RELIGIOUS rniVILECES. Those wlio villus religious privileges ought to lo nil in tin ir power to cncmir sge nd sustain tlicm. Society is inJcbt ed to religious institutions for whatever makrt it an ohject o desire. Those desirous of sctiling within the reach of religious privilrcs already in existence, srill find them nt the Frcshy- tenan Mission, at iwileview, where preaching is regularly mnintoiiind every Jan '." 2t 30 at Feb 1 2 3 Mrn:oKoixu;iCAii tablk. Rllcvicw, Nei.tat.l-a. I Thernio'ter f !)" nnnd'Hf'vVind FM TNI E I M N E M N K A M T vr T F 8 5 14 8 1(1 4 2S 10 41 7 '-: 22 3r, 10 31 4 15 3i 22 30 2S '20 "It 3 0 2 n 7 0 o SELECT SCHOOL AT BELLEVIEW. ps. makv . reed .will open a Re- iL lt School nt the ,,,,. MISSION SCHOOL ROOM, for children and youth, on Monday, January 20th. IH.Vi. Tuition, !yit,00 per month. Dr. Easterly's Iodine and Sarsaparilla. f?V It i the only preparation that Is worthy Sabbath, and cost nothing only the trouble ' the least commence or me ru,uir, ,or .ue curf or uiraBuij.iwMnh...... - ....... .iin r the blood, vix: Scrofula, or Kme religious denominations have their repre-1 en White Swellings, Enlarged Glsnds, Fever sentatives amoiii' our present population, I tr. Pimples on the face, olil Sores and Ul And hence n good ocn.sion is afforded for ,-ers, Blotches, Biles, Nervous Affection-, Can- the exercise of Christian libenditv, and AT that chnri'y which "thinkelh no evil," and we Iiodc narrow nnd biirotcd ideas will never manifest themselves in such a man ner as to put the Angel of charity to flight. There is no reason whv those who do not think like others in nil respects in re ligious matters, will not unite witn them in those particulars in which they 'greei Christ lalii'y hi d bigotry possess no " ' . "I'-'f . The ll("art'',' tm are never found in the other. Lli tians ar not bigots, nnd bigots are not Christians. It is to be hopedthen, the spirit of unity should pervade the minds of every friend of Christianity, and that discord and strife, may never take up its bode in this peaceful community. . . : k. . . . I : t : T , ; .. cere, r.rysipcias, hiii'iiubusui, fipiuui ,.. rases, Tains in the Bones and Joints, Ring Worm or Tetter, Scald Head, diseases of the Kidneys, Mercurial Diseases, ate. Dr. Eas terly's Iodine, and SasrAantA, is coin pounded of those articles which simultane ously act on the different organs of the body, and possess the most efficient elensing ami heal- ngi propei ties. Hundreds or the most intelli rnt an 1 respectable flmiliesin St. Louis, hav used it, and speak of it in the highest terms of traise. Ins meiiciue six mm jirmir.j cheaper and bettor than any other preparation U'-iT" - 1 per Dottle, or sin bottles for CaT For sale at Dr. EASTERLY'S Family Medicine Store, corner of Third and Chestnut streets, St. Louis. Also sold by P. A. SARPY, St. Mary, Iowa and by dealers in medicine generally, in the West. ,,rvrnl T A X 11 At.FNCY AND - mt mmi JOUTICIL BLUFF tux. J" , nr -raIred in th-! b'iines of buying am) A aellin" Land Warrants, and entering Land .. . f....?.n uinfl' Land District. Itnir ar r8,,ge,nents fur entering Lands for aetll.Ti and others, on a credit of one. two or three year, ri. n,. deficient. And they vBll be llrepared . ,i t n fill nil orders of character, ti.- ii.rtiation of Land TitUs, payment nf f.nes. rolrrhase and Sale uf lands and town lots throughout this land district, and all d.isi ... ,nn..eted with the Land Oll.ce at this place, entrusted to thein, will be promptly at- en'KMi i". . , . ., Mransrers wi'tnng io locaie '"'" .'n i- i. hod with S irnideand coinreyance f they desire it, and dir-rtcd to the bestjioints for selection. ........... r r;, F.xchange on St. l.ouis anu i i. ...-. v,-,-. l t.l I.tli.rot ttaid oh detius- ie. oouc;iii. p". - - . i ites as per agreement. Our attention will also be given to the pur chase and sale of Town Lots in Omaha t tty. Itelleview and Winter iuarier, :vui. QtiaCY, Adams County, j . . Jan. 2 J J, 1855. M($r$. D. E. Red and Co : Your letter of Nov. 29:li was only re ceived by lost mnil, it having been ull over 4ho United States and part of Canadas bearing more particularly, however, the post mark of Quincy, Illinois, Dec. 12th nnd llus too, when thejleller was as plain ly directed to Quincy, Adams county, Iowa, as letters uf the alphbhet could be formed. Why is it thst the majority of ur Eastern mail for this place comes in -from the West, and vice versa. The 'Western mail mailer very oftc:i comes in from the I'nst ? With much rrspect, I remain yours, &.C., R. B. LOCKWOOD, P. M. In reply to the query, "Yliy Uoes a majority of our Eastern mails, for this place,' (Quincy, Iowa.) come in from the Wrstf'" Wc nreaumo the fault lies with 1he Distribu'iiiij Uiiuo at KeoktiK, me iniiil being sent South whiih should have been sent West. We pre' mo the rean-n whv Western m;dl con., from the East, rh'Vy'Ue f-.-UtiJ ifl the pot ' effl at (J woo-1, which should send it East, and not South. MHHMHaHMWMImMaaMMSMMSS(JMSSHSMl marriedT " At Belleview, by !v. Wm, Hamilton, Gr.o. F. Tea" k, "t K-IJeview Terrace, to Mrs. bo niiA Mrrss.oV St. Mary. I!y the same, Jac ob Skirvin, of Belleview Terrace, to Mi.s MaAi.aET Lvti.iNe KtL isos, i f I'latt ' Vill, Iowa. Noc.tke f iriiixh'-d ths Printe's'. StlUATTF.RS RALLY I "VfOTICL' is hereby given, thst there will be meelii.ol tlie Ijeltt view M-uiers' L.uo, on SATURDAY. February 10, at the Mission House. Lrtther be a full attendance, as bu- iness of will brought before the Club. fh7. W. . BYEBS, 1 AND FI'RVLYOR Omaha Cjtr. Kfras- I s ka Territory. Ijind claims aelecteV and located. Agent for i lie purchase, improve meat ana sale or city propei ly or lands. irtttNni ; Hon. Jonejdi Williams, Muscatine, Iowa j J. l. MeCall, Esq., Fort !) tnoine, Iowa j Hon. Lnos Lowe, Jilulf City, Iowa. N. U. letters r enquiry relative to Nort! rn NebraNka, answered in oinptly. Omaha City, Jan 31, '55-ly. Pr. Eatxrly' American Oil Liniment This valuable Liniment, combines the mo efficacious articles known forall the various forms' tf disea: requiring an external apiilica tion. Una of its p.-ilicipal active ingredients, it the Amisican Oil (or Petrolium) which is universally known to possess rara Hkaling and CuaATivs Paoi-tarits. Tbia Oil, when combined with other valuable remedial agents of known and established eflkacy, forms a safe and sura remedy for Rheumatism, Druisrs, 8prins, Cuts, Wounds, Bums, Scalds, Old FeM acd Ulcers, Scald Head, Tetter, Ring Worm, Eryaiiielaa, Piles, Cansers, btill Joints. Caked JJrrasts. Paralysis, Contracted Tendons or Curds, ke., aa4 also for htrains, Spavin, Scratches, Cbaes, Saddle and Collar tialls, Sores, Wounds, Fistuli, Sweeney and Pol! Evil in Lorscs. Tbis Linimeat has a dirt-ct and pow. tifiil action uou the secrtoijr aa4 absorbent vessels, timulatine Iheui to a healthy action ihus enabling Hum l throw off the morbid or 3ieasvd asatter w hit h obstructs the cincuUtioti khus K-movin all diseases or injurtea f the Boner, Muscles, Cartillages, .Nerves and Kkin, One bottle will convince the ite kejitical f its woadeiful efficacy in curing Vruiars, Suiaias. Itbuoiatism. I'aines, Sori-wxt and StifTness of t!ie Joints, 4:. Dr. Easterly' American OU Liiiint is withaut exception, the asost valuable remedy a-tv compounded to' all duee of Man or 9 sast, requiring an externa! ap ilieation Price SO cents per bottU, ar ire botls orousdolUt , A liberal discount uta4 to wkviesale purchasers who buy to sell again.- (QT For sale at Dr. Easterly's Family Med leina Store, southeast coraer t Third and Chestnut streets, St. Louis). 1 Also sold by r. A. Sarpy, St. Wary, Iowa and by dealers io medicine generally, ia the west. faff" Read Dr. Easterly's ajvertiiwujejit iu another column of our paper and giv bid! call. ' K- Sr. Carter's Ccugtt Balsam. (fy Is the most pleasant and efheacious reme dy for Coughs, Coks, Asthma, Consumption tnd all diseases of the Lungs, ever ottered to the niblic. Our ever varying climate, and the cold bleak winds of the north and west produce Coughs and colds dangersous colds, which de manrl of the wise II prudent,the earliest attention For this pi:t pose no remedy has ever been disco ered which has effected so many cures, and which seems to give such universal satisfaction to all, as Dr.CAarra's Couoii Balsam. Read er, have you a cough? Do not neglect it. De lay isdangerous. Use this Balsam, at once, and It will effectually cure you. ffig" Price 25 cents per bottle, large bottle $l,or six bottles for$". For sale at Dr. Easterly's Family Medicine tore, southeast corner of Tnird and Chestnut 4., St. Louis, Mo. Also, old by P. A. Snrpy, St. Mary, Iowa. .. . ... . ... i- . a .u hy dealers in medicines generat:y, in u vest. OLENWOOD ADVERTISEMENTS. Glorious News ibr jScbraska. The steamer Saranac lias just arriveJ,loadc(l totltfi gUanUwilh goods for 1") hints. I.rown fujar, A hluU. Clarified do. 20 libit S. H. Molase, 1 ) bl It. N. (). Molaeses, 10 1-2 Mill. OoMen Syrup, 2V) sarli" (;. A. Salt, 100 bl.N Kanawha do. 50 arks dairy do. 20 boxes do. 1 Soap, 10 hbls Cider Yinear, ft 1-0041411111?' Ilf , fi hbls No. 1 and 2 Mackerel j I K l.l.t. 20 boxes and half boxes Star Candles, f) boxen Tallow candles, i)0 keg Nails. aorted, 2 boxes C'oa Fish, 30 sacks Hio I'oih e, Imperial and Young rjyson Tea, Soon, Saleratus, Cati'ly, ltai.-"ns, linlish Walnuts, Almouils, tiltiirer, Spice, Pepper, ate, &cw DltY GOODS. ritory. Kt F.aKNCES. l.. W. Babbitt and Dr V.. Keri'iver flLllll J.rtiio wi- fiee at Council Illulls, ami Cul. 1. A. iruiHer, and P. M. Cnssadyt K-gister and Receiver at Fort Demolnes, or any ot Hie Dusiin ss uioii 01 ai.I.ap nlnre. , . . ' w t 1 TI-A...1..... T tlnnm nf ttte Pacific Hotel, nearly opjiosite the Land Oilicc Council lllulTs, noy 1-ly. C. W. HCRCK. Attorney at Law. Will nraetice in the Sixth, Seventh, Eight and Ninth Judicial Districts in Iowa, and Ne kri.Vn Territory. He will always be supplied with blank deeds, mortgages, uncdh of trust, declaratory statements for pre-emptions, be., and will give prompt attention to conveyanc ing, examination of titles, c. Particular attention paid to securing anil collecting debts. References Hon. E. II. Norton, Platte City, Mo., H. M. Vorios and Jaioes Craig, ls., St. Joseph, Mo., Curlis Hates, Fort Des Moine. Nebraska City, ebraska Territory. novl,'o4-ly McMAKOJl & WILLIAMS. WHOLESALE ANO aETAIL CITY OF COUNCIL KLUFFS, IOWA. (at the bium or the bio siobtak.) AVE Just Received, in addition to .7 their former stock , a large and well ii br acketed assortment of American, French, and English Drills, Medicines, Perfumery, Dye Stud's, Paints, Oil and Glassware; also, a good assortment of Groceries, Wines, Liquors, be. At the head of llroadway. oet in. ':i Ofll ASSORTMENT IS I.ARfiF. AND COMPLr.TK. Sheet in -s C . brown ', arid bU.i"'iM -lomeslic rfrillin?". cVsnahurg,. Ravens, ducks, kr. kn. (rliT' I'he attention or" the ladies i-5 called to our assortment of dress goods, which they will find a" rc.Mnls price and rJ-ialitV, to he unsurpassed in Western Iowa. Calieo, gintliains, ' t' ... r,r t.'.n lutetl f:.s'.int. and svle. I. m ir. cifd rsns. collars, chimi- lawns.oeianrs nerw ..... - ., , . , ' . .. tts ileeves. silk and satin bonnets, I111C11 and cotton hatUlKerChicU, liosieiy, parasols, all of urtnch w ill be sold exceeding v low. wtucn w in oe sum e v-'ri A t-, r"H.T irron iiil inuf. hroa'l 5r?htiriiiiniT nti fitif.f. jrtff flnd lor chains V, rO IHIS4WS) llllll oanej I.- 11 . bench p'anes.and in fact everything in the hardware Ime.from a Jcvyjharp up to acradling sf ythc a, fm rtoston. Boots of all and qualities. Shoes, Ladies enameled Jenny ind hiiskins. traiters. (dippers, ladies' goat, kip and calf boots, mioses shoes all j.ues. Hats and caps, books and stationery, drug and medicines, Jayne's and Loudon's family medicines, a:id all ottier popular paiciu ".....-...v O U K K N S W A R E , Of various patterns, tilassware, tunibier.s.jars, &e., be. fiKl gil. stone ware, chumes, jnrs, crocks, butter crocks, stove crocks, be, be. FURNITURE. ftil 1,,tonJa nf difTiTent optterns. cherry ilinintr. and bre-ikfist tables, walnut d;tto. ditto. ll,.rr.,, iviih irlai. nlaiu and f.incv walnut presses, cupboards, tin safes, one or two drawer i..,,io !l, t:.nils. lounires and iniiltresses. double mattresses, slat bottom chairs, oain seat do. rock 1 Hi e.hairs, ci ibs. be. 45 r 10k stoves, assorted, Patterson's, ready triinm ;d with tin Or Copper boilers, boxstoves Grecian parlor ditto., stove pipe, etuows, ato WOOD AMU. WILLOW-WAR E. Pine churns, 1-2 bush's, wood buckets, well buckets, wash tubs, wood boA'ls, trays, dou nius. iiiir.r boxes, brooms, zinc wash boards, clothes pins, be. SADDLFUY. Bridles martingals, r.:reinglcs, girths, halters, bi iille reins, Blackawk sad dies, quilt eilts, anailiuo i,anies aiuc aauuies, ui;f;jf nuip9,uiajr wm.a, u. t.. iiips,tow-niu i ...I llu.hoifs. leather trunks, be. u c. a 1 n & rv Kolp-lotitlier. kin. nnd calf akins, moforco lltilncrs, pout skins, hair, &?. IRON AND CASTINGS. Plow sterl, slicer steel, cast steel, plows, moulds &c. Pots, ovens, skillets ttnl lids, 6, 8, 10 nml twenty eallon kettles. PINK DOOKS- 8 by 111 and 10 by 12 sash, window blinds, CLOCKS 8 day and 30boilr clocks; warranted to run well. TOBACCO AND CIGASR. Virginia. Roanoke Nectar leaf tobacco. Regalia and irinctpe cigars of the finest flavor, Culm and Havana sixes, and virions other articles, but we deem it unnecessary to mention them as it is no trouble to show good, and we will ne hapliy i t all times to show our old customers, and as many new ones as may favor us with their pationnge, our goods and prices. Our facili ties for sellinj CHKA P.arc bettor than any other house in western Iowa, and we intend to do so, and an examination of our prices is an iiiai n uwessary iv iraniiKcv 01 iiii-iia. Glenwood, July, l, ! i Dr. Easterlsy, Fever and Ague Killer. (jy Is warranted to cure all cases'of Agee and Fever, Chills and Fever, Dumb Ague, In ermtltent and Rcniittent Fever, and every form of Fever incident to the west. If there are suf ferers in St. Louis, we say try it, and if it fail, to cure, the money shall be refunded to the pur chaser. More than TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND BOTTLES have beer, sold, and in 110 uistauca has it failed to effect a permanent curs as fat as beard from. (Ty 1'ilr $1 par bottle, or ai bottles, $T (IV f"r nle l l,' F.asterly's Family Md- i-iue Store, southeast comer of Third and C je.ithut streets, St. Louis. Also sold by P. A. Sarpy, St. Mary, Iowa, a id by dealers in medicine generally, in the west. P7,f Head Dr. F.astcrly's advertisement in another column of o!ir paper and give him rail. THE GREEK SLAVE! Bacchants, Yeans, Flora, Hebeani tea Dancing Ctrl ! fl HIE above celebrated Statutes, tothr with X fifteen statutes in bronze, and several Hun dred magnificent oil paintings, from the col lection of prizes to be distributed among ine members of the Cosmopolitan Art Association at the first annual distribution, in January next. Thi Cosmojiolitaa Art and Literary Associ ation, Organised for th luteaaragesneut and Genrrel iWusion of Literature and the Fine Arts, on a new and original plan. TI.e Committee of Management have the tleasiire of announcing that the Fifth Annual listribntion will take place on the 30th of Jan uary next, on which occasion tbe:e will be dis tributed oralloted to members '.everal hundred works of art, among which is the original and worfd-P iiowned statue of the Greek Slave, by lliram Poucia, eocloig over five thousand dol lars I together with the beautiful statues of Ve nus, Bacchante, Ilrbc, Flora, and the Dancing Girl, and fifteen stauettes in bronze, imported from Paris; Uo, a laigecollection of Oil Paints logs, comprising some, of the best product 1011 of celebrated Amei jeans and Foreign Ar'ists, PLAN OF Till; CUKKKNT VKAH. Thapaymciit of lliiee dollars conatitutes any one a member of this association, and entitles bun to the Knickerbocker Magazine for one year, and also a ticket in the distribution of Statuary and Paintings which are to be alloted to members in January. J'ersons takingaIive memberships are entitled to five of th Magazines far one year, and also 10 six ucaeis in ins uwiriouuoii. Persons, on becoiaing members can have their Mairaziae commence with any month they choott, and rely on its being mailed o them promptly on the urst or every uonui, direc: from New York. The proceeds derived from ine sal of mem berships are devoted to Uie purchase of works of art for too ensuing year. Books open to receive names at the Eastern Olhre, JVcw rork, or Western oltice, rwndusky. lh Gallery of Art is located at Isndusky (the Wcstei u olli-e of the Association) where superb Granite tiuiloings have Deen erecled for it, and iu whose spacious saloons the splendid collections of Statuary and Painting is exhib ited. The advantages secured by becoiuuig a mem ber of this Association are 1st All p rions receive the full value of their subseription at the sUrt, in the shape of sterling Magazine Literature. 'id. raru meiiiuer eontrioutliig toward pur chasing 1 boice works of art, which are to be (li.itribiitid auuong tbtmselvea, and are at the same time encouraging the acta of the country, disbursing thoasaiai ul dollars through its agency. Ptrsons rriuittinjr fumJs for niembersbip, should mark letters, "lisgi stirred," and state the month with which they isb their magazines to commence, and a bo tUir po4 oilic address in full, oil the receipt of which, a certificate of niemlie'ship, together with the magazine desired, wilt bcfoarded to any part of the country. Those wi purchase magazines at buokstores will observe that by Joining this Association, they recti vi the Magazine and Free Ticket In the annual distribution, at the same price they now nav for the Magazine alone. l!lutraled Catalogues of the whole collec tion sent on applucaliuu, rree 01 cnaites. t'ii" Uiliiof the Association, at the Knick erbu.ker Magazine office, 34S Broadway N. Y. and at N'n. lnrt H ilar Street, bao4ukv, Ohio Aresi. fat either office) for infDibership, Ok DEJiBYC ,V b L. A. rr'nrTirf.rir "iCV! (EE WATCHMAKER &. JEWELEE. OMR BOOR BELOW W. LLAACY BIOKE Oaclijl J, te. INVITES tho attention of the la dies ami peiitlrmen to his assort ment of Jewelcrv and FancyGoods in part consisting or me loi'owing: ..oiu anu Silver Watches. I-ocketB, Kir-rings, Breast pins, Finger-rings, Chains, Pencils and Pins, ke. Violins. Accordms, Fiutesj also, an as sortment of Toys, &e. AH or wnicn will vr mil i me iow 1 prirrs every article warranted t be a recom-mendid. The L'reotest attention will oe paia 10 xne re pairing of Watches and Jewelry; all warranted. "ov I, work '61 I THE ATLANTIC HOUSE. ron.MFRi.v Tin: mc'niklv house. Council lutf?, Iowa. S now ket.tby Svi.venus m-STiw, I ST. LOJ!3ADVRT'lSEMiNif3. I.1 4t)-8w. NL'CKOLLS &. CO. "FEW STOEE & AQEUCY OFFICE AT HAEI. HAVING pnrmaueiity located in this place, for the purpose of selling G0DS. LAND, TOWN-LOTS, and doing a General Agency Business, we would respectfully invite the public, to gire us a call. Our Goods were selected with care, and we are confident that wn shall bo able to give per f(!Cttatisfaction,toalhNK) SZYl. CO- sept. 27 '54. A large and general assort Y T A It II WARE X JL ment of Hardware can be bad at sept 27. 1,000 OKKKNK, KINNEY & CO. LBS. Cotton low, at U KF.EN'E, Buttuiir, for KINNEY & CO. KMC 5s Opposition is the Life of Trade. if ESSBS. SARPY & ENGLISH ABE NOW It L receiving at Glenwood, a well selected stock of dry goods, fancy goods, clothing, boots and shoes, groceries, hardware, crockery, dn:gs, tirpiors, stoves, tinware, &c., in Western Iowa. The public are invited to call and examine for themselves, and they will find the truth of the above statement. Also they will find that we can sell as cheap any other liojse in Mills, Fro mont or Pottawattamie counties. And in eivinz notice to the farmine Cornmii nity, we will givethriri tile highest cash price nieir produce, sucn as beer, pork, co.-u, wheat and he.ins. The store is on the west si'ie of the Public Suunre. Glenwood. nnvt-ly, ' HJctitan lUnatina tinimcnt. With a Healiftjf Pilnl tra coin to frtit yoi. SHE action rT this Linirtistit is One of tM most perfect remedial tf offeree; to toe aiilicted. Its action updn the o tanizatioa rs ruly wonjeif il. Itsvolatile. pens'. rating. soota- in; and henlil',3 ptdtierties di.fu themselves t the very bones. It enters into the citxtilatiaa r the blood- civt-. anew imp ilse to whole netvaMl svstem to the very extremities of lite nners and stimulates toihe absorbents ard secretie and t'tus '.??ist NATuar. to throw off ass Tti herelf of any diseased sectn'n of tl.a aers-aa eh'Inli'r ligaments, making it equally applied hie 10 (lores of enr hilt'l; rheumatism paws 11 every part of thebridr, from a diseased asfee of any of the strurtdriti portions of thssyslMS. While it is nerfvrttv IIHrnilets to healthy Heetn skin or bone, it lis tl)c property of entering into combination, arti! dissolving any of tbs or' ranic tissues when (hey are diseased, or their yi1 talilv isdestroyel. Possessing then peculiar powers, is the reason why it is equally etficacion in so imtiv .titUrpnt eomt.l aints. It acts wpaa scientific principles and fixed laws of tha Crea tor! . .... The larce number of casn in wnicn inn imi- ment has proved its value, in the snort tiros a liaS befin before tlie people or aiwum. ck'iit t give the greatest confidence that its vie t'les are incomparable in cureing rheumatissl bruises, strains, burns, wounds, swelling!, i en or Crackeil breastj did sores or pains ia as part of the bddyi Pr. lions AESriMcsiTi State or ls80l'rtt, (Comity of St. Louis. J " Be it remembered, that on tbis fifth day 6 .fav, A. P. IXM, before me, the undersigned, mayor of the city of St. Louis, in theeountv and Stale aforesaid, came personally DxviJ M; Smvthe, who, upon hia oath, says that the toU lowing statement is true. In testimony whereof I hereto Set mf haad the day and date last aforesaid. JOHN HOW, Mayor. Soc. Newman, Register. Sr. Lor is, Mo., May 3, 185S. Dr. A. O. BaAOO, A Co. Gents: You will probably recollect that I called into voar ailah tishmen't some three weeks since and" purchased a fifty-cent bottle of your " Mexiean mustanf liniment ;" my object in so doing Was to try iW merits upon niy dansfliter's arm, Who hfcs been iull'ering from the ertects of a severe disloeatio of the el bow for several years past. The excruciating pain eonseoitent upon falsa1 setting of the bone had dwindled and contracted her arm to a puny size, and I Consider it a dutr levolvintr upon trie to aCoualnt the community of the hcnclicial etlectyour liniment haspaoducedi Her arm was drawn to a ritn angle, anu was almost inert and useless, until your invaluable liniment was applied, since wliieti time,! am happy to state, she has enjoyed tin interrupted good 'strength, and can use her arm nearly as pli an'.ly as before it Wasdislocated. would slate, noweverj m.u pnoi io iryin your unequaiea liniment, useu several oiner remedies, and among them M.! Lean's volcanic1 oil liniment," but wiih the least beneficial result, 0 ,( I'ovrup It. O.U Z 1 III.. We ofTer this liniment aS a remedy in the varl ous diseases and complaints for wfu'eh it Is r commended With full Conhdence of iU sUlitl in curing them. The folio wing is a list of the numerous and ev fraordinary cases it has cured during tha la few month : .7fi) cases of rheumatism in alius forms UOivS and Stationery frle by SAKPlf k. ENGI tSU. rilAKF.N'up by Peter A. Griifi y, of 1 Township, Page County, Iowa who, having made great repairs and alterations m the House, bimsetr tbat be will be abie to provide any who favor him with a call, a comfortable home. His table wiil be supplied with the beet the market ati'ords. prepared by experienced bands, and the weary will find a good resting place. Com ano "MAir. VounsKi.vr.s to hom:." In connection with this Hotel nay also be found a rood and extensive F LIVEKY STABLE, for the accd-mmodation of all who wish to ob tain boraes anJ carriages, which are a good aubstitulefor firsC rlass railroad cars, on snori noticet or superior sa.'iie i.o.s.-, .... -" " - dies or gentlemen. The TT'S ery liable are ' BUSSB1.L fc DvSTlN. .... rtrt icr.f nin Hlun city, lows, nov t, - CEOBUK caEENE. THOMAS JOHIf W" fcAhE, i a. BENTON, J X- K3TRAY NOTICE, Tarkio t). I'aire Louiuy, lowa. Jiie larire Brindle Steer, the points of both liori sawed oil', with a gimlet hole through the point of tin; left horn, supposed to be eight or nine years old. smooth crop and iinderbil in the right ear, ni dslil in the lelt, mid to all appear ances, a beast of labor, with a common sized cow bell on, a narrow leather strap for a boll collar, buckle i 011 and ti -d with a leather string, said ox was tln.i in order. Appraised at thirh fSIn dollars. Iowa, Page Cocntv, Clarinda. Nov. 27,114. I eertifv that the above is a true description of the above described proj.erty, as taken from the Estray Book in my othce. EL1GAII MILLER, Clerk, jan 24, S!t,-3in pes fee S). 10R.V and Oala wanted by S. HOUSES, work oxen an 1 viJ tnstock, ditto. SARPY &. ENGLISH. (iKEENE, WKAKE & liLMU, Council I51uffs, Iowa. Greene, Weabe & Rice, Fort DesMoine, Iowa. CaKENE & Weakk. Cedar Rapids, lows. NOTES and Bills collected, and proceeds promptly remitted to any part of tha Uni ted States, at current Rates of Exchange. i,.tral naid on deposits for over thirty .lava III 11m of exchange on all the principal cities bought and sold. effected on trood security. Vacant lands selected and ciiteied in any of fice in the State. Land Warrants for cash or on time, contin nallv on hand. Locations of lands for distant dealers at the most li'-cral rates. Notes bought and money loaned on good se curity. KirEarKTES. F. L. Jesup & Co., W. J. Banning & Co., bankers, Dubuque, Iowa; Cook it hartetit. Davenport, lowat Culbertaun At Beno, Iowa City, lowa, Peoples' Bank, New Yoik city; Ketchum, Rogers k. Dement, ban kcrs, do., St Idon, Withers Si Co., Washington D. C,; lion. (has. Mason, Couinnssionur of Patents, Washington, D. C; A. C. Dodge, If. S. 8., Burlington, lown; Geo. W. Joneit, II. S. S., Dubuiiuei Joseph Williams, Chiei Justice, Muscatine, lowa. Council Blulis, dee 13, 1854. ESTEAY NOTICE. TAKEN up, on the llth of November, 1S51, by Goo man Davidson, at his residence 011 the East Nodaway river, four miles South of Bol- u.m'i mill, ill Biichanon Township, Page County, Ioa, one Bay Horse, black mane and tail, dark bs, while hair on each shoulder, some saddle marks, some Whits hair oil bis fore head, a little while spot on his rump, supposed to be mark-.M r..:n a e'ouiwri uuoui iweive years olih fourteen hands high. No other marks or brands perceivable. Appraised at (ity- beven dullais and hlty cents t,. ) IOWA, 1'AliL LOl .1 1 flu ri ml. December 111. lt!4. I certify that the above is a '.cue d.scription of the above described property, us wiuiudui the Estray Book in tiv olliee. 1.I.1JAI1 .lllla.r.n, w. NUliSEUY. j 1 HE undersigned has on band and for H sale a few thousand select grafted apple trues, ready for transplanting in orchards the coming fall and spring. VARIETY". Red June, haldwin, white winler parmain, fall pippin, nelmont, wine sap, yellow liemower, Rii.'de Inland greening, swaar, priors red, red astrafhan. erlv harvei-t. sweet June, summer rose, summer (pier 11, Hall's janet, rambo, wine apple, wnne bellillowc.-, lvoman stem anu Northern spy. FOR SHAPE. The Catalpa and Blaek I.oeu.-.t. OriNAMENTAb. Tha Srlcw ball, English and American lilac, red dogwood, honey suckle, rose, &c.,4.c. A few of the Isabella and Catawba grape from Cayering. St. Mary, Iowa, Aug. 31, '53. augiUiy. GEORGE HEPNER. 1)ERS6N Swisliing to make purchases, wil do well to give us a call and examine ou stock, which comprises a general assortment and will be sold at greatbareaina. sp 'i. ,." J u i I', iv. r.. unwr.i v. y,yr 4.2I10 do sprains and bruises 1 5,4iK) do burns and scalds; 3;4W) do fresh cuts and wounds 40 do cancers; 7,740 do scrofulous sores and ulcers thai had resisted all fHiteti1 treatment) 5,240 do inllamed or swelled joints 7,;"sK) do piles; . 4tVi do umbaeii,seiate,gout and :ar'a bony unorsf fi,250 do chapped hands ) j,faj do ' eakmt breasts, ' ' ".' 4,rVH do toi'tli-ache ; ( , I'l'.OtK) do vario'iS cb'-e'. This mu::t appear almost mcredibie, but ihi numiro'is certificates and letters from distin guislie-1 physicians, citizens, agents and others' vvho hive used the medicine, enable ns to su stantialethe above facts; millions of bottles of i are yearly coiis.iiued, and it has always giverf satisfaction. .. . r. To tousTBY merchants. Every store sno'j be supplied with this valuable Vuumeut, as it pays a good profit and soils rapidly. . Prices or the mnimemt. It is put up m bottles of three sizes, and retails at Stoeents, W cents and sfiil per bottle. The 50 eer-t Krd orJ dollar bottles contain fa) and 100 pffr cCnt morl liniment, in prOprli ticm to ureir co"r, so uii inonev is saved by buying me lagersnes' A. G. BKAlib aeH'., oie rroriririuraj Pri'i.rinal ofles.eor. Third and Market sU. St. Louis, and 304 Broadway, fl.-l Torlt. For sale by P. A.SAueY.fcL Mary, jihej ky py & Evulisii, GlenwooaJ and by dealers id medicine everywhere. aug 31-ly jan 24, 185.-,-3ir. pr's fee si,0. COCHRAN. O- MEUfcATH COCHRAN &. MEGEATH- EHUXtHS. ' , low. Sclectins ; MID EXCHANGE Council BluQ- T TILL buy or sell Lands, make t at'.ciiit to the p.ircnase and saie or town lots and all kinds of business connected with the Government Land Offices In Western or Cential Iowa. Exchange on St. Louis and be Eastern cities bought and solo, jan 3 '55. WANTED, IN every county in the United States active and enterprising Men to act as Agents, to transact biuiness that will pav, to a kinartand energetic person, from l ine to Five Hundred doiurs.per montii. 1'ie niiMiiesn 1, very Honor able and requires no capital. As many write us from mere idle curiosity, no letter will be answered hy us unless it cuidaitui one dollar, as proof of (rood faith, upon the receipt or whicU we will fully explain the business. No letter will be taken from the olfice unL the postage is pre-paid Address, DR. D. F. BLACKBURN, Hampshire, Maury Co., Tennis;., e. (J- Any newsfaer or other publication, giving the above four insertions, (including tin notice) and fowardii.g a copy ss above, will re ceive the aloiesaUl, without any encumbrance whaU'Vei. PCS. Hickory Shilling, for sale low, at GREENE, K.1NNEY i. CO. sept V7 54. T LANDS FOR SALE THE SUBSCRIBER being desirous of mov- Notice. A LL persons knowing themselves indebted to Geo. P. Stiles, are re.pie.sted to make immediate payment to the undersigned, or liiey wiil fine their accounts in the hands oCthepro- ner othcer for collection. Ccme one, come all and save cost. P. J. McM H0S. oct IS, 'ji tf )R..G.BItAGGJ 'S TONIC AND ANTI-BILIOUS PILLS. - Tli preat popular medicitiis (i( 1116110 Viis'. amount used pvr uioiuri nit m mcrous and cures it nCts- Its mapoal efTuM ilp-n! Hilidrfis Feversr and Fever and Afifc--tjreut excitemerlt anions: the D.ictors 1 f , it '. ,. store of n:)"-tf 1 J.Efancy notions for sale au p as dirt, at the cheap cabh NUCKOLLS 4- Co. ASTOR IIOUSH fllllE subscriber has iust opened this new and X Commodious building for the reception of the traveling public, and solicits a share of pub ic Tavor. Prompt and cnieictil auenuon will bj paid to all Who may favor him with iheir patronage. His table will be supplied with the D 'St HIS lliarKFl ailorilS. A poou sroiir n tarhed to the premises. Wm. ENGELL. fel.Marv, lowa, mar. IS, 'n4 u2'.-tf 1 1 TOBACCO. Jx.vcrs of Hie Weed will tin d X. a suiierior article of cbwing and smoking Tobacco, at the Agency Wore, of GREENE, KINNEY &. CO., hi. Ilary. ocl-l. T Caps CO. for SHIRTY down Men and Boya sale cheap, at the Agency More of a"p 5T7. ilthi;.M., ' i CASS EbooU aud !io.-s for sale cheap Hf nll.vtf MJUl()l.l.s ft I'll ing lo taliioruia, oners tor aio hid IIom i.ste A n Of 10U acres, situated ou uie stai;e road between St. Joseph and Council II lull's H miles South of Council Blull's and 4 North of the village of St. Mary, and near the Missouri river, in Mills County, Iowa; and OcDOoite Belleview, Nebraska, T. Also, 410 acres of Pbaibie Land near St. Mary, and 900 acres of Timbebed Lano on the Missouri river, and near Glenwood. These Ijiiulsare all iu Mills County, lowa, ami pre sent inducements to land purchasers seldom of fered; containing timber, prairie, lime stone, sand stone, and indications of plenty of coal; and also beiiit; situated ou the most feasible point on the Missouri rive for the crossing of the Pacific RailroKl Suitable cattle for crossing the plains will betaken in exchange at fair rates. The buyer can have immediate poitsession, and all the .Train aud fart.iniT utensils he wants at a fair rate. DANIEL HERREFOill). Traders Point, nov 1, 'j4-U IN THE CHEAPEST GOODS TOWN! f llliti undersigned is now in receiot of and JL TO YES for sale by SARPY. fcVGLII FRESH PROVISIONS. flMIE subset iber will visit St. X Mary tin Wednesday's and Glenwood 011 Tuesdav 's '.nd Satur day's of each we. k, and will supply uiaikcts u iili Fn !i Meat-i, Butt ;r, I'.gis Yc-ge'ablea, ot tin market pric t-ept 27,'ott! P. 110 KK Est, tie , and receiving tlie largest and cneapiesi aiocit of fall and Winter Goods ever ollcred in Council Bluff City, or Western lowa. Those wishing to pay cash for Goods will do well to call and examine. O ir stock consists of every variety of goods needed by the peopla in this portion of the country, such as cloths, casai meres, sattinetts, twevds, jeans, white scarlet and birred Itaiiiiels, plain and barred liuseys liHJ pieces good style madder prints, cashmeres merinos, allatiacas, bleached and brown sheet ing and shirting, ticking and drilling, bleached and browu canton flannel, drapers and crash ers, all wool table coets, b-own and h'euche lim n, silk and bay stale shawls, am every variety of uress goods. Mens' and boys' r.'l and winter lis" s ami catH, boots a. id alio hardware ami ipieeiisware, iron, nails, coti'.-e, (.i.g r, tea 1 10. lai-se, rice, flour, &.C.: alio, a large lot of fur niture and litpiors. As it is our intention to sell for cash, we flatter oursi-Ues that we can hold out superior inducements to those that wish to buy cliwup goods than stores that are selling ou lrut. Country dealers are r.pieiteJ to rU and ex- mm? si. ).''.. B. P.. PEGU VM s CO. Coaae'il BtutJCiW, ort J, 1 i... UE now admitted on all liand.i to pe a roosi extiaordiuary and valuable medicine ilf generl asej It nol ouly acts as a spocilic upon tin? biliojs ami lypus fevers, chills and fuveri and fever and aue of the West and South but in all disea-a-s of debility, weak stomach, indi' esiioii, lossof appetite) impurity of thf. bioot aim all d.eeases pi evaicnr 111 a western wnuii ru cliuie, their irrcat miwer consists 1 their jwiMilur eifvct upon all the organs of tha system ; and the rapid formation of new au4 pure blood they pro.Ure. I it this lies the gret secret of their success. Tliey are mild aK4 pleasant in their action but se.:rching and pr in the'.r ellVct penetrating 1he ramotat recesses of Hie system by tha;r ready abao pt o into the blood, thereby uifu-'iig a new sup:ily vitality and nervous power itiloall tile maclua ry of life. The ex'ensivo popularity they ba ai'ipiire.1 all over the Wet and Soul.!-, eiuuias jalcs ot ai le-ist Ot'.O.K) POXES rf M JMTIt I ml we h.-l it di'iicult with large fore it bauds, and the la;j imiiroveincn's 111 Machinery Wai' -'U Me have a lopt-M, to manuraclure tlieia tA riiout'h to suppiy ti'.e deta ind in thirteea western and sou'.Iiomi Stales ! One large maa u factory is couetaii'.lv eua'ged in prepariBj tlia various concentrated extracts of which they are compounded. From tlpj best iuformatioa we can otitaiu troirl dur ,tu 1 s-'lling a, aud hosts ot attentive correspen lents iu parts of the country, our medicine cures pf montii not less ttian ail lii.UUU cases or lever anu asue, orn 111 ousn 01 , 5.300 V,feS) ijbliJ 1,1 HID l,2l") u-titeli have resisted all othr lrati.i zru' cases of weakness and general debiiipty' " of various chronic d svas s " of weak stomach aud loss wf a;p tile 1 cases of dyspepsia of rheumatism " of female complaints t of ague cake, or enlarget spleaa I This must atipuar almost i tic red: ble, but aha iniiiierous lelleri from pbysicisus, agents aa those who use tli meJicine. from all the west clothing, j tr and southern St ales, satf ry us tbat this IS model ate estimate, and that our medicine is rp idiy taking tiie plaeof the vai iocouniei foaie to which are attoai, and the numerous tonic nix tares made w holly of q limns, art iuiposs ed upon the puhlio by mauufacluivis who iir 110 body know s wluira f Price of Tonic pills, 75 cants aa 1 AatUtl ous, 2." cents. A. G. Baaoo, h. ., svl pivf.l rtor, St. Louis-' For sale by P. A laav, Sk. Mtiy, ti-J .i-rk F-k.-.tiSH, Ui.-.w-itiJ, aaa , by deiltr 111 a.un,s throUfhoal tb CarlSaJ Sales. av3t-tr