t J ..J 1 1" - L".' JLVgrir ntturat. "Hr. Ih.it hy Ure plus w Il:iii li . mu-t -it'-ier ho! urive. I or d ivc." We love our upright, cnterpri; inc,, enercctie mm. Pull them this way, and then the othrr, and thev only bond, bat do not break Throw them do . n. iii a tu in- kle they are on tl Bury them in the : an hoar they v. !! bright as a ii'-w i not vawuiii'.; u'.va' !f i'-ct a"aii'. u-.i.i, !l..p. their ( or: no. "i i. i'iu mi nan :t and as c .nice i hs if thcv i i l, on' e into vorM Jiail iiDij.i 111-' on run n;? Ivt1 Unt for si.!i i be a 1 t t ri 1 - -thrr, Cai in Whit j duw.n or (lo'roy. "n lln- wor'.l o'lld j iu'v urn " oi r Ln- Ivnov 0.1 I n. !io.?t of j I if A levari- i j others in thjoluuv dors (.'!.'-jr, ll v;;l!s. oii 'i i,i, toi. (J 'mil; ' ..-oil Cr".'n- V ICS. ?T.'.rij:is and Jac!: lit'U of hatt:.. uj:ir Arlvn ri.it-i, Fulton on' the n-hi Itiil'l.'S and V"i.it- ti t t in l',c in.'c ttienccs. Tiify spif e of tho cnr'.!: Btarl any noble builJ our citie I.'tliiv'ol Oi"t 1 olid i ars l!ic salt . Vi iio b'.it 1 1 ic 111 ! nroieei-j; J iijv and rcn.r our lnannfac torie-; they j i!ip forest,"' a:i 1 soon wiidcri:: s is ounvertei nn;;c into x hov.!i;i!' into bcau- tiful places fur the; abod of man; they v!ji te:i the bl e ethereal ocean with their sails, and blacken lhe hoacns witli their ste?mers and furnaces. l)iilieulti' deter j them not they rasp witlithe ra-' pidity of lightning obstacles put! in their way, and hurl them away i from them with a force like thun der in dt-troying noxious vapors. UL'ssings on such men ! Their force and vitality of character, ihoald serve as examples for voting men. What is liic y-jod for, if it is not actively employed ? The more, rubs a man 'ets the more polished he beeom es. rjp" He w ho expects a friend vrithout faults, will never find on?. . . . . A foolish friend does more harm than a wise enemy It is not by saying, "Honey, honey," that a iweet comes to the mouth. . . . A friend is more valuable lLan a relative. Irish Proverbs. A that breeder one of of Shanghais savs these fow Is, w hen eating corn, time. takes one j'ECK at a A Paddy writing from the west says, pork is so plenty that "every third man vou meet is t ho'." Pa k i f ac i" d f.dseli oods fibs 1n!d by t!ie h'.d.ies iu the present tils le of buntijU. (Zf''.cn the light of ihy hope has nenar; ted, look not id'tcr the sun that has set, tut turn to that which is to ri-sC. fojOOjOoO worth of Ciift M AMMOTH PICTORIAL v. .i '1 v. . . 1 C 3 v .- . 1l lil.lsiil.lJ t.i.o.i a;. t'.l.l t or .lew o. , J .iiity i'i .. tbre: Fiiiti- Otlt.lltl- ; t.o:. of looie, as soon as I'Mi.'l! t'li.-cn tu; ti.i! b..iii'4 a reuy au la.', u V'.s) la (). ,3 li.,! 01 loin Thi Distribution v. tdke FLce. tr.i a. cii:ii! soon s E r.f-- t!:e et' H'-i -1 1 1 1 -.1 V Lis. of fill, vailed (beinif 01 e lor ev-ry ti' ! Pi.-!'. Hart's eba'.l a! t,'.i.i).'it ,i m.'r: -j.":-i.t cit!' rci A cati '"an bor 1 ' J -r i,s nd.; .'ire CUIil.'.f t ?, ie.ice. u or' b ft! Hi-, Wi'b l.i. e. 7.IHK). est or setnirov. H.i.,' ,. Jl iiidinu' I" - eleffaut Iiai.o Fortes, .?ebt , t'eo!it", (Joi I atc!i.-. liralets. Kin.', Jtooks .f tr.r.' is in titr-j'd ami !i'--.v world, by Pivl. li irl, r. al e.-t te. i.c- , J.-".. in all nuuiU-'r-it.st ajt).U!t) (nil-, aiii-"d at ti i). 'ML j-'nri ci innl-te li.i of L'lft-, an 1 fin I ami ex- rlicit naitit uts-i in r-ga il to he t -nt ent-.- oi ls-, u s'rin iiion. viio!e World, wh tree A Cba'g". W't . . . . vc, 'i-f a copv r J fi .-ti mil be proi.-.iiy sent ie di.-ircii by Ic.ter, "l i.-ii.l. i l,e Wliol - Woildmay e.!-o b-; -een at tiie tll.c- of all pupe.S contaililne; tbi. tdverl ise liient. wii-re info: rn jtmii ma) be obtanieil iii regard to the pi.ter and eiitrriiri-e. Agents, Posiiiiaiters. and Ladies, dc si root of a liic.nlne..aiid at the laiii' time '-ut I ein ploymeiit, hoil no! faal tu aee aco.y 0 1 he M lio.e Wurld, wiiitU coiiti iy tut the most lltKial Uidu' eiuenls kr ollcn to aetits in 1 iite y ttf luiinitmrt asU pn Uiiuiioi, jrii t j.coui Uiuaioii, ic, wbeirby any peison Willi ord.ua ry at tivitv, can -ji!y inake i,W and np taxd, ptryea tu wbuiilact the amenta we . lrev have eait reiLy. tr-c t tb pictoi l, ani fctKiuutJ wit, rich, anJ bappy. Corre-j'iidii.'a Bui-d wriie their aJlrms Jvaiune, Jstolliis, County and Slate, plaui and aia'iint, r it ill I''"' "wu ' "' 'fail t K'V an answer. Adli-re t" tln. and all leluru will be jiiuuiptly -iil whe.rver de.ir Or. inuiiv part of tlm n,-.l. . All l-tteis remiU-d for the Pi-'orial, f-ift li'.-Ui. lonal invaiiably b a.bir-a- il.ri-. Hiulaiii..ietiiut !reei, run aut,,. ; ,at pnaeipal - tuol leatioiM'tni--1. 'V'XtM .Ut) I.AKHai J iin-s' le s IV vi'.aity if M. era) ixnulu (nil L'cties, r, JilNtKi - Co. 4r jht in C!t business gimtoiE. "glenwood" i. Trunin. fM.vr.GRi.r-ia TOOTLE fc. (IRIT.NI-, P-al-m in Pry Conni, (1 -ncr-ne, Herd-Tare, j ijniecinn are. Stoneware, Farm! -re, iWi A. I ,-sl.i -. Hats .V Caps, md Ready Made ClolhinR. f.icist 'ri' Cleiiwoinl, Iowa. ii2'-ly i sXitT' v &i :n i m s 1 1 . I Who!' -ale and ll-tnil Mcrrhente. ,M'er in K"r and In linn finnd. d nc-tic.. Dry llooli. Ulrica!'. Hook. mil Siatumci-y, boot. Shu- Hn! ad dp, a Mil every variety of Fain ;...-!. on t!m wi't i'I of the Public Square (;!f .v-i 1 1. :r.vn. amrat-ly Vl ol... ,ilc mis.! ll-tail Men-inn Lor-n' ninl Ciiii'.ij re '"-:.. I.e. p l-and a 'ar ' P nrtm -tit of tl. (,....-;-. IL.I JiLir.'. UIll I'llH''.!'!-. ;, Comer c ole-tan' icries. ll dim. iv :!l-!v ,1. ! H I I i' - it. i I'-LNM i r, alul Cm ll '.!!"' ill I.KW. at"l Si ' .... ;,. ' I ...... r. V i'l llMflll'l1 ;u tl . W III 1! .111- I t I v!m:I!i .liuio i.il Divti.cis. Iowa. H 'H I'Mi"'; ' 1 ' jtV'. I to all tMl5SK!ial biis:ii" -.t . .-- I I to his care. OtiifoOK-f ut l'ooltf i:1 .' vnu i.;iit, .-on vrixoj. l.)a. aii:tl-1 vrit7sTirr.KT, I'll vii'ian fi'l S;:rz on. Ii:i .j ; jirrniatiPntiy c.i'f-1 in '" -' i-l, MiiW co., Iowa, will . . i i i ; . . I : r . .. . f -oiiiji: I V ato-n l i a:i can in 1111 jn n- il!ic.. on l.o'-iit at c-i, oiiC Jour nort!. of U'l.it.'i v!:t:'. f"i-r '!!-! J). II at 1. 1 a ,i;!..n-.ov!. Mi'.'. 1 0 a. . ll J'l-1 I'.iva -I v. Ho.- c .. o '. t:ic tit': t-'-'l rti.11; C j .rt . ,.iO. " i a V b . ! I :i" 1 a!: V.'II.I 1 M CO'.tV 11.1.1). ::ev a .1 ComiiCi'.oi lit Law, ""' J'1 l!H V". .1. I.. sM AHK j Attoi-i:n a-i'l Co-:i;i'l!or at Law. on V 4- f l.o'cnsl ttri". '.Ol. ii 'i"!. I-ia. : 1 ton th ! 1 3l-'f I i M 1'. DIC'AI. .NO i K 1.. . fio.-tor Jain. Umiflan, won!! twt-cctfulty it, form thr ciitzi'iia of (ili-nwoo-i. Mill Co., I l..o.v,i. that he has pc! in incntly loca'.nl in tins I !:ic. a: '1 toioVrs Ins Irii oonal .h i victi, in I of in varioua trticl-f". to tto- cit i'-n- aiol i vo"t,itv. Havin; afi-.lcl s full Coirsc of M. -11. I.I Ii-t'ir, in conio rtioii Willi th Si. t I.onoj Iio-:oal. fi'ifti-n hiiiiM-lf cu:uictt-nt i t 1 i.M.ilt r i;t ;i" ral sat i-!'.o'l.oii to those w 1. J l.-oiy I ia.-or ti.m w.'li llifir .a. oim:'". j C V "itii-c a: ih- O.-'i; Mmr. .i..swoor. Mit i.s Co., low a. I ai, 1 ii.ii-1-. ST. LOUiS. UOHKUT S. CAYKNlJr.U WHuiHAit brM.r tn Woo'lcn ami Ci-oar Ware. -No. 7", Si c m. J tl., M .iiroc lloiic(St. Lonii, Mj. Will ow- oppobi.e j VM. JKSSOl'K. SU.NS. flicllli-M ftirl wart !ioii.--, imuib'-r 21!t, Main lire.-t, St. Lo 'li. "Mattan lion Comiiaiiy,' Ito. toi:, uian.it'j. '.i.rers of ii.aciiii--t toofi, Lult cutting ami drilling liiacliim 5, l.i'!ii-i, kt., .Vc r ilci, cii-re lo-jts, Kl-., i.c., n.anufact'.iro 1 at Wentwuria Vi'oiJis, falicllitl.l, import- ! to onii.-.-. II. i.AKi:VKI.!., apr 12-ly A'. int. T1LMAN, HOZir.K, CoT. Succn-ors to UcrtlioM i. Krotlirj, wlio!et;ilc (!,-alf rs in Gioc-ri' Teat. Wine ami I.iinor; CAi:itniiiio!i ami Forw ai ilii,; M-rciianii, l'J?i North S-i-om! ii-t, St. Louii, Mo. ClIVBLH Tll t.MAS, V. M. Km MO, l'EKIl. Ituilttl. JR. AMtKtL Hi Hllll'I.B. a.rli-ly- ' MlSSiSSIPl'I roi'NDKV, fintcy, M'"C'niic V. Co.,li-twc-!i Mmjaii erol firfi-ii 'r !, on Main aiM S--011.I fir St. lAnf, Mo ; Hoil'l-i i of st-ain Engines, liuikii and e.cry dibcr'tion of Mill ua:iiiiii -ry. aii' li-oin WM. JKSSOI' t SONS, Sh-n.clil steel vari hn-e, 21:1 Main, corn-r of Moiiran street, St. Louis, hteel of ail ! scriotioni. in store, or niii.oi ti-l to orilcr, on th- Iyt ln.i. U-timl II. 1M. A K K W K I.J.. Air'l. J. F. t:(JMSTOCK,&. CO , V'!io!i-l le ami retail dealt r in Hoots am Shoes, of a!l kintU, .No. Ui Main fti t, St. l.o-.,i. Mo. n : I .'-1 v W. HANUM sSt CO. aiiiifactnrera of Cot-i-i n Tin and Siikkt- iros woiik.s.irb asCopinr Pipe i'oi .-ieaiii l.n-r i.es aiid Dii t.lleries. Ill e. cliini; and Chin, .ei . -'odd (J"i:e: at 01 a ami Funn'san s, I'i'e wins; an I all LiinU of Copper Ki t.b-s. Well and Cisloj n i' .inps ami ever y other art. - le in tb-ir line of IJi.mu-.ss, ttny alo manufacture und beep con-taiitly 011 hand lb- Si. Louis premium Cooking -Stoics, suitable lor Sieam Boat llutels, Co!lei-t or other siaiiilar c a I liibmeut-j made in a good ami woi kmanlike 1.1. timer, and out of g ,ui ami substantial mat-rial; and of d:t!'.!:ent m-. All kind of Tiiiwure on band, wbo!e,ile ami r-tai!, Xo. 'dU Main street, south-east cor i.er ol Cb-rrv. St. f,o-iis, Mo. aotltf-.im i,ox(i i.ooki;j) 101:, CCJITJ AT LAST. VTl'CKOLI.S it CO. ban-;u-l r-e-iied o-.por x In- iare-t and be-t f. lee'ed tto.ik of (.OO!)1 ev-r bifoie rxlnbitej in the wa-t. A" Lioi.j 'ii.ir a-so'l'i'i-ut may b- fo-ind IJ11Y (iOOUS, A variety of clothing of all sort an 1 hal-Jwal and Cutlel, , d 'o', oedii-llieS t ute, be Inteids. b'iieai.s, tali is, cha.ri, bo iii. i In erian, parlor i.'.o'.e.., 4wC.: in lario eook, atioi l. everytliiii y fi may ca'.l for. persons n il not be detained when they come to t ie cheap c iruer, a- they ate well si.,iplu-d W.Ih nimble clerks oil the r In si ies, ud al 11 a', h have tharp scissori and dall Coiiseieocc.a 1 .1 lijiral.ts w ill ti: d it to their a-Jlantje lo call upjii u befor-lei ch isin-ljem-re. 1.;. nuoml, Apr:; -'n, ls51. nTi-tf MEW GOODS. SrLi:.Nl)ID STOCK OF NKW UOUUS J'lt arrived, jx-r steauier D.lawure, tt s.wpy's tvL.;;' ami store O.i .Main htr-t-I, St. Mary. - I'l izcius iiti.l t-Hiiirruti's can now fitij f'i.1 stipjily of i'rthli irjurie. l'ro i,i.m. Dry tioDii hu l H.irJwarf, w !ii li th- tan buy clic-aj) for i isii, n'i7-if ijaUon's iChcapcet lllauuune in tl)f WF shall publish. 011 Ibe fost of January, IH.i.S, a tew Magazine, eiititled -Bal-lo i's Dollar Monthly Magazine" a work win. b will contain one hum! red royal octave panes of reading ma'ter in each number, (b-n a more than any 01' the Philadelphia 3 li.ai;, i.iurt,) ana foruoi.-e wo loluiues, eacti six luin d.ct -,j,r, sir twelve tiuudred patres of r-adii.(; matter yeai ly. for Osr Dollar I lieiii); re-soir-d toluiiiisti food n teresun readmR mat ter for ibe Uiilli.ii, and al a t-rke wbicb ail can afford. Ilu.ioii'j Dollar MotiHily will lie filietl with enteitaiiiiui; ai.d popular 1'oiies, by our best wiil-is, Willi sketrL-s, asciis, scrap of wit and humor, and a miscellaneous ronipuuod of 'lie iiotihie events of lite times in bo Iti bemis- I her, funning an urc-cabje companion iur a ci.mre Uiom-t t or hour- any w liere, at tioiua or 'Y'a Aay istrtun purloin' our. nmus to the proprietur as below, s.iio receive tlie Maiaiiiie tor out yeur. M t HAI lilli. robl.tliir and Proof i-ior. C' jr wrTieui nt scd trt-ntun! 1 :U.t 6-!t i- marrh 7 ST. LOUIS advertisement; e-vi- C. TV d 4 Co ,j J Siirrpssfir to 1H TO 01) i. SON, Ml. Ji (Mil M n l i , C.iriirr alio j ,T !.nri.MC. vinr.m Horn. importers if .ViiumVu. ers 'J f in. v r w i ; m v 1 1 : a u s i : x vk r I - it i'i t In- 'li. I ( .i..i-Ii.i4 1 1 -.:" in Si. ("rolll :n' f lit to i'l 1 t a t;i-'t"i tli.lt Oil-l'i: at tl i in km in'i '" rli t r. tiy of t T" nol I ih in t'i" Vi I)! Ill V true f.HI"'l il I .-1..1I y - 'ilai..' rt.-l at ;lllp'. , w lien t III:- ii'i'iiiii-i in Frain.-p, a r. I 1I11 , li-i I on 1. Our jtoi-fc t!i:" yr ir w .1 . - I. Ilio .jiiai i n- .y o i.- "t tlo- foni.aii.il !.-;t iMt.i t!i" ii ofr:i-t..r, tliat wr mm n o: '.-r, lo. reit.ii'i of o'. :i t ri in tr tlo- il.-"-rp. 'I -1 1 1 i v . l or !" '.' :l in -ilin'. ttn- iri'"t K l i.,,lli.i lift I niiinvi.L .1 i.-.i:i aii.ni-r.ao- 1.,' nii;ior- tanrc of ii i;i" -- :i!'i.'. Onr stock i a! a) 1 i.aiii- alul i ." k' ii i.r'i tnnpiT anil tt-A'.iii c of bun- tan beol.U"! wit'iout .!. lav. !OLTir.'' CLOTHE. Tn ..'.tiln It. oii.'.tl'V of boltll i.' rioth lies! .t notour t ii.l'-,ci!t 1 .irr. ami ll t a':'l o:i' 1 , V Cloth, i'-.. , ll.- v. lUir-i 'I v.-1 ... ! '' liav- ll ol t'o l.'!t hy fast . . i f s,i mi; ,1,1 . to tl.- or- ,-Vli :t' ll n: 'ai:.s of Inill (OVili-r : 1 r . Vi - III e ... I-MJ -a f t i ::i l li ne- -.-0.11 V to oh; am ;.. ii 1 r ro to:..'.-, i .: I i .if .:!' rt out-t lii- to sm; -ion ol seiiit, an infi-iior arln-le. We laM lief. in- tl.e luaiii.l'.ii' 1 1 tie 1 onr object ions to their CI'! lis. .rut o:ii,r. -I h-awr am' s'roi.i ,- to b" nii'lo. I'iiey 1111- ik.ftnr.K 1. V illi r-ioci.iin '-. n-aiini; inni in-y omI.1 no! iiake t o-ir ( loths l.-ai o-r ami pre serve toe niotonor.y t'i inc.. on ? inn.t, ei.:i- blc for Koo-1 mil. H'.. 1 !i".V lone f "lec.-.-.tc::. O". R loll ISO 1 in 1 II' A.1 I. Mi' M A 111. 1 rni-'i-I.Y ion is, am! lor heant; ol' I'msh. ut, iT r.-n - -tv of mes'ies, sttenirtll ami tint ahl I it V , we rel.-r ti the millers tren-r.iltv in th- country, an I es peciaUv to tii- iiulb-r. aid noil o ivin r in !!os 'VORTJDLi: a R.I IX .MILL. Onr ali-'oioii for many y-ars lias be- i !i-r.-cti-il to olr.ain the l..'t plan for cniiMniciii.c thrsc 11. i'l-:. In many cas they a,r- ur.l by iiieiei i-iiee.l Vaiei-, a'ei t .. ! foi, ability ami siir.nl ,cit ," of con-ti nc ,. 1. ,i tii- oi'j.-ct 10 be utti.im.-il. In tins we ll.itik we have nic-ce.-i!e 1 We liclwv- mi. bcr aine in toe (.'"eat iiiili.bt.l wehaie oM. thereb.ii not been on- ic lurin"!, i.orlo mil koowb-.ie faiif'l to rei'.irin -ut 11 e!y to tlic satl if a'-tion i f t!to-e 11 si 1, them. 1 hey are in citciisiir 11 r in the Wi -t, an, I inai.v of tti-rn in .New Mexico an.'! Calitomia. (iur mill, are knon as KiDD'S 1 M l'UO 110 OKAIN MILL. C tnamifactil.f. three kln.U, to wit ; (.Air 1110N backs, lo iriiml by weiuht of the ii'.nner ; rcK A"n or. aim mill, I tie lower utoi.e to run, n4 the ntiki'ir. mill. I'a'.tnt rnetrsl, ceUii-iitc Jaini uiaihino slreicb- 1 LEATHER HELTLVG. Tins article n now uie.le in the creaest pcr- fectioii, ami bcrouiine rxteiKivelv use.l in the matnifartnriiisr estbali-.bnieiits of the conntrv. We keep on bun.l thelaii;.--t asot tment in the Wea'ern eo.iiitry, of our own, ami tustern luaiiiif.iCt.ire. Vri.l AMI.D III Hill R bllTlMi IIH PM k 1 m. am. 11 1. nil km hum:. We ate the iii ly I a-nts of the li t I 01 t oiiij.any In this tliesal'- tf the-- j-'oo. Is. lloislin si ti n-, no'.l p'tii.!!e. r pity f. -.ilatinii screw t, oaiiiiul iron, palfi.i lion pioor tales roll picks, M ie-11 w i.e. c.ipjier nn-'s. lace lea ther, ctk iiie.l ti'a-iier, i.c, Jlc. (,t" conslaiil I V on band. St. L'oi.i. 1 h7. ujslVESSirY FAafilLY M2blCIS3 FEVER AND AGUE. T ' I! F. Ciiiveoi1 V of Free Mi li.riiui and Pop-1 nlar Lnois leiiL'e. ctu'rl-ri 'l bv the State of peiuii) Ii a-na, April '.'lib, 1-all, mainly to ar ret the in its i f npurioii.s iiostriiiiis; aim to sup- I.lv 111- lllblie with reliable Il-llieill-1. w b'-ie ibe best i,n dual adv i-ei cannot 01 will not be -inpbiVP.I, bai 1 j 1 ir piiicbaied Ibe on atuable rem edy, IHOW AX ICS 'IONIC M ! IT it I". th lint ami only know 11 for tw ntv run, ! the certain cue for the Feier and Au-ue. und its ktmtiid coiiipluit.t-.. ciiiiii.i. ii ; i v rccuuii.n u. I it to tt:c patroiiau'-' i f Ibe af lln t-'l. Tlie above I :,-! , t:i. .on lik-w ie r-rolitlneleL for Howel Coiuplaiiits, iiO W A .NO'S ( 'DM. POl'Nl) S V HI' 1' OF iiLACKLFKIiY KOtJ I'. ft ii'l in iu dab time wiil luiui.-ti lis omti remeuy lor eierv i::v-aae that can be sak-ly t;cal-d in this av. Hy Older of the Trustee. JOHN K. I'.OWAM), M. D. President of lb- I 'niier.it v. and Head of the Phar mar en I iat Department. Iloln D:sneniiiy and Olliee, .No. rll Arch St Pbiiad. 1 il. i-i. -,it 20. ly M-S i'A li-M' M I.D1C1.N L.-. lor ule SAUI'V A. KNOLISil. 1)l;ODl'CF. A.NOCASII wante.1 in p. 111 navm-iit of di -ht KMIl'V A. li , mri.l Mi. s li py 1 i-ci ,1 b it Ji'ii-ii. it nuah'l', fi- ii.t 1-1 . 1 sab low, at '.'7. Ii Ii K F N F. KIHXEV k. CO, DOC To It VtJLUSLLF . Or. j:v tj Clot Oi'-';i Physician T 'lib F.n.-e. lb F ion, witti jJii.7, tin- nun t.i i .t -.ii-isui.j slioWbiL' d . as, a ii d ma'f.u ma tJLis t.ont 1 I the iniiii.:., tvil. iu in evr euunu ond form, 'io Hhicii i an. led a ti-.itie on the dis-a-e of f. iuub-s, ben h' of the l.uht-st imjnu- j tam e to 11,41 , p-on!e. or tbos-conii 11 plutmjJ: marnai;.!. .j . u 'M. 1 HUNT.', M. 1). j l.-t no fai In r b- a-liaiu-i to present a co'-y I lf the t.ieupalius to bis child. It may sav-j turn from an early gra. Jcl no younir man 1 or woinati enbr int., !,e erect i'b!iatous o married life w ithout r-adin 'be l ociiet ..s'-ij- palins. L-l tin one sutf r f0111 a hacklieid cinh. j. am iu Hit sid-. i , iles iiitflifs, neiious f I inis a ini lb- whole 1 1 am of dt .peptic .,.it nmi. ami i-.rii up by their pbvsici.u, b- anolbt r luo- men wilbo...t consul 1 tnjp the Aii i.i'..iiii. HaVr tlie in.: iri. -d, oi tbo-e a rie.La.ii inim-dnn- nl, i.a,l about t i be mi'. Ibis triity UmIuI noo.i, as it has teen lu- i.vun or sail tlion- saii ' of iinfoit mate vreaturi s from tiio veiy . f death. L A,iy p-rrin seiidinK Twenty-Five Cents eiici.s d in a 1-tt-r, w ill rec-ive o..p opy of . bis Work by iLiuil, or five co .!ci will be 'sent fur One Dollar. Add ,, (po t paid.) DH. WM. YOUNG. Xv. l.ri Sjiiute street, Phi la. liiiv 29 TRADIR'S POINT FERRY. I'F. subscriber buvi: fr lease! of Clarke ii Co., the old ( ouiieii lllaif Fe.ry at Tra der's pj.nt, 1 aiawoltaiiiie (.'ouii'y, Iowa, llav iliKj built a licvv and subatau'lal lioal 1 now prepared I t cio.s all who come. Peisons in.Iiiii,' Nebraska will find this one of the best Ferries oil lliu Kiier. T rue, I hate no Steam Ferry IS' jl, but I have ttroo aim poMer, wliicli wib piopell a boat ncri.-j tbu river at this narrow point w 'ithout any danger or blow up, ij nick enioiKh to ka'.irfy the las .-.t 01 luu fist ae an 1 cu antry rails er rtasiAi.i. 1 1 Watroii; I Wu hoise or cattle, (.1 2j. 1 liorse nml bny, ... (to. Iiji, and lidei, it". 1 usiIUall, - j. lfeirty.fi ve per ul aa,c4t tba above j raio durm j b rh -a it A, I hi iU'M ALAS 1' C -'.i ep 13, '.'I ti J'AVirL OBTO.V. i, . .. a ; w i ii , ct or lA:r.t nri Sir.'pvrillv TlR Hi" n-iiniv.il anil .i riiKinrnt cure or ,i..ii-s SMI-HI2 fioin mi imrnn ' ot tu.. lil.OO'l. or li il.it ot lii" -v-t' in, vn : S. i". f il i, or Knr;'" F.nl , O'.aii.al" ('nl-.nrnin r.rn-itioi n, l'o-i li- on tlic t a-p, iiinirii.-i. I'.i U, Cliionii: So;r !". , Kiii Win hi or 1' t- r. Seal I lies t, S ilV Klo'iiin, I'.lni in Hu ll ',?4 ,i"i I Jooi' i, ol. I Soic mi l t li". -i s. Ulo-'i-malinii. Swi-iliii' of tii Ol io.li, S.-i.hi.litii" IIKI3.K. F.i v'l" -la. I. 'ii''.'','". l),.-:'.f- of tin- li cinl nt' 1 01141H, A it ha in .1 . 1110:1-I'l-.ioa. , Co, 1 1 1 ! n ; 1 1 ' 1 1 . 'ol'lj'1 l oil . N" ill, ...- .,.l.i,. (io.lM-. Wii.t-- ? I): l,"1 Or I,, .- !),- (. nci a! 1- 1, H I III :ililO"ln .'.I.--. -in v, -. 1',-ini,- lit'ltlO.. ll Cvposin Irr. Lr'oai i I . - val. I in, al- I. C.i ill. tin ai , ilv I .1 1 ('..:. ho, M , 1 1 .1- .r r f mi. 1 !!:, ' L 1 V I.: 1 f i'l h' ."if ll. t: 11 101 '. I. . ! -r,o, l)o,!. lihn ! 1 V them to a to-1 fi.rin llic f'oii Cult!! I'-o'lv :.y a.-' mil, i t .mi II I I 'II I' .1 i- I I'l it 0 .1, t, 11 1 l- I' ll ii 10 iii- I. to. 1. ' '!v' il tm' an I S ir-a ;.ari!l I is tin" l'.--t A ' ' ' , a I ' ll!o: 1 I'm ,fi ii'-r mi-'to inr eiei ot. re-1 t-p'iblii-. It 1. i": 1 a;.i . . j Ii-1-..ii'i r, a :i 1 a Ie, si. 1 eio, b. am .,:!. l iilt M'ltiHT'.A. Jr. r.ss'-ilv's I-, line anil S .r-.ioii'la i omiiiciil. ! ,. tin :m-t tii o ooo m. I 11, e t! of ran i:i--i fail, 1. 1- !... ! ',.r : S.i . :iii,:-. ! I'pv.-r N' t I. .N..t on 1 1 It 1 nr" 1 is l,.':i .. h'i.m..-. Cance; . i c 1 1 r 1 .1 1 in I ' i'l'i V,1. I ' ,1 ( SM. ,i-!.c ! I. F. 1 a' I ail :tat , Dr. bet i 1 i" li.- ei- , I ' ' ' o '. j :ii'. and Sa :'- :i J 1 a 1 . ll. 1. it s.-ar' ':' .I.e. de-tro III ly i' the dts-lli- bio it tie cte' 11 !;, it C '.:. -i .m l dnviii j o A ail i:..r -u ' tm- iio-ly mi 1 b.- ii-ncii in.' It'o.U I,,- I.m.Iv at, I be 1 i- n tv in t! reii'eTi tin cure r-rfiin -iti 1 p-: 1 t. iNhi.;i.ri'N oh oi -i'i.1-1 . No 1:1 bcii.e. j,r: li.ips, 111: i .11 t.11'1 il',C''V. CI..1 W hich i'.ie, I Hi u'll lull'' I'l till' it'llii icn 1 and i'hii.i the s.-.-i ! i"ti of :,i ; juice to dle-l lie- f i a- 11.'. K.i t and Sar-apai ill 1. N-i 01. e has n :l,v nc ,ly's loibm- It io "K ll i complaint. without beu-lil. lilll.l'.M ATI "L Dr. Fastei ! v's lo.b.ie an.l S.iraiiii i! ia is used : w.lii l!,c L'n at.-.! "ucirs iu rhe a.:,'' c t 'j.ni'l.iiu'.s i 'f.pi" ially sue'n as aiecurmiir. Il e in s by ibi- I 1 ii.tr on t all otio .i .t i-s and f -i-'l !ri;n i- j w hn-li j bai e apenuiiilaii ! i:i i . 1. , vi tn.!i ar- I he 1 I c:iue of li:i.-'iinat:s.'iit tr-iiil an I kv.i iliii1; ol tii- : jo it its. 1 1' ii-r rem "dies some utie. ive-, t-mpo-1 rat v i-liet; t li is t-nt 1 1 e! y eia 'nates t!n: din-ae j flolll t!lP Si -!eli. I or Mi. in mi t. ami 1: si i R a I. Iii r.s;:s, Ai ki cTiso Tilt m oon, Oi.a-. us, t'l.m ", Joint? and HuNt.t. Dr. F.a-ter!y'i Iodine and S.n san u iit.i ii the (bestrpme.tv ever inieiited. This medicine i j ollere I to ibe pi,!. lie not m-rt-ly us a purifier of 1 1 tie HLoon, but as a p-ive-rlol cradicitor of tti ! rno.t viruieiit poison, ticra-ioin-d by mercurial and vi-ncra! t.imti, w Inch r sit the action of all other remedies. It will core tin-worst kind i f iiipiciinal iiisejs-i, no matter bow d-eply it inav have raten into tii- frame ami l ital ol I'.il.s. It w ill cure tii- wo. si tiff s of n-pondery sy pliilea or veicral di.eases, no inater Low loiiiT it mav have existed, bow b..d, or bow deeply sealed in the system, it will annihilate and ex pel tin- virus and restore the system tj a state of peifeet health und imritv. For l le-n iu t!i mou'.h ami thioat liiibiri'ineiit of the "ilan,s. ioiti p or tninoi n the Turn. it, nodes. Fains in the lionet ti.d Joints, it is the only sale and sure I ireuie.iy. ) oiiij pei 11ms who tone reason to j inspect any iniji irdy in tb-ir blood, either b-r- ! e.litary or 'the result of imprudence onjlit to m- I til'y ami d-i'rny thi vims before eiit-riiijj the niurriai-state, us fbey may theichy tint only protect thrum !n-j tyainst ihe danger. of impo- 1 teliry am! other mi-l irfuiie, but ternie the t -r- ! taiiity of a pure ami bealtbv olfiiinii ;. It can b I b persons, of e.ttier m x, with the most pe.fi ct saf'.tv. I A I I. II Oil 11 1 11 Ol' lilt Kill Vi.V! , fll.A OIII R ami I iii.VARV Ohoans, nitoesv, Ciavli. AW, I i.. AM: LlllR Cox fl AIM'. j 111 It AUK 111 IllirAIToSS AM) Co i.' V I f R I" II I r . Dr F.ns'ei ly' lotin-aml Sarsaparilla is the 'lb-only (-nuin-and real Puin Killi r i pre I be-t und ou!y i;iti.u t tii.it onirltt to be u-ed. In 1 p:,r-d esei'i.i t -I y by Dr. F..it-i Iv, the sob j in-.- roii:pla;iiti, th s medicine has performed I piipri-tor. Tl eiifoie counteifeits" and iiuila- HIO-.1 .i t.ii ij ruin. I-'OK X EH VOt'S DISEASES. Nn laicua'ie can c iiivev an a.le.piate iitea of the iiiiiiie.t.a-.t- an. I :;lmo ! ni . r.i'-i.lo is ch.o o 11 in. !i i: pi oiln.-e I by tin: u-i-of Dr. Fr.ner'y's loditieaml S.iitaiiarilia. in the d.scat-.t. d.-rjili- tate.l and sbattertd nervom system. Wh-tb broke uowu by exce.., weak by nalure, or iinpu le.l by sir k ,1; ..the 11 n -trill. 2 and re! a Mil m;-1. iii.atn.ii is ai ours rehrjctd. icwd an 1 I, mil I up. In cm- 01 .i uiai;'ia, .M-i ious n-.i .lac'n , b'l.i of mi mo! v, (ieneru! l'l'o!ratil"l, .Nea 1 ,eii- li--., Vei t.ir", Pain in the Neil i s of ih- l ace, a:. I the vr.rio 1 train of nervous a tr-Ctioii", it will produce a cure in an as!onhin,r sb..it time. 'I':.- Ptlect of this medic. in I-, lo fiie per manent 1 tin f to the sutl'-r-r, an 1 to reitore the shattered and d-bil :t ited ton - .tutiou t J its pus line health and is'ir. TO THE LADIES. j Ijniiet.f pale complexion and otisiun! iv- 1 habit., an 1 such as are itelolilat-d from any of th- ob.lriifiioris inrid-nt to th-se, sueh as o!.- ! strut"' ion or painf nl im-ii-1 ,1111 ion, Hour Albm ' 01 Whi!-s, Oieeti Sn knes; alio, exec. sue t'.ow j of the .M.Iim-., Lttl icunt-s-. sc., Call heie.loied by the use of two or thr hot! It s of Dr. East- ai ly's Iodine and Sarsaparilla, to bloom tn I i vitror. His far lb-ht i-mi ily el 1 r di-toi er e.l for weakiy c!iil lien, and such as baie bad humot ab.-i.i plea-. a.t lin y i-a. 1:1 y la!,- it. It iini.'i-iiatei v re I in it: - a..pe! .te, s'.reiih, j ind color. .o tiiti' r.in be m ire s ap;u iiiiiij : than lis 1 111 i""i .e in e'b ct 011 th- human 1 1 a in-. ' I'e, sons all .-ai.ne.s aid la s. tu le b l , 1- tab-: in ; Dr. Easti-il', 's lo.pi.e an Sarsaparilla, ul once b-come r -'"ut iiid fell of ereiy u:,,!'r its inlbieuce. it i.uu.eilia ely couia-. uels Ifit", 1 n1 1 o'l.ine 3.s of the female frame. j !)R. I a AS I 1 KI V'S III 1,1 IK A It Sa RSA P A I! 1 1 1. K IS uvutm r i. 1'i'Rivi i a i Til : lii oon It it icy l.leaie' t t l Ihe tast, ami IS !'. o, it -nil ai-.t hi. 11 an y oto one u-.'"l tl, ticoi ' ..tioii' -r. be".!-r and t h I" r ini-iiii ii.e iu w, laiiol.-j ivlio ' Litile are t.ei er w illi i.:,' to be I'uk'-li iu the -ally staei. it is a i vvriio it it. i mi e mevenfaliie oi atinoil aitv in-iae, of lis. ea.". C'jTA-k forD,. Ea lei!)' Iodine si.d S.i. -uuaiiilu and take nothing i!-e. Puce S1 p-r bvttle, or six bottle for fji'i. A l.bl. a! d -co l!.l 11,4 do to wbolc-iilc l ur ch... ' (iV-For sale a! Dr. Easteily's Fi'imly Me li Clin Moi r, soul li-easl coi iicr of I hli d and Chen uiil iiie-ts. St. Lo us Mo. A!o by P. A.Saipy, bt Alary , Iowa, and by deabiis in m- licintsgcii. el ally III the c-t. L:i. EASlLULi'S FEVER ANT) AGUE KILLER. Is warranled to euie A'iie ami Fever, Dumb Aii-ie, Chills and Feier, Intel u.it.u.t an. U uullant levers, and a1! the various f irm c-t yK. v. r Incident to the Weil ! Ibis (ii'l'i.lar lemedv hai uow bn before the p .lilic tv. u ears, uid d iriiijTtbal time aboul '1 tsri-i iv. l.i.iutisu Itoriiks have been sold and in no .n.laii. e bus it failed lo eiin t a pet iniiiji.t c.ireiisfur as beard fioio, oi to rr.ie en'ne sati-Taitniii to the purchaser. Ills w arrented to cure all rase', or Ibe inon-v will be r-fundc-d. I.t no man, vtomaiior child sutler wall this il ititrcs iii" diseaie, when a sure lemedy is at bind. Iii ad the testimony from John Miller i. Co. Eva ssv n i t, 111., Oct. o, 1S0J. Dr. Kasteriy Sir: We lake pleasure in slat, in; tiiat w e have jjui chstt'd id bottl-tof your Feier ami A"ie Killei, and have told the same tu our patron, ami that it has erlceted a perma nent c 'e in every cute. We tiave sold nearly all the various mniicia fur acne ami fever, but n ine bus (" veu tm li entire Sttcfanlion as yon Fever and A i Kilk-r . We bclieva it is the its-st UK Jirifie no beort the public. Resfet-jViy, Jcta Mi!i t ft. K.-i'i the letter frn:n Jolin S.Cinnp. lirm l Palme. Arkanras, Clierok-e Nalion, b.ai in datrf Amtiis' l". l:':i" Dr. F.asteily Sir : When 1 was in vo ircitv in M i'l b last, I pun basi 'l one dozen bottlei of ronr i'everaml Atrue Killer, whii b Vo'l w arran ted tn me. I have obi veil ol ihe.loe.i, w inch I also warranted. Vonr tnc U ine ll.. Civeti en ti.e saticfaclion n far, il bai ini; e!li 1 kds-eial co'i-s of the Chill ami F-ier. Itie e,e p uti -cnl.iil y a lady who bad b11 alllictcl siiiee th lat'er 'part of lad nmmer, and bad tried a preal mnriv reme lies, beside bavi iira plivsn ian part t.f the tune, all of which filled. She bought a bottle of vonr medicine, ami before she bad i e ! olie-tbird of i!, slip w ai i-iitin ly cured, anJ h:i cniove l loiod health ever since. In liu case Ini it f ,,!ej c! 1 t a icriiisn-nt enre. : It.-pei ti'mlv vonis. John S. Crump. IV S. I will b-in y.mr place aj;iiu shoi.ly, i o l .s ill bn 1 nn" l it r- ' v. I N. H. 'k f .r Dr. lias'-i I v's Fever on I Asjne ' Koli i . and take n 1 ol 01. mi I yo 1 ar s ife. A l.'i ai ili.i 'i H'1 I ride 'o w I.oles.ile ib - lieie. I', in- I p-r I,,,"!,., IV Ollli.:!',-. f,,'- Vi. 1 I'or s i.- at D: . I..I -'p' U 's bam ly M-dirin- c r of Ti.od ai' l lu -if ?'r.il.i St. j !.."ni. .il.ii liv V. A. S..i.y. M. Miy, nn.l hi J I ' l l i.i I, l I ic i i ii-s -ei,i ' :. 'I V ill t!l - est. j hit. r. -1 nut. V's hi ' i in i i'. a sv:;!-!1. ' Tins 1 a pl.-e-."iit. srif- and eit'.-et.ial reiii'-'i v lor i Dvi'i,t.n v, D1.1 rln.'.i.t ii' d. tii. Clio I it V'uliii. I Simiii'f c-.inpl.i'iil. Colic t.iiipimr. I'aih . W it. d in the S'omarti and Jiowi-l-, tiimp-. Ft. it ii.-r a n-l ('ti ,i.tijf i i f. .'it 1, and for all n -I CL'.llat ie : of the t.oii el . Ii is on" of ihe m it e!lii-ii iit, ii!.',i'i" and I - iti t arn 1 1 cii'v om ii.i m in- 1 1 1 t . 1 1 c ,ir be i .11 i.ms ileraoi fii 'tits of the . n els a i"l the on ly s rt n I - w 01 lb v , b in e f ircuri:, Cii 'l'-ri I ff , -Coino' unt, ami all the derail r- in' .v al ..r 1. h ami I! b i",t colli 1 S'lirittiiT ..o the P.. . I.i.:e '.".' r 11. 'V.i Is from '0 ' L'i an h 1 a ! -Ihili" i r. ,1 w it!, out cx ,iiiv Miili- !aln.!ies of t,n one of the t i..nabl.- I' C I l.i- . the ti lit I b -.er ill t 1 i".pl ,11 the -1 . 1 , -1 s. iv.en- !. Il lti.b-.li of 'ability hi M. Loins hai-ns- j i sti on-i -t t. - ttmoi'Y 111 lis four. !'. ie- '.'.'1 cents I'."- h iltl. 1 ir .! at D.-. li irt.-iiy'i Fa t'!"i". corner of T'liiil and Clo-. Lou -. :ll-.o by I'. A. S arpV. and lien,.- street St. ile.ilei 3 in ii.ll m.'d.eincs u'-iieral.y i'i t:t w-si. uti. f a-i r.iii.vs vr.!:Min'(.r:. T!i-(;,e.,t Ib-.iie !) for Fx neli Ho W onus fio.o CI, . I. I'l'!,. The lie. t s ,f,., pleiselit al.d f T'l't 1 ll HIP lieilif Ultoan t-irll.e r-iuovil of woritia furm c!t;!d reti is I)r. F.a-i' ei 1 'is V'ennif lire. I'atents and -ruar l.:i i.s h i .111 ; 1 he c!nre of rh Lirrn, s'liuibi watch rarefully the sympt on. i f iviii :ns in f,-ir ch i rd ren, and .. 4 stion c a situ t. mis imi 1 1-at e t tie 1 1 pi set1' -e, 1 ii-1 .-..hou 1 1 a' once n si rt to li,- 11. e of 1'r. F. i-t-rlv's Ve. 11, if -.-e. Mo e rbiblren die lrom Worms than ail ot.iei d .ea-e-.. and a more ui.Hcranlp oh;. - t can c.ir-'i-iv b- ima-'iii'd than a ch.ol tutb-'itiir un'b-i t i- oi'i'miry 1 upt'Mi.H of woi :ns. I'a'-ii's. mark this: Wiil yii't not blame vonr.plics. if oui r hi l-i ren die, that ;, ou did not ns- I), . Fat""r') 's Venrnf il.''' iu tin,- ibis ermif u-e will rc moie f vei y tpeciesof w in, f,on, the , slim iu "ix or p.i'iit h eirs alter taken. Fr;ce 2"t Cell's pe bo tlP. 'or sal-at I). . F.a-terli 's Family ".f -licinc StoiP. -. ttli-east con, or of Third an I C.he imt str-e-. , -!. Louis, also hi !', A Sarpy,, S . M.iry and by uealers in im-dicine -enerall In the .(. I'U. iZ STFKLVS PA IX kll.Ll lt. For Hip cure of Kiuu-s, Sjuains, Woun Is. Tootii Ache, (.'olic. Cramps or Spa um, Cioi leia, I)vtei,l-rv, Hheumal ism, I'ains in In Siomacfi and Dowels, and whereic-r there u lbiin.it is a sp tlyand ititain cure. This Medi.-ine ba. morecontrol ov-r all ju.ins than anv other -ler iii'.enled. Ilisu 1 both lutrriially ami F.xternallv, and its soothim cf- fects ait- ii.siaiitly f-lt bv the sufferer ll-viat- li e; tti- most excruliatiiii; pain uiaf-iv 1, .11.11- tea. In a word, it n a Pais Kii 1 i p. No hnii.stiP f-mil v or tdtvuriaTi slio .l l be u iibi ut it. I! bm been use I by thou. and of (Le mot mtt 1 1 i,r-i,t iili ! ri-.p'-rta Me f imi I ie in S! . Louis, and all pronounce it the 11. 0.1 Mi-edv and Lib . tu;.l Curative th-y huv- ei-r u 1. Da li i.ai.v'n Pain Kii. 1. 1. it is beioml all doubt the most tei lain iilii-.ly ever j disc'iv en-.l for Pum iu the Stomach, l'.iins in I f.. Snte, lliea-t. Hack and Limbs. It i also an 1 it.f!,hl- i-m-.ly for Colic. Diurrhu'a. Chi !eia I M-irlm-, Paind i's Coin , Wind in the Stoma, h Lml MoW-N, D).pep-i.l, Sue Till Oat, Hil.d- ut h. e. I CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC. t ions abroad. Tnersfore be sure to ask for Dr. l.asteik's Pam Killer, and take no other, ami you are safe Price Vi c-nts p-r bottb ; f.ve but lies f.,r si. I. lor ale at iir. I.a,teilv' Family .M-du-ine Slore, south-east corner of 'l'biid and f be-nul r I str Is. St. Ioiis. alio by P. A. Sarpy St. Mary - ! and by dealer iu med ir ine y-nei ally in the wi at w.T - "i I i-.-ti i --i l or the cure of Co iths, Col :-., A.tbaui, ('. mi mi 1 11 1 it, on, 111 011. bi':s, S.p.l :.il, -f 11 1 ood, i'aiii in the Side nml Uri-ast, Pl-uriv, U hooping; C iiiirb, and all iliacui if tlo: I. in; a ami Che-t. Ainom; all Ibe celebrated 1 em-die for Diseii se of the J.r M. and I'll I s 1 , none .ei-m o be meuiii.j.' Willi such miri'i-v, and to g: c mil li en tire iat i.il action tu all, as OIL CAK'J Llt'S COUCH HALSAM. Tbip 1 aluable 1 eio-'l v is purely it--etal le in its iiai 1 .lici t-., arid pei! -'i lly baimlins in all il ipial it ,e., au las o.iid ai d .i a.etit a 1 the mo I ileiicale 1 oniial. li is lei , toothing and heal- li' 1" to tin; Lull's, ami i ei erv 1 ht'i e Or U lion 1- i ed-f-d by Drna-iiihti., Pbysieans, and all who have used it to I the most Jili'e-t iiii Curat. it-k-.o .1 a. CON-I 'M P ITOX. No lisca" iii. idenl to onr climate is so 1110-M-rs il. at. I i.t the s aiie tun-so fatal, a Pul monary Cm-unction. 'I ni awful niala.lv 1 ei pi oi -r t he land a a Destroy in;; Ai.l, la yiioj low ' he .-! . o.':-,e-1 ami f a.n ...t ol 0.11 1 ; rr, Million of the yo-iii and Ihe old aie annual! bui 1 ic! lu tin: toiiih by this d. ei.nl nl i.alion.l lil.,a. e. C.iMi-so rui: IIhi i h! Heimre of mere 1 palll.lt :l e III- I ic ilit i. 1 in- olo-ct f iiearl all 1 he me JiiTiii-s iio.v otTi , 1 d f -r !i. i-uiej of the L'li .'i. is to reln ve and imt to cum-. So li is not Iti- case w ith Dr. Cai ler's Co-njli ii il .nil. In colds and co 1 in, w ho b uie tnc In ,-t s; 11. j- ( tomi of con. -, iiiijii ion, it ia the limit plea, nl I and 1 rli e actons reined V that can possi 1I v be u ,1. In colli inc. I eoiitiiinpl.on it liuibi.n .ivd l,!i. ! P-i fei I and 1 riiitri 11 !i u t mun-ii, when l,',eioo! I in.i.'ie.it pl.yi.cian tin ii KiVeii up all bo,ic us vain. So 1 oi.f. I, ut is the piopiietor .d its pow. er t cure T'llieiciiio'is f '011 itnpfion, Hut lie oiii ill a trial in the wont of ca-ei. SPI IT IX(i OF ISLOoD. This fi iirbttul tymi toi!! of consumption i pce.lity rtie.i .'d and pieicnti'd hy the li ve of Dr. Cai tm "s tVij!) Ial-ai'i, uti'ili heal the ali'ectrd l.iemiirane, reinoiei ibe incipient li.be. -cles, and restores tho.-e 11'al o. -aiis, toe Surij, to a SO'l.'i.t and b-alttiV comtitioii. P. FMF.MBF.il I !IIS. Spitting of 111. ki I al ways ar: 1 1 din a ten dency to tiib-ri iilotis di.ea.e. and if not chi rked at the iutet, wdl sooner or later tetiniiia'e in death. A in rv.11 who taikes bloou once w ill lalie blood asill unless a j.l u per c ill jt.i c 11 ini-liu-dtely l:li,,l") td. PAI.N IX THE SIDE, Ibis di resanij symptom of con,,ii:iliun a-rii-et from inllaiiialiou of Ihe I unt; or Uo inbiane called the Pleura, or fioui broui-bial ait', ctions of Ibe a.r (lassuiri . In either caw It is a very ilali-rou llolu auoll of dm-aie. It pr-vei.ts full and fiee hi. iith i..', ami wrar assay the iiistural s!ieiiL'h of the tysteln. The cause of this syuipiuiu slio.ild be leiimvej at 01.ee, and liutbiiii iiuii pos..'.!.!y tifccl that obje.it so speed i.y an I bapp.ly a hr. Cutter's Coun'li lialmu w hicii is al') t safe and ilutury iu its elf vets Oil Ult CIJi.Mil'l'lo'l. LI VKK COMPLAINT. I'i eases of coiisiimjitioii the Luer is always moie or litis a lluclcd, and also Ibe spleen, plem a and sHiall intestines Tba edict of Dr. Carter's Coi.fh Baliain iu diseasit of tba I.ln r, ei-u-c-iaily if it be of an ulcerous oat jie, 11 diiect and fx srerfd. aV srls : W tf Lirssr -tsrM- 'irtt'. 1 ."tt''""" Jl'igajaj iLnialiipriii!! fitii.y ur4 ij tl .i.li. l d i.e. T1: hrb dry wmttrtn njli wlncb allirti 1 . peoj le atrl invalids iti a low tiitt of lmlk can be etlei tually cured bv tba lite of I)r. Car' ter'j Coiurli Fahani. It warms, nioinU,,', tftj ntunulalet the whole l.ieatbine aiiiiaialyi, p,jj fies and aiiiii.atet the blood, noprov,-, ; rc J tie power of (he l.ier, Sjilc 11 and other lir ! flaioli. ami the UiElive orjf n, and imi.ajo ' new life tu the wan and einuiiciati-d i)aten ItKOMlUTIS. lb oiicliitij, d.lliiulty of bretriim;, Bll)j ou:;!i.a slimy etpeeloration, with ail yui itoms caused by 11 11 aii. ctioii of the;, u. ea'ii:.( fi 0111 the throat to the J.iiuja, Hie itiredlf and sie.Tlu:allv nil' cted and cuie.l by Uff v of 1 tr. Cat t'-i'i (.'o itrh HaIshiii. Tlii'a i a vei r ' painful, wcuii.L' ami inpirnun coniplnii, tLj 1 alwa v ha a poive. ," il tei.ilft.cy tu inflame a ' s..f;e,i (lie Lulu's ami then by in. lore llf. Worti I forms of piiliitonary ili,eas. )J... warnrj lt ' I tinny ie nt!! e'e I, m-l c:n;,loV tiiia valutui, ' I tunc I.'. I " F. I'lii'TnllA ll'iy I . 1 e I . , t.i ' I. T at toll 14 t!ie lien' llflj.ot taut a I r 1 1 . I o 1 1 lined II', iill Ht'i ltlit, to ci' 4lt ? in.-, of tii- rlie-t nn. 1 Imit's. 1 i,e c -rh h)i c, 'i i'i .li-l,-, n u is tiinplv tlic ipsull oi a lie,,,. ; to i-,i i liit.i'i :. and a. Ion ; font matter ji' i in t he air p.i .afi, it w ill co;,l ,i,:i to iin(ti, ! the in' inbi aio-hi, I jn-voke a croil,, Conpt,,., 1 1 1 an attempt t . tioow oil this mailer, ami ei ' ,c-t.ira',ioii L-neiuieal iclief. Inability to ! ,i . , oi.iip ill 1 lie la.itr alan of Con isiilnp; 1 1 t In ca.i.e i,f ie i!b. III!. CAH1 FF'SCOliiH I! f.SA.M, is the n-nt cx p-r torn nf. It (In m!p th n. bid aitd disc lie nut ter in tl o air jisssj;es, c!ia. :r- " it rrom a nin-i: ijtui.ioin sn'-vi .nre to 1 t.nri biiimb's fluid, and throw it o!, with tin 1;:. at-s; p. mi I.--is- tj ti,c a!ip;il. I:" b-1ti. i:.'-;eiup in tue vorld if iti 1 ii-it ii tfteti- ratit niiaiitiei aloi: l.e coioid.. ,v! SFAS.MtlDK.! ASTHMA. For 1. nude or v.n'no be m' imj (':' iitj b'-'I'-r r-m. Iv than U-. Cai'-i'a Cj.i'i b.i'.'an Tin dis! 1 "...i.:-iii-.! as- winch tcs.s. abcul : 'MC I.i; : . -e, v.ebtl to f!..-'l ptWBtfdliV li'irnce of t.b.s-rrat i-iot iy ai readily a ij I otbti i u 1 111 of j -. t r a I t! :,:. c. FVI.UV FAMILY 1 lb. . ltd bp to: li,..! ml:, ll- I', r-...i, - U'l .-.. i-wij It iliani, to be ti-e i ,1 lb- -a:h' stages of Co;, fUt' ''"!m.-. S'.;ttinfc'i.f Klood. I'aia 111 thp Side ,,,4 Cheii, Pro.-icintiS, J)i.!ic..t:y of liroa'.hu j, X ;;lit Svm it-, .'..iliiina, I ;!.. 117a, Whoopiij C.n.;-i,. a (.! v -noe ,,. ;j, ci.d tlieieby c-.ui.Ut. iict the coil s ill,,.! I it tendency ll hicii 11 prie,. red bv a','- t ie, iiiiaiiciio 1 looi.t-. I' ice Ti 1. ! b-i"!e .. 1 01T bottle; hip l"'!e. SSI p.r bo lie, or :x li.'t'.le ., lor -J. .. For aii-iit l)r. I". . tei li' F.i i-ty M-licit -to. r, out!i-pail t 01 iu r i f Tiord and Ciuina' -trtcls, ,v. Loil's, ,-.!. by I'. ,.. Sa'J j, t. Miry, ii.. I by dea' -t in m- licinc t -ecalif in the Wc.t. a,., 1 . 1 y , ... e . ... , .. i im .. o g For the cure of I.iwr Complains, bjiiii pi t, .laomiue, !;l!.ou.i,c,a, 1., c." Aj.pet.tt, Head 11b. , ll ibiti.a! Costivrn"i,, l,en-ti Del'.iiiy, Nei vomnes i, ami all dieaip n.t : iti fioin a disoi dt-red Luc, or Diipstion'! Tn-sp li tier .ov-. 1 rci'inrkp.l'l - ini irirfiiii( , St 1 ee (. I beiiii and Ib-ttor at ie pi riper tic, w hi." I irii- ti,.. .Hid l iioir to ll.e D.ytnine Organs, anJ make tl.ein invaluable for I.i x s R CVm ftAi.x r, jAVNnicr, l):$rkru, Ai d all :ber diseaii ca.ised from a dorai.r' sta' of ;be stomarh, bol, and liv er fil,ic tend to 0. lo'il i'e ( r ive.'ikeli the '. stel-i. j DH. iil xi Fies ;fmax I'.n-iK.as i.annoi oe io i.i-iuy reconii ieinieii to persaai utlerr.v; W illi a uii"i. dercd I.I VFH or liidigpi. (ion, Lo of Aiiielite, Nervosa l.iitst.si lli a tartie, llao'fii.,1 t oslnene, Oeneral Debi lity, and a Vane!)" of CompUinll wbicll it ll Hopes able to ill i-ribe. If thefe arc sutrerer in SI, advised lo try tbesc lblteis. Louis, titer art Puce 'c. per bo.tip.orsit bottles for tJffl. For al-at I'i. Eusterlv's T aunly Medicins Storp, corner of Th. id ati.J CiiPinut at,els, St. Loin, Ma Alsoby P. A. Suipv St. Msrr, and by dealers in iuedicii.es gi dually i it tin West. apr 12-ly j - i . Jm A sisf-and ceitain cute for fionoribiea, Cl-ti Strii-t'ir-, tv-nnnil Weakness, and aii diseam ' of the ti. i.i'al Oii;at:i. '1 ins popular and sjiet ibe fpfnedv is nov-t tf fertd to tin- al!lic'.ed : ml Warrented lo cure all can s of (lonm rh'i'.i, (iieet, Strictures, Seintatl Weakliest, ami all diseasetof the t.enilal Oif-al iu a few- da) . Tiii mfalliuble remedy hst saved thou, uid., itpc-i f ho'i-ati'l i from the lisiuis ' of ."tlercile.s (jiini it, if not liom a preina'ure (T.ave. In ca.e of , nfi ctioii, Dr, Haker'e Sp nlic iitt.c only saf- and . i eioedy. It itvrrf aurei able lo ti e ta-'e, er-ii'ei no preceptahlt e iloi, and may be use t by persons of eitiiei sex with i lit ii e tii'i tfi- v w ilnoi.t icat d to di-t, liia diam e f.oiu bnsoien or Mi il eal Advier, tl idaiti il.n cl ii't.a for ineaccomp nt v the mediciiit id :.'. -r have you a piivate d.sean '.' Do liot lit l. t tit. Delay is ilamref ou. Willi Dr. Hi kers Speriin; on can c ue yourself, and tlu'l p. 'U-nt all esposuic. '1 i.is luedicii.e wi I speed ill and fib rt ia i.y are Ihe luoit Mini -nt easel ol S. t'tel Di.-eaie. dud eradicate every particle I ml - .1 ion , in-i'ti-r fi oin the v si em, anil icsto t !!." laitieut to a pei I' '"! .tale ad beallli and pjrity. 1, ice, T .')(! er bottle. I'm sal-at Dr. Ej.'eiiy' Family Medicine Stun-, -a,', t!i-;.a-t coiner of 1 bud and Cbesiuit street i, St. Eo ns, Mo. Also hy P. A. Sarpy, tit. Mai V, Io w.i, and by ikalers in medicinal Heiiei aily in tin.- Wist. aprl'2-ly A Valuable teiii-i!) foi suppi essioii of the MU' see, White., puinlul Meiistriiatioii, Impoli cy o- Ham iiiiess, Siil.ow Complex ion, Head ache. D,.nic.i, Vcaknes of ii.e nei tea, a-! all tinea...-, which arise f i oiti a itecaiii-Pitital .f th- f inniiifis of nature. Th- mo.t peiirei, safe and ii.falliable remeii furlnec .ieot ail liio,e ibm-as of liaiialss, sr-i:-:iv' 1 1 "in n a km oi di iiii ,ty, and o!o t:u-t.o i'l lie sexual oiiiati::, s-ich us n;-', !ar cr sa-p.-.ml of t i.t- .Men., s, Fluor A!! us or Whites 111.1.,; of li.e Wioiib, Ifeailmbe. Tiicbtfal Dituiii.s a., tll'l.s, -Ad rau --d by I oi.li, cl.ei ki d jut. nra- s, oiei-excilemrin, C. IS DR. HOOPER'S FEMALE CORDIAL' S-i ei al lad.es in the c It y w bo have t 'irterei for many v e.u s w lib the above t o,.. niaiutti a' iii.e empioyed our most euitinn'. b) s.citi.l With. nil I'lo'i-.i.), bale ii-i t Di. lloopti't tui:!s Contial, nn I ham bi f n sriecdi'y ai'd !er it.;.. n i, l! ciii- i by ila ine. It ll.eie aie sutler eis lu St. I-o'iis, ll.ey can rely upon Dr. Jfiiu er' 1 ei.ia'.o l.yidiai ut a sate, plcasent and -lectuul 1-int.ly. Price rjit p, r bittlp, or an bo'tles for A For sale at Dr. Eist-rly's Family Mcd.ciU Stoie, coiner of Third and Chesaut ttiecls, J Louis, Mo. Also by P. A. haipy, St. M')'t and by dealers ill mi.-d.eiii'! (eneihlly in W-st. apr l-lf :-; lUlr 0)1. beauty, growth, eat For the pretorvttioii, resioTatioti of in- Muir. It baa Ion,; been the desire of persons t.-oiibl-a I witii ttitf, barsh, unruly hair, to procure ant' I tide wh h would at once render the hair scf Ii". e! and beautiful. 'J he most jarfectaa. udiiiliuhle article ever discovered for that P I pose i, Dr. Cook's Msfic Hair Oil. I This Oil peii-tru'ps Ihe uiinutest pores, ftv- f in? the iii v and w ilbe. iiiK bulbs new life anil t vinr,o;'iiil tbecap'.Uariet, toftii, preserset beati'.ilies ana strengthens the Lair.rl. aud tu'i-" from f alline olf, renioves the daridrufl, and tuiai ilii;.i hair into that which it smooth, g1 and wavy. It IssdmiUL-d ly all to he the jra t it mveiitioii of the age for beautifying the bait u;.d ri-ii'k-rint; it permanent. DR. COOK .'ij MAGIC HAIR OIL. Is a supei b article, and should it fouod Unlet uf every lady woo values the piotty aa beautiful tpiurnce of "the flosviit,- rUf ! and the w iti bin; curl." Price, M cents pr bottle. . Vc tale at Dr Eat'eily'a Fimily Mv.iciaii Stoie, corner uf Thiul and Chesnut ar' Lo lisb, 51a. AUo If I'- A. Karpy, Ml, ami by tltwlart m axti.eiaea !"", WSY. WfMtW 4. V'S-"