rjyy '-' - J .mm U-! " I'-'ftn. IIair Timr. Wc know Mic times pre hnrd, lut with none nro lliry harder llinn WJth the jmhlitthrrs of newspoprns, any cf our sulisc-riluM and advertiser! lire in debted 1o us for the pnst year's service. ui we tirril our pay. Ve intend" to make out our tnlis tirrninst nil, up to the first of April, wliii if promptly paid, m should In; dune, will be a great favor linn !) t bistowcr!. LrciM-Ait!..' Nothing of special in : tert-sl has transpired in tlio legislature since the loesi'ioti of the Cipiiol. The Poor or Nnv York. The un- j employed pour f New York continue daily toeonrrgwtointhe P.irk. OnThurs doy one of the 'ocruh" orator who har- trigue these nssniihhiges wi.s a"OMsci by n f.rrson irt the prowd of insinreri'y and laziness, to whidi the speaker replied in digniuitly, ond offered to po to work at once. No sooner said tlinn d .me the man in the crowd immediately employed the orator to cirry bricks from one side of the Park to the other. The orator took off 'las enat, r.nd, cheered by a large crowd, worked diligently for tin hour nnd a half, received fifty ecu's, nrul declared himself xeady for another job. The receipts of tlir "Calioo Tarty" given by Mrs. Coman, in the eloihrs worn on that occasion ninuunled to uboiit $1,500. Jj .Mayor Wood has issued nil u'tiinrituin to tho liquor sellers of New Vork. lb: says to them, "If your shops tire open, or you r.gniii si'll liijtiors upon i:ndny, I tui!l resort to every legal mc s nt my command to close jour esfullislii.i'Vil for the sale of liquor, not only upon thr.t day, but for tv-ry oh'ht d..y in the week." The Mayor talks as though he means what lie suvs. uiKaxnT hotTcesT (Jontv's Lvov's I! ok. The Februa ry number of this, beautifully illuslrc.fi d JI..gtizine is received. The cm'jcliish tnents are of the fmcst description. The present number ccntanug JO full page plates, GO contributions, fl engravings, besides 100 page of reading matter. In literary point of view, tins Lady's Hook lies no superiors in the field it occupies. CJixlvy's Lady'i Monk nnd Arthur's Home Magaeine, cortain. togelh-r, i cit 2000 pages and 8fX) cinSclIislunetit., v'A can be hnXnne year for $3, 50s AciJrei . L. A. fioley, 113 Chesnilt St., J'hilariel Jilii.i. American Ac.Riri ltckiit.- Partners w ho can afford to lake an agricultural pv pcr, in tiddition to that published in their (Avn neighborhood or strife, cannot d bel tr than to take the American Atfii- ultu jst, a large weekly quarto paper, pwblish 1 by Allen kCo., N?. iH'.i Water street Jm w York. Single, epics, if 2 CO; three ) ics. !..r).(0; f ve copies; $8.00. Pr. Farterlsy, lever and AgTie Killer, 25" Is smi Aiite l to cure all caseof Ague and Fever, t bills and Fevi r, Dumb Ai'ne, In Cnilfeiit a- d Heinittent l evel, and every form of I ever inc'ijciit tflhe w. I. If tlicre arc a i ferers in St. Louif, we nar try It. and if it f.'il. to cur, the n.f,ney shall ke rcfunJed to the pur chaser. More thin TWKNTr-HVK TIIOIniAKD rorTci.s have been sold, and in no lurtanee has it fi;Iel to effect a permanent cure as far as heari Troin 25?" Pis c Jjl psr bottle, er six kotlles, St). (Tif" For sale at l)r. Estterlys Family M :U l:ine Store, soutlieast corner vt Third ual C icstnut strectK, fit. Louis. Also fold by P. .V- Sarpy, Hi. Mary, l.wa, a id by dealer a in medicine gem rally, in the west. Read Ft. Fa' r!v"'s au 'rtisement in snolhi-r coluuiu of our u)u-r a i i give him tall. J"2- -Dr. Easterly's American Oil Linuncat This valuable Liniment, combines :J.u nms1 elfieacioug articles known for il Die variou forms of (fisense reipiirinc an external applica- ion. One of its principal active ingredient, is the Amchican' Oil (or Pclndiiti.i) which is universally known to jiosscu rure IIf.amnu and Cusaiive Propkiijiks. 'Hi Oil, when combined w i!i oilier v luable reim-dial aR'enlii of known and established ellirirf , eruis a safe 1 1 1 1 aurc remedy for K!u-tunatiMii, Bruises, fpiins, C'uts, Vounds, Buiii.h, ScalJ Old Sorts and Ulcers, Scald Ili ad, Tetter. Rii:B' Worm, LryniptlaH, Pilef, Cansera, Sti.i jj.'itsi Caked Breasts, Paralysis, Contracted Tcvlons or Cordi, It., anJ a!.o fjr Strains, Spavin, Scratcli'.s, Cbfe, Saddle and Cwllar (jails, Sores, WoiuiiU, Fistula, SAeeney and PullLvil in horse. T his J.iniiueiit has a direct and pow erful action upon tho secretory and e.bsoi ben i'CHscli, atiiuulatiiiK them to a healthy action, .tius enablin) thm to throw off the morbid o. Jiscascd matler which obstructs the cii c uLtioii ihus removing all dikeaaes or Lnjuiiej cf th Bones, Miibclrs, Cartillages, Nerves and Skin, On bottle will convince the most skeptical of its wonderful efficacy in carinp; !iuise plains, Kheuiiialimii, I'uines, Kc.rei.ii and Stillness of the Joints, Ic. Dr. F.asterly's Ameriean Oil Liniment is Aithout xception, the most valuable remi Jy S er coinpouniiid to: all dieaes of Man of 8 ;ast, reipiirlnfr an exteioal ap ilication. fy" Price 25 cents per buttle, or fir. bottle (or one dollar A liberal discount roade to eraie pui chasers wlio buy U sell ajaiu. iJV For sale st Dr. Easterly's Family Med icine Store, southeast corner of Third and Chestnut streets, St. Louis. Also sold by P. A. Saroy, St. Mary, Iowa, and by dealers in medicins generally, in the west. JV Rd Dr. F.asterly's advertisement iu saoh coluiau cf our paper and give him a all. K METEOROLOGICAL TADLE. Rellevicw, Nrhraiiks. f)atc" j 'Ilieiino'ter f"l)T Clo-iHy j WiricJ i rb 'isTivi "I K'l TTTmT Ni in "MNfc M 4 4 1 0 0 (I 1 It 12 11 U ir in 17 A M T r T F 8 33 32 10 IS 32 20 r2 J" : 40 bo 3H 3 4.1 ?3 32 30 32 41 30 "33" 10 10 3 0 n o 10 in o o 0 2 1 verac'" Dr. Easterly's Iodln and Barsaparilla. fry It is the only preparation tlmt li worthy of the leant confidence of the public, for the. rure of those diseases arising from an impure state of tlie blond, viz: Scrofula, or Kinsr's F.ril, White Swelling, F.ularped (itanda, Fever Vires, Pimples on the fare, old Sores and Ul cers, Blotches, Hiles, Neron Affections, Can cers, F.rysipelas, Rheumatism, 8)i)ilitie Dis eases, Tains in the Hones and Joints, ItiiiR Worm or Tetter, Scald Head, dieaes of the Kidneys, Mercurial Diseases, Ke. Dr. Eas terly's Iodine and Sassaparilla, is com pounded of those articles which simultane. ously act on the different organs of the body, and possess the most efficient cleaning and heal ngi properties. Hundreds of the most intelli ent and respectable ii-ei.i St. Louis, hav used it, and speak of it in the highest terms of eraise. his medicine is six tiini slrongsr, cheaper and better than any ether preparation in oe. Frice, $1 per Bottle, or six Bottlei far (TiT For sale at Dr. KASTERLY'S Family Medicine Store, corner of Third and Chestnut streets, St. Louis. Also sold by T. A. SARPY, St. Mary, Iowa nnd by dealers in medicine generally, in the West. Dr. Carter's Congh Balsam. (J y Is the mo.st pleasant anil edicaeious reme dy for CoiiKhs, Colus, Asthma,. Consumjition .nd all diseases of the Lungs, ever offered to the inhlie. Our ever varying climate, and the cold bleak winds of the north und west produce :ou(;lis snd colds d.inecranus colds, which de mand of the wise k prudent,the earliest attention For this purpose no remedy has ever been disco vered which has efjected so many cures, and which seems to five such universal satisfaction to all, as Dr.CAUTF.a's Couch Balsam. Read er, have you s coiirIi? D.J not neglect it. De lay is daiir;wrus. Use this Balsam, at once, and it will effectually cure you. (py Price 2S cents per bottle, large bottle $l,or six bottles foi $.'). For sac at Dr. Easterly's Family Medicine store, southeast corner of Third and Chestnut its., St. Louis, Mo. Also, sold by P. A. Sarpy, St. Mary, Iowa, a id by dealers in medicines generally, in tin veiit. A LI, persons indebted to me by note or book account, are requested to call and make payment immediately. P. A. SARPY. M. Mary, Feb. 11, 1K5. TO PARENTS AND CHILDREN. HARPER'S STORY BOOKS- A MONTHLY Series of Narratives, Dial ogues, Biographic, and Tale, for the instiui lioii and enlei Uiiunent ol the Yoiin. By Jacob Ablioit. Embeli.-hcd with numerous ai)d beaiiiiful eni avli.'s. Mow RtAI.'V. I. BHL .Oj or, Lceson of Fnli'lily, Pa tience, nnd Seil-Denial, taupht by a Dojt. II. WJI.LIL A.NU TliK AioHl'OAOF; showing how much may bu accomplished by a Bey. It is the design of the Publishers to render this in tins every way the most attractive and valuable series lor Hie young evei olleied to Hie publie. They are eoulidedl that they have facilities for giving to it thai wide circulation wiiicli M ill w arrani them in expending upon it all the ieurce of typographical and illuaLra ti e ai t. JTie JIuslraLoiis h ill be nuiuerous, ill all respects equal to those l ui iiished in "Har per's Magazine. " The successive nitmheis of the "Sloiy Hooks" will euibiace a Vaiietyof an rj cts and diiieieiit sty lu uf oimpoaitiiui, in -cl iUiiig narratives, dialogues, deacrijitive es- jys, and entei taming stones of a character to interest and (iti.ght the y.ulbiul mind, hile impartaig iiifoimatiou tisat will be iuijiortant in sub&squeiil life. It will be the ccnsUnt aim of the author to furnish a seriei of volume udpte to family reading. He hopes so to comoiriC the presentation of imjiortakt and in terestisg facta with the circulation of sound principles in tasto, morals, aid religion, that the "hiory Books," nhall forra a welcome and eftcient aid in the work of home education. Though not intended to be of exclusively a ra I igious character, they will be so far designed to exert amoral and relifiotis influence on the minds of the readers, as to adapt them to the use of ttabbath School Libraries. I bm. Each number of Harper's Story Hooks" will contain ltWl pages in small quarto form, very beautifully illustrated, and printed on mi)ie: fine calendered paper. Theatric: may be obtained of Booksellers, Periapical Agents, and Postinaaters, or from Cie fuadi-hers, at Three Dolluia a year, or Twenty-five Cents a number. Subscriptions I. ,ov commence with any number. The two periodicals, "Harper's New Month ly Magazine," and "Harper's Story Jtooks." will be aupplied to subscribers at Five Dollars a year, and will be pullishcd on the lirt day of each month. The pos'jgs on Harper's Story Book, which must be naiu'-i'iarterly in advance is two cts. iJARI'I'-KS t UKOTHEK3, f,2l Publisliera, New York. CLEASONS PICTORIAL roa the vr.A 258! f M. BALLOIJ, who bis edited the "Pic ilL tonal" from the coinineiiceiiie.it, having bought out the late proprietor, Mr. F. U.'csson, will twiidiicl this popular and widely circulated paper on his own account. The new volume will be radically improved in every respect, and will b published on liner paper thai ever before, which qualify will be continued hence forth without change. Many liew and popu lar features will at once be introduced, and the l.terarv deuattment will present an array or talent and interest bejond anything it lias be fore attempted. The illustrations wilt be liner, and by Intti r aitists than have before been en gaged iii the paper, and altogether the pub lication will lie vastly improveu aim oeamuieu. Arrangements hav leen made for represent- .1 ? ...--.. .... 1. 1 llij .luring Hie year views or me umsi noiauir buildinga and localities through th. United States, as well as giving likenesses of the most p'ojiiiiieiit characters, male and female, of ar tists sail men of genius, 'such as have by their own industry and skill made for themselves a fortune and a name. In addition to these, var ioui notable European scenes and occurrences will also be given from week to week, forming brilliant illustrated journal. i UiMS; IN VARIABLY IN ADVANCE 1 subscriber, one year, ji3 00 4 subscribers, " 10 00 10 i V.0 00 Any person sending sixteen subscriber, stmala t rale, will receive tns aViVenteeuth conyjrrstis. Address. 1 " M. M. BALLOl', Publisher and Proprietor, Corner of Treuioal and Browfield Streets, Boston, Mass. fb 1L JAMES O'NEAL, raiosjt IVsainiissioner, C!hre io St. Mary, Isncv , , f-7 SELECT SCHOOL AT BELLEVIEW. t RS. MARY ;. R F.F.I) open a fe- SL lect Sehmd at the MISSION SCHOOL, HOOM, for chihlren ami youth, on Monday, January stnh, is.rr. Tuition, J l,i si per uinuth. (iKNF.HAl. LAND AtiKNCY AM) AT COUNCIL BLUFF CITY, IOWA. COCHRAN A MXOIATH, VRE engaged in the lmsiness of buying and sHIin" Land Warrants, nnd entering land" in the Council Hint!" Land District. 1 lieir ar rangement fur entering Lands for settlers and ofhrn, on a credit of on", two, or three years are not deficient. And they will he prepared at all timen to till all orders of that character. The invetigation of Land Titles, payment nf taxes, purchase and sale of Irtnds and town lots througliotu mm mini ins'riri, aim on nesa eomieeted with the Land Oftice at this place, entrusted to them, will he promptly at tended to. Strangers wishine to locate government land, ill tie furnished with a gnid and conveyance if they desire it, and directed to the best.points for selection. Exchange on St. Louis and the F.astern Cit ies, bought and sold. Interest paid on depos itee as per a?teeinent. Our attention will also be given to the pur chase and sle of Town Lots in Omaha City. Helleview and Winter garters, JNebraska ier ntorv. Rrrmrxm L. W. Rahbtlt and Dr E. Lowe, Leistcr and Receiver of the Ind Of fice at Council Bluffs, and Col. T. A. Walker, and P. M. Cassady; Rester and Receiver at Fort I)emoinc9, or any of the business men of either place. OFUCB on Broadway, West Room Pacific Hotel, nearly opposite the Land Council Bluff!, nov l-ly. of the Office. C W. PIERCE. Attorney t Law. Will practice in the Sixth, Seventh, F.irrht and Ninth Judicial Districts in Iowa, and Ne braska Territory. He will always be supplied with blank deeds, mortgages, deeds of trust, declaratory statements for pre-emptions. 4c, and will give prompt attention to conveyanc ing, examination of titles, kr. (jy Particular attention paid to securing and collecting debts. Refeicnces lion. E. II. Not ton, Tlatte City, Mo., H. M Vories and James Craur, F's., St. Joseph, Mo., Curtis Bates, lort Des Mome. Nebraska City, Nebraska Territory, nor l.'ol-ly McMAEON & WILLIAMS. WHOLESALE AMD RKTAIL CITV OF COUNCIL KLUFF.S, IOWA (at tub suii or the big mostas.) QAVE Just Received, in aildition to their former stock , a lare and well selected assortment cf American, French, and English Drugs, Medicines, Perfumery, Dye Mutts, J'aiuts, (ill ami Ulassware; also, a good assortment of Grocei ies, Wines, Liquors, Ac. At the head of Broadway. oct IH, T)4 G- "rr 1 3 iT"trTTMT rr s pi' r ...Li-j Ji.liJjEiJii.i-t-- WATGHlAKEIi &. JEWELilR. OXE 1IUOU Bl-I.OW W. CLASCt's BlORK. Gina-5i EH'iflf CiiT, Es-jtj:. TNVITES the atleiuion of the la dies and gentlemen to his assort ment of Jewejrrv and FanrvGoods in part consisting of the fol'owing: Gold and Silver Watches, Lockets, Er-rings, Breast pins, Finger-rings. Chains, Pencils and Pins, &e. Violins. Accordant,. Flulei-J also, an as sortment of Toys, A-C All or wiiicii wilt be sold it the p.we.t pi ices; every article warranted to be as recom mended. The greatest attention will be raid to the re pairing of Watches and Jewelry; all work warranted. novj 'J d Tjni ATIJkNTIC HOUSE. rflSMtUr THE MC'SUELT HOUSE. Council JUuffi, Iowa. IS now kept by Svlvicncs Dostiw, who, having mane great repairs and alterations in the Honae, llatUu-B himself that he will be able to provide any who favor him with a call, a comfortable home. Hi table will be supplied with the l-nt the market affords, prepared by experienced hands, and the weary will' find a good resting place." Come and "make sm iisEi.vr.s to home." In connection with this Hotel may also be found a cood and extensive LIVERV STABLE, for the accommodation of all who wish to ob tain horses and carriages, which are a good substitute for first class railroad cars, on short notice; or superior saddle horse, for either la dies or gentlemen. The proprietors of the liv ery snible are RUSSELL -V D I' ST IN. Bind" City, Iowa, nov'-'tl. lo 'un OEOB..L i KM. - JOHN Wl.AHL, JK. THOMAS 11. Br.NTOK, JB. (illKENK, & HEX TON, Council lUulfs, Iowa. GntCNE, Wkahi: &. Rue, Fort DesMoine, Iowa. CalENE ti. WfcAKt. Vdar Rapids, lows. -avTOTF.S and Bills collected, and proceeds IN iiromptlv remilli d to any part of tha L'ni- ted States, at current Bates of Exchange. Interest paid on deposits for over thirty davi. Bills of exchange on all the principal cities bouirht and sold. Loans effected on Vood security. Vacant lands selected and entered in any of fice in the State. Land Warrants for cash or on time, contin ually on hand. Locations of lands for distant dealers at the most liberal rates. Notes bought anil money loaned on good se curity. JttrEsrKCKs. r. j.. jesup . a. o., w. J. Banning U. Co., bankers, DubnqiiM. lown; Cook K, SarifHiit, Davenport, Jowbj Culbertson &. Beno, Iowa City, Iowa, Peoples' Bank, New Voik citv, Ketcliuin, Kogers ti. lieinenl, ban kers, do., "'' Idon, Withers i. Co., Washirmtou, I). ( .: Hon. wnas. iMasori, I omniiHsioner or Patenta, Waah'.'i?ton, D. C; A. ;. Dodge, V. S. S., Burlington, Jowa; (Jen. W. Jones. IJ. S. S., Dubuque; Jos'-pli Williams, tlnei justice, Maacatiue, Jowa. Council lllults, one i.i, i;,4. iTOVESur sale l-j" SlAF.PVa. FVGLISIf 100 SACYSTa.lt for ale t the cheap caa store of NUCKOLLS .CO. RAISINS, sate by FIGS A AD I'L'RRAXTH, lor SMtPV tc ENGLISH. G UMALAST Clothsforsale by I HAllpy fc KNGIS1L J A V.NLS PA1ENT MEDICINES, for .ale bv SARPV . ENGLISH. IJRODUCE AN I) CASH wanted in puvaneut in payment of debts. S KPytV EN G. EE F" A N D i'Olliv wan."d" at the Public Spiaie by 1ri'Ti"LDS. BACON' f'.. al at the JJ) cheap cash store of ,',a.-.f K U C tLLSfcf2..- rTlvlNS WANT ED All kindsof hkinswant- O ed, for which the highest price will be paid by is. v i . PlEl'ft of Ticking, b t quality, for tff saje lov. at irf rt. OLENWOOD Glorious News The steamer Saranuc lias just nrrivel,!o;ulel to the rruarls with goods for con iistinir "f If) bhds. Brown S iar, b hhds. Clarified do. L'O hills S. H. Mob-ses, l' litis. N. O. MoUesen, 10 1-2 bh's. (Jolden Syrup, 2i0 sncks (. . Sail," 100 bhls Kanawha do. Wl s.icks dairy do. 20 boxes do. 1 S iap, ID bbls Cider Vinegar, DRY GOODS. OUR ASSORTMENT IS LARUE AND COMPLETE. Sheetincs, flue brown ; and b'eachM dnmetic di illines, )snabiirgs. Ravens, ducks. Ac. An. I'he attention of the ladies is called to our assortment of dress good, which thrv will find, as regards price ami quality, to he uii-urpa-seil in Western Iowa. Calico, ginghams. lawns, delanes berages rohes or me laiesi r.isnion ami sine, r.m Troi !rri caps, collars, clnini-S-tts, sleeves, silk and satin bonnets, linen and cotton handkerchiefs, hosiery, parasols, all of which will be sold exceedingly low. Cross cut saws, mill saws, h ind saws, broad bench p'anes,and in fsct everything in the hardware line. from a Jewsharp up to a cradling scythe BOOTS & iO cases dir.ct from Boston. Boots nf all sizes Lind buskins, gaiters, slippers, ladies' goat, kip Hats and cans, books and stationery, unit's medicines, snd all other popular patent medicines, QUEENS Of various patterns. Glassware, tumbleis. jars, crocus, nniier ctocks, siove rrorus, ate, Sec. FURNITURE. 60 bedstead of different patterns, cherry dining, and breakfast tables, walnut ditto, ditto. Bureaus with irises, plain ami fancy walnut presses, cupboards, tin f-afes. one or two drawer stands, wash stands, lounges and mattresses, double mattresses, slat bottom chairs, eaiu seat do., rocking '.hairs, ciilis,&c. 45 cook stores, assorted, Patters ni's, re.vdy trimmed with tin or copper boilers, boxstores, Grecian parlor ditto., stove pipe, elbows, ie - WOOD k N D WILLOW-WARE. : Pine churns, 1-2 bush's, wood buckets, well buckets, wash tubs, wood bojrls, trays, dough pins, sui;jr boxes, brooms, line wash boards, clothes pins, &.c. SADDLERY. Bridles martingals, circingles, girths, halters, bridle reins, Blackawk sad dles, quilt feats, and ditto Ladies side saddles, buggy wiaps,dray whips, G. E. whips,cow-hides fee, saddle-bags, leather trunks, A.C. LEATHER. Sole-ientlier, Hp, nnd calf nkins, morocco lin'iiip?, gout skins, linir, Jti. IRON AN1!) CASTINCiS. Plow steel, slieer steel, cast steel, plows, moulds Sic. Pots, ovens, skillets s.nd lids, 6, 8, 10 nnd twenty jrallon kettles. PINK DOORS 8 by 10 and 10 by 12 sash, window blinds, CLUCKS 8 day and 30 hour clocks; warranted to run well. TOBACCO AND CIGARS. Virginia, Roanoke Nectar leaf tobacco. Regalia ami irincipe cigars of the finest flavor, Culm and Havana sixes, and various other articles, but we deem it unnecessary to mention them as it is no trouble to show goods, and we will oe happy rt all times to show our old customers, and as many new ones asmav favor us with their patronage, our goods and prices. Our facili ties for selling CHEAP,arc better than any other house in western !owa, and we intend to do so, and an anamination of our Duces is ail lliai is Glenwood, July, 12, 1H5 1. 46-Hw. KEW STORE & AGENCY OFJICE AT HAVING jiermaneniy located in this place, for the purpose of S' lling GOO US. LAM), TOWN-LOTS, nnd doiue a General Agency Business, we would respectfully invite the public, to five us a call. Our Goods were selected with care, and we are confident that we shall be able to girs per feet satisfaction to all. GREENE, KINNEY at CO sept. 27 '51. I T ARDW ARE. A large und general assort J-JL ment of Hardware can he li.ul at ew-It37. 1,000 GREENE. KINNEY &, CO. LHS. Cotton Batting, for sale GREENE, KINNEY & CO. Sep 27, OUKS and Stationery for sale by SAKI'Y &. h.VljI.IMl. ESTHAY N0TIC2. rpAKEN up by Peter A. Gritf-y, of Tarkio J Township, Page County, Iowa. One large Brindle Steer, the points of both bonis sawed off, with a gimlet hole through the point of the left horn, supposed to be eight or nine years old, smooth crop and undei bil in the rightear, and slit in the led, and to all apjiear auces. a beast of labor, with a common sized cow bell on, witti a narrow leather strap for a bell collar, buckled on and tied with a leather string, said ox was thin iu ordr. Appraised at thirty (ffl'JU) dollars. Iowa, Pace Couktt, ) Clarimta, Nov. 27, IX 4. J I certify that the above is a true description of the above described property, as taken from the Estray Book in my olhce. ELIGAII MILLER, Clerk. jan2l. 'S.V3HI pr'a fee jji.i.OO. ESTRAY NOTICE. TAKEN up, on the 11th of November, 1S.VI, by Goolmau Davidson, at bis residence on the East Nodaway river, four miles South of Bol ware's mill, in Buehanon Township, Page County, Iowa, one Bay Horse, black mane and tail.daik legs, while hair on each shoulder, some saddle marks, gome white hair on liisroie head, a little white spot on his rump, supposed to be marked with a erouper; about twelve years old; fourteen hands hign. No other marks or brands perceivable. Apn'aiseu Ul lilty- seven dollars and lifty cents (,s.7,dii.; Iowa, Fak County, t Clarinda, December Irt, li4 j I certify that the above is a true description nf the above described property, as takcu from uic r.siray iiuua in 'ny unit r. ELIJAH MILLER. Clerk. jan . 1, 1855,-3111 pr's fee $3,0. A. COCHRAN. 1. O. MEGKATH COCHRAN 8t MEGEATH. m umiu BROKERS. Council Bluffs, Iowa. A T JILL buy or sell Lands, mak'J S dectins ; V attend to the purchase and sale of town lots and ail kinds of business eomieeted with the Government Land Ollices in Western or Central Iowa. Exchange on St. Louis and be Eastern cities bought ami solo, jan 3 '6b. LANDS FOR SALE. fpHE SUBSCRIBER being desirous of inov L iiig to California, otters for sale his lloMi.MKAi) of 10 acres, situated on the slao road between St. Joseph anil Council Bliiir.. -n miles South of Council ltlulis and 4 North of the village of f t. Mary, and near the Missouri river, in Mills County, lows; and Opposite Belleview, Nebraska, 1. Also, 4(HI acres of Prairie Land near St. Mai v, and ti K) acres of TinBrHin La no on the Missouri river, and near Glenwood, These Lands are all in Mills County, Iowa, and pre sent inducements to land purchasers seldom of fered; containing timber, prairie, lime stone, ssnd stone, and indications of plenty of coal; and also being situated on the most feasible fioiut on the Missouri rivo for the cros.ing of he Pacific Railroad. Suitable cattle for crossing the Plains will betaken in exchange at f.i.. rates. Tne buyer can baw immediate possession, and all the gvaia auJ farming utensiU he wants at n fair rate. DANIEL HERREFORD. Traders Point, aov 1, '5-l-tf FflE"SH PROVISIONS. flUIE subscriber vt ill visit St. VT' 1 Mary on Wednesday's and Glenwood on Tueudw's and Satur day's of each w ek, and will supply tkesi markets with rrah M 'Uts. bult;r and Vegetables, at lbs mork-t price &S,itr, T4tf V. irCTBKF.B. 1 1 V 'Ml I. . IM'IH HJl.l.'U Jl.l ADVERTISEMENTS. lor Nebraska. fi hbls No. 1 and 2 Mackerel, K bhls Tar, l hoxe nnd half boxes Star Candles, o h"X"S Tallow candles, 00 kes Nails, assorted, 2 boxes Co fish, 30 sacks Rio Coiree, Imperial and Young Tjyson Tea, Soda, Salcrat'is, Candy, Raisins, English Walnuts. Almonds, Ginger, Spice, Pepper, fcc, c. axes.choppmg axes, adzes, log and loc i chains- SHOES. and finalities. Shoes. Ladies enameled Jennv and calf boots, misses shoes all si.ej. ami medicines, j.iyno s and Loudon s family for sale at Wholesale prices. W A RE, !cc. A.c. mki gal. stone ware, churnes, jars, necessary io couvince y ou ur kip i act, M'CKOLLS k CO. f-J & TTT) s- Gii Oppotition is the Life of Trade. MESSRS. SARPY. ENGLISH AJIE NOW receiving at Glenwood, a well selected I'orlt of dry goods, fancy goods, clothing, boots and shoes, groceries, hardware, crockery, drugs, liquors, stoves, tinware, &c, in Western Iowa. The public are invited to call and examine for themselves, and they will find the truth of the above statement. Also they will find that wo can sell as cheap any other bouse in Mills, Fre mont or Poi.'awattaiiiie counties. And in giving notice to the farming commu nity, we will give them the highest cash price for their produce, such as beef, pork, corn, wheat and beans. The store is on the west side of the Public Sonars, Glenw ood. nivl-ly.-"- aQORN and Outs wanted by S. &.E. HOUSES, work oxen and voung slock, ditto. snpy ,t English. t NUKSEKV. THE undersigned has on hand and for 2, sale a few thousand select grafted apple tic, ready for transplanting in orchards the coming fall and spring. variety. Red June, baldwin, white winter parmain, fall pippin, Belmont, wine anp, yellow belfiower, Rhode Island irreeiiiu!r, swaar, priors red, red astrachan, eariy harvest, sweet June, summer rose, summer queen. Rail's janet, raiubo, wine apple, white belleiluwer. Roman stein and Northern spy. FOR SHAOK. The Catalpa and Black Locust. OSXAM ENTAL. The snow ball, English and American lilac, red uogwooit, honey suckle, rose, &.C, xc. A few of tlie Isabella and Catawba grape from havering. tit. Mary, Iowa, Aug. 31, 53. s ng 3 1 -1 y. G EORGE HEPN'ER. IjERSON Swishing to uiako purchases, wTl L do wll to give us a call and examine ou stock, which comprises a general assort ineut and will be sold at greatbargains. ap 2.t.ril GREENE, KINNEY It CO. Notice. VLL persons knowing themselves indebted to Geo. P. Sliles, are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned, or they will hue 1 h;.'i.- accounts in the nanus or tlie pro per ofticer for collcclioo. Cone one, come all and save est. P. J. MtMAHON. oet 1, '5d If ,i ? Pil LI I'i'LElaiicy iiolions lor saleas 'JtJfJ.t cheap as dirt, at tlie cheap cash Store n i.)-:r rs u i;ivoi.i.! &. t:o. ASTOR IIOLSP.. 'MUE subscriber has lust opened this new and X commodious building for the reception of the traveling public, and solicits a share of pub ic lavor. I'rompt and etticietit attention will 0'' psm lo all who may favor nim with iheir patronage. His table 4lll be supplied with the Ivat the market all'onibl A pood stable is at tached lo the premises. M. LNGLLL. St . Mary, Iowa, maj-15, 'a I nJ'.l-tf rVlOBAC'CO. LTerTiTrthe Weed will find JL a superior article of chewing and smoking Tobacco, at thn Ajeuev Store, of GREEN E, KINNEY & CO., St. 'Mary. octl. f I THIRTY dozen M -n and Boys' Caps .L sale cheap, at th" Agency Siore of for se n L 57. G R EE NEj KfN NEY fc i CASs Eboots and shoes for sale CO. cheap NUCKOLLS k CO THE CHEAPEST GOODS IN . TOWN! f I SHE undersigned is now in receiot of and 1. receiving (he largest and cheajiiest stock of Fall and Winter Goods ever ollered in Council Bluff City, or Western Iowa. Tiune wishing to pay cash for joods will do well lo call and examine. Our stock eonsnts of every variety of goods needed by tne people in this portion of the country, such as cluliis, cassi ineies, sattinelts, tweeds, jea, is, white scarlet, and barred llaiuiuls, plain and barred linseys, im pieces goou style maihler prints, cashmeres, merinos, a llupacas, bleached and brown sheet ing a. id shirting, ticking and dulling, bleached and h: own canton tLinuel, drapers and crash ers, u 1 1 wjoI table coveis, broMu aud h'eached linen, silk and bay statu shuwis, aiu every variety of dress goods. Mens' aud boys' fall and winter clothing, hats aud raps, boots and ho"g, hardware and queensrt are, iron, nails, colf. e, jug ir, tea mo lasses, rice. Hour, ac. Bl.o, a large lol or f.ir uit ire and liquors. As it is our intention to sell for ca.-h, we flatter ourselves lhat we can hold out superior inducements to those that Wish to buy cheap goods than slore that are selling on trust Country dealers are requested to call and ex amine our sioct. B. R. PFGRAM aV CO, i rsaitift fftuS c, v i, ti- L " ' i 1 .. l" .' J J 1 I-J?V?i o$w WHOLESALE A XI) RETAIL M KUCHA XT. Corner nf Main and Grtgory itrtef? Sf. Miry. JUn" RECEIVED and. flow ha ssle a large assortment if selected merchandise adapted to the wants of a'. I in tb. new and thriving community, which h? can rel as cheap as can he ottered elsewhere so hiffh upon fhcMUiaonri river. His goods have bta selec ted bv an experienced purchaser, with sneeW reiferetice to the circumstances and wants of all classes of settlers in a new country. Ladies and ircntlemeii, children and youth, all can he supplied. Call and see for roil rsel res. His stock consists of the following, among a frMu many other articles he cannot naw eaiasaeratrs Amonir his dry goods mar be found woole i and sattinett cloths, cassinetts, tweeds, cash meres, linseys. Hairnet, red, white, jrrey and blue. C.iro'.an nlaids. Cotton ronds, sheetings and Shivtnurs. bleached and unbleached; bin and white drillings, osnaburg, bedtitknif, niek ory, checks, tc. KAHC Y ooons. A bes'.'tiful assortment of fancy prints of every variety of style and pattern. Gingliaul lawus, figured alpaeca, bombazines, bombay, et'es. shawls, scarfs, handkerchiefs, crape, in u- lio, edgings, ribbons, Ac. Clothing. A well selected stock of Summer, Fall and Win ter Clothing, consisting in part of fine dres coats, pants and vests; also good summer cloth ing of all descriptions; and heavy clothing for fall and winter use. Also shirts, knit fbnnel drawers and under shirts, socks, &c. Men's and boys' bats and caps of various fashions, qualities, and prices. Boots and shoes, thick and thin, polished and uupol ished nf every description, for men women, and children's use. Groceries. Crushed, clarified, loaf and brow sugar, mo lasses, syrup molasses, golden syrup, superior tea, Rio ami Java coffee, sassafras, ginger, pep per, cloves, spice, cinnamon, grounl finger, nutmegs, sniifls, tobacco, cigars, pipes, soap, candles, vinegar, pickles, pepper-sauce, fce. Provision-). A large assortment of flour of various quali ties and prices; corn moal and all the various products of the farm and garden; bacon and fish, kiln dried apples, peaches, currents, raisins, Vc. Hardware. Stoves of various patterns f ir cooking a nd beating rooms, stove-pipes r.nj elbows, large, ami small iron kettles, frying pans, skillets, bund-irons, shovels and tongs, manure foiksudhav forks, scythes, shovels aud sp.ides, log and trace chains, axes, hammers, pincers, iron and steel, nails, horse-rasps, files, saws, knives and forks, pocket knives, razors, butts and screws, door dandles, knobs, lockst Sec. Tinware. A general assortment kept for household purposes. Wocnwiit. Wash tubs, Shaker pails, wood and zinc washboards. I.catii i:a. bole-ieattier. narncss iea.Ler,cow hide, kip skins, calf skins, linings and morocco. Saddles, bridles, halters, larrietts, circingles, belly-bands, driving lines, collars, back-straps, girths, blind-bridles, &c. Medicines. A gen eral assortment of medicines for fevers, fever and ague, and the common complaints of th country. Cook's, Lee's, Sappenyton's,Bragg's and Janes' pills, Quinine, tunics, and various kin It of simulants, auones, liniments and, other articles necessary for the sick and tne in valid, nor 29,64 THE GREEK SLAVE I S&cchante, Venus, Flora, Hebe and th I) ana leg Girl l T 1 HE above celebrated Statutes, together with fifteen statutes in bronze, and several hun dred magnificent oil paintings, from the col lection of pnz'S to bu distributed among tba members of the Cosmopolitan Art Association at the first annual distribution, in January oext. 1 lie l.osinopolitaii Ai t aim l.llerary Associ ation, Organized for the Encouragement and Geucrel Uillusion of Literature and the Fiu Arts, on a new and original plan. The Committee of Management Lave tba pleasuie of announcing that the Fifth Annual Distribution will take place on the 30th of Jan uary next, on which occasion there will be dis tributed or allottd to members several hundred works of art, among which is the original and world-renowned statue of the Greek Stave, by Hiram Powers, costing over five thousand dol lars ! together with the beautiful statues of Ve nus, Bacchante, Hebe, Flora, and the Dancing Girl, and fifteen stauettes in bronze, importea from Paris; also, a large collection of Oil Paints ings, comprising some of the best production of celebrated Americans and Foreign Artists. PLAN OF THE CURRENT YEAR. The payment of three dollars constitutes any one a memli -r of this association, and entitle him to the Knickerbocker Magazine for one year, and also a ticket in the distribution of Statuary and Paintings which are to be alloted to in '-inters in January. Persons takii give memberships are entitled to live of tli j Magazines for one year, aud also to six tickets in t.ie distribution. Persons, on becoming members can have their Magazines commence with any month they choose, and rely on its being mailed to them promptly on the first of every month, diroc. from New York. T lie proceeds derived from the sale of mem berships are devoted to the purchase of works of urt for the ensuing year. Books open to receive n.ua.'S at the Eastern otfice, New York, or Western olfire, Sandusky. The Gallfiy of Ait is located at Sandusky, (the Western office of the Association) where superb Granite Buildings have been erected for it, and in whose spacious saloons the splendid collections of Statuary and Painting is exhib ited. The advantages secured by becoming' a mem ber of this Association are 1st All persons receive the full value of their subscription at the start, iu the shape of sterling Magazine Literature. 2 1. Eacii member contributing toward pur chasing choice works of art, which at to be distributed among themselves, aud are at th same tnuj encouraging the arts ol the country, uisQursing uiousanus or dollars tJ.rougU its agency. Persons remitting funds for membershiD. should mark letters, "Registered," and state the month with x cli they wish their magazines io commence, ami also tlicir post uthee address in full, on the receipt of which, a certificate of mi'inli "ship, together with the magazine desirtsd, will hefowarded to any part of the country. Thosi who nurchasc inat'uzihea at bookstore will observe tint by joining Ibis Association, they receive tha Magazine and Free Ticket in tin auuual distribution, at the same price they now pay for the Magazine ulone. lilustialed l afaloicues of the whole collec tion sent o.i application, fic i f charges. dlr" Ollirsof the Association, at the Knick erbocker Magazine office, 3 IH Broadway N. Y. and at No. lmi Water Street, Sandusky, Oiuo. AdJre.-is, (at either olJice) for membership, a i. wr kkv t;. a. a- i . V A xN l I, kJ , IN every county in the United States active and enlei pi inne Men to act as A Kent, to transact business that Mill pvy, to a smart slid energetic parson, finni Three to Five Huadred dollars, per month. The business is very honor- utile and reu.ies no capital. As many write us from nice idle curiosity, uo letter Will bs answered ly us unless it contains one dollar, as proof of good faith, upon Ike receipt of which we will f illy explain the businsv No letter will te taken from (be ollice unlest tkt post ig is pre-paid Ad liess, DR. 1). F. BLACK 8CRV, Hampshire, Ms try Co., Teiiiieseess, , Clf Any newspaper or oth-r publication, giw.igthe above four insertions, (Including (hi notice) and fowarding a copy as above, will rt eeive the information kforesaid, without uy encumbrance whatever. V Shii tun:, for HttleloM.at ORE EMC, svJNNtY . CO. e it J7 '54.