Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, June 14, 1865, Image 1

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HTfT iff HS ?dt
'7 -m? attempts to haul down the American Flag, shoot him on the (.'Woh.v A. Dix.
ISO. 10.
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W- J,av !!:. ! it f.-ucksn-.i:1., 0..!'.tt:r. i.iij
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nliaci& Corn Planters,
A 1-
'IaiiHfrtcltii'crs' Prices,
Slit A.UeJ.
cay ot IX
IS' J: rose the "Gun of Austerli'.z."
l, light revealed to Napoleon tlie cer
tiiiiity of the groat victory cf that day.
I lis forces, consisting of 7-5,000 me.u,
oer.-vifd a comi-circle cf heights. The
alli.-d Rus-hm and Au.-triau army, 0-3,-UuO
strong, lat.l held, iwe-nty-four
L. .::ri previous, a position usually
f.r.jr.-, on ihe h'.-i.hts of I'rurzen ; but
!. a -slvilifiii inanfuver, ho lia-.l induced
1 ihcin U I. -: ieve that lie feared a
! ;le ; an I acci-rlin-ly, now at l!;e break
I f.f i!ny, he beheld their imtin'nse army,
; !.!.: .i liu:;-; loa constric:or having ua
: w. J i: lui!, trajiin j i:s slow, pun-
.Ire;:.- i; ih a!on hia front, in order
t a". n-:k hi.- ri .'lit winj.
Tiv v!iu!e rrv-ixh army saw, as
v.v.h its I- iuUr'd eyo. the blur.-J'.T of
' th" a'.:':-.!-. The whole length of t.h-.-ir
; i:h--- v. aci exposed; v!ii:.e ia oteou,
i . . . ... ii. i
; iio.n i.ii it-Mi circle, ev'.i.j jauncn on:
- 4 -- " 1
hi anv n
d ail ruartero. His Gene
r.ii.s wer-j carj to begin.
'Wait twenty minutes,"
said the
l.n.j-e'r.T, whom neither ueiignt nor
learcouiil betray into precipitate ac
ti "When the enemy is making a
fnbe move they mtul bo interrup-
te J.
The r.v-h-y uiin-s
o'ip-:ed, the
thi blunder
ptileon leaped
1.1 .V..!!i
irr- trie
el.l W IS CJ..1
vable. T
n:n his hors-., shouting to h:.- trocij-s :
'Soldiers! the enemy h:is iinprti-
1 i
( 'b' e.i -eu himself tj your biows;
we irha'.l finish the war with a clap" cf
i thvm.ler !"
The older of attack was at ence
ijiviii, and l'-.-' i-.ii '.lity living anaconJ i
wa? cut to p'tees. Th Russians, uf
o r i:iiei iiir ft Trful tlajghter, wero
f( 're.:::;;:r ucrujs tlie frozen lakes.
Ci rude furiou.-.iy along his
"Ih git:: those massi s ! break
i -'.!" The nrtiilernts eJevatv.l
pV -.tii. : 5 y dr. ;
', broke it
1 1
d ovL-rv
-g eh.n.y
hi.- v, as ii.'.r-oieou s greatest victo
i:. 1 i.i .-i biii'iant stroke of genius
Alter w.rd, r.-; the eve of any battle.
1 1 j h.-s-l e :.l to re.;:;r. j his :-, thut
tlie "Sim of AtJ.?ttriitz" wetil.l look up
on their action, to i;.lh.:ei;ce them with
the mo;t enthuaiastic courage.
The pre
i. lent is a hiuhly nveciaar'
StUnuiUj :0
the 1 rav-ry cf troops. It in;i-ires them
with c :.h i:ice in their own piowess,
pride in their leader, and a
uiiiiiiiie '
an.! haug.ry j .-y in the certainty oi
victory under his eye.
i!ivro;;v ici:ii;ati.; itself
It aj jiears that Jt-if Davis is not the
fir.-1 tiaitor that has ecn betrayed by
his bo..ts. Aaron I5urr, who, otter his
f it! no of the i-eheme cf empire in the
Southwest, attempted, like Davis, to
een !
iO Sot. lii to tht
c ..i.-t, was similarly betrayed by his
rarton, in his life of
j.. li
.-.f T'i.-.:i- "i I.-j '-..- .-..!
...j. . n.o vu-u""-uJ
aos 5 uij noineipun ci the country, i
. ,
quick eye uf Perkins observed that
boots were far tjo t iegantly shaped,
an ! of materia! much tej fine to accord
with the coar-e, ill-cut pantaloons from
wh.ich they pretruded. The caj tore of
the Duke of Monmouth, after tho fail
ure of his rebellion, f r.J the desertion
of his friends, was damaging to his
reputation h,r valor, I ut not so much so
as Davis. Having the garb of
i r-hepherd, he seated himself along
with his ai.'y, Poyse, in a fie ld of wav
ing grain. lie finally gained a ditch
hU "Iu:?t ditch,' and was captured so
diseuised by his garb and the ditch
mud, as at first to throw a doubt upon
hi-i identity. The' Duke of Argyle,
after his rout near Glasgow, assumed
the garb of a peasant, and thus escap
ed for so:ri'- time his pursuer?. Lcuis
Philippe left from France in the dis
guise of a courier, and reached Eng
land with the Queen, as plain "Mr.
and 3Irs. Smith." lut Davis sinks
lower than them all, and endeavors to
escape in his wife's crinoline, hut boots
betray him, and he stands before the
world not only an acknowledged trai
tor, but a white-livered poltroon.
I5'Nichola3 Alexanderowiez, son
of the Emperor cf Russia, is dead. He
is said to hare dislocated his neck in
t nn f- nfAni'i'ltlffi Ilia fHT" T"1 TYl A f i V
the benefit of a foreigner.
the i-cconJ
Ol'TIS. i KOI rS A I' l'A I S i.
An affair occurred b;t week which
shows that the wretches who are
prowling and robbing throughout the
country, are becoming brutal, as
well as bold. On lat rriJay after
noon. Charles Tox, living in this town
ship, near the Drown County line,
some five or six miles from here, went
to transact some business at Highland,
leaving his wife at heme, with a child
some two or three years oid. Shortly
after he left, a man, who had probably
been watching, went to the hote and
with drawn revolver demanded all the
money on hand. Ulrs. Fox told him
there was none about, as it had been
loaned U a person the day before, lie
swore it was a lie, and threatened if
the did not immediately tell waere it
was he v.W.J kill her child, at the tame
l.l..kii., I
o ..'.r.n.r.t In cpi.i upon the
,.,..,.,.,.,1 frni-i renc .-
ing it, and again protested there was
no iiichey aloiit, but if h" did not be
lieve her he would have to rnakescarch
alone, as he would n-n assist him. He J
then went up stairs, telling her he had
an accomplice watching on the outside,
and if t-he attempted to make flny al
arm the would be killed. When he
was gone the proceeded to hide a
watch and seme othe r valuables. There
were two revivers in the room, one of
them loaded und the other empty.
She hastily seized one, and pretty soon
th.Mnan, having failed to discover any
money, came downstairs to compel her
to go up and find it for him. As soon
as he appeared, she leveled the rcvui
ver full ot his breat and pulled trigger;
but unluckily it was the empty one, and
only snapped. Th-i rulhan immedi
ateiy knocked her down with his re
volver, kicked her in the breast and
.-do, and left her lying senseless un the
:bor. She lay in that condition for
several, hours, be-fore recovering con-Lciouii.e.-s,
or ttrt 113th to go to bed.
The biuto io supposed to have gone
in the direction of Uobhnon ; and it is
behoved that ho was alone, a. though
Mrs. -x ihu i-l.t the heard him talk-
;ng to some one be-; or 3 entering ine
lu.ue. V'e ithderttaaJ that ?.Ir. Fox
e fir. rs -a reward of C-300 for the villain,
if brought to him alive. Wo presume
he to give him a touch of "eivi"
law." ir.'i''j Ci oud Chief.
uitstjoviisir or (;.u.v.iMs.
The discovery cf this interesting
branch of science, formerly called "an-
t ii.iat electricity," is firt noticed in a
! ... nr. it '1 .'r!-iii ( hv.nn! Th.'-nr."
iuiik v U.1111.U .. . . . i . a.v.j
of Pleasures," published in 1750. It
failed, however, to attract attention;
and this new kind of electricity was
again left to be brought into notice by
Louis Galvani, professor cf anatomy at
UA-gna. It appears that die wife cf
(Jaivani, being in a bad state of health,
was recommended a soup mada of frogs
as a restorative ; and some
animals, skinned for the p.irpo;e. hap
pening to be on a table n Galvam's
laboratory, on which was placed
..l i.:.. f i,:, ,th..o.ia
eit e.iie lii.i unir , ui. ; jl ut.i uc-io.uiiui
in hi.; experiments, by accident, bro't
the point of a sca'pei in contact with a
set of nerves, of a frog, lying near the
conductor, when the muscles of the an-iu.-d
became strongly convulsed. A
repetition cf the experiment, attended
with similar rtsuks, led u a regular
inves tigation cf tfvS cause, an account
of which was published by Galvani in
1701. In tho year 1S00, Volta made
known his discoveries in connection
with this branch of science, and it has
Leensulsoquth:ly developed still fur
ther. New Rat Tit at. Take a smooth
kettle, fill to within six inches of the
top with water, cover the surface with
chati" or bran, place it where the rats
harbor, and it will drown ah that get
intit. Thirty-dx were taken in-one
night by this process.
fI7"A correspondent writes that
whil3 Gen. Sherman's army was be
sieging Savannah, and before it had
opened communication, Gen. Blair
went to Sherman's headquarters, and
said that he would have to attack the
rebels immediately.
"What will you do that for ?" in
quired Sherman.
'Because," said Blair, "I am out of
whiskey and cigarr, and I must open
communication immediately."
The attack was made.
As we entered the room Iteverdy
Johnson was making a very excited
speech in reply to an objection made
by a member of the court to his appear
ing as counsel for one of the pri.-oners,
on the ground that Johnson had avowed
the new test oath prescribed by Con
gress, net binding upon the conscience.
Mr. Johnson was louder in his defence
of Maryland loyalty than facts war
rant, and the very fact that he had to
proclaim his own devotion to the Union
was a humiliating evidence that he is
not willing everything, if needs be,
should yield to the preservation of our
Union. Hut he is in h;s dotage. Ma
king a somewhat equivocal remark,
that might he construed into a recogni
tion of the personal responsibility the
members of the court might be made
' . r . . ,1,-. t.
, Ki tissuii.e ioi lueii eis, niu n.:iutui
ot the court remarucu mat the uay mu
cone oy when a man lroni ine i.crtn
was to be browbeaten by the bogus
chivalry of Maryland or the South,
ami that for himself, he did hold him-
i self personally responsible for all he
did, and wished the gentleman to dis
tinctly understand that. The scene
was dee'dedy enlivening. The court
was cleared fur decision of the ques
tion, and when again opened the ob
jection was withdrawn, and Air. John
son permitted to appear as counsel.
JJe.-ih; Iteverdy Johnson, who ap
pears for Mrs. Surratt, and Thomas
Ewing, Jr., who appears for Doctor
Muud, the legal array is not only not
eminent, but is not respectable. The
i detestation of the crime is so great,
the conviction ot the guilt or most or
the accused so firm, that lawyers, who
value even their time to say nothing
of their reputation will not appear iti
defense. Washington Carnsyondaii
Ct'eveoin I liar aid.
The President of the Military Com
mission is that brave old soldier and
sterling patriot, Mi'j. Gen. Dav.V Hun
) 1 he IIuriisbuTg ( Pa. ) Tele
graph says: "A lady has neon in
habit of picking her teeth with pins.
A trifling humor was the consequence,
which terminated in a cancer. The
brass and iuicksilver used - in making
lhes'3 pins will account for this circum
stance. Pins are always pernicious to
the teeth, and should never be used
for toothpicks." .
Coax DmxK. A Yankee girl sends
us the following : To five gallons of
cold water, add one quart of sound
cum and two quarts of molasses. Put
all into a keg shake well, and in two
or three days it will be fit for use.
Bung tight. It may be flavored with
essence of spruce or lemon. The corn
will laat to make five or six brewings.
If it becomes sour, add more i.iolasses
and water. It is a cheap and simple
beer, and is called very good.
isT" That was a good joke on a
young and gallant Iloosier cflicer. who,
on receiving a note from a lady "'ra
questing the plearure of his company"
at a party to be given at her house, on
the evening designated, took his volun
teers and marched them to the young
lady's residence. When it was ex
plained to him that it was himself
alone who had been invited, he said:
"By golly, the let'er said company, and
I thought the young lady wanted to see
all my Lo's."
J3" There was once a negro very
ill, and about to die. His mistress
called to see him, and told him that he
must forgive his enemies before he
died. The negro hated one of his
brethren heartily, and would not con
sent to forgive him for his many acts
of meanness toward him ; but at last,
he compromised the matter as fellows;
"If I dies, I forgive dat nigga ; but if
I gits well dat inVga must take car.'
A Mild Rr.Quzsr. A lady recently
wrote from England to the War Depart
ment, Washington, requesting them to
send her all tho names of the men who
had been killed in this war, so she could
see if her son John Smith was among
f2rA reverend member of the
Free Church Synod of Glasgow and
Ayr informs the compositors of the dai
ly press that it is their duty to spend
the whole twenty-four hours cf the Sab
bath ia rest nid othtr exercises.
The dtvices fanners have used for
the purpose of protecting their corn
fields from crows and other destroying
birds, are very numerous. Nearly all
of them afford mere or less protection.
Among the good ones is. to tie bright
scraps of tin upon poles, which are in
serted at an angl in the ground. This
leaves the tin to swing in the sunlight.
Old clothes stulbed in the shape of a
man with a wooden gun, is for a while
n terror to the feathered marauders.
Twine stretched across the field sever
al times gives them the idea of a net,
and wilt do good service. Very many
have faith in taning the seed, but we
have some doubts- about its always be
ing efficacious. Those who wish to
try it can easily do so by first pouring
hot wat(T in a measure of corn, letting
- i ' rt t-i
i " u" T-'-u") u"
sufficient hot tar to give each kernel a
coating, after which sift upon it plaster
or slaiked hme. Wre have never
found, anything better than to shoot a
few of the pests, and swinging them
up about the field, as our soldiers are
beginning to do with guerrillas down
South. :
waitixcj ron
Our I est farmers have stopped wait
ing for the weeds to appear before
commencing to cultivate their corn.-
They have concluded that cf all the
foolish racing matches in the world,
those between "hoed" crops and the
weeds, are the most foolish. It is a
match in which the weeds are bound
to win, unless the greatest possible
efforts are used to encourage the corn.
Just wait for the two to start even, and
the driver of corn will find that he
must urge his nag to the utmoot or he
is beaten, and if beaten, the Ios3 is his
nag itself. The farmers have conclu
ded that there h always foul driving
among their opponents, and there is
no preventing it. The on'.v way is to
f-tart ahead of them; it is comparative
ly an ei?y matter to keep the advan
tage. It is certainly time to be in the
field as soon as the rows of corn can
be seen, and it is well to stay there
most cf the ttnie, until corn is sufficient
ly advanced to be "laid by."
. .; Decs. Dugs in a state
of nature never bark; they simply
whine, howl and growl; this explosive
noise is only found among those which
are domesticated. Sonnini speaks of
the shepherd's dog in the wilds of
Egypt as not having this faculty; and
Columbus found tho dogs which he
had preriously carried to America, to
have lost their propensity to barking.
The ancients were aware of this cir
cumstance. Isaiah compares the blind
watchman of Israel to these animals;
"they are dumb, they cannot bark."
But on the contrary, David compares
the noise of his enemies to the "dogs
round about the city." Henc? the
barking of a d jg is an acquired faculty,
an effort to speak which he derives
from his associating with man. It
cannot be doubted that dogs in this
country baiic more and fight less than
f SA- iorth Carolina letter says:
"Tho t-hives through tho country univer
sally understood that they are free and
so do their masters, ia reost cases and
the relation between master and slave is
alre;i?ly hefrinciDg to change gradually in.
to tLat oi landlord and tenant, or
employer and employee. Th ciuondain
slaves generally desire to remain where
they arc for the present. They, as well
as their lata master, have their local at
tachments, which it is not easy to break
off without somo necessity for it. Let
what; may be said on tha subject, the
wLi: os and blacks of tho south are des
tined to soon get along together much
better under the new relation than the
old. All that is necessary is plenty of
Unin bayonets for soma time to come, to
get things started in and habituated to the
ritrht channel.
fcifA l.twyer in Iloliidajsburg, Pa.,
was employed by a lady to make her will,
in which she disposed of about $40,000,
mostly in real estate in New Fork, and
jugnuents against parties in Philadelphia
and St. Lonis. Tho lawyer was bequeath
ed 510,000, on condition that he at once
collected thelcbts and turned the prop
erty into money. After visiting these
citiosin a fruitless chase after the alleg
ed pr operty,he returned to find the lady
was a lunatio who had a monomania for
benucathir.g property which she did not
Brora tte American Agricultui in.
It is probable that tho great majority
of our readers keep less than half a doz
en good milch cows eneugh fcr good
cheese making. tsA farmer's Wife.''
from Gurnsey Co., Ohio, sends us the
following occount of her simple method,
which we recommend to our readers:
"Cheese making is more profitable than
butter making in the hot summer
months, for those who have not a good
place to set milk or cream. Wo seldom
keep ;moro than four cows; and from
that number we make a cheese daily,
weighing from 8 to 10 pounds. The
mornings milk is strained into a kettle
with th nights milk and wr.rmcd. Then,
after having the rennet soaked a day or
week previous, pour in at much as will
curdle it in 13 or 20 minutes, but r.ot
sooner, as too much makes the cheese
dry, and apt to crack. A little experi
ence here, however, is all that is r.eces
sary, as it would be impossible to tell tho
exact amount of rennet to the quantity
of milk, owing to the great diiTorcnco iu
the quality of rennet. Stir it together,
and, when curdled, let it stand five or
ten minutes. Then cut tho curd in sli
ces with a knife, about one inch thick,
and cut crosswise in the same manner
Place the kettle again on the fire; put
the hand in down to the bottom, stirring
itgei.tlj, so as that the whole shall be
heated evenly, considerably mere than
milk warm. This will separate the whey
from the curd. Kemovc the kettle from
tho fire and let it stand a minute. Dip,
or pour off the whey on tho top, and
pour the curd into a large butter-bowl
Sait to suit tho taste. Then cut Cue
with a knife, and put it in a crock, and
set it in a cool p!ace. If you have not
such a place, put ia salt enough for the
next curd, which willjpreserve it until the
next morning. Then make another curd
in thesamo way, and mix well together,
and put to press. I prefer this method,
for two reasons. First, -while making
cheese, the family can be provided with
milk and butter. Secondly, the cheese
needs some attention after putting to
press, which can better bo attended to
in the morning. I use the lever press in
prc-fereneo to the screw, because the
weight is constantly pressing, whereas
the screw r.resses strongest at first. The
weight should bo light at first, and grad
ually increased, and, if desirable, the
cheese may be taken out the same even
ing and turned, after washing the cloth
(which should be of linen), aud put back
to press until morning, when it may be
taken out and rubbed well with butter,
and placed on an airy shelf and turned
and rubbed daily. 1 prefer letting it re
main until morning before turning, as
the cloth will then come offrcadily, leav
ing it perfectly smooth. It should
then be put back to remain until next
morning. Cheese made after tho above
direction and pressed in this way will
seldom crack, or be injured by the cheeso-
fly ; but if any should crack rub them
well with flour. Cheese, but httle in
ferior to the best quality, may be made
from the milk of two or three cows, by
straining the night's milk altogether in
to a vessel sufficiently large to hold it,
as but little cream will rise when a large
quantity of milk is contained in a deep
vessel. Whatever does rise should be
removed as it will run off in whey. Add
tho mornings milk, and proceed as above.
A very simple, but rude press may
be constructed by any farm
ers wife in fivo minutes, which
will subserve a good porposc. Place the
cheese on a pclce of a broad bard a little
inclined, and use a fence rail for a lever,
placing one end under a building, or any
other structure of sufficient weight, and
on tho other end lean a couple of rails,
or hang a pail of stones. Tress cheese
only hard enough to remove the whey.
A' little practice will make perfect.
While pressing tho cheese should always
bo kept shaded from the snn. I think
we are inexcusable if we have not our
tables bountifully supplied with the most
wholesome, palatable, nutrious article
of food.
CHDealers in hardware say they nev
er found things as hard as now; that tin
plates are fiat, lead heavy, i.-on dull,
spades not trumps, and more rakes in
market than are inquired after , brass is
in goo J demand f or politicans ; brads
are ia request, but holders cannot be got
to fork them out. Nails do not go by
pushing, and have to be driven.
J3?"A few days since, a Canadian gen
tleman, who is an ardent annexationist,
exclaimed, on receiving the news of Lee's
surrender, "Now, then, Canada will be
annexed to the United States, and share
in the new glories of the '-regenerated,
disenthralled republic." A refugee offi
cer standing by, replied; "Go slow, my
freind;.it's easy to get into the Union, but
it's h 1 to get out."
2TTersons often lack courage to
appear as good as they really are.
CTieese II alii its from a
Tliiimiii; Corn initlieZJIills.
Thinning should be done as soon as
practicable after the corn has come up.
This is usually done at thefirst hoeing,
but should bo delayed till danger from
the grub, or cutting worm, is over. Un
less careful laborers can he employed,
many hills will be neglected. Supcrlluoua
stalks may be removed at any convenient
time, even in lowery weather, when the
soil is too w et worked with cultiva
tors or hoes. The best manner of doing
this is to cut them off to tho ground,
with a 6harp knife, and drop them near
the standing corn. The stalks should bo
removed from the middle of the hill, that
the remaining plants mny stand as far
from each ns possible; the farther they
stand apart the larger the ears will grow.
When the stalks are puiled up, they will
often loasefland break the roots of those
that are left, but, if cut off as directed
the rods soon die. If care be not exercis
ed in dropping only a proper number of
kernels m a hill, much labor will be re
quired to thin out a large field. Still it
is better to do so than to allow fivo or
six stalksto grow where there should be
ouly three, or at most four. There will
bo more and better grain on four stalks
than on a larger number.
The following article appears in the St.
Louis Republican of the 30:h ult.:
A little before 7 o'clock yesterday
morning, tho shock of an earthquake,
lasting for nearly a minute, was felt in
this city and at Carondelet and Alton.
A good deal of alarm was excited. Per
sons not yet up were aroused by tho
shock, and houses exposed vibrated so
much as to cause tha overthrow of flower
pots, &c. Children were much frighten
ed, and at Alton the bells of a clock
were set ia motion. There were three
distinct shocks, the first being the most
serious the others following in quick
succession. What effect may have been
produced in the southeastern part of tho
State, where such visitations have been
common, is as yet unknown. Th earth
quakes at and around New Madrial are
matters of history; there hikes of watea
suddenly became high land, and trees
standing on high gronnd was hidden
from view and tho whole surface for a
prrcat manv miles was at once changed
in position and appearance. Tho effects
are visible at this day, and shocks are of
frequent occurrence-
About 7 o'clock cf Sunday evening a
storm of lightning, thunder and some
rain passed over this city from the north,
and during the night rain fell for soma
ETRoger A. Pryor, in 18(30, declared
in a public speech that "the firt anti
slavery President who was elected would
be assassinated, and if there was no other
person to do the deed, ho would be the
Rrutus to plant the dagger in his breast."
This is the puppy who now declares
that he is not, and has not been, a seces
sionist, only an advocate of State rights.
CSf Artemus Ward is lecturing. His
tickets read, "Admit the bearer and one
wife." He adopts precautionary re
striction because of his experience in
Utah, where two or three family tickets,
from the number of wives pertaining to
each household, filled the entire hall.
C'Sr'Out in Cattaraugus County, N. Y.,
tho people are all putting shatters on
their houses, so they can use petroleum,
it is so much plentier and cheaper than
An Irish gentleman building a
house, ordered a pit to be dug to contain
tho heaps of rubbish left by the work
men. His steward asked him what they
should do with the dirt taken out of the
pit. "Make it large enough to hold both
the rubbish and the dirt, to be sure,"
said he.
JKSAn Irish barrister, when he
first domiciled in Liverpool, was trou
bled with "niver a brass farthing." and
he "onst upon a time,' described his
poverty as follows ; "When I first
came to Liverpool, I was in perfect
rags; the smallest hole in my shirt was
the one I stuck my head through; and
I had to have that, my only shirt.
washed by the dozen, for it was -in
twelve pieces."
tGGeneral Lee is writing a his
tory of his campaign?. It is to be
hoped that it will contain, incidentally,
a fair statement of the treatment of
Union soldiers at Belle Island, Libby
Prison and Castle Thunder.
IrWhy is Missouri like a sea
sick man ? Because she is convulsed
by wretches and Pukes.
EQThe rebel leaders contended
that Cotton was King. We trust they
will now be convinced of the superior
power of hemp.