Nebraska palladium. (Bellevieu City, Neb.) 1854-1855, January 03, 1855, Image 4

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Belleview, Nebrak.
Date ) 1 hi in.oMcr I
j4 A rih ( r o a
?5 M 2s r.s 4". l n 5
2fi T 3il :1 32 0 (I 2
27 W "0 22 20 9 0 0
t T 2fi 40 3' 1 0 0
2'. F It 40 3d 1 0 0
30 S 2r 4 11 4 V 1
Average bj 37
We compile the following items of Con
grassiotial new fiom cur Washington
DrrTHnrn 1 4.
Tin Nrliraska and Kanvis luuinvss.
was re-oponed on the l.'l'.li, hy Mr
Mace's proposition to rrs'o e llie Misfiouii
Mr. Waslilmrn, e,f Main, wvlf pow
erful speech in favor of that muarf.
Mr. Mcplic ti of (in.. snid lie di-l no
r,rnrso to re-open n discussion of the Ne
braska 1MI. He considered the question
settled. I lie bill was a poo I step in pro
gress. He did not i grec Mr. iliac
that the results of the ! election de
manded a report. Tliose results nstonisli-
ed everybody, nnd how did llie ujeniknun
from Indiana inler ltn! tlioso results set
tlie senl of on''"'"-if i" "pirn tl ie friends
ol me great populnr mnvrmoiu.
A proof tluil those ch.T'ions had nothing
1o do wiili the ftetiruska I'ill, lie referred
to Pennsylvania, who returned to Con
gress men w lio voleil lor ilin lull. 1 lie
anti-Nebraska (iovernor had only 37.000
majority, while Cmml Cotnmissiniior, will
contrary opinions h;.d 100 000 majority
In M; unihusctls those who voted
against the lid were not re-th cled. II
took Illinois where the issue wns mad
directly. lint three of li e immher voted
tor the bill .nd the people have, now
elected four. I Ins sho-veu Urn measure
to be popular there.
Mr.Vi a.shburn of 111., inquired what win
the popular vote for (,enirrrss. Mr. S
said the Mebrrska rnndidate fer State
Trrasi irr hid K: (00 iw.jiri J ! ! !
Mr. Henn, of Iowa, cave notice of
bill for the ''Relief of the citizens of
Omahn." Having pounced upon a large
traet of public land, like n lifter upon his
prey, nnl sipi .it lered it amoiii; greedy
politicians, they now rssume the altitude
of brjjgars, r.nd are to have the land gittn
them by Congress. We knew that Mr,
Henn isan iuterrs'.td party, and hence his
haste in a'tendingto mitiersin Nebraska,
before the urriv.l of her Delegate, to
whom such business si ould It reternH
Why should Omaha have a grul of
land more than ether places?
Mr. Kidgrr has introduced n bill to in
cretse the pi'j of mindicis of Congress
and of the judges of (he Supreme Cour,
of the Uiii'ed States, f;0 per eent.
Mr. AH. ins introduced a bill for the rs
Ullil ir.i i I f a i,i ifc rm rule of naiur.di.
Ztion through the I'nited States. T'm
bill proposes tt-xti.'ivl llie term lo Iwen
tv -one v enrs.
liulice has brrn giv en of bills lo im
prove the. Illinois river--Chic. go r.ntl
Waiikean hnrliors, and to abolish h'
franking )rive!rge, a reform grealy neul
ed in the post-otlice ile partment. the IruiLing piivtlege be abolished,
and the price of puitan might his re ble
ed considerably below t ie present stand
ard nnd still bo mere profitable than it
now is.
SeiMte A anemera! was presented fran
the New York Chamber of Comrnerce,
praying for the relief of Dr. Kane anl
his parly in lite Polar Seas. Ilefered If
the committee on naval affairs.
jT7" The MiKiiuri w ill be 'bridged
r injilelely in n ft w li 8 hhouhl this
wrathi r (, then our friends in Iowa
Dr. Easterly's Ancricm Oil Liniment
liis valiiaiilc Lininfiit, eomhines ttie mnt
rlliracinns srticli-s fnfall 11, i various
forms of disease rrrjiiuimr an exirriinl applica
tion. One of I'S principal ariivn im,'rcciicnii,
t!ie Amfmica" Oil (or IVlriiliiitn) which is
universally known to poscss rare
stul ("t-SATivr. I'aori srus. This On., when
comhiiird with other valuable remedial agents
of known and established elficacv, forms a safe
mid Hire remedy for Ithc'iinatiMii, Itruises,
prins, Cuts, Wo'inds, H'inis, Scalds, Old
Soiesaml L leers, Mala iK-an, idler, uiiik
Worm, r.rvsipelas, Piles, C.iners, Slid Joints'
Caked Ilrea'ls, Paralysis. ( rintraeted Jendons
or Cords, tc., and also for Strains, Spavin.
scratches, Chafes, Sinhlle and Collar (iallu,
orrs. WrlliwU. Vistula. Sweeney and Poll I'.vil
n horse-,. This Liniment has a direct and pow
rfiil actum upon the sceictory arid uhsothen
rrssels, stinniUtine them toahenllliy action)
.hns enabling then lo Ihiow off the moihid cr
I i seated matter which oh-tnn ls llie circulation
.bus removing all diseases or injuries of the
Bones, Muscles. Cxrtillages, Nerves ami Skin,
One bottle will convince the mol i.kepticp.1
of its wonderful efficacy in curing llniif-es.
piains, Khemiiatism, Paines, Soreness and
Stiffness of the Joints, 4 c.
T)r. Easterly's American Oil Liniment is,
vi'.hout exception, the most valuable remedy
I r toinpoundcd fo- all diseases of Manor
I :ast, requiring an eternal ap ilicalion.
eV Priee 2Tt ernts 1er buttle, or fiva VoUl-is
or one dollar
ItZS" A liberal discount made to wholesale
purchasers who buy to sell (;ain. '
JV" Tor sale at r. Lasterly's Family Alerl
icine Store, southeast corner of Third and
Chestnut streets, St. Louis.
Also sold by P. A. Sarny, St. Mary, Iowa,
ami by dealers in medicine generally, in the
nad Dr. Easterly's advertisoinent in
mother column of our paper and give him a
call. JM.
riSIM' SCllSrHlIlLR beio? of mnv
J. ing to California, offers for sale bis
HoMKSTF. n of 101 acirs. situated on the
slau'e road l"t .veen Josepn anil I ounen
Ulntl's h mih's South of Council Hiutr and 4
North of the village of St. Miry, and near
the Missouri river, in Mills County, Iowa; and
Opposite Belleview, Nebraska, T.
Also, 400 acies of Paiair. Lvno near St.
Mary, and 1:M acres of Tistncnrn Lwo on
the Miisouri river, and near (ili-nw-ooil. 1 liose
Lnndsnre all in Mills County. Iowa, and lire
sent inducements lo land purchasers seldom of
fered; containing tim'ier, prairie, lime stone,
sard stone, and indications of plenty nT coal;
anl also hctnrr situated on the most feasible
point on the Missouri rive for the crohing of
llie IVir i fir II 1 1 1 rout.
Suitable cat ( le for crmmg the Plains will
he taken in exeha'isre at fair rates. The buyer
run have immediate possession, and all t.
Glorious News lor Nebraska.
Tho steamer S;irarw! Las just arrtved.loadftl to tlif! guanls with goods for
rl Mils o, 1 aii'i Z .'Mackerel,
H bills Tar,
20 hose and half hoses Star Candles,
1 !S hhds. Rrowti Sugar,
S hhds. Clarified do.
Ill bills S. II. Molasses,
10 bt Is. N. O. Molaes, s,
JO 1-2 bids. Guide,, Syrup,
2.V1 sacks (!. A. Salt,
I'M) bbls Kanaw ha do.
M) seks dairV 'to.
20 boxes do. I Soan,
10 bbls Ci ler Vinegar,
5 bnves TalloW Candle)
ft kegs Naita. a"sr!e.l)
2 boxes Coa F'isH,
30 sa ls Uio I'oili-e.
ImperVl and Youiur H3'"1"
Soda. S.iler it is. Caiiily, It iiim,
F'.ngtisli H'.flniits. Alreomts,
t;im;er, Spice, I'cpjier, if., St.
Dr. Eajtsrhy, Tever and Agne Killer
JJT Is warranted to cure all cases of o
and l'ever, Chills and F'evcr, Dumb Ague, In
ermittent ai d K.-millent Fever, and every form
of F'ever incident to the west. If there are suf
ferers in St. Louis, we say try it, and if it fail
lo cure, the money shall be refunded to the pur
chaser. More than
have been sold, and in no instance has it failed
to effect a permanent cure as far as heard from.
Htf" Pi ice 1 par bottle, or six bottles. $C.
Itif l or sale at Dr. Fasterly's F'amily Med-
i -ine Store, soul lienst coiner of Third and
C ,etiint streets, St. Louis.
Also told by P. A. Sarpy, St. Mary, Iowa,
a id by dealers in medicine generally, in the
jj" Head Dr. Easterly's advertisement in
another column of our paper and give him a
tall. J"'--
ain and farming nte,is, s lie wants at ri
rale. DA Ml.!. ! I r. I" I JIU.
Traders Point, nov 1, Ml-tl
VRF". engaged in the busiri"" of huyniT ami
s.'llu.g Land Warrants. and ent.ving Land
in ibe Council Hl iff Land District. Their ar
rangements for entering Lands for settlers and
others, on a credit of one, two, or three years
arc not deficient. And they will be p epared
at all times to fill all coders of that character.
The investigation of Land Titlfs, payment
of taxes, purchase and sale of lands and town
lots throu'hont this land dis'riet, and all husi-
nesi connected with the Land OHice at this
place, entrusted lo them, will b promptly at
tended to.
Strangers wishing to locate government land
will he f'lrnidi -d with a guide and conveyance
if they desire it, and directed to lln best points
for h lect on.
Exchange on St. Louis and the Eastern Cit
ies, bought ami sold. Interest paid on dejios
ites as per agieement.
Our attention will also ! given to the pur
chase and sale of Tow n Lots in Omaha ( ity.
Helleview and Winter Quarters, Nebraska Ter
ritory. IU.rcHFvrr.s. L. W. Pahhitl and Dr E.
Lowe, Kegister and Receiver of the Land Of.
(ice at Council Mull's, and Col. T. A. Walker,
and P. M. Cassady; Il-gister and Receiver at
I'ort Desmoines, or any of the business men of
either place.
OKFTC1C on Broadway, West Room of the
Pacific Hotel, neai ly opposite the Land Ollice.
Council niulls. nov 1-ly.
Of various patterns.
c. w. riLiicr..
Attorney at Law.
Wilt practice in the Sixth, Seventh, Eight
and Ninth Judicial Districts in Iowa, and Ne
braska Territory. He w ill always be suppli'i!
u ilh blank deeds, mortgages, deeds of trust,
declaratory statements for pre-emptions, etc.,
and will give prompt attention to conveyanc
ing, examination of titles, etc.
f" Particular addition paid to securing
ami collecting debts.
References lion. L. If. Norton, Platte ('it V.
Mo., II. M Vories and .lames C raig, r.sis., St.
osejdi. Mo., Curtis liates, Fort Dei Moine.
Nehraska City, etirasKd lerrnory.
noy l,';')l-ly
oi'ii Ass') is i.auci: and comh.ivtt,.
Shee'im-flrie brown; and h'e,ic!,e oomestie rfnllinir. 'snalvor:,. Rave,,., .lueks, 4Ve. Ax.
nr I'he Httention el' llie ladies is oiled to our assortment ..f die., goods, which Iney will
find. a regards price and q .alitv. lo lie ,lt.s..rpessed in Western own Calico fitighnm;.,
1. 1 ...Cnflw latest fashion ami style. L 'ii r'iidrTcd cans, colia's, chuni-
!i '. .;n, u.ll l.oniiels. liiuiii an 1 cotton handkerchiefs, hosiery, parasols, all of
which' will tnYaoId exe-linglvw 7
Cross cut saws, mill saw s, h ind saws, broad axco.choppiTig axes., log ami lor chains
bench p'anes,and in fact everything in the hardware line.fiom a Jc sharp up to a cradling scythe
40 casesdivect from Boston. Hoots of all and qualities. Shoes, Ladies enameled Jenny
Lind buskins, gaiters, slippers, ladies' goat, kip and calf boots, misej shoes all sizes.
Hats and caps, books and stationery, drugs and ryedicmes, Jayne's and Loudonn family
medicines, and all other popular patent medicines, for sale at wholesale prices.
Classware, tumblers, jars, Ac, &.C. KOOgal. stone ware, churnes, jars,
crocks, butter crocks, sieve crorns, etc., c.
fiOhedstead-of different patterns, cben v dining, and breakfast tables, walnut ditto, ditto.
Bureaus wilh glass, plain and fancy walnut presses, cupboards, tin safes, one or two uVaivcr
stands w ash stands, lounges and mattresses, double mattie-scs, slat bottom chair, Cain seat ilo.,
4.-) cook stoves, assorted. Palters n's, ready trimmed with tin or copper boilers, boxs'ores,
Grecian parlor ditto., stove pipe, elbows, be , , i n r
Pine churns, 1-2 bush's, wood buckets, well buckets, wash tubs, wooil hoAls, trays, dough
pins, sugjr boxes, brooms, zinc wash boards, clothes Pins, ic.
S D0I ERY. Hridles martingals. crciueles. girths, halters, bridle reins, fllackawk sad
dles". 'quilt feats, and ditto Ladies sidesaddles, buggy whips, Uray wh:ps, G. L. whips, cow-hides
&.c, saddle-bags, leather trunks, tc.
LC.A I nt n
. s. ii i :
Pols, ovens, skillets .-.nil lids, I), . IU nmt t wci.i y paiion kpuics.
PINE DOORS S by 10 and 10 bv 12 sash, wii.dow blinds,
CLOC ICS 8 day and 3U hour cloc ks; warranted to run welt.
Virginia, Roanoke Nccfar leaf lobacco. Recalia and irincipe cigars of the finest flavor,
Ciibu and Havana sixes, and various other articles, but we deem it unnecessary lo mention them
as it is no trouble to show goods, and we will ne happy rt all times lo show our old customers,
and as many new ones as may favor us wilh their patronage, ourgoodsand juices. Our faeih
tiesfor sellinir CHEA P.are better than any other house in western Iowa, and we intend to do so,
and an examination ot or prices isnu inai ncca.j, ..... ... .
fileuwood, July, 12,101. 40-nW.
U.S. )
Dr. Easterly's Iodine and Barsaparilla.
(piT It is the only preparation that Is worthy
of the least confidence of the public, for the
cure of those diseases arising from an impure
Hate or the blood, vi.: Scrofula, or King's
Etil, White Swellings, Enlarged Glands, Fever
iorer. Pimples on the face, old Sores and Ul
. ers, Blotches, Miles, Nervous Affections, Can
cers, Erysipelas, Rheumatism, Sypilitic Dis
poses, Pains iu the Hones and Joints, Ring
Worm or Tetter, Scald Head, diseases of the
Kidneys, Mercurial Di eases, &c. Dr. Eas
terly's IoniNK and Sahs r. nii.r.A, is com
pounded of those articles which simultane
ously act on the di ll'ei ent organs of the body,
and possess the most efficient cli nsing and heal
ing propei ties. II nidi e Is of the most intelli
gent and respectable families in St. Imis, have
used it, and spelt of it in Ihc highest terms of
lia':se. his mil.cin iss.x tiim slrniger
h'-aper and belter than any other preparation
in use.
rj" Price, fjll per Bottle, or six Bottles for
JV" For sale at Dr. EASTERLY'S Family
Medicine Store, corner of Third and Chestnut
streets, St. Louis.
Also sold by P. A. SARPV, St. Mary, Iowa,
and by dealers ill medicine generally, in the
CV Read Dr. Easterly's advertisements in
another column of our paper, and give linn
eall. j"2S.
will b-. able to reo.
si lie time.
ive Ui.) I'a'.l ilium it
ID Hi TIT (Bail 3 33
(at the sicjn ok thf. bio mortar.)
j AVE Just Received, in addition to n
their former stock , a large and well
lected assortment of American, F'rench, Jk
mil I'nglish Drugs, Medicines, Perfumery, iye
SluH's, Paints. Oil atid Glassware; also, a good
assortment f 'Jroeeues. Wines, Liouors, Ace.
At th"1 liead of Broadway. oct IS, T)4
TTT C. i.) C.'I'V'fliVSrT IBTrr,
NVITI'.S the atlention of (lie la
dies and gentlemen to his asoit- (Tsj
uieut of Jewelery and Fancy Goods SCaee-
in part consisting or Hie lol'owmg : i.oiu ami
Silver Watches, Lockets, K 'r-rings, Breast
pins, Finger-rings, Chains, Pencils and Pins.
r. loliiis. Accor.lans, r inter ; aiso, an as-
urtinei.t of Toys. A.C.
All id which will be sold at the lowest
pi ice-; evciy article warranted to be a recommended.
The created attention will be pud to the re-
" - ... , .,..! ,
pairing or W atcliei ana jewelry; an wock
warranted. nov 1, '51
For the Palladium.
A ronvention of the I)einoera!ic party
of the Slate of Iowa, will be held at Iowa
City, on Weclnescluy, Janunry 24tli, 1855
tn nominate Candidates for the office of
Commissioner and lleeister of the Hes -
Moines River Improvement, and also for
the urroi! of efl'ertinp a thorough rjan-
ization of the Democratic party.
The ratio of representation will be on t
dtlrgnte fur t cry or.e l.ttVred, tnd ore
delegate lor every frrction over fiftj
wttrs, pro idid: ll at eich county ilml;
l entitled to at least one delegate.
II. W. Sample, Clia'n, W. P. Marvin,
W. H. Merrill, (Jro rge Lnrey,
J. D. F.lbent, I- ibbiH,
J, M. I'rcston, 1'. H. Thayer,
M. A. fioodfellow.
State Kxeciitive Committee."
Dr. Carter's Cough Balsam
lithe most pleatant and elhcacious ieme
iy fur Coughs, Cuius, Asthma, Consumption
md all diseases of the Lungs, ever offered to the
lublic. Our ever varying climate, and the cold
fc leak winds of the noith tnd west produce
coughs and f oldi dangers tulds, wliich de
land of the wisefc prudent,thr earliest attention
1'or this purpose no remedy has ereraeen disco
vered which has effeetoj so many cures, and
which seems to give such universal satisfaction
to all, as Dr.C'AsrrVs Coloii Baihah. Read
er, have you a cough? Do not neglect it. De
ay is dangerous. I'selhis Balsiui, at once, and
it will efffttually cuie yon.
g.y Price ceuts ber bottle, Urge hot'le
fl, or si bottles for .
For sale at Dr. Easteily'i Family Medicine
Store, southeast corner of Third and Chejtnut
ata,,8t. Louis, Mo.
A'so, sold by P. A. Sarpy, Rt. Mary, Iowa.
1 Ly desleis iu iueJ,i:iiies generally, in 11
Council Blutf, Iawa.
TILL buy or sell Lands, make S-leelions
' attend to the purchase and sale of town
lots and all kinds of business connected with
the Government Land Ollices in Western or
Central Iowa. Exchange on St. Louis and
the Eastern cities bought and solo. ian 3 '.".
Council IJlutij, Iowa.
Gbisnk, Wiase Ii. Rick,
Fort Des Moine, Iow a.
C.RM.NE A- WliHl,
Cedar Rajiids, lows.
"XOTES and Bills collected, and proceed
i promptly remitted to any part of lha L'ni
led States, at current lUten of Exehange.
Interest paid on deposits for over thirty
days, cols ol exrnangu ou an ine principa
cities bought and sol. I.
Leans etlected on good security.
Vacant lands bclecUd and eulcitd in any of
fice III the Male.
Laud Warrants for cash or on time, contin
nail v on band.
Location" of lands for distant dealers at the
most liberal ratei.
Nt't bought and money loaned on good se'
rurily. .
Ri.i Lai fcs. F. L. Jcsup &. Co., W.J
Banning i. Co., bankers, Dubucpie, Iowa; Cook
t haiKent, Jisvenpou, lowaj uinerison k.
Benn, Iowa Cilv, Iowa, JVoplei,' Ba'ik, New
Voik city; Ketchum, Kogera A. Bement, ban
kera, do., Seldoii, Withera Jk. Co., Washiiiuton
D. C.i lion. ('has. Mason, Commissioner t
Patents, Washington, D. C ; A. ('. Dodge,
K. K. Burlington. lows; Geo. W. Jones, L'
H., JJubucpje; Joseph Williams, Chief Justice
Muicatiiif, Iowa.
Coa;iil UluaS, dec 13, 1K.V1.
Sole-lenther, kip, nnd calf iikins, moroooo linings, goat skins, lmir, &.c.
N AND CASTINfiS. Plow steel, sheer steel, cast s'etl, plows, moulJs Sic
AVINfi permanenty located in this place,
the purpose of selling i.iumjs.
LAND, TO WX-LOTS, ami doing a uener.ii
Agency Business, we would respectfully invite
the public, to give us a call.
Our Good were selected with care, and we
are confident that we shall be able to give per
fect satisfaction to all.
sept. 27 Til.
I r ARDWARE. A.large and general assort
XX merit of Hardware can he Had ai
sept '11.
U R EE X E ,Jv 1 X X E Y& CO.
1 ,JJS- Cotton Batting, for sale
Lsli'-' low, at
gep 27
110O1CS and Sialioucrv for sale nv
5a W1
Opposition is the Life of Trade.
receiving at Glenwood, a well selected
stock of dry goods, fancy goods, clothing, boots
and shoes, groceries, hardw are, crockery, drugs,
liipiors, stoves, tinware. See. in Western Iowa.
The public are invited to call and examine for
themselves, anil tliey will nun me mini or me
above statement. Also they will find that we
can sell as cheap any other lio ise in Mills, Fre
mont or Pottawattamie counties.
And in giving notice to the farming' commu
nity, we will give them the highest cash price
for" their produce, such as beef, pork, corn,
w heat and beans. The store is on the west side
of the Public Souare. Glenwood. n ivl-ly.
1 0RN and Oats wanted by S. &.E.
T' roUSES, w ork oxen an I yo lug slock, ditto.
iU.-iitun iUnotattg fimtnent. a Healing Balm wo coao to greet
'IMIE prlion of this L:iiment is one ef Ike
I most perfect remd.s ever offered to the
alllicted. lis ac'ion upon the organiiatiou ie
truly wonderful. ItsvnlMile. penetrating. see1 h
inst and healing peoperties dilfuse themselves t
the very hones, It outer'! in' o the circulation f
the blood gives new iinpul 'e to whole nerroaa
system to the. very ext remit ies of the fingers
and s'iinu'ates to ihc absorhents and secretioas,
and thus assist nattss lo throw otT an4 rid
herself of any diseased section of the aerre
chords or lig une'its. making it equally apalioa
hie to sores of any kind, rheimalism paias
in every part of the body, from a disessed aetiea
of atiy'of the structural portions of the system.
While if is perfectly harmless to healthy fleaii,
skin or hone, it has the properly of enteriaj
info combination, and dissolving any of tbe r
canic t issues when thev are disease I, or their vi
tality is destroyed, i'ossessing these peenliair
powers, Is the reason why It iseijually effieacione
in so many clit'crent complaints, ft acts upea
scien'iiic principles and lixed laws of the Crea
tor !
The large number of cases in which thislini
ment has proved its value, in the short time it
has lieen before l!ie profile of America, is l)fl
e;e;i! In give the grentes! confid"nce that its Vr
t u s are iuconiparalile in cureing rheumstisai
bruises, strains, bums, wounds, swellingSj brok
en or cracked breast, old sores or pains IB af
part of the body.
Sr. Loins Tcstim9!y
Statf. or Missouri,
C-oiin'v of St. Lnni
Be it remembered, that on this fifth dsf
May, A. n. 18."):i, before me. the undersigned,
mayor of the city of St. Louis, in the county an
Stale aforesaid, came personally Dan4 M.
Smvthe, who, upon his oath, says that tho lol
lowing s'atenient is true.
In testimony whereof I hereto set my ban J
the day and date last aforesaid.
JOHN HOW, Mayor.
Soc. Newman, Ileeisler.
St. Lor is, Mo., May S. 1853.
Dr. A. G. Bkaoo, it Co. Genti : You will
probably recollect that I called into your estab
lishment some three weeksjince and purchased
a lifty-cent bottle of your " Mexican mustang
liniment j" my object in so doing was to try its
merits upon my daughter's arm, who has been
stitfei ing from the ell'ects of a severe dislocatioa
of the elbowfor several years past.
Tlmex-cruciatiiig pain consequent upon false
settingof the bone had dwindled and contracted
her arm to a puny sie, and I consider its duty
devolving upon ine lo acquaint the community of
the beneficial elfbct your liniment has paoduced.
Her arm w as drawn to a right angle, and Was
almost inert and useless, until vour invaluable
liniment was applied, since which time, I am
happy to state, she has enjoyed uninterrupted
good strength, and can use her arm nearly as pli
autly as before it was dislocated.
would state, however, that prior to trying
your uneipialed liniment, I use,! several other
remedies, and among them " McLean's volcanic
oil liniment," but with the least beneficial result.
We offer this liniment as a remedy in the vari
ous diseases and complaints for which it is re
comnit'ode 1 with full confidence of its success
in curing them.
The following is a list of the numerous and e a
traonliaarv eases it has cured during the la
few mouth :
(i.T.Vl caies of rheumatism in all its forms
MIE undersigned is now in rereiot of and
receiving the largest and chc.ipiest stock
of Fall and Winter Goods ever olleicii in
Council BtutfCity, or Western Iowa, those
wishing to pay cash for Goods will do well to
call and examine. Our stock consists of every
variety of goods needed by the people in thin
portion or llie country. Burn as cioius, casm
incres. nattinetts. tweeds, jeans, white scarlet,
and barred flannels, plain and barred linseys.
psl pieces good st) le madder prims, casnuierra.
merinos, allapacas, nicacneu ami uron mim
ing and shirting, ticking and drilling, bleached
ami lirnun canton llaimel. draners and crash
ers, all wool table covers. hroA'ii and bleached
linen, silk and bay slate shaw ls, and every
variety of ilicss goods.
Mens' and bovV fall and winter elolhhig.
hats and caps, hoots and shoes, hardware and
cpieensw are, iron, nails, collee, seg u-, lea mo
lasses, rice. Hour, Aic.j also, a large 101 or nn-
niture anil lupiors. As it is our intention 10
s II for cash, we llader ourse lves that we can
hold out superior inducements to those that
wish to buy cheap goods than store that arc
si lling on trust.
Country dealers are reipn-jted to call and cx--aiuine
our stock.
B. R. PEG R AM A- CO. Bluff City, oct H,
10 riKf'lIS of Ticking, best quality, foi
tJJ sale low, at
acp27. GREENE, KI3XEY t0
lOBMlllLY HIE MI.''M.tI.y 1IOI.S).
Council Bluff., Iowa.
IS now kept by Sylvknus Dustin,
who, haling made great repairs
and alterations in the House, (latter
h. 1. ui If that he will he able to provide any
w'i favor I11111 w ith a call, a comfortable home.
His table will be supplied with the best the
market atlords. prepared by ex pri lenced bauds,
and the weary will hud a good resting place.
Cum t an n "makk vulkski vis to home.
In connection w iih this Hotel may also bv found
a good and extensive
for the accommodation of all w ho wish to ob
tain horses and carriages, which are a good
substitute for first cluss railroad cari, on short
not ice j or superior saddle lioiscs, lor cither la
dies or gentlemen. The proprietors of the liv
ery stable are itUhSELL &. Dl'STlN.
Blull' City, Iowa, nov 2:1, ih.'it tiui
Corner of JUain and Gregory shtrU
St. Miry.
nAS JUST RECEIVED and now has
r,.r sale a lai assortment of selected
merchandise adapted to the wains of all in tne
n..w nnd IhriviiiL' commnnitv. which he can sell
as cheap as can bcoll'ered elsew here so high upou
llie iMissouri river, ins, ou.s na.r i.e.. y
ted by an experienced purchaser, with special
reflemice to the circumstances arid wants of all
classes of settlers iu a new country. Lad i s
ami gentlemen, children and youth, all can be
supplied. Call and see for yourselves. His
stock consists of the following, among a grate
many other articles he cannot now enumerate
Among his dry goods may be found w'oolen
and sattinett cloths, cassinetts, tweeds, cash
meres, linsevs. ilannel, red, white, grey and
blue, Caspian plaids. Cotton goods, sheetings
and shirtings, bleached and unbleached; blue
and white drillings, osnaburg, bedticking, hick-ory,-checks,
A beautiful assortment of fincy prints of
every variety of style and pattern. Gingham
lawns, tigiucd alpacca, bombazines, bouihay.
cites, shawls, scaifs, hai.dkercbi'.-fs, crape, mus
lin, edgings, ribbons, &.c.
A well elected stock of Summer, Full and Win
ter Clothing, consisting in part of fine dress
coats, pants and vests also good summer clo'h
ing of all descriptions and heavy clothing for
C I uml U'ltilel list.
Al, sliiils. knit Ilannel drawers and
l.iris. socks, ke. Men's and boys' I
psof various fashions, qualities, ami prices.
Boots and shoes, thick and thin, polished and
mipolishi d of every description, lor men w omen,
and children's Use.
Crushed, clarified, loaf and blown sugar, mo
lasses, syrup molasses, golden syrup, superior
Rio and Java collee, sassalras, ginger, pt
Ml liS Eli V .
THE undersigned has on hand and for
sale a few thousand select graited appie
lues, ready for transplanting in orchards the
coming fall and spring.
Red June, baldwin, while winter parmain, fall
pippin, Belmont, wine sap, yellow belllowcr,
Rhode Island greening, swaar, priors led, red
astiachin, early harvest, sweet Jane, sumuier
rose, summer queen. R ili's janet, ramho, wine
apple, white beliedower, Roman stem and
Noilhern spy.
rnn nuns.
The Catalpa ami Uiack Locust.
The snow ball, English and American lilac,
red dogwood, honey suckle, rose, i.c..ic.
A few of the Isabella and Cataw by grape from
St. Mary, Iowa, Aug. 31, '53.
ai.g3l-iv. (JEORGK HEPNER.
Attorney at Law.
HAVING determined to locate permanently
at Belleview, I will promptly attend to
any business mti uted to me professionally.
FeUcview, V-t. 1, ,
tints and
11ERSOXS wishiug to iua.e iiuichaa. s
J. do well to give us a call and examine ou
stock, wliich comprises a general assortuunt
and wll be sold at greatbaigains.
t sep 2. ,51 GREENE, KINNEY & CO.
LL persons knowing themselves indebted
!. .0
Geo. P. Siiles, are requested to make
immediate payment to the undersigned, or they
w ill fine their accounts in tiie bauds of the pro
per ollicer for collection. Ccme one, come all
and save cost. P. J. McMAHON.
oct , Tit If
store of
1.1 1 11. E fancy noiions for sale a.
ctiap as di. t, at the cheap cash
ii:i.'i-lf NCCMOI.LS & CO.
mill'. nhnerit,r will viwit St. v'.-e
X Mary oil W'eduewiay'a and
Glenwood on Tii 'sd i's u:U Satur
day's of each week', a:id will supply th-se
markets w ith Fresh Meats, B liter, Lgs, and
Vegetables, at the luaikct price
KepUM7,'&ltf P. IWBJi.KR:
r CASS Eboois and shoes fur safe cheap
UU n35-tf MJCkOLLS fc CO
1 Mfi SACKS salt for sale at the cheap ess
i-UU r-ore 0 L CKOLL5 iCO.
per, Cloves, Sjncc, Clllliaoiun, siuunu (,inui,
nutmegs, snutis, tobacco, cigars, pipes, soap,
candles, vinegar, picklei, pepper-sauce, ice.
A large assortment of Hour of various quali
ties and prices corn meal and all the various
products of this farm and garden bacon and
li b, k I" dried apples, peaches, currents, raisins,
tie. Hasdwabk. Moves of various patterns
for cooking a lid heating rooms, stove-pipes and
elbows, large, and small iron kettles, frying
pans, skillets, band-irons, shovels and tongs,
manure forksndhay foiks, scjthes, shovels and
spades, log and trace chains, axes, hammers,
pincers, iron and steel, nails, horse-rasps, files,
saw s, knives and forks, pocket knives, razors,
hulls and screws, door handles, knobs, locksl
(tc. TiNWASk. A general assortment kept
for household purpose. Wooowahk. Wash
tubs, Shaker pails, wood and zinc washboards,
Leather. Sole-leather, harness leather,cow
hide, kip skins, calf skins, linings and morocco.
Saddles, bridles, halters, larrietts, circingles,
bt llv-bands, driiing lines, collars, back-straps,
giit!is,bliud-bridle.s, A.c. Mr.oic inks. A gen
eral assortment of medicines for fevers, fever
and ague, and the common complaints of the
couutiy. Cook's, Lee's, Sappeiiyton's.Biagg's
and Janes' pills, Quinine, tunics, and various
kin ! of ati-ri ilanls, airines, lihiunniW and,
other articles necessary for the sick and tne in
valid, nov ill, 51
k)ik PCS. llickoiy Shilling, for aalolow,
sent 27 T4.
MIR TV do.tu Muii and Boys' Huts, of every
description, at
S'p "7. CHM..M ,. KITirvr, I K vw.
Or, Kwry one
A Strawberry Roan Indian Pony, about 4
l. years old,'a:id of gnod size for a pony.
Has not been seen for some two or three weeks.
When last sen had shoes on right fore foot, and
mane and tail well filled with burrs. A liberal
reward will be given to any person who will
return said pony to the subscriber or give in
formation w here ne ran be round.
C inc:i Bluff City, nov 1, 'hi
his ouV rhysiaaa
rpHE Fifteenth Edition, with ffl'Zjn
X One H liidied engravins , fi.
show ine- liiMi'ases and nialfurma-Si 11 ft r
1 ions ot the human system in evear shape and
form. To which is added a treaties on the
disease of f 'males, being of the highest impor
tance to married p"ople. or lb isccoiitetiiplallhg
marriage. By. WM. VOL'NG, M. ).
Let no fa. her be ashamed to present a copy
of the .Esciijialius to his child. Jt may save
hnn from an early crave, 110 young man
or woman enter into the s-crect on'igatioca of
married life without reading the Po.'ket
nalius. Let no one sulfi r from a hackneid cough.
pain iu the side, restless nights, nervous feel
ings and the whole train of dyspeptic sensations,
and given up by their physician, be another mo
ment without consulting the -rEscnpalius.
Have the married, or those about to be mar
ried, any iuicdiuicht, read this truly useful
book, as it has hi-cu the means of saving thou
sands of unfortunate creatures from the very
iaw of death.
C5"Ay p'-rsou s.'tniing Twenty-Five Cents
enclod ul in a letter, will receive one copy of
Una orwk by mail, or live copies w ill be aenl
lor One Dollar.
Address, (post-paid.) DR. WM. YOUNG.
No. jZ Spruce Street, 1'hila.
nov'ja 'jw
TOBACCO. Loveis of the Weed will find
a superior article of ihev, iug and smoking
T obacco, at llie Agency Moi-e, of liUhr.M.,
KINNEY K CO., hl.'Marv. oct I.
tl SHIRTY rtizeii Mil and Boys' Caps, lor
X sale clival", at 1 tie A nicy Store of
. s-p V. GRFI NK, aUNNtV fc CO.
4 2:1(1 do sprains and bruises t
.'i.l'lil do bums and scalds;
3,4.x) do frwh cuts and wounds ;
4(1 do cancers;
7,7 10 do scrofula is sores and ulcers thst
had resisted all oilier treatment)
5.210 do intlained or swelled joints;
7,Si) do piles ;
IvlO do lumbago, sciatica, gout andhard
bony imors;
o,2.r0 do chapped han is ;
3.0110 do caked breasts,
4,'MI do tooth-ache;
lil.OJO do various cbe-"-' l..ascs.
This must appear almo3t incredible, but th
numerous certificates and letters from distin
guished physicians, citizens, ag-nts and Others
n ho have used the medicine, enable us to sub
stantiate the above fart ; millions of bottles of it
are yearly consumed, and it has always gives
To country meschasts. Every storesho'J
be supplied with this valuable liniment, as it
pays a good profit and sells rapidly.
Prices okthkmviment. It is put up ia
bottles of three sizes, and retails at2j cents, fXJ
cents and !il per bottle. The SO eent and one
dollar bottles contain 50 and 1 00 per cent more
iihimenr, in proportion 10 ineir cost, so ini
money is saved bv buying the lager sizes.
A. . BRAGG. CO., Sole Proprietor.
Principal offices, cor. Third and Mirket sts.,
St. Louis, and 3ilt Broadway, New York.
For sale by P. A. Svnev, St. Mary, and Sar
py & Ekolisii, Gl'uiwool; and by dealers in
medicine everywhere. aug 31-ly ,
Tlie frreal mcilioine of the d;y
A'asl uinount used jier monih The nu
merous and wonderful cures it effects
Its in.toical iircct upon Hilioms Fevers,
und I'Vvernnd Aptie Great excitement
ninonrf the D.iotors I
RE now admitted on ai. iiands to be a most
extraordinary and valuable medicine ia
general use. 11 not only acts as a specific upoa
the bilious and typns fevers, chills ami fever,
and fever and agu" of the West and South but
i all diseases of debility, weak stomach, indi
gestion, loss of appetite, impurity of the blood,
ai d all diseases prevalent iu a western and soutU
em climate. Their great power Consists ia
their peculiar effect upon all Hie organs of the
system; and the rapid forma 'ion of new ana
pure biood they produce. Iu tins lies the great
secret of their success. They are mild ana
leasant in their action but searching and per
manent iu lhi,ir ed'oct ueutriins Ihc iruioiest
vcessesot the system bv their ready Ubsorptioa
inlo the biood, thereby infusing a new supply ot
vitalil v ami nervous power into all Hie machine
ry of file. The extensive popularity they have
acquired all ocr the West and South ensures
sales ol al least
5.i,(n)i) novel run von'ti! 1
And we find it difiicult with our large force of
hands, and the late improvemenls in machinery
which we have adopted, lo manufacture Ihcia
fast enough to sipplv the demand in thiiteea
western and southern States! One large manu
factory is constantly engaged in preparing the
various concentrated extracts of which they
aie compounded. From the best inform atioa
we can ootaiu 1 10 in our n,txj aeltms; agenti.
and hosts ot attentive conespendents in al)
parts of the country, ojr medicitie cures per
uioniti not le.s man
Id.iidii ca-es of fever an 1 ague, one thousand of
w hich have resisted all other trra'me-ul ;
;,:!! X) cases of weakness and general debility ;
i.h'M of various chronic diseases ;
,1'nlJ " of weak itnmach ami loss of appe
tite; 8(M cases of dyspepsiu ;
1.JIKI of rheuiiialimn ;
l,(K)0 of female complaints 1
l,'2ml " of ague cake, or enlai;ej spleen J
Th'S must appear almost increlible, but tae
numerous letters rom physieiar,,,, agents a:i(
those who use tii6 med.ciile, from all the west
ern and southern tl uls, satisfy us that this is a
model ate estimate, and that our medicine is rap
idly taking the plaeof the v ai -iocuuuterfomttat
which aru arloat.aud the uumeious touie wis
lures ma Ie w holly of quinine, which are impast
ed upon the public bv manufacturer wk live
110 boJy knows where I
Price of Tnic puis, 75 cents ; and Anti-ka
ions, 2"i cents. A. G. Bsaoc, m. b., sol praf
etor, St. Louis. For ale by P. A. Sabst, fc
Mnv, and Ssae & F.somsm. Glenweod t ar
b'y tlealeis in mesLieias taroaaat tne Iwtsvd
ass. augSl-ls