Nebraska palladium. (Bellevieu City, Neb.) 1854-1855, April 04, 1855, Image 1

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M 1
i -1
v.. : I
VOL. 1
Tire policy, iionf.stv ; the protection, industry; tiik tsest tarty, our country.
NO. 3G.
liY 1). L KKi:i) &, CO.
MB m
JIB ill
. r - 1
f f
'V .
m f: i
HIHMsli l:t Wl.fKl.T BY
films, jllortnir.
Editors and VrrprUtors,
nr.i.t.KVi" . P"rni. rm'trr. Ninnvtv
7 f'RM. To rirtr1 nl -r-- I'r'rHy
In r'Yi;iv S.'.I.O. I" tint pel !' fum
tiicetb't. f- '.': ; over fn-r an I i Ve ':-.';!
ii-o.e-, v . I--! ' I !v :'.:,.
i(-ii'Ji. (') ' " i. j"-" ' ; i ' -
(J-1 ,11 ; 'V , '.. I
fs'., r , - ' .'. ,'l4.s TePev-- I i if IS tii.tli -.
Q.--;r n: je.-r v.-''.I lie 1 : -.-ti rt---T fi'! M
th.- . r of 1 1 1 1- I'vi; t : l '.'.m j, i. r-r "i ! .ill r
rr.ii 3-'c it" p.i i.l.
r..i?r, CjV ATv::?.Tior'o.
f orPT.c t ('niT i i iwcii it m.f oi j..::-.-,
(irt j i --1 i .on.
Tif'i s-il'P'iMe;,l iuc' inn,
nf square l'fc miiinh t,
fine squar", six iTUM-ths.
One i.i'irvrf- twelve hinn'i'q.
1 0 1
fi ((
S 0(1
i t t
One qv?r'" of ;i cl'i'tin turlce month". 9'llr
One half tI'imii twr!v rr.eflis
One colnnin t'.vi'lv inn!!i-, nOO-l
liiuiimss card of eight iinc, v-ir'v. f H
it it ii ix months. 3 00
ir if three iinmll), ?
Ailmif.:'i't':s lt:l Fx-rvor' notirp, ft l0
Tin: t.av.' of xi: v.7
T. Snnft i!t'.' m u'iii ilo rtol r,
lo t,c roti'tnr". an' ron -.d'". o
( v; : c Ji not-rp
vi'-!iin' to
ontia'tt M'f t'i'-'i: ir'ti".
2. If inlici i'oi'r "i il'T tlf dijron'inn ir"-" of
tl.rir "il'T', 'I f t".'; .!'.t ta .'." cml imif to st'liil
1!i-:n f ' i' a!' a 'a .- r- nl.
it. If s'tT-''f- fc.'1'Tt or im'TO to !.'-l.c
1l,ir r-it -fri from ('k-ol'n-' to u-'i'tch '" to
lire'i,il. tl-.r-v a'" 1 rUI r"-iosilili' in'il li''V
havr Mtlfil t'..c Itill ami onlorfl Hit' pajmr tlis
COnt it-i:. il.
4. IP rw-fnto o'lipr t.lafr-" u- t't
ul iiiforniini! tli" ptilil ivlifr. ami tlir piitr is
v-iit lo t'lp forni'T iliicclioti) tltpy arclio! ! ro
oo:icrip. ' fi. Tli" f'.-i'-ITi hi v t'ppitli'tl tliit rr f-r.,nj f )
tnk- pappr frof t'tn otfipp. or rcmnvlii ai-1
l-ivittrt it tinra",.-! fn-, is ,tinta facia rvii'.tiup
of iulf til ionnl finiiti.
,. pr!1ir-r will tit -rrfoT HI :
1. That tltpir i"np'- wi'l routi'i'ip-l aff'T
IhtVxp.iralion of 1'm Hl'K' for vvli'.ch thoy pii'l.
unlrr. ti'lin wisp ort!i-ii -l. ,
2. That no ii,'r..v'll !. .r-p"1m.;!'iMvl
eTrpnra"p-i nrp ('"i'l up '' f-' t rno sit v. htr'i thp
po'lpd is irivrn. imli'-s wa a:e jati.tfiml the
jiili-prili-r is wii 'hit st.
3. Th-.t vsliPti 'I'' pap-.f l f'virrh t'ip fiul' of
stii-n -r.tpr, hi Itrt-n i!Ii ip.1 to rvorrnn 111"
t.irp. th ami mo't coiivt-i-Mi-itl wayis to
ri-uti! 0111 dollar for aiit th " six mi!:th. with
litlPi' ions lo Hi o'on 1 -m ip Tt 1 1 m- it.....
11,;, );,.,,it, u iH. in nil run. tl rolrtl tiotoi .
our l ook., 11ml if not attended lo shall Ltd our
,1.,-i !.-,!
Tit" I. ( o'tils t.iv ;-;:t r t -1 ' t , -' - -. ,
that n V t ".'f-'i r who pp'-lefti to I
f 0-T1 I ; ' . t'o'v of fiv"T st-a 4tp,p lop lioi it ". 1
.. . in:-. 1 1 i.t i.t I
St4 ta q'lu'P'i IV ' Ii" i'"si- iii" i" i".
11," t,i-"
' I I. ' I ' ' ' 1 t I-' "1 ' - . I
rip !i'i o"-' 1
Kfiff-r liald- to t
lion pripc.
!i Kf.f.r. VI I".
I. II. 1!KNM".T.
Has opp'itil a Imar iinr ho" p Pi-IW'ip,
for liip nn-oii ii'.M'al ion 1 f r-.: il 1 hoai ili-rs. and
c-rasioiipl -. l". li't "v:!! ta'.e pip is-iti-
in making m pomfortablc as lies in hi' po-vir.
KpIIpv i", -V i ris .1. op '.)4
r.,,T, . e XY
U - ' '- -- - ' -w
Attoint'V t Liw.
I W I I.T I'lMiVI'TLY n'tpml to kut husi
iirss f'. trust' il to iiip Itrofi'.ssion; liy in nuy
or U of tin: C'ouii'.i-.s of .NtthraskaT'-fi-itorv.
Tii-llovip. T)pp. 1. Is"' I.
1 It.-T:. A. ll i- .VKY invi-ir jit'i
J IncitPil in 1."1.".- ip. N. 'J'.. will ult-ml
to all hut-iiiP'i in h' piofcssioi.; UiHor. oj i'O-
ite 1'ilh.djim H-".iii.". !!L''J.L
SFr.V-.YOU AM) .:.(. INr.Cil, Ih-'l - v.-.n.
.V-tir.i i. i. Ilav.i... Ito.-.-.lcd -,c-:na"p..tiy.
i 1 . t- .r-1 ! p-o "("it" ;!it- art or 'v r .-y i n rr -ind
I'f.i'ii.. . . :n itlH'iiirhranch'tr,, w.'.'n pro-not-
ti"n and a ciirr cv. L"-'-
('. Y.. WATMtV.
I.nml A:citt, tmrvcyer und r.iii,ini-pr, 1'i !!p-
viip, Ne' -a d i. !:'ll v
(-;X(;i.l "tl,
""T(.OTI'iTOII, Coil. rtor. (JpiiPril I.ind
l i " i.t, Coun'-pilor at Law, &.., Ke.
lXlevtie. Nehriiika. . , ...
Ilaviii.' ' ii t;it-i'ien pc of 17 vpavi in I 11 I t-
ritnry, ill J-"'.' ri'i-r
nifi. tv-'ifi.'", po-t ptsi'l
i4.i! i..n to all Poin-
in re; ar-1 to the Ter-
n'orv. A. '.. .
.'T47- iiliifs iit-ar the (lovi riiuti r,t. n
v .. 1 . ..... 1 ...1-:..,. I,.,,,,.,.
fti 1 rniror 1. J . J- 't 3 t.ait'io'; ii"-...-.
rpv s I
J .'ly I
JliMlevue, .c
v 1 "tr 1.
(J. W. YALIA( K.
PLvlfiu, r.' pctftiily tcndt-rs
his pi of' si'ivieis lo Hie fin'
of St.
M ,1 tieiiiitv. ();l te two lint
1101 ih
wentuf .Si. il.iry,'(i.tli-j.M-i. i)'iilo-""l--
HHK- .11-1 V
Arvr,s (TaTk-i.nncv k uu v. i; v,
Cemul I. I Aj;i nts, St. .Mai y, .11 11 nunii', ,
Iowa. Will .-.It. -ml 1o the piiri ha.iL' ami xalf of
ri al f!latt, the perfect in tf titl" layii tax
(I, iVi'., iV
gy Faiuiinj; lanl ' villai;e lots, to suit
I'tiTi.lia'i'18, 011 hand, for (tale cheap, and on
raso.nable tei m. .' 1 1 A S. I'.. VVATXJ.V.
4:i-tf ' JO.ilil'U (.1-1 .li.V.
rwiMIAAtSk WII.SO.VS hAW Mli.l-.
KS Cn-.-k, Co., Iowa. 'I l. prot : ip-
d.ttt of this mill ml to kt-i-p 1'tiitl i w all
rli-;. .iptions coii.itaittlv 011 hand . also t- mp
.ly til spfcif.1 or.l.iri'for liiinher at short no-
lieMorcuib. .nti-3iu
SKJ.N l'.MNTl'.irAN!) (ill.DlMt.
f Mil Ii Buhst riher having located linns -if at
X M. Maty i ij j. 1 i-a torn'.'cutti oiun ol
V'.T- ll.Vi.i!io:t of Plain, 1' '''. '
jiieittdl Piitlm''. SiiU-m pitntt ,1, . i.i'i-i-d untl
till din thnin.,1 appiov-4 atyte, and 111 tli
lA-iUt PUuau'" i.spPcUtilly bo.
lict.-a. Ollirf, at M. Mvt'is, I r ml stif. I. il.
Alary. h 'PAMSl.A I SClil.MANaiV.
hi. Mary, IS-pl. VT.Jil.
" : 1. A. SAKl'V,
Vhole ale sml Coini,ifc-;iio;. Marclianl, !p'a!er
in lln linn.U. ilirdware. ('uiuioiv . (JitiM-
re, tirocrii:i, Dri, .loJtcinrs, Look u l
$tutiynrry, comer rf f.iin and (ii eory b'lt'' t4.
. 41; l-i"
JOHNSON iV casadv.-
At!nni"V at t.nw, nml (Ii-i'Ti! Laivl Afnl,
ity of ( '"'im il HliifTs, Inn n, will nt'en 1 to )ro
fnosiotinl Ii is:i cm in til" "!) mi'l 'i i h .In li,'i-i!
Dislrii-'.x ; aln. lo tli p'irrin r. f.iti- nnl liri
.ioii of l.:nul vViirranls. 1 ' i r t i r i iur alu-fit
pniil to thn ci! !(' kmi ,f r!.nin. antr ''I-,'1"
i). v. i tjc r'
Mn: ii"V ' I.aiv. CnMiril I: ir C'i1 v. I-uva
Cfrrto J). M. Ilu.-hrt. S. J.wiii, M... .Ii.'ni
!,)!! Iian, V.-"., ?!)., M'j.lil l H'i'.'l .'-I.
a. :.
f'fl C'-u:
1 1
a i) f
i 'i t
- t. A
S lit' of
. i -.1
.! i-t.-i an1'
im jirofMm lit
jr.,n. .!
.1 I).
llo:i. ;..
.N. i-. !
;n N.'!.ra-1
. '.l;;:ii
i Iowa
..:l U.'l.l
I). I C'ilV,
li, r,
Iowa J
v. !''
S of C.
is .N'lTI
I'.iiy i- ! tii
f. omjilly.
Omaha City, J-itt '.ta-ly
C. J'. AVA'ij()N,
ConvpyatiP-r, Notary I'n'ilip, ami Km vpyor.
'.Jllifp at. t'm Sut.o ol (iiodic, Kiini'-y, ft o.,
St. iMary, Millsco., loua. Au. 5., Til.
Post Oiiii c Ditajtmint,)
r.-lirtinry M, ls.'-r. i
i) r.:ro" AI.S lor . n 1 rsri n- the mails of ih
. I,iiit -.i -; it s I'-. -,m '.l.,!v I.'V. t-i Jniio
: .) ). 0,1 1 hp I'l.ilowiii 1 1 t " h 111 r.oljratka
j ti 11 . i K-"-. 'V.;.".!.Jtii'!, w.ii Ii" ri'i' -il" ! a' lti:
j Coai'ir; Diiic-' (I' Uti' I'm! IliCt lit-; at -ttiicat.
I V11sf1i.14iot1, I), (.' 3 p.m., Aptil l'l.
! I -.).', lo lip (l-i- iili-.l hy il'ith of saint! linnitli,
I nt-'irt". for tiu iiK-t part. rouW n i sUihlihi-tl hv
ucl ol An-nt :i,
vrtt'.iK -i 1: it nt to ft y .
10000 I'toiii .-mav.a City, hv UpIIi'Vih: and
i )ma!i:i ( hfy, to Foil ( iiUionn, miles
an-l liat lf, o n a w-t-k.
Jt'-.itli'itt will .-ta'i' ili .t.iiipc ami projioan
i hclicitnltj of tl'-pai tui cs ami arrn ala.
K ansa 1 1 1. nnn OUY,
I'?'-; Vtotii 1-. . r t I..:nnnoi III lo t'm R.ip nml
Fox A'.-my, iiiiIps and hack,
o irp a week.
l.i will slate distance nn.l propose
liiliP'lule of departure-sand arrivals.
l.'v'f'J l-'ioni Foil S.otl to Foit Atktii ion,
miles a. nl hack once a we!;.
Eid'I"i!i will K'alu distance and propi".
che-loio id' di -parl-n -s und arrtval".
1."'J03 I'loui )"... t Li a'.ei.wo; 111 lo Fort Rile;',
miles and hack, once a week,
iiid l-.-i s wni s iti; distance and propo.-n;
si h. d'il" of ih-'iai tni s and art ivals.
lo2fil From Fort Scoti to (.lrawl'o:. S'iniiiary,
lini.- .tnd'-avk, o'ict: a We. I..
I! id lei s 1 li st a! 1 ills'. ince nml propose
srii-'uuh - of d -par ; tit es in, I ai i i .1 Is.
I :..- F.oiti UV. t. Mi., t Fort Sc'.t.
mil's .i.i.t h, oik"' a vi k.
J!i it!i: -, si, tto tl,.-.t.ilii:f and propo'tp
s-iii-1,. I e 1 I' I ! ,l--p 1, 1 110 a mi ai 111 a is.
.... J, I1' '-j I'.in', 0f a pi oposal here -to ch'i :i;.c f 'mn ad
fir th. uh erip. j .'i 1. t ii.e 1' t e 01 tteiup I . It I, v t ,ie liiddr.
j I. , of , eotl ity oi' , Slat
nf , 1 , propo a- 1.1 eoiiv- i lie- malison route
No. . f . 111 , to -, a;',reeiilily
iu t, e ,d Mil is in- i.t of t;i l',i ima ,'er t;,
lial.'d l'eij. iiaiy 1U, l,i. a :J hy the following
mode uf col. e(.ini-c. vi.:
for lite anii uu I hiiin of
This pr- i-n-al is made with fell kmuvie I ;p
of t!,c, s;,.iir,' of tii" rout.-, tl.? weight of the
mail to he c.ur.ed. Had all other particulars lit
n fei rnr ' t ) ihe roule itml set v;ee, iii.d aistj afiei
full i s iminatioii of th ' iiisl. uci ions and re-ipuri'in-'iits
allached to Hie adve.rliieii,iriit.
Form of a (iaiarantt e.
The nn Ipisi'ii'-.I. resitlittf' at , State of
, imtleriakethat. if lllj I'm e'oilt hid for
cariyhi'; the m ill on mute io. he ac-
ri li-Jhy the I'oHlm.tsli r (i.-netal, the Lithh-r
shall, prior to iUe 1-t day of July, li.Vt, or : .
Koi.ii tiif'-i aft'-r us may h -, -..ul -r 111 to the reipiir
ed oli,)f .'Ion to pe.foii'i M-HiC-t propo.s. ii,
vvith;rood and snllieie d snrt ties.
'I ll is we do iv iih a fail knot lnljje , the ohli
Til Oi,s bint liahtli'iis iis.",,m-tl lv iiaianto-s
tin let- the ! illi set t:on of Hie act f Congress
of July t, XI! ill).
(il'piii-J hy two guarantors.)
l'o. HI of I'el I ilii a.rt.
The iimleisiitcd, pits' uia-ler of ,
Stve of , leitittes, iiniier hot 0.UI1 of
oihre, that lie is uopmitile'l wi'h tlie nhovc
K'lava n'oi s, a nd Know s I l-'-ui to he lie it of pio
perly, and able to make i i,d their .;-'.araittet:.; t
Tim stilnc eiipy of fruai antois on p.-oposuls
may he rtrt iiieil l y a jud je of a coin t A jecord
anu lv Jt.t .Im.-i le, s.
'X'uc ilis'uutiMi ai srivi'h nrconliii;; to the best
inforai .! .on; bit no incii.ased pay will l'al ,
lowe.t ah-itilit they be greater tlian advertised,
if tlte points lo he unppln. J be cm ret lly til Jtleil.
JJi.ltlei f iiitikt inform tln'inselvi 011 thin point.
A bid received after time viz: 'J 1. in. of
the lum of Api il, llij or without the x,lar
ant"" Hijuiicd by law, or that combine si veral
routes iu one gum of cuiupeii--at ion, raiitiot bo
con si tiered 111 compel il ion w llh a ri'jjulur jiropo
sal reasonable in amount.
Pidden jtlio iltl, in all cases, fmt propose for
s'; v; ce .t 1 let !y iiectii din;; t lit" ad vei 1 isi-tnent,
am! then, if thev desire, ' 1 ately for ilill'-t ent
et . 11 an if (li rexuiar b 1 be Out low ust of -
f, led for the adn-r;tstd service, the oilier bids
(Lay be considered, if 1he allci alioiiK propo .ed
are recoiiiiueitth d by the postmaster unit cub
em inlerestgd. or if I in y (hall Htpear uiaiti-
festly rilit and proper.
'1 ncie nhoold be but out roiito bid for in a
'J ha bet should sealed; superscribed "mail
proposals, Jjtate ot or Terntury ,"
(u the raifiniy he.) atldres-ed "Second As
sistant Postmaster tlenei a I, Contract OHice,''
und sent by ; i I, not hy, or to, au a'ent, and
pout nil stei s will not e In lose proposals (nt r le(.
( : of uiiy kind ) in their qiurterly letui il l.
1 he contiaclj an to be executeJ au I reiurn
edtothe ilepai tiuent by or before the 1st of
Jul ,', lt.i.u.litit the S'TVice must be Coiniii'-iu'e.l
on the iu ill day next after that date, whether
the contract be i xei titt-d or Not. fvo proposi
tion for tralisfer will be coniilered Tiiitil the
cont-C,J arel xc titcl in d le fo.'ln and reft iwd
at the. tlejiai tiie nt; ami then no transfer will
be allowed unless piod and sudicieiit
therefor given, to be determined by tlie de
p.viiinvltt. i'leseiit coiitraetor-i, and persons known at
the lii partmf Ul, must i'i)nally Wilholuers, rtrtj
rure guarantor and cei -lilieute.' of theiri-lli.'ii'ii-ey
'ib1aittially in the forms uhuva piccribed.
I he certilicatc ot aatuciency inusi oc miiku
bv a i,oliiiusti-ror iutli-'e i f a com i of recoid.
J is e i tllll-IU I
11. I 1'l.i.lit
I'.'.s'in.i-jleT fjeneral.
BBCchDto, Vonu3, Tiir.i, Hebaand tlia Dancing
Gir! !
f 1 ItK alien o rrlrbrat',l St a! ilif". t"ctli"r Willi
.L I'll -"it l.itn in lii nii.,'. ami ."i-ci'iiil liim
il:f I ni?-r'ii!ii' nf n: I ji.iiiit iiur-'. from t!i" fo.
Irrti,rj (f prl1 t.l fi il i i l t"l t ' ' alanine tllft
inrhi'Ti s of t'r Co i'nijiolit.n Art A-'ioi. iat ion
at tlio It -.t ainiiil ill tt t.t it "t-i. lit .1,1 ii nit ry nnyl.
'I'll" 'os'!.ivit!in Ait ati'l l.iti-iiny As.'im-'i-nlioii.
(J, . ,1, ,. il f,,r tin' I .in S.ita ti,h nt ami
i -,'', c I i, i . ,,r Lit.'.-.iiuro mi i tin.? Fine
, r . tr. i inv; tin! tfi ;i,ril plan.
T:i Ci.itiuiilti'p i t iisc;i.r-t( .,ve
I 'r.:- 1 ' cf nnnoni.rinif tliat til " J'tCfi Antl'lil
!!. ,-i!.'ii(:; will tat:" p'tirp on tH HuU or' Jan.
, ,y p.. v t it;. !, -l "l riTI I I, " I I' I I I ;l(- h-
t '' C-l ' . '- ! to Ol : , ... ;. ; 1
- '..', v" V. , , I : ,r It',1
! .';t,.
,r v-
I I...-.-
U ,f :l ! t'fft-tttf -it t
. II- '.p. 1 to.:,. a:i I '
I -a. -.
, I)
ir:-. ',' .-li.i'i!
Or I. a :d it. !
I'-oi'i I'ai 1-: a
"') ! ,1 U'-t I'l t' 0 t , i 1.
-1. a i.ti :,-t-"!i i-i 10,1 of Oil
M, of t I," It" .1'
1 1 O 1 1
1il:. ('-llil'i i ;i:i-r
ftl r,-l -!im Am
icar: t aa I I '-i-1 - ' t
1 he i.-j in'-:;l of l':-i-p tlollaii const il tit" ai.y
1 ti r a tm Ik : - r th: - a -s M-i t ion, a ti,l pi-1 itiri
'.nil lo t!l" h iin:i;i-t ttnekt-r jMai tzitif In on.
Vt.ti, and al'oa ti!."l m l!i t!i-"t riltut ,011 of
Sl.ilo.ny and i,i! it": t wliifli aip to ho alloV'ti
to in- ini.'-iM in .I.ti n t, y.
Persons l-.ikii'i? Inn m"mhi-rt!ii)i ara Piilitl.-d
lo Inn of 1I1.1 MaP,"s for one year, ami alw
to six tii'.kiits in tli" distribution.
Pcr.nwi. 011 liccoiniiiii niPti.liprfi pan have tli'iir
Mairuiiii'ti comim-iifp vvitll any inon:!l tin-)
I'liooyp, and ndy on its b, i-iir uiailc-1 to tht'in
promptly on tin! lust uf evdry moiith, dirt-c:
l l"ln . :W V01 k.
Tito proct-'dtt d.-rivod from Hip salp of mi'in
h.Tpliiiia uro tlt-voO'tl to the purchase of works
of art lor thp t-iisuinjr yoar.
Cooks op'-n t-t iM .-i't.' iiainps at tli" r.att'.prn
, .i.e w
Voik. or Western oflirr, S-uidtky.
try of Ait is locat'-tl at Sindn-ky,
'I'll" .a
(the V. 1 tlern olhce of the Association) where
s ip-rb liianite li'iihiiniC-S have le-en erecled 'or
it, ami 111 wltote t-acious saloons liie spl -t lid
collei tions t-f Statuary and Paintings is exl. ti
lled. The atlranrnires eein'ed hy becoiniaj' a mein-bi.-r
ol this Association are
1st. All persons i.'ceive the full value of
their subscription at the start, in liu: shape of
nierlilifr M.iaiiie Lite, attire.
liat ii iiienib-T ponl nhiitittp: toward pur
chaiiifii; clioice works of art, vuit.h are tube d l.uiotij; tiieue-elves, and are at the
same tune enconrapi;"; the arts of (lie country,
ilisbuisiiijj thousand of dollars through its
'Per-onA reniilliiifr funds for iricinhp-ship,
should mark letters, "Kei.-tt re, I," and staie tue
moi.thw ilh wh cii they wish their magazines
lo colnmei t-e, anil alio their post oliii e atldic-s
111 t.t. I, oultie led'. pi or which, a ceii.maiu 01
ii.( iii!ie-ship,lo'e!;i 'i- with tin' magazine desired,
will bcfowiiitled to any pait of hie country.
Thosp who"iuae;a.iiies at book ores
will observe by jouum; tins Association,
ih"V rec-'ivp tin: Mara.iiie and Free Tickrt in
tlia'unuiutl ili'ilton, ul t't" nine p.ireth y
now pav tor Ihe ii i.i.ine iilone.
Ilht.-i' ('..'ith-i.-'e'' of liie wiiole collec
tion sen I 01 application, free of chaitrt-s.
(; -yOlht-Osof tli : A isoeiatnm, at 1 fie Knick
itIi.ii ki-t oflieo, M l1 Jhoadway A'. Y.
and at No. Ion Water Street, Sandusky, Ohio.
AiMrcss, (at either nl, ice) lot m-mmi-i-flop,
I . 1,. I' r. 11 it 1 1
A. ei I.. A.
1 r,R i n c yeah 1S53!
M. r.W.l.nir.who has edited the"Pio-
oiiai" from the commencement, having
1' '"il the la'" pioprielor, .Mr. t. C.ieasou,
wilf roud'irt this popular ami widely circulated
paner on his own account. 'I he new volume
will he radically improved in every respect,
and will be published on liner paper tha i ever
btfote, which quality will be conlmueil iienee
foilh without change. Many new ami popu
lar features w iil at once be introduced, ami tlio
literary department will present an array of
talent and interest hevond anything it has be
fore atii inpted. The" illustrations will he liner,
and h , betlt-r artists than have before been cn
g.o'eif upon the pv-er, ami altogether the pub
lic'a'iou will beva-tly improved and'beautihed.
Ai ra'igeiiients hav"' bem made for represent.
ii,, .lin tlx. vear views of the most notable
building and localities thrcugh the United
sta'rs, a well its giving likenesses of Ihe mo il
p'oinincnt chaiacl--is, male itinl female, of ar
tits iiml men of genius, such as have by their ii Itist. y and skill iiid for themselves a
ftntiiee und a name. In a-1-1 i t inn to these, var
ioi.i 11. italde Ftirop-aii M-t iits and occurrence
wiil 11U0 he .nen fio'.i week to week, toiming
a brilliant illu-lrnti'd journal.
1'Kli.MS; IN V A 1:1 Aiil.V IS ADVANCL.
1 subscriber, one year, S
i suh-ci.her,, " "" 1"
1, 4. .. 1; ou ut)
Q'iJ' A'ty person sending sixteen subscriber
at to la-1 late, will receive Ihe bevciiLeciil Ii
copy gratis. Ad-.llos.
;,I M. liAI.LOr.
Publisher ami l'topntto-,
Corner of T euioiit ami llioiiilield Slrnels.
Do.stoii, Mass. feh J t.
LA 'if I) Foil S ALE .
r Mill: SUIISOUI 11 P.P. bring desirous of mov
.L Cihf ...a, oilers for sale his
lloMi s ri: vii of Iti) ncien, situated on the
stHifo road betweeii fi' Joseph and Council
Ii 1 1 It's miles South 01 Council illuli's and 4
North of the village of St. .Mary, nml near
the Missouri river, in Mills County, Iowa; una
tppoite lciltuve.lJsbriiskti, T.
Also, 4: -t) acre of PuMRir. I.ANniiear St.
Mai v. and '.10(1 acres of Timleiu.d Land on
the Mi' touii river, ami near (h ii wood. These
I. ami-, are all in Mill County, Iowa, and pre
wi nt inducements to land purchaser seldom of
ferei;; containing timber, prairie, lime stone, stone, and indication of plenty of coal;
an t also licim situated on tlio mot feasible 011 the Missouri rive for the crossing of
ill! Pacific. U.tlll'O 111.
Suitiiblo cattle forerosning the Plains will
hi taken in exchange at lair rale, 'ihe buyer
Citii huvi! immediate possession, and all liie
liiain and fariuing iit"tisils he wants at a lair
Traders Point, wiv 1, 'fvl-tfj
w TnYT: d ,
IN every county in Ihs L'niled Stales activs
and eiiterpi i i'ig Men to act as Agents, to
tt u..ict b'iMiic.s t bat Will pay, to a smart and
t-aei('e,c pei son, from Three to Five Hundred
dtvllais per month. 'I he business is very honor
able and require no capital. As many writs
us from mere idle, curiosity, 110 letter w illbd
atmvered by ns utiles it contains one dollar, as
proof 1 ? good faith, u"n the receipt of which
W" will fully explain the business.. No letter
will be taken from till otlice unleai til poUs
ii pre-paid Addtuss,
UK. 1. F. IlI.ACKHL'PiN,
Iljiiitt-hiif, Maury Co., f eiu,tst-e.
dir"" Anv re-wspsper or o!hr puhliciilion,
piv n.g the above four iiisr-rtious, (including lhi
notice) and fowardiug a ropy as aliove, will re
reive th informal ion afot idaid, without uny
eiiC-titihraliee wltilleve-,
DmLJJi'KUlX'foriialeby t r.KGLT:i,
Original Uttrg.
For the Palladium.
to una aef.knt daughter.
A r-A ef ei chani in;; tireain all bright,
1 .-'ealii'tr o'er me now,
Of those lov'd days, e'er sorrow's lines,
Yi'ctc trae'd upon my brow.
i - U '"" K" 1 ;"'-r ."flpf,
'I t. it. f:ii a f.-ioii: L-ti-n-o,
To m e lov'd ami hfi tih'd ones,
.Leave th-! paternal nesl.
fliiil oft t'jr..j lovely years, that's fled
L poll tiUie's loiline; stream,
licani back upon my uoul ii;;aii;,
J..KC some dieam.
l,y'.:, I'm thinking o'er to liirht,
'ihose sunny day that' pas., ,
W1.1 11 thou, w as Billing he, u wilh ine,
Sw. ft days, to sweet to last.
To me, how very sad it secuis,
Tolok'i thy presence here,
And smile thai play'd upon thy lips,
I lov'd o well to share.
I miss thy merry gushing voice,
Thatwa9 so liglit and free,
It'ol't beguil'M my weary hours,
To hear thy living glee.
Thine eyes of light and love, that oft
Their beams have on me thrown,
Hay (ttill their smiling glances llnow,
Vet not to meet uiy own.
My love for thee is still the same.,
Thou art to me ns dear,
As wh, n, 1 kiss'd thy novate cheek,
And bruslrd away th tear.
In all thy ufler years, my child,
.May biisslnat lie'er alloys,
Willi awveiest liowcrs thy pathway deck,
Uiihlig'uled ha tiiy joys.
Think not my chihl, siihstiantiul bliss,
( an e'er he found below,
From Gou'a uiuiylng fount of love,
Ilr hvu.g slieain o Cow.
Ludlow, Y I., February, li.ii.
Tur OBJt'CTon's AntiJiisi. It is
amusing lo how the opponents ot the,
Tcini.cri.iico (question are obliged to fehil'l
about i or arguments to maintain their posi
tion. Sometimes, as the sailor would say,
they tire entirely run ushore. Then they
very naturally betake, themselves lo ridi
culing or slandering the abetters in ihe
temperance cause. The tompcr.Wicc la
dies ihose that make the greatest funs
about i; are either inveterate opium ea
ters, or gndders abroad, meddlesome, tc
And who but a rabble of ladies would
assemble, ami by force emp'y the pre
oious stud" into the i reels? 1 wouldn't
have such a wife I wouldn't live with
her after she had done such a thing.
You wouldn't, would you? I doub
now if you have not just such a wife
one who would gladly assist in destroying
nl! the liquor iu this or any other town
She waits not for your coming till the
midnight hour, without thought active,
soul-stirring thought! In her heavy bo
sum a thousand thoughts revolve even
gun-powder, the tearing up of stronghold
by its blasting power, finds place in her
wrought up imagination. If she could
hut remove the cause of her suliciiuJe, of
her misery, what would she not dare?-
Your smile or frown, O, rumaeller, weighs
L it little in the balance with sighs, tears,
poverty, yea the very life blood too.
wrung out by yu'.'r aetcursed traffic. Il
must bo done. The triifTie must cease.
Rig' t must and will triumph over all your
threats. This selling of poison must be
stopped t-i. tier by the just laws of man,
or the wiil ami might of woman. Which
shall concpier? We wait to see the issue.
11. M. S.
Richmond, Ind.
The Capitol at Washington, This
building, when completed, will bo the
grandest on tho Continent of America.
And, indeed, there will be few grander iu
the world. Its total cost will be over live
millions of dollars.
The sum of $100,000 has just been ap
propriated by Congress for the construc
tion of a east iron dome, to ov r-top and
crown the whole and complete the sym
metry. The eniiro front extent of the
building is iveven hundrej and fifty-one
feet four inches; length of wings, incluil
ing steps, threo hundred and twenty-four
feet; wi bh of wings, otto hundred and
forty-two feet eight incites; width of old
Capitol three hundred und fifty- wo feet
four inches', area of ground actually cov
crcd, one liundreJ ani forty-three thou
sand opo hundred ttna twelve feet, or,
mor-i than three tin I a half acres; height
of the proposed new dome,' ubove the
basement floor, two liuiiureii and foriy-si.x
Tim folliiwiiijj we clip from the Iioston
Post. It is "loo pood" to lie lost. It is
from one of tlio "Ainttrictin mpmlicru of
the AI assnchiiRcUs Legislature" to li is f
fcctiotialc son :
Dostu.x, J,m. 1G, 1855.
Sox Joan: I have loo much Legisla
tive wink to come home oti Saturday et.
tiitigs as I s;.id I wuiiM so you mint mind
tlio fi-.rtn. I huve miuiitcd to pet on fi
R0'.I tn.'.oy committers so ns to iVcnmv
in i.'ie
y havitiu my 1
v. iide.i! ortin:r
11 1 s mm i man. v n
'lung coc,i.MOii;i..y' etui 1 Juivc .s.i-ji my
ori;.i.y r.iict 1 have
d three: times in the
tiBiiic pritiU'ii ti.rcs tini in the bee.
Aim i i i.ti j l iiii ip't-.s is looking up somi;
lioro in llofiion, und Vvt: ure going fo dis
coid nil foreign clitnciils in our i;ovci'ii
mont (hy llio way have tlio turn door
paiuled over wiJi smn.: other color be
sides. Spanish brown. I don't like any
thing Spanish.) The governor has made
n lick at the IVrcigti miiiii.i and disbnnded
all tlio companies. (Don't use any more
British oil for your deafness for I have
Ihrown away that box of Russia salve
your mother put irf my trunk to rub my
rumalick lep; with use Auiericun physic il
is best ) Ve arc g iing to have tho latin
lincro taken of tht slate coat of nrma and
plain yank'.-e English in its plnce. We
are going idiead I tell you and make a
clean swoop of everything of foring ex
traction I have visited no place of amuse
ment cxccpling the wild bulTaloo which is
a regular native he looks very much like
a hi.iry cow. Speaking of cows reminds
me of our Durham bull you may sell him
to Wade tho bulchcr lie is of forign ex
traction. A friend asked me to go to the
Allieneiin; und see the library and pic
lures but I was told nearly all the piclures
are painted by the old masters ns they
are called and these I am tv.lJ are with
out eteep'ion all forlgncrs many of the
books arc m forign languages so it is con
trary to the spirit of my principles to visit
such a place. I was going to see Lan
varJ's great ptiiiilinjj of the Holy T-nml
which is milking some stir but a native ar
tist told me it w,is mostly painted with
Yenician red Dutch pink Naples yellow
while all the skies were prussia blue too
much of the forig n element to be interest
ing to me. By the way speaking of paint
have the front blinds which I had painted
wall French green last fall painted with
some other color other than I mentioned
above. Stop the Zion Herald and take
the Yai.kee privateer in its) place. Give
my MarneilU vest to Dick the plowman
an l tell him to stone Jip the scotch ter
rier oil the farm und lo kill that Maltese
From your affectionate falher
A Maoic Pex. We hold in our hand
a pen which allows our thoughts to flow
from its point as freely as they list, with
out the interruption of dipping it into ink
every alternate moment. Indeed our
thoughts sometimes run dry sooner than
the pen. Our readers may judge some
thing of its cupueity, when we inform
them that we can write six columns of
this journal, or twenty puges of a sermon,
or five hours on the stretch, with one fil
ling of our fountain pen. It is light,
graceful, easily reflated, and in ull re
spects n complete and well regulated aril
ele. The pen itself without any
c.ire from the writer, Alio only needs to
busy liiinst-lf tboiit his words. For this
admirable invention, we arc itn'cb'tcd to
Mr. Prince, of Iso. 8 -A-pplelon's Build
ing. 31S Itroadwuy. To tho mcrulunt or
clerk in taking orders, the accountant in
milking long cnluries, the editor in scrib
bling paragraphs, the lawyer in drawing
instruments, the copyist iu transcribing,
the minister in writing sermons, and the
traveler in jotting down items, it will be
alike serviceable in the economy of lime
and the freedom from the annoyance of
ink-dipping, blotting an 1 wiping. It may
be had of the trade generally, under the
name of Prince's Portean Fountain Pen.
N. Y. Independent.
A Pbeaciieu "roB Sale." The at
tcmion of parishes destitute of a pastor is
called to an advertisement in tho Louis
ville, Ky., Co irier, offering an opportuni
ty to secure a permanent one en very
moderate terms: "A negro man named
James Howell, belonging to the heirs of
Louis Howell is for sale, He. He holds
license from the church at Simpsotiville to
23- The barbers of Terre Hunt, it is
said, hav? tuken down their slriped poles
and substituted in large letters, tho word
flunk" as u surer "sign"! of shaving fa
cilities. '
Every person being interested in th
amended act of the 3rd March, 1855, in
regard fo postages, a synopsis of its pro
visions will not be unacceptable:
Under this law all single letters miilail
for p.rty distance not exceeding three thou
sand miles are to pay Ihree cents, and for
any distance exceeding three thousand
miles ten cents.
Half an ounce in weight will constitute
n pingle ledcr; and double, treble, and
'luailrupie Ietteig to b rjinrgi 1 in the-
'Itio e-f,.,tf 1
Ail tetters in tvt 5?e preptid, xept.
such ns nre to or Irom 8 lorein etu:ii.rj
or those nddresr.e l to officers ot Govern
ment en ofiisial business.
Tlve taw is to take effect from and after
the next fiscal quarter.
Aficr the 1st of January next, the post
masters are to affix stamps upon all pro
paid letters upon which none are placed
by the writers.
A registration of valuable letters Is re
quired to be made upon the payment of a
fee of five ccnls in addition to the prepaid
poslage, but the Government will not be
responsible for the Joss of any registered'
letter or packet.
The franking privilege is tc remain as
Selling postage stamps for a larger
sum I han their marked value is to be pun
ished ns a inisdeineaner. Cycle.
E.viocracino. As un evidence of
what girls can do, if they have a mind, a
Cincinnati press slates, that three years
ago a poor orphnn girl applied and was ad
mitted to set type for that paper. She
worked two years, during which time she'
earned, besides her board, about two hun
dred dollars; and availing herself of tho
facilities which the printing office afford
ed, acquired a good education. She is
now an associate editress of a popuhr pa
per, und is engaged to one of the smartest
lawyers in Ohio. Such a girl is bound to
shine; and eclipse tens of thousands who
are cduosted in th lap if luvury, an J
taught all the "accomplishments" of
boarding school. Si'ch a wife will be a
jewel to her husband, an ornament lo so
ciety, and an honor to her sex and to lisr
country. Woman's Temperance Paper.
Many reforms of the present day speak
lightly of the Bible. Indeed the number
is not sin ill who imagine, society would
be better if the Bible was banished from
the world. Nor are such persons without
the shadows of arguments in favor of their
Innumerable disputes, quarrels, anl
even wars have arisen from deffcrences
of opinion about the truths taught in th
Bible. Religotis contr-zversies have teen
seasoned rather with malice than with
either love or good sense. Professors of
Christianity lmve often been not only con
servative, but wedded to prejudice, and
the probable consequences of its ex
tinction. Wlut is the Bible? A book which
claims to have been wrilen by good men,
who are inspired so to write by God
himself and whoso simplicity, beailtyi
inoial purity, dignity and jowr. ouht
to be proof of its Divine origin.
Sirikc from the world till those great
truths taught iu the Holy Scriptures, and
our moral code will be found us barren as
the deserts of Arabia.
True wo have other books that teaoh
cur duly to one another, and to God, but
all their life anil power are derived from
the Bible. Hence, to banish the sacred .
volume from the world, und to rely upon
men for our moral government, would ba
like bloting the sun from the heavens,
and relying upon the moon for heat und
light. No sooner would the sun disappear
then the lesser luminaries would begin,
and one, to fade from darkness and gloom
would surround us 011 all sides.
Womak's Rights. At Mount Picas
ant, near Cincinnati, Ohio, fifty womeu
attacked a tavern, spilled the liquor, and
dragged the keeper through it on ths
flour. Officers had been sent to arrest
tho women.
3 The Illinois river receives its nam
from 'Illini," a confederaey of Indians,
consisting of Kuskians, Cabokies, Peori
ans, Michiganians and Tomorias, who
peak the Miami language, and no doubt
were branches nf that nation. Accord
ing to Falher Hennepin, the word Illiu
signifies "a perfect and accompanied,
2J A busy man is troubled with but
one dev il, but the idle mm with thou-laud.
mi-t i J v