(ft - .." Vi r. :7 .'4 0 I'll m Tin I ill II s P 611 y ft li u 1 1 P VOL. 1 u i i by D. K. rkhd, & co. kkixkview," JKHi(;r.AS co., n-kjhuska, Wednesday, januarv jo, was. .iiia -NO. 21. NEBRASKA PALLADIUM AM) TLATTK YALLF.Y ADVOCATE. Pl'Mt.lllll.O 1VKKI.V T ZU$. Norton. D. E. REED, Zl COMPANY, Editors and Proj'T iVorf, n,utt., rom.Ai covktv, m-ka jritMS One copy one year. ? 00 one topy 'six months, l OuivvAr.i.r,i.v in ad- j-a'No piper will 1p drcontimicdcTrcTt ft tbe discretion of the proprietor, until all ar rearage itf p1'1'' 0 flf'O SPO 1.' Ml 20(10 30 on MOO ft on 3 on "RA.TTS OF ADTCHTMITO. fnrforl, j.fl.i;.rt.f twelve or lcs, if,' rrl. soPs-pie ?'", rr S''srr tMee lie. lit, t, n sq'iarc s.x months. On n-l'iare twi-lvf months. fin nnartcr of a cdonm twelve months, One hir column twelve months, On column twelve month, T)ll$iness cards cf eiht lines, vcir'v. 4 i i x month". , it three months. ?O0 Administrators' and Kx" oilon' notices, 5UU THK T. AW OF N K WSPA I'KUS. I. Suhscrihers who do not give express notice lo the contrary, are considered as wisliinr; to continue their s'lhscriptions. 2 If subscribers order the discontinuance or their papers, the publisher mav continue to send them until nil arrenraces are paid. 3 If supseribeis neglect or rc.n-e 1l,ir papers from theofficeto which ttiev nro directed, thev are held repmiim until they have settled the bill and ordered tlie paper dis continued. . . 4 If mberiW r.rrmveto other places with out in f orn.m,' Hie publisher, and the paper is ent to the former direction, tbey art! held re- '"nie'f'ornTi liaveilerided t!iit refusinc to 1akr raprrfiom Hit: office, or rei-iovine and 1ine it uiKtitled f )i , is prima fjcia evideni'o o( intentional frainl. (t'lbcril.ers will the:ef..."e underhand : 1 'Jhat their papers willbe rontinned after the'expiration of the time for which they paid, nles otherwice ordered. Tbat poiperwillbed'Tontinued untiln.l rrraires are paid up lo the time at which ,J,C notice is p'.rn, unless ue are jatificl that the tubscriher is woitbles-. S That when the pnper, through the fault or .ub.criber, has been suMVrcd to everrnn the time, the inst and ltin-1 convenient way is lo remit one dollar f.ir another six month, with direction! to dicoutinueat the end of thattim-. Thii direction 'It, in H "" he l!','', "l"'11 our books, an I if not ultended to shiill be our Tli- V. S. Courts h iv also repeated' v decilcd (I'M n rokt-Maftcr who ne-lects to perfo-mhis ili.lv of fivini; ser...ona)de fot ic". (, rq-iiie 1 bv th I'ot-Oe Depavtnieiit. i,r the nei-iect of a perrfi to t..le Trom the oflh-e, esrspip'TS ad.'.ie.",l lo him. red -rs Hi- l'"st Mniter li..hle to the p.ihlMicr for the Kubsrnp- BUSINESS DIRECTORY. g c 1 1 c t c D P o f 1 1 h THE rKSAKf.?f w'ifj;. Why woul.l'st thou brcik Hie fuilhf.il heatt, The heart that love .so fond and blindly, Tbat pooner will) its lif- would pirt, Than harbor thought to th-f urikindiy Tlirouph all thy ever varying lot ; I've lovd the; ever liuvu I n t? I've bought to lure, with love own wile, And ever, ever, stiove to pie-.: thee j II, J pain, fear, sorrow, with a smile So C4ter.i1 ltt a Uir HhouU grieve th -e; Wronr in thv .c-iica were forgot, I'.e loved thve ever havl tot? In connection willi tlii jneinin-liolic I ruin of o'.iscrviiti'ins w tney npprojnide ty speak of the recent f;;i!iiru of tlici Ccii Ital liimk oC tois i i y. Tiiis built w-s liroken by mi nrMtr.ry i"ti f the 'C'.w.ring House," w!.i. 1 iusti u 1 ion, in fret pussessf s the power of luciking d nwit any bunk in the city; if it chooses I j try. The; Clearing Ilonsc (ipffr.i't-s in this wi'V! city lunk receives ilaily from its depositors r!uck upon i.nd notes of the diflercnt batiks. A messi i pc from Cioh bank meeds lit 10, a. m., nl the CKiring lioise the next d,iy b"'1 ex- were put in two or three weeks later, reinindeJ i s of such as were fit only to cut with scissors and rake wilh a pocket cnmi) ',hey could nut in fact be ci addled, (.'ountry (Jcnl. AH KCCfi-iTIiJC rURACKIB. Rev. John Horsey, an old nri known Jife'hoillst l'rentlirr in Virginia., is thus describsd by tlio Hiohmoiid Kxani iner : Mr. ller.-ey rri'ikes a deep nd lasting imjiression wherever he gnes. H is pro verbially stmiL'hl-forwai d, diiinterested less. Ho will vvear no clothes '1 i i.m x rid so Tit ROt.fi it Wati.h. Telegraph;.; cxjicrimen's wer recenily m-Je ' Puitsn-ioirii, Kuglnnd, with pr fecl success, by which, wilh n opci'iil ing bslicvy on (lie out side and ihc corres ponding il'u en the o'iier side, n ttlegrapb- 5see? At. i. ran Is i .kiiaska. The tjjc of ein igralion is faht settling in f.ir Nfbrtskn. In nddbinn lo the many families o''edy stit'dd fro'n (he ipis'eni stales, we t. r.f;i tlut seme forty fainities or more, from Ashtabula coumy, Ohio, have associated 1 wsll- 1 ic '"t k'g was conveyed tlirouh the wa-1 ilitinselvrs together , for the purpose of an;' gune chile l et ks and l.o'c. Uri.T.IiVIKW. i. h. hk.m:t. Ila opcr i d a hoardinir ho i-e at Ilelleview, for the accommodation of regular hoarders, and Accisional visitori, who, he. will tah: pleasure in rcatonc as cr.u.forlable as lies in Ins power Belleview, Nrhiaska. oct :4 W. H. KMiMMI, "T f.(;OTI ATOH, Cotlector. Ceneral Land IN Apenl. ( onuhellor at Law, -c, kc. Itelleview. Nebra' ka. Having an experience of 17 years l.l the ter ritory, will pay prompt attention to nil com piuuication?, .o.,t paid, in regard to the Ter ritory. Ac..A.e. , , ,,. jy oifice near the Government build n, and in rear of P. A. Sarpy's bankinc house. llellt.view City, Nebraska. July IV ('. K. WATSON, Land A sent, Sirv.Jer and Lng'uieer, Hellc lew, Nebrahka. o'-ly '! e.r-..,ik lU.i.'. J. . iy ' 'l-ee, H.u! 1 t'enlooUl i-p eej:; no, nnr '. New 1 am old bXoie my time, Thou coolly dost my heart strings a-vr : My name would fro:n thy meim.ry blot, I've loved th:c ever have I not V My young atrection all thine own, Uy thi-c whs all my future bounded. Thou know'.ft how soon wire overthrown, The hopes on thee weic found J. Tl,n,ir.b u-.ine was not a haPPV lot. I loved Dice derly did I not V Could'st thou nut wait until the sod Covered the form no f. -ail Hid briken, And the wearied i,piril had ouelo God ; And the heart was still 'iieatti thy fu.it love l'lic letter sealed With atrue love's knot, token, 1 have been faithful have I not V Thn thy new love thou couldit have claimed, Without repioach, remorse, or care, And given her with thy love a name, ' I'v. as once my proude.-t boast to bear, Will pear lo tlio grave w.llioui a blot, l'Vi! loved lb e eer have I not? TBE Fir.ST 7ALL C7 BSOW. 1IT JAMI-.S RUS.-'KI.L I.OIYI1LI.. Tlis snow hid b't'un in the ejloaming, And buiiily all the night, Had b.-eu l,e..;jini; field apd highway With tt silonci' di"' and while. l'.vry pine and fur and henih'tk, Wore tiiiiir. too dear f jr an Karl ; And the poorest twig on the elm trw Wa rifc'gcJ iurii deep with pearl. i-'rom sheds new looted wi'.U Canara, Came Chai.ticlec's mullled crow ; Thesl;tr tails weie so!lned lo awan'a down; A.,d still 11, literal do A n tbo ai.ow. I thought of a moment in sweet Auburn, Wheie a little hi ad -tone itooJ ; How the flakes were folding it "'-'''i'l Al liid li b, PS the hah 13 in the WuoJ. l"j fcj.oke our little M.ihst, Sayinjj "l-'allwr h mak-i the s,no V" And I lold him of the All-l ather, Who cares for us below. Aijain I iooked at the snow-fall, And thought of Hie lead-n bky, That urche lo'ei our fust peal aorroW, W Kc ii that mound was hep:,l o hijjh. I lemeinber the gradual patience Ti.at felt fioni that clo.iJ like snow; l'lak: by Hake healing and hiding The sear of the deep-slabbed woe. And again to the child I wispered, The snow that visitcth all ; Marling, the merciful Father Alone can make it full!" Hie batik met a',- d-r an 1 p hijainst tliem. If li.is Lahmi At 1'.'. M.I e xeejit ki "):. indisnet'Siablrt to his the i.hince j comfort, and rat tiuibieg enrept w!mt Js is not nai l lecf aaarv to keen the ifchccii cf life in trr without the' idd of counce' leg wires. An electric wire from -ch side was sub merged tenr.irisiiig in r jilale construclcJ for the purpose. It is contended that in the same m.nner a Slegr:.phi(; wehwgt may be r onveytd acrc.si the Jiriiisli iibiin ne! wiiho'il rcu'tiniiom c.-.hlcs crivirc. The l.l o e pir;'g-inpt Iiah h.leiv oht .iu ed a w i.i nru suin r viivulmtMii, ati'l . weartd in this naper of strJ;!-. As by 2, r, m . . it is rcoluimwd, nnd the bank suspended from the. privihtors f the in stitution. The Cent nd Ruik did m.t conform to this ru'e and was susji-ndcl acccordiugly. Tii suspen sion was fol lowed J.v a rush of iP'te-liohhrs anJ dep-o-i'ors which would hi: I'el.d to ;dni,:?t nnV mo'. ion. lie wniiPl last Htii jirey ir.1 in erally starved to death, rather than touch a morse! of nny article of food cooked on Sunday. He would rather w:.lk fifty miles than indu'ge. in the luxury of a ride s;x hundred yards. He would sooner pene traie the mud knee-deep than set his foot bank intheci'v. The balances, however ! on n Hruss-!s cat pet. He would sit on a were jie.i l at .', e. m. On Wednesday the j hank was closed, but the directors iip ini ity a probabili'y of i's reopening on Monday. This Hank, as will as the 1'mpire Ci'.y. will probably bo obliged to wind up i(.s affairs. Its circulation is well secured, but the depositors tray lose something. Enough of bankruptcy and starvation. The topic of absorbing interest is the war, th extensive detailss of which, fur nished by Knglish papers, bringing the battle field almost before our eyes. Singular advertisements appear now and then in the dailies, which read like the ravings of an idiot. They art sail lo be cipher-communications, intelligible on ly to the refugeas. What episodes of ro mantic histories might be written out from some of tho advertisements in our vehicles of commercial intelligence, r.s they lie wedged in between notifications' of soap, h lis, fiddlesticks, and all the humbugs of Vani.y I'.ir, lost friends, fwund fortunes, disconnected words, which have a deep meaning for two eyes out uf 1". f ' y thou nd that read tliem. A wonderful thing i&deer!, is a newspaper ! porcupine saddlu about us comfortably as he would on cushioned chr.ir. In exam ple, as well c.s in precept, he loudly con dems the fashions, tho follies sn.l vanities of lliis sinful world. He strikes nt thorn with ten-fold fores when found in tha Church, or in persons professii ihe name of Christ. Ho docs not believe in the popular no'ion that "a saint in crape is twice a saint in lawn." At the conclusion of nny of his dis- removing in a body to the territory of Nt t.rnska. They ere going p. epared lo set tle there, being well found in everything to make them comfortable in their contem plated hemes. All thess persons go from their preset;! residences :vi'h s culJ deter mination to preserve llio Soil , this )or- '....)! of our Vvb'i' S 'e' ,. l jn thv rr.ue of ; r.-e.'e.i:-. i f ;v (j'od prosper J.e.ii in their urd,.i, ikihs and in Uit fnlttilmeisi of .. .. the impiMon might prubabiy U left on I jeir resolution. Our lellow-lownsman, the mind o the ruader that the c, peri- Vim. j lodge, isq., inlorms us that His racnt theisin deiidlcd wa n"W, il ifli.y be proper to state that it is more than a cen tury oh!. In 17-18: br. Franklin and hi his intention to accompany this accocis :ion of emigrants to their new homos, for the purpose of examining the country ns well as lo be able to judge of i's probable advantages and inducements to those who may wish to emigrate there. Mr. Hodge is a well known citizen of Buffido, of great respectability r.nd will be able or. his return to furnish valuable information to Ml interested in the settlement of Nc- frie.ii la held an "olcctrical feust" on the Schuylkill, near l'hiladclphia, which was amusing vs well ts scientific. The Do. -tor gies an ace our' of it to his friend Fetir Cw'.liiisoii, of London,' in thesa words: "Chagrined a little that vre have hither to been able lo produce nothing in this wsy 1 br.,ska. liudalt Kepub.ic of use to mankind, and the hot weather coming on when eIeo.lr.oal experiments are nol au agrceablt, it in proposed to pin an end to them for this nexson, somewhat humorously, in a party of pleasure on the' I bunks of the Kchyulkill. Spirits at the ounses in our mountains, he adapt as his I same tunc arc to be fired "by a spork sen own, with very slight variations, the lan- from sidn to side through the river with (Miarre used by the eccentric Lorenzo out any other conduc. or than tho water:' ST. MAKY. OKOlUn: ULT'NKK, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, St. Mary, Milla County, Iowa. a.is 31-ly O. W. W ALLACT, rhys'u ian and .Surgeon, respectfully tender hi profesioiiul servicca to the- citizens of St. Mary and vicinity. Olhee two mile l.oilh wettof M. Mary, o!i Ike Alusuuito creek. uuir31-ly 15. TSCHl'CK, Topocranhical F.iijrineer, tender lii profes sional sen ices to the citi.em of St. Mary and vicinity as Huneyoi and hngirie.T m all Itsva fieties. OHiee in 1'. A. Sarpy's alore, corner of Gregory strw t. aupSl-ly " wa'is7nTki n n KY&ciit i . i: ' , rieneral Land Agents, St. Mary, Mills County, Iowa. Will attend to the purehu.se and sal of ival estate, the perfecting of titles, paying tax t, Ac., Kc. 9" Farminc land and village lots, to suit luiicliasem, ou hand, for sale cheap, and on fea.onable terms. HIAS. K. WAisO.V. I, li. KIN N v. v. C43-t jjm:i'H gulln. "Ivil.UAMS JL WILS()N'S SAW MILL. Keg Creek, Mills Co., Iowa. The pioprie tora of this mill intend to keep lumber of all descriptions constantly on band l also to sup ply kit special ordi-ra tor lumber at abort l.o Je.for h i- ?l'L SIGN l'AlNTKK AN.) (ill.Dl'.K. riSKK v.iliaeriber having located himself al I St Marv is prepared toei,.:ciit.j Older Then with eyes that saw not, I kissed her, And she kissing back, could not know, That Diy kiaa was given to her sister, Folding clwse under the deepning snow. Correspondence of tho Palladium. of tfV.-ry diacripiioii of Flam, Fa c) , and Orna mental Fainting. Signs paint, d, lettered and gilded in the mont approved style, and in the neatest manner, l'atronngn n sj.ectf ully so licited. Oll.ce, at II. My-'is, Knot Street, St. Wary. hTA.MM Al'S SC11F.MANSKT. SI.Mary, Sept. -J7, '. . '.T. sAurv, Wholesale and C'oinii.iasioii Merchant, dealer iu li, v (ioi.ds. liaidware, ii leeiiaw i-e, (i!a- ware, Croeeri. s, iirugs, Medicines, Jiooks and Stalioi.eiy,coii.. r;r of laiu and Givoiy atieeu. aug 31-ly C. K. AVATSOX, Convevancer, Notary Public, and Purveyor. Office at' the Mo-c of Cnine, Kinney, & Co., fct. Maiy. Mills"., low. Al'LHl!-. astoh lioLsi:. f pilK subkcriher lias just opened this new and J. commodious building for the reception of lh tiavelii'S! public, and solicits a shure of pub it.. r.,r ,.,r,,n! and ed'xieut attention will fct paid to all whj may lavor hi in with lheir .auouge. His table will be supplied with Hie ttat the maiket adorns. A pood sttuie u at Ucbad to tie pitmifes. LNCLLL. fct. ?4ry, laws, war. l 'M-W- Nrw Yokk, Dec. 25. 1S51. After a ride of two liundrcd miles through uninterrupted snow-banks, one is rather surprised to find himself prom enading dry ilags and cobblo-stones in New York. The city is innocent of snow, yet the waatber we have here is de-spiriting enough: rainy, foggy, true London weath er. The sun has forsaken us, for the ieu.1 of w ar, or some other center of inter est. Coining from sheerful firesides ol Yankeedom, where mils' are cracked, and apples eatm, one is struck by the care worn; anxious expressions which sila on all the "old fami iar faces," from tho Wall street banker to the Fullon ferry apple woman. The countences of buisness men lire "signs of the times," betokeing bankruptcy, famine, and till such direful visions. Therefore tho city is doleful .ho' Fashion spreads hor peacock tail not less superbly than of old. Aininj the poor there is, and will be though tho win ter, a great deal of suffersng. It is dif ficult to obtain employment und imny are , brown out of occupation by the reverses of employers. The benevolent societies of this and the adjoining cities are laboring faithfully to improve the condition of the various classes of poor whom they have taken in charge. The Female Employ ment Sociely, of U ooklyn, is affording ,h means of supporl to many indigent seninslresses, by enabling theinto dispo se of their work at remuneiativo ju ices. One would think fro n the dolorous out cry, that we w tie u'l in danger of star, vuiion. Kvery body is frightened. But while fishies swim tho water u 1 caltl walk the land, the great nun of tha mel rophcli ihi.ll le filled. LISS0X3 CT 7HSE PAST EZAEOS. We are much mis'.sken if ih wheat ... . j ...i. mnttre or weevil noes noi uo m omc suj slantul good. Crops of wheat which have been put in early and in the best manner, land not injured by previous mismanagement, have been but slightly affected. An energetic fanner of our ac quaintance prepared his land last year, by first turning over deeply a good clover aod then giving, this a good coat of com post in.uure then harrowing the interl e I sod and compost into complete inter mixture and pulverization then turning the whole under with the gang-plow just deep enough for the roots of the young wheat which was put in with a drill in the best manner. The whole of this was accomplished by the first day of au'um-.. Oilier crops on the same farm, after cam, were also well put in, but necessarily i .... 1 i,. I.,.j ft, i'ir:tl !e some week later, aim j. soil. Now mark the result. The fust named crop yielded the present, season of drought and insects, not less ihan thirty bushels eflhc finest wheat per acre the other was only ten bushels per acre. Others crops in the same neighborhood, .own riter corn with only ordinary care and ti.litge, produced but five bushels per acre. Iu one instance, when two fisdd were sown fide by side, on similar I.nd, al tho s-.me lime, but with one of their thoroughly tilled with an especial view to the destruction of "June grass," the lat ter yield! nineteen bu.lv.ls per ucre, tha former only ten. Lxamples may be mul tiplied to degree, showing the great pro- fus of the best modes of tillage for secur ity against these depredators. The present year of extraordinary drought has furnished some interesting lessons on the diffctence between the ef fects of good end bad management. The potato crop, for example, has saried live hundred per cent wilh the treatment u Dow, in a sermon delivered nt George town Ht long before his death : " My humble hearers,"' said Lorenzo, "I have preached in Kurope, in Asia, in Africa, and in Ameriea. 1 have preached to George III., I have preached to George (aiming, but: believe me, I never preached bllcr sermon to thitu than I h:ive tins v ureached to vou. I would not flatter .- i Neptune for bis trident. I would not compromise the; cause of my IIe..vcnly Kin? for all the smiles that earthly royalty could confer. I told them precisely what 1 tell you unlets yon repent o" your sins, eternal damnation is sore." Mr. Ilersey can apply to himself a portion, ul least, of the historical parlot this p.:ss.'.ge. He has preached in three quarters of the globe, and perhaps in the fourth al.o. an cxpei imr at which we some lime since perfonncd to the Htiiazenicnt of many. A turkey is to be killed for our dinner by the elccti ic shock and ror.aied by ihe elec tric jack, before a fire kindled by the elec trified bottle, when the health of the fam ous electricians of F.nglar.d, Holland, Ger many and Frsi.ce are to be drunk in elec (rified bumpers, ur.dera discharge of guns from the electrical battery." Professor Morse, we understood, made similar successful experiim.ai niou years ago in communicating across the Susque- r.ruirift river, end has been for gome time prosecuting experiments with the view of fi.rmir. a telegraphic communication be--wcrn ihe United States mid Ureal Brit ain. Nat. Intelligencer. has met with. When it has been planted early, in a soil not made rich hastily will, freah, badly mixed manure, but by prev ious huh tillage, with un addition of we! puiverircd compost, we have succeeded in raising large and fine roots. Late planted, and on poor soil, the crop has in many places being lnsuilicient to pay M diinang. The Irishman ' ho dug our ciop sai l he was quite as woU rewarded for his labor in taking oua bushel in ten, as in IbkiiiK the whole of his own scanty pro duct. The oats crop is another which has exhibited in u striking light, the udvanta gel of being up to tho time. Crops which were sown closely tfler the disappearance of frost, have afforded a fir return; while some which we had ocction to notice that IS KSLIClOl BEAUTIFUL. Always! In Ihe child, the maiden, the wife, the mother, religion shines wilh a holy, benignant beauty of its own, which no'hing of earth can mar. Never yet was the female character perfect without the study fai.h of piety. Buauty, intellect, and wealth they ore like pit-falls, dark in the brightest day, unless the divine light, unless religion throws her soft teams around them, to purify and exalt, making twice glorious that which seemed all love liness before. Religion is very beautiful in health or sickness, iu wealth or poverty. We nev er enter the sick chamber of the good, but soft music seems to float on the air. and the burden ef their song is : "Lo! peace is here." Could we look into thousands of fam ilies to-day, when discontent fights sul lenly widi life, we should find the chief cause of uuhappiness, want of religion iu weinan. And in the felon's cells in places of crime, misery, destitution, ignoble we should behold in all its most terrible de- mitv, the fruit of irrc'.igion in woman. Oh, i.!';.'ou! benignant in;jesly, high on thy throne thou sittesl, glorious i.iu eddied. Not above ihc i loud, for earth louJs come never belwtenthee and truly i .. . i .i. ..i,... i r..r plOUS SOUIS IIOl uciicaa.ii 11IC IUUUU3, IU. iiv these is iieaven, oiiouuik tt.i aiiu.i a broad vista of exceeding beauty. Its gates t.rs the splendor of jasper and precious s ones, white wiih the dewy ligh1 ihat neither fl shos nor blazes, but steadi ly procecdclh from the throne of God lis towers bathed in refulgent glory ten limes the brightness of ten thousand suns yet soft, undaz-ilin to the eye. And thcie religion points. Art thou weary ? it w hispers, "rest up there there forever; art ll.ou sorrowing? arl ll.ou weighed down with unmerited igno, mi'.iv ? ''l.ip(fS und priest arc in thai hoi home, ui ll.ou poor r ":!.e ei .vrec befoie thy mansion ah.dl be gold;" an thou friendless? .lie i-.iigls shall bo l! companions, and God thy Friend and Father." Is religion beautiful.' We answer, nil is desolaiiou and doformiiy wbera icli'ion is not. 23" A very excellent cement for seams in ihe roofs of houses, or for any other exposed places, is made with white lead, dry whi.e s.i d, and a much oil as will make it into the consistency of putty. This cement gets as hard us any stone in ic course of a few weeks. The lead forms a kind of a flux wiih ihe sand; it is excellent far filling up cracks in exposed parts of brick buildings; it is also a good ccrtent for pointing chimneys, where they project through ihe roofs of shingled hous- s. We have Made this cement and tried it, and speak about il from experience only. for we have no knowledge of its ever liv ing been described in any work. Life illustrated. Love. ILw bright and beautiful is love' in i s hour of purity and iunocenco how mysteriously it etherealizes every feeling, and concentrates every wild be wildering impulse of the heart; Love holy nd mysterious love! it is the jrar laud spring of life, the poetry of nature. Its song is heard in the rude hut of the poor, as well as of the gorgeous princes of the rich its flames embellish the soli tude of the forest, and the thronged haunts of busy life, and its lijht imparts brillim cy to every heart, nojnatler what may be its condition. Love pure and devoted love cm never c) ange. Friends my forget is the riches of this world my soon soar away, but the heart that loves will cling ihe closer; as loud roars the storm, and mid the wreck of the tempest, it will serve as u "beacon" to light us on to safe ly and happiness. Love is the music and unseen spell that soothes tho wild and rugged tendencies of human nature, that lingers about the sanc tity of the fireside, and unites iu closer union of the fafTec. ions of society, and tho soul thuL loves truly will live forever. Not lika ihe waves of the ocejm: nor trac ed in sand, is the image impressed upon a loving heart. No, no, but it will remain unbroken and unmarred it will burn un drfneed in its lustre, amid tho quick rush of the tempest cloud and when our f ato seems dark and dreary, then will love seek shelter in her own hallowed temple, and offer us a sacrifice, her vows and affections. A Mammoth Gvs. There are 1100 persons employed in the Washington navy yard, where soma experiments in gun nery have been made recently, to test the cast iron of which a heavy piece of ordi nance is conslructcd. The gun is ll.t argest in the country, with a bore of 11 inches, and weighing 1G 000 pounds. Upward of one thousand audforly rounds .ve been fired thus f-r generally thirty day. Fifteen pounds of powder Serveg for a single charge, tuid the shot uverigo ach one hundred and sixty-eight pouiv's. Twelve men are required to work this mamino.h piece of artillery. Driss. Next to clothes being fine (hey should be well made, and worn easily for a man is only ihe less genteel for a line coat, if, in wearing it, he shows a re gard for il, and is r.s easily in it as a plain one. Chesterfield, 2" A lady of experience contends that a kiss on the forehead del otes reverence for the intellect; a kiss on the ckerk, that ihe doner is impressed wiilt the beauty ,t the kissed one; but tho kisit imnrinted oil ihe lips shows love. tiT" The Governor of AUbam wss lined ten dollars lately, by a circuit judgo of that State, for wearing his hat and puf fing a ci,r i" t'e court voom. 'You are from the country, are you no!?' sidd a knew nothing clerk in o certain book store, to a plain dressed individual who had given Lira some trouble. Yes.' Well, here's r.n essay on the rearing of calves.' That,' said the man, as he slowly turn ed to leave the store, 'you had belter pre sent to your mo. her.' In the Supreme Court of California, a conviction for murder has been set aside on the ground that it was j.itcurcd by the testimony of Chinese witnesses. The ruling of the court was that Chinese are not competent to gie testimony against whites. JTJ At L.s. Kccoums it was raining Ijalls f li J birnb si ells in Sebaslopol, nt the rate of 21 COO pe d.iy. 25 We have been so fortunate, si) g Mr. Cunard of ti e Ihiglish line of steam ers, as to carry i.'.mut 180,000 passengers Incross the Atlantic, a distance of tbo t 3,000 milts, wit hout injury to one of them. nrThe D.mo.-raey have over thirty majority in tl.u prts.-nt Congress. The elections for the next Congress show that that the Whig and Free Soil party will have over DO majority. Jlm Over fifty thousand emigrants have crossed tho Mississippi during llin nuiiths of October and November, to setlUi in the feriile Suto of Iow j. Da. FkA...u.N used lo sxy, that rich widows were ihe only piece of stcciid- J hr.nd goods that sold at prime cost. j" Au Irishman being i sked on nlaie trial for a certificate of his marriage, ex hibited a large scar on his head, whicl inirjht have been made wiih a fire above. 1", iidei.ee Satisfactory. The 17. Ii of January will bv Franklin's Litth-dav. I'Mt. IT a man does not ertct in this age his own lomb ere he dies, he shall live no longer in monument than the bell iirs and the w idow weeps. 'Jliakespear. rr 'You look like death en a pult florae,' s.dd Jiin to a toper, who w.s growing pale end eimeiatel. 'I don't know anything about thM,' said the torer. 'but I'm death on tiah Lran- ! Jar ii ' It if