Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, May 31, 1865, Image 1

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lf IV.
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"f any man attempts to haul down the American Hag, shoot him on the s)ot." Jon A. Dix.
AO. 8.
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ITIaimfacturciV Prices, A.i.lcd.
TOOTLE. QA jr" A i C0,
National Kcbts and U.. K-Slocks.
The creation of national debts is no
modern improvement, but the ability
of a -reru nation lo provide for a
great debt, an J to make it the most con
venient anl best for:-.! of personal prop
erty, is a :aodr rn r. The debt
oC Groat Bri:ain was begun by rais
ing a miihm t'.f r!i! ly loan in 1G02,
anl when her great contest with Louis
XIV. was terminated, the debt had
reached ii.ty millions. Many slat.
j f, anJ economists WOi e then atari
: ed at the (gret burded which had be
impoM-d ujjoo the industry of the cou
! tr,- ?;; when the war of the Austru
trv, wncn me war o. mi; iiujuiau
:-uct e-si m ha.i swe iled this amount to
eighty milieus, Macau! y rivs that his-
i tnriana and orators pronounced tne case
O le tiff cerate, but when war again
I broke out and the national debt was
j ra. : ;y carried up to one hundred and
fortv mi. .ion.-, men ct theory and nusi-
ne.-s b.Vvh pronuun-jed that the fatal day
! hti-1 certainty arrived. David Hume
) : .i .... t.,.,.,l. l.r hI..ii t.r..r
IlmVs to ihe turnout, the country might
' poil.iy live through it, the experiment
lirasl Iiever I'e lejieineu un-ii ii ."man m!r:hl be fatal. Ciranville
,aid the nation must ink under it un-le-s
si';:e n mion of l!e I jad was horns
by th'i Aiii'Tican fj'onies, and the at
i n'pt ! ic.ij'ose thi- load produced the
war f hi revolution, and, instead of
d;!.iniIii:. add-d another hundred
iniliien' to the l.-in'en. AiTain, says
Mac .u!y, was JJnt'!and given over, tut
again she was iaore prosperous than
ever before. Jl it vh-n at ihe c!oe of
. ! . .. .... I ..,U
! hr Napoleonic wars in 1SIG, this debt
' ba 1 been swcl.ed up to t!i enormous
. sum cf over -jht lutiidred minions
, st. r i, ' i " . f t t o ;i r ' t ho'i .-an J t !i x k e hun-
i st T.i'itr . or totir' tnou-anu ttiree iiun-
: dr."l million ilollars, cr nearly one half
. ntirc rroi'.c rtv of the United Kma:-
i d ial, the f li' Jt-heart, li.mett believer
! in r:aii'.)tia I regress and national de
,' ve'p ner.t. might well Lave been ap
! j .il!e J. in very face of this
: mountain of obligator! to s-ay nothing
,' f her vast colonial roseffions the
projierty of the Untish nation has been
. ' ia..ri; than treble !, and ner debt is no v
a (barge of b-nl V2 1 2 per c?nt againft
: il. Al! thru (Ireat ?ri'ain has dene in
paving !.-t de: t, we ?hr il uo and more
, w.tii r irs. '.. j.-ivft va-t territories
: i.utO'iihfd I'V t!i'' p'ow, of all
, jTeci; . j3 metals cf which ;e have hard
i !y I'tici.'-d the door, a fioeu!aiion full
! of life, i'n- rgy, enterprise- and indus
try, am! t'e'' accumulated wealth of
;va:el 1 ah. r (f t!
oiJ countries
tig i:.
o the lap of our ffiat.t and
evc-r-to-:-'? unit d reru. re. JJjringthe
' ie ree.-t and ne -t exaauing of all pos
! r-ible wars, we have demoustratt d our
I national strength and all the world
over, national strengtn is but anotner
name for national credit. "As good
as United Mates Stocks" will soon Le
synonymous the world over with "as us IJriti.'h Consois." For our
part, we think a U. S. Treasury note,
earing f even and three-tenths annual
interest, is jact as much better than
I'.riti.-h Consols as the rate of interest
is higher. Some cf our timid brethren
who shipped their gold to London and
invested in Consols, are now glad lo
sell nut and invest at home at a round
lj;-s and serve?? them right. Ex.
L" ITiiiiXS routv.
A iiiovemcni t f considerable magni
!:;re, at l!it? hea l of which is Hon.
le rge W. Julian, is in progress ha
ving for its pa rpo;e a substitution cf
the pacification fr the nnni!nlatin
policy iu dealing with the North-Wes-tt.Tii
Indian?. These gentleman are
urging upon the President and Secre
tary Harlan, the appointment of some
intelligent and competent memler of
the S-jCietyof I riends as Commisioner
c f Indian Afiairs in pince of JJ r. Dole.
The systematic robberies of 'which the
Indians have been victims for a term
i of years and the consequent massacres
of wmch the fronti ir settlers have in
turn teen victims, are instance iu
proof of the utter failure of the coer-
ci on pi hey. It is understood that Sec
ai. j retary Harlan is decidedly favorable lo
the retorms urg'-a ty rlr. Julian and
cth 'rs. On the other hand ex-Stna-lor
Wilkinson of Minnesota claims ihe
appointment if ihe Covernment con
cludes to maintain the resent hostile
relations. Two prominent and active
Quakers have been named by Mr.
Julian and Lis friends, one from Indi
ana an.l the other from Pennsylvania.
m m
-gTAll the duties of religion are
eminently solemn and venerable in the
eyes of children. I5ut none will so
strongly prove the sincerity of the pa
rent; ncne so powerfully awaken the
reverance of the child; none so happi
ly recommend the instruction he re
ceives, as family devotions, particular
ly these in which petitions for the chil
dren occupy a distinguished place.
ru5The Adams Express Company
offers five hundred dollars for each
and every person, who may be convic
ted of crime in connection with the
throwing off the track the Ohio and
Mississippi railroad train, and robbing
the express car and passengers. , The
United States bonds stolen are also de
scribed, and the public warned against
negotiating them.
Our exchanges complain, far and
near, of the tenacity with which pro
vision dealers cling-to high prices.
They appear to have a strong aversion
to the moderate and fair charges of
past times, and exhibit a total oblivi
ousness of the process and reason that
led to cuch enormous advances. A
little while ago these dealers were
thoroughly educated in the financial
perplexities of the country, present and
prospective, and were able to point out
the exact per ceDt, to which the market
was liable to be affected by a further
issue cf greenbacks. If a customer,
somewhat slow in such calculations,
expressed a little surprise by a mild
look or the elevation of his brows at an
additional ten cents on his coffee, sugar,
molasses, Luiter, or beaas, he was in
s'.autly informed of the gold market,
and made to undertand that the mys
teries of trade were beyond the scope
of his comprehension. "Gold has gone
up," he was pleased to say to the la
boring man or the laboring women,
'and we are obliged to rise with it."
There was a little truth mixed with
the dealer's statement, it must be ad
mitted ; but the advance price was
greater in prodortion than the fact.
Somehow the gold market always fa
vored the seller. And now, when the
premium is reduced to 30, the laboring
man and woman are no belter off.
Their financial friend and instructor
seems to b-i as ignorant as they ever
were about the gold market. lie has
ignored his theory that the prices of
provisions must go up with the price
of gold, by failing to mark his articles
down with the decjine of gold; and thus
the "lower tendom" of society are
excluded from the benefits of a fiue
opportunity to become practically ac
quainted with the matter.
The explanation, made with so much
complacency and wire look, "gold is
up," furnishes a rare opportunity to
retailers. It is doubtful if they will be
in any readiness to relax their embrice
of it f or some time lo come not until
a rigid economy, at least, in our house
holds compels a deeper study (if the
laws of finance. 21o. Don.
The Dxatii that Iooth Disd.
Tiie wound from the effects of which
Booth diid, was of the spinal cord, and
in immediate effect was complete par
alysis of the arms, legs and lower por
tion of the trunk, while respiration and
the heat would continue, as the nerves
which proceed to those organs pass off
from the cranium and not from the
spinal cord. The mind was clear and
undisturbed, save from the shock of the
wound and pain; but the brain was
uninjured. It was a living, active
mind, with a dead, helpless body, with
the most excrutiating, agonizing pain
thai a human body can be subject to.
bays a writer m the Philadelphia
Press : "From the moment the ball
struck him he was dead and helpless,
with a mind clear, intense suffering,
a Jiving witness of his own just pun
ishment for his atrocious deed. Yas
there not the avenging hand of CJod
upon him from the moment he ex
claimed, upon the stage of Ford's the
ater, I am avenged ?" In the leap
upon the stage the fibule, the small
bone of the leg, was fractured. For
ten days and nights the forest and
swamps were his home, with pain, and
dread, and anguish. Wheu discover
ed the barn was fired; before him a
sea of flame read' to engulf him ; be
yond the grave a stiil greater flame
awaiting him; snd at that instant he
received his peculiar wound, which
we have described. Could the end of
such a life have been more painful,
more dreadful, more appalling? Was
there not in it all the hands of an over
ruling Providence ?
ff2rIt seems but yesterday, when
the storm of war was raging about
Richmond, where Davis sat a 'Presi
dent To-day he is brought back, a
reclaimed fugitive and an ackno.vled
ged felon, 'thus punishment has over
taken the guilty, and good men every
where exult with profoundest joy.
The important question of what will
be done with the criminal now forces
itself upon the public attention. We
conceive of but one answer to it. If
Jefferson Davis is not tried, sentenced
and executed, we can imagine no ob
ject in having laws among men. If he
can, by any legal or moral possibility,
escape the highest penalty known to
law, ihe whole machinery of legislation
becomes a farce, and the moral support
of the State will be fatally weakened.
We needabove all things, an exam
ple which will proclai-a for all time
that treason is an odious crime. Un
less we are wholly mistaken in the
man now at the head of the Govern
ment, that example will be promptly
supplied. Jlfo. Dm.
S3"In the siege of Mobile our for
ces used wooden mortars, made of tho
gum tree, and according to rebel siate
ment they were very destructive. One
hundred shells were fired from one of
them, and one of these shells killed
and wounded eleven Confederate sol
diers. Two of thse "new-fangled"
guns are to be sent to the Chicago San
itary Fair, to see how much they will
bring in aid cf the soldiers.
The Itlan Who Killed Ilootli.
The New York cornspondent of
the Boston Journal wriiei:
Corbett, who shot Baith, is well
known in this city. He was a con
stant attendant at the Pulton Street
Meeting, and greatly anioyed it by
what was considered his fanaticism.
lie took part frequently, 1 and ia his
prayers was in the habi! f adding er'
to all his words, as "Oh iord-er.jhear-er
our pray-er." Vhrn anything
pleased him he would shait "Amen,"
"Glory to God," in a shan shrill voice,
to the great horror of ih Dutchman
who controls the meeting. All remon
strance was in vain, and heshouted lo
the very last. He enlisted in ihe 12th
regiment, and made conscience his
guide there. He was pepetua!ly in
hot water because he would follow the
order of his conscience rather than
the military order. lie prayed in his
tent regularly night and norning, nor
could the taunts and jcersof his associ
ates turn him aside. I heve seen him
ofien in the guard-house with his knap
sack full of bricks as a punishment, his Testament in his hund, lifting
np.his voice against swearing, preach
ing temperance, and calling upon his
wild companions to "seek the Lord."
One day at a dress parade, in Frank
liii square, Butterheld cursed and
damned the regiment for something he
did not like. Corbett st3pped out of
the ranks and reproved the Colonel for
breaking God's law. He was of course
put under arrest. Jle made up his
mind that the time for which he enlist
ed expired at twelve o'clock at night
on a certain day. lie gave notice that
he should go home w hen his time was
out. He was put on picket duty, and
as the hour of midnight was souuded,
he laid his gun down on the fine and
marched oil'. He was triec' by a court
martial and sentenced tobeshot. The
order was not executed, but he was
druinme dout of the regiment. Noth
ing daunted, lie enlisted again. He
was in a detachment of the New York
lGth, who were hemmed in by Mosby
near Culpepper. He stood out man
fully with his revolver and Ireach-load-ing
rifle. He killed seven men before
he surrendered. He '.fought his man
down every time he find, and as each
rebel fell he shouted: "Amen! Glory
to God !" j u-t as he us?d at the Fulton
Street Meeting. Mosby liked his
pluck, anJ ordered lis men not to
shoot him. H i was a risoner at Ar
Uersonv ihe. " rie u w passes down "to
history as the avenger of ihe President.
Iliicaanan a Traitor.
! The New York Etenins Post makes
the distinct, unqualified charge that in
the Democratic Natunal Convention
of 1S-5G, held in Cincinnati, James
Buchanan was nominated for Presi
dent because of riedges made becreily
and afterwards publicly in his behalf
that if elected, and the South should
wish to break up the Union on the
choice of a Republican successor, he
would offer no obssaIe to dissolution,
but would aid it. Th Evening Post
fays :
"The Convention wis at a dead lock;
Mr. Douglas had authorized his friends
to withdraw his name; Mr. Pierce had
done the same; and ihe Convention
adjourned one day with a fair prospect
that in the morning it would meet only
to adjourn sine die. Aboat 9 o'clock
p. m. it was whispered atom the Bur
nett House that next morning Htichan
an would be nominated. By midnight
it was said that negotiations were per
fecting which would insure his nomi
nation the next day. By 4 o'clock a.
m. it was thoroughly understood that
he would be nominated on the first
ballot. The Convention met. Mr.
Buchanan was nominated on the first
ballot, and as usual, the Chairman of
the Pennsylvania delegation rose iu
his place, and in a few words thanking
the Convention, pledged the State for
the nominee, and look his seat. A si
lence ensued for a few moments, as if
the Conveniion was anticipating some
thing already prepared, when -udge
Black of Pennsylvania (afterard Attorney-General
under Bueiaiiauj rose
in his place and made a set speech, in
which he proceeded io denounce Abo
litionism' and 'KepublicanUm' very
fiercely, and to argue that the States
possessed, under the Constitution, the
right of Secession. lie went further,
and told the Convention that if the nom
inee was elected, and a 'Black Repub
lican' should be elected as his succes
sor, Mr. Buchanan would recognize
that right of the States to secede, and
would do nothing to interfere with the
exercise of it. The pledge was ample,
and was accepted byjthe Southern lea
ders. The Convention proceeded to
nominate Mr. Breckinridge for Vice
President, auJ adjourned harmonious-
$5KnowIedge alone is not sufH.
cient. It is, indeed, power; but if un
sanctified; power for evil. Knowledge
did not teach Charlemagne t3 sacrifice
his own desires to the happiness of
any living creature. It did not make
Augustus respect the life of Cicero,
nor the pupil of Aristotle to restrain
his passions. If undirected by virtue,
knowledge is but the servant of vice,
and tendi only to evil.
Was it Profane ? A gentieman
from the interior of the States relates
to us the following incident, lo which
he was an eye witness :
Al the village of Afton, Union
country, Iowa, when the news of the
assassination of the President was re
ceived, a meeting of the citizens of
that place was called, and, after a
strring sermon by a minister of the
Presbyterian denomination, a Metho
dist clergyman offered a patriotic and
thrilling prayer, in the course of which
he prayed that "the assassins might be
detected and punished in this world, or
if ihey escaped capture here, that they
might be punished in the world to come.
A good brother in the body of the
church, responded to this sentiment by
a hearty "amen." Kneeling by the
last personage (for the entire congre
gation were on their knees,) was a
famous cattle dealer, who occasionally
indulges in the tallest kind of "cuss
words." Carried away by ihe fervor
of the prayer and the excitement of
the occasion, the cattle dealer capped
the brother's amen by the unconscious
exclamation "give 'em Hell !" It was
not until after the meeting was disper
sed, and he had been taken to task for
his profanity, that he was aware of ha
ving uttered a single word. The min
ister afterwards said that "prayers had
offten been responded to iu various
ways but never before in quite that
style." Pela Blade.
X?SFTae Buiiington Vt. Daily
Times, cf May 14th, says that eight
hundred cnvalrymen with their horses
and equipments, (filiing twenty-three
cars,)passcd through that city on Sat
urday last, en route for Ogdensburgh.
Where they could have come from
we cannot even conjecture, as we have
seen no notice of iheir movement thro'
other places, and what they are to do
on the border at this time is a matter
equally mysterious. . General Rose
crans is up in eermont somewhere, but
his business is shrouded in mystery-
Perhaps they are after George
Sanders. Beverly Tucker, Jake
Thompson and the St. Alban raiders.
It is about time to place a corps of ob
servation on the border to look after
the doings of our "neutral'' Canuck
A Bit of Oily Gammox. In
Franklin, Pa., there was a weil which
...4jol ciro KauJrod la.rroIa o potro.
leum a day, "right straight along."
The proprietors were, after much per
suasion, induced to part with it for
70,000, when they at once departed to
other fields of usefulness. When the
new owners took possession they found
a pipe leading from tho lank to a plug
in the well, so that when the engino
start'd the. oil ran from the tank into the
weK, and was pumped thence into ihe
tank again, thus keeping up an inex
haustible supply.
KSiMr. Lincoln's gaandfather, al
so named Abraham Lincoln, was mur
dered by an Indian in 1774, while at
work on his farm, near the Kentucky
river. He had three sons, the eldest
cf whom was Thomas, the father of
the President. Thomas married in
1S0O Nancy Hanks, a native of Vir
ginia, and settled in Harden Co., where
the President was born February 12,
1S00. Iu lSIG the family removed to
Iudiana. The great-grandfather of
the President emigrated from Berks
county. Pa., to Rockingham coonty, in
the Shenandoah valley, Va., about
The "Desirable ' I'ew, A pew
iu a Congregational meeting-house is
thus advertised for sale in the Amherst
(Mass.) Express:
"A new in the meeting house cf the
first parish in Amherst. The man
diat owns tne pew owns the right of a
space juit as long as the pew is, from
the bottom of the meeting-houre to the
top or roof, and he can go as much
higher as he can get- If any man will
buy my pew and sit in it on Sunday,
and repent and be a good man, he will
go lo Heaven, and my pew is as good
a place to start from as any pew in
the meeting -house."
C'Ou the day of the President's
funeral, u bronzed and weather-beaten
soldier, anxious to obtain a better
view of ihe procession, happened to
step before a party of ladies and gen
tlemen. One of the gentlemen nud
ged him on the elbow, at the Eanie
time observing-, "Excuse me, sir, but
you are rir;ht in front of us." Bowing
handsomely in return, the soldier re
plied : "That is nothing remarkable
forme, sir, for I hare been in front of
you for three years." So these iron
men, marching with the nonchalance
of veterans, are the men who have
6tocd in "front of us for three years."
J3TThere is a peculiarly forcible
kind of whiskey lately come in vogue
in London, branded L. L., and when a
cockney says, "come and 'ave a dram
of double hell," he undoubtedly gives
the right title to it.
E3General Wallace has prohibi
ted tho sale of Booth's pictures in
Baltimore. - .
Eds. Prairie Farmer: As there
seems to be quite a differenee of opin
ion among farmers, in regard to the
"modus operandi" in growing corn,
allow me to give the results of my ex
perience in that line'
The fact of its being a crop so
generally cultivated, would seem to in
dicate that its culture is weil understood
by all that raise il to any extent ; but
such is not the case. j
H. B S. from Kankakee county, is
no doubt a thrifty farmer, but he "don't
know it all." He pitched into N. C.
(in No 15, April, 22,h) like a "thou
sand o brick." Now I will wager
th3t N. C. can do the crop as much
justice, and raise as much corn to the
acre, according to ihe soil, &c, in his
region, as II. B. S. can in his, for all
his "ten or twelve years experience."
The fact of a man's being successful in
raising a crop of corn in one part of
the state, under a certain mode of cul
tivation, is no reason why another
man in a different locality should not
raise as good a crop though he persu
cs a plan altogether different in raising
it. Soil aud climate have such influ
ence, that what may do in one locality
will not do in another. Here in Sou
thern Illinois, the soil is of good quali
ty, but has a strong tendency to settle
and become hard after being plowed
awhile, so that it is necessary to "get
right down among the roo's, as N. C.
says, to loosen the soil, so as to give
the roots a chauce to spread, and also
to retain the moisture. But H. B. S.
will say, "why Sir. you will break and
tear the roots, which is as bad as to
break and tear the roots of an orchard."
Your are quite mistaken, sir, if you
injure the roots of an apple or peach
tree to any extent, it will take it months
or years to recover; while you may de
stroy more than half the roots of a corn
plant just before tas?eling, and loosen
the soil around it to a good depth, and
when earing time comes, you will find
that the new roots are more extensive
and better than the old ones would
have been if "let alone." and this re
mark applies only to this locality or
others like it. It is in the best of the
growing season and they grow very
In places where the soil will remain
light through the season, as it does in
some sections, about all lhat in neces
sary xs lo keep ih-3 weeds and grass
down I suppose; but here, if you follow
that plan your crop will be light. I
have seen the two nlans tried in fields
side by side the same season, and 'get
ting right down among the roots" found
favor in the shape of ten bushels per
acre over shallow cultivation. The
cultivation of both crops was alike,
from the beginning, except that one
was plowed deeply at the last plowing ;
cultivators were used altogether except
in this field at the last plowing, when
a common bar plow was used, throw
ing the soil to the corn. Old Jake.
Sorghum. A Connecticut Sorghum
grower made an
interesting experi-
ment ingrowing tne cane last season.
He planted nine rows with the hills
four feet apart, and the hills two feet
asunder in the row, thus giving a less
number of hills by the latter than by
the former planting, and yet he got
fifteen gallons of molasses from the
former and forty gallons from the lat
ter; and in addition he raised a row of
potatoes between the rows of the latter.
The sorghum needs light, and hence
the great gain in the wide rows.
Blacksmith Bill writes to the Pra
irie Farmer that the following me
thod of treatment for Black Leg, which
he got from an Ohio farmer, has pro
ved very successful with him :
Take beef brine and vinegar, (cider
vinegar preferred) equal parts, and
boil together and rub on the legs, breast
and back while hot with woolen cloths.
B. B. says he has not lost a case in
five cr six years. He fails to state
how many applications are necessary,
but farmers can use their own judge
ment. It is at any rate a harmless
CiiiNcn begs. Already we have
rumors of the appearance of these
pests. The Bjreau Co. Republican
says the' air was full of them on Fri
day last. The hot sun had warmed
them into life, and they left the corn
stalks and rubbish that had served
them for winter quarters. P. F.
To Softex Old Pltty. Take a
common poker at a duil red heat, and
move it slowly over the old putty, say
at the rate of two feetfper minute, and
you cau easily cut it off with a pocket
knife. The Weight of Ten Millions.
The Scientific American, commenting
on die story stated some weeks since,
but since proved untrue, lhat Jeff Da
vis started off with seven to thirteen
millions of money in gold, says: "One
million of dollars would weigh 3,700
pounds a good load on a smooth road
for four horses; or sixteen tons for S10,
000,000. Considering the condition
of Southern roads and horses, the like
lihood of gelling away with so great a
sum diminishes every lime you think
of it." .
lTIiat Sized Potatoes arc best to
Mr. Guorge Maw, an English ex
perimenter, has made some - careful
trials of the effect of planting seed po
tatoes of different sizes. Ha planted
in rows two feet apart and one foot in
the row. In one experiment 20 pota
toes 2 ounces, and tho same number
weighing 4 and S ounces each were
tried. The yield was as follows:
The 20 of 2 oz. each (2 1-2 lbs)
yielded 21 pounds 5 1-2 oz. The 2(J
of 4 oz. each (o lbs) yielded 20 pounds
1-4 oz. The 20 of S oz. each (10 lbs)
yielded 3-5 lbs 3 1-2 ounces.
Extending these experiments to an
acre, shows after deducting the weight
of the seed, that there is a gain of
50G9 pounds in using the four in pref
erence to the two oz. sets, and in using
S oz. sets the gain over the 2 oz. was
U94U pounds. Experiments with, the
above different sons show even a lar
ger gain than this, from using large
seed. Mr. Maw is of the opinion that
the use of larger sets produces larger
potatoes, and believes that not only
the quantity but the quality of the crop
may be improved by always planting
the largest and best and that the pota
toe producing power of land may bo
increased one-third by using the largo
f&tTh is proposed to commemorate
ihe next 4th of July by laying the corner-stone
of the monument over the
National Cemetery at Gettysburg, Pa.
This grand mansoleum, dedicated to
the brave men who fell in the conflict
which was so decisive of the fortunes
of the rebellion, is to be constructed by
the eighteen States represented' bv
their gallant sons on that blocdy field.
Gettysburg was the only battle fought
in a free State, and the fund to prepare
and perfect the Cemetery, raised by
ihe commonwealths alluded to, is being"
carefully and intelligently expended.
There is now nearly c'90,009 in the
hands of the trustees.
fc"TA Cincinnati audience was
recently favored with a novel perform
ance not in ihe bills. The play, a
new one, proving a failure, the author
and manager appeared at the footlights,
alleging that the actors had not follow
ed the text, ii'ext an actres3 appeared,
and declared sonio portions of the text
too vulgar to be used. The author
retorted, reinforcements came to tho
support of the aciresj, ahi th? mana
gci rang down the curtain. Ia the
midst of the excitement, the gas was
turned off, and the audience finally
groped its way out in darkness.
VfT'A ycung lady, who was at the
ball recently given by the Prin:e and
Pricess of Wales, fell doling a round
dance, and knocked out three of her
front teeth.
irSBooth's diary mentions every
thing that occurred from the time that
he fired the fatal shot until his capture.
He gives the names cf the parties who
harbored him and of those who re
fused to do so, the latter of whom he
had marked for his vergence.
JfyST There is a suit before the su
preme court of New York involving
the title to a guano island worth 810,
000,000. Mcsk. The Empress Josephine was
very fond of perfume"?, and, ahovo all,
of musk. Her dresing-rooia at Malmai
son Aas filled with it, in spit-e of Napo
leon's frequent remonstrances. Forty
years have e'apjaJ since her death, and
the present owner of Mulmaison has had
the walls of that dressing-room repeat
edly washed and pa.nted; bat neither
scrubbinj, aquafortis, nor paint, hn.
been suflleient to remove the smell of the
gooil Empress's musk, iThicli continues
as strong as if tho bottle which contain
ed it had been but yesterday removed.
(EaThe Houston Telegraph of xpril
2othj publishes a speech f (.Jen. Maru
dor's at' a war meeting the day previous.
Magruder said ho saw nothing dis
couraging in Lee's surrender if the people
of the trans-Mississippi, would keep up
tho determination to fight.
He closed by saying: Coraewhat may,
I shall stand by my coflntry, and never
bo a slave to Yankee power. I had '
rather be a Comancha Indian chief than
bow the kneo to Yankeedom. I will
only adl that we have neighbors near at
hanij I don't feel at Iibertv to sav any
thing further concerning the matter at
present, but it may be that we may have -aid
from a source unerpeced, and at
the time when we least dreamed of it;
therefore, let us staadby our leaders and
all will yet bo well .
Embalming. M tiueoni, ia a papor
read to the French Academy, states that
after a series of experiments made , with
different salts, h 3 hnus that sulphato of
zinc, prepared ef different degrees of
strength, is the best material. An in- ,
jectioa of about a gallon would perfect
ly well preserve a dead body, as is prov
ed by the preparations belonging to th
anatomical cabinet at (ienoa Bodies
so prepared preserve all their inflexibili
ty for forty days. It is only after that
period they begin to dry up. still pre
serving, however, their natural color.
Chlorid of zinc and sulphate of soda are
sometimes u?ed.
5 la the vvaruiiuu- ot ilaxall &
Co., Itichmcnd, was discovered a lot of
blankets, from 50J to 1000, marked U.
S., which it was confessed were stolen
from our men imprisoned there, not one
of whom last winter hai a blanket.