Nebraska palladium. (Bellevieu City, Neb.) 1854-1855, March 07, 1855, Image 3

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3j(Jliiirlcsj liui Ui o, ( RcpiiMioui) wn
circled I'liilnl Mji'cs Si'"nior, on ill'1 2 I
of lYlini; ry, iee 1. 1'. Wulkvr, w host;
term expires on tlic -Itli proximo. Mr.
Durkco was one of tlic first jir's-nt;i-tivcj
in Coiinrps from lYiscnnsin.
XTIii' snow is sa'ul to In,' six fed
deep in soin'! nf llir? imrilif rn towns of
New 1 1.iinpsliirr, nii'l l!ii'm:oj;oiit Hie
State tlio milroiiils nlc inucli ols.1 medial
ly the di ids.
2T(iuv. (inriliirr of Massachusetts,
lionsls tlmt lie ton-. 1 1 1 jiuitigiirul oil Ji in n
unit of lioiiif-iiuulo tloiliiiij.-; luil liiu sliirl
liosom imJ collar were of genuine! Irisli
linen imported ! isn't he u " Know
Nothing.' lli.rl. Times.
Aihua l'l.rosiioiiv. Tim Jntnmry
Unrulier of this inlcrestiiio; rnonllily is re
ceived. Tlio Hi pui!( ry is ti c orpin of
.lic American Colonization Society, l;y
wliom it i puMislicl rcjjiiliii ly the first of
nch tnoinlh at 1 .00 u year.
I)r. Carter' Crugh Balsam.
IsIIip imi'-l pleasant .Tint cflicncinns reme
fur Coughs, Cois, As'lima, Consumption
nd all dise.isesnf the Lungs, ever offered to the
mhlie. Our ever vary ins elirrnte, and the cold
bleak winds of the north fan.1 we'd produce
mghsniid colds dangersoin Colds, which de
mand of the wisp &. prudeiiLthe earliest lit lent ion
For tli" -i j.ui (po-sr no remedy has ever been disco
rded which lias cllcetcd so liiany cures, and
which seems to give such mi i v i h ol ts:t i.-jfiif t in
lo nil. as Dr.C n r v. it's Co eon Ii us m. 11-:i .1 -pr,
ha v- yon a cough? I)u not ii'lit it. !) -lav
is dangerous. Fctliis RaN-un, at once, and
t w ill riri'ctiia!lv cure yon.
Q'-j I'riee 2." renin per l-1 1 1 , large hot Hp
!jjl , or six bullies for W .
For sale nt Dr. F.astei !y's Family M'-. Heine
41 ore. southeast corner of Thirl aii'l Chestnut
it.-)., St. Louis. !Mo.
ANd, sold liy P. A. P.irpy, SI. Mary, Iowa.
a .it hy li'.i!ei .s in medicines generally, in 11
Lite IiLus-m ath. This is one of
the handsomest ntul most intrrrstini; sheets
with which we nre fircjiiaintml. The sub
ject is of vital importance, nml is treated
y-itli degree; of novelty that will
slotibllcss give it mi extensive circulation
ruhli.shed by Fowlers & Wells, N. Y.,
t .f 2 ,00 a year.
Tun I M r r i; n n I. m . This is the larg
est anJ one of the best religious newspa
pers published in this coiiidry. It repre
sents the Congregational den iiiiinalion,
and is auflkiciitly liberal in sentiment to
commend it to the respect of all libera
minded christians.
1'ublished by Joseph II. I.dd, No 23
IWkman s'reel, N. V., nt $2, n year.
Dr. Frutcrl.-y, Fever and Ague Killer
(J V?" Is warranted lo ciin' all cases of Ague
and Fever, Chills and Fever, Dumb Ague, In
crmltten t aid Remitted! Fever, and every form
of Fever incident to the west. If there are snf
fercrs in St. Louis, we say try it, and if it fail
to cure, the money shall he refunded to the pur
chaser. Mure than
have beon ohl, and in no instance has it fail
to elfert a permanent cure as far as heard from
fV" I'li.-e S1 nar hotlle. or six hollies, Si")
("V" For nalc at Dr. F.aslei ly's Family Med
i:ine Store, southeast comer of Third and
C icstimt strcts-, St. Louis.
AUo uol-l by P. A. Harpy, St. Mary, Iowa,
a id by dealers in medicine generally, in the
Head Dr. Fasteily'a advertisement in
anvther ccdninn of our paper and give him
call. to2S.
xor looo.
onseainl N-en Moie.ii-sialilislieil in 1 .i.i, )
V. M. I'i.ast & Co.. Sum of the ilt Plow. No.
II North Main street, St. J.oui, M i.; also cor
ner of Foni (Ii and (ireeo Ms., Wholesale and di alers in Garden, (irass and oilier Seeds.
Agricultural and Horticultural Machines and
Tools, in endless variety.
J)nrriptiv 1 alalngue lnrnishcil gratis to
pos'-panl iippiiranis.
200 Keleliuin's lininoveil Mower, with
'Z knives. i:W
00 K. 'ad's Improved Reaper and Mower
W illi i so kies, 5(11(1
r() Rugii'a Improved Ueapprf with 2
Sickles, S113.')
2j Atkins' Improved Self Raking Reap
er, wilhv; mckics, !H1
12 New York Improved Sidf Raking
Reaper, with 2 Sickles, 150
100 Finery's two hortp powers,
with thresher and separator. S(JIHI
2.") Lever Hay Presses, !Io to S:2."
N. II. Pfison.i wishing liny ol the ahove,
will pleas" send in their ordcis early, as the
liuirilier is limited.
100 Iturrow's I'ortahle (intt Mill, for
home, steam, or water power, 1 Ioto3'50
7i Corn and Coh crucheis and giindcrs
tEtl to jSif-Ji
200 Corn Sh'dlei ", hand and power, Sl 0 to Kl
J Oi it) Straw mil Hay Cutters, S"to Si 0
20ii Cider mills and presses, JSi"tofi7.1
200 Revolving Horse Kikes, IjS.l toMI2
2no Randall i. Jones' Corn planters. 1il"
Pious, Harrows. Cultivators, Chiirim, Shov
els, Spades. Hoes, Rakes, Forks, Scythes, Axes,
Apido I'aiers, Chain and Suet ion l'uini s, k.c.
.sitiN or ii,.. (jii.t p;,nv,
No. 11 North Main street. St. Louis, Mo.
march 7, .';
FRF IT TRI.i:.S, SI I KL' IIS, ic,
j.ij,?, TII F. su'isci ilier would most re- jQJ
'ijjti spec! fill iy inform the citizens of tr-';
Wi sli -rii 'Iowa, tliut he will b ill Xis
receipt, on the opening of navigation, of a large
and superior lot or ihri r and Ohn a m a i.
1 nr. i s, sin litis, mcs. Hoses, &.e., f c., wlilcn
he will di 'pose. of on the most reasonable terms
for cash only, lie will also receive subscrip
tions foranr Agricultural Journal p ihlished in
the Foiled Stales. Orders for trees or papers
li lt at the 1 ost Umce will receive prompt alleu-tiou.
N. H. I have a large variety of fresh
Garden Seed. II. A. TERRY
Itluif City, march 7
TP.S. MRY (S. RKI.D will open a S
i L lect S. ho,, I nt the
for ehihlren nod youth, on Monday, Januiiry
2'.i'h. 1 .-).-,,
Tuition, ftl ,00 per month.
(iKNi:!i i7TaniV a(;i:n"V and
RF. cn'.'iiL'ed in He' h iin"Si of huvin:: mid
Mini: l,a"d Warrmis. and e'lterini Lands
in the Council lliulf Land Distrirl. 1'iicir ar
ranirements f ir enleri.ig Lands for setliers and
others, o i a ere. lit of one, two. or three years
are not delici 'iit. And they will he prcjar.-d
at nil times to till nil nrd-rs of that cha'arter.
The invest ii: '.lion of Land Tillis, pivment
of lavs, puichas" and sn!" of lands a':d town
lots tii'O'ihout this lnnd dNiriet, and nil
nr ss coiiiK cted vmIIi the L in 1 Ol'ice nt II, is
place, en trusled to them, will hi ji:o,u.t ly at
tended to.
Sran;pi's wishing to locate covorrinient lnnd.
will be lui nilied with a jruide an I eonvevance
if Ihev desire it, and directed to lh best points
for selection.
FvchatiTP on St. Louis and the Fasten Cit
ies, bone-lit and sold. Interest paid on ilepoa
iles as per io:i cement.
Our att-iitioti will also be given lo in pur
ebnse and sale of Town Lots in Omaha ( ity.
Relleview and Winter Quarters, Nebraska Ter
ritory. Remise -K.s. L. V. liahhitt and Dr L.
Lowe, Register and Receiver of the Land Of
fice at Council Wolfs, and Col. T. A. Walker,
and 1. M. Cassady; Register ami Receiver at
Foit Desinoines, or any ol the business men of
either I, lace.
OFI' K'l'. on liroadwnv, Wft Room of the
Pacific Hotel, iieai ly opposite the Land Olhce.
Co ineil lll'ilt'--. tiov 1-ly.
(at the sion ok tiih mo moktab.)
n-WF. Just Received, in addition to
i. ...I, I ...... ..,.,1 .M CTi
M. M I mil jo, nil I i". i. , t n h v '", " . r
leeled assortment of American, l-rcncli, jt
and F.mglijh Di ngs. Medicines, Perfumery, ine
Hill's. Paints. iil and ( lasswai e; also, a good
ssoi'tment of (irocevies, V Hies, Lopioi , Alc.
At 0," head of Itroadway. oet is. -,t
Glorious News for Nebraska.
The steamer Siiranac lias just arrive(l,loa(l((l totlie guards with goods for
1.1 lihds. Ttnnvn S'irar,
ft hhd. Clariiied do.
20 bids S. If. Molasses,
10 hi Is. N. O. Molaeses,
10 1-2 hhls. (iolden Syrup,
.'0 sacks (;. A. Salt,
Mold, Is Kaniwha do.
ol.' sacks dairy do.
20 lioyps do. 1 Sonp,
111 tdils Cider Vinegar,
ting of
ti lrds No. 1 and 2 Mackerel,
N bids Tar,
20 boxes and half hoses Star Ciml
f) bosis Tallow candles,
1) i keg. Nails, assorted,
2 Iiotps Coa Fish.
.'10 sscks ,'tio i'olii'e,
linoeiiiil and V'oirig jryson Tea,
Sods. Saleratns,, Raisins,
Fnglish Walnuts. AliuoinU,
(.inger. Since, Pi-iioer. Jte.. JLc.
Of various patterns.
(?". , "J-.l... t.; v y
T NVTIT.S the s'l
I dies and gent lei
tenhon of the
incut of Jewcb rv and
Dr. Easterly's American Oil Liniment-
This valuable I.inunciit, com'iinei the mos
eflicacious articles known fur all the various
fonns of dii-i-ase requiring an external applica
tion. One of it principal active ingi edients,
it the Amkhican Oil (or Pctroliui.'i) which i.s
universally known to possess raic Hlalimo
and Ct MATivK Puoi'i.nrii s. Tin. Oil, when
coiiihined ith other valuahlereinedial agents
of known and established etlicacy, foi nil a safe
and lure remedy for Rheumatism, liruists,
Sprins, Cuts, V.', iiiirns, Scalds, Old
fsoicsaiiil Flccis, Scald Head, Teller, Ring
Worm, FiyVipclas, Piles, C.iiiscis, h,ill Joinla:
Caked Hn-asts. I'iralvsis. Colitiacled Ic,ilo,.s
or Cords, &.c, and also for .Strains, Spavin
Scratches, Chafe.-, Saddle and Collar Calls
Sores, Woundi, Fistula, Sweeney and PollLvil
in horses. This Liniment has a direct and pow
siful action upon (he necictoiy and ahsoi ben
4-es.sels, stiiiiulatiiig them to a healthy action,
.hus enabling them to throw off the moibid or
Jioeascd matter which obstructs the circulation
Jiua feiiioving all disease or injuries of the
pones, Muscles, Curtillages, Nerves and Skin,
Cue bottle w ill convince the most tkeplicul
of its wonderful illicncy in curing llruises
Spiains, Rheumatism, Paines, fcoicneis and
jlitrness of (he Joints, Kc.
Dr. Easterly' American Oil Liniment is
'vithout exception, the most valuable remedy
I -er compounded fo all diseases of Man ol
3 taut, requiring an external up ilicatioii.
Price 23 cents per bottle, or five bottles
for one dollal
frf A liberal discount made to wholesale
purchasers who buy to fcell again.
(fif For sale at Dr. Easterly'; Family Med
irin. Stop, southeast corner of Third and
Chestnut streets, St. Inis.
Also sold by P. A. Sarny, St. Mary, Iowa
and by dealers in medicine generally, in tin
rT Read Dr. Easterly's advei tiiwment in
It ohcr column of our paper and give biiu
LUillou'o t!)ciipcot fUajiuinc in lljc
lllorlo I
" J F. shall publish. the first of Januarv,
t V IH'u a new Magaine, entitled 'Bal-
lou's Dollar Monthly jMaga.ine'' a vvor
which will contain one hundred royal ortavo
pages ol leading matter in ea b nuinber, (being
more than any ot the rhlladi Iploa ?J maga'
ziups.l and lormiiie two volumes, each six bun
dud pages, or twelve hundred pages of reading
ui.itt r veai iv. tor ovi; ikh.i.ahi r.eiug re
sol.ed to furnish good inlerestiug reading unit
'.er for the mill ion, and at a price which all cat!
llaliou's Dollar Monthly will be filled with
elite, 1, lining and nooular stories, hv our best
wiiteis. with, skelc hes, i.oems, scrans of w i
and humor, and a miscellaneous compound of
he not.i hie ev cuts of the tones in both liemi
phe.c.i, forming an agreeable companion for
ieisure iniuiieut or hour, any vv hoi e, at Iiuiiii or
Aiiv lemon enclosing one dollar to tin J
piopi ietor as bul,nv, tl.a.l receive the Maa.ine
tor one year.
M. M. II ALLOC, Publisher and Proprietor.
Corner Tremont and llroouilield bts., liosloii.
march 7
la- f
to his nssort
Fancv floods '
in l, art consisting of Hip lol'owing: t.oui aim
Silver Watches, Lockets, 1. vr-ruigs, lircast-
Finger-rinL's, Chains, Pencils and 1'ins,
Violins, Accordaiis, Flutes; also, an as-
soitnipnt of Toys, .tc.
All of which will he sold at hip iowpsi
pi ices; every arncie warrann u iu i- s e oiiu-
The preatet attention will be paid to the re
pairing ot vvaicnes anu jewcuyi an
warraiiti-d. nov 1, 'ot
Fl.peliiij-s. flue brown ; and blenchM floinestir drillincs, r Isnahui gs. Ravens, ilneks. ite. Kn. .
PV I he attention of the ladies is called to our assortment of drpsi goods, which II,pv Will
find, as regards price and oualitv, to !' uu'irpajse,l ill V estern Iowa. Calico, ginghams.
lawns, delanes berates ndes of tne latest f ah:on and style. Liu Hindered caps, collars, chimi-
sr'ts. slepvps, silk and satin bonnets, linen and cotton bandke, rliiefs, hosinj, paraols, all of
which will be sold exceedingly lo-v.
Cros, rut saw-s. mill sa.vs. hand saws, broad axes.ebootnriff axes, adzes, lojr and lne't chains-
bench p'anes,anil in fact everything in the hard ware line, from a Jewsharp up to a cradling scythe
40 caes direct from Roston. Roots of all si.ej arid qualities. Phoes, Ladies enamel'd Jenny
Lind buskins, eailers, slippers, ladies' goat, kip and calf hoots, misses thoes all sixes.
Ibits and caps, hnolis and , stationery, drugs ami medicines, jaytie'f and Ixnidoirs lamily
medicines, and all other popular patent medicines, for sale at wholesale prices.
Glassware, tumblers, jars, A.C., Ate. S00 gal. stone, churnes, jars,
crocks, butter crocks. tove ernrks, 4i.c, tc.
fill bedsteads of different pst'erns, therry dining, and breakfast tables, walnut ditlo, ditto.
Hureaus with glasi, plain and fancy walnut presses, cupboards, tin safes, one or two drawer
stands wash stands, lounges and mattrC3e?, ifoublu mattresses, slat botloui chairs, caiu seat do.,
rocking chairs, ci ihs. Arc.
4."i cook stoves, assorted, Patterson's, ready trimmed with tin or copper boilers, boxsloves,
Grecian parlor ditto., stove pipe, elbows, &c
Pine churns, 1-2 bush's, wood buckets, well buckets, wssh tub, wood boAls, trays, dough
pins, snirjr boxes, brooms, line wash boards, clothes pins, .r..
SADDLERY. Bridles martiuah. cireingles. girths, halters, b'idle reins, Blneknwk sad-
piilt eats, and ditto Ladies side saddles, buggy whips, dray wl.ips, u. C. wlnps, cow-hides
ic, sadd e-bng, Icallier irimKs,
l c. A I nt. It'
Sole-leatlier, kip. nti'l ei'.lF nkins, morocco linings, po:it. skins, Imir, Sin.
IRON AND CASTINGS. Plow si eel, sheer sleet, oust steel, plows, moulds &c.
Pots, ovens. skiUels mil liils, G. 8, 10 mid twentyjr:illoii kettles.
PIN E DOORS 8 by 10 and 10 by 12 sash, window blinds,
CLOCKS 1 day and .'10 hour clocks; warranted to run well.
Virginia, Roanoke Nectar leaf tobacco. Reiralia and '.rii.cipe cigars of the finest flavor,
Culm a"nd Havana sixes, Hnd various other articles, but we deem it unnecessary to mention them
as it is no trouble to show goods, and we will ne hsppy i t all times to show our old customers,
and as many new ones ns ina y lav or us with their paiinnage, our goodsand pricpj. Our facili
ties for selliiig CHEAP, are better than any other lu use in western lows, and we intend to do so,
and an examination of our prices is all that is necessary to convince you of the fact.
Clenwood, July, 12, DO!. l'i-Kw. NUCKOLLS fc CO.
Council Bluff-, Iowa.
S now kept by Svlvknls Dustiw, jrft
who, having" made great Vpairs
and alteiations in the House, tl alters fJ'.'.'i.
himself that lie will he able to piovide any
ul,.. f:ivnr turn with a call, a control tame noiiie.
His liible Wll be sutipln d with the liest Hie
... i ii . : -J I......I-
maikel iillonis. iirepareu oy ex pei nsn tu uauon.
u l ihc weary will tuid a good resting plac
I'ran: ami '-.makk voi to iiomk."
In connection with this Hotel may abo be found
a good and rxiensive
l.l 11,111 L V ll.l.,
for the accommodation of all who wish to ob
tain lioises and carriages, which are a good
siibs'ilute for first class railroad Cars, on short
i.otice; or superior saddle horses, for eilher la
dies or gentlemen. The propi ietors of the liv
ery siable an; RL'SsELL Jc Dl'STlN.
'lilulf Citv. bva. nnvW. 1H"I tun
IHOiiAS II. Bl'.SToN, Jll.
nAVI.Mi pennanenty located in this place,
for the purpose of selling GOODS.
L AND. TOWN-LOTS, and doing a General
' l.l r..a ...f roll v invite
AgeilCV IIUSIIIPSS, we wu'im ienj.-fc '..v
Ibe puhlic, to give us a call.
Our Goods were selected with care, and we
are confident lhat ws shall be able to ;;ire per-
feet satisfaction to all.
gept. 27 'ol.
ARDWARE. A large and general assort
Lieut of llanlwaie can be had at
sept 27. C.KKKNE, KINNEY ;. CO
i'iVO.USr'Coltoil Ratting, for sale
JLsVMU low, at
s'p J7. G Rl'.ENE. KINNEY CO.
in ry lor sale li v
Opponiliun is (he Life of Trade.
receiving at Glcnwood, a well selected
stork of dry goods, fancy goods, clothing, boots
and shoes, groceries, hardware, crockery, drugs,
liquors, stoves, tinware, &.C., in Western Iowa.
The public are invited to call and examine for
themselves, and ther will find the truth of the
above statement. Also they will find that we
can ,ell as cheap any other house in Mills, Fre
mont or rottawatlaiuic counlies.
And in giving notice to the farming commu
nity, we will give them the highest cash price
for their produce, such as beef, pork, corn,
wnear and neans. i ne store is on me west sine
of the Public Sijuare. Glenw ood. linvl-ly.
JORN and Oats wanted" by S. & E..
- -V.5
.31 y n p
VLL persons indebted to me by note or book
account, are requested to call and make
payment immediately. P. A. SARPV.
hi. roary, l-eu. ii, i-soj.
qniiity of Mineral Knobs and Latches,
or Sah:
!7 '31.
KINS WANTED All kinds uf skins wan
8. fc 10.
Dr. I'asterly'i Iodine and Barsaparilla
W It is the only preparation that Is worthy
of the lea .', i onlulence of the public, f.i iS;
cure of those diseases ari dug from an imure
state of the blood, vii: Scrofula, or King's
Evil, White Swellings, Enlarged Glands, lYv.r
Sorts. PiuitiUs on the lace, old Sores and Fl
eers, Blotches, Riles, Nervous Affections, Can
cers, Erysipelas, Rheumatism, 8ypilitic Dis
eases, Pains Hi the Rones and Joints, Ring
Worm or Tetter, Scald Head, diseases of the
Kidneys, Mercurial Diseases, 4.C. Dr. Eas
terly's loniNE ar.i 8asAHAaiLL4. is com.
pounded of those articles which simultalie
ou,ly act on the (Liferent organs of th body,
and possess the most (hcii-nt cleneing and heal
Hgi juopeities. Hutidrds of the mo. t ilitclli
cut and respectable mi'.iesiii St. Louis, have
used it, and speak of it in the highest terms of
rie. Ins medicine is si tim'i i,ronger,
cheaper and better than any other prcpaiuLou
Ik I I 4. O
C'j- Price, per Bottle, or six Bottle for
f,r For eale at Dr. EASTERLY'S Family
ilislicine Ktrne, corner of Third and Chestnut
i ; atres-ts, 8t. I.onis.
' CV I.1 Dr. Easterly's advertisements in
! another coluuvu of our paper, tuu givu imu a
. i ell.
Also sold by T. A. SARPY, St. Mary, Iowa
and by dealers in loeJicme generally, in the
o ki:
0d, for which the hihvat juice will h iiuid
MONTHLY Scries of Nanatives, Dial
ogues, Biographies, and Tales, for the
Instruction and entertainment of the Voung.
liy Jacob Abbott. Eiubelisbed witli numerous
and beautiful engravings. JSotv Rkahv.
I. BRFNOj or, Lessons of Fidelity, Pa
tience, and Si -Denial, laught by a Dog.
showing how much may bu accomplished by a
Roy. ' '
It is the ilesign of (he Publishers to render
Ibis in this eveiy way the most attractive and
valuable series for the young ever oliered to
the puolie. I hey ttie cioiIhIi iH that fln-v buve
facilities for giving to it that whin circulation
which will wan am tlieni in expending upon it
all the umi "i ces i f typogrnpbical ami illustia-
tive art. I he il mat rut inns will lie numerous, in
all respects equal to those furni.thed in "llar-
(MM'S lWagali,e.;; 'i ill. a,..,Ce.s,.s,,C iiuiobeis 4f
the "Stoi y Rooks" will eiubiace a vtriily of
mihjects and dillerc.'it styles of composition, in
cluding iianaUvcs, dialogues, descriptive es
,;,u. and entertaining stories of a chai acli r to
o l..,. -si and cli lil.l ine vouiuiui iiiinu, wmii:
iiiipailing iiifoi matioii lhat w ill be iuipoitunt
in life. It Willbu the ceuslaiit aim
of the author to fuin'oli a series of volumes
adapted to family leading. Ho hopes so to
combine the presentation of important ami in
lerestiug facts with the cremation of sound
principles hi taste, morals, aid religion, tnal
the '-blory Rooks," shall form a welcome and
cilicicut aid in the work of home education.
I'hoinrh not intended to be of exclusively a re
ligious character, they will be so far ilesigned
t. 'exert amoral and religious influence on the
inlluUof Ibe readeis, as to adapt lliem lo ine
uso of Sabhath School Libraries.
Ti sub Each number of "flarper'i cuory
Hi.oii' m ill contain 1ISI nages m su,au uuano
form, very beaulifully illustrated, and printed
..ii mmiu.1 Aup phli'iidered naoer.
- ...s. , , o ..
1 he series may oe ooiainen oi uou , on.,
I'iriudical Ageiils. and Postmasters, or from
I., sohli.slieis. at Threa Dollars a yiar, or
I sventy-live l.onls a iiuiiioe.r. .j.iuhi.i.v.,. oiir' u-ilh Kliv llllllltvr.
The two peiui.rie.l,"llii'S jxew mimiiii.
Magazine," and '-Uaipei's Story Books."
Council liiulfa, Iowa.
Gmilne, Wlake fc Ricr,
Fort DesMoine, Iowa.
Ghi . Weahe.
Cedar Rapids, Iow.
TOTES and Rills collected, and proceeds
promptly reunited to any pari oi ina uni
ted States, a' current Kales or r.xenange.
Interest paid on deposits for over thirty
days. Bills of exchange on all the principal
cities bought and sold.
Loans eUcctedou good security.
Vacant lands selected and entered ill any ( f
fif in the State.
Land Warrants for cash or on time, contin-H-..IU'
on hand.
Locations of lands for distant dealers at the
most liberal rates.
Notes bought and money loaned on good se
curity. Rhebences. F. L. Jesup fc Co., W.J.
Banning fc Co., bankers, Dubuque, Iowa; Cook
k. Sargent, Davenport, Iowa; Culliei tsoli fc
Reno, Iowa City, Iowa, Peoples' Rank, New
Yoik citv, Ketchum, Rogers fc Rement, ban
kers, do.', Scldou, Withers A; Co., Washington.
I). C; Hon. Chas. Mason, Commissioner of
Patents, Washington, D. C; A. C. Dodge, F.
S. S., Burlington, Iowa; Ceo. IV. Jones, C. S.
S., Dubuoue; Jiweph Williams, Chief Justice,
Muscatine, Iowa.
Council Klutts, (h e 13, 1X51.
- -r"a -?r.-r -rtTrt. -rr: -L, J
Curnrr of .Mi in and Gregory tlrrrlt
SI. Mini.
for sale a large assortment of selected
merchandise adapted to the wauls of all in thu
new and thriving coiniiiuiiitr, which he csn s!l
as plipapas can he ottered plspwhernso iiigh upon
the Missouri river. His goods bass besn sele
ted by an experienced purchaser, with speeial
ipilereiice lo the circumstances anil mis or an
classes of settlers ill a new country. Indies
and gentlemen, children and youth, all can he
supplied. Call and see for yourselves. Ilis
slock consists of Ibe following, among a grate
man v other arlieips he cmnot now enumerates
Among bis dry goods mav be found woolen
snd sattlnett cloths, casiinctts, tweeds, cash
meres, linspys, H mnel. red, white, grey and
blue, Caspian plaids. Cotton go-ids, singling
and shirtings, bleached and unbleached bin
and white drilluigs, osuaburg, bedticking, hick
ory, checks, fcc.
FANCY goods.
A beautiful assortment of fancy prints nf
eypry variety of style and patletn. Gingham-
lavvns, I gure i aipacea, iiomriaiups, uomoaj,
etles, shawls, searfs, handkerchiefs, crape, inas
lin, edgings, ribbons, fce.
A well splected stock of S iininer, Fall and Win
ter Clothing, consisting in part of fine dress
coals, panls and vests; also good summer clofh-
ing or all iiescripiions, anu ncavy uuumn
fall and winter use.
Also shi ts. knit flannel drawers and under
shirts, socks, ic. Men's anil boys' hats and
cans of various fashions, qualities, and prices.
Kools and shoes, illicit ami mm, ponsneu anu
unpolished of every description, for men women,
and children's use.
Crushed, clarified, loaf and brown sugar, mo
lasses, syrup molasses, golden syrup, superior
tea, Rio and Java coffee, sassafras, ginger, pep
per, cloves, spice, cinnamon, ground gi iger,
nutmegs, snuffs, tobacco, ciga: s, pipes, soap,
caudles, vinegar, pickles, pepper-sauce, fcc.
A large assortment of flour of various quali
ties and prices; corn meal and all the various
products of the farm and garden; bacon and
fish, kiln dried apple', peaches, current, raisins,
fcc. Hardware. Stoves of various patterns
f ir cooking a nd heating rooms, stove-pipes and
elbows, large, and small iron kettles, frying
pans, skillets, hund-iions, shovels and tongs,
manure foiksndhay forks, sc thes, shovels and
spades, log and trace chains, axes, hammers,
pincers, iron and steel, nailt., hors i-rasps, files,
saws, knives and forks, pocket knives, razors,
bulls and screws, door handles, knobs, loc.kst
fcc. Tinwahe. A general assortment, kept
for household purposes. Woooware. Wash-
tubs, Shaker pails, wood and zinc washboards,
l.i.ATH i n. Sole-leatlier, Harness leainer.cow
hide, kip skins, calf skins, linings and morocco.
Saddles, bridles, natters, lairier.s, circingie.-,
helly-hands, driving lines, colla-s, back-straps,
g'ntlis. blind-bridles, fcc. Medicines. A gen
eral assortment of medicines for fevers, fever
and ague, and the commo i complaints or the
country. Cook's, Lee's, S.ipperiyton's.Bragg's
and Janes' pills, Quinine, tonics, and various
ki ill s or sionuaus, anones, iiniiueins an i,
other articles necessary for the sick and tuo in
valid. Tnov'iu. 54
nORSES, w ork oxen and youngstock. ditto
f TAKEN up by'l'eter A. Griffey, of Tarkio
1 Township, Page count, low.i. v
large Rrindle Sfct, ibe points of both ho!
nlf. with a gimlet hole through
point of the left horn, supposed to be eight or
nine years old, smooth crop and iinderhlt in the
. . . 1 , I1. ... .1 ..II tll...,!!!--
i i" it ear. and sin in Hie ie:i, anu iu vy-
... . a l. of labor, with a common sized
cow bell on, a narrow leather snap lor a
bell collar, buckled on and tied with a leather
.string, said ox was thin IB order. Appraised
al thirty (;IJ dollars.
J low a, Vait. County, )
Clarinda, Nov. 27, 1V1. S .
I certify lhat Ibe above is a true description
of the above described properly, as taken Irom
the Estray Book in my ollice.
jan 21, T).i,-3ui prs fee "VM.
THTV no in, I,,,! 11th of November, 1331,
.""' . i : -a V th
by Goolmaii Davidson, at Ins residence on the iXor wili(.
East Nodaway live., four inih s South of Hot- au , w; be
null, in
N II Its K 11 Y
rI1IlF. imilersiriipd Iihs nil hand and for
sale a few thousand select grafted apple
trie.-, ready for transplanting in orchards the
coming fall and spring.
Red June, baldwin, white winter pannain, fall
pippin, Relunuit, wine sap, yellow belllower,
Rhode Island greening, swaar, priors red, red
astriichan, eariy harvest, sweet June, summer
rose, summer queen. Rail's janet, rambo, wine
anple, while bellcllower, Roman stem and
Northern spy.
run shade.
The Catalpa and Black Locust.
The snow ball, English and Americin lilac,
red dogwood, honey suckle, rose, fcc, fcc.
A few of the Isabella and Catawba grape fnm
St. Mary, Iowa, Aug. 31, V3.
li.R.sON Swishing to make piirchas-s, will
do well togive us a cult and examine our
Rnchanoii Township, Page
County, Iowa, one Bay Dorse, black mane iiad
tail, dark legs,' white hair on each shoulder,
some saddle maiks, sonic w hite hair on his fore-
will be supplied to subscribers at Five Dollars
a year, and will be published on the lust day of
(tii'll 1-lilHlI ti
The postage on Harper's Story Rook, which
must o naiu nuai iei iv iu innc, .......
1 1 . l til" uu .. iii.-r ii II I its.
llAiri' .' ',
fcbl I'ubhbUcrs, New Voik.
t'OU THE YEAB 180i!
U M. R A LLOI f, w ho has e Ir.ed the'-I'ic
1L torial" from ttie ( on. iiipi.. i inent. having
lioiiL'ht out the la'e proprietor. Air. F. Glc.isoi
will conduct tliis popular and w nit ly ciicuialed
paiier on his own aeeo'lut. The ne'.v volume
Will be ly improved in every lespcct,
and will he published on finer paper thai ever
before, which quality w ill be continued hence
fui ih without change. Many new and popu
lar fealuies w ill at once be introduced, anil llie
iterary dejiai linent w ill present an array ol
aleiil und interest bev on d anything it has be
fore uUeinpted. The illustrations will he finer,
and by better artists than have In fore been en
gaged upon the paper, and altogether the pub-
l.cation will Le vastly improved and ueauiiueu.
Arrangement ban been made for irprcvnt
iiig during tin) year views of the most notable
buildings und loculities tliicugh the Fluted
Sides, as well r.s giving ni.eneM oi me iikmi
p-oiiiineid characters, male and female, of ar
tists ami men ot genius, such as have by their
own industry and skill made for theinnelvet a
fuitui e ami a name, in auniiioii io inese, vai-
ioui notable Euioiean scenes and occurrences
Will also be given troui weed lo wec-K, loiuiing
brilliant illuslralnl joiii Hal.
1 subscriber, one year, il IK)
4 subscribers, ' " F' )
(J"5"" Any person si iid'.iig sixteen aiibjcriber
atiiu'la t late, will receive Ibe gevcntciilli
coiiV gratis. Address.
" b M. M. BALLOU,
Publisher and Proprietor,
Corner of Treuiont and Rroiutield Sheet s,
Bo.-lon, Mass. feb 1 1.
Iind Agent, bmvey; lid Lu-jiueer, Relle-
iiead, a liitie white spot on his rump, sujiposed
to bo marked with a cioupei; aooui iweive
years old; fourteen hands high. No other marks
or brands perceivable. Aj.jnS.ised at litty-
s, ven dollai and filly cents ,Ji.
Iowa, Page County, I
Clarinda, December Di, l'-ot. .
I certify that the above is a true deseuption
of Ibe above described property, as taken trom
the Eshay Rook in my olhce
jan 2 I, Ds:iJ,-3ii: pi's fee .
V ' i-oT:TrBs"ir ' - S'l.'.EATII
Counoil Blu2s, Io va.
J ILL buy or s dl Lands, make Seleclma;
at .e'iu lo tne pui en ase anu sa,c o,
lots lllld ail kllu'.S or liusiness Ci eeim iin
the Gov iiimeiil uuices in vvismiuoi
Cential Iowa. on St. Louis ai d
i . io. n pun s lion"- il unit so d. lan J .i '.
ii. I"1. t. -
sept 2
II comprises ag n-ral assortment,
sold at greaiuaigains.
G li I ".EN E, K I N N E Y fc CO.
A LL persons knowing themselves indebted
to (ao. P. Stiles, are reonested to make
immediate payment to the undersigned, or they
w ill line their accounts in the bands of the pro
per oilicer for collection. Ccme one, come all
and save cvst. P. J. McMAHON
ocl 1H, .,1 tf '
4 I' K.I LIT I'LL fancy nolioiis tor sale as
TsljOvJ cheap as dirt, at the cheap cash
store of
CRSCRIBF.R being desirous of nioy-
to California, oilers for sale his
.... i i...
lloMlsiEAP of JOU acies, snuuieu im uic
stage road pel ween en. josc.ii nun ouio...
Hlnllb Smiles SoulU ol council ihuiij iiimi
s.,.,11. of II. e village of St. Mary, and near.
the Missouri river, in Mills County, Iowa; and
Upposue ijeiicvu w, xscoi tv-iiv.i, i.
Also, 4i( acres of Piiaikie Land near St.
M.iru. Hint tHHl acres of Timbered Land on
i. Missouri river, and near Glen wood. These
I'midsarv all in Mills County. Iowa, and pre
sent inducements to land purchasers seldom of
c.iu.l. pontiiinin? timber, prairie, lime stone.
sandsioue, and indications of plenty of coal;
uls.i hpiiii' situated on the most feisiiile
point on the Missouri rive for the crossing of
the Pacilic Railroad. .
!-.,, iti.hle cattle for crossing the I I "ns will
he taken in exchange at fair rates. The buyer
can have iiniiie liate possesion, and all llie
,,n.l fi.ii.ilie- iileiisils be wants ot a fair
Traders Point, HOY 1, 'IM-It
rnill', miliscriber has just opened this new an.
I cominodious for the reception o
the traveling public, and solicits a share of pub
ic favor. Prompt and etlicieut attention will
b.) paid to all who may tavor iniu wiui ineir
p itrouage. His table will be supplied with the
best the market uiloriio. A good si aole is at
laehcd to the premises. W.w. ENGELL.
St. Mary. Iowa, mar. IT), "1 n-"'-tf
fTT0liXct)live.r of thelVcj-l vvul
a superior article of chewing and smoking
Tobacco, at the Agency -'hi ore, oi GREENE,
lil.NNEV (C O).,' !it.Mary: oct I.
llllRI'Y iloz'ii Men and Hoys' Caps, for
M.I-! cheap, at the Agency Store of
p -.'7. GREENE. KINNEY fc CO.
CASS F.boou and shoes for sale cheap
ndfi-tf NUCKOLLS fc CO
view, Ncbiaika.
riMlE auUciilM-r will visit St. "ISTT'Tl
i. Mary on Wednesday's and Jt-f
:l..i.urwl on 'I'neadav'a and Satlll- -
.lav' of each Week, and will supply thea'
...... L..I. u. ill, 1',,-sh Meats. Ratt-T, F.ggS, Ui'd
Vee daldes. at lb mark'.-t price
M.Mtf 1'. IIOHM'.R,
iHE undersigned is low in rereiut of and
receiving the largest and cheapiest stock
Fall and Winter Goods ever ottered 111
'ouncil RtutrCity, or Western Iowa. Those
wishing to pay cash lor Goods will do well to
all and examine. Our stock consis's or every
ariety of goods needed by the people in this
portion of lb country, such as cloths, cassi
ti, imps, sattinetts, tweeds, jeans, white scarlet,
and barred flannels, plain and barred linseys,
PR Pieces good style madder prims, casnuiercs,
merinos, allapacas, bleached and brown sheet
ing and shil ling, licking and arming, Plcacned
and brown i t iton flannel, drapers and crash
ers, all wool tahle covers, liro.v n and P'caciie.i
linen, ink and bay slate shawls, am every
varo'lv of diess goods.
Mens' and boys' fall and winter clothing,
hats and caps, boots and sho-s, hardware and
piceusware, iron, nails, coltee, tug tr, lea mo
lasses, lice, flour, iic.j also, a Uige lot ot t ir
n. I. ire and Pernors. As it is our inK'.ilioii lo
b4-1 I for cash, we flatter oui selves lhat we can
bold out suiierior inducements to those that
wish to buy cheap goods than stores that are
selling on trust.
Country dealers arc requested to call and ex
amine our slock.
LVas-cU Uiitl'City, oi 1. 1"L
Bacchante, Venus, Fi&ra, Hsbaand the Dancinf
Girl I
f"1HE above celebrated Statutes, together with
JL fifteen statutes in bronze, and several hun
dred magnificent oil paintings, from the col
lection of prizes to fie distributed among the
members of the Cosmopolitan Art Association
at the first annual distribution, in January next.
The Cosmopolitan Art and Literary Associ
ation, Organized for the Encouragement and
Generel Diffusion of Literature and tiie Fine
Arts, on a new and original plan.
Tn u Committee of Management have the
pleasure of announcing that the Fifth Annual
Distribution will lak place on th3llh of Jan
uary next, on which occasion there will be dis
tributed oralloted to members several hundred
works of art, among which is the original and
world-renowned statue of the Greek Slave, by
Hiram rowers, costing over live llioiisauil dol
lars I together with the beautiful statues of Ve
nus, Bacchante, Hebe, Flora, and the Dancing
Gi:l, and fifteen statiet'cs in hrouze, imported
from 1'ai is; also, a largecollection ot Oil faints
ings, comprising some of the best production,
of celebrated Americans and Foreign Artist.
The payment of three dollar constitutes any
one a member of this association, and entitles
him to the Knickerbocker Magazine for oat
year, and also ticket in the distribution of
Statuary and fiinlings winch are to bealloted
to members iu January.
Persons taking five memberships are entiiDd
to live of tha Magazines for one year, and alsj
to six tickets in the distribution.
Persons, on becoming uien.bers can have (heir
Magaiiues commence with any month thev
i, and rely on its b.d ig mailed to them
promptly on the Jirsl ot every month, direc:
from N-w York.
The proceeds derived from the sale of mem
berships are devoted totlie purchase of works
of art for the ensuing year.
Rooks open to receive names at the Lasiern
office, New York, or Western oJIicc, Sandusky.
The Gallery of Ait is located at Siudusky,
(the Western olfieo of the Association) where
s ijierh Granite Riiildiugs have been ejected for
it, and in whose spacious saloons the splendid
collections of Statuary and Paintings is exhib
ited. Tim advantages secured by b 'coming a mem
ber of this Association are
1st. All persons receiv e the full value of
their subscription at the start, iu the shape of
sterling Magazine Literalure.
2d. Each member contributing towa 1 pur
chasing choice vvoiks of art. w nich are to ha
d.slrih.itid among themselves, and are at the
same time encouraging tie! arls of the country,
dislmrsii.g thousand of dollars throuli iu
l'eisons re-inUt in T f inds for membership, -should
mark let ler,'- Regie tered," a nd state the
month with which they wish tliei: lnagazii e I
lo coinineiice, and also their post oihce addiei-a
in full, on the receipt of which, a certificate ot
iu.'iu:;citiip, togotiicr wiiinne magazine uesueu.
ill bel'owardel to any part of llie country.
Those who purchase uuy a.iuus at bookstore
will observe that by joining llus Association,
hey receive the. Magazine a id Fieo Ticket i i
the anu'ial distribution, at the a unii pi ice they
low piy for the Mjgi.ine alone.
Illustrated Catalogues of the whole collec
tion on application, free of charges.
J jOihces of the Association, at tne Knick
rbocker Magazine otliee, 'J I H.oadvvay N. Y.
and at No. loo Water Street, Sandusky, Ohio.
Address, (at either office) fo; lu mheiship.
I . 1... flt.lWiV I.. A. is. 1.. A.
N every county in the United Slates active
and enterprising Men to act as Ag nts.lo
transact business that w ill pay, to a smart and
energetic person, fiooi Thivti to Five lined. ad
dollars per month. The business is very honor
able unl requires no capital. As many wills
us lroiu mere idio cunosny, no leuer win m
aiisw red by us unless it eo.itaius on dollai , as
proof of g iod faith, upon tin receipt of whiclt
we Will tuny explain the misine. rvo leuer
will be taken from thv ollice uulisi tlit pjat-;
.a pre-iianl Address,
Dampshiie, Maury Co., 1'eniiesso.t.
Any nws; ape,' o.- other puhlieston,
giving the above four insertions, (includinf, lUi
notice) and fowarding a copy as above, w,ll r
ceive the information aforesaid, without any
encumbrance whatever.
"W V PCS. Hickory Shilling, tor ailaluw, al
Oil GREEN k, fclNAUY fc CO. 4
ppt i 'il.
, f;