TP ''j ... ,1, I: is NEIMASKA PALLADIUM. BELLEVIEV7, II E hEA SKA. WI",l)M,si)AV, JA!'.ity nClvri. AGENTS. V. F. P.ilm-v. Ti iVnr h-ii! I inri. S. .f. Pt tmgell, 1 1'l Nassau s'rert , V. if. Mi-DonaM If? Xiia st-ee. .u Y.'ik City. C. I'ieicr, K. W. Cur, Craiirfc Co., Pliilii- el V S. Svi vum-r. (I en t. lava-.. New spaprr ..-til. Dr.. McMahnn A. Williams. Council BluiT,, lew a. A. D. J,.',r. T. M.. Ot, .fn C ty, Nebraska. Jr. M. II. CUik. NeVar.k.i Center. H. I). .lol, 100.1. I s,,., I t. p,r.iikn. J. C. ."di'. I.etl .i (.",.., Winl. r (juries, .e- I'. M.. I'a.ri.rr, t..u c 1',.,!,. ..!,ril. I v M.ij. II. V. Dr.... n-. VhiaMv.i I. 1. Canei. I'. S. A., Commander ot I'di t I fi 1 iiii', .''brul ;i. J.t. Heath. V. S. A.. Commander at I'ort Kearny. .i'''iji,.:. ('. ,M'.. .Mu.'iit 'I'a'H.r. l'l.-incint C,,.. Col. Tl o. fanner. .Velxi-slrlis liiove. Iowa. Ol'.I.ii .e Ci'i'f, Km jiilt1,", l.iw.i. A 'ilium eir. cue, I -,.. Cellar K tpids. Iowa. Test Miis'er, port e Mim.. mj. Augustus Hall. . Kci.-.ii(i!a. l.-.wa. Hon. A. C. 1;o.Il'.', i-irl :j.-U.t, . Iowa. Hon. Thomas Urrirr. M.-n ysi i 'Je. e I'tio. I. II. I'nii.ct rs.i.. ii. lici . .. b.aka. -l;.se Wt..l. labor, low a. It. '. I'im(, -.,, 1, I 'l :'rrii:rk, Si. .M in . Iowa. jM. Ii. Hull, ;ci, liltawn. fit. -la Tltn. Svi ari:n.. . V. 1. itan.nii., i'. .M.. .JV is our Traveling -A pint. " Join, c. H....I. c,.,,,;,.;,..,,. M:,. l.l.rl l, A, , ,;.!,, ,,.,,, M.iv. Convcntion at leilcv eAr. Agian l'ion o!' iho people of Nchri'ska vrr.s hel l t JW.V-ucw, in iic ordancr to preiious notice Tutsd.,y J.-.n. 0:h, ISM. TlV meeting was tidied to rder hy C. V. I'ierce r.r Nebraska Ci y. J C. Milchei of Florence was chosen chuir- m iin, and D. . Herd of Bell lev icw, anJ H. liradford or Nubra.s 1 Kiinted eci t'arics. City were i.p- Stephen Dccaliir, Bcl!ciov. Col. K. It. Doyle, Fontinello, C. H. Cow!t, Nebras ka l ity, Dr. 15. V. Wholly, Blackbird i Jlills, L. Nuckolls, Nebraska City, and J. C. Mitcliel. ITorcnce, were selected a Coiomiitee to iejrcscnt the cause or the jwople to the incoming (ioernor. The following preamble and reso!mion fter un animated discussion, w ere unan imously iidop'ed. Whereat, T. B. Cuming, the present soealled Acting Governor of this Territo ry, has secretly endeavored to thwart the wishes of the people, and openly denied them the rights which belong to a!i American freemen, we. deem it not only our privilege, but our solemn and impera" live duty, m citizus, to remonstrate t painst him and I. is further conti:iunce in My official position in this Territory. And to show the jus'ness of our grounds .f complaint, we do therefore, resulve, 1st, That he is now and ever has been frince he assumed his olfiee contrary lo the provisions of our organic law a non resident of Nebraska. lid, That ,is j pportionment of repre sentation which he has attempted (0 force upon the people, by the aid of his own cor rupt and eril-miiided friends, is unjust aud not in accordance w ith the spirit anH intention of the bill which gave tu our oliticid exis'enre. 3, Tint as T. B. Cuinirg h..s never token the oath cj-ialiryi;: him for the of iice or Governor, none of his acts are le gal, but null and void. 4-h, Thai wa do demand or the Gover nor confirmed, a retaking of the census end a new districting of the Territory, in order that jualice and equity i..y prevail, and every portion of the said Territory ei.ually represented in our LcglsLtive As sembly. 6ih, That we respectfully, but earnest ly petition to the Piti.idcnt'of the Uni.ed States, W, imii-iediile removal 'J'. B. Cuminj; from the Secretary shiu of thi Tsriitory, and the i.ipointn.ciit of an hon est, honorable niiit to IIII the place which J.e now disgraces. ( b, That our tfTorft sgainst T. B. Cuming, insignificant and m .11 as he is, hull luevtr conse until he is removed from the Secrfctry-.hip of Nebraska, as we be lieve him to be too dishonest to be con cerned in any part of our government. (i h, That this cenvenlion recommend to the President of the.JL'niled States the ap poinimcnt of 1'. J. McMahon, as Secre. tary of (he Territory of Nebraska. In the absence of the committee sp j.ointed to report resolutions for the con sideration of the Convention, Commo dore Decatur rose, and gavo an eloquent rehe11rs.1l of the a"s of the Gjvcruor nJ showed jrojt rouclu.ivaly that thry tore the l.ateful brand of tyrany, and were such as to eicite alarm in the mind f every man who value Lis own free dom, and wishes to have it transmitted to those who are to come afur. S.iJ that we stood to represent tiiue that were lo como and that if we suflerud fraud, in justice and tyrany to prevail; posterity srould rightly brand us w i.h the ignomin ious stamp which such conduct w ould be etlculated te inspire. But space will not permit of our doing justice to the speaker, and w e close. Ansiuioateij discussion arose upon the adoption of ihe JrJ resolution in which Coin. Decslur, A. C. Ford, Kvj., J. S. ?.farton r.itei'ile ! f-jt the a.lop'i.u of the r"'"1''"- the jr-round that Mr. Cuming I hail nex er taken the t.-ecessary oath qu-.I- ;fl ,,;, . , (:,)r,m,r. ii-rrrPi,. -e vy.n m ilc to the de.Vh of (Jen. Hi.rrisim mill (Ii'ii. Taylor. Tlie Vice 1'rcki.U'ii' s ic: inif under them were required to lake the Presidential oath before entering unon he il'i'ii's ..r l)i;i' l'i'h olli.-c, ri'ilwi'li s'nM.lin ib.-y Lai taken un oath as ire President. Another inV iii' in ll.t; c;ic nee was re fere 1 In. occur of the death of De'.Vit I'liu'on, of N"v Yore, when Lieutenant (i.iv. Ti)mkitis wr.s required lo take tl e of (he (Io ernor'n oliit e before l r 1 ii! I enter iiHin i du'.ii t It i 1 'in-1 ,1 aj.j-:icub!e ( III t.ilS CI.SC. Tiiis i. v of tho su! iict was op by C. W. l'i.-n-e of Nebitivka Ci'.y, ti. W. ll .lu, er and B. nichi , wL contended that tiie cases ware not aniln. trous, and that thconl. taken as Secretary ' tr'' !i:ae ril,"'r 8ull 0,it ,!,, ir quahlied him for the ccnlingency that ha'.i (XS' cr i n" ,l,e,,,i",e-' 1 Jo u f"r lU I'"r a rt sen " j pose of kekin;r new hriicsin the wis', mitc un. s srsLcii. J. C . M'tcbsl of Floresicr, insde a very in'eres'ing- .pereh, in w hicli certain facts were brought to light, 'hr existence el which, we had never leen su tosi ie'v atsureil of before. Ve are under the tie. sssity of being ex cicding brief in our report of this speech. It was said that w hen the census was tak en in his disirict, there was not popula tion enough to entitle them to a district, and the Governor supposing everything was i;i his favor in that place, undertook to make up the deficiency. A certain certificate was made out, anl circulated amorir the naioon brawlers and s'reet loafers of Council Bluffs, which was Signed in sullicient numbers to form a jus tifiable basis upon which to build the repre sentatives fabi i j which had been established in that diktrict. We read in the Good Book, that "What is wnnling, can't be numbered. " Tho dif licilty uniltr which the au'.hnr of that Book labored h: s been ov ercome by his l'xecliency he has found out how losuil the numbers to the wants. Such r. as the process by which the want, of popula ion was supplied in that district and also in Burt and Dodge coun ties. The otiietr who look the census in Dodge county, enrolled numbers in the grog-shops of Council Bii.fis cry. Tlie Omaha iiiuicl was supplied in the same way . On the other hand, census oiTL-ers on the south side of the Platte, were required ; to cut short their returns, so that notwith standing they had the greatest amount of population the majority of ihu represen tatives aliouM be frain the North side. In conclusion, Mr. M. said that the Governor hud made known his intention to withuld his certificate of election lo the Council, anJ that it had been i'l'imaled. that this intention might be withdrawn i! he would condescend lo humble himself bofore IBs Fxccllcncy, and agree lo sus tain his administration. It was ulso in timated that the e cr-ilicite was to be wil h-lic-id on tho ground thai he had liiude use j! some me thre.iteiur,gs against the Governor vi"e '-c Jst Season, which j.roduecd 8 ! ,aJ treated with incivility. I. the h.rgeSl of wl,,. weighed 40' ., ' !.i 1, h . ion to the threats, Mr. ai. a.tid lhal I I,oulds, and the sm.JIrst npwird. ol 120 id at all times treated the Governor ! P0lin hi tho iggugate weight vv as 22U i and 1 rtlalio he had at all times treated the Governor with ordinary civility, and that beyond this, he c-culd not go. Said lhat if His r ii iti ,i,i Exc-oeney thould prcfume to approach .....i won uiiues, ne wou.u wiup nira as j i.:.- .. :.i. i 'i i . . t i i . i ne wouij w hip a dug. Said the election was a fraud from beginning (o end, and that if a cade cf laws were enacted bv the present Legislature, they would be unuli ty, und no belter than a spider's web. Speeches were madu by our editorial brother of the Nebraska City News, B. Winchester,' Esq., anJ others which we cannot find space to report. Every thing l.ssd ofT ss-iih the u'most harmony. Thi Niw GovtRMoa. e rejoice in 'he appointment of Mark W. Izard to the office of Chief M gist rate of Nebras ka. We trust he is an hiet man and will take sides wi:h ihe people, when their wishes are made known, end not seek to Carry out the plan to circumvent and defeat them, that has been undertaken by the ".Iciiiin Governor." Gjs-nsG-ah. The word gos-noo gah is Omaha, and means, s'iding. This is a favorite arnuseinml w ith the Omaha youth by whom we are surround ed. The sled used for this purjose is conrposed of a solid cake of ice, cut cbout ten inches wide and fifteen inches lung, rounded off in s proper shape to run over small obstacles. A string is attached to the forward end of the sled by w hick it is draw n tip the hill from which the de scent is to be made. When ready the boy tikes his seat upon his sled and having secured a holj upon (he string, starts oil wiJ, a rapidity proportioned to iho i iclina tioi, of the plain clown which he de scends. It sometimes happens llr.t the brittle inateiiai of w hich the sled is com pared is shattered to fragments whilst making its descent, l.y which accident ihe unfortunate rider is frequently com pelled to take several somersets in rapid succession before he can overcome the force by which lie u.s descending. KXQVir.lES AND AKBWEF.I. I'strin ts fr.nii a jii ivalc Icitcr luhlrrss- lo ivn Ci irtul if curs, hy whim it li.i'S ! I'm lvaiiilcil us for jiwlilii utiuii uini lep'y.- Di.xmv. (imtier Cc. N. V., 1) c. II. 1-1. ( Pn I'ihimv-I Ln" i.. iiinil,,:i - 1 1, at l.i.oMi.itik.-i..!-.' u,:i, t ., .... c.i :, liic HuiK I liae t" ,'li a h i'iiL"" T Dil in il" a '"I lla i' itlit Inr M'.us Mrt . s' Ilin:: o'lt an.l U'linj to tin- I .1 V .! fur that very I'i'l" 1 11 it woiil.l t.o l.itur i or iny l.mnly tn than to i"in !;. ie I am. S. 1 I :.i ,W .' ... . W. ..t. anil liic ai .1 l.i a'.tli he r lew i i-ar-, I tl 11. k I Mi.!, lie mi iiiiicil fur . 11 n e.irll 01 CiV I' iiiil'v to a c inf.. 1 !aMe Imiue. c f,i Uf i.e. - rs-ariestif j, pr e. 'lit 111'. are i'um'i . iie.l til it a;r aware i-t ei v rfoirali!". I n -ti . .1 to ce. I, a--" !'i ',,!.! . f ; j ..M's- nit', in c;i. e in. ,1 -ifil .(.--: tj-l ,:i of i,ra ; .1 ii e of lie oiii.t . the r (t i ; a , ' r a'i, I r ..l-.-eli i.f I le1 foil, tlie 1 i 1 Mia I e, V liat I lie 1,lll- i I'' 1. it ii" ati're.i. ami a il t:i'' -ial.'y j i.f '.lie a .iter, wli-ll.ei- it Im ic.i.i lv ' ' l.y ;(' ?J i t T fa'ti1.. a-jls:!.'!! ether il - i ij to...- a- m: ll.cwniT ro.CiS to ci. titt. crate . rioiis iiuiiv i 'i.Ji and fiiniili. 5 in that couii- in inai ainoiig Uinn r many dunce sj.ii ils iv ho w ill lie a blessing to the com inuni'yiti whiih (hoy sttlr. Tlie j.i.Tj.orl cf oiir )i ici.d's Icttrr tip 1 t'ca 0 00 lh:,t ,( " r'r,-r r"'';c to take wiiat lie tins iiooumtii.iteii at the east invest it in the bcau'ilul and fertile land of this touii'iy, for tie benefit (,f ,is children and their ostrri-y. He believe s it to be the part ot wisdom to relinquish ( resent luxuries and even env otiiences. for the sake of l..ying a broad foundation to meet the lu-ctssilies of himself and his fiicnds at a fuluie day. He believes it bstter to convert his faun intoanotherfrom thirty to f.f.y times , . J '.s large. Ib other won!-, to gel from thir'y lo t.ity iies of cur rich viigin soil, foreech acre he now cultivates better to forgo prcsenl ease and luxuries t. r it... . 1 r .1 1 . lor lt:e sake of the in reioe. which " v icaaonaoie too anu s.icritii would furnish. The general surface of the country i rolling, uul not rugged so ss to be unlit ... ,C of y level, for cultivation. With the execj the river bottoms, which nre nti.-.r all of our lauds are (,f this character. Our soil is from four to tu feet in depll ,B,li ... ,i ... , , ... , ana or 1 1 rood oualrv h, r.i..i. . . J i is ccmposea o. an ex. reding Imedaik vcgrtublc mould, free from stones and gravel, end is easily bi ized. ,,Len r Tl , , , . The products of this country rensist corn, wheat, buckwheat, rye, oats, bar- ''"' heans, peas, pjlatoes, beets, carrots, r "" .am csciy variety el veg etables fouuu in this lati ude, ail of which are produced in the grea'tsl i.Liind.tnce and pel t eel n.n. Coin yields from CO to c-0 bushels to .ir.,,.,k - .....I , t.ic acre, and u well cultivated will pro- duce stiii more. i erliiti haps the re is no country where ev- ery description of vines v ield better fruit and at .he ,: me time , large an diioiiii'. We have laiseJ upon the1, s.xl ulicl . l i r- "- v ' , bor of ours raised a sui'de water melon ' tun egg K gal e we, glit was WJtJ ; pounds. 'egetables of the root class arc : equally prolific. Jt i, not unusti d to f.nd , i- i- i common J.nglial, lurmp ex. eeding H .1- :.. i . . . . . weig,u, an. i ttets Jrom IH .o 2U pounds. The climate is a very dry or.e, mora so than any wee have ever seen. We have very little rain except w hat fad's in the moii.h of May, a,,d it j, a rrtre thing that we have snow enough during ihe winter to make sleighing, and a rarer thing still that we have enough to be a serious im pediment to the progress cf a wagon. There are certain seasons whenihsre is e kiisidtrable wind and this forms one of the most dis; gieeable featuissof our Salubrious and healthy climate. Our timber consist ii of eo'tonwood, elm, as!., oak. black-walntlt. I.ickorv. ave.a...,r. ! , , , -- j' j ---- wj, WiV loiiL-iciii spcciei oi which, constiiute our principal stoe k of limber. Timber is ntt abundant, but there is sufficient to answer (he demands of u much larger m.latlan !.. I.- 1 likely to have for u'any years to come. The cultivation of timber would afford an opportunity to use capital so as to yield a very large interest upon the sum inves ted. Tlie country ; well watered, and we have never known a trial to li;id it to fail of success. There are numerous springs and rivu'etti in every part of the country, from w hich a constant supply can be pro cured. Wells can be dug in any part of the toun'iy, aud if properly secured will at all limes afford an abundance of water. In nearly all cases the quality of ti e water is cf the lest description pure, limped, and of course, pleasant and healthy. ihe descent of rain, a s ii ky mud resembling blac k ps!e is produced, w hich is very quickly dried up when the rain ceases a ftw hours nly being necessary to restore the ground to a stale suitable for ihe process of cultivation. Our atmosphere is lenin kahly r!rr i I,;. I e r e L u a ... i i. , , , -. . , .. i trial lo take up in our cms. A i igh-, of the I'rtsidcnt of the lined Stales,, u!l sc;m.s of th- jc.r, iin-.l f gs rc ery sc'ili M fdllll'h 3;s';.ses, which in other .!cci 1 sstime 1 ery iniilinnnt siprct, nre gentle in tl eir 'veiiitiot sml rai!y mnnifr l l y tlmsc w!io or i.cijiiain tci) w i h thi ir r.a- ; lure ami the iu!lniice 01 mr curtate x i v) j,.,, ,,,fV ,ircuir,le.l. 1 f C tr niu! nne is .y lllf t!l rtO$ 1 I'li'iMi-sittne p.iniplaint w itli whioh we nre 'iilili'-teil hut i! is se'u m lha it is of hr 1 '.1. . r.,,t ;., :. ;..n 11., in, 1 ' I 1 . .. . ,0 1 1, 01 , ai im 11 10.I..1H . ow,.".i , 1 t rcoininaifs over to s creat n e1et t s we think it dots in a iy new '1 . 11.EATY st;fvlaiio:;s. B low, we publish such ar.ic'.es of the lie..t s ip'.iiiiti ns with the ( lin.ih; s, tk mi'in lo be reiiuired 1 1 r the i iT. rtna'ion of ihos who are not in jvM'Ssion of the ' treaty. Jty giving altention to the trrms sliiiiila'ed. many flfe impressions re- sp. c lig the duty of the Agent will be rcinoveil. Wc are sit is fie 1 Ihe Agent is fVsirous of lulfi linqf bis duties to th Indians, and lb Government, :id lh:,f he ,'o it as he is iiin ceil ly '.ii. ai,! cry bv w hich the ti f,.'y has been est, bit It has b't n thought by inai y thia Ihe Indians were lobe j.aid in money, and lint ,.f eerlion nerinot toil ihi. irrulv ....... ... - . ...... i l ..... ..... gives no warrant for inch conclusions. Thcv are to be p. id ia Mot.ev. or goods. according lo the discretion of the Prei i t! nt- The same pnnciplcs extend lo the j (J;o trraty. I Artii le 2. The Omahns 1 ree, that so ' ,,on 't r l'e ni'rJ Stales shall make i ,h." n.rt-:ur' rrt'?" fr fulfilling the stipulations of this instrument, as they ! Cil COnv et.iently am nge their alT.irs, anli not lo exceed one ye..r Irmn its rati.'ica- lion, liny will vacate the feded countiy, ' "1,d U 'l,""ve ,0 lllC ,8"(I re5,:Mei1 1,1 re'M bythein, or to the other lands provided hm 1 .1 r .1 1 tor in lit u thereof, in the preceding arti- n -.. 1 .. 1..'t. The On.i'hi s relinquish to; the United States nU claims, for morey or Ol 1 1 VI lilt llg, 11 1 Hi CI lei llit'l I I CHUCK, tlllU likewise all .bums which they may have . herctolore, a. u, time, set up. toany h,.d on the east side of ti e Missouri riv tr: other thing, under former In-atics, and provided the O.nahas shall still be enlitlnl to and receive from the Guv -eminent , the ' linpaio iiaiarice ol u.e iwtniy-livr l ion-1 . . .. J . .-lit m ., . , i sand tioliars api.i opi lale.I foi their use, b i the uct of thirtieth of Aliens', 1S51. I Articled. In considcra ion ol i nd i.av-1 , ment for ihe country herein ceded. and Ihe i i elii riuisl mints he rein iDitde. tl e Uni'cd , .Times trice to juts 10 u,v xjini.l ,!:hc follovvi.g sums of money fo s.,..,-.. . .... ,i . i ha Indians. iow inu to-1 wit: 1st. Forty thousand dollars, per an num, lor ti.e tcim of three years coin- uini o. uiret, com on ti c fu st day ot Jal.uarv . I.ui. Ired i i,d fifty. live. ' , un m-ing on t.i; nd en 1 21. Thirty thousand dollars, per antmm. ,'or the term cf it-n years, nexi sunt eding the thrt e v thoiisand dollars, per ...tin, for il.o tcim of fifteen years, next sue ceiling ihe leu years. 1 ii. Ten thousand dollars, per annum. ! I or 'he lei m if 1 w t lv c years, next sue-' ' C'',''"K 'he liitetn yea... A.I wl.icli st-v t-ral sums e.f money shall ,ut ru ""- sii.uies, or iApciiu..u jor n. e ir us se and benelit. under the dire ction w ho may from time lo time deiermine all ;1''-'r--!'t', proportion of ihe an- TTul" " M en m 'nrnlnex or, il any, shall be jiaiil to the m in money and w hai proportion shall be applied tt and ex nende -el, for their moral imirove-i and ex peudeil, lor their moral lint rove- ,n' n! ''"J education; for such beneficial ; u't'tU "? j!'m!-'"1 ili"t .aleu!a-! 'cu ii uuv.iiiKc u.cni in civinza.ion lor .,,;!,;,,. ,, h.rin.. fenei,,,-. I.r.le.i . " ' ... mg laud, providing stot k, agriciillural mi ple-uients, seeds, osc ; or clothing, provi ions and men IianJie; lor iron, s'rei. -rius and in ii ut. r ion; f . r niethiiii. s. am. o.dsjand for n.die, I J.nrj o'c. Articled. In ureter to en-Lie the s..i ' Indians lo settle up ihcir affairs and lo ic uiov tt and to subsist ihuuseive fur one year at their new home, and which ll.iy a K " ' "'1 ..I'eS at iii, aim in iuui manner as l.c shall an prove Article C. Ti.e Trtiidpnt may, from time tu liuif at i-Ka.-iuii.irt tl... , iMUuU cl . U,e U,lJ ''rrb V ' . ' "7 . "!"K P'P.'. ' such other land as may be selected in lien thereof, is piovided lor in article first, lo be surveyed into bjia, and to ass gn to such 1 ndit n or Indians of said tribe as are w illing lo avail of the priv ilege, rnd who win locate on the same as a termantnt 1 m l 1 home, if a single person over t went vine I T'Z , "0cw':"oullJ1'I,"" esjenselo; Conslitulion of Man. By (ii o. Combs .he L nit ed Stales, and also to pay the ex- Theonly authorized American edition; with penses ul Ihe deli gallon who may be ap-! twenty ei.giav mgs, and a poitrsit of the pointed to make ll.u txpioiaiion provided i 1,101 !""''' ".nslm Hi c.-nta. lor in article liist, and to ience and to j Defence of Phrenology. Containing break up two hundred acres of land ai j a" "'l' " ,tle nature and value of I'hreunlog . heir new home, they shall receive from ,ral '''''"t '. able vindication of I.. I' i il-r..l . . . r . I I hiei.olog); by Boardruan; pure 7 teitU. .he l. the turlber sum of forty-one, , r n., , ihousand dollars, to be paid out and ex-lrJa , V V .i. ',.'lf C'"" . ..i i ....i ..i. . .' .i ., ' , eord ami discord, with valuable hinti ami sue- . - a , , , . iriaiiiKnuiiiii ln i es.arv years ot age, one-eighth of a section; to j for happy marriage,; ,Ist,aie.t; 7a cts. each family of two, one quarter see tion;! M inory and lr'ellcclu.d improvVmenl; to each iamily of three and not exceeding j applied lo self-education and juvenile instiuc five, one hall section; to each family of I '"'; ';niietii edition; illustrated; 87 et. sixandiiol exceeding ten, one aeciion; AIirif.joi.v ; or, J'hrenohVy and Pl ysi--nlto each family ofer ten in number . one quarter iciio Tor vry Kldjiioiml I wiai.Mfd fur living loL'fihcr tfit:c tioisutwl v id five intrnbers. And he may prescribe such rules and regulations as will insure .o ihe f.mdy, in Case of the death of ihe head theitof, the jiossessioii and enjoy ment of such liermai.ent home and the imiiiove- iritn.a ihrreon. the President may, at any time, in !u discretion, after such person or family has made a location on the land assigned for a ps-rinar.rnl home, issue a patent to such pcisonor family for such assigned laud, conditioned thai the tract shah not le aliened or lei led for a longer term than two years; and shall be sxtmpt from levy, Sals, or fjrleiture, which conditions ihs'.I continue in force, unl n State rti5'itiit ion . t rr.l r; 1 ii f sue Ii lands wi'hin its boundaries, shall hnve been fern ed and the Lepi.lature cf ihe tate shall reinnve he restrictions. And if atiy such person or faini'v sliall at any lime neglect 1 r refuse to occupy and till 11 portion of tiir lands assigned nnd nn which they have located, or fhnll rove from place to p'ace, the President may, iT the Jialenl shall h ivn issued, ca-ice! the assignment, r.nd may r'so withhold Troiii sin Ii person or f.uni y, ihrir propor tion of th annuities tT n'hrr moneys .hie them, until they shall h.iie returned to such permanent home, and resumed the pursuits of industry: and in default of t'.i ir return the tract mav be d- i hire ! abandoned, ar.d thereaflrr assi.-iird !'i Soinr otner person or f, u.iiy of sin li tribe. 01 ilisposed of as is proiided for the disposi tion of the "f ts..i.l land. And the resi.liie of H e l.i iel v reserved, or ol that wl'irhmi y beseicctid in lieu t hereof . i.l'er il! of ttii! Imliiiii persons or families shrill hai e had assigned to them perman ent homes, may he sold for their benefit, under such laws, rules or regulations, .is j may hereafter be pi ascribed by the C011- grt ss or 1 ri-M.lcnt of the I lilted Stnts. No S iite legislature shall remove the re- s'lictions bcrtin piovi.led for, vv i bout the vi. sent of ( i r e ss. Arid 7. k-l (itili the ()m .' deter rdne to m. ke their pi nc. nen! homr. norih I the due west line 1 ,.med in ihe first '""'I'; S pro!.-ct lh( tn I :tn ll.p Niiiist mil u II t! bur 1 . -, t ; ! , , , j; , , lv'...,,),,,, ,lV I. ,.....'... . .. i :. ., - , I .' ' - - ' ; nn i ii Million, iniei, ill. in i it fi n.r ! lands be assigned them, ti.e same protec """ " K'aran're(. Article H. The I'nilcd S'ntrs r.gree to erect lor the Omaha at their new home a grist and saw mill, ai d keep ihe same in repair, and provide a miller for ten years; also lo eiett a good hh.c k-smiih shop, sup ply the same w ith tools, and keep il in re pair for trn years: and provi.le a good blnok-siniih for a like period; and to rtn pb.y an ex peri'-nr ed fai mcr for (he term o! ten ye. rs, to instruct the Indians in agriciilt lire. Article lb The annuities of ihe Indians shall not be taken lo pay ihe debts of in dividuals. Article 10. The O.oaha. .,lnl.l..,l. ,1 i i , r their dependence on ihe pov ernment of uir i n.ien Diates. an.l nrointse to te J ., tv,( , ,,,, l'U:'KK "'emsrlves to c. nimit no drpreda- ; 'J""' 'I- Pr-I-r.y of such , i.izens.- , A ml VC '' ,,n)' o1" , r mor of ,',,m ,0" Ir"'1"Jly Willi all the citizens thereof, and lu,e u'' r1"' Kr u,ul the f..c-t be satisfac- , . . . . . - ,or"J I'f'Vin Lelore the agent, the pro- . tifrlv r,L-i,ii l ,.ll I. I - .' . .1 i i i..ot.nvt, m to u- r. ., , ,i r :r i , . . " " n injui.i ot .lesiroy nl, i "nipt nsation may be ma.le by Ihe gov ern- m'",t of ,,i,''r ""muties. Nor will! ,hey make ae war on any oilier tribe, except , 1,1 ,e" 'lencc, but will submit all in..!-I ler 01 uinerrnen Letwctn thein and other lullu!'S to tlis- government of ihe United I i . . " , . . "' "gent, lor decision, and nlnde ihercby. And if l.liv rf the sni.l ( linl.-.i rtJ"1""1 hn) dcj redaiions on incy 0 ier j ,),:,,.; r,,i n . i ,, , liu'ns' 'be same ru,e shall prev ail as lhal prescribed in this article in case of da-I fredai ions rgainsi citizens - - I Ciiowm.d Oct. Valuable an-(cations have been crowded oil lo make ; roo, for ,e peeling, 0f ,he ,Mtli.A- , 1 h 1 t' j T, . - LJ 1 '" ""c m,",0!' B:'l-,nn of conunon w,"fckr' '"' ereiitly been ship-, P' lor t ranee, to u.j treated e'I.em.fal.y ,n uiui country , anu i lien I e .shipped hitle nurd In .er ... t-. . i , ., -org .line nr-tnuy oi me lie SI brands O.x r grain of musk will nerfumr e.,.n. mor)sizpd r0(n for fy sensih J GOOD BOO for a number of years, e loss of jrf.wer. GOOD BOOKS BY MAIL. fl IILIallUl SY FOWLERS AND VELLS, 303 Broadway, Kew York. IN order to accommodate '"The J'eople" re siding in .11 parti of the L'nited Mates, the I', htishen w ill foi ward by return of the I ihst '.,L, any too, named in Ihs following list. Ti.e pns'apew.H be jn-paiil by them at the .rw York Offer. Jiy I .i-a. i :c meet of pre payi'.K post ace ii. u. nance, f.f'v per cent, is aie.i to the nuichaser. AUlettc s contaiiiini; ord. is shoiilJ It t po-l-pa id and dneeted as fol lows : I'OWI.KKS AM) WKI.I.S. IllUd lMMl . .I'IA' 1 lit Li 'il k ti ..... i ... .. a, . K,-stioi.s; by .. Mc, ,,c, lac... 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"Sij.i.i, 1 "' l .rrois of Physii iiiiis niid others iti (ri pra.ti.e of the waler-eure; l.y J. Jf. Kauw ;io its. lljdrnpaihic Family Physicinn. Area, .ly preserilii r nii.l hygienic adv, with r. fr. enre to I he nature, emi, prevention ni1, ;tejt. , ment of i1ish, hc .-t!t-r.t sj ai., egpngiitj,, i.f every kinil) vt itlt a ninnsary, table of contenti, .-till iiclerj illnstrnte.i witli 'nearly three Jmn. ' il.e.l f-iigiavii.j."'! t'V Joel Mtevr, .M. D,t or ' Uiirt voliitne of pnes. iihsti,t mil i bo iLj- s pine, pre-panl hy mail, sti.',.!. Hydropathy l .tn yclopivdin; a System 0? Hv.liopathv me I llyj;iei,e; eiitaiiniic ontiii,, r.f anatomy; I'ln siology of the human hoilj hyg.eiiic agencies, am! the preservation 0! health) ilieteties. ami hydropathic rnoksrt; theory anil pra't i re rf vi a r-t r-a' inei.t : , I o 1,3' in ni'v. am Hi ri.. ......i,..,,!,,. . ... . . .. , . 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