Nebraska palladium. (Bellevieu City, Neb.) 1854-1855, January 03, 1855, Image 5

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    1 Q ci c u 1 1 u r ;i I.
j ',
fl..' p'nv
..11 ti I,
Ml'.l !i,
d r-i dr
iv what
trems can nrrl,'
... i I l i . c
vruuis tie disseminate;
that aric iJl-ii-iileJiU'
Invest rb!), ;hi,1 that
h'lOL.1.1 bit dev. is- . f,,r
wit ; hut h !
I:' All,, .tree
't is at the
N'iiiC means
imn.-.n t-
bile tlip
Colleges have distim.ijv
CXJKM-illi.'i.t is I'(irIvV
tjy practical
julinit their
partition of
hut few of
men, an
inefnnes-i for
the dp'-
tethers all know
1 i lose diiici.ti'd iii
college Lecatnu fanner:,. Ilv on lor
fie ITPDOrilticn r,'' .... ,1...:. '
us'! is on Mi.,
"d many, if m,t
i!l, prefer thusc
-..I i
!') ll.t f ill r 1 1
' i rai'llca v. ;m !
. ttuuu.uu, aavc received S!,( !,
jcii an
iiK-jiuleJ a kaoIvl"p
Ol t.'lC ailitmct bPIlffr.r-,'
'iiw pure dinnist and t!ip pure
larmcrs, arc ahkc unrjualitlcd for
u.h f duties v.hiJ, t.c few uho
urn- JefounJ in every rommunitv
who from pecuiiarit of .states liae
rendered thein.elves masters, to a
suil.cent degree, of all tJic seien-conu-cted
with agriculture,
anl have apPI,ed them practically
rc at least able to meet tl,e re
quirements as teac her., and to suit
themselves to the current events
o the community. Anion- such,
then, we rni;t look for teacher
7lw rvices must be availed!
ot in every way practible.
Sucli men should be cmplorpd
to lec ture m si' ricuhiiml ,J;.i -;... !
... , 1 11 . .
'Jlr fl,.-,i ,v
Hill 5. T. li.'i:
'"-' wuia write books on!'J,"ia"ar,v',r''' -v'- ', m..
Hie eliments of apiculture fur the I M",,r"V."!:: .'jr'::
t:c of Common Schools. ad t!,.,J VM. JKssul' &. SONS.
reiiuer N-k
1 ... 7
T .cicutib,' Atrienllitro t..,.t
ft 1 I.J". . . . . .1
CUill. it- i
CHI Obicctfnrrfo t.J
e arc ur
usetulness of eoHejres for eenerrd '
education, tut their beasts c--
w .
hoi t.e made to reach t',A
iiiass ct larrners; tin
it will
must be
ipf lied
a " dissemination.
As an examplethe use of the
Jiible and other modes ofrehVious
instruction in common schools, has
at least rendered the whole com
munity capable of under.tandin"
the diflerent religous sr ntiment;
of the day to an .lcrt iniieh great
cr than the general knoled-e on
political economy and many'othcr
subjects not so treated and still the
in-.c. occtipieu nirelitiious instruc
tions in common schools in not!
great Suppose that atrriculture I
smoum be tauaiit in the same way
unci that a small portion of evcrv
ony's time, should be deverted to
such study, would not the truths
of agriculture like tho5e of rpli.rir.i.
become the common property" of
all! Would not books be written
of an elementary character, on
Chemistry as applied to agricul
ture, on GeoIoL'T as applied to
agriculture and, indeed on all th
M-ienuies which bear even remo
tely on the subject. Applied
sriftir-p in o It...... . . ii
-S.....S.S. .s. Uiaja uiore rcadifv un
derstood than general scientific
teachings and thus a whole com
munity could be taught to regard
the greatest interest of the coun
try as at least worthy of some
consideration. What does a boy
now lu9rn a( a country school
that will assist him in 'his after
pursuit r.s a farmer? Are not
nine-tenths of the boys so educa
ted, likely to I Jf'Corne f irmr-
II tu VI (J V is
''l.tltl (lillili,,,), fcclioo.lj,. ,l
M' iTi. ".,:(,. ;s (., trM.J, I,,,,, -itl ilu ir con-
urau-n wi'ii iriciiltiiir, , ,j,JS (
iie!ul Mirn'ol. ..., , ,,,!i,.,l,n. las,,;,
XffK U.j fiiit; ww, i.'.c iii.t.ii.rv os tf
:u..i-i,;v J.tlu ni.vliin.ic t- f.r')(1,.r t.Mr
ll'.'CT I. tl.t'l'licul I.A t
tuii'tcteJ witii 1.
11 I hn r.r..I,r . ..! ! I HI- SI ti all-. 11 MR It A S K V l 1,1 v . , .
v, 1.; - ,.f .'i:;,,:!-'; TiTrtirM .ts
j.Mi.lir;.l J I,ii, ,t, ,,, ,,.., V,(ll,,. tr; ... Leilevit'w .NeLu ask;,. ,-.,, e m m ...
. . V I p.
i.i s.'-r.
fil, ti J ti;.
J l'fC''(i.
L'il gciier
t J-i
"l eiiy 1.c.!h ' onlj Le n.n'J,
J. r li :.j,Ui rics J.i.l iluvvn nnd
St'l S'i, Ii!,! l,,,! ) fo wfl
JOUTV Aoiet, M.iiiuid ft. j s' Hati, of every
liega-i ij.tioli. at
fp 7. OlvLF.NK. KI.N.NKV t CO.
I I I is. Jiu k.srv ,sui t,mr. , r l
tjU C.M.L.Nh, hIN.VKV i
,-pt i7 V,4.
on', a!
- .OI!s
Jjruei,' beg j
i i J.itchei.
JlV cuality cf Miii-ral ki.i,l,.s
(or gal nt
iiPLt.M; JvlNXKV it Co,
n s i n f s s 3 i c r c t o t n
1 DO I II.
i'l ! l V (ill
:i-,air, S'hpv
s, II. its Cap,,
si ' ( ,' uv
iM. W
' 1,, (i' o,'.', jps.
I'l, 1 " . I ( i t . 1 1 ,
iile! II- ilv Mo
n ,1, nu:,.
Hard.. .
, i: A.
mi, I 1J
In 'i u, (..
. Po."k.s a.
C ni,
t'.e' no.l
I. I"-.'. :i.
T ,
:.V ;". I I'
i, 'I ('
il M"!!'!i .ills. ,1.
. i rin-; ies, P: v
iiT inn-, v. r.o.'ts-
o. V vni"l V of
, !' the I'm!.!;.-
I'ets II
(; i-
.'.IT :!!-!. "
tail -'
: si i ,
,,... .
1MI.1 C
s. II.,.
I I ,
V N I'.TT,
r ! I. I '.'.
c'.i .. i,. II...
. ..i'.i. U".
:r.l l.v
!' Hi' ( '!
, -II
'V I'
I'll WO'
:viT :u-n '
WM. S!
I ri'il Siittc
"'.li.Mtti I'rtnti f nt i v
MilH in., wiii
Ms in h!i -ir'.f.'Hi.'it.
1, one door nnitli of
W'l iii
I'l I
n p'ly
itt'-n.l In all
I.Oi"ll-t stu,
J). II. N(JLO.MO.,
Ailo.ii"v ;it l.'i,il.T,vii,i,!, tiU Ci. lo'.va.
l'l'M.-i i. i's in Uiit'ii'M i.f tin an, 7 1 ft ,,t.
,l.. Hi ir: '.-. ,in-.! tiie Siii rutin- Court nl' Iowa
MjyKd.K'l. ..a-i-ly.
wii.i.i m t'OKi'ii;!.).-
V tili'l Com,,, I, ,n a( Ljw, (tl.'.i'voi) I.
j ii, i-l y.
X 17. sl i A Kr,
or'ii'V nn I l'niiiM';',u: ;ii l,;.iv. ,u the north
i ilr of 1
1 'tin I. iil. Inn a. au ,'tl -tf
Doctor Janice DoiipIimi. would ri'-ipptf,i'l v
inform (!, ritizrn of (. Iphv. oml, Md!s Co', hi' lias iin in iiii'1,1 1 y locate d in this
plane, and tenders fi i s l'rolV-i'iinul si-rviii's, in
.ill of its v;ir,o:is Sr:iK'ii, tw flic 'iii.iii am)
':'. H i' itift iilt.-i.d.'.l a f.,H Co'irs.. .r
.Mdiirjl I.t'i-'uii' , in ci.iini'Ptioii w ith tin- St.
I.oui-i IKopilii!, liinis.'If toinp.-ti'iit
to rpnili'r l'piii'i :ii sati-Co'tion to tliosif! w ho niy
la'". ,im Midi then pationap.
V 1 ''"' 'hi. J i : i ii Morp.
I.i t. w.oii. Mn is Co., low.
Dp.- .'j. i".:t. i,:i-i v.
j:o;:r.itT s. c.w i;5;17i;!r.
"l.r. lltM.fK m HOOllI'll
...... I . ...
M.t!i..i M. ei A;,r. !io.j5p. n'f'di. r iH. Main
jrrr. t, SI. I.o.r.R. "M-nj,,..!!, Iioi. Conipanv.'
rn.-ioli. ii:aii'daiiirT'i of inii.-liiiiovU l.,.l,. h',.H
i rntliiii and drill. ni; niaihinrs, ladies. Kr . r
l-'.K-.. loois. r.. niaiinf nl in rd al
Ut"lno,lil :l.. l.i.iinio,V;,l to order.
Rr'!v a..xT:
TILMAN, MozivXi, "co..
, ''-''' - wi,.,iebHi
em in Ciorerk, Ti
111. S anil Ijii
Coinmis- on and Torw a: dit't: .MerchuiiU. lim
-North Second sticet. St. I.on.,. M .
Cn.nL Tillman,
NV M . Kfl.l.AI.EK,
1 LIIO. HOilLil, jh.
MississiiTi roiMmy,
fla'ey, Mct'.n.' V Co., hptwri Morgan and
f.iKTi K,ro.;ts. on Main ami Second jtr.ets St
f.on.s. Mo ; liiiil.lci.of Steam riiitfii,.-,. Ilo'lerj
and eieiy il-isct iji'.iou of Mill machinery.
. "I17 1 --'""
SneiTHdd ,:,.,d waienoiisp. 21:1 M,linj ,onipr
i'l Mor-nn .sheet, St. Louis. S'.i p ol all di -criptioi.s
in store, ,,r import.. I to order, 01, the
ti-'-f.m 11. nr. k i:vi-.i.!.. v.
Wl.oif ale and retail dealer in Jool.
lilies, r.r all kinds, .No. lOJ Main
Louis, Mo.
W. liANSOM fs. C(i.
A ari.:larti,i..,'S,yr ..,.. Tim and Siurr
iTI. iK.i.s uk, .!, a-Copper I'ipe, lo,
...,:..ll. l.l.Cl,.'- ;,,( lj,.fie,,e,. UrPec h II, c a ll
( !mi,i,.'V,, So.:., (.. ., 'a'u.sand To ,,, aii.s. li,e
wii,'. am. ail kni,.c.i'(v,j..f hL.t Irs. U',-I!ai! rumps anil ivery o!!ierarlc
Ul '", V..-V also in.11. of .!,!,,.
brim ...iii.t'it.ll .... I.. . 1 ...... ,
7, ''. ". "''i'" ",e -s'. i.o n, preiui.iiii
,o ,Mi,?;,-uove.sui'.al,l. loi .-f .U Hat Hot. I,.
l"" -' V,r "iiier .:itMllar . stjhli.shmeiils; m.ul
in a ;;oo.i aii.i 01 kTi,a.ikr! muiinpr, and nut of
s'-'o ami soosianriai . al ,,f a;,.- ......
(1,1-1 ..... ' . v.. ,...,, -.11
Jll klllll . I I II M afP on lial.,1 u l...l..l..
and retail, .No
i'S Main str,.f t, south-past cor-
ner of Cherry, St. Iuig, M
,X - n.'l.l.S & C (. have just received onef.f
me largest ami la st Belp.1...! .i,.,.i.
j (JOO.DS eve. hrfore exlnhileil n, the west. a -
moiig uie.r assoitment may he fouini
JjRV (;o(ji)s.
A variety of clolhii.jr of all lorts and
huiurvaie and liiillery, ilnii;s, inedicnes, f, .'
ore, bnl.steaiJs, bureaus, tub'es, eba.ra, rook,
hox and Ciecian, parlor itov e.,, c. j in thuil
evi'iythiii-jou limy call for. 1
Pi i m.iis need not be ilclained when they come
to li.e cheap corner, as th.y are well p(,a.d
with mi,, hie ,-lei kit oil tl.cir first Ir-i, and al
wav; has-bpliur.'! sci.-son and d ill r..i. .
r.' e. ' Will 111.11 11 10 their
advantau'e l
can 1 urw.-i us tiefore pun h .siii
l.lellWl O.I, ipi, 2D, I's;") I. InlS-tf
1 mm h.
low a.
coii.ii.g to Netira-Va siioild come dirtetlv to
This 1 the front gateway lo the most important
and it,lei.t.ij- poihou of .Nebraska. Hear in
mil, a 11, ai
are thu two be.t j,oii.t Vjc u,e t-iuiirratioii lo
L. lleview City, July 13, i.(f
21 hv uuuub.
Jtii-.t anivt-l. ,.t s't-iiificr JJcliiware, tt
On A Jain street, St. Mary.
Ci.izet, and r niiranl can .imvv liiij a
full iirj,ly of ri-i,,, (iroct-i ies, Provisions,
Dry (jixjils iiiij, vsiiiL-h lliej- can
buy flu-Mil lor i.ami. nli7-tf
O TOV'LS for aal by
3 SAiipy k Kxia.imi.
100 K
ACKS ilt for kale t i;,, cheap cj
"'t i ,i si 11. 1. a, r. i
sr. Loui3 AD.aris:M
1 f KM II I
'' Ti ''-
-rr- BY
i!'.'.". , 'Jin
"K y i V ' ' ' '
M H 1,1 I .
Cm I. IT iil.iM i
t N 1 ll'Vr t I,. I' I. II !' I s.MO
;'' iS' .1 (i i; "i , .( i
iu-tu!) UiU'v iUill Otitii o
", ni.v i wi:n rv yi:.;s
il I'm
: 'it
,' i ii 1 'if
r -I i
's '' I ," V
tlllt ;
li' iil.l'i
t l ,
I. ( IJ II 1 1 1 II
It ,li: I
IP ..(
rn t,,i
,,':' . I or m fill
iii : 1 1 it mil noil ( ri.'!il c.n
. t1
'i i-'i
:" im;i ,
'atii'i' ol tins a; i aneini'iit. Our sioi-l,
ai .re, and any desind tcmpi-r ami i
rr can Iip obtained wi hont ilelav.
r.oi.TiNr; ci.otiis.
To o'llam ile o iiilily f lloltinif 'lot
iit,d to lniilin ni t:.ii West. I I,
'.-tli'd ii;r..:-i!ty. Oi,T.,i,i.i.V; holts'
m ii.ituii:. inl lio- lai-,- on ndit:..s of
Il 1'Pst
d the
V fast
spl in',-
Hi" or-
i n. rs
In at a 1 1, 1 cits p: o e, s , drm t I
iiit.iry Cloth, that r.u.i.Uiii: of null
i nd in:! !ers Itpc.niip o f i eipteii', iif f,
mud il ne-
ec'.iry to ohtain hea it an I strore.-.T Clo'l,
or -i I .;( t i.'m s,. t i,, a siji , ,1, of s, I,
inrei ior artn-lp. We lanl tnioie t!ie maiiui'ar.
! ii rei s i. ii i olij.'i'Coi,.. to th- ir Cl,,'is. and onler
ed hea :er and strong,. i to he mole. They mi.
dertook it with i'i'iu.'!ai,i'p, feanne- that (h.y
could hot make thou ( iolhs h.-.u ,er and pr -
sl'Ul' til,' in, ;f , uiily id me. hi s s,, i,i,is,ei,ta.
hie for eooil Itiillili. Thi-V have .iicc.'.'de,!.
Or H IIOI.IT M. (LOTUS All I. VOW V M, f.x ll.s.
i.Y I oa I's, and for i f uiiifonni.
ly.d mi shi's, ticiiH't!i sinil 'lur.'hijit i , w i pfer
o thf mil it" s L'eni'i jlly in the count i v. .1n,l is.
firriallv to the millers and mill owners: in tins
" runT.inu: uiui.v miu, s.
flur aCeiitto'i for in inv vats has h.-pn .Ii.
ii'Cl.'d to ohtain Hip I), -St plan fur construc'tini; j
these mills. In mauv nus Ihev aie used liv
iiievpenenc d l,::ii,l-,' and I'l refor. , .I'lrahiKlv
and simplicity of cmntri,
lo he Miaond. In tins in
Coded. We helilAP so. Ii
iiiimher Wi'haic sold, tin'.,
t'.irio'd, nor to our kimu le
entirely to the satlsfjiTioii
Tiiry are in rxtens ii e
lliauV of thelil ill .-w Mt
'',11,11 i,'
lio ilk wc
i'l use in
has not 1,
!-.' failed
' til
the rrat
I'll one le-
'' p('l fo. III
id tin. -.' II- lit,' tliem.
lise in the West, !,,(
mco a', I California.
Our millsarp known as I ODD'S 1 MI'I.'OVKD
C;KAI MILL. AW niiii, iifacTu.L tim e kinds,
io wit: mit inns; iiifKs. to L'rind hv w.'i','lil
of the riiiui.T ; stui ii ami i.hmv m ill., lljc
iowit s'.oie 10 run. ana t i-e rn i
1'aU.Tit fivc'tplj, ttHK.T.ll: ! a. id
' n: m i' l .
i'i,i,p sin-ti-
LF..TT Illlll nr.LTLYtS.
This article is now made in the creates, per.
f'-etmi,, and hfi'oui Mlfii-iw: y used in the
ina,iiifij. t,(Hii rst.'ialisiim, ;,ts f t;,,,- rouMry.
We keep on hand the laitre,t ass0: tii,..:1i , t'.
nesurii country, ol our own, and L,
i ti am.kii m iiKr.B nri TiMi ti:av An ut iiiif n Host;. V a-e tin only
at'piit of the Ili.slon Compaiiv 11, tlrs city JoV
the al" of thsp p., oils.
Jlontiii!; sriem, mill spindles, re; il ttinir
.screw s, daiusal limn, p it .,t iron pmof ,...
mill picks, si : pen w ie. copper 1 n el,. Incrlei-'.hi-r,
calcmrd nlasiur, itc (0l,stBi.
ly 011 hand.Aj;
'Hi: CiiH'ersity of Iree M-dicines an I F,,,-
X l.liir Kl.ilM I CI CP. . Ilartplf ,1 hv the Sr. I.. ,.t
IVuiisMi;,.. in. Apnl ''(.'I,, ivj.t, maud,
i est the evil of spn. ions mist, urns: a!-o'
ply Hie p'.ihlie wilh lehuhle remedies
lo al io
,ieni--l in. j i'ii juvl-ii., I'.iiii.ot
. .... 1 ..... I 1. . . : . . . , , .
.11 lint he
. ...j.inveu. ii.nnie puielia .,e,J !,e ,, -..,'-':,', ,. ,.
"l, KOWAMs Tumi: MI.NTllii:. t,
hist and oaly I uovv u for rvv m v vivis ,
the eeil.,1', ,- ne f ir ihe I , ver and Ai.r.. ',,,,
its kin liei! complaints. ,-,.iiili,..tlv recommend
It to t:,e patroiia-e of I he al flieteij.
1 ne at.oip in-! itu; i,,i, n
I'" i nw.l I ill'! jiliU. Ill IVM-s
POI ND SVKI p Of KLACKIil.l'.KV P.l.'op"
and 1:1 111 d i.' 1. me will fui,,i., jts own r.-iuel-,
.or evi-iy ... ,ejse (,,at call hf .Sjfi
L way.
i.eated 111
). o,d"f of the Truslpps,
n . , JOIIX it. li()V A N D. M. 1)
President of the l'i.i'.e,ty, ad H,,.;, of Ihe
1 l,a Tiiaceiil ,al Denarii
Home Di-pensaiy and Olhcc, .No. M ,r
S! ''''.':'-l 'I'l.''. ' se; ,
ch !
I AlliLD J'JIL JT lor sale hy
lJ Sxlll'. 4, l-:.V(;i.isn.
iAisi.N.s, iHjsi and 1 1 uk a. vis. ior
J".y' ." 'MIU'I At L.'vl.LISH.
( I'M A LA ST Clolhsfor
1.AJI..X1 .VI I.DiCiN 1,,-s. I',,,-
I Il t 1 I : , , . s . ...... .
1 .i'i.i 1 r, .v.i 1 1 v A.II wai.t.,,1 111 nav n,..l
, V Un i t
of ,le!,t-
. SMtpy A f m;
l I I 1
J S,p,
. I f A v li
h anted at 11, e i'i, l.l
s . 1 ;
uare hv
I i.s.'"HAryxu.-
' t'UW c'lean rash sioieof
i at t!
..L'v'i'if NPCK'()LI.S J. CO.
KI.N.i WA.N'I KD All kiuiUof .k..nw-a..i
lirn'a- ka.. II 1
I,y " -' "" "V l.a.1
rPHK guhseriher havir leased f C'la.kei.
I- t-o Ihe old Council Hljil' ferry at Tra-.l-r's
Po.n! Potlawottuime Vnjjy,
llavmir built a new and anbstaiitia'l Put 1,
now piepared to cross all who come. Person
visiting .Nebraska w-ill f 1 1 -1 this o.,e of tin- best
00 1 up mver. true. Itiave 110 K!
110 Mrarn
le.ay ioai, iiui 1 liave .1,..,
wlneb will proi.t ll a boat arr. tl. .
this narrow po.nt any danger or blow
up, quick encu-h U sUWy tnej4,.e,t v thin
fast age and country
ATi.g or rt.RaiAcc :
1 matron, iwn Lor.teg or callie,
I Hume aad :i)TKJ', -Horse
and rider, ...
tjl 'J5.
I no.
L. V 1 weniy-iive per cent aldedtu the above
r ile, liming I. inrh water.
1: ' " " DAXIf I. NoilTON.
Attorney., at Law, and (ieneral Land V '-nts
'ity Oi'C.i.incil liluds, Iowa, will atl. n t lo pro-'
es...,.n., business in thetnh and 7th Jnd.cial
Districts 5 also, to the purchase, nale and Inca
.1011 of Land Warrants. att..,,....,.
paid to the eolleclioii of claims, au " -tl-Jm
D. iv." l'lticr.,
Attorney at, Council Ulu'f City, fwa
jUf.-r to I!. M. Hiir'hes, Si. Joseph, Mu., J.,,
Uuiiipban, W.aloii, Wu., M idd i. Huhe.. hi
. C. J 'uiiu,
Aitomry and Counsellor at lav
eitr of
Loi.nril Liult-, Iowa.
" -pt '-'I-.iin
JAM MS o m:aj,,
Trhlic ComUii.ssUn.i-i-, OCice in St. Marv
Ii V V .
l . I K AC I ol'
Iooine mil Svr;pifilli
t'.r r -moMil ami ,i i niiiin'tit
i Ml
nirf i-t
"lite id
ii i
I "in .in tm,i!,i'
t'lC lll.di)
I. ,
t nl' (ii.- v .ti in. : :
Si i'i'l il l, or
KlliU'' I . ,1 , ( )'i-i' C it .III', III.
, I'lmplr mi I!,.. ,ii-", Il!..i-Ii. .
"ii,' S I', i-. Kitit; Win in ni I', I-
ll".i I. S ,lt Ki.rniii. I'din j,,
I.i"il. oi l Soi p. a,,,! ( I,- Its., i-
.1 i i i
I),., ,, .,
Ihr Ki.:
l"lli' I .',
,'l (
I). ' ' t
I..-, t ;
St, iiii.-r ..f il,,- ;i j.:,,i,i;,.
, l".i -tj'd.. I..U.1I..1.-... Dim. i ..- I i, I
; -. C,i;iJk, (old-. At!i i'i. II:. 1. 1-Cu.i-i,iiii,ti.,u,
J)n.i,-v. I). i,.,i.,;i.
,.ni,!.iiiit, iti, Ailri'ilo.n
,i . in
I), !
i. C.n
i ir HMH
i'l' I'.'C
, Cil.Ou
, inr r,
" ai iii'l
. I 'I O'.'IM'S
of Mi,
1. 1.', r,
in ild.
! :n I
I Ill
low ( .
I) ,
d I'
' I i'
u.'i, all ,.r v
'lite to h.' Il
,-.a:i i In
. K'd
oi .j.ii,--. I
: ii- in l,
L!.,d. I' is
'or I :.. lv '
d Alien, a', u
ai 1. now ii to t
A I',
o! i
I i. 'CI ,'1' "! I.I ttie j emoi
a ' p.'i'll'ir ;,e , I,,
' ' ' '. I , il ' I .1
'I i'l 'o a lie
1 I
I "' III 1 In' I t I, .lis II..' hi ,. ,l's
'"'l.'ih'll'U llo,
an 1
I S.I' '.''l.ll ilia is the he
II I no, I
I'.fl I
c i 1 1 P (
: o. I. n d I,, th.
'i!er, ;uid tai i n-
It fi c!i
iol' to anv snl.l.
run m iiuiti, v.
''ilyV I,, lino ami S u s.,pu ilia s re-
I as the nio.t a,- .,. ,i
Dr. V
t, po.,:
:!dc he used. .,t one ,,.,, r ji
l is ('in- nrc, wh.'ll f i.llir.illi. use, I
! r.
i In.
I'.T Senn V. II,, lis. Idolriie.. '-i,s' WT, ',.'
; Wel!n ..;s( l'l,'f"s(',,l'o, loilaured
, l-i'M'i- Sore-. Mrrnn i:,l llw,...., sv,.ll.i.
! S nil,'., ins, Cenro.i- I ., , s. ol . . 't,.u. . u
on. and all cutaneoi-s .lis,-..., s
tin , U'is Iodine and Sarsanai lla cannot het,,.. ,;,,..
vtnlled. H seaiches out the veiy o,i,,f
lise.isp, destrnvs the ce. in. he i,i,,-,r -,,
the hlood and di mil'' out all iiiiieiip or .lis, ,,..T
f the hody and hviPiiiov in r the Cans,.
the cure certain and oeriioiiant
i.i)(;'if). ok nvsriwsiA.
No medicine, peihiips, has eve! heen disruV
'rcd which jjives so much tone to the stomach
and r.uis-cs t,(. .ecrotion of healthy caslric
jilico to iliei'si tin; food as I),-. KaslerlyN Iodine
nun riirs:iiarilla. .No nue ha.
used it for such
i'niilaoits without ipiip',(.
Kastprlv's lodllip and Sarsan-irilt. w 1
w th the creates! success it, r untie romplaiirs
'specially sin li as are chronic. ti"in-s lu'dn
vintro'it all impiiriiiMsnnd fmil ,ii.'r, winch
1a v
iiccuiiiulaled III the Sl sleln. wineli :, r.. 11,..
I Hhr'timatls'1,1. (iont .Hill u.'!l,,,.r ..I'll...
join I.-..
I 111 .1
""i' l I' llieoies sometime ''ives lelnrio-
ran I el o f
this I'litilely ciaiiicates (lie iIis....sp
from thp svsipm.
I'oh MiHicmu. and Vi vrmi.
I ) 1 " k r. s .
J 1 H I I Mi 1 H K III.OOII, (.1. AMIS,
Cohos, Jill M s A vp HoSI.S.
Dr. r.astcilvV, Iodine and Sai .H i,ari lla is (he
hrsl ipiriedy ever invrnted. This mr licine is
oller-d to the puhlic ,,) meiely as a purifier of
tin- moot), hut a. a poweiful eiadicator of I he
most virulent pnis,,s. occasioned ,v mercurial
and vrnrral taints, u Inch resist II, (. iM tion of all
other remedo's. it will chip the w.nsl li',,1 di-easps. i, matter how ,t....,,le a
may have eaten into the irameand ital n n'u.s.
D w ill rurrtlip wont rases of spcondary sy.
plnles or Pin dis.-ases, no mat'er how Ion"
it may have oxUtcd, how had, or how ij.-epl.
. .. . ... .ne -m, 1,1, 11 inn aiiiiiliilate an.i s-
1. . . . .1 .. .,
,.. . .... aim resion- HK'nvsti'in to s'i! of
perfect health and ti n it v. I'm l lcers in th
moutii and throat Liilarmnit of the (Jlands
C.oitieortiii.')iirii, the Throat, node., Pain, ,n'
the Hones an-! Jmnts, a j, tir only sale and sure
remedy. 1 oun' persons w hi ha ve reason to
suspect any impiinty 1,, their hlood, either her
idilary or Ine usnll of impriideiicp ouL-ht to pu
rity and de-irwy this virus hi-fore enierini; the
I'l 11 1 ia.e st ,(. ni may Iheiel.v not
plole, t theliisehes il-ailot the d.lliU'ei? f impo- I ,
....... .,1,1.1 111 -1 ,11 1 , hip, nut S.1111P tpe (.,.r.
taintv of a nine and he illhir oils. 11 ......
! '" 'l'"'1 hy I'"'"'"iS of C'.ther sev, with'the most
peite.-t Siitel v.
a 1.1. nisominis ok Tin: Kiom vs. I)i.Aiirn h
AM) LillNABV Ollii.vss, Dhoisv, (illAV i.t.
A N f LlV I H Cl.Vf'l AIM .
Dr fast.-i'ly's loiline Sarsai.arilln is thr
'I and o. iU fxiiiu'i il, ,t on -ht to he ....I 1..
thes. rni,1.,!a!i,is, ti,,,, me 1. cine has Jierf o: ined
fiiu.-i ..inn' cui .-s.
i"iv m:k vot's nisrcAsfs.
,i laiic'iia .-iie cm c inv.-v an ad'- piate i l. a
oM..e i.'m,). ,l,,,!e .-iiid almost inir.ici,, ri.ui
" V '"hned hv tile use f ,r. icatei'v",
lod.neai:d Sirvij.anlla, in the ilisean-.l. J.
and fh.- tten ,1 1,...',-..... ... li'i. . .1. -
i.-.t hy sickness, the iiiislniii-r n'ud ndaxed or-a-nuation
is at once rehraced, revived and b ull
"!' In fase of .Veiiralxia, Nervous lieailiiche.
Loss id iiifinui-y, (iener il Prostration, Nervous-i.e--.
c.J1-11, ',,iri ,11 the .-rve of the face,
and In.: var.01 train of nervous alf-ctions, it
wiii pro.Iiicea cure in an astom-diiinr short
time. The ellcct of tins medicine ia (ogive n.-r.
irrinent relief to tl,e sulleier, and to restore the
snaii.'ie.i ami .ii ljilil iU d constitution lo
ita prig
tine heal tli and vifor.
i Tin: la nir.s.
Ladies of pal.j comjdexioii and cniisumtive
habits, and tnich as are debililaled from any of
the ohstriK tiotu incident to the sex, .such a. oii-striii-tion
or painful ineiistriiation, I lour Alhus
or Whiles, Green Sicknesrj also, excessive llow
of the MeiiKe, lla rren lies,, i.c, can he restored
hy the use of two or three bottles of 'Dr. Kagl
arly's Iodine and Sarsapariila, to bloom and
vifor. It is far the best remedy ever discover
ed for weakly children, and mich i4 bave bad
humoi heiii pleasent th.-y readily take it
It immediately restore, the append- strength
and coin-. MuthicK can be more .,,...r,s:..J
than itsinvi-oratiiiijeiii ct on Ihe human frame
Persons all weakness and lasitude before 'ak
in;,' Dr. Kasleily's Iodine and Sai gapariiia, at
once become rob ist and full of energy under
its iiill,nce. It imme liately counte. acts the
iiervousiiess of the female fiame.
A WOM.I KHI. I'lmillmii ruK J1I.OOU.
It mviiy ,, lucent to (he Ust. m,d i, mre
roiicentrated, beii.u .stioneer, belter and cheaiKT
than any other ii,edici,,t i Us(i. yamAlt.t w',JO
have useij tin. 1 ai tide are never to be
without it. I ken in the early sla-ei, it u
s ire preventative of almost any specie, ol dis
ease. 4 1
CiT Ask foi Dr. r.4ite,v'g lodhieat
sao..i ilia and take iiolhin- else.
Price p.., bottle, r .,ix bottle, for
i Sj r-
iniai uiscoiiut mane to wholes
v., isers.
ale jmr-
. CTicr sal- al I)r.,.rv's ramily M,.,li
cine .store, south-east corner of Third and slreets St. 1 M. As by P. A. Sarpy,
St Mary, towi, and by dealer, in inedlciiic. K
craliy in the West. B
Hit. K A ST L K L V S f f. V i: It AND AC.L'fi
Is warrai.le.! (o cure Apie and fever, Dumb, ( hills and lever. Intel .itai ....i 1,..
mittaiit f evers, and nil the vari,.,i.,...,.. i-.'"
trig Incident to the West!!
This popular remedy !,., ..,.. 1 ,.,. 1
, .,. w. , ,1 i-,ir
the I'Ul.lic two years, and duririL'that time about
J WKNTV-hvk i noi'SAM, BoTI J.Ig
have been told end in 1,,. I,,.. i ,
, ,, , "'... t ., is . l 1 d IIP'I
to rile, t a pe.mniaiit cure as tar as heard from,
or to en ,re sati-fai-ti,,-, to the n.ncha.ser
IL Ita 1 . 11 .
ft 111 ui., m i uiiurn,
guHer with this dislre
remedy IS at hand.
nu man, woman or child
nviiiij disease, u hew a gure
Head IU te-liuiony from John Miller It Co
Ilr V , ,V-VN'V,,,tfc',ll' "'', I'"''''-
. Dr. Faste,Iyslf: U-u ,-t e (,1(.ulf,.' , we have purchased 2.i bot.lcof your
1-vcr and A-ue Killer, a.:d hkv gold the game
oourpafi-oiia, and that it ha eir.cted a pen., at
1. fct ciiirin every ca-e. We bate gold 'nearly
iLiVyj'" ,,":l'c"" fur K"'fid fiiver,
" f-' " '" o enure gal, sf action
as vnnr
i.i'.rnnu .s.E M hllli-. IV. h.i: ..--
it ii the
, hen mc.lif.iiie nan- ,,, t tl, puLlitt.
K"i.retjullr, John M tier i f
I tli Ui..
f on
Iin S.
( 'i inn jt. ( ir. iid
o i, 1, ,il in lijtc
I "'I'l .t iii. i cn
! Dr. I .i.i, sir: Winn 1 h a in '
I'l M.I! I'll .,,. hAH-i ,11,.' ,. 'I'll fl
,ir cit i'
iMIim .d
yoHi I i ii'l ai d sf iip Kill. r, l,i, , yo i , a, ., hi.
f" t liai Id pv i' l:ip,i,i,'"!i. w Iii. li
j I nl. i H' ir: at:!.' I. Yoilf liii'dicint till' uivpii pi:
: tire ilii f i, tinn n I',,!-, it Ii.i i inj; .'II... l"d , , al
rn Ms- of I!,.. (ii! a,r li'vri . ( no . a-.- i..ftfi
.', II illy a lady n, l.p ai atll.c'pd mii. .' 1 1.f
ln'l. r nf l.'i-f in riiv, nnd had Ii o d a '-r,-
nnnv ::, ii di.', ln...i. li.niiora .!i M'-iau piitl
"f !ip tiin,'. nil f whirli I'.iili' I. .sin- lio, ,::,( a
!',itt;.' of vo ir m 'dirin.', and h. t'otl? had l-
" I i,ti.-t!,iid of it. !i.. win r .t.r.'lv r n - I. an I
)..,,.,! ,, ,, .,! f , .,. sj, In un trot
.l.l- 11 I .11!,., In p;I,'ct
'I .'ll-IHTii
.1 "I
1 1 ! 1 1 v i
V. S.--I ., ;ii'i;,,
'"I ill II IV t'lfli I
n'. II. Ai-k I' ,i- Ii,
I ' 'V,T .111 I A lT 1 1 1
ill, T, !li,d tMI l.!,, .
I 'i.-ii.l .1 s. .. n,t in i !"
I , n i h '" s . : ...
w'ho'. -.'leii,
'...Mi... for (..
I'auiilv M.'dicinr
I ui str,.,-;s M.
St. Ma v. and hv
1 -1 ,.T hnitle. or si
'-lie al ):. Lastci-U-"
" i '"' Tin,, I ai'il
" I V I'. A. raipv
11! me,
Ki'tier.ill v i.'i (he w ct.
a ile..s.",, safe n, ,.,f c' i;il 1 ei.i.-d v fm
''iin V . Dm ri lio-a,( 'indei a.CiiolriMoi !,is
inl'llint. Colic (in:nii!-. I'l.o.s
1 1 e
Il I
ill e I
n,l in I he Stomach and P,u
tin.'.' ami Cry, 11 , f infant.!
ll.T ,es of !l,, ii,wi',
s one of the ino-t eiheiciif.
1! ITf.ll .1 1 ilill . PV Oll'i'l p.l 1.,
Md-. Cram,...
, ,1,'d for nil ir-
p!i as-nt, ni,, I
the p'lldic f,u
the ie;no al of the vai io is derail
oils of thr
.'stomach nnd How r. and theonli ,.,ii, l.. ...... n...
of theleast ciuihiii'liec lor rill V Chnle'll ll'faii
turn S immer Complaint, and all the deiaii:--
ill.- r.f ti.
1- f . ,1,:
Di. 1 . 1 -
;'i '. Di in liu a Si r m n w ithout pv.
1 one ,,f !i,p most i.ilujide 1'amn' .Medi-M-r
ills.-, eie l. II of families ,,
I te -(-til h i ! it v in St. Louis hnv"!!se, it
arthe si i nt..'es testimony m its Lnoi .
e '.'..eelits per Imtlle.
. I
1,1.11 01
I HI, .
the fi;
ami I)
1'or sale at D; . Lirt-ily's family Medicine
Store, corner of Thin I and Chesnut' street St.
Loins, also hy I'. A Sirpy, and hy ilralem in
meiliciiiesi (.'eiieially in the i.eit.
pi;. 1: sTi;iu.vs vftiMirrtiK.
Till' (Jieat Kemedy for Llieiili; Wurilla f rurn
The most safe, pleasp,,! a"d ei'i'timl medicine
known fm t In-removal of woims form child
ren is Dr. Lj .tcrlv' Vermifiie.
I'areiits and uuardians Iniv n e; Ihc charre of
clnldren, stioiihl waled ran fullv the symiToms
of worms ir, their rhirdreii, and limo-m as 'vii:-'
turns indicate their presenee, they should at once
resort o the no. of Ilr. liasterly Verrnifi.e.
More iTiil,!ie;i die Jrm Worms than all other
diseases, and 11 more miserahle ohjeet can scar
cely he 1111:11;, ned than a child .siilleriinr under
the ordinary sympions of worms, raipnts.mark
this: Will you not hlame Voursclvcs, if your
children die, that you did not use I),-. faste'rlv "s
Veiiiiif,n'e in time? This V'ermil'iire will rei.
move every species of woi in from th
in six or Pi'-ht hours afler taken.
' .system
Price '.'."i cents per hoMlp.
I-or file at Dr. I.asterlv's family M.-dicine
re, souih-eas-t tofnor of Thiid and Ciieo,i
si re
N, St. Louis, also hv P. A S.rne j xi
audhy dealers in liiPdicHiPL-enerall iii 'the wes
ror me cure of Krn ses, S,,rait,., W
1 oiillils.
lootli Ache, ( oh,'. Cramps 01 Hp
pasins, t io-
n-ia, iiy.seiilery, Ii, I
ains in the
stoina'Ti and HuwHs, and w
Plill. it is a sopeilv and eerla
in corp.
than any other ever inv enl.-d. It i, , " I
I. Il is ii,- I t..-i,
1 i
riialiv am I Lxternallt-. ,....1 .is ,,.:....
feds are u,s;a,tly fell l,y the ,,,,,.,'er, it.l. .Ih ...... ,.,..1 r 1 ', . r .
, : - . ' " 'I"" i'ie lamiin n i si.
-. .ui', an ruoii'iunee
' it the I.....I s:....,. 1. ... ,
iaf. etiiiil Curative they have ever us,.,).
I'M L.vSTl.iii.v'a I'm
is heyoiiilall douhl the most cea i,,,,, ,p,',,..,i,. ... ...
most cm Ian,
iscov. red f,n-Pains in the M,,i, 1
Hie Side. ll,ea-l, l!. k and I.'iu!.?. It ,s'aU a,,
n.lallible remedy (or Colic, Diariho h. ( holer i
M. ii In I-, Painter's Colic, Wind ,11 t,e Stomach
and iloneis, Jly.s,,e;.:,i.s S-,re Tin oat, Jea.l
ache, Kr.
IIkwakkch Imi r a itovs am. ( ,,, vtihuiis
'1 he only ..o'liuinea,,,! leal P.iin K.II-, t , iu,.l
pared evelu-ii e by j).. .s-,. y " . u
plop, ietor. TI.erel'.-, ,....,,t, r.-i t ,' and' ,m'l i
tions aluojil. Thi'i-sf.-,.-e . ... ,,, ', " s i a. 11 Miier, and lake
vo l me sale.
no other, and
Priee '.l cents per I,.l, ; (, hotlle.- f,,r
10. ..mill nr. Last,.,,,-. -,,,i v- Madicne
Store, soiilh-east con,, , ol Third and hpsr,t
streets. St Louis, also ,y P. A. S.pv Si. Mary
and hy dealers 111 m-dicne f-.-np, ,,y (he went
-'-f''-' '-2 '.j:-''-2V.I U:l2;a
loi the erne of Co , t;hs, Cold's, As-hiun. Con
vimption, ltioi.e,it,s,S'pittiii-of lllood, Pain
... .... .-..-oni, j.ieasi, i ieiiiiHy VVhoo
v oiiirii, and all disease, of the Linn
t liesi.
Aiiionir all the celebrated remedies for Dis-a-fes
of the Li nos and Cmlst, none seem to be
liieelin with such success and (oiriicsiich en
tire sati-laction to all, as
I) It. V A KTKH'S C( ) CCH I) A LS M
J hie valuable remedy i, p,,.y let. tdhle in
ltsiri(r.edienls,aiid perfectly harmless 111 ail its
rmalities, and as mild and pleasent as the most
delicateeordial. It is very gooHiin and lieal
ii.U' to the Liiniis, and is every -vheie acknowl-ed-ed
by Dnwists, Physical., and all who
I.ave used it to b the most Lll.ctual Curative
k tiown.
V. :....:i... . .
-.s. ui.rair, ( i, (,,,r Clllliate IS SO lllli-
iei.,.,i, ami at Hie eame tune go fatal, as Pul
monary Consumption. This awful malady
sweep, over the land as a Destiovine Anr.1
la vini; low the gtro.-est and fairel ol our race!
Million of heyoiin-aiid the old aie annually
hurried to the tomb hy this dica.lful national
CoNsi-Minvi. lUarna! Peware (,f mere
pudiatnemcuicines. J lt. object of neaily all
tho medicines now offered for diseasri of the
I-Miiira, IB to rp'.,vt fcb4 , .eh n
not the case Willi Dr. Caiter'a CouKh Jialsam,
In colds and coughs, u lin h are the hist sy:,,,,.
toms of consumption, it is the mo-t ple.ieiit
and ellicac.oiis lemedy that ran possibly be u..ed.
in confirmed r-oiisi,n,pti.,;i it ha, been used will!
perfect and triumphant niece,, whe' tbemo-t
eminei.t ,li).ii:ui,,i had Kiveu up all hope a,
t am. So conliileiil is the III,,,., iet..f i.l its ....... r-ire Tiilx-ieiuou. Con.,,,,,
. , , r '
piioii, tiiat be
....... ... a w,, ,,, l!K, worst or cases.
This gymiitoin of consumption is
speedily checked md prevented by the use of
Dr. C alter' Coutrli Hainan,, which heal, the
a .ected meuihraiie, remove the incipient tub.-i-cles,
and re-torrg those vital organ,' the lui -s
to a goinid and healthy mnditio-i " '
Sp.ttniRof blood al way. arises, from a ten
dency to tiibereuloug dinsr, ,,, if , rh,.M
death ""I".' ',""'r "f U'-r ""'i"af in
death A person who ra-, ,od once will
raise blood atfaii, iinl, ,, a propercarative is i,n
loed.ately iBiploytd.
l'.ux j x tub mn:,
1 .ng 1 resg,,,,; gy,,,,,,,,,,, f consiimptioi, a-
n M'" '." 'i'" li'if or membrane
lal rd the JMe.ira, or f.oin bronchial arfeeHo,,,
or the air pas-ar-. g. In eithpr case it is a very
.laiiKeiou, indication of disease. It prrvents
full and lre brratl inj;, and wears a'vay the
natural ,lient-tli of I . e.ystein. 'I he cau'ss of
thu .ympt.mi should be removed at once, and
hotbii.jf can possibly elfect thai object go .eed
lly and haopily a, j,r. Carter's Co,.-l, UaUau,
winch ia alu iv s safe and salutary ii, it, trccts
on the coiistit.iiioii.
Incases of consumption the Liver is alway,
Dice or lesg allerled.andalsothespleeii.ple i.a
r.,t gmall iulealinrs. The elh-ct of l);-. Carter'.
C.....h II ; ,1 . .. .
s -...s.. .' oisrase. ill in. i..r
lally if it br ef an wlceroui ui ircis dbect and
rerf l!. B.in5:!r . Lhr
I liy co n i n iliji ti,i lily
enrtdby it,
e I. nr h ley winter cou.'h whirlnlflli'tioli
le and invalids in a Ion tti.te r.f l.. 1..
ra n
I .
eil. ct,, diy cured bv the umi r.f Ir r"-.'
t ."I'.h llalsani. It warms, no. .at.... ...
vim, il,,!-s ti; whole hicithii,, iipparatiu, pun.
h-s .rnl nuim.iles the h'uod. improvesthr !H.,r.
t,ve power ,d ,l,e Liver, Spleen and nther latr,
eland", and the d .-est , ve iifrin, nnd iinpan.
new Lie to Hie w. u and ein,i:iriated nyttrnj
r.!"iic!ii:i'i, diihciiltv r,f breathirir. hanh
l ouuh.B slimy evn. cloration, with all tr
"? 'Tk"",: ''i"""'! I'.v mi of Iho air tnUii
eadin,- fi urn the throat to the lniijfn, arcdirrctlV
.',i i i,". il:-,lly aTeded an,.' ctiied hy the n,.
'r Hi. C. It. i's Co i:;h llals.llll. This IsaVf.f
p.iml ill , w e.n in.-r n iid inp.iious cotnpla int. .."i
! '; pow. iliil lendenrv to inilsiiit ,UT
"f n. 'Ii- I.'ii .:, .v.d fl",-' v in l.,ee 'he wor.t
l-.i'ii' nl j,, I,, uy ,;i,i.r. Le warned ja
,t .'ill '.ii.loy ikliiKbla
I XPfCTo;; 1 id.
- I . ,i 'T1.1 ,i'in;i is (he most i m n, , , I . ,, I I.
. -I to he ohtamed in all allemptl to curr rj.
ase the ch.-st an I Inn's. The ronirh which
s so ,lis'tPs,,,,K ,s siinpU. I),. rp,it (,f 4 lit,tHt
' -'clonii, :, and as lone ns foul matter exist,
111 the an pass-,-,.,, ,t will continue to irr:tat
Mie mi'.-iihr.iiiPand pn vokea coimh. Couirhinr
is an attempt to IhiowoilThi, ,.,tler, and t.
pp"toi.ilion Luis rreiit relief, inahiiify
pe-ioi iteiu the latter f consinnptio,
n the cause of ilealli. '
. )u. CAUTi:ic.s(;nt f;if balsam,
he -.,. .( evpectorant. It dissolve, the Dior
h, l and dis-ase matter i (!,. air passers, cha.
if" I from a thick ,,.Xi!i,ir,, Mi-s:tace to .
thin liarinles' dm, I niul 11,,-rtii 11 (,,r ,u
Kii .11. ,1 p issinip u,c to the pnf iet. Ther i
no Letter medicine in the world if it, axpeclo
rant qnal it ies .-lone he coiisj,,.re 1.
for simple or spasmodic asthma there ig n
Letter thin. I)'. C.i, ler's Ciinfii Ua,a,n
J'lns di'tiessiiijr disease w hich resisti almost
everyllinn; else, yields tothcall powerful in
Murine of Ihiscr. a! remedy us readily ag anr
other form of j.ectoral disease.
shin!,! he .upplied with J)r. Carte.'g Coiirb
li.i sai,,, to he used 1:1 the e.n y ,t.l: Gf Co.iL'hgs
"l'ls, Sinttinirof lllood. Pain in the Side anJ
Chest, Hroiichitis. Dmicnlty f lreathir.
.Niei,! 'Sweats, Asthma, Jnfliinia, WhoopinJ
oiitjli, and severe Croup, and therehy counter
act the consumptive tendency which u produ
ced hy o n ever chaimii.i; climate.
Price Trial hot I leg, i!., rents perhottle; lirg
t-n'tlp,, ,1 ,.r hotlle, or six Lotties, for V
lorsaleat Dr. fasterlv'a family Medicine
".,., south. past coriip, of Third and Chmni'
l.o'iis. aiso iv 1'. A. S.ri. s.1
Mary, and hy deal
in the West.
111 medicine- generally
apr 12-ly
for tlm
cure of Liver ('oifnilniii 11.
J'Uiidiee, liiliousnP.s, . of A' pti, '
lleinlache, llahitual Cosfiv p,,e.., General
Dehihty, .N'trvoiisfiess. and all disease, an,
jng from a disordered Liver, or Digestion !
Ihese Hitter, posse,, remarkahleinvi-'oratinf Ke-torative properties, w hir,
me tone and v.-or to the Digestive OrKam, an4
nuke them iiivalu aide for
l.n'Kii t ovirr aim
Jl-S.'liler TV,
i.d all other dnec caused from a Ueianiretl
tale of Ihe slom,H (, howels. .in, I l,. r i...t
-, , ' , ' niiKi.
itntp or weaken ll, .,..
J)li. JI1 .Vl ldt'SuliK.MA.V lUTlKn
s, .1 -r J , L t . ' Tr U
1.101 op 10 in- 1 v rpp. ,11, ........ ... ...
I siill ,, - .fl-.'.. .1 . t ,
11;.... 1 ... . , . .. "" or i.iui'n-
IleadaH,.-. M. hi,! i 'l ( 'hv en 'ineral nil?
... - ' J.II 1,
ri m
lc. ht ho.tle.orsix l.ottl.s f .r )'.!
I.-.. - I....'.... .' . . .. ""-'
. s.. r.i.eui I..1S!, ,!, -, lj,,iy
.-ion , corner or j inni and Ch
esnut slreels. al.
l.ouis, .'Vlo. Also by .
..nd hy deajei, r.i iiu die
Sarpy St. i.drv. eeiierallv in lLa
'"' apr ia-ly
ss - J..
A s fe and cert tin cue f,,r (.oiiorrl..-:, . i:'...
Strict, ue,. S. ... . i.ul Weakness, and all ilispasssg
of the (
I ti l J.MIiJ.
T'. sp, .
f. IC : to tie
rise, of (,,
Wei, k lie...
in a lew !.
MIM',1 thou
il.ii- -ii. I .pecihe remedy iaiaor f.
:,: led aiid warrtiitedto out all
',.1,1 I ii'l ,1, Oieet, Slric'llles, Seillinxl
iili-l - II disi iise.of U,p C.-iital Organ g
vs. 'lliij inl'.iil.iible hsg
-m is in, 1, n .is r..., 11 .. i.s.. 1-
e . , -, . 1 1 - "' '""
"" si.iiach.. if not from s piein.ituie
I'.ave. ,- ef infects,,,,, !)f. Jj.,ke, Sp.
1 The is ti,,. idy safe and nuie reme ly. It is vei f aide lo tiie tasie, , r.-aie no preceptabl o
ilor, and may he used by persons of eitiler tex
witheii'ire hec.ry without r.:.iij to diet, hm
drance I'.oin lnisfnes, r Adviser, aa
tdaiii d.i.-cl ions for ti ie iic-o.npauy the tnedicitie
liender have you a private disi-asey Do not na
tUct it. Delay is daneetous. With Dr. Jji.
kers Si.r-eit.c vi.i r.. .,...-.'- a ,t
.rrve.,t all rxposme. This medicine will joerd-
ny anu e.. elualiy cure the most virulent caseg
ofSeciet Diseases, and e.a, I, ......
' '" l'. II, !
, ri .,(
I ml ei lio, is matter from the,v,!e.ii. m ,..!,.
the; atiei.t to a perfect staleoi health and purity.
I rice, llil Mi per bottle. '
1. ' 1 sale at Dr. fasterly' family Medicin.
Store, Routh-east corner of Third aiin Chesnut
stic-.s, St. la). Mo. Also by P. A.,
St. Mary, Iowa, and by d.-alen in medicine
perierally 111 the West. aprl-lv
A valuable remedy for s ippies.i,,,, 0f ,e Men
ses, Whites, painful Menstruation, Imi.oten.
cy or narrenne.-, Sallow Complexion, Head
a. lie,,., Weakness of the nerv , and
all diseases which arise liom. deran-cmeut
(if llln Iniiof ... .. n
" lutiviiutis u- iiuuirt.
The most prrfcrt, afr and infalliablc rrtnedt
for the cure of all tho,e disease, of frmal.g, ar".
Is. i.j; from weakness, or debility, and ob.triictiol
III Hie sexual or-ane, uch as' irregular or gup. . d of tl, Menses, 1, Albug or Whitrg
fall iiC of the Womb, Headache, friirhtfu.
Dieam.s AsC, caused by Cold,, checked pempi,,.
tions, exctsse, on-r-exeitenirnt, .e., jg
S v . rat ladles fti.the city who have gufterrj
ror manyyears with tli.-ahove complaints, and
have employed our inojit eminent physician
w ithout hi, ces., have used Dr. Hooper'g i r.
leala Cordial, and have been speedily ard per.
uiaiiently cuied by its, i.e. If there are ulirr.
era 111 Sr. I.oui., tl,ey can rely upon Dr. Hoop.
r 1 lemaie Kordiars a gafe, iileasent and f
er'ual rentrdv.
Price $1 per bottle, or six bottle for 't.
Inrgale at Dr. Kasterly'g family Medicint "
Moie, corner of 'J imd and Chesnut gtrrrlg, Kf.
Iins, Mo. Also by P. A. barpy, St. Mary,
and hy dealer, 111 mediciim generally in the
"e'tt- pr J2-ly
Dr. Cook'i Ma?ic Hiir Oil.
For the preservation, beauty, rrowlb, Bad
restoration vf Ihe Hair. .
It has lo;,f heen the desire of person. Douhl.'
with stilf, harsh, niiiulv hair, to procure au r
t.cie w-bi, Ii would at once render the hair oft,
lively and beautiful. The niOfct peifaet ui '
adunri'.hlL- article ever ditcoveied for that pur.
,oe 1, Dr. Cook'g Ma tic Hair Oil,
1 In, Oil penetrate (I, minutest hores, t;i
Intf tbudry ami wnlirriiiK bulu new lif. and
vinui-.oiiinr; tl.ecajolla,,,.., aofiens, pre-ir .
I.eai.til.a, ami Wre'liu.,i, the hair.ll.iud tUT
f' ""i fiin-rotr, r, ,ove the dandriill, and turn
rairtred hair , ulothat which ia gmornh, tlogg
nJ wavy, it ifc a,l, by all to b the freat.
e.l invention f the - for heautsyiug th. Ui(
nd lend.., , 1, ;. ,t ,,p,1(1ll,e,,t.
Is a.uperb article, and sho'ild b found oa'tfa.
oilet of every lady who volurs the glogiv and
beautiful apoearauceof -l,e flo-ring
and the w it. liiiijjcii.l." .
Pi ice, fm cen's j , r bottle.
for gale at Dr. f.asterlv'. family MJicin.
More corner r,f Third and Che.nnt gtret !',
Lo.iisli, Mo. A l.o by P, A. Ssrpr. 6t, Mr.
niny oc4le, m ed,cir,. gwter'illy lu tl ,
I? w