Nebraska palladium. (Bellevieu City, Neb.) 1854-1855, December 27, 1854, Image 2

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    NEBRASKA PALLADIUM . pone llint this tide run ever be diverted
- ---;, - . : - --r I from this direct channel, so well defined
UilLL VlbW, X.atV-1J JVA
W F.D.NKSI) A Y, 27. !..
V. B. Palmer, Trihnrir'.in.T, S. M. Pf.t
tinptll, 119 Njii street, W. H. McDonald
lf'i 'aati etreet. New York Citv.
C. Fifree, C. V. Crr, Crane Js. Co., rh'.la-
V. S. SivvmrnT, Cleneral Newspaper Agent.
fct . Ion.
Drs. MeMaben k Williams, Council Muffs,
A. D. Jot.e. I M.. rVnalia City, Nebraska.
Dr. M. H. Clark. NehraVa Cciitcr.
H. T. Jfhnon.T"t., Ft. Calhoun, Nebraska.
J. C. MitehnM Co., Winter Quarter, Ne
braska. Y. M.-T'aJmee. Loupe Fork. ebraka.
Mai. 11. 1'. D'wns, Nebraska City. Nebraska.
J.t. Garnet, U. S. A., Commander :t Fort
lrn,ie, N'ebr:ika.
I. t. lioath, 1". S. A., Commander a Fort
Kearney, Nebrka.
C M.. Mount Tabor, Fremont Co., tewa.
Col. Tho. Faiunr, MoKis-irk (irwt, U'-a
Oe,fien 4t Copjv, llMrlindoii, lo-.
William Gretne, F.sq.. Cedar Kupids, law a.
Pot Master, Fort De Mouie, Iow a.
Augustii H.ill. F.wq., Kenssqna, Iowa,
lion. A. C. Dole, lhirlington. Ion a.
lion. Thoma Ftrown. Marysv ille. Ohio.
1. H. Peoiiet Ftq.i Hellevirw, .V-brana.
2tf. WVst, Xafeor, low a.
H. P. Itennet, fVlrriwowt, Iowa.
)i. ictmck, St. Marv, Iowa.
M. K. 4ioi!ittr, tittaua, III.
..!. Ti-. i rsrriiw, V .
John C. Keedj Commington, Mat.
Lliel fcari.aid, l.sq., ortl!i.oiilon, Ma-.
Greit Pacific &aih?&7
We have several times written unnn
thin subject and deem it imjvirtutit to keep
it lie Tore the people us on isolated ques
tion, we can think of none more impor
tant 1o the people of Nebraska, none morn
worthy f serious consideration, and st
the right time of prompt and efficient ac
tion. The entire Ivji, the Southern and
the Western Stales are earnestly discus
sing the houte for a great n.iliui.i.l thor
oughfare from lome desirable point on one
f the two great Riven to the Pacific. The
propriety of such a project in the minds
of The pecple of the Eastern and older
States, has long iuce Lten settled. Thai
is no longer a subject for considertton. j
The vast flowing tide of emigration con
tinue from the Eist tu ike We'. The
lightning-like rapidity with which new
Territories bect,;nc States, and new States
become settled and densely populated.
The fast-growing and increasing tendency
to expansion and that Westward are it
most decisive and convincing proof of the
necessity. It would be superfluous to
add that the people of America are more
progressive than any other people or
Earth. Vet it would not be rgottscal in
an American tu add, we arc the most prac
tical, u'ilitnrian people in point of Individ
ual and national enterprise yet exhibited
o the world. We cannot refrain from
a&vinv that the mitrhtv imnetu fiven to
i r e j i r i
11 our great enterprises are simply the J
and so unmislnk ;bly marked ou, an I nl
rendy those iron ligi mrnts which ure eon
tinual'y binding in one comiron broiher
erhond tf interenf and syinitathy the most
enlightened and refined cries and rnrn
miinii ic of the continent , ha r commenced
to reach o'it Westward, pointing wi'.h un
crrit'g aim at the heart of Nebraska. The
present monetary crisis may re'ard for n
while, but it cn never stop o momcn
tuous an tnicrprise, nwmiy.thut all pcr
varlinn and ever controlling mo'i e power,
Jrives this like all other objects ol
its creation, tfl a lure and cer'-idn cornplr-
tio:i. Necessity imperatively dnnandi
and reason te.icht s us thnt ere long we
shall lwnr the shrill whistle of tho locomo
tive on the Flwst sile of the Missouri riv
er. Nature never designed it should s'op
here, for she has been most unicjue in her
plan kid out upon the face of the coun
try Westward, yet up the beautiful and
fertile Tlatte Valley, with mild arid gen
tle frrarJ tlirMigh wl.ieh ht Platte "con,( l
meandering from the far West" as if to
invites us b;ick to its source; nature his
done more here to facilitate the construc
tion of a Ituilroadby mild curvatures and
gentle grades, than on cither side for a
thousand miles; this quesfson is one wluch
should be carefully considered by all who
have or etpectto find homes in Ncbraskt.
The golden opportunity when time shall
present it for the cnnsUmalion of si
grand and glorious a scheme, should never
be permitted to come and go without a
just appreciation of i's importance and a
judicious use of all the facilities and ad
vsntpges iinture and circumstances have
placed within our reach. If Nebraska is
Tut Sei, or Nrnasm. An imprrs
sion tf the great sr;d of Nebraska, has
jut hem shown us l y our esteemed friend
11. H. l)le, r.M., reprtsentalive elect
from lb('t;e county, ll is purely deino
frr.iio iii aiuirariUice and seiitiinen1; con-
lainitig the inscription rori Laa sov
it in. m v Its i int)U-ms con
sist of the American e; gle and the ll.ig ol
our Union ; beneath which is inscribed
"eossi n n ii." On the ri-ht is u plow
and a loconiotit e ; on the li ft an armed
Soulier and a It is a plain re
publican seal, dcs.iiute of the least degrei
of the insftiM of rryal'y. If kept in ll
hands of an upright J'.xecu'i e, and tueii
in n p vklidi! v to righteous acts. ,;n
as it is, would exci:e the veneratiou and
respect of the people.
Holism v. -A most rlurirg ro'ul er)
whs committed at the "Land Ilnchaiige
(J(Iu c''of Messrs. Cochran &. Megrath,
at Council liluffs, cn Friday Lit. The
robber in the first place, manrged to steal
the ky to the iron safe of the f;rm ol
Cochran & Megrath, end while tfe pro
prietors were nbsent at brrakfast, entered
the room by the window opened the safe
nd relicv ed it of absut J 2 fjOO. In mak
ing his escape, the robber dropped some
pieces of gold on the floor, which, being
discovered, lead to the pursuit and ariesi
of the roller, and the recovery of the
the rnonev. The rclbcr nrnle Ms eicnpe
from the bed where he was sleeping wi.h
the sheriff out of the clu niber window,
stole a horse tnd left town.
alive end awake to her own highest and
best interest, she will have an eye single
to this, sntl then the question of a Pacific
Uuilroiid is settled forever.
result ol necessity taking the place of pro- j
prieiy. Necessity, however much we
depreciate ths term literally, always
was and ever will be the lung arm of the
let er, wliiife will coniinue to overthrow
a!l obstacles in ihe way of American pre
press. Almost the lint word in our glor
inn tdwrt of American Indenenucnc-1''
KtrsstiTT. Let tlie retder
to tl. scenes
back only frwjnoftm Co..Sre beLulJ
..ijj0 secondary ability, of . -
tiiaasnal annunt of s;.goity and wis-.m
seeming well acquainted wi:b xli p.i
;;iicaJjuacLLneryof this erimsetit. Lis
ten to them urgiiyr-tth force and ela
J1ueaceIthirOFriety 0f fo tuJd,
rr'z;n of the Terrilory of Neorask
- rn nteetnily, arising from the rapid
f ow ol emigration into the Territory drove
fStm front this untenable posi ion. In
th lacgiinge of one wor.hy the expres
s:t, it is one of high-heavens firs', iaws
fMl natioiiid as well as individual enter
jrises should yield to i'j stern dictates,
or 3 overwhelmed by the dreadful
consequences. Lx)k for a moment at the
rnrp tf the United iJtatei, T,, HfCr jon
Lave looked in vain South of the Ohio
Tiver in nearch of jeme feasible and prac
ticable route for a ine across the continent ,
ltd you do not find what pleases your fan
cy oratiCes your re;tn, un il you (urn
your observation toward that continuous and
perfcteUly connected chain cf thorough
fares, uni ing so many greaUiid fast-growing
inland ei'ies in iu' an continual
socud and cortnicreij intercourse. Com
rnT)eirg at the greatest commercial and
raoneUryeixporitim of the Western Con
fiaant (New York,) the iigress ajid
egress of the Wtstexn World; keeping
aloii in an almost air-line Westward
-course, passing through some of the great
est inland marts, you leave the confines
4. Ciis great couunercial and rgricuttural
theatre, still Westward over inland es,
literally covered with shipping of agiicul
lure, werchandiie and emigration, and
then land ia gained in what but a few
yeertKgewaa the extreme West to civ
ilization. Then the iron horse never de
viating from the same Westward course,
you cress the beautiful prairie S ate, and
here the tide cf. emigration, speculation,
and industrial enterprise out-strips the
eighth wonder of the world, and s ill on
"vari tid Westward the ever restless and
fger pioneer, nothing daunted to brave
the TYesferu wiJ taiea slower Lui
turs tn? iteidy rce cfjroir frtLer
.ti. It is ii! 2 uuremctble ta f.ip-
THE G0VItJf02.
We regret iIkj necessity that hss culled
for rebukes so pungently administ t red by
the wii er of a communication in aneiaer
coliimti. VYp are morally co:;lii u!cd in f.ucli
a way as to be ua;ibie to restrain an hon
est outburst of ridicule i tiiie-d against an
administration tliat has sought lo
the will of the people of the Territory,
and to frustrate the design of Congress,
giving the people of the Territory, a voice
in the location of 'he Capitol. The Gov
ernment at Washington i.ever intended
the Capitol to be located by the Governor,
but by the ritLK, the true and on'y sov.
ereigns. It was for the Governor to con
firm the will of the pcople,and not to defeat
But we have tun pie et idence to show
that it is the design of the Governor to
control the people, and not allow them to
carry cut their purposes b:cp,,,"8 10 ll"ir
own sense of propnetv"1! juUe.
It has been lhriM'eu --'g or the
Governors1 Cjri!ol;j!el beyond
tl. i""' removal before the iroin-
ysnencement of the session if the Territori
al Legislature, before which the question
waa to have been tried and Bellied accord
ing lo '.lie uruler8andii,g 0f the Govern-tuot.
A proclamation has been issued from
the Kxecutive Department, ordering the
Legislative Assembly to meet at Omaha
City, Tuesday, January 16h, 1855; eight
days later than ordered in a former pro
clamation. Representatives are be-innii.
to arrive from lha distai.t counties, under
the expectation of meeting .on the 8 h of
January, according to previous no ice. li
would appear that the position of a "u ruA-
er rotA:-' couhl be about as easily calcula-
ed ujxju, as the mini of the Gjveraor.
Sometimes it is fur ILlleview, at others
for Omuha City now for this place, and
then for that.
CtiaisiKas at Sr. Miar. We regret
the urgency of those calls of duty that
have nriten, compelling us to forego the
pleasure of meeting our friends at the
hospitable mansion of our highly esteem
ed German friend, Mr. II. Myers, of St.
Mary. We understand that a lare and
respectable party of gentlemen and ladies
assembled at 3 o'clock, p. m., and after
partaking of the refreshments provided
fur the occasion, the gentlemen engaged in
sginr.e of "target shooting," in which a
high degrre of skill was displayed, and ma
ny trophies won. In the evering Uie party
repaired to the "Ajtor House," kept by
another German friend, Mr. Win. liugel;
where the time was spent in (ho most
agreeable manner in convivial enjoyments,
theatrical exhili iotis and music.
Go v c a mm car School. Government
hai contracted with the Presbyterian
Hoard of Foreign Mi'siou to school fifty
Omaha and thirty Otoe children. They
will open a school ftr the reception of
ihesa children at the Oinnha and OUxj
Mission, at IWleview, on the first. day of,
January,. 1S55; under the direction of sn
experienced Mis&ioury teacher, tho He v.
Win. ILimlttn,
Notic. The portrsitof Col. liuiwra
of Ohio wii! f rfr Jtext seek, p.-inted
in Crffi.
JemciAL DihTRicis. A proclamation
has been issued, designating Judges ol
Probate, Justices of the IWe, Sheriffs,
Constables find Clerks, for the several
counties, lue luritoiy teen divi
ded into three Judicial lijtricti. The
First district embraces tie comities of
Doughs and Dodge, which is assigned to
Hon. F. Ferguson, Chief -ustiee. The
Second district embraces nil that portion
of the Territory south of the Platte, find
is to be presided over ly Hon. K. H. Har
den, AsstxJutc Jus;ic. The Tl.itd tlis.
trict will cnibriK.'e Washington sud Bjrt
countion, arrd is assigned to to the judiend
charge of Hon. lii adley, Associate
StLr-Pjioi i ti ion. 'lhe Gcterner has
issued a proclamation for the establish
ment of two regiments of troops, oi.e on
the North and the other on li.- houth tide
of the Platte Jor Die s-ie ol defense
ug; irat ll.e ludians. - '
Cojii amt toss. We would remind our
contributors, that there ia limit! to our
.-pace, ami that brevi:y is the soul of
wit" and the best evidence of fjojd sense.
We are in hopes to cltr the ket next
week. Have patience friends.
TlieytAr ot 1&51 begun uu Sunday, and
will i D 1 on Sunday, thus having 53 Sun-dsys.
We lake pleasure in leceiving the cor
rec'ion poiu'ed out in the letter of our es
e.roed friend. Dr. Shelley. We lire
ghd that there provts to have been a
semblance xt a ruusun for the formation
of a dis'rict in that wild yet beautiful re
gion. We are satixiied that the members
elected from the Tekiinnh jreciiil have
no better title to their scats than if they had
been elected by voters livii g in the Hri
tuh prov inces.
Coimu Dll-its, Iowa, D'ic. 22, '54.
Mh. Loiioa: A g'liticmau directly
fri in H iri county, Nebraska, as stated in
in ar;icl in the Palladium of the Uih inst.,
lmviig bsaiucd jou, that 'there is not a
houe or resident in the county, excrpi
wild hei sts and savages." I beg the priv
ilege of assuring ton, and (if you be
pleased to insert this in your next issue)
jour raadcis, tbat jour informant it mis
taken. 1 am myself an eituJ eltizen of Burt
county, Nebmska. and resident of "black
bird City," at which place it is true, we
have erected as yet, but one house fit foi
a white man to live in. I am aware lhat
there is but oi.e hovn in the county, it is
the "Blackbird House," an I no rr$iJent in
the county ouhidt the I'tnatt of the Black
bird Hill stttlttMid, except wild beasts
nd suvfges.
But the Palladium is doing our part of
Burt county great ii.jtis'ice, evidently
through want of correct information, re
alive to "Blackbird HilU"; I would
therefore state for your corral informa
tion that Ihe Palladium's Blackbird "nrst'
is located somewhere very near the south
ern boundary of Burt county, some fifty
miles f reufi the noted city of Ttkanudi, end
was so heated on the 12th his!., by a few
minor "pels" thert holding w hat they pre
sume to call an "election" (for the Ttka
uuh precinct of Burt county) instead ol
holding a bona-fide election at the tout
at Ttkamah, specified in the Governor's
published" notice.
And I would further slate for your cor
rect information, that the election held at
the "Blackbird House," Blackbird precint,
wax conducted, in a proper and legal man
ner, and that the votes polled were all le
jjhI vo'es. Vonrt truly,
For the lUIU.luini.
EEQUENCE. The present 'Acting Governor of Ne
braska," according to his own oft-re pealed
public s'ateinmt, beciune such by un act
of Providence. The decease of our es
teemed l'.xceutive, Gov. Bear, was la
mented by all his was a loss not only to
Cunily and friends, but to our entire Com-
mou- ealth, mid yet we recognized it as
lhe wisdom and goodness of our overrul
ing and inscrutable Prov .deuce. But in
:he continuance in office id him who has
mcceeded, we iccognizo the severest af
I'iciioii in this case.
Theie appears to be n striking analog)
between him and the frovt and lice with
which I'.g) pt was visited. But our Gov
ernment hi s made tirov iioti lor the re
moval of this odious pestilence in the per
son oMhc President of the United Slates,
and as we believe him a man of honor, in
tegrity and virtue, we look aniiously,
day alter dr.y, for the hour which bringeth
us our deliverance.
l'n.m (I, cKumplfa nT lhe worst of hu
man kind, instruction may be derived, as
(here never was yet a knave punished or
a murderer hung, without enhancing the
value of honest v in hones' eves, and at
the same time giving warning toother
wretches of their own kind, so the review
of the Lad acts of bad nun will ever pro
duce a beiuficial effect, therefore, cur
duty to our fellow-citizens, admonishes us
to the unpleasant tatk (if nolicii g the j
ways and acts of one, whose very position
should place hitn above reproach, that
CrsiiNti, who styles himself "Governor,
against my will, by an act of Providence."
Let us arraign him before the people.
Let the culprit arise. Su.nd up Mr.
Cuming. Listen to the charges by which
you stun J condemned. Before lhe body
of Gov. Burt was cold in his coffin, you
were scheming to seat youraelf in the va
cant elixir. With the dead body, under
pretence cf on escort, you scut one Col.
Green, shcdliitg crocodile tears an I wear
ing hypocritical to stop hi Washing
ton, f.nd there advocate jour claims.
Once the Acting Executive, jou began ly
lies and flattery to conceal your operations.
By promise, implied and expressed, you
attempted to ingratiate yourself into favor
with prominent men at various points, to
prevent them from watching you too dlose-
ly. sou accept ea bribes or "gkatci-
Tits." You reqnested donations for your
friends, holding out the glittering gnu
Ftfvwt, the h.Tatiuu of the Cajii cl, as nil
indu' ement. You J offices in and
hVcivcn tl n meat, to v our opposers jon
left nothing hut b"iirs. Omaha ami
Do ghn count ics.declarc 1 distr'u t' ,'y pro"
hmvion, remained. Days pnssed by.
Wlat shall our representation be, was the
Like a dumb beast you npeneJ noi
mouth. Finillv compelled ly the
pq.uhir clamor, you informed us that a ce-r-lati
terra incognita ofl" a little West of no
wierc, heretofore omitted in the census.
w.sto be ilistrided and that the repre
f ration due: jt. was to be dediiutcd from
lha' belonging to Otnaha end Douglas. A
ino-t contemptible eilly reason for a Gov-
r .i.i ,.,,w,! to know thai all
I it i iu iv-3 eiij jio.ii n -
white citizens were enir.icuioa voice
the Territorial Councils yet reason.
A etrlaiu Saturday arrived. You cme
d-iwii to Bcilcview. You wert then rr-
ques cd to inform the citizens of Douglas
coun'y , tlic number of representatives they
were entitled to. At the meeting does
your Excellency remember il ? jou fell
yourself culled upon to deny the autlicn
ticity of a certain letter exposing your
Ijliig, cheating, buying rascall'y. ion
pronounced the lei forgery. Vou
imagined in s moment of forget fulness
that you hud the rod and that free men
like whipped curs, would fawn in humble
submission. You thought to drive us to
chain and manacles. Your snakev eves
glared from beneath n forhead aching will
hatred toward all who dared to oppose you
and then euie the threat. Would you
not give worlds to recall those words
"Nominate men pledged to the support of
my administration, to the support of an ad
ministration candidate for Congress, nnd
men who will not oppose the Capitol when
once located and they w ill be admitted.'1
Would men jsccrpt ucA conditions from
an Executive ? Would they accept any
eoud niuns 't They prefercd to be over
whelmed ly Council Bluffs1 to'ers, im
ported into Omaha, rather than yield the
yvniencim ricnt oi sen-government, l ou
did deny h'l men of Bcllevievv a repicsrn
tatioii. Vou united Omuha and Di ush
(onirics Kether, M.d allowed 4 Council
men and b Iti I rcsi nUtives not to the
county, but to Om; lu and Biulf City. I)
you see no injustice in this r or do you
merely look upon il us the fullilmeut of
j our threat, made in jour speech at Belle
view-, that Omaha should swallow up this
place this place which in the June's )I
Providence Ins JtTaled your combica
lion and stripped yvu of jour hypecrucy
leaving you exposed and reeking iu bri
bery and corrup ion? You, T. B. Cc-
mo, the formef'caTs-pawr of pot house
out of your gift seats in the Legislature, politiliunt hav ecootsplitlM-J much, aye
very much, tor so small a man, having not
jt,ly defeated yourself, but lhe administer
lion candidate for Congress, whose real or
imagined connection with jourtclf was
his utter ruin. But your case is al ogcther
an anomaly, for little m.igots have tny a
I line before dvstroyed large shipi and ass
es have long been accustomed to nrray
Uiemselvct in lion skins
But lo conclude tlie farce, our littl
Governor proposes to imitate Aacacw
J season, sweor by the Eternal, and car
ry on the gov ernment in the high-handed
style. He imitate Asdsiw Jackson!
as well might a Jap dog endeavor to be
come a lion, or a thecp don tho fierceness
and prowess of a leopard.
TFor the Palladium.
FoxTcsiiLt, Docce Co., Dec. 8, "54
Ma. Editor: Still Westward the set
tiers track, until ihe Anglo-Saxon race
t'tU this globe, seems to be the divine or
dcr. To spread liberty and religion over the
w orld, is the mission of ihe United Siatet
Uie hardy pioneer spread the tent or
lodge und build the wigwam for lhe teach
ers, who in turn, follow on preparing the
way toliappir.ess here and hereafter for
millions yet unborn, to let it be ever, i
the fires of liberty have been put out in
Greece end Home for centuries, ihe mode
Ucpublic lias kindled anew the sacred
flame. Tyrants have tried lo extinguisl
it but in vain, for in every settlement is
pair of pilars which sustain il lhe church
and school-ru'in-in the foimcr, yotil,
ureti.ught lhe rule of riht and wrong in
human tclions, to love and adore ihe
Creator of tho Universe, in (he latter, the
arit und scicncet, the laws of w lf-govcrn
mcnt and lo prizt tho civil and religious
t ........ u. ... .. i i. .i .... ... , ,
Florence, and to overpower them, vou , -Jy, 4 wneii u.ey
n line of Wl,i. i?" lot u. o.Ul.c f,ge ot action. I hey loo,
lerkships of divers kinds, even appoint
mentsat ll eitsiiosa! of the General Gov
ernment, such as Receivership and lteg
islerslup of the Land Office, to be estab
lished, and above all, lhe Secretarj ship ol
the Territory, should you succeed in
disgracing the Gubernatorial Chair, by
rttwu'ng toil. You offered to dispose ol
tit ual ions under Mr. Calhoun, the Sur
veyor General, and be five hundred wiles
awr.j'. You attemp'ed to secure the in
fluence of leading Democratic Journals
by offering them shares in the town ol
OmuJia. While thus ly ing by word, prom
ise and flattery, giving every town in lhe
Territory reason lo believe you would
call lhe Lrgislatue there, you had resolv
ed lo fix the Capitol at Omaha. We saj
Jix, tar you declared in that damnable
Gray" letter, (don't vou feel a little blue
over its discovery, Governor?) "it would
stay where it was put."
To secure this, in defiance of nil honor
and decency, disregarding your ejilieial
oath, you determined lo gen j m.inder the
Te-rriiory, ond then pack the districts with
your creatures, with men willing like your
self to sell themselves for a price. You
instructed your deputy marshals not to in
form any one of the number of voturs en
rolled in the census relums and ihcn pro
ceeded to district the Territory us best uit
cd your disgraceful plot.
You established Burt County with not
half a dozen ecluul residents in it, giving
it a representation of one lo the upper ami
two to the lower house. The vote we ac
knowledge was tw el!e 1 to perhaps JU; how
deserted BloirCity on the day of election,
can't tell. Then comes Dodge wi.h the
same reprr sentation and Only 11 votes.
Vou feared the independent citizens ol
At a large an 1 respertabie in".etin) (. ILj
(iiUensof Pierce countj, called for the
pui-posp, by public notice, held at Nebras
ka city, Dee. Ia.
The meeting was elled lo order ly J.
H. Deckrr, Esq., when Henry Bradford
was chosen Chairman, and A. M. Hose
The following resolutions were pro
posed and unanimously adop'.ed :
W Hirer At, T. B. Cuming, the present
ac ting Governor of this Territory is evi-
lently governed bv sinister motive in all
his official acts; seeking only his own ag
grandisement to the detriment of the in
terests of the Territory; assuming lhe right
lo alter the terms of ti billi organizing
this Territory; refusing to appoilion the
rruresentaiion, equally according te th
lcg;d voters residing therein, as required
by the bill. Neglecting lo reside wilhiu
the limit of trie Territory, but keeping
the actual seat of government in n foreign
city, und in a foreign Slate, while require
ed by law. to reside among the people he
was expccteJ lo govern disregarding the
will of the popeiWr aovereija th!,Ter-.
ritory. Therefore,
Resolved, That said T. B. Cuming is no
ong;-r worthy, er capnble of discharging
the duties that have accilently devolved
upon him, and his longer ooiitinunnce ir
office, would bo an insult to the people of
lhe Terrilorv.
Resolved, Hint we invite tlie citizens
uf Nebraska Territory, lo meet by delt
gate at this, on Saturdaj", December
30. h, to select some suitable person, to re
commend to the President of the United
Stales, for appointment to the Governor-
hip of this Terrilorv,
Every thirty votes, polled at the late
election, to send n delegate; distant tc
lions to empower a single delegate, to
hrow ts mmy votes, us their p 11 book
entitle them to if lliey choose.
liutoh'tJ, That J. H. Decker, Simp
son H irgous, II. P. Dawns, C. II. Covvles,
A. M. Rose and John Chelments, be our
delegates lo said convention.
Jitsolctd, That James II. Cowles, L. D.
Carter. S. F. Nuckolls, A. M. Rose and
Win. A. McEwen, be a corresponding
committee to correspond wilh prominent in other parts of the Territory;
inviting the people of the tedious, to meet
us as above in friendly conference.
Resolved, That wo commend the peo
ple of Bellevievv, for their Christian for
bearance towards ac'ing Gov. Cuming, in
not offering him personal violence, for as
gross an insult by him,' could be offered
by a tyrant l a free people, in refusing
n give thcina scp:.rute district and allow
thrtn lo eleel member of th Legislature,
unless they would p'edg themselves U
elect men as he should dictate.
Rttolvcd, That the proceedings of this
meeting, be published in all the pajiert iu
Nebraska, an I iu the Sw uinah Sunlinel.
Resolved, That this meeting now re
journ. Ilt-MIY tin. Jr UitU, Uii'm.
A. M. Roar", Scc'y.
brought tho southern line of Washington
tovvi hi.ia mile of Om..h, in.pur a
tion might be rasy. hi Cjcs that y uu
could not hope lo ct.trol, you g.vve only
one Councilman an 1 three Rt picsentaiives
yet lhe tote iu that district was 12'J.
In Pierce, with a vote of you gave
three C'ouiicilmcn and five Representa
tives. (You thought tome of your jtlunU
would grow there, Governor.) Two lit
tle pets of yours, Forney ind Richardson,
arc finaly endowed. The first wiih 42
votes, send one to (he upper house and
two lo the lower houte the latter with 24
volet it equally favored. Now we will
come to lhe last scheme. Are you listen
ing, Governor? Perhtpt you re w1"
ing to forget certain proceedings tit Belle
view on the Saturday before election.
You had satisfactorily carved most of the
Territory. To yourself tn.1 friend yo i '
will contribute ihdr portion to building
up society, churches and schoj-houscs.
ri.e'su fori aloutf gu ;r.uitee the safety and
pennant, n, y of our ius'iiuliojij at long as
this stale of society continues.
Tm Cjiasgid. Religout service will
hereafter be held at lhe Mission at 11
o'clock A.M., instead of 2 P. M., a for
no i.iijr-iiiiic iiiousanq uoiiar note t,:en
contributed fur charitable purpose by cit
izen of Boston, besid large innonrrt in
private charities, not made known.
Toraey Ceunty Msetiaf.
At a very numerous and respectable
meeting, of the bona - fide tqua'
lers of Forney County, held at Browns
ville, in tail County, on Tuesday
Dcr. 12, 1854, the following proceedings
were hud, to wit :
On motion, Col, Jesta Cole, wa called
to the Chair, and S. II. Claytuii, Eq. ap
pointed Ssscretary.
The object of the meetiny hating bee,
explained to be the consideration of the
course of lhe present Awing Executive of
this Territory, and tho recommendation ot
some suitable person 'o the President, te
fill lhe vacency caused by (he lamented
demise of Gov. Burt and after a full dis
cussion iu lhe preuvsut, Nathan Myert
Esq. offered Hie following Resolu'iort
Httidvtd, That T. B. Cuming, the
Acting Governor of (his Territory, hat
jut: ly forfeited the confidence of its eiti
sens and friends, and proven himself in
competent and disqualified from discharg
ing the duties of the high Iruil which ac
Icide-ntally fell upon him by lhe derail of
the late Gotenr, and we therefore ear
nestly request lhe President, of lhe United
S ales to rcifcov said Cuming fortls
with. '
The retention! saving been duly ex.
amincd and tonsidered, were adopted un
animously. JESSE COLE, C'A'is.
t. II. Ci.tto, iVc'ry.
(For the Fall Jium.J
Ms. Euiiok: The Nebraska ColonU
zaiion Company ero progressing finely
they have row eight cabim beside neces
sary out-houses still building, they w ill
toon lave accoiDmoda'ioni for twenty
more famaliet at the city of Fontenelle.
The Dougla House will be ready and
Upened fcr visitoit on the 8.h of January.
tie rapid growth of this place is turpris-
. i., ii,...-.u.i.A --. u-iiK
O During the lust tear, two 1m c'-euii. . , , . . ...
, . , . , ' . , ,. . p' important and be-aut if ul location. It U
d sixiy-mne thousand dollar hove L:en.i . ... .. ., ,. ..t.
ui Key oi uie i iaue alley, will ut i"
Athens of Nebraska if the object I ef l-'ie
company are evrried out, at I have no
doubt thty will. TRAVELE1.
There are over J ,100 jvolic in
New York, which are "pported at an
pn r f nl;&. it 'ITOO.fKX) per atit'tm.
Tr (houiand bushels ef ccrn per day
are required to feed the heg new in t'
v.n in Lo;.!j:!s.