Nebraska palladium. (Bellevieu City, Neb.) 1854-1855, January 31, 1855, Image 1

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- -"1 4.
i -
J.- ;J L
f VI
ji i). K. i:i:j:i, & co.
platti; yai.llv advocatf,.
I'l III I-II HI V,- II K I. V I! r
;r!;ci. Uo t Ion.
J'.ditnr ; Vn-jiriiluT,
H-lt.ftirw, r"M'ot. rni'NTV. K r R R .K
m j lie ,.;,(
I Mil V IV AP-
TKIiMS.-- (pi .. rv ,,
por.V "if 1'i'M.lli ', l I'll
livi'. '
fif y.n piper will 1"' i!Si "iitililli'il ePPpt ft
the i'Iim loth-ii of the I I npi iotor.i, iiiitil nil iir
trxf.l Cl'!! -ire paid. " .
I'nf fnrll 'I t -vv-1 l Ini'-. i'l
r.tfh -.. rr
r i-, - mi- .. " -re 1-a"l-K i-iim
Oiip uuiiitcr (it n column tvel month", -"no
(.me luili" column twelve tiiniiH
One col ' i ii iti twi'U'ii months,
Business i nl.-'.f cur'it lilicf, yenry
fl on
. . -i
!1 : r
iToi'OLAS CO., NLJI'VaSKA, VE1)N KS DA V, .1 AN U ARY .'Jl, 1SV.
S f 1 1 1 1 1 1 P fl 1 1 r 2 .
VOL l.
Vr.?)NT.SnAV. JANUARY 3l,ix:,5.
- kw . in wyi 1 ' 1 " i i "ii mi ixtm n-t
H3H. V. B. OinDHfOS.
! I'ouimcii 1 tho following lultrr to
ntfcfifinii of Hut niimonms friontli of Ihis
crciiilcin;-)!, nii'J .irticular!y, to 1lic con
siiliTutiim of tills.' wh i lisvii ii:liorino
rm'lyor tinlii i.inily rjircsculeJ liiui s
tin "Anii-Hrlinshi in;in."
AV l):!ii-v? Nr. fli !i.iin:;s is ;i pond,
mi l a wiuim fritu 1 of NrlimOk.i
mil I or Of, w i f.iA thniikfijl li'.at Iu:r hi
ti.'rcHis have 'i ' l'!! r n rusted tii nro k.i i.-oin -
p'Vfl.t !,1 piPl.-H-.t tlll-.l l Vl.iMrrf
injr for 1.1 e s'nti.m I now otntiy. I tli'mk
prolnljlyif the Jvlitor of tlio Itnirlc lind
known m fillicr perioiully or piilitiunl
!y, In: i:u mvrr V.nvc in id'! t!ie ju-tnsit-tion,
nor Imvc puM.s'ind tl.e prodiolioiis of
oilier liii'n. I was (vijjnsn.l to tlio c!;il:io
inlrodiicrd into tlio Niibrnska Kill, ri:jiiil
in th Rlissoi'ri t'oinproinisr, for rea
sons not hi ci . ry to he fldvrrled t l.y
mo liuw. I'l ;il ii:;iosili(iii, liOwi vtT, wa!
itsidc, wliCH Collar' :,t wi:") fol'joil to ti
vole ii pun the 1 ill, u;nn its fund p:is-?i-pp.
wi ll tin; rrpndiiij; cliiiwc in ii; tlicn in
tlit; 1 it,t s.tni'"'1i'. I wa: 'lio (inn tmd con-
i- jn-.i
.-.isicoi Iricirl of Nc liraska. I mn
(:md oivtir.'o I tin; doitriiie iijmhi
so on
i no
MIX IlilllltllH. 3 00
k it " three niiiiitlis.'MMl
A' ninl' notii-rs, fit)"
I. S,il,rriliTH !i'i ilo tint L'iv"i-viieasii -.tii-
to the ein.tiaiy, ;ir- .riii!.Mil Hi wi'tliilu; to
coi-.t nine tie ir u!iui i in' ion-.
:1. if ne!(- ijieii Oi.l. r till iliirnntitlMHiK-" of
the:' jKHiei. Hie ; . i V! . -1 n- mnv rm.'in'i to 4"nil
tliein niilil al! in li nrt-ire "e 1' iiil.
Vt. If ntiHei-il,i- i,.i..rt or H-fn-ie .1 tnke
:t,eir flipei, fintll tt.e ott'.i-e .i dtii-ll H"V n
.tiinete.!. tl,ev ii re IfM rM""-.i ' ""'l'
have M llliil tl,f lull ami r'.Tl tlie ; illn
',oht inne't .
I. If H'lte'i-i i)ier r.m "VP In other li'nee i w,t'
, .-it im'nrniiie: tin' an. I the .iper
,. i. I In the Inl ine t ,1 ; re.-1 niti . tle'V nre hehl r-
!(.(. iin lile.
:'i. 'I'iie Cii-!;r- Live.'.'" M:-d tli::t refuviot )'
t.iiVe a :'pei lioi.i !t.e ode e. or i i e;.jv ' ' B i.i!
(ejivii, it i.iii-.illel til, li Ji. iliei f.n'i.i i:-.ili me
i f intent icii il ! i u.i '..
S'lWnl it.-v. ill tie refnre llnl.T: i iml :
1. 'I'h.'t their t'tlffl S Wit' I.P col. 'iliue ! ufler
!tie r xj-irn'mii of the time t-n wlncli ttn-y :i'..,
'llilei J o' her w i- e or 'el e I.
i. :z. in- j. ij..T 'vill 1-1' -. ' . ' ' I. '' 1 .1 nut!! -1!
flrri-m-itceJ nre .ii) lift to the tin e at 'kln'-ii Un
nntiee is I'i'.i n. nele v. e siti -tie,! t!i"
milieriln r wort hie;- .
3. Tl,f lea the liar." ir:h tlie fault oT
.1 Mil: ei ih. i . h.i j '"'"li vill-M-.l to cwrrim tin
time, tlie nit :i I mo t roT,ver,ienl wnyii 'i.
remit oi,e i' for imotliTniX irmnttu. will)
itiretlnin toilim'oiitiniint tin ernt of that time.
'J'hin (liiertimi will, in nil e.isn. he not. il upon
our leu !. ., iiil if iml iilti-iiili"! to shall lie o-ir
V. .5 Kit .pn i t r.o i'iMtndoi' fan h
f'.e'iniT with Mr. (JiiMins, is not fa mneli
owii j' to his poli'itM, tis to tiut fjot llmt
lin w.:s clivtcl in opp isi' ion to thrt " Com
!;iii(ita;n"' cateli l;iti; imported from Ohio.
: uiuli llic poojilo In tindcrslalid tlitit
tin; tlixiinu of Air. (i., proslratcd ln.niy
tin' i ii.licd so!iem'. nti'l lienc! tho indig
nant sjiii it lias exliibitod i ' s l- 1 1' in tlio
I!;i J.-, lowardi bun.
W'i Iiopo our friothl of the IJiile wilj
nmkc Iionor.iljlt! siirn'tid.i for the " itijnsf ici;
dm:.! our w orthy JU proiinitulivc, und do
S!l lij mo: C.
asiiinrtkn City,
' Jan. Mill, 18I5.
Ha d ;
jh;.r .Si Your favor of the 23 I tilt..
u t in'.! in due time. It nrtords me pleas-n.-
.il :i;n..s to Iiciir from my friends
!.;:h i', i.nil il it w ill not bo trcs
Iod nr.n li upon your lime, a con-
tiniiu'.wii of favortt w ill be iipprei-ia-Vutir
liiisiiicss will be. promptly at-
ti le I to, and thu obji-ot will be rualizod
! i" f- r t; tin; i.iljoiinnnciil of dug res..
I liuvf coinin'.-iii cd my Ubors f.nUifully
--wiiH iulmiited to my scat on tlio fourth,
.in I shift' li.tve boon rv mriiig bills, tiitd
iiiii'-n hni iil.i to wine bills, w hich had
broil inliodtl'fd bv (ieli'l "Wlii liold of
:, . D. j:
4tli. Th" I . S. ( n'ot-i havi. n-peati ,ily i J. l,,.fort. niv uri ival, the objects of
A, .riited that n l'.-t . M.ifer who neitlei-t- to . J
,e,f,iini liU .liitv of irina k..h .inal.h- t.i.tite. W !:H II wi:l ;,lso apply to Nebraska. Ine
in i . . 1 1 1 1 1 1 . I iiy I in- r
tll3 in'lei t of .1 1
le vi pn l r. :nhli i -
M.ltrr lillhte Li the
ti.m i.iie...
I;, lul t ;i'l,i, rl'
it t . ive J i "lu t'.tO, v.lfii'tf, i
ll lll. I ' eJ'T-l I II." IV1 . j
;i h-: (' i. ti..i .i .!jf.e;. i
oldy of, but of S piuller Sovereign
ty. Why, then, is it, that 1 have boon
thus misrepresented, an 1 why does the
paper thai il f ulmin.'itiu those misrepre-
senlalinn taka sno'i u lively interest in
Mr. Chaptnnn and the el.H tioiis in Ne
brnskti ? Y; had prcsutneJ that Nebras
ka could regulate her own domestic con
cerns her citizens have a sufficiency of
inlollioiiet! to council i-ucli oilier und de
termine what is best for theinsulves sis
they did et Ihe laic election. Wc arro
gate 1o thein, nt least, that privilceo aud
riehl. If, however, it shall be as enter
tained, that they arc not capable of con
trolling their own interim or domestic af
fairs, they will then receive and be under
obligations for outside advice.
My bfst regard to friends in Nebraska
Reaped fully yours,
i;i;i.i.i,vii:'n .
!. II. r.!. . . r
i '
i .in, wing mo S'-in'j ot tlia measures, lo
v ! i :'i otir i'l'i. t-.tio i- v. iii brjt be cidled, I
.i - bl'i tn I'.'th'
..I: ! pi:.! in", j ;" ' .Vill li KefU. l),,'
trt-'khtt'eSr-f in t r.vii sitcstlta right of
' u'ci ing .i ii ! si.e ; at Government price;"
l i 'rj ilj ins ai-.;ir;);).i.i:i.j:i ior
i .
V bill
THi opi n'-'l ,-i 1
fol th K riinnnn I
ei-nslnli,: ! VI: it i.
in noil. 1 1 ti t i "in
lietleview. N-l.
; A I .-
i.i-. I, ei
v .-. : l t i k
lis III I
n.wr.-t; .i.-t:-at
h i'iiin- i el .
.i ' iii-.i
I v
-..I L,
t.-l-V :l'
. -
..i, t
A". 0
' lull i i .- I
11. . I i
o cr.a-'c l. !.
i .Will ill -il I -..
!l ', ' '
"A bill for ,Mi appro
bi i Inr mi I a "-coliv;-
' the Tcifi'on.-s ;" A bill i
' i
I oili. i.i, 1 to l.iy off the j
ml Mu-li oilier in.'.-:Mtri .! r.1-: j
Fur the Palladium. J
Ki:cvii.i.K, JJec. 2J, '51.
JIr. Edilur: I ilid not intend to in
trude another communication into your
coLimns, of this nature, and I now only
ask the favor for the especial benefit of
my yurliculaf friend of the wind iimtru-
mint. Through the medium of your ex
ccllent sheet, I would inform tlio 'unter
rificd' pcrl'onnant, that as yet, I am not
annihilated, but on the contrary, oin still
a live, breathing Yankee, ever ready 'to
f,.t-e the music,' notwituslwidirjbis liberal
itiisclnrge of wind, of tvbirh U? sisems to
havii en in.ijiie suj p'y. . i jt'.n 4ujry uiai
tbi woi'diy ii uu-ptslvt Wi'Hili sloop u Ijw,
as lo call ir. by su -1. hard names, suwb us
'skunk, v.ig.ibjiid, blockhead,' ice, but lit
is exL-u.Si-d.k-, t!S be no d
live ck.ini, if afTriiiy to those creatures
an 1 titles hinis' If, which accounts for bin
hliti: so re ivldy on such 'quadrupedal
Tiina ia a river deep and wide ;
And while nloii;? its lianks wiliay,
We H'-e our lnvi-.l ones oicr its lid :
Sail from our Hijrltt, away, nwny,
Whore are tliey spcJ tliey will lelui u
'o moie to Klad our l'liiiiintf eyes;
Tliey've jmssud f rom lifn's contracted bourn?
J'.eyoud tlio i i ve.r.
Ti3 hid fr-uiu view ; but wo liny gucus
llow that le.ilm iiiu-.t he J
For gle.iiniiigs of its 1nvc!iin:i.s,
In visiims tranliil, off vt :.-e,
Hie vry clonil. that oer it tSnow
iliejr veil upraiJieil for liiorm1 n ;li!,
W.t'i ,.,Jtt:i-i .a.;'li toita. ;a ,
K'u tea ium tiio K!"i"-'J ' '..'
Bey Oil I tie- li.-.-r.
All'l jj-lstle uln, o sweet o rutin,
Steal aeiueliiiienfi oui that viewless spin- i-j
The uuurner f'ol.i their hn-atli ot h.iht.,
And Bonlhed sorrow dries the tear ;
And soiiiJlimiH lUiiiiii-; ear uiny j;.iiii
r.iitraiiciii(; ?ouii-t that hither llnat ;
Til" eelm of a distant strain,
Of .Jiarpu' and voices hlended,
Jieyoud the i ivei .
Tilf.iiB areo-ir Ioviid one in their list ,
Tliey'vecrnssril Time's river now no luott
Thy hoeil the bubbles on lis hn-ast,
or feel the stofins lliat sweep its .slime,
Eul tlieic pure love tan live, can lust
They look for us their home to sh.ue ;
When we in turn away have pa.-, d, joyful gieiiliiijjs wait us there
Beyond tlifi river.
-.xnE "ruiHTiiai' festivai.."
At an early hour, the comm .idiotw II ilb
at the Atlantic House, Council J).u!l,
was lighted up and prepared for the re-
cep.ion of guests, who toon iUcked in,
presenting a scene of lite and tinimaliou
indicative! of tlu joyousness und mirth
soon to follow.
But when the merry danee bean
Ami liiiil j were Imk'd in happy chain ;
And when the hiillt colillionn all
Whirled ami du.ied lhrou;;li tins Hall j
Then the boumlii heart ie,v li;;ln,
Ami bounty's die. k. was fair ami a: ijjlit.
' Dancing ceased at 11 o'clock and all sat
down to a table, spread tlio length cf the
Hull, with an cbundance of the choicest
dainties. A'd partook with n relish that
bor-i testimony of their thankfulness to
il.o Wfoss wl.oliinl bCT'so t.n isb iif skill
and to-ste in the pre juration of evtry lux
ury lhat graced ibe ta'jle.
When the appetite wis sat':fted--lhe
. . .:ll . i ... i ... i. , i.i !.. i,.
i.i . irnpuis ,i i se.i u-,1 ill. iiio li j u i in- inn'i v.
oiiui nai o 'iriiiii- i u '
ing lctlcr, from Hon. J . 1.. Cuming, v.-aj
read by the Master of Ccreinotiies:
(Jvaiia City, Nebraska,
er full, the arrow sharply poin'cd, though
not for ifs friends. May it-i ni:u be. ol
"Omaha" exactness and never inKs tin
mark, scattering its cntinici in cnnl'iiMon.
The 1 nlies Pref-enl, tied bless lluiu
Their liiipny smile" and ubiin-i s
'lhinii'h the merry i! mi es
Our lit. ,i r t s to ch'-er, and l.f.
Tiie "typos-' of the I'r.'w. I.. O. h.
.Mark II. hndl,::e Marrhal, bnt
now Governor of I.'i bra -k:. l.e c jniet
1)0 olit-M a it-; ii .v i.ul If. Atu to lt-.;t.
AlAUti ! ilierill.'Il.
Jlcliit ilw.rnnr of V-irj,sfri T. T.
Cuini::g--VI:en ids eouniry icipiirts his
sr rviccs m.iv be ever, tis l;et-ttof.e, I;.
reaiiv T. I', t 'uci'mi" ios n'.-e! ,.('
.ui'l nsci une'.vs. Jol'tr-i-on.
I'linUrs' J!nlht T-I ( ' n ki-n ibnvned
i ors, but editorial breakdown. Miornun.
The Genilcnicn and Ltulies pri-feuUK-
May the former husband their ladies ami
the hitter hiisuaml Itteir clinrms t rt chat ir:
their liusbiLiids. Hardin.
L. O. Liltlclicld respon.led to a secon 1
call, in substance, as follows :
Ladies and Gen . lemen I am a 1'iintei
am pi cod of the name roi l us such
will address you a few momen'.-J.
The Etii',i;in i.t has been uttered htie
that "ihe Pi tss is the. fulcrum an 1 l;ver
that moves the work',' This is true. Ii
wields an iniluence that is felt run! utk-
now i.'i gt'.l iming c;ili:diiene.! people.
Il runs through all the raiiiiii'-uliotis ol
socieiy ; t-vcry neihboi lii;ol cmnitnii.ily
is eiftc;ed by it. Tin re is not a man c
Mirinke of its henili:s. The inmri-nt i.rc
tiilighlcticii ibo i;i.".ni;iotis rt oukcl and
Ihe deuiiioue held in chick. Time was
when the lapaciouiuiess if man hud no
public lnoiii'ioi ; but ilie darkness of rges
have been chased away before I ho bk.;:a
of intellectual fire and the scintellai ions o,
genius, und the great moral has bton taught
lhat to d.) right will lead to success but to
do wrong will bring defeat and tiliiiinte
shame. Not individuals alone, but nations embraced this dignifying trulh, and
luivo incorporated iiS among U;3 rules that
kbp tl. ir iniivi-mni'd in 1 1" t,-:t of i.-.'.jr-nutioiu.1
policy. . Il.stds of dejtui meats
tiare not. a ib.elarnti.vs of war with
out first feeling the piuse of the great
(mnMriil the tn c-iii
publio-.itiiyin. tin?
lions and llie r
n'orv u'lsubiej to
Inf.- pnt, .-!:,'
lie. of iHii'
s-i n1' ,:-:r J,
;'i: encr ,; .,. . s.
to ill ' li,).., ! the ""ti.! i
Min i: credit i.i d:i
..ger, M,-. MeNceiy, prevailed oil tlio night of
in .(.
Tl M KS. 'I
II B tl
snvs, 'an
an I Minn-' !n. 'i an
re! i ,
liiitiVit.d iiiunber of country girls
aiming inn) this ei'v
of ii very n-s-pcon.b'j nu nber iittij.ja.)
each ninhl at the i'ii". ii-nt ijiuii-m H u.'et
for 1.) lel'l'.'S. 11 l:ir;:! m n!r ,rt HI in' H hli-il
1 r m It
( )
. e
am 1 y ii.wr''
ill i ui' yuMi " I'icii, iiovt ver, iii..u ' .' ;o
mi I situ iti ns i;i ib; army. T'.c ixcr-..ii-ini(
oi.'ir:cr,i v.r-? doing a better bu-dne-.s
now than they have fur years. Hutidrods
y enlist inir.
woman so lie'li or so low .oat it iloe:
i , ni-ip . ,
rcaeli. .vu uriiilv iri.m : s iou"i-!-,i
Il is a law which God himself lias made, the arrow which i.i shot fom tlu
persecutor's bow, shall rebound and pkrcu
the pet secu'or's heart.
We find ll,e following e.Siiin i'c oj
the rnmial coat cf articles of ilicsi in ihn
United S ates, i.i our exeli in n-. )J ,;'.) J.
OiiJ 000 nre spent ;;ntm .ny i.i the e 1
States for s".. h ortioh s of di-.j? .... :i.-j
subjfd to the .'luctuaiijns of!ii hi. O.'
Ibis sum i; is computed ihat. I - 0' ) O il)
are for hats, mid prob.,bly '' 2-J.fOO.000 arc
for c;' OA
clcs O.
and I., it tii .!! ., .
s.s, no less ;
o. ,'k r ;-.'..i-
-: i.".) co? nr.). from a ml'!: j !
of j'.lai s f ;l..i'i- f,,r -:
' r:.;::.t i:v.
imw b- t
i v l i s b -f.i.'e
ss. We v ill u it
olijtcts idi
: I .
-, tii I,.
L.,i w,
I l..nn;
c, te.
IWl!iew, M e. 1. I
iv. i..'.i.
N- r.t'OTI A'l'iJii. t fill e
Aki-i.I. Ci...el;ni a
Hellene.-;, r:..l,ia-.l.u.
ll.r. lii an e.pei : ;.( e cf 17 :'ir :
ri'oiv. will .,iv MiiMi.t a't'-ee.uit
iniiidfatintiS, po.t pa.d, .n hjm
j it oi v. ti'..,,.r.
fj" t!:f'-ee tie ir t!ie ftnve, hu'ld II
fin.i in n u nr r. .1 ;- ui.v imi,i ; '
Ilelh-vi. 'A t'ltv
N ! I .:-
I II e Tim
l all mm-
1 tn 11,0 To-
.T iH 11. 11.
Ijii I A:;eiit. !
KVV, Ni. In I li a.
; ii vey r na 1 J'.ii!
,(:er, B.dl"-nl-ly
G. W. WAr.LACi:,
l'hysit i.lii lllid 't.OiIenu, t:-j,L-i tl'lllly telnK l.
his j in!'. s. i iii ei tn Ihe eit.'i,a in' St.
M.ii y sr. 1 Yt ieity. (o'e-e two miles north
we.t'ur S'. .Vary, oi. th.: M-ipiito crei k.
3 mi:::il ly
!i. TZSClit'CK,
Top ,(;ra.h'ii ;,l Fiiinei r, t-nders Lis prnfvs
ioiial :.eivii i to the. ritieiu lit Ht. Mary ami
vutiiiity u Surv.-yot mi l Lnp,iuei r in ail ii va
zielies. I'llne in J'. A. Sarpy's mon;. cm ner el
(injury street. a ijii-ly
WATSON, KtM V 4. (;ltKi:n,
(ieneial t.iimt A;'ei.t... SI. M.uv, M .11., ,
Inwa. Will al'i'iiil tn ti e piin ha-, and sale of
ie.,T et ite, the .ir:'e'i;n ot liilm , p iy ni tax
Arc. ve. ' '
"l'.4'; land 41. -I V ill.i.'e lo's
pllHi,l- ..I
1.1 ;!..! .,' of Con
:, ;.!,!, t
, 4
'' ! '! prt-sciil session, as we will
i i " !.a' . ibice di'js set rpart for territo
: i. ! w is, ;n-,-;. ILwcvcr, liie post offices,
i., .1 ii.ts and upproprialioii for public
buildings, wi'l becomo laws this session.
The land offices will not be established
now;, for Ike .rtiisuij U ut the sui tey of the
'lrri oi:ie will not. bo completed bcfwie
tie lneetir.g of tho nexf-Ofngrt'SS, if iheiij
:i l .the . plats, and Jupb'citos will not be.
made out till s,oi,i tiino nftcr Iho m?a-ing
T Im in .vt Coiigi ess, il is Omrd'oro u; gd
ide 's.' I am not in ligt..iai ut ell; the fiul
it w mid no, be I'.iir in ins, as I inn the
on. n b r. And f.uther, I will ncliiiowl
cilgc, thai I am ulums inclined lo bluuie
myself for in-kiii;.r any remarks in reifer
enec to that b, g-pipj which bawls but the
louder, because of tlio great mount o!
wind that propels il. ARcr all, perhaps
lie is only an eulhudast, as Cowper has
it :
i ,,-it.l eniln -.'.;!.. ever vet could rest,
Till half tiiai,:.ind '.lore likn liiuiself py.J"siw 1.
In regt rd to bis insiniuit ioirs bn 'bach
elorism,' and my provable prospect in Ins
city. 1 fu'ly concur. UeaMiuubly accoun
ted for, so long us there are jihiralilyites
this side of Salt Lake, who are in point of
that it w on!. i be a useless cvprnditui C of ! honor, wit, and humor, so vastly superior
nu In.c
iragnmtlile lei in?.
to Silt
fur .sal-i l !,i:.- i, and nil
chas. i:. w at.' Ua.
I.. H. KIN'. i:v.
JDhF-IMI (J!';i:ibV.
Kiall iei", Mills C'i.,1"-. '1 ',") proprie
tors of this null iti'ciid to ktep luuibnr ot til
di ri iplion coin-t jii'Jy on hand also lo tup
ply alt tndi (ur biint'tr t bIioi t no.
tie, tor ta h, uU.3m
ritlli: Muh.erilni- Lam.;; Ineateil hnu.e;lf at
L W. Mary ia pri .j-ai-.d l.- ' -i.t'J "id. ra id
evtiy disei ij,t ii a of i'laie., I ai.e) , unit Oina
n.i l'.iiu'..i.;;. t.itun p. nnle i, K-tlLied a"d
gild' it i I tie! lull A .ipjunli'' i ! j t " , and i.i the
neat-'Kl lea1 !:'-r. l'.itrn'iuii' r i, .etf JIy no-
In-ii.-J. Odii", nt If. Mv ik, fruit M b
Marv. :;'l'AM"I.At; 1 hCtlKM ANSI-5f.
.St.' Miiry, t-'pt. 57, ''-1.
Wholesale and ('iia.animl M 'reliant, (tealer
in Dry Cjon ls, llirdware, ii-.-tisiVrtie, (ilns
t are, Urm trien, Jrin, Mi-'.tii--, HouUi and
i'.atioiit-i y. or Wain and Uriiorv '!..
Ceiivi-yunttr, N.t,.iy J'ublif, nn-l H uviy.r.
Oific.; nl lh Slmu vl Uieeiie, Kituny. t In.,
fct. Mary, Mills?..)., inwa. Am;, i,
JAMl'.S o ni:.i
Dftinv tj.i.iii-.i'c.ei. oih..,- u ; : 'jrv,
"m. -' ''
money, m pa)i.g rlgittls ua 1 receivers,
without lln ir having any tlu;ie3 to perform
I believe ihat Coiigre. is disposed lo be
liberal to the Territories, und will extend
to them all they can cousislcnly with the
C mstkuiioii and Jaws of the country.
Not withstanding my l..te sirri val here, and
ibe'very iloi t timo 1 will remain. I hope
by ll.ui.i l of tiio nuliy acquaiiitaiices that
1 li . n in ttot 'TPss, who bra inlluential
men, to be able to roalu'j fully the cxpuc
taUons of my toiiotiluents if not do more,
,it least, I w ill use my industry and elier,
j.'y to d to. .
I hud i.othe;ad of Hon. Mark"W.
Iz '.id's appointnietit, until my arrival hero.
Some yf .iis bince I had the ple.,.ureof his
acipi.iiiitanee, at his own Mt. Ver
non, St. T'rancuis county, Arkansas, lie
it, a r mn with a clear head und a pure
heai I, and is emphatically a western raun
in principle, mid will maVa an efficient
and popular officer.
The IJhitr Cily Ru'o las been charg
ing it upon mc, und the chin'gcs liuv been
copied by other papers, und heralded
throughout the Union, that I was an Anti
Ncbrahka Democrat, and opposed the prin
ciples of Popular Sovereignty, Now, sir,
.ill audi charges ore utterly false and un
founded, und I ask the Rugle, or any liv
ing man, to point to tlm time, place or oc
casion, that 1 ever utlercd or disseminated
such si minion! s. 1 deny emphatically that
it cm be done. 1 was one of Nebraska s
iirbi 1st iml wmmcst friends, a .fact
known to (ill who Lnow rne", jiorsonalljy or
politically, so epres- mystlf i tilt occa
;' ;r -, v !:in '--siry, tS while c.nvf.?8-
I'u M.'isrs. Johnson, Hutu end others
to your itnpreten ling humble 'bachelor.
A lew words to prove his affinity, pre
viously rucred to in this article. He
runs foul of a miserable article 'not worth
a notice,' but as quickly changes his mind
picks it up, stujips his feet with rage, lets
oil a blast of w ind on his favorite instru
ment, draws hnnBclf up willi the pride ol
it hern, believing that he has t-lfcotujlly pit
u quietus to 'not worth a notice.' He!
vindicates his cause, his instrument and
himself, but in conclusion says, 'I will not
deign an answer to personalities.'
On the whole, I tun exceedingly well
pleased. When a coat fits too tightly, it
bring forth expressions of pain from the
wearer. I, too, am a sincere admirer ol
the beautiful prairie, t( but not such as are
iu immcuiate proximity to the 'uiry castle )
and am not a w ild enthusiast. 1 pause for
another inlatt. M.
CoNuwDncM.-Why is the editor of
the Uugle like the steam passing from the
waste pipe of an engine ? Dy'o give it
up f Recuuse he makes a great noise, but
leaves no impression.
Kansas. Petitions are in ch filiation
j for the removal of Governor Reeder of
Kansas, from the Gubernatorial chair of
lliat Territory. We are of opinion that
such peiilifciis will have little weight with
the President, when ho becomes fully in
formed of the reasons which have lead to
heir circulation. It is notoriously true,
thr.1 u great number of illegal votes were
cast nt the late election, and believe Gov.
Ueeder U right b the stand b Ins taken
nJ will be tfunind by the Pi-esiLnt.-
City, Nebraska, )
Jan. U, Itrjy.
CeiilUmtn: Vou have done in.i tin:
honor to plana my name upon tiio list of
managers of a Printers' Festival," to be
held al Council Hull's City, '-in commem
oration ot the birth of the Faiher of the
American Press, lk-njamin I ruiikhu.
All the manairers with two exceptions,
beings citizens of Nebraska, 1 feel the
greater regret thut my duties, at the ope
ning of our Legislative Assembly will
pi event in3 Irom participating m your
Festival meelii g.
1 know something of the trials and los
ses of the frontier Editors and Printers,
and hope that your fortunes May be bo
advanced by the public which you faith
fully serve, that you may Imu, privately
and pubhe'y, many ltstivah.
Ill baale, truly yours,
Tousls wero drank, with spirkling
wine, accompanied with gems of wit and
inirlhful puns from all parts of the house.
Among thusij we are able to get copies of
arc the following :
Benjamin I'ranMin whose birth we
commemorate. A Printer by profession
his name will receive tlio plan Ills of the
millions yet to follow. Link-field.
Council Llufj-t The emporium city of
Jie Great West May her sons and daugh
ters long live- to enjoy n any such festive
pleasures. Reinnrd.
The l'rem May it ever ex"pi ess" en
nobling virtues and tend to sup"prcs3
i"norunce, vice mid crime and im"press"
upon the world that knowledge is power,
and to re"prt'9s" tho follies of ihe limes.
but tonp"pre8s" none. May it cem'-press"
only error and "press" its way over the
habitable globe. Johnson
The "i'uWi'ii." Mty its Ivlitnr be
a fin,; und well rooted Reed planted upon
ihe fruitful plains of Nebraska; and there
may it expand und llouiish, a proof (.gainst
the storm of winter and the thunder of
its enemies. Johnson.
1'lit' Printer Interior to none und
equal to the best. L. O. L.
The ''Council Bluffs lhigW May its
shrill und convincing notes bo heard
throughout the civilizcil world, causing
lens of thousands to emigrate to this land
of Kden, to bless it for its cheering notes
to the poor und starving ef the K -isl The
Ruglol Mr. James.
Tin "jYtbftikiaa an I Jrr, v)" May
its bow bu of tlu ri'fht t:i iteri-l and quiv-
world us it flows irresi.iiabl y on through
this mighty cb.-nnel. The lime for count
ing soldifr:; .'or enumoruiing fleets for
calculating tho Ktretig'.h of navys for
lookin rover the churl of iirm.iHi.iuls, forts
and lowers has not passed it
is true; but the great men of tii : earth
have lcni iied ihal ihey must become states- j
men if ihty wish to nuke 8uejcs.'!'ul con
qucat;; and iurn the el't'orls of their arms
tuwaidj the biidi summiis of civilization
where tire beacon lights of the nations
shine and reflect the popular wiii and the
stiilimeiiU of experience.
The Press has thrown u preponderance
of its power into Liberty's scale, uud is
witti'iiig from nations th
' Jjuh-s of ubiolu iaiii forged by I'espjts to
maniele the will of ihu m.issea. It has
iveti to L ighuid, Fiance, Seot'umd, and
niln r l.iiw-uis. nioic boerty Uiau t..u.u
i - i
havo been aehit ved by u resort lo,
The utterance of an h-iiest sciniincnl no
Ion "er receiver the edict cf dcmnlninti by
the scalfjld or blin k. It has given to the
people the right of free discussion, lo
speak, lo think aloud, and to publish w hat
they please, so it is not in direct treason or
declaration of internal war. All these
were once bowed v. iih mute subserv ianec
to the stubborn will of rulers, but the
constant inculeatio-i of the rights of man
has vibrated the chords that give out the
no'es of liberty, until the people have
sworn upon the sacred aliar--where the
bauds oT freedom are cement o I by the
tears of oppressed sinceriiy .hat ihey
will be slaves no longer. Toe Pi ess li.ty
thundered the principles of llepubiie-an-
Ynnr, Lvnics and Gi
ti. ii . i ,
aiio "ei vciir s t)io:;.j mii. t
aived. Fia.' the profit er I,,:, o.' iho p ist
end carry ii fowar.l in your general slot if
account. Open p. cb'ar f.ctt cf boo's. At
liiu end of ibis year, lei. ,t-,j- "IVofil unj
Loss" nccouot show on the profit sidet
"gain of virlue, i.haiidonmeut of -id I vices
and follies an incresseJ for flu;
belter, of your neighbors .'he ri;;; of
-A .avigatice, i.nd I he u oi-'atice of b si a-.
Swift! b.iin.." ' l.d On. -,!.-::.,'' , show
1 .o eiilir.: stock of v ices, eui i , :V,,:V)ri,i
lv:d hnbiis, tale b..'l, i'eeu.ner.,1,0 vt
kinds, and of cnnli Icnce. So will y
prosper and be well to do worship G.l
and love mm. So r.i do it. Le. ;
Lxei'LSiorf'oe the JmCits rnoM Sc citf
Tiia Spanish fovcriiniei,t lias ov.h red ib
Jesuils, 80 in number, who urc cstubh'sli
ed at Loyola in l.'m !5.,?-jii . . Proi inei!, (o
proceed immediately to Mijeres.' Tlier,;) obey, o!T llm pi-'e'evt
thiii liothii g is prnparcd for su -ii j
ney. If ihey resiit ihey v.-;..l he evpflicl
by force, and all the Ministers will 'tip
prove of such a ni :asut'i f
their eijiulsion is, llmt tiicy have mad-v
thcinjclvcs ihe) most i:etive age: its in Cui
b its conspiracies.
Ko--!.u-rij on ine V .-, u. On the CJ h
ul.ii'no, a nit".-.i;ig Wi.s held iu Loiiduii i:i,
coiriiiierfioi-atijii of ti:e Po!L..!i rvelu iou of:
lci'20, and at yhi.;h Il-.uth d. li.ere J uu
fleqn -nt 8pi.'f-c!l. The colli tc the u.lid
Goveri-.meuts, in coii.l.i..i:ig ;!iu wr, is
cri'iciscd witlio'i! mcivy, whik- ihe gal
lantry oi'-thcir crinhis i, dwelt upon wi-lt
Sjiontnneons a.buii aiiou and aplauje. ,
According to Kossuih", the ou'y iinana
of securing the AYest of L iroj.o .".gai;n.t
die encroachment of Russia, is the rceon
sl met ion of Poland, followed by the res
toration of the oilier lately subjugated and
suppressed nationalities of the Continent.
iTJOf 13 Kll votes recently given I;i
the ti:y of Mexico, only seven, Wet o
against S.urtii Anna's csntinuaiine in pow
er. Thu sev en il is s-.d.l. were g-mt t.j
i , . 1 1 : r a .. . .-.-. . t !
P'tsirn 1
! raiici.ise is t-i
c.-eri l
' Tiler ; ar j I.
. I 1 : . . . 1 : 1 ... 1 .
Isin until Kins tremuio upon uicir inione ihere i
ulid their crowns set loesi ly upon their
royal heads. They watch wid. . larm the
porlentious indications of the appucichmg
crisij wliea the sovereignty of tho popu
lar will shall exliqudc in neri d sv.ay.
This day this night a power is at woik
that is watch: J by the libit d po.vers o!
Western Lurope with us much solicitude
and dread as arc the guns, the fortiiiea
tious, and armies of the Czar, directed by
his military skill und power. It is ihe in
iluence of the Press that shapes the senti
ment of the world and reveals the direc
tion of tlmt broad channel through which
the sympalhyof nalions llo'.v.
Finally, it is this power thai w iil do most
to liberalize Lurope; und, for oi.r own
country -ftif the American Republic it
will defend our Coaimerec,'.no'C 1'gl'i
culi lire, dii'i'ase the chai'ius td" literature,
accleratu tiu lu.trt-h jf! eibteati .ti; anJ
io -i in vh re mi ht
in ni i...e. Sv,':'et sun '. are uev-.
er heird tiier.' ; a c! -i i 1 hl.iev-jr tinna
funeral p-dl han,s over them iu fculleu''
fnlils. A-'gr atvl dis: intent cro'.ioli on
the earth lie,.; ti e mn'.ljer finiio'. Sjic.dt in.
father wiil.o-i'. 'i-:rs. s. U f
! , -. 1 f .-, ,!., :, , . I ' . el.
ver una, lo s-:e
love, nor th :
ihe horror of
that creel, s o
't:e c!...i
1 ''nog
iom : n i l .;py. ;
.1 iuo f.nn.: i.uie,
;e s u.-i-j I ) it i- li li ur:; 1 in
Who would a l.;J..-
with bro her to m he 1
'1 hitd; of them sittin;
parti-lung o!
their hearts
awful he.l!,tha;iin that pi -,: which .du.i.d
be the holiest, and when: In the jj.iisc ui
angels devils dwell,
iiiscord at home ! L -i I rouble, ui rvw,
poverty come; hut keep fotev .r ih .t . i .j .,
ful ileinon from our duor, sj that '.,ur j-n-j
may ever be, a-j iow: ' S.veil Il-L'.:,"
F. V 1 a erv .'mi ! !,.diit ...- rrue'd u
t ,
i v
i t
i '
tl , 1
: I il
i i