tin fi ..... Ch, , .li.hu S.Cn Lec Ni'l ion. I I'l.d"! by coimuiitptiiMi r,y 0 9 r i 1 it 1 1 u r .1 1 Louis ,n oa d.i.- ! 1 ' : t 1 . Sit I i Id 1 :n I ' 1 x f . -1 I I. I liclioM; in small i'.ir and thorough cult i at ion. j I Ltlietc that the oi I loves to ; cat, as well as its owner, nmlj O'.iyht, therefore to he nii n'ired. I I ixiicte in lare corps, whicli 1'Mves the larul better thai they iburnl it, making hoth the firiner anil the iarni rich at once. I lu'lieve in i;oini to the hot-1 torn of "thing's, an.1 therefore, in the:) plowing, an 1 eno'isji of it. nil the better if with a suhsoil J1 low. I believe own a good I believe every former fan.i. that the host f rti! i.r-r ol anv soil is a stunt ot nnlii-di-v. 1 , - enterprise an 1 intelligence, With t:ut this, lime And gvpsnm, hones jmil green manure, marl and gua- no, ne ot little use. 1 believe in good fences, barns, good barn houses, good good fctoek, good orchards, and children enough to gather the fruit. I believe in a clean kitchen, a neat wife in it, a spinning piano, a clean cupboard, a dairy and a clear conscience. J disbelieve in farmers that will not improve their farms, that grow j poorer every year, starving cat tle, larmers boys turned into clerks and merchants, and larmers' ! daughters unwilling to work; and in all, farmers that are ashamed of their vocation, or who drink whiskey till the. honest men are ashamed of them. I will also add I believe in supporting our County and State Agricultural Societies. 1 believe in having a well fdled 8rie .Itural library. Hollow Honx Disease. A writer in the J3oston Cultivator gives the following as the symp toms of, and remedy for, the hol low horn disease: ''The symptoms are dropping of the head and cars lying down, turning the head over the back, towards the shoulders, as if pain in the head. This 1 think is a spinal disease, alJ'ecting the brains and horns. Cure T 'ake a Lirge table spoonful of sul phur, and lard sufficient, when warm to make it soft, like past'1, pour it on the top of the head at the root of the horns; take a shov el or flat piece of iron, heat it, and hold it over the head so as to heat the paste and warm the top of the head, as much as the beast will bear; repeat once in two or three days, and bore the horns on the under side, row or three in ches from the head so as to let in fresh air and let the putrid matter ont, if any be collected. I have never known this to fail, if taken before to far gone. I have cured one cow when the top of her head was so full of matter that I open ed a place above the ear, which discharged more than half a pint. This was in the summer; the ow was fattened in the fall and killed; the head was all right, excepting a place at the routs of the horns, about as Urge as a small spoon bowl. DOCTOR YOUKSKLK Or, Kvtry'toii his own" J'iysinm T yilFs Fiftwiiith Edition, "with y '""i Uiih Hundred til. 10 am. . mow.r.K ii i ',i... mid in.iiioi iik-i tiuiis ot the human nyMein in tv.-ar Hlrijif and fil-M ll.'l Hi,' form, jo n huh a ad-led a t ilisi-a.ee of f'.'inalo. being of the liiulu-al impor tance to inariied pT i L nr Iho'eronti n.plaliug warriape. by. WM. YOlWLi, M. I). Let m father be a-lnuiad to preiL'iit ropy of the Ksrupahiis to LU child, Jt may s i v . him from an early grave. Let no young man or wctiian enter n,t i the "-reut olduMl ioi. ol married life without reading the I'orl.et .Ksi-u-Jialiii. Let no one S iiti r from a ha'.'kin id cu.ih. j,iii in the nie, restless ni-'.ti, imiuii.n i'd infji and the whole train of ui sepl,t sei.snliorii. and piven up by their i,ln siriau, he another mo ment Without Cllli8li!ii,t (lie .1 irlipaliiiii. Kavr the married, or tlm.se ai o;.t lo be mar ried, any iwpi-dim -lit, read th.s tr.il y iis'lul botik, ii it hai been the meaua of savinir tl.ou aainljof nnfoit male creat trtu lron l!n very jaw "f tli-atli. i (J'lT.Vij person Fending Twenty-Five (Vnli Clitioif'ti in a loiter, will receive one copy ! til j work by B all, r live copies will he kent for Out lioiUr. Addrew, (jK.nl -pa id,) DR. WM. YOl-. iNo. I'ri r-pim:e t'.net, I'hlU. Iv2 '54 y O T0VF3 for al by BAHPY FVGIJSIf a. U Jmy ' ilala, ot eier IOliT i iloen .Me "r 'srimi, AKl) LATCHES. Jama' bea . IV oualitv ot Mineral Kind j ami Lalcbe, w-it UiU-t.iK, USSk.X fc , as;, 21 '54. CJ. V- eivi vr VTPD All kinds of skin wait - nrice will he fi.id ' "Mr. Hint by flic r Ion lliinv il, must tiihci bn Dd, for whic1' the bix;" u s i n f 5 5 directs);? GLENWOOD. T 1 IT. (I ti'll. SA HI V c-i ! it. I K- ;. ii.iMI. Win M in :i. ii i.'i. ..,!'. ; '. Ib.ohs IIP. I Si. ill. C 'ps, and cl (TV thl It I'd S'.'.C of M T'KM.'I a'.- :!.! 1!..).-tit M I r..'r. s'r. ! i (. IV. i; li.ll-: .f r.i :n-i 1 ' I'iiI. ,leuw, CO. -1.1' li'. es. 1 ll V .1, I ,1 1 ! vil li. I : and (' r o 1 I - 1 V ' 11. V !i-i n . I'.r.NM'.TT. iw. II .'" i.l l. ivt . an.) S-.'i ill I ; III .. .11 1!.' i!ll -1 ".'. I.'W.I. Will pi IH A'' -11-:in- m- iii ( 'tm:r-y. i.'V.'i'lli .l.i.in-i.i'i li .UN I'd to nil p: !.i his fill i'. mi-' ltrc. t", l.I'.-i v'i. iV.1. il I pi llllll.'- Hill llHS'lli""' I'M' I'' !-;'! 1 ,T 11 f I'l'olit;'' an. I l.viin I..1VI1. inn; Jl-I) . .sTRr.F.T, D,'-si i-ii 11 ' tii' ft in li -ittii: I v all'' ,.l Sr; li.iv 11, r.T if i '1 '"'l'1 1 V .inu'1,'1, Mill" . I..H.1 will 1 ii- i I t !l ;,l,,f,-,i..il. ,.,r i.c iii i.f :u -iv I I M W I: I. D. 31. SOLUTION. An I'rni 1 . Hi !,: m tiii' ;-V. c; i. M..1 . Cn ... I., ii .in. 1 in.j C. ri 1 IV.I. .I.i- r 1 ,(," 1 ln-tm M.iv :t 1, is i. :ir,.iv. Wlf.I.IA M AttnrTK-y .-.Ti l I'.ii.:1.-. Inn a. (.(C'.nii.n. '.lor at 1..' iv , ( !c,U (to 1 . J in r I slT.H5'. AttiirnfV aii'l C'lnii'ilnr at Law I.l': i.f Ia'-ci.-I ti-ci'!. ;on-.vit...l. I' , i-li llir 1,'irtli i a . an II 1 -If Ml llii" l. T.l.icliir Jmiii" DniM'ii'ii. ) TUT.. moiiI.I ,o-i'''-U'i!iv I, who. I, Mill" ni I v nra!i il in Hi :" ',: ill siT ifl's, in . .. )l l i'i.i lis anil I a f ill C.jiH-i- of '' i, ,n u ,! i ' In' SI . 1'iitwif rni.ip'-tfil ii.f ,.r;u 1 in' v I Inn a, J 1 1 at In i,f (, li, . la jil.li'C. : all of rini! ,ii ti'i,.;.T? iiis 1 1 i , s ;, ro-nf In iiiiri r. Il.iv'mi: a"':, il l.'." t,n'-, in -i li,.-r'il,il, fl'iti'-i .M" In r.- nii'T i;i-li.:r.ll s ill i .si .1' 1 1 ' n. in Lli'f iinuni V t:!"ul. s,?.V. l.i Il ls W ',,, I -2-J, IN Mill? C". iiii'.'-ly. STJL jiOUIS- iTouniT-rsT c.wi:: di:u. Wllol. I S M I. 1)1 A1.1H 111 Wood and Cedar Ware. .No. 7", S-ci.ini : Monroe IIoum', bl. J.ouis, Mo. Will, eppo, VVM. J KSSOl' & SONS, SliefTielil s'eel warehouse, iniiuher 13, Main street, St. I.o'.iir.. "Maltapan Iron Cnnipauy.' J'.os'oti, in ;v li t f.i c 1 1 1 1 ei s oi' marbiiii'sts tools, boll cultin; and ilnlliiif; i.'ai'hiiies, latlie, A.c Files, cit;e (noli, c.. c., inaiiuf.ii'i ttiel al Wcntworth Works, hludlii l:. impo' ted I" order. Jl. 1I AK1.V, I.I.I., apr 12-1y An: nt. 'ii i ."man, ii ) . 1 1 : il . & .. Sncessors to Hei thold Hrot 1,- rs, w !iide.ie de:,.TS in (iroceiiis. Teas. Wines and l.i, pun-; (.'on. mission and Forwarding Me;rlian!, 1'iH .or'h Second slreet, St. I.oiiis, Mo. CUAHH'9 Tit I.M VV, M. I'l' I.l. virii, Fkko. Kozi i r, J a. Ami oi.j: Bi.iu iioi.u. prl2-Iy MISSISSIPl'I FtM'NDRV, Ga'ey, Mi Ciine .V Co., I.ei iveen Merman fren atrwti, on Main end Second ai.-:. I.ouis Mo : Iviijdersof S:.- oil Fn::!!:, I'. and .-I and inj' iiev-1 ipl ion of M.ll machinery. an.' I '-''.in WM. JI'.SSOP 4. SONS. Khellield fb el wai iho..se, "l:i Main, corner of iMoiL'an street, Si. Louis. Steed of all inscription- in store, or impor'cd to Older, o.i li e t'AtJt.r.ii. U-iuii II. JIl.XKFWI-.i.L. Ac't. j. v. ro.MsTr.cic co., Wholesile and retail dealer in JJoofp and Shoe-i, of all kinds, .No. loi Mam ptreet. M. I.oiiis, .M, uptl'.'-lv- V. RANSOM ( (). ranufuc! J.) L I HON V lnrers of Coee i H Tin and Sim ct VAoi;K,s,iih a-t'u: per Pit." f.n Sltaiu Fu'i.'o s and Di-ti! lern-s. lb eecbine and Chimneys. Soiia I.Vih -ratoi s and 1 ouidanis, lire -w ini; an I all kinds of Copper k t If, Well anu ( i.-tern Pumps and every other article in their line of i ismess, tl.ey also luannfacl uie and keep coiish.nl'y ,;i hand Hie SI. Louis piemiuin Cooking SI'ives. suit able for Sfea m lioaf liol'ds, Co!lt'fe cr other soiiular estjbllslimenls; made ill a "ood ami woikmanlike inanner, and out of Hhh1 ami substantial materia! ; ami of dilf. rent i, i .,-. All kind of Tinware on hand, wholesale ami retail. No. 'SSi Main street, south-east cor ner of Cherry, lit. lOiiis.,M aprl '-im "lux (; "j.ook i:"jroiV, COME AT LAST. N TlTKOf.LS A. CO. h ive jtist (eceiied oneof the largest and be t -elect.-. ( st.le of (. mjDS vi-r hi lore exbilnli d in the w-sl. A nioi tin if iissoi tinenl may be found DRV ;ooi)s, A variety of clinhin of all sorts and pi.es, hardware and cutleiy, di'U;;, medu in. s, f nni tuie, bed.deads, lujra"fc, t.d.'i!-. cl ans, cook, box and I ii ecian, pallor stm-, .A'.j in alio, I, eierytbiic you may call for. Pi irons need not be d. t.nnej when they come to the cheap Hiintr, ua they are well l- ijiplinl will nimble clerks on their first le', and al Vav have sharp scissors and dull conscience. s f-inisfraiitj will find it to their advantage In call upon us before pun husiri el icA liei e. (ilenwood. Aplll i'li, l'ljl. Illi.'l tf N i: ii K A S K A . in l i i ; A m r: i: n i : i; n k a i s nt . i a ; ST. MAR.Y Zl BELLEVIEW CITY. JiL .ii-hii'.ika is a new and splendid boat, manned by ex pel i.'nced ollict r.s an ) d ew. iidlewpw C.ty, Tiebiaaka, is opposite St. Mary, Ion a. KMKK AT.- cominz to Nebraska hlioubl come directly to ST MARY. This the front gutrway In tbe luint import'jnt and i.ilcn .itinjr portion of Ncbi a-.ka. Lear i.i liiilid that fcX. MAT BELLEVTEW CITY are the livu hi il j.oiuU for tne tlo.i atioii to center. JJcllcview Oily, July !.", Hs'j-1. nl-tf j.,500 MIS. BACO.V for lie at tiie cheap t'a.-h store of NFCKOLLS it CO. IniO-tf NEW GOODS. sn.r.xDin stock or new goods Just iirrived. jur sHnmer DcLiwai i t S.1HP Y'S CUEA P C.1SII STOIli: On Main htreet, St. Mai j. C'i izt'is am! emir:.nis can now li nil a full upj.!y f fresli firoonries, l'rovi.siinn, Dry (irxi l and llanhvurr, wIulIiiIikv cud l..T7-!f buy i'licaji ror cash. tVsioa' Cot- T:oncr, Urtue in M. Mary, uM.ty lu a. 1 - 'i I'iM) vim.pu 1 i Ml. I '.l'K v,l ; I..,; I s J futl ' I. i:.'. '.My ;.i;.i l.:."a g. ,. 1 rv r.Ai.s r.i i-inn ,r ; : : : I... (. imi a ! -I 11 liin 1 hi'-l olituin tit. ,.., ;,l Mi,' '.r.v ', -!,- In j-i.l :' I'.'l i-'-'-l i V "f ll.'' -J l.il .1.1 ;i,t., j,'; i , IMl'l.li III I'll' ' t ipialiU . ii ' ii 11 ' l" "l i.l il " 1 t.l ! -il IIIH l'l , 1 ill l i .11,1.', ill: ! ;I,'t ..lurk fii" v-:ir iv j "'1. iiiip nf I'," fi 111. .1:1 I III. Ik'' s, ,H. I ..... ..I :.l i ' ' ""I1 ' ,W,,,M: i ill 'no. I t" (IlKTI irs It V ,.;t w illi the 'inj t'r. Ilmi ,' miv i.nl.T. I, rcil.iiti ''I u ii,rf'i-.i -fill MlllliliL' lii" g".'.l'1V. I Hit mi I 111 1 It h rnri'l i .m I'l.r." (),il tni' iii- t :i I .1 ; I to' :;'! '1 - t llllll Of 1 1 1 i 1 II ' 1 .Hi.."''''!'''!' . i.,ri' Inn 1 . mi l a n- im - ' -1 1 tan I"' I'l.'.nii' ,l I'liom it.'l.iv. iiOinv. ci.oni T., "!,' Mlil- i . LTIll, l Ul ii,' I. I.J V.1', ,:l ..' Im.t r ( ', 'II.' .1:lv hilling . Ii .:'''' lli.-'i'.lv. mil tin' i.n'. "1 V. i-l f". '', I.e.' 1 1' h'l I I.,,. I :: I- i ' Of sii,!C, to il,,' OI - i ii t,. s . H ' 1- ," "I ... ,,;,-l !;', I-f , 1,1. Hi' 111. r, 1 1 1 1 in :l!. -i ri'vi-irv 1" f , f.. .11 I .1 II' - ,1,1: in Iii .. r .in I . n v I., a -'i-;i ri',:. .I'l'.'l'l 'l..i!.K. , ol scl I, m; an : 1 In' m ii.nl ir- 1 lis. o -, , t ,,,!, r- ill' s'll.'.'rt o. r- ii.fi-i inr ii rt ii '. ttirorv ii'ii iil i' oil In ai iit an.t W,- l.i i'! i" !': tiniii In Hi' ir (' ,1 ,-iii,;rr tn be in !! I i'"v nn - ilerioi.k it with r. lurlniire, f-arin,' dial they j could not im'se tlieir ( li.iiis !.'a ier and pre-i ieri till' iinif',1 -initv i f i V imli.4 u-wi- I,!,. f.,r l'oo.I iiiilli-u;.' Tin y li,ir s'li i del. )l II ll.U.I I m: 1 I l:TII 1 K "'"' MIIlflVFIU". j I V ion cp, and f.u bea ill "f fuii-ii. mnto'i'ii- . tv n tin ilies, s'reiii'.lli and 'I iral.il v, we ret ei !o ihe miili'i s freiieialiy in Hi" co inu v atl'l e-i- i.i i nillv In Hie in.li.'i and I'vvnern in II. i- ""'I'ORTJIU.i: HU.ll.V M1LL. Our at'.enti.i.i lot in rii ve.ii ha. iieeif di rect ".! to oh'.am H,e h. -i pi m f.-r i-onitnietin:.' thei Hulls. u , my e:i-e- til' V lire used I'V in -.via rieiu'eit 1 1. 1 ii 1 1 , a' , l.i-rei oi ', U'irani i ,i y and mil plie.t V I cn t.l be l.tl.l'lied. In t1 UT.I, I. We hel.eve number e have o!d tun.!, nor to our Wn filit'dy to !b Mit'.sf.. Thev aie in ixle,, inanv ot' thi',.1 in Ne I I'll n: ' 1 1 s a l e know li li-ll .iclinii was III'' ohlert i s v t!i, nl; we li.ive sue ... .. .'. i-e in t.'.o L'.'ca'. . II., . ' !i is l,,i' l.een o:.e l e (oi !i ,1 ;.. failed lo p- Covin ei out ot -e uoii Uu ui. ni f U-" in t!ic We :t. and vv Mekieoaiid ( I if'orii'a. a UMiiV.s ! M l'i;; l-;0 ; I MILL. H'e imiuul.'CiUK tline kinds, to wil: i i,i iiiiiN hiiiis. to irr.nd by wei'.'li! ot' the lunnerj t tin K ami i.k.'.iv ai i i.i., the loei tone t run. and He i ' m. m i i i.. Patent ruenrd, cement:''! a. id machine !ri ti ll- Cl LEJTIIKR .' I .T .y;. This article is now made in the "icatoif pcr fcciioi,, and beconiliu; ri'i ioiu I y used in the iiiatiufact'iriii enti.ili .ii.iientp of the cuiut-v. H e k,'i ;i mi band larked asu' ,nul in tin: Wolerii couidry, of our own, and Fa-dun inaioil'act uie. i li tvi.m miiiur. it 1. 1 ii G tk s M r A KIMi AMI Ml' II 111.11 IK, sC. We alf til'- only a.r.":its of tin- Ho.-'on l.'ux, 'iy Hi l.'iH ci'.y f r Ihe sale of tne-e ood.i. Holing ;eii-Mi. mill "piii'llis. r,'i;ilat,iifr I -cren '. daiii-al li on mill pick-, rcu cn w ib'U , C'l'eoie i p'a-tr Ij no Pdil.i.t';) ' -st. I,..-, .. '. ,,, ir p.iU'iil I, "In p out' . lac ' Cll'i I -. I : iea- j l.lllt- .V.C., V'' 1S ,"l. 'ii I wi ajL ii TEVlR AND AGU". IF. Fe. if, -"V, f an P. I.:,".'.:. bait. Hi, li . Pi n ii -1 1 . a i. 1 a , A pi , I - !."st the Cl ,i- of h.ell a, ply '.he public ll ill, : be I e ' U.i I u a I a' ' l I rn.pl'O, e i . ,,i; put . i ly. K 'V,' A.'i'.S 'i ii: a'.d o ly n.ow: llie co-tain cine f,,r '.h t! i 1. .n.ii ed c.inplii.t -i'. 1 o I ;.e p., 1 ro,,., e nl Ti e abno i:,-1.."d for Poind Co,; pi., , a.!, !': inly l-i r,r- t us i,(e ' ,a. ; i 'o Al", l el .a u!e leii.ed .e i. h . e ,-, , cn .,, ii II l,.,t be :ia .1 l;ie im : i "..Id" rcm l.'dl' Ml TI'll I"., me lor i ii i . i v v i a i.f, fi e F' uu and A" ", and . '".Iii.'id , i:'. 1 1 rc uaiiuend luealli.i 'e,j. o'l i.k.-M . r, eMlnlll'-'lds , I.WWAMi's CnM- I'Dl'M atid in i:i for eirrv ih.s way. P.y oi.l SYI(FP Of l.I.AClvhl.ilKY IIOUT, d n. li.ne nil! faini.-li its OA n rein"ly ii.je.i5e lb it can be h!.jly tiea'ed ill of the Trus'ees, J'tll.V H. Id) WAN!). M. D. Pre-iileiit of th. F nl i ei sily , and 11. , id of the Piial lll.iceli' ial Dep. u lllienl. Home Dispensary and (Jhce, .No. iH Arch !., I'liilad-lphia. ' s, pt 'Jil, ly I a : I bv NFs PAlii.M Ml.riicF'F. lor s.,le SAKPV Js KMil.l.sll. 1)UOD in In 1KF!- ( i: , men AM) CASH wanted in payment 1 i.f debt-. S ! I'V e l Ab. the S, bli F I S piare by H M AJ.A-sT CP i")Tim r H'-' I V salebv Ilia f i! 'I1'' bv s. it i'Y k f. ".'. isir. A.D ( i.iilt I s. for SAHPY .t K.M.LISIL PI lo 'I.'i f To ki: h . t ii .a!i1y, tor low. at p .1. , , I. I . . . A I . , K . "l , , i . I .V t 'I, ;w.i:':, kittxfv v TRADER'S POINT FEUJIY. ' I AH ii (Hills.', ,be ,i J. Co.. (he old Co i havliu; based of Claikei. mcil H I ii tt I'errv t 'l'ia- der' Point. Potlawott.iin.c County, Iowa, llai mg built a new and sahdanlial Itoit, is now prepared to cross all wh) come. IVo'i'ii iisiln.1; Neh.asha vvi.l li.id tl.is one of the be.l I'eri ;' on 1 he Flier. Tree, liv.e no Sieain leirv Foal, but 1 have ,!imi.' arm powr, ia bii h va ill pr of ,11 a boat U' ro,, the river at this ii.irroA pond iviltioid any di'tieer or blow up. p nek enoull to saiialy tbe fasti. .si (,f thii fast ij;; and country a A 1 1 s of 1 1 urn n.t ; 1 U'airun, t no hmses or entile, I llorst- and bui'y, Dorse and rider, 1 2.''. 1 In. oil. lo, I ool in t" cut y -five jicr cent added lo the above rates (lurini: l.i-;li water, srp 1.1. 'il ': DAM FL NORTOX. "MiSCELLANEOUS CARDS. j7iiNsoN LwsaijV. Attorney at Law, and (ieniial Land A'entj ri t v ol Council liiuifs, lona, iv.ll atu a i lo pro V.'siona! b.i.doess I'l t'-elitll uud Till Judicial Dibtricl ; al-o, to the pun biise, sale ami Iota ion of 1-and Wiirraiiia. Particular al'enlion paid to Ihe collec'.iou of cl linn, an,' Jl-iim 1) VV. I'KICJ', Attorney at Lav., Council P'tuff City, Iowa Heic'l tO Jt. M. HitjjiMll, St. Jon-ph, Mo., Jollll Doliitihan. We, tun. Mo., .il'ldj 6s ilu'lie ,, MI. Louis, Mo. J''azlL Alfoiney and Cuiisellor at Law, eily cf C'iitic.il IRiitH, Fiwii. J3'?:" U. TZSCilFliK, Topographical Kii(,im cr, t-ud-i i hi profes sional aeivices tjtue r.tueni of 8t. .M.u y and .iciinly a Survejor and Knirn.eiT in all it va fidim. Oficeio V. A. fc-i. j y'i atore, corner cf r.nrrj mtit. au31-l DH'I D FkLir"ralel, 6A.TY k rXfiMsJf, I I 1 ill 1. . 1.1 lUrM-e A'.i;c . 1 1 , v ; . : ., .(,. .,-.,.. i.f 1. 1 It I I '.III I' I II 1.1 I" ' ,1 t '! 1 , .n .i-i 1 , .i. I . i I i d. n. : .,!' I'ot .-n'l'i ii'l 1. ,,.,. i, ., I';e med.i il I .i.' ili v to l e bijuU , ,, cio IOU- III 1 l.e r, lle'l .' I ol ilv .1 , . 1 , i, I - .,,'! ' ' ; .. r,i"' in n..,, I'.IimmI, (i'mi.l-. tlir.il In a l,i!i! , .1... f,,. o,i li e l.umr :. F i i , K id, i: i I III I l I ill, II V I'tlUS. .".!'UI'U V :o' ! ion , i n , 1,1 , ii j 1 li " iii lo pi '- I , ('in i run ..l,s i,,l me ,le-'eue,l. il i lio'V I lined that IV.'t"!' F.aste.lv'- i i , I'l-.-iml s -.i i. ill a is I., st Mleina'nc nr I 11;,'.; ni.'-lli iue (Ol I, llfte-i 1,, Hie 1 I'll ;. .Id ,c. 1 1 is cl,. j rr, plea -a ,1 cr. an 1 i arreu- lul t:..pc:.or t" an '"!.i. j I'nl! sri:oFFI... 1 IV. I'-s'itI) s Iodine ;. ln S , 1 -i.i pa ' ' i "n'ii.'i"', I ., tii-'' l.i o! I'l'o-aciiius me.i -.! p., '.i. be U-" I d one in-' " !'.,il in Ii .j ever oi-iji.iid uiuu f.i' I I.f i l'i,r S ui i i , Coils, I'ooli -l.es. Tun),, 1 s,t, 'i ; I ' ec- s. ( 'anee t'.ul.i : . . I'fu r .i n -. Meiriil i il Dls'is..... on,,- t';i'. ee ,.' lis I v 'I "!. . U.li, ' I (,:.:'. svi'lrl ,c ''. :ii!,!i:i". bi'i nov. Frv -inela -. Teil.-i. S.dt !;' uu- and all cntalieii.i .li.-e.iies. Ilr. li i-1. i- j ' i 1', 's I .dine ui' I S ir-apariila c rni'd be loo lo-'i- j I v ivl illi' l. It semchr i out the n y root of I ,i.e d ,., '', il. -l.ovs the c nn. b , : 1 1 ifv i i . : : i me uu, in a , ui u. ivnn l ui an iinpu n Il o il "f the bo.lv and bvreiion .n; the ( ause. l ; 1 ' -- 1'ie i'iii,' "r'.lin and pi" ni n int. IM)U;i".sri') nil IM SIT 1" ! A. No in' , i-me, pel ba ;,s, 1, .si-', it been .liicov- ei "d i ' ! i . c i i i;'i"i so in id. tone I,, 1 '." - (ouri ; h j and "i.:i-es Ihe s..e,'n,u id l.-al'ltv t;,ii!ijc jili.'e lo diL-'s' t II '.' I "i ,1 a - It'. F l- del 1 y't Iodine and S.'i- '".irill.,. No oae Ii i.i Used ll f ir Midi coinidaiiits ilboti! I .-:' n'. Kill. I M I ISM. l)r Fa-Vih ' . I. l. in- and s,.ie,i;ai ilia is used ivitli t l.e ri aiesl suce .s in rlicuin i! ;c riunpbi in s e-pi eialiv micli a arc cb i on ic. I: cures ,y ,i: i Viiii; out all iinp n i'i"s and foul bunion wind, have aci urn -la'ed in I be sy !!, wliich ai e tiie caii-i" of li'i "iiin:, T;L :.it j nut and sua 1 1 in i; of t Iip ioi i.t s. 1 1 . !i-r rri ,i , i ie , uiei ,::ies f; . e i I empu rarv if I o f ; I li,- e.d a ely ei adica'cs the iliseisi f l oui t '.e ;, ' 'i i. I'oR Minn 'it I. in, Viv'KiiM. Ii.s..vsi:.s, Al I I ' MM. I II'.: Hl.o il', I.I.AM, I. '.uu'', .loi i s .in li'.M.i. Dr. Fast ill's Iodine and S n jp:ir!lli is the besl reiiie.lv ever Hull!.',). Tlu lil-dililic is nlo-ied to tin- public i, o! nn icly ai a puiili: ! of Hie ni.oon, but a' a powerful cradiratnr of llie most iirulent poi I-, oecasioiied bv mcrruii il and v.uieral taints, w hlch resist ihe actum of all oilier reinedii'1. It will cure tiie worst kind of mercurial diseases, no matter how deeply it In. i v have enlen ii.to the f rame and ital ordain. II will cure (he waul cases of serundaiy "V- pl.ileA or ve'i.T.ii ,!ii ::s,u, mi niai'c-r lio'.v loi ;i II inai have ei .te !, how bad. or how il. eptl S' lteii in th'' Mnlem, il will anluliil.il,.' and e- I 1 1n- 1 1 r us and re-lore the s', iii la n dull' el pet f. el he.iltli a nd punt v. 1'itr Fleers in Ihe moid h imuI tlnoal j (j oil if l) t'jlliop ii J i,e llouoi and .loi Ireiiie.lv. lu'i'i; I. ni a mcnl i.f I (iatidx, I'ain- in and .sure 'lo to i Ihe '1 iuoal, iio.ii ii-, il i i tbe only .1 f soi, who h tic i.j., f any Iplll 1 r in t 111-it blood, cither he lit. ii y oi tbe re- ill .d impi mi-nee oiubl to pu- I liil'v Jiei des'roy ti.is iiiii hi fo.e entiling tin- I in ii i iac il, , a t.n-y May the: i by not onl y I Ipr.-bct Ibe'us. ii i s ! y ,. in -1 ilu il,u(ei ; of imp.,- j I. in l an i other n. -I'.u tune, b :1 s-i u i: lb" cr- j i I 'in' '. i-f p i: ' and b 'illhy o'l'.,. riu ;. Il can i j b h . p.-i , on-, of ..I.e.- sex, li ilu Ihe in" d j p,-; f. e( s.V, ly. j i I s A I.l. in -"HI ' lis i,- TH V Kl ll'. !' I" , 111 .WHO K j and L'iun lev (no. vs-, 1 o:'v, t.a.i.L am, I.i i i ii Com i' I. a i v r. Dr F.a Il's Fibre and Sa I s ; ea I , i 1 .1 M : l.e am ...t I " ' ami o:ilv tract ll 1,1 to lie his p Use . I foil In i 1 1 r, iiij.-i iiJiiiil. F' V, I.,.,:, ,n tin ii , i I ICIli , in cures. : Ni.iivors Disr. asfs. Ti" c.i n c mi ey an ii !"pi of the immediate and almost iiiuacuious cnau whii.li is produced bv tue use of Dr. l.ealeily' lodineand Su--i;. :, ; ill a, in Ihe diseased, dc.'uli lat'-l and sliatleied ti i null sydeni. Whelhcr broke don u by excess, weak by nature, o, impa led by s.ckiu ss, Ihe iins'riitiir and relaxed oi-.i-in.i, lion is at once icbrace.l. relived and built up. lu case of .'"urjl,'ia, .V.uvous headache. Loss of memory, (Jeneral Pro-ilration, .Nei vous iipm, Vertigo, Pain in tbe .N'erveA of the I-'ace, and the various tram of nervous all'. etions, u will produce a cuie in an ualonisb.u;; short lime. 'Fhe etTcct of thii iiiedicme istuj;ive per manelit lelicf to the a.ili'erer, ami tu restore the shattered and debilitated constitution to its ni is tine health and vior. TO Till: I. A DIPS. I.adiiAof liale comidexion and roimumlive habits, and such as are debilitated fiomany of tbe oli.struclions incident to I'm sex, such a oti--li ne' oui or pa inful menstrual Ion, Flour Albus or n,0 s, l, rei n S.cklie ; also, eM-essiie lion of tbe M. uses, li.i, ,,., .e., can he restored by the use of tuo or Ihn-e hollies of Dr. F.ist ai ly'ii Iodine and Sai-s.,pu, ilia, to hl.oiu anl vitor. Ills Jar tne l.e-l rem, iy eier discoier- 1 lor weakly chitdien, and sin li as have had bll'liors belns; plcaseut Ihei leaibl V take. it. It i nun' diutely lesion- t!i a jiiirl.tr . stien'-'.h. and color. .N'olhin can be mute huluiriaiu Ibuti il-iiii ii.'oialiii etl'.-et on the huuiaii 1 1 .une. pe sous all wcikiirsS and laiiiiide before taU iiii Dr. Faslerlv'4 lo liu,.- and S..i Mipanlla, at once become lobusl an ' full of eiieiV under its influence. It immediately countu. actj the ni vou.sue-i of Ihe female Lame. Da. F. as rmi.Y's Ioiuni; aso S.aiu apa hi li. a Is a Wnsiii.ma I'l'mnt.K or the lii.ton. Il ia h i y plea, cut lo ihe last, and I i more coin'.":.! rat. d, riitiS5" ti onu'er, be!r ' and cheaper than any o'ber in-dicine in ns". Pamd'es uho iiave ii.-ci! tbu article Bie l.eier wiilmi; to be a iibi, in it. Taken lu the c.uly stasis, il i.s a vii e preventative of uluiost any specie of dis ease. (. VAsk for Dr. I'.as'erlv's Iodine and Sar-sap-i ii l.t and take notimi' i-b,e. Price "jl p -r hotile, oraix bottles for )j i. A libeial discount made to VAhoicsule pin- tVJ'or sale at Dr. Faslerli's I iuolv Midi cine .Morc,sonth-i -asl corncrof Thud and Chca ii nt stnseLs, ht. Uiuis Mo. Also by I'. A. harpy, St Mai y, loiva, and by dealeia in medicines eu-ii-eilly in tiie West. DK. F.ASTFKLY'.S l-'FVFK AND AOLX KII.LI Ii. .i warranltd to cue AiTue ami Fever, Dumb Asm-, CbilU and li vr,Tnlei milant and Ke iintlant I Vvi is, and all the various fornu of Fe vers Incident In the West II 'I'll i J popular remedy has now been before the public two lean, and during that lime about 1 WtkTV-l'IK I IIO( A A N O liOll If have been sold ami in no instance has it failed to etf'uct a perminaiit cure ai far a heard f.oin, or to Kiln entire sattsfactiou I'l the purchaAcr. It is jrieiite.l (urure all cases, or Ihe money will he refunded. Iei no man, woman or child s'lller will) this ditii:.,iiii; disease, when a sure remedy is ut hand. Itaad the leslimony from John Miller k Co. I.vansIii i. :, III,, (let, 2d, l4. Dr. Faslei Ij S.r; We take pleasure in stat ing that We have pun bused Ijli holtb sof your Fever and Aui; Kdiir, and have ol l the same to our .at. oiis, and that it has eitecle.l a perma nent ciireiii i n-iy t ise. Vi'e hase sold nearly all the various im diciiu for a'.'ue and f. ver, but no. iv bus Jiven such tuuru sati.l'ai.'Uwii as your Fever and Anue Killur. We believe it is the best medicine now hii ne th put!. HHSvtfuHyf J.A.n Fi!er . Co. ' d ill" ,e. .iT:i; s' (II. 1 .. I .'.: I1. . ( ' :i . I ; ,l,,o ii K 1 ;.! - i 111 ,, n'li I IP I i. .1 li , '.I l .-: . .1 j .. I i .1m. I ' -M ! I 1 1 ... I Ill - ' 1 I .1 t,.i . I'1 .1 1 I. '-I ,1,, : '.'. . ' ! 1 1 IV .1: '.. II. A-k I II. r. l.inl t.;, , I ' . I ,!.-. I1. ire SI 1" ;i ..'.-I.i .1 .h !l. : l', ur.ni I :!. ; o l are s i't . iiol.-aleil.' il, rc. .:(! , for fi ,. 1. M'l -. and Ii to -A sis b, ni ' i p . i:..- Family Meduiie I ClifUtut ilreetfl St. ... in r ,.f Tiiii-.l al--. bv I'. A. til lue.l ,.' I I" s !. S,.rpv. i't. Mill', and by ', ni ' a 1 1 V in I be we -I. S : hlllK. S V HI I'. Iii!. F, TI ;i.y I'.i's S a plee-eiil, vale a' Dyi nt.iiy. I i n i ' or-ii . S"tn:'u r coinnlaiiit, I liei-lu :l I 1-llK'l y f:, idi'r.i.Cliob'r Motbu lic (ii ip.nir. I'iiii". V iml in t he S'oui.iel Frci I imr and ' r y 1 1 : r r,'L',ilarics ..I I he bo-. a 1 1 is o.h' of I h'' ni', I ': ( pi p ii a'io'i eve v and Ilowels. Ciauip. if ii, funis, nnd for hll ir- 1-'. I li'.cietil, plelei1. rill ! bl e I to the public for I tbe 1 1 l,i..l ai of t,,e v.ll i I S', .i.i. n-li and 11. ,ii els at dc l;ellel,tA Ol till "i I be on 1 1 :, rl irle v. o 1 h I loi cm ito; I 'bolei a Inf.in aint, and all the di ran "iii leelbiii. . hica Si rup is willioiit ev st valuable r.uniy M -di-llui di-e.ls of I aui il ;ei oi in SI. Finns bai e u I il , of the b Ciinlldenee , 1 urn on ! i ::uii' r Coin', , ..f lb" lio.i -Is f 1 1:-, l.i.-' ill's Dial C. pi ;,..i en'' "i I il'' no ' . - 1 I I iii .c.,v .'-red. ,- P -I f-pei tab-Id V II id b".l !!,e sfl olu;.' -t t lb ice 0", Cl I N I'.'l- bid 1 liin,, ly in lit favor, le. I'm s. b al Di. F. me. corner of Tiii leily's r.llllilv M dicim I ami ('l,eut s,,.i S;. mis. also bv P. A. Sirpv, and by dealcit in llil'dl, ilies eeuerally ill the went. 1)!,. F AS i KK'.Y'S l'!!Min (,l'.. The (i, eat R-mi'dv for F.Xtiellili Wot fns f ii'ln Cllddlel, The iiin-t safe, pleasi ,,, and cijectua! in" li' ine known for t b" remoi nl of worms form clul I ren is Dr. F.i'lerlv 'K ei inifue-c. Patent, and L'uardians ba.iu the rlnri-e of ' liildr.'n, should VAaicli carefully the symptuiris of n oi ins in tbiur cbirdrcn, and :iowi as nyiup 1 1 inn indicile tlieir pr. seiiee. tbev shoul I at once resort to Ho.' ii'-e of Dr. F.asVi iy'si Vermifuse. Mine children die limn Worini than all ollnu d.sf a-es. and a luore miserable object can .scar cely be imagined tbau a child fi'iU'erin nndei the i... .1 in try y mj't oih of wot in s. Parents, mark this: Will vol not blame yn-irselvi-. if voui ibdillfll die, thai yo'l'lld Hot i-e )r. liast'i ! 's e i m,fu,.'e in I inn, y This Vei mil', ;; w,ll re tir'oi' (ii: y species of ll ol ins f ioni the'ystem in P'X or ei'iit hours afler laken. Pro e '.'.'ceiils perbotlle. I'lirs.il" a' lh'. Fas'.'Uli'i Pnmilv Medicine Stoic, soulli-east col nor of Third and Chesnul A'.rrels, St. Louis, alio by P. A S.i.pv.S . M irv a.udiiy ibnilen in Inedirine j;enerall in the west. lilt. FAST!".HI.VS PAI F.n. U.K. For the cure of l!i-,ise, Spmius, WouiuF. I'ouih cbe. Colic, ('inmpi or Sp-c mi, Cho lera, Dysentery, Kin urnatism. Pains in Ihe Slomii'-ti ami HowiD. nnd wherever there i I'ain. it ii h speedy and certain cure. 'I'll i a Medicine has more con fi ol o cr all pains IbananV oilier ever invn'e I. It is loej both Internally and F.Alernallv. and i' Ariothiii''; rf-fecl- are insanity fell by fh'" Aiilli-rir, allrn.il in; the inoit evci utialmi; pains in a few minu tes. luanord.il ha Pais Kim iii. .No humane Calmly or pbymciaii should he ivl'buat it. It hai I ecu u-.d l y thousand of Ihe nm! iniellii;ent arid reipe rtahle fainihes in SI. Lou s, rind ail protiouuee it tbe Ino't ;,i idv and J .iiectu il Cmative tbev have i o r u-.st. U Fisli.ni.v' I 'aim K i im H is hei oud all doubt the most rerhnu rciur dy cvn disc ivi red lor Pan. a in t be S..in,ei,. uf:. i;; the S de, lb ta'. Hack and Limln. It i also an it, lull. bp- ri ue ly lor Colic, 1 ),.-,, rb-i a. Cboier.i M h is. Paii.lei 's Colic, Wind in Ihe S! munch , , ,,.:,, D,."p'n,l.l, S lie Til.'O.lt, lie.,- ,t, ,e. c. ( C A ! "!'IO TO FI! F prilLK". 1 l!i iv i nr o- Imitation ash Cu'm mih:ih. 'J' n'v ','' . I re .1 Pain h ,1b I" IA pre. I d ,elus iiely I. v Dr. I.as eilv, tbe sole p.op; 'I il'.-el'iee co.llilel lei! s and illlda- I .Oil I i 5. 1 !.. 1 1 . I l:e'i-lore lie sure to a"). To.- Ilr. eily's Pain Killer, and lake no oil, er, and Fa you arc sale. Price 2i en!s per hot'l, ; fiv bollle" for Si I. For sale at Dr. I.ade.lv's K.unily M dicine S'oi.', sou'ih-ejsl corner of Toil, I and Che-urn; fcsl r eels, SI. Louis, also by P. A. Saipy SI. M irv and liy dealeis in nu'iucine generally in tbe iveil. J 'J..i VJ ... '- .. :i KJ e' a i. ..... I'or the cure of Cousin, Colds. Astham, Cori numption, Jii iiucbitis, Spil tine; of blond, pain in Ihe Hide and Hicast, Pleurisy, Whooping Coneli, and all diAeasea of tue Fuiijta and Che,t. Aiming all the celebrated remedies for Disea si s of the LiiNoa and Ciikat, none serin to be meet i nt; with such miccia uml to give such en tire falisf action to all, as DU. CAUTFIi'S COLCII HA US A.M. 'Ibis valuable remedy ia purely veei-Ublc in il.s ineredients, and perfectly haimleis in all its (uiiiities, and as mild and pleasent as the most delicate cordial. It in very ioothin and hi al ii, i to the Luiies, and is every there acknowl edged by Di"u.u.'is!s, PbysicHiis, and all who have used it to he the most FITei'tual Cm ..tile known. CONSFAft'TIO.V. No dlsci'wt incident to our climate into mil vcisal, and at Ihe same time so lal.il, us Pul inon.iiy (,'oiisiimptioii. 'Fins awful nu.ladv stteejis over the land a a Destroying Anef, lai n low the sti oiliest and laiiesl of our lace, Million of the yoiin and the old ate annually bun ,i I to llie tomb i,y tbia dteadful liatioiial di -ease. Co s s' m ei 1 1 K Hi.aim'R ! Ih-ware of mere palliative medicines, 'i he object of neai ly all tiie Im diciiies Ho olisic I for Uiseans of the Fun-s, is to relieve and not to fine. Such is not ti.e c .e Willi lr. t eller's Co inh lialeam. In colli, and coutbs, ill, nil ure the Inst syinp. loins of Cdiisuiu, tn. u, it is the mo-l pleusent and I'lbcac.o :t leinedy tiiat can posnlny be used. In confirmed ronsui.'ipl ion il has hern nxd wilh pei feet nd li iumph.i!il sucieis, when theunist eiiiiiiiut pb)siclans Ial ffiveu up all hope j, lain. So coi.ii. l.-ni u the j.iopi idor of lis pow er to cure Tubei cm uus Cons impi ion, that li soln lU a tiial ill the lloi-d of c.isi s. SITi 'i FVf. OF IjFOOD. TUi f. isditf'il symplom nf coiuumption is siieiilily checked and lueveiited by lbs use of Dr. ('alter1 ( oub I'al-.am, which heals the all (led membrane, ri -motes the incipient tuber- den, and re-stores those vital oiirams, the luiij;, lo a sound und ne., tiny condition. KF.MFMIJFIITIIIS. Spilliin; of iiloo I al way aiiset from a ten. cleney to tuberculous disease, and if not checked al the oiiln-t, will sooner or latur lei iniualo in dratli. Apei soii tt ho raises blood once tt ill raise ui noil aain unless a proper curative is i,a- lui ,uan ly n i.i teal. I'AIN IX tiii; SIDF, This ills res, :i, si m pi oui of consijinptioii a rises f rom iiillaiiiulvuii of IbelunA or irieinbi ane called the pleura, or from bronchial selections cf the air passages. In either rase it is a very dai.i.'i-roii.i indication of diseasi. It prevent full and free hi eatbin)?, and wear away the ftat'iial s'len'tli of tiie avlenj. i he cause of this symptom should bj removed at dice, and uothfiist eau possibly e,reM that object so speed, ilv and haiipily Is Dr. Cartel ' C'oiu;li BaUam which is ui A iy salu arid salutary m iU eiloi Is on the const d nl mn. MVFJlfOMPLAINT. Ill cases i.f C'ili.impl!ull the l.iver ia always if: i.i. or less allei'led, diid al oi the spleen, pleura ami small liitestil.es. '1 he elb ct of Dr. Car'er'l Conuoi balsam in disease of ihe l.iver, espec. ially if it be of an nlceroiu l.al ire, is direct and powwf il. Mni4 disease of rt.e Liver In' l.ari .li y " 1 in. . ceil (li -.vic) If III . I il. III -I Iiih nl.itll "f h..!ii. ! 1 Hi '-I'l'iiiv rvt,- Uv t 1. r.i .... 1 . 1. it .- i,r jri , him 1 r.i-.iiM. il v. ill in . ini.i.i.... ' I;,. l.i .11, '. - n'.'r.li;, ji H' r.j,', .(l W.V . I.f .1.' 1 ! 11... .! I 'I I'll" IV 11 111.J tithn 1. "I rnimti'iit i fJlt" i;i:m( hi ris. J . ( ; . -1 r v i-f lilflMiil, ' n- i'lir ii 11. i-1, ',i 1! I fn n !i. ,ln,i,f t!. airVl'JT !',;.! (. Id.. 1,. --,..,:.'', r,in-i l i Id 1 . . 1, 11 - 1 ' f P.. C i (' i: III. 1 .in i pan.' i! , vi c.i i in1; i. : I u iuri.,,i .ibnivdii,, a toweriul I, 'tele, i "1: 'i.ui, t. at to ll,M:, ot', mi tbu I.u'u;i and lh 't : i. 1V ii.'t'ir. (lit W(,rf 'use. Jl,. wuniKj ioiiim oi on uion.u -, unease. wami liiu", ve ai'liaW, and A-midoyr lb.. ,ai.,.. i uu- I) Fre il lo . '-.Ml,, FX PI '.CIO II ATI ON F.vucctoratioii is the m,,.; important oi be obtained in all iittetnpti t rMr. i . Hie, of tbe cbe-t ni IiitH.-A. f h rouph win't, .- -o ilistfeAAiii-r is .uiiiily tir r-Ault of aa(Hlft !.i evpecto. ale:, ami an lout; 8, lnaPrM . in Hie an p,iA-,,"e, it w.ll continuoto irriUt. the inembraueiind pievukea coiiKh. Consu ls mi attempt In I'iiuw od lhij matter, and lie:l.ii'iiniiii',,,.,'p,...,l ...l.D I 1. : i : . . - s ll"rl. I1ISIIII V 10 M 'oi :i!e in t be latter alh. lag of co;ijuinp',iV lie cause of lb ij u. i an i i.i:scor.;ir h.m.sam, I .-sue I'l.'ii cApiciorain. It .IhaoIvm Ui A4 bid and dis.M.ie matter in F-e inr iMan, tiu L-,'. it from n t!,irk irlut no i s ibA'ancp U i linn haimlc.,1 fluid, and tbroiu it oir Willi ji , alesl pos.ible ease to tnc a! letit. Tiler i : o heller medu itie in the world if ill ei,t'.. taut 'pi.ilil.es aloue he coiisidrreil. SPASMODIC. ASTHMA. For sunn;,' hi sp.iiiiui.lic asthma thfrtitit be'b r remedy than Dr. Carter's C.mirh Ihlita TIiia di d re-sin ; ,; .ease bicli risti nlm en- ylhiio; el .e, yobls tithe all powerful i. d u-iiee ,,f j', ,,;r, -t rem.'y ai rcad.ly ai tat in her form of pectoral discair, I.VI.II Y FAMILY liM'ibl he minrd;.,! ,..!!. 1 I- I. .-I..,, n L ' - T .... ii ... Lunu , A-UUrs Hal sain, to he ne, in (he early nlai;eii of Cough i Colds, Siiitinu; of Jllood. Pain in the Side tuj ('bed, Pronibiti-i, D.liicnlly of llrf jthinfj, .Will Sivei.ts, Asihina, Int1iien?.a, Whoopinj I'on.'h, and sci eie ( iiiup, ami thereby counter, act the cmi'.iiiiipti ve li mbuicy which ll produ ced by our eier ch innii.i; rliiiutc. P, ice Ti i t! hot lb-a, ecu is per ho! lie; lirr boitles. ifcl per bollle, or six boll les, for $.'. For i,.iie id Dr. Fa, lei -yu Paimly Medtt'lM lo.e, sou'li-easl come.- of Third anil l'herw'. slice's. Si. Louis, aUo by P. A. Sarpy, St Mary, mid by dealers in medicines jp-nerilly in the West. .,r 12.jf ?'t ' - -T'av7 -;.. - . I. L ..... . J. . K ,r J ......fc.. it l' g For th" cure ij1 l.iver Comi.lairn, Dysp'p.ii, J niiidiee, hi I i,,uin aa, lisj of Ai'petdt. Hiadache, Habitual Co'.tivenets, 0nii! Deb. lily, .ervou.iii A, and all iliseasef aril ii.tf rioiu a disordered Filer, cr Ditestion !l These lliliers piiwess lemai kable invir;oratir Streiicfhcnin; and Kestoi ativr properties, wind Uive lone und vior to the Digcative Orrani, aai m ihe tin rn invaluable fo Ln i n Co'.ii i.AiNT, jA$N!;r t, DvtPtriu, And all other disease-i r aused from a derange,) slate of the stomach, bowels, and liver whici tend to debilitate ni weaken thenyitem. PH. lll'M'K.H'StiKH M A N li 1 I I K.R3 Cannot l l.j highly recominen led to prrieai sullct im; with a disordered LIVFItor Imliei tiou. Loss of Appetite, NervoiU liri'ti Me idache. ll iltitual CosiivenesA, (Jenrral Dtai. liii. and a varie'y of Complainti which it u iiiit,osihle todesciihe. If there are nullerers in SI advised totrytliee Fitters. Louit, they art Pi ui e .'itjc. per bo, tie, ursix ho'tlet for $2 5. Fjrualeal Dr. Faslerly's family Medieiw Stor", c.i, i..-r ui I'bird ami Chesnul alreelt, SI. I.ouii,, Mo. Also by P. A. Sarpy St. Mart, and by drains in medicines generally in ikt West. api .fi , A r if.- an 1 err i riu cure for (.onori (ioa, (i!l Slri.-i ..a s. Seminal VVctil.iies.s, and all tiittsxl of Ihe ( iru Val ( ljj.'nli.. This popular nnd spec -ihe remedy il now ef Ored to tlm iiillicteil nmi warretdeil lo cure all c '.se.sof (iniKi.diii ,i, (,'leei, Slrictoiei, Seianal Wc.ikne-A. and all do ea'es of I he Cen.tsl Oijanl in a fen ilaj s. This infalliuble remrdy liu sat, d iliou, i nds ' oon thousands from ii Landi of Merrill ai 4 lacks, if i.ol f i out a prematiir ciave. Li case, of iiiferiioii, Dr. llaker' Spe cuie is (be only safe and sure remedy. It ilieiy iir.-eal le to Ihe tasie, cir all"! no preteptabU dor, and may be tisul by persons of either MX ti ith cm ire secrecy without repaid to dirt, hit drauee fiom b i mess or "leiilcal Adiiser, al plain directions' for use accompany the inedicint Header have you a private disease? Do not tie-'-lac! it. De'lay is ilni.ireroiii. Willi Dr. !) kers Spccibi: you can cure youiself, and thai pii'icnt all evposure. This Medicine wi I ipred ll V and effectually cure the most viriil ;nt cae of Secret Diseases, and eradicate every particle of infectious matter from thesvstem, and restore I be patient to a pei tect state of health and punty. i rice, isi ;m ner liotlle. For sale at Dr. Fasterlv' Tamily Mediein Store, aouth-tast corner of Third ami Chesnut trtct, St. Umis, Mo. Also by V. A. harpy, St. M.iry, Iowa, ami by dealer penerallv in Ihe West. iii median epr l.djr nil !'. ... .. t 1 1 . . TI ri - lU. M A. J r- --. I .S? " UIM- i. V li SS.li j.i A valuable icinedv for suppressimi of the Men e, Whiles, pjtnful M.-nsiruation, Impo'en ry or I'arrcniieu, Sallow Coinplcxion, lleaJ. ai he. Dizziness, Weakness of the nerve, ni all .iiM-asel il hu h arise f roiu a deiai.Kmil i-f the f uiictioiiA of nature, 'I he inoi, peifrrt, safe and infalliahle retnedv for ti c cure of all those disease of femat,ai ..T.n.f d om ii ea Ui.cs or liability and ohstructiui in hc stxual oruiif, such as irregular "r snp-pu-ssrd of tbe Menses, Fluor Albuj or Whitri I'iiI I in -x of the Womb, Headache, Frightful D.i am.A kCji aii-jed by Colds, checked J-erspil-tioiis, excesses, oier-i i lieiiiiul, tic, i DK. JIOUIT'.Ifli FKMALE CORDIAL' Si'iei-I ladies lu Ihe city who hai sulfercd for many year with the above complaints, an haie employed our most eminent physician Without success, hate used Dr. Hooer' ' i.iiiU Cordial, aud bate beeu siiee.lily ard per maiicntty cured by its use. il there are uiier eii in Si. I.ouis, tiuy can rely upon Di, lIoo j er's Fema lioidia! as a afe, pleasent and lectual leiiifily. Price 1 per bottle, or six bottle for l ot sale alDr. Fai liyly'i Family Medicin Stoie, comer of 'J'hiid and Cbes iut atrccta, W. Iiuis, Mu. Also by i. A. Sarpy, (St. Mar?, and by dealeil in medicines generally in tut West. pr 12-1 ' Dr. Cook'i Magic Hair Oil. For the preservatioD, beauty, growtb, n4 restoration of the Hair. It has loin; breu the desire of person treuble with stilt, harsh, unruly l.air, to procure to ar ticle which would at once render (ho hair soft lively and beautiful. Tbe most perfect ailiuiiable article ever discovered for that pur po-eis Dr. Cook's Mapc Hair Oil. This Oi! penetrates ue minutest pore, fif ing the dry and withering bulb new life and vii;oi,opeiiiii thecapillai iea, aofteni, preserve hcaalilit s and it-eiiihcns the hair.tl, id tuo( from falling ol!', removes the dandriiil, and tufM raiti'i .t hair into that which i smooth, gb and wavy. It ii admitted by all lo be th t"' est invention of Ihe aire for' beautify inj tn klr and rendering it permanent. DK. COOK'S MAUiC HAIH OIL. I aupeib in t,cle, and ltouhi be foun o toilet of every lady who value the (f,lof bea itiful api.'arance of tiit fluwinj; XUI1 and fhe tt itching cui I." ( Pile. ii) cents pet bottle. ; J 1 For sale at Dr. Kaj'erly' Family Medieia -Store, coiner cf Third and Cheanut itieet Louisb, Mo. Also by P. A. irpy, SI, id' nd by dealer in meAAinnet rralty We.f. pry " 1