i I ?! , If M 3g ( tc a 1 1 i r ,i l. "llr that liv II'- plow vvoi,M II, m . P 'fl cT. Ilint ril ('IT in 'I: i w ' hahll' l.AlSiiiiJ AliD WiAl, cL-v. V.G. The fullowill IVIIiU'IH'-J I),.,,,. tital hints on growing wuu!. lint than election ami i:iariai.!JII0r,t of sheep, contain niiu iiktli;it i vul. liable : The growing of wool is r.s ,if. fcrcnt abnisness from that of r.r0w ing fcht-ej), as clar-in is frori(jltll of raising cattle. The fanner who 08 ni'nr a market town, with jasturi'a'iaj)tcd to crow l:i'ep, should keen a l.ir. fit-.l iiniinul; lirst for the purpnv.; ( f j Helling lamhs, wlnYh ifgo-vUit l'n i!k! twelve weeks t.kl !rin;tin! (lie New .., k m;iik, Ipn'i thrve; to six ololi.irs (1 li r,,' mi', I en.' at . j!ine tit'iim-. i i ;;e exrts- i.iiins ore uu illv ! -"iw oi (I Mime j-caic;,, f s tins J.tM.S. taken i'.!;;r.y, ;.n.l eve ; t io ami are sold ;A an ;', aia ' ( ! (.o or three i!o!!ai ;:l.' " -" i-i 1 t!i-y cot the ver rre ious: t'lei'-ioce wool is hut a t'.-on larv c unsiil ('ration wui me grower The South Down U out? of the lest breed for marketing. The limner Awith Drt.cil y thy same kind of land, two or three hun-i tired miles from market without.1 a Railroad communication to send' forth its Limbs am! faf sheep.,' would keep and grow &:i entirely different sheep lor t'mtrea-oa thrtt " wool would be his ehjeet. The laru; iy would .sized weijrh n! Down .lindn d S;l OiiY : one sized J)0llllh a common ewe if well kept three lb;, which w ould would si i; r ; briii,'.:, 1 cents i if the best nunlifv, seveiJv a poind. The .South D ow r. would brirg forty cents a poiim; The South Down tits twice ;isr much ns the Saxony, which would j u make juht twice the dific-rence ; in quantity. For keeping thei .hundred .pounds of South Down,; t lie .would receive ior In wool one dollar and I went tci;t:, whilo keepin;!;one hundred poun li j of Saxony sheep ho would re- J teive for his w ool lour dollars j Hiid twenty centa-niore l!i;tn ihrt'c! times as much. It may belaid by some that large sheep will not , eat twice as Jnueli as the !;ii,ill ' ones; I have only to say that who! oer will take the trouble to, .wciih his feheep and hay, will find j .i i i t -ii i tlie rule Jioius pood witli siicp m L" - ... - . .' . " '.. . IOU'i y dotn Mi-ii and Jioyi' lUin, d' i:i.-r ih a i iptic.ii, at ap 27. GltF.E.NE, KINXF.y t CO. "1 f( SACKS salt for .nU nt i,e (I.,. ipTH .LUU .ti r.cf NUCKOLLS CO. ; $:J(X)5(H)0 worth of Gins, ' for tlir ij1icrihers of the MAMMOTH PICTORIAL PCBMSHFD -iinnlt wieoinly in the three cities of New York, Philadelphia, Haiti tore, as noon ti'.UK).(XX) j,iili r.l,erj are ohtain !(aiid haviiij already an actual cu dilution of J(JU,"KI, in no- certain The Distribution will soon take place. Araonf- the. mtraintinary of Oifi-, (l.riin; one for every JicWet i-in d ) m e J'rof. Ilait'i ei.irant com, try r-e;,, v.-:!ifi at t- .i.liai A MiarriiiSci i,f city residence, wrlli i 7. " n . A ctiyta l'iat I'm' li.U years, with mieiei.t or jcinriiy. tjili i,iiiii. JJuilam.' lo's. i '--rn tit J':: o:o F"i" -. M ''.- 4! S. (.Oi l Wa(cl.,w, Kltcelelj., (,,;r., Ji, ,!!.. f truieU in in-old and lew" v,.rl.l. i v I'm). iixi r , re,i I e.a .e. , c. ,&.-.. ,V i'.. i i ,t il i ii i m i : -l.iff j'ki.I I ll hilt.. :. . ii. l at i, : H'r '. . i-.very Mie.ii? reniii'ji.ee oi t, ii-cii'M,.;. y eaj ' ai.hsci , pi ion lo the MiMmi a ll' 1 oji, IAI.IKl tlir - latiiity of a Ol.'t 'Jl' tel. wnieli nil. tie the hotil. r to oi.e ii.,ie in ti,.j 'Jui'mnl l.-flrt. '1 .'ii 8 every .e'o. iuie'.n.' in Jl.i' at u ndo w e itrrpi ii-e ru e.iies ti.t- f i! y.-i rth cf in or her iiionev, in side ci i;,t ion to a l:,t eliis join nlt (Die 'leatest ami mo.it ii.tr n'.ii r j.nctorial ef On' au,-,! hi-.-.ili a (j.!t .,r each fci.bieriuor wtneli may proi an ; ...ie i,5c 1 ji -tun to llie mi o.ur. For I CI lllple.e hot of ICif'-i, lil,d fi ll ai.d ;v Ji! let tienla : ,,i i e.: . iij to ll. e ut . pi i-.e, o . 1 ,'ilnit H.tt. t., t.i-e u , , ,!'' f f J he W'l.olr World, v. Inch will l e p;or.;1y n :. fire of t lia'gv, wl.ioe drilled l y Mm, j ol f id. 'Fh WiiC-le ViVM tiii-y '- ' :t! fl nt fl.r ii!.re of alt p' pe n roi.taiioi U ,s a ' . "r! i-e-li.ti.t, v Iffe n, !o: !tr.,t on n.ny l,e otiaiitid ii. icijjrd lo llie r i er mIi-1 enlerpi i-e. Alt.'Ut", I'-iii.-i' i .'ii'! I- Hi,", i! --iro in of j Iw ratil e ar.'l at II e m.iii I :m -' ' i.ie.Ji tn ilo, no'lit, tliou.'d lift fail to mp a copy of 'lie VV hole Woi Id, w h-ch c. iitains hy lai tiie most lihtral induce, m i t ever idleri 1 to i '. I U il, (he way cf m.ineiie ra-h p:i 11.1111.". i ly. cm Jii-: ill, tc, w l.ei. ,y iiiy i ei u:i i iiii oi (I. ha ly ii til i'y. can ea- fy i..d.e ', 'f 0 and i. -wards, per ye: i; to wl.e U fai t l!i ;.-.v..!.-i i.e li enuy hai e f n rertif v. hieinc tl.it ,.cti ; jal, aiid itfcoiii" wi-r, rich, ?.r I h.-jipi. i Com tiioii'h-i 's nnt wri e Ihe.r ,Ji -' Kane", Fostotl'iceri, Cminty a!,d hlale. pl.iii, ud diatinct, or il w ill tc- their o i, f n.it if i! i y faj tc prt kiiannwer. Ad!i-re to tli ? aid ail rrtunn w ill I jir.inpt!y Si .t wherttur d..,i 4il. inay part of the world. - Jv"lf ""X cinVf ate rcct'vid af'i r the flu u wh.iciih r. nie . .ne!. Wit u.'i.iy vi i I le i'i lot i y io'k ii. ictuHie i, J.-l-,aid, j U.t I e. 1 1 to. ri " All !.-'ei rr'.r.i'tcd tt 1!.' J'ic 'ul,. life -t It! I ...i. I'.tt Tirketn, ft'' el i-.vai -!.! .e a (W. , ,0-f-paid, Fri.f. J. .i. 'lai il.ii lt h.i' .l'i c. ( I -a'm.t ':;' f- J . i r-s ; ti. n-r.-.-.o f.iA k alr 'V-trf. i l I i 01 II GUT. . l To ! .V. V (,, ;::!: ,-. (m ee !! II," I , . !. i. i , 1 ;.. I.- tv i;rv , ,,, ! I',.:.,, -n '- 'I. W I, .' Ill i,, i r ii'ir t f i a i 7"7 i tl- f I" . I i n . Nt ( mi I ','i,.-, K,-!:ui M. i , f ,,! ;ifcnrlli;f,,l c, ..'il I'll T,''t:,il -.1 I ' . !' ,1 ku, I'. ! ,. ,,l .1 I , z h. i'. ijiin.mtt, i AI1,.il, :it., Cvirn-r.,' ,,' f.,v.-. ...! 'r in Cliai,'i"'V. 'a ill pi ,, ' ii '- i ii l,o v''i pi.. I i. V.-Mlh .1 l l,rl.il I)i li-icl4. l"il .l. Will pi.lli.'- !l .itli'll,' tO i'.ll p' Ol'in.-ilMlHl b,!il''M ,'1! ' il : In rsr". ( uli'-'' 'hi nrr 1 Cn'li'r" n t l.vi ri .tir i, (ili'iirt'i.. I, low a. VM. nn ;,h'i S'i in' in. ii., . i. Mii:- II-,- pl'll I III (.IC'lMM, '.ml i.i i, !....'il f.V , I! mils nt Ii' 4 i-. !, Kill' , !'.'- ,r. llll' J, ii I..," 1.' ( ,1-l.H M 1 M I I.!). .1. ..Ml. At". ri ll' 1 1 1. i l I. . . hi , ,1. !.,.i M I. !)! , , 1) i mi, ! low Ml t!0 , l' .1' .'.I. '. I" I.I I, I,.- 1' v.. II. .1 I.i II,. . : , , 1 , , I'. : ' Mi- I 1 .01,0 v. i'.i) in r. t - i ..;..".' i ( . ...i A. 1 - l I ." ! . . er. lou:s. V i, i v, :. ' Wilii.M .- ! . 1. .JK-: l a. v .1. .,.':i''i! :.. I. J.I. Jl.il: Loll. Ml. ,, - ;. , ; !; . ( i ' i yi !!i i . .s. i.i'kt '.'1 ' : 'i I'll! j f- I el I . ! I'-o ,,i,o- -e l..l'.1M . i.l L: 1 .1' V. I; , :i ' ' i , . ' ,V i .1.,, 11. 1. A U .Wl.i.!.. A I. ' N I IJ-Iy Ti:.i. ri i. Ifl : 1. 1- i:, r! I i i . i I. in i. 'A'i, . (I A ;i ' ( 'll I HI I . i I r ! M -A N, i'r i "... !i i.u.n, Jh. ;,:,'1;-!y ;.:. A .i . J'i : :t i. Ml- rr.i):tv (',11 f v. Co. !i Ml , ii M i ', : i i 'i ! ."ii"; ..i.U.i.-r- ot' ' n ,n lie .: -i i : i' ion of .".I '. i li, lit ! ill'.- l-'-ii,o- 'M. JI'.S .t,-. W.II' u s -i. illS M iiri, cor J-i.-.-l of ail . '.id I., or,',.. i . on . K!.V,'i.i.:.. A r.-id . 'ii I ii't'l' . I.,-. im;. II. V, I M rit.-i. i. lerini. J. T. COMr Ti.CK.U CO., nh .ilc and ret iil .l.-..,-r in U,-oU i oi uii iiiiN, Mo. I ii Main n'reet , Mo. i, in li-!' i-.ito,,i I..,.,:. N. V. ItANSOM .V CO. aiinfaeti.rcri of Coi-j-lh 'Fin an! Sum t- ,ion v. 9hk, such a Col in r Jhi i i 1". ' !e.:Mi Lii;;ii,ei :. 1 1 i Ji.,!ill.:i ie-, eeehii.f am: C.'iimi.i'VV. Si!.i Gi mi atori a... I 1'onn aoo , Jl; e wiiis; i. ml all L in.li-of (V.i p. r K-t' Wei', ami Ci:ern 1' imps.iiid every othor article in th'-.r line of Jiin.ii;'i, they also iiiannl.ic.Uiie and keep coi.tanliy on lend '.he ht. Lo'ii j-reiivun Cookiri!-;tovr,nita!j!efurSfe ,m lioat Jloti If. ('ulle-e or other sirroi! ar ehtahl i-hment-" ; m id e iua (rood and work maul ii;o main, it, h nd out of Cooil and iiih'taiitial luaterial; and of dill -iciit ie. All kind of Tinware on l.-i.d, w holi.,ile and retail, No. 'Si'.i .Main 1i eet, sonlii-e ii.1 coi ner of Clierrv. St. I.in. Mo. tpt li-.i-n LO S G LOO K jTT) I U iV,-" COilE AT LAST. TrCICrLI.S K. CO. h ue nt received o-k of the l.ii'e.! an I he.' (..lei tnil to; of (.('. J.J. -i in r h' fo.-e e. i.l.it.-J in tje w.- .t. A iiio.i .i.eii iio.tiii.'i.t may he to iud J)liV (i()l'!), A !iri,-ty of idoih"i"f of a'l oe and s'rs, h.tr. !w -iff: t".d enih-ry, di ni.'-, n.edu I , tuie. In ' i..-u !-, I. ii-a l.i'.'e (-'..iiii, l. x 8 nd linr:, li. pail .r i'iii"i, in cm ", thin r ... .V r.il! f r. I'i' - i.r - , .! i., t lie on-d u !i'-'i !..-;, t'i'e i'i,;.., i. 1 , , r, a - 1 1 , - v f . e w i i !-,, W i'ii I. in. hie ! -ti i (i. I I'l-. r fr-.! 1, rt v I- v h;r. e t-!i..rp ei--i id .',11 c i, " i liniia.-ai.'.l will lin.l it In Jl.eir u .rt.,! .-.!- U Call upon lis U fol'e Jj'ivch : . ii elselV.1;.;. e. (.le- V.' "id, A IT' I Vo. !.:-! r Sir? Y73sTAii" PZKiT Y Tol F iJll N i: B R A S K A . k5jZ iiii. tA :.. : i i: m: ii ;i K x a i s a v m im. ST. WARY b. DCLLEViZW CITY. MMiii Atln a ka is a n. iv and ;,li i,.l.J I o i', .1. i.iai.i.ed tiy e), per.. :,c.-d olio 1 1 h and ei e A . 1',. I lev. I low a. ' , M i'i i. a, la tJ p'ni le .il J'.MK.IIAXT. coming to iii i.i ka M,,.,.:.i come. ST MARY. iliii-t'.i t ) Jh the fi out eileiv::y toiiei:r-f lniporiaiit e'"i?.-ln, poi lion of ,Ni l.i a -k i. Jiear in Ullll ileC't Ili.i.U ti nt bT. KiliY k EElIEVIiiW CITY are tl.t t o U -t fcoinS to toe- r:i.ijra' ri to i eliter. J' ili viciy City, J..Iy V), lX'l. i.I-tf H LV UOUDJ. Fri.r.NDIU STOC K or NL'.V cood.s Just i.rrivi-.i, ji'T i e:.n:t:r !) !.. ware, it SJJII'Y'S L 11 ZAP CASH STU11K On M.-iu h'lt-ui, .St. .M;.ry. (..'i izuii aii'l niiirnrr can iv f - .1 ii fuil Kiij'ji'y of Iroli Ur-jotii. s, I'm visions, J),-y (Joo isiiini iI.,rJ,vsre; v, !iii h t!i!-v uun Im v c!ic..i h-r lAiii. r;M7-tf .r .i' A .. D JV -poiiity i.r : L.vii 'lit .'. .l-tj.il 3'' le.-.l Fi 'K'0-t anil L-ltelH'H. i. !.:, Li' i. CO. Mm. rl O. till' lihKN li. 1 I! -' i" ij : r .-, e ( M I L I, 'n r.. ' ; , Br - - v (: ( C. T .Y. fcCa . - - fi I I Mi A ' , .V ! M. 2 I S I H ' ,i :.. i If". ) :. ! V ' 'v Tl I.. - " I "! ill '!,!, 4 J t e ii i ii u ; m i,v 'i w . . x 1 . il I I I I I i- i ! ,: i ) ! k n .tjpi !..,, r 1 , " j t I . j I . I rll'i I, I.. ( I . l:, I . - I. i ,i,p i.r i ,,rn t:,rv I :i ill f f ITV-lil ;i- : ,i (I, i 'Mr v. , -: tt i n; . ... ,; ,., ,p,l n ir In' i. It n ;'li In'.' w nr,l. r. In fi'i quality, l-cr si in II' i .,, I irinKv i ,'l,'l' of til' HIT. I . ' ' . .Il.'l a m v in I v. c t (j-iiii.J i l!iii. r ' . IV. ,1. . ii n il I 1 1 i" -'.',;i I' .ir. -I :i iippi'i-c; ,1. U i' f'.-i !. In ii i : .r- !. i J .1 I M .1 ', s I Irx t Mrv i f f.,1,1.. lull i i:.i il lr n'.r.. i.n' I i !H,T!N; T . ,.!,'.,, , i ,,. i : j.i'il'i1' K. . -f !', ! i ('! W -i i , i... . . ,fi l.rt ,1. I., ' 1 , - I , 1. ii r. i . i, i i,i ..... ''. v mi t'nii t'.iy :.i .! p; ,-. .1. i ,'.. :,,!. I X I V l.yn i ul ,,'mi , , if! , r ' . it i-.i . i.i li,.i I -!, il iioi i., . II.' : U I" ' 1 'I I ' I 11 II 1 .-. . 'I s : l ! :- J'Oi 'I I: I'I .: I ' J I.H t . i-i.t i ... - . Pi tin- I i 1 1 ,i M... . . . :.)'.. '": .'."i"i V Ti i t 1- l,oV. '. ,1.. V.i I . Ii I A .'! I I ' '1 ''' Klll l-, ! !. in I :'i.t ii 1 1 I., ('i'r I. M 1 iiin: i'n-t-h- I II II . .!,t J i.K.rnir.R v,::xixc. 'I'll ; i i. -I u'lc i i -ow mm ; ,ii 1 1,.- Ti e , f- J '.. I I- I ln .'.il;i'l,' ,. '; , V li- ii. '.!',. t',; ll'j f ' 1. 1 i ' .,( ii' . "I l.l" ', l-.c, p on ;mi.,I tl ' l.l J"-! I'--ii tl.:'1 V h ' '! i , r,iii,:i, oj otir oa'ii. 4inl M.u'iir.M'' 'o 'i ..'( pei . -I 1'. tl." Co ,..t, . . 'i in tlie E i j'ern t r . i t'.- okiv I I i l M . D I ' r i i j-j fj j. I ' I , .is . i 1 1 '.: 1:. iV in. II :lr!o. rr ; I'.nUr., lot-f Uut'l", -. l'-.c k- i u.ln i ail. - ! ly l.l, I, a:..J. ,r -I. 1 1 "I. rcz:i a:d aou.z. ! !'. L'hI i ' i - i' i . t K-e: Xi .i.cii.-' an I I'o 'V ,l.ir Kl... .' I.e. loilj.-ied iiV I'll' H ' '.' .... ... Am ti '.i ii, iv - i. i,..i i . - i i ,,ii lui.s i,'i ! i-iji.'i ; ii to iir- I ' .'. 1 1 1 ' II, i i ,M I . I A .IJ'-I O ,i , ' i-. i, tl.e nil i,jiu x. . . l:; v'. A . i.'.i ii. it il I , ,1 Ol.i V i ll lie' i' 1 1 -I in eu i e In I'i V, ii lor 1 VI I !. TV 1 l,e r ,-i er ui.d mi-,. .oin:i.i...,i!i i - fci! died eoli'plaiiu. tonili.l'.i.. :j li'. o .o.,i-i.i ,i lot... p:.li onae ot io-.if,! i-'.,;. Tie altove ITi-d.tn :"li I , ..-v :-. t' " 'ri.'ir-'i i .-' f.e- Mow el Compia.i.i. FovVANi l.'lM i ul Ml SUM I' OF li !..(. Ivihlihiki' KODJ', and 1:1 ii. 'i i,' T .;i,e -a i . ! i ,11 u ii.. oun reine-iy for every d ..-ae li.at cm It a-.it'.'y l.ealtd ii, ti. S VV IV. Hv older of (lie TrM"ee., J:ll. It KO'.VANI). M. i). Pn.-ident of t.,'- ( iiinr.-ii v, an t ll ut the I'hai i. ae.eni ;,-, D, pai tmenl. Home Dn-p.-ruiiry and Oikce, Sn. Arch .Si.. P,,ilai!.-lpl,i... sept 2.1. ly J'VCLU) F;::'rr iurTiTe !,y U SAKl'i' k. E.NfTLI If. l AIM il n1' j-J!..S VM. Ci I. , 1 tl.'r SAHPV A. I.NGLIiH. LAST Clot.., .'..r hv SARPY Ai r.G!SI!. I A i.Mii 1-A i ilDi, ,K.'V i M i . 1..V lul M, ll.l.-li. I ) MoDCCF. MMASII waniel in , v tneiit 1. Hi ).l) llli'i t of di -nt I)T.FF AMj'loiliv SM'i'U i: vo. il' -l "t: J'.'.iic 4 1 lilt 1 i So I.y 1 JtJ libeap Uili i- "ie of i i ir Mn'ki.'..I.S V o. C" h i . i V. ' v!5 e l. for w ii. I r. i, ii t.e A I km. tniie.t J i I ,- . i , - i a i . 1 -dh..,.,,.,: m. x K. Ol l'ili( KS of 'Jii..i.., h.-t iiii-Jtly, f, J) n.U low. "I j- V -7. OKFF.NT.. KSSVKV &. CO, TRAD.fl'S P0iNrrll!1Y. t I 'UK ih,e,i!.er Ll.i i. (': !! (.' I Cj ! ni 1' CSaike At I J I.'r, i. -I.i', o ( y j"la j , llllld. j;,u ... 1- s I n:. J'.d'jii a . n id - li .vu ' lni.il a in l.o'.V Jo e -. I'I 'I 10 I''" - ,.:! V out ii .t-'.tli.'.a v ,ll 1 '., I erro t on ii.tr huer. 'i'i Fet I y i.ii.A, hi.! J h.,ie 1 t! ! o.,e of ii,e I, t 1 I. j . e I,o li u.li e 1 1 ii power, ! r, ver a.' t iti b.o.V t o. Iiii V, i.il il W li I tiiiti I. . n hv 'li a i.o.il at , i t m i: I.n '. ai. v .ti lo sail;!) tut Ii 'ip. i r'e i.i. 1 C'ii.'i y h 1 1 I.i tip' V k'.dl: . K 1 V.',. , I i o h ,i ' i,i' C. ' - 1 ?. 1 (al. .V - Ij. t.ie aho. I I II. Hon it an i h ir"j, , ! nd-. i, F i'l Cy-Tie.,!.f.ve per cud ad.! : 1 IV ., I t! o-Mrr, miktov. M:CCr.LLAN0U3 CAflDS. J()H:(JN I'A' AUV. At'onnA at Law, and (Jeneral I.; i:d A'.-enl-, -i(V ul Council li lilii',, low a, w ill i'i n I lo pto-'e-: jnal li.iiii.e-H i,, t!,el', d und i ..1 J i l.. .-I i 'i ,:rit li ; 1.I-.0, lo Vde .'.i cii.i .,ie and ioi-a-ion if ..and Wairant. I v i ; i.,-ti:ar atlei.tioii pun! to (tie c .!e.-iion of i ljiim. a'i 31-3.'a li. . i hici:, Atlornryat Iw, Council f j 1 . iT City, Iowa Idler to li. M. I! v'l.i'H, M- J'-.iej.!i, .'.I j., Join. t) 'Ml I'M!, Wcl'oil, il't., M ld'1 v HilV-I.fi, St. U i .-, .ii i. i. ii.'-11 1 A'.i.i -ii'-y a ail Co'i-.lior Lai-, riiy of 0-U2-'.! VVnr, Ir-aat. t t iai i I I ' , t x i'a v i of Mi- s-.ul Sir. t'ic r , VMl p-rp!'lHT'.t tvr " I i f. n:i .in I t i 1 1 1' Uio i I r I: ,1, ' i t '. .. -''i'i i i : k t. I! i il , O'ih' ;ii,i(h Cu! in' ' I', j mi 1'. 1' it '. !':.' ' 1 : . i , h i.'i,,j la.-f I i t- K 'I it !, ii hi. ! I! c ! !'.;, i . I ' hi id . ! i ' : :. :. !' l'.'i -'ir.. I' l'i in ''' U, ! I S iiv-i i'i I I'li'i-ri. l;'i ''i ',,: ; i'f tl',' CJ i'rl .. S' ,':v ,;lisir ,.; !.ir. r.'i'iiiia.ri, l'.d.i n f ...i,"i i, C. I I-, Ailii I'm. I'. i'M- '"I, I'i ., V, I'y-I'i'i' .:).', N'.-rvi'i" A li'-linv.j I.', it-. nl 1- IT '!',T l'i !l l'l"U. (".'.II. W :, Sw.-II,:.. i, l 'i-i'.i-" nrri- I. hit C h i I !! tv, : r,T , I "K ' vii ' f ' i in K - f.-..iv.' !;,-.' '.il,.-it I' .. 'I i: i a!. I.; nil ' llll ' ( rif ill I. f, M.-r. . f" -lililt l.ry. Ii IT " I ll I.! I'. ii'n rr, , -A ir,, i t';i i.i n: 1, i,vi 'All.rln I'l II'i'V .'' -ll'll r'i.i'1.' f.fji-!' f f t('p Curi f . r.i-1 ! i. V-'llrtW D.'tf'J. ',f I'"! i --.i- t, ill i.f ': v' !n il f i.-'.i' v In h lii'.'liiy If mmul i.f ill"' ..",i. aii'l fi 1 . m i ' f "'i 'I f I.'ii'sr. ,iviT, Ki!:','V. lit I ; I 'riimr v frTiiq if.i'iHi'1:: y cit'.'ti, . ii'iiiij (.i"ni t. pr.'- nn. H i I ?'i'--.-f , " Mv.Iri" ' "IT-" kll'ilVli t'l T r'tifii 'H in t!'i H ji.T ifi,' r ( "ii. HI. ,o.l, (,!v i-. iii Jo a I,.'.'.'!1 i f..ttn tlio f Iiiliin- (!. -'i'i' 1. it 1 1 ii, "V rnini...,Uv b-iin-i-.l l!in' Doctor l";it-i I v'n lo rn' .'.ii- '!' !:i ii Jli" I .-'t Al''.-T ,il.ic ari l I'vlieiiic ivi;r ci..r. I to Ik" il, 0.1 'nr,f i i p.inli,-, !i J liOI I ' 1 C III i! p.T crior l. iiiv so pu .i..!;,t''r, ainl vnrri ii- yon .'( .'jorn.A. l'r. l"'.-;'r!v'!i 1 ii Iii, f am I Suinpnrilli i roc- '",.-, i'i !' . : l'i'U-i'1 oiie irmtance of it.i v! j I' i.i'.io In-, ri'r o.:cm.''l U li" f'UifuMy (i.I. i. I I'or Ni-i'-vv. Dolls, I'lutrfK". Tmnnr, Wiiilc rl ! .-. ,'li ,i. - . 1 '!"!, Caiirc . 1 ".il jr-.l Ola in! , till'ivi'r :..ii..-. ..'.'. ninil Di.'.iu-;, fipli.!-'. ;c ,.- ! S ,'inpti .!, l.''pro-v, r.ry"':li, Tetter, K ilt , l'.'i" . i in . p:i ! b!I cut aii.'o:i il. c;.i., I'r. r.!rr- I . ".- I i.i.ii.' iu,.1. SiK.iparilU cmuK'l I"' ; h e i I , i v .:i..l. It scirr!,- ii i (!.! ' .-yr .',t of t ,i' .I. il.'-'roi'i thi if'f.n. W p'n if .!. (:. I,! r'il a inl .Ii A id ', iita''i i'n;'iM' or jli-'! s I 1 Ilil. Is i' tin' toily mut liy i-jmovins the CiWf'. nliili't l.p niri' crrMin nn 1 pcrino.ir,t. I.M'K.K.'il I'l.N OK lilM'I'.l 'SIA. No in. .Jicino, p, rliips, ho i . "r boon li: cov niil hum ff.i'c i in icli tone to the j'.o.tiv'i .ii,. I ci'.iit, 1!i fi.-orf irii of li.'.ililiv I'.iilric jo ici' lo ihT' t 1 iie 1 o'jil a i J 'r. Km ,trl'. J .j' I ' n ii ; - 1 S n :-i t inl' i. N o i" has u e l it for s.icli comiiliiiiit.-' nitho'i' l.' in'iit KH K I ' .VI ATISM. Dr. ! : ",!! v's I i.n" nn,l S.tri..itt.iril!.i i no: I ir.tM ' rr.-a s icccMin rlicuiii'ic co-aiiH'ti a i . ;.i i i ' ! y f " ri a . j r ( t !n i i; ic. 1 1 ciiri- liy i'r i vinz o it hll i:r,n'ii.'i''a!.I f nl b.i:nor. vhicj I, .-.' :,r-i.itiit!',l(.il i'i Iro M.-len-. wli'.1! nre l!,,' i-'.., i ! K.'i, ,M .t.r!i'. O iii m.'l t..vi !.'H of t!,e -i.'.j. li'.'i.r i , j;,- ... iii,". iiv-i t..i:ip.) ii-.ry ii'''-'.; '.Iiis el.;. ri.!y eiail.o.i'i-., t..e' Jl.-c;i-.f li 1'iii l i" M t rrn. For Mm- '"'nt .. r n ViM.nu. Pir.Ar, An i r i in; riir. m oor, (ii. . n, i C '.l..:, Jill'. U AM) I;,im., Dr. l-.-.-J'n'j I i.l.ur nu.i : i .'!. ml I a i We leuicli- i i.t iiuii.t''.!. 'I'iui infilirino ii f.i'V i..i tv tlic -i'ol.c ii. t ni'-u-'y a" a jmrilier of t!i.; I. o n', ti it a. n J o ,i ivi.'l r i .i-l.rcior of llie LiiMt iruji lit I'oisoi, :, orcaiioii'"l iiy riricuri il a ii I veil' I al t.'.ln: j, w ii.i.li i.iil ilio iwt ,o,i of i I olin-r reme.lies. Ji wnl cure the wor'l i.ii.,1 i f t.c iriiiiut ili.'eiiei, m.itler I: )-v ir-.-f , J y it in.' v li.i . eali ii i;,to tlor frame mil ilil orp ins. It ml' risre tii wvt! f ascs of nftc.nilnry "-pink- or vric; i iij..: i-.-j, m tnn'.U'r li I r,n.; il i.,'iv !i iv.- Mi,n!, l:o'.v lj'ii!, it loi-.v Jin ply M'lilea i,, liic i v't' ii', it W'll s'.niliiiat nn.l cv. pL'! ti'! vir.n a.'.d noi-rr t!m .vjli'in t a state .f pitj-fccl In il'.ii an! p i .'y. For U.cers in tli" muu!b uii ! Iliroa!, . ".i.l.i: ;rnn;n( of (lie (.'i:iinls, Oo.tre or t ir... r in tin- I'jiroit, nn:l'.-, l'.ui.i in U.e i!o us a i.! Jviu' j, it is it, r only (ale an J min ri.me.iy. Voni,r j'r..uin vi lio luvo r:'3n to .';pe. l ar.y ii.ipi.i ity in t!n :i liliu:, ciUn.r Iht-ed.U-.rv "r llie r ' -.i i t cf iinjiruilcr.ee uu:.lit to pn- rily a it.' V til ' I I! hifoie i.i: T ey ll! if.trvi y i.ot oiilv , -1 i ti .-i b of iiajio hlll M:eni o th'j C'' i.:i. l im. It can : X. itli tot; Ui'tf I ti.ti-el tiiei'i -ive a .' i i.i t t! jteoey and. Iiii - li.i.' (-i tine, I tali.l v of a p' ll (t a' -! io-. , Uj ! e n-. .! I.y j. s. , . f i h-i ; peri -." i.'!,'!','. I I.i m t. iii'ikiii i.i or' the KitN:v, Ki.nr.i B AS Li I. Ill V.i I. . ! I,-,. J)ko"iV, Cl'AVEI. mi I.: v t ii Com M nil, I); ! e-l ct, till -.- . m.,st a lin 'iv'ii l iine and S.ir-.-i;.,ri!!i is the 'y Fa'.i.'.i I that o,i,'ld lo la u .. 1. i, iln;-, linn uii -i.ciiiv liaa Toi Jl.i d !'-- I' lifl. l -ji.M i.ii'.'O'J.5 DISEASKS. j In.;: ,'i..' i in c.ii.vey an adeioiate idea i.iiiiiDe.to and n.mo.-,l iiiii'icnio i-i ciit, iti.ii h ij p.od.K'ejl by the ue of Dr. lo'Jo.c ai. Sai Mparilia, in the dieeai F.eater! v'o leeaaed. dt lnii- I .' .! i.d !...! Je: i d nei von vH' m. heth' r bi o i.e ii .wli !.y cm .:.-;. wc-ik I.r hature.oriiuoa. lei by tic kneM,, ll..- ii.wti'iKt; an 4 wlaKtd oifi i.ial.oii i. at cue; n ii it tii, reii.cd and b nit ji. In c.; oi M ' ..rail, ia, S'ervoui headache, Lo.-s of ijji:Uiijiy,-vieriei-i Protraliun, fiiTvou ncis, Vei liifo, Fain ii. ilio Me.-ves of the Fact:, and the vano u train of nervo iJ atl'itiiomi, il A iil pro.l,;c a cure Hi an a'iion.siiiiij; i.ort lime. Tim effect of Uii uiedicin U io;ive per in Hient lehef to l.ie aulK'l yr, ai.d t Iil.j;o the "lii't-Ted and debilitated coiii.itntioii to ilpriB line ln-alth and rijior. TO THF LADIKS. Ladieof pale coiiidexmu and constitutive habit, and inch as are di-hiiitnled fiotu any A the obstruction incident to th" cx, tnirh a nb- titjiiclion or painful uieimtrualion, Hour AH-'U or Wliitt ", Green Sickne j also, eceivu How of the MiMibi-s, barren lies, tc, can be renlored by the Ue of two or lhree bottlea of Dr. li ist arly' Iodine and Srsipiril!a, to Lloom and utor. It ll far the. bet rrtne,y ever discover ed tor weakly children, and in h a have had hiiin'itti beiiiK puu-ti,t th'-y readily take it. D iiiiiried.a'ely lestorcj the appel.te, strenifth, andcoifir. M'oih.iiii can be more ,ippri.-,in tiiaii jlh invigorating elici t on the h'lmnii frame, i'er.-io'. (.11 weakn. .. a'id lasitudc b'-lore tak inS Dr. F..t-terlv' Inline and Sareapai ilia, al once he rol'ic rw"!. and fn'iiof energy u..iier its i..t'.i.':iii.e. It ,mm.' !..iti-!y Cuun'.ei act !i,e n rvon n is ( f th; female fi mi-. Da. F. ivi i.hiv'ii I.'Mke am) .Sahsai ahii.i.a II Vi) rtl.l .I't'L I'i XI. It.i til Tilt, ilj.'.'vl.. It ii v, ly ii',ui-i ni t tt, ; taut, and is inure coiici ntia'.ed, be.:, rtroi.e, i, hL-it, r an.) cheaper than ai.y o'her m--die r e-in Lie. Fannliet who tnve n ,c ! tJni aitule ne ii i er w i'.l.iit' to be '.Vill.oii'. i!. Ta!.' it in tlie early ftaei, it Id a i-ire preveiit.'.t.ve of a!u. i..T any ipcCiLti ofiii e.ie. (,-iTAikf ir.'J.-. F.. d. i:y'j Iodiorar.d Sar ',,i ii!a -'id talii? liotfiii. " . 1 ,e. I'r.' eW! pi r ho'lle, d .-u bottles for 5. A l.!i;.al lii-ci .vt maJy to w).o!eji!e ii'.r-c!.;'-er.. ' CVFor i!e at Dr. Fa'-'crlv's Fanvly M'-di-Cine ;.t''T, .i.t .--. collier of Third aid Chi ti le. t ftie.t', S!. Loi-is M.i. AUobyi. A.Suioy, M Miry, f. -, nr. I by dtjiers in meditincs tel. eruly in thv Wi-.i. D.i. FASTKULV'S FFVLE AND AiL'E KILL I ill. I w irnide I to r,,re At'i.e and Fever, Dumb Airue, Chi!lb and I'titi. Jntto i..itnl and Ke i.uttaiit F. ver.--, and all the virion form of Fe ver li.cid.-nt to the Wet I! Thi pop djr rtmidy ha Jiow bcu b f...e the p i'.lic t a o J car., and dni ,.i that Line 5, bout J'v.'j.sTY-rivt 'i'lioV-Ai, u l.o; ilia have b.ait sold and in 1.0 ivlauce hii it failed t ) 1,0- t a permiiiant c t.-eafar a heard fioin, or to five eii'ire latiifactioil to the j, u( hioci. It ii w; rrei:!t-d to cure all raye, or the money w !l ba reiuiiilcd. Ltd no m ni, wom .iioi clnid u!f,-r w'.tti thii diiitreiiiiiij' d.ea:,e, when a sure ie"udy it at bifid. Jo-ad the te,unoiiy from John Miller & Co. F.vanivji i.e, lil., (let. I'll, 111,3. Dr. F erly -Sir: We lake p'i an ire in ' al ius that we have pi,rclia.d 3o lot! iei f jour Fen r and Ai."ie killer, and Lave col J l),e kame to our patiuii.i, tin 1 Li. t il has elf. i tcd apeiuia neiit cuteiu evtiy c..ic. We have f. Id neaily all the vatioiu (.o-diiii. foi etfu.-and fever, but none I-a fciven iirh entire (i faction a yo u Fi ier and At-'ie Kiiler. We beiieva it i Uc 't n.clicii.u now b.ii'ore the public. I!?, iM M!Ic-r i. Co. ll'l'1 J.l'l'l . I l..'.;, II, f 1. ;,(.r I ( Si!,,., ,'':.i:,-.,,C!''r,,'.i' ..: '-' a iipi-ti in. is.i t. I'r. r i r,.i l sir : V,"!,,'n I i i' '! r i'y ,,, M.ir. 1, I...I". I .., I.i t f,iT .i.ir-ti i..i!.- ' f ir I'i i i r . mi! A : if I" .ill i l-i !. i i'i '.i.i; ' i.'i t. I t'l !.,". I ,;:; .' '' 1 -i n Ii ".' i'.n ,l.(. !'. M il't'll ! ,i ! ,i M ,,rr anti i. V, ir nn lie ,i,i ..n :', . imi -h-ll'f L? i.'f ,, t inn .,) f.i r. it Ilium1 i '!'. I' 'I : i vi, ll cum i f ti. C!.ii! it . ' I'cliir. 1 1 ,c :i-r ,i I i rnl.irlj ;. I I y vim h I.I l'i'.":i "i!l!. ' 'I k'"' '" '-l'" l.i't'T p.irl i,f l,kt smii'.iiic. , inn! h.ii! t, H':l a '," ! ii, i: y rt iinvii.'s, t hn ii-jt a j.liy i!riin pirl 't die lini". r.ll , i wii,:!i (,1..!. Mi- 'i.fi :i! n li"'t!i' ,,f yr, ,r !n.-.'!'-;:i.. .1.1 1 h 'f.if'' .'." I, Iim-oiio-llnrd (if ii, n cnti'i'lir nu,.. ,iin' llUJClji.VI'.l ir, ,, ,.'liit!l WfT !'ltl'-. I I II I 'Ti,-'- l-.ii 'I 1 n!" ! In i-;h-u a p.:i i;i..ij'.,t c irr. "i-tf ,iii v j i, hi . j V. S. I ".'i'l b" in y"iir I ti'T :!v, Rn'i im ri'iv nu:. ir.','iv. . i:. A.k f"r :ji. i.ai-..i'itv'TVvoi.i A? ii K:i!i-r. iui. takif ri ctln r, mi, vo l arc ! r. A !'l.. - il (!n,i,i.i nil,' In wli"!i" ,!e 'i-iIit,'. lVil-M l p)i- Iiu'iIp, (,t aix Ivl'tiri fnr J or ni ill j)r. I.iii'riv'ii Knimly Mciliriiip Hii'i" c i ii",- of 'J'l.ir.l l.ii'l Clwui'lt tlrcotii St. Iii-, I'l-ory V. A. S.ii , y, .'(. Miry, aiil l,y l'!rr. in tn.;i.in"i ci'iirmlly in ll.j wr-t. r. ATr'iu.vs 1 .akrh-ka synrp. 'I'lii.i i .1 pl. im nt, f nfc an I rH'ciiin ifin"ly f n Jy wiilary, I)inrr!i'P,('liol(!ia.( linlor .M.irli.i- S'llllllliT ri'lll'il.lint. CllliC (illl'illL'. I'.l.lll. W ,i,il in (lie Stornni'h pihI I1ow, , Crimp, f'rr-j l tip 4 Crvinjnf infant., and for all ir- i i;ul.'.ri''S ul llie boivel. It i. one of t'ic mo-1 efficient, pl,'3riit, ornl 'f T,rr I'M ' i '.-! PH'V offoicl to the imldic for llicreni.iv.il of t.'ie varinti iler.irii"'irn i,ts of tlir S'oni.irh tinil I!n-,vrW nri.l t'icoiil y rtii c w orf 1; j of tl .!( coi.1 lence for c.iriiii;'('!,o!i , ,i , f ...... mi .1 III..,.' . ...... ..',ai. ii, .to, a,i ,,. uo rn. ..I-i f the r.,,'.ve!. fn ui ti-,'iliiiik'. Jir. Fiiiitcrlv's l'i irrlid n Synip . without rv cep'iun one of lli.t ui'ivl lal'i i'.'li.- Farniy Me.li c.tic eer ili'-i-cvi'ie'l. H iri-lri -N .f f,ti:;'!iiM f l t!.e fi. ."1 ri'-; i e'.al'ility i:i St. I.oni h ive iirp I it ami leirtli'- stroi.RK.t ti stiuony iu it lavur. I'i ice J5c :U per Ijotlle. Ko. .i!c al Dr. r.irt"i!yi I'.i.'nily I - !ii'il,C r'mc, rnr',' r of Tiofl mil Clo.-iiit ttrc.l S'. I.-. ' '.. ;'. tiy J'. A, Siirpy, fciii l7 i! . ile.3 in ni"ilii tli i i;i hi niiy in the we-;. dk. f. ASTF.hi.vs vr.i; ' nrt'c i:. Tl, C.eit K'toi' ly for Es;.'-!iin; V.'ortn fr:o Oiil'iren. 'J lie irnnl af,", ph nn-r t ml rtTcct'ikl nnilicine r'lo'.vn lor I htf le'ooi il of worms loi.u child rcn is Dr. J'.iVil'n Ve. inifuc I'.'.renti nil 1 iTi'inh.irn hnvimj Vc tli ir-re of ihi'il'i ii, slmul.l witi'li carefully I lie nyiniitoun of worm in their ctjirJ: :i, :i,i i us soon i y nip t'iriii i.'i'li'-lie t!:cir ITeienr,', (Jicy .!) ilj at k:i- re'.irt to Cu, iii' of Dr. Ki-tcrlv"? W'mlf'.i"!!. iI re thihlrc . die lrom roroi- linn nil utot r il.t 'ajei, ai 1 aiiioi'! iiii.i-craloe ohji-ci .cm nr.ir ei:iv he iiiri'.i.e I than a thiU s iif r.'i im :,.r r-! i i '. n r y svinpto', of w.irm I' n ;, I '. to u k Will vol lot IilaMc vii'i'ilrei. if voir tl i liih'reii .ii.-, tl.it V'I 'lid li"' me Dr. Lmt.'rly'i, Vvrarf.iie in t;ii' if" T.'ii.; Vermif i(-e will rc (r.'ivc ' ' cry yj'.e,'o ; of u rn in- f.'Oi.'i 1'...' s ', iXvut in s x or i'i,;ht lo.i.ts afipr ta.i n. J'r.ie i j rent p'"bo."Io. For mIo at Dr. Kludy'a Family Ahdieinc Slorr, n';l!i-eait rorr.or of Thin! and ('li'-oiut :irce. St. I.r,nis a!-o hy I1. A S.rj.y.S . Mcj and ty dcale. s 1:1 medic ii.f fonen-- il in tlie wi'-t . D!t. F.ASI FHI.VS 1'AIN Iill.I.I'Il. I'or the cure i t JJ.-ii.i.', Tnoth Ach", Colic. (h;.i,ip lera, Dysentery. Knenniit: St i 'mac Ii and Jioweln, and pi.'iinj, V',)'iii.!.i. or S(i.i -in i Chu in, I'.iiru in Do w iierever thfcr in J'aiu, it a speedy and certain cine 'I'h'K M - lirine ha? morecritrol out al) J airis than tiv ot:ier ever invented. II i i''l t : ti l.iternally and F.xteriiiiliy, and its soothim; ef fects are H.ii antly feit hy the au.leier, allevi.it in the t.i.'.i! cx'cridiali.'iir pir in a lew tiiini t". In a word, it i a J'ai Kum h. No ieiT. int. f.iin.ly or pliyuir nti i.hoi'1.1 ht imi'.o ,i ii. i. ii.vi i.een u:n iy 1 no i inn or trie nOft li.ti iii.-ent and re-peclaldri f .imliel ii, St. Louis, Mi l ni! pronounce it the L-io.it Speedy and FlIY-ctuil Curative tin y have ever n, d. Da L.'.iLiit,t ' I'aim Kiii.i r i beyond ail do ibl (lie ino-t certain rmif dy ever dineoverni for Faina in the Strmuirli, J'.nm in tl.e Side, Iitea.it, Hac1 Bi. t J.iritiH. It il ai fell infill. Ide remedy for Colic. I,,, rho a, Clio', r:i M '.I ns. J'aiiitei 'j Coiir. W,n !i ,l I lilt r. i iii oat, oii.a-.. h 11, ud- lil. 1 li ' Aui.-I ar !,e. 4 c. Di ,'"J' cAi rrov to riir, rrni.ic. JDrwAaKoK Imitatiiiks a nii CioiNTtiiym .. 'I he i id)- (.-I'leiiiit : and tea! I'.im Kilhrm pr p.ire ! ei Im ivi iy by Dr. FiiOily, the r.,U j : i';:::c'or. 'll.citloic couiiUifiiia and ouita tio.i.i al.so.id. 'l.'i. i-f tie b' t'i;e !. fur J).. I.i-it. ; Ij ' Paiu K. Her, and take no other, and yo i ai-t af'!, Fri'-e Co cei.t-i per botU-i fn f ho Ie f.tr ))l For sjIc at Dr. L.Hletli'H Fami.'y Mciieine More, ;.reit -;. st cur ner of Third and fl.eMinl ! aire eei-, St. lxi'.i-, also by P. A. Sarpy St. .Maiy I by di.a!er3 ir. medicine genei ally 1'n the went. an- For the cure of Cough, Coldn, Aatham, Con kii:iip!ii.ii. Lio'.chitu, Mpit'.iim of Jilood, Pain iu the Side and .Least, I'ieurmy, IVboot.int Co'i:;h, uud all di. ease of the Lung 'and t;r.eiit. Auoiir all Ihr celebrfited remrdii s for Disea ti of the Lu.no and Ciiii&r, none uwin to be meeting with kucli ancce and to e-iveuch en tit tali li.iction to all, a DH. CAP.TKP.'S COL'Oir J1ALSAM. Tin- viluable remedy in intrely vej-rtable in its i i:iediciiU, nml peifertly harmle- iu all its ipmliiie, end a mild and p!..-aent a the mot d.dicale cordial. It in Very soothing and heal incr to the Lunfi, and i every 'vhere arkiiowl el-'edby Df !.-,' i-itii, I'tiyiicans, and all who have i.- 'd it to bu the ui-t Ldt-ctual Cuiattve kr.own. CdNttrMPTIOV. No dieae iriridxtit to our climite i - uni- vci.al, and ij tun enine tinie , , fatal, as J'u! moi.ai y l oi.s'jinpiion. jmih awt il iniloty weep over the lud a a Detroyiiir Anirt l, layintf low t!ie ttrontst ari l fa'iejt i f our race, .Million of tint youii;' ami the old are annually hurried to t:ie toinh ly this dreadful national lime.'-. lomi-MiTin HrAT'a! Ilewarr or n:crc pallialive me l;rine. The c-hjcrt of Iieirly hll ttt tii,iietiu. now 4.il'i..I Coc e?i.,ai.- of (he Lt.niM, 1 to rc!i. ve m..l not to rure. Much is not His cae w ,tti Dr. C.irter'a Coiu'h Ji .Isaui. In cold and coe''!i.., which are (lie lunt ytnp torn of i on im.r.ioh, it i the most pit v-nt an i clhr aciouii run. dy that can po -ibly beose I. In c. r.fi.tr..-d coi.-umptior. it hat been used With perfect mid tii.imphai t sure-, wl.ou thcmot emiiiei t phynictans bad f'v,''i ip all hope a vain, l-o totiiid'tiit l the proprietor of its pow er t i c ire Tube -rii-on ( mn uniitiou, that be oliC.ti a liiul 111 tin.- vyoi.ii of f aie. S'TFTINIJOK Pl.OUD. This frij-huul symptom of ci.:,s'im tion U pe( l.ly 1 l.ei ked ai. j im vcnled I y the 11 of Dr. Caiter'n Cotih ii.!-am, who li l.eil t!ie an. ct.ed tneinbiai.e, reiii'ii ' the liif ri.ici.'. t i! cle, and ri-"ore- t'umj vital organs, the lun.-, 10 a eoutii e'l i iieiiiny roiniirio'i. P KM LMIiKU THIS. fipiftiii"- of JSloo J alw..y Briie fioru a ten dency to tuberculous tii eae, and if not checked it the oiiliet, w ill soon..- t.r later fei ruinate in death. A t'eron w ho riine Idood once w ill raise blood H:a;n ui lecii a J iopi-I cil.ati.t 11 W11- Licdiatejy einpb.yrd. FAIN INTIIF. SiDK, l b s dis'ieii.ti-r syirir.'oui of ci.iiiiimr.tion k ri,- from inrl.tmaiio'i of the tj!f or inumbraiie fulled Lie Pleura, orfioni br niih'.al iHirfuuii of the air pa ecm. J:i eilher c e it ii very cJ 1. nfcr! c. indication "f die:te. Jt prevenls fill and free brethin;, ai.J wc;'"t away tlie natural streiitflh of the -y -teui. The canto of H111 ) milium should be removed at once, and rio'hii.g can poti!dy effect that object kO kpeod liy and tiaopily ai Ir. 1 arier' CoU;jii l!ai-.un wbicui ii.'-Aiy safe and salutary in it tilccts on the con-titntinn. LIS LK COMPLAINT. Ji. raie of c on-umption the Liver it always more or i' - v allectc-I, and alio the spleeu. pleura and small mt,st ines, 'i he effect of Jr. Carici' Coutrh Balxiin in d eiej of the J,iver, mpef Iaiiy if it be f i'H uh'erou nat ne, i direct and r-ow-rrrnl. bm te .' of Hie Liver mint- fii.; IIV. I (. i J " io:i 'l.ly far Vi i.n i i;iv ( ort.n. . in Ii.ir.h.l.y w inierrc..,.;,! wluUi.Vh;, , ',. I I. '.',; I i-., jh-, i in 9at f fc; l ir, tn.il! cic-d hv (he ii, a f i,f ,' C.-i.-h lial.'in. I wnini, nioi-ta... 7 T. I;i 'I,, lie. U. wholfl lrehtii' innn-i , . T io.fi nnimitc tlir M0cJ. i-npioi .-ihr I i-nvr of thi. I.ivrr, Spleen ,ind oll, n.i. and the di.'.'"l.i-. nrtf-uo. -,n, i..,. " fll'.l J.t'e lo thpv:.n nn.l rrr.,,i.e .u U 1 .'l4' """'in yi'. f-, ji ii j x.. ii i ri:c Ilrr.pcMti, i! !!i, ,,l'y f ht f-iTT, ifi - . i.o'it'i.a Hliinv i ni'rrtn.rili'in. with i'i liari it), iyriipli.nr caiil hy (in nd. rtionrd tlicairti.i cad iiirfrmnthii lluoatfo the Inn."-., arc rli,! . .? !Ui .li' .illy aihchd .Hid niri'd hy k ' ' r,i I,, f ..!.... -...,... il..!...... ... ' .".I ...'. Jll,::,,IIJI!l.l,Ull, itll Ij..,.. pnml' '.I. --i:t j A, id lofiilon comi.l-i,,! ij. . 1,,:,, Il lIuU,,.. 'r'l... i.-way I.r. a poivcifnl l..,..,,ry to iufiariif tU !',f'"" '"' ';"''- ' '"'I l'crcl,y nulnr, , w " r.n in of pi,liii.ioiry il., nu.. n,, ,,1rM(.. In'.", e aiil.rled, und Mnph.y 'V(lulk' rem,',! v. F.XFFCTOH A f IO I rec l.vper'or.ition i. t!.c ,,,.( impnrtai.l ., ect lo oh .lined in nil .-.t'empN ( rm, , , Hs.s. f tiiH rhe-t and Inn.;. Thr eoujrli h, '" " Mi'iply thrrelt f , ' In rup-ctomte:, -ml a lot ai fo,,I mattere,,,. m the air p,i,-.,un . it Will continue lo irnUt, the ni mlnaiieatid pi i yoke a ronh, CWhj.. i n attempt In throiv od'lhii m.itt-r, and ,7 pectoratioitirivrieK ut relief. Irialiilitv to u perforate in the i(!,.r ,a;., of C0(u ih the ciinir of deith. ' . IMC CAKIF.ICSCOlCilf I1ALSAM l lie c,rt cvp,;etorai,t. It diio,r,tht I'td and di milter in then ir paai;e, chaa r.Y.i.'t.iniio r hVi-i1; an'd li.-ow. I( , Wnhi, '- ffrvatt at p'r-ihle en iff to the patient. Tlicr-1-no hi Iter medirine in the Worldif i! t-rptwt. rant (pi..Iitie alone he r nisidoreil. SPASMODIC ASIMMA. For aimple or pnirnn,lie tipfham the-r it br tn-'ler remedy than l)r. (,'irter'( Cjui;Ii lialiaa Tin d',trenii,e; dir:i-e whlcli re.i;' almorf eie, ythiiip il,.., yi,..U t'tbeall powerful i. fl iciice i f lh:s ti. at r ,i.e !y readily ai tar oilier form of pectoral r!ien., LVKKV FA MIL V fhoul l In oiippliid Willi Dr. Carter' Coufk Ihilniin, lo he used in the eai ly .itace of Coug!i Cnld. StiiltiiirJ ( f Hlon l. J'iiin in the f'.i.le rJ f'he..!, l'.rrticliiti, Dilhculty of. lirralhi, ,V i H'li' :-ivei,, juiina, jiirj'.'.nia, viiropim Cim-di, nnd pevcie Croup and thereby coilntrr t art i he coiitiiiinpti ve tendeney which it prod S ee i oy our i ver cnaio'ii.!! r imate. Price Trial bottle., 2j centi per bntllr; targr boljir-., SI per bottle, or aix hoi tie, for j. I'or a leal Dr. Faster ly' Family Medici stou , sonth.e.mt corner of Third and Cheiaa: -irc.ou, St. Loiii, also by P. A. Harpy, St. .Mary, nnd by dealers in medicine pei.eral'.y ! jie "t. pr j?-ly lor Ihecnrc of Liver Coinidains, Dypepia, J iiiinlu e, I'llioii!!!'., Lota of Appetite. H"idac!ie, Habiinal Coitivene-, Ceiierat liehiliiy, Nervonnrie, and all diarane aria itiir froiii a liidordcred Liver, or Digestion 1 1 Thcce Hitler j.ie. reinarkableiiiviporatiBf Si r luthciiinir nnd Itesloiative proprrtiei, whici Civ. tone and vi(jor to the Digeuv Organ, an niahc th'-m invahi.hle for l.ivr.a Ccvi-i.aint, Jaindice, DvirtritA, And ail otticr dic,ic caused froiu a deratit4 slat of ihi 'oinieli, bowal, and liyrr whitk lend to ! hililnte or weaken th oyitem. I;U. HUNTF.K'3 GF.KMAN BiTTF.RS Cannot In; lo hif,h!y recommen led to periots fcuiftii.n; w.lii a diiordered LIVFll or indin tioii. Loi of A"m-tite, M'ervou Irritatiaa 11. ailiclie, Habitual Conlivcnesj, General Debi lity, hud a variety of Complainl which it i n:ir,riiti:e o r.rrt tne. If there aie liliffreri in Sf. advi .e.1 lo try th'-sc II, tier. Iui, thy Prlre Mr. per bo tie, or niy bottln for 2M. Far iiaUial Dr. Kinterlv'i F&mili Mmlieia Store, corner of Third s;iJ Che-nnt tre. Ju Loins, Mi. Ainu by I'. A. Sarpy 8t. Miff, and by dealer io n.cdicine generally in tir vi est. apr jz-ir A fe nd certain cure for Coliorrhcea, Cl'et tli ictureH, Seminal caknesn, and all diseases of the Genital ('iain. Ti.i-i popular and spticidc remedy is neve ef i ..'i to 1'n' al. iii li d and warirnled to rure all cao-of (ioiion h'i'i, (l..i.;, ',ir;eiures, Seiaiaal rnknc, and all d:raeof tin- (icnital Orjaas in a I, 'sv lit vs. Fins infalliahle reiucly bat .1 iln ii , m In upon tl,o,imids from the ban of Mertiie.-, (uacki, if not from a premature f-rave. In c- 0 infection, Dr. Jlaker'a hpr- nlic lathe only safe and sure remedy. It is very sirreeable lo the tate, creates no precejdable e- dor, nni may i.e ued !y per son or eiUtor sI Within! iro '-erecyr without repard to diet,hia draiiee from bmnneKs or Medical Advier. aa plain dirt-ci ions Tor unenecompaiiy the inediciue 1(, der have you a private dikease Do not n irlact it. Delay U danirercus. o'ilh Dr. Ba ker Specific you run euro -fouief, and thus prevent all oposine. 'J hi inediciue will speed ily and eliectually cure the most virulent caies of Seciel Dikea, and eradicate every particle of infection Hm!trr trota the system, aouiwloie the patient lo a pet lectvtate of health and nuritv. J'rice, tjl .") per botlle. For a!e at Dr. Lanterly' Family Mnliciae Store, oi,tii-eitt corner of Third and Cheinut atuet, St. Ijui, Mo. AIo by P. A. Sarpy, nl. rilnry, Iowa, and by dealer iu ntcdicinee irenerally in the W'et. apr 12-ly A valuable remedy for i'pprrio? of the Men K f White-, Painful Mcnatruaticn. IinnoUn cy or Harrentie, Sallow Coiiipl-.-xion, lieaJ ache, Jjiine, Weaknea of the nerve, au all diaeaaes which arise from a deraugemejil of the functions of nature. 'J'he iuot ix-ifect, safe and infalliable remedy for (lie fine of all tho- d,eacs of f email, ar- itui'lioin wMkiienor debility, and obsitrut ties in Vie nrxnal orKanir, such as irregular or sap pie. i,d of (he M.-iim.-. Flaor Alhu or VV'bitM Y'allii , of the Womb, Headache, Frightful I'leam. 4ic., cauieil by Cold, checked pennira- tiont, excdSt, oer-acitrBimt, Lc, ie ' Dh. iiuOPtlt'S FtiMALK COKDIAL' Several ladle in the city who have suffered for many year Willi th above coinplaiuts, n4 hive employed our inont f undent physician without oc have lined Dr. Hooper's Fe uo.la Cordial, and have been pelkly ar4 rr- nianeiitlv cured bv it use. If Ihrre are Sutter. cr in St. Louis, they can rely upon Dr. Hoop er's Female- IJotdiai as a sare, pleasent ana er fcolttal remedy. I'i ice 1 pe. bottle, or six bottle for . . For a!e at J;r. Fanterly's Family Medicin Stunt, roni'Tof Third and Cheimt street, Sf. Louis, Mo. AIo by P. A. Sarpy, W. Ma'Te ami by dealer in medicine generally in ( Vet. apr U-Iy Dr. Cook' Ujic Hair Oil. For the preservation, beauty, grewth, aa redoration of the Hair. ' libit long bi-tn the denire of person troubled with still, harh. unruly hair, to procure an ar ticle which would at once render the liair soft, l.vely and beautiful. The most perfect a4 r.ilmiiable article ever discovered for that purr poie.ii Dr. Cook's Mapie Hair Oil. This (J.I penetrate the minutejt pores, gi' inj lb Uiy and witherin; bulb new life en vior.opei.ii.e Uiecapilla.'iee, soften, preserve1 beautifies and .ti:.ihen the bsir.rf, and tuB fiom fal!iii) off, removes the dandruff, and tura ia;.'f t:d bu into that which i smooth, and wavy. It is admitted by all to be the great r.t invention of the age for beautify ins; the avail and reni'.e: in? ll ber Oianent. DK. COOk'S MAGIC HAIR OIL. I a superb article, ai-.d sbnuld be found on ta tndetof every lady who values the rjoff ! beautiful apoearance of "the Coveins; ringlet and the witching curl." Price, 5iJ cent ter bottle. For le at Dr. Kssterly's Family Msdiein K'.orr, cornar vf Third and Chesnut street ( Lou-kb, Mo. Aisobr J'. A. Sarpy, W, T and by dealers la msa-ctae gafUy . Wrvt. r