,v,..xt l HD in) 0 BY D. E. HEED, & CO. BELLEVIEW, DOUGLAS CO., NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY' 3, 185",. VOL. 1. NO. 23. P A I It 1 -il JJQ. JiLl iil-i IM r ' ' 1 t- i- , i5 i t Iff" li i'Vi ' NEMIASKA PALLADIUM AND PL ATT i: VALLEY ADVOCATE. rusiiiiito WllKIY T tlDS. jetton. D. E. REED. Il COMPANY, Editors atnl Frnprirtorr, irn.rriiw, Mivm s rot-NTT, f"' ' TF.TlMS- One eopv nPVMr,$! ntie e.ny six months, $t W invAMAM.Y lit ap- Vjs- No ffiprr he diseont timed rrpt nt the ii'isctelion of the proprietors, until all ar rearages are r id. rates op Aiwr.imsrro for rne-h snunre of twelve line or less, first insertion. Each subsequent inwti.t; : ,k imurt twelve monins. - $1 no .V) 6 (HI l i I II One quarter of a rolnmn twelve months, 21MKI One half eolomn twelve months, f) DO One eolumn twelve month", fu"(n lysines cards of cicht linen, yearlv. n l0 " nix months. 3 IN) " three months, 9 00 Administrators' and Executors' noticed, 6 00 THE LAW OF NF. WSPATEHS. 1. Snhrriher who do not (jive express notice to the eontrarr. are considered as wishing to rontimt their stilcritions. . 2. If snhserihers order the disenntirmanrt of their papers, the publisher mny continue to send them until ill arrenreires are pnid. 2. If subseribers reelect or refuse to take their papers from thenflircto which they arc directed, thev nre held repon;hle until they have settled the bill ami ordered the aper dis continued. 4. If subscribers remove to otheT places with out informant: the publihher. nnd the paper is ent to the former direction, they are lie! d re annns'h'e. ' f. The Cot-UTS liavci'neiiled th;t ref-is!n! to ttiie a p-ipci from the off.-e, or remoi inr and lenvinc it uncalled f r, is prima facia evidence f intentional fianj. e.i1ierlhiT will then-f ife uncVrsf .-md ! 1. That tiieir pf-pcrs will he continued after t expiration of the time for which they paid, antes' otherwise orderet. 2. That no paper will he d:-.continned until all a'rearares are paid up to the t;me at which the notice is given, unless we arc siitifid that the iuhcriher is worthier. 3. That when tlic paper, t hrnnirh the fault of a subscriber, has been suffered to everrun the time, tin jutt and inot cunvenient way is to remit one dollar for anoth-r fix months, with directions to di.-continne at the end of that time. This direction w ill. in nil cases, he noted upon ir books, and if nol attended to ahull lc our lo.s 4th. Til I". S. Court hare also repeatedly derited that a To-t-Ma'ter who ree-lects to perform his dnty i t r'V'nfr seasonahle notice. s rerjnircfl hv the I'nt-Ol!'ce Department, of the r elect of a peron to t.ike from the otfee, pewsparv-ra addrese, to h'm. rend'"-s 'he J'oHt Master liabh- to tl e fn! '.isher for the aubfcrip I ii.n nt Ire " BUSINESS DIRECTORY. nKU.r.vii'.w. I. II. MKWET. lis opened a hoardinL' ho-i'e at Helleview, for the aceoinmo.l itioii of repulsr h"ard'-rs. and occasional vinitors. who, he will tal.e pleasure in makinir as comfortable as liej in his power, liellevirw, Nebraska. net !i.r, '54 r.f;l.I;if, "V rriOTIATOU, Cpllector. t'.eneral I.and 1 Ajent. Comisellor at Law, 4.C, ic. lielleview. Nehial;a. Havilif an c.perieiiceof 17 years i.l the Ter ritory, w ill pay prompt attention to nil com munications, post paid, in repaid to the Ti-r-rito-v. Ave.. Kc. s Otlice near the Coverninent build. n, aiiU in rear of I'. A. Sa'pv'" lankins houiif. Bclleview City, Nebraska, July I ), 1H.i1. . ; Land Aijrnt, Survcyer and Engineer, Tielle lew, Nebia-tka. nl-ly " ST. MAKY. Tij:oiu;i; hki'NKK, Attorney nnd Counsollor at Law, St. Mary, Milla County, Iowa. aui;3l-ly r ( i . VA A ( : Physiainn and Kurpeon, respectfully tenders i is professional service to the citizens of St. j Mary and urinity. Olhce two mile noitli ; el of St. Mary, oh the Munpnto ere.-k. augJl-ly ? ' Toporraphic.l Engineer, tenders his profes lional acrvics-a to the citizens of St. Mary and vicinity as Sureyiir and Engineer in all its va rieties. OI.ceiu P. A. Sarpy's store, rorner of 4reory atrci-t. aujrlll-Jy WATSON, KINNEY k. GKEEV, General Ennd Agentr, St. Mary, Mills County, " Iowa. Will ailrud to the purchase mid tule uf ' real ciuh', the ierfectiuj of titles, liayinstax- e., c. .V J-'aiminp land ami village lots, to suit pu.mav i, on hand, for sale cheap, and on reasonable terms. CI! AH. I". WATSON. E. h. KINNEY. 43-tf JU.SKI'H OHEEN, WILLIAM.' -. WILSON'S SAWMILI-7 Keg Creek, Mills Co., Iowa. The proprie tor a of this mill intend to keep lumber of all descriptions const mtly on hand J also to sup ply all special oiden for lumber at abort no te, for cash. n4jMtro , signT'aTntkk ANU (J 1 lulu. t '1MIE Kuhsciioer bav.ni; located liimst-lf at ' X bt. Mary is preiiureit to eevute order of eciy U.ai'riptiou of Plain. Ksnry, and Ornj meiiUl J'aiuting. Signs painted, lettered and fildi-d in I be must approvtd s:le, and in the l.eiiU-dt manlier. Plrn:iuj;e. r-ajx-etfully so liritcd. Oirice, al II. Mirer. Emit Meet. St. Mary. STANISLAUS SCHEM ANSK.Y. 1'. A. SAJU'Y. tn...l-..l. u,..l r,ui.i.ii..i..n lr-.....l ,l...l. la Dry (iouils, liuiiie, i ii-i-iuw u, IjUh ft aie. tirotei ii-n. lrus, Mediciiien, lmk and I Stalioneiy.toiaer of in udUr..,.) biieei. i al.3f-ly C. E. A TSON, Conveyancer, N'utary Public, and Surveyor. Office at the Stoie of (.Jtene, Kini i v. 4. Co.. I t. li'arv, MtlUcn., le w. A"?. -,'31. ASTOK i lots:. 'PHE sul.sr riiier lias just opened this new and JL commodious buihlinj for the reception of ' the travelMijr public, and sulicitsa shaieof puh- lie favor. I'mmpt and eflicn:it attention will paid lo all w bo inay favor l.im with iheir "I'tUonaf!. His tablu will be tumiiit-d u itli the Last lb market attorns. A Cood tin hie it at lhtJ U tbc pieiuiM. Wm. ENCiELL. ! t. Mr, JV.i.1, mr. '51 i. '."J-tf NEBRASKA l'ALLVDIUM. B E L LIE V I' W SEl R XTk a" WEDNESDAY, JAM' AKY 3. 1 -,... t o mm n i r a 1 1 H. .Vr. Editor f the Ji!l,idium : -The following letter w-isj nof (..ken from the m iiis.fnr tin; rorid from 'Uilnw'to Kr..-"-il!c dors not run tliis wcy. lint irkel tip on tlic Hi:rn" 1 J' nn Oin, lia Im'iar, wlio on it Mm 11, tlioup-hl it tolifj a "grcnt mrJ irit. ." Tl.inkinp Mr. Jolnifunrs brctli rrrii in the clmrcli would HUn lo liear from llirir leader, I Si-nd it to yod for pulilicn lion, JOHN SMITH. n;i n... p.- rr.mOn.Jii6thc r'.Atte, Dec. 23.1, 1S34. Down Rkt.ow, (welir.ve no date licro.) To Brolhtr Josrj'h on Earth; In the world of spirits, cninly lKikii:p tii to your some, of ;irtli!y probation, Ix.-lioldin;' the S.iints nt llirir scvi-nd stiikr, nmoiip; the (jipiitilrs nnd in the wilderncsii, marking the wnndi-rcrs from iho fai;h nnd those who odhere. stcndf:it'ly to the doctrine taught hy me when in tin: fleah, my heart is filled with the deepest joy, seeing ynu my follower.. pursuing the litiC I tnnrked out, uii'i iiniliilitiir my enmp!e. Voil are a true L:itter l).iy Siint. Not n single inclination towards what the world calls honesty tntirs your htart. Not ft lwinii-trf i -eminence for n thoit Siilul l:ixl (.III- iit s, (lisl in bs our wukinp or l'iit nii'incnis. Iiiiiibnir, hypoc r;ny, ilicnt, flattery, nil my (juuJitie nnd ehi.l nctiria'.ics. j oil pruriicu to u Jifuisc worly rxlent. Inipndeiu e, most brnzt n iliipudcnco, is charmingly developed in you. As iu the leinjjlo nl Nauvoo, I un-blu-hii.yly proi lainied lo the world, nbom iuable falsthooils. so j on, in your temple nl Kitnesville, send out turning men, through ihut blessed sheet, ihe Uuj'Ie, lies tlinl would il. .inn (jcnlile nnd mi.ke a face or flesh ridden wi:h sl.unc, yet which do not pht'Zc J our enuulciu.liee hl.ji.ii with the ollVontry uf a staluu of bn.s. I l oimunced Nauvoo the its: ii ipf p!.;ec of (Jo.' elect, ihe New Jti us.ili-m, the Mecca of pil ft im Mcrinous you with rijual (ruth th'd.iic .!! NeLrik;! to be a barren uiiin h;.!,i'td w i (Irriiev-i, but (iin.ilui, thai ih.crc, arc the oii! iu .eomiiujiluiiriis for the Ter riioriiil L i-i.'auu t ,i,e very sacred grouiiii for those wl:ce (JikI is M.iiniu.ii. cried to the m!iabi'nn:s of earth, in me be hold (Jod'a rroj he'; who ci'H put me down whose right il is to rulo. You with atrmie inoites.y allow vour ow n Irans- ((iidiiit iLiii iis lo rtinain n nlier aide 1 liu; soiiikI a ti(inenIous blaat for i. II. i Cuming -'Who lia endured more than j his Kxcclleiicy ? Who bus ever inuu:-ged the affairs of state w ith more energy, ical. prudctice and integrity (That luut ihe true Nauveo ring. JSroilu-r Joseph.) 'Who hag ft belter riliV lo govern the aquat'ers over the river? Who in Ne braska can putliiin down when defended hy tlc S..int5 of Kai:est ille ?" Ah! Urotlu r Joe my mantle has fallen on shoul ders worthy to bear il. In one respcel you even surpass me. While in the height of my power on earth I never con ceited the idea of dictating lo llm (Jentiln my impudence failed here, yet y.u, bless your bri.zen face, have the deleotable pre sumption to tell the people of Nebraska that they will Miflrr ihe pains of editorials terrible nnd annihilating, unlets they mend their ways, cease to think for themselves uud end iheir opposition to T. IL Cuming. 0 rare Jin Johnson 1 Hut Joseph have you not, in woiking fur ihe temporal welfare of His Excellen cy, neglei ted the interests of the church Y 1 much fear me that political lies Jiuve crowded out tlmt well stocked doctrinal store by liih you wire converted to ihe faiih. Have ton forgotten them ? If not, it ml r I (rust, acie the favorable tro meiit, when, wiihyour trusty pth, jou lu.vii d.jiheil roong Ins ennnies and put hem to flight, (as you think) with a trt uitiidous flow of ink, and hi heart is warmed toward you, lo' introduce t-j lum the glories of our church. What a con. vert he would be. How admirably nre his finalities fitted to fKjlit the mulling un believers, bo crooked, secret, dark nnd flat tering. And 'hen his face! oh! Joseph my brother were hot my quarter incoii vienily warm and exertion rather impru dent, 1 would mount my chair nnj iu ihe old i-ftuvoo style, thunder nway on that countenance and tlinjuently describe the black deep set eyn, the ovcrhiinging bushy eye-brows, the ligliily closed mouth, iu ull a Mormon fi.ee. Hut l.eut nnd lime press me. Offer him Hie Ica loi ship of ihe S.. i ; i : s. I'hluie to him iho granduur, the niugiiifioenc e of the Temple Iro.a which lie could issue his decrees and prlam -.'ioni. Jij'.iictin tortttories, wrS.ile you, Urother J.ocpli, weTC trumj-.c'iiig tuns! Siiliorously wiili your Ituplr, ready nt nil limes lo cry out "(iRrtTis Tom Ci'Minn asd Joe Joiisfcnx ptnwa. ins noHN." What n sub lime prospect : n Mo'inon Milienimn. do on Joseph. Let the (irtitile be your duprs. Let no lies however large sti.g-rer you (I have no fears. ) Pronounce Kanes nnd Omaha Ci'y the only towns worthy of notice bet ween IVjrdi and Salt L ike and T. IL Cuming ti c only person fit to be (Jovemor of Nebraska nnd the name of Mormon, through you, will never lose its reputation nnd wl.en you have done wiili the Saints end (irntiles on earth, yon can follow inc. t , , . . i eur J .ender. jor. .smith. . 1. Mrntiicr Joseph: lour two wives nre sufficient. Take unto yourself no more, lest joung Josephs crying for bread will rise up, like thieves, in the night nnd thus elislr.ict your attention from young Thorn;. s who at this time, stands so much in need of otir nssistance. JOSEPH, the Elder. Kor the I'alladium. EoxT:m:I.I.k, Dodge Co , Dec. 10, "54. Mr. Em-rote: IVrlmps my election eering tour on the l'ronlior may be of some service to you when hard run by the elevil for copy, if so, you are nl liberty to use it, asl am rather religiously inclined, uud anxious to aileviiite the misery of those hard pressed by him. Well sir, you must know I hat having the best interest of the dear people al heart, I conserved to serve ihcm in the lirst Council in Nebraska Ter ritory, u great personal sacrilie-e, bill mv lore for them, not office, oh no ! induced me to forgo ihe pleasures of home on the wide rolling prairies, with plenty of veil sion and bulLlo, to be ceinlined within brick nnd mortar walls, six'y days or less, to make laws for the people to violate uud the makers to break. 1 purchased my policy with stores for a fortnight's trip, utid started for the upper settlements to let the people know my views and set niy-se-lf light before them, like other smart men have done to .secure their votes, ufter several hours ride over a fine prairie e ouiitiy, dotted wMi imply cabins, foundation-, and claim st..kcs. I discovered a pesky prairie wolf, attempting to cross my ir. il. rccolli'ciing the old aaying of some auihor, it w is bad luck to let la.n ai'coiu -plish his purpose, 1 spurred Lyon nnd headed him, Mid gave two shooisirom my revolver, which made liiai drop his front an.l rear extremities, and tru-lge uway at a slow pace, so thought I, will my oppjnents vanish on the night idler the election, wlimi I have beaten them, as I am sure lo do aceonlilig to this sign, besides I have winning wiji for children, nnd home slight nack ol taj ing line cousolling things to father's and mother's; about sun-down I fe-titid a hejuattcr's cabin occupied by five voters, here I thought is my chance lo make a bi-ginning, us so many votes all for me might save the election; but how to do il was the que.sliun, ns there were no children here to pay my attentions loo, I must reach them some other way, taking for granted that self interest is the rudder that steers mankind, absorbs ull Ihe liner feelings of human nature. I told them ihe y luul a nice place for the Capitol, il liny only had a few more cabins, I thought they would certainly get the county seat established if I was only eh ctcd, and pre- haps, the Pacific Railroad; and said I, if you nre delennined to make me go lo the Council, I shall try lo get joll all some county offices, though 1 had mueh rather stay at home, finish my cabin, and then come tip nnd hunt with you three ov four weeks. This wus enough. I struck th right string, ull were satisfied. I was a clever fellow, they would vole for me. I diided my tubae-eo with them, and slurted for their nearest neighbor on the other side of the river, crossing on a dry cot i on wood log uud swiining my policy. I found a tall Huckeye, some dozen dogs with live or six hopeful little rcsponsibil lies, preparing for coon hunt, us he was just out of incut, lie kindly invited mo lo join him; calling his sou G'core, tuy horse was- cared for, shouldering an acoll'wc a'.artcd. What would candidates in the old settlements think if they had to Lunt coons ull night, curry au axe and gun, and trave1 a dozen miles on fool, through timber, tall prairie grass and underwood, to secure one voie and have some fresh meat for breakfattj about four o'clock we rettirncj to the cabin with only three coon, but they wettl fust sleeping a few hours in bed with live children, 1 was woke up ly George calling, conm old boss, get up, main Iu s roasted (wo coons for you and dud, up Ig.it,suclia breakfast caulJ Hot be had a! th- DullM; S II nisi) r clle. I called inr my horse, when my hospi'ub'.c fiicn ii i l von rods', rua or the Council; your arc the best man in the Jist ri-.-t to re present us; you are a good coon hunter, and know just what the peojile want. I r-gretted much to leave home this winter, ns 1 had intended to make n good hunt, but I must confess, I was proud ol '.he good will eif such f -ii'd-prixing rrcn; in fact, they were the only mon who could possibly get mc to give up hun'ing logo 'o the Legislature for them. My friend went over the river wi'h mo, wheu all concluded it was best that I should reiurii home to my cabin and get ready to go to ihe Legislature, as I was sure of being elected. Hack woodsmen nev er have fork ed tongues, riid they, so get your traps ready, yon mrst go an 1 get n bounty on coon skins, and then we can nil pay for our lands when they come in market, if Congress dues not pass the Homestead Hill. When I got home, I found two of my best dogs dtad; confound the Legisla ture; I would no! give these two fine dos lor all the. Legislative honor thru could bo piled on mc. "SQUATTER." f Kor the Palladium. ECHO TO BUGLE BLASTS. .Vr. Eailor: Dear Sir I am not no customed looppenring before the public in the enpacily of a public writer, but, sir I must beg the privclege of a short space in your columns this week, for the pur pose of noticing some of the aniiiudver sions of your pugnacious neighbor the editor of the "Council Hluffs Hngle.'' 1 have been a subscriber lo his paper for some months, and with Job-lil.e patience, have submitted lo his barbarous muiil.i lioi.s of the English language. hij base and unwarrcnte.d misrepresentations and reiterated falsehoods have borne with his perversions of the eluties and prive-h-ges of un editor but when 1 happen lo see my intimate personal friends, assailed, misrepresented and abus ed, 1 can no longer brooi such uiiocioiis invasions of everything decent, respecta ble and cortcous, without enteiing my earnest protest, and expressing my abhor rence of ihe man who is guilty of it. Only a few weeks since the editor of the Hugle, in his usual flippant and ungener ous style, attempted to castigate the au thor of a letter from one e,T the Eastern Slates an extract of which wus publish ed iu your paper simply because the wri ter happened to allude lo the lio'orio 'S course of the Hngle, iu misleading emi grants, anel magnilying the advantages of his particular locality, to the disparage ment of other greatly more favored por tions of the state.. Now, what ihtt letter contained was not only palpably True, but it elid nol even then tell half all the truths' Vet upon reading the letter, his M ijesty of the Jingle pretends to have his hair spring sensibilities set to vibrating at a furious rale, and assumes a most sublime ly ridiculous air of injured iunooence actually having the audacity lo claim truth- fulness () and accuracy (!) for all his absurd representations and gyrutives. Truly, this is an age of wonders, -when such a man pursuing such a course can have the impudence lo set himself up among respectable men as a specimen of veracity ! It reminds me strikingly of the pretentions of that othtr thing floating down the river with an apple in the fa ble. Next thing we hear will be pie d 1 rebuking sin. But itotwilhslandii the editor of the Bugle resorted lo his lavor iie vile Billinsgute epithets, in noticing the auihor of ihe aforesaid lerller, yet ev ery one who knows the author of that Idler, as I know him, willpronoui.ee bi n a courteous and refined gentleman, with irood judgement and fearless in speaking the (rmh. And were not iho truth spo ken in that letter so apparent and well known, 1 would take some pains to show up the facts unJ figures us limy exist. But 1 must notice one more flagrant n buse of editorial privclege. lu the number of his paper dated the 10 h insl., 1 see au article Lead ed, "The biggest thief cries thief lirs.t. WoUts abroad," in which lie refers to un ariicle published in an extru from iho of fice of ihe Nebraska City News, the ob ject of w hich upjear8, was to expose the duphii'y und double-dealing of a certain aspirant to a high official position, and w ho wus attempting by false appearance und representations to secure the uu'ragcs ol the people living in the locality from which the "News" cmiuules. That ex- peisi;ioii was successful. The facts set forth proved true and could not be rebut ted. The c fleet was not that the individ ual referred to who, by the bye, Scsms lo be a fitl brother of tho 'ecMhination' was run clear out of the Territory, and immediately look shelter under the wings of his "kim1red-spiril:' the editor of the Huglo. Their accumulated tpleen must be vented. T'ne'y c.imot rep'y to the tu- tide by eilhcr pa denying i's truth. ia'ing ir nuoee-sfully The prolific brain o the Bulo man immediately suggests that it must be replied to iu his favorite style personal abuse of its author not only oT its author, but also of those who were active in propig.iting the fatal exposition. So he elisenvers that Hnotl er ci:ucli of .NciirasKa ury, nini nol mc t -nte.r ot Hie paper, wrote the baneful sir! ie lo ibis jravc him tin oppoi ltini'y to abuse both at ran dom. He says lie is "not al a hiss to dis cover that a certain functionary, residing in (ilenwooil, was the author of the arti cle," and (hen goes on to heap a torrent of ub jse upon his devoted head. lie cvident- ly alludes to tho Hun. If. V. Honnel. who recently resigned his office in Mills coun ty nnd removed to Nebraska City, of which place he is one of ihe proprietors. Wonderful cp'ics- m .gnificent percep'ive faculties (!) has the editor of the Hugle. Wonder how much the "combination"1 paid him for ihe discovery He per ceives that a mnn wrote the nrtirle whose style of w riting he never could have had an opportunity of becoming acquainted or ever of seeing ! Oh ! Joseph! Joseph! how wise ! A brick would be transpa rent to you ! Judge Hennef, I tiin sure never would deny he.viug written the artielc, hue! he done it. nnd if it is any pleasure for the Bugle editor to labor tinder the delu sion that he ( Hennet ) had the honor to expose a rased, I don't suppose the Judge will be elisposed to complain. Jiut it is transparent to eve ry one that the Bugle mans only oSjecl was to find a pretext to slander, misrepresent and tbuse Judge Helmet. The Hngle editeir goes on to ac cuse him of having ''imported'' vo'cs to "secure his election over Major Downs, Ihe oldest inhabitant," &.c. What truth is there in this statement? It appears from the election relurns that there were ihrce Councilmen elected from that coun ty, and Judge Bi-nnel has the highest Lum ber of vol os cast for that office, while there were I wo others elected over Downs they having less votes than Beimel. Truly yours, e.. If. II. II. Dec. 25 h, 1854. I'or the Palladium. Civr Ur. Young man are you in the habit of visiting the saloons, spending your evenings in mirth nnd plays, give it up, let long whiter evenings be occupied in sle-ring your mind with knowledge which will make you a useful and orna mental member of society, prepare you to lead in the walk of life. Do you visit the gaming table to kill lime, give it up before it kill j you in the estimation of ull those whose confidence and esteem is worth possessing, remember habits formed in youth will go with you to the grave. Give up (hen all amusements which do not improve the body or mind; give up the use of ardent spirits. Touch not, taste not, handle not, and more, deal nol in an article which has ruined many of your friends. ; I Eor the Palladium. EoNi im.li.i:, Jan. 1, 1355. Mm. Euitob: One of your correspon dents cun very easily satisfy himself thul Dodge county is entitled ty her popula tion to even h.rger Representations than she has, by vuiting our county; in fact, our citizens complain that the Governor did nut give us three instead of two IU' presentutives. . Our citizens met in con vention and agreed ujion the candidates, consequently, our vote! was unanimous. No party strife or local feelings to call vo ters from their work lo attend the polls at ihut business season, and we hope our quiel county may not bis drawn in'.o the sectional cr local strife, incident upou tit location of the C;:pitol. I'mteb States Kaii.koaus. A Buf falo, New York, p iper, in speaking of the Internal improvements of the country says : "That ihere are now in progress;, and likely to be completed, in the United States, over 12 000 miles of railroad.- This estimate is exclusive entirely of roads only "proposed," embraces only those actually under way, and in mosi cases, under contract throughout; The entire cost of these long lines of road will be not far from $350,000 OUQ of which amount ihe sum of $100000 000 at least, is already provided for. There are tome sixty roads included in (he estimate of which the longest is the Illinois Central 804 miles, and the shortest is the Lebanon Valley, from Reading lo llarrisburg, Perm sylvania, which is only 53,1 2 utiles in length. Tim highest grads is on ihe South Western Tennessee, and U of 00 feet lo the mile, and the greatest amount of tiut , neling is on th Alexandria, London and Hampshire road, in Virginia, being IU,. I D'lo feet, or over liuce mi I a hsil' i;idc. (for the P.llsduim BEATS 0? K. P. TUTT. "leaves have their titn to fill, And flowers to wither in the north windj breathy aij n01I aj ie4i(,u, for thine own oh ! Dath I" Died at ( ilenwood. Tows, of Apoplexy, HirHAKD P. T i'tt, Esq., in the 2d li year of his uge, on the 22.1 ull. At a meeting of the H ir of Mills eoun ty, nn the evening of the 23J till., called for the purpose of paying a tribute of re spect to the lamented deceased, Win. It. English WHscallcd to the chair and IL IL Harding nppointed secretary. II. II. Harding nnd E. W. Drws -er appointed a committee lo draft resolutions Mr. Harding, from the committee, mad the following report, which was adopted. mereas, it has pleased the Greal Dis poses of all human events, to remove from among us, by tho agency of death, our respected nnd beloved Brother of the Bar, the late K. P. Tutt, Esq., Resolved 1st, That we deeply sympa thise with the severely afflicted parents und relations of the deceased, in the irre-' pnrable Ieiss they have sustained, and would earnestly offer thcin the b.tlm of condo lence. 2J, That in the loss of Mr. Tutt, soeie ty,and our common community hare been deprived of one of their most promising, intelligent ami worthy members, and the legal professiem robbed of a high-minded nnd generous brother. 31, That the citizens of the 40. h Rep resentative District, of which Mr. Tutt was elected Representative in our Stat Legislatue, has been deprived of highly efficient officer, could he have been per mitted to fill the station. 4 h, That the vacancy crcnted by this melancholy event, both in society and iu our profession, as well us in the official position which ho occupied, would be dif ficult to refill and we would cxpresj our personal sorrow and regret tlmt so sad a dispensation should at this lioio hart taken place, 5 h, Tlint a report of our proceeelings, together with Ihe above resolutions, bo published in the neighboring newspapers, and a copy furnished the family of tho de ceased. At a regular meeting, held nt their Il.dl, the Glenwoeid Division, No. 124, Sons of Temperance, adopted the following reso lutions, expre3sive of the sense of this Division, on the death of Brother R. P. Tutt. Whereas, Il has pleased an all wise Providence lo remove from our midst our worthy brother, it is Resolved, That in the loss of Bro. R. P. Tutt, our Order has lost one of her abler nJ vocal es, ard society one of bur brightest ornaments. Resolved, That we deeply sympathise with ihe family anel friends of our deceased Brother, iu this iheir bereavement. Resolved, That this Division wear the usual badge of mourning fifteen days. Resolved, That the preamble and reso lutions be entered on the records of this Division, and that the 11. S, present a copy of the same to ihe deceased, and a' so to- the editor of the Nebraska Palladium for publieiation. HENRY Y. Ill X BY, R. S. 21?" Sidney Smilh tendorly implored every writing mui before he 'put pen to paper to think of the dediigeto gaze on Noah und be brief. Mankind he Sitd. ' cannot now lounge over a pnmphlet for ten years, cs they did before their submersion, when tin average life extended eight hrn dred years. In the ark. moreover, a great deal of mailer was crowded into a very little space. Therefore, on all account, gaze on Nouh and be brief. O"" Boston has just sent back to En ' req.e 150 paupers from the di.Tcrcnt ins'; I u. ions or the Slate. All but 23 return of , their own free will, the balance have been ' sentenced In be returned. One of thus who go b ck is an old man w!i has been in this country for thirty-six years, and who I.s raised a family and Luntid them all in America. At L'rbana, Ohio, recently, on Subbuth, tho bill of the Presbyterian , Church rang iLp second tun--(lie con-' gngation sat nailing, but no minister tame. After the lapse of about half an hour, a nolo was banded to one of the el ilers, who rose tnd lead il to the coiigre gaiion. It wis from ihe minister, who .aid be would i:ol pi e th any more till his sultry wis piid up. Served the congr. gation right. 2r" A W'caiern editor, m answer to eompluint of a patron, that he did not gi ' news enough, told hint when news wm scarce, to read the Ihble, which he li.nl Klotibl would l e rcie-t lo him. i - i i i l :. 1 i !