Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, May 24, 1865, Image 4

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    i -r trrm v
"4-0 t?,Tt
t"- "i- - f
Arc ynii sick, fi-ilde. n
rnnifI)iii.inr .' -Vie yuu on
tf oriicr. villi j otirsystiii
leral!e:ir, ami our letliiif;
uncomfortable .' 1 liifC'M mi)
tfmis uro often the preiud
to Ft-rinus illness. Smie fl
of hicUnc.'-s is cret-niim n pot
f 'J.Ri'ce
T i. Vw-
y , toii, ami milium Le nverfei
if- nv A timelv nso-nf the ri!i
- W. . . ..."
Vte- K-mcly. take Avers 1 illn
OX'fc- ""J cl.anfo out ti e li-or
ueieu tumours iiiiriiv uii
Hood, lilid lot tin- tlni
"LjlS ulove u "nob-trUC led Ij
-.WrpJ! health u(rnin. They fcrinitt
'5i;rg lato tin" functions of" flu
hodv into vigorous artii itv
tnrify tlie syFleni from the obstruction which mala
ILi.u-e. a cold t-ettlei somewhere in tho IhkIv, on
bstriictA its natural functions. The.e, if rot r3
icvtd, react upon thi rn'elvcs and tlie f urn-utul: u
rfftiim frinliif.1 1 1 i.iirfil ti .wrfl vnf h in fcl I lib ri 11 -.
nil disease. liile in tins condition, oppressed b;
lie dcranirenientii, tain Avers I'ilM. ami see liow
lircctly ther restore the natural cction of the vs
cm. mid with it tu buoyant tt-elliiij of health n?niu
Vital is true and go oiiimrcnt iu this tri in I nud com
non complaint, is alj truo in lusinv of thu dvt-i
i.tod and UaiiL'eroun diMcinpi-ra. 1 fit Fame puma
ive eflect t-xtiels their. CmseJ bv fcimilnr i t stritc
loim and (U-raiiirctm-iitfl of tho nutur.-il tunctioiiK ol
l: Lody, they are rapidly, and many ol tin-in sureli
ureU by the fame lueann. .Vonu who kiir flit
irtucs of theje fills, will nfIt-ct to iiiploy then
i lieu eulleriji from the disorders they cure.
Mntgmtiiu 1'iDDi h niing phyt icintm in sonu; oftlit cities, and turn oilier vell-LiiOwu pubin
eroL4 :
5Vtt a TorwarcHnrt Mt reliant rtf St. Louis, Tib. 4
Dn. Avrn: Yourrill.i nr the porajon of all that
InuMer of nlccroiM hores upon her hand and feet
Jint had proved incurable lor year, llcr niotlmi
las been loni; grievoudy nlllietiil with blotches and
ninnlm on her kin and in her hair. After out
:hi!d was cured, ehc iJsu tried vour I'illn. bikI they
lave cured her. ASA ilvKOillDuB.
Af Family Physio.
From fhr. E V. Vartirriyht, Xctc Orlcnnt.
' Your l'i!l ara tho prince of urp. Their ex-K-lItnt
rjualllie rnrptss any cathartic we H!se.
"hey are mild, but very certain and in their
.ction on the bowi a liich nuikes Iheiu iu aiti:ib!e
o vi in tho daily trtulinent of diioM'e.
ilrmlnrbr, Sfcli iilcntfarlir, foul NtoniRth.
. - From Dr. Eihvird lini,l, L-iUininre.
TPAtt lii:. Avek: 1 cannot answer you what
Kiiiipluiut." 1 have cftr:il w it li your l'ilia 1 1 -tier than
0 hay nil that tre cr. r treat t ith n ir tn i
iw. I plnco pretit l.epeiidence on that el'ectiiiil
atliartic in my I u i 1 y contc:-t with ilic-use, and 1
ieviiikr. jis I do. that your 1'iiN ulloid us thu Le.-: Me
tave, 1 of course value them highly.
- iTTTSnrKO, l'a.. Mav 1, liVi.
I)n. J. C AYEtt. Sir: 1 have been 'repeatedly
ured of tho worst heartache anybody can have ly u
keor two of your 1'ill. It ni-enis'to arije from
ioul tomach, which tiev ckaue at once.
Yours with great le.-pcct. KL. W. rJIFr.I.r..
t'.'i rJt if Sleann r I 'tanoii.
XSiliou I)ioriIei.- J.ivi r 'ompl;tint.
TrotnDr. Theliv l't c.V. i.' r.,r' dta.
S-ot ouly are your 1'ilN adniivnblv adapted to their
imi'iuc a an aperient, but 1 lind their 1 el'e.Mihil
lli'cts npou the J.ic.-verv marked iiuUtd. Tin-v
lave in my practice prod more for th
rure of lilious cntnjif.unts than anv one reuiruv J
4in mention. 1 sitiCirelv rejoice t'hat we have'at
engthn purjrative which is worthy thcconUiIfcLce ol
lie I'roteccioa and the people.
DOTART.MEXToi'Tiir I.mnmn, I
AVa;hintoii, !.', 7th 1 eb., 1
FIR: I have used your i'ills iu my general anil
locpital practice evil- tinco you taiio them, and
annot hetitate to rar they iire t!ie be.'-t cathariic
e emplov. 'J'heir refruiutiiix action on the liver i
uick lind decided, con? e'liieiitly thuv- ar an ad
nirablu remedy i'Jr deianVeuieuts of that raan.
Jideed, I have teld il l loin. I a c:i:e of I'iicm His
om; so ob.-t;ii:ite that )l liid not remhlv ie!d t
Lt-ia rratci l.aily yot rs, AI. i.v.O W.M.L. M. 1).,
' i'titicion of the .'ttrin: Jlj.yiln!.
JJ ywutorj , Diairiiu'ii, ICclax, Worm-..
From Dr. ). V. Crten. of Chieau't.
Yonr 1'ills have hud a long trial in my practice.
ilil 1 hold them in esietm as one of the bet uperi-nt.-
I have ever loimd. 1 heir alterative eil'ect u;m'ii
lie liver make theirt nn excellent remedy, wlieu
;iveu in naall doses 1 r liHimis iiscnftrii anl i'.i-.
Am. Their uttiar-cotilii. jnakc theui very ue
, ptaHe and conviiiitnt lur tho u:u of vomcii aiid
DynpcrIa? Imparity of llir Illooil.
Vom liev. J. '. Ilimt , Ftwtor cf A tlctnt Chnrt h,
Dn. ATTR: I liavo ured vour I'iirs Ttth extra
irdinary success in my family ami unions :ho.-e J am
ailed to viit iu distrif. To re.uiate tlie or:.'ai;ot
lijuf tien rnd purily the Liood, they are the verj
iet remedy 1 liuve over known, ami 1 can couli
leutly recommeud tU;m to mv friend.
Yours, J. V. HI.Mr-5.
TVausaw, AVyomin;? Co., N. Y., Oct. 2J.
1:. isfii:: I urn tittup your t atl.ortie l'iKs in my
racliee, ami lind th' inan excellent purgative tii
dvamc tile CVslcEi lu.d yi. (- t.'itt t-'intt'iitis i f tut
Uxxl. JOHN O. MKAC HAJt, 3I.'l.
mtipnliii. C'vi veurx. Nii!j-roiion,
Kbrumntimii, onl, Ieuralgiu, Uropj ,
lnrHlr; l'itu, !;.
From Ih-.J. P. Vauyhn, Jitrca!, funttdii.
Too much cannot be f;iM of your 1'iKs for tlie
tire of eostireites. If other of our fraternity have
bund them a efficacious as I have,tliey should join
.tie iu proclaiming it, tor the beneiit of t Le multitude
vho feUJTur from that complaint, which. altlimiKh
,ad enough In itself, is the progenitor of others that
ire worse. I believe cottinmra to originate in the
iver, but your i'ilU kllect that orguu aud cure the
Yvm 3Ir.' E. Stuttrt,' Physician and lll-lxifc.
1 find one or two lurte doses of your 1'ills, taken
it tho proper time, are excellent promotive of the
laturul .feci at j-tn w iien w holly or partially ftp
tressed,' and also very etteetiial to ctcansf the
t'tmucK and tmrrnn. They ore to much tin
est phy-wc we hate Lhat 1 recoubneud no- other tc
oy patients.
From the Eev. Dr. TTarlci. rf the Methodist Fis
. (Iittriri.
ITLASKI riousP, avuuuali, C7a.. Jan. C. 1S.V!.
lliMiitEI rtrt: 1 t-hould be ungrateful for the
-lief your tkill ha brouttht me if 1 did not report
ny caj to yon. A eidil jettleH in my liinbi tud
roirj;ht on "excriK-iatiug m-iu-iUyic juin), w JiiitIi
Mided in chronic rAmj. NotwitliMtaridiD? J
lad the best of physician, the diwase grew worst
ml wore?, until y tins f lvice of your txcelicnl
itrejit in IJultimore, Dr. Mackenzie, I tikxl you
.'ills. Their t-H'oct wi re slow, but sure. I'.y per
creiing iu the use of them, 1 am now entirely well.
Senate Cn imtit, Tnton Konpo, La., 5 Icc, 1S.V.
Dtt Ateu: I have been entirely cured, by yout
'ills, of llhenmatic (iuu.t a painful diensethnt laa
Ullicted mo for years. Yl.SCi-NT JjLl D11L1..
tT7 Most of tbe I'illa in market contain Mercury
vhich althouph a valuable romedy in skilful linndj
s dantrerous in a public pill, friim'the dreadful cou
wjueuces that fretpuently iollow its incautious use.
Tiese contain uo inert ury or miueial subetasct
vl-UTex. .
Price, 25 cents per Box, or 5 Boxes for SI.
'repared by Dr. J. C. AYE'S. Si Co., Lowell, Mass
Boot Sl Shoo Shop.
The Mib.eriher wonl'l r---:trrtf!i!! y rul' the Httcn
1 ion of tie- citizen ef l'lat'-mi oth aid thepul l u at
tttffe to the (net tint l.e 1 us pveurcil a portinn of
tr. Iteeck's Cabiuet Simp, vlie e he iut'-ml-i tuepins
in hand and imkirjr "ii tlu slim t-.--t notice, eve-
urticlein bin line. H is M-t-k l'eiti:- i ted by 1 iiii
tf. and having BT-ellt.lI.e in r.t ,.f l.i.T if.. iutllu
liufines , he feels ceatltleut that he can give t.;:tb fac
tion, dive him a call.
April 10 'C5. J. T1IOCKMDRT0N.
Dealers in all k'.njj of
School & Blank Book;
Third Ddt Wett of Seymour n ase,
N. T
SIA"STK ring;
The unJcraigncJ are TicvarcJ to do
. ON
.':. . .
and at
ciKonuK Nonius.
... . - .. . r
Cor. Mam and 5th st?.,
Dealers in
StuI die i s' Hard wa
Rustlings niidI'ool?,
ClTOrders Promptly atteutled to.
1 -
A ni.Tpr f.ii)iu .ntel- te f
Si.-:; IIr.1.1-
a- he, l'y i--:'-i.t. I'ev. r mil A .-.
Liver O.u'i-l.ilnt. 0.tiv-:ie,
l;t:iok-tie.-.4. .t--n-,
D. vr.ive-VAl retlt-, r?---r-
V i iM iiujiii. r
Ub-iru- iioi.-, i
'Crjv ! 5 ct
VTIIiSON S PILLS are vm v. ,-Y! a-kH"wl-.I.;"il
t-lie tl:el.etno'.r in r.'e. A- :i K.imily
fc-.. iue they .tn-i.artidil.iiU re Mnmrnd' d-si:up!o
and lmrndef, but hi; li!y lu.-di- ind in tlmir v,m
l.IiiHti .r. One Fill a d with iuiM !.ut -er-tilu
i ll vt.s. Tl.e rul list an 1 the -lii-.ite
u-i? tln'tii Hlike, with evuty :isiir:iu.- i f cnjiin
e.if ty. With Wilson's Pills, cv-ry Moth.-r h.
the huid b-reuusi her own phy-i. i.m. They have
p-ri veil t:.em.-i Ivos a st'Keinc. and stuud witlenit a
rival f.r tie- fill'Aviu- at'eeti -r.s:
Costivoncas, Biliousness, IVeuralptir ,
Costivcnesfj, Biliousnasa, Ikeuralgi .
Sold by Druggists & Dealers evcrywhei
Importers Wholesale Druggists
2o. 60, corner Wood and 4ti Sts.
Mir pcm-Rttrons or
B. L. Fahnestock'.sVerrnifuge. .
"Unquestionably the best sustained
worK oi me Kina in tne woria "
f Critical nulli-es of the l'ress.l
It is tun loreir-ot-t Maaii.v id Ihti day. The il re
si. 1" r.'-ver had a more del-xht:iil coia.Hiiim, nor tho
lui'liiiti a uiine f nterriri-iiiL' frinnd. than llatp i'j
Marline. Xit'iwlixt J'rntrt,n,t vl:it!;.tiiore.)
The most jnl'i-lar iluuth lyiu the tvorlJ. X Y.
Wa inut refer in term or eulnsy ti ttio Ugh tunf
aud VaMed r.vee'letiees ef lhirT-er's .llu.-zine ii jmir
n:'l with a neiutlily ircul.ititui nf almut ITn.i'lHi - rp
j, - .inv.lin-e Hues i;re to hj f nin l mhiil' o." the
elr iee-t lillt awl t-eueiill leieline. l tl:ell.l.v. We
rii mU of t'.ii-i win k as an evi'Iein e vf H e Ameriean
..-..;r? ; and the i-iiiilar,t it has acquired is merit
id. Uai ! tumher eniit.iiin fully 111 I nfes i f nit I-
ii3. IK.ltter. aj imiliriilteiv iilll-Tnted Willi yixel IV'Wil
cuis; ;n d it eoiidiin -r in" UmU the lin y ni-mtl ly and
tie-lui'ie i-hiini l'hieai U:irto.-y, hl-.-iuled ivi'li i
he-t feature ! thailaily j -ui:ii. It ha prea! . ..r
in the d:s e.ii-iinl ;. t a lovr -of June lit- i ;iuir.
Turin " IJualf l't Aim l i' it'l Litii nturr. ( Tjntuluii.)
The V'll'iines li.-.ind cntitiUito vf Ihemselves a li
l' ol uiibCelluo'o lead In, i-ueU us i .'iiiiet h
fi-jiid in the saiae e.iiiii.i-.s in imy oth r I'li'dii :tt io:i
Ih;it has eomc u:ioer our notice. JivvtO't Cviirii r.
The have periei-ted a y-te?n ;.if niailinir
hy wiiii ii they c.iu mi-p'y tie" ia.yaz;ae and Wei kly
tirninutlv to those v) ii refer to rei' ive ihtir pcriod-
i-.-iil tlirertly from ilie nrliee of i-iilil-i-ati. a.
lhuiotae i u Iiait'Oi s .M.iaziue is cent.-- a
yer, wkieh uiti.-.t he paid at li.c suL.-e:iber'b jionl of-
Hiwnn's Micizl.vr, i.iH'yenr, - - - $1.
An extr eufiy of e.ther the Magazine or Weekly
will be -up;;ii-d pratN for i vi-r.' Cluh cf I-'ive rinli
serii.erj at ti vault, iu oue reaiittaiice ; or fix ei i-iea
for n. ,,
llai'k nttrnbor? enn hp .snpplledat'nny time.
A corr-plete tet, u .u ei'iiipi i-in Tv. eciiy-iiiue Vol
uiu 's. iu le nt eloth hiailin j. M id h- sent by ex.f' n,
freight at expeusu of purchaser, for ti l ervmtim".
Pitivrle voIimie, t v mail, pot jiail, Cloth ca-t'
fur hindicu, lo cents, vy mail. mt paid.
AdJress llAKPKIt & Id.DTIlKK,
franUliB tiiire, N. Y.
Trobato IToticc.
Whereas on this ilny krpearnl Andiew 15. Tnj-1 r,
AiitniaiiVrater il lliei-tmei.f II, Y. Areher late ot
C;iMa county. K . T , and ni!iWe io make
a tiual .-ettleiueut of his Adru ini-tratorauip, Ihere
tore nciice is herobj t'iven that the Court will make
such uttleiu-Ut en
V'idiiestltnj, June l-itli, ISOj,'
nt th" ofTiee of the Trobate Court in l'littsmouth , X.
T.: lio i'led no one appears nud iliow good caiiM.c
it-hy such selUi.U:eut bliould uot be inmie.
Witness my hundaud fcai, thi Hitb rv of ilav,
iso... i. it tviinur.,
V,l i.'1-.l v'u-lfe.
)TLE, HANiiA !c CO.,
'0t-Z i-- -
iT'c- of
AVhulesale and
Clothing of every description.
Constantly cn hand a Lare Stock of
And every article required ty
And tveryl.ody else can te supplied at this cstaLlihment.
Call and era mine
Tootle, H!anna & Co.
Piatti mouth, April 10, 'G-3.
1805. ' 1805.
North Sido of Main Street,
Have onhaml the LARGEST STOCK of
Kvcr Ollbred in litis Market.
In fact, cvcrytliing the Farmer, Mechanic, Freighter or Emi-
qrant Avants.
Tliankful for past ralronngc, vc liope by strict attention to bus
iness to merit a continuance of the same.
Call and examine our stock.
riatltsinouth, April 10, 1SG-5. tf
If-T rtccived. 5" cases f f iiuael 1 . ucbss t j
"i O tn AM1.-HN
' J f pr.ntr o'-' ds
,Ml.-ii, IR'YEYA COa to purchase your ,
X eudie-s vur icty ef laciva lu?s ilo- ds at
a. h. a- Co v.
" f CAZ03 MoUby'b Cove Cysters for sal - at
-. it. n i v .
T baraius iu l.itdica' I'lCis floo.N at
A. I). A- CO S
JL 1 !, J-uear. (iolden Syrn, Migar llou.-e Ato-
lasseg, XeH Yolk Calii'lilS, cli , tk.
A larpe pit cl ChewlDj; and ijiuokitip Tobacco for
J. A. talu at .
A. 1. & CO'
"IAL OIL for t-iile by
A. 1. & CO.
Q HOXLS Mar Caudles f , r sale by
A, D. A CO.
IF yon umit to punk see (.oodsat a harpaiD, po to
A. 1). & CO
f) BAUi C0FFKK just received ly
J A. I). A Co.
A '-Jr
v 1' t :l Ch-.ic-s V-.a i.t
A. V. A or-.
- 9
'.--. -k-
St. JLouis.
Retail Dealers in
A R E,
our extensile sloe
t. for ml
asiai: taicu: ol uic-'t a anil boys' ci-iioin.
le by A. H. i CO.
Ui Co i.X' for a'e by
A D.& CO.
A- II. t CO.
) ACOA' iia-1 Lard for sale by
A UKAVV IX VOIC K of all ximls of KaKiily fJro
1. ceriud aud UutSitiat; liood- just recei' ed tiy
A. II. & CO.
1.1. kinds of Vai mint," implement" f-"" i- d- by
A. o. A; . '-
Lar,- s lot ol Two Horse Mow for s:.le by
A I). CO.
X end I ecu variety cf llurdwar nn 1 Cutlery for
A. i. A CO .
iSH, Doors, Miiujjlff, Glass, aud Kails of every
riptiuu for sale by
A.I). A CO.
VLL kin is of Couniiy l'roiiuce taken in exchani-'e
l..r poods br A.IK A C ;
eDiinierat all the ti tides vve l.avn for sale
X would till one S'i!- of tlie Hkuilii and others
have as good a r lit to adverti-e as
rpll K I i get Ou'Cttiu-' llousn uoith ..f s-t Ji-epi
L ti Ail.s.iX. l'i tV A tn ,
.i'U'.tMU .'i:tn, -it.i,-W-'.
j Jvhn t. flrUttotd,
J C. W. Picrcn and John C. C.itn; hell.
lv vivMic of ..u evi i i:tiou t-i in :i ri i te I fr.ou th
.!!ii 1 i he t'lei-k i ' the I ' .-" i iol t'nin t i ti e tl Jii
!a-:ai lo-tiivtif the Territory o' N'ir.i-kn, within
:id f .r :!e- i r.utv of Otoe, ami I- a i-in--' date the -i li
!il i v of Am il, A. I 1m'..". I. (in- M.b-ivilier, Mieritl" iu
i sad f.'i- ".'.-. e ii.'lv. N.T.. . i -.'il . t eiiliir an
' 11. a. foi- !)., ! i be l,it-!ie-l a II 'I li .si bidder, ill Ti on t
of the Cm ,i t, li ii.- iu rhiti-iiioUtit, in tn.-s Cuiiul.v
ebi.-'.a Temlory, ol. .lie
;').'( thy if June, A. D. 1?G5,
at 1-2 nM ck. M. f mi i I day, all that certain tract of
land it'i:i ei in ('as'; county, i. T. , know u atid d -s-
cribed as fono s, to-wit:
South -ot ijuartef (',') nf se.-tion thiily-two (12).
towusl.ip eU vin ill), r.i!' thirteen ( e.i.-t ; a:
ea-t half (1-.') of let ei m block twenty-eigiit
i!); al mi lot five (I) in lri !iirty-ix (3o.i, 1 lots
1 -1 1 1 r situated In I lie city 1 1 i l.tttMiimitli, .eO., to
v-eiirer with ad the leiiements aud nppili teiianees
thereon fir th'-reto tieleau'iu- or m :mi w im ii ppertaiu
ins. TfWeiias the property of John V. Cainpbi-ll, to
MHif;. j ui Vuieiit ri uilereil in tho lit. met ttoiirt o
Otoe conntv, M ehraska Territerv, in fivor of Jehn K
tli isn-old. " 1. 1. UASS.
riattamot:t?J. M.iy 2i 1?5-J. SlicrilT ofCass Co.
Sheriff's Sale.
William McCarty,
vs. . '
Aupuslus Wachteraud Cltai'.-'s Wat 'iter.
I'.y virtue of a r-peehil rtmJitioni txaontitx to ine
directed from the otllcc of ihe Clerk ol" the District
Conrt ot the '1 Judicial Di-tritt of the Territory of
cbr;itka, .within and for the ceucty niLa-s, . P.,
bearing dale ilia l.'itu day of April, A. 1. ImI.i, I, the
subscriber, hiherilf i:i and fur Cass county X. T., will
sell at puMic auctiou, for cash, to Ine h li'liest unit
bet bidder, in front of the Court House in l'ialti-
luoiiih, iu Cass county ebraka lenitory, on
Ihifidtij, lite oth day of June, A. 1). 1SC5,
at 12 o'c.lLMk M. ors.iid day, lot no. eiuht () in block
no. eighteen ( lt), iu the city of I'lattst.ioiith. Cass
conntv. .Neiira-ka lernt'Ty, Willi all lie; tenements
ami inirii uaui.t. n... . -v b i.uiuu. i.,
anywite aijiertaiiiiii. Taken as the proK'rty of Au
;;u:.tus V actfr and Charles WachCr, to satisfy a
jiulj-'einetit reudere I iu the District C"iirt pf
county, Nebraska Territory, iu i.ivor of William Mc
C.irtv. l; p. (JAtiS.
I'lattKUikuth, May 2d l-Co. Slicriil of Cass Co.
Chancery Sale.
Jarius . Xeal, C'oinj.'aiuaut, )
William L. Chiie'aad GeorgoW. Iu Chaafery,
Calviu, liel'euiiaiits. j
1 n pursaatice am! by iiirtue i f a decretal n.-di r to
me ilirei tei I em the lii -nU-t Couit of the '.'.I Judicial
lis?rict iiiau l for C'a-s c-oiuly, Nibra-ka Tcriilory,
made in the active i iiise. ami b'-ariu d;i:e on Ibe
-Itli day of April IV'4, leinir ilie Jiiu-j special lei m of
sai-l Court, 1 , tlie subsi-i iber, Masfer in (. haucery for Court, will soil at I uhuo V ndue, l..r cash, to
the h:l,e-t uu! 1 e-t bjilih r, i:t front of the Court
ll'iu-e iu lVattsi:iou!!i, N. T., oil
MonJav, tit 5:!: dti of June,
101, at 11 c"i K i 1; a. le., all that certain trio t or e! i f hind s'.i iaicd ill Ca.-s c-iunty, N.lii.tsua X. r.
and kni.-n ainl il -i-riU'-. s lnih.M-.-", to- ii:
'I be t-mtli half 1-2 ot the s-juwi Mtst or 1-4 and
tbe "i.tii huff 1-2 of ill" soi'li east qr 1-4 ot e.-iloN
-No. In-, i.ty 2'' iu li.-.u.-olp .n. tco 11 iioith of'rn-.-N'o.
t.;!ir!en II east of tl;c i.i.'i p: i;:c:p:.l nieii-'im iu
Cass Coiiuly X b. Ter- tofeilicr wilh all isliiu'.ir
t It iinpr .vci'Ci t-, lie: iv'.i tain--lit s , or appurtenance-,
the: et.j 1 .-l.ii.i iitL-, or iu .:iiyi ise hi pV-: laiuii;.
To bo sold a-, the ii-.-i i-.y of the ilefeiular.ts in tlie
ii!n-v to "ati-fy sal-1 ! crei;, tie- auinuiit of
v.l.ioh i.-. eleven !,.:n.i. J .( --jj-.'iry two d-.liars fit
iv o-i:;, I --1,172 ii'j i io en si thereou tioia the date
ol -aid ilci-u e l. L-i tln-r v.'i:li a. I c sfs.
KaleUl'lattsiuou'lU Neb. Tel. 2nd Mar A. I. Ism.
V. ii DMilKlMiToN.
Ma-i.u iii Ch.:uccry.
.' &. Sti'phcu-on. gol's. for Compit.
Chancery Sale.
Jarius K. Xei. C.-iupi-iiu;irit, 1
-. '- Tn Chancery.
St. leper 1 ic!M Ib-r )
In l.orsi-.aiic bv virl'ie of a docrota! order
nii; d: i -en il tnoi Iv lii-trtet C'-urt of the '-.I .luli-
1 .-i d iii.-:r.t. iu i. ' 'i -r ijii.--, ciiuiy. X. T.. jm.!,- in
! t'i-- above i .i.i.-e. a:: 1 t-oari o i:e on the I'-Mi U.iy o:
j Api 11. 1 i . t - ii.-i i i-e r, Ma-ter in h im ry
' -r .-i.i.i Ci'.nl. --ill s-fll et ; iibla vendue, f-u c.i-li.
to b; ) . -! ii.l !.'-.-1 1-1,1-i -r, iu fr. u t of 1 be Com I
Ileus.- it; l' ,X. T., .n
I ' .V .'iA.'iTj, thti ZJ day of Jane, '
1 -I'..", at l'o e'cleck a. tu.. h'1 that ce -t 'ill tract or par
je 1 of l.ia-l d iu C i.-s . uty X. T., ui,J kuaui
I mid defc. ii --i! ; s 1 ,il..n'.-, t i-w'.l .-
i Tue s'-ui li e.'-t nr 1 -t wf m e Xo. thirty 'Hi'- 31 In
; .'. i.-li.ii -Ni. i' II ii.n-ih .-rial..;.- X'o. tli'ia-en
; PI f i-t e! lb.- (1 li 1' .'I., in Casi county. X. T., to
i ;;i i i. r i :i ii.l a 'al si'-iiiar tile iiunr-ivi. uicnls, l.ei -;
i 1. ill l:i !. IS ' r i: ;'i : i" tel 1.. I - -. - llit'.i'j li-!iil or ill
I .-n.vw! e sjipr-rt .iiniT.u' T- b-- s..!.! a.- th ' pr.ii.erty oi
ll.e ilelclil -i.l ill fie i.l io c iu-e. to .-.i i. -1 .-Jl.i de
ieo, the a:uo ur of vvhb :i is lour liiindreit ami h!'i
f !i- .Ihi's l-l"-t aiid iii'ci. - f.- eon fr.-iii tin
d..te ol s..i,l ... i-i-i.-.-. toi.-1-ib l- v iiii ail ..-.-..s.
DjU'O i'biil la' Ulb. 'i'. T., May -d !!.).
f. -i. ij.:i;xi.Ti"x.
M.tster in Ch.'iieei'.
Mason t Stcj beii-iiin, s;.,''.; j :ap:aiiiiti.t..
Chancery Sale.
V.'rn. (jarrls- n,
vs. - In Chaaecry.
C'liarh-s Tezler & If iriliia IVzii-r. )
In l ill:!!;;'.. " aud by virt ue of i.'i cii-iiil or 1" r to
ine diiiLVed f.i m tie- insirici it of the 2-1 Ju-.dc.j.
I) i-'rii-t hi i-.:-..i f. i t'i.K c. u"ty, Xebra-fca Ter'itoiv,
ir.--id'' in '.lie iileivi.- e: n-e. ainl l ettria's date oa the olli
day of X .i v. -inner, ;.;. l.eliii; the adj uiriud Oct- l er
teiiii of said Court, i. I l.c .-I ' sci-ibcr, M-t-tcr iu Cbau
! r- for said Court, will sell "t public Vi-U'lu' f ir
e.i-h, t-i tie1 b'li --t and b;-l biilj-. r, in fiontof the
C fiiil blouse iu lUiiii.-iauiiili, Ncbiaska, on
S.tntrt'.ijy, the lO.'t day cf June, If5')-),
nt 2 1-2 i.V'.--k I". 51.. .-ill that ccit.i'n tract or parcel
nf 1- ml, -im ited in C.i-- ce-iinry, XebraskA, known
ii.. .!.! -ihed a- follow-, t wit :
i'!iee.i-i ball (.1-2) of the south-west inar't r (l-!d
of section Lumber tu-euty (J i) in toAnshtp no twelve
1 12 north ol rang" lium'ier I wc-ive (12) east of thi
1'. ."il.. iu C county, X. T.,
To- wiih all and siiiuul.T the iiiiprnveineuts.
In re'litiiinetit- 01 api'iirtcniiiices titer-on or thereto
be!on-,'in' or in any wi-- ..ppcrt.iinin-t : to lie -old a
Ihe proi'oity of the cleteini iin-i in the above cause to
satisfy t iiiil'il cree, the m -lint of which is -211. Oil
.-mil inteiest from the date of said decree, together
v i :b cr-ls.
Dated ri.ittsmouth, Neb.. April lmh. I''"!.
1". il. DOiailXt-TOS".
T.M MahqlETT, - Ma-ter iu Chancer;', Inr-Coinp't. . fn '
Chancery Sale
Eller It Garrison, 1
In Chancery.
Gardner Towers.
In pursuHuc? nnd by virtue of a decretal ord-r to
nie directed t'ruiu the District Court or tin &d Ju-li-ci
.l Di.-trict in and f-n Cass county. X'ehraskH Ten i
(ory . made ia llif almve cau-i - and beariuir ilalo on
llie fith day o Xoveinbei, A I), lsut. l,i-u: tho ad
join in d I li ti-ber toi ri ol said Couii, I, the subsei :
hsr, .'-l.i-t- i iu Cti.iuc-.-ry f--r sii.i Court, will bell at
pub lie Vei, due, f-r ca-b, tithe hiirh-'st iiu-I b---t Mil
d r, iu front ot the Court lioue iu PlattsinouUi, Xe
biuska, -i i
Saturday, the 10:.. day tfJune, If :-3,
at 2 o'olock I'. M., s-11 that ccit.iin tract or panel cf
Ian-! sittiatiij in Cai county, Xtbia;ka, and know n
and (i.-i-cribcd as f-d'ou s, t-.-it:
Hicivisi luilf (1-21 if lb'' north-east nrll I) of
s.-i-:iou i. limber tweii'y-two (22;. iii;il tlie biLlf
tl-2) ol tlie fe ipiiiner i'.-4) of se tiou nn tu
ber fifteen (UK iu tovni-hip uiiiubi r twelvo (12)
norili oi' ntue number eleven (llj eiist cf the li-.'ii 1.
il., in Cits county, XcbraiLa, eonlainlij' lob 1 2
acres more or i- s.-,
Tuireihei with nil nud hiujrnliir Uie improvements,
hei-.;iiitai!eiiis, i-r t purtenau-.-cs ilicieuuto bi-loUL"n
or in any v. i.-e a p;, i .a iuii t-i be n-ld a- the prep
erty of tl.c dclendatits iu tin; ad-ov cause, to siiti-ly
said det'iex, t'.i- amouir. of which is s." :ii.d iu
tei st tboioi u lien the.di.tu cf siiid ilecre--, ton- Uier
Willi c-t-.
Dated l'lattsmi-uth, i'i!).. April 111. h. lsi;5.
F. M . l'Oltltl X(i lOr?,
T. I.I. jr.itift.TT. ii..s;ci in Chaucery.
Sol. lot Con. n't.
1'i'ivg Claims aainl Estate I'. A.
X'o'ice is hereby jriven th'i all peifons ha iu-r
i l iln.s ;,..inst the c-t.-.te of Peter A. .-an y,d' ised,
late of Cass i onnty, mn-t ll'etliein ibi i y mi tlieoti
cited bv onth, H irh tie; l'n I it" Court oi C:is eoii'i
tv, X. 'i'.. on oi before the SKCDXD DAY I'K JAN
L'AhY, 1 - id, at ul.teh time ih-.-re will be Uvur.Uj!
i.-f al1 ci.iiiiis tiiits tiled, nud au ailov. au e - by
tne Court ot all cluinis proven tn be j"-:.
Uitu-na my hui.d and teal thu 1. oil day of ."lay,
-D. U. VI,
May 1."., ni3
l'r bate J uii-'e.
Probate Kotiec.
"otiee ! hereby ;?iven tint Jaines Chalfaut, Ail-tniiii-t
rutoi" of tile estate of Win. J. Hakes dtci a-i-i,
has madH aj.plicHtiou to th I'rouate Court of Ca-s
ciejaty, N. T , to iniikn li t:)l settieiumt ol bis Ad
loiiiist. ,it"i -hij' ofsahl t-tate. It is uruerea that
liusi o-til liK-nt will be made by tLc eourl with
said Administrator on
Thursday, June loi'i, ISo-j,
if no odo appear. and thows Cat such cctllemeut
should L 1 be made.
Wiuie s mv band and cllb ial l-i d ru th.s 16ih
dav ot Mav, IK II . W HTlKLLit
ViJ " l'l-Ut; Jud'C.
rOIL SALE- A good farm of ICO
acres well iuiirovcd, situated wuhin
four milts of l'laltsinoaili. Tor parti
titur OTi'iirc ;U the IIukai d 0.1k?.
Is the place to get
From a
-V r(j ffi (
ff r jn & Tr Yr f
in Tin:
All vc Si Stirring.
ioPv tiii:
Nebraska Herald,
11. 15GECK,
II ivin; rei'-atly built a new and nulla I'shonoii
Ilain St., riattsmouth, N. T.,
Would resjn ctfully iufoini lb citi.-iiH of C.i- au I
rdioiuiiiK counties lint 1 e has ti..: In iliiiei (jt tif
lyin-,' on tho
c a nix r.T r irs i i:ss
III ull Its branches
1 am prepared to taru out thu
tj ir I: A t 15 s T"
acd im st durable
Of every dese ever oil" re J In the Termor.
S-p-irli.-nlitr altslill u paid to ui.kllR nj j;.,
sh i n;.' 1 1 0 V 1 1 X IS .
All kinds of lumber taken In e.v. lun foi Work.
riiitts-'toiKli. Apiil 10, 1oo.
Apothecaries Hall.
Cor. Miiin find 5th St-.,
Paints, Oils, Tall v inuKJIn-is
I'. t t t Mi-lii ;ii.- ..f nil kUnN. ToP t irtl. le. i. t.i.
i ! 1 1 1 e ; , 1 1 ; 1 1 . -v i y . 1 o 1 1 k . p t iii a !ir-l-clii.i I'm
t , ill li.ltlern 1" ie s.
t. e " W- iii' pr ; m-d t II 11 all orders, ari.i wirranc
'iii Koods t be f e ii. apr. 19 O.'i
Wii ii re ii 1 ! a i oribirol i.Iolir slnip.oii tbus'lilli
-iieo Mioi -l-c l, O'.-o U:t of liii Hiil.AI-l
U..Icc, to ni ike
ttaots 4.y Shoes ttt Order,
IT the b.. t i.iiili-rl i I aid
II! Lt.i, u i.! I t.HK-, u i U l i-':;L u i'-tn.t i.
Srco.-iirfn-r liaiiv est .Sliort
?i olive.
(iA(Ji: it POISAL.
1'l.tttsmouih, April 1 o, !; tf
I'l.TolMi TO
Agriculture, llirtu-.-nlinrc, Mrrhar.ics, t'.d
ucatirm, lltnitr litlr rests, i i r nrr nl
j'r:t, Mirh-ts, )-r.
rublishcd Wn-k ly, in'a ne it ix-fa vo f..rm ..fll -. u
piik'.-s, with au in,!, x i.t tne end of eat ti oluui
T:i:MS;t2An A YKAR.IS A I I'.l .VtTT.
".i;- I hit, i'tirrlr.t Hint ore ciiij fr .
!l j-' Appropriate udvertifiiii'iit.4 will be plno-l iu
the 1AI1MI II for Io i-cli! pi r I ine of sice, Xolipit-li.-l,
each insertion, in advance, X.i..
I aded, pr.-ceiiin lolvertii-eui' 11I8, twenty crtil
line of space ncc upii d.
A npiare tomjiri-e. ten lines of spafe.
1-l'he i-irciilatioit .r th- I'liAlltIK PA 1:1! UK II
uoiv Ihe liin.-l of any pHlx-r of its rhi in Ihe We.l
and North -West , and o'.-rs Io X iirserviiien , lloril
and lino lenient il .liufi. liners, the best In diuin to
rcacit tlie masses nitere-ie l.
' JiMEIIV 4 CM., 'J04 l.nke f t..
L hica).')!, Ul.
T!u; uiulcrsiunctl will open an
XI intensive
3Iarblo Ynrd in tho City of
l'JaUmoulIi, aliuut
the yoTiioL1 iw;..
Vo are
Iliad ij to licccicc Order
:d c.:iy time. iji tzi:rix & co.
May 1 1SC5, ml
ii. phost & Co,, .
Opiotit2 the 1'"' 1 ,,1:0