Nebraska palladium. (Bellevieu City, Neb.) 1854-1855, December 20, 1854, Image 1

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    Jt 7
BY I). E. REEL), &. CO
' ttjffi. Slur ton.
Edttort and rroprieiort,
ritnw, rovoi.At corxtv, nksraska
TERMS. One rnriv one yesr. tU ()0 one
copy six month", $1 k) inv ari ahly in ad-
fcjr No paper will be tirofitimiel eeent tt
tae discretion of tli proprietors, until all ar
rearages re paid.
For each square of twelve lines or lets,
first insertion. $1 00
F.nch subsequent insertion, AO
One square three months, 00
One square six months. P. 00
n snar twelve months. 12 fO
One quarter of a column twelve months, 2000
One half col'irnn tvvelve months, SO 00
One column twelve months, 50 00
Xusincs cards of eight lines, vesrlv, ' A 00
" " " six months. 3 on
" three months. 2 00
Administrators' and Executors notices, 6 00
1. Subscribers who do not fire expresnotire
to the contrary, are considered as wishing to
continue their subscription.
2. If subscribers order tht; discontinuance of
tlieir papers, the publisher may continue to send
them until all arrearages are paid.
3. If subscribers neglect or refuse to take
their papers from the office to which they are
directed, thov are held responsible until they
hare settled the bill and ordered the paper dis
ontinned. 4. If subscribers remove to other places with
ut informing the publisher, and the paper is
sent to the former direction, they tre held re
Sponsible. 3. The CottaTs have derided that refnsins; tn
take a paper from the nfTice, or removing and
learinr it uncalled for, is prima faeia evidence
f intentional fraud.
Subscribers will t'uerefore understand i
1. That their papers will be continued after
the expiration of the time for which they paid,
aaless otherwise ordered.
J. That no paper will be discontinued until all
arrearages are paid up to the time at which the
otice is Riven, unless we are satisfied that the
suksrrihrr is worthless.
5. That when the paper, throuirh the fault of
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time, the just and most convenient way is to
remit one dollar for anolli-r six months, with
directions to discontinue at the end of that time.
This direction will, in all eases, be noted upon
ur books, and if not attended to shall be. our
4th . The 17. 8. Courts have also repeatedly
derided that a Pot-Master who neglects to
perform his dutv of civine seasonable notic".
as required bv the Post-Office, Department, of
ths neclcrt of a person to take from the office,
newspapers addressed to hm. rend-rs 'hs rit
Mister liable to the publisher for the subscrip-.
tion price
Y.'ll' 7KNNET.
Has opened a boardini; house at nVlleview,
for the accommodation of reeular bond! , and
occasional visitors, who, he will take pleasure
io mikinir as comfortable as lies in bis power.
Bellrview, Nebraska. ort 0!i, T)4
" W. R. ENfiMSH, '
"VT KCJOTI ATOK, Collec'or. general Land
I Aecnt, Counsellor at Law, tc, Kc.
IJelleview. Nebraska.
Hal ine an experience of 17 years ill the Trr
ritorv. will pay rrclnld attention to all roitv
tnunications, post paid, in regard totheTer-"
ritorv. Ac.. Vc.
Otfire near the Government build, n,
an" in r-arof P. A. Sarpv's bankhir house.
Helleview City, Nebraska, July I i, J lf4.
Land Aeent, Survcytr and Lnginecr, Tlelle
lew, Nebraska. nl-ly .
ge(jiu;e IILTNF.RV
Attorney mid Counsellor at Law, St. Miry,
Mills County. Iowa. t ii 3 1 -1 y
Physician and Surgeon, reectfully tendefs
his .iofe-sionl services to the citizens of St.
Mary and vicinity. Olliee two miles north
west of St. Mary, on the Musijuito creek.' '
"CHy .
" H. TZSCHl'CK, '.
Topof;ia'hical I".rigimr, tenaWs bis profes
sional sertices to the citiein of St. Mary and
vicinity as Smvcyor and Liigititer in all itsva
icties. Oil. re in 1', .4. Sarpy's store, corner
jrf oiy street. anj:31-ly
General Land Agents, St. Mary, Mills County,
Iowa. Will attend to the purchase and sale of
real estate, the perfecting or lilies, paying lax
cs. A c.. Vr.
JV" Fanning land iind village lots, to suit
puiUiaaers, on hand, for sale cheap, and on
leoiiable terms, t il AS. I.. WAIWJ.
Keg Creek, Mills Co., Iowa. The proprie
tors of this mill ml.-iitl to keep lumber oi all
drscnpt.oiis roi,stntly on band ; also to sup
ply alt special ordt-rs for lumber at short no
c, for cash. ,!421?"L
kion'painteu and gilder.
riV.iK subscriber having located himself at
X M. Mary is prepared to execute orders of
very diarritiou of Plain, Eancy, and Orna
mental Painting. Signs painted, lettered and
gilded in the most approved style, and in the
neatcat manner. Putionage respectfully so
licited. Olliee, at H. Myeis, Kr ut Wre.-t. St.
1. Mary, S. pt. MjJJ- . .
WbolesaU and Coinmissioii Merchant, dealer
! lt :..a..Ii. 1 1 r, 1 1.' u em J i ie li u ru llaa.
in ui j v. - - -
rare, Groceries, UriiRs, Medicines, liooks and
kiationery, corner ui .iaui aim uregui v sirceis.
Conveyancer, Notary Public, and Surveyor.
Office at the Mora of Greene, Kinney, & Co.,
fct. Mary, MilUco., Iowa. Aug. g, )4.
ri'HE ftthMrioar k just opened this new and
' I commodious building for the reception of
th tiavclinc public, and solicits shaisof pub
lie favor. Piompt and efficient attention will
bs paid to all who may favor him with their
patronage. His table will be supplied with th
last tb uiaiket aflorns. A fod stable is at
tsrssd to the pieoiises.. W. ENt -l.i L. .
W. Mirr, Iowa, mtr. 15, "U n-tf ,
JjEmIka pa mi i m ii
xex rviit'jra eiajlthstosk.
Oladly now r gather reund it,
Tor tfa toi'.inj day Is done,
As the gay and solemn twilight,
Follows down the golden sun j
Shauows lengthen on the pavement,
Stalk like giants ihiough the gloom,
Wanders through t!ie dusty casement,
Creep around IV- riielil ronin.
Draw th i curtan. s clus.! the lUulier I
Place the slipers by the lire I
Though the 'vind loudly mutters,
What es: we for wind-spirtes ire?
Vnat cart we for outward seeming,
Fickle Fortune's frown or smile:'
If ai-tund us love Is beaming,
Lov t can human ills beguile.
Neatb the cottage roof and pUc,
I rom (be peasant to the king,
Atl are quailing from life's chalice,
ubbles that encliantmmt bring.
Grates are glowing music flowing,
From those lips w love the,
Oh, the joy th bliss jf kaow.og
There are hearts wkereou to rest I
Hearts that throB witb eager gladness
Hear. a that echo to our own
While from car and haunting sadness
Mingle ne'er in look or tone.
Care may tread the halls of Daylight
Sadness haunts the miduight hour -But
the weird and witching Twilight
firings ths glowing HeaiUia.uue's dower,
Altar of our holiest feelings) ,
Childhood's well remembered shrine,
Spirit-yearning soul revealings,
Wreaths immorttl round the twine.
He came too latet The toast had dried
Before the fire too long ; '
The cakes were scorched upon the side,
And everything was wrong 1
She srorneJ to wait all night for one
Who lingered on his way,
And so she t.ok her tea alone,
And cleared the things away.
He came too late ! At once he felt
The supper hmir was o'er,
Indifference in her calm smile dwelt
She closed tin pantry door 1
'hn tablecloth had passed away
No di.ihes could lie see,
She m-t him, and her words were gay
She never spoke of tea ! .
Ho came too late 1 The suhstle'i bnrJs
Of patience were unbound
Not by oflence of spoken wu.'ds,
Jiut by the slights that wound.
She knew he could say nothing now
That could the past repay ;
She bade him go and milk the cow,
And coldly turned away 1
He cane too late 1 Ttia fragrant steam
Of tea had long since flown,
The (lies had fallen in ths crxam,
The bread was cold as stone.
And when, with word and smile, he tried
His hungry state to.piotr,
She nerved her heart with woman's pride.
And nevr deig.-u-d to move.
Correaponienee of the PalUdium,
Niw Vmih, Nov. 25, 1854.
Tlic full in sun k. the li'Ltiit'ss if the
money nuirkct, (.nJ I lie pttirrii! Kiiignutinn
of triidu, whatever grumbliog they may oc
casion on cti..ngc una in tlic cotiiiiing
hoiisa .xlo nut, sena to intcrfefe with the
dumriiii. tconomy of I"fil oVfitip, unJ our
other urii'oc.-'Uic quarters. .Stalls ure not
rlin(uikliod ut the ojii-ru, ttirii.iges are
not Ima down, .Kinoi.'I ore not rt-pluccd
with .ikte, live hundred tijlur cuyhimcres
und tliMisbiid dollar nets und ermine are
ported in ftuioii on Broad wuy the
prrjinrutioiii for the inter ci.mjinipn ol
fuhhioii.iblc iliaipatioii ure on a grand sculc
ui if at counig were not pverdrained,
extenaiona were not u&kcd for, and notes
were not jirolested. Hut despite this glit
ter on the Bitrfiice, the present is a seuson
of great commercial eniL.irruMf nt. Our
large iir)kcrtiiig hottars lire not doing one
fonrili of iheir usual Lusincsa, and the dif
ficulty of making collections, espetiully in
the West und fcotilh-West, is almost un
pretideiileJ. Slerchuiitt, innniifucturers'
4nd in fact all the e.niilo) ing elaases, are
rcduchig their business expenses, and the
number of clerks, shopmen, und ojieratives
thrown out of situations by this general
rvzte is very large. Of course the prices
of food, shelter, fuel and all the necessa
ries of life must eventually adjust them
selves to the pressure of the times. Al
ready provisions and coal begin to decline,
nid house rents must follow suit when
the renting season commences. Nothing
enlivening in the way of un excilemenl
has i yet broken the monotony of the cur
rent week. Just us the mercurial spirit
umonz its had worked themselves into a
fever on tte Foule ofliiir, and Young A-
merica began to "flare up" up under the
supposed insult to our national dignity,
the flame of patriotic indignation was pra
vokingly ettinguUhed by the news of
Louis Napoleon's "back down ;" ocd we
were left without a topio r-apnble.if stir
ring the public jmlse, . We vcre going to
have a war' meeting on the subject when
thii Jamjar , arrive it spoiled a granj
dramatic jniint, like th mnlieiotis suprr
numeriiry who, to grutify a personal .spile
gainst Kean, informed tlic representutive
of Richard, that the Duke of Buckingham
wos not only taken, but thai his head had
been cut off.
The news from Sevastopol, received yes
terd. y by the C. -radii, is pirlinilnrly un
interrstirg. Bet-igirs und besriged are
j,,,. vvl tbe last pr-i uis iniellicenre
left tl.m, i.t a il. ad lock, and no prospect
of cither giving wcy at present.
The "latest footings" of the returns for
Governor, no longer excite any interest,
it being universally concluded that Major
II. Clark is the Governor elect; and a cold
water majority in the assembly being also
fixed fact, the Ihiuor dealers and Iiq,Jor
drinkers are mournfully speculating on
their prospects under Ihe coming dispen
sation. Manager Hacked, tries the experiment
nf n forenoon opera, at the Academy of
Music, to-day. It will he a failure. Paint
and tinsel won't do by dny-light, and th
notes of the nightingales are out of nlaea
in ine morning.
The Knickerbocker Gallery, the first
Rift book of the senson, is to be published
to-day. This book, as I suppose you are
vare consists of original articles bye
large number of distinguished American
writers; and is fo be embellished wi'h the
portrait of forty of the contributors. It
is one of the most ingenious dodges in the
benefit way that I remember to have heard
of, and does honor to the cuteness of
brother Chirk, who I believe is a Yankee
from the Granite Slate.
The proceeds are to be expended in the
purchase of a farm for the Editoi of Ihe
Knickerbocker, and the way in which he
has tickled up the literntti and roped them
into that scheme, is really masterly. The
volume will, however, be a gem, and well
worth the price five dollurs. Next to Bar
num's Auto-Biography, it will be the great
hit of (he season.
Bennet, of the Herald, will probably
have to pny the .$10,000 awarded by a
jury, to Mr. Fry, formerly f ma nnger of
tlic Italian Opera, here, for editorial libels
upon ii ; eliarfer, published in IhnV p
per. The Superior Court has denied the
motion for a new trial. The -;se miv
probably be sent up to the Court or Ap
peals, but I apprehend nothing would
be gained by such a proceeding except
One of the "Twelve Apostles" of the
"latlcr day saints," iiumod John Tyler, is
on his w.iy from Utah to this city, where
he intend. to establish a paper to be culled
" The Mormon." Five of the elect ac
company him as advisers an 1 helpers.
Another of these fashion. 'lie robberies,
probably th signaled as "defalcal ions;"' has
just ucciiMcd in this city. Mr. Candee
first teller nf the American Exchange
Lkiiik has, it appears, been using ihe funds
of the institution for some years past, in
real estate, speculations, lie lived like a
noble, kept fast horses, and all that sort of
thing. The directors and the officer of
the bank, seem to have been taking a Rip
Yunwiiiklc nap w hi!c the w) olesale rob
bery was going on. The defect is said to
be 138 000. Il is reporW that since
the detection of the fraud, Mr. Caiidee
has secured (he bank against all loss.
The en pit id of tlus concern is ."il. 000,000.
No investigation touching the conduct
of the cfliecrs and crew of the New
has yet been set on foot.
PosT-Orricr. A aa as cements. The
Bahiinore Sun gives the following phas
ing information from Washington:
The revenue of the Post-Office Depart
ment, under ihe cheap postage system, the
public will be pleased to learn, i rtcadily
increasing, and this dispite of the vast
amount of lek-grap'iio correspondence car
ried on between the principal cities oi the
Union. As thcurt of printing has inn'
tiplied writers, so does the correspondence
by lightning increase the number of let
ters carried by the mail.
A Herculean, and at the Same lime, most
useful Ubor is now being jK.-rformed un
der the direction of the l'oslmus'.ei Gen
eral. Distribution offices have not been
systematized, I believe, since the estab
lishment of railroads has introduced new
and shorter routes than those previously
in use, A new sclnme of distribution
has thus become necessary to avoid del.y
in the currying y' letters over- old routes
superceded h, iicrv ones, und this is now
about to be accomplished. Tho scheme,
when completed, will be of vuttlji-ijfi to
the business uoOjiiiuiiiity, anj entitle the
PosirousterGcmnwl to the thanks of' the
public! t . t "
MiifNi-ks m.ik the mm. but smartness
the mon'ev!. '
Kldi r. The Cleveland Plain Dealer has
a letter fr.ra James McKuight, a Mormon
Elder; with two wives, in which he de
fends polygamy, and says
'Our young ladies, accomplished and
beautiful, often choose a man with en, or
twenty wives in preference to an attrac
tive young gentleman who has nut one;
thus showing their good taste, and regird
for and experience. If one of your
most polite, fashionable, and fascinating
young gentlemen should come here, he
would find it very difficult to get a wife,
and if he succeeded at all, she would in
all probability be. one whom our gray
lu il and infirm old men would refuse."
He also con'emls that their is more hu
manity unions; the Mormons in the
family of a man who has ten wives, than
in the mass of families else-where, where
one wife presides mistress of the house,
husband and children. This is attributed
io the fact, that in the Mormon belief
' the husband is the head of the wife
and her Lord and Saviour, and unless she
is obedient and submissive to him, she
cannot be saved." lie says further:
" There are instances of from six to ten
wives habiting one dwelling, and living
amicably ; though for the most part each
wife has her own house, and rules her
children. The children ure under the
mother's cure until ther arrive ut maturity,
or a4, un oge when the father needs their
There is more of the same pre
tensions and degrading sophistry with
which these miserable polygamists at
tempt to excuse themselves, und commend
their salacious theories to the world.
(lowers ito.i a Mother's Gravf.
Four motherless little children ! Who
can think of tiiem without a saddened
heart ' Ti ne, they su e too young to know
how great is their loss ; but uh ! now.
Who will talk to them of Jesus? Who w ill
tench them to lisp his name ? Who will
teuch tin in to be Christians early ? The
father's business calls him uwny during
thtir waking fours. When lie pomes
home, sleep hangg heavy upon their eye
lids. . Ho on pray tcr thorn, end i0in
timos wiili them. But, uh I a mother's
cure und influence ure buried with her in
the grave.
Not long since there were f- ir such
little ones. Their mother had been bourne
to the sunny hind of flowers, that she
might catch again the bloom that had faded
from her check. Hut it came not ami
there unong strangers she died. Hcrsoul
went to ths! spirit land, and her body was
brought to rest amot.g its kindred. Two
of the little ones went to the tomb, with
those who bore their mother's precious
form. As ihey tMisscd the gruve, and
looked down deep into it, each one cast
some ilowers upon the coffin lid. It was
a.swect sight a pretty tribute to the mem
ory of a mother all they could do now to
tell of tlieir deep affection.
Young readers, does your mother still
live? How should jou cherish her af
fections and treasure her words H She
may tlie. men jou wilt loci that you
have never done enough for her; never
obeyed her us you ought; never loved her
half enough. Try to be more earnest in
your attentions towards her. Then, should
you come to cast flowers into her tomb
no tears of regret w ill f.dl upon them.
5. S.JJvocalt.
Childhood's Tkivii. 1 usk God to
lake cure of Johnny, and then I went to
sleep ! ' said a little boy, giving an account
of his wandering in the woods. How
sublime! how touching ! Holy childhood!
Let ine sit ut thy feet aad learn of thee.
How dost thou rebuke me with thy simple
faith and earnest love. O earth, wl ut
dost thou give us in cxchotigc for its loa?
Rainbows, melt cs w e gaze; bubbles, that
that burst us we grasp; dewdrops, that
exhale us our eyes catches their sparkle.
The warm heart chilled by selfishness,
fenced in by doubts, and throw u back up
on itself. Eye, lip, and brow trained to
tell no talc at the portal of w hut passed
within the temple. Tears looked in their
fountain, save when our household gods
ure shivered. The great strife, not which
shall love most, but 'which shall be the
greater, and aching bear's the stepping
stone to wealth and power. Immortal, yet
earth-wedded, j Playing.-with shells t'jon
the shore of time, with the broad ocean of
eternity -loefore ;u. Careful und troubled
ubotii trifles, forgetting to 'ask God to
take of Johnny;' und so the long night of
enmes on and
i'anny Ftrn'.
' ' t
we sleep
our last
A coud of Love runs through ell the
sounds of creation; but the. ear of lov
alone'ean distinguish it. . -.. " i
We hcrd a prelly little inoi lent the
other day, which we cannot help relating.
A younlaly from the Soj'.h, it seems,
was wooed tnd won by a yo-irhful physi
cian, living in Cilifornii. When the e
gigetnent w is m ido the d u'or w-is rich,
having been very sucec.f nl at S.m Fran
cisco. It had not existed six months,
however, w'icn, by an unfurl un ile invest
ment, he lost his entire heap." This
event came upon him, it should be udded,
just as he was about to claim his bride
What docs he dj? Why like an honora
ble and young fellow as he is
he sits down and writes the young lady
every particular of the unVappy t-n
which has taken place in his fortunes, as
suring her that if the fact produced any
change in her feeling towards him, she
's released from every paotnisc she has
made him. And what docs the dear good
girl do ? Why, she takes a lump of pure
gold, her lover had sent her in his pros
perity us a kerpsake. and having it manu
factured into a ring, forwards it to him,
with the following Bible inscription en
graved in distinct characters on the out
side :
" Entreat me not to leave thee, or to re
turn from following after thee; for wither
thou gocst will I go, and whither thou
lo'lgcst wiil I !o Ige; thy people will be my
people, and thy God my God; where thou
diest will I die; ui.d there w ill I be btried;
the Lord do so to me, and more also, if
aught but death part me und tJiee.''
The lover idolized his sweetheart more
than ever, wheu lie received this precious
evidence of her devotion to him both in
storm and sunshine; we muy add, that for
tune Soon uguiu smiled on the young phy
sician, and that he subscuucutlv returned
to the North to wed the sweet girl he lov
ed. Render, this is true. Young ladies
who read the Bible as closely as the her
oine of this incident seems to have done,
arc pretty sure to make good sweethearts,
and better wives. Exchange.
Fiintrt L Forever. It is a dear
light for the soul to have adust in the
faith of another. It makes' a pillow of
fcoftnc-is for ilia uhuiU h-ju.u i turning
W iih tears und touch of pain. It is an un-
dffnrred seclusion into which the mindi'
when weary of sadnc. ,nily rirut for a
caress for constant love n warmth in the
clasp of friendship, for ever lingering on
the hand a consoling voice that dwells
wMi an eternal echo on the ear a dew of
meicy falling oil the troubled hearts of the j
world. Bereavements, and wishes long
withheld, descent! sometimes as chasten
ing griefs upon our nature, but there is
no solace in the bitterness of broken faith.
Push. Push along. It's the way your
sound and hear'y mortals do. And 'you
can't do without it. The world is -so
made, society so constructed, that it is a
law of necessi'y thut you must push.
That is, if you would bo thought some
thing und somebody.
Push along. Tush a strong push and
perjetual push. All see the power in it.
See how i; gains, accumulates, whether of
wisdom or wealth. We never knew a
man who was a right smart pusher who
finally did not become rich, respectable,
wise, and useful. The fact is, yon are
morally sure to become so if you push
push like reul, live, determined up and
down inun.
If things look dark, push the harder;
sunshine und blue sky are just beyond;
If you are entangled, push if your heart
grows feeble, push. You'll come out vic
torious. Never fear.
Among other things to be desir are
the following : A method to make truth as
agreeable as falsehood; a receipt for prais
ing a pretty girl without offending her ol
der sisters; some way of collecting a small
debt without having to earn the money u
second time in the attempt; how to in
duce a 'constant reader' of a newspaper to
become constant subscriber; a plan oi
editing wi'.hout being considered dull by
the giddy, frivolous by the 'serious miiid
ded,' unappreciated by ll.rec-fouvths, and
cheated by the other-fourth. lb.
The .Advantages of Advertisikc
A man may sit (ii an obscure alley, oil'cr-
ing peiu U at two cents spiece, ond yet find
no purchaser ; lut, if the same mun. were
known to Imve pearls for sale at reason
able prices, under the shade of a rock in
the desert, caravans would be formed, and
companies would go to buy his wears.
bo it with a manufacturer. 11. s wears
maybe ever so good, )iis prices ever so
reasonable, but unless. he einpks proper
means of making them Jinou n j the pub
... . . ... i . j
lie, he cannot expect apfecjuion.
VOL. 1. NO. 2i.
Unrler this head the Cleveland Her dd
make some excellent suggestions which
suits this latitude as well as Ohio.
' The iong wjntcr are .
and the young men of our city should
think how they can best improve their
"The apprentice and the mechanic, the
clerk and laborer, have many evenings 'nil
to themselves. How will they pass them?
In reading, in study, in cultivating the
mental and the social faculties, in acquiring
knowledge of history and of the world, Oi
in rounds of dissipation and idleness?
"The young men of our oity of to-day
are to give character and directions to our
city hereafter. . They are then to cooKrwi
its desiiny, and it is important that they
should early lay strong and deep th.
foundations of mental and of moral worth.
''The intelligent man, who has integri
ty of life, bus an ever present introduc
tion to the better part of society. It mat
tsrs not what bis vocation, if it be useful, '
necessary labor, he is respected. Elihu
Burritt at the anvil, had the respect" and
esteem of all his neighbors, beoeuse of -his
virtue and intelligence. If a man is
not respected it is because he does not de
serve and is not entitled to respect.
"It is not wealth which commends
man to the community. A good name, in- -telligence,
integrity, industry, are capital
for any younz man. All can invest in
this kind of stock, and it ever yields large
'There is no way in which our young
mechanics can better pass their time dur- '
ing the winter evenings than in attending
lectures, and reading history, biography,
(ravels, &.c. There is no reason why the .
man who swing the hammer, shoves the
plane, draws the thread, or works in iron,
should nut be as well educated as the pro -fesbional
man in ell the; departmeuls of,
learning, outside of hi profession. - ,
"Let young men sec W it that their
minds are cultivated with the greatest care.
There are a thousand' field of.' useful ; la.
lor in which the intelligent ever have the
- jMuiacM to. Caaru si tlia. .. . . ..
No passion is more l u.nou. than the
tiuste to be rich. i in condemned nViW
by reveluuuii, nosoil, una ,
tical experience of life. It leads men to
unsafe and ruinous speculation' It sedu
ces them from fast anchoi ed property la
the mirage that glitters. It allows ths
hand of industry and employment to starji
still on the dial plate of life, while me
gr..sp at shadows, l! is this passion tlut
separates the busi.iess past from the busj.
ness present by so w ide a gulf.
The modern merchant, with small copi.
lal, und that; perhaps, not his own, wi'U
bis granite store, his mahogany desk, his
country seat, fast horse, and rush specn.
lutions, scorns the example of his sire, who
ut 1 is di sk of pi lie und green baize, sat
each day sixteen morlal hours at his buei.
ness, and doing his own errands, and bt
ing his own clerk. " With so wide a con
trast, ii is not strange that many begin
business where their sires began.
It is employment we nil need, employ,
mcnt till it shall end. The plow boy is
happy in his furrow, and the hours pass
swilter than the weaver's shuttle, wl.ilo
he matron und maid sing amid their daily
duties. No success and no weahh euii
make that mail happy w ho has M,thiiig t
Io. We have seen a boy grow up to the
full stature of manhood, take his stand by
the side und us one of richest men, his el
egant city residence und surburban alnnle
became tlic envy of men, his horses und
his equipage the most perfect iu our
midst. -
An eminent merchant of Boston, wner
asked by some one why he did ' not tj'tit
his business, us his fortune was umpl ,
replied, that his repose would tie his
death. We know well that die Spring of
enjoyment would dry nj, and soon, with
inactivity, life would become a burden.-
The cclcbrat ', f:iinen!tttor, Dr. Mac
Knight, completed his work on the episih
when not far from sixty years of age.
Nearly thirty year cf his life had leeo
occupied wii'n liui great labor. li s cm
ployment had been regular au l ehccrlul,
und the purple current of lilehad flowed
noiselessly mid: joyously ixluu$. Ho re
fused to go ou with the Co.-peii., as he had
curbed his resjjle he aaiJ. His faculties
were in tl.cir usual vigor. In ie -ving hit
regular employment LT mind soon Lt its
toiie,&. he sank almost into ilriiiiiiig idiocy
Had he continued l is eiujiloaeiit, a mel
low and a gioeu old (e would huvebed)
Ids portion, and his uu gone dowu at latt
iu unclouded spleuJur.
,. . r" -t -r :
,LK0si is us preferable to .jJLessj ri
bright rij is lo imt, , .