Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, May 31, 1865, Image 3

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n. Join E. Smith supersedes
Cen. Washburn at Memphis.
(rgTTh-i stone work on the new buili
comer of Main and Third street?, is
about completed.
CiTDr. IJlackr.-urn, of Yellow Fever
notoriety, nrt" ben admitted ta bail ia
the sum .f $,)'
m m 1
"7"Twpnty-iur hundred Rebel pris
oners at t'mip Chase, Ohio, have taken
tha.oath of a'.K'jjiance and beenjd'.scharg
ed. II. Millar has vrtatedthe edi
tor: i! cliiir of the Ru'o Keg! tier. We
are not informed who is to ho kid suc
cessor. v,"Ti'."'i w;-r.ii!.r extra co&ies of the
Hen '..: wi'I oimf.;r u favor by leaving !
iheir or', -' a ? r-tr'.y as Saturday morn-
inz of each week.
Fivt: tami-atid iu;:i ure reported to
liave 'on'i frm Now York and I'hilad-l-phia
within a few weeks, it is supposed
for Mesh-'o.
g?"A Washington correspondent as
serts that it is known there that the Em
peror Maximilian and Kirby Smith have
recently Leon in negotiation-
.fTWe uneerstand that orders hare
teen ! '.v l at Omaha to remove all
lasin-a connected with tho U. P. Rail
road from that citv to R-llevue.
t.v". Yi was caught in
tin "Old '
Mu 1 ly?' yesterday which weighel 07
pun J. Who can beat our 4phi;h
atorv ''
f C-.'I-tter is selling at retail in this
market farC't cent-; Fgs 20 cents; po
tatoes $2.23 per bnshel; hams 2i) cents
per pound; tour from $4 to J? 1,7-5, per
huii'lrt-1. -
C?Th.; Rebel Go."lIarris of Tennes
ee has been e.iptured with $000,000
belonging to that s-tate. The state ar
cheives n-1 bonds have also deen secured.
(7v'"I"a- averagejpay due each soldier
. u!2V.', and the overinent isrealyto
pa of:" :;nd discharge every man of the
two ar:nies now in Vv'a hiriton.
Cr'The OmuiiUc" on the Conduct of
the War ha adjourned, sin.? di. Its rp-
port ! ns i,r-cn submitted to the Secretary
of the Senate.
C v"'; She -hi tn, it is said, goe to
Tcxa-i with ;rdi rs to destrov and !f.y
i- ; t . . i ...
yfat- f, ii w:'- Ki-ol'I lore's in
. in
VaI r, . ..... .. r. : r .:
m j I
,.'. Mll.'or, of tho Whire Cliud i
C'.i't, pr ijo--'s (;:or9 Francis Train, ;
of 'l.:i::i nsiry of space," as a can li-
'data for Presidftit in 1SCS. j
r. , '
;77Viuan b ;uu 1 for Colorado was
Xd'Af I in this city, a few days since, of i
by a man in hisemplov as a, team
' Bter. Th
kn ija.
so Jundrel left for part3 un- j
I vei several coixitnuuications of a literary
:.M-Iorie A Epperson, Seejnd street, character, which have deen laid aside
Be ar I'. rry Ear. ling, have received an j not th:it we j;j noC appreciate them, and
im. n stock of Groceries, which thy u wa wer9 publishing a literary paper
ref. -:::t::oI to tmi-rants, freighters wouj be pleased to 'receive them; but
an ; farrn.-rs at reduced prices. wc are trying to publish a news paper,
v".'.', hv the Jl'i-uljiicua that a aai -onseqtiently da not wish to interfere
tr n lav !ft Oranha fir rh wet. tnkin..
tht r vh.nepn the north side of Platte
riv r. M;,v access attend them, but the !
Ch'.r..- s are aviinst tln-r.i. !
.Kv"-iax, uf' tiie Nebraska city Xtirs,
wr. in the citv on moD.'ay. lie infortn
'cd ii s that he thought of inventing" but
'.' We have not beard of any rise in "Lager"
ItyR-port p-evai'ed in New Orleans
on th 15th inst. that Kirby Smith had
. "been assassinated by Maj jr Mekee in
Onenuenee of a difficulty growing out
of a otton speculation.
.j4-:5i"Thfi record kept by the Ferry
i)"i'i!nv shuWi tint ticrnly thrrf. hundred
ar .;;? emigrant and freight wagons
ero-sI th- Missouri river at this point
dar n' t!ie month of Miy.
': ir. C,;-'ti. Sic.;:!., having reignJ
hit p -ltn:n in the army, is now chief pI
itor f th'? U'-'-'.-r, on of the best Re-
-pal ' papers r ublihed ia Baltimore,
f ; "L. Golding has opened a Clothing
Ho -n Main, street, between Fourth
an.! r.frh. II proposes erecting a brick
bovn !m-j3 as soon as material can
V - ' ...
"The brick kiln in the South rart
Of town has been Cred, i:nd we mar ex
pert t a pp some new building p
in a short time. The scarcity of build
ing material has Veen a greal drawback
to c ur city the present season.
- m m
f"A Washington dispatch says that
Gei. Hanks was not removed from com
: nn 1 f.-r any polical consideration what-
(un. Grant displaced him for
7 reasons, and refuses to discuss
r-tlon of reconsideration.
- C
: t'r- MrFTtvr. The Fnrnnrs' r'nh
will mont r t-
-e SherifT's office in Piatts
'e'ock on Saturday npTt-.
. Lt "VCrV f;iTr tern out, and show,
V bj b" presence ftt lonst tbat heLq
st 1 ,n th0 AgrieUn,al advancement of
oor country. Do not .t,y !lt home be.
cae you are busy, but (t!i. tlme to ;n.
iOrin yourself of the progro.s, others
nak;n;r, and ftlso to impart you
-Tiews and experience, that others mar
Clothing. Head tha advertisement
of S. doom, and then dont fail to go and
buy something. They are seH'iDg gooJa
as cheap as they can b had in the east,
with addition of freight. Who could ask
them to sell for less?
trJTIt is now Btated that tha paper
found on the person of Looth, implica
ting Jeff. Davis in the crime of the form
er, was in cypher, and that it was read
by means'of another document written in
a similar character previously found in
Davis's house at Richmond.
On the 0:h inst. Davis, after divi
ding a portion of his epeie among his
escort, informed those with him that they
would have to look out for their personal
safety. He then started wit ha few
friends for the const, but before reaching
it ha was captured.
Services. In uccordanco with tha
proclamation appointing Thursday, the
Istdav of June, as a day of mourning,
humiliation and prayer, tae uiEorent re-
!i,ri.u3 dinominatons of this city will
met at the Mnhodist Church, at 11
o'clock a. m-
SThe people of Omaha nro consid
ably exercised about a bridge across tho
Platte. They arc holding meetings al
most every night, and if wind work
would stand on the quicksunds of the
I'lntto they would already hava material
enough for half a dozen bridges. Rut it
takes something mora than gas, as our
neighbors will Unl to their sorrow, to
enable trains to cross that troublesome
"Read tho advertisement of E .T.
r p . - ? 1 .. ... ....... rr t-. : . T- li i
LJU lu j",'aj 3 ji-v . . .. .
an almost endless variety ot
ia their line and ar2 selling them ac low
est figures. They have a few of Stewart's
celebrated cooking Stoves, which are a
little the nicest arrangement for the
kitchen we ever saw. (Jive them a call
if tou want to get your money's worth.
Ciflt is reported in town that ths
people of (lienwood unceremoniously
suspended one of their citizens to a limb
a few days since. lie had been caught
stealing horses, and they concluded to
eiake an example of him for tho benefit
of others encased in the business.
Pic Nic. A large number of the young
people of Plattsrnouth went to Eight
Mile Grove on last Saturday, where they
were joined by the "Youth and Beauty"
of that neighborhood, and had an ngree
r.ble pie nic. Everything went oiTta the
satisfaction of the young folks, and they
returned in the evening impressed with
! the Hgreeablencss if pic nioi in general,
and that one in particular.
1 m
I Is Tows. L Prost, of tha lirin of L
. - . , - , , ,.. ,
i iu?l a.t.j .rui.i?.il i j UlliA Ciliuui'l
Burns, of the Or:n of Ketch urn & Burns,
Omaha, were in town on Monday. The
most enterprising business luen of our
neighboring Cities are beginning to cast
their thoughts upon Plattsiuouth es the
raori uesiraoie point oj i:ie river to lo
cate, and we may saon look for a "ruih"'
- ---
To Cor.Rr.spoNDKNTs. We have, rccei-
Wltl1 u'e l"in!',s ot 111,1 l-C'aryM- rcurtj,
. .... .
or CIher I,aPe" of Uie character.
n e
b,? rlcj"ed t0 r"blih all comrnuni
C!iUon3 "1"l!l contain rows that will bo
of interest t our readers, or which tend
to devel p the resources and adSDtages
of our Territory, but we shall not attempt
to complete with eastern journals in lit
erary matters.
Srcriiitry'it Retort oj' th-. I'laHtmoulh San
itirij Co:n::tiUzC, C:ss County, Xebra-
To those who may be interested to
know how much has been contributed to
the N. W. Sanitary, for tho relief of our
sick and wounded soldiers, the following
brief report is submitted :
We have collected Cash on sub
serij tions and forwurded to Mrs.
1). P. Livermore, Cor. Sec'v of the
Fair at Chicago " $223,55.
We have collected Hospital
Mores, Dru--, Sec. Ac, and for
warded to the Fair $30,00.
Total amount 'of Cash and Hos
pital Goods forwarded to- tho . $303,55.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
See?y Plattsrnouth San. Com.
Piattsmouth, N. T., May CO, 1;j5.
I a T n .
-an loval .rcli IMasons, residing in
Ii:ltt,mouth and vicinity, are repect
J fully requested to meet at ray office, in
Piattsmouth, on Friday evening, June
2nd, ItG-5, at half past 7 o'clock T. M.
Matters of immediate and gereral inter
est to Rojal Arch Masons will be consid
ered D. H. WHEELER,
(irnuA Matter.
Piattsmouth, N. T. May 20, 1SG5.
The City Taxes for 1jm5, will be due
on the First d av of June and will be
come deiiequent August 1st., 1n5.
City Treasurer.
Piattsmouth, May 30, lSoo.
Wm. Herald, corner of Main and Sec
ond streets, is still selling Groceries, Pro
visions Farm Produce, &c. as low as
any House in the West. Farmers who
have produce to sell will do well to call
on him before disposing of their trade.
Mar 30, 1865 tf.
.Notice to Tax-payers of Division
No. 5, Neb. Ter.
Notice i hereby given to all person
within this Division having an income
exceeding in amount six hundred dol
lars, that will receive all returns of the
same at the of!ic of T. M. Mtrrju. tt, in
Plattsrnouth, McKrayka, on Friday and
Saturday, the lGth and lTth of June,
18C5. All persons liable to tax will do
well to call and make return of the same,
thereby saving an addition of ilO per
cent on the amount of tax.
Dated Platt-mouth, Mav 20th, iSGo.
Asistant Assessor,
Division So. 5, Nebraska, composed of
the Counties of Cass, Lancaster, .Sew
ard, Butler, Polk and Cathoun.
The Subscriber wishes to eel! her
House, Lot and 'outbuildings, situated
one Block north of the City School
House, find one door west of Holland's
Cabinet Shop. The House contains five
rooms conveniently arranged. Th out
buildings consist of a Wood House and
a large Ur ck Smoke House. There is
also a Well of good water tn the premis
es. The above described property will
be sold cheap, if applied for soon.
For partieulars apply to the under
signed on the premises.
May 23 w2.
Patronize Home Institutions
All persons wishing to secure a sure
preventive from damage by lightning
will do well to secure one of those Star
Muted rod;, with Sprats patent Insula
ters, and tho best piatetl Points. All
work warranted. Leave orders at Mur
phy & (ilenn's bhop, or with the under
sijrnjd. Having permanently located
in the Territory, I solictit vour patronage.
Clotting- If you want to buy Ready
Made C-othing, call at
mlw4 S- Bloom's.
Boots and Shoes. The best and
largest stock of Boots and Shoes at
mlwJ S. Bloom's.
Revolvers- A new lot of all kinds
of Revolvers received at
uilw4 S. Bloom's.
The Best Assortment of Emigrants
out-fitting Goods at
tnlw-1 S. Bloom's.
AMcCormick two-horse Reaper, in
food order. Also a Threshing Machine
and Horse Power.
Apply to Amison, Dovev A Co., or
it Weeping Water Falls.
NOTICE. Gentlemen interested in
the formation of a r.arish of the Protes
tant Episcopal Church in Plattsrnouth,
are ren nested to meet on Friday, May
the 19th, at 7:30 P. II., in the office of
D. II. Wheeler Esq.
Geo. C. Eett3, Minister.
Boots & Shoes A large lot just re-
cluved by, Amiso.v, DotEV S Co.,
Pistols A large lot just received
by Amison, Dovev & Co.
Swff.t roTATo-s.--The undersigned
has a rine lot of Sweet Potatoe plants for
sale; also a large loi of choice Tobacco
plants. Orders may be left nt the Drug
Srore of Black it Buttery, where the
plants will be delivered, or at my garden,
near Mt. Pleasant.
Ma, 15, w4 W. J IIESSER.
Last Notice- There are still a num
ber of men in Cass county whose taxes
remain unpaid. A resj ite of twenty
days ii hereby granted, without penalty
or costs, after which time I shall pro
ceed to collect the delinquent taxes ac
cording to law, without respect of per
sons. Please come un and pay, "while
it is yet day," Ivst the time come when
costs will be added.
M ay 17 S. DUKE, Trcas.
FOR SALE- A good farm of 1(30
acres well improved, situated within
four miles of Plattsrnouth. For partic
ulars enquire at the Herald ofiice.
Farm For Sale-
I hnv.? a good farm for sal1, consisting
of 105 acres ; 10O fenced, 00 under cul
tivation, and about 65 acres of timber.
It is situated 7 miles south of l'latts-r-iouth
on the main thoroughfare to Ne
braska city. For particulars enquire on
the premesis, or of Hiram Davis iu this
April, 23 m 1.
Ilstray Notice.
Came to the enclosure of the subscri
ber, on the 2'21 inst, one dun or mouse
collored mare Pcney, 3 years old, with a
a young colt, about 10 days old, Bran
ded on the Wt shoulder, Spanish brand,
Mullen Ranch Cass Co., April 24d,
PnoT. Erts. CnfRni. Services on Sun
day in the Brick School House, at 4 p.
Those in want of
can find them at Black, Buttery & Co 's
or at my farm nnr Mt. Pleasant; at
25 els ier Hundred-
A liberal discount will be mada for lots
of one thousand.
Probate TTotico.
Kot!r is bc-nl.T piTn to all prrsom intf-rturj,
that Jifib V11y hn Tn:id up .lirmion to the Pro
bale (,'iiurt t.i mke l:nai f'tli-iii'st f his Adminm-
trtorhipol trie hvof J.-scph P. ll-e-e Ucmsd,
late of Cass county, Nsbratk4. The Cort has ap
vcictcd SSaturiay, June. lth, 18C5,
f the dsj to make such cttlemcDt, when all par
lies interefted cuq appear.
Witness my hand nd teal f odea this
V. H. WrtEFfR.
J'robate Judge.
May 57,1565 wH.
Probate Notice.
N ol-re 1 hereby piren that E. B Coleman hai
trmde app'ictnlon to be appoinied Administrator of
the Kta e nf J. K. Pei'Pi.o. l:ite dereaaed of Cass
f"imtf The Conrt will hear fa id apt lieath n for
appointment as Adniinitrnior, oa Satarilav, July
IS, UW.V l' oVlm-k. A. M., In Pla tteraoiith, X.
T . at whith t:nie, ail persoua interested will ap-
Witnea my hand and seal, thi a 23d day of May,
3. D. WHEELER, Tn.bate Judffe.
Solicitor ia Chancery.
Dealer in
Gents Furnishing G-ocds
&c, Sic.
Also a larze lot of RUBBER GOODS
and REVOLVERS always on hand.
will find it to their benefit to examine
my stock before purchasing elsewtere.
Cash paid for Hides, Furs
and Wool.
Plattsrnouth, May 25, tf
We have opened a
"3? O
Opposite the
Where we are
Offering and are . Selling
Usually found in the Provision Line,
t, fcwtfc "ttA" JfcA!
We wish to buy all kinds of
Countiy Produce.
Such as
For which the
Highest Price
will be paid
In M o n e v r
SjThose having such articies to sell
will do well to call and see us before
Piattsmouth, May 22, '65.
Probate Notice.
Whereas on this day trpenred Ardrew B. TaTlor,
Administrator ol the estate of I). Y. Archer, late of
Cass connty, J . T , and makes application to make
a final Settlement of his Administratorsi ip, there
fore notice is heieb, giren that the Court will make
such settlement on
W'eJiiftJay, June ilh, 1S65,
at tiie office of the Probate Court in Piattsmouth, N
T.: l'rotided no one appeal s aud shows good cause
why mch settlement should uot be made.
Witneta niy band and seal, this loth ay of May,
1865. D. H. V Hr.ELUt,
Vf3 Probate Judge.
Notice is hereby (riven that all p. rsons having
claims ajfsm-t the estate of cidt, Jr., ileceas
ed, must &. tlieai with t..e Probate Court of Cass
touuty, li. T., on or bcfjre the
15lh day of September, 1S63,
at whch time a hearing will be had of all claims
thus cl d. 1:1 recounts or demands not presented
ou or belore .iiat day will be foraver debarred, un
less specially exempted by lav.
Witn'--s my band and odlcial seal this 16tb day of
Stay, 1S';5. D. II. WHKELEK,
w3 Probate Jude.
Main St., opposite
Have on hand a
Combs, Brushes, Cards, tfce.
Wc can
Out St a Ivlule or Horse Train
"With everything in our line, on short notice.
Our motto is "Quick Sales and Small Profits."
Repairing done at all limes, at reasonable rates.
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
Drugs, Medicines and Oils,
Fine Toilet Soaps, Brushes and Perfumery,
Pure Wines-and Liquors, for Eiedicinal use,
Dye Woods, Dye Stuffs, and Fancy Articles Generally.
Farmers, freighters and physicians
Will find our stock of Medicines
ine and of the
Physicians' Prescriptions Carefully Filled by Dr. Black.
Piattsmouth, May 1st, 1S6J, tf
& -f
E. T. DUKE tfe Co.,
"Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
Stoves, Tin, Sheet
" "We keep constauily on hand Emigrants' and Freighters
Such as Camp Stove, Frying
Camp Kettles, Ac. , e also keep Lhatn 1'umps ana
Fixtures, Hydraulic Cement, Sad Irons, Fruit
Cans and Jars, Lanterns, Colfee 31ills &.c.
Tin Roofing, Guttters and Spouting done on short notice, villi
neatness and despatch. Are agents for the sale of Stew
art's celebrated Combination coal or wood Cook Stove.
Give us a call we will not be undersold Main St., South Side, between
Second and
Dealers in
Conf e ctioneries,
Coal Oil Lamps.
Ac, &c.
Ten alo agents for the Buchinan Woolm
Mills, of St Jos' ph, Ho., and have nuw u hand a
god atortment of
which we ha re received on commission, and are
prepared t exchange for
at very rea ions1) Is jRures. g- Give u a call,
one door east uf Ue iitf.Xl.h cILc-, FllUBOUUi,
Jiay !, 1SSJ. tf
Platte Valley Uouse,
large stock of
. .
complete. Warranted Genu-
best quality.
i t
Iron, Brass, Japaned
Pans, Skillets and Lid?, Ovens,
Ihird btreets,
Cor. Main and 5th sts.,
Dealers in
Saddlers' Hardware
Findings and Tools,
-Orders Pronptly attended to.
Tha Military and Naval tuccesaes of 1S64. with tha
usriciou3 n sult or cur i roimi.-ui.iai wu,
lined a heavy weight iroiu lie broasU of Ilia loy
nuiiionn of uur coautrycien. It ii now felt, even.Ly
thxe who have been dHtrustful nJ faiat oertel,
that the Union ii to emerge triuuipnsai nro iu
deadly tnf whereinto she was ia wiVedly prclpl-
tate l l'y nor asuaiiams- ma tij.rij,
Ieiitle.s foe.i a ti tnconulep me me 01 nam.
perils of foreitrn iturveutiuii and of Western insur
rection are rtifrlj pahsel ; Adbauam Lihcolm, no
longer afsailnble aa a choice Vf the Kinority, holdJ
the nelm ot.-Uiie Mr mur juii iuu(ci ,
palpably wenkeud by its d. fata and losnea during
tha past year with its credit so reduced that 1U
pure-tearer tfli'-iaHy deciarra that its Treasury
..... .1. 1 .t . V. rUTA UI
IioU-S can r. iu v e- u -
twenty five f'r one, " bile iis bonds command bat
six cents on the iollr--but awaits the bloiv whic
thai) oon strike the swi.rd from its paracidal baud
and remit if master -pint t tne justice, or n uimj
be to the c'eircv, of a s-rely wronged and Justly
incensril but irljarin and m?-aQimous paopla.
Su-h are the atopic. a which jostiry our faith that tha
pre-nt Tear will fee the Stars and Strip s float nn-ch-llfLtfed
from every battlement in tin-' liepuulic.
and the perfect Uw of Liberty I-r ah mimoTauiy im
bedded in tlie Constttntion of our Union.
Tub JiEw Cork TatBUsa, founded in IS41, will en
ter upon its tweiity-foiirtn year with quickeued
hopes and eularirt'd means of usetuinet. Its princt
plea need no re-tatem-iit: its aiiua are the dttiiisiou
of Iutt-lli 'nce and the iuoojlatio of a tpirit of f re
dom andliuir.auity. When thta truth ahall hav
leeu eenerally recognized and fitHblithed as tho ba
sis of w-.:r inMituUoneand jw.itjr, that iojitaUce to the
p0..fH the weakest, th raosi oe.pieu, i iw"i
lui'tikt that no ci'niinunity o.- :ato Cj.ii afford to
wrmsfvtnits liuiliet member l!.-n will our
land b:i k once Ci?r la tae ciulu auuobineof Mac
and pro-r-rity. v MI,.,
Tur: Ir.iiit NS his tor i:ie " i.....
rithont protit to its proprietors, solely because of tha
dewri'-Utiuu of our 'u:r. v below specie,
comrK-liiuij ub to Luy pi.per and other materials at
coi-l cnnsi toratiy u.iuve nm .............
our nd scrib.-ra. cm our weekly edition, the net los
has amo.mtoJ t several th ounoj oi uonaro, -
our lur-'' receipis iroiu a-ncnu.' - ,
aborbed br thd extToidi:iiiry expanse ir
pondeoce, Tele aphinK', etc.. devolved on us by the
war As re do not uppo-a our patrons desire tnat we
should wrk tor tLetn at our cost, and proier not to
bepatrouireJ by any who mat desire iu we hare
aoui-what advanced lor the ensuing year k P
orourmi-Weeklyand Weekly, as we had already
done v. itb. ihose ot our daily editions. This increaae
is purely nominal; u.rro never oeiurc w - -'
when the f.irniers of our country country could buy
'J'ne Tribune for so iittlu of thair owu paouuv-w w.
labor as they can by the iciiowins
Fingle copy -
1 10.00
- tt-
Mail suoicriDerf, one year, issues.
One copy one year. lot. issues,
Two copies ne year,
Fiva copies or over, one year, eacn crj'j,
One copy, one year, bi issues,
l'ersous remitting 920 for 10 oepies, will receive ouo
C"VT ext'a. plans.
Persons rsrr.itting iio fofjtt c.pies, will receive one
... uv ."emi-Weekiy. (tratis.
Persona rfraitiiug 0 for 4J c.ipies, will receive one
copy Daily, praus.
Drafts on New-vctk. payable to the order of "The
Tribune, ' being afef, ato preferable to any omer
mode ol ren.iiuace. Cut whore draft cannot be
couvi uieutly procare.I, United Statos, or National
13 hoc. bill:, are next uest, at.u may ie neui. r
tul iu rase of loss, Tho Tabuiio will noi do rssponsi-
ble unless faruish-d with a full deBcription oi me
bills, including the name ot the bank, uououiiuauou
and number, aud the time and place of mailing of
the letter with tiie inclosures-
Address Tilt, llint-sr.,
Tribune BuJdings, Sew York.
"A Complete Pictorial History of
tne ximes.
"The Vest, cheapest, and most success
ful Family Paper in the Union.
TT TTT lrl,r
l A I I) V I b W COAiy,
Cri'lcal notices of the Prss.j
The bet fatciiy newspaper in the Tnited States.
2tif Lonit m A"' e rtltcr.
he model n 'w-paper or our country complete lu
all the departments of an American Family Paper,
Harper'.- Weekly has earned lor itself a riht to us
line. t Jut'HXAL of ClViLlzaTlo..'' X. Y. xst-
this p-tper furnishes the Oim utnratton. war
fuliue liiiiio' i;iu will euii.h themselves out of Har
per's Weekly inns alter wi item, arid printers, and
puoli-he s are t d ist. -V. '. Ettangrlist.
A ii'-C"Mty iu t very huuebold - rfou Trans.
It is at i. ace a leading political and historical an-caii-t
ol the nation. I'hil nJtlf,hia Pnm.
'lfce htstofiti ciass in America. BjsIuii Traveler
SuIcjiptions. 1SC.1.
Tin' publishers h ive perferttd a syoteui of maillnir
by which trny cn supply th? Mauazinb and Week
I.V protnptiy tho'' nho prefer to receive their pe
ri.idi'als directly f.oia the ilioe of publication.
Postmasters and others desirous of RettinS up clots
wiil be upplied with a haa isotne fittorial nUow-bill
oa application.
Harper's Weekly, one year, ... 4.
An extra cm y of either the Weekly or Magazine
will be supplied ratis for every club of Klv 8ub
tcriUtrs at &l eauii, in one rcmutauce; or six coines
Back numbers can be supplied at any time.
The annual volnraes of liattpEn's Wkellt, In eat
cloth binJint-, will be ett by txpress, fre uf ex-
p-en.e, fur f G each. A complete Fet, Comprising
Kicht Voimne s sent on receipt of cash at the rate of
$1.50 por Volume, freight at expense of purchaser.
Addresj iiAUi'tlL & UKOl HtK,
Frunalin Square, li . V.
"UnqueGtionably the best sustained
work cf the kind in the World."
IVcw lonllily lasazine.
fCritloal notlcs of the 1'ress.J
It la the foieuiost Mspaame of the day. Theflre
iu never hd a more d.-lihttul companion, nor tha
milliou a more enti'n.nMU Inond, thu Harpt'r'9
Magazine. i't:.Yofif J'rote&iant (Baltinure.)
The most popular Jloullilylin the world. .V. Y.
We inn-it refer in t"'rm of eulopy to the high tone
and varied excellences of Harper's Magazine a jour
nal with a monthly eirculat.ou of about 170,000 cop
ii'tt .tuuliose pni es are to be found some or the
chdcet liifht aud i;cnt i al rradiii of the day. Wo
sp'-ak of t lii s w rk as an cvideBi e of the American
pt op e ; ana the popularity It lias arquiroa is merit
el. Each number contains fully 144 paces or read
iuif niHtter. aiilr'ilri:tU'lv illustrated With irood wood
cuts; and it cuuibines in itseir the racy lu.inthly and
the more phiiosi.rlne.'il n'Jarterly, bp nded with the
best features of ihe d.uty 'journal. It has great power
in the il.e:oinal ion (f a love of pure lit'Tature.
Turner s Guide to America .1 Ijiteritture (.London.)
The voluini-s b'junil coitituto of themselves a li
brary of mii-Cellnneous reading, snch as cannot be
ftitiud in thy tame onipas ir. aoy other publication
that has como under our notice. Bostun Courier.
The publishers have peni'Cted a system 'ot mailinr
by which they can supply the 4(taziue and Weekly
prompt ;y t those who prefer to reeeive tneir ptriod-
ij.''.'i directly from the otiice of publication.
lheposlaiie i a liaricr s Magazine is cents a
year, whicU must be paid a; the subscriber's joet of.
IIjlf:PEU's jIagazIne, one year. - $4.
An extrt copy either toe Magazine or weekly
will be fup(iied pratis for tverv Club af Five Sub
scribt rs al $4 each, in one remittance ; or six ccpiea
for .t.
lia k numbers can be supp'iedat any time.
A complete set, now cnmpi isinic Twenty-nine Vol
umes, in neat cloth binding. wi,l b" sent by expfeas.
freight at exocDse of purchaser, for i! '25 per volume.
tingle volumes, by m:iil,pOst paid, $3. Cloth cases
lor nin'iinir, cents, ty man. po?t paid.
Address UAKPlill i liKIJTHERS,
Franklin cquare, N.Y.
Filing Claims against Estate of P. A,
Ha rpy.
Notice i hereby eiren that all persons bavin?
z rfth
catel by oith, with the Probate Court of Cass coutt
ty, x. T.. on o. before the $ECOXD DAT OF JAX
I'AKY, l'tt;, at which t':t: there will be a bearing
of al' claims t.'ius Cld.aail su allowance made by
the tVurt of all claims proven to be just.
Vi'itues thy Land aaJ teal this 15th day of May,
May 15, n5 Probate Judge.
Probato Notice.
JTot'ce is herebr given that James Chalfaat. A4-
miuitrator of the estate of Wm. J. Itakes, deceased.
has made application to the Probate Court of Cas
county, . T , to make fi nal settlement of his Ad
ministratorship ol said estate. It is ordered that
final settl-ment will be made by the court wall
said Administrator on
Thursday, June 15th, 1805,
if no ene appears and shows that such settlement
should not oe made.
1 : . . . . .. l J n .t .m.;.i . . , . .....
u.y or MaVr" "u d.u" wheeled 10ta
J 3 Protstt Judge.