She Ubra$lui maW. LOCAL NEWS- A IKOC:iJAMATIO.'V. i;y thk ;ot.knii: ok N!:i;it.sKi, l or. A DAY OF FASTINU, HUMIL IATION AND PUAYKll. Our Nation mourns the loss of its no l.le 'hieft.-un ! Ahuai.'am Lincoln, the Piitriot, tii-"! great States-man, h.n fal Ion: an 1 every patriot in the Natiun mourns his Ie'. In view of thin ;rreit affliction, the VresHent of the United States haj des ijjn.'itid Thuixlaj-, lic 1st lay of June. ns a day of motiriiin, humiliation and pruvrr. The President his especially roco'.nitifn i "That our people on that day, in their respective places of worship, unite is solemn service to Almighty od, in memory cf ths rood man who has ieen removed, so that all ohall bo occu pied at the same timo in contemplation of Li-i virtu, ti, and sorrow lor hid sudden death." Most heartily concurring in all thtit hns ipin recommended hy our worthy Chief M.iistrate, I'espacial'.y and rebpectf ully invite tlie p-opla of Nebraska to lay asid.; u- far as yoi-'Ule, oil secular bus iness on that day; anil that it not only Sie observed ns a ilay of humiliation, Lut tli at it be made an occasion for the people to unite in fl-,k:n of the Almigh ty to so di j ose of events and to so uide our ruh'rs and the people as that j.e.irfl nn 1 unity may again prevail ( hrnuhout the 'and . Let us (iud to s metify this reat nati onal alilieti'm to th s uliim ito 'od f tliobe who survive this re;it and good man, and that the good works contem plated hy him may he speedily and faith fully carried into execution. I oue at Omaha, this 12th day of Mav, IfO.j. A. SAUNDKHS.' Ilv the (-.vnrtvo : A. S. J'.W'I'OOK, Secretary. y(lod remains at 130. "Siiiali silver change is miking its er.r.p arance ajrain in ea-tern cities. iTKead our Fort Kearney corres j end' nee. on f'rst rag". CVM'-. Parcel left its another fine bunch of Rhubarb thia morning. - m m m kl'TIm Xew-Yurk Herald is out in ftiTor of nrzro sufl'p! r. The political prisoners at Fort MelL-nry, L ihiinore, have been released by order of President Johnson. Akruko. Mr. Dovey, of the firm cf Aniisoii, I) vey & Co., of this city, ar rived on the Colorado . A cat-fish wa.s eaujrht in the l'l.aii rivr to-day which weighed 3o j 0 I j it J .s . - (iV N. Jti'iJ in putting a base m( nf under hi.s shoe shop, on Main St., mi l otherwise reparing it. - m -i - jyThe District Court in session at Fails City will p. obabiy adjourn the last of this week. Cy i'lii weather for the past week has been extremely hot, causing one's mind to run upon ice creams and shower baths. ."v'la compliance with an act of Congress passed March 3d, lo, two c -nts- will now be charged at ail Post 0;5ces on advertised letter.s. CTLt. IV.oek, of the Neb 1st, ar rived on the Denver this morning. Co. C"' will arrive from 0 in a ha to-day, ar.d T0ceed west immediately to assii-t in thrashir n; the Indians. Mvr Src.v. Mackelwain A (leygor yainted our new sign. (Jive them a call if you want any kind of painting done. It is almost as necessarv to have a si-ri as it is to advertise. Last Chance. Thoso in need of li"ht- n ning rods can now be supplied by J. S. Waters, who is in town with a good sup ply. Orders may Le left with T. 1). tilenn. t-Mr. We;!?, who has had charge -f che telegrapli oliice in this city for some time, left for St. Louis last week. Mr. C. Williams, who i. known by most of our citizens, takes charga of the office. t"We learn from a private letter, that some fifteen or twenty emigrant wa gons have been laying on the north side f Platte river, near Ft. Kearney, una ble to cross. 'ilsperience is a dear echoed," kc. "v"Thc city is constantly thronged with eiiiigrant'trains. which 'ives every thing an air of business The westward "hound travelers have found that this is tke shortest and best route, and are " profiting by their knowledge. - Killed. M. , I. Ilegnn, formerly of '"maha, was ki'Iel by Indians about the 1st of April last, lie leaves two email 1'Oys to make their own way through the world, bis wife having died a short time t-efore. Ye glean from the lirhuliican. U"A woman in Guthrie country, Io wa, was lynched recently by women. She expressed joy at the assassination of Lincoln, and the women of the neighbor hood took her case under special con-i'U-ration. tTiie Denver arrived from Onifiha mor.ur, an(j discharged a quantity cf orn,bl.nt tQ thj3 mrlrket. f(r sae.J She took aboard about twenty passen gers, nnd procedodon her downward trip. gyi'wo men arrived in town one day 1-ut week, from D.nver, who had made the voyage down the Platte in a flat boat. W0 haTe not seen Iieir lotj.J aad const -nentlv an pive no pirticilars- CoMi'.'.KTKP. Stadelmann's ncv buil ding, first door east of KIcpscr fc Wise's Book Store, is about ready to receive goods. Hilly ban gone down the river to procure his stock. Amon other things, he intends putting in a f; rt c'asa Soda Fountain. ("27" Judge Wheeler has constructed a n?at and tasty Lriek fence in front of his residence, on Main St. Let others follow the example, an! our city will soon pre sent a better appearance to the critical eye of the stranger, as well as the resi dent. Marble. Butzeri& Co., have recei ved a larze supply of marble, which they are prepared to letter and carve in any stvle desired. Oive them a call4 and patronize home manufacture. They can be found on Main St., one door west of Hyatt's Livery Stable. Still Tiilv Cove. Emigrant trains still continue to pour in upon us. JSer- cr before lias Hattsrnouth had such a food of emigration. The whole move able population of the eastern States ap. pears to have started for Nebraska and the western mines, and they are crossing the Missouri r"rcr at this point. f A shooting affray oecured recent tv, b-tween Cols. .Icnnison and Anthony, - ' t a in Leavenworth, in which' the former was wounded in the leg and a bystander in the neck. Neither wound is consid ered dangerous. From the published accounts Anthony appears to have been the aggressor. rj"Capt. Moer was in the city last week. He reports things rather dull in Omaha, in consequence of the small number of freighters and emigrants starting west from that point. The Capt. will probably establish himself in business in this city at the expiration of his term of service in the army. (STho Ilrjnihiican says it is not Omaha men who have circulated the report that there was no ferry at this po'nt. We are glad to hear this, as wo wereloth to believe that our neighbors would do a thing of this kind. YVe have the best of authority that some one ha9 been engaged in circulatinu such a report; but it has not had the desired effect. Bitilidxgs. New buildings are going up in all paits of the city some small some large. The spirit of improvement appears to be general, and those who have not the means to build extensive, show their willingness to improve by building as their means and buisness will justify. Their is the right way if you cannot but up a building three storirs ! igh fcrty-four feet front and tight feet deep, do the best yon can. C7"Xt to r.B Mistaken. A train of twenty Government wagons started west from this city last Saturday. The train was loaded wit i Government freight in Omaha, crossed to the cast side of the Missouri river, came down to Phutsaiouth and crossed back, to this side, rather that attempt to travel the north Platte route. This speaks more for this roatejthan the bare' asserrtion of any number of men. Will emigrants be persuaded to take a road which gov ment teams travel thirty miles, and cross the Missouri river twice, t-i avoid? We think not; especially when they are conversant with facts. UifliiT Again. As a number of emi- grants came out from one of our large outfitting houses to-day, where they had btien making extensive purchases, we overheard the following conversation: "I say, that's what I call a cheap store!" :iYes: I did not expect to find things so cheap on the Missourr river." "Whv! wo can purchase nnv kind of goods cheaper here thnn wo could back where wo came from !" Just so, friends; here is the place t0 buy. Our merchant? have plenty of goods, nnd are not disposed to ask ex orbitant prices for them. Xew AdvHRTisEMENTs. Head the ad vcrtisemcnt cf Klepser & Wise, in to day's papur. They have a large stock of School Books, Blank Books, Stationery, Confectionery, Wall Paper, &c. Call on them, first door cast oftthe Herald office, and you will find they can accommodate you with almost anything you can call for in their line. See advertisement ef Turner & Good ing. They have established a grocery and Provision Store, where they propose to do a general trade business with far mers keeping all kinds of Produce &c. They go on the plan of "quick sales and small profits," and you will find it to your advantage to give thcin a call. Jv"We had supposed that tho war had nearly cleared the country of good hor ses; but there has been more fine horses passed through this place, bound wast, the present season than we ever saw before. r.'.i.TTSMOcm Herald. This paper conns to us regularly, with a clean face, and presenting a neat, business appear ance. It is we'll printed, and presents evidence of industry and nbility in its Editor, (II. I). Hathaway, Esq.) A val uable feature in the Ilerut'm is its atten tion to the local interests of Plattsmouth and Cass county. Such a paper deserves to succeed, and we doubt not the sturdy Union men of Cass county will extend to it a liberal support. Wo find the above in the Omaha R'yulUcan, and transfer it to our col nmns for tho purpose of chowing the peoplg of Cass county how the Herald is looked upon by thse who are- posted in nwpnper p'lHi'.hirig. ISTHon. John 1 Kinney, Dele gate in Congress from Utah, i3 in the Cuy. lie starts to Utah in a few days to return to this City again next fail. Press. 2TThe President La3 issued a proclamation directing the arrest and puniihment of parties furnishing hostile Indians with arm? and munitions of war. JjJ"OId John Urown was hung for his principle. Jeff Davis & Co., who never had any IjQip!e, deserve no less. LOCAL ADVERTISEMENTS. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. The Subscriber wishes to sell her House, Lot and outbuildings, situated one Block north of the City School House, and one door west of Howland's Cabinet Shop. The House contains five rooms conveniently nrrnnged. The out buildings consist of a Wood House and a large Urick Smoko House. There is also a Well of good water on the premis es. The above described property will be sold cheap, if applied for soon. For particulars apply to the under signed on the rrra'ses. KLIZABETII A. NOEL. May 23 w2. Paeronizo Home Institutions All persons wishing to secure a 6&rc preventive from aamage by lightning will do well to secure one of those Star Fluted rods, with Sprats patent Insula tors, and the best plated Points. All work warranted. Leave orders at Mur phy & Glenn's shop, or with the under signed. Having permanently located inthe Territory, I solictit your patronage. J. S. WATERS. Clothing. If you want to buy Keady Made Clothing, call at mlw4 " S. Bloom's. Eoot3 and Shoes. The best and largest stock of Loots and Shoes at mlw4 S. Dloom's. Revolvers- A new lot of all kinds of Revolvers received at mlwl S. Bloom's. The Best Assortment of Emigrants out-ntting Goods at rnlwl S. Bloom's. FOR SALE. AMcCorinick two-horsa Reaper, in good order. Also a Threshing Machine and Horse Power. Apply to Amison, DoTev &Co. or J. E. DOOM, 4t Weeping Water Falls. NOTICE. Gentlemen interested in the formation of a parish of tho Protes tant Episcopal Church in Plattsmouth, are requested to meet on triday, May the PJth, at 7:30 P. M., in the office of D. II. Wheeler Esq. Geo. C. Betts, Minister. Boots & Shoes A large lot just re. cieved by, Amison, Dovey &, Co., Pistols- -A large lot just received Amison-, Dovey & Co. by Sweet Potatoes. The undersigned has ft fine lot of Sweet Potatoe plants for sa.e; also a large lot of choice Tobacco plants. Orders may be left at the Drug Store of Black & Buttery, where the plants will be delivered, or at my garden, near Mt. Pleasant. Mi, 13, w4 W. J IIF.SSF.B. Last Notice- There are still a num ber of men in Cass county whose taxes remain unpaid. A respite of twenty days is hereby granted, without penalty or costs, after which time I shall pro ceed to collect the delinquent taxes ac cording to law, without respect of per sons. Please come up nnd pay, "while it is yet day," lest the time come when costs will bo added. May 17 S. DUKE, Trcas. For Sale- One hundred Sacks of lo0r: "T.! at the lli:RALn olJCe- Farm For Sale. I have a good farm for sale, consisting of loo acres ; 100 fenced, 90 under cul tivation, and about Go acres of timber. It is situated 7 miles south cf Platts r.iouth on the mam thoroughfare to Ne braska city. For particulars enquire on the preinesis, or of Hiram Davis in this C'tJ" A. M.P. WIIITTIER. April, 20 ml. i:tray IVolice. Came to tho enclosure of the subscri ber, on the -'2 1 inst, one dun or mouse collored mare Poney, 3 years old, with a a young colt, about 10 days old, Bran ded on the left shoulder, Spanish brand, Mullen Ranch Cat;s Co., April 21d, w3 CI1ANCEY A I KIN. .Prot. Services on Sun day in the Brick School House, at 4 p. in. Jcw dvevtisemcnts. Probate Notice. Kolice lhercliy giren that E. B Coloman ha ml npplictalon to he nppiniel Administrator i t the Ksta:e of J. F. Poruu, lute dwme'l . r cia Couuty Th Court will hear taid application fur appointment as Administrator, oa Saturday, July 1st, It) 'i clo.'k, A- M., in PIMtsmouth, X. T , at which time, ail persona interested will p"ir. Witness my hand and sf-al, thi 23d day of May, ISA! W3. D. li, WH EKLEH, Prohato Judge. Probate TTo.ico. N'otiiM i hereby Kiven that all ptboth harirg claims afriint thecsture cf Joan fcotr, Jr., deceas ed, muM theui with t..e Probate Court of Cais ci.QutT, X. T., on or before the 15;t day of S yaiibpr, at wlrch time a hearing will he had of all claims thus tilt d. All senium ir demands nnt presented o i or before ,hat day v-iil be forever debarred, un less vperiaiiy exempted hv law. Witnt-!) uiy haul aud oft'.wal eal ihu 16ih day of Jl.ty, lvi5. I'. II. WHKELKR, w- Probate Jiide. Probate Notice. Wherea" on thin day arpearrd Andrew B. Taylor, A jniiGisirator ol t!i crtii,.f 1). y. Arrher, late of Cum county, X. T , an t mtfkcs application to mate a final settlement of hia Jrain iiiisiramr.H. ip. there fore notice is limi, given that the Court will make such ettlet:vut on Wednesday, June Hlh, 1803, at tlio oifice of the Probate Court in Plattsmouth. X. T.: 1'rovMed Bo one a peals aud shows good cauxe why fuch wjllleiiiect should not be made. Witnetauiy hand and seal, this loth ,.ay of Jlay, ISW. D. U. u h.KLV a, vra - Probate Juilje. JK. C. Lewie, NOTARY PUBLIC AND convex axc e:r. Keal Erttte Aetit. Tax P.iyer. f.,r Iowa aud Xibras ks. Tit! -s of Land inv.tipated, &c. ryAH husinesi entrusted to his care will receive prompt attention. riat'M-.iuth, N.T., April 20li, tf KLEl'SEll & WISE, Dealers in BOOKS & STATIONERY, WALL PAPER, WINDOW SHADES, Confectioneries, ZYotioiiSj Toys, Coal Oil Lamps. We urn also atrectfl fur the B'ich man Woolun Mills, of 6t Joscpb, Alo., and have uuw eu hand a good a.v-ortmi iH of FANCY CASSIMERES, CLOTHS, JEANS, TLAXXELS, f-c , which w re rpriyt t -r . - - -iiri-pared te extimrigrf for WOOL OR CASH, at very reaonabta Jgures. fSf Oivb u.s a call, oe floor east of the UtKAi.D oiUc, riatuuouth, .ietra Kit. ilay iti, 1305. tf PROVISION STORE! We have opened a TO IJFS. JEl Opposite the PLATTE VALLEY HOUSE, Where we are Offering and are Selling Everything Usually found in the Provision Line, We wish to buy all kinds of Countiy Produce. Such as !" ' IJutfcr, Vegetables, &c., For which the High cs t Price will be paid I n M o n e y r CSSThose Iiaviri such articles to sell will do well to call and see us before selling. TURNER & GOODING. Plattsmouth, May i2, '65. "A Complete Pictorial History of tae limes. "The best, cheapest, and most success ful Family Paper in the Union." Harper's Weekly, SPLENDIDLY ILLUSTRATED. Cri'lw.l m'tices of tho Pro. The be.t family newspaper in the United States. Xnc Lmnl n A'lortiitr. 'I ho moilel ni wpap'-r of onr country complete in all the departments of an American Family Paper, Harper! Weekly has earned fur itself a riirli t to its title, " Joi ksAL oF t'iviLia'rlo.." A, y vt ninij I'i"t.- I'his paper furnish": the bt ilbixlrationtt. Our future historians wiil euiirh tot melvs out of Ilar-per'.- "Weekly lonp after writer, am! printers, and puMishe 5 are tnrni d to dust. .V. 3". EranrfHit. A ni-cessity in every l:mis-'hnid I ton Tuinx. It is at onotf a lea line political and historical an-nali-t of the nation. I'!,Vti)Iihii Pr. '1 he test of itj class in America. Tra relet' Subscriptions. 1865 The publishers have perfected a fyotem of mailing by which tin y can supply the Maoazi.yk and Wkek lt promptly to those ho prefer to receive their pe rioiiicals directly f.oin the Uii e ol publication. Posttua-teri ar.d others desiro-.ia of fit lliiiK up clnhs Will be supplied with a haudsoiue pictorial show-bill on application. TKIMIS: lUltm's Wkkiilt. tiw jenr, ... g. An extra copy of either th Weekly or M;iparine will be supplied iritis for evei-y cltiii of FKe uh crilrf"rg at $1 each, in one remittance; or tlx copies for ;0. Back bombers can be fnppMod at any tiinrt. Tie animal volnmes of Hirpek's Wkku.v, in neat cloth bindiTiir, will be fent by exprrs, fn e of ex. pen?e, fur each. A complete tel. comprising Kiht Voluuiea. sent nn receipt of cash at the rate ot 51 50 per volume, freight at expense of purchaser Addre.a HARl'EIl i P.H OTMElt, Franklin Sijuare, S. Y. WILLITT POTTENGER. ATTORNEY AT LAW, rLATTSMOUTU . - NEBRASKA. MURPHY Main St., opposite PLATTSMOUTH, - Have on hand SADDLES, HARNESS, COLLARS, BRIDLES- WHIPS, SPURS, Curry Combs, Brushes, Cards, fcc. Wc can Outfit a Mule or Horse Train "With everything in our line, on short notice. Vi.,t- mottu io 'Ouick Sales ana Oman .fronts." Repairing done at all times, at reasonable rates- BLACK, BUTTERY & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Drugs, Medicines and Oils, Fine Toilet Soaps, Brushes and Perfumery, Pure Wines and Liquors, for Medicinal use, Dye Woods, Dye Stuffs, and Fancy Articles Generally. Farmers, freighters and physicians AVill find our stock of Medicines complete. Warranted Genu ine and of the best quality. Physicians- Prescriptions Carefully Filled hy Dr. Black. Plattsmouth, May 1st, 1SG3, tf TOOTLE, MANNA cb CO., MAIN . STllEET, - - PLATTSMOUTH, N.T LARGEST West of Wholesale and HARDWARE, -Am- Clothing of every description. WINES AND LIQUORS OF Alt KINDS Constantly on hand BOOTS AND SHOES, QUE E AWARE, IRON, NAILS, WINDOW SASH, DOORS & GLASS. And every article required by EniKRIKTS, FREIGHTERS, IUEERS & PARJ1EUS. And everybody else can be supplied at this establishment. Call and examine our extensive stock. -AT FIRE PEOOP BEICK riaUunouih, April 10, '6j. & GLENN, Platte Valley House, - - NEBRASKA. a large stock of St. Louis. retail Dealers in a Lare Stock of THE Tootle, Uanna 6c Co. PlASTliilillw, STOISTE AND BRICK LAYING. The undersigned are prepared to do ALL WOEK IN THEIE LINE ox SHORT NOTICE and at REASONABLE RATES- SAMUEL BANKS, GEORGE KORRIS. CIIAS. VOGT & CO-,1 Cor. Main and 5th sts., NEBRASKA CITY, NEBRASKA. Dealers in LEATHER AND IRON, SADDLE ft SHOE LEATHER. Saddlers9 Hardware Findings ainlroels Vagons, PLOWS, &c. iT0rders Promptly attended to. yv pills A uuvct failing Antidote fr Pick IIVn.1- ache, KyHiM-ptia, Fever anl Azue, Liver Complaint, evstiwDecx, lliliomnrss, Neuralgia, Colla, DLpravea Alp tit, Hiior- oWtructious, 4c. i . . ,r WIIiSON S PILLS ra onlvcnatty , kuowUded l)0 the 1 now in use. A a Family jiciac thr-j are part iculai ly reeommended-simpla . Bird hiirmluss, tut highly luidii iual in their com-' Linatloc. One Pill a d.e, with mild "jut t tiiia effects. The robust man and the dvlicate cldM "use them alike, with every ass uranco of entire , :if.jty. "With Wilson's Pills, every Sluther lu the land h.Tmes her own physirian. Thxy hava" proved themselves a vPEcinc, and stand without rival for the T-Alvin alTeetions: HEADACHE, IETEB Sc AGtE, I1EADACIIK, FEVEB Si AGUI DYSPEPSIA, LIVES. C0MPLAIKT, DYSPEPSIA, XITEH. COMPLAINT, Cdstiveness, Biliousness, NeurolgH Costivencsa, Biliousness, Neuralgic 8old by Druggists & Dealers evcrywiei . PREPARED BY 33. It. PAHNESTOCK & CO. Importers & Wholesale Druggistaj No. 60, corner "Wood and 4th Sts. PITTSBURGH, PA. BOLE rKnrniTOR3 OF B. L. Fahnestock!8 Verrnifuge. 'Cnquestioiiably the best sustained work of the kind in the World." HARPER'S monthly magazine. fCritioal nutlc ! f the l'reys.3 ' It is tlie furemost Moumif p of Hie day. T1i Pre side n'-vcr IiuU u more ilcliKliiful couipaiiiun, tior the uiiilion a niore euterpriiny friond, than Harper's SlaKa-.ine. ileihtyllxt i'rutriitant ( Caliimere.) The most popular Mouth lyiu the world. A Y. Obtwver. We tnuft re for in terms of eulosy to ttie high tone and varied excellences of Harper's SlapaEine a jour nal with a monthly circulation of about 1 7 O.IKJU rop ir s .lntl:ese pai,c-s aro tu he found tome v' th chticei-t li'lit au 1 (renei al reading of the dJ". Wc sp"ak of tliis w.'rk an an evidence of the American people; and the pupularit) it has acquired i merit id. Karh number cont.tins fully 144 pntfe of reaid iti)f mutter, appropriately illustrated with pood wood cut; and it combines in it.-clf the racy monthly and the more philosophical quarterly, hlcuded with tho he.Jt features of the daily journal. It ha great power in the disterniuat ion of a love of pure literature. Turiifr'n Ouule tu Aiitr-riean Literntart (London.) The volumes bound constitute of themnelve a li brary of miscellaneous reading, euch as cannot b; found in the same compa.-s in any other puMicat ion that has coiue under our notice. Boston Courier. S UBSCRIPTONS. 1SG-3. The publishers have penected a ;ystem 'of mailing ly which they can fupp'y the yavazine and Weekly promptly to those who prefer to r-c ie their period icaU directly from the ollic? of publication. Tlie postage oa Harper's Magazine is l4 cents a year, which must be paid at the subscriber's post of ike. TERMS: IlARPEa's MAGAZlsfS, one year, - 94. An extra copy of either the Magazine or Weekly will be supplied jrratis Tor ereTv Club ef Five Sub scribers at i4 each, in one remittance ; or six copies for 20. Back nnmberscanhe supplied at any time. A complete set, now cornpi iiDif Twenty-nine Vel nme.o, iu neat cloth binding, will be sent by expfesx, freight at expense of purchaser, f i 2o per relume. Single volumes, by mail, post paid. $ I. Cloth cast! for binding, s ccuu, cy intiil. port paid. Address HAItPKR & bKOTHER?. Franklin Square, N. V. d. ii. wheeler, notary public COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS. Fire and Life Ins, Ag t, Agent for collection of claims against Government, for Soldiers, their widnwj and minor heis. A Kent for the psrehase and sale of Lands and City proper ty, Leasini! of Tenements, Payment of Tains ia all parts of Nebraska and Western Iowa. Attends t all business p rtainini? to a fSeneral Laud.Iusaranco, Tax Paying and Collection Agency, transfers to !1 tumess :in ia N-biak. rutifin-jnth, . 1 ,i.y lt IZti.