Nebraska palladium. (Bellevieu City, Neb.) 1854-1855, April 04, 1855, Image 3
PALLADIUM. AGENTS. T. R. Palmer, Tribune liuil.'.ii'gs, S. M. IVt tingell, 119 Nsau street , W. II. McDonald 1H2 Nassau '.tree'. New York City. C. Pierce, E. W. Carr, Crane & Co., Phila delphia. W. S. Swymmer, General Newspaper Agent. St. Lous. Drs. McMahon &. William?, Council FJ1 1 1 IT. , Iowa. A. P. Jones. T. M., Omaha CM y, Nebraska. T)r. INI. 1!. Clark. NrVrn-dia Center. II. I). Johnson. En... I t. Calhoun, Nebraska. J. C. Mitchell Co., Winter Quarters, Ne rk. P. M., Tn .vper, Loupe Fork, Nebraska. Mai. II. 1'. Downs, Nebraska Cilv, Ncbraika Lt. Garnet, I'. K. A., Commander at Tort Lorsmic Nebraska. I'. M-. Mount Tabor. Fremont Co., Iowa. Cel. Th. I'ai mT, MrKtssicks Grove, Iowa Ogden It t'M, Ibii I Hi t; 1 1 ii , Iowa. William Givcne, Iq., Ccilar It.i ) . i 1 3, Iowa, I'i.t Muster, tort De Moiiie, Iowa. Any if-tus Hull, Esq ., Keosatpia, Iowa, lion. A. C. Dodge, iiurlingtnn, Iowa. Hon. Thomas Hruw n, M.nysville, Ohio. I. H. Heniiel Eq., Jlellevur, Nebraska. Jef.'R West, Tabor, Iowa. II. I1. Helmut, Gleuwood, Iowa. B. Tzschurk, St.' Mary, Iowa. M. E. llollister, Ottawa, III. Silas Titus, Syracuse, N. Y. W. liarriuin, of Michigan, is our Traveling At'nt. .liel Barnard Esq., Northampton, Mass John C. Kecil, I oniinington, iMass. MAI I- KDiULAT.ONS. The Mail will leave Hellevue Tuesdays and it'irdavs at 1 o'clock, P. in., ind arrive nt iclli'viip at 0 o'clock p. hi., of the s hop days. Mail matter to be sent out, he handed in hy 12 Vdock on Tuesdays anil Saturdays. p. C. REED, p. " Ib llevne, March JIJVV. SABFY'3 STEAM FEREY BOAT in e st e A M r. u n e is r a s k a i s r v s s i n ; GT. MARY 8- BELLEVUE. MIE Nebraska is a new aim spli-mnd boat, Inatineil hy experienced n.'liecr and new Hellevue, JVel.raaka. is opposite St. M iry, Iowa- EMIGKA.N l .i coming to Nebraska should rorrie directly to SI. M A K Y Thi is the front gateway to the most important and interesting portion of Ncbi aska. Boar it mi lid tliat 8T. KAIIY BZLtEVUE Lt. Heath, U. S. ari.t. Nelu atka. A., Cohiinander at Fort BE KOT DKCIIVED I A most reprehensible attempt i (icing m3e to crrntc tlio impression that it is n dangerous tliipg to travel on the North u!e of the finite. The Nebraska City News is trying to palm off auoh an tin- prefsion, Wc suppose the object of the Newi is to draw the settlers and the trav cl Sotilh of the flatte. We know Ihc In lians North of the Platte are not hostile when compared with those on the South CjThc celebrated Mr. John B. Gong' now in Europe, has been invited to visit Australia. A targe mm of money lias been offer rl him as a remuneration. ' iETEOU)TI(TA1lfAHLE. Bi'llevue, Nebraska. Pate Thermometer J isnr 2 M - 2T , 2S 30 31 veiaj e T W T F 8 '20 In 22 20 15 2(1 40 22 4(1 31 30 4" 51 40 411 ft 11 .T.'1 2 31 4. 51 '32 dun n 6" io 6 fi5 5 f4 5 52 M ft 4M ft 47 Almanac. 6"ir 6 IS A 19 6 20 6 11 5 22 0 23 SLLECT SCHOOL AT BELLTVOE. Mb!S. MAHY (!. Khhl) will open a Se lect School at the MISSION SCHOOL ROOM, for children and youth, on Monday, January 2Uth. 1H."5. Tuition, M,0() per month. (JENEKAL LAND AGENCY AND TCJ-'rf I'.nr f T.,7,,'j'n ncin AT COUNCIL FLUFF CITY, IOWA. COCHRAN A. MEGEATH, A f!F. eniraired in tin- bumnens of buyin!r and 7.. n dlini; Land Warrant, and entering Lands in the Cmini il liliill' Laud District. I heir nr ranenienls for entering Lands for settlers and others, o:i a credit of one. two, or three years are not deficient. And they v ill he prepared at nil times to lill all orders of character. The invent igat ion of Lund TltLs, piiyuient of taxes, nurelias'-' and sal ol lisids and town lots throuirhout thin land dis'rict. and all teisi are the two best points for the emigration t,o ness connected with the Land Ollic nt thi center. JieU.-vue, mr21, ISn irOii SALE CIIF.AH for Cosh,93 -jrT''i orood iMarcs. ji?o, a lare number of Work Saddle and l'ark Horses; a fine stock of Indian I'onies; blooded Cattle, lxen and Cows. Kin grants and others desirous of purchasing any of the above enumerated articles would do well to rail on the subscriber, as he will sell cheap for Cash; enquire lit the Office of V. A. barpy. lii'llevue rt.braska. Hellevue, mr 21, T :. C. A. liEIsRY & CO., REAL ESTATE AUD CLAIM AGENT liellevue, Nebraska Ter. WILL attend to all business entrusted them connected with lSuvinir, Locating and Sellini; Claims; Buying anil Selling Heal Lstate, in this and all other districts in Nebraska Ter ritory, with promptness and at reasonable rates. Persons from a distance wishinir anv informa tion concerning Claims, tc, in this Territory, w ill be nromiitlv answered by aitdrcssiiu; us post-paid and enclosing One Dollar. Otlice, opposite the Palladium iluildinfr. rni-J ONK HUNDKFD City Lots for sale, these lots are some of the most desirable in Helleview. and will be sold at reasonable rates. one-fourth down, the ballance in three annual payments. Flats to be seen at our ( mice, fnr 14 C. A. 1IF.NHY &. CO. place, entrusted to them, will he promptly at tended to. Stnint;"rs wi;hi:ij to locate povernmenl land, w ill be furnish"'! with a irunh anrt conveyancd if they d"sire it, and diMcted to the best points for selection. Exchange on St. Loins and the I.astern Cl ies, bouRht and fold. Interest paid on depos ited as ner a 'l eement. Our attention w ill also be given to the pur chase and sale of Town Lots in Omiha City, Helleview and W inter Quarters, Nebraska ler- ritorv. . . llf.KFnrvrrs. L. W. JSabtutt ami J)r U Lowe. lte'iiter and Ilen-iver of the Land Ot- fice at Council F nils, ami Col. I. A. Walker and P. M. Casady, H'-l-'i 'dor and Receiver at Fort Dennoiiios, or any of the buMiiess men ol illier lillice. f l FT ICF. on Broadway. West lioom oi tlie Pacific Hotel, nearly opposite the Land Othcc ('niincil Hlutls. nov 1-ly. KcIIAlIOX & "WILLLVM3. WHOI.1SAI.K AND RKTAIL CITY OF COUNCIL ISLLTFS, IOWA (at the sign or tub mio mobtak.) iliiHMI iw fl and well C?f , French, OLENWOOD ADvTeRtTsE ME NTS. Glorious News for Nebraska. Tlie steamer has just arrive djoaded to t!ic rruards with goods for tonsistinir of 15 hbds. Brown Suear, f) hhds. Clarified do. 2D bhls S. II. Molasses, 10 hi Is. N. O. Molaeses, 10 1-2 bids, Hidden Syrup, 2o0 sack" O. A. Sail, 1(H) bids Kanawha do. f!) sacks dairy do. 20 boxes do. 1 Soup, 10 bids Cider Vinegar, ft bhls No. 1 and 2 Mackerel, H bhls Tar, 20 boxes and half boxes Star Candles, fi boxes Tallow candles, il'l kefs Nails, assorted, 2 boxes Coa Fish. 30 .-ick Kio Coffer, Imperial and Young Jjyson Tea, Sods, Nalerat'is, Candy, HaisiiH, Foolish Walnuts. Almonds, (iim;er, Spice, Fcpper, &.c, fcc. DTIY GOODS. OUU ASSOUTMENT IS LARGE AND COMrLF.TF-. Phretinirs. fine brown; and bleached domestic rfiillirics, rlsnahurirs. Havens, ducks, fcc. to. ff-y t he r.tfetition of the lailies is called to our assort himiI of dress poods, which they will find, as records price and quality, to lip unsurpassed in Western Iowa. Italic . irln'rnatns. iwns,delancs berau'es robes of tnc latest fasliion ami style, l.m ironiei en caps, collars, cliuni etts, sleeves, silk and satin bonnets, linen and cotton handkerchiefs, hosiery, parasol, nil of which will he sold exceedingly low. 'T tVl' TnTUnj;r.;i,;i.nfli. atimniluinl l.irifl. j t i in au uiiiiiii. mi Dl. ....... j-. ' ' n . I- .I..ta I.. imr in Jjei evueiiur sale iiu:uu, iimia iu be seen at the Office; apply soon to mr 14 C. A. 1IF..NHY t CO. BOOKS FUR SALE! r ITEnAHY, fc.iei.tific and MiseidUneou iu Ilooki.forsaleby Jlellevur, N. T,, apr 4, 'W'S. v. t. FKRIOUICALN and Nw.iaper of all kinds f.ipplied to order, at the cheapest rates, bv Mellrvue, W. T., It pr4 PHONOlJRAPIiU'AL Works procured at short notice, by r. :. ri.ed. Rellrvue, apr t To the Public. T T . ITL sale of lots in Jiellevue, by a Mr. 11-1 ry I heredy warn p1! persons fr in purchasing iny lot advert;..'! hy h:?n ad;ac. :,t the river, a the rlsim said l.,ls are aid o it upon, was un lawfully taken, and the said Henry has no li iral rinht to laid claim. I., a. kinniy, Jlellevur. mr 2. f&'i. "V7F. will Rivenood Lots to all persons who Y T Will erect (lood builditiKS or aweinnK lireie (.11 lllpin lllltll ttlC l.'-t or JUtie, in.).t. Now is the tunc to si cure a Rood lot for a house. Apply to C. A. 1H.NK & tu. lur 11 C. W. 1'IKRCE. Attorney at Law. Will practice in the Sixth, Seventh, Eicht mil Mutn Jmlicial Districts ill Iowa, and Ne braska Territory. He will always be supplied Willi blank deeus, morijfaj;es, ueeus ui uui, declaratory statements for pre-emptions, &.c, und will give prompt attention to conveyance suit, examination or li.ies, .e. (?"ir I'articular atlrrition paid to securing aim collecting debts. Kefercnees Hon. I.. II. Norton, Flatte City, Mn.. II M Vorieq arid James Cranr. Ksus., bt, Joseph, Mo., Curtis Hates, I ort lies Moine. Nebraska Lity, i eorasKa lerruory. nov 1, '54-l y JAM l (J'NHAIj, fina''e Commisaioiier, Olnce hi ht. Mary, Ioa. "'it; -ii-'y Mill I'Y dozen Men and liojs' Huts, of every dcHcrinlion. Ht n 27. l.Rr.F.NK, KINNKY &. CO. SKINS WANTF.'.) All kuutsor skins want A, for which the highest price will h paid fJAVF. Just Heceived, in addition to I 1 the r fi selected assortment of American ami F.riRlish Drills, Medicines, Perfumery, Jjye Slulls, Faints, Oil ami l.l.issware; als.o, a fjoou assortment of Groceries, Wines, Liquors, tec. At the head of Uroadway. oct is, 'ol W ATCRMAK Ell &. JEWELEE. ONE BFLOW W. CLANCY b STORE, r.NVITF.S the attention of the la dies and eentlcmcn to his assort ment of Jewelerv ami FancvCoods in part consisting nt the following: i,oiu aim Silver Watches, Lockets, Kir-rings, Hreast- FitiL'er-riims, I hams. I'enc.ils and l'ms, mtis. ftc. lolins, Accoruaiis, rimes, niu, an on sortnient of Toys, & c. All of which will be sold nt the lowest -.! k - pt icesj every arucie w ai i aiuc'i iu wj jti-uni-lncndod. The greatest attention will he paid to tlie re pairing of watclics ana jeweiry; an worn warraiiieu. ' ' Crn cut saws, mill saws, hmd saws, broad axes, chopping axes, ailes, log and loc ctiains- bench p'ancs,and in fact everything in the hardware line.l'rom a Jew.ihaip up to a cradling scythe BOOTS & SHOES. 40 cases direct from Boston. Foots of all sizes and qualities. Shoes, Ladies enameled Jenny Lire! buskins, gapers, slippers, ladies' goat, kip and call noots, misses shoes all sizes. Hats and caps, hooks and stationery, onurs and medicines, javne s anu L.oudon"B r.imuy .. i .....I i: ..-....!.. . 1...I' I. n medicines, and ail oilier poiuiiar paieni uicua.iiu'9, on 01 niiiniami; O TJ E E N S W A II E , Of various patterns. Olas',, tun.blcrs.jars, &c. MI0 gal. stone ware, churnes, jars, crocks, butler crocks, stove crocks, iVc, &c. FURNITURE. fit) bedsteads of different patterns, cherry dining, and breakfast tables, walnut ditto, ditto. DurMiiu with e-l:i-:. olain and fancv walnut messes, cupboards, tin safes, one or two drawer stands wash standi, lounges and mattresses, double mattresses, slat bottom chairs, cain seal do., rocking chairf, ciilis, &.c. 45 cook sloves, assorted, Fatlcrs in's, ready trimmed with tin or copper boilc" boxstoves, Grecian parlor ditto., stove pipe, elbows, &c. WOOD AND WILLOW-WARE. Tine churns, 1-2 bush's, wood buckets, well buckets, wash tubs, wood bowlt ,trays, (lough puis, sugjr boxes, orooms, zinc wasu uoarus, ti puis, iv.c. SADDLERY. llridles inattintMls. circingles, girths, halters, bridle reins, Lackawk sad dles, quilt heats, and ditto Ladies tide saddles, bu;;gy whips, dray whips, G. K. whips, cow-hides &.C., saddle-bags, leainer irutiKs, &x. LE. AT HtKi Sole-leather, kip. nml cnlf nlciim, mororco lininprs, pout sluns, huir, IRON AND CASTINGS. Flow strrl, slit-pr steel, enst steel, plows, mould;) Sic, Potn, ovens, skillets t,ml lids, fi, 8, 10 r.ncl twenty rnllon kettles. FINK DOOKS 8 by 10 and 10 by 12 sash, window blinds, CLOCKS 8 day and 30 hour clocks; warranted to rim well. TOBACCO AND CIGARS, virgin, -. Rnannkr Nrctar leaf tobacco. Reiralia and orir.cipe cigars of the finest flavor Cuhu and Havana sixes, and various other articles, hut we deem it unnecessary to mention them as it is no trouble to show goods, and we will ne nappy ri an nines 10 snow our old customers and as many new ones as may tavor us wnn uieir patronage, our goousano prices, uur lacin- lieslor selling CHKAF,are better than any other house in western iowa, and we intend to do so, anil an axamination of our prices is all that is necessary to convince you of the fact. Glenwood, July, 12, 154. 40-S.v. niiiHULLS st to. Airent. - hv S. fc F. i n Lime for Siie ! iv i "f J E have now on lia-d a large cpiantity of V g io I qnick sto:i lim f ir sale. We It Ween on livid constantly, a o i.intity s Ih- tient to supply all th'ise who want. ' ll'dlevue. mr 'i" pvson 4t'o TF fu s T "TU" il L i C S A L E OF LOTS IN NEBKASKA CITY, t The future Emporium of Kebraska Territory. A HOUT five hundred choice lots in Nebras- jfV ka City, and fifty lots in Kearney City, immediately contiguous, will be oliered Iji fkle lo the highei.t bidder, on the premises, Cuniun iieiiig on Kondiy, April 231, 1355. Bale to routinue from day to day, until all are told, at the option of the proprietors. ,t. TKHMS OK &AI.K. One-third canh in hand, the balance in nx months. Title indisputable. 1 lie site of Ne irabka City has long been admncd as the mos-t lgible situation for a large commercial iiiipo rium on the hoiiltl sole or the Missouri river. li in situated on tint romantic Id ml known ts Old Fort Keartey, eoininanding a picturesque viei.f the mii'htv J.Iissoun fur imlus up and 4on.iid hai been esteemed for many years. . 7 . . , : . : r, i ties! ilarlinir iioim lor runtuiiiiiii iu iinun '-IU.. ....... . II..I anil l.B irr I 1. I lie nuiu .a ii in ... elimate temperate and noted for ill nalubrity Heavy bodies or the une-i inuuer ui n nj rietv is found on and near the city, and ev ral tiaw Mills are row rapidly converting it to the use of the rapidly Milling emigration in Ami urnniiil Ibeeitv. There arealrtaiiy in the city iwo mcrcanuie lart'r Hotel, (the Urire.t in the Territory) and two more about being con structed, lbere are airenoy nrcir. , ij-v tuildinge, and at many more m tr. progress or construction. An .bimHarirr of lime-stone rork is found n the mle. and contracts are completed for the nakiiiB of two millions of brick the ensuing teason. Two brick churches and one college V'lll be erected during next summer. iius county hat a greater population than the whole "Tjrntory north or Flatte river. . Nt.tuVa Citv is (ifiv-Cve miles from the Rnntt, line of the Territory, and thirty miles '.South of the Great Flatte rivrr, and about the center of the settled portion of the ierritory. It i nn 11. direct line of the great central rV.nin ut u nil roads from the Atlantic to the 'Pacific, and U destined to continue, all the time at it dors now, to monopolise me greater pun vi ;th business in the lerruory. ... .l- it,. I'r.uuteiit nf the Ft. 1.1 K.),r..V r The sits has a fme blurt, roric landing, nui ubiect to change and a Ktkam Fekby now at the Landing, alTords every facility for cros 1 sinjf. Arrangi wentt are in piogres to secure 'regular packet line of Steamboats between Bt. Louis and this place. ' The first paper ined in the Territory was h "Kebraska City Uews.' which can boast of tbe largest ciiculalioii of any, which indicates the moral nrogrtsi of the country. B. F. MUCkOLLS, Agent for Frojirietort. ' warch 21,1 11. TZSCULCK, '' Topographical F.ngineer, tendera his profes- ional services to the citizens of Kt. Mary arid Vlriiiitv as finrvevor and l.iiL'ineer in all llsva- Yi'tirs. Office in F. A Snrpy't store, corner c f LI. petson: indebted to me by note or hook .. . .-i ii i ... -1 CCO'llU. Hre rcilllCMeu in ii.ll nun li. uc pavmi lit imrncdiaiei . . iii ar v. r ' o. 1 1 . i F. A. SAKl'V. L ,-300 ch'ea n:i.-tr UACON tor p cash so- r or oulc at the THE ATLAKTIC HJOSE. formerly the mc' house. Council Bltilfs, Iowa. iS now kept by Svi.vf.ncs jjustik, who, haing made great repairs and alterations in the House, naliern himnelf that he will be able to provide any who favor him with a call, a cotnturtahle noini His table will be unpolled with the best me market affords, prepared by experienced hands, and the weary will lind a good resting place. CoMF. AND l,M AK K VOURSBI.VES TO 1IOMK. In coiuiectiori wiih this Hotel may also be found a good und extensive b I.IVF.RY iSTAIU.E. for the accommodation of all who wish to ob tain horses and carriages, which are a good substitute for first class railroad cars, on short notice; or superior saddle horses, for either la dies or gentlemen. The proprietors of the liv- ry siahle are hUMSKI.L . UL Sll. Jilnir City, Iowa, nov '., 1X.'j4 Cm NEW STORE & AGENCY OFFICE AT HAVING permanenly located in this place, for the purpose of selling GOODS, LAND, TOWN-LOTS, and doing a General Agency Husmess, we would respecuuuy nime the public, to give us a call. Our Goods were selected with care, and we are confident that we shall be able to give per feet satisfaction to all. GKEENE, KINNEY & CO- sept. 27 51. f T AKO WAKE. A large and general assort JL J. ment of Hardware can be ha.l at fiept 7 GRKKNE. KINNEY & CO. LBS. Cotton "Batting, for sale low, at GltFENE, KINNEY &. CO. 1,000 Hell 27, "1 OOK.S and bi-iiuiicrv for sale by SAUFY k. ENGLISH. NUCKOLLS St CO. f.KORGE UHKL.M.. Jt'v WEAR:, THOMAS H. R F.N TON, JR. CT. LOUIS r.S'lHAV NO 1 1 UK. I Lark in F. Thompson, ot isuctianiion , Township, I'age County, too up on f:iy residence, on the 1.1. h day ol ovemocr,A. v. lSrl, a Ilea bitten gray inaie, ten years oiu. No other marks or brands pcrceiiaoie. ijj praised at fifty dollars. i ' i i uciv i." Tim isnv l. a iv a i . i 1 1 w .'v. ... I certify thai the, foregoing is a trim des cription of the above propciiy as laaciiiiom the esliay pook in my mure. 1. I.1J J1 ill 11.1. 1-11, l inn. Clarinda, dee. 12. ':4. (3m, pr fees jl.) from SV. S. Jswvsimer, Newspaper, Jldvcrtisinp; Jlgency. Ao. 11 Second 4t, 1st. Louis. Jlt. KEAPEKS, MOWERS, &c, For 1855. AGKICFLTURAL WARR- Houieand Seed Store, (established in lKf5,) W. M. l'LANTiCo.,riigiiof the Gilt. Flow, No. 11 North Main street, bt. Louis, Mo.; also cor ner of Fourth and Gieen Ms., Wholesale and Retail dealers in Garden, Grass and other Seeds Agricultural and Horticultural Midlines and Tools, ill ( mJU'M variety. Descriptive Catalogue rummliea gmtis lo pon'-paid applicants. 2'M Ketchiim's Improved Mower, with 2 knives, !l-" 2U0 Read's Improved Reaper and Mower with 2 sickles. fri-io 50 Rugg'f Improved lleapers, with I hickles, 25 Atkins' Improved Felf Raking Reap er, with 2 blckles, 5OJ 12 New York Improved Self Raking Reaper, with l Sickles, !jil50 100 Emery's Improved two horse powers, with thresher and separator, Ijii'lfl 25 Lever Hay Fretses. 175 to IjiO N. 11. prisons wishing any of (he above, w ill please send in their ordeis early, as the number is limi'ed. I Oit Furrow's Fortable Grist Mill, for Itoise, steain.or water power, 4115 to $250 75 Cora and Cob ciuchers and grinders 'J to 6o5 2(H) Com fchellers, hand and power, 10 to H"0 IiKKj Straw nd Hay Cutters, iji'ito IjijO iTU Cider miils and ire, JjHO to St75 Xmi lii-vnlviii? Horse Hakes. SJ to sli IM Kaiidall it Jones' Corn planters, t10 Flows, Harrows, Cultivators, thuiim, Miov ( i KEEN E, W E A 1 IE & DENTON, Council lilulia, Iowa. Greene, W'eare t Rick, Fort D( sMoiue, Iowa. Greene t Weare, Cedar Rapids, low. TOTF.S and Bills collected, and proceeds 1 promptly remitted to any part of tha L'ni Hi:,te. nt current Kates of Exchange. lnlerest paid on deposits lor over liuriy days. Fills of exchange on an uie priucijiai cities bought and sold. Loans edected on good security. Vacant lands selected and entered iu any of- fix. In ibe State. Land Warrants for cash or on ume, contin ually on hand. 1-OCRtlOn" OI laiiuaiwi uieinui uiv i p u. ii.. most liberal rates. Notes bought and money loaned on good sc- JtF.V f'.RFNCFS. r. It. jeiii . v.o., HanuiiiL' Co., bankers, Hnbuqur, Iowa; Cook .. ... ' 1 1..IU..... K. Sargent, I Javeppoi i, lima, hiiii'-iwin' - Itetui, Iowa City, Iowa, reopiej- nana, w v,.,L Ket.buin. liogei-H fe Ileinent, ban- kers, do., Seldon, Wilheis fi Co., Wahinctoli, D. C,i Hon. Chat. jMason, l omiiiixooiiei m atents. Washington, 1). C.j A. C. Dodg, I . . S., liiirlington, lowai Geo. W. Jones, V. S. S., Duhuipic, Joseph Vl illiams, Chn t Justice, Muscatine, Iowa. Council lilnlls, dec l.t, 1SM4. I., the els.bp.des, Hoes, Rakes. Forks, Scythes, Axes, Mad:son. low.. 8. 1. Railroad. Nebraska pplij J'arers, Chain and Suction Fumos, Ac. City will be the frst Citv, m commercial and ppi a , (;U pfow maimfacturing importance, in the future btate . Juiu lIt(.t bu j,,; Mo No. 14 North Main street, bt. Louis, Mo march 7, Ilm FKL'IT TREES, SHKUUS, Ilc, -J THE subsciiber would most re- 0 specif ully inform the citii lis of t 1 1 ' Western Iowa, that he will be In J. retvipt.oii the opening of naviption.of a large and superior lot ot I huit and Osssmihtai '1'hlks. shruna. Vims., -C, C.C., which he mil dispose or on me mosi rt-Asouuuic tor caih only. He will aUo recene subscrip tions foranv Aciicultural Journal pjhlished in the L'mUd Stab s. Ord-u for trees or papers b ft at the Fost Ollico will receive prompt altiu S. B. I have also a larire variety of fresh Gardened. JI. A. I hllKl. !1iiiT City, msrrh 7 AM) CURRANTS, tor BAKI'V t ENGLISH- llALslNo, FHjS E3TRAT K0TICE. rtAKENup by'Feter A. Criirey. of Tarkio PaL'e County. Iowa. One large Urindle Steer, lhe points of both horns sawed oil", with a gimlet hole through the point of the left horn, supposed to ne cigni or nine vt-ars old. smooth crop and umlerhit in the rie-litcar. and slit iii the left, and to all appear ancea. a beast of labor, with a common sized !.,.!! ,.i, u.itl !. n:,rriiw leather strap for a bell -ollar, bucklej on and lieu wiui a i'-ueii-i string, salil ox was thin in order. Appraised at Uiirlj (Iji iO) dollars. low a, Tagf. Coukty, ) .. Clarinda, Nov. 27, 18V1. J I certify that the ahoie is a true description of the above described property, as taken from the Estray Book in my ollice. ELIGAH MILLET., Clerk. jan24, '.".-rtm pr's fee tari.OO. Opposition is (he Life of Trade. MESSRS. SARPY &. ENGLISH ARE NOW receiving at Glen wood, a well selected stock of dry goods, fancy goods, clothing, boots and shoes, groceries, hard ware, crockery, drugs, liquors, stoves, tinware, &c, in Western Iowa. The public are invited to call and examine for themselves, and they will hnd the truth ol the above statement. Also they will find that we can sell as cheap any other bouse in Mills, Fre mont or rottawaitamie counties. And in eiving notice to the farming commit nity, we w ill give them the highest cash price for their produce, such as beef, pork, corn, wheat and beans, the store is on the west side of the Public Suuaro., Glenwnod. nuvl-!y. 1 ORN and Oats wanted by S. &.E. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MEPiCIlANT. Corner of Miin and Gregorv thtd St. .Mir ii. nAS JUST RECEIVED and now ha for sale a large as.irtinent of selected merchandise adapted to the wants of all in the new and thriving community, which he can sail as cheapas can beoll'ered elsewhere so high upoe the Missouri river. His goods have hern selec ted by an experienced purchaser, with speeisl relterence to the circumstances and wants or all clases of settlers in a new country. Ladirs and gentlemen, children and youth, all can nt supplied. Call and see for yourselves. I' "lock consists or me roiiowmg, among a g.-i many other articles he cannot now enumer Among his dry goods may be found wool m and sittinett cloths, cassinetts, tweeds, ca: - meres, linseys, flannel, red, white, grey a d iue, ( aipun plaids. Uolton goid, sneetin and shirtings, bleached and unbleached; bin and white drillings, osnaburg, bedticking, hicl ory, checks, Uc. FANCY GOODS. A beautiful assortment of fancy prints every variely of style and pattern. Gingham lawns, figured alpaeca, tiombazines, Bombay ettes. shawls, scarfs, handkerchiefs, crape, ibus- lin, edgings, ribuous, &c. othmi. A Well selecteii stock of Summer, Fall and Wll- ter Clothing, consisting in part of fine dress coats, pants and ves1j also good summer cloth ing of all descriptions; and heavy clothing for fall and winter use. Also shirts, knit fhnnel drawers and under hirts. socks. &.C Men's t"A boys' hats anil caps of various fashions, qualities, and prices. Hoots and shoes, thick and mm, ponsnea ana unpolished nf every description, for men women, and children's use. Groceries. Crushed, clarilied, loaf and brown sugar, mo lasses, svrun molases, golden syrup, superior tea, Rio and Java coffee, sassafras, ginger, pep per, cloves, f.piee, cinnamon, ground ginger, nutmegs, simXs, tobacco, cigars, pipes, soap, candles, vinegar, pickles, pepper-sauce, &c. jfrovnioni. A large assortment of flour of various qiieli ties and prices; corn meal and all the various products of the farm and garden; bacon and (ish, kiln dried apples, peaches, currents, raisins, &c. Hardware. Stoves of various patterns for cooking a nd heating rooms, stove-pipes a d elbows, large, and small iron kettles, frying pans, skillets, hand-irons, shovels and ton, s, manure forksndhav forks, scythes, shovels and spades, log and trace chains, axes, hammers, pincers, iron and steel, nails, horse-rasps, files, saws, knives and forks, pocket knives, razors, butts nnd screws, door handles, knobs, lockst &.C. Tinware. A general assortment kept for household purposes. Woodwarf.. Wash tubs, Shaker pails, wood and zinc washboards, Leather. Sole-leather, harness ieauier,cow hide, kip skins, calf skins, linings and morocco. L?J!1. I 'll' I. - I. 1.. n'..nii.i,l.. OdllUieS, OriUieS, UUlieiS, liiincus, im-iiica, belly-bands, driving lines, collars, back-straps, girtus, blind-bridles, &.c. Medicines. Agen eral assortment of medicines for fevers, fever and ague, and the common complaints or the country. Cook's, Leo's, Sappenyton'3,BraTg'i and Janes' pills, Quinine, tonics, and various Km.U or stun Hants, anoues, nminems ana, other articles necessary for the sick and tnme valid. nov 2ii, 0-J TORSES, woik oxen and vouiigslock, ditto. X J- SAKl'V & r.ALiJ.IMl. GLEASONS PICTORIAL FOR THE YEAR W5&! If M. UALLOIJ, who lias edited ine-j-ic-llL torial" liom the commencement, having bought out the lale proprietor, Mr. F. Gleasou, will conduct this popular and widely circulated paper on his own account. The new volume will be radically jnipioveu m oci in'i w ill be uublished on finer paper tha i ever before, which quality will he continued hence furlh without chaiure. Alanv new and popu lar features will at once be introduced, aim me lilnrarv deoartmeiit w ill present all array of talent and inturot beyond anything it has be fore attempted. The illustrations will be liner, and by bt tier artibls than ha' e before been en gaged upon the paper, and alt igelher the pub licallon will D8 vasuy nnpiov ,ii unu oi auiuieu Arrangements liavt been liiauc lor represent iie' dm ing thu year view s of the most notable buildings ami localities through the United Stales, us well as gmn likenesses of the most ii'omiut lit characters, male and female, of ar- tibU and men of genius, such ashave by their own industry and skill made for theinacdves a fortui-e and a name, in auuitiou iu uiese, vur- ii. ,ii notab e European scenes and occurrences will alio be given from we. k to week, forming a brilliant illustrated journal. TERMS: IN VARIABLY IN ADVANCE. 1 subsci iber, one year, Ijjid 00 4 subi-cnbeis, " " 10 00 10 " 20 U0 Pf Any pt rBoii sending sixteen subscriber atiuiilatt rule, will receive the seventeenth copy giaiis. A-MrtJt.. M M. BALLOT, I'ublisher and Proprutor, Corner of Ireinont and Lruiiilield Streets Koaton, Mass. feb 1 1 ESTRAY NOTICE. TAKEN up, on theltth of November, 1854, by Gooltnan Davidson, at his residence on the East Nodaway river, four miles South of Rol ware's mill, in Rnchanon Township, Page County, Iowa, one Hay Horse, black mane anu tail, dark legs, w hite hair on each shoulder, souiiibaddle marks, gome w hite hair on his fore head, a little white spot on his rump, supposed to be marked with a crouper; about twelve years old; fourteen hands high. No other marks J . ? 1. 1 .. ; i nt r, rt.. or brands perceivauie. ii inn iw-u ui iui;- seveu dollars and htty cents (j7,.to.; Iowa, I'aok county, Clarinda, December HI, 1H51. I certify that the above is a true description of the above described property, as taken iiom thu Estray Cook in my ofhee. jan2 1, l5V3m pr's fee o.O. . COCHRAN. " MEGEATH COCHRAN 8t pEGEATH. m LXCHANGE BhutxLHi. Courcil Bluff?, Iowa. N II JLSEliY THE undersigned has on band and for JK sale a few thousand select grafted apple tree, ready fur transplanting ill orchards the coininglall and spring. VARIETY. Red .Tine, baldwin, white winter parmain, f, pippin, lielmoiif. wine sap, yellow belriower Rhode Island greening, swaar, priors red, rei aslrachan, early harvest, sweet June, summer rose, summer queen, Hull's janet, rauibo, wine apple, white bcllollower, Roman stem and Northern spy. FOR SHAPE. The Catulpa and lllack Locust. ORNAMENTAL. The snow ball, English and American lilac, red dogwood, honey suckle, rose, &.C., &c. A few of the Isabella and Catawba grape from Cayering. St. Mary, Iowa, Aug. 31, '53. sue 31-Iv GEORGE HEFNER. PERSON S'.v'jiniig Iu make purchases, w ll' do well to give us a call and examine our stock, which comprises a general assortment, and will be Bold at greatbargains. sept 2 GREENE, KINNEY & CO. DRIED FRUIT lor ?aic hy b.MU'Y 4. Et'GLISlI, TrlLL huy or sell Lands, make acic-runs ; 1 V attend to the purchase and saie 01 town lot and all kinds of business connected W illi the Government Land Otliccs in Western or Central Iowa. Exchange on ht. Louis and Eastern cities bought and nolo. jan A 'o.i. SALE. T LAN i) S FOlt HIE SUBSCRI HER being desirous of moy Kotice. A LL persons knowing themselves indebted 2. to Geo. P. Stiles, are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned, or they will line their accounts in the hands of the pro per ollicer for collection. Cone one, come all and save est. T. J. McMAlION. oct 18, '54 tf A Lt 1 1 LE fancy notions for sale as JrjVJsvJ cheap as dirt, at the cheap rash L. store of ASTOIt HOl'SK. t rIIE subseritier has just opened this new and .L couiinodioii" building for the reception of the traveling public, and solicits a share of pub ic favor. Prompt and etlicient attention will be; paid to .tit who may favor him with lheir patronage. His table will be supplied with the best the market attorns. A good stable is at tached to the premises. V.m. ENGELL. Kt. Mary, Iowa, mar. 15, 54 n2',-tf VJBACCO. Lovers of tlie Wje-J win hud a superior article of chewing and smoking Agency More, of UKbr.NL, M. Mary. T Tobacco, at the KINNEY & (1) oct 4. ing to California, oilers tor sale 111s Homestead of 100 acres, siiuaieu on me stage road between St. Joseph and Council JJlulbj miles Moutll or council mum aim 1 North of tho village of St. .Miry, and near the Missouri river, in Mills County, Iowa; and OfroMte Lelleuve.r-'eDrasKa, i. AUo, 4iMl acres of Prairie Land near St. Marv. and 000 acrti of Timbered Land on the Missouri river, and near ulenwood. These Lauds are all in Mills County, Iowa, and pre sent inducements to land purchasers seldom of fered; containing timber, prairie, lime stone, sand stone, and indications or pieuiy ui eoai; and also being situated oil the most feasible point on the Missouri rive for the crossing of the Pacific Railroad. Suitible catt e for crossing the I'lams will betaken in exchangn at fair rates. I he buyer can have immediate possession, and all the lrrain and farming utensils he wants at a fair rate. DANIEL HERREFORD Traders Point, nov 1, f T FRESH PROVISIONS. riMIE subscriber will visit St. L Mary 011 Wednesday's and Glenwood on Tuesday's and Satur- ' il day's of each week, and will supply these markets with Kreah Meats, 11 utter, Eggs, and Vegetables, al th iswiket price M,t f , "nd tf P. tlORKF.W. L ii 1 ) b'UC if A N 1) C A H in imyuieut iu paymtint of debt.. SAUPY & L.NU THE CHEAPEST GOODS IN TOWN! IMF. undersigned is now in receipt of and receiving the largest and cheapiest stock of I-ail and Winter Goods ever ollered 111 Council liluli'City, or Western Iowa. Those wishing to pay ca.-h for Goods will do well to call and examine. Our stock consists of every variety of goods needed by the peoplo in this portion or in- country, such as clolhs, cassi meres, sattinetts, tuei'ds. jeatis, w hite scarlet, and burred flannels, plain and barred linseys, 400 pieces good style madder prints, cashmeres, merinos, allapacas, Mettrhutl and brown sheet ing and shirting, ticking and drillinj, bleached and brown canton flannel, drapers and crasn ers, all wool table covers, brown and b'eached linen, silk and bay state shawls, ani every variely tif dress goods. Mens' and boys' fall and winter clothing, hats and caps, boots and shoes, hardware and queensware, iron, nails, collee, sugar, tea mo lasses, rice, Hour, ic.s ulso, a large lot of fur niture and liquors. As it is our intention to sell for cash, we Hatter ourselves that we can hold out supeiior inducements to those that wish to buy cheap goods loan stores that are selling on Coinitry dealers are requested to call ana ex iimii.d Our stock. B. R. PEGRAM t CO. CkiwH ItliiiTCHj.-, oct W, 1Sj4. THE GREEK SLAVE ! Bacchante, Venus, Flora, Hebe and the Dancing Girl 1 rp IIE above celebrated Statutes, together with I fifteen statutes in bronze, and several hun dred magnificent oil paintings, from the col lection of prizes to bs distributed among the members of the Cosmopolitan Art Association at the first annual distribution, in January next. The Cosmopolitan Art and Literary Associ ation, Organized for the Encouragement and General Diffusion of Literature and the Fino Arts, on a new and original plan. . The Committee of Management have the pleasure of announcing that the Fifth Annual Distribution will take place on the 30th of Jan uary next, on which occasion there will be dis tributed oralloted to members several hundred works of art, amonc which is the original and world-renowned statue of the Greek Slave, by Hiram Powers, costing over five thousand dol lars ! tor-ether with the beautiful statues of Ve nus, Bacchante, Ib bc, Flora, and the Dancing Girl, and fifteen stauettes in bronze, imported from Paris; also, a largerollection of Oil Paints ings, comprising some of the best production of"eelebrated Americans and Foreitrn Artists. PLAN OF Till: CURRENT YLUR. The payment of three dollars constitutes any one a member of this association, and entitles hiin to the Knickerbocker Magazine for one year, and also a ticket in the distribution of Statuary and Paintings which are to be alio ted to members in January. Persons taking five memberships are entitled to five of tha Magazines for one year, and also to six tickets in tno distribution. Persons, on becoming memburs can have their Magazines commence with any month they choose, and rely on its being mailed to them promptly on the first of every month, direc; from New York. The proceeds derived from the sale of mem berships are devoted to the purchase of works of art for the ensuing year. Hooks open lo receive names at the Eastern, office, New York, or Western olfice, Sandusky. The Gallery of Art is located at Smdiisky, (the Western ollice of the Association) where superb Granite Buildings have been erected for it, and 111 whose spacious saioons iue spieiituu collections of Statuary and Paintings is exhib ited. The advantages secured by becoming a mem ber of this Association are 1st. AM. persons receive the full value of their suhscTiption at the start, in the shape of sterling Magazine Literature. 2d. Each member contributing toward pur chasing choice works of art, which are to be distributed among themselves, and are at the same time encouraging the arts of the country, disbursing thousands of dollars through its agency. Persons remitting funds for membership, should mark letter", "Registered," and state the month with which they wish their magayines to commence, and also their post oiHce address in full, on the rec-ipt of which, a ceitificate of Hi 'mliL-ship. together with the magazine desi. od, will belowarded to any part of the country. Those w ho purchus.: magazines at bookstores will observe that by joining this Association, they receive the Magazine and Free Ticket iu the auuual distribution, at the same price they now pay for the Magazine alone. Illustrated Catalogues of the whole collec tion sent 011 application, free of charges. (L'jjT Oliiresof the Association, at tha Knick erbocker Magazine olfice, 344 Uroadway N. Y. and at No. ldli Water Street, Sandusky, Ohio. Address, (at either office) for meuibershl p. l;. i..'t u. a. & L.a . I IMURTY dozen Men and Hov Cans, fro X s.tln cheap, at the Agency Store of I Sep UI. tiHl. L. I., MNAI.Y k. CO I' AM I.J'OoU and shoes for salo cheap ()0 WAN T K D , N every county in the United States active and enterprising Men to act as Agents, ta transact business that will pay, to a smart and energetic person, from 1 hree. to t ive Hundred dollars per mouth. J ne miriness is vrry Honor able and requires HO capital, .as many wiiu us from mcie idle curiosity, no letter will be answered by us unless it contains one dollar, at proof of good rutin, upon the receipt or. wnuu we willfully explain the business. No letter will be taken from the olfice unlem the postage IS pie-paid Address, nr iitrillTllV if. r. obni.noin.i, Hampshire, Maury Co., Teimesee. Any newspaper o.- other publication, giv nig the above fmir insertions, (in. hiding this notice) and fowaiding a copy as bove, will Te crive the intorination afoteoaid, without any eueiiuib.a'ice whatever. 1 V l'C5T JlickoTv S!iij tin.;, for sals low, at OU GREENE, KlNNEY 4, Cj. s ipt 27 Vt or7 freet. au(ji-iy It sic by