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About Nebraska palladium. (Bellevieu City, Neb.) 1854-1855 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1854)
js : .- " Hr thrt hy tl K m l, m'it eith, I, :,i ExcHlrnt Cement for fcanis in the roofs of houses or fir ar.v similar defects may he li.k.c vith white lead, dry white san; find as much oil as will render it of the consistency of putty ; it be comes as tunl as any stone in the course of a few e. h; t!e lead form a kind of tin x with the sr.nd a.laptir.r-r it to the llhiiw j, 0f cracks in brick buildings; also for Jiaintinir up tin; bases of chinincvs, here they j. rojei t through the roofs, of s!ii:ii;lei houses rOI'LTKY. A every thine romicctnl v,!;.. poultry now-a-days has a peculiar interest, we pive the followim; sensible remarks from an I'nHis.!) sirriculttiral journal: First, of th'. roost and nest house. The floor should he sprinkled with ashes, or loam, pulverized peat, or fine charcoal, and the floor should be cleaned every week. The yaid should conta:na crass uit, some fine gravel, sltku lime dry ashes, and pure water. The nest should be lined w ith moss, heath or straw. Kvidentiv the Dorkings are the beat breed"; they will lay an aver ice of 1S." eciis each per r.nurn. Fowls with black legs are best for roasti-jjf, while those of w hite leg are best for boiling. If you want them to sit early, leave the e?LTs under them. Fowls in their native habits never lay more egrrs than they can hatch, liememhcr that no success can be expected from poultry-keeping if their house be clamp, cold unclean or badly ventilated; if their food Joes not aproxinnt? to that which they can .get in a state of nature viz: a mixture of or . vege table food; if the water they drink be stacrnat. the drainage of the manner Leap, ve.,orifthe stror. est and handsomest be not bred rom.?' F:ar Cul rr? at the V.'o.t. One of the most important aid Jnodcrn establishments for the in terest of the Western firmer i., that of the " Dayton Flax Com jmny." the object of v. hich is to dress flax upon an extensive sf a'e by the Buchanan process. The vvorKS are situated hout one miles east of the center of the cilv. and are now rapidly ajjproach.'ii com pletion. Messrs The, lumber. Jr., ana Lhas. JJarUhorne, of rhili leljihia, are the rnanejL'ers or proprietor of the patent for the United States. J. N. Grosenor Esq,, is a proprietor end the manager of tho Dayton establish, merit. Mr. G. is a very ind igent throught aToin, practical :entleman who has hrd much e.x-I-erience in the growing of flax an.J manufacture of oil. In sec uring his fccrvices I think the com pany were extremely fortunate 1 was not a little surprised at see ing the Hccumulation of such mountain of Hax-straw. The yards and buildings now contain rpwarJ of 20(H) lens, end ytt this is neatly put up in stacks or ricks. Four of thee ricks are now com pleted, each of which is 200 feet long, -10 feet hih,oO fet wide at the bottom. This flax is mostly the produce ofthrce of the adjoin ing counties. Tl..' company pay $10 per ton for all tho tlix-straw that t ome to them straight and bound, and f j per ton for the broken. Mr. Crosvenor informed me that he would probably raise steam 1 , i and commence operations m the course ot tlie next moutn, when lie has promised me he v.iil send ou sornd account of his 8tjcess. There is now cultivated r.nJ .va.... ... a............. a..,- liois on:l other Western Stiites, tens of thousindsof tons of !ax, fori lha seeu alcr.e the Lore is fcutlcr 'd to co to wa-te hich ifd.-csacd would find a ready market at rc- iniu:er.ti:i mere. I lio)e the buccesrf of this cntcrp ri-e ma)' encourage the capitalists of Ken tucky and Indiana to erect similar cstablishmcnti in tiic-ir rti pectivo' it .States. r,.-"ii ut b l'o I l. rinrr n ii frlicrfc, ful vl''e. onl r.-ty brliie. Pro.eniy i n jut ..-i-Ie ; B.Keuitv' ii ilc ui'v '. ivcgti friru h. I l i; s i u f s 5 tl i c r c t o t ? . .". , "... - " ; TiTv; I . !".-i a.ii ."V4. I' aU...,. n,)TI V f- l"I!l'l-l' i 1 . 1 1 '' f '!,, I: I.' );a". or h .ml 'd' til" V-tc.n, i .. : , , ' . ' ' y."'-'.,M,, , 2 ...d--.-- ' hmm.,;. .f . 5. s,,,,r a ,, ,,r k,.," f.hi, c.a ,r,- !.:,..'. iii l.ii'',.li.l.w.ii.l)rlw, 1 . ... Bif - ' I I .....t....... l'..n.U- tlw I , IH.o 0 uv-. -I a,hi. I iimi.-.i-.;, I,- ' A. I . ' !-. CltTnVltr I I u.C: icN. . Kin-W.., ,,.r T.-t- 1 .. ' ' ..I I .... . ..'..:. I ' . 1 ! 1 , . ! . . I " . - ... .... ... Js,!M .V; t.M.I.-MI. !. 'Z.-J-i A s:. I ! I .......... r.n :, I);-,'.. -H'f i K-i- In. in. fi r.-r..s. 1)-v C ,' ; " . ' v' - M " " , ( i, ,-, )n... v. Il.l-i. II in!., urn, I'."1..- .. S'.,, mi . . Ii,.'.' .. V.; ft Vr "'I''. !;. j I... i C.ii.vl.uiit, .V.-i wv,. ,r,.,.i,i:,-li.'i 1 . ., ii., I i..- uu I M i.i I' f.ii ! I' I, r 'I . ' r 1 V . 7. I 111 ' . -v 1 I III... . I.. ,'nol'M.M hn'.v,M rf Ik r-!l'!ir Shim.'. h tl,,,,w , lM "J ",' ' V, ! V !,7l'.. Su .-1 i' i Mi-P-.r'. -m- 1V'.,'.V- vl !l.',il M",'!ni,!, i-n," of ,.. ,-,, 1 ' - i'.i'iIi'S ul-.', t'lnu.ic I ii. Inn: .1 .,, 'r.n,! . !,,-,. n-..'ri,-:,t ,T lir,"-r 1 1 V j T T Mi I , TH'IA I V W.W.: CXI ! 1- v.-l.iaM.- in-I :. u,- r. . i, U.r mj.-t, H...hvi.!. illl.l r,-0rlv,TV. (i'-i.'Vi. ...I. j A , ,1, Ii.- Ml ! fTMi.'li,,;- ' I;,.- U, S . ..I, . lil.-i.r a. '...-l-v , t . ..l.l.- 1 ,,.,1V., t -1 1, ,.,..(.,. i,.i., ;.,!!,,. . T. !.:: . I ' ' M IS . ll . Ilv N. ... ! .'I I," I..II- -' - - - ..,',;.. ... t.. i :!.'.' c ... i .'I I . !' 1 . ,,' i ; i:l i t ' - ' (' ' ! . 'r,iH -f ,..., .. .-"..xv I1 "'' II. P. ur.NNT.ri, ilir ... .,).. -f.. i.. ... ii. ii.- w. .'. ' i . H .ir....i,t.-..f i'.,m......,,b;i .,; ..;.;'i t:,..!)i-v mi. I Co in-i'lli.r lit l. i'V, S ,1 ,.i,j u ,, , , ij i,, I , v , w,- ;i n I . ..i i ; . n -a rv ki., ,i I., t , . n.'.l r..l f. ,,;! .. I- 1. .-':'' nr in CIliim'.. . m .11 !...:'. ill Hi;" : " ' I , . ,.t t! in I .-..u.'.-. u.,1 i .'... i.i im ! 'H''' .'!" '. in !'. ..-.i.-.v ..I ',!'!. I In I.:iw- I icvr-i t 'l I n.) ! I I i 1: I I. II l-.-ll'l" . ... I ) I r -r 1. I . I I ... , .,.,!. ' , .. . ,-.' ..'.ii,l I., i.i! , .'.;. M ..i i, ' '' r .1 I ; . , ... i ... j In' i, I' t'.,: Ii m. i.,,i mmi ' I ' ' I.iii... hi I ,1 1 1: . r y ..):' !. i -. i ; i n hi . 'I'..T rort.tT of t'u t.-l l. 'in ;t ,t i ili j......ri.'t..r. lii.-t w . in.. v. I., n j!N. in l Ihn.IIIiv ;i -1 : - 1 1 . .i.ul.lli.S lli-:.i pr- .trprfs, Olonwoiul, Inwa. a 1 1 i :U -1 v , ,,;,i,.r,l, . I:'. m of ot.';;::iii..' ill.-' il,. ih.I i f'.'in l!n' f ni. tiui (...'nr.. .l.-.o.-n.-.l. I: I. i"' ,.,,( tv. I'..r .,,T.f. linihii;. ill." i-i i.-li'iil 1 'N'l.lii.'ii'ly b.'h...r, Do. t. n- r.ri.'.r! .- V M. STltKI'.T. ,;j:. i an.l mu! wv.-.'it in ( .... .. r Hi., i in-. oi- ,! ""I S.'.'J'Ji iI!j i l-l l';-i.ali e ati.l IliV'Van :ii" r-i-;i !...;.. r .rm.o.Cy 0f ti.. an aii.-.p.'-ii' . ( i;ii ! ,.. k i .1 ,'n I'.ir.fyiic .' o.'.r.. . tin l.w-iic! in (;...i. !. M IN r.. I ;. w.H I ,., nn a-,v .l.-.ii-.l lnn.- imi-I I.aI.iip of i I'NNl.r. It i !.... j..-.-. (.'...t-aii:. r. ai. 1 arri n- I iv,.i.Mv attfn.l In all rili in In!. Nrl.-.i.ti. j,,,, , t,, ). ., ! .i i I u itli..-.' .1 . i n lol ri- on l.n.-'it t.p"t, one tloni i " l)i of P')l TIN'j CI OT'P' Wlt-N sicrs. ""-"-'i" T.i ','.., a Co' .in' of I! V...i, 1 .1 . . il "i )l ( I lit". I '.. nrlli.i ill ii)'' V. ..r ii.iit .h I 11..' , , .,.., ci,.,,,.,,,, I M. IK C... I-.'if.-,!.-' .lillirNllr. IHivl nolii.'.' JmlN h V fa-t I f. 1 1 l"rr rt "r "in.iii ..I Inn f.i .1 Uf.s 1 ly is.-.l . , ',:, 'in !:,"'.' i -l "f li.f n il an I 7 !i J I- , . ri n,l . i, .'. u ml la- I.i;.'" ''i '!.; ol ;ri.,i , . j ; l ') ' , :.- ., ami ::,e r mi ' r. i a . u " . Mav : I. Ki I. i..'.'-U. .!:.. Cio",. tii.t ,,;!..!( oi t.i'll ouii,i ' ' '. ' ' --- ai,, I oiill-r. I..-.-. in.- ... I . .j i. nt. lo in ! it nc- WII. II A M . 1 1.-; ii I !.!'. ....Hi u (,:,.., -, I,, ,nr -iLi'..,-! ("'l... A tto r in-v .m l Co i,o.'i.,: at I. . v , t i '"ii w lr , lt. ,.r.. - t ' a ; ! ' i '" "I an IllAilt ' (ui-'.,N-l. 1 1 1 f .. . ,(.' . t . . ' i ... Jai-I ii.-"..!-.. t !i.- or. fial , .. ff Tpl. tll.'INS O II ol.j.Tl 'u a to ill' if t'il 'l". .1" I oi.l.-l- ; .1 . J.. 1 1 K I . ,., ,.lU.r ;,,. - l.i'i.'.T IN I- I...I.I". 'I'. I. Villi-. Vornrv ami ('i'Hin1-.i "' l.w. !i , ...rto..'k it w.'l. r.-l ... t .. r.-.-. t. :.nui I'.al llicy i,l of I..M- ,.t ,(: I.I" a.. .!. I..H.I. a, I :U-tr I ,.,,.,, ,,, ,,;.,. (:, ,..,x,.., ami ,;.'- -- w I..-'..- t;,c ,iiii!',,i nil v ..I in. .-Ii m. i:i.l;..-.i n..i. .MLl'lCAL Mil I ( V.. 'Mef,,;; ,.,;,.: Tl.rv h -w ... r .....I ... ) . !W!or.1 ll.'- !! I. W" "I l ' i " '.' ' 11. , tux NOV. U .... I t.HI - ;..r....... tl,.- . i.i .... ..." ioi-vvo.i.l. M !! C ', I ... ... ,.. . ... . i a:., ran.., s tin' F.-rrf-ii.... of lo allliv i,,,v... tint lit ii .. i" nn 1 1 i'.cit'-i in tii .i ; . . ; a,i ,i oa!.,;,tV. ,,.f,n I i''i'-' t... i1m.:..-i t'i.- r i ! ...... t I,-. 1.'. rrot, -.i.ll... sc. iff. in .-. . , . .. ,. , .1,. . .!.,. ,,,,,:... .... i .... ! a.ol S II 'a Nil 1,1 ?..) oi," I i.ll oi ilsM.noi.1 h.-ain-ii.. to 'I.- .1 'i.u.H aiot , ' ... ' " , al.,l ,.:,i ov, ',.lS ,., i i.-n.ii;il,iii,t.s u viriin!.. ll-ni-.aC a.'t"i, Id a fail i we t ' Mri.rii uv ..-, in C...I,...:. . V011T.UU.K HILLY M'LL. .,m...TK.-.. a . .. ... , f, U....IN... i , ,,.,.., ,,,r l.,lMr,1P.ll,c hf.s;v!:in.y:,;--...:.i:',:. i -! -...-.ii h, i "' - ' .. a-.o, . .. tV if'. -ai ; O I . L.- W.O. i .-. I i KOiil.U 1 i'- t -V !-..' j . ri ,v to iii.'tatl'iri'.n oi Ii. , n- in; j Willi rMt i: 1t at ! i in W..o !,.,, Wiiicv. ! 1 o' V ar" in .f in liii U'.-t. ul an. 1 C .lar V. .:!. ,N... . , :' '-.. .1 M,.ir,ii. i-", SI. I...-..-. .Mo. . SONS. W,ia !,ni:.,:, N i.'l.lH-r 13, s! left. Si. I. "Ma'lapan 1'on f 'on,;... ny." Iluloii. irannfiTtiirfr "f imriiin. '! tool ;. cnttiiat an.l il'illii.' piM-hi'i. -. latlo-i, .V fr . -r..- K.ln. ni''" 1o-)l. .e.. tiiar. f :cfi I ;: Wtiitsvo-tii Wu.k.. Sii )!: I I. imno't. 1 ! oi.t.-i . M. 11AKKW Kl.l.. r l?-1r A,lil' T.l.MAaW i:i.ii.';. c L'u.. Sni'".-!.) i tn IVrllioM i. (.olii-n. w li..: .ale .lea.e's in tji o.eri. i. 'l"ih. . 1 o-s aid J.a;No,.; ('..i.iiniioii anil Korw ar.lina .M.'i ci.. ill's, It Sircornl i t. St . lon. M i. t'll TILLS' JIN, V .M. l l.Hll. K'W.Itt, J. ,'II Ull. I'.tHi HOLi). am l.M MlSSlSSIPt'l I'Ul'NDItV, f,a'cy, M.:C.'anc -t Co., be! v. . an M, l' '.ii at..! s-fei.t-, .... Mam ami v'-"'.ii.l 'f.n't , ! Lmii, M" ; I'. iiMei..r sr.a:-. C.-xii.c. Uu.i.-r. ami i cry Jt-sci iplai-n of J"l.i i in -rioii'-i y. a nr 1 J-(i:.'l WM. jr. iS(j SDs. 1!I.i..TaI.I ,. .,..',.. ,.. oi l 1 r,.r,., f M.'ican st... t, si. i.n;. st -ei .i i I '.-riptiou in s'ore, or iNiN irii-1 to ...-ler, .... trn he.n tcrmr.. IMi'ii II. T. I. K K WV. A,. J. F. COM' TrA'K.L V) , ;!o,a!.i ami retail .lenter in of all LmJ. -No. loJ -Main m Mo. ,.p. 1. N an, I i-i't. Si. M V S'hoe-, I,.. NIS KAN SUM v CO. aniifactiii-t ol (.'oi i LK l is ami ln.ix ui,nk,t cli a ( upper i'.n. H In Steam Li-'.rii.e an.J i).tii. i .c-. Inc. i lnn an. I Chin li.e. s, So la l.eiici a'o; k ai.U I'o ini ai ..... lJi . -u iii; ti.'l ill Uii.'i." ol ( upper lv t !-. Well m.-l C'l-tern iN.nij.s ami every ot.'i-- ui I cle ill then lino of limiiiefs, tl.ey ii 1 - man ,1 ac ure ami keep con-l.e-iv on haml tli" Sr. Loni.- pr.-iniaiii (.'.l-kiiilT Stovi.-i. viiUhlclof S e.r it Hoal Hot -1 . ('oll-.-.-i or ot.'n r t.n.ui a- o u, h! r hii.en' ; i.i nle in a (.'..oil ami ivoikmanliKc in, ami n it ..! 'o.ij ami ihtaiit al inalc. i.i'; ami of .l,ii'..j.i'n, siit.. All kii.J of l'i i.w are on n, vi hole.a!. ami ret a il, No. taVJil M ain -t -!, Ma ith-east coi -i.-T of Cln rry, Si. l.oa!. Mo. ap l.'- Nn L()N(.i LOOK 1 oj.r CO'AL AT LAST. NlTKOLI.r -J CO. I...IC U-t l, i e!,, 1 oneof the lar'e-' lin.l li -t ..-li.-liil -M-ii IjOOIjs j-vcr la, f-.rc cxa.t,,!. .1 in :!, ..3. A lu .!:,' lie .r s...i t tio.tI may 0" f 1 JJKV (, (OtJ.S, A v iri"ty of cloihiii? of all .'t an.l pii.-, l.arJ.iaie ami v"i:t.ei-y, lnia.', iiai-.i u . faiin- j t lie, hcii -I.-j.!., hai-.-a , I ia es. chati, co.!.. box and la. cn.aji, jiar,-r i.'.uu...j .t.j in snoit. ...eiy lnin yon may c.l far. l . i..a iic.,1 nul Ie- tiel iine.l Ui ri tl.i y ion. to the ch'-ap ra.iier, v i the) aie Moil ipj.i.e.i with liimlae rle. k, (a l the. I I. ! e", ill. 1 ai V. av hale .h a i p M i-sors ati'l d ,11 c uoi i, m:e, Fani(rrant will liinl it to ll'e.r a'haat i 'i lo Call upon Ni h. 1 (ile,,.-. no, I. A: rri t ca j .it, tn y. I 1. M.I; n .i ST. MARY t BELL!:v:CW CI 'i j riir. N'-i-r ka i a t I ii,-,,, i.e. i l-y c n.N'inci.a on c- ,,,.., I lt; s-n, oj.;..., a I", I ei., .Si. .Ma lo.l KMHaltA S'l'-i on. ini to N.l.a-ki anii,! come d irte My I . ST MARY. TkioU (In-f mill Ifa'civ. ) to tueiu a t imiior'a al i.J 111! cat ill jr urt.ti.i ul iv),-k-i. litar lij tT & tELIEVUSW CITY are ihr l,..; i o.i,!5 ju. i .e m. .a, " vi-vr cMy,J..i-1, i-.i. i l-tf HLW a 00 L 5. srij::;i)ll) STOCi: OK NKW (j'J'Jl) Jul tirriu'il, .'T sU-.tuit iJ.'l.uvar.'. it SJiiTY'S CHILI P I'.i SII STURi: On Mian t rict, Si. .M iry. ienh ale I i Inikfr.i'ila l-nii JINiV fin'! :i fnM lv ,.(' f r, vi. 1 1 roe, ri,-M. I'.-j.i isii.ns. j,ry. f, ,! u..lj..Vi.,-., -. Luy ilier.p for cam. s TOVKS for sate ly sAitrv k r.Noi.isir. !100 SAC'kS kail for fair At the rheap r .'rtrf M Ca'.'LLS . ( ). wm.ji: -s'.ii'i .. .! ' ! !..,! ,.' c p. 1 1 "it -Kill , e. V A ... ; e. l it J'-. I v'il. lol. !f i n't j lx s L.l-X bJ.V GT. LCU1S ADVRTI3ZMINT3 . . V . ' J.. V I . r - 1 I Vl'I I ... r, a our li i i a :: 1 I ..1. -I to i.e. to I i.i .1.' ilill. iri'."!! o' I i. j ... N- in; . iieln. I i." V ar" ri -.i i..f ''..f in Iii" V"t. tt.i'l liianv f'f ill. .n in .ei .M.'.i.-ii a i,l l'i. i il ol n :a. I I ir'i.i ll:ire Know ii ai 'I H!i'.- I M I'ilDVI'.O (, IN M I I.I,. Wr m ii,..r.n-,.i.i tl Kimti. to w it : air lnos ;i . k. to tr.u 1 hy wp.l' if Hi" r nine: ; i v a v i s Mil I., li.e low ei sto. ... to ran. a ml '. !.. a ,. Mill. I'maia, l.t i-.l ...ol u. ic! ..rctcli- "1 liliyukp. r,i::xixr,. T!i; fr-" to, la ill N . V'e I.e. tVi'.'i" ! i h'ii it 1 1 v mailt id I' f i p.-r-Ii'-i-ijiii'ii? pk.i'ii-ii'U '.I ! in t ii p oil h.l'l.l t! i . o oiti y. i la I ... .! I. . li'i" an 1 ,' in li,.-lia-'em ii...n il ic '. Iru.MJi T) pauim. a . I 11 1 ' I ..L'1'....S of t i- Ho- I. 'KUf .. I k llos . 1 1: A v at " li.e on I V l,'i..i . i! t fo am la im- 1- of I;:",.' i li -Mi.: r. a- " I . II ..;...l!. i. t.-z .! itini; rial ,.it i . oil (iroaf s . I . s. coaacr r' . f -. I t-e I- a --:., V c.ifa..l- 1 I. , i - ., a -.'f.. i i'.i. ::iv'i;s?iiY "fAM.iaY ir :-1 V. FTVE.R AND AGUE. 'V 'III'. In ...-,inf I 'ree ."Kilicni" an I I'op- l.liil Kno.I lei.lfC. cl.!.rtT".i hi til. S .'t.-ot p...,r ', i . ai.ia. April wo h. I., ar , r a 1 c v. oi' jnirio..3 no-ti ii:n-: ao In -'ip-pU Ui'- p. hue will, i.-liaha. r.:i.-.l .... u . .l.'-h -t ,i ,'-a! a.ii a. ' r.. raro.o. in .11 i.,,t he .I.i (o, ' i. !i i . li'i: p. li . h.' ill" nv a l i hi" l ei ll--!, Jl' V A.iS I'-JMC MIXli ill'., in-li.-hi aii'l "i.y k iiom ii I or T .'. i. : I y li.n.f,a :tio ccrtai i cue hii !'i... Jci.a an.l A'ac.aml I U i;..ii .a . i.inpl., ii' .. c, ml., j.-. a! , ic .a.nineii.l ii lo l-i- p.. ' rot, a " ol tin .olio .!. Tif aha.e in-t I i . ion I k. .1 i ... r..,-',mneN U for l;.. i. i ('-n.!,i.,"..i. hull' i MP.; ('OI i'Oi , D SVi.L I' ol' III, ( KHKhUV IIOol . aial il. i.. U nr tiiii'- w iii I . iii-l. i. o.i a rein -,h ..i ei.iv d.;ca.i; iimi can l.e aivy tualed in h 11 IV. lil oul-r of Hi,- Trii'.- -, J )il H. UO'.VANn, M. D. Ihe-Ui i.t la,' t.,e ( ninr.ily. an, I li a I of thi t'l.a , i.iact nl ,ai 1 1, in "lit. ll, me r.v p . i . -iry and Om, ci. i-i A -ih -nt .'n. lv Sill...' VV . t A I I.O AH k HT-ol e I. lor inch toe Iii:i, hI ji ace v . i- wanl hrtu.l v i;. I)' i-U l'i(c i 1 I ar M l.y SAIil'l' v. r.("JLISI!, AMI - Cl'IIK A M S. fuj Ie lo' i I Al A LAs 1 I P a i '; f.vF "m" i D .' : si. ". i V.:"ic S Ali.'V .V I'.. M.T.I SII. I ) KtilJt'CI'. AN I) (" Asl, l in paymoiit in lii" at .,f I ,'.! h . Iti'V . ',;. A D J'Oiliv wai.t- 1 at tl.a a. (,. S I'nhll .V I. TRADE'S POINT F"RRY. 1 il I". enliM-i a'.er hai ii. I. a'. l of Clarke ii Co.. the ol.) CoNiicil Jiiiaii' J'cr.v al I rj- 1 le 'h J''J n'. I'o'tavlotU.i.'a. C'o.liii.', Iowa. 1 1 i ii, t; b nit a nc.y an l i a'.rt p ep;,r,.l lo .T-n.' ail w ho come. J'cim.ii... i , N "'a A'lil li el ' I, i . o , of li.e he1 l'i,: . "a i.e l.'Mir. 1','ac. lliave no .Sleani 1' I h poir, r.v--.' at or I. low .1 ti... Il a .. li.e ..: u -i . .fh to a..., '1 '''- I,. 4 tat c an . c-.aoi,: i y Hire-, or ,; iii. lu.i I , .. . i -.t- an 1 l.ay, ,c amJ I I.i. , , l: M H .. .. la." Cm Hie i : i il II ,: Too IS I U. 1 f'l. 1 j. a U 'j v e n in, - T Twenty-file per rent aJ 1. .1 to the l..- n 1. II, Z l.-Sfh Water. ' I If KAMI. I, MlKI'flX iiSCZLLANOUS CARDS. AM-iriiHy it f(WT nod (rurr il u A jefi tl of 4 M-i'ti ii tuit"., Iowa, W ill -it n i 'o hro IN '.:,.r t,.t. i.',,l . a. J i.i.. 1a. . lo 'he pinch. ., ami lora W'arianU. J' nticnlar atl4.tion i-ci ...., of . laiiiis. aial-3iu i Of i of lJ!li Attniii y at Taw, (Vniifi! Jilnll City, Iowa It, ler to la. AT Jl'lj he., St. J h. M 'a.. J ,.( D..op!..ii. Weston, .Mu., MnU i. 11 :t. , ,U , J,o la'l.'-lfl " A. C. I liitlii A'tainey ami Coiiticiiur 4! Law, eit of ro iairil Liu.!, s -pt 1-oin j,.ii:s u'N 'itnj Coui'ni.-s oner, O.'hce in St. Miry, I X 1 K M l OK I1I.1T5 anl S i.-ilH. inoial n i , i 1 pf runii'iit cure an 1111?; 1 1 m an impice iMa.c t . t I I.');)1). , li i-il tii- v-tr.n, iii: S, ii, f 1 1 i. or k i n lt " I '.m! . ' mate Cut .no I , i 1 1 t I'.mplc nn the I , ( 1 1 . t r '(. I-. I'iiHimo i1 r. v ., Killu' "i In in lii- tc.S.lil II 'I'd. SlU ' Kiir 'Hll. l'.ii- III till" Ii I Ill .1,1 ,, ll I S,CC .III I I I, I !, Ilil ,1- i-.-t Swllinif !' in-! OI,i',d. S. philldi': 1 ).m l.n ipc.i, 1,'i'nli.i , t." imun . V"-'i: C"i . ,1 ha :: .. 'I r,ir.fviii "Ii.-. It i. .! 1 mii ,oi inr I" any -..!'. roii sciiorri.A. Ir. r.rti-lv' loilii... an I S , ij.arill.i i fr r,mi.i''ii,."l a tit" m-t i ili'-atNoai. ini'-licin.' tliat fan i i '. ' t.- l.c u-o !. N"l one ni-'am-i' of ii i f 1 1 lure lias et T oiN.iu el lnn faillif.illy use. I. KorScNiw, li.ol., Hlol.'lics. Tiunors, AV li 1 1 . I !, .. i'ii'tci?. I'.i, lai... ! Cl.iii.U I'.v.-r Mc, filial l),-,a.i... S , 1 1 i ' . ' . f s, :.,, m,.. i.. ,r,,. , i.i T. :t. Salt lia--i:i,. ai,.l a, I ri. in,. ,h,i.,- , Or. K.oli-i-l 's ., I,;,.' aial S.i r -.. .;. . il!a . ai n in- !";li. I- .t.,i,-l. It Ii". the v.ny r .,.t of I', i in.';,.". .I "lr..i th" u'. iin, l,v pnrifvii. !. I.I. o.l .e. I'lnii'i; ...-tall i!..;"i: ' ! is I Ii li I- of ti," ' ami ,y r.coi Hi" Ci,. . rcl.ili r 111" f in-.a ita hi ant . in i, .at. INDKil'sTION oil I Vsi'l I'M A. No in.'.l .nn". ..m !i'.j,. li.i.i.'i !....-n iliroi' rr ,I U !. i.' I. " . I " . sa i.ijr.l t ri-' In Hi" I'llli n'll C I s ' r a Dr. I'. ..Lnlv's lo in." H in. ,1 it 1' ir Mil ii li.vil ti"-n iit. 11 ! 1 I.I'M AT ISM. j it i.nsr.'iiy i i,;,iii- iimi Mi-ivmim hii.m w.ln Ui- srrcaif'l s icr.-s. m rlieamat , roiiinlaiii t e specially nch i are c' II run s iiy.lri miaj onI all inip'ii iii-. nn J foul Ihhiiom yvliicli Imve aeeionnlateil jn the syjitern, wliieli are the r,i't' tif K'lenui it'oin, (in, it am v.i e! Unir of tli I re J oiils . o:er r -1 1 . , ! . . votn"lill." pivv t.'lli rarv 1 1 ! ia j tin" ent .i"iy crallcat.M the ili.ea." irnni la. ,. tie.n. 1 OR 1 1 It r ' 111 .1. AMI VlMMI 1)11 l , A i '.i i im: th r. m oor (Jr. vi, I', .IoIVH AND IlliVl (. Dr. I'.aterl 'g 1 .t i r. ami S n ip ii illa i lie li.'.l leine lv .'vr invei tel. Tin" iii'.In i , m oH'ere.1 to Hi.- pi!ilic not inp elv a a pniiliar ..! j tli" ..i.o,..T I. -a a. a poN.-ilul c:a.!i. a'or of )N I ino-l v irulent po-rtii. ...'.m,.hi..'1 liy iii.Trin ial an. I ventral tam' - , Meli ro-ut I lie art ...n "I a I . oil, er r-iu.'.!i.. It ill v ire (hewnr-a l,i',il ol n.errin nil .lis.-,. .-, no m.itler lo.v de ply il in i have into the I rani" an-l v it. 'I or,'..!.. It va i'. I tin. v tair v. o. I'a.ti. ..f M-cmi r y ,--(.liilvii cr v-r.rr Ar-? . i.t v;:Vt-r hn.v it may lia o i i ate I, li j v fca.l, or how J .'! M-a'e.l in 1,'ie ..'u,ii, it will annihilate ami c ..N tne on,, a ml ic oio t i.l'm to a ol r I'.-. li'-atli ii.i.l tl. 1 or (alcers 111 fit in,, urn a, 1, 1 thio..1, I .nia-'r,,.r, I of I hi? (alanl-, (.0 l. e or t'liimr. in the Tfir..i', ', l'.iin- in the Ii.,1 anil Julia-, it it the only .u', ami s ir, rciiie,ly. Vo-niri pel mi in u'h- hail reison to ltat Cl U.,V ........ Il,te Ulo.l, all,, r . - j e h'.'uy of the rcvill 0 impm-h-nee om;:it In p i Ueilruv lii: iii'.it talnre fntcniir; Iho i in ir: iar" : I it , a tjvy may ll.erehy not j prolecl li.e.nseiie ".'..ili.-t l.te rtalla.'eis of iflaii..- t. io-v a.i'l r !at nt r. . h it m-inii" 1)1 c. 1 , t.nnti of 11 pare ami In alihy ollpri!if . 1. can ! l.e .i-i hv p. i van -, "i t ..inn .vi ati the r.ia.t ,,-,f,.t ,.!'.;.. In I'.I. HI V.H. 7 K IK Til K K t P 7. V , III. I I. Tit R AMI Lall . A k V I )lO, V , IllllTI. v , (ixn u . n 11 I.i v 1 k Com rr . 1 n 1 . Dr l'".a'M Iv's In line ami s.napai ilia i 'lie j he.t ami o.iii I.xtraol ...'!:t to he 1 1. In I lli.-e roi,iil.iinl-, thin iiiiaiiciiie ha) pi a ( nm.-l ! in. a.-', u-to io'inii rur..... j l'(!: M'.KVOl S DISKASF.3. I Vo la 11 jr in ''ie can c .iiiry an aileonate i.l. a I of t he iiniiciliate n ml almo.t niiracilon . ha '!'. i v. In. ii i pr n Ince.i hy the lis" of Dr. Teal..; '. '., lo, line S.rapurill::, ill the ilie..".l, ihtuli- t tle.l u li'i i-hatr.-rc.l iierid'H fystein. Whether hi ih. .111 hy exee-s. a-aU hj nat'ire,.... impa re I hy sicklier. , 11,. nn-triii rf ami lelaxe.! mif.i ti 1 ... 1 1. ii i al ..lire rehrai eil. revile. I an 1 h ull ip. In cj.e of Neuralgia, Nenois h"i hiclie, I. o of meinoiy, (aeneial IV.ntralion, Nerioi. ne. Vertigo, l'aiia in tlie.N'enei of tho Tare, un! the eiro in train of iiertoim atf ciioii, il Aiil pi o,l ice a cure in an, ' short lini.r. 'J he etlect of tlii 111e.l1.rine 1. to ifive per 111.111.T1t relief lo the mill'erer, an.l to re -toi e the .hallei.J an.l ihhil itate.l connlitutioa tn itn jir i tine hcallli an I 1 17'or. TO J 11 1: TADII'.S. I... lies of pale complexion anil cotivimtive II., ami m h as are ih-hiliialeil fiorn any of Ine ola'Mictioiia inciileiit tu the ., inch u oh !.tr'iclion or painfnl meiotiaiat ion, I'lotir Allnn. or 11 lute, l.ieen Sicklier-: ulo, excessive th.w 1 of Ih" .Mouse., lial rciines, Air., ran he icMoi"il lav the n-c oi t A 0 or three hotll.-s of Dr. lUt i i y's lo.line ami Saraparilla, ta hlooin aial viiror. It ii far the he-l remnly eier .i.,cove--e.i for weakly i hil. li. 11, ami no 'li m have h;.,! hnnion hein;f plea-ent they read, ly take it. Il iinnie.lial. I y re-t ai c the app"t ite, Mn-nrr, h. ami color. Nothing can he Inoie , ,, 1 ! than its iiii'igoraliiit'i ll, ct on Ih- hum in frame, j I'ersons all weakne-H ami Uvln la h -l i t. k-I in" Dr. Ki?ti r!y'i loilme ami Sar .. la 1 1 1. , ul once heenme loieist ami full of ciir-.-ay uialer its inll.ience. It imme liately eonntei U' ti the nun 01 n.-n of 1 he fa u.aie I. a.i.e. IR. I'. I KKI.V'b I'.Mll AMI SlR.ArAHIl.t-A IS K WoNIal.Kf I I. I'l Hl l: OK Till. Hl.OOII. It is very pl.-aent to Ihe t.,l, uml 1. inoie ronrenli at. il, h.-in tioiiu'er, hatter am! ' iieaper than any other 111. .heme in u-e. J'am.lies who have ti-rt-il tho. article are hei er w il 'uirif to he vi .tin nit it. Taken 111 the early stages, It h a isore pi of ulmosi any spec.. of dis ea' ijV" 'lv ' '4 "" l'-lei!y'i l a line an, 1 Sar ,.11. a, ilia an I lake nothing elv. l'ri.-e 1 p.-r l.ottle, 01 m l.ollle .'or It,"'. A III . .a i it, count i.iaic to wha. -aiu pnr cha r. CV'"or rl' "r. I'.a-.terlv' Kainily Me.ii c'h.c .".tore, ..nt h-ea'. coi 11. r of l.,r.1 ami C heo loit stie. t-, St. I.oni Mo. al" hy 1'. A. Sarpy, St Man, lowa,ai.,l hy d-atcis in ineliciiingei,. (.rally in the iVi-.l. oh. i:asti::u.Y's fi acit: Kll.l.l.K. Ii -AarranV.! to cure Ajfae ami I'eiei, Dninh A" .e, Cliills an.1 rei.r, liileruiilant ami lie. in. II a nt let cr, and all I lie 1 41 10,11, form 1 of 1 e vers I 1 totiie We-a !1 Una I . . 1 , . 1 1 a r rcuieJv has now h-en hefore the po hi .c t a u y eai k, an.l ant ii.g I hat t one a hout I A LSI V- IVK lilf.l HMI lal.l 1 I H have loeii a hl uml in no iimtant e hai il faile.l to ell.rt a pei Hon .i,t nn e a tar as In . i I 1 1 om, or to (file n,i" '.!.-fact-.ON to the pnichaei-. Il in wanc.itc.l tonne all .a-n, or the ii,,,,,.y will he nfniiile.i. Let no in in, wumanur chihl oilier With this distressing disease, w i.n a sure time.!',' H ?t hall I. il ao lite io.-iiimoi.v from J .hi. Mi'! ri Co. l.VAv.wi n, III., Oct. 1'tl, lin'J. Or. I'as.erly Sir: We take pleasnre in slat- intr lint we have jnir Iiase.) 3' holtl"nf Jour I'.-ver and A.'ae hill, r, an l liaie sold ihe same 10 our patrons, ami trial it lias f il. ct, 1 a perina iient euiem every rise. We have Maid iie.nlv all tile larimii medicnn for ii'fueaml none lias kruin such entire satisfaction as your Kever and Aijue Killer. W b.Iievi it is Un best, now b.ifuit tl.o public. itfssiW, .?. llss C. ...I tl.R Id. om J . i. n ( i.iNoi.f-t .ato.:i, l,.'l rir.l.:. ,'. Alkanra, Ci lit in. l-.;i. . Kh!.tIv : 1 1 Wln'li I a. in V"nr c' v !ia . I i.c .! i I, 'it I' 1 ' Kill".. hi. -!i y "ii v. an : i I .i v, n i l . r i. vvl.i. :i r i . . i . I : . -1 r . r lia i: 1 . .'ii a -r, i i li.n it..' . !!'..; I v;vi ..! , I I '. i"i . ( I ,.- . .'.-" , .i 1 1 in l,.i. I i".i V o'ir I'ri or ami AiM t. I to no. I Ion" -I a!' n v .. ' r n , I. (no .t . irlart i.tii in I rn,r of tiir l'hi!N i .I nly .. , Ii:i.l I, ', n aMIo-t. I t r I. ai I of ; .iiii,i.'i , ai l I. a I 1 1 t: lllt- in in V". I.. -il 1 1 i v i' :r a ! 1' -.i' .11 of t'.f lin.f. all of,-.. Sh. ..,!l" of co ir ii.. 'innc. ai; l l.-fnr s' a I " I Miin-'iir. ol it. !:. was entirely ."ii'-.l. . ( I 1.4 - on j . . I coo, I 1 1 " a I 'li rr Mfir". la tin can- ln'.fil fall, I to rllr.l a f , ; 1 1 - j I - i . t .Ml". )!..-.,.., tf.jl',, ,i,ii.. ,1.,'ni S. ("-"no. 1'. S. I ill I " in .".- Iar. a;:ai:i s!,,'i . ami il I 1 1 . i v rim, r la i :' I v. N. 1!. AU for l 'i. I -i I " lVvrrn-, I rrn. Killer, an.l ta'.f 1m oilier, an l yo I ni" af . A liSei ul il.aoiinl iii.oi" to v. Iiol.-..,. I" .I" i'.t.'. I'li.-.. per linille. or !.. !(! for Si .. I.Til.-al lr. I!., l.-i is ' Inioi'v " i , r l r S,.re roi N'T of '1'IimiI an.l ( l,. -i.i.t .li..' S!. I -, alo. .v I'. A. Sarpy. M. M.i.-v. an, I hy ileal. N" in iri ' 1 1, i t.r M "rlo.,lllv Hi tlie Wi"t. nn. i: n.i;r.V's m i:!mic: svrrr. o Is a pi"P-,...t, k.if. ... I :'. it;-1 i etn, ' v 1)1 Ih -"i.'-iry. I.iiarrlni -a.fl.ol. r...CI,,-.. r .M r'iiiiiN'.f .Nimt'laint. 1'0'ie fi i :!,.'. Pain.. Vi'.,t in tli Stoma, -li n 1 1 ( Hoin.-1.. Crini!,.. Pi ct I in it ami ( 'i v iii' of i n!,i i, a " J 1 or a 1 1 ir i."r'i!an. ol tit., ier.v i i. li H .tip of t!i" Ino.t . il, i.v t. i. Ii . nn.! fe pr. v. rai'a.n fwv o.;.:i I ', tin- pulil ;" f o ...-.a . f ,i..nii.,.i.. .,r iV S'oin i'"l of tliele., ami 1 low, a ml Hi" oiil v ,. i tirl" v, ! !, v I ciiiai-li :o"e fni em in ( !Ta I : fan innier Coiiiptaittt, a'ot all tl.i: .ieri.'- i tnin on s inei,t of t lie l'o ! I roin tf.'il.ii.L'. l)i . K.i-!ei 1 v'" I.'i in Im a St riip i without . x crt.tion on" oi' lln most val-ialil" l-'amiv i !i-riti.-H nrr ilis.'oi ie !. iimlr..s of fainili.- of tlm fn .t resj,. ftaloi it V in S'. honi !i.-. . . u ... a an. I la ar til" ii oiiL'.'.t t. -' in..,'iy ia r.slavor. l'i l. " '.' in t, per I...', I. . I',,i 'ale at Dr. liarleily'M I'.unilv Mi'lielm- S;,,r, I...... in - li , -1 of 'iiili.l a I,.- I'. . S .r i'eiiera'.ly in li i: Asn.m.v- I C!,.s..,t .,-,.. y. ai I Lv .!..; .' We. I. r.UMii i i.i:. 01.. 'Vh" ( K.Nii.'.iy lol Kxp.lii.i f!i I, lien. T!.e most if", i, Las. 'i.t am!. ;r.-' W'Tiin fiotn t ial no...-:-,.j tl..,. .un foi t Ik: r.nii'.v..! of vv.niiu fi.iin ciiilJ- r ii I l'a .).. l' i.'.! i) Wi niif'ii,". i'ii' ntal u'l.n i i a s . h i-r. inj U,c char.1;.' of en, !ion1,! watch .".ri-'aily Ih" sympioH..- of .V...N1 lal'O in in Tieai- ciiinien. an-l an oon ;m ,..-;iin-a iti. their tna-.,..:,.-... !i,..y Iion).! at onc it to the n o of Dr. r-.-'.Tly '1 Vi-rMiifi.e Mm e children dnr 1 1 urn Worm than all oili d,.ea-ei, and a inoi e mi-ei aM.. oh,',."! can scar re!) h" iinaifiiie 1 II. an a T: i !! sm ?' riiiLf i.nd.r the ordinary M mptoi.s of il ,,'in. I'ai "nt . loa, !. l'i!: Will y.n'l tod flame yon: a-!i , if ynui rtnhlren ilie, that j on did not nm- Dr. Kartell 's Veiaiifii";o ill lime? Tins. Vet nnf a'e ,.i re in 1. r r . ry p"ri." of worm t'i-.' tvlu l,i - X ' .ar!,! hoiir afier tai...:.. N:c ii cent per Louie. I or n.ile at Oi . Jaslei 'j Cunily Md.rine Sloro. waiih-enat eoi nor of Tnird mid 'hrnnt .-!:,'-. St. I.oni, a! .n !iy '. , Sarj y, S . Mary ami hy lei in inodie;.... nr ., i . n 1'... v. c I. J)!t. liAs'j r.!(r,vs imp, KlLf-r.ll. Tor ttie cue of li,nii -, Spi;;,.,-, '., i,r,!. To, ah A" he. Co!i. ar.i, .-i S, Ch,.- le.'a. I7yi'niery,'iiii Hi in. I'.ii in tto! S'..ln:i.'ll ,'tlel Ii,, i a il.t V.l.eielor Ite'ie.'-i I' .in. it i a . a ml ,-' t a . n ( i '1 iiis dieine ha i. lore eonl i o over li p ii i.f Ihanani It h n-. J i.i. lr! Int.-rr.alli ami livlo iiailv. imd i! -"..'Iiinrr c!- i ler',. are in.inntly f II hy tin- . i.ii'.T.- . aie ial- i inrf the iNo-l i v.-rntiatii.'' (.all. in u U-.v mil n- j tea. In a word, it is a I'ai!. Kii I i i. ( No hamine or pi y c an 'in.!! It- llirho al It. 11 has hret. nc I hv flic a .(,, ,,f iic ' mnt ii.t.d I '.ent and re. mrt. :'.!.- (';.. , ... in !',.! I, ca.s. ami all proaoiit.i e li Ine iuol s;..'.' , a'. ! , 1 .ih t C,ir,i'aVe t hey hr. e ei i,..... ' ' Da Ciel t i.l.v's I ' a I ?. KiiiiK IH hey oml all donht t lo lii' cei taai ivn ,! v ever lixcov. rod for l'a i in in t he Si , , n. J'ac.s in! the s,,,.. Di e.i-t. Haiek aial I.;,,I,. It i. iiilallihle remedy l"r Caje, l),,url o ( iioleri i M nhiM. Painter's Colic, Wind in In.- Slnriai h I an.l ll.iiveU, Jy.n..p-ia, S,,,r lni.,it. l.'.ad-.-.: he, ice. c xctio.v To Tin: pi lil 'VABI "f lull ITIOS.7 A N II I ',),.' I 7. 1'. 7" 1. 1 T . Th. only "in i :ir and iea! I'.u.i ICilhris pr. pared cki l,i-ivel y hy Dr. I.a.tei tv, tne sole pi opi ieior. 'I i.ef. I.o e t .Hint, il i its and .mila 1 aio 1 i.e. rai e h in e ly ak f or Di . l".ai:i Ii " I'ain Killer, and take no other, and yon are af". I'lice i!."i cri.U p.-r L.all.V; hottle for Jf.l. Tor al"Ut Di. Ci'tcilv's M- licnie Store, o it!i-.-at crnei of 'J'iiird and ( hen. a slree'f, Sr. Tom,, also hy . A. Sai pv SI. M iry ami r,y .1. ateis in . neraiiy in the west. I ....4 iw . 3 J .1 sj.-:..s:.:jl 1 or tlie cure of Conirns, Cold, Astli.nn. I on- I! mimptinn. IJ r Int.. Sp.l Ihil' ot I. In.-. I, I'ain Spe.ilic jou tab ere, and thus in the hole and lireast, rie.iiiy,' pmei.t all evpouie. "I t.ia ti.e.-tl line u .11 sj"a Coiauh, and all Uibcavs of Ine Jaaiigs anil ily and elh ct.n.ily cure the inns! vimltnt cases Che-t. Aiuoi.i; all the re'nhrated reine.lic. ft,r Disea ses of toe and Cn i. -T , n one .-. in lo he meelin with such snicc.i ai.,1 to j;in: snih en eati,fa..'iioii to all, as DR. CAHTI.K'S CoL GH HA I, S AM. This valuable remedy is purely leccluhle in its imfredieiit. and perfectly huimles in all it uualities, and as mini and pleasent a 'JiC mo-t ilclrcate cordial. Jt is leiy soothing and h. al iin lo the I.iinifs, and is eiciy liieie acknow l edt'edly Di UKits, J'hysican, and all w iio bale Use 1 it tu be the luoul Llkct.iul C'uiati.e known. CONSIMI'TIOV. No dis. i t ii. cel. nt to o il climaie in so uni versil.audat the same time ... 1..1..I, as 1'ul ino.ia. y Cui.sumptioii. 1 ins awful iimladv sweeps oier the land as a Di-ti oy nn; Aiiifel, laymif low the .-tronL'est and lair. sl of our i see, Million of the lo in; a...i ihe old are annually h il ii-il to the tomb l.y Ibis ditadlul national di-ii'as". I.u.n mini: Klxrlnl llewiire of n.eie paliiui i. e ma l.cinei. i lie ohjerl of neai ly all Die Ine.lii in. n now oI'ei. d lor disea.cs ol the l.uuerH, is lo ii ln-ve and not to rule. Such la not the ccc w 'III I 1 . Caitei's C' l.ul.-am. In Cold, and roughs, vihich are tlie loci n uip toius of, it is the most pi. a-. i,t and elli "ac ions 1 cnie.l v that can po,ihly he ue.t. in r NI...I coiisiimpiioii 11 uasoeeri 1011 .villi fin f, rl and ti iumph-nt sucin ., w In 11 Ihemo.a .. . . a .. a . . . . :. , 1 a ... tllllliel.l pliisicii.. liaU rnc(, op ail I. .pi- a, lain. So coi. li t. nt ! the ... 11 ti r ot i's piaw - ei to care l iln rcurous on. amp, that he s'.li. lt., a ti nil in th" lioi-.t of ca., .'j. SPFFTINTi OF lil.OOD. This fiiifh I ul pj nip!. un of coiisoiiipt.oii ( he. kd and preii.!.:,l hy Ihe ue ot Dr. Cbi t.i ' Coiih laaham, which heals the ail. etc, 1 haemhiane, removes the incipient tuber t ics, and r.-etoi.s those vital ordain, the luns, to a soand and healthy con. lit. on. KFMIMIll.K 1 IIIS. Spiitiiiif of Jilood always arises from a ton. dene y to tuberculous disease, ami it not cherke.l at ti.e outs, t, vi ill Manner or la'er terminal" in death. A n rsoii who raise blood once w ill rai.e blood fclfsm nr. es a j.i oper em .In is nu ll. ..Lately em ,1, i el. I'AIN IN'Tlli: SIDK, 'J his (lis r -I, mi, ii, in of cons ami, to, 11 a- ri . fi.. m inl! m..t n.,i of l'u- luniis or in-mhi an call.-l the J'leuia, 01 f.0111 bionchial al.'cctions of Ihe air passages. In e lder case il isairiy ilaiio loiij indication of (li-.i.-.e. It prevents fall uml fre hre.a hinjf, and wears away Ihe latural strentti of the system. 'J he cau.e of this symptom fdio, il l ho rem, aved nl r.'.ee, an I liotliinif rail possibly i tl.rl tiut rbiect so speed ily and happily as Dr. Cartel Condi baUain w 1, 11 ll is w t afu Shu salularv In lis 1 ll.-cts on Ihe coimtilullou. I.IVKH COMI'LAINT. In rases of coiisiimpiioii t!ie is always inoie or less a lice ted. an also lh spleen, pleura in., I small intestines. J he . Il.ct of Di. Carter's Cooifi. lialsam in diseases of Iho Liver, esjiee iaily if it be of an uleeroas iist .rs, is diitcl and Mwarfal, -mf't issss f la liter ar, cure..Lj n, ua. wprrni wen. Th ' !.. t -!i .li y h.Iit conh vf jffioli v j pe..'l... '. I i ii v a 1 1.) in n I'.v. 1 1 t o cf y, ci'i h. i- ''!' Hy inui ! W tin; t.-,c r,f Di. Car. IfiN 1 : i ir ;i ,a'-.:n. l! i r;n, rn"i'ar,t ho j si i i.ia la!.-. I I.e . ,'joiy In "ii ; hii app l rat, is, pri. In n"(l n in i.i ite the i,i" impr.-vft th" it live luiii.t of i ho l.ivo, .'-..I ("i. ri, o'htr Ur ulaml-, nml tlo .l'a.'':H ortMi ", on. I in.'n'j In-vr l.fe to H.i w..n on l ri :t.l I'nU'.tf, Mill' C1I I I T.. Ii'-mictii'i., !!. .! "I' hi c..." r.-ii Ji.a .limy c;.eclo:-..'..'i, waii all c'.'.tt -Ti j . . in . i 1 I y an .ttieclio.i of li.e tr tahti; fioni :!i" throat to the I in . r , r.rc d irect It am1 s....,-ila allv a iT. it .-.I nr., I run t hf tp, u' of Di . ( ' j ; I' a ' ('o.i'ii I' a'suin. 'Ji.ii p lii.l'nl, eat ii,.r ri I uipirioi.i ii.1, nn a! a a . a pr.a, ei In I t.Nuiciif y to il.f ami ir.j ,'1 ii n the :i l I.'1 n i,y iri'lucc tho nciri f,,rin of j nl mom, y ili" Lc waintil :) tin,", ye ii.i'!.i:l.. I, aial employ U.K vau',., riii.,y. V. MTIf'TOK I'M N. ; l'i '" I' vpec an .Vmn n tl," m..t impnrla if ii. o, t ,. ho ohl ai ae 1 in all altoiNpU to ruiad.i. " .n-nri of t.,r i:het un l lnnv;i. 'I no c..)il'!i vi h;rk 'l ,i u ii,. i I" limply '!,.' li-.'.i! of a .1. In ep.a :. v l :.loV. ; t fo-.l I,-, vlrrejiin ni Ih" n:r J :...;;i -i. it will rontirnje tn irr ti'.i ti." m.NI.hl ail" ...1 I pi . vok" ,1 CO.I'll. Co' I J 111 I.J i nr. ali.'inpt to throw oT thi n.jtlor, an, j, pi . loi ut i. m 'i. . ir i eat rolief. Jnal'ility lu m. p. orat.. in t a" lu'ci siae ul ro.iSuiiij,' u U.o ran o of .Irnih. du. : Ain ricscoicii balsam, ,1 the if.eit lo.'toi l.l,. U .liuUet tl.a mof. l-i -I ii'i il.-aa v mai : , r in the a o :.;ia.'i, c irey il from a thick cl'iaimui JoiSsinnce to .nin harmlc-" IPu l, a. at i'llow H il oil' with thl jrrratost ...-1 '.I o e ia to the p ;t i.-nt. T'.ore n no I". It. i iniain ina in the worl.l if it anpectu. raiit ip. alit. ...', oi.. be c..i.:.i,"i cj. SPASMODIC AS I ii M A. sii.iiilo or spa'Nio.lic a'!im t!io.-isa, I rt'oi r.-imily il, an J),-. ('.uter's I'.inli la..lna Thi lo,i re-in ii;"i..-c villi. r!i rei'tj aluiutl rvei i lliiio.' e!. , m, ! ! . t..thoc!l p. fi.I in-liN.-nr,. ..f to .I romo.'v ai renlil a w.j fo. 1.1 . f la !.. r;, I ix". I VI it Y I AMIl.V -li-.'.l l ho iupphcl vwtli Dr. Carter' Co; ltal,.m, to he ne in t he r arl V t.!;r of t'o.l.'if Col.N. Si .ttitirrof li.,, , l''ii;i in the Suie anj I't.e-', Ition.-liir.-, I .!!i,-nty of Uronlhit-, N ::ht, A'lNini, l.illacr,.., Wtiriopinj l'., ih, an I . r . ie Ci o ip, am! I.'ierel.v cour.tai. arl I he c.n i c t. eel l.y nor .-v .-r chr.niri ndein y n hll li it pri-Uii-I." cliiiL.t.-.. I'rire Tiial hott!. , 2.'. ceil porhote; lrr, battle?, $1 p: r ho'lle, or m hott l"s, f ar & i. ' For sale at Dr. Ka -terl v '. I'...., ily M.7j.cia toie, soiilh-e,it corner o'rTloid an ! Chesnnt tret, St. I.oiin. eN'i by I'. A. Sir y, St. Mary, ami hy dcih-.i in i.aejici.irs j ',-rf My .."!Vr': '!" 2-iy l or the cue or I.iver Coioidains. 1). j.cpsu, J un dn e, I!ii:onin n, I. on of Appetite. !! a.ia. n;c, Il.ihii.ul Coti "ness, Oene.-al p' -hility. .'"i von...... nrnl a!l .li.cisrs i,s ii'i; from a .lisouleie.l I,i7er, or Digestion!! I ne e. It, tiers pie e, i invigorating Sir. i,i ',. nil a. nl li -..'..i piop.a lies, w lin ( -:'- tore and i i-or to the Di,;'.-.oii'e 0.-.ius, anJ iti.'.ke th" r, ilivaln a !,. f ir l.ii I a l oswr n r. Jai Main, ) tvf tu, And i.i! ..t,,.i i'o,.-i.e. cans. 1 from a dciaiii'fil ta id . !i' .,, i, .,,!,. Iivve U. and liver ulnct tc.d lo lO l.l!,t.,t. ,,r weaken iho nv 'ein. d:i. ni. m (.ijK MAN j;:TiEr. Cat u.,1 he lo IiilM' i ceoinn. ii.lo I tu prisons ,. me. ins; .viih a di,i..-i... 1 LI V iU or i..dij t.a.i, l.n.s i : Ap.a '.ae, .Wiii n lints :, I h .i i. . l.'C,:t i.i! C" I:,. ,,o'. l.e.ietsl Dslai li'v. .ii'.,l a v. riery of ou.plaiMS winch it is imr.ot -ihl to u. acr.'r.e. If tin ij aie rmirei. i , ir St. Tonis, thsy ait ad'. ie t-i 'v1hrc l.itteri. I 'lice .'ete.'j Of his tie, ,;r.i i)ri for IJt? f 0. rirnufil !).'s I on.'iy M" litins Sitoe, coi ! rnl.d and C'Jio.iat nUetts, M. nil-. I I.. .no. Alaoty r. A. Saipy .'.anr, iicjiiii iii i.icJ.iin.s r..iicia!ly in lis &ri 12-ly A r. Ta ii lid certain cmi far Corin: . I.ioh, iiWti '. '. i id Seminal W. aki.'-j, ana il ms of ti.e (.i nitai I l.iifain.. Th: pi ;a:lar and - pe.-ific rei. ' ly 11 now t-i-line I l., 1 i. . hiiiu ie.l and Vlari. lo cor at) j ci , -af (a'.no: i no: i, i, li-cl, M t aci nies, Sou.iaa) I e.ikney -. and oil dr ase of u: O.-'ii.:.! Oigsus j in a f".i i! i)S. 'llii inl' do i.-i . :, h.t .... . a tho,i-..tnds ii., on, f, m : he l.aCads ol .i , . i'e-. .Jii.i. I (,, if tu.t from a preiattiii if., i... In case of inl.clloii, Or. jli.KOr's Sp i . .in is the null ?..f... .tn.i sine remedy. It iir I !,--(. .-ahl" lo the t. . (, cieas l. pi. ceptsbls - and may he ne.I hy peisonsof Ml w a h 7o n e . ci e. y n. tie ant repaid !) diet, ht II 'I am'"- I: cm h in.e or Medial Adiinr, plain .In cl ion for u i. a.N oinpany the medic iia H'-ndor have yon a private l!.easeV Do not ns- j irlacl ,t Inday is dmiL'eioiis. With Dr ot .. net 141 (eases, mill eiudn ate eieiy t artnas of 11, fi "Iio is I11.1l 7 1 fiom ti,e . "tern, and r slo: the f.itl lent to a pelt. ( t statvul beailh and purity, l'i ,ce, SI .",11 per bottle. For tale at Dr. F.mtcrly' Family M.-dicin Store, south-east conn r of Third n,i Ches.nit elite!, St. Ixnns, Mo. Also by 1'. A. Sarpy, St. .Mary, In a a, aiid hy dealers in liie ln,i, (fenerally 111 the West." apr l.'-lf . w .. i.i. A lalnal le 1. inedy for snpine-Moii i f the Men n(. White-, i'aniful .Men"iru.-tion, lmpcteu ry or llarr. un s, S .llow I'ompleAiim, 11, ail ache, T,ai,io', V. eaklie4 of the nei 1 es, anJ til iii. ease, ,, i arise f.oiu a deraiijjeiiieiat of the f inclioi.s of l.aluie. '1 he most p. 't.a ', safe and il.f allishle remeds for tiie c are of all llioe d -. ases of t lualss, r is ni; I. om 11 e.k ncn 01 .l.hii.ty , a. id list 1 ucl.oi in '.he sesuiil ir;.nc, s 11 h us ine'i.lar or i.j. pi.-seil of Ihe Menses, Fluor Alhos or Whiles Falling of tlie Wo. nl.. Head u he, Fri:h!ful Dle.lll.,S i.c., ansed hy CohI, ( he, kt.l pei aj.'i.. lions, escs.-sloi.i-exriicni.nt, A.C., is Oil. IIOOI T'i'.'rs I I'.MAI.L OltDlAI.' Sen lal ladns in (he city u In) lu'.e s.ficssl for many eais wait the aVnc conijdaifits, an bale employed (air fuot ei 1-m.tit phyncia:.! witlioul fiu-f.i, ham nsi.l Di . lloincr's J mala Cordial, ami hale keen s i. e.hly Sl'd per I ' . . - J ' " iiKin. iitly cuied hy it,n". If theie lire S'lllrr. ,. in M. I .mil, they em rely upon D.. J loots- ,., f . iuaie iioi.Jwl as a safe, ple.i.eut ar.J of. lei lenie.Iy. l'i .re 1 per ho't!e, or six boitlet for ". Fur tale ai lir. Fa.lcili's I ainily MimIiciui Stoie, corner of Thiol and Che- :'it struts. tt, Loui, Mo. Al.oby I'. A. S.irpy, St. .Mary, uml by dealers ill medicine (.'"in'.'aily in taa Wed. i.jir'l'2-lr Dr. Co)k' Ma;ic Hair 0.1. I'or the pre.ervatinii, Leauty, growtli, aoi ietoiatn.n of the llair. lt has I0115 be)u the desire taf iersons trouldei with still', haish, unruly hair, to piocure .a ar In Ie iiho h would at one" render the half sofl, lively and bea ilifnl. J he must pel fret and admnaiale article ever discover" j for that J u' pone is Dr. Cook's M.iifie Oil. 'Fins Oil p'.ii 'traies lue ii.iin test (ores, Jif intf the dry and Withcrini: bulhs la. life vnfor. ip( ini.i; ti.e.-apilli 1"-, s..i'lrii; presfiiiss hesNlih" and strengthens tne iia ir.H, and tu'li f i. un lall i it-i oil, rem. ne. the i! n di ull, and turns lajtteij hall lulu lliat winch is mi, mill, ghisO and wai v. It is admitted by all lo bs the great est of the aire fol beautify it.g tbs balr and rrmh i am; it permanent. lilt I.DUh 5.M AO IC 1 1 A I K I'll Is a sutiei b aia icle, ami shu aid be fnuu I ou t! toilet of every la ly w h" values th glosvy and beautiful I" a'ai.ce of 'Uhe fio A i,. J lll.jlotS Slid the w curl." l'i 11 e, hi) cen s per boltle. Fur tale bl Dr Kas'eilv's Family Medicna Store, corner of 'J hird and t'besnut streets St. laji.ts, Mo. Also by I'. A. fcsrpy, St. ,M'f and by Usalai- in waaaaeiast Ksovslly it bst Wsst assrltlT tueiej la coasiiir. ption I,'.." !i 1 5 V tl f.