NEWARK A PALLADIUM. Y T! VM-icr, Tribune hu'lditi ;j,,grll, 11" Ni ' p. :r. ivt- Mc Donald 02 f.;r..;;.ii sti crt. C r- -rcf, I.. tr.'.-t . V. If. New York ' i I y . Carr, Crane A Co., I'liiln ,vy miner, Genrral Newspaper Agent. s.'Mr 1I i"nvi ' mi', v ounci J . 1 11:1 , ' P. .T iii". T. M.. Otnnha City, Nebraska. 1 M. II. (lull, Nebraska Center. 1 T). John.on. Es'i-, Ft. Calhoun, Nebraska. J:. Mitrhtll A. Co., Winter (i.iaitfi h, Xe krst. IM., Pa Atiee. 1-oupe Fork. Xcbraka. Hi. 11. I'. Down.. Nebraska City, Nebraska. l.tUfirnit, I', tt! A., Commander at Fort f.araic Nebraska J.'.. Mount Tabor, l-'rrmont Co.. Iowa. I o'l'lio. Farmer. ,Mr:Ki"Sicls Grove, Iowa ( Av Cnpp, Burlington, buta. W'iin id Cthiii', 1'cq.. Rapids, Iowa. Tui- Masti r. I'"'t I Moino. Jnw.i. Aupvtus Il.iil, l".-q . K.-osaq ia. Iowa. Hoi A. C. Ibul;'.-, Jim liitKloii. I. wa. HiH 'limn Hr.wii, M.iijsviiie, Wiiio. I. II T f 1 1 -Esq., Rrllcvue, Nt. hias.'dl. .If Si- Wi . I.i 1 Iowa. H. ). R"" ', Glcnwnol Iowa. P'Dschu V, M.irv, Iowa. M." I. lloiiisler, Ottawa, III. Silas Tit us, Syrnrnse, N. V. "V. Larroin, of Michigan, is our Trave'.in ' Ar,nt tlbi H: innril Esq., Northampton, ilass. Ji.iin C. lltA. ( oiiiimri'inn. Ma- MA! T. REGULATION'S. The Mail will leave li'-Revue Tuesdays ami .'ilnninvs nl 1 o'clock, p. m.. ind arrive at Pi-Revue nt ti o'clock p. in., rf the Mini" days. M ill inatlcr to h sent mil, mud he li itidr-d in by 12 I'clork on Tuesdays and Saturday. n. r.. Bf.Kn, r. .m. Rellrviie. Ml-rh 51, 1n? BfJIPYM SrAII FETJIY BOAT 1111- SI K A M I' It NEBRASKA IS it 1, N N I X G b, T. MARY &. BELLEVUE. flllE Nebraska is a new an. I spli mini imai, .L maiini'il by experienced oll'irei ami ci cw. Ilillcvuc, Ncbras ka, is opposite St. Mary, Iowa-F.MKiKAX'TS eoinins to Kc'rr.U i sliouM come directly to ST. MARY Tli'u if (lie front jr-ilcway to tlic most important n ; hi intcicstitu portion ol ic!; aska. Jliar H iiiiiiiI tliat ET. UAx.7 KEI.IF.VUE arc tlio two bc1 points for the emigration iio ccnti r It ll.-vun, mi-21, 1H.V, SELECT SCHOOL at mxrroT. MUS. MATIV . KKl;i) will epen a Se. ItI N lioul at thf MISSION MHIOOT. ROOM, for rhiMTn anl youtli, on Monday, Jatnihry Tuition, $1,00 per inontli. t'VA bA.LJj . CIIKA?' for Ca-,,80 biood Marci. Al-o, a larc iiuinli'.-r of Work ll.aMi, U . A. rf'-Hlll' V, Xel)Hka. Coiuiiuil'lcr at Fort . Si.vli:, tlio ..lorclio mi.l i:rsi- vrig riitii-Hlionul pliiluiuhropist, has ro ?tiiUy UsucJ a c-irculiir d '. geVcn'fMi'.ll cIh-h dC tcaclicrs, to In" siinl to tlu; West uuJor ilic c:.':are of On', lvrd ct N'lioiinl l'li'iular Klieiion. w;'l cmV.-' . 1 i-u.i'ui .1 oh. llic 2.1 1 of M J.'cli arrfii-Mt ! t tlio W.-st. on tlic liS li oi' April. Wo see ii sUilcl il.aL tin; (jlovur nor 'litis snt nut iu'o t!r; VYrs:ern wi!il-i nlteji'timr, iIiimc l,iiinlic-il uml niut'ty-iour of, tJic.Jsi f.iir fiiissi jii.irios. itarUuglun TcUMTiltlll S.nt up nfir a s..iJ A ol.i 3u'i I'iri.n nti ! us frow tiit pjiit!f tiirt!, wl.en tbc latter, full strctoli in tliu al-dNC i pcration, 'I vt ib'n I WU3 i:i 1.: ' en.".. Hal j' u'so yuwmtilaii.t ivplic! "I vrsil I v.isii in l!ic Iioii;!." Tim eyes fT Siliio la-.w v. i'ln i.'i' M us li excLifnei' I po j,r.jiiJ f.jr you uliv..ys vi:i!i your elf in ili lest pli'cc." .'MCTKOROfXUCAL TAIJLH. Paddle and Pack llorscj; a fine Mock of Indian Fonio; bloo l"d Caltlc, Uxen and Cow. ifCrants and ollicii tleiroii of pm clia-ini; any i. f th nbovcennmeraled aiticl-s v.onld do wi-ll ,i call on '"r, a lie will sell cheap f..r Calij cmjiurc at the Utlice of 1. A . Sarp) , llviie, ciirnska. . l.cllt viie, mr 21, ls'i'i. C.X Hlil'-Y ic CO., REAL ESTATE MiDCLMf.1 AGENTS. Lellovne, Ijcbratka Tcr. TILL nltcnii to all hnsines entrusted them conncctcl Willi liuvint'. ixicai.MK linn S 'llin Ciaims; nuyiniriind Se!li:-i: K''.il I.Hlate, ii, this and all other district" in .Nebraska Ter ritory, with proinptiicM and at reasonable rates. IVisom from a distance wishini; any tin'oMiia tuin coiicerniiiir CTaiiiM. &.C, in tin' lerritorv , will lie iroinii;v aimweicd bv Rddr'iisiiiFf n oost-naid nod' tui.-losinir (ue Dollar. o'i.Mvtc Ihe I'alladinm liiiililine;. g-iE JIFXDUKD City Lots for sale, the.e .S lots arc Koi.ii! of tlio n.- st d -.-sirable in Hellivicw, Mid w:l! he sold at reasonable rates, oiie-l'oni iii down, llie ballance in three aimiiiil navin. nti. l'U: to l.f scon at onr C.lii.:e. uir ii a. ln-.xuv tca 'eai'ilioi't o'li.t chea; ; jilats to n to l.XKY f in. (;i:ni;!iai. land A(;i:ncv and J si iivi 'i uwLi W ';J " i A .sj. e -s AT COIHiCIL BLU71? CITY. IOWA. COCIUIAN A. KEOBATH, Aril", encased in the b'lMii'.-n of bnyinir '! R' Hin Land Warrant, and rnterini; Intid in the Council Hhilf Land District. Their ar rangement for eiitennp Lands for weltlerp and olhers, on a credit of one. two. or three yeai are not deficient. And they villbc prepared at nil times to fill all orders of th U diameter. Tlio inveitiicntion of Land liti s, payment of taxes, pnrchnse and snle of lands and town lotn throughout this land district, and all hnsi rtf.vj co,ir,ec!ed with the Land Ol'ice at this place, entrusted to them, will be promptly at tended to. Slraiicrs wlsntnn to loente covenment land. will he fnniished wit'n a L'nide and conveyane if they desire it, and directed to Ihe best points lor f lection. Kxchanue on St. Lotiia and the F.nstern Cit ies, bon;;ht and sold. Interest paid on dejioa iles as oer a"i eeineiit. Our attention wit' also be piven to th- tmr clnse and Bale of Town Lois in Omaha ( ity, Helh'vicw and Winter Quarters, Nebraska Ier ntory. 1U i F.m'.Nrts. L. W. Hahbitt and Dr K. Lowe. Ite"ister am! Receiver of the Land Of fice at Conncil IllnfFs, and Col. T. A. Walker, and V. M. Cassady; lli'cisler and Receiver at I'yit Ileonioines, or any ot the business men or eith'T place, OIT'ICi: on Tirnadway, We?t Room of the Pacific Hotel, iieiu'.y oi.poslte the Land Otlice. Council llliili'-;. nov I -1 V . GLENWOOD ADVERTISEMENTS Glorious News ibr Nebraska. The steamer S;irnnaclins just nrrived,lo.idecl totlic puard? with goods for Inlihds. Brown S nirar, R hlels. Clarified do. 211 bids S. II. Molasses, HI litis. N. O. Molars, VI 1-2 hhli. Golden Syrup, 2.VI sncke (. J. Sail, 1011 hhln Kanawha do. f') sacks dairy do. 2n hove do. 1 Soap, 10 bbls Cider Vinegar, con: i n t n i fr of fi bbls Xo. 1 and 2 Mackerel, hhls Tar, i) boxes- and half boxes Star Candl, ft boxes Tallow candles, '.HI kei;s Xailt. assorted, 2 boxes Co Fih, 30 sack Kin Colli e, Iinnrrial and Voims HTSon Tea, Soils, i", Canity, Ruisinl, -iiiLrlish Walnuts, AlmoniU, (Jiiitrer, Spiee, Pepper, fcc, i.c. 1 :.!! 1 VK LOTS iidjoiinri t loir 11. J -l levin-: ioi bes -cn at tin: Oil: ci j ai ply Hy C. A. HI Oliicc, mr 1 1 li,; 1 1 '. :llev..e X ?lir.iiK i. 1J He ( Tn-'rinonieter 1 M TH. -- j M jX J IT " Aim ;tnur!. . i'j t' a" .I . Ave. AX A M T W T I' S li U I It ?H V.V 1) lo l I :'.3 3.1 4:i Hi X'. 117 srs . o li :U'N H. "ll !)" 10 ii 1!) 1'i ,-.,) of the ,bv a Mr. H.-i.ry. I hei e ly warn ail persona I r in pin ci i.-iu inn lo's aivert'oed by him ad;...'e:it ihe iiv-r, ai r'-.e cL'im sa'd lot" are laid ..'it u i,,i, wa nii lawfnlly laken. aiel lh .-jid Ile.ii y iias no ic gal li;M to :'. I l lano. I.. H. KISKKV, pi ll VT. Ill' 1 .""'. A'el.t. " . Lat 9 for Gilts I TE have now on hi". I a lar;e quantity "f V CJt l ir::rk stone lim- for sale. We!l k-ep on h i vl ron.sf.mtly. a q lanl.ty s (li cient tosiipvly all those , ho 'V;;nt. It -ltevue, ;ti'r 2S josi hii dvson ,t i n. F i 1(S T " I7U li L I G S A L E ''OF LOTS IN .'NE I VII A SKA. CITY, The future Epcriara of Nebraska Territory. A HOl'T five Jiiindied choice loti in Ncbras- XX. ka City, and l.fiy lou in K. ainey City, iumi'siiately coiiliKuom, will b (illiit-d for tale to the hihent bidder, on the premises, coin:iii iici!i on M-mday. April 231, 1855 Hale to continue liom day to day, until all arc Hill, alllie option or llie proprieun s. TI'.M!I Of CALK. One-third cash in hand, the balance in six InontlH. 'J'ltle indisputable. The cite of X braska City hai loiii; been uilin!red as the most ulioil ion'e ccninnirciai i;ipo iioiuon the Sjiith aidu of '.ha Mi-o,ni liver. It . -itiitwi o.i roiiiantic ldiiii' I nuwn ai (ildFoit h-n'ini'-y, couiuKi inline; a pici urenque . viewtt the if ii i.i v !lii.,ouri for miles up and ilown, and ii asbcen esteeineil for many years, ,tit li'.Ht'tttj-tin Jtoinl for ciiiiijrutioii to Oregon bi.d t'aiifi ti. id.. The water is excellent the tlimale temperate and ictid for ilu hali.bnty, -Heavy bodies of the l.neit timber of every variety is found on and near the city, and rv eiil raw ,MilU Lie now rapidly ronvutiii it to lb.-.jse of the rapidly settling emigration in and around th.? city. Therein in the i'y two mercantile PltiiMi-h' I.' , sne l.ii-e II it'l, (the larffst Hi the Tci !.'..- ,-'! jn.l twv r.nre about Im-iiik con II AVIS' notice! nil advert ihe- slc of iols .1: i! 'lie-, ue. w ilOU Nov -Ml , v -; . i . w'.'.l ei re on t'l" a is th" 1 1 hi.' !y to I I "a-ji! Lots to nil persons who t-.-id'i? or ilwellin;: i.i.til the 1st of June, to sco-ire a pond lot f.r a house. C. A. HL.NiiV l t'-- c. v. I'jr.uc'K. Attorney at Law. Wi'! "ractice in t!i Sixt'u, Stvcnth, F.ilhl mid Ni.i'ui Judicial Districts in Iowa, and Xe bis!;:i Territory. He will alv.-xyn be supplied Willi blank deeds, iiiortfa !.!, deeds of tins', ih' lire lory staU n.ents fir pre-emptions, kc, and will Rive pir.eipt attention to conveyanc in'. exai.i'.irition i!f titles, A-c. particular atleatio-i juiid to geeuriiilj 4lni . ollef lins' debts. Reference Hon. I'.. II. Xorton. Tlattc City, Mo., II. M Vories and James Craii;, I'.sqs., bl. jos-'pb," Mo., Ciirlis H:ites, Fort h t. Moine. . Xchiajsk a Cit v, Ntbiaska Territory. nov l,';l-ly JAMKS OiNT.AL, x-tfina " C,,nin,issRii,er, Olhcn in St. Mary, iu,. . . s :n-y Jo MeMAHON & VILLIAH3 WIIOI.KSAI.E AND TIKTAII. CITY OK COUNCIL BLUl'l'S, IOWA. (AT THE SICV Of THF. BIO MORTAR.) HAVE Just Received, 'in addition to n their former stock , a hre;e and well fr selected assoi tmeiit of American, French, t and hiifrli.sli D.aifr-s, j'.ledicines, Perfumery, liye binds, J'aiu'.s, Oil ana i.iasware; aiso, a goon assortment ol C.rocenes, Wines, J.upiors, fce At Ihe bead of Broadway oct IS, Til r' r fi, a rr;rsr.-,sjrr s,iyfsi VATt.xLU.;i:.i &. JA.Wi".L2E. om; d:.oh ni.i.ow y. msry s rtobp. IXVITF.:? the nttrntion of tne In dies niid i;c:.t'.eine!i to his s-oit-meiit of Jewclriv and FancvCoods in part ciis'.-liiie; of tl." foPcwiiiR : Ciold and Silver Wsitches, Loekeln. F.r-rinp, llreat piiih, Finu'.i -i inirs, Chains, l'e'icils and Pins, A.C Vioiins, Aeecrd ii s, Flat"?; also, an as sortmei't of Toys, A c. Ail of which will he ?o!d ot the owct piieei; every ariicle warranted to be as recom mended. The greatest attention w ill be paid to the re- paiiin'; of Wale lies ana jewelry; wun uiiled. DHY GOODS. OUR ASSDllTMKNT IS LAIKIH AND POMrLLTK. Sheetintrs. Bnp brown ; nndbleaeheA domestic ririllincs, lOsnahurps. Ravens, ducks, e. &o. CV" I he attention of the ladies is called to our assmtinent of drt s (roods, which thev will find, as regards price and qualdv, to bo unsurpassed in Wcterii Iowa. Calico, irlncbams, lawns, delanes berates rutins of toe latest fashion and style. F.nnroidi;rcd caps, collars, chimi etts, sleeves, silk and satin bonnets, linen and cotton handkerchiefs, hosiery, parasols, all of which will be sold exceedingly low. BuDfwrLJj) urn CTj.rz?;::, Cross cut saws, mill saws, hand saws, broad axes.choppins; xes, adzes, Ion and loc'r chains bench planes.and in fact everything in the hard ware line, from a Jewsharp up to a cradling scyllie BOOTS & SHOES. V cases direct from Pitston. Roots of all sizes nnd qualities. Shoes, Ladies enameled Jenny Lind biisliiiiK, gaiters, slippers, ladies' Boat, kip and calf boots, inisJrs .hoc all size. Hats arr-i cais, hooks and sUtionerv, ilnnrs and medicines, Jayne's and 1x3uuoii family medicines, and all other popular pater medicines, for sale at A' prices. QUEENS WARE, Glassware, tumblers, jars, fcc, Ac. N)U gal. stone ware, churnes, jars, crocks, butter crocks, s'ove crocks, &.c, &c. FURNITURE. f.fl bedsteads of d i in-rr-lil patterns, cherry itininr, and breakfast tables, vralnnt ditto, ditto. liureatis with ulal, plain and f nicy walnut iiresses, eupboards. tin safes, one or two drawer stand!' wasii slunds, louii''es and lualtresses, double rocking chaiis, ciil, Of rarioii patterns. : mattresses, slat bottom chaird, eain seat do., ,'.-,r. 4S cook stoves, assorted, Pii'lers tii's, ready trimmed with tin or copper boile boxstovei, Grecian parlor ditto., stove pipe, elbows, :c WOOD A ti D WILLOW-WARE. Tine chums, 1-2 bush's, wood buckets, well buckets, wash tubs, wood bo.vh ,trays, dough iins, sutrjr boxes, brooms, xine wasii boards, clothes pins, A.c. SADDI.F.RY. Bridles niartiii'.'als, circiiiL'Ics, girths, halters, bridle reins, 1 Aicka'.'.'k sad dles, quilt seals, and dillo Ladies sidesaddles, butrcy whips, dray whips, G. K. whips, c ..--bides Ave, fiadd!e-bags, leather trunks, Ave. LEATHER. Solc-lentlinr, kin, mid ralf nkins, mororco lininrrs, skins, Imlr, &c. IRON AND CASTINGS. Plow slrel, sheer steel, rust tetlf plows, moulds Sic. Tulx. u ens. skillets trie! lMs. 0. 8, 10 nri.t twenty eallon kettles. PIX'F. DOORS 8 by 1(1 and 1(1 by 12 eatdi, window blinds, CLOCKS H day aiul 30 hour clocks; warranted to run well. TOBACCO AND CIGARS. Virginia, Roanoke Nectar leaf tobacco. Regalia and -rir,cipe cigar of the finest flavor, Culm alid Il iv.iiia sixes, and various other articles, but we deem it unnecessary to mention them as it is no Iroi.'.ilo to show goods, and we w ill oc happy rt all times to show our old customers, an, las 'many new ones asiu.iv favor us with their pat.onage, ourgoodsand prices. Our facili ties for sell'iij ClllwP,arp belter than any other house in western Iowa, and we intend to do so, and an axaminalior. of our prices is all mar is necessary 10 convince you or liieiaci. Glcnwood, July, 1-', 1:JI. sin-w. f -f?-i- Jfc' Js'-'JPI IORI'V J. ' .1 -sc. i do.en Men and Roys' JIi'-Im, of e.-ery KIX.'.ET CO. pt oii, I't OKI-I-.X! KIXS WANTKD- .J.d, lor wlncn in nit'iiMs o isons iiHt.-4iUd t ic reipnvtcd I immediately. ht. -laiy, Feb. II. 1m:i. L1..S. iiACOX ctieap c:i.- l,:j-U' All kinds of ikins want p. ice wm ris all work nov I, '54 THE ATLANTIC HOUSE. lOHMFRI-Y THE Mc'siELY IIOOKt. Council Bluff", Ioa. I S now kept by Sylvf.ncs Dostik, JL who, having maite great repairs i XL'C ROLLS & CO. "NEW STOEE & AGENCY 0?f ICE AT '. ,. rif B Fi ' T i-.'L' iil J--' A nAVIX'G permatif-iity located in this plae", for the purpose of gelling GOODS. LAND, TOWN-LOTS, and doing a General Agency Business, we would respectfully invite the public, to giv us a call. Our Goods were selected with care, and we are confident that w ohall be able to give per fect satisfaction to all. GREENE, KINNEY & CO sept. 27 '51. ; ill ha I an! F. h. Ai!. pci. sons account . ai pa y me 1 ,500 ie ny note or boox 1 1 call and liiiikc J. A. bARi-y. at the and alteiations in the Iioim-, llAttem himself ibat lie will be ehle to provido any who favor him with a call, a comfortable home. His tr.hV will besi.-p' lied willl the best the market affords, nrenared b ex'ierienccd bandn, an I the wea-y will lind a gooil resting place, COMK AVO '-MAKF. Voi;eiKI.VF.S TO HOME." In cnui.eeiion with this Hotel may alio beloiind a good and extensive LI Y ST A RLE, lor the accommodation of all who wish to oh taii, h ns .- and carriages, which are a good substitute for fir-t cla-, railroad cars, on short notice; or superior saddle horses, for either la d;is or g"Dtlemcii. 'in" proprietors of the liv ery are HTSSF.I.L & D I'iiTlN. "RluirCity, Iowa, novli'.l, 1.V1 bin I fAUDWARF.. A large ami general r.SiJ.1 ii me;;t of H inhvare can b" h al 7. "'I (,REENE, KINNEY Jt CO. LiiS. Cottjii Jjatting, for sale lor i stoi e of Si XKOLLS i: CO 1'THAV r;oTici:. ILarkin F. Thompson, of Rue haiinon , Township, I'i-ge County, too up on my rpsid-i.ce. on the Li Ii day of Novciiibi-r A. i). JKod, a Ilea bitten giay loare, ten real it eld. No other marks or brands perceivable. Ap nraised at I'.fly dollars. 1 y LAKKIN F. TI10 Mi'iiON. I certify thai the foregoing is a true des (iiptionof the above property as taken from the e- tiay book in in V ollic. 3 ELIJAH MILLllt, Clerk. Clarinda, dec. li, '."it. (3m, prJVcsjSii.) lit.OKtit CBKr.SK. JOHN WEAilfc, JR. 1HO.UAS H. UI'NTUti, JB. a I r. r.,1 y erected, forfy-'Un :i than the whole from the Frwn W. S. Sw ymm tit, Nerijijrr Jld valuing .Igmcy, .Vu. 1-1 Scioud tt., kl. Louiu. ,!. ITeapeus, MOWEIW, &c, For 150. fTT. LOUIS AGRICI LTFRAL WAR F. O House ami Seed Slorc, (established in lXo').) W. M. I'i.ant A Co., Sign of the Gilt Flow, No. 14 North Main street, hi. Louis. Mo.; aUo cor ner of Fourth and Green sta., Wholesale and Retail dealers in Garden, Gi ass and other Seeds, Agricultural and Horticultural Machines ant! Tools, in endless variety. Descriptive Catalogue furnished gratis to pos'-paid applicants. .Km L . ...!. Initii. Ilincdd. I.eie biiiidings, un 1 i.i n.;!iy ilium in the progress of const: action. .An ub'uidauca of Vine-stone rock is found (, tbc ti.e, and c itt-acts are cm; le'ed for the .making of two millions of luick liie ensuing sea. nii. Tv, o bra 1. chu: i lies niid ore coil";.- will I.J eu-ct-d di.i'i;: li-it m. liner. It riiiii :y ha.s. a g; rater p.. Terri' uy i.uil'i of l ljt'e JVoijia-ka City miles from Sualh t,f the 'J'( 1 1 itory, an t tblrtv niilp-5 S., u th of the iirii.t I'latte livi r, and about the center of fin- s. ttled.j-ortion of the Territory ll is on the direct iuie of the great centi chum of IUiln.-1'l-i from tin- Atlantic l'ai.Vlu-jaiil isdir-liti"! t- cnjitini.e, nil thetnue asii.lo.-4 now, to ii.onopoFse the jjicaler part of tin-' L'.i jiiie.-s m the Tei riiorv. Ill the , r.g.:;,re lT the Pr.-eid. lit ct fl.C Ft. Mailikon, lou.i.' N. T. Railroid: 'H.-bratka-C.ty uiil he the f.r-t; Cnv, in coii.m'-icial and n..:. af alluring impoi tan. -e m the futuie State UKihia-Vi." The .site h.u a fiiu' blulT, rock landing, not ubji:ct to chin;-," and a fit t:i Ftrnt "ow iit U.e Landing, '-.'lonU every facility for cros king. Ariai.ei..i-nli are in progress to H.'cuie a icgular p.c!.e.t line of SliaiLi boats betwwii tl. Lou. ii LiiJ this place. Tl, i.r.i 1 1 a i ii i .1 in the T. rrilory was the !Tehr...4a City K-ws.:' w i..c a c iii honst of the latest ciicnl it. on of any, which indicates Hit Moial progie.-s of theioi.iitrv. ' S. F. MI CKOLLS, Aiiil for PiiiprietOM. .inarch 21, H:'). . irTsiTi uck r Topograi V.iciil I.i.gilicsrr, te..d; r.i bis profes jtioiil rivi i s tolho l itiH'S of ti'. .Mary and l-inliite Is nvii i,r ui.J Eliirihtef ill. ail itSVa- i.-tits. on. re iii P. A. Sai i v'a atore, cr.n-r t f liM -siry irtri.-t. a i "Jl-ly ' Ketehuui's Improved Mower, With 2 knives, $130 2"fl R-i il's Improved Ileapcr and Mower Willi 2 sickb s, iJl-ID M Ru-ii'.s linpioMsl Rcajiers, with Mckles, SVilJa i.i Atkinn' Improved Self Raking; Heap- rr, w.lh2 Si'-kJ. IjelHa 12 New York Improved Self Raking Pen per, with i Sickles, i&LiXI 101) Fir.erv 's Imjirove.l I wo horse powers, Willi tbiesher ai.d i-parator, $21) 2S Lcvrrllay Fusses. j!!73 to K. R. I'ei-sons wishing any ol the abovo. will please send in their ordera early, as the niiiaher is limited. l;() li inow'a Portahh' Glint Mil!, for hoiae, aleam, or wat.r jiower, tjtl 10 to tft!,"iO 75 Corn and tob cruchera and gu..ders j;;'.! to !?.') '(HI f'nm Sl.e'.lers. hand and uovier, Si ID to as;( , . ' .I'Tiilil Mraw and llav I, ;alo ij, (J s I .... , . i' , .!.! I.. tt;7.- vim i nicr mills nun pirr-', . tj;" i 0) Revolving Jlorm Rakes, $J to 3li iUH Uaiu'all i J Jiiea' ('om jdanters, Vl" I'll m. Harruwa. Cultivalora. Chmim, .Vhov- (JttEENE, WEAKE & BENTON, v-; ,V-.'o-s! c,r If, S P, r SV'l"', Council lUaili, I-jwa. GaSME, Weahe Av Rut, Fort DesMoine, Iow a. , . Cl'XKNE ii. WtABK, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. "VOTES and R.'l' collected, end proceeds V iiroint' IV remii'ea lo any mi i m in. win .... t-......a n'.-...-rr.:it of Lxchange. km ii"...., ; . ... . .. Interest paid on ilep.'sus i..i ...ei uunj lavs. Ri:ls of exchange on all ino principal ci'i-s tiouirui auu aoui. Loans rttrctert on goon j-ruruy. Vacant lands selected and entered in any of f.oe in the State. Li.nd Warrants for cash or on Line, contai ....II I.m.l r ...... .ti., us of lands for distant dealers at the A." ' .....i lil .ial rates. Notes bought and money loaned on good - c"!"y- ..... t t ... r. w I ii..ii-ris, r, i.. j.-s,i . ..u., . Haiaiitig tV. Co., hankers, Dubnq ie, Iowa; Cook . w..r..t. Daveniiort. low; CulberU-on at ii f..ia Cifv. Iowa, I'eoiilea' Batik, New Vmk ritv. Ketchiitn. Rogers Av Renault, b; I,,.. .1.. s.ddon. Withers Av Co., Washington, 11 !' i lion. Chas. Mason, Commissioner of Pali-Ms, Washiiigton, D. C.J A C. Dodge, U. S. S., Jiurlii.gtoii, Iowa; (ieo. W. Jones, L . S. S., Dubiinm ; V. iRiuma, Chu t Justice, 1 .000 low. at ep 27. I. KI-.I..M., M A a I. ft- lJ- 1 yOutvS and islationery forsale by J SARI'Y A. ENGLISH. Ojipottitittn is (he Life of Trade. MESSRS. SARPY & ENGLISH ARE NOW receiving at Glcnwood, a well selected stock of dry goods, fancy goods, clothing, boots and shoes, croceries, hard ware, crockery, drip's, liquors, stoves, tinware, Ac, in Western Iowa. The public arc invted to call and examine for themselves, and thev will find the truth of the above statement. Also they will find that "ve can sell as cbeapany other bouse in Mills, Fre mont or Pottawattamie counties. And in giving notice to the farming commu nily, we will give them the highest casb price for their produce, such as beef, pork, corn, wheat and beans. The store is on the west side of the Fiihlic Sju.-ire, Glonwood. nnvl-ly. J0R-N and Oata wauled by S. &.E. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MERCHANT. Comer of Main and Gregory tkd$ St. Mtrif. HAS JUST RECEIVED and now ha for sale largp assortment of ehscted merchandise adapted to the wants of all in thm npw and thriving community, which he can mII as cheapas can beoirere I elsewhere so high upo the Missouri river. H's goods have be'ii snlce ted by an experienced purchaser, with speeial rclierencp to the circumstances and wants of all classes of seltlers in a new country. Ladies and gentlemen, children and youth, all can b sumdied. ('all and scp for "yoursehps. IF stock consists of the following, among a prate many other articles he Cannot now eninnera' Among bis dry goods may be found woot and sattinett cloths, cassinetts, tweeds, cash meres, linseys, fiannel, red, white, grey and blue, Caspian plaids. Cotton goods, sheeting and shirtings, bleached and unbleached; bin and white drillings, osnaburg, bedlicking, hick ory, checks, Ac. fancy oooiai. A beautiful assortment of fancy prints every variety of style and pattern. Gingham liiwns, figured alpacca, bomltaranes. bombay ettes, shawls, scarfs, handkerchiefs, erate, mus lin, edgings, ribbons, fcc. othlnj. A well select en s' ock of SummPt, Fall and Wit ter Clothing, consisting in part of fin Hrese coals, pants and vests; also good summer clos ing of all descriptions; and heavy clothing for fall and winter use. Also shirts, knit flannel drawers and un-tpr-shirts, socks, Ac. Men's and boys' hats and caps of various fashions, tpialities, and prices. Boots and shoes, thick and thin, polished and unpolished of every description, for men women, and children's use. Groceries. Crushed, clarified, loaf and brown ucar, mo lasses, syrup molasses, golden syrup, aupenof tea, Rio and Java coiree, sassafras, Ringer, pep per, cloves, spice, cinnamon, ground ginger, nutmegs, sunns, tobacco, cigars, pipes, soap, candles, vinegar, pickles, pepper-sauce, ate. i"ro visions. A lare-e assortment of flour of various quali ties and prices; corn meal and all the various, products of the farm and garden; bacon and lish, kiln dried apples, peaches, currenta, raisins, Ac. Hardwark. Moves ot various pauerne for cooking a nd heating rooms, stove-pipes ana elbows, large, and small iron kettles, fryinf pans, skillets, hand-irons, shovels and tongs, manure forksndhay forks, scythes, ahoveli aid spades, log and trace chains, axes, Hammers, pincers, iron and steel, nails, horse-rasps, files, saws, knives and forks, pocket knives, razors, butts and screws, door handles, knobs, lockst Ac. Tiswark. A general assortment kept for household purposes. Woodware. Wash tubs, Shaker pails, wood and zinc washboards, Leather. Sole-leather, harness lcather,covr hide, kip skins, calf skins, linings and morocco. Saddles, bridles, halters, larrictts, circingles, belly-bands, driving lines, collars, back-straps, giiths, blind-bridles, Ave. Mkoicines. A gen eral assortment of medicines for fevers, fever and ague, and the common complaints of the country. Cook's, Lee's, S ipppnyton'a,Bragg's mil Jane.-,' nillg. Ouiniiie, tonics, and various ils of stun il.i its, an.iues, liniin-iilii ani, other articles necessary for the sick and tne iii- alid. nov zv( u ORSES, work oxen and young stock, ditto, is A Kr j fc l-.til.lMI. L'iTEAY IsOilCE. r It A KEN up by Petei A. Grille)', of TirUio I 'rWiml-m. Pa-'i! Couiitv. Iowa. One large Brindle steer, the points of bo.h horns sawed oil', with a gimlet hole through the point of the left horn, supposed tj be eight or nine years old, smooth crop aial undei bit in the light ear, and si it in the lilt, and to all appear ances. a beast of labor, with a common med cowbell on, with a narrow leather strap for a hell collar, buckled on and tied with a eathr string, aaid ox wn thin ia order. Appraised at thirty (sjCJU) dollars. low a, Page Coitkty, ) Clarinda, Nov. 27, IS 4. $ I certify that the above is a true description of the above described property, as taken ironi the Estrcy Book in my otia-e. ELIGAH MILLER, Clerk. jan 21, 5:5.-3in pr'a fee tjt.i.lwl. Muscatiiie, Iowa. Council ilii fis., Ji c 13, 1? PCS. Hickory rduitunr. l.r Hit low, . GREENE, i.lXNEV it CO. 30" i Is. Kindes, Hoes, Rakes, Folks, hcyllna. Axes, Alii-.e Parers, Chain aiid bocl ion J'uinps, A.C hlliN of the GILT 1'LmV, No. 14 North Maiu street, St. Louis, Mo. Inarch 7, iiiu ' 1 RLJ F TREES, SllliUitS, Ac, ;i ,T 'i'HE subsciiber w oiihl luont rc (Jy a specilully ii.foinithe ritiiiis of tV.s, Weatcni Iowa, that ha u ill bu in . rcicijit, on the opening of navigation, of a Iaige and ,ip;nor lot of 1 mOit ai.d OaNAMLNTAL TM'k, hhruns, ines, Roses, Ac, Ac, which be will dispose of on tun most reasonable terms for ia.h only. Ho w ill also receive suhscrip lioi.s furanv Agnculturul Jouinal pablmhed ui Ihe United htal.s. OmI-ii for tre.s or papers I- "at the Font OUicewillieieive proirpt attcn tion. , N. B - -I have also a large van. lv of fresh Garden Seed. H. A. TERRY. illntr t'ltv, march 1 RAIS!.:s,TldS "AN1 Ci'l'-HAN'ts. tut sa.cby bARPY A. ENGLlSJI. CLUASON S H1C fOFtlAL HlK THE VEA 1855! T M. RALl.OI', who has edited llm "Pic irl.. toriul" from tlie commencement, havi.'ig bought oat the late proprietor, Mr. F. Gleasou, will conduct this popular and w id'-ly ciiculated paper on his own account, i'lie lu-.v voiuias will be r-idically improved in eery respect. lid will be publi-hed o.i uiier paper thai evel b. i'oie, which quality w ill be loiililiilel beact foith without change. Ma. i new and popu lar features will at once be ialiod ieed, and the literary di-paituit-iit will present an an ay ot ialii.t and inleieat be)ond aiivlhing it has be fore attempted. The ill'i.- traiioim will be liner, and by Ictl'-r artists than have betore been en gaged upon the paper, and altogether the puh liiulion will bo vastly improved and beauliiied. Ai raiigemeiits hav been ina le for represeul ing during the )ear view s of the most notable buildiiigi ai.d localities through the I'nitrd sSttttcM, as well as giving likenesses of the most p-oiniiieiit characters, male and female, of ar tisis and incii of fetn ins, such as have by their utt n iiidusti v and skill made for themselves a luiture and a name. In addition to th, .n-, var- ioji notable European scenes and occurrences will also be given Horn week lo wet-K, lorining a brilliant illustrated journal. TERMS; IN VARIABLY I-V ADVANCE. 1 subniabei , one ) l ar, OH 4 subsiTibi-is, ' " Id t0 T Any peiaon sending kixteen subsci ib er atiiielatt rato, will rcieim lti sev ei.tct ntn copy gratis. Address. ' nl M. BALLOU, I'ublishcr ui.d Pi vuictor, ('t ruer of Jicluoiit attd ltiouiliein hiu-ets Bvton, MMt. ' - - , leb H. ..... : ESTEAY I.0TICE. TAKEN un. on the 11th of No.smber, W4, by t.oolman Davidson, at his resideuca on the East Nodaway river, four miles South of Rol ware's mill, in Buchanon Township, Page County, Iowa, one Hay Horse, black mane and (ail, dark legs, w hite hair on each shoulder, some sad lie marks, some white hair on his fore head, a littie white aiiol on his rump, supposed lo be uiinked with a croupei; about twelve years old; fourteen hands high. No other marks or brands perceivable. AmiraiiM:d at l.ily seven dollars and fifty cents (:".7,o(i.) Iowa, Pace Count v, Clarinda. December 10. lSol. f eertifv that the above is a true description of the above described property, as taken from llie Estray Boo); in nvofhee. ELI AH MILLER, Clerk, jan 21, 18.r)5,-3in pi 's fee .A. COCHRAN. J O. MKCCATH COCHRAN a MEGEATIL m LXCHAribt BROKERS. Council Elv.fft, l0wa. t "ILL buy or sell Lands, make Si -lertins ; attend to the liurcbasi! and tale of town lots si.d t.11 Linds of coiinecteJ with Ihe Goie.i aunt Land Olliccs In Western or Oiitral Iowa. Excbanga on St. Louis and he Eastern cities bought and nolo, jan 3 'fib. LTirsF O U SA LE . f JtilE SL'iiSCRIBERi -tins dcirous of moy. i i ,g ti Cal.ioii.ia, turns for al: hi. HomesTEsJ) of lii acres, sit.iat.d on the stage road la'1 ween St. Joseph and Council Bin lis l miles b'.iath of Council Bluaji and 4 v,...i. ,,r ii, v.:iL'd of :,l. Mary, and near tlu Missouri river, in .".Ml County, Iowa; and i1 ( irr.n-.e lelleii ?. JMCLntta, 1. ' Also. 400 acres of Fbaikii! Ian li near St. Marv. und U'lil acres of Xiaiat " ,-A-;? 0,1 Ihe Missouri river, and near GlcnWoou. 1 nest Landa are all in Mills County, Iowa, and pre sent inducements to land purchasers seldom of fered; containing timber, prairie, lime, stone, sandstone, and iiiiliciitiuini of plenty of coal; and also being situated on tlie most leasiuie point on the Missouri live for the crossing of the Pacific Railroad. Suitable cattle for crossing the Mams will be taken in txchangu al lair rates. Tn buyer can have immediate possession, and all the train and farming utensils he wants at a lair rate. DAM EL 1IERRE1 'ORD Trader9 Point, nov 1, u4-lf A Y N LS I' A l 1: XT " ! ED IC 1 N I . s, I Zi i-aTe I bv HAIii'V EX;i.LMl. f piJE subscriber will visit St. V;J'- V, JL Mary on Wednesday's ta l " Xv''' Glcnwood on TuesJjy's and Satur- ti day's of each week, and will supply tins' maiketa Willi Ff-Mh Mtuts, Butter, I. gs, Vci-etabl.-s, ut tba nrkt iuie N (i USE 11 Y T-ir.- i i . i a tiirv uiiiiersicneu nas on I'fl'i'i met i-'i sale a few thousand select grafted apple tie.:-, ready for transplanting in orchards the coming tall aad spring. VARIETY. Rial June, bald vin. white winter iiarmain, fall ititipin, Belmont, wine sap, yellow belflower, Rfiode Island greet-k g, swaar, priors red, red astiachan, early harvest, sweet, suiiimer rose, summer queen. Rail's janet, ramho, wine attide. white bellcllower. Roman stein and Xoi them spy. FOR SHADE. The Catalpa and Black Locust. ORNAMENTAL. The snow ball, English and American lilac red dogwood, honey suckle, rose, A.c.,c. A few of the Isabella and Catawba grape from Cavermg. St Mary, Iowa, Aug. 31, 33. RiigHl-Iy. GEORGE HEPNER. Im ETsOX awiidiiiig to iuAi uurchas's, will . In well to nia us a call and examine our stock, which comprises a gen-M-al assortiPent and will bu sold at greatbargalns. sent i GREENE, KINNEY Av CO. iJotice. , A LL persons knowing themselves indebted IX- o Geo. P. Stilus, are requested to make immediate uavment to the undersigned, or they will f.iiej.beir accounts in the hands of the pro per olticer for collection. Ct llie one, come all and sve cost. P. J. MtMAllON oct 18. Til tf El i 1XE fancy notions for sale as Ts ).) v cheap as dirt, at the cheep cash stent of n3r-tf; M'CKOlAS Av CO. ASTOR HOUSE. t I1IIC subscriber lias iusf opened this new and i commodious building for the reception of the traveling public, and solicits a share or puo ic favor. Prompt and i rlicient attention will bo paid to all who may favor him with iheir ptlronage. jus tame vni ue suppiieu wun Tne -Y coou ff'.uoie is tti- Wm. ENGFLL. In. '51 !i2tMf UJIACCO. Lovers of liiu H aed will lind be::t the market uSorns tached to the St . M n y, Iowa, mar T a superior article ofchewing and smoking Tobacco, at the Agency Store, oi GREENE KIXXEY .V CO., StMarv oct 4 THE CHEAPEST GOODS IN TOWN1 filing unJersiitoU u now in recei-jt of and I .i i . i ..i i. of lull and V inter Goods ever ottered in Couacil Blutl" C':ty, or Western Iowa. Those wit hliig to pay cash f or Goods will Jo well to call uud examine. Our stock consists of every VuiR-ty of goods needed by the people in this portion of th.' country, such as cloths, cassi meres, sattinett, tweeds, jeans, while scarlet, and barred lluiiuels, plain and barred linseys, 100 nieces (rood slvle madder prints, cashmeres, mei.nos, allapaeas, bleached and brown slieet- liii and sun tiag, ticking and dr. II in-', tileacn,d and brown ca,.!ou flannel, drapers and crash ers, all wool tablo covers, brown and b'ea. a ..J linen, silk and bay state sna lj, am. every variety of dress goods. Mens' sad tf'Vs' fH 'iJ winter clotbing. hatd and caps, b"oo! and shoes, hardware au.I queciisware, iron, nans, couee, seg ir, i-i.,-lasss-s, rice, (lour, f.e. al.o, a large lot of fur niture and liquors. As it is intention to sell for cash, we tla t- r ourselves that via ran hold out superior liidiiceuio.its to Uio&e l.iat wish to buy i-heap gouds than stoins ,Uiat are selling on trust. Country dealers are reipicste-J to call aud cs ainiiie oui sioc. B. R. Pl'.GRAM Av CO. fi.assej JttwTO. li U, lt4. fl'HIR'I'Y d .en Men! Biys' Caps, for i salrf clisap, at tii A ;.: v ."'-r of nan i?. l.HEENE, KlWEY Av CO, CASS i'bouti ami shoes fir sale cheap niO-tl . . Ni.'C'KOLI.S A. CO THE GREEK SLAVE! Baccbante, Yenas, Tlora, He'is5S.a( Daatinf uirt i Ml HE above celebrated Statutes, together with 1 tifletn statutes in bronze, and several han dled magnificent oil paintings, from the col 1. 1.. .i:.i.a.,,. i ....... , ti, lecuon oi prizes to u.j .u,v, ..... members ol tb Cosmopoliian ri associsiioii at the first annual distribution, in January next. The Cosmopolitan Art and Literary Associ ation, Organized for the Encouragement ana Generel Diifusion of Literature aad trie i In Arts, on a new and original pian. The Committee or Management nave in pleasure of announcing that the Fifth Annual Distributiju will lake place oil the Sot h of Jan uary next, on which occasion there will be dis tributed orsdloled to members several lix dred works of art, sruong wlucu IS tne ouginai ana world-renowned statue of the Greek Slave, by Hiram Powers, costing over tive liioiisami aoi brs 1 together with the beautiful statues of Ve nus, Bacchant, Hebe, Flora, and the Dancing Girl, andfiJ'tein staucttes in brome, imnorted from Paris; also, a largecoiiection oi tu i-auiis ini's. eomiii isin ' some of tha best production of cel -braied Aincricansand Foreign Artisti. I LAN OK THE CUHKKNT YUAll. Tbe nnvment of three dollars constitutes any one a of this association, and entitles him to the Knickerbocker Magazine for on year, and also a ticket in tho distribution of Statuary and Paintings which are to be alloted to members in Jauuui-y. Persons taking five membors'iipi are entitled to live of tlu Magazines for one yer, and also to six tickets in too tlistrioution. Persons, on becoming membe.r can have their Magazines commence with any month they choose, and rely on ils being mailed to them promptly on the first of ev.-.y month, diroc; iomNw York. The proceeds d"r!v.J from (he sale of merits berships are devoted to the purchase of works of art foe the ensiling year. Books open to Teeeive nam's Rt the Eastern office, New York, or Western ollice, Sandusky. Tho Gallery of Art is located at Sandusky, (the Western office of the Association) where superb Granite Buildings have b-wn erected for it, and in whose spacious saloons the spbMt.Fii collections of Statuary aad Paintings is exhib ited. The advaniaps secured by becoming a mein btr oftais Association arc, 1st. All persons receive the full valueof their subscription at the start, in the snap of sterling Magazine Literature. 2d. Eacii member con' nbiiting toward pur chasing choice works of art, wliich are to b d stributed among themselves, and are at the suae time cncouruging'lhe arts ot the country, disbursing thousauds of dollars through it, agency. Persons remitting funds for m-mhersbip, she-uldintirk Idlers, "Registered," and state the month with which they wish tueir magazines to commence, and also their post olfice address in full, on tbe receipt of which, a certificate ot minh"-ship. together with the magazine desired, will be fo warded to auy part of tiie country. Tlius;- who purchase magazines ai uuummre. will observe tint by joining this Association, they i-teciva the Magazine uud Fr-e Ticket in the distribution, at tin same pricth-y no.V pav for the Magazine alor.e. Illustrate 1 Cata'.o'iies of tbe whole collec tion seal on ai.plic ition, free of charges. fTSnOlfieesof tne Association, at the Kuick- ei b.K-ker Magazine ollice, 3 IS Broad-vny N. . aril at X.i. toil Water Street, Sandusky, U.i.i'. A ldie:s, (at cither ofhc) for miiib.-iship, C. L. DER1IY C. A. A L. A. 60 WANTED, IN every county in ths L'niln.l Stales activ and enterprising Man to act a Ag tuts, to nun .act bus. 1. 1 si t'uil will pav, to a smart and ene, g -lie persoi, from ThrM to l'iva lliuidrwl doi irs pai month, l lie t.i,n..-as is very le mor al, lei, ul reij ures no capital. As many writ it from meic idle cauo..!, no letter will b aiiewei-id bv tis iinltss it i-outains nns dollar, a pro af f good faith, upon the receipt of which tve wil,iuliy explain lue bua.ness. Nt lettitr will bn takbu from Ills viae U..U-S. the postaf is pre-paid Address, 1 IC D. F. BL.VClvBUHV. Ham: t lire, AUii'-y Co., '1'cunesstee. Any newspaper or o'.ii-r p itiliea'.ion, gl, . ttip above tr ur inseriioits, (, iu.s notice) uu I fowsrdiittf a copy an abovn, will r. crive the :n'ormaticn, witbjsst auy eiicuuibratics a.-iaaui-. Ill F.I) FRUIT fo "I" bv SARI'Y . feIOLHli, r t t 1 1 t ?: ( Si t h