Nebraska palladium. (Bellevieu City, Neb.) 1854-1855, February 21, 1855, Image 4

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-1 r
3 5 tic uliur;. V .
-i.'i u ni ; y ii.
1 ll.H-.f. 11, US'
; . c w
s i :u 5 5 vl i c n 1 o i p
LHUAIX. A coiit.i-'ioii-x. Mal
ignant epidemic wliic.'i iron lenih
pieviuli in lint, arid mmsuhv. j,,,,,,'.
I'vu-at mi: rn-
ii:' cattle, c;irrinu' oil"
ncrs. It principitdv
i:iar;hy mid woodv
ainon cattle that have been
posed or h.ullv fed.
Symptoms. The .animal Jmres, mi
i . , ;
uiNiricis or
'roin i.r. &
-ii.-rs in D- v g-.-.i,.
i-u a: , St, 1 1 -,
, A ( ,ti--,nnd
-I 1,1. nw I.
s nv v r.
IM. W . , il ;
, wiuci is s i vi,
fireatliiri; romh, ;
o vn its head
by short hot
paipiijiiiou o. the heart, .-tairiicn'n.u
ami abundenf s crciion of ist-id
matter from the cmn, rattling in
the throat, and a. s!ii:iy tongue.
First sfaijo of leaver. "jJ'.ecd :
give in fi quart of warm water,
l--'lb, of sails, 2 oa. coriander
seeds, 1 oz. of pon dered gentian
root, and 2 oz. of powdered gin-
Third, for t :i fa r an can cro
ons stage. This st te is very do
ubtfiil. Apply ehoride of lime of
the outside, and administer a little
of it with the medicine for the,
second stage, as it may hinder the
tendency to decomposition, which
is rapidly talking place
stage ot the disea-e. Above
tho infected animal should be
moved at onee from the rest
the stock. -V. O'Brien.
ni in i
id. I i,
-: If p
i ,d ('
i, lar.
i.l li
-i H
I, MS '..
1 if,f.' .
' v viiii-
, r . .
if tic:
-I,- ,i,.
1)1 V I ,1-
i, 'ill's. M, ,- -
v -r r.
Idle S-Pill,
Wert side of tiler 1',
VKOl.? Co.,
I i:
ni M-. :
-s. i
f-t"ifii f.r
I 'I Clock'..
uts, rni-, rr
t M 1 ' L r
a -Wiu,.s (, J ft ?!
'!i j vrC vy vim it, kj
T v ! r , . i i i iii r i i.. w r l.n i i s. vn. :
si -i . tj!
"V i V. i .-, . U hi ii fin ,', i iw 'f f
i, or
lo.lii;" a-il Sir-.p-v.-ilH.
I'l'K til,' ii incul a'fl riiiiuifiil
,:i, :ii nir -ii; ' f,-,,,,, a r. imp-irp
' I '!)'. ni t. I.i of t'f v;rlll, ':
I.I- n
II. t". lir.NM'.IT,
Alli'- 'ipy nil, I ('n':n',)r :it I.rnv. ni, S..1
r in (. Ii.ii.r.', y. will pi in-' i,-f in 1 lie ivlli
v-n'h 1 , Ii, ml i(. i-!s. ..v;i. Will j n..
I.V .it'i'ii'l ! ;n n'.'r -i.' b'liiiif-i-i i,ir
1 1 - tif. I )l!iff riiruiT of C 1 . 4i o an, I I.vm.
i'vou!) 'Juvr ill til l,::c.i;3.
r liAid.v iwi:. i v vi: u:, i x r
. - - :;i t . Mill f' ,:iii-I,i. ,
h',i (fin, in, 'lie; ,,l 1 1." t.., , ,,i
i- !
VI-. t li
li'fil.-, l.ltjii'.vn.iil, Ima.
D ysirinii pri'l S'
..'..IV,I in (il, liM
,r,i;,,,lv nltcn.l l,i .1,
i);l r-- 1.11 I.,,, 1 1 t
1 liill' ,lt".!P.
a, if; :tl-l
: .1,-11. Ii-ivili'' pfl 1-1,1 i.fhtlv
!. Mil'- ("., Iowa, will
call,, in lii
, prof 1
Jlll'l'l, OilC llDOr tll'li'l
Alton,, y
I,: ,ftif-s h
ill,-; ,1 ),-.i:
..1.1) H.i. 1
I). II. soi.omoN.
ul (;!,-,,,,, ,!. M,1W C". I,
I t,
tj'i.i' , i
11, .r
I.V ,,.
I..' ,i.,;,i
f Cfrl
1 1
llif ri
'ul, ill li . V,
Iriv.' f,.,m I ,1 ,
,1 Criinrn. ini'l llr
iv tiii y,' 1 m .iff
of llif (i, i-i. ,im I
l-'ii. Hint v.f n, .!
!' ohliiiTiii,:' 11.,-
l.'U nli 1
Wf .ii-1.-r, 1
,),fl,ly. I',,i- vk
null.,, iili-1 innhvri
l:ure of ilu-, ;,, -.,i
lurff, an,! ii'iv .1
l.iiirc.ui I,.' iil.liii.ii-.l wiliiiii.l .1
liOf.TIM; ( LOTUS.
Hi ,Ii'y 1 f Ij , I ; j f
111 '.li,; HYJ.we
1 :',l c in
.11, m.
,'.-. I
if s-.
I'f ,.-!,)
irilitv of
, -l. ' ',.
1 r'"--nrv
to Mi'l.n
!. "I.-I :.(
y. Hi,.-,i
' in or
, Ii
-'"I :l-i, ,T K.11V1 l.ul, '.,:. 1. ! T
I III, 'iiil-l, : I" jil-'-, l!! Ihf ' I'f ,
I-i) I . ' ,f , IT V,i f V'M, l: ',f- ,,
I, r. Si:M II. -,, S.i 1 1" l;-i.-,,n,. I' ll
II Of - 1 ..I .,.,t,, ..I l S -n 1 I I -
li'i' i-'f. Siiv III) t' '( Ilu (.l.i'nU, S pii il 1 1! 1,'
I 'i - I'm--;, li' vi, !...., J, 'i in 1, n 7;.,, l)if ol
Ihf Ki.l:,".-.. i'o.i.-'i ;, C'M-. A-th mu. I! ..n
I'lil,", f iiii-li'.n, l)ioi-.v. 1 1 1' ;t.-j 11! ; ,
l.iv.T Coin:, in, ii1. .N.TVoii A iif l i,,;,". lifii.'ial
In 1,
, iix. I an
ii'-. ani
nil v
1111. ,111:;. Hi, ,i ;i- t a I
',if, ,aif l'if n,'i,r
( 'iir l')i k is l ,va s
I'lrei ami IlxIiiii! of
To o
, nit: I
!,l;. 'i ll,f
"111 I.f.f
I Hi.-
I il r. ci, I'li'i.i. or Th: 1 )-l -.
f-f , Ci.ltp. Win!,' Sw.-liin-. J)
' il' I'lol'l fill ilij lilu 01111 it-.'
l.l.t.ii.'. nr In, i" , 1, In, i f in I. If. '.
If'-'i iarilii-., al-,i, I'liionio C.ii..l il
I'i-.-h-. s.
1 lot v.ilil,,l,!o mriiifiiip roToliiiirs II...
4 i.'ilary a im I .''i'. m i I i,-!.-- n 1 i,. v. ,
kin,;. loin. It I" 1 loi-lly 'oiii-i. f.l o r tl.c (
"i Ic!ia,- of Sal .-ii.-iiilla. i'M,,-A- I)
ami II. i- ,Ii, Ino, of ',.l.,.-iiiin, all of u!,,, ii
ITf known In III.- m i r.,i f.-r il' ,- l,. I,.- n;!.iv
1 :'i r;:t 10, 1 ; 111 ii,.. 1 1-nio til 01 ,ii. a .. ,-, aiil I 1 lia . 1
" k" "'"''on on li,o l.i;i,:.-s. Iiv.-i, k!,!i,i 1 j.
I'o'.'.l, Ol;.'-I , an.) I l iiiarv orf ins.
l'i, ni to a i -:. ! 1 !iy a-:i . i,..',ii!i llo-iii I.) ,
foim lli f.m.-i i,.is nii'ii,- ,lfi.-T,,-l. t in ii.i'v
f 'in'iilfiill v b 'lip . I),.. i,,r C.i ' v 'm ...
ihiiraifl .ir-.i,,anla m lo Alu-ma-i'vp an 1
III, 1,1, t I'm Jly in;; iii.',l,. ii. ,.v,.,- ,.., ,., I j,, (I,,,
(iiiiih,:. It i-, rln-.-ij.i-r. l.'aautfr, anil iv.ur. ,1
S.1JM!I tor t'l K'lV ..!,.
Kdlt S. K'H I I.A.
Dr. r.i'lrrlv'x lo in,.- niol S,n -. iipi ilin i-, rr.--
I 011, 1, if lolf.l :
. t:,i, ls of !'" li'li an i 7 : it
iilfl an; Sn; T' lllf Co'irt of In
iili'i-ly. I
At!in:n a,; i Co;;
at this! 1
Atlorm'v arnl Com
re- sl
f 1.
or a: L ' w , ( ili-ii ivoo,!.
jnnf -"-ly.
or at I. a w. nn !!ic horld
mi ."ul. Iin a, 1 ii 1 -: f
-t liillif i!t
ul'. an, I I1--' la-
at a -i.i o-a- j.i-..i...
try CI..':., il, . I r.-i
Inilirr- l,f'-a,,f si,
ry to ot:!n ni h. ,,
nliif.-t mil f Ii f lo
!-t -1 t . til.'
sinking nine
with a thin
To the marks Jurnished by the
veins and the scrutclieons," says
Mange, are to be added the fol
lowing: A homogeneous, very
but yielding udder,
1 by milking, coered
skin and line hair:
a good constitution, an ample j
cheat, a regular appetite, and i.reat
inclination to drmk; flesh r'a'ther
Jean than fat; a slender, supple
skin; soft, short hair; u small head !
line horns, quick eye, gentle look,
ieminlne hair, fine" neck.
Sri 1. 1? &y 'Z V',..,,-
Or, Leery one his own" Physician
rtMlE Fil't.' JMai.n. nil!,
J- On Kiirnirrrl PTf -av; r,j fj!?,:
MKl.'ll'Al, .() I'll' I"..
DorTor .la no 1 Ooiipla... ivonl l rr-pf f tl nil v
irifi-rm llic i-ilir iis ul (.1. r.-A-oo,!. MiiIh C o.,
Jowa, that lie tifruia ii. nl ly lr,.-il. ,1 in 1,'nn
plafp, an, I ton l. r lii-i l'rof. -.ional s.-rv ic.--,. in
all of ilu various bran. In--., lo tin- ci'i,fi, ami
iifinity. Ilivinir a'l.'inlfil a lull Coiiim' of
.Mr., iir. it I.ffM'.-, in foriiifftion wild the St.
Loins 1 1 o-. ita I . fiiti'is liirnwlf roMi,.-t.Mit
In r.' n,!f r (,;!,. ral sal isfa.-tioii to Uio.-e iviio may
favor him with tli.-ir patioiiair.
lltlire at llir i.-ii Storn.
l.i.i.swf 10. ,Miri. Co.. low .
l)-i- 2-, l-.,:i. i,.J'.'-l v.
-pf nia-
ami C, -i
31, . 1, roc
'I.i -iik Dcu.n in Voo.ii;-!. Willow.
, o1,i.o-.i:.-
'. .o.
M. I.o
v;i. .:s'.)V ,v s 'Ns.
Sh. fp.-M s'.-fl Wir. t.oii.f, lonntirr an. Main
S'l. L'.nii. -.Viatlapan lr... Cunt-aiiv.'
Jto-i'jii,'o' -f'lir.'i.-. of ni...-!, in. tools, In, II
rnt'iiif, ar.'l ilr.iliiif, .i(.'. A,,-.. i.c
Kil.-i, t.L'O too!.,, ,'(., l.'iani'f.iOi'.in' I al
Vs. i.'tilw 01-th H'uilvr, Mahit ,, in, port",! to oi,i-r.
.'L.2-y Aur.r.
tilm an". ()ii-:k. LTJ.r"
P in s.oi-i to Hfi'!,o!,J t UroMi'-rs. wl,olcalf
;!. iil, rs in C.-oc-ri.",. Ton. Wir and Lii;iiuis;
Coinini-io'i aii'l J'orwar.iii.if M'-rrliai.t.s iK
.North S .-'in,! -r r.-r-t . M. I,.,.,,,. M,,.
Ciiahi.i- T11. i.v in, Wm. Kr 1 1. o.i.h,
I't Hn. Kn-.u:H, Jr. Annua: lli H inoin
vrip itiirmrrrt rirrravr in. A
howinf di ascs ami i.-ia!'nrrrm-v
iiorn t the hnm.-i.-i sysi. rn ii, ..v.-ar s,.,.
form. To wliirh i. a-l'.'H a t;.':,!,,., t
v,.-n-nr 01 r-mai.-s. ijpii,',; of Ihf bi'-'-.-s' ii
tanceto marrii-,1 r-or,f. r lh..pcie.'.i.p
...... ....I;J. ,U. I " -M.. .11. I).
" -'!"' a-hairiP,! to ,,r,.., .:,t a co,.v
liiin from an early prv.. Jy(., nn Vo,) ,
or'oma,, Pnt-r into (!:p 't-r,Tt nl)f. , f
limn ip.l lii e r.-nH-nj; Ur Pock, t ,!'..".
paliup. !,,.( itooiif. if;.rf,oinn,lU.r,.H 'rn.,u
j.ain n, the si,p, re-ih-M kt,-,,,;, f,.
inffi anil thpwliolr tram of .lvfj-f.'ip io-
and friv.r, np by tlioi r (.,y-,.-i t. aii.r ,.,';
Bitit without por,,.ti- thf .H.-iira'.ins
llay thp mai-ri-I, or tho,.. about to !.o
ri.-a. any imp... ,i;u.',.t, r.-a,i this truly r,.. f .,! I l"-t l.-ni... 4.!-imi II. 11 1, i K K V I '.i. '
r.uok. a it ban Iw-pr. il,o .......... ..r :: ... i '- ".S
.... . " ",.4 llioil-
aiHlsof utifortuiiute crfatuifj Tro.-a t;i vrn
jaws o ..-;an.
Any rr?on spnHiJic T.Pi.f i-r;,.
jnsissirn foundkv.'V, .-iiccuiiP -V Co., .,.!-,vpfn Morgan
i.rfcn sin.'. !-., on .ilain ami i,.-.v,ii.l St.
J.ouis, Mo i liiiil-!'i: 01" : I .'in Kui'i:.. h. Jioili-rH
a.'i't Pir-ry .1.-ci ij.! ion of Mill marliin. oy.
SliPin.-l-l Kl.-fl wai'f,o,M.., 213 Alain, ronirr
"f t.1, nt, St. liiiiij. St.flof hll.l.
s.'l i.!..l,s in !or. or iifiorl.-.l l,.,r,'.r tl...
.-ft or
thin work I y mail, or livv to jips w ill b,' s
tur On Dollar.
Addre, (p.t-pai,l.) i(, WM. VOl'NO
oo.-,, lJ2 hl,ruce ", I'hila.'
nov 29 Tilly
.-j : i y j. i f i v, v ,
r $UU(VJ)0 wortli of (Jifts,
or the ubcrihrt of the
1t-'lir.lSltKI) niiiiultaiifotisly in the thrpr
citii-s of .New York, i'hila.'h-lphia, Haiti
luorc, as soon as 3iiI.(iii snib-cr: s arp obiam-
fitaii.i riavire aiivaUy an actual circulat.un of
ZiMijK'i), in iiumt crrlain
The Distribution will goon
take place.
Among (be cxtraoiulliary I.iatt of
"tie forty, ry lirkut initiu-.l,) ate
I'rol'. Hart's tli'ai.t com. try beat,
at tji::j,oi.ii
A mariifirprit cilv rpsi.lriif p, wortli
A fash loan for 100 years, u i'.li i,.',t
acvuriiy, ilii,iH').
Uuiblii,' IoT.j. -.; ;,r.f I'i'aiio J-'o:'' s M'-io-
d.-ons, Gold Wutchp, Urai'i-ii Is, li.'i.f., ',.,'.
of tran h. in tin- old l,"v w.'il.l. l y J'r. f.
Hail, real psliit.'.io., lc, t,' in uJJ imi;.!.,-,.
he 3oi,l''W Uifts, valu-.l at tj.i-,t, .-n.
Kvi-ry ginpte ;i Jiiittan.'e of s,!, sc-nips our
jnt'l sti!,a.-ript..,!i to tli.: Mai;.i..tii 1'ir ioH.
IAt, and thp pat'iily of a Gift Tirkft. u !,;r!i
nf .llr the hol.liT to on.' i-hare in t:if -i ..i.i in
Gift. Tlius every prison itivctirnr in tj,i
at upnido.n cntfiprisp rrri-nrs (iip ffllworfj,
of nt or her moriry, in iib-.rrij'lioii to a tir-t
Via ,8 journal, (:t.e gn ate-t and mn-t i;,t. refft,
put-tonal of t lie a'r,) h, si.l.' a (.ill for pnrii
a.ilisicribpr whHi mav move an iiniuriis'' for.
luiif to thp r, ( eii rr.
for a roitipl.-tp !; of fr ''s, "ml fiill at, I x-
Jilteit particulars ill regard to the prrat r
ITi.sp, d'stribtilioii, &.:., bcp a ropy of Thr
lioi" won, i, wiia'ii will i,e promptly wnt
frep of chargf, where desired ly icAcr, rnnl
J,ai1. '
The Whole Wroild may also h sprti at (hp
ol!'u: of all j.appts rontainii. f I, , -i adv. rti-e-inpf.t,
w he id-'o' mation may be c bt.iii.eJ in
iri'ard to th" jispr antl pnieriri.
AK-pt, ,l,6tn.aitrrs, and hadi'-s, d- nro'ii t f
a luruiiaa and at t!; .';." tiu.e uifi
iiioyini'iit, iinoni-i uoi i;i b' r art oy or liie
Wwb M'wM, wJntti toi.uii. by li- U.a n,r:
jibxrai uior hjl'1,1 iit Ol!'. . i d to tif.ei.ts j.i
tU a way iiuiiitti.-e f-h pin.iiu n j, .i;. roiu
I,il3Kil:, i,c, vs h- ie'.V iuiy i,i,,'-'mi U1..4 oi-i,i,a
iy acunly, can twiiy u,.k K ,1: 0 a .1 up.
Wbol. ,ap and retail in lioots an,
Shoe., of all kinds, No. l." Main nlreel. m
copy of.' 1,'IM. Mo. J. .1 12-1 v
. ranufaotiiiprs of Coi'i ra Tin and Rhkft
JL ir.os woiiK, purh ag Copper J'ij.ea for
St. am l.rc'ines and Di.tillei ie.-, Hi .-e.-'hin and
Chimney. .Soda Geneiatoit and l ouiitains. U.-e-wiiii,'
and all kinds of Copper Kit les, U'tdland
ist.-rii I'limpsaud evi-r olli.-r arlirle in (hrlr
hip of liusm.-ss, they also manufacture and
keep constantly on hand the St. Louis premium
( ookin? Stoves, Sfei.m float Jfot.-N
flollog-rtor other sir.iular establishments ; made
in a Ko,,d and wo, kiuanlikp maimer, n,,! out of
o..d and substantial material; and ef JiiTm-nt
sizes. Ail kind i f Tinware 01, hand, wholesale
ar.j reran, .u. i.ii Main street, noulh-east
iter 01 i.iirrrv.M. i,m(,
Ij l.ill'l of i,l! l;f.r
-. .) if "t. in- fo'iio! it r.....
1, r ai 'l stroti..rer Cloths.
1 f pi.-iori of s. '1 1 1 1 1 r ,,
ir:,,-f. Vf I. i-i h'-fore the 111 :;
tnri-r-. 0111 oh,.-rt ion., to tii'-ir Cloths, an, I 01, i,-,-.
fl heal ier and 'itroi.'.'.-r to be made. Tbry 11, 1-d-rtm.k
it vith rrl-iftaiire, ff ai ito; that" tin y
ronhl not make t!i,-ir Cloth lipiuifi n,,, p,-,'.
- .. in.- 1111 ,11,1 -niiy 01 llif-tKsSO Ill ll
ble for i.'ilo. inlil If''.' Till V I... ve surer.,
Of K IIOI.TI.V., t l.O I S A 11 ,o A .11 .A OK I; t't,v.
I.V ion v. i;i"l for b.'-in'y "flini-h, niiifoi'ni.
tl "f I110 -if--, silei,:li d,;i,4!iiiity, We ref,-r
to the llilli.'-.s (.'eiierally in lli- rotmti y, and es
pecially to t he millers and noli O'.vn'ei., ii, this CR.llX MILL
Our atlenlmn for many years has been .h-n-ctcl
to obtain Ihf hr-t ,i,u'i for coiotriirlini;
the mills. In many ( i-,-s tbevar-f use ! by
inevppi if nrci hands, n,:-l C.r.foVe, durability
and simplicity of c-.i.sti i,,n was I he . , 1 . j,
lo lie atlaii'.-rl. In this vie th.i.k we hair s ic.
ceeii.-d. We bi'Ii.-.e s.,, 1 ' a ,o in flt. irreal
number tie have sold, th.-.-e has not b.'"i -me rp
liirne.l, nor to our kno.i le,!,;,- failed to jipifnrm
enlirely to the satisfaction of tho.e iisini. them.
They are in c-1e:,ite tsp in the We-t, nnd
many of them in ,i-,v Mexico and Calif irnia.
Dm- mill's ar l-now a as TOIMl'S 1 M I'lil )V I i li
G H.M.N .'II I.I,. Vf .niai...r.Ht,iM. three kinds,
to wit : t.rrit",K :hk, in tim-l by ut-irrlit
of III.- rum,"! ; i r'.i : nn onus- vni ,1,,.
low ,-r sto..,' to and the rut - sr.- h 1: 1 i.i..
i attut rii.;l. -J, cr ii.ei.L- d a;,,! 1,1, u-1
Ln.nilKR HIA.llXG.
This ai.icle is no tnaile in in,, realett oer.
fectio',, and hceoiiiiiig e'en-neiv uaed in the
(iiinufactiirm e- 'oaii' iiui-nis ,,t t. -i,i,i,r.
We keep 0:1 hand Ih -I.iri-1 a--o, tin-ni in ilu-
.veser i ro'intrj, ot our own, and Kast
Vt'i.tAVitn iirnnrii hi.itim;
PA( KIM. AM) HVilllKR HosK. We a-c t
aire, in or Hie 1,0 ,,,111 Lotnpaliy 111 tl.i., riiy for ;
un- sale i.j the!., u'oo'ls.
ilolstiii; m h-ws, mill spindle-i. j ritrtt itifr
screws, ilal.'i.i.l in.ns. ifil
nun iii-iik, screen wn
tln-r, c-i,'ii,.'. ,ast
ly 011 hand, li
Louis. ,
Hip mo-t 'li,-rtri..ii- ine Jii-ii,,- li
11 possible be ,,i ,.r
in? holts by fast ! faiiuie has ,.,pr o.-fued whet, faitlif.illy us, ,.
'""' "f -prini; j l'i r Scriy, Hoils, 111.,!, lies, Tuinois, Vlnlf
'.t t 1 , I.i (be or- Stiellmus I'lcers. Canci s. r.ul.,r,r,,. Cn,,,!.
lVv-r Sore, Mercurial Diifj-rs. Svpb 1 1 -i iL
Si inptoms. Leprosy, K; Vs,( el,,s. Tetter. Salt
llbc iui. and all cutaneous ii-e,i-.e-., dr. lia. a 1
ly's loditie n:ul Sarsapanll i ciuiuot be loo bii'h
iy evtolle-l. It aearcl.e out the veiyr-'ol of
tli" ill, ase, destroys the frerin, by j" i-if ; ii.i.'
the blood and driviru; nut all impure- or ,li-t ".,,-, I
Munis of the body and by reitioi ,n- lie Cau.-e.
renders the cure certain and permit. at, 1
INIlGi:.STl o Hi SI'KI'M .
o lur lirine, pei baps-, b ,.s ever 1.,-rii iliscov-er.-d
wlin.'h r'.Vfs so Mndi tor... to the tn, ;..,.-!,
and causes the M.rotnm f healthy L'a-trir
I'lire to d.-fst the food a'. Dr. ICateri y"s lodine
ami .No ,.,. has u.nd it fur
cointiliiiiit.s without bi'ii. it.
I)r. Easterly's Iodine and Saisaparilln is used
with the urea test success in rheumal ir. roinldaiii:s
especially surb ai ate chronic, li cure, ,v dri
viiii; out all impuriii"s and foul humors which arrumiilaled in the system, which are the
cause of lilifuuiali -m, Goiit and swi llin' of (hr
joints. Older remedies S-U'lielimrj "ill sleu,.,,,.
rary relief; this entirely eradicates' the disease
from Ih.' system.
FtlA Ml KCL'RIM. AND Vl SKHM. T)ti:ir..
A t-acTiNo 1 nr. m.001., Gi.anik,
Con IIS, Jol NTS A I) lio.M.S.
Dr. F.a-ti'i ly's Iu,,,e and S,,i sanai ilia is the
belt remedy et-r invei,t.-.. This me brine i
olfi red to tin- public tin! 1,1. rrlv as a piinfo-r of
the tn.oon, bat as a p, ; f,. eradleafor of the
most virulent p..ioii, oc,-asi,,,f ,v reit-i,,)
an, I ventral tain;.-,, w hirii re,t thr ac- on i f a! 1
other remedies. Ji will cure the urn . 1 kind ( f
mercurial, ni matter bow deeply u
may haie eaten into the frame and vitr.l i,i,;,s.
It Will cure tilP worst cases of seeond.uv
piitles or veneral rli.M(,ei, n. mat'er huii lone
It may have existed, how ,,a,t ur ,i(i.v
s'-ited in the sv.slem, it will a:inihil..t.r at. 1 ia-
pri ine yrm ami r.slore t,(;.,hf(.m (
perfect he.iilh an I purity. For I.'lr
mouth and throat. Lnlar-'mi i.t ,,f 11.,,
1 i:,.ai 1,,.,..-, ; .. . 1... .... ,
I 11 - ' ,""l,'v 1 .111,3 111
..- ....... , tfuuit, ,1 me on iy san. ami . in-
remedy. Vo-il, pels., ns wi.o b.iyp ,..s,-,, to
S'upicl ..i-y iinp i. , , in t;,,ii l,;,.,.d, eiiiier h.-r-edilaiy
01 t,,i ie, ult 0 im;.M,, .,.,. OIJ t , . .
, , jl'IV anu '.'s:ioy Kin villW bef-
'"- 1 ' I in nn.,
. I lie s, i e.
ch- i
tern 1
1" only
rily I
a t i a- ol
rr. in I In
and ,
; He.., the I, llel I , -Uil John S ( ruflp. Gri il l
I S 'I aie . A k oiras, ( in rokrr .Na: :on. br.i: 11 date
An:. us! in. I "Ml.
. j , I'1- 1,,-I I't Sir: Vbrii I was in y city
. in M n-r'i last. 1 I one ib..en boillp, ill
' ' I t our rrier and A.-; if irvdier, n hi, Ii y,ni warran-
tr-l (n :n-. I hat , ,1-1 -- i-n, rf 1 l,r ,',,,-pi,. wh.rh
'" I I al.o v irta.t. .1. Your ine heine I111 rit-ti rti-
lirn lTiili,"i"i fa-, it ha i-in.' ell.-. I.-, I ei a I
rill.-, .d l,.. Chills and I'm f. I l,e r-.i .,. p: 1 1 1 .
c u ! . - 1 v 1 l-idy ),o I, . 'if. 1, 1, !1 let. -1 : 1 1 -- Ine
III Iff part . I' I is s i.)t,f , , 1, ri. hid
many I '"ii. , I i, 'i, l.e.iil -s li ;i ir.jj ,t J, 1 11 sc i an pai I
ol the time. of which ailed. She bought a
I,, .tile i f y.cir iu.-die:n.'. mid b Tore slie I1.1t -,s.
cd one -ilor-l of il. she ml Puln el y cured, and
tin-en toyed jood health ever since. In no case
Ui it i a 1,1 d lo elf, ' t a pi I 111 - li e it dire.
lo- peel ful iy youi ,1, ;in S. Ciumii.
P. S I will lieiu onr pi. see a;riin sborily,
and w a, I buy ii,ip larf-lv.
N. li. A-k for )i. tiasi. rlt 's Fei.-r an I Au,'
Killer, nnd ukf no olli.-r. and you are sal,-.
A 1 .I" I a I discount 111 lib' o whole-.ale di- ilere.
I'i ice S per bottle, or i: b,.tte for 1.
Fors. i!e in Ur. liasieilt-s Family Medicine
S'o. p C'l'ii' r of 'l b It 1 -md ( b.'-not st, St
I.o'i,. ais-oby p. .v. Satv. Si. ,M,rv, rtl bv
.letileis it, mr lirini-M ,.. - ailv in lli e .1
')!!. I'ASPIiKl.Y'S HI MI I' lit F. svi;rp.
t'l.i'i i a pie-sent, ssfe and ell", e Hul remedy for
l)i KPii'.iry. Dian bfa.Cbolfia.Cholei Morhu
S'M.umer ron, plaint. Colic (.'upiii:-. Pains, i
Wind In the Stomach ai d llov.els. Ciamp..
Fretiin and Cryiti" of inf.-tnti, nnd for all ir- I
lei'iilat if . o (heboueis.
It is one ... tlio mo-t r llirielit, dea .I'll ( , a ),d
:ifr pieparaiion rwy oil, ted lo Hi, public f .r
the i. nioval of the vi'io-is .lei at ,'priei,ts of the
S or eo-h anil M .wels and l!ie oijy n r 1 1.-- woithy
(,f the lea-i ronli l.-ni e for ruriii!; Cbolei a Inf .111
luin on S 1 m in. r Complaint, nnd all tin: ibuaii"--nifiit'
of the Howilsfiom te.-lliiiiUr. "
Dr. I'..islei!y's Di.irrb.r',1 S rup is without ev
Cf ptioli one of the m. .-I taluable Faiiiiy
en.e eter discovered. Hundreds ,,r families of
the first lespeetiihility in St. I.ouis hafene,l it
and be ir the si, oiif.-.i lest,,,,, ,y j 1I3 f,ivor.
I'i ice Vi rents per boMe.
'.,; .;,),. i, J), . K ute'ly's Family Mclicine
.-store, corner ot I lord an I t hentit street
I.oiii-. also by I. A. Strpy, r,, by deal
misiieniei ti-iu-iaay in the w.-sl.
DK. F. s i l.l;!,, V F !( M I IT'G F.
The G, .-at Hrinedt-f..r F . pelting Worm-from
('lib lieu.
't he most safe, pie nl and eir.-et.ia) snedieir.e
known tor t be iftnoval of worm i f irm child
ren i Dr. Fastrrlv's V,-rinifui-e.
Parent" and e i:.rdiati lia -iio; t!,e charge of
children, sliottbl w.Ufh carefnlly (he syinplonis
td tioi tns in thi.-ir children, and as soon us -1 mp.
totns in iir; ,te the ir presence, t h.-v sho-,1,1 aroii'-e
report to the use ef Dr. Fa s-tpr! ',, Vermifnee.
More rhildren die from Worms" than all other
ilisi-a-es, and amine miei aide obj.-, 1 ran j,rar
cely be imaiiied than a i hild Miih-ni,.- under
the oiiilicy st in; 'on. of norms. Parent-. mark
this; Vill y,,, not blame yourselves, if y,M
children die. that you did nut use Dr.'r y's
.eiiiiii'if 111 rim,-1 tns 01 mifuf-e M,
'"' I-) '' onus lion, thr
in ix or i-i -!,l hours ..fir,- f ., L
Price 2-') rents per boitle.
For mile fit Dr. Fasteriv's Family Medicine
Store, so a:!, -east cornor of '1 hill arid ( li,",;,ul
lreet 1, St. r...'ii-, al.o by I-. A Satpv.S . Maty
and by ,., al.-,-s 1,1 medicine i.cnerall in the west.
Ii". 1: sti::ii.vs 'AI K II.I.FK.
l or I,,,, run. of llcnsei. Sprains. Woimds,
loot!, A,-h... C.,1,,.. C,;(!p, ,,r S,,,,,.,.. Cho
lera. Dyspiiiery, RI,. 11, ,iii, !',, i t r-S'-unadi
and l'.,o'.ls, and theteier there in
Patti, it i a sj dyaud certain cure.
'Plus M, diciiiehas'rforeconf,-,,! r,ter all paint
han any older ever invented. It i, use j ho,
Fa. riiuily ai.d Fvlerually, nnd its'ilin" ef
f. c's a-c ii.sia.illy felt by ibe .k,;,i,-r,. tU,?v,u.
"s l;T V1-"1''"". P-t-n-' in a f.-w minu-tn-
In a Word, it 11 A l'vit; kum,
-No humane family or pbt ..ician slionbl'l-,
w.ti.out il. Il ,a', been used 'bv tl ,. 1 ,.r it ..
Xftit and re -pert.-. hie;.., :,, ;
1 lilt tin. limine I tt.p i,..l '.
denied by ronn.nription sp,f,i,iy
wtxTi:rr coron
I ho harsh dry winter con ;h wbicl, afn,ct,, .
pro; e .,,,1 int a 1 1, 1 , , ,v , . "fr,
rn. It rireetitally ruted by the f n.
If 1 Coitirl. llals.m. It warm.-, rniista,,"
I'reat nior . "i
i ; ' 1 I
siiluiilales the w !io
Ii ii" ! ntiitn it.-s tbrt l,l,i,.,
tne poiii-r of the Fiver
lllaii I-, and i. ,ii;,
new life to (he wan and
eis in
Itlirir.i,.,, 11 .
. Sid.'- n and nil,;. T"
ive orsMtis. n,,, ''
ettiaticiatfd sv. :.'"''
ronclntis. 1 lo ii-ui.f ,,r i.,,n.- . .
, , . . "iiiin, 1,
'oi.Ch.a slimy rvp.'.-loratioo. j,n .-, 01 1'
syinptouiceaiised by m, nlb clioiiof 11,...;,? ;"'
e. idin Iioni the thioal to the ,,(.. "'
and kp-ciheaiiv iillected and cured 'by 1
of Dr. Caller's Co, Hal.,-,,,.. j"
p.iil.Iul wearing iUl injurious rompU,,,, '''
a I vat. has powerful lendenry lo nfl'V
.ofler, ,,,e Lines n, thereby
f. it tns of pulmonary . I, seas,.; ,
Z;.(V. M'""'u"1' ,"",'loy
I rrc I. vp.-.-to i.ito.,, ihf m,. imporlanl .'.
e.a to i.ei,t,ifp,i (nr,,i nrmN tfj
e-sof ,,p rhestandj,,,,. l'be eourl, wf '
" !ltlfllll' I lll.ldv I lie r,.,l. ! . '
to evpectoralr:, and as Ion- a, fo ,errl '
nt!,ei,,rp,Hs,,k...,, lt will cont,t(o "" '
tbern,-,.iaa.iea.,.p,evokeaco,;h. Co A
H in, attempt to throw otl thi, ''t
I.e.-toral on, e. i-r.,-.! ...i.. ... ' l'
. .. .....,..., Jliatlliyt,
oe'-torale 11, tl,.. ,ii... . . 10
. " - s, -iq or
is the cause of death.
c)iuui,intK '
-thef-ieateipertorant. , ,.w. .
hid and di.e.-is-ema'ier in the air pa..,,-,., ' '
ees i f.-o,, thirk eludnon, iuh,tre t
with tu '-
I here i
' . inn, . ani , ,.
crealest pr,ss,hr pa,,. , .1( p.,t jri(
no I , tt.-r medicine i the world if its
rant qualities .lone he roiii,prp,.
For simple or spasmodic asthma' there i,
h-nter remedy than Dr. Carter's Cautth Main,
II . I...
sitiL' diveaoe which resist, ,...
everythi.'iji els.-, y.., 1 tho nil powerfidi..
t In s treat remedy as r.,l,l,.
.. .. .
per ioral disease. '
s'loillil be ilipldieil with llr r'..l..l. -..i.
tla 111, lo he us. , 11. II... e-. ,1.. .i,.. . re.
; . . " ,h.l.--i,i,uii,i
.-Minimi; 01 itioo.t, I'a 1 11 in ( be Side ani
Itror.c,il,s. Ditdcully of Hr-ithinp
teats, Aslbm.i. f,,f1, u-i
CoiiLlii. and ."evere Crour, 1.1,. I 11, (..
, ... -ii- ouiiier
-1' t he r ii-isiimpti ve te,,.nry w,i 1, is nrodu
eel by our eter chaiirit.r; climate.
1'rn e Trial bodies, 2 cent, per hotllr; ,r
hiofb s, SI p. r hot Me, or six dottles, for t'i
for saleal Dr. F.isle, I , 's Family .M.-,l,,...
outh-ea.t corner of Third and Cirnit
S' I.,.,,, also ,y P. A. Sarpy,
.ni l ley il.-.ilfis in irifilinnes p..'eral!
" ' " u ... I'I
This distil-
other form of 1
CI est
.Niirbt Siteats
slot e,
si 1 eel
in tin
For the 1
.1. mndi
me or I.iier Complain D'. .r..n.,i
e. Fill. , ust, ,., f.a i...
liea.lache JFi!i.t...l C-a, trness, Glmer,!
J" -fli . .N.-tio,,,;,ss. and all disease, ,r,,
"ul from a disoidered l.ivnr. n,,..,.i , ,
....... ei,..-i,iu, ; ;
posse ..s it unarkaMc nil iorali,,
doraf ti c pro oer ties, wblri
'J lies- .,,.,
S.reiir.'bi liinirain! R,
five ion., jnd vipo, to the Digestive OiL'ans. ari4
mi ke them invaluable for
Fivi h Comii ,ini, jAi-NDirr, I)va?rrsu
And ail other diseases caused from a dcraiic.,
Mate r the -.I,,,,,;,,;!,, bowels, and ,vn ttillCj
tend to debilitate r weaken the nt slem
DH. HI. .N I I". ICS (iliUMAX lilTTKKS
I . u 1 1 h f 1 f lo. t,s 1 .... I I . . .
" iiiiv Tt'ratii rriftifir.i in
With ,1 (l-mrvrr t.W'b'll
t ii,,
e en!
. it.
I '.'i. f it.
r, 1'1-ly.
Free M,- l.riiok and Pop
cbai l.-i.-d by I ,,. ,-,.P ,,)'
A pnl 2'Hh, 1 ..-)., ma.nlv (,, or-
-O lo s-lp-
nr I -.oin
LOI,t; looked ion,
II H'lLLS it (C. haveinst received one of
.A. , r r,
!ar:'esr an.l f,p-t
GOODS ever tifore ehibil.d 11: Lh
mong their a-..itineiit may he found
A variety of clo'hinjr of all torts and
hardware and cutlery, drill.'-., im-diciiien,
tore, 1. d-i.-a. Is, hur.-aus, t.b'esi, etiaiis,
'"'' t'te.'ian, ,.r!.-- "tot es, &e
eierylhin- yo 1 may call f.,r.
J'.-rsoiis lieeil not be detail. ed wl.ei, fl
ue '1. a;. Co! uer. y, I
Stock of
west. A -
f urn
; in alio, t,
'Mill. I nite.-i y of
I. Illar I,.',,,-,
Peniit Iv
i. -s. tneeiiliol s ,t. nous nostrum,;
ply tli- public with reliable mm.
ii, f be-t lie dical l.-ei , ralilfa or
. tiiiiini 1, . . , . 1
1 ,..,i pi. . -ol-. u i ii-,fii aii,;-j,.,,,.
.,!;., iiOH'AM.s TOMC MIXUKF, ,he
Instand only knottll fur Tlt,M y yiAl.f its
Ibe rerlain cue lor the Fever and A 'ue, and
Its kliflird f e, ,;,., ,,iv ,,.,;o,,,.lMt
it to the pa:roii,.ee of t):: . ili,a.-,i.
The above i..t,lulii, likrwiv ,.-remme;,di
for How d Complaint-i, liOWAMFS COM
a:id 111 in due time it ill t,j; ,,U. lN own remedy
for every .Wast ,(,.,! raI1 ,K (Jl-cly lrtall.j
thin way.
Jly order of the Trutee,
President of tne I niveisiiy, and Head of the
J'harinaci uilal D.-oa-tment.
Home I)ispp,sdry ami O.'lice, .No. til Arch
c),., J'llila.lrlphiij. 20
IHIFD J'KL'Fl" for sale by
XJ. . -s.viii'S- &
I f nni .',.-., rlGSj AM) C (. K l( A M S. lor
at , s.
l!iey May tl,i
.,x 1:
perfoim.-d j
I .. . a-a 1 11 -t u. '!,,;.: S 1.1 lliii,,,-
tency and oilier 111,, but s.-rni e tin- cer
tainly of a (cue and l-illby o',pi-;IC'. It can
be i, ...,l by person-, of e,i-r k-.a, wiih ll-.e mo.-t
p.'i leel sal'.-i y.
In Al l. MSO,!l MS OV TUK rClDM VS, ill. AUDI H
AM) l.'hINAIIV llllMl'i, Dl oi .sy, G,,.iv ,..
A Mi I.i t 1 h ( Cm 11 1 1 n 1 .
Ir Fasir: ly's Iodine and Saraparilla isihe
lu st and only i.'vtrart that on-'l.l to be u.e.l I,.
iiies,. cotripiam;,, This mr-dicine has
:riost asloniidiiif cuies.
laii:r-taii'; can c .nvev an ad-;juae idea
01 the immediate and almost mir.iculoin i hane-.:
winch is produced by Hie u,eof Dr. Featerly's
lo.lineand Saisaj ari'lla, in the iliscaNed. debili
taled and hhattereil iieivou.s ayrteiu. U l,e,,
broke down by 4 Veens, weak by nature, oi impa.
r.-.j by .u.-Uneks, the unslruiio a'n-1 relaxed oi;a
nizatioii is at onee rebracc.l. reviv.-. and limit
up. In cawof .Veui al'la, .Nervoua headache,
I.o-i of memory, Gen -f al J'roalratiuii, .Neitrjn'
" Vc tiKo, I'ain in the .Verves of the. Face,
and tin: various tiain of nervoim aH'.etioiis it
will pro'lucaa cure in un atoriishiii,.' sb'ort
lime. 1 tie eileel or una Ine.ln i,h- is to (jive per
tnaiient relief to the aulh-rei-, and to rutore tie
Lou lid-
:.:! C
- - 1 . . . .... ii.iv ..- ,.r u:,.,.
F. I kl L- ,1 I V K I'.IV I. ....
1-eyond n 1 1 don I, I the ,o ,t 1 . :., .. .
. , . "i . oi'
oii-n-t ;,,- rai'is in t e Stow,... a.
H'ie. 1.1 e.i ,t. ,-l r :.i..
11 1. nni, ;,. remedy lor ( oil,-. Diair!
I-..a,l,-i'a (.'ollr. Wind 1,1 11..
If eviu
Pains in
II is also an
nrho a. Cholera
Siolliae li
ue Throat, ilead-
W il.'i louibli; rll-l
icy come
,ey are vt t il suni, I i. d
on tlfir firs) I.-,, ..1
m. a:ji ci,rs and ,1! couscif f.i.l Inn! it to their adva
call upon c-i bfCurp purchi.siti,',:K,;,v.,'i
""'' -! April -'FV)I. nifi-tf
: iY'l. vtmid c c f 1 r T-r--
- l-- J iv .1
Ti I.i, PI FA M Fit .N F. fj K A SKA 13 Ki. .N 1 . G
del ween
f I MIL .Nebraska is a lo w and nplend.d boat,
J. manned by ep.-i denied ollicem and rie.
r.ein.viiiw L.ty, ebiaska, i oj.j.oaite bt. M
loAa. - -
cotran;i to ."Nebraska should come direetlyto
O M A K Y .
I hi.s is ihefiont irutewav to the most imr.0rt.1nt
li.t-n-e-iiin,' J.oitioii of elnaska. liear in
inind that
the tvt O brsl poinh, Co; ;e eillij'iatioil
ael.v SAIG'V A I i:i 111
f (.'.MALAST Cloihsfor Hale hy
KJ SAkpy i. i:Gisir.
I A .N Li J I. VF"."! I 111 CI N I is. l or sale
i'y hAltHV FAG Lis II.
pHODl'CF. ANDCa'sH waiited u, pat i,,ei7t
1 In meiit of debts. S AKpy K F'G.
I) I.I.F AND P.ytK
Sijnaie !
uanti-d al the Public
S. .v i ;
it sale al the
I rii) l'15-'i;ACi).V i,7r
A.ilf cheap ca-h of
-S t ( hlll.l.S ft CO
. -s-i ' vii Kill is or nli 1 lis u a
h tit aiklltii tl jlil.
ed, for which the lit''liei!l price will be oaid;.
fletiew City, July la, 1-S.jJ.
KUV U00D3.
:rr,v u rdi' .. siTinNDm stock of xnw good
ia'e ! bHvm wit, i-h, and bu,,y. Ju( iirrivetl, stei: titer Delaware, itt
Majt8..1'tloUic.s. Coa.tyaud bia'e. v.i:ui ' 1 -I't.. 11' t.i A I Oil L
ami tiisiiiict.or it wul he t!ii ir 00 tauii if ihev On Aliiiii sircut, fcf. Al.-try.
liil to tr-i f aiovter. Adheie i lius. and all) ( 'i, izea,s 6ti I rtiiLeraii's can now fiaj u
relurna yvi J be piOip:y w nt wiiraii-t de.i.r. ' r.. a t,, . c .1. 1 , 11 . .
J. ia.y piut of t, wo. -l- ' 1 , i , Oroce, i,-,, 1 , v.siu-i,
c y if ny ord.-is a.e rcr-it.l afa r the 1Jr)' 1 ll.-ru-.vare, ul..iii Ihey tan
Z-1 atitoi-i.tsaia ere jl ta.i.. -i, the money I, a ' ilna.l f or f A f.w . - l.ol-tt
wii .M prioi-t: uioi.-ii, j.i-jtaid, t tuej 1 i o 1 ,'-f y Ii 7, jie iTaTiTT ih V ?7fTu7o(Tv e 7
r,,.,,Hri.i,K ii. .',,-, -,'1 dccpuo-i, nt
, ':!r J r"r, :--, r t'"''! cuff. sr., ki.v.vey & co.
tV , f.iU l.ikets, no, iit liVki U a.ldi eat- I .7 . . 1
n,-t-tfttd, jV".- 7'. Vi ooiioiAi) Hart. J ! iNOHs AND FATCHKi. jaKM'"ije
)) PIF( FS of Tickine;, be.t quality, for
Jf sale low, at
7-. OHF.FNF, KINM'V & Cd,
f I 'III'. S.Ko-ici ,her havlijf l.-a.-.-d of ClarKe &.
X Co.. liie ohl Conncl Ul ,,r IVriy al T,-ib-r'a
I'onit, J'otbwojMmic Comty, lovia.
Haim built a new and sabstaniial H,,it n
litis1 ,iin-.rl I,. a ..,1 .. 1. . .. '
... .. ,,, u.i n no come, j'et.son
. .s.,,.,u .iroiussa win inn l ,ls one ,r tl. 1.. .)
rernaa ou Hie liner. J rue, 1 have no Steam
leriy JJoat, but 1 have troi, ar, iM)wer.
which will propell a boat across the river at
Una narrow point without any danger or blow
up, quick enough to sati,,ly luufaest 0f litiV
fast age and Country
. Tr.s o' inmniji
I vt !; jii, I Ha hoi tots or ciMie,
1 H ue and b , - . '
Ho, e and ride. ,
Footuo't, ....
ra-, , u-i, i
once I.
its inll
- Ijil 2-V
1 Oil.
enty-f n- per tent aj-jed to the ahoye
K I.Uili Waler.
'''ti bAMlil, Nainnv.
I.att't Ft
J a., 1 lat It i- '
i(di. at.pi.olf"
fta-.Vlim'xi! P. eeef, I'I. .lad
the I 1 1 1-.-lJ- il editor, f.J
t.'.r 1
quality t Slliipral Knobs and F ,ic.'in.
and or -,le at (. Ilii, F, M.VNFY fc tJ.
'1 I a-j 27 Ki.
shullered and d.-bil ilated roiinlitutioii I.. It- ...:u
tine health and vo.'or.
TO llli: FADIFS.
Ladies of pale complexion and eonstimtive
In hi hi, and tiiich us are debilitated from any of
the oiilructions incident to the s.-x, such as ob
struction or painful menstruation, J. ,,r
or Wliit J, Geeri Sickne.ks; also, encesjiiie llow
of Ibe Menses, i." l ' enness, A..r. , cati be restored
uy ill.' ilM'lil I V, o or . noli les o) )r, l.a-il-
arly'a Iodine and Sar-iaai ilia, to bloom Uiii
vir. It is far Ibe bed rfll'dy ever discover
ed for weakly children, and siiah as hate had
humon being jd. a-e.,1 they jendn' take it.
It immediately re-tore, theappctile. kj'ei.ffth,
and color. Aothine: ran be n,o,e auppr.'. mi.'
lliau itsinvi-oiatin-e'lfct ., tl.,. bumati ."r,,i,..
I iusoim ;,!, , j a, a.-,,t l,. !,.-(, (;--
M'ff '"' F-fteili-'j .i.l V .
? a., i t ,ii or .-,,p,t. ,li;,if
It lliitl.e lia.e; y ri,ni,l, -.-) . I ..
nervo-isnes of ll. female fiame
DB. U.1I.KI.V, loom; am, .inr.SAeARM.J.A U
A Wotiiwi ii. lY.on n. H O Y K lil OOO.
It i- te.y pleiseiit to ,! i .,,
oneentra.ed, -nvf ,,-..,-, belif, and cheaper
hat, any o.h.-r iii,-d.c;i,e ,n se. Famdirj 1, ,
have ii..-! ,h a, ,,,-!,, r.r never ti olim; to be
" " Jetkcn iii i.i,e early s,a;-
- ("s.oiuuii: oi ,ll,,io.-l
e.l kf.
tV"Aiforpr. F i ferly's Io,i;,,e an t Sar
sapa. .Ua and take in. (hint; ese.
I'i ice Al per dottle, or si l.ilb. r... c -
. A liberal d.., count mile tu w,jt.,ae ,Ir.
I'll il M'FS,
CV-'ur Ml at Dr. F..i,-rrly's Family Medi
cine,ou! h-easf corner of 'I hi. J ami Ch,.,.
nnl stieet St. Louis Mo. Also ley P. A. Sirjiv,
St Mary, Iowa and by deaiei , i medicin. -. i-,-,..
eially in the W,-l. . h
, KH.I.FK.
Is wnn aided to f, Aur and Fever, Dumb
-i,u.-, niiis aim fever. I,,te nniai.t and Ke
iiaittaut levers, and all the vaiiuu. loruii of 1 1
ti rs Inrnlptit t- the West ! I
This popi:lar rem,. !y h.i.1 now h-en before
.li J...I..U- two )eali,aii'l.!,.,;i,0 ti,a lou. nboul
lnurr-nrr. n,,,.,.,,. Ii
have been .old and in ,. iu.u... e hiu'it failed
to eK -et a perniimiit e.neas I ai m l.e.r.l ....,..
or tojrive entire kat ,.f a. t , , tll, p,,.t, i-er.'
V, -"'.""i.o mriiif nil rare-, or
1 1 oe i e, imieil. j ,
sutler with this J, -Iri
an, I I;,,
lirwABM,,- ImrtTio-.-s am, f .',.... -, , ,TS
'ibe only K, i ,i, i,,.. a, r.-a '-,jr, Kdhris
evehisit-ely by Dr. F.i-tfrlv. Ibe Lde
I'lo-tor. i loeefore roi'i,!,., r,.! s' -, ,,,l o,.;.
,os a iroa.i. i ner'-tore ,e ,re to ask for Dr.
Fasteriv's I'.,,,, Killer, and take m, oilier, and
you lire safe. '
i,.-,.... t . ...
...... . iciiis p..r noi'i. j fn-e bottle, for .
"r" '-a-aerlVs Family .M'-.,c,e
south-east corner of Third ,..'.,1 i'i
'' ;'S St. Louis. 8s,, by P. A. Sarpy St. Mary
and by ihsilers in m.-dtcine generally m (he ive-t.
S' ore
lot Appetite, .Nervous Irrilaliuj
Habitual Cos! i C..i,Hr.-.i n.i...
!ity, and a vari-iy of Conijilaints which it n
ina (ii!,!e to ilc-.ri ibe.
If tb"'e are sull'erers in St. r,os (hy r,
advised to Iry lhest. !:,.,,.
I rice iHic. ppr bo tie, or six hoUles for ft"
,. "-""lest Dr. Fa-tfrlyVs Fainily Me'tir
nioie. co-tier or i titnl and Chenut streets.
i.oiiii, md. Alsot.r I'. A. Sarov St. Mm
I J ' S
and I
'j i. .ui is iii meaicinr?
Sarpy St.
teiierally in
air 12-ly
1 J.
1 . .
it i,
L any aj.ecies of ill
i Un-.i
Attorneys at Law, and Orn-ral Land A'.'p.uts,
'.iy of Council lilutls, Iowa, will ntl. n I to pro
.V smnal bu:,i:,ess in theiiih and 7tii J el.eial
Uiatr.el, ; :iso, to t.';e p'ircbrise, sale a, id loru
jun i f Laud Warrants. I'irlic ilar alteuliou
P'JJI' collection of rlaiiin. an,' kti-ihu
T). J'UK:),,
At! m.ry at I,iw, Coiii.cil Jjli.lT City, 1 ywi
K.derfo Ji. M. Hughes, s,. J.e?h,.M ., John
t Jii it dan, Viilon, Mo., M ,dJ 4. H ilns. St.
Louis, M .. nt. '-'if i
"T a. CI (i'u7" '
Aiiuri.rv nui i, o l..mor lit IJ.W . eitv .-.t ' b- i. . . . ,
i.i money
u or child
w hi-ii a sure
rrini !y is at hand.
i'-ud the u - imoiiy from J-dm MiIer& Co.
Kv -AMI II I H. HI., Oi l. l-;Vj'
J)r ru.,'e;-y-S.rt We I .Ue pleas,,,. i
in? that we have pi.ehjn. -l .Vlhotll -of your
Vs-ter iiiid A'ij Killer, lo, I date ...Jd (be sUie
I" our pativin, and i( das ei!.-, ), , a
te nt i-i,, (l, rvcry c . ,e. AVe L,v aot.l i,
all the -.arioua me-liciiis for c:;i.eand fever, b it
.. ..' u it. cuki 'i .i 4iii. le satil .ic'.ion m
r-.-iiTiiii i .i-,n n,,.r, y,v
lot Ibe cine of Cioi.'hs, Colds, Aslham, C,,,,
suiiijdioii, lai-oi.cbilis. HpitI,im'of iiiood, pai,
in the Sulo and ill cast, Pleurisy Whoopii,,
oukIi, and all Ui.,uiscs of the Liiii-s and
t Ileal.
Alnoi, ir all !!, e,,T..t.r-,l...l i- . t ...
. . ,, r '.' i i..u"u ies i or iinea.
" " '1 '- auu C HhST. none s..'eu b,
meeting svitl, .such ..:es and lo elv e such en
tire satufactioli lo all, an
Jlns valuable remedy is finely variable it,
, ,is..-uie..i.s,a,i perlrrlly haimless in all it
........ ..en. auu as m,i a,, .,.;lw.t as the most
uei.caie coidial. lt is tery soothinif and l.eal-
,...., .e,, ami is every -theie kckiiowl-
,,kO,,i, ii iirik,., I'liysicans, a,., all who iv io oe me inosi l-.ileclua! Curat. vc
No d.sea e iiieidetit to our climate stft ,,i.
v. isal.ari i at the samo time so latal, ns p.
mo.nary Co,i,,p,n. 'Ibis attful malady
sw-eps over the land as d Destroyinir AiiRet,
laj it,K low the stront'i s m,, faus'iol our race.
..iililoii oi n.e jouiin nn i Ilu; old aie atiliuallt
bur, jed to the tomb dy this tli eailful national
Co-NRL-vt-'."' v t: ItiAira! Deware of mere 1, '.'... Th nhjeet "f nearly all
!i,e medicine, now o7.'!'''d f'" liseae of ht
Lull,'-, i, to reiiete ar,, ,,ot to riire. Sm-h i
not liu- rase wild Dr. Ci','i;r Coufh hilsain.
In Cold and con-ths. wli.cii are. ti,:' ,! M inp.
ton. of duwtiiiintiou. It is t'.p i,,o," ldra., ,,1
and olhs.-ui ii n.n'v that can pooibly !).. '"" it.
In coiinnm d ci..ij,i:u'pli,.ii it b.-.-n us.-d w ii ,''
prrlcct and ti .'onphant mu w hen Ihi-most
eminrnt pii) .ticiain had ed v 1 u uji a II hope 4
tain. So c.nii.i, i,t the i.i opt i.-t,,- of its ,.,v.
er lo cue 'I'lib uciiious ( o.ns, ion, ),at he
sol.citj a trial in the woi.t of i a-e..
This f, ihlful inploui of i onsmuption is
speed. ly checked and pi.-tenlid dy t,e u-e of
Dr. ( ait.-i's Cou'li iialfam, which heali the
ahccl.-d lo.Miiiiiain , remove the incipient tuber,
cles, nnd iratuica ti Vlta o,ai, HB (,;.,,
to a Sound and b.allllV coti-lilioii. " '
t si'iUin of ill ,od,iiliav aruei fiom a l.-.i.
f1'". .y to luderc'ilau, ,l,M-a,e, atai if no! chi rked
... i,ti oi later leiiiiiuale
a. n. n ishiiu wiu rai.e, idood
raise blood ;;ii:i i,i,l, . a propu tui ati v t i
lueil.aii.Jy unplot ,i.
.... ,. J'AFN FN Til L Sll.l.:,
li.. Ui lesa.r,; ,y luptolii of colouimp! on, a
Hif . ir .ii, iialauiaiioii of ,e oi iuenihri
eal.ed tiie i'b uiu, or fiom bionrhial aiiuct.i.iis
t 'be ir par- .i:. s, J either t-iiae it is a my
'I . I, -.'ei on., uaa.-alioii of lur .i.e. t pievrnl'
full and fire dieatiiini' and wears an ay the
Baluial .t,,-,,-Hi of tint ,y,,te..-, The ritusfc of
this symptom tbonhj be removed) at once, and
l otliintr i an posnibltr eik-ct that object so speid
ily and lrat';.ily as Or. Cai te.-" Coiil PaUain
wiiirli is ai w tys safe and salutary in its eil.c s
on the coii-.titul.on. '
In rases of consumption n,e Liver is elwavs
Hi'jte or le-s arl.-cled,:,i:,lal-,oliie.-,leen.pU-jr
v'i ,u..,i 1 1. . -1 , u i no ftiiix'i or lr. (
A sf- and cr ttaiii cine for t.oiiorrd.ea, t,!el
SI net, ires. Seminal Weakness, and all dieai
of the (.. t, Hal l i ;i,n.
'1 In popular and s if,,, r.-ii .-dy i, now of-
lei.-l lo (lie ,il!irte, and warrenled (o cue all
'.'f Oonorrhir't, (Jleet, Sfriettires, Seima.l
N eakni i,, , dis, ase-of the G. nitai OiaB
ill f.-w days. Tl,,, I n f -i 1 1 i a ble remedy bai
saved thousands upon Idou-amls from tde'liands
ot Mrrcile-s Quacks, jf t f,,,,,, a prematuia
nte. In case of infection, Dr. Haker's Spt
cilic i the only s ,fe and sine remedy. It is ie
aiiTeeahle to the taste, create, prereptable o-
uoi, ii,i may be nse-I by persons of either VK
will, cm , re secrecy wiiboiit r.-anl to diel, h.n
d.aiice r.ou, bus,nej or Adviser, as
plain nirec!ioi,forii-eacroii,p.i,,y the medicine
Header hat e you a prit atp disease Do not ne-t,-l.o
tit. D.-lay isc'aiicerous. Will, Dr. Ha
kers Sperihc you can cure youuelf. n, thus
preirn all evp.e. Tins in, d.cuie wi I speed
ilv and eff-.-fualiy c,p the molt v,, .(
of Secret ad eradicate every partida
IV '"'''. ' i the st stem, ,n,f rest,,,
ll,ep-.ti.-..t. a p'-rt.-ctstaleof health and purity.
I rice. !j,l .,() p, r hotlle. 1 '
Fonaile t Dr. FaMerly' Family Medicin
V.t.ire t.aa.l I. ....... .
-..--..iOTnu'roi llilidaiiii Cdesnut
Also by p. A. Sarpy,
1 1 rets, M. Lou,. Mo
nr. .nary, Iowa, nnd by dealer
apr 12-ly
generally in the est
A tal iciiicly for suppression of the Men
Ms, Whiles, painful Menstruation, Impute!,,
cy or l!ari.-ui,e,s, Sallow Complexion, Head
ache, Dizine. Weakness of the nerve, and
i iiii-
-. i . . . ni.icii arise lioiu
or the ruiictions of iialute.
1 lie most IM I feet, safe mot i.,r .1 i:l.l I.
for 11, e cuie of all tiiose diseases of feinalss. ar
isiiu' Iroiii wrakiu-. or .h bil.te ...! ..i...
Iii the sexual oiarani;, a,-, a inei;lar or nip.
oee. oi the Men,.-,, Fluor Alb,,, or Whiles
1-allllif- of the Womb. Il.., I .i .r .(
. ,. ' " - """U rriinii.i
Diean,,. kc.,ca.isd by Coldc, cheeked pcispita.
lions, exress. s, o.e..ex. ilei.,,(, A,c.. n
Several la Ins in thecity who hate amlcrej
or manir years w.lh tl.. aU.. . -. j
have emoletej our mo ) . iroi.,... ..I
Without (iuccess, ,ave used Dr. 11,,.!. a., 'a i ...
mala Cordial, and day-, d.en sneedilv
maiienlly cured by ns ., r tG.-r.r are sulVer.
Dr. Hoop.
fiteaseiit and ef-
If-lUal n n. euy.
Pi ice 1 per dottle, or six doltles for f".
For sale at Dr. Fjf terly's Family Medicin
Stoie, comer of 'idinl and Chesnul street, ht.
U.uis, Mo. Also by P. A. Sarpy, ht. Maty,
oy ueaiL'ia in lueti.cuies Jjeiici.illy in tlio
.. . , j , mere l
n,. in SI. Louis, they ran rely upon 1
rr's l' .'fiaie Jloidial in aafc, pleascii
aj.r 12-ly
.. i..,i
liet ill tt,l Lo-'gU ballll 111 Ji.ks.,-, . f lh,. I.,e, e...e.
!,.,. lie ri.ll. .. .1 .a.. ... 1- . : .-. ' i,.av UT
Lr. CorA'a Mag;o Hiir Oil.
J"or the pre .ei vation, beauty, grow til, tui
I t.- toratioii of the Hair.
It has Ion- been tde desire of persons (roubles!
wild mid, darsd, unruly hnii, to procure an aria-Ir
w di.-h would at our" lender Ulu hair soft,
lively an 1 beautiful, Thi most peitectand
a.jiiiu a on; ai iirie ever iimeot eied lor tdat pur
poei. Dr. Cook'i Macif Hair Oil.
1 Ins Oil penetrate II. e minutest pores, pir
11):; thediy and wiilieiiojr bulbs i,t.v life arid
1 i-or. operiiiif the capillaries, sofin.s, preserve) ,
lu-atilies and stiei.Kibeiis Hie tiuir,rT, and ti-h" .
from falling off, remotes thedandi i.d, aiy turn
ra.o.-u d hair into that vthicd is smooth, lui
and wavy. It is admitted by all to he the reat.
t.t intention of tb apro for beautifying tha hat
and i.i.dorii)jf if jTinaneut.
Is a tmp.-ib art.cle, and slio idl be found on the
toilet of every lady who values the 'los.y t,4
beautiful appeal an re of "the flowinf linglitta '
and the w iu liii, curl."
I'. ice, 50 ceni ju-r bottle.
For ale at Dr. Fas'erly's Family M"dicin "
Store, corner of Thud atiil Chesitut street (a- .
Loniib, M.. Alao by 1'. A. haioy, bl, AJi
- f u niy, j
v..,.! ,,vPl. Vat! y
"f)I.w,sriik saws-aAwsit..