Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, April 19, 1865, Image 3

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"Tt vv t to. .itfT H 4,Tootle,IInxa &.Co. This enter
itUC dUOWSWiV JjnafW g.,risincr firm understands the advanta
Chancery .Sale
Wm. Garrison, 1
vs. In Chancery.
.... m- nr l.nUIIH IIWBI ata I IVICI.
?esof a pood to do business Jn j UMUIino5 ,,Tirtneof . -wtol tog
m. Thev
Jfire proof
it fci-nnv thrt most CfXnulete Rue directed fr.m the District Court of th.- Sd Jadiciagf
V CCCUpy 1110 mOal complete H t(.t.t r fcnt 0h.,c,;b..,,, Nebr,,ka Territo y,g
J hucinpsc hnUSP in the WeSt.'Hmade in the above rauso, u I ltnol date .n thrSshgl
. DIUinesS nouse III u.c K Nur(.m,,er i$gi. beiugthe "j .nru.d Oct
jUtfOK. .1. v;,i frm re, Ur In fra rret&.erm of said Court. I. tlie.uteriDer, nasler lnnaa-lj
I . I r,vor of BrOWUVl U.h " "" " fcUry ...rsaid Court, will sell hi public vendue, for
has been elected Uor or orowu forthe accommodation of Hcwh. to the hit nJ bet bidder, in from r tbH
. . V . H"" ouuua .plOourt Uuon io flattmonth, Nebraska, on U
Fah. Iheo"" n:.:.uu... ptreismerj, larmers, rat-maun.., OUug inJau. the 15th Jav of Aiay, IMw. M
J ' " - mm
ry Fair will open at Chicago Tuesday, je very body else.
May 30ib. - I Thanks. The Pacific Telegraph
i o i. ..vwk p. M all that certain tract or parcel
.I . .i a;in.i.,l 1. I'.a. riMintT. lS'eliraoka, kuoWDgl
4 ...! ,i.arilw.l u. r llnor tO Wit . K
Th .( half 1 1-2. of the south-west quarter (1-1)51
.-Appropriate funeral servi-Cornpany-of which Mr. Wells is A.,?
!g viCKS
CP9 re being held in this city to-day,jrepres8ntative in this city has the
1 1 Lt:. I sT-a.rwl t n r.i i f .i : . c . . 1 . v f i . 1 ; . -u..n..tanun u i h pri on nr therein
- - J m Ml .1 : . - n ia.-a. a ui.i.arlnlnlllff " Irt Ilt Mill! K'
Peterson. We have received the
furnishing us for publication, free of l he property of v. drn.uuw m tn MTe ,;;
iuliikuiii0 I ' EJtif .I.vr. e . tht m mount of which l2110"t
fimnedin mournine. k!
71 DZattl MV
V1 f - .!.t- - I- - ltn a aan 9 -ST I !. f .k. .I.Ta nf Kaifl ltarA t Oifc t he X C-!
-farnartTR wiiii tue news ji uic asjusjiuci-w mu juwioh uc - ---- - r.
ft . . fclvrithcosU.
ATac r.nmhir nf this excellent Marra-ktion of President Lincoln ana uecre ti Dated i-utumouth, mv. April iwd. ioa.
a. t l -" l F? O I
2ine, wnicn opens wun a ueauiuuir.iary obhiu.
engraving entitled "Wild Flowers."
Cabinet Shop
tiseinent of II. Boeck.
tfllunor ir lH faitll
i- u ,i, UqnMain street, opposite the J
lure line as cheap as the cheapest. &&,,...
IlARNFSs.--IMurphy & Lrlenn wHtfJ
t . ... ... r' i
.i i i?hf n fa;eu 10 nave a can iroul an uiusts:
iteaa me nuver-ii
lie can iur-t
El ' ul. lor Coinp't.
lih.nrr in their line, at their new shop
Plattel TOTTT l?KKl &r. ( ()..
C J . .i - 7
U alley Iloue. 1 ney are opening iucbj
SitAVETOk GtntiAL. Mai. H. n-Hinrp-e-t stock ever brought to this city 8j Cor. Mam and 5th Sts.,
bfien apnointed furveyorr. , ,, .1, en- ,,:- nAvntnont iM
r J I tt V V"-VWV. 13 K
mother column.
place of W. II. Wilder.
. H Mo n n ed. The Davenport brothej
iry UBDEB. 1 n neorBSka;.',,.!..!, ronanilv mnl.Kfil in l.itprnnnl bl
tll .vvu... ... ... , n itnr.imvnn
City Post Cfficehas boon made ot1).:n,rand- It appears, by an article in UK U (jb Ot lulDIUliri05
Mo.iet Obdeb. The
Money Order OlTice, of the second;Mie Liverpool Tosi, 1 hat they were de-j
jiocied in some of tJieir hutnbuggeryjl 1'ainls, UllS, 1 utty and (jilass
iTjabrook' has Icerii1100 e audience became exasperated
,ake a 'revision of ourfc;in(J "Piiched in," driving the perform
Cirilon. K
nrpou.tKd to make a r
lt'riiioriai laws, iu jiursuuutt; ui aLV)
1865. 1865.
North Side of Main Street,
Have on hand the LARGEST STOCK of
l M in aui eriilTltV. . J..
Toother with mil aai imgular tti impTVT?raTOi,
F. M . DOKRINOl'Ojr,
Master iu Chaucer.
Apothecaries Hall.
Dealers in
t. .
Ever Offered in this Market.
fact, everything the Fanner, Mechanic, Freighter or Emi
grant wants.
act of (he last Legislature.
T r 1 1 -m. .-ij tiiouery.and evt-ryihin,' kei.t iu a Iirat-clasa lruguf
3 J v,. r, . l.o ,1 L.-I 11 I Ilir MHM rilllUHdr;. YY 13 IIU )C U V onit. antu.iwi. i.aj
ra.tH" . . 1 , r!0'..:,! ' ML
Ljtruj it)
fi:ient 1
g their cabinet, before a suffi-j
police force could be collected:
Low. We learn by the Press thatJ.0 sU,p mob.
at- T: f - "I a .U
tile Acjiiij. .uii; ;zi j 1: 3 wesi ui f 1 T ,v , . 1 r i
". .. H Livei-v. Wc notice a Inrjre number of;-!
l,rabka Uuv. wais sold a few davsiJ . . 1.. .1
------ . . j S"strar!?er3 in lown every uity looninc lor
We are prepared to All all orders, and wrraat1
ur ijoodi to be fre-h. apr. 10 '60 l
THE TRIKUrVK for 1S65.
1 P1103PECTUS. fj
M . ..... ... . . M
.a a W b-a ,.. . L I IIP .llllUHri niri iiftTOi r uluwc.i wa uu-i, n iu
Sini atiuc uiuucuc iuui - ci uioCationS to establish m business. riattg-M,B;ph:iou, .Walt of our Pre-idential eonteHl, haveM Wr acre. f K ltMM;., Un,cn ,-,oo no tr.,.ilf-' hw'T W'Uht from th. brea.stH the loyalM
, lr!""""" 0 - nili:i..naof our couDtryrnea. It U now telt, even ny jWJ
I W, . . . - , 1 . 1. u 1... 1. . anil f:.ii.t I
- - - t;neii poins oa me river iu locaie, unui3'"" r"V. . ., '3.1
1 I'u T ,a .nr,ri.. fr.rM r S3tlit the ITo i-n a to emeree trlumi'hant from thelfi-'
Kmdti nr nnrl ni-i to secure nronertv as?
traiiiporung louian goous to -esieriif-'soon a3 p0,si!)Ili
aLretits and sunerintenJents has beeufi
.flit. IJDUUII ItHOl
eadly atrife whereinto he waa a wi k.Jly pricipi-f
awarded to Win. McLennan, of Ne
braska City.
J . , 1 1 . . . . . . .i .1... a . I.... ra.Rp.1
fiientleM f.e,l s t eneoancer th Tite of Unman. Thel
Fieriii of foreiKn iterveiiticn and of Western insur C
rrecii.n are Miiei j yniwn , uuah a. &.i.traa.-.. ?3
.viionfff'r HSKaiiaoie wla a cnuice ;oi mc Hiuorii. nui
iness to merit a continnance of the same.
Call and examine our stock.
riatttsmouth, April 10, 1S6-5. tf
,"ST r ccived, !9 caes of Canned reBCh.g at
O to AMISON, DOTET CO'S t. purcliaae
spring good.
N end leaa rar iety of Ladie Dres Gdi at
, A. D. CO'd.
Kthat the Ladies ot the banitary torn- IJT , . Tm! oZ di' iniSI -A casks Moitt.,-. cove o,8er9 for ..ic .t
:T " O... iI,i1:iIiai,i with its crnlit so reduced that itsSi'V'
A. D. & C03.
REAT bargains in Ladies' Dress Goodsat
A.V.Jb CO'S.
DoVEY A CO'S , Coffee,
r-. .... ... ai a r 1
aaow Cupt II.ISKCII pnsseavi Qi.or. Ci,,r.H t!ia 'Vfn.-h nnf't'notca can onlv be exclnnee.! lor coin at the ntfe o
through our city last Monday, but owinglj' ' , M7J?L'"t. I'Z. ..I't
... m 1.1. rcsuvai, uniiouut-cu iui ucAif- - " -- V"":. , .1 i h,,jf5i)Il?ALSit JlillSOS
t ii. ... tu K, a a l'-Thu da ow; . lhg anuouncemeniS:. .a'W" ,uiie7ri..u7hV juoTit HL1 T-..Bur. Go.den Syrup. Sgar House Mo.
formflnce. A l.trO number of COuntrylJ UU1 sua "u "'o ' luc to the e'emoncy, of a a.rely wr.i.BeJ and ju,ti2lasses, New orlc Caudles, etc, etc.
people wereintOWn awaitinj hl3 arrival.Ii'" '""u w""', -rJ -.V; he au.Tca which juaiily our faith that the? large lot of Chewmgand S.nokinaTolwcco lbr
.-.! hf tnncrii I nr I'rPsiilnt I .msoln. won il i.rnxut vear will i-ee Ihe Mam au btnpea rioat un-eiii raie ii - -
vrho returned to their homes somewhat
li (appointed
String. Spring hits at lust mtul'i its
appearance. Grass in bhootinj up o
preeut year will nee Ihe Mars aud Stripea float un-i
S.-h -U'TiCed fn'iii everv battlement in the Kepublic,
Intake place. Dje notice of of the festi- tI,d iwrlect taw .r Liberty f..r All iniuiovably im-gptOA
I i J":hert"led in the C.p-iitutioo of our Union. M
Siva! will be Eiven hereafter. ii Tub New Cork Tkiiu-ne, founded iii 1H. will rn g3
LOIL for aale by
A. D. CO.
Fbom Iowa. We
iieruiou its twenty-fourth year
i f -i Hi....... i i.. i . ,.r ..c.r..;
gieaiu rrom ineKs"'!" "u" '".;.'": . ii.T'
ith quick.'BedSa - rv BOXES Star Caudles for alc by
IK prltJci-ri,JV7
A, D. A CO.
the hill Bides, J,ivin things a more c!ieer-3,(JenW00d Opinion that a iimh frura.Kof Int-llij;.nce anil the iooculatio . of a spirit of rse-gf x F you wtut to purchase good Kt a bargain, po to
. CO
fill ncnui.1 Tp!bj iwa itnn.-fii nf'o li.fl. . ' 1 I . . . . . .1 AT. T - n bh . aw. n ..nui u 1 i . ni'iinnTrfil utiil Uu h. K . !i 3
. - , , . , . . .rt . p'iis of onr intitu:ions und Io ity, that iuJusiicp to thej;.-, BAGS COFFEE just received by
ving fur the west, an other rtivingMujjer , Was recently murdered nearKpre!, th. weakest. u.oitaeB.ied. u fearfui3Ji. a. d. co.
.i : ii..:. .c... t, J KJiniKtake that no commonity o.- alat. can aTord toi
'r"vur'"g . hllavvleysvilie, Iowa, by tVVO nit n whomi "-nB even iia hmublt uiembet th-n will ourgl Large lot of Choice 1
' H ' Klnl h i mini fnnri in Ih. a- .1,n ...,.a:l, I r,,. f lioo.K.'Ul
N'j Uailv. In consequence of dam- ihe was taking through to Ottumwa
Ka done to the telegraph line laity Also from the same source, that a
: Tea at
aud prosperity. t
1 The I Kiui'.xa h .a for the last year koen pobll'hedj'
lvjaithoot profit to itc propriet"", solely h cause of the?
. . . - . . . F I r. .f nnr cnrri'nrv tvlnw KiwrkA utHnnard..
nigp.i we nave not receivca any repon io clllzen of (jJenwood was recently fired&co.r.peiiin(f u, to i.oy paper and other materials at a
dy,and therefore i.-sue no daily gn ,,v Bimn nKPt, M
It Will make Its appcaranco arain tO- M , , . . . .Slhai. amounted t reveral th .UKanda of dollars; while
lOrrOW. J RJjbsorlieil hv the extraordinarv iinnsM for Corr.a-
StJeeri a thort dl&tance ltl the COUntry.Mpondei.ce. Telee-aphinK. etc.. devolved on u by tliefJ
k war. ah we do nt suppose our patrons uesire mat we.ij
D. CO'S.
ACON and Lard for sale by
A. D. k CO.
AL .ru-o assortment ofmei'a and boys th,inl!8j
foroHhy A. P. CO. gTtitEi.Sj
HELLED CORN for sale by
PP ,"5
And for tti e speedy trtsr ofth. followiag complaints
rrefel mm rWUs) AaVwrioaa, sr
sta TsilHr. (.", T, aaraiF"-,
Pasnles. BlaMkes. iSU
Uiaai, Md mil Mkla Dmrrm.
Oaklasd, Ind.. 6th Jan.. IK9.
T r ;.ata: I feel it mr datv a
mo'wledt what Tour 8arspanll haa doae Jw w
Uavinc i" herilod a Ssrerfulous Infeetioa, I task
tattered frarn it in vanorns ways ror yewrw. mmm
ime It burst oat ia Uloar oa my hads astd arnss
Homach. Two ago it traik. oat oa say hmt
? sad oov.nd my scalp and ears with oa. Nrt.wtH
sru iwlofitl and Icthsoraa boyond dosorlpttam. I
tried man f tnedloinM and aavoral physiwa, tal
witboat ssach rsOiaf from anything. I fcc, ahs
llsordsr rraw worsst. At l.nrth 1 was rwjowad H
read in tlx. Uospol Hemoof r tbat yoa nao pixprnrr
to alUratr. (Barsapanna), iw 1 anew sroiai jwm
reputation that anything yoa mad mast 1M rf.
I sent to auoinnati and got K, and asod HUH i
fared m. I took ti, as yoa ad vis., ia amall dossa o
Is the place lo get
a teaspoon ful ov.r a monia, ana a sea ainsn ww
bottJaa. J.'.w and haltby akia aeoa bajaa to n
ander tba scab, which aflor a whlU All off. BTJ
.vi. i. mmA t k tints be nr Aallaaa (has
Ut. diasasti bas gona from my systssai. Toaoaawat
txlMvo thut 1 fcl what I am saying wkaa I M yam
that I hold voa to ba on. of th. acostlaa of tfeo st6
I M. Anlliony'a Fire, Bsst mw Brralpoln
Truer mm Halt Hlsoaisss, nosiisi aiasss
Rin('nn, ilwrw Kyv, DrMT.
Ir. Uok.rt M. i'rebl. writes from Salom, W. x.
1 2th Sent , 1869, that b. has eared an inv.mratf
aas of l)rop$g, whi.h tkreatencd to (.rmlaat. (a
tally, by th. pon.vrint in of oar BareapariLw
and also a dangerous Mailfnanl PYynpeia4 by larat
dosMOftlicaame; sti is euw Ua (oaaM nu)
Horn by H eonstaatly.
BrosMbooolo, Cloiiro or well noosa.
A HE AW INVOICE of all ainds of Family Gro
ceries and OutfiliDg Goods just received by
LL kinds of Farming Implements for sale by
Largi lot of Two Horse Flows for sale by
6 A D.k CO.
AN endless variety Hardware and Cutlery fori
X a. sa:e
A D. A CO S.
OiSH, Doors, Shingles, Glass, and Nails of every j
description for sale by
A. D. A CO.
A LL kinds of Country Trotiuce, taken in exchange!
XV tor goods bv
A . D. A CO.
rno enumerate all the. ai tides We have for sale
L would fill one side.rtli Hkkald, and .thers
have as good a right to advertue a
ri'MIKla gest Oullltlioff Houie north of St. Joseph
Piattsmouth, Kebrahka.
(Ti7 Jeff. Davis l ttely sent a mesgngesnssisting to ferret out some horse-
to ask firailt if the Government WOuId JJ-hievP assacin isbe Patronized by auy who hat desire iu we havel
' aseuiewhat advau..-ed lor the ensuing year the pricesi.J
ippOSed tO be One of their accomplices. U'l' o"nii-Woekly aud W eekly. as we b;id already
1 . ffdani. with l hnKa of tur OAil v ed il lona. Tin increittfet-J
. i . . . K4 fc..fjiiiewiiai BUYttuceo lor mw eusuing year .ue priw.-j.
.... uim .u .cat o v ii tuuuuv, iiuveisj
to return; and Orant in substance replied A
that hil business was to fieht down tbeH AMREbTD. l0 men, oroiuers.'wher. the farmers of our country country could buy
rebetlist., not to answer such questions. Rnamed rancis M. and Uaniel Holler, g-ui, ,8 n by ,he .oiiowms
jwere arrested in this city on last ! ri-a TERMS
Hkavy Dispatch. The electricity on
the telegraph wires became so
i : i... o tir r . v
ft.nni ci J v j ' J KiMncje copy
" '""'si , IM u.ii .uha,riliM an. ttMir 312 lnM
. . ......... . j;crtnrrr( nr mnrnr l .
uurinj me storm last niglit, that it mel-Ll H
ted the wires in the office at th
netting fire to the buildinj, and
is place l appears, from all we can learn iuSJone 0i,T,"nJer,r104, 'aue
ijtlrrP!! Mlhe premises, that ibooo men weitfil'j copies or over, 'one year, ea.
each crpy,
tV.:- n rr.. , . . ,tt a la ir.fl of I, r fir-i r,M nMLi .nmi,.
.i.iuj; up grucranj. ine uamage IS notyj luonet" - - -"""gune copy, one year, 02 issues,
r F a a. . . 1 m . 1 Mitiaalinrr in Inifmnq laol fit I imrnnrli.fl.Kiui 1 ul llTe
w (. CT7 1 IJ T1H I. U Tt3 IlOWeVer. anJ 3r? ' ' - . I li lUiliUIUijU lU3..Ullt IIIIUI.UIULC
YfTezt of St. Louis.
7 : T .. - Ji . f 1 . I - a
iiuts is in operation bb-' .,iy arter me oiaie election. j. mant
Ulacksmith.-"- VD. GrifTm & Co B'med Tibbets playfully knocked one!
Cenioua remitting $20 for 10 ospies, will rece
copy extra. Etatis.
. .....--."p ,-auava . .111 laVTV VUCa
e. py Somi-Weekly, gnttis. El
Persons Teuiitiing $S0 for 40 copies, will receive oneS-J
copy Daily, gratis. fj
Hpan. An v. Ilr t... . .. I. U a f V. 1 . f ll-l.. ViJ
- . .- . . J .... . . . . a .K. f.j.uiu ' I . t UIUCI 'I AU SS
have opened a new Ulacksmith andhof tuG'r ials at which they took
Machine vsIiod on the south ;ilf nf bjofTence and threatened his life. Somefr''?an'. 'being safer, are preferable to any otberg
i ivtnnt7 biiujj Ui inc S'JUiu sue 01 S5 t'lmJeol rfn.iiuiice. But where drafts cannot be?L
Main St., where they can make any." subsequent they met 'eu.g--
thini? from . a horse chne nni to nki accompaniea onfy oy nis little Doy, ana . ' "N ",e inoune win not be rss
" - "gj . - - rDle anless rurnl-h-a wil
steam entrine. Soe ndvertisoment Kthere put their threats into execution, t,0"1. including the narm
'L,i T 3:uid number, and the tin
m m m Fi I hoe m man i i t a l? left iKa Ann m fti. n il... 1...... -itV. ih. i .-l .
Dailie(. c
Daily Republican
icttriviu"- iueni, i :.! t, :
uccu icMucui iicie iiiutc i CUIU
frnm flinnli. naai fl
yiimua, uu c- l.ti I rA ..ll ...
the Daily Press and Dailv -Vr.f fromW . ...
' tf-mo news or uieir crime loiioweu even
,, 3 . . uu,here. - e learn that the eldar one of
t;ehiy. a ue proprietors ot inese pa-il u . t i . -n
, . 1 ... 1 . fchhe two confesses that he killed Tib
.jiuta uave our sincere inanvis lor tins
ha full d.'Hrrlailinn nf tha.f.9
e of the bank, denomination
f i 111 an. I .iMaA f a.. .' 1 : .. . . t
rt... : j:.i.. i-r. .1 : """a
J ' f - J . .11 . . ftatri. TTa rT..-ii
Auu.cna 1 II L. X 1UOU.. n,
Tribune Bn ldings, New York
iuv,ia wi k 3
7- i
3' &
$2.50 t
ive oue
ev?v sv?V evttMk ev. evx. sb
sss' 9 sew -tf' tatf' ectaf y
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
Blacksmith, Outfittins:
bets, but says he doae it in self-de
Adjourned. The District court.
Wounded. We see
an accoun
UT.'j T) lu . 1- . . ! 1 1. rtii.At:n a.n.1 T E
Main Street, South Side,
f liers you can get any kind of work done la our Use
w e cave a
"Wagon Shop
in connection, where all kinds of wo id-work will be :
done .a sl;ort notice, fa?" All work warranted.
W D. i KIWI N 4 CO.
Plattimouth, April 10, 'C5.
Avun-u nas iu session in mis city, ad-gpubli$ned in the IN. Y. Tribune, of the
journed upon receipt of the news of "fih u!t., af an engagement batween
ihe assassination of President Lincoln. gj " KiPtici' cavalry, aud the re
rp.. , , . Ribel cavalry, under Wade Hampton
Jne docket was very near cleared, kUt r i t r . M 'pi""
, .icai ucaicu, ilaj .1 rank L .Cramer , of the 1st Ala
only one or two cases left standing. KOavalry, was in the engagement, and
t. . t . , " T. - tT c Ijreceiveda severe wound in the hip. H'
Lome at JLiapt. Amison, Dovev Scan , . , , f , 1
. , - , , wVSIIe was taken prisoner by the rebels,?!
Co. have at last received that heavygbut subsequently left by the roadgide.P
stock of goods which were delayed ouf-IIe was afterwards taken to the Unionll
a sand bar. TLry arj siliing them o!r4!losP'laI in Fayetteville. It id tobeI
t a rapid rate-by the train load, orS:,"PLedt.that. he wil1 fPefdi,y
,i ii .- , Kris ue u uccu iii iue ueieuce oi oisry 4uaumy. oive taem agC0UUry ever since lhe coinmeHCemem
call if you want anythmg'in the line of j0f the rebellion. Iowa Observer. f
iry Ooods. Urocerier?. IIinhvarp.H XT0; .,,;n i. i j ri
, uj. v. iiiisi mi uc iv'uicMiucicu'i-5 -air 3- .
Clothing. Oufitting Goods, or almostgaf a commisMoned officer in the liSPnr .M-edlCineS, Paints,
anything you can call for, and you willxebraska Regiment for some time af
hnd tiietn honest, liberal men to deal. 3
avith. Head their advertisement. p
Drug Store !
Call on the Undersigned for
i7ta. iln ; ....
tT Tfc V . . 1 ... a . ...1
t- . , . , ...... , ra riHKK . 11 iin-ins nrri msr.. nr ino
i Kv:i,iiiiiia. .a iTOCiamation nas ri , . . . :r v u irl
. , . , r, , wresuience 01 me Dnae s lather, oy Kev.M
been issued by Acting Governor Pad-M. F. PUtte, Mr. S. P. Parish and UissSfv
dock, requesting that all places of wor-raLoris. T. Eaton, all of Weeping Water,rj
fhip, and public buildings, throughout"88 uo-
the Territory, be draped in mourning forH
the eoace of thirty davs from this date:! s?11? .I?ihIs,citT n Tuesday, thev
. . , . , fjiun insi., 01 iypnoi.1 tever, Mr Jes
wo that appropriate funeral cervices beETTB b. King, aged 44 years.
Pformed in every city, vilfage andf m
neighborhoid in the Territory on Wed- X. M- I?IARQUETT,
-JdlV? 1 'l 11 Jcl0,ck a- "i ATTORN 15 Y AT LAW
toa uecea5l9 tjtaiJ.nt at the "ational Solicitor m Chancery. Mbuins. he feels conii.Icut that be can give satisfae-
i:aritn lint iTTOiiniTTit 't-.a . r.- . taion. ui.e imusmi
N. T.
Boot & Shoe Shop.
-A FD-
Clothing of every description.
Constantly on hand a Large Stock of
Th. Subscriber Would 1-e.oneeiralltr I! th. .I,.-'
tion of tbacitiiensef Piattsmouth and tbepublj. am
iaig ui ic ici mat r.e Das procured a portion of,
Mr. Bocck's Cabinet Shop, where he int-nds keeping
u nnnu auu ui.ttup on me snortest notice, every
I irticlein bis line. Uis stock beinc Mlpclnl bv him.
jlf.-and having spent the moot of his life lathe
April 10 '63.
And every article required by
And everybody else can be supplied at this establishment.
Call and examine our extensive slock.
Tootle, Hanna & Oo.
riaitsmouth, April 10, 'Go.
-1 most cboarfuliy comply with th reqaast oCvoaa
agent ia saying I have round your saraapanu
B,ast excellent altsrativ. la th. tmnsrom o
niaints for which w employ aah a remedy, b
asneciallv in Ftmalt IHtvOM of th S.rofal.i
diathesis. I hav. cured many lav.t.ral. .ass. ot
Lcucorrlvw by it, and some wh.r th .onsplatsr
waa caused by stleerafsost or tb. stfsrws. The bIom
a tion itself was soon eared, nothinc within ant
ft t.nowlsd a equals it for these ismale dtrangmBtaJ
' Kdwarc S. Harrow, or PiswDury, Ala., wnt.
" A dangorons ovarian tumor on en. of tb. famalei
la my family, which had defied all th. remedios wt
aonld employ, basat length been completely are4
by your Kx tract of Sarsaparilla. Our pUvsieiat
thought nothing but extirpation eonld aflbra rallaa
but be advised the trial or yoar Sarsaparilla as His
last rssott before euttinc. and tt craved .Oaetaal
f After taking yoar remedy eight wck.t BO (jatptosj
01 tnc au iue remains."
Sytihllia stiad 9frcairist1 Dtaoavse.
a-n..- fjK.k a iel
Jal.n ll.b.Aai atJ... S i .vaWaaW
Da. J. C. ATa: Sir, I eheerftilly eomply wttl
the request of your agent, and report to yoa eeraj
nf tlx. efT!ta 1 nave realized with voar Baraanarllba,
K 1 have cured with it, in my practice, most of tfi
From a
To a
Zcbulon blown, of Prospeet, Texas, writs: "Thre.
bottles of yoar Sarsaparilla cared me from a Gssr
a hideous swelling oa the aeek, whseh I had oat
fered froat over two yeors.,
Xsioon-aiast or Whits, Ovttrljaei Tm
10 mta
'serin e Uleersttiosa. l-'smasi
Ir. J. I' 8. t.liunning. or Sew lork tify, wnas
band yoar Sarsaparilla a
frond its e Sects truly wonderful in the ear of
tenor eru etna Mtrenruu ..msius. un or my pat
tieut bad Syphilitic ulcere in his throat, which '
Lie palate and the ton of I
1 Yoar Satsaparilia steadily taken cared bla ia
weeks. Another was attacked by secondary eymi
1 tomi in his nose, and the ulceration had eaten awsj
a constasrsDie part os it, so zai a Deneveeneo
order would soon reach his brain and kill him. Dsn
It yielded to my administration of yoar SarsapariDa.
Uie ulcers healed, and h ic well agala, sot of court
K withoct 110 me disfiguration to bis face. A
tr tor 1
ier be
r They bad become so sensiUve to the weather that oa
who had been treated forth, cam. disorder
enry waa auflering from this poison ia her
a damp dav she suffered exomeitting pain la hoi
joints am nonet, one, too, was enrea eaureiy D)
vour Sanaparilla ia a lew weaka. I know from tti
formula, whioh yoar agent gave me, that thlt
t1 re para ton from your laboratory mast be a greet
remedy: consequently, these truly rs mark able rt
salts with it liavc not snrprised nae.
w rratarnally yours, ii. T. LAKIUER, U. D.
Rbeeisnatiaan, Coast, Y.lvftr Coasplsilat.
iKDBPJMDaacB, I'reston Co., Va., Ath Jaly, 1S58
Da. J. C. Atkr: 8ir, I have been afflicted with
Km ful cbronle Mewnsatssw lor a long time, wbicl
ITlod the skill of physicians, and ataek to me ii
suite of all the remedies I could find, antil I triM
K yoar Sarsaparilla. On bottle ard m in tw
weets, ana re store n my general neuia so mac I
that I am far better than before I was attseked.
t thick it n wonderful medicine. J. FSEAU.
Julee T. GeteUell. of St, Louis, writes: "X havi
been afflicted for years with an afftetion c'f&s Lim9
1 1
tried errytbing
a. which dtstroved mr health.
a and .v.i-ything failed to relieve me; aad I bar.
Men a Dronen-aown man 10 r some years rrom as
Other cause than derangtmtnl qf th Lirtr. M3
beloved pastor, the Rev. Mr. Espy, advised me it
trr your Barsaparilla, bacanse h. said he kiMW jn
and any.liing yoa mad. was worth trr 1 rig. By th)
Blessing 01 iioa 11 nas .urea m., ana Das so panne
my blood as to mad. a n.w an of ma. I fcai yean
laat caa yo taia 01 you u box boa
nllcrrallsa, 1
(ho BonsNs.
u A gres t variety of ease have been r ..sorted to a
awhere cures of these formidable complaints haw
F Ulcrration, Carte (tad ExfoliaUoB mt
1 3 (aoatonsNs.
rvoalted from the as of this remedy, but oar spa
ner win aot aamit tn.m. Dora, or toera may a
fbund in oar Am.rioaa Almaaae, wbish th. ageo
below nnmsd are pleasd to iarnish gratis t allwM
all for them.
fPyirpcpaia, Henrt DiarttM, Flu, Bpikptf
fflelsuseholy, Ncwrstlgia.
Many remarkable cures of these alhetin hav
been mad. by th. alterative power of tba. medietas
It stimn ate the vital ft. notions into vigorons aetiea
and thai orareorae disorders whioh would be eos
oeed b-iyond its re as It. Saeh a remedy baa toaj
been required by the necossitiee of the pewple. am
we are nonfldmit tba this will do Jbr (beta all tast
metllolnu caa do.
r-Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
yoa tdi id ccaa oar
narks. Colds, smsass. ITsarssasas
Crsep, Droncaiiiia, Inoipieat C
I Alive & Stirring.
oamptioo, and for tk KJir
1 CotaaaaaptiVe Patloata
ia advaersd Sta goo
mt 11m DIimm.
fTd is a remedy so anivg really knwa to aarpa
any othor for t lis oar of throat .tad lag complaints
that it in aseless here to publish tt. erideaee of it
virtues. Its anrivalled eaeellenee fir eougha ans
ooius, ana it iroiy wonaerisu varee or psiaonsr
dteease, hav mad it known thronghoat th eirw
bmd nations of the earth. Few are the coaunuaitief
or even families, among thorn who have aot sora
Krsonal o? Ha eflssta some livrn
phv i a their midst of Its vletory over the eabtl
and dargerooa disorder of th throat aad lanai
As all know th dreadfal mtallty of the, disordan
aad as tliey know, too, the etieete of this remedy
we nosd aot do more than to ssear thorn that it ha
aow all th virtae that it did hav. wh .irin
t the nn whUh have wo a cragly apoa th
ft (enfldec of maaklad.
Prepand by Dr. J. a ATM m 0 UrmKm
Nebraska Herald,
Having recently built a new aad suitable shop oa
Mnin St., Piattsmouth, N. T.,
IWonld respectfully inform th. citizens e Cass asif
Zidjoinini couutiea. that be bas the (acilitiea for car.
rying on 1110
EJ it nvarwrv, ntTRtvreo
U ViLUAit AU JL JLS (Jbi jtjcw
In all Its branches
1 am prepared to torn oat the
Acdatost durable
Of evcr.r desc riptien, ever offered in the Territory .
AOrPirticnlar atteotioa paid to makinr aad in.
AU kinds of lumber taken ia exchange for work.
Plattraeath. April 10, 1S65. , mmt