Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, June 07, 1865, Image 4

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''A '
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" 1 V l
ifr li 'fit,
Cr..r-.-. - -
Are you fit!:. fetl!e, nni
cnmplaiiiiiic ? Am yon on
of oidvr. with vour Fytden
t f denuiKfd, mid your feeling
'"ICE'- iiiicoiulurtble. llie inn
r.'-J- loins are otten the jut luu
f.'n to Fi-rious illness. Some ti
v.. "".. e "i-ii1 - vou, atil Hioiiitl Ik; nverr
-.f ;1-i?' remedy. Take A ter's 1'illn
auu demise uut i.ju tiiMjr
J:h" c-V'" j j fiend luimu
liiimuis juiiity tie
I lit till' lliti t
V.. ..?... I 1.
5t lieiiltli ajrnin. Tl:ey j-tium
line me i:iucum vi no
body into vitforoin activity
r.niiv tlic cyn'eiu from the obsti uctimu wlikli ir.iiki
li? ;w. A colli Fettle miuetvhtre in I lie body. :nw
lUtiuci its nutuiiit luuctiuiia. 1 lie, if not ro
ievi-d, it-act UiJii tlieniroivea and the rurruuutlin;
inrni. I'rodiiriiig fri i:cral nKjiravKtion, futlviin
.nd i.-it;ire. Vi'lnie iu tLii comiitii'ii, ofMiresft-d
lie Oi-runijcindits, title Ayer'u I'ills. and ne lov
Lii tcily tt;ty it store tae i.uturn action of the
i ui. iu.l with it the Ltovant IV-flini; of l.eaitli nidn
Ylu.1 . true and ro n parent in this trivial and com
r.dii co:ii.:aiiit, is ui true in maiiv of the deep
i : a:id dangerous distemper. J'he same pur,:a
i-.e, t-::tt t excels them, ( nu-eil by tiniiiar oltruc
ions and deraiif-'t-iiieiitit of the natural function t
he Iiodv, they aie rapidly, and iiuiny ot tliem a tire it;
uri.a 1 the mine ii-tatiH. None who kiin'.v tfu
i.iuts i f I'i'.U. will net'iect to tinploy then
.h- n jitrTt-riiii from the dfcordeM they cure.
Mu!t nit-Ms from hadir.jj phycifiaiiK in t-ome of 1M;.::l cities, aud lioni other wtll-knon pub'.i
'Voi, a Foneurding Merchant rf St. Louis, Fib. 4
Dk. Avkiit Your I'iils are the parapou cf all thm
nci in medicine, ihey have cuied my litth. of iilcetoii tores upou her hands nnd leel
J'ut iid pioved incjrul le tor years, ller niothei
L't -u h-nir frrit-v onsly Ktllieted with blotcl.t-s and
Pin2ie.OU Ltr fckin and in her hair. Alter out
it... u vts cuit-d, Le alsu tiied vour and tliej.
n. e cured ht.-. AjA ilOiiOlii LGE.
As a FumtTy Phj-s!c.
Trrnrt Dr. K W. Vartwright, Xew
Yi-nr I'ilis ore the prince of purpes. Their ex-c"T-'i!
t i;t:.::itit s autia.-s utiy cathartic we p:fM-s.
"I. y an.' iniM.but very certain and t iTecttia! intiieii
r'ioi: on the bowels, vi hich makes theiu iuvaiuable
t: us in the t!ai!y tit-iitmeut of djaiC.
i. n;lai !ic,it It IIori'l:it he, t'wiil Stoiiincli
From Dr. Ft.'trarfl Ajfi, BeHininre.
TEAIt l:i:. AVEIC 1 cannot an.-vver you irhitf
j!iip!aints I have curnl with your 1 ills bi tter tl im
0 si'.y nil th'tt n- vrtr treat icitk a jmrgutir- r.frii
iw. 1 lace prt-at ! .eiidence on that et!i-ti:!:.l
1 t! :u;ic in in v dailv vo;ltet with tliM.-urv, and l.e
i. r. I C.6. that your l'ii!s ail'ord us the btrt we
tuve, I ofc juiio valie them highly.
TiTTsauno, I'a., 3Iay 1, 15.V".
Dr.. .T. C. Avrn. tir : I have been "n-( i ateilly
l'.rtd of the worst hemhtche anybody can have by ii
lu. e or two of vour Tills, ll w-tras to aii.-e i':oi:i
till t-tuiuaeh, which thev cleanse at once.
Yours with ;reat .rtvpect, Kl. V l'
LU rk (if littamrr C'jriuii.
rilioiit Dion3er I,iv r t'oitipliul.
From Dr. Tlifn'ru-f !vlf, ofXiic Tnrk Ci.r.
'ot oi.Iy are yivnrl'ill admirably adapted to their
utrjiof a an aperient, but I find their beneticinl
Ci';'ts upon the Liver very marked indeed. They
nive in my practice proved more effectual for tlte
:iin of I'Hioiis com.'runj than any one remedy I
an tTi-.-i.iion I fincerelv rejoice that we have at
t nptliH purtrstivc which Is worthy the contideuce ol
Lj i rolesfcion and the people
Df.imi:t.i!et op the Istekior,
V:!aliinslou, 1. (J , 7th Feb.. l."i;. )
Tir: I have Ujt-u your Villa in my general and
io-pital practice ever Mnce you iHsule them, and
-aniiot hetitate to say Ihey are the best cathartic
ve employ. Their rcpitiailnK action on the liver i;
i:itk r.uii decided, consequently tliey fun an ad
nirable remedy for deruugenieiitg ot ti n t orpun
i:fieed, i have Feldom iouud a ca.-e of bilious ilis-I-.--
Ki obstinnte that it did not readiiv vi-id tr
l.i ,.i I'mteinally voum. ALtNZO HA1.U. M. D..
i'liysician ij the M trine Jlo.'jii'nl
Ej'scu'ory, RHnrrhtra, tfelnv, Von:ix.
From Dr. . O. Crccn. rf t"iicago.
Yonr l'ill have had a Ions; trial in inv practice.
.I.ii hold ti.em in esteem as one of the be.-t aperi
i t 1 have ever found. Their alterative eilect ttj'on
lie Iivtt- makes theni an excellent remedy, v. hen
::v n i:i small uosts for bilimis ihiaciittry uul ilinr
liaa. Their ?nsar-coatinj; makes them very ac-4-ptnl'Te
atid convenient for the ueti of womca autl
Li id re u.
px':sla, Inipurity of tfar Itlocd.
rvm IUv. J. I'. Jlimr, Pantor of Advent Church.
1R. AYEti: I have used vonr l'il's with extra
e ciliary succc;' 1:1 my liimily and amone those I am
al.'ed to viit in distress. To reirulate the orirans of
lijji ctiou and puiity the bloodi they are the very
iet remedy I have ever known, and I can couli
tviitly recuiumeud them to mv friends.
Yours, J. V. MIMES.
Warsaw. "Wyoming Co., X. Y.. Oct. 24, 18.V1.
IiK.Mt Sin: I r.1'11 uing your ("nlliartic 1'ilU in my, and tiutl them an excellent purgative tc
h ai.e liio Bytein and jmrifit (if, 'nunt'tinx of the
loud. John ti. 'ME.vt'iu.n,3i.'a
rnt!pa!loi3, "ol!vrneim, Nupjiro-otioii.
tIhruiimliMi. ;out, rVfiiralgia, lroi-,
I.'nrnlyxiN, E'cM,'lr.
From f . P. Vaiirhn, Monfrenl, Cnnarf'i.
Too much cannot be. said of your l'iiis for tlic
tire of ro-.'in lien. If other' of our fraternity have
011 ud them as ellicacious im I have,tlipy should
tie in pi i.c'.niiiiin it. for the benelit of the multitude;
vho nilier fifin' that comjiiaiut, which, aithonh
iad enoiiL'h in itself, is the progenitor of others that
.re woie. I l.i iieve cotirmis to originate iu the
iver. but your 1 ills allect that organ and cure tht
'''mi Mrs. F. Stuart, rhiniclan and Midwife.
I find ons or two large do-es of your Tills, taken
it the proper time, are excellent promotives of tin
t'ttvrf.t di ivi (! when wholly or partially sup-vn.-vcil,
and a'.so very effectual to cli'in.t tin
.' t,"rfi and eiptl w--rm. They are so much tilt
.tt phvic we have that I reconiuiciid 110 other tt
ny puti'.-nts
Vrvt.i t'tc r.v. lr. IT mien, of the MvthndUt Fjtis.
IVi.AFKl IIoreE, Savannah, Gi., Jan. 6, ISiO.
linNiniKii Mil: I should be ungrateful for tht
1' skill has brought me if 1 did not renorl
nv ca.-e to iii'i A cold settled in tnv limbs and
ro;iirlit en (xcruoiatinir rtrural'jic twins, whicl
:;:.!ei! in chronic rhfitmotism. Notwithstanding I
i...l the Itvt oi" physician, the disea'e grew worst
u:il wor-e. tiiitil by the advice of your excellent
'..i-:.t i . J'aititrore, Dr. Macketi7ie, I tried yoti;
ills. Tt ir 1( -ct were siow. hut fnre. Hy per
e .'crinrj iu the lite of them, I am now entirely well.
Sfnate CiiAur.ER. Paton Kourre. La.. 5 Dec.,ls-,5
1):: AYKit: I l ave bt-jii ei.tirely cured, by yom
'i'-iii. of l!i'"'maHe (lout a pi'itifnl diseasf tlmt hat
.i!.ieted n:e lor years. INtf-Nl
r7".11o-t of the Pills in market contain Mercury
viiich nltiioiigii h valuable remedy in skilful hands
s dangerous m a public put, trom tne oreauiui con
r;uence that freiiuentlv follow itn'incautiotis use
"hese contain no tuercurv or mineral bub-tanci
Price, 23 t ents per Box, or 5 Boxes for SI.
rcpared by Dr. J. C. AYZ1I! St Co., Lowell, II ass
t?i Shoo Shot).
' he sn-rcr !jer .i;i!. resnectraliy call the atten
t":-i:i of ti;e eitii-us ot Tiiit'smouth ai d Ihepui h a
.-r' to t! .1; fnc thru :! hiH procured a portion
M. l"u-'k C:djii..'t 1 .op. wl-ete In-int-'nds kei-i '.iif
en li.-ind arni iii.'niL(r n ih-? shortest m tiee, eveiv
urti:lu:u tiis; line. II 1 s i--k t-cin' selected by u .111
se f, auJ : iir ?:ciit :he most of Uia life in tl.i
1 m-iu :ss, be f-i-U c-i!tld.Dt that Le can giv satiofiti:
ti liis I' 111 a call.
April lu "to. J. TUOCKMOILION .
D 'nlers in all kind of
ScIioo"-& BJani Book
THrd Poor V,e.-t of Symonr House,
N. T
And for the speed, etiret f.he fuliuv. iii cc-.nplainls
trrofnlu mi 1 rif!i!oi:x . a ?ff t ? in. iit l
n TKiiiii:'". "! r, Sow, V.rit j!iiiH
k'u-ruli" . Ijlnri-hs-v, tiotl
I',::i::i-, 1511J nil M!t"f. li'...f-'.
t ia i-c LA .i. Slid.. ;ii .lime, ls.7.1.
J. f. Avrtl fc Co. tieuh:: I f- el it 111 v duty to C
tnowled'je whnt our fvirsnpariila i'lis ii'-:ie t r me
I i n iii -r in lies ivd a Scr iluiotis in:ij;ioit, J liavi
uttRrtd lie 1:1 il ill v.-iih :is ways lor years. tJonie
lilies t u:t out i:i l"o tuoti lav hamis and aims
i inet.;i:es it turi.t-i imvaid i, 1 1 : i;i.-:rysed me at tin
itun.aih. Two rars tit bio:.'1 rut 0;i tuy lic:ic
mil ci vt -ed mv xatlo anl ' rrs wltii .;i whicl
was ::inf il ai'i! ioaiii.--i,:e beyond tle-ei iption.
:ri.-i! nituiv f-dii-i::e and s.-'.c.;ii plit .-iciau-s bll"
ivitiioiit mi il 1 i.,f lu 'in aiiytliiiij. l:i f:o:t, tin
Jisoi uer ;.',"i-:v i'. '! A' ieii;t!i i wa r--joiccd tt
read i;i the t : t -. . ."'if '- . :i:er ti.nt you had jirt parte
111 n!!eiT.;i.e (.--..:-;- :uiiiu). I kne.t lro:n yom
n pulati"'!! tiu-t i:.i' ;!:liv' yon m:id- iiiu.-t Is-pivl
1 sent to iiu iiiiuiti and 't it, and used it tid i:
;ui td 1:1". I !' k it, a. 0:1 advise, in small doses of
1 d over a ei-i it h. and n-,l aim 0 t th:v
bottles, 'i--.v and healtiiv skin soon be'a:i 1i lonr
d-r the scab, vvluclj -nltt r A w.iiie tf l oti. in
ikin i? no-.v c'eur, ncil 1 know by nry f'.ciJn-r tha"
he di.-e::-e hn s l-iii. e i.oni m svstc-m. 1 oti c:in wel
believe that 1 li e! what I ii;n saving wneu I t.-ii yoil
that I hohl you 10 be 01," ol'the iipo-tles of tne au
and rt-utuiu vvvr jsruteialJy. i'.it.
yii.mi.i) 1.. i.i.i.i-.t.
Kl. AiisIiout'' C'.:-.-. Cto or Frv.i ie
'iVi:cr iiiiil S.iil Kiiruiti, fit-ala iit-uu
vronta, Unif tir'-i, lroi.-y.
T)r. iii'beit M. 1'rebTo writ en li. :u ..I'lin. X. Y.
12th l-epf. lv,i, that l e h.'s cured an m.eteiati
case of '.''.. which threatened to termitii'tc fa
tallv, bv the ierseveri::.' use of our Siirsaparilla
Bud alsoa dangerous M I'irmtnt FrysqtcJ i by nr
llose of the saine; savi he cures the CoUlinou Friii
lions bv it constantly.
IIronf!ioc'Ic fUtrtvr or Nwr51;-1 Tirrli.
Z billon Aloiin. of i'ro-pecU Texas, vvi ilt-.: Tit ret
Lottl.s of your ."arsap;;: .11 1 cured lue tioui a tloitr.
a hiiU-oi'ts sw.-iiiiii 011 the 111 c!., w hich 1 had tlit
len d I10111 over two yeais. '
I,t ticorrlirrn or '.Vliilct, Ovarir?!i Tumor
I'leriue K.'lter:itio:s . l-.-::t-iie Jin.".ti'.
l)r. J. 1 . (.'l.uriioug. of Mew Voik C'itv, writes
" 1 mo-f ciwei luilv eoinpiv wiih the re.;iiet td' vou
agent in saying I have totiiid your rNirsapariJIa 1
most exre.ient alterative 111 tie ini:iu.rotis com
plaints lor whirli we fill loy sucli a remedy, bu
i--pei:uiy 111 remwe inn t-ca 01 iiitt reroiu.ou..
1. iathe-:-'. 1 nave enrt-u liiaiiy inveierutti cases 01
I.eiicori ha.11 by it, and some where th comphiitr
wan cau.-cd by "'! of the iit- rtt. The ulcer
tition it-cst was Skioii nv. d. tothiu within in)
ki:ovliiiy.-ti,i.ii!sil lor these knuiiv ueiuneiuciitb.'
I'.i'.w anl S. Marrow, of New burr. Ala., writes
"A dangerous ,; 1 t'trtor n one of the female.-
in mv laiiii'v. v hich lua. delicti a.i the remedies w
could employ, has :;t length b.i .1 compieteiy curec
bv vour l.xtract ot .v:it;apaii..a. Our plivsiciai
i.ou 'lit r.otiting but extirpation could afhird relict
but lie advised li e trial of your Sa.saparillu as th
last rc.-ort before ctittinr, an-! it ru ed ellectual
After tr.kiuif vonr remcdv eight Weeks UO Eyuiptou
of the disease remaii.s."
lypTiilix :il ."rlerrt'rln : Xira.o.
JKv. tliil.i.AXs. U: it August, 1!C3.
Dr. J. C Aviu: Sir, 1 clieerfiillv comply witl
the rerpiest of voar 'tigeiit, nml report to voiisotm
H the dice's 1 linve it .i!ii l with .itir Sarsaparilhl
1 have careil viith it. 1:1 my practice, most ot tH
complaints for w.'iich it is recommended, and havt
loan. I its ellects trulv woudertul 111 the cure ol
nreil Mercnritl -i(. One of mv 11a
tieiitj l.nd J piiili'.ic uictrs in his throat, which new
consuming hi palate and the top of his mouth
lour &.iivn; a;iiia stcailiiv taKeii cured him 111 ur
weeks Another was attacked by secondary symp
toms in his nose, and the ulceration had eaten away
a c.M.sidci able part of it, so that 1 believe the dis
crtk-r would tuii reach his bruin and kill him. litit
it vichkd tomv administration of vonr Sarsnparil!
the ulcers healed, and be is well again, not ol courst
withfut some ui-nsrnrtition to lus tace. A womai
who bad been treated for the fame disorder by mcr
rury was siitlering from this poi-011 in her bones
1 hey had L-u-miii- so sensitive 10 1 tie weatiier mat ot
a damp tlav .tie iitlit'd excruciating j aiu in bei
joints and l otf-s Hl'.e, too, was cured entirely bj
your Snrsapanila m a tew weeks. 1 Know trom in
in nulla, which jour iient gave me, that thii
l'ie;)iiratiin from" your laboratory must be a grea
ri iu'i dv: cot .,-? -.iieiit'v, these trulv leiuaikubic re
suits with it I. ave not surprised me:
r ratt-i niu:y yours, o. v . lAlUAtl.::, il. I).
ES!ies;int:ki;i, 1 0:11, I,i vcr CoijpI.i!:it.
iMim.Mii.M ic, Preston Co.. Ya.,(.i!i July, l-'O
Di!. J. ('. Avi:i:' Sir. 1 have been alllii'ted w itli I
painful chroni;: .'; ma'sm for a long time, whicl
batlied the skiil of ph. siciai.s. and ktuck to me ii
spite tt ail the renitt!i',s 1 rmii.i t:nd. I trie
your Ssraparii!:i. One bottie cured me in twi
weeks, ami rot". to my L'eniriil- health so mucl
that I am far letter thaii btloie I v. as attacked. '.
think it a w fiuki ii:l nici'.'tii e. J. 1 i;i:AiI
Jules Y. (ittcheli. of St. I.ou:?. writes: "I bav.
been atllicttn for years wit h an "')'. r'im rfthi- .in r
wMcn destroved mv heaitn. I tried t vervtuin '
and evervthing fahed to relieve me: and I havt
been a broken-down man tor some vi-ars trom in
other cause than I ntii'. rfrur of th J.irer. 31'
be'ovt ti pa-tor. the li- v -Mr., hspr. ailvi-ed me t
try your isarsaparilla. because he said be knew you
mid anything you niati" was w hi rii in lug. I'.y tht
blessing of tiod it has cttie.l me. ami has so piiriliei
my blood as t. limde a new man of me. I tee I yoiilij
again. The best that cau be sui-1 of you is not hal
good enoiijju.
STiirrn, 'nnrr Tnmor. Maiari:cmfni
t leernlio!!, tui i. -, ami k.xtoiniliou ol
the Honrs.
A great v arn-ty of ea -'-s have been reported to n
where cures of th. se lormidal le complaints bavi
resulted from the u-v of tiiis n-m. d. but our spao-
Here wiu i.ot iidiiut inem. eiiie ,.t tliem may o
lb'ind in our Amerienn Amianitc. v. h.cli the njj'ent
below named art- plt-u.-ed to furnish to uil win
enl I for them.
Dyjiprjisirt. IlTirt "SHr-Tir. ITits, Kpilriiny
.v,-iii,ic!: '!y, N'-nnili?;.
Many remarkaole cur. -i of there ;,:!, ctions bav
been lp.Kte by the i.ltcrati ve power ol this medicine
It stimulates the vital lui.ctioiis into vigorous action
ami thu overcomes disorder whi?h would lie sup
Cosed beyond its reach. Such n remedy has lolij
fell rt-qllill tl bv the liece-.-iii"- ef tiie people , nll
we nre coi-.liilent ti...t this w ill do for ilictu all tha
medicine can do.
Ayer's Gheny Pectoral
t'oitrl"-,, t'.-i'ds, (nfJaenF.n, Iloar-ftien
C roup, firoiii Iiitis. Itiripi:-nl fl'n;t
uiiil'ill, iiiiil for Hie Kelicf
of 'oiisfiii)i:iv-.- Enlirut.4
in sl vsnifftl Sint-s
of tlii; Diti iise.
Tlii is a remedy so nniversally known to Ptirpas
any other for the cure of tliroatand lungconiiilaiitts
tliat it is useless litne to iub!ili the evidenpe of it
virtues. Its unrivalled exceilinec for coughs ar.l
colds, and its truly wonderful cures of ptiiinonHr'
disease, have made it known throughout the eivr)
ied lutiuns of tlic earth, l ew lire the conimmiitie
or even lainiiies. among them w!:ohavo not sotn
personal ey pt-i ieiieo of its rffi-rts some livin
troph"in th-ir midst of its victoi v over the subtl
uuu dangerous ilisorders of the throat and liingi
As all know the dreaillul fatality of these disordeii
and a they know, too, the elieets of this remedy
ho need not do mere than to a.-.-ure them that it ha
now all the virtues that it did have when imikin
She eures which have won so ttrongly upon
uuiiueiiw v& in aii 1. 1, iti.
Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYEE & Co., Lowell. Mast
c& -ri
V - -
A niter fai'.ins .Vutitb t for Sick Ileal-
..i. iHstipt r.sia. Fever .m l A-iue,
Liver Corai.laiiit, Coslivent-ss,
lliliousuesi, Neuralgia, Colic, ff
DcitraTod Aii.etite, lisor- i
Y tiered St Jiiiacri.reniaio
Obstructiuii-, ic.
V 2 J C. 1 U
WILSON S FILLS are uniTorsdly a
Jtnewleded t..jbe the bet now iu use. As a l aiuily
".iiciHotliey areriarticubuiy rciximmendtil-siaiple
ami h.-irmlts-, but highly nieiUeiual In their tom
tJutttlnu. Ono Pill a dose, with mild but cer
tain rflcets. The robust-uiao an 1 the dulicate cliild
use them alihe, with evsry a.-isunuifO of ontiro
iwfvty. With "Wilson's Pills, every Mother in
the lv-.d becomes her own physician. They liars
proved themselves a aPECinc, aul stand without a
rival fir the fallowing afTertio:is :
IlEADAfllE, FEVlilt & AGUE,,
Costivoness, Biliousness, Neuralgif
Costivenoaa, Biliousness, Neuralgi
Ecld "by Erugsists & Dealers evcrywiei
Importers &. Wholesale Drugglsto,
Ho. 60, corner Wool and 4t!i St3.
fOLE rRnpKirrotis or
B. L. Fahnestock's Vermifuge.
L A It
i .4 . t -1
Vctd of
Wholesale and
Clothing of every description,
Constantly on LanJ
Aivl every article required by
And everybody else can be supplied at this establishment.
Call and examine our extensive slock.
it.e.:js peoof bbick.
r!alts:noi:th, Aj ril 10, '60.
IS65. 1805.
Nurili Side of UFain Street,
Uive on hand the LARGEST STOCK of
Kver OiFercd in this 3Iarket.
In fact, everything the Farmer, Mechanic, Freighter or Emi
grant wants.
Thankful for past Patronage, we hope by strict attention to bus
iness to merit a continnance of the same.
Call and examine our stock,
riatttsmouth, April 10, 1SG-J. tf
rlTT r eied, lO 'tHM-9 of Canned F ache at
( i O t- Atll?ON, IiCVEY CO'S to purchase your
JM gprin t g'xjds.
K tml less var let y of Laiiieo' Prt-sf G'rt at
l A. U- CO' j.
r n CASl.S Moltby's Cove Oysters fur Kat'- t
)) A.I), it t"0 '3.
KKAT taruuiui ia LaUici' I)rec Gnodsat
IOR at AMls-OX. DoVKY & CO'S, CofT-e,
Te , Su--ar. (i-il.t-n Syrup, ngitr House Mo-hipst-s,
N.w York Candies, etc , etc.
V large lot of CheiDg and Smoking Tubmen for
ealent ," A. D. & GO'S.
JOALOiL for sale ty
A. D. Si CO.
,"T A BOS KS Star Candles fcr alc by
JvJ ' A, D.
IF yonvrant to I'urthaee goods at a bargain, pa to
A. I). A CO
) BAl 5 COFJ L; just received by
A.D. C0.
L.irire Jot of Choice Tea at
l'- A. D. A CO'i
'. - ' K-' vJ. " ,.- 1 --"A
r' a-:""
St. Iouts.
Retail Dealers in
W A 11 E,
a Lare Stock of
Tootle, rir.nnn. l Do. assortment of mens and boyw' clothing
for rale by A. D. & CO-
HrLLED COEX for tale by
A D.& CO.
I) ACOi aad I.ard for sale by
A.IP.i CO.
A HFAVY INVOICE of all iiniU or Fjimily Gro
Xx. ceriej aud Ou'.tiuui; Uoodd j usl receive d t'y
A. D. & CO.
ALL kind of Farming Implement for sale by
A. D. & CO.
V Large lot of Two Horse Plows for Bsile bv
A U. At CO.
N endless variety of Hardware and Cutlery for
L gale at A. U. & CO
a'A, Diion?, htnples. Glass, ami I-T.iils of every
description tor baio by A - 1. k CO.
LL kin le of Coun;ry l'routicc taken in exchdiife
-fx for noons ot
A . 1. 4 CO.
T'O enumerate all the articles we have fir sale
A would 11 one si-i.-ol th Hehalk, &Ld oli.ei "
cave as good a right to advertise a
'"l'Mir: lit-pett OuiSttine House north of fct. J.xk-ph
Scrofula, or King's Evil
s a disease, n t orrujnicn of tli
:Iood, by v.'l.ich this, Uuitl bct-oincs vitiatod
vuak, r.ndioor. Jloinj? in tlic cirtulutiou, i
kwiuIls tiie vLolo body, and may burst ou
11 tlL-ica.-e 0:1 any part of it. Xo origin is fre
io;u its at'ac-ks, nor is there ono viiich it ma;
A. Tim rr; 1 1 . , i w tr,-'f i--i, -ii-i, , vi
talised I'.',' mcTfuri ;1 disease, low- living, dis
irtlcTcd or unhealthy food, i:r.pure air, ill:
ii. d iiltify habits, tut) tlfprcs.sui!jc vices, atul
ihove afl, by tha venereal infection.
vcr 1;? It-i origin, it is hereditary in the con
.titutioij, despeudiii'j; from parents to eiuhhvi
uito th-? third and fourth m-rathm ; " indeed
t seemS to bo tho nnl of liim who says, " '.
vill visit th.e iidiuities of tho fathers upoi
heir diiidven."
Its t jievt.s cor.:nu'iiCC by depod'.ion from tin
lood t f corrupt or ulcerous mutjer, v.liieh, ii
he lurjtjs, liver, and internal organs, is tcrmcc
ubticici; in the pland-, sweiiiims ; and 01
ho suffice, eruplitins tr ..ore.-. xhi.s foul cor
uption, wluth pendei s i:i th. j blood, depi'.-se;
ho energies of hie, so t!uit scrofulous-con-titu-ions
jiiot only suit", r from tcii fsdons com
)la:.nt, but tlifV lnie; far less j.owtr to tvi !i
taud i thw attacks of other dLsca.-e.s ; consc
ptently va-t numbers jieii.-ii by tlioider:
-lii;-h' v' lni!i"-h r.nt sci-i.Tiilous ill l4ieii i:;itnre
, --J-- -
TC st'iil rt-nd-Trd fit-d by this taint in tin
ystnn't. Jlost of the consumption n hu h tie'
iniatHs the human family lias its origin direct!
11 this scrofulous contamination ; and man
le -truetive tli-"."M S of the liver, kidneys, brain
nd, indeed, of all tho organs, arise from 01
ro njiruvaieil by the same? cause.
Onij quarto of nd our people- are scrofulous ;
heir persons are invaded by this lurking in
ection, utid their health is undermined by it.
.'o cltimso it from the system wo rr u-t renovate
lie bood by an nlti iative metlii ine, mul in
igorato it Iiy healtliy fool and exercise 'a medicine we btipply in
fepHnd laXlrcct cf Sarsnpariila,
he nio.-t tff.'ctual remedy which the medical
kill v our times tan tlrvi.-e for this every
where prevailing and fatal malady. It is com
lined from the most active remediahs that liavt
icc n discovered for the expurgation of this foul
a.-order from the blood, and the rescue of the
ystem from it.s destructive conseiptenees.
Icnce it should be employed for the cure ol
lot only Perofida, but also those other niTec
ions which arise from it, such as Euri'Tivi
nd Skin Iiiskast.s, Sr. Anthony's Fun:
losr-, or I'h:Ysn'i:r..s, I'imim.iis, Pfsrci.ns-,
Ji.otches. I'.i.aixs and 15oi'i Motts, Ti:tti:h
nd Salt Iiiikcj:, Scai.ii IIkaii, Kinowoiim-,
tin: cm ati. sm, Syi'iiii.itic mid Mkucciiiai. Uis
.ase.s, Dnoi-sv, Dvsrui'siA, Dkiui.ity, and,
ideed, at.t. CJompi.aints auisini; i iioji ViTf.v
Ei) on Imi'che lii.ooii. 'Ihe popular beliel
.1 " impurity of the blood " is founded in trutl:-,
Dr scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The,
articular purpose and virtue of this rrar.-apa-
ilhi is to jiurilyand regenerate this vital liuid,
thout which tound beulth is unpossible in
ontamhia'.td con.-rtitu:ioi:s.
Asue Our
nternittf cul Pfver, or Fever and Agues
It-iiiitt'-iit l'i vi-r, t lilil I'evtr, I)tiil
kiic, t't riiiOii n I II tiikCncT: c, or ISiHous
IriiiiiK'.'H-. rtti;l l.ilinii i (Ttm, intieeti
or t lie v'-.c-lc c ls of ti iscRttn urilim t
:s; in Miliary Str;i-iiiiit-ist. musul uy
He "lalarlu. of I'linsjua tic . otiittvics.
Vfc are enabled here to o.Tcr the c-nm-iunirv r
emetly which, while it cures ike alovt- couiiilainU
ritli eertamtv, 13 stnl titrtecliy liarnuess m an
uantitv. Such a remcdv is invaluable in tlistrirtf
.here these aiilietuifr tiiMirdcrs prcvuil. Thit
' Cciie " expels the miasmatic poi- on of Fr.VKL
.ND AtilT. Irom the sytcm, prevents the tic
ekiinent of the di-'case, if t:ike:i on the fr.-t an
ro.idi of its prcm'iiiilorv svm; '.(i:as. It is not onlj
he be?t remedy ever yet disenvi rt-d for lias class
f eomjihiinls, but pho tho c-hiT.pest. The lare
uantitv we sur;;!v for a duliar brimrs it within tut
eaeli of every body ; and in bilious districts, where
'r.vK" and' AriVE rrcvail. tverv l.oi'.v shonltl
lave it a'nd use it freely both fi,r cure mid '.irotec1
inn. A great superiority of this remedy over anj
itlier ever discovered for the speedy and ccrtair
ure of Intcrmittcnts is tliat it contains no linminC
r mineral, consequently it produces r.o quinism oi
ilhcr iniurious etlccts whatever upon the ronstitu-
ion. iliosc curca cyu are ie;t as ncaiinv as i
hey had never had the
1-ever and Ague is riot alone the consequence o:
he miasmatic poison. A ertat variety of tlisor-
lers arise from its irritation, amomi which are
Seum'iiiti, HheUDiatisw , Clout, Urni'mhe, Mind
lest, 'Footlr-ichr, Karachi', Cafr'rr.'i, Asthma, Fal-
litatian. FatnttU Atftrtton f t the ht.lccn, Jlt.vtrr
is, Fum tn ir: Fov.-ls, Colic, J ara'ysis and I)c-
anfivmcnt of the stomach, all cf whicn, wncr
iriginating in this cause, put on the intermittent
ne. or become periodical, llns Ci'ms expel
;lie poisou from tne u.oou, anu consecuenuy curci
. 1 t - i n. . :
mem an aiiKt. jc is an l'ltanniuic I'rutet-iioii n
mmisrrants and persons travelling or tcmporarilj
csiding in the nudarious districts. If taken ooca
iionallv er dailv while exposed to the infection
;hat will be excreted from the system, and canno"
iccumulate in sumcient quantity to ripen into cis
iase. Hence it is even more valuable for protetr
:ion than cure, and few will ever sutfer from Inter
nittents if they avail themselves of the protcctioi
his remedy affords.
Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYES & CO., Lowell. Mass
Gaancery Sale
Win. ll uiU' t:, 1
v.. lu Cliar.Ce'ry.
Clsarlef Tezier k Phi :!J i T- z'u r.
In I ;r -i; :i ' ty vlrf i:o --f a flrcrt till or-1' r to
me directed fr'-ta th" l):tr:ci C.nrt of tin- 2d Jr. :'.cia
liist.iet in io.'l loi C. .-s ' u-ty, N.-l.r:..-ka Ten ittit y,
,nri -1 in tl:" iil'-iv Ciiti-e, .uid l e ii"i!i'4 (hite oa th" 5Ul
il:iy of XoVi-.nlier, l-M. l--;i' the u. 'j urii'-d Oet .lier
it-rni off:iit t'"'-rt, I, the i;f-er:i'cr, 1;tttr in C'hau
O'Tr f'-r sit i-1 t't'iirt , will i-:' ll nt i-uMic v-r. lu", for
c:ii-'ti. t-i the l.'-p!. i-st fli:d le t tit! l- r, i i front uf the
t'ouit Huuw iii l'luttsinoath, Nebraska, oa
Na.'ur:!ay,the lO.'.'t day f June, 18G-5,
-it 2 t--2 .-"cloeV- . M.. nil that ft-rt.-ii.i tritrt nr pircel
if lan-1, i'udtcd in .i- cuaiy, Nc'iraakit, kiiutva
itti'I d tcril) -d as f- ll-iivs, 1 1 wit :
The -.-ai-t h-ilf (I 'Ji of the south-west rjiutrUr (1-Jii
of section MiuiVr teity (JO) i'l tnwuii . twelve
( IJ) uurth cf range min.l.e-r twelve (12) east if the Cdi
1. in ("ass ci.-'airy, X. 1'.,
T.e" ther iti nil ami s iii-rular the Improvement,
hereditament or apm: tenan-e th -non "r thereto
Imli'ii-ine' or in anywise avpei taming ; to he sold as
he I'Toi'e'-ty cf the ih-:e:ii:tni.s in the ahove i-a'is'- to
falisfy taid decree, the imoitr.t "t which U 21t.tH
and mteiest from the dale cf said decree, together
v itli cos Is.
Dated I'Uttsmoiitli, Nih.. April 1 "th. lC'S.
i". il . LiUlil.INi I'OJf,
T.M, Master in Chaucer;-.
Sol lor Coinp't-
Chancery Sale.
Ellzer Ii Garrison, )
r. In Chancery.
Gardner I'owers. )
In pnrsuan'Ti and l y virt'ie of a decretal order to
rue dir ce d from the liislru t Court of the id Judi
tiiil Ii.-tric: iu and for Cn.-s county. Nebraska Terri-h-ry.
made in the above cause and hearing d ite on
the'ftlh day n Nuvea.bei, A II. 1SC4. hein-,' the adjourn-
d eietohe.r term of said Court, I, the sn'isci i
bsr, Mastei in Chancery for said Court, will fell at
pub lie vendue, for cash, to the hiirh'-st nni bet hid-d-r,
in front oi the C'oart House iu Plattsinonth, Ne
braska, tn
Saturday, fJie lO.'i day t-fJunr, 1803,
at 2 o'clock P. M , all that certain traet or parcel r
land situated in e.'as- county, Nebraska, and kuuwn
aad (l.-fcrih-i asf-.liows, to-wii:
1h : we.-t 1: i f (I--J1 of the nortl.-east qr (1-4) f
section uuraber tweu'y-tn u (J2j, and the south ha:f
1 1-2; of the te-lth- list q'taiter (1-4) i-f sccti.iu r.'llll
lr (:fien 15, ir. town, hip number twelve (li
north of rar;f-e rimiber eleven (11) east ot" the "ih l"
M-, in Cas f. -uuty, Neiiraska, euulaiuiag 1W lJ
acres more or less,
ToKeliier v. i;h all an 1 Kinfrulnr the itnproveineiiti,
here-lilameut.s, or a; purtenauc-g thereunto belonijiin;
or in any wise, to sold as the prop
erty 'jf the deleiidhiitb in th ; above cause, to satisfy
fai l decree, tlie auiouut of whicu is ml and in
terest thereea from til-date ol said- decre -, together
w.tii Cost '.
bated I't.Utsiaouth, Neh., A;nU in a, 1-H,',.
i m. l)i;iti.N(iruX,
T.M. M.iKvjfITT, rdaatcl iu Lhaueeiy.
iol. for Cu'Lp't.
A MeCormick two-herse Reaper, in
good order. Also a Tbrcsliin Machine
and Horse Power.
Apply to Aniison, Dover A Co.. or
.f. E. DOOM,
It VTcepirz V'at-r 1'aIN.
Til K
yii. i-'i. .f j f
i.s --vi wr4k
Is the place to get
From a
Alive 8l Stirring.
Uebraslsa Herald,
H iving reee itly built n new and miita - h-i.
Ilain St., riattsmouth, Tf. T.,
W. nld reaped fully inform thi-it!7.ein of i.. a:. 1
a-ljoiiiiu r.jii I tita th il he has t.'ie laciinies f ir c u -1'3
11114 ou thu
In all tlx branch -i
I urn 1'ieju-ei! to turn out tl.
aid Mont d'lrable
f every doserij.tion, ever t-tr- r.-l in the Terril..t-
2rV iri .-nhii- aftetiti'in pai l t- makiiiif an.l f
i.-l.liiKC0Vr-ISij. "
Ail kin-., ef lumber t.tkeo in eelunpe fir work,
ri.itts -iouth. li), Js ;5.
Apothecaries Hall.
Cor. Main ftrnl 5th Sts.,
i;Er?.ASXA CITY, -
Dcaloi in
I'aints, Oils I'ullv -mil (5la.
Titrnt Mc'!l(-;ne of .-ill kind-, T.-ilet articl. . s.Mi-tion-Ty,
and everything kept in u I'.rnt-ela Ui",'
b-tore, at Eastern prie- .
- We are i.rep.m J to li II all order, and warrant
tiui i- eidj to be fie-h. iij r. 10 b i
VVe nre ! nn t in.f it our !n j.. on Ihe snirh
,-iie.jf fl ,u ; .rr .(i ,,,. ,j,,, u-f.-l of till! IlKHilil
t.'Ilke, to m ikj
Hoots Shoes to Ouhr,
'f Ihe b rn;.( ri 1 and
Vic have pool a-.-..rtiie nt of w.ik on, iuol
will ke.i, at all tn.Kf, v rk to Mitt cuf no ..-..
9SrpaIri:r Woiip on .hort
riatt.-;n-iuth, April in, (;.) tf
1)1 V't-Ti:n To
Airu-hilurr, IlirtL-ulturr, Mfdmnir, I'd
licutii.), Hume Inter!, icnrrtd
A Ma Ai f, tyr.
il Ii I :.- Ij .-. I 'n ;. iu ,i nut oi-tHvo form "f lx'..--n
l';,-"'. w "' ;,n ! x "t " e- end of tutii vulum
(.lx months.)
TF.'lMli: ii.i A YEAH, IX Alt I'.t X '.V.
Fir Cleh ntwlrf nwl ,,e copy ft; t.
5r.TAMro.-i..t-- -i tin '..eut.-i will be ;.Uoed in
Ihe fAiixiiil t . I i n-1- I ine f -,o,t.-, N o,; i-
ri"i, ea t,h ni-ertiou, i:i ;i,v:it:ec.. .-p'e X.. ir.-,
I' :uh 1, pr.-eedi a;- HdvertiM.iie lits, twenty' o ut i
ii::t. i t i-j are uec i;jii-d.
A Fij ine to-i-;,: i ts I, n linei of Hpacu.
Jfy'l'li-earfiil.-it:oti r.f li e PIlAlHIE FAhirpn
now th- I uyeji i ; any p.i;u r of il, chi-- in th- Sni
and Nor:h-Vis!, :,i,d ct!'. :a t N u r-.o.-j iii-n , Floi
stud Implement tiller.-, the bet Jucdl lli t'
rtacti tlic u;uide& mii-r- .-in l.
L.e.KKY itfo.'JiU l.iike .'-t..
i l i,-.,.,. in
"a '
Marble Tard.
The undcrsignod will open un
Marlile aril in the Ci(y of
lJatl.smoutli, .ilxiut
TIIK HOT 1 1 OF MAV, l$V.j.
We are
Heady to Itccch c Order
at any time.
joseimi ijutzi:ri & CO.
May 1 1SG-), ml
L. FH0ST & Co.,
a R O C B H s.
Oppoiltc tlu Tost OUcc,
r.ausnio'Jt, t.-jsi.i.