f I 1 LOCATION OF THE CJ.riTOL. A-iiii vi had ill1 from tin- louse. Mr. Mite lie moved lo insir1 iiTlcr Doug las county, two ami one half mites Norili of Oinnliii. This i-xtrmu iliiuiry ttn i inent win rci-cu ed w ill) great surprise, c.M-cpi liy tlii- know onr.s. J'ut tliey were n sieved l.v Mr. Mi'diel's statement, that 1:0 had nut llio Omaha ru,U in iispitii o comjiloinlso, iilid in consideration ol his floing lor the Capitol id lliis point, he was lo be appointed oe tommi'oiioicr to locate the Capitol. Mr. lliclinrdson, of Michigan, ITered resolution to ii). point Milc.hol said com missioner. VYIicrcnpivi a fierce discuss ion hroso upon the Ui:stiun. Mr. Sharp, cif Iowa, m.ide a lonrr speech gainst tin location of tin: Capitol at that point giving; a lengthy description of geography cf the Ycrri'ory, from whence lio inferred that that point was not cen tral, or convenient. Mr. Mitchel replied tn Sharp: said he Mitchel, had been for nny place- cxeej l Omaha; that lh recreants lmm Cass, in llie lower house, nt'd the ileiiajue Slwirp in the upper, had hy tluir own corruption -nnd baseness, lost to thcmsrl ves the Cap itol; that they might have had it, had they jiot been such superlative rascals. Judge Jlcnnct, followed Mitclicl, en dorsed all he Said, re ised, improved and intensified upon the eminent 8c unapprom h Mo course of scoundrelism, which hail Lecn pursued by Sharp, clearly exposed Jiow often h had lied, und how fluently lie had expressed himself unJ with what effect. The bill has passed. Mitchel has the promise of the Commissionership from Cuming Si. Co., which very u.uch remind. us of un oiler of the whole world, once made by a sulphurous gentlemen hum be low, whodiu'iit own it. We rejoice in tlic downfall of traitors t il l arc happy in the rclleoi inn lhal Sharp I.iihi.m, 1 nomjisoii and o. her vipers li.ive f;iiawcd a file. Mi;n:Dn')i)(;u:AL tauu; Ile'b-x iew, N lui-ka. tl.it.- Tli'-imo't r j 1 . 1" i t V'.V, I M I . I i; M I N I V 1 Jan ';.. VI " Si i'.'l '.'1 2 ft f'7 i ii ii 2 I" (I 17 r as JO f'l 2 I". M l '.' t l '.'l I 1 12 It :tn H ti) 2) if. H 1 2 H 1 (I n 0 10 II K (I l Wi M N e I 2 1 0 0 Ii n 4 si:i,i:ct school AT BELLEVIEW. MUS. MARY C. REM) will open s" Iflt S'''inii at the MISSION SCHOOL 1'OOM, ,r rliil lr.-ii and youlh, on Monday, January .lib. K.. Tuil inn, St .0(1 jmr mniitli. fitACJ IJ2I2ZV ! a. ii. ii. , , e are c.iiica tiimii l.v ciuiv tnu nv consciijiiee, to aiiiKjiim e in o'ir c ,ilmnns) thai the plans of tho Aciii'2 Cioveriior, T. U. fuming, have Miccccilcd. And that they have biicceeded by the l.i.i ol that sumo corruption which conceived hem, brought them forth, and had the im pudence to udvocate them. Men have lieeu bought four thousand dollars was tillered to JiVm .1. Sirhlon, of llii han' oll toiili'y, il be would vole for the Cup itol beii.g Leafed at Oinahu Citj;aiidi; was offered him by ilm J'livutc Secretory if Acting (rjM-nim' Cuming. And ihunk (Jod, we have one hoiu st luau i:i the Leg ihlaturt' he re!Ysc.l l!c bii'ue, but not im'.il he had c.jicid the Sciip of the Omiha City Cni,;i..i.y for ,1U0U0U. Hut the Capitol is located; loea'ed a.unst tin i of tl.t ;;reat majority of the peo ple loc.ited lor the H i uniury and person al belietil of 7'cil CuutWHs and his broth er bribers located ;.t a place wi'hout anj nuturul iilvaii'i gi s, and one totally bar ren of anything, save w hiskey shops and drunken po!i:ici..ns. JUr. Cuming fti j sho trptcla to be re moved from tho office of Secretary winks wisely, as all such birds do, when they have feathered their individual ncU intimities that fie dosen't care u d n fr llie President and all the removali he mny, can or will; might, could, would or should make. A porti in of our Legislative report has been crowded out, but will appear licx' week. The Clerks of the Nebraska Lrg islalnrc rc truo gentlemen, anil are com petent, faithful officer. HON. V- P. BENHET. The Nehraskian lets taken occasion to p:is sentence upon the course pursued by this gentlomnn in tho organization of the ('itiiif il. The secret of tho mailer is this. Judge llcrinet asserted the righls of the people, nnd mmfuHy resisted I'venutiv interference in their deliberations, and hence the sentence that has been nnsscd upon him. We esteem his course jttstifi le an 1 rniii . OAO BUtKS. No evidence of political corruption can bo more unmistakeable in n Legislator (han was displayed in the successful effort of Andrew Jackson l'oppleton to obtain the passage of a rule by which all evi-! denne of a right to a seat in the House, should be excluded except the Gover nor's certificate. There were those present, prepared to prove that the Governor had given certifi cates of election, to those who had liiss voi r.s than others from whom they were withheld prepared lo prove that he had been partial towards his friends in the bestowment of certificates that another nth: had been adopted beside the organic law but alas ! Iliey could not be hourJ. (!:. r,sT. niiooK. Wo announced the arrival of this grnllemau in our last issue. Since then we have had a brief interview wiih him, ami have been most favorably impressed wi'li him a.-i a g' ii'Iliii iii and a lawyer. lie is ailable and dignified, und T ... , , ii i . 1 1 we liope iipngui an l lion iraoie aim win creditably represent ihe legal interests of the Terriiory into which he has come, and make every needful sacrifice in their defence. Wc understand he is intending to reside at Ilcllcvicw. G F.N Kit AL LAND AGENCY AND AT JCUSCIL BLUFF CITY, IOWA COCHaAIf &. KEOEATH, HF, eiurascil in the bnsines or liuymp (inn m-lliiiff I. anil Warrant", Mini fntriiiir lanil in the Coimell ltltitl' I.anil Pistrirt. Tlieir ar rantrfnipnts for rnti-rinir Laml. for m-ttlcrs anil otliirs, on creilit of oik-, two, or three yen" are not dctirli-nt. AM Iliey win iw preiarei at all tiinrS to fill all onl'rs of that rlia'art.T. The iiivestieation or J-iiinl Jitl", pavtnent nf t;i.s. niir.-liHHi" ami f it- "I liiinli .net 1 w 1 1 Into tiiriiiiirlniMt thin I nut ili-tnet, and all Ii-iii rM romii-rti-il vntli III" l..-.n I OHire lit thii iilar". riitrnsti-il to th ni, w ill l iriuiii tly at- t.MliliMl t". StriiiitriTii wisliiniT ' Ii1p ifo eriimcnl land will tie fin nnli'il Willi a LMi.lean.l rnnvryaiire if tliey ilrsne it, ami d reeled to tlio tie.stjimnts for scl.M'tion. r.Ki'linnire on St. Louis and the l,nstrn I it ies, lioiifrht and sold. Interest panl on tlepos ilea as per aiei'mi'iit. Our a'.t-ntiim w ill alio lie civen to '.lie pur rlinse an pah' nf 'l'own Lots in Dimilia City Jtellevii'W and VV intir tiuartrr.'", r,i !oai-ka. ler i it'iry. JIi ki-mincf"'. L. W. Babbitt ami I)r K. Lowe. UeistT and Ilereiver of the Land ()( fee at Counril Uliitrs, and Cul. T. A. Walker, and I'. M. C'assady, H"istr anil lteceiver at Fort ltosinoines, or any of the business men of either ulaee. OKKIC'K on Itroadway, AVet Itootn of the Paeific Hotel, nearly opposite tho Land Ollicc. Oouneil I'.IhiIm. nov t-ly. GLENWOOD ADVERTISEMENTS. ST. LOU :yDVRTISEMENTS Glorious "News for Nebraska. The slcnncr Siiri'nuo lias just arri veil, lotulcil lollic gtianls witligooJu for ioiiMtini; "i 15 IiIkI. Tlrown Snc.tr, fi hluls. Clarilie I (In. 1!U bids S. It. ,Mnlae, lfl l,i 1. N. O. Molaeses, 10 1-2 bhis. Uolden 8yrup( 2:xi sarka O. A. Salt, 100 bM Kanawh do. W) saeks Hairy do. 20 boxes do. 1 Soap, 10 bbla Ci'ler Vinegar, fi bhls No. 1 and 2 Mackerel, 8 bhls Tar, 20 boxes and half boxes Star Candles, 6 boxes Tallow candle., 11 kegs Nnill. assorted, 2 boxes Coa Fish, 30 lacks Hid tM(Ve, Imperial and V""X H)'"" Tea, Soda, Kaleratns, Candy, Knlsint, F.iilflish Walnuts, Almonds, (iinper, Spice, Pepper, &.C., &c. DRY GOODS. (J. W. I'lKKCT.. Attorney at Law. Will practice in the Sixth, Seventh, Kilit and Ninth Judicial Distrirts in Iowa, and Ne braska Territory. He w ill always he supplied with blank ileeds, inoileacei, deeds of trust, derlaralorv stutetneiits for Jire-eaiptinus, 4lc, and will 1,'ive prompt attention to conveyanc ing, examination of titles, &.c. C "" Particular attention paid to ter.urine and eolleet iiii( dehtn. Keferenee lion. F.. II. Norton, PMte City, !lo., 11. M Vories and James Craiu, Fs.s., St. Joseph, Mo., Curtis Pates, Fort Den Mjiik;. Nebraska ('ily, Nebraska Territory. nov 1 , '. I-1 y Of various patterns. MclIAil'JN & WILLIAMS. WHOLESALE ASH BLTAIL CITV OF COUNCIL IJIATJ'S, IOWA (AT Till: MON OF TIIK UIO MnltTAll.) AVLJust lleeeirel, in nilditioii to their former stock , a lai i:e and w ell II OCR ASSORTMENT IS I.AHGF. AND COMTLF.'IT,. SlieetiiH-s, fine brow n J and hleacbfA domestic rlriHinrs, Isnahni cs. Uavens, dnrk. kc. .tin. RV 1 attention of the '.i .dies ii called to our assortment of dress goods, which they will find as re"ird irice and quality, to be unsurpass d in Western Iowa. Calico, (claffhams, Inw ns flelane beraji s robes of tile Ir.test fashion and style. I'.m iroidere.l caps, collars, chinii selts, sleeves, silk and satin bonnets, linen and cotton handkerchiefs, hosiery, parasols, all of which will be sold exeeeilinclv low. riff r-'-VCT'i fi T7'n rrrtfivrKr..vT Cross cut saws, mill saws. h:md saw?, broad axes, chopping axes, adzes, lo and loc't chains bench p'aiies,aiid in fact everything in the hardware line, from a Jewsliarp up to a cradling scythe BOOTS & SHOES. 10 caes dii act from T!o:-ton. I'oots of all sizes and qualities. Shoes, Ladies enameled Jenny Lind buskins, c:iilevs, slippers, ladies' gout, kip ami Calf boots, misses hoes all sien. Hats and raps, books and .stationery, drnr ana meuicines, jayne s anu l.ouuoii rainiiy medicines, and all other popular patent medicines, for sale at rf liolesale prices. QUEENS WARE, Glassware, tumbler, jars, fee., &c. H00 gal. alone ware, churncs, jari, crocks, butter crocks, stove erncKs, i.c., 4.C. f- UKNI I UKt. M bedsteads of different patten.s, cherry dininjc, and breakfast tables, walnut ditto, ditto. - nnrnin. with i'Iusi. olain and fancy walnut pre-ses. cuptioards, tin safes, one or two drawer stands wash stands, lounges anil mattresses, double mattresses, slat bottom chairs, cain seat do., rockinir cliaim, ciihs.Aic. Ij coolc tove, assorted, Pat lers in's. reaily triinnie.l Willi tin or copper boilers, boxstores, Grecian liarlor till to., stove pipe, elbow s, ic WOOD AND WILLOW-WARE. Tine churns, 1-2 bush's, wood buckets, v.'!I buckets, wash tubs, wood IioaIs, rays, douijli pins, 8 ijr boxes, brooms, zinc wash boards, clothes iis, fcc. S VDIILFUA . Hriilles m.irtin,'nl3. circiiiL'les, Cirths, baiters, bridle reins. Plackaw k sad dles, quilt teats, and ditto Ladies side saddles, buiy w hips, dray whips, G. li. whips, cow-hides &.C., saddle-bags, leather trunks. A.C. L E A T H E R. Sole-leatlier, kip, atul calf akins, morocco lininc;x, poat skim, linir, &c, IRON AND CASTINGS. Flow steel, tOieer steel, east steel, jilows, inotilJs S;c. Pots, ovens, skillets Mid lids, 6, 8, 10 and t wetity gallon kettles. PINT. DOOKS S by 10 and 10 by 12 sash, window blinds, CI UCK.S- Is day and 30 hour clocks; warranted to run well. TOBACCO AND CIGASR. Vir.'ima. PoanoVic N'rctar Ic.if lohaceo. Rejalia and irincipe cigars f.f the finest flavor. Cubii a"! id I lava lot sixes, and various oiher a rt ieles, but we deem it unneess,iry to mention th?in as it is no trouble to slmwr goods, and wc will tie happy rt all times to show our old customers, and as nanv m v." ones asin.iv lavor us with their patioii.tge, our goods and prices. Our facili ties for selling ('III'. AP,.ire better than any oilier house in western Iowa, and we intend to do so, t d il axtininal ion of our purrs iau him in n'i'uj w i."iiiu-jiiii oi nieiaci. G!'eir.voot,j.ilir, I3,l. !-. NUCKOLLS & CO. and Lnir'iih J-). "'s, Meilii i;ies, Peif imery, 1; . blull'i, Paiiils, Oil nud Glassware; also, ague. I assui tiiK iit of Groceries, Wines, Liquors, S.C At the head of Proa lway. ort is. K1 THE NEBUASXIAS. This is llie title of a neatly printed, nnd in srverul respects, a!ly edited p.tjier, issued from Oui.iim City, Ly Mesons. Klierinaii and StritLIanu. Ho fur us the tncclinnicid niie;iraiu:i! of this ivrer is concerned, it will contrast favorably with the beat ji.'jii rs in the cutiutiy. Alon willi ill ineclianical, we might filso speak in commendatory terms nt its literary character. Hut ujkiii its morula we Lave no commendation to bestow. 1 appears to endorse the vile fraud practiced Alport the people of this Territory in the organization of its government, with the liijfhest degree of satisfaction. Traitors lillinej responsible places in the Territorial Government arc placed in the highest scale of political Mid moral excel lencc. Men utterly void of the necessary principles and qualifications for the sla lion wliich they fill, aro referred to s paragont of excellence w hile tnuca bet ter men that happen to belong to the op position ure represented us being utterly unworthy cf notice. e have reason lo fear Tut l'roi-LK will lind no advoeatt in this paper and that it will never loose idlil of office holders and aristocracy, or cease to pander to their corrupt tastes and aelfish interests. The Nebrahkian will, therefore, Le de ficient in what we esteem the most essen lial requisite cf of trust-w orthy paper CiOOO rOtlTICS AND GOOD M0HI.B. UTKKAST M0TICE8. IIaht's Wiioi.e VVoHi.n Thig is a weekly illustrated journal for the amuse inviit, iiuiirm lion, and benefit of iiiiUiUimlj published in New York; ,-j2 a je.ir. We have receive 1 a stiecinien copy of tho above pi per, widi which wo have been well pleased. We presume the "router poititm of thos possessing a ti ste lor liii-eellaneoiis iter .itiire, will hail the advent of this magnifi cent Pictorial with this greatest pleas ure. We lind much in it th-t commends itself to our un.lcrstandiiifr, tasto and con science; and we dnttbt Dot such would be .he ca.se with a larye portion of our rea- crs. We pics.iiiio it would be Some what difficult to find the I'.me amount of god reading, mingled ivi'h lcse that is pernicious, in any literary paper in this country. Prof. Ingraham, Charles Dick ens, ti. W. Reynolds, Thos. Miller, Mrs. Ann S. ti. evens, Agnes Slricklaud, (J race Greenwood, Mary living, Fumy Pern, n'l other eelcbiatcd writers, are constant contributes. A largo portion of this pa per is filled with ori-in;.l matter, amply illustrated widi suitable engravings. For a pcrlodicul of its kind il bus no equal. PiLLAoitM. Ow ing to the late hour ot the arrival of the orders for papers for the ue of the Legislature, we i re uu able to furnish Ihe requisite iminbci ibis week, for cither House. WATCHMAKER ft JEWELER. ONB DOOR BILOVV W. CLASCy's STORE. r.WITKS the attention of tho la- JL dies unit pcntlcinen lo ins assori- iy ::ilit of Jewelerv and I ancvGooils- in pnrt consisting of the foPowini; : Gold and Silver Watches, Lockets, Kir-rinps, lireast pins, Kiiif;er-rini;s, Chains, Pencils and Pins. .c. Violins, Ai-.cordiius, l'liltes; ulao, an as soi tmeiit of 'i'o'. s, e. All -f whieli ill he sold at the lowest ptieo; every ailiele warranted lo be as recoiu- Ill-Iilled. The greatest atlct.tion will lie print to the re pairing of W .ti his and Jewelry; all work w.o rented. l "i "V t; '" I TILS ATLANTIC HOUSE. roRMr.ni.v the mc'nei.ly house. Covncil Biuifs, Iowa. S now kept hy Sylvknos Dustiv, I ..i .. ..... i... I.. ......I niuir. .' J ,,Iu. Having iiii.-i.. h'.-". L.l'll .,,,1 .r.ir.iiw.ini iii the Hoiih". Hatters L l"il M-.mrlt that he will be aide to provide any w ho favor liini w ith a call, a comfoi table home. 11, a table w ill he supplied with the best the market affords, prepared by experienced hands, and the weary will find a Rood resting place. Com and ' m a k t. Touitsi:tvts to ho.mf.." In connection with this Hotel may also be found I s cood aud extensive U LIVERY STABLE, for the accommodation of all w ho wish to ob tain horses and carriage, which arc a -rood sobstitale for first el. iss railroad cars, on short notice; or superior saddle horses, for cither la dies or eciitlcmen. 'I'll" rirnprictors of the liv ery siable are KU.sSEl.L DL'bTIN. "I. lull" fit v. Iowa, nov'JM, lM-rl " EtW iiySIi & AOEMCY OFFICE AT W Jb," 1-1 J& ai. nAVING perinanenty locateil in this place, for th.' pirpose of Bellini? GOODS. I WO, TOWN-LOTS, and doini; a General Ap-ncv Business, we would respectfully invite the public, to pive us a call. Oiir Goods were selected with care, and we are confident that we shall be able to give per fect satisfaction to all. GREENE, KINNEY &. CO- sppt. 27 ' I. nAltOVVAIlL. A laiRounn Keiieii u--i. ineut uf Hardware cm be had at ,.,,! "7. GREEN P.. KIXXjfc2- TVifii -iii. Cotton Uattini;, tor sale 1 sUUl' low, at s.-,i:7 t. RE EXE, KINNEY fc CO. TjooKS ami'Sutioiiety f..rs-l ty SARPY ii. ENGUmII. Opposition is Hit Life of Trade. MESSRS. SARPY k ENGLISH ARE NOW rereivini; at Glenwood, a well selacted jtock of dry poods, fancy Hoods, clothing, boots and shoes, groceries, hardware, crockery, drmrs, liquors, stoves, tinware, Jtc., in Western Iowa. The public are invited to call and examine for themselves, and they will find the truth of the above statement. Also they will find that we can sell as cheap any other house in Mills, Fre mont nr Pottawattamie counties. And in f-ivini; notice to the farmin-; commu nity, we will (five tliern the highest cash price for their produce, such as beef, pork, corn, wheal and beans. The store is on the west side of the Public Square, Glenwood. nnvl-lv. rSTRAY liOTICS. fl y KEN up by Peter A. Griffey, of Ta-kio 1 Township, Putre County, Iowa. One large Drindle Steer, llie points of both horns sawed oil', with a gimlet hole through the point of tin! left horn, supposed to be eight or nine years old, smooth crop and miderbit in the right ear, ami sin in me leu, anu i u ----.-auees. a beast of labor, with a common sized cow bell on, w itli harrow leather strap for a bell collar, buckled on and tied with a leather string, said ox was thin iu order. Appraised al Hurt) dollars. low A, 1-aoe v n m i, r Clarinda. Nov. 27, 14. T rerlifv tlmt the iihove is a true description . ... flheiihove ileacrined orooeriv. as laKcn nun the Estray Dook in my office. H. It. All 11 ll.ur.ll, -ler. jan 21, .').-,lin prs fee ,tHl. GEOBCE liREENK. JOHN WKAHE, JR. THOMAS II. DENTON, JR. Tut Lily. A (juarto journal devoted to tho interests of women. Published se- uii-mouthl-, ; by Mary Ii. llirdsid, Editor and I'ropi ielor; Ainc'ie Lloomer, curres- poii.ling editor. The prospectus for the 7 h volumo of this paper has been received. Any per son taking an Interest in the great ques tions I elating to the rights, interests and duties of women, w ill find an able advo cate in the Lily. The cause of temper ance, virtue and religion will find a con stant and vigilant advocate in this publi- itiolt. The following is an extract from the prospectus: 'The treat question of the day, the En franchisement of Woman, will bo discus sed and considered in all its bearini's. 1 hat woman, as onu liali oi Humanity, bus liie same natural and inherent rights as ihe other hull; that her light to herself is as true, her individual sovereignty as saertd, her 8i,ci.il tn.lejielKteiiee i-s important, anu her choice of occupation h natural anu self-evident, find tli.it her social cumpacl shou.d be Jrcc 1 from ail uiita'inizi.ij e.ai sesj is a cju. stron of vitel interest, that vvill bu thiironghlv examined in the Lily. "Th contents of the Lily are almost entirely original. The cditr will be as sisted Ly u numerous aud talented hsl of contiibutors, who will add interest and value lo its p'Res." IVice 1; address M;ry Ii. Birdsal Richmond, Indiana. W. N. UYEHS, I AND SURVEYOR Omaha City.Nebras I j Va 'l erritorv. t i lends. 1 am ::ain iu the lield, and at your servicu, bolter supplied with loot ruiii' iilf than lormeily. ( ituulu City, Jaa 'ii, 'jj-I.V. (illEENE, AVEAKE& 1!E.MOa, Council liluffs, Iawa, Gat.N:, Wkare & Rice, Tort JVsMoine, Iowa. Glll:NE & WfARB, Cedar Rapids, low t. TOTES and llills collected, and nrocwils L nromtitly remitted to any part of tha Uni ted Mules, i current jiaieii oi r.xeuange. Interest nam on deposits ror over tinny days. Hills of exchange on all I lie principal cities bomrht and sold. Loans ellected uu pood security. Vacant lands selected and enteied in any of fice In the htale. Land Warrants for cash or on time, contm ually on hand. Locations or luiiun ior uiiium ueuiers at in most liberal lates. Notes bought and money loaned on good se curit v. lliil.HIMtS. 1-. I Jes'lii Sl To., W.J Ilatmiiig la. Co., bankers, Dubuque, Iowa; Cook . Sargent, Daveepoit, Iowa; lullieiUon At lleno, Iowa City, Iowa, Peoples Rank, New oik city; Ken hum, lingers v jiement, tiaie kers, do.. Siddon, Withers It Co., Washington D. C; lion. lias. iMason, i uinmiHsioner of Patents, Washington, D. I ; A. C. Dodge, U S. S., llinlingtoii, lows; Geo. W. Jones, V. H, S., Duhiupie; Joseph Williams, Chict Ju.slicc MuscatliiH, lowa. Council llhilli, dec 13, 1851. WANTED, I N every county iu the I'niled Btates active . and euterpri.-iing Men to act as Agents, to transact business that will pay, to a smart 8 nil eiieigciic-prison, Jri m 1 lirce lo ! ivu iiiino.ei doiUis per inontli. 'i he bu.iincrs is very honor able and requires no capital. As many write us from leeru Idle curiosity, In) letter w ill u answered by i s unlwSo it contains onu dollar, a proof of irood fith, iion the receipt of whic we w ill fully explain the business. No letter will be taken from the oliice unlcsi the postage is pre-paid Address, ' DR. D. F. IJLACKIIURN, llampsliire, Maury Co., Tennessee. ff5J" Any newspaper or ot!;.:r oublication inngtlie abovefuiu insei lions, ( including ihik notice) and rowartiing a eupy as a Dove, w in re ceive the information aforesaid, without any encumbrance whatever. fl7rCS. Hickory Shilling, for sale low, at fJV GREENE, KINNEY &. CO s. pi 27 5I. i.ORTY doea Men and Roys' Hats, of ever description, at s.p 7. CK I" EM", KS El' S. CO. lOftN and Oats wautej by S. JtE. c T TORSES, Woik oxen and vo ing stock, ditto. JL L 'S VHI'Y ft. I'.Mil.lSH. N UUSEltY THE undersigned has on band and for salc a few thousand select rrift"d apple lice.-, ready for transplanting in orchards the coming tall and spring. VARIETY. Red June, baldwin. white winter oanmin, fall pippin, Uelmont, wine sap, yellow belllower, Hll ESTEAY NOTICE. TAKEN up, on the 11th of November, 1)1, hv l.oolnoui Uavidson. at ins residence un ine East Nodaway river, four miles South of Hol warr's mill, in Jluchanon Township, Page County, Iowa, one nay ito.se, oiacn ih.uib unu tail,daik legs, white hair on each stioulder.. some saddle marks, some wnue nair on iiisiuic- ad. a little white spot on lux rump, Htipposeu to be marked with a crouper; about twelve yea's old; fourteen hands high. No other marks or brands pereeivaoie. .ni'praiiu.-u m ny- seven dollars andlilty cents iiji,.to.; Iowa, I'agk uounty, Clarinda, December It), Is51. I certifv that the above is a true description of the above described property, as taken from t ic tsiray dook in my tl.lJ.Ml miL.i.r.11, vici. jan 24, 1So5,-3ui pr's fee '),0. A. lOCHHAN. J . v. at r.v.. . .. COCHRAN Sl MEGEATH. AU13 LXCHAtiGh bn JKhriiS. Council Bluli', Iowa. A T 71LL buy or sell Lands, mik helectins ; V hi'.i-ikI to the nurchase ami sale of tow n lots and all kinds of business connected with . Government Land Olfic.es in W estern or Central Iowa. Ese.haiige on St. Louis and be Eastciu cities bought and sola, jan 3 '55 ifiode Island greening, swaar, priors red, red astraclian, early harvest, sweet June, summer rose, summer queen. Kail's janet, ram 00, wine appic, wnue hellellower, itoman stem ana Northern spy. roa sitAnr.. The Catalpa and HI. irk Locust. ORNAM KNTAI.. The snow ball, English and American lilac, red dogwood, honey suckle, rose, &.., A.C. A few of the Isabella and Catawba grape from Cayering. ht. Mary, Iowa, Aug. Si. '53. aogHI-iy. GEORGE HEPNF.R. i) ERSO..-f wishing to make purchases, wil do well to give us a call and examine on slock, which comprises a gene-ral assortment aud will be sold at t,.vat!)arains. sop 2. (5t GREENE KINNEY CO. Ukricun ill n it t it a L'iiiimcnt. With a Healing JJalnt we c?ni to greet yo'i. 1 1 H K sclliVt pf (Iii Liiiimetil i one th I most rrfcef reiue lies eriT "Herod to Ml" alllic'fd. Its action upon the rrgsnialioii iM truly wondei ful. Its tol.it ile, pem ti .iting. sontli in B "d healing properties diifuse themiilTBS to the v"ty boiips. It enters inNithe circulation of thebloodgii-e." s new impulse to whole nerve im system to the very extremities of the fini;er and itimuliiles to ihe absoi bents an I seeretionj ami thus assist natiibk to throw nil' uni ri.l herself of any diseased section, cf tli aertot chords or ligaiuents. iiiak'nu, it equally applis lile to sores of any kind, iheu-natism pains iu every part nf the body, from fl diseased aetono .il my hi the s'riicliiral porlions ft ltieytte. While, it i perfectly harmless to heiilliy flch, skin or bone, it h is the property of enienn; into combination, and dis-olvintr any of the ginic tissues when th' v are die,ised, ortlieier. talitv is destroyed, l'lisscssin" these inx-nttaC iiovers. is th" reason why it is equally elheseious in sc many different cmplaints. It acts npua seientitic princqdes an I line I laws ol llie Lrea l"r! v The Inrge number of cases iti wliici this lini ment has proved its value, iu the sliori time H has been before the people of America, is soft cient to give the greatest confidence that its tir tues lire incomparable in enrein; rhrum itism bruises, strains, bums, wounds, swellings, bro'.i en or cracked breast, old sores or pains in snjf part of the body. Sr. Loum Testimost. Statu or Missorni, ) Coimty of St. Louis. ' He it reineni'iCred. tint, on '.his flft't rlo.V a . May, A. n. lVt, before me. tue underii.'ned. mayorof the city of St. Louis, iu thecounty and Stale aforesaid; Cmie personally l).viil M. Smvthe, who, upon his 0.1th, says t!nt Hie fol low inir statement is true. In testimony whereof I he'et ) set tny baud Ihe day and date last aforcnid. JOHN HOW, ?.Iiyr. SoC. Nr.VVMAN, llocrisU-r. Sr. Louis, Mo., M-.y 5. 153 Pr. A. G. IlRVor., & Co Ge'nfs: You w-!l iirobablv recollect that I called into your estab lishment some three weeks since and purchased a fifty-cent bottle of your " Mexican mustang lininient ;" my object "in so doing was tolry its merits upon my daughter's arm, who has boon sulfering from the effects of a severs dislocation of the elbow for several years past. The excruciating pain consequent upon false settingof the bone had dwindled and contracted her arm to a puny size, and I consider it a duly devolving upon me to acquaint the community of the beneficial elfec.t your liniment has paoduced. Her arm was drawn to a ritrlit angle, and was almost inert and useless, until your invaluable liniment was applied, since which time, I ain happy to slale, she has enjoyed uninterrupted good strength, and can use ler arm nearly as pl: antly as before it was dislocated. would state, however, that prior to trying your iinequaled liniment, I used several older remedies, and among them " McLean's volcanic oil liniment," but with the !eni beneficial rejull. J . iM. h.U It 1 llr.. Ve offer this liniment as a remedy in the vari ous diseases and complaints for wfiich it is ie commended with lull confidence of its success in curing them. The follow-in? is a list of the numerous andev. traordinary cases it lias cured during the las few month : O.T.'S) cajes of rheumatism 111 all its forms ; 4,200 do sprains and bruises; burns and scalds ; fresh cuts and wounds ; cancers; scrofulous sores and ulcers tliat bad resisted all other treatment ( iollanied ors-.velled joints ; piles ; lumbago, sciatica, gout and bar J nnors; chapped hands caked breasts, ' tooth-ache 5 various ei.-" dsrs. This must a linear almost incredible, but "t V. numerous certificates and letters from distin guished physicians, citizens, ag-nt; and othois who have used the medicine, enable us to sub stantiate the above facts; millions of bottles of it ire yearly consumed, and it baa always given satisfaction. To country MERCHANTS. Every store sho'd be supplied with this valuable liniment, as i pays a good profit and sells rapidly. kir. i nw TUB I INIM i:T. It IS Dili 11.1 ill bottles of threesizes, audretails at 25 cents, oi) cents and !jll per bottle. The 5(1 cent aud one dollar bottles contain 50 and 10(1 p-r cent mors liniment, in proportion to tlieir cosi, so mai money is saved by buying Ihe lagersiz.es. A. G. 11RAGG&.CO., Sole Proprietors. Principal offices, cor. lloi d and Market ill., . Louis, and 3(1 1 Bro'idway, New York. For sale by 1. A.S Rl-Y, St. M iry, and Sa ' & English, Glenwood; and by dealers in medicine everywhere. ug 31-ly 5, HID do 3,450 do 40 do 7,710 do 5,210 do 7.500 do '400 do bony 0.250 do 3,000 do 4,I)U0 do 10.000 do St. A LL persons knowing thcmselvr I V. to (ie Notice indebted eo. I', bliles, are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned, or tliey will line their accounts in the hands of Ihe pro per officer for collection. Geme one, come all and save cost P. J. McMAHUN. oct I, '.')! tf 4 I 11 LITTLE fancy notions for sale a ;)OiyU cheap as dirt, at the cheap cash store of n:i:-tf NUCKOLLS &. CO. ASTOR HOUSn. t I1HE subscriber has iust opened this new and X commodious building for the reception of Ihe traveling public, and sot icits a share of pub ic favor. Prompt and efficient attention will b t paid to all w ho may favor him with llieir li.ilronaire. His table will be supplied w ith the I) 'Sl me mai Kei anoi us. a ueuu si-iwie is i. tached to the premises. Vi. ENGELL. fct. Mary, Iowa, mar. 15, '.'1 n'Jti-tf LANDS FOIl SALE. rpHE SUIISCRIUEII being desirous of mov- I L ing to California, oilers for sale his Homkstkad of KiO acres, situated on the stage road btiwien St. Joseph and Council Mill Is H mi Us South of Council Muds and 4 North of Hie village of St. Mary, and near the Missouri river, in Mills County, Iowa; and Opposite Belleview, Nebraska, T. Also, 4o0 lines of Praikih: Land near St. Mary, and Hot) acres of Ti.mhkhi.ii Land on the Missouri river, anJ li"ar Glenwood. These Lands aie all in ALUs County, Iowa, mid pre Bi nt iiidiiceinenls to land piireiiastrs seldom of fuieil; containing timber, piaiue, lime stone, sand alone, and lud. cations of plenty of coal; and also beinir situated on the most feasible point on the Missouri rive for th crossing of the Pacific Railroid. Suitable cattle for crossing the Plains will betakrn ill exchange at fair rates. The buyer can have immediate possession, and all "the giaiu and faiuiing etensils he wants at a fair rate. IJAlMr.L. lir.Kllf.t OltU Traders Point, nov 1, '54-tf f I VoUACCO. Lovui's if the Vejl will li.i d I a suncrior article of.chewing and sinokintr Tobacco, at the Agency Store, of GR E EN E, KI N N E Y CO., ht.iviarv . ocU fniURTY dozen Men and Hoys' Caps, for X sale cheap, at the Agency htore or s.p 27. GREENE, KlXNEY . CO. (0 C ASS Ebools and siioea lor sale cheap iclo-lf NUCKOLLS fc CO T FRESH PROVISIONS. HE subscriber will visit St. "tfPT Mary on Wednesday's and ii.aE' Glcnwooj on luesuaya ana oainr- " ' day's of each, week, aud will supply th;se markets w ith Eiesli Meals, iiuitar, Ei, and Vegetables, lit tllU Ulillkt't price Spt:7,'iltt 1'. HORN Eli. THE CHEAPEST GOODS IN TOWN! f 1 1 HE undersigned is now in receipt of and J. receiving the largest and clieapiest stock of Fall and Winter Goods ever ottered in Council lRutfCity, or Western Iowa. Those w iHliiiiif to pay cash r r Goods w ill do well lo call and examine. Our .stock consists of every variety of (roods needed by the peoid i in this i. ort ion of llie country, such as cloths, casai meres, saltitielts. twcU, jeans, white scailet and barred flannels, plain alii buried linseys IlKI nieces (rood style madder pi nits, casliinen s merinos, allanacas. Id. ached aud brown elici t ing and shil ling, ticking and dulling, bleached and brown canton Manuel, drapers and crash ei s, all wool table covers, brown and Id cached linen, silk aud bay state shawls, am. every variety of dress goods. Mens' and boys' fall and winter clothing bats and caps, boots and shoes, hardware and queensware, lion, nails, co.ioe, sugar, lea no. lasses, rice, flour, &.c.i also, a larira lot of fur nit. ire and lienors. As it is our intention to sell for cash, we Hatter oui selves that we can hold out suoerior inducements to those that wish to buy cheap goods than store that are selling on mis!. Country dealers are requedeJ to call and ex amine our suck. 15. R. PEG RAM 4 CO. Co.it.cil Ulud'Cilv, oct IS, HjI. DII..G.BHA.GCJ S TOXIC AND ANTI-BILIOUS PILL.S. The rreat p mular me'licine of the tl.iy . . PV 1 1 . , 'Pi Vast amount usen per m.mui me nu merous ami wonderful purr's it eflVets Its m.igic.J cirect upon Utlioms Fevers, ami Fever anJ Ague (Jre:it c.ei:cment amoiiv; the DikUocs 1 RE now admitted on ah nan Is to be a most L. extraordinary and valuable medicine ill eueral use. It not only acts us a speciuc upoi the bilious and typtis feve. s, chills and lever, and fever and ague uf the Ve.,t and Sotilh-bul all diseases of debility, weak stomach, nidi- estion, lossof ajipoiitc, impurity of tho blood, lid all diseases prevalent iu .1 wcdei n and south ern climate. Th-ir great pow:r co.isids in their peculiar elleel upon all llie organs or lb system and l!iei.itu i loie.anoii new aim pure blood they produce. In this lies the great secret of their sin cess. Th- j me lnil.1 and lcasantin tiwiraeiion h it t-. irel.ing and 'i- maiienl in men ein-ci p. in iiauir; ne n-mui c-.i recesses uf the system hv tlieir rca ly ab-orptioii into the blood, thereby infusing a new- supply of v it al it v and nervous power into all me uiaeiniie ry of life. The extensive popularity lliey liau acipiircl all over the Wcot and South tiia uo sales of at least 50,0" Kl po r.s ri;a month ! And we find it dillieult with our lurge force of hand. and the late imnrovements in machinery whith we have adopt -.!, to iii.inur.ielui e ttie-ii fast enough to supply ihe demand iu thirteen western and southern Stales! One largo manu factory is constant ly engaged in preparing tin various eoneenti aled exliaets ot v. inch lin y are compounded. Erotii Ihe best information we can obtain from our S,IM0 selling agents, and hosts of attentive correipeiideuts in all parts of Ihe country, our medicine c-ires per month not less than 10,000 cases of fever and ai;ne, one ttioussn I of which have resmed all other liealm.ui i 5,3lK) cases of w i; iknc and general delnl.ly ; 2,.rOil ' or yarious cliroinc tlibi.ase.-; J.ii'iO " of weak stoiu.icli and los f ajipe lite ; Km casesof dyspejta ( l,'2oO " of rlieuiu it ism ; 1,(KK( " of female complaints J lj'iitO " of ague cake, or enlarged spleen This must appear almost inciclible, b it tiia numerous letters from physicians, agents and those who use the medicine, from all Ihe wei em aud southern St atos, satisfy us that this is moderate estimate. Slid ibat our medicine is rtp idly taking the plaeof thu va: iocouiiterfomi-.ts which are afloat, aud the numerous tonic mix tures made w boll of quinine, w hich aie impos ed upon the public by manufacturers who no body kno ws where 1 Price of Tonic pills, 75 cents j and Anti-bil-ous, L'f) cents. A. G. P.-.i;'t, m. i.,sole pre-fil-elor, St. Louis, tor sale by P. A- bAMrv, ht. Mary, and Sakp V ENi.i.iu, Glenwood, moi bydoaltu in Uieditiiit I'.n oiig'noul flu L'iul4 baltL. auj 31- ly