Nebraska palladium. (Bellevieu City, Neb.) 1854-1855, March 28, 1855, Image 1

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    r7 y
T "I
I t
JJL- ,1 ill
BY D. K hVA'A) & cc.
' ' ' AN!)
' '"'ii'iu:!! wr.niiv r ' .
Jliufvra ml 1'rnprirlor-
WM.tCVtr, i.iff n cdi'vrY, HFMKrt
i fc. U iH 1. . I o Hirtfn p;ih..r'-lhrre' -'rielle
in ndvnnc rirVl"'
If r in ill 'wii'iin f.m'i ?.) j i,r :ff J; -vvithln ntlil
nnit)tV &.'..r,(l j n-T twelve c "".
Term to ( I'll ir .1 coe( .,, l.fHi 0 r",,
tJIJ.!'; '.??.... jmi. in-'Hmm--.
m-'-.- . ... '"'", --.- .jr.
VT -V' ;,",v''' De fVoAt"rri'r i
the J.ri''ivn rf lae-.irinirh'S.oM. imtil nil nr.
reartgrH are paid, j.j
Forrarli f(imrn of twelve liripi or lcsi, '
nrvf mupi tton, . $il()0
Ea."!! fTihniKMit inir(irri. . fill
"nn :narf tiiioc looiillu, 0 f)f
Olio j'lnre six iiioiitln. ' -S(Ki
Oni! tuvi tiim:iMi, ' . : .' . 12CI1
One f'n.rt.-r of st lolnmn twelve moiiihs, 2jll
1ib half eoliiin-i twu'.vc
Oiifi ruliiiim tv.t!r iitoiillii, ri'inn
BiifincM) cariU of ei-ht linrs, r.'.iriv'. ' r 00
" ' " ; ' six moBt(i. - 3 Oil
u i " tlin.'o nioiitlm.2 00
Ailmininlrftorj' ami F.x'.Tnlors' imticcs, 500
"' ' TITF. UffOP XK WS'PArKflS. ' '
1. Sllrrihr wSn An not rrivp xpre ntirt
to tlo roi t rv, arr f oM'nlcreil ai wixli' tp
continii) tl.nii (oibcriptions. '
V. It 'll'!.rri!irr oi-Iit tllP lli'dronMllMDIirc of
tr 'fir i'!roi . the pnrili he m:iv rout in'ie to SiUtd
nMi he may rout to Sitnd
arc'-i"' are pai.l.
.MKlert or ri'fn 'C to takr
I!i"m imt il all urn
3. If ol;'rihp
llidir iapi r i f;om l! oli, i.(o tiirli ' Uipv nre
rtii.c!-.. ('.",- rue ImM to .-Totisilil until (hey
liiH-i V'tfr-rl tile? hill (it'll ordcrol llje j x-r ells
cont irmri. , ,
.4. It ml)-ci iiiir" rni"Vr to o'!icr Mares utlli-
ut iiiformiiip; (ho i"iMI"..T. aiM the Jmper i
Mit to the fonni r iliiertion, thev nrn hrhl re.
f. '1 lie l.'ci'BTJ have ilcrii!. .1 tlmt r' f'i'nf to
f k a I'.if .'r from the nt!':'e, or rritioripj;; ami
lviiic it nnr illc I for, is prima faria e iili nce
f ititentioTiiil f ri. id.
8o!iri -iheri will therefore nmlrrctann1 i
1. That their pajiem x I' I he eoi,1itinei after
1li expiration of the time for wliioii tliry piiil,
unlei otherwise ordi re l. i
2. 'That no paper will h- ili ii-o'ilinwit iiiitff al)
arreareH are I up i;e tone at which the
not ire is r'Vi'rt. to leu wo fcre s.ili-iir.i thr.t the
Kiihverihcr i.i Win' hir . f
3. Thl.t when the ptipe,' tiro.i,;!, the f....'Cfr
lubsrril.w, l.-ri'.ii snh'.-i t'o .-. ( rnm l.ii
tiuie, the i t ;'! n .-vl 'convenient "
remit "ii- itoltai fur :ii.:h r (if Ii.oi.t'i-. y.i 'A
JiTectioill to iii.".ntit.o :. t (, 1 of that time.
'l hi, ,li.....i.,i. '.!'. ;-; a!! i i-''-. ! "(.! .1 nr"n
nr UmUo, ai'.l if'i.-t u-'.-.ol. A L "'
J .--
flth.Tlt- t;.,; Conibt liAV alio r. rV-.'ty
Jeci'le-l tl.jit a IV-d -Mt.-r w!t.. t . i-l. .. L-i
n.rf..rin l.i'f itflfl' of i'ivi'M: ' a'Olllll.lff Hilt If",
re.piir"rhv th" Fost-OSl ce Depai tiu'Mit, of
eeeihrtrf a pmeoii to .take from the oMiee,
il to ll in. rcnil.'M Ire l-osi-
;. ihtishi.'i for the nihcrip
MmIt lint'l- to 1!
lion price.
rsl IC iKtroci
(,;.,.: . ( a hoardinr IioIp at IlelleTiie,
for (he acco.r iro'htion vf v zr Voarderj, unit
eeaiiiual unitoi n. ho, lie il! t-ike pleasure .
in mai l. M c..u.iMlabl; as in I.m power.
n-r.e. i'. n '.)! .s .a. '."''-"'
C- " r., ,--.'--', '
... ( . Attirn.;7 Law.
1' WILL lTiMMI'TXY ath.'i.d to ai'y bnni
f.cs ei.'irn.l.'.! to tp rrof'?.ipia1iV 'n un'
or ill of the Coiiiitiin of N. hiaslia 1'erritory.
... i , r H. ,, bl'iUCk J.A.N L
. . r.f r.v n-.jj 1. , .
DK.' '(1 A. iIKAUVr ii' ii--' .I"' m..i,i"mIv
I. in fWI-vne, V- T.. 'A'lll attend
'( i all le; .nes i in hii profe ii.ii.ii Olhce, . opp-
Mite I'lillr.di im t'.jildir.?. r , - iL-"i'-i ?
' T'HYFYOR AND K.NlJlM'.ER. Rcll-vue
Mavii: lorated pi in an.rnlly.
it ureparcii 'o .r i'n
t ol tvii "V ni ai:. I
;,. ,,11 it. ir i.iar.c u s. w ;!h i ronriil-
lie.f ii 1 1 -f :
oacv. ' "
1 ' Land A ?Pnt', Smvpyer and Knj-'iiirer, Tiirlle-
vne, Nebraska. '
"' 7 "W. It. KNUUSII,
XTKOOTIATOH, Collector, IJeu.ral Land
XN Aent. Conniiellor at Law Kc, ica
r llevi!e, Nebraska. '
Having anexjierioiiceof 17 yours i.l the Jcr-
f ttury
, ,!l ruv .roii. i aiii-i.iion ..i
1 .- I 4a Ilia I ... a
, inniuciitioii") e,
p.llll, III I ' o' " "
I 1 1 ... V , CV. ' .,'. . ...
fi-r Oilice near the Covert. meiit hiiilclm,;,
T ,,.,rr,r I'. A. ba'l'V's hanking honi'
Ncbra J"iy i '
i.u-j-..!::.!. mid S'.irr-'eoii. ri" l.r ctf illy
citieni of ht
ll lolel.lulial sen n ' '
itiarv no. i " ----- - -
MC-stof til. Maiy.o.ttUe J'it'-fy
. ... i iiiiua two ou;o iwiur
. iMfOS, klNM'.Y OKKKV.
i i A.....,is. ht..Mov, MilhConnty
ic:,i ..... t,. tl.e o'ircliase and Sale ot
jealVbtatp, the perfect in- of title", 3)WS-4
arminK land e1"1 village lot.,' t. i
TiAm.- rs. on hand, for a c heap, am
riili Le: s. on
ii, nun on
jtaonab!t UM'us
L. K. KINNR V. , . !
"fiU-tr- .- JOhKl'll ?i"iKX..i
- . Kl Uui, M.lla Co., lwa. Ihe l'fi";;
.... ....11 i..:,rl to Lctti lnmlo-i- ot all
SIM VI 4 "I" ' - 7 , . . .
,1, , . liimi conrt.oillv on li u.d J a! - t" ""
v lv ul. r.pecir.1 orders for lumber ut short : no
- tie.fof ca.h. 1 '1J L . -. -''- -L-'
y'tir. B'lhsciiber b-iv.lo: Ktllea liliaseli a.
i !.. ,u,i-ii: loi.K, C JU' oru
erory lirarupl i"Ji ot '""' f J ' ' ' , . ,,
. i 1 1. . . . . . s i " . s i ' 1 1 1 1 1' . 1 I' ll1' I ' 1 anu
.-n. .- --r , - , .-.i o
K,,l.difi Hermit uppovd s.yK ' "l '" e
tnt et ,, Vui..,u renpectUi V
l.cit.'d., l II. MvtiV,- V.'1'. .M'-' ,'V '
Mary L-TA M A I'S M XILM AN.'.Ki.
Sv Mary, t. ;,r. 47, '!. '.-. i i ; . ,
ile an I Comrn; .sum Men 'tiatn, n -ai. i
n l) y';odn, H.ntlwai, in,u are, OUns
i:,,'., ,es. IM ,urs. Mt'iiiuu.H i.ouK n.l
-i . . .. M mi l l.ii'.'orv streets. I
yr, (ji ocei les,
Johnson 'it '(jASAnv""""
Alt.rt,..vs at t,w, an:! .,..,.,! jf Al,,,.,N
t y of r,,,,,,! juu.r, iov,8. win ....I ,A,
i ' '""""TV," ,,-''' a ?tiij.i.iirii
, r 7 aV' " I"lr,'"'"". inl lor,-
n. Ho f ii !"'"' '''"'-'i-r a.tention
p.d lo 11,,. collect,,,, f ,!ai,M.
D..W. PJlK r,, '
ilfVrT,"?' aV?IV'Til1wfr t'i'r, low.
icier to J,. M. Hni: Ks, Si. ,1, ., ,,), i t i.
a. Kf!iij;
' A.iori.rv nnil .t,
at Ijw,
f T' AM) '!;; VT.lOXi-Omftl! City.Nr
4- k i.n :::ir ,, I..:ti.l l:nin-i 5' ', r.l-'i
i lui'iili .l. A,-,. i, I i(,r 'In. i,iirc.l,.. l,n.M,
I nnil
fit I or i he iinrhiiw ii.'n..u.ninrt.
Mill! uol.. f ... ' .
... . . i'.ui-iiy or :rtmig.
! t, .. , . i ri-.iii.v. i , :
Hot,. .WpMviilii,,,,,, Muscatine. low j
J. I). iMrtull. Khij., foit D.'inoine, Iowa:
Hon. 1.11.., Umvp, Ulnir City, low.i.
r- ". I.fttcr or e-ionirv relative to North
rrn;.:.U:i, aiiHver,;, promptly.
Ont.ilia City, Jan 31, :.-1 v. '
!"7T 'ii "av atsox, " " "
Convryaiui r, Notary Pnhlir, aii-l S'lrveyor
v-i'm - .ii in.' .-u)ri; -oi trc'
i.r, Kinney, S.. Co.,
St. Mary, Mills Co., Iowa
rtutf. , '.)4.
roir On-K K DtrAiiTHErtT, I
Tchrliiii l- In 1 VA i
JROI'OSAI.S for vairviiis tliinn'niU of ihe
J- ( nitci( M:;.. from July 1 is.).'),, to June
n.l Ki:iss, 'I'ornto
(';i',j act OiliL'.i oft
V'asliinj,'!oii, I). C.
'....-.. ..i me muowoip routes in Nebraska,
in. I Ki is, Terntorim, will hcrcjeivi.l at the
Hie I'nst (Jlhr.! Departlneiif,
lllltil .( o. in A ,.nl 111
!", lu tK ileciil.-d by :i0th of nam'! month
(bdiifC, for the ino-t part, rouks hv
ct of August 3, 1 Tt.VI . ) . . '
lVlOO Trori) .ebriska Cny, hy lielWvne i'n.1
I Ouialiu City, to J-'ort Ca'Jioiui, unli j
; , ami bark, once a vek.
itiit.h in w ill ttHte ilistai.-e B'nl orornse
. I. ..f .: . . i .''iinc ui u.'pariiu t.i una ki iiva;.
l.'OOl 1'roiu Fori J.euveli wort hj
Fox AL'ellcy, . '
Sae nti.l
and' back, a week. . i- ,
' . Jli.hlurn will .''"tar::e and propone
"lieiinl. '"l,,lrl11 ' '""' rnvulfc.
j5'.;.,' "" For t Sett to Fort AtLiunon,
iniies rtiul back i.tice a v.vek.
1? i'lJ.M s w ill j'.iite distance ainl propose
si .'niili.!" of drjiai turfi ami arr'.T ils. :
1C03 From Fort J.e.a en worth Fort llilcy,
nubs anil buck, once a week.
Jlidilurs vi ill itiald dis'-aiice ai-d pri.jiopo
nclio lnle of il-pa'tnus ami arihaia.
IT20J From Fort Hrmt to C aw lord aiiiiiiary,
j . tiiiltt n.! tii'-W, oi..:e a week.
1". 3 n 1, r ! '' i!-r'; B -.e uiri j T.pcie
' ' J ,1 t..i ; t i.-.b u't.i ur i ,-ula. .. '.vllt V.rt(iot, Ml, to Fort Scott.
ll.D . ami h,ii k one" a Week.
Ti will utiite (iiftaneo and proper
chejuU of tljo ileparlumu aiiduirivit.
Form of a proposal where no chiOiije f.-nni !
' v'-.tis'inei.t iseomtempiriti d by ln bidiler
1 i f , euualv of , W t
propO' P lo CuliV .'l niaim on imiir
-. from , t' . agreeably
in-nt of in? 1 isunaster t ntr.ii,
date I Fcbruarv 10. je:W, amlby the I'ollowinj;
niode uf cotr evnc, ut ,
fur '.he annual sum of
' ' ' dollars.
This proponal is made, with full knowbi'lrje
of tliL'di.-tiice ot Hit!, the weiht of trie
m i.l to l.e earned, ni.d ail oliier pari icuian in
refer etiC4 lo Uie iwu.e ami he, vice, and alter
full c xaininatiou ot -lin' iii t.iu'.iiun and re
ijiiir.n.ieiiln altufii'.'d to the aovcrti;muit.
Form of a C larantee. ' '
Th" iiin'.eisiL'iied, resiilin? at - , State of
in ,b rtake that, if iho fore-'oin hid for
nn i i., ' the mail on nvite No. b ac
.M..!...! !,u Ihe. 1'osliiiaHer Ciiior:.!, the bidder
si. .11. ln'iortothe lstd .v t July, FOf, or I
soon ll. 'l eal t -r as may b , enter in to the req nr-
ed oblicatioii to perloim lii arivico projiosed,
With ai d siillicieel s irel es,
'1 bis we d W'iih a I'.iil knowledL'e of tlio obi i-
guticuvu and liabilities aitcimad by gnaraiitnii
umler the 7lh scl.on of He act f Congress
of July 4, IKI.' 1
(-Trtie-lhy ttfi (j'taratitors.)
Foi in "f Cui uliirau!.
The uu.lersiijiied, poblmaslar of ,
ct,Ue 0f ceitiiii a, under (us oath or
olliee, that h is acquainted With JJie above
guarantui s, and know s lh. ni to be im.ii of pro-
pci ty, aiiJ able lo maKe j;oou uicirgnai ainirc.
daleu .' r
, .(
The of guarantors en piopowab
may be c. i tilnd by a jud" of a com t ul n-cord
ana by po-lmastci s.r . ...
1 tie Ui.i. ances ht e g i ven i.i-i-"r.i n.v, to iu.i.-b. but no irien-a,sed pay will heal ,
lowed should they hep-eater than advertised,
if the points to tie impplie l lie corroeuy aiuuru.
T.ii.iirisiumitii.luiui tliem-elvea on tins point.
A bid received all. r lime viz: 3 p. In. of
th.-Fi.h of April, 1.H...V or withuut the piar
i.i.... riniiheil bvlaw.orthat c.mi'.i ' ft several
r,,ni.., i.i onemnuof coi.'ioen-a'l.Ji , rannot i,j
coiiidered in codtpetillou ith a rejuii pi"po
.d iciinnll'l' iu ailiOtlllt.
Hiddeis shoul'l, ih alt tiises, ur p-npso mr
service strictly. accurdins ttli a(He.1.omerl,
and the i. if 'buy done, .epaialcly (or dillerent
seivi e;aiid if the regular bid be tiie lowest of
fcrest for t'r a lve;ti.l service, vie wioe. o'"'
inay be roii.iJ. ied, if Ihe alterations proposed
are rtcomii.'i ndedby the punt manic, a and citi if they shall rappear mam
fesily riihl and r. ... .
Th. ie thon'.i be b it v.ii roulu bid for iu a
'i'he'bnJ should be scale 1 i i upersci ibed 'niail
pro'iosal, State ot or -Territory 1 ' '
(as'llus cjeinay be,) addressed "Second A.
., .,.t I'.isinon i r (.ei.nral. Contiart Olhce,"
and sent by mad, not by, or to, an agent, and
nostmibUus will not enclose prop"'1ls (Rrf
i.-rsof kind) in their quat telly return,
ri... e.ii',i. Het aio lo becxecuUrd and return
ed to the department by. or b-fur tlio 1st of
July, lH ri, but the ..ei vice in'Ht be f omm-nced
on llii inail d..y r-Xt ftr tlat iii.te, whither
th Contract b: exc.itcd ur i."t. No pronosi
Iron for transfers will be until the
ciedra. t am cu!e.t in One rcriu aim rctrnivcu
atthe d partm-i,'; an I lb' '" transfers wrll
l... u!!.....l uu'.cds L'ood and lutncient reasons
thi nfor are given, to be determined by tha de
partment. . . . .
Pre-ent contractors, and persons Vriown at
tha d"iii!aoint,ruu.-t e.piaily with Qttiv, pra
eureKna.i"."''"i",lf('r;',' 'atw ' b.-irir,nciea-,
vs ib,tai, tidily in the forms abor-: preserved.
, . rtiticatcsi,l Mwrtiritnry must brt siiruivl
Uv ai"vatuiBstrri.rajnd't of a ro.u t of r.-eora.
rutz Por.rcr, -honesty'; rnv. hkst iiioT;.cTn
Bnnchante, Veuu.., Flora, Hebaaud the lv
flil i ' ' s
f plir above c-elehciil.-.l tPatufea, fo!!rr -y,
J. tit'tiieii rlntntcs in hroi.', urcl s'vcral iu'V-
..ii lu.'ir iiiiitiTii on iciirn in;; r, , i)tn jje
lectin., of p.,.. to!,. ;lir-'!ril):e, lrn0
m-raherH f -. Co..rnop.,ilir, Ait
TiV ro.roopoloan A-ta-nl f.iO'ra y A- ei
aboil, Orpri,i.e,l for tlio Kiico.jrn-ew.ei.t
(..-w.-el Diti .oi, of Literature ami the j- i,
Arts, on a new ami original plan.
Xne Cciiimitlea of Xunaeine-il L.. t .
)iei,n:e of aiiiinuiieii, that tlm i ift;, A'lP' I
Distribution will ulcei'lnrj or. rhe.xh of J,
n.iry next, on which i.e. .is on !be; rt ,a be
,,f v-.ii:..j,' o.e ''',!. i.'i.'i ,;..
n.j.r.,.,weiMi.tOT rf the I,,.,., ;f,,v, ; ?
Hi Mm l I owe rncllf,ltr i, ,a, ..t.
lOireiBer won ffie henllMi I.I
... 1. 1,.... . i.
. .-, "i'f, iora, ami tha Danci...
.irl, aml hlie,.,, st un ites in h,o.,7,., import
from fa, ,,, a,, a h.rKeeoll.'elio,! of f., eo,pr,M,,s j.,);iiut,f the bent pro.lnrtioti
i...M.iS (i,i,iu of the hesl pio.lm tio
.ite.l Anie; ii-iinsni,,! P,.,...i.r..
r.L..! () 1 1 1 K ci;kHi.'.T vpa" il
i." Vm. '. .. "r" "
The miviiieo! ni llv.l..n,.. . ..."
one a , .,,. l.,.r .. r . " 7i """"" '"' ""I
r. t :. u 1 "'"n, anri cnt.tU'S
niui to the. Knickerbocker r-r
i . ' . . V''"''1 ". " l.ntnb.ition of
oi.iiu.wy aun '.. inline winch ore to he ulloe, ,
to m.-iiib 'i in Jan-mry
l eisoru takim: five inemrx-rshipi are en'. lrcl
to live ..f t.irf ;'l.i-...u,cr for one jr. aid alu
to 'ox tickets hi the ilislrilmf ;, ),,.
. I 'P"oiis, oi: bccoining men hem can have 'Jioir
M i.saf'lu'i rt.iiiliieiiee with any month they
clV).rse, ari'lrely m, it, Oi .r mu;( (.,-;, Pl;1
promptly 0n th..- Iiift of evoiy inonth, dote;
f.-oni ."vv Vork.
The procenls ilerivnl froui t!ie m!o of mem
b -rnliiiis an) (h voleil to thn iMirrlmw ..f ,,rk.
of art tor the en.iiiii.; year.
j.'.'.ii'. ii 'm io receive names at ti.o i m
ofice,iew York, or Westein olice, ,Sjnflimi.-v.
The Ualh-ryof Alt is loc.iie.l at S iml i.-ky,
(t!i-esierri otlic r the Acioeiation) where
snp.'i-b (hanite lini lnivi; bucii erecteii for
it. ami in whose siiacioii.s saloons the u,l,.ii;,l
colleclioii.s of Statnai'tf ami I'.iiiitii i". i. m LI.
ite.l. -
i'lie anvamnrres seenre.l hv- hee., ',;,,. n .......
k r.i .: . " J " " "" I All ,'errj,...,. ,, ,lp '11 value -r
their tut;,- "'.'be 'ait, n, tJic rthepn of
"'"K'T-Oip Literaluri!.
uiri ill UIIH ySil.L'ia1fll il.T ,. , ,,
o. l.acij momb'-r contrihiitiiiir toward pnr
rhasiir choice works of Hi t, which are to h
drstriii ilcd nmoi.r theiiiMilvcrs, und are A'trv
same time eiic.oiirjim; th r..i,.i' "' " .-J'
IIIM'IVCrS, illid arft.irtr'y,
(!''VuiJ"rtf through its
pciic". .
Persons remitlinif funds for Inembein.iip,
thiiiild mark Jetters, "K-jjistered." and slate t.'ie
month with wliirti they 'wish tiieir nmraiiiM
to eoinmncenii'i their post olhce addrem
in f.ill, on tlie receipt of which, a certilirate of
liieiiibiiihip, lotrr'lvr witli the ma!;n.iii desired,
will bej'owntdcii to any purt of the cojnUy.
'I'bos.'j who piirrhriH- nriazin.n a' booUsiorca
Willohrerro tlli.t by joining Asuoeiation,
they receive I lie .M.i! and Free To-kei in
Ih . "ir nil iliMti'ib iii.-,- t the name, prleellify
now pa: fr ;le '"':"' Hi. n,e.
I ; : ii .;V-!i 1 ii-j) di l tee ,;!" ronec.
iioii ' ri on ap; !i'"i'ioii free of cbarf'". " ' ''
, l.errev of Ihe Arociation, af the Knick.
'erb.. k"r MncaT'.r otlicn, 'if Hroarttray N. Y.
i, i i.l at No, ion Wal.rr Mret, Sai.ilni.v, Uhio.
dd.e3. (at cither olhce) tor mi'inbei ship,
C. L. DF.KHY C. A. & L. A.
I OR Tilt VEiS 1S55!
H T M. JIAI.LOI f, who lias edited the '-Tic'
i.iL toiiul" from ihe romuienceineiit, having
boutjblout Hie late pi opi ietor, ,Mr. F. i.ieason,
will conduct Ihi-. popular ahd widely c.irc ilated
naner on bis own account. 1 lie new volume
will be radically improved ill e-ery r..f po. t
.ml will U- nullif ied on liner ia per Iha.a irver
b. ioic. which n ialilv w ill he coiitinue.l heiire
forlh withoul rliarii;.'. M-ny new and popu
lar l'c.o uics w ill at mice be introduced, and Ibi'
liii.irirv .icriarliieriit will iiren'iit an array ol
talent and interest he) d id anytime it ban bee
fore attempted. The illuntraliona will bo finer,
and by better aitistn tlian have before been en
(rapd upon the paper, and altogether the pub
lu'iiioii will he vastly imiiroved and bcautili 'd
, Ariaiiiremeiita havi In "il made for reptesent
intt shil iii-; (he year views of Ihe most notable
bn.lJit.f;r,',a,.d localilii 1!iri:j:!i thn fniU-d
States, as wvll as civini: likenesses of the most
loiiriiim nt c liar icti-rs. lnaie and l-maie, oi nr-
li-ts and men of renins, such as have by their
own industry and skill mad for thcmrsclvuH a
foi tunc and a name. n addition to these, tar
ioui mitable Ihiroxaii fj nea and orcuirence
will al o he pvi u from we' k 'o week, forming
a bnliiaiT illustrated i'ltima:.'
1 subsci iUr, one vtar, 3 00
4 subscriber, " " M
10 " " " : UO 00
fj?" Any person sendiii; sixteen subscriber
atliielart rale, w ill receive the be.eutevliUi
cony L'ratiu. Address. ... .
I'ubliJier anJ I'rop'ntor,
Corner' or Tiemont and Bromlield Streets,
Boston, Mas. . feb I I.
WAN T I.l),
IN every eoutitv iu the l.'n'.'el States ac'ivs
and eulei ). i.iinir Men to actus Ac.'!''!" . to
tiaiwael business that will pay, tu a smart and
'lierifetic person,, from Three to Fim- llmid ' d
dollars ,er mouth. 'The business is Very hunor
ableaad n-'ipiir.s no capital. As many w rits
us fr-uii me!- idle cuimsity, no letter wall ba
answered by n.s ur.lcss it contains one dollar, as
proof of i;oi'd faith, upon tlie iei wliua
w? will fully explain the- husiir-ss. N'u letter
will b". taken from the olliee unlcsi th postajji
is pre-paid Addresn,
I1 l r. CJT 4 CT-11 TM AT
JJll. I. lllJ'O- ii '. '. I
Hampshire, Maury Co., Tennessee.
r-'Zy Anv n.u soaoer or other publiratiOD.
Ifiv mi; the ab.,ve io'ur'iiicrtio.i, ( im iuUin this
notice) and fowarJiiii; a copy as above, wr.l r-
ceive the informal ion alorejaul, willioiu anj
encumbrance whati'vtr.
lUF .SCIlsrUrnFUbein? desiroiis of iuov,
ltoMisnrAO of 100 acr.-s, situated on me
'ar;e road between St. Joseph and CoukfLl
llluifsrt miles South of Com.cil Blntls and 4
.North of the village of SI. Mary, and near
tins .Missouri rher, in Mdls County, lowaj and
tironte, X., loll acred of J'kaiuh: I.anh near b.
Maty, an 1 l00 acrea of Timni kiii Laii on
the Missouri river, and near (j leu wood. Thesf
Lands are all in Miils County, Iowa, and pi
aeut inducements to land put chasers seldom of
f ! roiitainiiifr timber, prune, lune ,oi,e.
sand stone, and ind. call. in. of plenty of coal;
i.n. a io iiellr aitliatuil (.l Itie nioiii leasiui
point on the Missouri jive for Hie crosiing
l:ie Pacific l'.allt on I. ' ' .
Kiiiublo cattle Jor pioMi'g tbe
be taken in ixch4i' at fait rates. I'ho lu) r
can l ave imniedia-.e possesion, ond . all Hie
gruin and firaiiiii; i.Ui.oils b vmuls at a f air
Traders Point, linv 1, 't's-f
DRiLD FKL'iT for sal hi'
'.V,. industry; tiis vk,t party,
For the Palladium.
(. " The first snssion of 1ih Genonil Ajis.
iVy 'jf NeL.rasUa" h;is "eTpircl," peril!
l . ..nii'le., mrni.uuu I wij eS Uri' '.jj
- i-'isinjj i0 (hU tsr-v- . tarWc of
1 I''. ''1 ttl! Iillictil (Jl'e-rep. TliC
.'sJ.-mt 'at the Co-inci!; r ut th molion
"ct u mc Jic adjournment in u fHltcring
, ii--, lu heart rpmetnofrpil finds
To-ith !ho Cujii'.f.l-tho pjioilg a teiir
in ',ilte.l m his . expressive optic, hii.1 in
iryifoso nccpots, he nttnounced '.hut
, " Cl.mC. UvCT-COlts. titTCS
bnttr was cume, Ovcr-Lont
1 . . .
I 'l liti'S were mil on tntrK i !,,.
i Tirt tire-dhnrleru. f;.(,iii;i;..,....J.;...
m. u h self ;giMnti:J privilffres' Werp
'U ciI si:oiitiy inin jmckels, which two
.t t Is siro'c. Yi ra b le;m s.s llm ri-joiu.!
' ij ol Joh, alifl tl.ose MKl.ineliolIy pa-
''i Bejiariiied. Tlio rresident lo ol!
'or l.leiwooil, Iowa, at ohont 2,40 on the
nut quarter, nnd bUers opined he would
;on.c iu at 2,32 on (he homo ulreich
llicaiftpsov of Michigan, wi:li nn oir of
'!',ti:j-, only coinmoti to llioxe of his kind
(as in lion's skins,) cam3 next in the
.il frrocession
The Tacific Railroad
I'd!, two lu lohesof quills, a yunl of red
li'i" .od ol'.irr inocntit p rquisiles prolru-
i.. oi, ir, pockets, wtwle sm ,! boy on
rl l.llllo I.e.-,,, .1.1 .. .1 . .
"j mo rear with Wj
hustnrlbarr of specu.'.,,. j...
si: i nnd ....... J
i.wii--.iJ uie itnmortul Mieliitraii dpneon
entile the great priiure of hri.le.s ftn;I f,.r
ties, ihe Vt. Clahs, his
professiinml couiilenaiioe wearing a semi-
sorrowful erprcssion, as though, lie
thoiie;!tl tho child .very sick while from
his ennaciou buckskin poi ket, tlierr peer-
fcd nm.n othcr lrophicB, the PjUadtitai"
cotiloi.'im ihe eu J jrsemeiii oi c. .'.. o.,
tl at hmluiil beeu a food dmnocrat, lic rdto-
f-.u l W e vT Joinoi'r.icy also ,
w admir nil hoest i)crrx;rat, still w
rrinnnt nnd wiil nisi )iGte d.trtliciiem of
sworn duly nny sooner. in a dciiMcrut than
in any o'-her man. .Thai noin. who will
ootiiitpiiaiiee inisru.e who will endorse
by his vote one whom oil honest men htive
pronnuiicc'l a ruseul who v ill use his
otlii i-.d position for his own sirlfuli end
who will pinko himself (oisoeinto end pro
pi i.ttor in any und every chartered eon
corn possible, regardless ef his ctii;i;J
oaJ.--who will uphold und iijnlutc the
hasest oorruption ii lot'., th ollh lie nin)
wear the- nurne, grnuino s'.eriitig l":r.o
cra!. Had Dr. Ulark performed his duty
hud ho in ail things taken , the part ol
justice had ho been influenced by no
policy except that pointed out by the fm
I'er of r ijUl, uLsolu'e ri-jht, then his nets,
and his voles as recorded, would be the
only defence needed. Neither "S. s" nor
any other admirer of the Doctor, would
have perceived (ha necessity of defending
him -riht will sustain i'self, truth is its
own defender, only that which is rotten
and corrupt calls for external props. ,
lint this U a digression. Other of the
immortal Council lollowed, in the trail of
tiieir President, bound homeward to Jiiuff
Ciiy and other points iu Iowa. JIiicutLi
wiih ids pocket ftill of Capital stakes, yet
to be driven into the fortunate spot ol
earth from which the massive walls of our
Capitol arc to iiriso, marched blowly und
eo!iS"pu'ii!ially from tho scene of his
hmwrtl ft id otnmt gf.nus , "came tu:nl-Im-;
after." Of tho honest men in the
Council,. IltJINET, CoWLtS, liaAOlOKO,
..nil Nuckolls, wc will not spr:ak at
Ici'.h, they have performed thiir du'y
aii it has its own reward.
The House of Representatives a Ijourn-
ed in similar order, save that Purplt
ILmscom mid PoPrLErow looked rather
cerulean on account of certain dollars in
vested in a Capitol kite, which liad ulas,
n si-;ht. fr the Capitol. : This immortal
tr L are said lo be $.1500.00 out of jh.cs
ft, which is C 'tisulcred c.pUal punisii'
.... . . . .a I
nitnt fi.r a caliilal ofl'oiioe. But the hall is
n.w deserted, the Secretary stands alone.
i' idem th encra'-y has reached him, rid
n'.'red him, left hnn. IIj stands alone
hlvinej duped other limcli, lie has duped
hiiisclf more. A mm perhaps cf generous
itipnlse he lias i-ought lo benefit self slyled
ftien.!;, even at the sacrifice of his own
conscience, Ids own reputation i-nJ I'ia
nvii honor. ' Tin y have uacd hint, used
lilil 111) bud left.
Thomas J. Cumimq, stuids
nunc, to enswer lo the peopU of this
Ttrri'ory, for the fl.'grunt injustice lie
has doiio ikciu, for tha iiiterttsls he 1ms
ouh counthy.
littrajed .'itid Hie CoiilMcnco l. lies alms,
od. .
Dor jnitrfi;'.!, nod tl rt ht liimsclf owns
Rt'J controls, di.fenila hitn, impudently,
hrtienly and mciidiioionsly tipliold3 him,
no oiher ti.-wspi.pnr in the Territory dor?,
no othnr will, So the "Sfcfetury stands
filf.t"!," dpipjsed atid pUiod hy the peoplo,
ibantiKd by his own ftonsciisie.!, if lie hi?
one. am! (oiuli'.ei hv I "' frjendi he
ever Iru'w. 'J'hc Lfis!..! ::.- bus tv'rej. j
bulihoun? o iljW. su,J ii. s the
ppovk-, uiil actiy.tpd.hy t'.t senso, tliry
will mrver crttflc to dciiiiitid redress for
tlioir wrongs ioid pnnirjhmpiit for (he man?
and ihe men? whohnve infliotpd them.
Sic. 1. J5o it eisiur-icd hy the' Council
ami House of Representatives of the Ter
ritory of Nebraska, The owner of what
is known as h vn!i 1 rdaitn or improvement
on the public lands 1ms a transferable in
terest therein, which may be Fold on exe
cution or otherwise, mid tiny sale of such
claim or improvement is a sufficient con
sideration to sustain o promise.
ec, 2. The owners of claims Jyinfr in
the s una vicinity, may form neighborhood
regulations in relation to the said claims,
a copy of which regulations, being ilh-d
in the oilcoof tho -Re-dsicr of Deeds of
the county, ahail be binding as tho claim
liiw of each neighborhood. A valid claim
open the public lands shall not exceed
i'ir.cei...Wfif(.h mny bo timW., mi l may
be in two tracts; Provided, that the claim. I ana., a, way,, asnea.-,, ftpcord.
ing to tlio Unilcd Ski'.cs surveys, and thai
the boundaries of said claim shall be mark
ed, slaked or blnZ?d out, so that the lines
can be easily traced and readily known. -
Six. 3. The resident claim holders of
each vieini'y or neighborhood, or n major
itv of them shall meet at such time and
D'.aco as tricv nay ueem nrooer nnu ueiiiu-
., 1 1 .3 I? I
t'.-.c bo.uidr.ili-s of 1'iuir lii'yhw.iwot'i
w't-ic'i U.ty shall hvc re'j,;! w,C.rih j
UCgl.l.Ci 01 i'tTIH (11 111. rvj.i. .i-f'jf,
and B'ud netghboi !.ood shall in :io ca e j
extend over county line. Any claito
an may protect and deftnd his possession
by the proper civil actions.
Skc, 4. Tvi ocr more persons miy hold
utidivi ,'i-d churns in conjunction' for the
purpose of a town site, or fer any other
purpose; Provided, that such claims do
not ariount lo nmre (h-.n thrf.e luindrcd
and twenty acres of l ihd for each iorsoul
U:d provided further, that each three
hundred and twenty acres shall be im
proved by having a good i comfortable
dwelling creeled (hereon, wilhiti four
mon'.lis af'.er the pissage of this act,' or
within four mouths after snid claim or
claims shall have been recorded, and il
prairie land, at least twenty acres broken,
fenced and cultivated, each year, until
there shall he at least one hundred acres
under cultivation on each said three bun
dred and twenty ncres, which shall be oc
cupied either by'ono of, the joint claim
ants or by some good citizen for nun.
Si:r. 5. That claims and town lots sha..
be cotuidcred real estate as far as regards
the conveyance by deed or mortgage, or
attachment, and shall render execution.
Site. 6. This act shall take cflVct from
and nfler its passage.
Passed the House of Representatives
February 27. 1853.
Speaker of the House
Attest: J. W. Paddock, Clerk
Piisscd the Council February 2(5. 1853
President of the Council
Attest: G. L. MiLLta, Clerk
Approved March C, 1833.
jt3T" Henry A. Wise, in a recent polit
ical speech in Virginia, forcibly described
the impoverished and retrograde condition
of the "old dominion." He says:
' "You oil own plenty of land, but it
noverlT added to poverty. Poor laud al
i - .
dedtopoor land, and nothing added
nothing gives nothing, (reuewdd laugh
ter.) While the owner is talking poli
tics at Richmond, or in Congress, or
spending the summer at tho White Sul
pher Springs, the land grows poorer and
poorer, and this soon brings hind, negroes
and all, under the hammer. You have the
owners skinning the negroes and the ne
groes skinning the land, until ull grow
poor. . t .
Two of th pr'.ncipcl business
blocks iu Weston, Mo., wtic burnt down
last week; Joss, 30U.0OO. .
NO. 33.
: Gnmhlior Juts always existed, anil Jim
always been considered a vice. It has
always been frowned upon, ml always
tolerated. Men have rdw. yg condemned
thsprcetice of gaming, und as uniformly.
Indulged in it. Wirli some , iiutions, it
eems to be n cutis! iluf ional vfee; "-'th
nearly all it is a c-.mmon hnbi
Jleie, , Ji .h i, ',:) -iy denounced, nnd
rpenir r-iT'i. T! I
it. but ilie.pino.iairatea nrp mora likely lo
grmbU themselves, . (hnn to prosecute
others for what they do not consider a
crime. The msn who makes his business
a game of chance is applauded. Ho who
pl.-ys for amusement is recognized as in
nocent heon'y is condemned who makes
gambling his business nor is lie, nsido
from hi4 unpleasant designation, very se
verely de.ilt with.
A gambler from inclination lias strong
acquisitiveness and hope. A g-.mblcr by
profession requires only considerable firm
ness, a moderaio talent for ample
mathematics. Those who bet rrny bo
eonscicntious or not, according to circum
Htnnces. The absolute right of a man to lose s
another what is his own, cither upon tho
turn of a die or tiny other contingency,
will scarcely be disputed.' The question
is as to what is his own. If any part of
the dollar laid upon the gaming labln lr
lorrg (o a man's creditor, or.l'J.n' i'11 fo
.n;:is fisf. ir, or if it brj nfl;y nS a
proper Krtfwnie has no rieht to lose it
' glen's absolule rights to property are
very limited. They do not go beyond
what is necessary for consumption and
use. It is a great mistake to suppose tha
any man has on absolute right lo anything
else. His lands, houses, und durable pro
perly of all kinds, rlthough secured to tho
use or the individual, are not his. Ho
cannot destroy or amnihihitc il, as lie might
do wi'h an absolute right. For exam-
)'. euopjse Oie richest man in New 4
YJ"-k should ! i f.d uuit li-.anutr
ihci-vi'ng golden eag'cs into Ilell'Cu'c, '
bnruit.j diamonds in a grate, or lrCnkin.T'
pU-te mirrors; docs any one pretend that
(he plea that these tl ings m- I, is nwn,
ould prevent lus encratmns temg forci
bly suspended? No; society, to stive its
own property, would put in man in a
rairrht-iacket. A mm ln.s no nqht to
J . . . i i -..
eslroy. He m;y do wnal lie iikcs wnn own. biit'thftre is notiDng his own out
what he consumes, ami that lie ought to
gjvc an equivalent for in useful Lbof.
This is the law of society out gamb
ling is no destruction of 'properly. It is
only a Irannfer. "'The riht or wrong of
hat must be governed by' circtnnstonecs".
A man with an overplus of money mny
leave its distribution to chance, if he can
think of nothing better. . ' " :
Gambling of all kinds is unproductive,
and on tins account, though tolerated as
an amusement, should be discouraged as a
profession. Nichol's '
'Astor has left a fortune of aLaut $11,-
000 000, chiefly to his son. His mini
was incessantly busied with the increase
f bis' resources, and had no other direc
. tt 111 1 I
uon. llij was compeiieu, oy a ptiysieai
infirmity, to repair to Paris, where ho
could avail liimsclf of the skilful assis
tance of liar on Dupuylreu. Tiio latter
thoroughly restored him',' and advised him
to ri.'.o out every day. He frequently
took occasion himself to accompai y Im
patient on these rides. One day and
this anecdote I have from the llaroti's own
mouth when riding, he appeared by
means disposed to converse; not u word
could bo got out of liim; and at length
Diipuyiren declared that he must be suf
fering from some secret pain or trouble,
when ho woull not speak. He pressed
iiim, und worried him, until finally As'.of
loosed his longue "Look, ye! liaronl"
he said; "How f rightful this is I . I have
here, in the hands of my banker, al Paris,
about 201,000 franks, and cannot manage
ithout great effort, to got more than 21-2
per cent, per annum on it. IsoW this
very day 1 have received a letter from my
son iu New York, informing mo that there
ihe best at ept.mccs are at from 1 I 2 lo
2 per cent per inoiuh. Is il not enough
'Nor ao Soon." I'pJii ihe monument
erected to the memory of Charles C.
Athcrton, late Senator from New lb mp
sl.ire are these words : "1 xpecttd,
but not so soon." How exprerilve of
the prevailing weakness of hutnani'y.
Thus do we all deceive oursrUcs. Wit
all ex' tit to d'.a but ''not j aoou."
i ;
I; '
s !
? -1
I 1
f 1
e i
I t
iK)i,rTj,i.'.o..iv. . 4,;t-iy ' nrlllw
Poitui.'J'Hr (jnrI.