Nebraska palladium. (Bellevieu City, Neb.) 1854-1855, January 24, 1855, Image 4

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    MNUtstot ...... v
3 g t i t n 1 1 u r I.
1ST LOJ.3 MITjZA: Nf;.
o r n
J.' .
..! I!
J, 5
4 i
I t plot- would tin r. e.
I cither hulii r di n e.'
Stormy Wivtict. It i-? pro
diet 1 by the wexthor-we, tint
l!ie ensiling winter will he unu
sually stormy, marked by Ikmtv
fills of rain or snow or" both.
The prediction is based upon ihr.
fact that about th same amount
of watr falls to thr earth earh
)?r, and as much less than the
t.'sua! proportion has Mien during
the last tix months, the k.Itnrt'
ii to b-j made up this winter.
Farmkk. Adam wa a
mer while yet in Par-idi.-.",
after his fill commandfd to
; i 1
his bread by th1. sweat of his brow
Job the, honest, upright and pa
tient, was a farmer; and hii en
diranee has passed into a proverb.
JSocratej waa a fdrmnr, and c
i. .l i i l: lit .i i'
cv4u;u IU nil calling Lie giOTV
of his immortal pliilosophv. St. I
Luke was a farmer, and divide!
witn i rometheus the honor of
subjecting the ox fortl'.s uc of
man. Cincinnatus was a farmer,
find the noblest Roman of them
all. Uurn was a farmer, and the
muse found him at the plough
and filled his soul with poetry.
Washington was a farmer, and
retired from the hichest earthly
Nation to enjoy the quiet of rural j I
life, and present to the world a
spectacle of human greatness.
To these may be added a host of
others who sought peace and
repose in the cultivation of their
mother earth. The enthusiastic
Lafayette and the steadfast Pick
ering, tae scholastic Jefferson,
and the fiery Randolph , all found
an Eldorado of consolation from
life's cares and troubles, in the
graen and verdeut lawns that sur
rounded their homesteads. Was
h ington Sentinel.
Of, Kvry one his own
Phytic mn
Hlh fifteenth E.lition. with
wne iinnarej enrravinn
-nowiiiK il','ae- and nialfonu
liona ot the h iuiaii s)sti.'m giiape and
form. To which in (,1.m1 a tivi,..- .... i.
dineai"' of f.-iualiM, being of the highest impor
tance to man i..'il i.r ople. or thoieroiii..ii,p'aUii "
mama-;. By. W.M. VOL'.NCi, AI. ). P
Lot no father be ashumej l pr. sriii .1 cpy
c f the i1-;sciiialiu to his chihl. Ii ,)1V f.;,i'.
him from an early grave. Let no voii , inun
or woman enter into the secrect otil'!i..i.g of
married lie without readint; the J'ocki'f W;.-c:i-falina.
Let no one sutr'rfroin a hackncnl coiiL'ii.
fiam in 1he eide, reftles nisrhts, i.eivous f.- l
and the w hole train of dyspeptic enutini.
nml civen ip by their ihyiriaii, be another m.j
inent without rr.iiuiii,? the .-foupaliii. -Hav
the marrie.l, or those about to be mar
ried, any iiojie-dimeiit, read thin trulv n-"lnl
hooic, ai it has beU the mean of savin:: tbou
RarulHof unfortunate creatures from the veiv
jau (,f ieath.
wV" -Viy prjon gendins Tw enty-Five Ci-nU
'n..ioo 111 a letter, w ill receive one ropy of
!.-- -1. I... .. . .. . I-
iiiimun i.y man, ur nvecoiei Will be lent
for One Dollar.
AddreM, (post-paid.) BR..M. VOl'XG.
No. llri Spiuce Strut, J-hiU.
nov29 '."illy
aww' -)
.$'300,000 worth of (iifts
for the siibrsribeis of the
C,f '.
t J J J A. U J C I I-,- - I.
1)UBLISHI-.J) sijuultaiiermsly 1:1 the three
citiett of New York, J'liiln.lelphia, Balti
niore, as srfiu as 3D(I,(X)H subscriber!! are obtain
rir, and havine already an actual cucuUtion of
iijii, um, is now certain
The Distribution will soon
take place.
Amonp the extraordinary Lists of C.fta,
(being one for every ticket i.-omed,) ore
I'ri.f. Hart's elea it country eat, valued
t f ..),( H)
A marii,aceiit city resilience, worth tpl7.0iHi.
A ra.h loan for VMJ years, with in unrest or
eeurity, M',i)tH!.
Huiiding eh'jrant Piano Fortes, Melo
deonc, (old VV'atche, Bracelets, Kinti, Hooka
f travels 111 the old and new world, by Prof.
Hart, real estate, tec, it., 4r in all numbi-r-ing
)0,ikii) (.il ts, valued at SSxi.iiiK).
F.very simple remittance of tjil, secure one
year's subscription to the .M imiai 11 l'n tom
iai., and the Riatiuty of a C.1I1 Ticket, h,i 1,
entitles the holder to one uliarc in the .'(),) ins,
t.itii. 'J linn every person invesl:iij in th.j
stiiptndoiii enttrpii.e receives tne lull worth
f Uim ur tier minify, in suhHcriiiti'iii to a tiirtt
class jouriii.t, (the grea'est and moit int. re-tin
pieionai or ine ajce,; ne.nuei, a iitl for crti,
ubscritier which may prove an "iiuneu.-e for
tune to thereraiver. ,
For a complete list of g'.fii, ami f-.lland.x-licit
pailie. ilars in repaid to (he fcreat eti'. r
nrise, .listrihutii.n, &-:., ee a copy of The
VVhoie World, whi.ii will be promptly n-nt
free of tharge, whei UvjireJ by U-ltur, p.-el
pant. ..
The- Whole Woildluay also he eeri at the
otlice of all papers containii, this adveriiv
inenl, w here inin. matioii may Le ohla.ue l in
reparj ibe pajier ami ei.leipiise.
Agents, I'l.r.tmmt.'rs, am:, J'-:io.ih of
a lucrative and at the nun.- tune yente-1 .111
plojiuelit, should not fail In ne a cnj.y of 'f lie
IVliole World, which contains ly far the mot
iiljeral inilacnui-i.ti ever oliei.d to agents in
ilie way 01' in.mtii'e rash pieini'iins, u.
loiiMiiou, ic n beret, y any w iih ord iia
iy activ it, ran ft-ny n,ae ( i.i" m and 11 )
Mkidi, per year; tw wbn:hfacl tin; aei t we
th il ,
ir, i,,-,.
alieaJv have ran certify, bioue the p.rtor
ial, ami beccuie wisa, rich, and h''i y.
Correspondents tuust wn e I'.ei. a ldrec
rvalues, FostotGcfs, I'onnty and Stale, .ai i
lid diklirxt, Or it Will b their own fault if liicy
tail to get an answer. A.ihere to th.i, and :1
lelurns ill be promptly viheievcr dtaij-
d, in Bay part of the world.
CV It' uy cr.leis are rereivf.J after the.
2Uj,ioO suhsciilH.'is aie (.blalned, lh" money
MsUl ie prouipUy relurned, i.a.l-paid, to il.c
j s -
ers l.l semi, 111; it.
All letteri remitted for tLe 1'iitoiial, tift TiikcU, invariably be ad i e
s'd, pos-pai4, Prof. J. Woodman liait.
liarl'ailutldii'KF, Ch"'tn..t Str-tt, Philasleiphi
Fa Its tl.uf IL prirrip! auj w
la. Id I. nn-)lm. f te.l'K ,
V' u s i n f s s n i c e ( t
i;. i I i i I
T.rni.r. 5,
I'.M'l"' i'l il"
I'l .i'U'ri', S" o.ieiV ,n i
c , 11. iU ,V '',,:., in
11,1 s" '.-,. I I
(i-.ii ,.i ;, .
r." mv m.i
, I - A .1.
SAUl'Y & I
Wlii.!rs,!i. and i;.:,ui
si I.
1 1 In li! i. ;!
I'm - -1 1 1 -1 ill !i: ii ( i'm
II 'rdv.arc. Hooks ne.
It. its ...d Cap-", an. I
.'l-.l i DM Hi.; nest s
i-. r. i
r. r. Dry (."!-.
nerv. iionts. hii.i-.
vmi'lv oi' !';i!ir
ihc Public S,pi.'-e.
: V
Cleewood. J..v a.
i ( K- )!.!
W!'.)t :,:. and '. ;:, ,.r.
:..T.,.f ;,u. IVulii -
-', I'M. 1 ;i l.trjv
- T ')
I I-
II. 1'. Iir.NM'.TT,
iim! Cm Hi--,-Uir lit l,uv. a ii. I S
ir l!
; i -
( :
i" v. v. . I! .r;ic: in. it,
J):-t I i. H" I! ...ii
p-t,l -.Nion.! li'i-;:i '! i-!:;-ii-
i'l it corn-r of Coi.Ii;;i- sn I I.
iw !, i ..v.i. an-' :n-n
A in
; ::il M
i' IVV I.
ii. I l' ii
';i-:i,i. hi-viiij
.!. M.lli ,.
ii I :i!U PI II.
1 c.e il
, I..W.I
Ii c i : I in
.:..'ii)i Iv :i
t'l 1
J). II.
aw . (.linivv i"
'. ,,K ..f t
aiui thi: ."n. r
. 1
f I"
i,i ' ,
.1 i-
1 I
iv :t.i,
IV. I.
WII.1,1 M C u.vl Uil.l).
At nrncy mid C nnn.-i'! .ur at I.:t v, Jl.,nw 1.
Ida a. j-iiif 1 y.
7.-, 'ITAUi'7
At'oi ni'v an.l Ci. ii, '!l)r h! I.-iw. on Mm nci l)i
i.' el' I.i.i"it vli. i-t. (;i.','ivvoi. I. l,'W,i. t'l 31 -If
) J.imi Dm ni; n, w.nil.1 rr-.p.'( tf'illy
iiil'ni in I !.r r i : i.'iir. .f (ii.-nw m..l. Mills Co.,
l"V.a. tiuit hi- ha I'l'inianr-nt I v in tbi
,hu . , ..n.l t'-n '': .-I Ii's I'l i.f.s, una sen ii-, in
II i'f i' v .. ri,,n- hi ivii. lii-i. tu tl:- rii i.-i.s an.i
'Piuily. iluv ii'i' a'!iM..l I a l iil ..'' ir-- nf
M.- ln il 1,. ,'t ii. ', in r i,,i:i ,-:ion witlith 'St.
I.i.'.i- I!..., "'.Ill,'- !i.i'i"lf i'iiii;'f!ci,t
ft it'.-i i
ir ...ti.,;
I.) ifinlir p-ii'val
fa '.' him Willi ti
n ' tin'''.; w im m iy
';ir ":I..t :,i Di
t.i i s vv ,', i,. M i.i. s (
!.). .!.:. I n.i-l , .
V.,.,.!.n, W,!
Wiii.i.f v i r. Ill m. : fi in
..,h,i W
oe II,,,-
wm. .u;-soi' ix yi.N.s.
Sh.i''"h :-,. 1 ii.,,,.iT.,.,i,,;,!,i., i'l 3, Mi,;.,
sVi Si. J.o.ii-i. -.M.,t::.,;u, li nn CiMnpani .'
i'.'.'-i"ii. mai.'il'i.i tiir. rs of mac; tu.i;., I ,,,
"lihi-;,' nn.t drilling machilie, l..t.'i. -.
l'ili". I'.li-e ti"l-, a.c, maiiiil.iciiiii'-l a:
V. en: iv Oi :ii Woiks, Slielhi I.:. iuipo-t-.l to or. I. i
J yr 1 i'-1 y A . , 1 nt.
Pi.ccsois to lierthold V Jiro'li-rs.'
dealer in Clioc r: Tea-. Wmet ai.-J I.l.juoi-;
C,'inuiiH-,Mn an,! Forwari'iinij Merciiants, lu
...r'h Second -treet, St. J.nn..-. M i.
Chviuh Tim v an. vm. Fiti
Fi nn. Kozir.H, Jr.
Aiikdci. lii BTiii.i.n.
Oa'ey, M.'Ciine -Si. (.'o., hot ween Morgan and street-., on Main and S-cond stn et-, M.
I.oui, Mo ; Itullderi of Strain Ij.'iiits. lio.le. i
and every dcci .piioii of Mill inacuinerv.
a;i.- lJ-fim
Sheflifl.l .slecl wari'h.iu"e, 2i Main, corner
of Morgan street, St. Louis. .St.-i-l of all d.
TriptioiiH in Htnre. or iniporied to order, on the
f I"""?:. U-ilm II. )U.Ki;W'i:i,l A-":.
J. F. COMvtoC'K.&. CO.,
W'hol.-ale and ntail .baler in Jioots and
fMiues, or fli k.nds, an. l.ri Ma n s'reel. St.
1 r
Mo. anrli-lv
Man'ifarti.r rs of CoeetR Tin and Siij.ft
ihon w 1, im, such an Copper I'ipes loi
Steam l.niiies JJi-tille. ie. Kreeehii.a.
C-biinliev -.I, So. la C.ener.itorn and Fountains, lire
wii:? ami all km.!.-of C o, per R. t les. Well and
Cistern rumps and every other article in their
line or liii.-i.iiewi, tliey aim maiiutaclure and
keep cuiiMautly on hand the St. Louis premium
viLkin-fii). is, suiiaoieror :e in UoteN.
Colleges or other simular estalili.-bmeiit-; :n idt
in a j;ood and workmanlike manner, and nut of
K"'i ami materia.'; ai.,1 of l.ii.-i.-nt
,-ies. All kind ,r I inware on hand, wholesale
and retail, Xo -f.i.i Main M. ect, soulh-ea si eor ..f Cherry. St. Lii'iit. M... ap, (-.',in
i L t.Mim & C O. have jn-t received oneof
- ' Hie larjret and liest selected tock of
OC)D.S ever hrfore exhibit "! in the we.-t. A-
iiieir a-s.i, uneni miy . found
diiy ;i)Ds,
A variety of cio.hin of all sorN and
hardware and cutlery, ilmi!-, mcilicines.
ture, bedsteads, buiea is, tab'es, chairs,
box and Cirecian, parlor stov es, Ac; in
eook, boil.
rvery.nini; you may call lor.
Persons need not be detained when they come
to the cheap corner, as they are Weil supplied
w ith iiimbie clerks 011 their tirsl le.'s, and k.'
wav have sharp trUaors and dull eonkciencr'-.
Fiiiiyrants w ill liml it to their a ivant;,". ,
call upon us before piiich .ninehseA bere.
fileiivvood. April --ti, n.Ti-tf
3 .epy 's s rA. f.LYm r "
,.a-r;. vr i t h c is k 1 f:
A. - A' JJ 11 Jt 'J r .V .
'Pill. X. bia.-ka is a n.-vv aim splendid b.rvt.
.a. 1
leers i.n.1 crew.
ti. lievicw C iiy, X
io .'. a.
u.-ka, .soj poiiie St. .,iry,
coining lo Nebraska should come directly t .
This is the front (rail way to the most important
and niieresllii" po; (ion of X biaska. fi,.ar in
mind that
are the two best points tor 11, e emigration to
betleview City, July J "), 1 r.l-tf
Just arrive.-, tier gleatner Delaware, tt
.WA''Vi' c.jmi stork
On Main Mlrcet, St. Mary.
Ci izitns iin l uni riinu cm now find ft
full Mi;jily of fresh tinx crii . I'roviMorni,
Dry ioii ami IL ri'vvure, whii li tliev can
sj 1111. j in a. a-.t', )IU-IJ
O iOVF.S for sale by
srpy & r:x(-;r.r-if
I' XOHS A X I) LATCHES. James' bes
JV- uuali! of Mineral Knot.s and Litches.
! at G ELK XL, ikiX.NLi' A. CO.
t l ' -
M I Ii I. vS-v
n hm'iiim;, l v
C & C. Trrrl ii fn fj 5
M. 21
M K II I ,
( ' II ll'T ll'-o
I H(. I I V II I ' I., v I I.., I i ; ) . f.
im.-urti rx n .V i . 'n-t,i i."f ' illill Olcn.a.
Y !'Ai:i.v
i i- .'' i.i
a-- i r
!!,- M
' i ' ! r . r
!: I.. -IV.
''t ( '-r..N'; -1 I.
it :it :!.! vt.. k.
i. -t; ..( t
(i n.Jl.ii.; Hi III.
V "I
' In
' a r v ,
nil'.' I
'I :.'
t n
' 1. 1 -t
1 1 1 c
f t'
in 1 - -i hi'.
,. I i ir
l :. l.v ii
IV j....
. I..' .Til
l'..r 1 1 ,
I l:illhT
- .i k t i . v t -i r v i -
' nf tin' Il ; I'l. .i
rii l. r. tli..t vv.' i
III nf i.'i'.i llii'i.- !
l .ll lll.l!:!., I'l
il'lt vv .
j Mi i 1
t '
;tr; ai;.
I I ir :
:i I ...
. ' -1 1 1
-ir- I
,1 vv.i
1 I,
n I ill i j . -i ! 1 1 Y
i 'I'l
i l,.t.
I! .1 ,
I, W"
- Ml It. I
h.l-l till-
hv f.i .1
in i 1 1 ii in 1 !
i i;i
." t;
,t .I'
A In ;.' .,ii
linal y I "i
; ml mil!."
".'-,.:. t,
nr s'iiiin t
inf'Tinr a:
I ir.-i - ..ii
ml II" iv !
ll' i,r-
I'm ' in ,ii 1 1 ii' - r.f mill 1 1 a nr.- -
-ll'T. .1 I
oS: .im l.r i v
ii ir-.-iv " In ;
i.-l.'. v 1,1
I. Mil. I it !,-
i ;.t CIm'Ii-..
it -.'l!m,- in
i" in ,
,,!... cCmik t.. t'.n -i
an, I ;!n..i:,'.'r I.i I
C'm'Ii s an i .ii ,,,'r-
' m '. I". 'J'ii.'v
n vm'ii r-i ! a!,,.., i,..i,,i"r tiu; t'lev
cnul'l nnl ii, a!, .' tli-'ir Ch't'u IiCivht it'i.l prc
"rvi' tin unif'irini'y ,'f mi -ti."i i u, Iisj.p:,,.!-
hl fur i.' In 11 11,. J''V h:i . f -'HTft 1. -j.
Dl'll ll( 1.1 IM; I 1 II I II " A HI. M) VV M A III I V rHI.IK
l.T Kin l v. Hii'l f ,r hi a ity i.f t.!..!i. nnif.j,
t V i f Im '-f.i--. (.wulll a,.! 'I ira n, I i'y . wr t-iw
in t!ip iiiilli'tH tri iK'i "illy in th." ,-,i ;iiti v . an I . i-ii'-n.ily
t j tin' null,.-, ::,! mill .. .v n'.-r-i in ij,,s
' port.wu: Ctt. TIX MILL.
Our attiMitnui for many y'ar li-vn b.'.'n di
rrct. -I t.j (..btjin the hc-t vu f .r i(in!r.ii'lmj;
tlif-.' miM-.. In iiinnv . .-. thy are u .f.l by
:iifx.-i i. nr.- 1 a:.. 1 ri I'oif, ,! ir.ib.l,ty
ami till,;,!,, ! V of c i r r: i,,n Wl ! lie uliji r(
T". It aC. i ,. u tlnx Mr '(jiiilt wo li.n
I. W
1 r w c
'i lii'v.- I .'a ,se in t'i irat
' -o'-I . ' r II ,- n-i' h'-eu nue re.
1 1 1 i.i ,1. n.,r l i "iir k 'i .v . ! ;.
1 i.tiflv ' tin- s 1' f ,.(
ii.-' V ii.'.' Ill tl .- '. ,,-
many of th.'in in .. a
I'll 1:1 i! 1 re ki.'.w ti u T ) i
t.UAI.N M 1 I.I,. V.' in::., i.f,
1 t' i;e I In pe form
I:..,., u-iii them.
1.1 ::ie Wc-t, ami
m a:, t C-.l.f.i, 1, .H.
i'S l MI'IvUVF!)
ic:,m th-.e Uin.U.
. UT.:, i l y weight
1. v , v .vim., the
lo wit : c.vr hick-, t.. l
! ,f 1 1..- runner ; 1 ... k vvn 1,1
,,'V it -!,,! to and I In- i' m -'
I'ati'i.t r.ii ii- I. c.'Uic.i-. .j an-1 a
ne -i:ieti:h-
j LF.JY HER DlA.Yl.Ya.
j This ortielv 11 Im made in tin- ra?ef per-
i.ciinn, .m i ncciinint' ex en-.v, : y ii.-,e in the
maii'ifa. t iniiL' c : h vi I -iiiient - i.f 1 ne connliv.
We kern on bin. I u.' laii'.'-t -i.i tiijei.t in tin
o.iiilry, oi our own, atil Fa-tern
uiai.'itari , e.
5 ..r-r.w-'iv
I '
Vi-i.i vi.n ariim.R n 1 1 r 1 s 1 ; - sti sm '"''i- b and tlnoat Knlarirmerit of the (Hand-,
ivvckim. ivi, ai iieia i,,,sk. H aie t'-e oniy I ,''','' or t'M,,',r'' 1,1 lh'" Tllr0:l1. r'''ltl'"i Piinsiu
airents of the Huston Company in this city for i a,,,i Jum'-f it is the only sale and sure
ihe sale of tin-e L'ood-. ' ri uie,ly. i 011114 persons who have reason to
lloishn- -new 1. mi,'! spindles r' llatoiir "'V-''1 a"' ""'Ur.ty in their blood, either
i,.,'H. pat.-:,' ii.e, moot' - ,r.'s . Hilary or the result of imprudence ouaht to pu
mill picks, scieen y. ir... copper i 'v - . I ,re 1. a-' n'-v li, stroy this virus hefoie enteiing the'einel hla-t.-r. ., Xc. "V co. U1t. i r" ,r,:," ,''''. ""'.V m:ty thereby not only
Iv on leiiiil. l"l ' ' protect tln-ni -u . .-s a,, nn,t the danger, of impo
st. I,..'i,s. A... il '.?l',.
A,. 1 il i'l.. l."it. n t'l-ly.
r M 111. I ii'vci si; v . I I ree Med.ciiies u P.j
ir M;o'.v ,'l,l, e. chart. '.-ed l,y l ,e Matl
Pennsylvania. April i-mh, s."):i. mainlyto
r.-t the ev ,U of .:11.11011s no ti inn.-: als-o to -.
1 ....... 1 , . , , . .
, iv uie j.iiiii.c w...i lecatjtt: ruin 11. 1 -. -,v :t c
.bebe.t 111. .! adv i-.i - cannoi o- w !! t.ut he
1 mploved. h .i p., riM-.l the una! ia;i!e rem
edy. liiUv.'.Mi'.s Toxic; .MiMi .,!:. .h.
iiisland o,.iy ki.ow n for 1 y rvM.-.u-
he . erlain c.ite loi Ine Fi ve.- 1 .'v.'.e. and
lis hiliilll"! CI'll j. la. Ills, coinh ICI.tlv
ll to tin- (...Irona.-e ..f the a.'fii.-ie.l
Toe above m-t.t it ion l-ki 'a 's,. ,-, c .-rumen Is
for Powel Cmii.;!,..,'s. It O VV A N I )' S CO M
and 1:1 in 1! .e tin,,, will iuru.-ii lis 00 lemedv
for eve;v d. that can 'uu afv!y tiealed in
th s w ay.
i3y Older of the Trustees.
President of the I niieisity. :..,, of the
Pha: macciit ial lJepai ! nii'i,t.
Iloine Dispensary and Ojlire, .,i, i,i ..Tf,
"it., I'lnla .(. lp,,ia. ,- 1 in, y
DUll A) FiiLTT for saiehy"
S VI!."Y & I'.Vlil.lSir,
1 t sale by
KMii Vil" Ci liHA.YJ -.."jir
1 ci . 1 ....... . .
I 1 '1.11. IM l.lotlisloi sale hv
s IU'Y
I AYX I.S PA 1 I'v i M I.DiC'IX'i.'i, tor "sale
' hy s mn a i:t,i,is!i.
pRODI CK A.MiC s)j ,.,-! , pigment
L in t.av im-iit of debts. S Aitpy A. FX(i.
pno .nil POKtv want.-d al th
I 3 Si j 1 1 a 1 e I
Si 1 11a t e by
s. .v. I -;
sale at Ihv
L:;s. ii Acox lor
cheap cash s'or. t,f
XFCkO'.f.S k CO.
d, for wb
M nu
All k illds ol ,. Ins w utit
ibesl price be j,.in
ll the
-. is.
PIF.f F.S ,t
V sale low. lit
sep J7. (.ItF.F.M;, KINVFY i CO,
rp UK subscriber li ivir jf lea .e l of Clarke Ai
.a. Co.. the old Council HI i;f
Fcrv at Tra
iler s I'o til, Pottawollain.e Cou.iv. Iowa.
Having built a new and sub,Un! Hoat is
now piej.are.l to rross all who come. Persons
visitinS .Nebraska will Iind tins one of the best
r erne, on ine iiiver. J rue, 1 nave no Sieam
Ferry Foil, but I have strong aim power,
wlin ri w ili pi o,,.-li ., boat across Ihu river at
tins narrow po.ut without any d.mer or blow
up, ipnck eiio'iiih to satisfy tne lasleat of Ih.s
fa.,t at: aiol country
Mrn or khhiaok :
1 Wai'on, t wo horses 01 'tattle, $1 2").
I llurau and b i'y, - j ,u,
ll,l'r ,l-l (I'l. I, .... r, ,
1,H, 'in. in, ------ j;)
dtf I weuty-i'ive per cent .ndd .dto tiie above
rato d iiiu hi.h water.
'ni:t '.On D A M FI. VOKTov.
Attorneys at Law, and (Jrnerai Lind Agents.
ity of Council Ijlnils, Iowa, w ill at', n 1 lojuo
.Vssionai business in theti'h ami iU Jielicjal
Districts also, to the purchase, sale and loca
ion of Land Warrants. Particular alleution
paid to tlie collection of claiun. a i ai -liui
I). V. I-KU i:,'"
Attorney al Law, Council Jfiuif City, F)wa
it. f'-r to li. ttl. Hi. - ties, M. ) p,. Mo., John
Uulllplliltl, VVtSllli, JViO., J1 Hid ft. Jlllll.s, hi.
Loins, Mo. iidJ-tfl
. 4 ." FO Hi'i,
Altoiliey and oi.n.s.Jlor at Law, city rf
Couu:vl r'.iu., Iowa. rf-yt 21-ri
i.xiit.vci ur
1 1 l:.r:j Rr n'i'U.
rviR tin- n-i
I iIimc isf- ai i
Ill llnl j'i'l "l lticill f
i ir ft'iin .M niiimrn
Ml.'):)'), i.r h nf U.f v-'i'in. viz.
'if i!.i, it Kit, I'.vil , ( Mi-' i'i:. In C )
!!. ' I"
.'"1 I'll t'H' I .I'T, lU Ti. IIlII W'.i' III
1. Uin'iiin. I'.iiiK
ni l .,- a. I'l I I rs.
In . ) , , - i "Hi ir
1 r. Sr ii Ii.-.
in. 'I .-'ii, .-'Wi'iln";
"I I'f I III' Irll-l I . Sv I In'
I.I . I. IIll'' I ."I. I )l.-. I"'
l.'.l- IV I.I .
r'.il.-, (
C " .-li-. C..I.I-. A -111 1111.1. I'.
irij.ii-.ii, Dmvi-v. Ii'-;i.'i
l ; ::l , r:vn:n ,- -I'.- 'tin'; ( i "i
ir.ili I. or I'll- l)i I'l lii'.i'.. C
I. v
I I. 1
I. f
nr. I-M.-iiuiy.
. I'l-, in"'.'
i it r in
i In im n
..!i. ire i
', I'll, ii ii
r. .
1 1.
. '1
V I'
lit' ( i''n
v l.'.
I'f 1
ll' 1 1 ;
"1:1," II'.. I. I., i.,!- .'f I' . -I--,. ,'M, ;,:
- known l.i li ni ! -i 1 1 I' i .-ii 1 1 v I.i he lui;
l-i.'.ii n 1 in Mif 1 1 in. iv .i I .. il -. f c-, t. ,vt I l. 1 1 . v
'!" I'l'' .T'tl."! ".I ll,C l-'Vi'l. Kl.l.i.'V
' in,
; t'H-
; f"i
I r'. pi 'i'l -, an I fl r 11-. ti v f.rj.mi. r,--,f,-rni
a hi' 1 1 : 1; v ;irt;u. t mil'li.i th.-i'i t" lirr
f ",, ti,
i. n-i'u i ,!'.-,iini. I. : ti nw
v - I tint I),,i't,,r i:,ii'.'.!v ...
rill. i i . t i ic In I l.-r i i! , v o : m I
mi' in-, mi- .-v.-r iiT"r.'. to I!,..
.".. i, ('.,!. i,'!v b -li
l' IT .il;. I S ! .
I!ln,i. r. in
r.",;r. i - i' . i - -i j -1 i' , 'l,',i-an'i r. mil Karr.-n-I.
,1 - i;ti i.'i- I., anv ""I I.
i ,iii sci.nrri.A.
IV. I-t..ry'- I,'1,,,p S ii-,;i:iii!l.i i r.T
oni.n n !" I a- tlio rr.,.-t . h',, .k ,,m. iih-.Ii.'hip tiint
i-. n -"--lh!e It ii-i-I. ,1 ,, inl,i.,re of it
f i!n... hi- ever r.rrnrn I v h.-n faillifilly n-...
I r;Ts v. II , :N. :!','(t,. T,,,,,,,;,. Wi, t
S -..i,...-.( I Ir-i i -. Canr.. Knlai I (il n.,N
C.'V.'V S.rr, Mi'Tnnal )ie.i..s. Sv.!i II .' ir
1 1 1 1 1 " I : : '. , 1 . , -1 1 r i - y , v j.i'l.i.. T'ltT, Slit
le'im. an,) all t- i ! ,. nr-1 .H-c:ioj. Dr. I'.-Kti-r.
;lv .
an-1 S.inai.arilla i-.inn, it tie loo hi. -li
il i e.
lt Tarrliei ont tbn lev root r.f
.""trnVH tlie ire.-m. bv linril'-.-.r I
" I "i' b!o. an t .iivii"i"i o it all iiuno'e or .,sr.,i-l i
n ..ins of the bi.,ly an, I hv n-m.'vm ; lne f.w, i
reinlr the enrer.rti n an I ;.-- j u r ' 1 1 'I
N' i m l.r '.c '":!nii.. !i . ever h T-i .l.ei'.
i ere.l
ii"'!l 4.v.' so In K-'i t'i n )( '(,,- ,! ii irj. !
and, (be
serrr-tmn nt liejttlir L-a-'r..'
; juice to digest the fno-las Dr. F...
I lo.l me
I'.iparilla. No one has used it'for su
cuni'iiaiiils without ,ei,..;!.
Dr. F.'isleily's Iodine and S.u sapii ilia is ned
With theirreate.t s irees in rheumatir complain s
e -p'- i.illy .such as are rh route. It cures l.y .1:1
vmT out all impurities ami fo il humors which
bsve accumulated i tIP HVtt.Wt wt,ir(, an. ti.
cause 0f ieiimti-u,, (ii.ut ami fwelhn; of the
joints. O'her remedies s..inet,mes irives tempo
rary leiief; this entirely eradicates tne disiM-e
from the sys'nm.
Fun Miai run. Asn Vi.sintr. DisksFs
A I III I I Si. THE 1)1 noil. (W.AM.s,
(, .Im sis ash ho-, ( ..
Dr. F.i .t.-ilv'.. Iodine .ind S ir-apari lla is t he
best icinciy ever in vnl.-.l. This medicine i
1. tiered 1.1 the p'l'die not me-e!v as a pur. tier of
the ai.oor., h it as a powerful eradicator of the
1 1:11. -t virulent poisons, occasioned by
on I Vi-neral lainls, whnh resist the action of all
j otli.'r remedies- It u ill cure tiie wot st kind of
llneicutial dl:,ea-e-. no nntt.-r I10.1- .t-...,U.
m iy have eat.-n into the frame ind vital or-nn.
It will cure (he won' cases of secondary nv
I'hiles or ventral disease tK mali.-r how lo:'i-
I ..... , 11.T . ii'ii 'i, now can, or HOW ijecply
1 .. . 0 in in.- -vsie.ii, 11 w;ii annihilate
ami ev-
pert. ct tie.t, and purify. For L'lcers in II
mo. :'h and t h. oat. Fnlarirment of the flh.nd-
an 1 1,1, iei 1111-1 ,,1 lime, lull , ecu e the c.-i-i
I .11 iy 01 a pure and h.'il'hy ollsprn,;. It can
be ii-.-d by p. r-oi,., .,f .athe'r sex, with t'ue most !
pei tecl safel y.
Is' vii. in iniipi Hs nr tiii: Kmvrve H, nmr '
Asnl.iviR Complain r.
Dr Fa-icily', lolneaud N.r.-apai ilia is lh
heit ami only F!rai't that nurht to be n,e.C !
ih.-e complaints, this medicine has peifoime 1
mn t a-tonishin cures.
oil X lilt VOL'S DISEASES.
X'o i
uii' ie can c uivr".' im n,le.oint. I ten
of tiie immediate ami almost miraculous chanee
who h is piolucd by the use of Dr. Keale, 'v's
I". ..ine ami S 11 saparilla, in the diseased, deiiili
t it". I and .-hatteird nervous system. Whether
mi ne .town hy ni'-s, weak l.y nature, 01 imp.i
re.i by Mckness, lheunstrini;; and relaxed oiira
ni:r.iou is al once rehiaced. revived ami built
up. in ca-e of Xeiijalia, .Nervous headache.
1.... soi memory, i.eneral I'rosi ration, Xervou.,
ncs, erti-o, Pain in tlie .Nerves of tin; Faci-,
and the various train of nervous Bin c-lions, it
w ill produce a one in an aslnnishiiie; short
lime. The ell. ct of this medicine ij lo Kiv e per
inanetit rehef to the sufferer, and to restore the
shattered and debilitated constitution to ilapns
tme health and vurer.
TO Til F. LADIi;.S.
Ladies of pal.; complexion and consumtiy
habits, and s .eh as are debilitated from any of
the obstructions incident to the s(.; such as oli
slr.iclion or painful menstrual ion, Flour AKnis
or Whites, (jreeu Sickne...j also, cessive flow
of tlie Meiists, llarrennes-, fcc, can beies'oied
by the use of two or three bottle of Dr. F.a-t-arly's
Iodine and Sarsapurilla, to bloom and
vi).'or. It is far the best remedy ever discover
ed for weakly children, and such ns have had
humors heinj; pleascnt they readily take it.
It immediately re-tores the appet ite, trei,"l'h,
and color. .N'otliin can be more supjiiisii "
than iis invi-roi atin,' eli. ct nt, tl. hiim iti framel
Persons all weakness and lasitudu before lak
nit; Dr. Fasterly's Iodine am! Sarnanarilla, at
once In come robust ami full of e.ieitry u.m.r
.is inll i.'iice. It immelialely counte.a. :i. lh
iMiyoisiiess of I lie female f.ine.
Da. IIastj.hi.v's Iooim; am. Sausai abii i a is
a Wosii.i an-i. pt hii 11 a o,' in,, iimoi).
11 isveiy pieascn. lo the tast. and : more
conceiili ated, beiiijr stioneet , beltej- and cheaper
thai, any o'her nu licne ,,, se. Families who
have used this article are never w illinir to be
without it. Taken in the early stares, it is a
sure pieventative of almost any species of dis-
CtTAskforDr.'s Iodine and Kar.
Sap 1, ill;. m take iioliiin else.
Price $1 per bottle, or six bottle, for $.
A libeiai discount made to wholesale pur-cbj-ers.
(TiTi'or sale at Dr. Fasteily', Family Medi
cine l-re,s .ulh-easl coiner of'Jhiid ami Ches
nut sdieet. St. Loins M. As t)y p. A. Sarpy,
St Mary, low a, an I by dealei in medicine, teu
erally in the West.
Is warranled to cure Affile and Fever, Dumb
A;ruc, Chills and f ever, Intermitai.t and He
umlaut I .vers, aid all Ihe variousforms of fe
vers Incident to West ! !
'Fins popular remedy has now been before
the public lo )cai.s,a,,d ,iu, iilrf that time about -! ,. Thousamo Foi ilis
liave been oi,i and in no inlai.ce hasitfaile.l
to eih cr a penniiiant cure as far as heard fiom,
or to ("e entire satisf.1.1 , to the puicliase.
Jt is warieiit.,1 locuie ail cases, or the inoiiey
will be refunded. U' ,,o m u., woman or child
suller w ith this ilistrcssi.,' disease, when a sure
remedy is at hand.
JO ad tlie testimony from John Miller 4 Co.
EvAnsvii tK, JU., Oct.iti, KHjJ.
Dr. I-as'.erly Sir: Ws lake i.les.... ......
I'.-lhut we havej.urchased 3i Lollle-of your
fever and Ajfue killer, and have ,0,1 the iarn.
to our patrons, and Ih.t it haselh-cted a perma
nent cure in ev ei y ease. We have sold nearly
all thevarmua i,.t iii u.s for au'uearid fever, but
none has pica sucl, entire satisfaction as your
Fever and Ajcue Killer. We b. liev. it i the
best medicine now before tlie public. ' j
fullyj Jkn Miilir ft Cw.
'' V I U..I1' i . I in I''
A"i.-i' Id. !-:..i.
In-. I i i 1 :-i r
in M.i ' i h List', I in. i
ymir l'rv i i an, I A t ii
I -.! I.i him. I Ii.ivt mil
V.'lii'ii t -vv i in V'i'ii "i'V
I. a .i I (.hp i,i,'ii li'.tt i.f
K.lll'l , VV III. Il V H I VV .11 I III-
I I'VTI1 I'f III!' lli'll, w h II li
I .il"" v in n'llril. me lii'ino ,.i
liir : i r .'-tion il lnvini; r-i..
. t;iv ii mi
(v.'. nl of t!,.' ( lulls and l ever. Hue ease p u li-
cnl iilv 1 lady who h id been iimetc. since tiie
latter put of I.i -t viiiiini". and hid 1 1 led :t "i r it
1 i nriny remedies, beside, haviiis a physician p ut
' I of the Im,.., nil of winch failed. She boo-ht a
!"', .le ol y.iur ined.cine. aad before she h id us
ed 01, e-t ,,' , ,,f j ,),,. j, ,,,. ln..y a. id
Ii js p j-n ed eood health ever since. In 110 Case
has it f 1 iled to elleet n periii-neiil cure.
Respectfully yoiiis, John S. Crump.
'' S. I hiII he 1:1 your place a'.iin shoilly,
and w ill bnv ino-p largely.
N. II. Ask for Dr. I.alei Iv's Fever fin t Ajue
Killer, and take no other, mi 1 vo 1 ate safe.
A I he. a I il.s.'O'Oil m ill' lo vv hole- ,e d" a I ere.
Price Ski per ,o"lc. or - 1 llo'tle, for .
I'lT' il" ill Dr. li., I, rii'. I'.u.iilv M. I , .
Y I Store corner i.r Tiiird and t'hesnut ...Ir, els St.
', '' j flsol'V P. A.S,r:,y. M. Miry, and by
j dealers in medicines ri ..Ily in th- vv. -t.
" j Hit. F.. F. KM 'S DI It 'llli F.A s l.'l'l'.
' , This is a pl'-ceht, afe !",d . II -i'f .1 1! rem "I , f.u
I l),--en:ary. Di.inh.i a,( 'holet a.( 'holer Moili,,.
I S immer roTit.lait.t. Colic I.i ,i,,;,.r. 1'.,,.,
Wind in the Sliunach ami liovv.-i-. C'lain',-.
F,i 'Itin; nr., I Cry.n- of inlauts, a.ul lor all ir
re ll aries i f t he bowel s.
It is im of the most eilii'lent. t.lcrisent. ni,d
,';11" U" p.ira,io;i i-v.'y ...f, ir I., t,,. p.,,i,c t..r
i the lemoval of the v.'n io i- il.-n i- .m.-n's of the
i S' .ind ll.'iv . !.. arid tiie.sul v ai tide w -n I h '.
! of the least co'ifid, pee for c u in; Cim'er.i liif.m
j t .11:1 on imiu'-r Coinp!;' int. and j the .! -t . nn -
I llieels of (he IhlVVI I s f. ,,, (,.,
Dr. F.aslerlv's Di-ir. ho a sv r.,p vv lb..-'' ev.
I ception one of the moul valuahle Famiy M. i:
j rines ever disc. .ver.'d. I Iind : eis of filuilies of
ine re s. re-pe.-ia '111 it y in -t. 1,0'ns lrive,i.e, )
met h.-ar the utroiuresi le.'imony m its f
iv 01 .
I'l ice "s!.ee,ts .er h.'tt!
For sale at J).-. F.irie, ly'.s Family Medicine
SIoit. corner of Tnii . I and Che. nut street Si.
I-o'i's. nlsj by P. A Sirny, and by dealers m
medicines f-e-Trally in fp west.
j di;. i: sf i.ur.Y's i: : m n i ; c.
The ; . it iv-'i Iy for F.peluti.r U'or.'us from
I 'IT e mo .1 s-ifi.. an leif'Tt ia! me licine
laiovsn to.-t be removal of vvnins form ti,,.,l.
fen . Dr. L i.icilv's V'ermif '..
Parents a:,d ."i-u-iiam ii.vv.n the charge ,,f
children, sh-.uld w-itch car. f illy the symptom
of worms in ;be;r cliird.eii. ami as -non as symp.
I.. uns indicate their presence, (hey -hould at once
resort to the use of Dr. F.a.terly'. V-rmif,..;, .
M ire children die from Worms' than all olhW
diseases, and a more miserable object can scar
cely he imagined than a child isiitfV'rii.rr under
the ordinary Symplons of worms. Patents, m 11 k
this: Will you not blame yourselves, if y,,.,,
children die, that yon i,, ,1,1. ), . Fa..t.', lv-s
Vermifuge ill t:i,li'? T.ns Vermifo";.' vvi.'l re-
nioie eiciv species OI Hill II, - . ! the Si .si
1 111 1
in mi or e ijrht hours a i,-r ta!;en.
I'l ice i'.'i cell's pc bottle.
For sale at I),. Fasteily's Family Me,,r,'
More, south-east corno:- ,.r T!ii-.l and ( h. 01
s'tcts, St. I.ouis, also by P. A Sirpy.S . M.i
aim 10 ueaie:s in meitici ne jrenei a ,., jj,,. ,
Dll. i: ASJ FRI.Y'S PA l MI.I.FK.
ror 1 ne cue nt Cruises, Sprains, U
Tontii Ache, Colic. Ci.nii.s ,,r S-i.'
I r, . ,., .'. .'
' i
iera, i'v seniei y, niieumatism, Tains in ,
S'omaeh and II ow els, ami wherever there is
Pain. !' i speedy ami ceilain cine.
This Meiliciiiehas more control over ,-.l psins
lhanany other ever invented. J js i,se both
in erna.iy ami l.nternallv, and its
! ... " .. .. . :'. ' ' '" a " w
,,, a .,0,1 1, 11 in A l'AI IV 1 1 1, . K.
No Immai.e family or physic an should he
w.thoit it. ! ),:,, !,,, ns.,1 by tbo'i-andor lb
most intelliu'ent nd respectable families 111 SI
Louis, and all pi 01, ounce it tlie most Speedy 11ml Curative they have ever used.
Da F. sr 111 v's I'ain Kiii. in
is beyoml ail iloubl t. most certain n ever
discovered for I'ains in the Stomach. Pains in
the Side, lireast. Hack and L inbs. j j, ,,) Mh
mfall.hle remedy for Colic. D arrhc a, CI,.,!, ta
Mmbiis, Pamtei's folic. Win I in the Sloma.-h
and ilowcls, Dyspepsia, So, e Throat, II, a,l
ache, A.c.
The only (ret, nine ami real pain Kill, r is lue
pired exclusively by Dr. F.i.sterly, the
proprietor. T beiefore count, .'. it,' at .m'la
tions abroad. Thei .fore lie sure t ask for Di
Fasterly's Pain Killer, and take no oiliei, ami
you are safe.
Puce 'Jo cents per bottle; f,ve bottles for $.
For sale at Dr. F.asterlv's Family Medicine
Store, south-east comer of Third and Clie.nnt
stree's, St. Louis, also bv P. A. S.upy St. M.,ry
J1" "' "lf,,," nH k'en. 1 ally in the west.
D.."a OeV r.- Orirlz "Hi ''zii
I or Hie cure of Con r!, Cold's. A-"iham Y,.
Himplion. li.onchitis..S;.illini'of lllood, pain
in the Sole and Jireast, Pe,irjsy, Whooping
toiiuh, and all diseases of the Luiis-s and
Amnnu" uil tiie celetirated remedies for Disea
ses of the Lf.Kos and Cm kst, none ,,ein t .
nieelniK with such success and to pie such .,,. salisf iction to all. as
Dll. ( A it'l l IPS CO i f; if II A LS V M.
I Ins valuable remedy is purely ve-i lah'e in
its ii,:,-,e,lients,and jieilectly haimless in all its
finalities, nmlai mil. I ami pleascnt as the inns!
delieatecoiduil. It is veiy soollnn- and heal
in;, to the Line's, and is ev.-ry -vbeie acknowl-edi-eil
by Driteir,,.., plivs.eans, and all who
have used it to he the mou Eli. ctual Curatut
know n.
No disease incident to our climate is so uni
versal, and at the same lime so fatal, as Pul
monary Consumplioii. Tins awlul malady
sweej.s over the laud as a D"stioyin An-cl,
Is''.',"" ,,ro,;'s'-sl and fairest of our lice'
Millio : of t.i" y.) ear .,:, I the old are annually
hull led !., ihe to.nh by this d.ta.lful national
in 'ease.
Cossi-Mrri.r KtA m.n ! 3.-waie of meie
puiii.i'ivf mr.i.cines. T i... object of 1 early all
"' uieu ic i nes i.ovv 0I1 "i v.i to," o s. as.-, of the
Lines, islo r.ui ve and not to cure. Such is
1101 toe case w lib Dr. Carler's Co ih II al U.
In colds and coujihs, whicli are the jnt syini.
toms of cofisumjition. it is ,e mo, p,a..',,
and elbcseious rcmeily that can po-sildy beo-asl.
In conlirmed coi.Bumjd loll il has been used lull
perfect ami triumphant success, when the loos',
eminent physicians bad i;ieu up all hope as
vain. So coniiileiit is the proprietor of if a pow
er to r ure Tubercurous t oiisiimjilion, that he
solicit a tual in tiie worst of rases.
rn ' m ( .1 t
ji.i in.i'iiM 11 symi.if'u or cons'imtilhin i,
speedily checked and prevented hy t, ,,-e ol
Dr. Cait.-r's Couuh ItiUam, which heals the
ailected membrane, removes flu; incipient tuber
cles, and restote, those vital o.-ans tll.,
to a sound and healthy roiiditio.i
HI. Mil Mil EH THIS.
Spittmjof KloolaUay arise, from a ten
dency to tuberculous disease, and .f not cln eked
at the outset, w, sooner or lit.,, termiu :,le .,,
death A person w ho raise, blood on. e w ill
raise blood a-airi unless a is im
mediately employed.
This dis ressin;; symfiiou. of coiisum.,1 ion a
rises from itiflamatio,, of the Inn-, or in-mbi a...
called the Pleura, or from bronchial affection
of Ihe air pas-afes. In e.tber rase it is a very
UaiiKe.0.1, indication of disease. It p.-event,
full and free hreuthinj,', and wears away tlie
natuial'th of the system. T he cause of
th symptom should be iii,oed at imce, ,j
holhiiii; can pos.hy elf'ert that object .0 sne.d.
ily and haopily as Dr. Carter' Co iith fJals nn
which i alwtys safe and salutary in its eifeci
on the conslit.ilion.
In c.iss. of consumption the Liver is always
moie or les alf. ettd, ami also the spleen, pleura
and s nail intestines. Tiie ell.ct of Dr. Caiter'
Couh Uaisarn in diseases of the Liver. ......,-
lally if it lie of an nlcerou nature, is diiect and
rtnsvnfal. btmrl itssMN (4 tlv Lnr Ma-1
' '" :ri'"'!.l!' ,W ,f
I F't ( t.lCtl.
Av ;:
Th' li ,r
cr co i'i vv im ,ri ,.,
Ml I illVl,
is I., a I.... ...
,..-s .. fir
il c'u.ii;
ir.'t hv t le ipe rf ti.
i"i s 1 "',..n i.:-vm. jj warms
Hi I si il
A loil
si imulales the w bole 1.,-eat In
Hoi,- i''Mr.V,is. pun.
1 iiiiim.i'i's ine hlo. 1, 1, imj.rovesth t.-
wer ofil.e l.iver. Snleer, ,,,.,1
five -,
n I II, .1....,....
. "Il- - , I , - III v 11 s. 11,1 1.
r.,-., -
I . . .1 . . ' . "i'J
iic.s ine in ine win ami i'Iici.ii inl.'J
!!!!. XCMITI'v
lironelii'is. .1 tfi.-nl' v of breathins-, k
eo 'kh.a shiny expectoration, with all ii
-yi'.p'oms caused by an a.'lection of the ir (,,('"
i ndit.s; from the throat to the I iiiC, are directi,'
l.nd sperihraily nM'ecl.d and cuieil by (i,, ,
ol Dr. Cartel's Co,i:l, Palsaiu. 1 n, is,,,", weai i 11 c nmt itijui inns compUi,,) (nl
al'vii s has a pim.-ifnl ienilenrv to inflame ,'
s..f:. n (be Fui..'. an, I thereby indue, it -.
rr,s ,.r . ..1 1 ' ., "
. . . . .. j ,,,.,-,, 1 n 1 -i a t, ii
1 .in. , e iilMi. led. lilid
l i ine 1 v .
1 inj.loy
this valutbii
I'-Vldif tod TIOX.
I reei-cp-. !. n ation :s the mo;,t important k
C'l t.l i'l' O'll ,' Hied ill !' 1 ! r. t ........ .. ... .. . .
i ( ; ' J"- oe co. let, w,, ,
' s, ,e i-.-i-ui ,,, fj
-I .'.111 i'til J'l ,., s. ...... .s-r. ..
I '" s ."(,:; , s I Ilia IJei cy
I'.' '!l ' "'I" P'"" 1 11 cmtiMietl irn:
Ine ni.Ti . 1 ne I . . , 1. ,
is a,, I'to-mp. . II, .....w' f'',s mailer. ,, i ".'I'
pecfMinio', teln-f. i, j;i,.
pee'or.ite in the l.r
is the cau-e of death
.i'; or co.isuinp'.io,
D!i. 'AKTF.IFsror(;jr ii i.s
. '"' espccloiant. t .itl.,Ues the In
V , t t . . - .
.... . ,. . ,,. )"" air pa .s.Ue,,ch.iu.
' ..i" j:i uiino. 1 s s'lliance
to t
nun .lainuess tiunj, and lluows it olf
frcalest po-s, hie ease to the p.,1 i,.t.
no In tier m. die ne in the world ,1 ,1.
with tbs
Thei 1 11
rant alone be ronsideied
Illide 01 S'lisoiod C nalline. 11,... I...
belter f,
This ,1.
ev ervtli
Dr. I'mter's ('.TiiTi
111' ,S,'
winch re., sis almost
I" the nil ,.
... . , - eruii remc-iy . readily a, n
other fin 111 of j,. ctotal disease
, I '. Villi Y FAMILY
fhoul.l he v.pplied with Dr. Cattrr'j Coii-h
I. i sa,,,, jo . used 11, the. early stages of ,0,ie1"',.
C olds, s,ttl,,!:or Flood, Fair, in the S..!e ar,J
v i,,Jir"'"l".l'S '""""i'V of Jlreathinjr,
X.i:h Sweats. Asthma, Influenza. Whoopi,
""-''' '""! !"-vere fro, 111. and theiebv eon, ....
act cons, ,,,,. j P i,.,nlrury wllioll M
Pf I III rmr s.i ..r -1 1 a
.'i'.i: climate
Pi ice Trial I.
I , ,ce , ,a boll les, 'J.'-, r(,nt, p,. )r,t(. )ar, $1 per bottle, or six hot 1 les, fir 1. I.
bo' I
. ..1 ai nr. l.-.'-teily-s Fjini'v M
" "'' Ill-east corner of Tliii.l .s.,H u....
streeis, St. Uuis also by J'. A. Sarjiy, KU
Mary, ami ,y dealer, j , lrilir, renerallr
in the West.
npr 12-1 y
j . " .--v .. .
V ?-V"V ,
1 or the cii 1: i.f I.
I.iver Coiii. duins.,r.,
'"--. f.e.'-s ..f A,,...,,.
.1 1 111. ice. I'.'.l.
li" -i hi' lie. II
t ..".liven, s.'rsf
I );. ! 1 . X. rvo
j' I'l Ml I 11 .I.SMt,.
'i ll. e Hit;, r- i...
t:. a nd H II diseases aril
I Liver, or Digestion t
rem;i( kable iiivioiatmf
1. i'!i v e pro,).., I li s, w hicti
ie D.,-1 -divi.. O; 'nu. an
Mreuiheninuanil Pes:,,
It'v r lone a, ,,i v . t .;,
1.1..1..' then, inv.1,.1 ,h.. f.,r
I.1V1 H Co.III.VIM, jAt
And all other
-t.i'e of th" slouiii'.i. how
O'lfl", IlVelpA,
ed from a ie, iUf ri
'Is, and liv er w hick
lend lo dehil.l ,t nr weak
en ine system.
Dlt. II! XFF.lrS (,F.H:a I'l i-n uo
Cannot be b,e,v reeommen-ied tu with a d.soi.lered 1.1 V I it or f,Hii"e
,'"".,", Al'l"'."", Xerv,.,,, Irri'atma
Headache. Habitual Co.tiveucs.. (.tnrral Dcbi
hly. Bi.diHir,ei v f Complaml, which it 1.
liniiossihic to iles. 1 ,,e.
If lli.ue i.ic sufleror. in St. Louis, they art
adv ised lo try llie-e Hiltr rs.
Puce "Xlc. per bo, tie, orslx hottlei for !j ' .IO
forsaleat Dr. E.meily's Family AIe,i,cin
Sloie, corner of Third and Chesnut ,ireets, St
Louis. Mo. Alsobv I'. A. Ma si if..."
and by dealius in mediciiifs teniiallv in In.
npr 12-ly
''- - S iu: s. ISi. r
1 . j-
A s. fe , Hid certain cure fur t;unot rho-a, filee!
Stru t, nes. Seminal Weakness, and all diseasxi
of I he f ietuial O itrans.
This Jiojni'ar and specific remedy is now 4f
fere.l to the a,'l!icle. and warn nted to cure all
esses of (, 011. 11-1 luc.i. (ilect, Slncliire. Seminal
Wcakne-,. and .11 diseases of the (I, Oiirans
in a few days. T his infalliable , is
saved tbou-ands upon Iho oands from Ihe hands
or Medics (.neks. 1fn.1t f'om a pie.iiatur
Kiave. In ruse of infection. Dr. iiaker's Spe
cihe is the only sal'.- ami sureien.edy. ft is very
agreeable to the i.,..te, ctealei no .receptuhle -dor,
and may be used by persons of either sex
W lib 1 11' .re seciecy without rel'a.,1 to I,,..
01 .,11. e 1 1 om on, mess or .".Ic
plain directioim for n-eari-mm
.Cil .lv
It. a. l. r have you a pru ate diseasi Do not ne
riaetit. D'day is daiiL-m ous. With Ur II..
kers Sj ecihc you can cure yonueif, ami thus
pievent all espo,u,e. This medicine w ill sjTe,!
ily and e;e, t.,y ,.,.,. , ,m, ,.,,,,,, ca.,
f-rS.Trct Di-ea-es. andeiailicale every paiticla
ol ii.tect,o.isma:terfiom thcsy-lem, and rest..
the patient to 11 pe.lecl stateid health ami purity.
Pi ice, i, im) per botlle.
For sale at Dr. Easterly' Family Medicina
More, south-east corner of Third am. Chesuut, St. Louis, M. Also by P. A. Sarpy,
St. .Mary, Iowa, and by dealers in medicine
jrciiei ally in Ihe West. ajir U-ly
A valuable 1. meily ror suppi ession of the Meti
ses, While-, Painful M-iisirualiot:, Impo'et,.
cy or Panel ,-, fallow CompL-Mon, Head-
ache. D,.,i.,s, Weakness of the nerves, and
all diseases which arise fiom a derangement
d the function of nature.
The most pe.fecl, safe and infalliable remedy the cuie of all those diseases of femalss, ar
is.nlrom w.aknessor debility, and ob.sti uctior
in '.he sexual urifanj.', such a ii regular nr sup.
pie-sed of the Menses, Fluor Albus or Whiles
Failihj; i.f the Womb, Headache, FriKhtful
Dieam.s c, caused hy Colds, checked per.spira.
t.ons, excesses, over-excilemrnt, He, la
Several lad, es 111 thecity who have s'lrtere'l
for many years With the ah,, v. -. la ;.,i. ... 1
iuve employed onr m. st eminent pbysiciai t
w ithont succi-s, have used D, . Hooper's Fc.
mala Coidial, and iiive been sjieedily ami per.
maiiehlly cured by ,ls use. If Iheie aie sulier
eis in St. Louis, tfiey can rely upon Dr. Hoop
er's Female Hordiai as a safe, idcancni and tf
1. ctual lemedy. .' '
Pin e tt per boltle, or sIa Lollies for ".
For sale at Dr. E.i.sle. Iy ' 1 amily Meda'in
Sloie, cornet ot Thud and Chesuut otreel., St.
Louis, Mo. A' 0 by P. A. S-npy, St. Mary,
and by d.-aleis :u hi. diuiui'j (,'euerally in th
" apr IMy
5r. (Jy ikS Ks'jic Hi:r CLI.
For the preset v . lion, beauty , grow !l, and
restoration of the II nr.
It ha ionj; been the desire of persons troubled
wain s i, I, harsh, unruly hail, to procuie an ar
ticle 'Aiiu li won,.! at one,.' render tiie hair soft,
lively and beaut. '.il. 'File most peifect and
admirable article ever discoveied for Inat pur
pose is Dr. Cook' M .tfic lia.r Oil.
This Oil penel. iles th unnute.t pores, civ
il,; ihe dry ami withering huibs new life and
vij,or,openii,jr thecapiliaries, aoflens. pies, rvff
beantide, and stienj;iliein (lie hair, it' and tin.
fiom faliinj; olf, removes the ilaiidiuil, and turn
ia','c,l hair into that which is smooth, k1
and wavy, ft i4 admitted by all to hs the i;real
est invention of the ajre for beautify iug th hall
and remlerinsr it tiei manenf.
l)it. COOK'S MAt.IC lUirt OIL.
I a superb article, an 1 ho dd be found on f h
toilet or every lady who values the glossy and
beautiful appearance of t,e llu.viu iiiij;!!
and tlie w ilcliinjj coil."
Puce, fyi reis r bot'le.
l or sa e at Dr. Ea.'e. ly's Family Mcdicim
Store, corner of 'I turd and Che-nut stieet t",
Loiusb, M... Also by P. A. Sarpy, St, .Mary
and by (l.aUl iu u.dic,ti feudally in b t
vv.t. " riaiy
" 'i.twitosjif r- . tmr u