PILLS. Are voti sick, feable, an c-niphiiiiiut: Are tod ou of order, with jotir systiu deranged. ar.l vour fouling uncomfortable: i'hesosv tup toms are often tha iri.lu4 to serious illness. Some n 1' In of sickness in creenini upoi TKp 2 by a timely use of the rvh -V? ..-') remedy. Jake Ayer l'ii.8 -?i?i f: :-'"-f and cleanse out t!i disor Jifvc'- ?V ? dered humors ptirifr ti J"ilvE 1 &lixu, "U tne hiii j move on tinoltructel li ealtb aitaiii. J hen- stnnu luto the function of tin body into vigorous activity rarifv the avstem from the obstruction! winch malt, liieaie. A cold MttJca somew here in the body, am ibotrnetj it natural functions. Ihtme, if not re ic red, react upon themselves ud the urrounUia irjrans, producing general aggravation, eufiunng .tid diseane. Whiie in tuts condition, oppressed 0 he derant'imenta, tako Ayer"a I'ilJs. and ; hov iirectly thev restore the natural action of the isvs em, aud with it the buoyant feeling of health apain Vhat is true and so apparent in this trivial and com Bon complaint, is also true in many of the deep rated and dangerous distempers. The new ptirjtu ire eil'eet expels them, Caused by cimilnr o'ostrac ions and derangements of the uaturnl functions ol be body, they are rapidly, aud many of them surely ured by the same means. None who know tin irtues t.f thesa lille. will neelect to employ thtu rheu sut!'eriti from the disorders they cure. tateueu:s from Icadin? l hvt;cisrs in some oft!: wincipal cities, aud from other well-known jniuii erton: From a rortcarding Zlerrhant tf St. Louis, Jb. i Db. ATltt: Your rills are the paraxon of all that frreat in medicine. They have cured my Jiitic laughter of ulcerous sores upon hur hands and feel Hat had proved incurable lor years, iter inouiei las been long grievously cOlicted with blotches aud limp lea on Ler skin aiid in lur hair. After out hild was cured, she alio tried your and they wive cured hi r. aA J1ui:gi;iD(j. Aa a Family Physio. Frm Dr. E IV. Cnrtirriyht, Xeir Or'cm. 'Your Tills are the prince of purges, 'll.eir ex 'lent qualities surpass any cathartic vre posses. They are mild, but very certuia and i-fli-ctiial iu their ction on the bowels, which makes them invaluable o us iu the daily treatment of Uicao. Deadarbr,HirIt Ilrnrfnrbc, ITonl S:oaiDch. from Dr. F.lirnrrl lioiiit, Baltimore. DEAR I'-Ro. Aykii: 1 cannot oi.wer you irfint Omplaints I have curttl with your l'ills be-tier thajn 0 ay 'Ut that ire ever trrat with a purgntirt mt-tii-ine. I place great dependence on that efivctiuil titliartic in my daily cuute't with dis&aer, ami be-ievinp-, a I do. that your l'il.'s ailitrd us tlw bet we tare, 1 of courts value them highly. riTTSnrno, Ya.. 3l3y 1, If." 3. I)a. J. C. AVElt. tsir: 1 have been repeatedly aired of the worst hecuhiche anybody can have by a lose or two of your l'ills. It seenii'to arise from . t;ul stomach, Which thev cleanse at ooce. Yours with greatj-efpect, tu. W. 1T.T.TA.V.. Clerk qf Steamer ( iurioa. DiUons SiorI(r Ii rcr CouiplaSutv. From Dr. Theodore Eel!, efXitc Tort OVy. SJot only are your l'ills admirably adapted to their lurpose as an aperient, but I find their tt-ueticial fleets npon the Liver verv marked indeed. They lave in inv practice prove'd more cflectual for tbi; (nro of bilious campain't than any one remedy I n mention. I sincerelv rejoice that we hare at tngth a purgative which is worthy tUe confidence ol tic profthiflon and the people. DRPAKTMITNT PF TUT. IrcTKIIIItl. ) "Washington, It. C , Till t ib.. ) Sin: I have used your l'ills in my general tnd locpital practice ever since you raaile them, and nn not iieiutate to tny thtv are the best cathartic ve employ. Thuir rcgulalini; action ou the li er i Uick and decided, couscqut-ntlv they are an ad nirable remedy I'tr derauemetits of that or:iu. jideed, I have seldom iouii-1 a case of lilious ttis at so obstinate that it did not re;-dilv vield i tcm iraternally vours, ALtN.U HALL M. 1)., Pliysirian cj'the JJ.trine JJo.-jtital. Dyaonlery, IJiarrha n, ICclax, IVoriu. from Dr. J. G. Green, cf Chirago. Yonr l'ills have had a lon trial in mv prnrtfeo. Bid I hold them in esteem as one of tiie Lest aperi ti I have ever found. Their alterative effect upon lie liver makes them an excellent remedy-, r. lien fiven in small dotes lor bilious tlyseitttrt and .ur fitta. Their sugar-coating makes thcia very ac ceptable aud convenient lor the usu of women and Juidren. a Dyapcpaia, Imparity of tl:e Hlood. FVpto IUv. J. V. Mmo. Pitufor of .4 lrcnt Clturefi, Jlostnn. Dr. ATEtt: I have used vour l'ills with extra rdinary success in my family and ainont; those 1 am aiied to visit in distress. To reiuiiite the orirans of liliestiou and purify the blood, thev are ti.u very test remedy I have ever known, and I can cotili lently reuommeud them to my friends. Vours, J. V. UIME5. Warraw, "Wyoming Co , X. Y.. Oct. 21. lGo. Dkau. me : I am usinir your Cai liarti-2 l'ills in my iractice, atul find them an exc- littit jiiiratiife to ileanse ttiu eyettiu and jwriOt the jituHfnmg or' tilt Ueod. JOHN C." "liEACllAM, M.'i. ZenHtipatlnii, foniifnos, Su jirr-.ioii, llbi-aiiialisni, oui, ncuialiu, Jiropxy, l'aralyuM, l'itJ,ttc, from Dr. J. P. Vaunhv. Montreal. Cnnad. Too much cannot be said of your l'ills for the Hire of enstitenew. Jf others of our fraternity have bund them as etlicitciou as 1 have. they should .win ne iu proclaiming it. for the benefit of the luitititu-t- f ho sufier from that complaint, which, althouah tad enough in itself, is the prouenitor of others that ire worn. I believe cnttirent: to originate in the iver, but your l'ills affect that org in and curetht tiseake. from Jr. . Stuart, Physician and 2Iidirfa. Boston. 1 find one or two large i!oes of your ril!?, taken it the proper time, are excellent promotives of tlit tatural etcrction when wholly or partially sup pressed, aud also very t-fit-etna I to cti"j! the tomach and expel vorms. They are so much tin M5st physic we have that 1 recommend no other to oy patient. From the r.ev. Dr. ITairlet, of the Methodist Epis ( hiirch. Iri.APKl IToupe, Savannah, Ga.. Jan. 6, HojiOBKU Slit: 1 should jC ungrateful for th elief your skill has brought me if 1 did not report liy case to you. A cold settled in my iimbs and jroujrht on excruciating neuralgic ju'iini, which nded in cAronic rheumatism. Kotwithstaudin? J lad the best of physicians, the diease crew- worst Hid worse, until by the advice of your excellent igent in Haltiniore, Dr. Mackenzie, I tried your ?ills. Their etfects were slow, but sure. By per vvenng in the use ol them, l am now entirely well. Sstsatk Chamber, Baton Kouce, La., 5 Dec, 1S.V. la Av kb : 1 have been entirely cuicd, by youi ills, of Jiheumalic Govt a painful disease t liat hat ifilicted me for years. VIM't-M' t-LlUKJLL. CC?5Iost of the l'ills in market contain Mcrcnry fhich althoucrh a valuable remedy in skilful hands f dangerous in a public pill, from the dreadful con equeuce that frequently follow its incautious use These contain no mercury or mineral subntanct rhatevcr. Price, 28 cents per Eor, or 5 Boxes for SI. ?repared by Sr. J. C. AYEE & Co., Lowell, Mas 3 X Sool Shoo S hop. The subscriber would re-uertfn!ly rail the atten tion of the citizen"" rf I'hit'rtr.onth tliein!-ll .it ari;e to the tiict that he has prorurer! a poi ti-m of lr. Uoeric s oaiiitiei Miop. where ri- int-'ruls kt-epine on hand and nuking en ihe shortest ntire, evey articlein his line. Ili sti ck heinc selected by him self, and bavin? snent the most of hU-jJife In the business, be feels confluent that he can givts satisfae jtion. Give him a cull. April 10 '65. J. TKOCK MORTON. C HARDING ol G0r Scalers ia all k".nIs of School & Blank Ecoks, STATIONERY, GOLD PENS, ALBUMS, SlC, ' ,Thlrd Door 'West of S'-ymonr Houso, NEBRASKA CITY, N. T I PLASTERING, STONE AND- BRICK LAYING. The undersigned" ere prepared to do ALL YOBK IN THEIR LIKE ox- SHORT NOTICE nr.J at REASONABLE RATES- SAMITT, P.ANKS, GF.OiaiE N0HRIS. Arrl. IS m CIIAS. VOGT & CO, Cor. Mam end 3th sts., KLBruASEA CITY, UEBHASEA, Dealers in LEATHER M IRON, SADDLE EiSHCE LEATHER, Saddlers' Hardware Fih1?s nnrt.TooIs, WAGONS, PLOWS, &c. C"Grders Promptly attended to. k ..r f.iiin ? Anti l-.to f r ?ick Tl-a l- (0. avhe, lyil-sia, l"vr:i:il A l.htr C'un.i l.iii.t, Cvstivciicv.s, Eaiottsapss, Seur:t!!a. Cili-, t. I). vr.-v-l A: -t'.f, I'i'r V dm"lM')D'.5 Ji. lunula Obatruciious, ic, VTILSOTJ 3 riX.IiS are un.'Tcrsay f Xctrl.lgcl t-ilo the l.est loir in uso. As .i Family - jilcinc thryaro t irt; i;l:irlv rco niTr.cn J J-in;iila aivd harmless, but highly iikiIh -.in.il in their mm. Linatlc'C. One Pill a !?, nilhmiil lut.cer tiiu t-ffe-cts. Tho robust iuj.n auil the i!o!icate child ue them aiike, with e-. nry areurni'.cj cf entire Kafuty . 'With Wilson's Pills, ev.jry Muther In ttc lr. I brmtnea hor own i hysicin. They have rrorrd themselves a ?:mc, anJ stand without a rival for tha W.owice atT.-. tious: IIEAJ&ACSIK, TKVSITl & IfiUE, UCAUACHG. I'KVIIB He AfIJ, DYSPEPSIA, LIVER COSIFLAINT. btspepsia. rivrn COMPLAINT, Costiveneas, Biliousness, lMeuralgif Costirenesa, uaiousneas, Ifeuralgi Soli t7 Druggists & Dealers evorywiei rEEFARED BY B. L. FAnilESTOCK & CO. Importers & Wholesale Druggists No. C 0, oorntr Wool and -itli Sts. PITTSBURGH, PA. pole parrRiTor.s of ' D. L. Fahnestock's Vermifuge. "Unquestionably the best sustained wois. oi tiie Kinu in me v oria " iiAUis:irs stew HIontliEy I?3nsrnzine. frritirnl Dotl--s of tho l'rps0.' It is the f.iriMnost i:ip:i7.;i p ut the day. The fire-siilf- tu'ver hail a iiviro dcliuhfful cuiiipniiinn, north miilitiii a rnorp ?nrpr;!li. frioml. IliHii liarpi-r'u MaUarine. iletltoilM J'rvtrtUant ( ISalmuwre.) The most popular Muuth:jin the world. -V. T. Oorrccr. W must rcfr in trrtnM of eu'ery to thu liijrh hmo Mill v;irit'J i-x-ccilcHCf r.f IIj.i pPr's .Mncnzini' -i jiur nul with a mui.thly rirc;ihit!m of :il i ut 17i,(!0' rt-p-i -s ,inliue l,ii-.s ari to 1'-- luiin-l si-n:e or th chi irot lis'lit ami p n i al roH lint.' of the !.;-. V( sp' .ik of w- rk :i nn evi-1e"'re -f 'he Armrioan pi-up c; and the v-puHritv it has fteiyiin'-l is merit nl. K;n h oum'.'cr Mt litis fully HI jmires of rea 1 in tiiiitter, nppropi lately l:lusfrat.xl with stiwhI wooil cu! ami it cuii.biti"- in it-elt the r;icy muutlily an.l til ; more phiios.ipliie.il qmirterly, hit uded iv iMi til l t-st fL.i.'irft of the d.ii)y joiirtiHl. It h:is jtn'wt power in Ihii uietnin.-it iou i f a love of pure ht rat.ire. Turner's Gutd to A neriran Literature (Lordon.) The volumes lxi::n l eousti'nto of them-elve- a li lirary of iiiisCeiianeo'n rriuiinjr, such ai raaiiot he f-iunl in the same otopass in any other put lieat ion that has cutue uuilvr our u. :i e. livntoa Courier. SUBSCRIPTONS. lSfi-3. The l-uhliriers hav5 rripeteil a svtem "f maiiin'r by which they can siij.p'y th" i'ai; rine auil Wt-ekly p'-oini-'y to thoe who prf. rto reei ivelht-ir ptriod- nals iljr -rtly ir.jm the ottic-; of puIjlicaTIon. The ros:ii-:e ou llarper's iaa7.ine ia '24 cnM a yeir, whuh mu.-4t Le pal J at the tu'jscriber'-J.pObt of iice. ' ... - TERMS : ITjinrER's MasazInf, one year. - $1. An extra coi-v of either the Jiatraztne or Weekly will be tuppiieu pra'i fur evtr Club f five Sub scribers at $-1 each, iu one retiiU&nce ; or six copies for Lack numbers can he stippliel at anytime. A complete set, n -w CMEpri-inif Twentv-nice Vol umes, Id neat clotli liinilin-:. wiil t" i.i-nt by expf--sst freight at exm use of putcUaser. for J 2 per vmume. hniu;!e volumes, by maU.po?t pil Cloth c&nes lor Linihnj, 03 cents, oy n ail, post pari AddrtfcS UAKI'KIt t HKOTIIER. franklin s(uare, N. Y. Probate Notice. Whereas on this day arpcareJ Andrew B. Tavlor, Admicitmtor ol the estate of Uv Y. Arrher, late of Cass county. N. T , ami makes Application to make a final settlement -f bin Ailminitratorsi ip, there fore notice is hereby given that the Court will make aach bettleuieut ou Wednesday, June Ath, 18G3, at the cfRce of the ITobfite Court in PUttsmouth, S. T.: Provided no one apptarg and shows good cause why such settlement should not be made. Wituets my i.au4 nj seal, this 16:h -'av of May, . D.H. HHKELER, 8 Probate Jadge. & A? a: 13 TOOTLE, "HANNA &'CO.,, ?IAIN STREET, - - rLATTSMOUTII, N. T LARGEST . s& v. IVest of Wholesale and HARD Olcthingof every description. WINES AND LIQUORS ' OF ALL KINDS. Constantly on hand BOOTS AND SHOES, QUE E NS WARE j IRON, KAILS, WINDOW SASH, DOORS & GLASS, And every article renuire'd by E.IIIGIMXTS. FKEIhiJ IITEKS. & FARMERS. And everybody else can be supplied at tliis establishment. Call and examine our extensive stock. -XT FIKE PEOOF BEICK. Tootle, Hauna c Co. Plattsmouth, April 10, '65. 1805. 1805, AMiSON, DOYSY & CO., North Side of Have on hand the LARGEST STOCK of QUE ENS WARE, HARDWARE, BOOTS, SHOES, CLOTHING, &C, Ever Offered in tin's Market. LIQUORS OF ALL KINDS. i In fact, everything the Fanner, Mechanic, Freighter or Emi grant FLOUR, BACON, Thankful for past Patronage, we iness to merit a continnance of the same. Call and examine our stock. Flatitsmouth, April 10, 1SG5. tf Jl'ST rtceiveJ, 50 can s of Cnon! fetches ut , A Uli-OX, DOVEV ii CO'3. C 0 to AMISOX, DO YEY A CO 3 to purcuase your H spriug g'-odSi X endless vr itty f Ladies' Dress Gv1 st A. U. jU 3. ra CASES Mollby's Cove Oybters for ale st C"t EEAT bargains in Ladies' Dress Goods at J A. K.A CO'S. IOR SALE at AM150X. DoVEY CO'S, CoITee, Te , buenr. G lden Syrup, Sugar House ilo lasses. New York Candies, etc , etc. A large lot ol Chewing and SmoVinp Totnrci fur sale at A. D. H CU'a. OALOIt for sale by A. D. k CO. f E0XE3 Star Candles for sale by A, D. CO. IF you want to purchase geoda at a bargain, po to - A. 1. it CO 2 BAG3 COFi EE just received by A. D. Co. Ls-f t let cf Choice Tea at A. D. k CO'S. '-W-r Ssr5 t-e St. Louis. Retail Dealers in Y A H E, -Arc- a Ltre Stock of THE rain Street, wants. CORN, OATS, &C. ho by strict attention to bus L ire anfortment.of men's and hoyH rluthing J. a. for rale by A. 1. U CO. HELLED COKX for aaleby A D.4 CO. B ACQS ami Lard for sale by A.jP.ACO. V1IKAVY INVOICE of all iimts of FaFtiily Gro ceries and Outllt.ng Goods just reowved by A. D. k CO. A LL kinds of Farming Implements for pale hy A. 1. & CO. VLare;; lot of Tiro Horse Plows for saV by A D. & tc CO. VN endless varietycf Dardware and Cutlery for sale at A. D. k CO'S. SiPU, Poors, Shineles, Glass, and Nails of every description for sale by A . I. k CO. LL kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange x X for goods or A.D.kVO. npO enumerate all the articles we have for sale A. wuuld fill one sideof th Herald, and others have as good a right to advertise as AMlrOX, DOVEY & CO. TIIE laigebt Outfitting IIou.o north if ft. Joseph U AMISON, DOYEY4CO A, riatt?montli, Ibrai'na. Sheriil s Sale John F. Griswold, vs. C. TV, Pierce aoi John C. Campbell. Fy virtue of an esecntioa to me directed from the oKic i-f the Clerk of the Distriol Court of the it 1 Ju nu i.il Ii-itnct of the Territory ' Nel-nskn, within ai.d fir tne c-nnty ( Ow and banm; date the '.Slh dny .f Arn1tA- l- !'"''. I. the s'o n'.ier, herff to an- -fir Ca ontny. N. T., Wilt a pahiie auc tion, fnrc'., ' the hiehtf'l and L-.-M tid ier, iu froi.t of the Court lii-o in i'i irt-mouih, m t--s vouuty XtiUiaoka. T-n , n tho ofh ii it y f Jun", A. I). 1?G5, nt 12 c'clK k. M. i f si l d.iy, aM that certain tract or land .:tii:-.Ti-i in Cns-; county, N. T., liiiov. n aud d' S- tii... as fo S'outh west quarter (U) of "ction th'i ly-tvri ("2), tnwc-Lip e'evtu 111), r.i:'i,'e t'ltrti-ea ( l-'i ) t at ; ai'j eat half (1-2) of lot t isiit () in l-I-fk tweii;- -ight (2); also tot live (5) in Mock t!.irty-Mit (3, ul lots heius situated in tiie city of l'litt.-mouth , Nth., to other with all tin? letiements aud appurtenances thereon r tli-n-m behmsriuir orin au appe.taiu in?. Taken as l!ie pre)Hi ty of John C. t aniitn-lt, smi.fv 9 iiKlLrmlil ivi)tl.rp.l in thn I)i trirt loiirl Otoe county. Xi hraska Territory, iu fjv -r of Jehu Uri-wold. 1. P. GASS. 1'lattauiouth, 51 iy 2d 1:05. Sheriff of Cass Co. Sheriff's Sale. IVilliam Mccarty, vs. Auustui AVaohter aud Charles Wach ter. T.y virtue of a special wmtifioni ejrponcan to li (Jirceted liom tl-e i lllee or tne t iers ol tne l'wirici Conrt r.t the 1 1 Ju'hci ii 1'i-tnu of the Territory of Sebratka. within Hid for tho c--ULty ol Ca-s, X". beariu-r date the loth day of Aprii, A. V. iS-;.',. I, the subscriber, Shi-rilt in and for Cass county X. 1 ., will sell at i"iijlic aacti-u, for c.ish. to tiie h i-he-t aiol best bidder, in Kout of th ' Court House in Piatt iuoiuli, iu Cass county Nebraska Territory, on Monday, the 5:h day ff June, A. D. IS-jj, at 12 o'cieok M. of Paid day, lot no ti:--ht () in h'.ocli n. eighteen (1), in the city of IM.ittsiuouth. Cass county. X"cbraka Territiry, with all tho tenements au-i appurteuuucesthcreou or thereto beionpiiig or m anywise appertaining. Taken as the property of Au Putus U'aehter aud Charles Waehter, to satisfy a judgement reiuti-ied iu the District Conrt of Cass crtinty, Xeora.-ka retritory, to tavcr of William Sic Cany P. P. GASS. Plattsuicsuth, "ay 2 J 1S05. Sheriff of Cass Co. Chancery Sale. Jarius E. Neal, Comp'ainaut, ) William L. C'hi-'aml Gcorgnff. , In Chancery. Calvin, Di leuda nts. j In pursuance and by tnrt:io r: a decretal order to me eireetrd from the District Court of the 2-1 Judicial ilistriet in ;in I fir Cass county, Nebraska Territory, made in tk;e a--ove c.tuse. aud bearing date on the 4th day of April so4, 1 einn the June special term of said ( oui t, l,t!ie suhseriher, Alastor iu Chancery for s;i:-t ourt , w.ll sell lit piihi-.c vendue, for cash, to the hislie-t and lost bidder, in front of the Coil House in Piattsuiuuth, N. T., on Monday, the bth dny of June, l', at 11 e'elock a. rr., all that certain tractor parcel of laud Minuted iu Cas county, Nebraska Ter. aiel known ami d- serilii-d s tollows. to-wit: The Fnuth half l-d of the S-nth West or 14 ar.d the outh half 1 2 of th -s-Mith east qr 1-4 of .cctioM No. twenty 'jo in town-dim No. teti 10 norih ot" rane No. f'lurte-n 14 east of the 6th nri-icipal uioridi.iu in Cass County Neb. T ?r- rofeihi-r with all A singular the improvements, hi re-litaiu- 't. or ajiiiurtetiances, thereto I elonpimr, or in auywii-e ai periainiufj. 1' l e s'lld s Hie propety tif the -iefeiHiaiits in the ah. -e c-a'.i-e. to satisfy taid Ueen-e, tl-. aiuonut of wlii -h is eleven liun.lied .t- seventy two d dlrs-v fif ty ceuis I i-l.lTi iio! Ac in;ri st ihereoti from the date t sai 1 del . i e i..;r, tiier wuh ail c--Ms. U-t-Ul'mttsliiuUth Neb. 'ler. Hud Mav A. P. 15-J4. F. M DOilKISGToN. Master iu Chaucery. Mason i Stephenson. Sel's. for Couipli. Chancery Sale. Jarius E. Ncal, Complainant, ) vs. vln Chancery. St. Lcgcr Beck, refenil int. ) In pt:rs;:.i:.r.i and hy virtue of a decrotu! order to mo ilmci il lij M the Di-trict Conrt ol the 2d Judi el ii lo'-tr,et. in au I ( r Cass co-lnty, X". T.. m i !e iu the above caiNe, and h--an d lie on the luth iiay t.f April, 1 o. I. the riiib-i -nil r, ila t'T in Chanc-ry I'.r sai-I Cunt. wi:l sell at public wndue, f.r c .i.-h. t" the liiLhi-st and t e,t bi 1 1- r, in front ot the touu liousi.- in Plattsmontu ,N. T., on Htfurd.ry, tiie ?d day of June, I-!',,", at 11 o'clock a. m., all that certain trset or par ed of laud sittuf d in Cass rc.iiLty N. J' , and known and desc. il-e-1 i.s Ir.pon-.s, to wit .- 1 ne south ea-t .r 1-4 of sec No. flirty on? 31 in tii.vr.s'nip No. eli-v. n II north orraute X'o. thirteen 13 asi ot the toll P M., iu C.is-i comity, X". T., to-,-.-th. r with a:i and singular the improvements, hi r- Oitanients or ppurt,-n;iii.-t s thereto he'onjiin or iu anywi e hpjo rt i,i nine . Te be sold as tie- proj-eriy i f the iltreiid iat in the al oye cattle, t'i entety s:..i de-c-e--, the a:no ot of wloc-i is to.'r hundre 1 ar.d ht';' f in- dollars lo4J a-.l i:iii res(. tln- e m from the date ofs.v 1 oeerte, to.-i-h- r '.:ii ail oosti. lluttd 1'hillsiucutli, T. T.. .Mav 'J. 1 i-o.-,. i a. i i:i;'-i;ton. :;-ter in Chancery, poeas'on, Sol's f .r coir.pl. linunt. Mason , Chancery Gale. Wm. Garrison, 1 v.a. V Iu Chancery. Charles T:?"e- t S.u iiJi T zitr. y., 1 nr-uano" and t-y virtue of a .-"ecivta! or-.b-r to r' rtire..'el from th"i:sT:ci Curt ofthi-2d Jucicia Dis'riet ia ami U'l Can i' U"ty, Nebraska Territory, nrule in the a'.ove catf-e, and Ocarini due on liie.V.h iiav of X'ovi-ini er. Ihiif . b-ina the a-'journ-d tct her t.-: -u ot tid ioort, J , 'be siit.sci it v, M.ister in Chac-i- iy tor s;.id t o' rt', wit2 ki-'.I at public vendue, tor raii. t th" b:s:rt and l e i I idd.r, in frout of the Court House iu Pl.iti.-iuouth, Nebraska, on fiat unity, the lC'i day cf June, lf-o-3, at 2 1-2 o'clock P. M.. .-.11 that certain tract or parcel ofJ:md. sttn.tt-.-J in Cass c-uaty, Xebra-lia, known an 1 i m r:i -J ..s follow-, to-wit : The east ii.ii f 1 1 !) or tli- so ii th -wwd quir-'er f 1-1 )t of s.-cn.oi i .umber tuv i'y (.') in twnsliii no i. -velvet (1) noi th id r.mpe uuioiier twelve (12j east of the Oiii P. At., in Cass county, N. T.. To-:-ther i:h nil aud siue il.ir the improvements, hfredititmetits or hi p'irtenant-e- ther. on or there'6 lielonitiri; or in nnywi-e .-.pprrt. lining : tole s-ohl as ihe piojie-ty of liie ileleinl.nts i:i l!ie ulive eau-e to satisfy laid d-1,-r.e. the hui. iimt of which is .2M.U and interest trom the dale of said decree, together with Costs, Dated l'lattsnioutli, Neb.. April loth. I i. il . I'l ilira.S': 1 ON, T. JI MimirKTT, 3I.sttr ia t Uunwr. Sol K-r Comp't. Chancery Sale. Eilzer Ii Garrison, 1 v. In Chanc-jry. Gardner Powers. ) Tn pnrsuanc nn 1 by virtu? of a decretal or.V-r to jne directed from the IHsti ict Court of the iij Judi cial District in and for Ciw-s county. ebra.-ka Terri tory, n'a-Ie iu tie- ao'-ve causn snd hearing date ou the5th d iy o Ntvembn, A D. lrtii. b.-iair the ad-i-mrned Oet-.l er ti mi of said Court, I, the subset l-b-r, Ma. tot in Chancery for n-ii-1 Conrt, wiil tell at pub lie vendue, for cash, to the hiirh --1 an 1 best t id il -r, in front of the Couit IIjusC ia PlattJiuou'.h, X'e bra.-ka, ut Stxlarjtrj, tie 10 h day cf June, 1SG3, r.t 2 o'clock P. St., all that certain tract or j a reel f land situated in Cass county. Nebraska, aud known and dorcribed aa follows, to-wit: Hie v est half (1--J) of the north-east qr (1-4) of section number twenty-tao (2i'i. aiel the south I aif (l-U) of the ioutb-east quarter (1-4) of seoinu cuiii- her fifteen (lot, in town. hip nunib'-r twelv-- (1 north of range number eleven (11) east of thetith ii., in Cas county, Nebraska, eonlainini; loii 1-2 acres more or lt s. Together with all and sinpnlar the Improvement, hereilltanients, or appul teuaui -s theieuuto hcltingin or in anvwise nop-rtainiiii.', to be udd as the prop -rty of tiie defendants iu the abov cause, to euttfy raid deere Cie anioiiut or niiich is 150011.0(1 aud in terest taereou froiu th" date of said decre -, toj,'( ther witii cost-. Dated I'lattsniouth, Neb., April lodi. lser.. F. JI. POUitiXGTOV, T. I.I. MAf.cjrrTT. JIaslet in Ch meeiy. fcol. for Comp't. NOTICE. riling Claims against lZiLate cf P. A. fiary. Notice is hereb pivrn that all persons havicz claims against the estate of Peter A. t-arpy,de-ia,eii, 1 iti of C iss eour.t'-, must li e th.-r-.i do y aathenti cit' d bv oath, with the Probate Court of Ca-s eou:i te, N. T., on 01 b.f-.re the .-titoM I Y OF J A X I'AUY, lsi)i",, Ht which tune thr. will be a Ueariiift of all claims thus rj.'-d,adan allowance lnadi by the Court of ad cUims proven to be just. Witness uiy baud ud seal this I.V b da v of May, is ;.". - l. 11. wiiKKi.t.i:, May 15, m: - Probate Jud.-e. Probate ITotice. X'otice is herebr jjiven that James Chalfiut, Ad ministrator of the estate of Wui. J. Hakes, deceased, has made application t.Kthe Probate Court i f Cass c-ouuty, '. T , to make final tettiemeut of his Ad ministratorship of said estate. It is ordered that 611a 1 settlement will be made by the court with said Administrator on . Thursday, June loth, 1805, if no one appears and shows that such settlement should not be made. Witness my hand and cflleial seal on this lfith day of May, 1:60. i). II. HKIXEU w3 Probate Judge. TOR SALE. A good farm of 100 acres well improved, situated within four miles of Plattsmouth. For partic ulars enquire at the Herald office. T II E WEBKASKA 'T-.k Is the place to get CARDS, CI'XCIXARS, BIl-EIEABS, BAIL TICKETS, POSTERS. ffiAI?EIjS, LEfiAL BLAISKS, -OK jjsrtlii 1 rig From a ff ADVERTISE in ran NEBRASKA HERALD, AND LET Tnn XX jB X, I c KNOW THAT YOU ARE Alive Bl Stirring. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE Nebraska Herald, AND KEEP YOURSELF POSTED. LFLFflCgLS CABINET SHOP rr. LOECK, IIjv'p r-e.-)t.t:y built a row au 1 s-:,u ; t, Htvln St., Plaltsmouth, N. T., Would re-prctfully iiifon.i tin.-citli-tm --f r,, ad o.uiii i ouioius th il le l.ic I'eii.ii, : ,, ryiiiR on ih ; ca B5?;et e:ss In a'.! its brat ctii IN TEE HOST APPROVED rn; 1 ai l pu-p.ired I j trim on: ti. c ii e a v i: s nr. J in. si ! i-.-.oV Cfcvoi J deic tiptioit, ever co red in the T. . SATISFACTI O.V (JL'AIlAMi:.: 3-Pi-to-Mi i r .i-iiaiou Hid tj ina'.ir.' ;i isl.ll.i; t ill- ! l.'.s.. Ail kinds ot lutnl-er t tken in eschano f- r . Pluttj'.-iocl ii. .pril 10, 1m.'.. Apothecaries Hall. JOILV KICK I) & (O. Cor. Main nnJ 5th Sts., IJE2RASXA CITY, - 0.1 i. D.mI.ts In DRUGS & MEDICINE Paints, Oils, Vutty and Cil i Patent M- 'i'-in-s i.fail kinds. Toll, t ar- '. .-. tiooerv , 1. 1 d ev i vie r,-kei't in u l.r-i i I M.o .', f,t 1. ,.te: u i- i. -. L.j- We are or- p. i- oJ to fi il ail unlets, lino e -our -K.d.t to 1.- l.c-li. ..j i-. ij . BOOT & SHOE MANUFACTORY. Ve are r,l-vi s on h..r: I at -o r SI. 1.. on ti.e -:i!eol M;,iM -.'r.- t, ci.o ,..,- W I-1 cf l.'.'- i! I.'illee, to iui.k IJoofs i,' Shoes to OiiLr, Of iho be; niati 1 i iI'.ikI VVc .nv. a roo.l r-- rti-r r-i f r.e-1 - -(-:. Kiii lie, p, , . tiliies, v- Ik to r.,H cusp in, I- Native , G.Gi: i; I'OISAL Plattsinout.'., Aprii 10, ,.'. if THE PHAIME TARHLR, In. V O I 1. It T Agrk lurr. If ;; ?, t; ,tl, UCUtii it, Hone In teres! (i'ifu, X'-WX, ."!. , tr. Ptilili-hed V' kly. in.oi n,. ,t .- tavo f .rni I'"e, Witt. ,, 11 ii,.it x 111 I! i i :i'l ol ,1 ' ( ix oo.-ifti-. . Ti:.vs:2.M A i .v j i, y. , for 'iofi 'iftu-rlr ! mill :jiJ4, on- rn,i fn e. r3'"-ll-r. p-i. - advertis.-i.i.-nts wiil I. ! the k Ainu II for I.. i-.-T,:- p r I no- of s,..u . . rie! fii.Ji in- rto ti, iu '.i,v i . ... n.,-, . ; I ad.d, prei-.- .111 hOverti.-c-lu' iifH, tin: i- iioe Of siij.-i; i.ec i.p - d. A rquart- f .npii-es U-n line of it.n.-,. j''rhe ciici.iatoil of tL; I IMllili-i IA.:' now th l.iri-. -t of atiy pa per 1.,' i on- 11 ar.d North -to est . M 11 -1 C II f s to N o 1 . e VII' : , i and Implement Ji :ini!j' i'i ii 1 -, the l -. -i io 1 rcac a the In isscs infer, t. t. i..dl-':V ar C., Ho I I il.- : Marb2o ITcird. The unJcrWgWHl will open rr itensivc 3larblo Yard in tiie City o;' Plattsmoutli, il')UUt TIIE 20THOF 31 A V, IMI'i. Yc arc llcailtj to Ilcccitc Orders at any time josizrii jiUTznniN co. May 1 ICj, ml L. &. Co., WHOLES. ILK GrJEL O OS E8. Orposite tho Post Ofiice, NEBRASKA CITY, N. T.