i., 1 V: PI 1 JD HQ' n r K J r, 1 1 1 to 1W o iiy i). :. in-ED, & co. 5i:l!.i:vi;v ")br(iLs co., neijuaska, Wednesday, march 7, VOL. 1. NO. 32. ) on Ml ft (10 81x1 12 CO 20 1 H) :tiioo oil 00 5 IX) 3 on s,2n0 5U(I NEBRASKA PALLADIUM AM) rLATTE VALLEY ADVOCATE. VM lill 1.0 WtlKtY l tries, ,oi,Jit. D. E. REED, h. COMPANY, Kditors and Propritfort, tlLLItllW, noCOIil CrUNTY, r D It S r A TERMS. To sinijle snbscril ers atr'etly In advaiwa 2,00. If not paid within four monthi, 91 over four and within uirht months, ?,.r cv twclre months, $ ,i0. Terms in Club : t"!'.". I fi, jtt,0S 25 copies, 12.10, in advance. Ho subscription received for less than six snAnftis fjf No paper wiH be discontinued eeetit at tk 4isfvti.n of the pmprwtrirs, until all ar rearages are paid. RATES 0? ADVERTISED. feraach square of twelve lines or less, first insertion. Each snbfiif nt insertion, One ktpinre three months, (Ina sipiare si month?. One si(.)are twelve months. T)n quarter of a cotiiinn twelve months, Ona half column twelve months, tine column twelve months, Business card of riedit lines, yearly. fix months. u it " three month Administrators' and F.xeeutors' notices, THE LAW OF NFWSrAPF.RS. L Subscribers who do tint (rive express notice to the contrary, nre considered ai within" to continue their subscriptions. 2. It subscribers onb r the dis.-ontinnanec of their papers, the publisher may continue to send them until all arrearees are paid. 2. If subscribers neglect or refuse to tnkc their papers from the otTiceto which they are directed, thev are held responsible until they have settled the bill and ordered the paper dis ontinucd. i. If subscribers remove to other places sTith- ut infortninj the publisher, and the piper is nt to the former direction, they are held re sponsible. . 5. The Conn s have decided th.-vt rcT'innr; to take a paper from the office, or removing and Uavine it uncalled f r, is prima facia evidence f 1i1lent10n.il fraud. Subscribers will therefore understand : 1 Tluit tbeir rui tiers will he con! inued after the errpiration of the time for which tlxy paid ntlict wise ordered. 9 That no naner will discontinued until all arrearages are paid tip to the time at w hich the otice is fciven. unless we are satisfied Ih-t tlie iubscriber is worthless. I. That when the paper, throo-rli thefsi It of subscriber, has been S'llicreJ to everrttn the time, the just and most convenient way is to remit one dollar for another six months, witt J, rM ;..,, to itiscontinueat the cud of that time Th;. .r.r..ciion will, in all eas-s. be noted upon our looks, and if not attended to shall be our 0,Aih The t S. Tourts have also Tr-nrnl e,ly aculrd that a J't lM..ir who neclects to perfo: 111 his dutv i.f jrivu ir s.-a-onahle notic i. r.Mwin-.l bv tlin I'ost-tJII'.en Jlei.artinent. o: tUm !.. ..f a oeison to takn f 'in the office. VmlHr lisble to tlie publivber f..r the subscrip tion price DUSiNF.SS DIRECTORY" -:-.-rrr. " " ' r-- lir.l.I.KVIKW. iTlI. ItKNNKT. His opened a boaidinu houe at llelleview. for the ccoii:mo.laiion of i :'iijr hoarders, and occasional visitors, w ho, he will take ple,i ire ia making as romlortable as lies in l is power. Ilell. view. Nebrak-i. ' Cl i'.ri, l t.'. ------ - -. . AUoiUy at Law. T AVII.I. I'l'O.MI'ri.Y attend to ai.y bnsi- 1. nrss entrusted to t.ie prof -sMonally III an) or all of the Counties of Nebraska Territory. S. A. STRICKLAND Belleview, I)-c. 1 . I, W. It. KNtil.lHH, "V i:t;OTI ATOR, (Vlluetor, (ieneral Land 1 Airent. Coun.fllor al Law, 4c, Ate. Brlleview. Nebra.sl.a. lluvii .;' an experience of 17 years i.t the Ter ritory, w ill pay prompt attention to til com niuiacaliotis, post paid, in regal d to the Ter ritory, Ac.. ,Vc. (57" Olhcc near the C.ovrrninent building, no in rear of I'. A. Sarpy's hanking hoime. helltview Citv, Nebraska, July I , 1H1- idr-sid to him. re., !"Ts t lie J',!t- Stlttttl, )otitj. TK EDITOI'3 SOSO. The ed.tor aits at his table, Wrilint; as st as lie's able Paragraphs, bailer and pu f; His sci-sors beside him are lyii:p, AVhilst lie is in aony ' ' ' J H Cf copy to furnish tnoiiph I Toil, foil, toil I What aweary life is mine I Wasting the precious niidii i,ht oil In leader, an I column, an.l line; Working from morn till nii;'it, Wot kinc; f roin Tiifjbt till morn, Oh ! why was the atcani preis ever made, Or why was the editor born? Toil, toil, toil! And whose ij the train when won? Whose are the trophies we achieve, And for whom are the laurels won ? To stand in the foremost rank Of each hard fought party fray To share the toil, and only to get Abuse and neglect for pa) ! Toil, toil .toil I What a thankless task is ours! To bake the bread and to pre.su the cheese That Senator Smith devouia I To sit on a three-lejrjjed atool, Whilst others have haii-fltuiled seats, To piepiire the hash and Cook up the stew, But never to taste the meats! Toil, toil, toil! As the constant diop on a stone, So theceaackss endless work Wears away body and bone! Though the poet sputter and write, Tho,ij;h th ; orator biilly mid b.awl, If it were not for the editor's pen, Whiit weie the use of it ail ? Toil, toil, toil I Chi istians, Mormons, and Jewj j 1 1 there is man on th.a weary earih Hut pnvii it :!.erby reading the news ? Richer, i k her, i idler, As they n .ol it by sunlight and taper And yi.t theie isn't a soul of th-'in all liut grudges to pay for his paper ! Toil, toil, toil! There's a row in the veiy next street I Souiebotj 's going to murder his wife, And 1 'inikt beofi tout-suit j Yesterday, just at iliin t .me, Twt policemen got choked in a riot And so It goe on fioin morning till night, And an eiitoi in itt knows q iict. COts up, knot k. his hat ever his eyes, and i u jiirj Dili In a i-Uic. or distraction, to pick up uu ilem."j 1 M Jiitreal J'llot. i'j If our .M.iLtr thought it wrmijt for Adiiiii to live single when there w;i! nor a w.unuii eur.h, how crimiiutlly jeuil'.j me olil h; i litlora, svi.li 1 1 its worhl full ol prolty gti Is. A ni'W work is now in jiri's which it is iititicip.itfil killiucft wiiliuii immense. It is. enlillcd "Smith on the Evas ion of Dchts." ZV A ljtiy at a croSMiij; Laving bi-ijeil some liin of a gi'iiilfni.'.n, the hitter tolJ liitn lie woulJ (rive linn somotliinir ns he came buck. The boy rcplii d : ' Your honor wonhl be sttrpriHoJ iT you knew how much money I lose by givinj; credit in that wny." Stltcttb JUatttr. fENJAoTIt FR.ASKI.IIs. !)ni! I.iiikI red and forly-eijht yfnrs nn to-tl;iy, n Musf;udiiisottn lullu w-ih:ni.l!rrs wife h;;d a soil. Heprew up Minwkwurd lad clo'.hrd in tlie r p;a Jiiiscy-wnlsoy of his m.i hcr's loiiin whesa hmidx were rnilolent of the perfume of sob) nod Ciindlrs a ploddinrr lotil, that toiled hy d.iy mid KlipJied hy night steiiling frotn the Jiours !il!.'i -i to rep ias-, he lubored on. (Mii!.n;iot,3 fchttn- l.ed hiin, In; i'S so dull, the wwrtsr of his chiiii:e ridiculed him, he was so tu k ward, but he lnhored tin. And wlmt whs the birth or the life of audi a booby to the elileof Christendom? What wus he to the (rent and '.earned of e:irlh ? He, n tliriner of candles, a tvne slicker, a maker of aim -.nines, un interpre ter lor 'poor Richard' what was lie to iitntesnir.il nnd potentates ? Ah! he nev rr ehamred his cmjiloymcn' ; in youth, lie made litrhl for Ilosiou's lampless Ismtera in manhood lie enlightened the world. The poor printer's bey to-day the hon ored of Kings to-morrow; the 'poor J Jen ny " of his mother to-day the imin irlal Franklin forever. drowns had pressed llie brow s, nnd lau rels wreathed Ihe temples of meant r men. lie charged bayonets ajoinst the lihtn- inos of Heaven, and they fell harmless ami quivering at his feet, he wreathed a gar land of their fiery w ings, and bound H round his brow. And yet he was no genius. 1'I.iin com mon sei'Stf, n fixedness of purpose, mi un wearied industry, and iudouiiiilable per severance, a noble motive llie.se alone were his. Without the pnlish of schools, the graces of courts, the eloquence of the orator, the inspiration of the bard or the fame of a warrior, the old printer of Phil adelphia is remembered to-day, und Ihro' out the land, the eulogy is pronounced for him, nnd for him the poet tunes his harp. Amidst all the memories of men who have livCd and died within the Just half ren'inry, his ahines cloudless nnd unbleni wi;h meaner rays, like soine greater star that lias oulwu!;'iid the night, and gliUer undimmed on the brow of the morning. Chicr go Jotirna', Jan. 17. FACTS AEOUT NEWSf APE33. T.'ic first newspaper established in North America was the Host on News Letter, the first number of which appear ed on Monday, April '21, 1704 one hun dred and fifty years ago. Shou'dnol each anniversary be celebrtrtcil oy tlie llosloji publishers ? I'-.'v. James Aspimvall once romirkcu Cint the nnei' nts counted u:i seven won ders of Ihc world. If they had possessed a riewi-'icp- r pres they wolU :uvc r.n eighth, Ik.'Ii innrveilous ami of mor rci) Kuril, t'li'-u toe it Hij-'inl't.i . Th London Times has no ' free list.' Its own editors sue obliged to purchase eo)ics foi iioioe reading. Tew men, remarked Rev. Hubbard Winslow, confer more benefit upon the eonimunilv than good editors, and few do more harm than bad ones. There is something singular in the fate of the first press which was used in Cal ifornia. It traveled from frotn Nen- York to Mexico, thence to Montcray, and to San Francisco, from thence to Stockton and Soimru, end finally brought up at Co lumbia. In every place it did i!s duty ? hut the sheriff threatening its seizure on account of the non-payment of a note, due from the purchaser it its last owner, the people decided to spare the pioneer press such inumiiiy, and ,ncrefo:e made a bon fire and its ashes soon mingled with tlie winds. J'nipcror Nicholas is so much in favor pillar i ducatluil lilal JIC allows llircc o- pi ST. -MARY. O. V. WALL ACT'., I'hvaif ian and Surgeon, respectfully tenders lot professional services to the citizens of St. Mary and vicinity. Olbee two miles north west of Sv. Mary, on the Mosquito creek. itug 31-lr W A'TsonTki N NT. V it ORIT.V, General Land Agents, St. Mary, Mills County, Iowa. Will atli lid o the purchase aud sale of real estate, the peifectiug of titles, paying tal es. .c., &.C. fcV" Farming land and village lots, to suit pui chasers, on hand, for sale cheap, and on leaaoliable tei us. CHAN. K. WATSON. I- II. KINNKV. ,,43-tf JOSKl'II (JRKKV. "wH liAM-al WILSON'S bAW MILL. Keg Creek, Mills Co., Iowa. The proprie tors of this mill intend to keep lumber ot all descriptions const.iatly on hand ; also to sup ply all special orders for lumber at shoit no tice, for cash. " I -"3"' SKJN l'ALNTJ'.K AM) (ilLPLIl. T located lo In si-If at nil K tubscriber liavini' St. Mary ia prepared to execute, orders of every discretion or J'liii, 1 nc) , unu uma wntul l'uintilig. Sign painted, lettered and gilded ia the most approved !)le, unit in the lleiit-Nt mailier. I'alronage icspictfully lirlUd. Ottice, at II. iMv ia, Kr iat Street, St. Mary. bl A.MSI.AL'S SCHKM ANSiiV. St. Mary, Sept. S7,'0L " ' V. A. SAIU'Y, Wholesale and Commission Merchant, dealer iu J y tjoods, Hardware, yu-enware, (ilass are, (Groceries, l)rur. Medicines, Hooks ami irationei y, corner of Main and Uregory streets. nog Jld) V7 AVATSON, Conveyaiicar, Notary J'ublic, and Survey r. . Office at the Store if tirttne, Kinney, &. Co., bt. Mary, Millaeo., Iowa. Aug. 2,4. ' w7 mTYykbs, I AND EITRVKVOR Omaha City.Nebras u k Territory. IuH claims aelected and located. Agent lor the purchase, improvement and aW of city property or lands. mriiiiiiii: Hon. Jo l.h Williams, Muscatine, Iowa j J. 1). Mi Call, Ksi., I'ort lJctnoine, Iowa Jlon. Luos Jivye, iliuif City, Iow a. K. B letters of eu.iuiry relative to North em Nebraska, answotesl promjitly. Omsk. Crn-, Ja 31. Puot-a Nirv is a mark of low breedinir Show us the man who commands the best respect, an oath never trembles on Ids tongue. Head the catalogue of crime. Inquire the character of those who dc part from virtue; without an exception you will find them to be profane. Think of thin, ami let not a vile word disgrace you. PAPER MADE FBOM W00O. We copy the following article from tbu Saturday F.veuing l'ost : 'Whatever may be Mr. Hcnrdslicr' method for making paper of wood, you may nsitirtj the I.vemng Journal that tho fact is not new by inoro lluni a quarter of .iceuUuy. Several friends know that I made a p..pcrof wooden bark and grass us early us Bud that the fact was sta ted in a communication to the directors of the Ameiieall Uiblc Society, with ire. quenl to be allowed the privilege of laying before that body u plan by which 1 de signed lo take prairie grass into an engine atone cud of a building having it come out a j Wutcd sheet at the next stopping nlace. Although I used various kinds of wool and bark, I found bog grass tl must convenient r.r.ii lc, and made sample. of wdii'.e paper whit h were submitted to the best warehouse in this city, (the ma terial being inado a secret,) and Was offer ed orders at the same pricct paid for good looking paper of the same size. The bark of the milk-weed m ikes the very best pa per, but there is not enough, in iU uncul tivated state, to make it nn object. Hut bug grass grows without limit, and af ter tho first weeks of early spring it is of no other use. H. Letts. H. U, The bark of the basswood mules a better paper lhantho wood. Brooklyn. 7 IVonl at , Jo. 15, '55. Si'tt il Mlssaoe. Tlie President of the Liicd States sent to Congress, a spe nd message, accompanied by a letter from the Secretary of War, in regard to exten sive threatened hoslililies among the es ;ern Indian tribes. The prompt. action of Cor gress is invoked to make provision for arres' ing the threatened difficulties. The President says : 'The proposed temporary provision to meet a special dt inrind, far from obviating, iu my judgment, only serv es to illustrate the urgent necessity of an increase of the regular nriny, at least the extent recom mended in my lute annual message. Un less by the plan proposed, or some equal ly effective, a force can be early brought into the field adequate to the suppression of existing l ostilities, tho cuinbinaton of predatory bunds will bu extended, and the difficulty of restoring order and secu rity greatly magnified. On the other hand, without a permanet military force of sufficient strength to control the unfriend ly Indians, it may be expected that the boss tilities will ooti be renewed, and that years of border warfare will aflliet the country, .etarding the progress of se'tlc. intnl, exposing emigrant trains to savage barbarities, and consuming millions of the public money." newspapers to each million of inhabitants. Their contents submitted to royal approv al In fore they arc printed. In lookii'g over ihc old files of Dostoli newspapers tho cy constantly me. ts in the advertising department with filenames of those who ;:rc or have been our wealth icats citizens. The vicissitudes of newspaper property arc very striking. A paper iu Philadel phia fell in two months from a circulation of 15,000 to 3000; while the London Weekly Chronicle, which rose to the e r.orinotis sale of 1 22,000 copies a week, was reduced by u change of proprietors Ui300O iua M v ahvrt lime. ,' The American Messuger, the monthly p iper of the American Tract S icicty, is the largest circulated journal iu the Uni ted States. Over 123 .000 copies are printed. The fust paper printed North of the Ohio River, was The Cen'incI of the North-Western Territory, started in Cin cinnati, on ihfO.h of November, 17U3, by Win. Maxwell. Mr. Mahloil Hay, wdio, with wife and daughter, who was lost on board of the Artie, who is the old and respected prin ter and publisher of that name, and was one of the founders of the New York Sun, the first penny paper in New York, es tablished in 1832. He leaves a sou in New York. The Nebraska Palladium was the first newsmmtr issued in Nebraska. Publish ed by D. Ileed &. Co., editors and proprietors. From the Prairie Tanner. Curious KnbiU of the Itrown Sand Hill Crine. (iVtft CunadtntU. Many of these noble birds still nest in this vicinity, but their number is small compared with the numerous flocks that a few years since, might be seen holding their strange dances oi some favori;e knoll, or feeding, while their sentinels, judi ciously posted, stood ready to give war ning of any suspicious intruder. Some urc incredulous in the daneing of cranes. XI is true, 1..6ir movei.u-ui or. ,e i.iorriii tis a l-.eiB tomif or l.ie quadrilles quite a la mode; but d.-uic? they certainly d j As for their music, though lacking the harmony, it is about as loud and melodious as a fashionable opera air. The Sand Hill Crone is omniverotis, devouring pretty much anything eaten by birds. The nest is n simple pile of rush es, or grass, flat on the top, built in some ueep siougn or pond, lneeggs iwo in number are shaped much like those of the common turkey, of a light amber col or, und splashed with brown. The nest is usually surrounded by deep water, but the joung birds swim readily, and leave it as soon as hatched. It is believed by many that they separate immediately upon leaving the nest, each of the old birds tak ing care of one the supposition being that they would fight if allowed to remain together. Iu corroboration of this some what singular idea, I can only say, I never found two of the young birds in conipiny, and a pair which I had caused a hen to halch, fought from the timu tin y left the shell till, in fact, they killed each other oul right. This bird is easily domesticated. I kept one for several years, who showed all the attachment and intelligence of a dog. A EE A OF THE UNITED CXATES ASD TEE KI10SIJES. Here is tin interesting lesson in Geg rap'ny for young America to study. According to the late Census Report, the aren of the United Stales and Terri tories is 2 936.16G square miles. Tlo following tables, taken from that docu ment, transposed so ns to give each i'l proper rank, show tho area of e. eh status and territory : Square Miles. He never forgot a friend or forgave un Nebraska Teiritory, I I'tn1' Trrritorv ,.. . . , ' I r a u. , New Mettico Territory,' Oregon Territory, Minnesota Territory, California, Washington Territory, Kansas Territory, Indian Territory (Kan.,) Missouri, Virginia, Florida, Ceorgia, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin Arkansas, Iowa, Alabama, North Carolina, Mississippi, Ne1"' York, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Louisiana, Ohio, Kentucky, India na, Maine, South Carolina, Maryland, Vermont, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Delaware, Rhode Island, Dis. Columbia, Jj"A sovereign is dead ! The illus trious Kamchamehu III, of the Sandwich Islands is no mure. This piece of royalty was aged about forty. He was chiefly distinguished for gulling drunk, whether on those French brandies introduced at the cannon's mouth by the French, or tin less refined liquors made little difference. lie was of medium size 1 und dull physiog nomy. His predecessor, King Kameham ha II, rind his Qilcen, both died iu Lou Jon, while on a visit. Under his leigil the Sandwich Islands were near bciu;? an nexed lo the United States, but Liboliho, l is son, who traveled iu this country und in I'urope four years since, is said to bo un favorable to the measure. N. V. Tribune 31st ult. The setting of a great hope is like the setting of the sun.' The brightness of our life is gone. Shadows of the eve. rung fall around us, and thu world seem but a dull reflection; itself a broader shade. We look forward into the coming lonely night. The soul withdraw, into itself. The i'ars and the night is holy. JO The washerwoman who attempted to hang her clothes on Mason und Dixon's line has been prosecuted fur 4 vlolat ion of Ihe last great compromise. Vui.oauiiv in DuloS. To people who may fancy they are making them selves more respectable, by covering themselves with extravagant and gaudy colored dresses, tho following contains u whole some lesson : " The honorable Miss Murray, sister of a Scotch Duke, und maid of honor to Queen Victoria, has been staying for some days past in New Yoik. Miss Murray is a lady of fine person, robust health, und uncommon energy of character aged about 35 years. She has visited severa. of the public institutions, and been enter tained by many citizens at tbeir bouses, where her frank una cordial manners, her sing liar intelligence and great kindness of heart huve secured her m..ny friends Miss Murray, we understand, litis keenly enjoyed her extended lour in this country. Sh" appears, however, to have been struck wii.li umatenietit of the expenditure, the 7ielflsntii8, and the r.l-htabh of that un fortunate class of beings, the fashionable women of our cities. Miss Murray, like all the fashionable women of Kurope, dresses so plainly that it probably costs her less to dress for a whole year, than many a New York 1. dy expends for hull a-dozen handkerchief J . It is u settled thing iu Europe, that txtravaganee in dress, is ihe very txtrenu of vulgarity, und is never indulged in, except by those whose only claim to distinction, is L10 length of purse." Lathes' Futerprise, try Ma," said an inquisitive little girl, "will rich and poor live together when thty go to heitveur" "Yes, my dear, they will be all alike there." 'Then ma, why don't rich and poor Christians associate together here?" The rich lno'.h cr did nut answer. injury. If any one had abused him, it was of no avail to uttempt disguise; he recog nized his enemies in any dress, and by un angry croak showed his displeasure, and warned them to keep out of his reach. He was a great gormandizer, and was ve ry fond of Celd mice, many of which he destroyed, fasting quite expert at fuidin" their nests. iiudttirehinir out the iiimati with his h'ug till, lie would have been of service in the gaiden, were it not for his ii.quisitive propensities, which led him to pull up for examination every thing he saw us plant. Though a desire for knowledge might be very laudable, this mode of obtaining it met our disappro bation, and eventually caused his banishment. Though a migratory bird, he did not seem to suffer from cold in the winter, and being fond of wuding, even kept a pl.ice in a neighboring slough free from ice till late in ihe season, by trumping about in it. I provided him with a warm house, but he preferred lo sleep w iih the cows. He always slept . beside one of them, lvinf flat on his breast, with his ees folded under Ilim, and his head and long neck turned back between his wings He was on good terms with all the cattle and might frequently bo seen playing with them; his part of the performance consist ed in springing up, flapping his wings, and whooping tremendously. This was pre cisely the si.me as the dancing of his wild brethren. He would also dance to the waiving of ihc handkerchief; and on win. dy washing-days sometimes danced for hours at a time to the clot Ins on the line When much enragd, he would stand with his head und bill pointed directly upward and utter a harsh, croaking sound, quite unlike his usual whoop. A young crane makes no despicable ar tide of food. The old ones, I should gup pose, would be rather tough and snaky but nn old Indian hunter of my ncquain lance says, "A turkey is not half as good enliiio-." AuJubon supposed this to be only the young of the while crane, but ho wan wrong. The white crane is more of southern bird, and exceedingly rare here I saw a pair flying over this fall for the first time. These two species are umjng the largest and finest of our Norlli Atne rican birds. It. W. KFNNICOTT The Grove, Illinois. a-1 sC ' 135,0.10 1W5,0U5 155 980 J2L022 114.7J:J 71127 67.3bO 61.35 69 208 fi8,f,00 5J243 55405 53 924 52.198 50 914 50.722 60,704 47.156 47,000 40 000 45 G00 41.355 .39.954 37C30 33 8' 19 31,7(J( 29 3c55 11.124 9.280 8310 7 800 4G74 2.120 1,30(5 t0 Nebraska Territory is large enough to cut into seven Slates of the size of New York, and leave a surplus large enough for a Slate the size of Connecticut. Kan sas Territory has an area sufficient lo mako (wo States the size of Ohio, and one tha size of Indiana. Texa will mat four State of the size of Indiana; und Califor nia Um a. auiasMCHt area to convert Into sixteen of the size of New H.impfclura und a surplus to muke one about the fize of Massachusetts. the A QuAaea's LtTTia. We cut following from an English paper : Friend John, I desire thee to be so kind as to ira 10 one of (hose sinful men in the fiesii called attorneys, und let him take out ,;n instrument wi n a seal thereto, by means whereof we may seize thoutwurd tabernacle of George Greene, und bring hun bet ore the lamb-skm uufti at West minister, nnd teach him to do in the future as lie would be thine bv. Thy Friend, It. C. Newspapers. Small is the sum that is required to patronize a newspaper, aud most amply remunerated is the patron. I are not how humble and unpretending the gazette which he takes, it is next to impossible lo fill a sheet fifty-two times a year, without putting into it something that is worth the su'oscrip'ion price. Every parent whose son is off from him, should be supplied with a newspaper. I well remember what a difference there was between those of my schoolmates who had, and those who had not access to papers. U her things being equal; U'o first were always decidedly superior O the last; in debute and composition at lent. The reason is plain, they had command of more facts. Youth will peruse a News paper wilh delight when they will perusa nothing else. f Judge Longstrect. To Cube a FtLos. A felon gener ally appears on the end of the fingers and thumbs; it is exlremrly painful for week and sometimes months, and, in most caes, cripples or disfigures the finger or 'thumb that falls a victim to it. Hut it can be easily cured if attended to in time. As soon as the pain is felt, take the thin white skin of an egg, which is found inside the shell; put it round the end of Ihe finger or thumb affected, keep it there until the pain subsides. As soon as the skin be comes dry it will be very painful, and likely to continue for half an hoUr or more, but be not alarmed. If it grows painful, bear it; it will be of short dura tion, compared to what the disease would be. A cure will be certain. Two darkeys in the west wen. out to hunt possums, &ie., ni l by ncciden. found t large cave with a small entrance Peeping in they observed three young bear whelps in the interior. . "Look heah, 8am," said ne, "while I go dar and get do young bars, you Just watch heah for de old bar." Sam go asleep in the sun, when opem iug bis eyes he saw the old bear scouring her way inlo the cave. Quick as wind, he caught her by the tail, and held on like blazes. "ILlow, dar, Sam, what dark de hole dar?" "Lord blesi you, Jumby, savejyourself, honey, ef (lis tail come out, you'U know w hat dark de hole 1" 3" A wrg observes that he looks tin der the marriage head foi the news of the I'Tri. iIM Urown says that hi Shanghai rooster is So lull n h.u to go dflwe t'J'" his k-uoes In ort w ! i t i ; ' t ' i t t f 1 i .I4! -W-v -