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About Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1865)
rliyorlarsapai-illa aaaav - . n .-aw a. ri L, v tt "f T V V C-w-a. -w - mrwm -w -w s -w -v a "wx ttt C. . ' . I. .v.iTiP fir-oiiP tro n -r H -- If t? .... A mi r f-. tt iKa n a rr A f -r I "I t 1 v;v O ffiJX IJJjljUjUlliir Ilgficer commanding one ef the fortinca-SEid rid rig-e, from Atchison. Ivans T-jl V -fO TH DAILY HERALD-' Wlons nst ot Uie i"y was uurryiojr iomwus mosi urutaiiy inuruereu iy youugr . 1 a ,; a - Khistorninand aerompanied by an order-Mmaa by the name of Cox, who was insT i compound reme4K designed to be the mos I that cnii be made. It i 4 act of Para Sarsaparilla 1 - .1. i, . r . . : J Jrulinrr Tbese turnridsShi.n on iha head with an axe. Afierf --.a-! LT.lJ",B ""'"i" 1 jLj . , , . , . fc caLci nue JNircr as lO anora 8u tueC YJ r 1. I. .. rj. .on 1 1 K o r o Fnnr ImrcSiPnmmil lintr tha hnfriH primn I ,nr nrilff.P- I .... .neist a aVJV- j; o 11 'ay :uunu a tauc ju-n'"-" uuv1..jWn..iiiiiiuQ .Uw uv ; -w.. : m. -uuuuun, :: uucaws oarapiiriiia i ?.- " irn .p WT Wtfc' t V w ft T W- " fc 3 . . . t Tie nf7ii-fr nnd nrd-erl vBirpd thp Wwlv htiH ihrftiv it into the 11 ue ' epated to cure. U is bellpvpd that such it jJ.jaj4iivr liXtenSIVC 1'lOt UlsCOVerea.a"". 1 A j ... Remedy is wanted-tWfe Wfc s,,flVr ft, . . . . -r ' ... ifcJ , . . - - .1 f. itmmou cornplauitj. and that one -which -nil orderly wounded-. t -iue party pursueuana movea ieisurejy up me. xoaa . io-e, ccoTnplisb their cui mst nrove of immcu res: Lincoln and Sec. Sewar , Assassinated Pvlr- ' iKor, I n I.irif-nii I Trtsnit.n I h nfli'Sh i mnliv ni ihu limA nrU'inrr IP1111 tllCtUal Alterative f ... ,u ,mf.,r.,muvnmp.irr .n,,rHrM1 h;,' vI.-Mm Kir ctrilMnirU concentrated cxQ TOOTLE, H ANNA & CO- , 1I.ITC firr h! MXOBMICtVS. BEAPEU3, . McCORMICK S Johnson S Army burrendereUArrode rapidly away, an.t escaped wiihkj wards tort Kearney. Colonel W alk-fe' ervice to this large oTass of our aiHictcd fellow 9 dvidentlv waitmsr forwer. of me 16ih Kansas, henrmjr of thef. ttuens. How cdmp ctelT this compound n-a nr., 1 J5 t.nn .. ... T.f;, k. fmnrilor Hat-t i cii cn A-irl r.f . mon urhnS nu u- pruiec DY CXlWnmcnt On mail aMiiiigioB, i-j, i.w a. u1.-.,Kmo ,.- 'w .- .ei f ti,e worst a to :, j mw,-: a n:v. Ti,i, ..Lninrr 9lmiit Q n m I Ip m !i " rmv fotomac correnond-a'soon overtook and arretted the cu nril.B " "i "rs. lino vh-uiui mu... tj - i- & trniDiamts : . PLATTSM0U1H, NEBRASKA. WKONESDAY, APRIL 19, 105. ieatii' or AiirsAix.ini m. . .f.: tJiJn.r in hi nnvatu hov with Mrs. Lin-trebel prisoners: ilt sur-Scnrhe, and the Col. ordered him kiued,& Jkuptions asd EuiTive Diseases. Ulcers Xiic iixnvii w " '"""""ri . l . . ". " . If . . . J.. rtA' - ...j: i l-l j i . i . l- K . .o T- . . o.-'t. 4 rendered at'out iw.uuu,-mciuuing-oiii-Mvnica was oone ; oy soooung niai. g , , ; """ijiujioiis, oalt nHttM, uiriuvj AXI SYPHILITIC .AFjil man; is in and fiFord'ts Theatre, the rrerident was sit Kent has details of the work ot paronngjCox confessed having cornmiued inejS Scuofula. axi Sqiofclous CoMPLArxTs member of the nation, feel that we have I 1 I 1. . . U - . I n n .0. ' r.x rtp-irnifiD rtptl Id I ril IPN UUriHJ, AVUen lit; was miui uy an iusaa-vii pniuio uuu The ar-Preas. and the! lances, to part.gfin then leaped upon the stage, bran-H Kichuiond corrcspo hom wo haveM'suing a large dagger, and mace ln.nas gone iu iy,mvi c J ii-'f'M .4 I 1" III llltr 1 Till UL LL1C LLlCilkl L." V M 4 b . . , - - - pect, tut I;U'nTh : ii I, . r d the back of hit'unher nrolonffin :7U pieces, hurdred.' ndent says Leea I ectio.n-s, MERCuarku Disease. Dropsy, Keu . . k!.axgia ok Tic Douiojueus, Debility, Dys ' rC5rTnp ivliliiin lu.-rvr IVTissmiri.K inn ivn Tmnc'.., x'........ . n -i...n it i thinifrht will nut n rirind to hn.h -II H St. Anthony's Pr. und! indeed the whol ?i to endeavor toMwhackiDr in every form in a vervB"38"1 wiuuiu iug irom aaipvrity o j to desist froiiisshort time. The enrollment in several Isin. who sudde nly entered the box. andKtil.erv numbers lost one of our dearest friends. It islapproached the l'resident. Theassas Kwaons seven I under any circums for all time, with one w learned to love and re? !L, - 1 .. - 7 . . l i . nore lerrinie wxieu uiai ou is 'hi-, nenetrated near v tbrousrh.Sle W J " I J CJ dl-' ilown by tae Jiand or the assassin. li 'flie wound is mortal, lhe 4.- t. 1. V il." f.. e A , it .uV.lnnl liio daan incpnsi), PVPr Slrr( I'ViiaV f k i,.i fwas inflicted, and is now about dyiutr. Wl&i die assassinatiow, ot the I resident3 .WJ. r H hour an assassin-Kbut are counselled tp calmness this nation almott idolized, and xvhomfcJwhetlier the same one is not known M Flag of truce arrived from Imbodengja mulatto boy, who Works for Walkeil ?Fe? through which tie system will strive t. HE JJLOOD. I S this hopeless strug fccounties has been completpd, and everyjf 10ter of health, when takea in the spring, able-bodied man becomes a soldier fore xpel the foul hum which fester in th Presi-ii ' Herald's winch ?ster; correspondenipihe protection of : his ' home againsiS lood at "at season ol the y&ar. liythetimc, since ilUys the soldiers ate' greatly incens,dlguernlla3. " - I !Le'filnS he aid of thl9 TPTnedvJ mnn tlipmp1vf frnn fi a bTABBiNG .L-ASE. Liast night, Si'as.S he endurance of foul firuptions and ulcerous four millions of human beings regard entore(j 3jr Seward's appartments s their saviour from a bondage worse'underjiretense of having a prescrip is, andfjSaturday, its object is undemood to b'eg&'Makoy, was suxbbed in the back, by scrip-i-to surrender his forces as part of Lee'sglsome person unknown. Silas says he mhiij to the Sec'vs sickS Eid itself of corruption t, if not assisted to di'3 his through the natural cliannels of the bod; ft y an alterative medifjie.. Cleanse out th fl cks'rmy. Ilebel Uen,Kosser howeverKwas followed from Haskell s ehow bvRitiated blood whenevetvou find its iniDuritie" . ' " LI . 1 . .. . - a 3L .. . . . . -. . Ti,,. 1 ; ,,,-i,,i iK-.frprnsPil fn rnmrtltr ififiih tha terms nJivtvvn wlin mn:.whn hmrf nl Kim tunfa k lUrstinar throus'h tlie ekn Intiimn o, xrnnhnnrd ... , 11 ; . (.'jtUDUIUCli 1UC ISKllI I U.-1ICU l'J lUCiJ;'- . . ..... tnivv.r a , . x i' " "1 1 We have not been able, as yet. tol . . fl , d or . b inSLee's surrender, btt his troop desert Owhen near ifie Tost Office. He re-lr oie?'' cl.fcaiVse t wlrjn -ou find it is ob3 obtain full particulars of the cowardly ghl, chestf and Ufi jn his face It jd him en masse, ad he went to joiuMturned the siots and came the 14 fmif and rou7S 9 net, but enough has been learned 'tohoped the wounds may not be mortal. Johnson. Many ol Lee's paroled uienAtreet, and went into Laboo'a for the gw when. Even whereto particular disorde ?3 fix the crime upon Uooih.'the : traedi-9My apprehensions tliat they will provefehave reached their iiomes in the val gkey to the store. - Upon re. ,, , , ..nfatal. I u.- n'ey. . r ysays the men came up behi . Several arucea-were- found near The nursft Mr; Frederick New York, 17?ot's special say Jvogt's cprner, and one of t me nruc ui mo uauj, u..v v rseward' who w!in the adiourin"r5;?everai auunionai arrsis nave oeeuwnim wim a kqiib. iuey ran and htRctinr health. veiling, and papersllfalbcrs room, wlrejhe met the assas-raPrminent man trunk showing a cor-ffin who iaflicted f'-.?P bira one or more-A Fresh deveh ,. , dangerous wounds, recovery doubt giparties in rsew identified as having been in his possea4roorn. and hastened to the door sicn dur.iug the, evenin were found in hi? trunl , , 1 ,. . dangerous wounds, recovery 1 CM)UUUC11LC UCkVVCCll UIUI U t - - jvirties in Richmond relative to Ve are of ' the opinion that . rebe(sat the ..Theatre Jhja j evening, but he joe. Johnson . has "surrendered his .will prbrn but -little by the death of Ss" . """fwn at sixociock uiijentire army to Shem an, thus virtually -i, il-i':-el.veninS-,. , -;; Il-losingthe war.'-Rtbel Generals ex- jiAiiauaui uiyu u, m ""w At a Uibmet m 3eti n? at which Grants 8omeldanSou? wounds, recovery doubi-ftl'ae New Yorl. f . " ' - ?he world has been estlgiondy deceived b:a IIAKl'ER'S , - . fifiil. it is not protibly the rresideml; Lee turned 30,00( men over losses -i JNOtice to Tax Payers- , ireparations of it, partSv becaase the dru.'' V1V linn t hit" lllairinc theaf-wj5t:jive throughtthe ni-ht. Gen.rjwill probably not ' exceed '10,000 orK To all whom il may concern: The tax- Jlone has not all the virtue that is claim! ' , . . KG rant and wife .vere advertised to belllS.OOO. fies for 18G4 become8 delinquent on thor it, but more becairia many preparations Critical m.ticr. f h it.. ' l'I ... mi .1 , . . . If 3 . . . . llfirst of May. at which time a nenaltv of t iretendins to be conctWrated extracts of lift ritu ihe foremost Munri e of u.o dav. Tl.fln n,apressed their desire submit to the Uni ftied States authorities ' -IvN . . . . . . great fault, it was that of being loo,vvas prp?ntf the-subject of the state iiiercuui to ine enemies oa oiix toun.ry.pi-.iiic ijuuiiliji. aU. pipcu ejjecuy Pos' s Special state-Mhat J 12ven on the evening of his ;assassinarpeace was discutsed, the Presidemabeen tracej top a'oLacco . , . , , ' , - ..Tawas very ' cheerfu ana hopeful andi ... ir , jlmakes it the duty of the Treasurer tofi TV uxPtuca' v". .tUnS lo ,BJTe a Vr jproceed forthwith and take peren ZiUact f SfsaPa"lla. ' one dollar. Mot 5!, . t .. ... ' . u B'f these have been fraud j -upon the sick, fo 31 property to Batisfy the same. I hopegw 1;. i '.-c liOOth hai-Mthal nil concerned will null at th L-t.nrlesfgj.nd settle, and save the unnleasantnest. Hand costs that must necessarily follow it tion he is reported to have spoken , we 11$ , ,- i, t . K ,fj;Gounty Maryland. .Vrn: T.'A'nndnthnfthe .abelS!" ",y." . Passengers from R chniond state the lathe course authorized by law is pursued tm . .... i ' l, aaaMiicuiuii iil lutj i icsiuciu. ticairuM - i ;o5. me governinenia... . rlnl1Ql ,..,; Th. npnnl. - & . , r. expressed fears of: the consequence. f3in Virn-inia. 5 ...... - --0 , ' r ... i . .. All members or the cabinet except ? leaders, and was reioicinr that , het&the establishmen ivftulJ again behold a, united people, c , ' r .1- - t . " l.t ... t-J 1 1 t: 1 1 cclc. ui.uij Luis uasjo jui uubiiiira - . . i . . i - MNewara are now ; nn i attenuanr-e nnntit would bless our .now distracted country Mhe Present. I have seen Mr. Sew-fc i nr. L , - . -.1. ...u I ..I P:-l j i i. i i - i i .i ?. ho me uuauit?, wim wuai nijuin (;aru, dui lie auu t reue tick were uom edge we possess of the affair, to tellunconscicus. " ' . , how extensive the plot was; but are J w S'gned, ' r STANTON. ,. . , . ,tl Washington, 4iL) -A. M., loth " ' .. ft i-rp:iilpnr rrntlO!tS inspnsilild find ic others than President Lincoln and Sec-!?sinkinT. : ? ; ' retary Seward; BjI time will bring Secretary SewartJ remains without the whole thing to light, . and woe toMcnnfe . ! o ' i , se who are implicated in' it I Jlne ... , , ., . . . iieu iu two places, be sides several c-on- ne of Abraham, Lincoln is too dear ltusions on the head. The attendant Suicide. A man named P. C" Crowall,- aged ibout thirty eight yeais committed su- iciutf iusi infill, in a. ,uuuuiij iu lueta rear of Milton Rogers shop. The circumstances, s' nearly as we are able to ascertain tr eni, are as foi lows: The deceased hi4 been in tbet: ;mp!oy of Mr. Rogers, as book-keep-?r and workman, for about twenty .nonths. He was dissiiated, at times, rn.uu ii 10 ucuiiu uuu . -v. .... , - ES:moaired. lie freae ltlv expressedj those uii.-iu vi ftwum, iiiurum is iwutuiiU5 ftns OI1 . 1H he-id. T in altpn. nnlR l tr., rano vnro . . I 1 r . . . 'iiiiijtiii cu. lis i iuu i. uj v..". 1ft thft American nerinlft- tn nllnnr ' tKcliia n I lira "Km Kn'r-alacr. tdi.: ,t j- I J A P, . . v i - ."M'iig U....V-, uuj vivoo. ifliiimseu as uiscouraiiet aim ucjiiuhu-ih t.. e u . r ., A: , . , IS i i.. i -j .? : .: U iiciiBiui3vr puiici3 ui sui;u a vrniit-'-j iviaj. ciewaru s wounus not aanger Kjeni ; anu naa saiu ou or iwu utua-t to esc a ne the nunishment tliev deserve.Crous now ascerianiK; I with reasonable sion. that he thought it would De netier , ( MC, ... . C m I II even should years pass' by before iheri"1111113 , K US we ? "sa-fl'1. T , re ul S iae , vi' " - ifc irtnih hoinnr lhf nnp that hot t l'rp.rjin Ihft storfe nr "lueili, iiili me uiiici a. uniLiaijitjii ul-3:-i iui. nuncio 'FAKSIEIES' CLl'B. . On last from a desk one whicli hud been lef care br'a cfentleman BROWN'3 Illindls Corn Planters, AM- 1 SSferf 1 MO LINE PLOWS, Si Vom r. X Jf. Cartwrigkt, AVir Or I tan I. i i i .v. . ; .. i'k.ib fi;i ioic, people enjoy oexcr nealtli. ana liv ii V fe" "u.r M r'w p"" :. .1 .r?-n?r.r- fnr c oitns nr 11,1 lf . 1 r Hu.i . .. .u.p. .u, u..n ,l,om ,,,i gaood healthy, and au n well; but with thiiA J'jJJiXl.ii IVa til 1. IM. J .if xUon on tb bowIi, which mkei tliein lnralmnbl acljourmL7--ci.M uuuiuuimi iii9a.o uccu Mum, wiui a huia. a uey ran anu nt pasting health. Sooner or later Bomethin: nr of hiwmade tO-UaV Of Maryland reoelS. rnoWtolIOweJ them a little wav. when feel-Kiusl eo wron?. and tho meat mai:hiiii!rv o3.. H from Dr. Edtcard Boyd. Baitimort has bet n caught yet. mC faint he turned back for help. He disordered or overt irown. S ITwT?. i! r.m" oprae-ls point to certain&3is not much injured. JVetcs. M Sarsaparilla has, and I deserves much, th.JJ wi"iMn"u 0 y thnt m tv tr,at tk a atharnc in tnj doily cont.,1 with drwae, and ta lerinjr, aa 1 do. tiat your J'ili affbrd ui lh but wra, I of oourM raluo tlicm highly. U PiTTSDrRO, Ta., May 1, 15 W Da. J. C. ATKK. rir: 1 hara baau rcXitdly P mred of tba wont hondacht anybody can hara It a Iom or two of your 1'illa. It Mtmi to irui fl-oiu a C bul atomocli, which thay clean, ;.t one. ' l'onra with great rwptct. ED. W. 1'IiFlU.X. Clerk 0 Sltamer Liar. Dlliona Oiaordera I,lrr CoBiplAlmt. From Dr. Theodr Bell, tfjfi Tork City. iarst 01 Jiay, at which time a penaltv of S ireienuing 10 oe conccmraiXKi extracts 01 nftj tin the foremost Mnpaxteof iho day. Theflre-k ?ron tpt cpnt will ha ol.lorl tha Ontain but little Of tll3 Trtlie of barsaDarillS i'le never hail a aiore deliwhlful romp a 11;. in. nor th. . r- ..... uu.s " n V. tli . . . ... wTt . , 1 : . . ' . . . ; ... 1 ,t 11.......' fr iV anv thins else, i & ' r1111.u.miCri,Tr,uS " "". 'i"' ,ui. icn. tcii luieresife- v v . iJ -laiiaiiiie. UetAotliJtt jrotenttint Ut-Uiunre.) 3 . -. -i . .. . 1 1 llimn lata vm., flitftvkh1!!. liiT-ri finnn tnia'A jnntll paiu: . aiSO me .. UWU.rr , " . ':, .. . . Sl Tli nmt r. .Mlr Mouth !v!.iu the worlj. A'. 1 Wo must ref-r in term of eulocy to the high ou .nil vriil rrrpllncf-s i.f ll:irtipr'i Mac:tr.ini a lour Pehey not only contain lit Jc, if any, Sarsapaa i with muntiiiy rircuutin. ..fahout i;o,ihiu ci- O, ES , & f- i . . . li"i5ln . ti.4. n:. pi iirrt t w ll fllll 11 li h I III' it- III- dui mica nu enrnun Tiroperiii-s w iiucev ja . . . , ; , . . . , r .. a .. ir . J 1 . 14 -heicttat li tit and cru-.'ial teaflinrl of the d..V. W r. Hence, bitter and pautful dusappointmen f.hi -..rk n eviiii.-e ..f the Amvrk-ai tas IWllOwea tne use Ol ttfc various extracts C jfl eop e ; and tlie p .pulant) It has acquired is merit VxLLEY PLATTJE3 G. W.CROW, fa PROP I am prepared te furnish aH who mnr favor ni. th their patronairo. With lodiriinr. ninvle iiimI. ... loard lv the week. . U. W.CKO iV Flativiauuth, April IS, yl five call this compound Sfirtmarilla, and intcn3!!" feturej or ih daily j .urnai. it has gn at powei II . .1 .- n .k. ill...,.;iiiil inn i.f . npn tt inir. Iifrahim . o supply bucU a remiy a shaU rescue th rarner ll uull. to AmtricaH Literature (i .o. don tame from tlie load of olloquy which rcstS .,.. .,. ,,... n. ,.ms,.vMi; tiponit. And We thuik V.e have ground fojj ,rar, of niUcelaujU readirtc, urh as caaai.t b fiielievimi it has virtues which are irresistibl 3'o-tml In thewrae cmpa-a in a iy oth -r loi y the ordinary run of the tllscases it is intend Cjme ttuJer our notice. ostun courier. d to cure. In order to Secure their complct a cniiTninT -vto ic -radication from tlie svsterathe remedv elioul fl S UIJSCRIPTOIS S. lSGo. Ifie iudiciouslv taken accordihz to directions o.Sl T tMiher haw ytf. 'f PLASTERING, STOjSTE AND :i-t ' . 1- .1.. . i. 'i -itims whose name is unknown, nut wnoseNwno was aosent ana snot nimseiis nrricuitaral counties made so by the tifchor citizens rloif-riminn snlAar ihnt hp. rn rR?' I, murrh t lift lipnd. " Fl energr and perseverence 1 - ' ... .. . .13. n Nebraska Cltv. -and had also beenll ..,Allh9tt&..9..hvlmtU- loaa the employ oEMr..liack. of thi.-M asliSh acquaintance, as yct , with ljcf,.-j J- lock H'iy. previous to his engagement widiH farnivirspf this county, yet we can seefeiTg- j J, :p ,. STNTON' M"r -ers- Omaha Republican. tuat they evince a disposition to ;roS.l , v o r Li . "... . b l. ' l :....! e .-Sfl J- ' c : ' h.1 x R R EST S. AIfcUl. I liams, Ol VJ . l. '.J. aj.' -j -J-il- f, y i Wash nffton- 171-DeeD interest i,Mitch2ils stall, and Pre vos& Mars &ilf..i. : o . . -A. I, c 1 -.1U.,-K '..1. ICJ. 111 oet. ocwniu i Viuivuj ut visit , . . , . , i ors throng: his residence among them tneir oreaa caroagn iub season, eyCatinet Foreign Ministers, ebow. by banns a regularly -organized:! . - Farmers' Club.' th it " thev rsossesa al -.: .. r -mi u . . . . ' WofTered n reward of 320.000 for the ,rirn or proKress. 1 ney meet at 8iaieu.Fi . . ' , j 1. ' 1 . . . t;"arrest and conviaiori 01 the assassin. times and places, and there have an in terchange cf experience and views upon 8 rs the farmers of this coucty. ; This, to Ouri en hal. . . . . . j maue thirteen arrests on vesieruay. vnd two this morning all of the par- 'ioo ciiinpplrd nf l.pinor ATsKnnri hush MA'hackers. Ve are info-njed that ontr; BPtlOK LAYING. The undersigned are prepared to do ALIj WORK IN THEIR LINE Slaram.rllli u-l.lA flnn,? f v. mirlrt ,.Tir;i th l .1. Each, number contain fully 144 aes of read f ... ...w .....x... . . ' 1 ' . . ' . u ...... a.'... ....... ... . . ... ... ..... j - ... . . - . In-tttAr. t.f.rr.I.rlM IhI V 1 1 1 US! rat VI h ITOod WOOL r i am A ifwplf ia mcrlv rlaTM&n.l niirl !: iiannm --.1 . . 1 . ... .. . ........ j - . J; and it rt.llitiillcs In ltsell tl.e racv llli.uirilT au gynonymOUS with impOsiuV-n and cheat. Stil jj he murf philost.phio.'ilqaitrterly, bl udotl iih Ihi ,r,.uiitl ( - i ..e.T to rrcure 'iitirj. rum cni- dir i't!y from the olhrt; of pui.iira iou. The postage oa Harper' Murazine in '24 cents i 'car, which mus; be p . iJ at the subscribur'.jioKt ol- ice, F he bottle. PREPARED -T DR. JT. C, AVI. It & GO. LOWELL..1 3.1ASS. . . ...,. . i..n..i... AH A .'rice, 91 per uoiuc 1 pu.unit mi jja TF'RYrS c . . . . li A I-. n-rr Uaol-wn I El liRFna s Miniz'sE. one year. - - 4 nXyCl O VllCJliy: X ttlUltll fj An rxtn ropr the Mpizin or Week I; ' - . . t-d 1 1 1 In- aiini.ii.1 irmli. fi.r cvi-r . (.'Inh f Five as won i.-r icii aucu n rcu J".! .U . . -" w eriheri at (4 each .in one remittance 1; trwxcopi., very imic.j ui iiiiua, uuu up i. uiii.tu..i., uc a -'f m, '0. t is entirely unnecessary fur: us to recount th j nck numter.4 can be gappMed at anytime a viueuce vi iva iiruuca, nuucu'iT tb u.o wren ra n E .toyed. As it lias long (a n ia constant sj hrottcliout tins section, mine a not ao more 111a -a same the people its quality 14 itept up to the bet d t ever has been, and that it may be relied ontfl to for their relief all it has em been found to do; Are yon auir .ki. ompliumn? Are yoa 00 of order with you,r avi derangrd, and vourfeeHna uneonifortableheae tiuV. torna are otlcn the nrelnd to fcriona iliueM. Some 3 of fickneM ia creeping upo you, and tliould be itrtn by a linwly ue of (be riifU remedy. Take Arcr'ii I-flu and efeanfe oat the duo, dered humora purify iw blood, and lit the flai'J more on unobstructed Ii '.. health aRiiiii. They aritnu ..i:.J.. l.t. the. ftinetinna if ,ti M f-r-TJ body Into vioron! actintr rUJUJ IUB BJBIKIU in.III til UUIirVOMUUI WHICH Bill lisoase. A cold settlea lomewtit.t in the body. t.iH bntrncta rta natural funetiona. Thvae, if not r9 ie red, react upon themselyeaand the aurroundlnj ireana, producing general aggravation, .uttering nd diacaae. While in tbia condition, oppreaeed b) be derangement, take Ayer'a 1'ilif, and aee how lirectly they reatore tho natural action of the tva f em, and with it the buoyant feeling of health agarn '' Vhat ia true and ao apparent in tbia trivial and con foon complaint, Is alto true in many of the deep rated and dangerou distemper. The tame purge. ive eneci expeia mem. 1 buh.-u iy aimiiar vtntio Inn. . .. .1 t . n. nf ,1.. n.lnral fnn.lirt.i nl I be body, they are rapidly, and many of them iurtljr f- nred by the same meana. None who knew tht irtuea of thee l'ille, will neeiect to employ then C rhen Buffering from the disorder they cure. 3 tttateanenta from leading plyei-ns Iuwh of thl f .. ! . ...I ...ii V .. ........ ertoua: t from a Forwarding Merchant tf St. Louie, Feb. 4 Y 1&6. Ifl Da. Atib: Yonr TiUa are the paragon of all thai t! great in medicine. They have cured my li'-tJi ff lauffhter at ulceroua nrea untiii har hand, and fmA 'LI 'Pi ft- liot had proved incurable lor year. llernuthet JC "af i" ' aJLaaW l7i. ins been long grievously afflicttd with blotehe ana) JJIIIjJir vu lit! ,aiu .nu iu lie. a. nil. I u. ) ihild was cured, the also tried yonr I'll), and thee ASA JlUllOKILja. -AT- jTIamii'actiireiV Prices, April 10 m3 Jrciglit Added. TOOTLE, UAXXA t CO, Ii. FROST & Co,, WHOLESALE i Opposite the Post Office, tore cured tier. Vk . . . - jiaj H ramny rayaig fKot only are your 1111 admirably adapted to tt lurpose aa an aperient, but I Una thr benell 11 ecu upon the IJver very marked Indeed. T! H la re in W rare of K'cin roar R eugtha Ayer's Cathartic Pills, toh the craBOF ox . - - , . . f. ., , i',.i.uv.nio. ti ta,va buub wuii' Washington, 17-The Council have&3 f the i?3 made a confeS3ioa which!' ft I 1 I - I IB I f . V.I w'lll I ir li I s ariiiiiri iit I .ill I . l iijr fT I n v I w jiu.wu io uu I,,, vwi. .-..v., vi ."in01)ey; and the programme was un- , ar Ajejiaruiicuu .. Pierstood to be to make a vaW upon the The National weekly says : we canrahanks, iewelry stores, . Stt ., 'and escape our!fatR from the bifrbf st auihoriiv. lhaiKa, PTaO ie tn if) mind,.is a far better way of gaming ia. has been ascertained there was reg.g.0 be some evidence that one o then, lormauon m tno diueront i nrancnea or-juiar coupiracy to iussassinate everyMwas enaed in the late Qiincy rob agriculturo than to plod along and eachmembcr of the cabin -'t, together withH)ery. Some of them say th y belong ied to the arrest of .he ethers. They were all well armed and uad plenty of one experiment for himself alone, wuh-rJthe Vice President 1 The names -out giving his neighbors ' .the benefit ofilseveral appointed asassins are, wet1 Lieut. Williams also ar e&ted a. manP nis csperieace. vnas woom tane sjjuuueiMauu, huuwuum i" ranamea v uuam aouei aaier, wiiotg 'year's timo to find out by tryln it yocr-53 sent investigation is .concluded andgcaim3 l0 represent the Hiuse of J. self, maybe learned In a' day by attend ing the Club. meetings -: You not only de rive a benefit yourself .from, this course if action, bntyou are constantly, adding to the general stock of knowledge which is the great source of wealth to - our nu tion olpjrjd to Dunn's and McDonald' bauds. Let every farmer iu Casa county join the Club; and riot only join it, but turn out one day in each month ' and attend the meeting;!.-' " 1 ihe day after the murder of Mr " I a . . LVa Linooln, that the rebels had lost theireyent. SHORT NOTICE and at REASONABLE RATES- SAMUEL BANKS, GEORGE MORK1S. April IS nil ?oaticertetl, Jaundice, Vytpt,sia, Inditjettiot j Oinenterv Foul Stomach, Entupelas, Ueadacu Piles, Rheumatism, Eruption ind Skin Diseaset'gl 'Jeer Complaint, Dropsy, Iit'cr, Tumors an ialt Jlheum, Worm, Cam, neuralgia., as K Dinner Pili, and for Puri finite tlie Blood. Ej They are sugar-coated, so t)uv. the most sens 3 a Va. V.l FVT illClll lLl.DUIIUI, M.ll. . i- test aperient in th world for 14I the purposes of j amily physic. . F. ?rice 25 cents per Box ; rirt boxes Tor $1 CM . i-ji ' i t . 3 n.a.l.nmluinnfr'lanivnii.ll.l hvalnlHTlS. Statef 4: t ni.n and rniinmt nemonaaca have lent the SS lames to certify the unparalleltil vserulness ot tnct e -emedies, but our Bpace here wil not permit thS nsertion of them. The Agents, elovr named fu. lish gratis our American Alii A sac in which thi ire given ; with also full desciiprions of the aboif somplaints, and tne treatment iat saouiu ue 10 ..ic.ik.;.i.,n. r- B' Do not be put off by unpriiioii lerl dealers wit 9 R rther preparations tney mag more prout. 01 fpmana atkr fl. ana ukb nn CKliers. lie vant the best aid there is for thei and they shoul lava it- ii All our remedies are for sale by National Claim Agency. WASHINGTON. D- C ! published, the publia will be astonish-iL. M. Hellman, Liquor dealers, St. ed at the developmefcv;' from motives olpjLouis. Mo. His offence was persist- j ... . : . . f - . mi. ....wi - . public interest we retrain iron, men ,n drinking to the- heUii of . Jefl-gcoSgcoimifci. uoning rnany or tneni tnat reacu us. F. M . D OR R I N GTON, SC3 AGENT: s . PLATTSMOUTLI, - - NEBRASKA,1 Is pnpared to presentjand prosecute eliiung j Diseases or thr Eye. i DR. W- E. LAVyENCE, 00"iiaJLlLlEt- tl. Treats all Dncase of th Eye. Ha w'ranla a cu p. in every cne taken in hand. . . . i . ) 1ST Office at th Nebraska, H nse."tai Plattsroeuth, April 10,13 a. ' ainii aud the ltparliu. rx.. WILLITT P0TEEKGER. I ofior iVia noiva n f fl.a fall rf relents. -'I'enRion,. Bount fis. aud Hen tit v I.urui. .u.'j . - . . . ... ...o n.v. ,.. v..,,uv,ii. "ia,i uL...a.r " . ;ji 'I'll 1 I f IV ll V fl.'l' I . A VV w-.-i t .i.- r-v..- . i.j f-t!d:i 1 u;. f.D .5:?'' !'ujr.'" .v'r.i. a vaa-. iViemoers Ot UlC vauuici I ciuai hru,i.ii,uiiiuuu. ins iccnugo srcui iu vreiine amioiii ol tne Clum, t . il. UUKKLNUTU.i FCf apru ia. ?e. , . aa seem . . ... a very much wounueo at tne news or ine If he is a fair exponent of theM PL ATTSMOUTII 'NEBRASKA. best friend that lJr. Lincoln invaria rspoliiical principles of that house we3 bly at every cabinet meeting, counsel -Rwould suggest that tney l ate located' led forbearnce, kindness, and luercyrjhim in too high a latitude.' It is noia towards those misgiuiqed men.' healthy here for sucn . organizations TVct,;r,mn 07 Tn t p 1 1 i rrancpr rnn.l -ivt he is a liquor ueaier, oowever. to ai tains the following:, xve undarstandappearances on ye.eiuy,i9 is a goou,j parxing' l& iiev. j. iii. ijewis, ot 6DM!tiij auihority vhich we deem un-K representative, lnepaninjr are still. City, visited our town last Monday; nd;ueslionabfe lhai an interview betweeil:' durance vile." Omahc Rep. I io tho evemng,by rcqaest of a nmberhe lal4; Chief Magistrate and the ;CoAt.-The accidental tfery 0 of cit.zenB,he spoke upon the subject ofpresent one,' Mr. Lincoln expressed , , , Mrt:aa ,h;u -A-.r..,-' J the death of Abraham Lincoln. IasJhimself gratified wiuH their concurrent ;,, the iciahy , of u hi,boplaDce ft to a discourse which so rivited our attan-Efidence in the then VicejPresident. tion as did tbsse "Ihoughtg" of ' Mr.?l New York,' 17 Information LewispaTtl." from . the nature of thokreceived. that Sherm tn and Job eubject, and partly fiom bis impressive h negotiating for the latters surren mm a .a vam it"' sSt " ' 1 t i MJt manner of delivering them, it our space !3 Jus,2Ue struck ri .,f.Ank3 mr r . aa ' . 1 r ' I ft I I permitted we would be glad to noticatj W ashington, i7--jr;.Dstias:er uen.nopcraiions until ne couio. ei,iarge and more particalarly some portions of 6ho uas ordered an dumb suspenueu anujwall his snan. anu yet auiuc macaicerys ...., r. Koffices closed from 1J a. tn. to 3 p. mMomine with, and is now. aut readys. ms-:ouree. 1 ' " Eion the J9ih,' during uneral solemnitiespfor extensive operal ao who Mof President Lincoln t;I-,ravy Depart-H We have been si I i.Mj.'l.'inar., Iaa 'laeiifirl nr4pri: fnr rlnc!nrrK3..An. .F ilia riin IV Keep it Movrxo. Let every maowbofisof President Lincoln t Iavy Depart-M reeeivos a copy of our paper send 09 oneUsir.ent nas issuau orocr ior ciosmggj two mors subscribers.; 'It Is but mtle'ibusiness al aU navy Va3s a fepots or wMf-sisssdsyfSTrtfOr observing therawest, and belter than any other we " . -A ll .r I 1 k.'l, Mi,,.. P r lie had a "good thing,'! 'he - suspended;. MURPHY & GLENN, Main St., opposite Platte Valley House, ' ft i A . PLATTSMOUTH, - - -. NEBRASKA. ' Uave on hand a large stock of ' t ' Jprompted Mr. St. Louis tosattfor .hefj ' - ''... i,: A;-- teafii'VlSADDLES, HARNESS. COLIB.RS. twenty-two inches, without amy inJica- y ' - ' 1 ' ,J. tion of bottom. Being convinced thatll . . TDmT TiC' XmTTTTTsc? OTa f-nci ? ... - - ' ; i lions. t i hown . sorne speci-M mens of the coal, which we Junk arefi od as any we have sen this farsl as cor S 4 VVU1 V4W. VV W VVS a, . - L "A a KnWr'.hBrq. nnrl th' af-o-rnata amonnt 5Sua tt" uul uual vessel, lu.mave seen m 7 -o--o I1 would materially assist us in rretting upa n first class paper. Do not wait for your subscription to somo other paper to run out. but cotno bolllv ur to tho worki - noir, while we' are in our infancy nn l need jour support. - ihe United States. K fcV...... . ..... . ....... I HI 11 VJ ving. ihe condition of Tred k Sew fjer. -Jiuo lie iris- Curry Combs, AB rushes, Cardsj1 ifec. 7o can 14 Lett. Tho engineer corps tf the B. Jb! It,' .a A- l--taaT ? nrnnriinllv rpp.nrr,l l.r., m,BJI. U- lUilroad ie tou Monaey, i - . . JA W. r . n Thn, nr. II r rr&.V.!.. are some wiiat lavorable. iiior ruruiiw"". r.-v Kturn in a short time and con.inuo thcl! rvcw 1 ork, 17 Herald's specialLurvey 0f tho road from this nice west Outfit a Mule or 32orse Trdin1 - - ' . ' ' vi ! TTith everything in our line, on short notice. i? Our motto is "Quick Sales and Small Profits! II Repairing dojtc at all limc at rcaoiialile tribes. -' i.i- ' . bi A corou:ete et. uw c...tnpi-ii.ioir lu'eoty-nine ol tmes. iu nrat cloth hi ailing, wi.l bo sent by ex pres. K reigui at expi nsc ol puicuaser, lor : j per v. unit' in'e volinnrtH, by uiMil,pst pail, 1. Cloth case or biiidim;, 5S ceuts, ty mail. pot paid. Addre HAIt' KIt BKOTHKR5. Frauklia qU!r., N. Y. A. WIA . Ivrti cia hey love in my practice proved more eftaetuai for tlar Inliinu complaints than tor on remedy 1 rnantiou. I sincerely rnlolce that we hare at purgauve whioh ia worthy thcouflo.uc CO tie profi-amoia ana tne people. DirABTUKKT OF TBB TRTERIOB. I Waahlngton, I. (J , 7U Feb., 1U4. f 6lB: I have used your tills in my general anal lospital pracUce ever since you raada them. ac4 auiuot heaitata to aay they are the beet eoiiiartkt re employ. Their regulauog action on the liver k, ...l.W . A .!..;..., ............... . 1. . . ... . rl Li U1V. U . U. Ulll bVlim.WUJ III. I . 1 . . 11 . ' . ft niratle remedy for dcrangomenU of that orgaa. .naeea, a nave aeuiom lounu a case or oiiaous n u so obstinate that it did not readily liuld te beta fraternally yours, ALONZO HA1.L. M. l . Fhfician o the Murine lloepita. Dyiaeassery, Dimrrlierm, Rclaix, Wraa. Prom Dr. J. G. Green, qf Chicago. 1111a hare had a long trial in inv practlaw, .. a ....l i . .-. : .. . .. .. r .... 1.... a-.i i ii . iinii. . 1 1 c i ii i ii rn......! h. v.i. . ,.i. i' i . i j i r R nts I have ever found. Their alteraUve effect oposi JJlie liver make them an excellent remedy. ' Vt v.u in am .11 dose for tnlioue dysentery and diar- PILLS, A ntTer failing AntiL.te f..r Sirlc Ilrad. T ache. Dysocpsia, ever and A(;ue, ..... t-r .1. T li. . 1 .. r f J ... i r.m. . . jl X.J , '.l vviu, .. .. .., . j lliiiousncss, Neuralgia. Colie, c Pi pniyed Appetite, Diaor- ef 4en-d Stomach, I'cmaie J Obst.ruKt, ic. i ... i y r. WTXSOU S PILIiS are tjn:vsally g.nowldgeitebethebefnowinnso. As a Family r-diciae tboy are-particiilarly recommendedimple aird harmless, but highly meilicinal In their eom biwition. One Pill a dose, with miU but cei tuin effects. The robiiHt man imd the dvlicate ebilJ e them alike, with evury assurance of entire e.tfty. With Wilson's Pills, every Mother It. tha land becomes her own physician. They have proved themselves a errcinc, and stand wlthoat a riral for the followinn aflertions: i nEADACIiK, FEVER & ACCE, HEADACHE, FEVEIt afc ACBEj DYSPEPSIA, LIVER COMPLAINT. DYSPEPSIA, LIVER COMPLAINT, Costivoness, Biliousness, Neural frif Costivenesei, Biliousness, Nouralgi fiold by Druggista & Dealers evcrywhei rilKPARKD BY 3. L. P AITNESTO CK & CO. Importers &. Wholesale Druggists Ho. 60, corner Wood and 4th Sts. I PITTSBURGH, PA. sols fftnpRrtTOKS or B. L. Fahnestock'a Vermfuge. J Awu. Their sugar-coating makes thctn vary e- K T-'- aana aaanaMul lur llitt HSC Ol Wmi aba 5 haldren. 1 Dyapepaia, Imparlly of I bet Bloaf. 'Vovjs Hem. J. V. Jlimes, Pastor qf Advent Chureh, 9 Host cm. Ftt. ATBK: I have used vour rills with extra S irdinary ucceea in my (amtfy and in on g those I aia ailed to visit in distress. J o regulate the organs or lirestioa and rjurif'v tha blood, they are the very B- iest remedy I have ever known, and 1 can eoaa- f' leuuy reooiomena mem to my irlends. I ours, j. v. il 1 31 rjt. TTiMlV, Wyoming Co., X. Y.,Oet. 54, 1st. Dkab Sib: I am using your Cathartic l'lll in my iractice, and find them an excellent purgaUve Iq Jeajase tha avatam nml ttnrffn the fountains nf the tteood. JOHN O. MKACIIAM, M. D. i rjanaaf Inofloia. C nnl Ivan r-mm. M a pprpailea. n ESheansatiam. l.ool, fVcaralgia, lraay. m Hraai ja, m- aa, vav. Irom Dr. J. P. Vaughn, Ucmtrtal, Canada. Too much cannot be snid of your 1'iJI for lb are of roilirniui. If other of oar fraternity har bund them aa ellicaciou aa 1 have, they should Join ne in nroclai miner It. for tlie benefit of the mult Hades livlio suffer Trent that complaint, which, although n tad enough in itculf. if Ihe progenitor of other tl.u.1 re worse. 1 believe roilirrrwjj to originate in tit iver, bat your 1111s uflVct that orgaa aud cur Uai Ueeoae. from Mrs. B. Stuart. Fheisician and Stidtciiy. 0 Boston. I And one or two large dosca of yonr I'iHs, takes it the proper time, are excellent promotives of the secretion when wholly or partially anp iressed, aua ver ..ffectual to cleanse the tomach ar.d avrptl tr.t'... i h.T ,r to BIUCB th, cst physio we Lave that I rocoiunic. M iur le ny patient. From the He. Dr. Hatches, ef tU MetXodisI Spit CreA. TTLABKI Houil, fcarsnuah, Ga., Jan. S, Kf.. 1ohobki Sir: 1 should be ungrateful for tK elief your (kill has brought me if A did riot report cv case to you. A cold settled in my lisntia aud Mrought on excruciating neuraiyi fxitns, whieh iX fliaea iu enrvnic rnewnwm. AoiwimaiMauJug ' J ind the best of bliyjiciaus, the dis-rtse grew werss Kind worse, nn til by tha adrioe of your exoelleel J tgent in l'.altimore, Ir. Mackenzie, 1 tried yosu 'ills. Their effect were alow, but sure. By per. vsring in the use of them, A am tow eaurely wall. Sskatk Cbambvr, Raton Kooge, La., t Dee., ISM 111, Aval. I Inv. liMn bv lotu 3, ills, of l:heumatie Uout n t rinful diseesetiiat hat 3 jnicted me for years. Vl.NtE.NT b LIU ELL. 4 C7" Most of the rills In market eoatain Mereurj H vhich although a valuable remedy in skilful haaitS a l dangerous in a public pilP,roin the dreadfnJ eoa W eajueuce that frequently follow iu iticauuous a R "hese contain mercurr or snijierai aartaac rhaterer. . " t r. ice, 25 oenti per Box, cr C Soxes for . U repared by Dr. J. C. ATI 2 ft Co., LwS. Utims Dealer In all kinds of School & Blank Books, 'A Complete Pictorial History of h tne limes. S ' lhe best, f lieapesi, anu most succefs- fnl P"nmilu Pnnpr in thf Union" i 1 HHarper's Weekly, SPLENDIDLY ILLUSTRATED. Critical notices of the Tress STATIONERY, IGOLD PENS, ALBUMS, &.C M Third Deor West of3eymonr House, NEBRASKA CITY, N. T 3 The best family newspaper In the fnil'd States. l.Vru Umd tn Advirtiner. tl Ihe model ii.-wj)aler of oor country compl-t - lo Htll the dep.irtm"nl8 of all American Family 1'aper, 3 larper'. Weekly has earue-l for itMflf a ricbt to its f J iile ," A Jiil'BAL or CiviLiziTiJa." if. Y. Ee: niny 'vet. this paper furnisV-s the b-st VMistrittinne. Onr 'utu. e hitoriaus will eurkh th;ms"ves out of Jljr perV Weekly long after writers, end prmterH, feud oubii-he s are tnrn'-d to dust. .V. J". Eiiingrlin. A n- ceHity in every heus hold B un. It is at once a leading political ami historical an nalist of the nailou. J'J.iludrlj'iui Prune. Tha best of its claw in America. Breton Trace Ur Subscriptions. 18G- The publishers have perfe cted a syotem of ma iling i.y whk h they can supply the ManaziXB and H alk lt promptly to those who prefer to receive their p"- Ljri.Hii'al1 directly from the ..floe ol publication kfiPos'natiers and mb--s dealrnus of getting up clubs f will be supplied with a handsome fritio.-ial sbow-lull j in application. TER.1IS: Hab pick's Wiiii-t. one year, - - - $1. An extra copy of either th Weekly or Mnsazioo will be suppl ied gratis for every club of Fhe i'-cribe-s al il each, in ono remitlance, or six copi-s for a.o. Back cumtm can be supplied at any time. n, Tie annual voinmi-s of IliRrEi't U kellv '", Icloth bindiae, will t sent by expreaa, ' rt.iB. i.ene, r..r f b eacu. A complete se rate Jf per Tolume, freight at exrn';'vri?r-HVK' Add ess UARpf-f iB0T.Hv V