filing Claims against Estate of P. A Sarpy. Kotice i-i hereby pivn thnt all persons having claims against Hie eolate of Peter A. barpy,deceaed, late of C'.t.s coimtr, must file them duly authenti cated hy oath, with the Probata Court of Ca-s coan tv, V. T., on or before the tKCOXU DAY Or JAX L'AUV, lS'l-'., at which time th-;re will be a hearlntr ! air tiaiis tl:us fi:d, nad au allowance made by ti-.e Court of all claim proven to be j is. V.'itness my Uaiiil and seal tuis 15'h day of My, l -'"' D. IL W'HKELER, May lo, mH Probate Judge. Probate Notice. Notic is hereby (,-ivc-n that James Chalfaut, A(f minist rator of the estate of Wm. J. Rakes, deceased, has rrad application to the Probate Court of Cass county, X. T , to make final fett-aent of his Ad Illini5tritrhip f said estate. It in ordered that final set'!, mer.t will be made by tbe court with said Adminietrator oa Thursday, June loth, 1SG5, if no oue appears and shows that snch settlement ef. ul.l no' be made. V.'u:ies my hand and cffioial seal nn this ICth iLrofMiy, lse;.. n. II. WJTFELEK I v.3 lu l..,ts Jude. ft