She 2lcbrabii SGcraltl LOCAL NEWS- Fisn. Fresh fish nro becomiD plenti ful in thi. markf-t. Waoosb. Amison. DoTey iCo. a fine lot of wagons for salt. At Home. Thos.IIanna, cf the firm of Tootle, Ilann sc. Co., arrived at home last week, harinj been east after goods. 5"A new bakery is being opened in the building formerly occupied by Wra. Harold. 5T lion. S. J. Daily, ex-Delegate to Congress from this Territory, has arriv ed at his homo, in Peru. Adjocrned. The District Court for Semaha county Las been adjourned until the 20th inst. (fOur newly appointed Chief Jus tice for Nebraska, Hon. VTm. Kcllcg?;, paa.ed up o. tew days since, on his way to Omaha. C-Tbe sale of the 7-SO's on the 13th inst., amounted to 30,451,050. The chance for thia kind of an investment will soon be gone, at this rate. Axotbeb "Martyr." J. Wilkes IJjoth. a leading Democrat, died very uddenly on the 20th instant. Leaien urorth Conservative. ITivEit Steamer Denver arrived at our levee last evening and discharged, among other item, cloven hundred sacks of corn, to be sent west. F. M. Dorrington, Deputy Asses sor for this sub-district, has gone to Falls City to attend tho District Court in scoion at that place. Frost. The frost on last Wednesday night damaged early vegetables to some extent, but not so much as was at first anticipated. m m m Cub. Read the proceedings of the Farmers Cltb meeting, on our first page. They are somewhat lengthy, but will pay for a careful perusal. a a OsTriat.. The Court Martial for the trial of Harris it now in session. The evidence, so far as has been mad a pub lic, appears conclusive. (JT" Having effectually used up the "Mother of States,'' Jeff Davis aad crew are turning toward the "Father of Wa ters." Coal. We learn that a ve'm of coal has been opened recently on Wcepiiig Water, near the falls, and tho prospect is fair that it will prove extensive. Stationkrv. Klcpser & Wise are about opening their stock of Hooks and Stationery in the room adjoining the Herald oJEcj on the cast. They also have a fine lot of Confectionery. Scf:h ix Mayor's Court. Man up for being drunk. "What's your name?" "Cain, sir." "Are you the man that (t'.ew Able?" "No, sir, I am tho man that was thwtd!'" Nearly Keadt. Tho building third door enst of tho Herald office, which is undergoing a thorough repairing, ap proaches completion. It will be occu pied by Howe A Thatcher. Not Bad. About one thousand emi grant wagons have croeoeO at this point during tne present month a large pro portion of them within the last week and yet there is no abatement of the tide of emigration. ClTChas. Robine has removed his barber shop building to the middle of Main Street. So toon as a sufficient force can be obtained to completo the job it will beset down one door west of Harold's new brick. Is Towx. Mr. Wright, Superintendent of Refajrets in this department, was in town last woek. on a visit to his daughter, Mrs. J. N. Wise Ho reports -Hout 0,000 refugees ia this department, moetlj- women and children. Harvest. Murphy & Glenn aro selling ta immense amotnt of harness at their hop on Main street. Farmers and Freighters need not look elsewhere for anything they want in this line for what this firm does not keep is not to be found in Nebraska. Nktv Constitctiov. The Union men of Ma. are becoming more united in fa Tor of adopting the new constitution. The probabilities are that by the time the vote is to be taken they will present an unbroken front, and the constitution will be adopted by a respectable majori ty. Arrested. Two soldiers came down from Omaha last Monday and picked up a ltsident ef this city, tharged with bushwhacking. We are not in possession f the facts in the case, but hope if he is guilty ha will receive the punishment that evry highway robber and murderer de serves, stti.rrs. In connection with the 01 Migrants passing through this .8 e ntlC0 there are a large number , um in our midst, most of them ?rocare land3 in the rich country Iyms . i , f J mediately west of Plattsmouth. There i. nn vl,f , c 18 no better place in the west for the cnterp--l8ing m'an either with or without capitaiJban the country immediately west of us, &ionf, the line of the B. & M. R. Railroad. Now is the tlrno to prepare for "the good time coming." KfciiovAi.s. There has been considera ble changing around among business men during the last week; K. T. Duke A Co. hav9 removed their Stove and Tin Ware establishment to second door west of the Herald office, and Win. Harold has removed his Groceries to the new brick building, corner of Main and Sec ond streets. Business is lively, and tradesmen are seeking the most favora ble localities. HcMiii'c. An individual styling him self "Prof. MeCracken" attempted to humbug tur citizens one evening last week with his musical and oratorical accomplishments; but the Professor's vision of a hat full of greenbacks,' ex tracted from the pockets of our citizens, was never realized his audience con sisting of some half dozen men and as many boys. If this would-bo Prof, has nny friendt in this region of country they had better take caro of him, and set him to hoeing corn, or some other intellectual employment, for ho will nev er succeed in tho ''show business." Short Sighted We are sorry to see a disposition on the part of a few indi viduals in Plattsmouth to work against the interests of tho place, thinking by this mfr.ns to injure the Herald. It is very true that whatever works an injury to this community is detrimental to us; but it is a short sighted policy, to say the least, that prompts an individual to work ngainst a whole community for the purpose of injuring one of its mem bers. If any one has a desire to break down the Herald, let him do his utmost; we have no objection to their making the effort, in a legitimate- manner in fact, we rather like it but don't let your un contro'able phrensy and jealously toward us lea I you into denouncing the town and business men thereof. N. 15. Let no one try to apply this' un less thev aro satisfied it will "fit." LOCAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Swef.t Potatoes.--Tho undersigned has a fine lot of Sweet Potatoe plants for sa".e; also a large lot of choice Tobacco plants. Orders may be left at the Drug Store of Black & Buttery, where the plants will be delivered, or at my garden, near Mt. Pleasant. Ma, 15, w4 W.J. IIESSER. 1 Last Notiee- There are still a num ber of men in Cass county whose taxes remain unpaid, a respite oi twenty days is hereby granted, without penalty or coats, after which time I shall pro ceed to collect the delinquent ' taxes ac cording to law, without respect of per sons. Please come up and pay, "while it is yet day," lest the time come when costs will bo added. May 17 S. DUKE, Treas. For Sale- ne hundred Sicks of Extra Flour. Knquirc at the Herald office. FOR SALE- A good farm Tf 1G0 acres well improved, situatod within four miles of I'lattsuiouth. For partic ulars enquire at the Herald office. Tarm For Sale- I have a good farm fur sale, consisting of lGo acres ; 100 fenced, 00 under cul tivation, and about Go acres of timber. It is situated 7 miles south of Platts mouth on the main thoroughfare to Ne braska city. For particulars enquire on the premesis, or of Hiram Davis in this city. A. M. P. WHITTIER. April, 20 ml. Estray Notice. Came to the enclosure of the subscri ber, on the 22d inst, one ! or mouse collored mare I'oney, o years om, wun a a yoiins colt, about 10 days old, Bran ded on the left shoulder, Spanish brand, Mullen Ranch Cuss Co., April 24d, w3 CHANCFA AllvIN. Pkot. ris. CnuRCii. Services on Sun day in the Brick School House, at 4 p. m. Clothing. If you want to buy Ready aJe Clothing, call at mlw4 f S. Bloom's. Boots and Shoes. The best and largest stock of Boots and Shoes at iul 4 S. Bloom s. Revolvers- A new lot of all kinds of Revolvers received at inlw4 S. Bloom's. The Best Assortment of Emigranta out-littin Goods at iulw4 S. Bloom's. .FOR SALE- . AMcOormick two-horse Reaper, in good order. Also a Threshing Machine and Ilorso Power. Apply to Amison, DOTey &Co., or J. K. DOOM, -It Weeping Water Falls. NOTICE. Gentlemen interested in the formation of a parish of the Protes tant i.iscopnl Church in J'iattsmoutu are requested to meet on Friday, May the l'Jib, at 7:30 P. M., in the office of D. II. Wheeler Esq. Geo.. C. Betts, Minister. Boots & Shoes A large lot juet re cieved by, Amison, Dovev & Co., Pistols A large lot just; received by Amison-, Dovey & Co. D. II. IVliEELERi r NOTARY 17TJI3LIC COMMISSIONER OFDEEDS, Fire and Life Ins, Ag't, A if Lit for collection nf claim, against Government, t-r Sold .-s, their iJows and minor hei-s. A Kent for Ili psrehine anl a-l of Lu4t ami Cur proper ty, Lesinir cf Tenement. Paymeut of Tax tn all parts ( Nebraska and WeMern Iowa. At lead, to al Lu.-me p .rtainiiirf Ua Conor! Laud, lua ranee. Tax Cnying anil Coluriuin Afeucj. Lj"Krfers t' all t.uMnif.-s nitn in Nclraka. l'latiiiuoMth, X. T., ily lo, 130 j. NOTICE. Filing Claims against stale of P. A. Sirpy. Notice U hereby given that all ptnois having claim Tiiia5t the cimlt of Peter A. harpy, dccati, late of Cass county, must file them duly aalkeuti cated bv oath, with the Trobate Court of Caa coun ty, V. T-, oa oi before the ECOXD DAY Or JAN UARY, t which liui there wiil baa hearing of all elainu thus filed, aad au allowance made by the Curt of all claim proves to be jiust. urn my niua ana seal ihu istu day oi May, v. U. V nr.nLEK, I May 15, a3 lYofcais Judge. Probate ITotiee. Whereai on thi day arpeartd Andrew B. Taylor, Admiaistratcr ol ll.e etate of LK V. Archer, late of Cuu county, N.T , and makes application to make a Coal settlement of hi Aiiio ini,iralori.ip, there fore nctice is herebj given that the Court will mak such ettleuit lit, oa . . , . . WtJ.itsday, Jane ih, 1863, at the office of the Probate Court la Plattsmouth, X T.: Provided no one appear aad shows (rood caane why such itolilemeut should not be made. Witocts my baud and seal, thi' loth iiay of May, D.U. VVUKELKlt, Tf3 " Probata Judge. Probato notice. Itotice is hereby given that James Chalfaut, Ad minixtrator of the estate of Wm. J. Kakes, deceased, has made appltcatioa to the Probate Court of Cass co-joty, N. T , to make final settlement of his Ad mlnietratorshlp ofsaid estate. It is. order-that iia I settlement will be miule by the court with said Administrator on Thursday, June I5f, 18C5, if no ene appears and (hows that such settlement should not be made. Witne my hand and official seal on this ISth dy of May, 1-65. I. U. WHEfcB-ER, w3 Probata Judge. Probate Ho. ice. Notice is hereby (riven that all persons havin; claiiDi airain-t the estate of lona Scott, Jr., deceas ed, mut lile them with tue Piobate Court of Cass eoaty, N. T., en or before the 15lh day of Xeplembir, 18153, t wlreli time'a heating will be hud of all claims thus fil-d. All acrouuts or deiuands not preneuted on or belore that day wiil b forever debarred, un less specially exempted ly law. WitnM Kiy band and eillciui real this 16th day of May, l-SUS. - 1. U. WHEELEK, w3 Probate Jud)te. "A Complete Pictorial History ef the Times." "The be?t, cheapest, anl most success ful Family Paper in the Unin." H arper's Weekly, SPLENDIDLY ILLUSTRATED. Critical n- ticcs of the rp-ss. The b esf family newspaper in the Unit d States. do rooilel luw.-papfr of our country complete iu all the departments of ati American Family Paper, Hari-erV Weekly has enrued for Itself aright to it title. "A JolunAi. of Ci vn.iZailoa." 1'. a m'rtf Punt. ' r J ' ' Uhis paper fBrnth' the ht ill'txtratiort. Onr future historians aiil enrich themselves out of Har per1 Weekly loufc after writers, and printers, and publishet s are tnrned to dust. .V. 1". E?iinjfUt. A ntcesnity in every hyus'-hold B tm Traut. It is at once a leading political and liiatoricol ao oaliat cf the nation. I'h iirt7" tta Pre. The beat of iU class in America. Bwtlun Tra relet" The pulilisuers have perfected a syoteru of. ma iling by which they can supply tlm MAdasi.vs and WtK Lf promptly to those who prefer to receive their pe riodicals directly from the nmee of publication. PonttnaMers and others desirous of pettiDK np clnbs will be supplied with a handsome pictorial show-bill on application. TERMS: Harpkr' WrEkLT. one year, - - - St. An extra copy of either the Weekly or Magazine will be supplied Kratis for every club of Five Sub scribers at ft each, in cne remittance; or six copies for t0. Back numbers can be suppliel at any time. Tfce annual volomej of HiRpLE- WkKixr, in aeat cloth bindinc, will be Kent by express, free of ex -jienrjo, ftr $6 each. A complete set, comprising Kipht Volumes, sent on receipt of cash at the rate of $t 50 per volume, freight at exiense of pnrrhaser Address JUARI'ER BROTllErt. Pranklia (Square, X . Y. TZIE TKIItlLE Tor 1SC5. PKOSPKCTTr!. The Miiitary and Naval succojses of lsCl, with the r.n4jiciu recall of our President ial eontest, liave lifted a hoavy weight from the ureast. of the loyal millions of our countrymen. It is in w felt, even.liy those w ho have been distrustful and faint hearted, that the l'uiin is to enierpe t'iumi'haut from the deadly sirife whereinto she was sj wickedly prtcipi tated liy her assailants, and that slavery, her, re lentless foe.i to encoauter the ftte of Uaman. The perils of f ireicn iterve'ition and of Western insur rection are safely passed ; Abkaham Li.vru., no louper ailable a a choice !of the minority, liodi the helm ol stale for four yoars longer; the rcbcliiuu, palpably weakened by its di f'ata and losses ilurinc the pest year with its creilit so reduced that Us purse-bearer officially declares that its Treasury Dotes can only beexch imred for coin at the rate ol twenty-five for one, while its bonds command bat six cellos on the dollar--but awaits the blow which shall soon strike the sword from its paracidal hand and remit iu master spirits te the justice, or it may be to the clemency, of a sorely wronged and Justly incensrd but forbearing and magnanimous Jople. Such are the aiispios which justify our faith tlia' the present year will see the tar and Strips s Uoat un challenged from every battlement in the Kepuuiic, and the perfect law of Liberty for All immovably im bedded in the Constitution of our Union. Thk .New Coiik Tbidi'hb, founded i" lsll, will en ter upon It twenty.fourth year with quickened hopea aud enlarired means of osefuine. Its prioci pleH need no re-st.itement: It aims are the dirTusiou of Intel licence and the iuooulatio of a spirit of Prve dom and Humanity. When tliis trath shall have been generally recogaizjd ami established as the ha sis of our Institutions acid polity, that injustice lo the poorest, the weakest, the most despised, is a fearful mistake that no community of state can allord to wrr.n even ita humblest m'-tnbei then will our 1 ind bark ouce more in the calm sunshine of peace and prosperity. The Ieiblne hs for the last year been published without profit to its proprietors, solely because of tl e depreciation c.f our carrvneT below specie standard, coinpelliiii; u to buy prper aud other materials at a cost consi lorahly above the amount received from our subscribers. On our weekly edition, the net loss, has amounted t: several tiioOsatids of dollars; while our lar?e rec'-'ipt f rom advruiiK have been wholly absorlK-.l by the extraordinary excuses fr Currts pondencn, Tele'iiphiu;:, etc., devolved on us by the war. Ah we do not supiKise our patrons desire that we should w-.rk for them at our cost, and prefer not pi be patronized by any who mat ire iu we have soinewUxt advanced lor Ihe ensuing year the prices of our sjem i-Weekly and Weekly, as we had already done w ito ihose of our daily editions. This increase is purely nominal; there never before was a lime when the farmers of our ceuntty country could buy The Tribune tor so iittle of their owu paoducts or labor as they can by the lollowing TERMS: DAILY TRII1CXE, Sincle copy - - - 4 eei ta. Mail subscribers one year, 31i Issues. : - $111.00 ; SEMI-wLBCLY TttlBCXE, One copy one year. 101" issues, - - $4; Twocopies ne year, - - 7. Five copies or over, one year, each crpy, $3. "WKEKLY TKlBUSf, . : One cop?, otic year, 52 issues, -' ' ' $2.50. Clus of tlve , - - 10.t)0. i ersons remitting for ID oet'ies, will receive oue copy extra, jriatis. Persons remitting t40 for2tt copies, will receive one Semi-Weekly, gratis. Persons reinitiing $0 for 40. copies, will receive one - ' copy iaiiy. in-aus. Drafts cm" Jew- vctk. payable to the order of "The Tribnne,' Inline; safer, are preferable to any other mode ol remirtau. But where drafts cannot be eon v niently procured. United Status, or National Bank bills are next best, and may he seut by mail ; but in case of loasThe Tribune will not be rssponsi ble unless furnished with a full description of the bills, including the natno of the bank, denomination and number, and the rime and place of mailing of the letter with the inclosurea Address t THE TRIBUNE, "... . .Tribune Baud ings, Sew York Diseases of the Eye. . DR. W- E.LAWRENCE, 00"UULlSt, Treats all Diseaxei of the Eye. He wai ranis a cure in every case taken in hand. t37-0ffice at the Nebraska House.- Plattsmeuth, April lf, 1S65. JG. C. lcwis, NOTARY PUB L I C AND CONVEYANCER. Real Estate Ai;ent. Tax Payer for Iowa anJ Nebras ka. Titl' g of Land invHstiated, Ac. rAll businesi entrusted to his care will receive prompt aiwouou. Plattsmouth, H.T., April 20th, tf JOSEPH rt :! 0Al AjA. X Ai WATCy MAKER and .; - MA13 STKEET, PLATTSMOUTH, - - JEWELER, NEBRASKA, J welry. Silver Ware, Fane Goods, Vtallniinipi as. vt- onn xrunminga- aiwav- it nana. ALH?brk com- m men to nis care wiii o xf arraxtt y ' lprU19,t4. J; PLASTERING, STODSTE -AN I BRICK LAYING. The undersigned are prepared to do ALL WORK IN THEIR LINE -ox SHORT NOTICE and at REASONABLE RATES- SAMUEL BANKS, GEOUUE NORR1S. April 15 mG CIIAS. VOGT & CO Cor. Main and 5th sts. NEBRASKA CITY, NEBRASKA, Dealers in LEATHER AiD IRON, SADDLE &. SHOE LEATHER. Saddlers' Hardware Findings nncl.Tools, WAGONS, PLOWS, &c! C"0rders Promptly attended to. -a. A. WI . ko-v rail i . i&pj I s si w y ' -i0 A never failing Antidote for Sick IleaJ- C?. aolie, uj-spepsin, jrevT anu Jigwf, Livur Complaint, Costivanoss, jf UUIousne, Kouralgla.CoiJe, Depraved Appetite, Disoc V dered Stomach, Fomaio Obstructions, to. Ok WILSON S PILLS are tinivsrsally ao jowlMl;ed ebo the hmt now in nso. As a Family gSdieiae thoy arefiartlcnlarly reoocniiKDdai-il mpl and harrnlvss, but highly medicinal In thalr com-. UntUoa. Oae Fill a dose, with mild but &. lain effect. The robust-man and fh dulicaU child ts theui alike, with avery asaurane at entire 'afety. With Wilsn's Pills, every Mother in 'the land become her own physician. They have proved themselve aaracinc, and stisod without a rival for the following affections : IIBADACHE, FEVER cV AGUE, IIE.VDACJTE, FEVEIt Sc AGCEb DYSPEPSIA, 1IVER COMPLAIIIT. DYSPEPSIA, 1IVXR COMPLAINT, Costivoness, Biliousness, NeuraJgie Costiveneea, Biliousness, Tfeuxalgu Bold by Druggists & Dealers evorywhej . ' PREPARED BY B. I- PAHNESTOCK & CO. Importers & Wholesale Druggists No. 60, comer Wood aad 4th Sts. J PITTSBURGH, PA.' vou panrsirroRS or B. L. Fahnestock'.a Vejrnjfuge. "TJnqtie'stionably the best sustained work of the kind in the World " IVew Ionthly Insrazinc. Critical nolle1 of the 1'ress. It is the loremost Magazine of the day. The flre Fidp never had a more dt li'htful compmiion, nor the uiillion a wore eotcrprixiuir frionil, than Harper's Magazine. X'tt.'nxlitt J'rotentant iDaltiuiore.) The mast ptralar Jlouthlyjin the vrorW. .V. 1". tV inni-t refer in torrns of eulopy to the high tone and varied cxcelh-nce of Harper's .Masazine a jour nal with a monthly circulation of about 110,000 cop icsi ,tn whose are to he found some oZ the tici.i liiii ..d fractal reading; of the day. We 8pak of this work a an evidence of the American people; and the popularity it ha acquired is merit ed. Each number contains fully 144 paites of read ing matter, appropriately illustrated with good wood cuts; and it combines iu itHelf the racy monthly and the more philosophical quarterly, blended with the best features of Ihe daily journal. It has (treat power in the dissemination of a love of pnre literature. Tvmer't Gmtdt to A uteri can Li xotun (London.) - Tbe volumes bound constitute of themselves a li brary of miscellaneous reading, auch as cansot be found in the same compass in any other pnhlicat ion that has come sutler our notice. Button Cvurier. SUBSCRIPTONS. 1SG5. The pnblUher have penected a system ot mailing by which they can snpply the Vaitazlne and Weekly promptly to those who prefer to receive their period icals directly from the office of publication. Tbe postage ok Harper's Magazine is 24 cents a year, which must be paid at the subscriber's .post of TERMS : Harpeb's Magaz1e, one year. - - - 4. An extra copy of either the Magazine or Weekly will be supplied gratis for everr Club ef Five Sub scribers at $1 each, in one reaiitt&uco ; or six copies for J. Back numbers can be snpplicdat any time. A complete set, now comprising xwentj-mue wi uratj, in neat cloth hiadins, will be sent by axpfes! freight at expense of purchaser, for 0 per vlaie. biotr e volumes, by mail, post paid, S. Vloen for binding, tt) cents, Dy mail, t pitid.--Address HARPKU Jt KTHERS, Fcantlj fquara, 1 . Y, National ClUsiixi Agcncir. WAS! ASfcrrf Kii r-rr ai lJi D- C 7A UOKKINGTQN. SUB AGENT: ' UATTSMOUTII,.. . NEBRASKA, tsprepaigil presesrt itn pmertctr'e claims brlbre Cngresa, Court of Claims and the Departments. Pa benta. Pensions, Boont es. and Botinty L aorta a enred. tyCharge moderate, and in preportioa to theamxintofthscUim, , F. SI. OOi'GI0'V. . April 10, 66. ry ( 25 ct. I MURPHY & GLENN, Main St., opposite riatte Valley House, PLATTSMOUTH, - - - NEBRASKA. Have on band n large stock of ! SADDLES, HARNESS, COLLARS, BRIDLES-WHIPS, SPURS, Curry Combs, Brushes, Cards, &c. Wc can Outfit a Mule or Horse Train With everything in our line, on ohort notice. . Our motto is "Quick Sales and Small Profits." Kcpairin? done at all times, at reasonable rates- BLACK, BUTTERY & CO., "Wholesale and Drugs, Medicines and Oils, Fine Toilet Soaps, Brushes and Perfumery, Pure Wines and Liquors, for Bfiedicinal use, Dye "Woods, Dye Stuffs, Farmers, freighters and 'physicians Will find our stock of Medicines ine and of the best quality. Physicians Prescriptions Carefully Filled by Dr. Ulach riattsmouib, May 1st, 1S65, tf TOOTLE, HANNA & CO., MAIN STREET, LARGEST c W -a IVest of Wholesale and H A R D - AFD - Clothing of every description. WtNES AND UQU0B3 OF ALU KINDS. Constantly on hand BOOTS AND SHO QUEENSAVAEE; WINDOWS AM. And erery article required by iff 'JiV .ci, t ' -f -m ; ' r y E:KAOTS; FREIGHTERS, MIRERS At FARHERS. rorrrA.6!?.??8.?. Call and examine -AT -TA- t Pfatumouth, April 10, '$q; :.;t Retail Dealers in and Fancy Articles Generally. complete. Warranted Genu PLATTSMOUTH, N. T V4 St. Louis, Retail Dealers in W A R E, a Large Stock of MILS, DOORS & GLASS. supplied at this establishment. , our extensive stock. THI - ; Tootle, Hann a .Ci Co. r Ayer's PILLS. Are von siek, febl, omplainine? Are yoa oa of order, with your systco doranired, and your tfeilins; nncoiulortabl?TheSTSBp torn ar. often the prelni "N to aerioua illnesa. Soma fi 1 of fickneM ia creeiiiox npoi ' av.r.M by a timulv us of tb. rirti re Died r. Take Ayer'a l"flta and cleanse out tb. disor dcrcd bumors purify tl blood, aud let the !! "Imove ou unobstructwd ta 1 health avraiu. They stimii .Jslste the functions of rt jrgsj ugj-jasa bodr into vigorous activity mrity the system IVora the obstructions which inatj Usease. A cold settles somewhere in tbe body, aw ibstrncta it natural fUneUous. Those, if not r ieved, react upon themselvas and the curroundlD irrana, produrinr general aprraration, suflering jia disease. While in this condition, oppressed b he derangements, take Aycr's 1111s, and see how lircctly they restore the natural action of the y em, and with it tbe buovant foellnjj of health aguln Vbat is true aud to apparent in this tririal and cons aon complaint, is also true in many of tho deep eUd and dangerous distempers. The same purt It .Abet expels them. Caused by similar obstrau ion and derangements of the natural functions cl be body, they are rapidly, and many of thom sorely and by the same means. None who knew tin Irtae of these Filla, will neglect to employ thai! rben suttering from the disorders they cure. Statements from leading; physicians in some of tM nincipal cities, and from ether well-known pubis tenons: front a ForvarcUna Merchant (f St. Louis, Fl. 4 1S66. Da. Am-. Your nils are the paragon of all thm great in medicine. They have cured my iittli laughter of ulcerous sores upon her hands and feet bat bad proved incurable for years, llermothej uis been long grievously aflhcted with blotches and rircplea on her skin and in her bair. After otu ihiid was enred. she also tried your Tills, and thiy tars cured her. ASA 1IOKOIUDGE. As a Family Physic From Dr. H W. Cartvright, Xew Orleans. Your 1111s are tho prince of purges. Their ex Uent qualities surpnss any cathartic we poaseffi. rhey ore mild, but very certain aud effectual in tlwiz action on the bowels, which makes them invsiaahte o as in the daily treatment of disease. Headache, nick Ilcndacbc, Foul Stomach. From Dr. Edtcard Boyd, Saitimor. Dxab. Duo. Ayer: 1 cannot answer yon vhai cmplaint I hare cured with your 1111s better than o say all that tee ever treat trtth a purgative wukII ane. I place great dependence on that eflbctua) at hart ic in my daily contort with disease, and l leving, as I do, that your 1111s aftbrd us tbe best Ut tare, I of course value them highly. riTTSDUKO, Ta., May 1, 1855, Dtt. J. C. ATEtt. fir: 1 have been repeatedky sared of the worst headache anybody can have by a lose or two of yonr 1111s. It seems to arise frotn s bul stomach, which they cleanse at once. lours with greatjrespoct, ED. W. I-REBLB. Cleric of Steamer tlaritm. Dllioaa Disorders Liver Coniplaino. ' Front Dr. Theodore Bell, qfXtto Turk City. Kot only are yonr 1111s admirably adapted to theft rarpose a an aperient, but I find their benefleful .fleets upon the .Liver very marked indeed. They lave in my practice proved more effectual for tbe mre of biiious complaints than any one remedy I sin mention. I sincerely rejoice that we have at eugth a purgative which is worthy tbe confident 4l he profession and the people., Washington, E. C , 7th Feb., 1869. 6m: I have used your Pills in my general aad tospital practice ever since yon made them, and am not hesitate to say they are the best cathartic re employ. Their regulating action on the liver i uick and decided, consequently they are an ad nirable remedy for derangements of that organ. Indeed, I have seldom found a case of bilicme dis use so obstinate that it did not readily yield fa hem. rraternally roursALOKZO HALL., if. D., thysictan of the Marine Hospital. Xyaiitory, Diarrhoea, Relax, AVonutw Frori Dr. J. G. Green, of Chicago.- Yonr 1111s have had a long trial in in v practise, aid 1 hold them in esteom as one of tho best aperi nts I have ever found. Their alterative etfect upon tie liver makes them an excellent remedy, when ;iven in small doses for bilious ilyxentery and diar haa. Their sugar-coating makes them very ao puble and convenient for tbu uso of women and hlldren. Dyapvpoia, Imparity ef the doosl. Voro IUv. J. V. ITime.i, Pastor tf Advent CftureA, Jiostnn. CR.ATER: I have need your Fills with extra- irdinary success in my funny and among those I sjo avlled to visit in distress. To regulate tbe organs of ligestion and Duntv the tlo iloou, they are tbe very test remedy I have ever known, and I can oonhr lently reouiamend them to my friends. . Yours, J. V. III1IE8. TVaMAW, Wyoming Co., N. Y., Oct. 24. 1853. Dbak Sib: I am nsing your Cathartic Pills in my iraetice, and find them an excellent purgative to uwaviTW in. ejnvui nuu iwryv i(nninm Iff le 4ood, JUUK U. HKACUAU, M. D. y wsiasi pauv. , ItbcH matiuri, taoat. Ncaralsia, Dropsy. ra I v.ia, Witm, etc. From Dr. J. P. Vaughn. Montreal, Canada. Too much cannot be said of yonr 1 11 Is for the aire of eostivensu. If others of our fraternity hare bund them as efficacious as 1 have, they should Join oe in proclaiming it. for the benefit of the multitude tho suffer fr.ra that complaint, which, although ad enough in itself, is the progenitor of others tbtd ire worse. I believe -otirns to originate in tl iver, bat your Pills affect that organ and care the From Urt. X. Stuart, Physician and ilUketfs, Jloston. I And one or two large, doses of yonr Pills, taken it the proper time, are excellent promotives of the Kiturtd tecretion 'When'-'Wholly or partially sun ressed, and also very effectual to cleans the rtomach and expel tcorms. Tbcv ore so much tl eft physic we have that I recommend n other t ny patients. rrotw the Rev. Dr. ITavVcs, ef the Methodist Epta. I hurch. Pulaski notrsic, Savannah, Ga., Jan. 6, 1956. Hcmorkd Sib: 1 should be nngrateful far tb elief your skill has brought me if I did not repeal ny case to you. A eoJd settled in mv limbs and rought on excruciating nevralgie pains, which inded in thronic rheumatism, botwithstandiag J lad the best of physicians, the disease grew worst ind worse, until by the advice of your excellent icont in ltaltimore, Dr. Mackenzie, 1 tried yoei nils. Their effects were slow, but sure. Ity pea, jvering in the tue of them, I am now entirely wuH. Behatb Chambkk. Raton Bonge, T n., 6 Dee.,lSC5. Da ATBit: I have been entirely cured, by yot ills, of hhsumatie (-'out a painful disease tiat hot dBictcd me for years, VIXCENT (iUDLLL. C7" Most of the Pills in market contain Mercorjt vbich although a valuable remedy in skilful handp t dangerous iu a public pill, from the dreadful eot equences that fretiueutly follow its incautious BaQ Tbesa contain no mercury or mineral subetsuics vbatever. ... . Price, 23 oents per Box, or 0 Boxes for ll Prepared by Br. J. C AXEE & Co., LoveB, Urn NEW &' Shoe Boot Shop. 'he so6CTiber would respectfully call the atten tion of tfcectlizens ef Flattrmenth and tbepublle as arir ti the (act that he ba prornred a iortion of 1 tfr. Boeck's Cabinet Shop, where he intends keeping Yoo hand and ratkirp n the shortest notice, evety ariicieia ni line, nil iuca uein selected vj aim elf. and having spent the most of ui lite ta tbe buMiaess, be als confident that he can give satisfac tion. Give bin a call. April 10 '65. . J. TBOCKMORTOX. Dealer lo all kinds of School & Blank BookSj STATIONER GOLD PENS, ALBUMS, &.C. Third Deor West ofSeymear Q-.ue, NEBRASKA CIT-,- - N. T