tssaMtAtftM I ! 11 "J NLi'UASKA I'ALLADll'M. B E L L E V U E , N E 3 R A 6 X A. Wl.DM'.SDAV. M Altai iv... Terras, Twa EoUiri Per Ye r ii t'.var.c. BEU.EVUE. The friends of this place brine d sir- " "' ""'' -""" '""'k' u.c siuiunc, , , ousof hanging the or.h(ir.pby f itsr'-l,!y '"'"" in'errooations. we answer, name, sons tof..rrcsiMM..Iwi-lil1lerrn-.eJ.. i'l-T will g this spring, if treaty s'ip:- from which i! is derived, we have com iu I'nl lo adopt lli::t method of si'dling. I)i La v i d.--Ilav ii g had improvement tti hitjWwc in the niec haiii al arrange- metits of our pa per. and hav it ' If"'' i: j ttt two d; s cr'.ier i:i 'lie week, in -rdr' to accommo '.a'e mail arrnngcmcni s. w e found it liecissary to emit the public, iti n of papir last week. Hereafter, our subscribers wid rtetive tin ir paper two days earlier in the week, limit hiTtloiol e- BttLEVUE P. 0. ' We are in dtbted to M-j. George ITep rer for letter i!JrM'(l t' linn. A. C lUii', by H initio Kin,;. 1 nt Assis'am 1'. M. General, c !;; i ::il the ..isc n! 1!ie delay in rstablihii e n C. -M (UYv e in ll'is phiee; l'lt ui:!'orfiiila: !y, the l.'ltei 1 s been misIaiJ, wli: !i eirenmtanre de jirivet u of tlie jirivilege of i's publica tion. The purport of the letter ws, l!.-t a petition ha iri been fowf ftoin H -l!e-vtid a year ag the prevj.it u'MK.. for the establishment of a l'oit C'Vi , iniurir were sent from lite l-. Pepari. ment,' answers t.i v ! : !i vere never re ceived at WasLii'gWjli, con.'f'jti miy ti e mljeet was drorped until the nrrivul oi Hon. N. II. (ii:idinjf-, o'ir Uee-ac to Congress, by whom it was renewed. m ) to whose recommendation we are inde.blt.ii for (lie establishinent of cur IVst Oi'A If we recollect aritit, the qui s: imi cut on were du!y answered and return ed, but it appears they failed to reach the Uepurlment. GOCD. , We understand that steps are being taken to build iir.n diati ly two bridges across the l'appilon creek, one directly Eolith of the city plat and the other direct ly West. This last will be of immeiifce service to emigrants into the interior, and ucross the plains, as it opens the way to the only good and practicable route to the tlkhorn river. By crossing the l'aj piiun West of Bellcvue, the emigrant his a route all the way to the Iikhora and L.u; Fork rivers without the obstruction of a single hill, and over as good a natural road as can be found on the continent. Il is not only the best, but it is, by sever.. 1 miles, the nearest, route to the Elkhoru rossings. Immigrants w ho pass thrcugh Council Bluffs and Omaha Cjty, find their wry impeded by numerous hills, seine ol them difficult of ascent. Il w ould be far Latter for emigrants by way of Council JUuils to come down on the Iowa side to fit. Mary, a distance of 10 miles, and cross over in Gen. Sarpy's Steam Ferry-1 l...i i 1; .1' i .1.. n I uij.i-f iv its. iii , 1 1 it, mm lulu o up uic beautiful Pappliotl Valley, than toiroso at Omalia City and take the Li g !iil'. route to the Llkhorn. The time spent in traveling the distance from Council Bluff to St. Mary, is more than saved in ex- editions crossing and in a good road from Beilcvue to the Ilikhorn, to say nothiig about the pleasantnds of the rou'e. THE KEBSAtKA. The sp'endi I steam lerry boat of the ehove name and owned by (Jen. P. A. Sarpv, has commenced her regular trips between St. Mary tnd licllet lie C'i'y. She was bought lust season for thirteen t ou sand dollars, and is al'ogethcr the largest and best ferry boal eter ued on ihe Missouri riter. She is of hutlh-icnt cajiacity to crce-s 2o or 30 '.cams at a time. We apprehend that our frknd Gen. S. will rep a rich harvest the present sea son from i'u boiit, ii'.asinmh as i'. is at preeeri' , ' and will iluulitlcs be In si m 'tinie, the only s'wn ferry boat, cruising the Missouri to riel-rsku. T.ie littb bttaiuer, '(jen. Marion," w hicli h..s been run as a ferry boat at Omaha Ci'y, ojipo- " site Council l'lulls, became totallv wi i ek- ed in the winter, so (bat the ci ossnos all -i . .' : . .1 . .. t .. .1 :v. . . ,1 J 'that jioint is dune by skill's and scows ' iJe'ow Ikllevi.ie, the cros:ii.g is i ll d. ne ' by Hal-boats and skiffs, and this must nee essarily' occasion greater delays than emi grants arc Willing to submit to; benii, ive anticipate there will be a great rush 'to cross on Gen. Sarpy V steamb't..!. If enterprise an 1 courtesy etiti. It s out. to success, surely the General uuy claim it. ' - . ' s, Jhll KaiiTt. A mail rouie embriic ,iii Iltllevue, (maiiu City, Florence an 1 the settlements ou the II: k horn river, and Itip Fork are needed, ami no time s! oiil ) ; be lt In gl"o iu'-', r0111" b'ihed. , JNumerous fanaiies are preparing to settle ftll ilo::f up the magnilicent valley of the .Great Flute river, likewise on the Flk- liornauJ Liup Fork. Give thtm mail fit-iiities. , r;-Jfon. A. C. JXxlge, of Iowa, hrs vat Uii.k for jmL'ia I jriu.iits. RLjIOVAL OF THE IsaiAVS. We are oMi'ii soliebed fur inl.rin it'mn. concerning the removal of li e Indians Irnin this country. F.very settler In. an ' in'crcst in knowinir when the Indians are In lie removed, run! when ihry can bci -nine llio exclusive possessor. j Will liny he removed t'is sjirirr. it ! 1.1 . . I .....) 1 .. I ! is ii'ii inteied intn with ihem by llie Gov i crnrie-nt )i'e fulliilcd, according to the Inn sen! 'a i 1 1 ( o I 1 1 . e 1 1 1 ' i : l . .s . l.'n'il thi j i-j i y wi'i sir y v In re they As vet. il.ry have nude no J i t. isisn. for m-it tr -Ti-1 do Ii' t intend to tin. he at: unil ncn l.'.'.rr nf ti e..' v tit nh.ioit i eompli."l Willi n the pn't cf eilini'tit. A (f..rri-nn !o be j ri i i. d for tl.r j,i i: !. i ion i.f tl'c Om.dii'.s i'L'.'i'i--t tbeir a'e ;-!,l t i ii inl- s, the b-i.'iiv, I i U, re they ti.k-i Uji th,- ir I ::'-' u" mareli (,.c their new liolee. Had this l ei n d.'t.e last Jail, ihi-y in '(.lit ha e been re:ie ed ejirlv 1 1 ai 'tIi.,', hut u it is, einsi'l,'ral'!. lime mii-l I t foin their veiu.ival can be ',..! '''I, if il is done at all ihe jn sent ?;.,'... Tiie (J:nab:s talk of i:iinin baik to ;luir(!d . ill- e mhI j n"ii'p in a ercp ol '',fn. If ibis is ne, they wi'l remain until after harvest, .rx .u -'i l. n .er no one call t. i;. ' f t'.-.i ' m" m.i.i !o vex t.rd injo.-.i '!. hai 3 w J( ki;; jr ;,:!.i r. the fault will be wi Ii tiie i.ro ei ii'i.i nt i.nJ noi wiwi itiem. "AS Tii K07,', bEilL JJ T.y.iV:' a ji; .r nr.-e.i ii'.-i.i to in-iea: ! a r j -j i i..'t a i.li: i.ii to I ii ) ri ... ..t la:;..i:i ..i t.hi.i territory v.:l '.! l iade tin euiniie; frc t. ; 0. -0 l '.I HI -r 1'! u ;.! , to ..e i:.p- p'ie. 1 . '. ,li I. .11 , i t fer Liv .- .'.t !. i ne i it., li n;.t ii i'. r;.is iC iii loalid 'i Later '. ii.Ol call j .(. ; f. ', ; : I ii :.lt i s l.":;i tho L.Tinsnow nndti Lo.'iSkueti: iy, idi kinds o! ci. h i v., i ion. pioiuee wi.l be scarce and dear, parlieu hnly brOudstluTs. The f:..me.- who has the foresight to make :.bun.!;i.l ,ro i -ion for ai.-i .x cring the dtmamis ti atw iil be Hindu for his produce, will not only be enabled to hil bis own pocket with dimes, hut add to the gen r.u wealth and ha -piuesstf the ctr mutiily, and earn a title to i's respect and gratitude. Wheat growing wiil be a sure and prof fitable business. livery f..rmer who has ground broken, or that be can procure, w ill do well to put in a crop of spring whe it. surety, cnoiigH for his ow n use, il no more. AU he can raise beyond the wants of his own f..m'dy. he can convert into, cash or exchange for such coirjiiu 1 ities as he needs. So fanner can make a reasonable ev- cuse for being idle now. There is a in .r- kct at his own door, arid eery thing he can n.ise will bring a high price. If these inducements are noi snilicient to s'imu i . i ' . i i i. e iiiin lo iii.iustry. we a::ov iiot I,; i " .si or! of the sharp goad. of nreisshy that would. If a farmer nermi's a li:i;is like ibis to pr.ss away unimproved, and suf- r . .. i r . . i , feisbisfaim tobeotriii!i W i.h l.oxious weeds, the sharp fangs of Jioverly will fasti n themselves upon l.iin, r.nd s'rij him of bis inilepeiiih.nte and his ji isiuuti in respectable societv, and r.siign him a po sition of shame an J contempt as the only herb; ge of which be f worthy. S eahh, Social position and every hon orable motive call earnes'ly upon the far mer here, and in our honorable neighbors in Iowa, to evert themselves to the utmost of their ability in producing briad 'or the coming season. J,-:t them con.sid.-r that eeiy spue bushel of wheat, com, oats, la ..n, pes ..nd Jiot.itoes can be sold -t a hih ptics at their own d.oors 'Lit e- rv bushel of wheal lley bae to seil, hi!! pay for an acre of government land as good as can Li found anywhere on earth. Nt W An v I hi 1st v i n i s. Our readers are re'pco'l'ni'y reli rr j.1 to our adw r.i.s- ing oll'mns ihi wet-k. Ilerny ,k. Cemju.ny I..m 1 Agents, and W. 15 . mum, Sun j or and llneiueer, are now in 1 lie In 1! give thein a call. Those wishing; lo contract for carrying the M.dl from Iebn,.ska Ci'y, via Ik !!eue, Om-.hu ( i , I .orence to I t. Calhoun, willlii.d - , U,K ertisi ment for proi.....! from tl.e . - . . ' ' l'ost Mas cr (Jencrd, iii this number The tlistaiice is about 70 miles and is to be carried w.c-e a w eek. J)if rsicT Cocbt- -The first session of the Lis'riet Court of the Frst Judicial District of this Territory, was held at liliciue, Monday, March 12. h. Hon. Feiincr Ferguson, Chief Justice, presid ing. The Court was organized by the choice of Si'as A. Strlr kbind, of B. llevue, Clerk. Several foreign born residents imide l.icir decl.tratiou of intention to become citizens. No other busiuss of importance coming up, the Court adjuumc l to April I2di. i'iT Brighum young is about to build lw large and beautiful houses in addition to the one he already occupies, in order lu accoiiHiio bife l is increosing family already m-iJing to fifty wives, and abii jit the saiik utuiiber of cldUrsn, hEan.SKA. Tii.- rxtmsls jjiven below, froni a letter vvri t'ii from lii'.Irvne, by llii ll otnr. .1 il 'e I I.rdi n. will he read w i h in'i rest, at leuii ! Mid id road. In (Till r to pH .1 ri'hl r"i'-'rile!io': jnpi'ii lie- irwH iT tiie .In lr. i' most la ! borne in muni, that be i Trom the snn j ny son: It."' and that pro r nl;i'. .mei s,iailil la m.i'li' lor his lew so! theii. in.ite a.nl h'-ah!i oi this eoniilrv. The in :eti.si:.y of the euM p.iken of. hts. i-i rv-!i 'V. no exis'e'ic' in anj nri!itiat win'er. and ran.';y in lie r i idles'. W v ban liern a resid'-'i! o. this inipilrx neari i.;!it e.n an ! i;a e no t t s i: ,,; j m in j ; ,,. noun. 'in; the i Itm.i'e i.jree..! ,.,) J ;a. I.J. i l We know it i true. :l at w e h.. e I j ..s well lis sunshine, ois; : : ' !e w in..'- n'l'i Si".erCCoel oei l:M'll.a IV ; !;'l! Hot to si: i b an tent as to b eome r"i-iiab!e on the ground of health and ( infort. 1'ri'b.d'ly no country can he named w here ii'ivi-r c! jee:i.i:..s can lie raMid i.(aiiisl '.he ei.in.ite. Tilt ( i ima'e is ni ,1I u 1 pie : - nt tirit'' ii I.ire portion ot fie er. Viy are of i at e ei'i iii n :a . Siws ami j rains are unf reipn nt and of shel l dur..- M'MI. The whole Miio-itit of M'.ow' here dur iiiT the i.rtsent win'er, j 1 1 tevther. IV. il,' 1 V- ' ;,(.!. .1 tl.ri... i-w I...3 ill ili-nll. ! We 1. -c s no r.iiiiitry v,bfrethe js'.-y was eiari-r a': 1 mere brilliant than ' 'his duti' , two-'hirds uf i'u year. In- jdei.'d, '.vf tin nr' biii've there is another Ifii.e '!':' inu'ili-ihed in this respect, this li e of f,ihj. e'or the benr fit of (bio.' seeking to be come i,e(jiii.i:,e 1 with ihj r'imat? r,i t!;j, eoun'ry. we Mibjoin th f .dlnwini; I,-I',t"o-rii! ie..i ('.fiviiiioiis m.'de I ' us (birin (tin: i.-.st winter, show in-; the iver; ol each weik. The observations were t .ki 'i morning, noon and evening. m. x. i: wc! en hug Dee. 2. L- 4 31 it. is 3.j irj " " " 111. ii7 -It! 42 " " I'iJ, Is .i-i 2'.) " MO, 25 41 Stj " " Jan. (J, 17 1'iJ IK " " " l.'h 40 2i " U0, 2!) -jtj -j" " 21, JJ 20 13 " T.b. 2, 7 27 20 " " " 10, 2S 50 3tj 17, 20 M 3.1 27, 11 2G 20 A crag", 20 37 25) Tin; above table will not vaiy senti.d'y from in averse for the last i-)it jears. We should not know whereto hmk (or milder or more agreeable whi'ir. All in A- eiiimilies have Ilea e or b vs of el, ills Mid fever, but we pn Mime lew have b ss than this. I'robab'y not tie: in (ive are jifl'ccicd will them at anyone lime. As to iiin(j'ietn s, w e admit thej : re uxrji.l Lu J," l.n. v i h ihe -i i y: i...-i of certain wet ,he-,.s, ih.y an- ,., ,.7i cieir ly numerous to become vi .y Iroi.'o lesnmc. Ill f.o t, they are in Ii iubleal all, except in the bottom lands. I.ir-h j;rss jiid limber. Bui to the letter. Corretpondencs cf the thittanccg Caict'.e. JliLi.r.vi t, Ntbr. oka, J.m. II), :C. Dear Sir: You reuuested i;ie to write to you ou my arrival in the Ten io'y of Nebraska, which I promise to do; and which I b.ive deferred doing until I eoi Id collect sin h information, relative to mat. lers and things hi re ilut I suppo; d milil be inttrestii g to the readers of your valu able paper. I hope tolir lo si (. Nebraska grow it.ioa great Slate, and to look back wi b some degree of pride, when I tell my children th-il I idmiiiiiiered th- o-itb ot oh'ice to the President i,il Speaker of th first T .-:, oriul Ligldiidire that ever as si mbled here. lam much better pb-i sed .. i'h this coun'ry ihan I was at firs', and tin l the dim a'e mui! tnore j bas.in'er than I bud anticipate.!. Tne bmd is the inosl fertile l ever saw the soil is .l .i k and fine, and as soft h uii a-di b ;,!.. ai d i generally from igh'. to leu dct p, and produces wi h scarce y any more labor, bull is required in planting, from MJ to 5j0 bushels of corn to the acie. Buckwheat, wheat and cats ilouiisli inimitably hire, and every species of g.nlen vegitahb'. Little towns are grow ing 'in rs r? idly as circuuislaiict s w ill allow in the various parts of the Territory, and after another year, I think thii gs w il! a.sBi.iue p.i.e.i .ive . ppc.:r..ni:e here. It m lluMight that the emigration to this Territory will be gre.il next spring. When the waters are ip, the j.s..f froin Chattanooga litre, will be a lucre pleasure trip. A steamboat tt Nashville conveys you to fc't. Louis a bo;.; at St. Louis con vej you direct to .this point, nd 43 or f 0 w ill cover the entire expense; and traveling ou thu'western boats is usually very pluant every t!dng is fixed - up m fine style. The stale of morals Ju re U much better than I expected to find. I go to church and hear a good sermon presetted very Ssb'jutli UJ attend prsy. S ,bl..t li ev ening. The i.eeole seem be aiiXioits for mi o' s mil i C ion. Mid arc " iar ipiiet an I very fi if if l- 'y an I ho I h..ve It.ell utiri-i l myseir very in'.u t, ii.h,.diiiir v. i ll lb'' I'm h i Im'uitis- i. flin lit:l ni'M'ics lio n t'o in an ,;b- ,eri:'. thiir sinii'ihir ni.uciers and ms inrns. T!cy are a small tribe, butV'TV degraded and i.;n ir .nt 'hey t re e:.tt.,.e I out on the ba-k "f th- Missouri liver, half a mile Irmn this ida.-e 'heir v ill.-g" coil, is S of .I of ta.m. 1 ib about .Ml" I , j ratell.it l.cr. ir'e. 1 1,. In l. ili'.iin in billidre I leu's, m ide sIsT'is. an I tbi V number ns. I.e.,ring that their gre.. (toe Pifsi lent ) bad sent me I mc , .!.' g .7' hr. w hi h Ile,, s lio-t' n'!; an I Wn.l!'- i -1 c ti ' ir ifliti, have lieiiCMi'ly etrered me what ih'V ensi 1- r a c.ri"i' l ixurv n dip into tiie inisi-bo.v! of 'ii'g Mf li'. Tliev r .i-c iles '.o eel on crand ii ;v..!; and I have uii'icrsioo 1 that many a po ir i nueraiit has had nil old ooen i.'o s'n'en fimn bun by he ( btv.has, an I i'l senrehin ; for but. aw lis slsil Itttnt; "'it, end was iiitorme l thai hty m. nb a ni'is of him the day before. Ibiii, W.iie'n an 1 Towser have to keep on the lookout here.' J dior is very source here, and at prt-'.nt a very cxtravag.,1.1 coun'iy to live in bit this vviii not be so afwr another ye. ir or lu". The winter climate is said to b; healthy, but chills and fiver prevail to a gre.it ex'ent in the fall i.pason. Musijiietors, I am informed, are awful bad iti the summer. The winds ! rot the prailie, 1 find deeidediy the most ivs.int ft'.. 'lire iu this chrriile. In l !i iic;;on tie? prairie, I have Si"in,:iirieH ft It as tin 1HJ71 1 the wind would lift me oil my horse, and intuit weather tin y wi! pene'r.ite the tiie kel t lo'hing. ati freeze .1 l i.iu to ile, ii.ii ia u very short time. The wa ttr is !iines"oiie, very strong. i believe I have giien you all the news jf interest. Yours. ec, II. K. ll,t,. S tU;-Ki.5: COliilT. a 1 v in hi nrc 1 s r. ts. The lirst term of the Sni,ri ni Court of Nebr.;s!;a, arlj.i;:rn"d 0:1 the tj.li i : i -1 . ; on whieh ihiv the only bm-iiuis before the Court, being the admission of Attorneys in practice Law in the Court of this 'fer ritin), Atitriiiy General II. 1). tr.nrook , addrtssed the Court as follows : MaV IT I'I.J'AsI: Till; Cot.TIT I have n in.i'ian to make, but before .eibmi'tii.e; i'. J will oil, r a IV w remarks. I sir 1 ni it a privilege, if 11. , 1 a t 11 y, to express to the curt ihe srieere gratifiea I have filt and still feel in common. I hav e no doubt Wi'h those v, ho are abon" lo become lii mbers of this bar, in witnes sing the ibCerioiiuilioii cf the court to el eviiie and to in..iiitain rret t the stand. ird of (pi ililiealion of inembt 1 hip 1 f the K- r ot ti.is territory. An i 11 1 is pn fy ex't nsively prevalent ill the older S ati s, ibat person-, with I II' a limbed Mid sunt r fl i..l known doe of the hiW . or. indeed, w it h to know ifde of 1' at liil. r ill : pi' to the l.ew !y iir.tli!Z'"ii s'ati s ;u.d trrriiotii s. and there attain to a pv.i-i'ioll HI the pioiessi 'll whii b the ruNs oi thiirown s ales have ibnied them at horn. ii.il it i perhaps, il UctUT of re gnt, 1 biit Mil It vies and 1 xpeeta'ions liave been too fi 1 pien'ly rea ized. I ileuu ii, then, a subject of mutual con giii.ula'i.iii, that this court have ilctci min ed to udojit, an I, as I believe, the bar are i ipc.h'y determined to siisti iu, a co.le o! roles that shall rssist.if no! rebuke, a sy; 't m of practice so hnin'.liating to the in !i vi.iu.d who seeks advantage under it, and so unworthy the honorable profession to w l.ich he aspiri's. By a sort of comity among soma of the states, persons admitted lo mi mbership in one tale, are 1 dmitled to the s ami grade ol inembei ship in each of the others, upon t-xhibi.iiig their credentials, nyl vvi.hoiit examination. Whatever iptie.s iuii there may be as to the propriety of this rule i 1 its largest lali.n ie, I understand ihe court to have adopted it not permanently, per haps, but In subserve the present "neees sit). In view of tbi i fi-ct, it gi.,s me the greatest pleasure o be abb; 10 convey tu ihe court the confident assurance, thai, in ibis ins'aiice, a relaxation of the rule w ill bring into fellowship W'iili this bar none w l o i re no! emiiie:' ly u ortl.y the noble and honorable J,rofessioii to which they bebing. 1 will be peinu'tel to make this ad li :ioii.d rti:i..ik that this unirt, in takint; llie ciev.,(e.! ncsliiiiti i: ).:, iinoii ibis nl,- jc ., a upoti cveiy otl.i r j Ct Wblel, i... v.. '-.o.e'i us jii.iii ii.i i unctions, liave .'urnisbed an ii 1 liti onal guarantee that the bi'li bojus and cxpcciions which Imve been (herished by the people of this terri tory, (hiring several months of free md iiuiiv.r.iued intertr ourse wiib ti e mem ber of ibis court, are lobe inr.sl fully and abundantly re.dized; an I that tin; virgin godih s.s, whose form; by direction of his honor, the Chief Jus'' ice, i to be inscri bed upon the seal of this court, and whose impress mark .1. 1 s .ncin.-, pK process, wid stiller no pol uinci wimiu the jiuie of this her sunctuary. On mo" ion of Attorney General Ks a bro. k, the following naini i genllemfln w tre then admitted 111 oj,eii Court, lo prac tice, as Attorneys and Counsellors al Lvv in the Supreme Court and other Courts, of this Territory : "iVin. Crtuield, A. J. llanseom, J. JJ. S. Thompson, J. L. Shsrpe, A. J. l'o)pietoii, Jubn 11. Sherman, Writ. Kemirfon, 1. L. Gil.U. e ..... .... 1 .. 1 r . S. il. Ito''ei t, A. C. I'u,d, J. M. Latham, H. A.StricklanJ, A, . Larimer, A. 1). Jones, ti. 1'. Buiinet, . .r. Haiikiit, O, L). Kiehsfdson. . 1 i r Tic e' ms e 'TV His ll.mor. Chief Jiistite Ferguson, a.!dres ;c.l the memben of the b ir in s ib s nn e as follo.VS (ini'li itii 11, we welcome you as olli ers of the court. It will be nur desire to cii'tiv ate llie m ost friendly it;nbrstndiiig v ilh the mem- i ht rs of Ihe I. :,r. We sha'l expect to derive tn.l tl ns'is tmiee in the discharge of our chcus, I rein yeiir industry and npi'lic.ilioii iu )uur pi o li sion.d labor. e shall hope thnt in tu y case in whii b jo'i m.y appear, j oil will be U( -pared to iurnisb ihe tin rt with elaborate nud well ili csled briefs. This w ill be due to your ( lienls arid the 1 rt, not more tlisn to ) ourse Iv es. We wish to discourage a loo.'.c and litip-lmz ird sort of piaetn e. A lawyer who properly regards his sl.indii.z and character, wnl be careful bow be di sci nds to low pet t il cili" tricks, or resnrl to sen rilloiis language. H .tl; are dero n'.ory to the ibaractrr of n oei.t i'ln an, and every lawyer ought to I I.e. (il be i 1.0' ) h gentleman. e hope to sec the members of our ter tiloiial liar, I; ke a M.'ii stand for their Irtirning. their coiirti sv , nud their sense of Il'IIMS. . . His Honor, Associate Justice Harib ti. thin delivered lo the members of the bar, the follow iiij.' address : Gentlemen, we welcome j-oil to the bar oT the Ti rii ory oT Nebraska. We triiil lli il iu the discharge of your professional duties, jnu will on all ( easioiis, exhibit 11 coininetidable (levn'iim to the principles of justice, truth, and high-tolled honor. Justin- is represented as a blind god less, I. (tiding in her hand n pair of scales of delic.Oe 1 ijuijmise. Those who wor ship at her shrine, should hav e clean hands ..nd hearts as pure as li.e uusuliicd snow driit. ou are. tab inert, membi rs of n ru ble, pre ftssimi 11 proiesioii that we hof e e::ci em 1 : you will endeavor to adorn .1 profession that admin s ai.il exults the Lawyer, who seeks by bis depot intent to i leva e (be stand, rd of 1mtr.1l honesty, while tt t-ej.res.es in the scale of I . ii,;r. and entertains asowriicci ,-onti :npt ..r the I'e!lifogc;i r whii is content lo grovel ill ihe (lusl ol jiis own Ji olesvioi al imbe. ( it it , and to nee, inj.bsh by ti iek and si r.il i gem, the 1.0!, !c ends of t. v en- handed jus tn.i1, oil have a valiant, i.nd a juomisin t heal re for your operations. Ymi have a career of usel'nlni-ss, and of disiii.i lion L-i-'.d-e ynu. L.y then, a peruiaiieut and lui.Jtle iiiiindaiion. Build up for your selves a reputation of which your coun'ry m y be jiio'id, and which future genera tions m.y coiilemjiiate with a laudable sj-ir il of emulation. The lawyer "must trim the midnight lt.pt r."' He must be tliii. cnt and je-rsi-verinjjiu h.s exertions, n he 111 put s to disiinition in a profession, to acquire a loler blc proficiency in w hi. h, a learned oor-mii ci,-.;i,r ;,lS 1 (marked, rt rjuii es the lui:nbi atiuf.n vindi aanm uin.'' Il is ",;e conlliel ol mind with mind that develoj., truth. There is Tin fo ld "I mental ..r 'loti, npim whi'-h the claili,. iioii ol inn llect is more beautr 'uily .i i'h 1 ti...n ;:l ihe bar. The limb ilaut s l.i tins e n 'est inuvl ilepr nd upon their own res-cue. s. The eyes of (lie world ate np.iti you. A ju lye is pn siding, whose .i.,vince 11 is lo ile'ecl trror :nl vt 1.1. in'. i.r;. wat.-diing v. i b viLiiituit eye toass.,;! vyiak j.oiti's, and anxious (bents Ji'e up.,;, ibe iij-..,c of t xei'tmei.t. iru ti..-ri, O ! wbit'er vv,!! yoi 11 y, .No fi n-.iit. 1,0 slielter now 1.1 luj.li; An t otiwanl toils llie i-tona." G.'iillcmrn, this court will be jucpured at times during their ntii. ial intereottrsi w i'h j oil, to exorcise towards jou a gen t runs couiesy, and will contribute all in iheir power lo maintain ihe honor and dig nity ol the profession. The l..ws of this territory will be ridig edly enforced ,.nd if the good people w ill aid the court in the administration of the ( rii.itial law ibis court, while it will al ways feel disposed lo'Mcmper justice with in. rcy ," must and will be a u rrorlo evil doers." Neither wealth, nor portion, willsliiild an olfciider and much wilt depend upon 1 he people, in t racing upciuue, and bring ing ihe crimiiul to iic bar of justice. Tiie sacred and inestimable rights of "persona! libery, personal securiy, and private property," can only be person ed, by a slric.il holiest and incorruptible judiciary. Gentlemen, oeeuj y a beattii! ill and an iittereiiiiig country while it is sus Oii'pilble of bi-nig niade ihe. garden spot ol die West; lei us endeavor to mould its luture ib stitiy , by cultivuling virtue, pa-tnob.-.i aril-intebicme. Jlere the in iiatt warrior pursues the p..nling deer, and the ingenious Ctlttor, pile Uliuistuib et! bis w ol.ilcri id iiiechiiiiiMn 'lint ah! ere s fe- nhort years nlmi lull helw-'en, lluw alleii.i, aaJ how ehangeil (Lit irtne" M.ignib'.ciit cities will spring up, m it wire, by the w.md of the liocioiiiaiieer. and this tertilu and extensive domain, once under the dominion of the untutored child of iiati::;", will bfc timia'.oruicd into llie bow its of taste utid embellished by the arts if civilized hie. Tliu rtl.te hut, fab ricate 1 by the poor savege, vyili crumble into dusl, and his w ild mid lerriilc j ell, vvill be Uirne ou l! e bosom of lite breeze, unlil lost forever, in the far tlista.it west --ids foot-prints will sot,u be ulitcra'ed from the sod of Nebraska, j,nd the flort tr id civ ilir-iti.m will spring up in ihe di'rt, Mui diifuse their fragrance o'er the wildiii ss of nature. Gentlemen, om e, more we welcome jou lo the bar of the Territory of Nebraska. Hon. J. L. Shtiip, in behalf of the mem bers of ihe bar, replied as follows : May i; ph ;:te the Courl, on the jiart of the members of the U r who have jusl l.ccn ailiinited to practice in this court; we return you our sincere thanks for the cordial welcome received from you. Wc are phased to see ihe Solicitude uu:,ifes- te t 011 tliu occusioii,' for the power smi gWy of the profession. It hr. bsn just ly ssid. that our profession is truly rt re sponsible one; wc shall lease our imprest upon the institution now just slmim into life around us. Ii shall be cur hipl). est aim so far as our abilities will permit ill our future intercourse with tnp Court ihe community and ourselves, to be guided alwtivs by the piiniiple of justice um virtue, thus elevating tl.e profession to w Iceii w e belong. We heartily concur in the sentiments of the Courl, relative to the duties of nttor. toys, and hope (hat nil our acts may tcinl to ihe honor of the fraternity. In view of the past, the present mid the future we trust in say by our acts "Let ju'iee be done though the Heavens fall !' A pain we lender our thanks for the inter, est manifested in our welfare and pro lession. The remarks whiih yve have cpinied above, are highly appropriate anil worthy of th' talented and distinguished gentle men by whom they were delivered. The interest and Solii itu le uiiniifestei by the Court, not only for dignity and hon or of the legal profession, but Iru- the wel fare of the petjile of the Territory, art duly appreciated by all. We need pro nounce no rneoiil imS, fiif ibeir Honors m..y rest assured that the bur mid ihe peo ple at large, have unbounded confidence in their integrity, ability nnd experience. While their deportment exhibits alike the gentleman and the scholar, nil concur in the opinion, that wc have a Court in all rcspcris equal to the highly responsible position which it occupies. Nebraska may well be proud of those able jurists, Chief Justice Ferguson arid Associate Jus. ice Harden, who would adorn theSu preme bench of at y State in the Union. Attorney Gem ltd Hon. I'.vpcrience Ls tabrook is ft gentleman of alfable manners, and in his nlIL-i.il capacity always at home. Ihe friends of law and order will be Aut friends; and hist ivic as well as legal lore, enables him t.t m .inliiin the elevaicd po sition in which be is plated, with honor and credit tu himself, and to the entire iiirobaiion of all. AWasAuin. for the i'.ill,. jiti. Mr. Foiton: In n number of your paper a few weeks ago. I noticed an ex tract from the Diibmjue TriLtmt em! s into additional remarks in relation to the Hon. M. II. Cb'ik, and know ing your liberality to corn s; mden'.s nnd your readiness lo me'e out even handed justice to all. I write to explain, know ing you willgive it publicity through your columns. I ihiuk the extract uid your article above men tioned deserves a notice, and I speak as nut: who knows. The repulption of our public men are public property, and rs stu b, are proper jubjects of comment us to the extract, we want no belter evidmcts of Mr. C.'s reliability , n a dern'vrat, tbi'ti this most bitter tirade of personal abuse, so uuect itmmioiisly and s unscrupulously : de.,!l to the jniblic agiinst Mr. C. b ibis roi.in, sens nous an l corrupt wln hlieet; but ir, ibis negative ci idem eo fMr. C.'s democracy, probi'y and honesty in politics is Kol all that is known of him, and it is due him. and the pubiii , that I should say I knew Mr. C. years np,, when in a wes tern county in tbc Umpire State. Mr. C. Wiis then one of the beautiful sm.dl num .ber of seven in his own county, w ho tried and true, fought boldly, openly 1 nil mt.n fully (Tor the good M man If ,; Jl,r vulngr.) until he saw the bright nnd glor ous sun of democracy wi'h its genial and exhilerating influences, ghulning the hearts of millions, by the election to th chief magistracy of this nation 0 people's man, "one w ho w ill live long after marth.1 glory and monumetitul honor shall have crumbled to the dust this may be a di gression, but sir, Mr. C. hits been a consistent, hard-working and zealous lieiiio. rat and has contributed his mile to produce those results, sn cheering to all good democrats that he is an "old pio neer" and has been for the last few years working his way westward is most true, but it argues with etpia! force fcr his un tiring energy, persev erance and enterprise and we welcome him to his new home in Nebraska, were we hope as he is to forc-K-i the comforts and plensurts of hi na live Sia'c, to endure the toil and depriva tions of a new Territory, he may live long to enjoy freely as he merits, its emolu mcnls and its honors. S. A. S. Nebraska, March 2. inW'care ind.-btcu lo Hon. N. Jh Gid diiis for valuable public documents; also for two packages of fine Maryland To bacco Seed, procured from the U. S. Ta lent f) trice, fr which he has our tlianko. Without doubt, good tohecco may be rsised in this country, imd we fear it will be. Iieeis, parsnips, carrots, turnips and potatoes arc more ueecssary than tobacco, snd so long as we have to be deficient in one or the o her, give us vegettbles. 7 The French spoliation bill wliicli has been e oed by the President, appro priated iffj.iKXI.O'KJ to play claims of Ame rican citizens for injuries done them some half a century ego. Gtw. 1. A. Sjirv.--The libera! pro prietor of the Siearn Ferry, Nebraska No. i, ferries the U. S. Mails free. The Gen eral's boat, j imiuodious sin! safe, aaJ slwsy redy for isrvioe.