Nebraska palladium. (Bellevieu City, Neb.) 1854-1855, December 13, 1854, Image 1

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roBi umn Hitm y u
ZHs. Norton.
Editors and Proprietors,
utttvirw, noi-i.t.A rfinifY, iim?A
TERMS. One pnj.v one year, S2 IW one
VipT X IllOlltllJ, $1 00 M VARIABLY IS AD-
Nn paper will he dienntWitieH exrptit at
lh itiaeretion of (he proprietors, until all ar
rearage art paiil.
for eth square f twelve lines or Iris,
flrat inaertinn.
On arpnre three tnontlu, , , ,
One square month.
One niinro twelve tnntitha.
! 00
6 no
' snn
12 ro
On quarter of a column twelve niontli!, ?ion
On hnlf r nlmnn twelve months, 3(100
Ons rolurnn twelv months, . 50 00
JJoainesa carda cf eiflit lines, yearly, IS 00
n ' nix monllia. 3 00
. " , three months. 2 IK)
Adminiatratora' and Executors' notices, 0 00
1. Subscribers who lo not eive eyprr notice
i tne contrary, are considered as wishing to
ontinue their Subscriptions,
2. If auharrihe-s order the ilisrotitinuanoe of
bcir papers, the p-ihliiher may continue to send
tliera ntii all rrrarsea are paid.
ii. If subscribers nejrlrrt or ff "e to take,
their papers from ' the office to ' ' h thev are
directed, thev are held responsible until tliey
save settled the bill and ordered the paper dis
continued. 4. If audscrihers remove to otlwr rdaee with
out informine the publisher, and the paper is
tent to the former direction, they are held re
ipons:b!. 9, The f'oPPTS hsve decided flint refusing to
take a paper from the olliee. or removinr and
lasrine it inicalled for, Is priuia facia evidence
f iiitenlional fraud.
5brribers srill therefor OinterHtand i
1. That their papers M ill be continued after
ta expiration or the tiiue for which they paid,
less otherwise ordered. .
t. Tl:at no paper will bediscorit'nued nnil all
arreraces are paid up to the time at which the
otice is civen, unless we are satisfied that the
tubserttr is Wfrt hies.
3. Thit when the paper, throurrh the fault of
mbscribcr, lia leti$ nioTeied to everrun tho
time, the just an I ipost convenient way is to
remit ope dollar for anoth-r sir mnntbai with
iJ'reetiotiS todiscoiitiiment the end of that time.
This direction will, in nil rases, be poind upon
eorhoclis, and if not attended to shall be our
load '
4th. The V. 3. Courts have alto repeatedly
JpeHed that a I'o-t-Maater who reelects to
perforin his duty of civinif seasonable notice,
aa required bv the 1'ost-Office. Department, of
the neglect of a person to take from the office,
novrap pn addressed tbim. renders Die Po-d.'
Master liabb- to the publisher for the subscrip.
tion price
I. tl. RKNNF.T.
flaa onened a bnardinif bniiso at Bellrview,
forth accmniDodatiori c.-f re,f!i(iir )'lurirti..nti
a.ecaii'oi a j v:,-", V.t,i. w 'j u 'i a' e pleasure
in maiu' f a comforti.blt aa Ja in his power,
. JIJi-je4 fVhrak, ,. . . .uct -4
VJ ffairiATOIi. CVdledor, tJeneral
1 A(rei:t. V.nni.ellor at Law, ,Vf
tii lleview. iVftirasiia.
Ilavine so experience of 1 ? years ia the Ter
ritory, will pay prompt attention to all com
munications, post p.tiu, in regard to the Ter
riorr. Str .. 4 c.
Office near the Ooverpipent building,
and in rear of P. A. Sarpy' baiiklnp house.
Belltview City, Nobraka. July I . 154.
Land .A cent, surveyor and Lnginetr, Belie
lew, Nebraska. nl-ly
;eoiu;e mei'neh,
Attorney und Counsellor at Law, St. Mary,
Hills County, low. " atie31-ly
Physician and Surireon, re ipeetfully tenders
liia profextional service to Oie citizeiik of St.
Mary and vicinity. OlhVe two tuilea north
wat of St. Mary, on the Musjuito creek.
Topographical I'liineer, tenders his profes
sional arrvict-s to the t itieiis of Mi. Mary and
vicinity a Surveyor and Knpineer in all itsva
letiea. Otlice Hi 1'. A. Sfji) 'a store, corner of
lre;ory street. auj.'31-ly
General Land Ai;eut.i, S!. Mry, Mill (County,
Iowa. Will attend to the puichane i.d aale of
teal atate, the pti ecting of titles, j : ; .iijjtixs
a, A e., K.C.
fZlf l-'ai.'uinp land and village Iota, to auit
)m t pax th, on hind, for aale rln Bp, ami on
ita.oi aLle terms. CifAS. K. WA l'fO.V.
L. U. KIN.N EY. .
V.rg Cri-tk, Mills Co., low. 'Ihepropiie
tui of lhl lui'l intend to keep lumber ol all,b constdiitly on band j ai.tu to auji
jdy all speiijl Older for lut.ber at short iio
er, for cash. Ii42-3ui
SKiN I'A I NTEK AN!) (ill.DEU.
fl'HE s ibariibir ia inj located IniiiKelf at
X bt. M.ry ih prepared toex. cul" order of
evwy (iiarripl ion of Plain, Kancy, and Ornu
lii. iital Painting. Siko Ji.iiiited, blured and
gilded III tli" Liost approvi d t)le, anil in the
lieatt inunner. Patronage lefjif etfulty ao
licitud. OMiee, at H. Myem, I i .nt Slieel. St.
Mary. f J AN IftLA I S hC.II'.MA.NSKY.
M. Mary, h. .t. 'il,'.
Wholesale an I Coiuuiianioii Mi chant, dealer
in Dry Goods, Hardware, y ieeuwarc, (1m.
arare.'GiOcei ie, Di-oe--, Medicines, Hooks and
Stationery , comer of Main and (iirory alrert.
itiiS 1-1 y
c. i:. AVATSOV,
Conveyancer, Notary Public, and Surieyor.
Olliee at tlie Store of tireene, Kinney, k. X'u.,
t, Mary, MilUco., Jnvva. A."K'J?i.'5'-
ASTOK "nolE. "
f I11IE aulin-i iher ban just opened thianew and
J. c oininodioua building for the icceptioii of
lh trvclii,r nlj):r, and aolirits a ahare of puh
lic favor. Pionipt and llii ient ullenlion w ill
1 id to all wlio limy favor him with their
J lroi:e. Ilia tablu will be auppiied wilh 'uc
Lt the n.arktt iilloniK. A pood bIhIiIc is at
tached to the pri'iiiim. Wat. ENG ELL.
W. Mary, low, mar. IS, ftl- nifW-tf
B t It 1 1 1 b U 1 1 r 5 .
ii y j. i. wiiTTTir.n.
Uland i the rnoniiui; breath of June,
The outhweM brerrs play ;
And, throu rh its ha.e, the wluternoon
Seems warm a summer's day.
The snnw-plunevl nnM of the north
Has drnpp'd his ley apar j
Apain the mossy erlh looks forlh
Again the slreama gn) clear.
The fox hi, hill-siile enll forsakes,
. The mifkrat levei his nook,
Th bluebird in the meadow brakes
Is singing with the brook.
' Hear up, oh. fthr Nalnre !"' cry
Ilird, hreere, and streamlet free ;
' Our winter voice propheay
Of summer d iys to tlieel''
Ho, In those winter of the oul,
By hitler bias' nd drear,
()rswcpt by memory' frozen pole,
Will sunny days appear.
Reviving hope and failh, they show
' The soul ils living powers,
And how beneath the winter's snow
Lie genus of aumuier flowers!
The night I mother of the day
The winter of the spring,
And ever upon old decay
The greenest mosses cling;
r)"hind tht cloud 1he starlight lurks,
Through showers the sumlieams full ;
For God, who lovetl) all his works,
Haa left his hope with all!
C There is ometliing t-ue, fanciful nd
sweet in the following epigram on Slumber,
from the Italian : ,
" Pweet Is slunil-,-,t 1s life ils s(.: row s in or sifhing
Death, without tite feaif il strife, .
The mortal jo:iy of d . i "
5. i i in m L'-.'.' 1 H
Corrc pondence of the Palladium,.
New Yokk. Nov. 17, 1854.
New York wouM fro into a state ol'
collapse, if i: tuTvous nysltni weru not
stirred ttp ly nt Icust opr "rxciu inent" a
weiek. During tlie jirpactit wfk, we
linve !md at least a ilozmi, nin! tin: proline;,
tion it ml cm is 1 1 ii i pi ion of "min'1 ilorulils,
Tribune, and "Timfses," liuve been im-
.In il. f,rl ni!i,-e. the oseilla'.ioti of the
elee.ionrel.'.n.s, have kept the politicians j
in a continual tremor.
'Politique Positive" would have Juiib.
ed the ekialence tf positive politics, could
he huvr 1 the diserrpancies in the
lelurti. which iii-ve nuzr'eil ihe ,r -' vt
piibiio, for thelai-t iiveor s'ud.iys. E.dsc
htKl, during that time, lias kepi ihe vii c
in a tjuLvcr, and nuw, that oilicial truth ik
coming So hand, we are compelled to ad
mit, that the uphoi ism, "figures won't lie,"
is not to be relied on, when they arc pro
pelled by t li ctrii'i.y. The very latest re-
urns ilcci Clark Governor, and literally
ihrow cold waUi' on the hopes of tho Sey
inout'ile, not merely damping their spirits,
but drowmrg them oul altogether. Tlie
Tribune, which seldom overshoots the
mark in figuring out election results, elects
the Whig or Maine Law Candidate, by a
plurality of thirty at least. Nearly ull
there-turns upon which this plurality is
based, are cliicial, but, until the entire
vole has been olficially canvassed, there
can be no absolute certainty.
The Know Nothings here, are much
exercised ubout certain frauds, alleged to
have been committed by the Fernando
Wood parly, but, as the bo rd of canvass
er have decided that they cannot go be
hind the inspector's returns, he will be
the next Mayor of New York, beyond till
doubt und question. Possibly, lie may
prove h better Chief M.igistraie, than his
antecedents would warrants us in expect-
The death of Messrs. Harrison and
Smith, of Wi!ii..mshurg, in consequence
of injuries received at the hands of some
infuriated Irishmen, on the 7.h inst., has
occasioned some hing worsu than , excite
ment in that plan , vig: a strong determi
nation on the pirt 'f the Naiive Ameii
cans, to aveii 'i1 ilnir mm hr, i t the fus
convenient otiriorliini'v. 1 i-. '." be ! car-
id, that the ill-blood exiMiiig hi ! ween i
and the Irish, wid lead to saii-
cruinary scenes, ere long. I fervently
hope, that no ranh violence on the part of
he l. tter, will invite a collision, for the
perfect organiza'ion and oneness of pur
pose of the Know Nothings would, in
such a case, render the retaliation terrible.
Flushed with their recent victory in Mas
sachusetts und Delaware, they ure, by no
means, disposed to patience and forbear
ance. The suh ileof Mr. William North, the
oet and journalist , has occasioned some
sensation in literary circles. He was an
Engli.-huiiin of Aristocratic birth, exren
liic in hi hsbils and extrcmeat in politics,
(being a red republican of the reddest
stripe,) and US proud personally, as he
was democratic tlnrareticullv. Iu a oon-
bi:lli:vii:v, dolt(jlas co., neuraska, Wednesday, deckmheh im, is.ji.
vt'isdion Iliad wi'-h liiin, some weeks
o, Iir- related to tno, in in v domestic tro:i
bios, (iiuinr;led with llic :iilpri'il uiikind
ties:. oT n slep-tno'lipr, and tlie pi)i!srijup,i!
( si r.mirrniriit of Ins fullirr. ) wliii li, rnm
liine l wi ll jmvpr'y un 1 ilisappoin'ineiit,
firol iiilify tr iado.l bis sensitive nuiurc to the
verire oT insanity. Yet. lie cninmil IpJ
tlie ni l of M'lr-irmr le.r, with great delib
rrniioit. ),i 1ST . ii t lay tilbt, lie Lade liij
friends farewell," bcin?, lie said, about to
foiinl sensation in lliiscily. It is mKlati
choily to refine!, that of the 251 persons
lost, (he in.ijoriiy" might lmve Le.-n suved
h id the wrecking slu'.ion, near the fcpo;.
lu-iMi "pnipeVly provided with npi r - us. or
hud the sleiim-'.ntfs, tlisputehed to the
wreck ly t!io und-i wri crs, to s.ive prop
erly, betn fui'hishel with life-boils, ltu
the mortar for throwing life-line, was
rendered tiseless, after ihe lii'ih discharge,
for waul of ball. The crew of the ship,
deseried; ihe CapUdu followed the crew
in the only ri-iuaining boat ol the ship:
the surT bo.itS' from the shore, could iul
live in the storm; the aleionei broiiglit no
aid, and-there, w'uliin 200 yerds of the
dry beach, in sight of smoking chimneys
and inviiing homes, 250 men. women tut 1
children, perished. The ship struck on
Monday morning, during a log, and it was
not until Tuesday, that the gale modera
ted stiihViently, to premit the surf-boat
to reach the wreck. About 1G0 persons
were saveu, (all (icrmans,) three or four
of wlinin, lmve since died of exhaustion.
Tito New Era wan built nt Bith. Maine,
.ml i W is ihe first voy ige. She was
1 i -i wi i h rlware, dry.grto.-'s and
rhiiif. iMitmigtied to Duiicati & ti., of 'his
Ui.y. ; in! w..s insured in various oi!i.:es
chiefly in Hojiion to the amount of If80,
000 or 00 000. Il is sui t that the inti
ttart on a hm journey, never to relur.
On Tueshy muriiing, he SMullowed
ennugh of Pnissic Aeid to kill nn elephant,
le-corked the phial, threw himself upon
hii bed, und no doubt, died inslanliy. lie
left upon his tahlf.a twelve and a hulf
cut piece, wHi a note, laling that it was
the rem litis of ids fortune, al ter ten years
of literary lubof
f oor lenow. now nmiiy
there are e,Wd in similar pursuit,
Thenulhor ofihe'waose rxperuuee lue Doen ts uuiti as
his own.
The f h s'lip New Era, from
llreemer:, wi ll nei-i ly ' 400 ' eip-. w.V.s on
l-yj , Wiwt-eii Dcixl ud Long liranclii
on t He Jersey Sliore,'5 has crei led pro-
rance covers the value of ship's cargo) bm
what shall c inpensate for this uwlul des
truction of life? Captain Het.ry, the com-in-uider
of tho vessel, has published n
statement, intended, 1 suppose, to be ex
culpatory, hut which, eons ;.c'.s him of neg
ligence, and shows, that he left ihe ship,
much to tnrly for his own i emulation.
Ikhetluin, the uioiis'er now under sen
tence of dcaih, ut lliverhead, L. 1., for
the murder of the Wiekhaiu f..mily , made
m uttempt to csenpe, a few nighu ngo,
by setting fire to the jail. His plans weie
frustrated, by a timely discovery, und he
's now so throughly secured, that it will
be imnossiblt! fur him to play the same
j trick a second time. Ill execution will
ke place on the 15th of, next luoith
Pcverelly, indicted for atiempiing to
burn his own warehouse, has been found
guilty. Tiie penally, is five years impris
onment. Of course, IiUcouiim I have pre
p red u bill of exception, and ( (entente
has consequently been deferred.
The stile of the lute Bishop Wain Wright's
uluuble library, consisting of aboul 10,
000 volumes, will commence tiie 22ml
inst , which, by the by, is the day appoint
ed for the consecration of his successor;
Dishop Potter. A free Church is to be
erected here, as a tribu'e to the nunnery
of thu lute Bishop, who expressed, some
lime previous to his death, a strong de
sire to uTl, to see such on edifice built.
.V iiuui'ier ol ladies belongii. to the Epi-
c .p.i C.iifch, have uilcd a subscription
de r..) t;a e.vpe ises of the structure.
Hie .! .i to be iiji town, near the cor-
ifner ol Fourth street uul Eigh-h Ave
nue, 1 bcllCVC.
Tlie funeral o( the venerable Mrs.
Alexander Hamilton, which took place
from Trinity Church, on Saturday last,
was utmost immediately followed by that
of probably tho oldest puruii in the Uni
ted States, Mrs. Sarah Karns, of this city.
who died on the same day us Mrs. lLm
iilou, ugwd 117yeurs und three months.
She was burn in this country, in 17'37
when George Washington Whs live year
old. The old lady retained the lull pos
seasioii of her f.iculiicii up to the day of
her decease, ,
Il is a '-fixed fact," that we are to have
a new City II ill, additional to the old one,
connected with il uud in the fame style
of architecture, which I take to be a Hatch
modification of the Grecian.
The refusal of the French (iovcrnment
to permit. Mr. Soule to pass through
France to Madrid, has been rescinded -nnd
he has been invited to pass through
France. This has been brought rb.iu', bv
the intercession of nnr Minister at I'aris.
Mr. Mason. All fears of war in that
(juarler (ire at tin end.
The mictions el the Crystal Palace go on
briskly, and, notwithstanding the hard
times, the statuaries, porcelain, furniture
and watches, which have been the princi
pal nrlioles sold thus far, have almost uni
formly brought n fair Jaiu:o on invoice
prices. A prize shirt sold (to the sich
Mr. Lennox, it is said,) for $125 awful
iighl times' these, lire they no'tr The col
loss.d mirrors, and more magnificent piece s
of l urid: urc, seem to be less valuable thai
the lesser arlicles, as no bids could be ob
tained on them.
The steamship Asia nr ived yesterday
from Liverpool, with "liiree days later."
The news rrom the seal of war, seems to
bp, in substance, identical with that oflhe
lust previous steamer Ihe same dish, re
lnshe in several sty'es, by Radish,
French, Creek, Austrian and Russian
cooks. 'The sum of it is, that the allied
armies are having a lively time before Se
bnslnpol, and getting just as good as they
bring, if riot more so. The Paris corres
pondent of the London Times says, that
llie French government, has in its posses
sion, positive evidence of the participa
tion of Mr. Soulo in some vast plan for
revolutionizing Europe. Gammon! The
Liverpool Cotton niaikt was steady, with
a very slight advance; breadstuff a little
lower, with a buwan' market and money
easier. Consols 01 3 4.
The hank' difficulties of the West, eon
Iribute to tighten the money market here.
Forced sales of Ohio Stale Stocks, have
brought down the prices of these hither
to favorite securities. R.iiiroad stocks of
all kinds seem to be going down ly Ihe
run. First class mercantile paper is taken
at 12 1-2 pw cent.; but heavy sales of
stocks absorb large amounts of money,
which would otherwise be employed for
Ulacj.i- pill pi'jej. -
is a beautiful thought of that
strange compound of Scottish shrewdness1 1
strong common sense and Geiiriu'u iiiysti-
vaihttK itttwnautiit is.j i war-
WJhen I gi ze upon ih sUas, they look
down upon me with pity from their ser
ene and silent spaces, like eyes glistning
wilh tears, over the little tot of m. n.
Thousands of generations, ull as noi-yus
our own, have been swallowed up by time,
and there remain no record of them any
more, yet Arcturnus und Orion, Siriu
uud the Pleiades are slill shining in their
courses, clear and young as when the
shepherd first Jioted them from the plain
of Shinar! ..What shadows we ure, nnd
what shadows we pursuer1"
A man will be what his most cherished
feelings are. If he encourage a noble
generosity, every feeling will be enriched
by it; if he nurse bitter and envemoned
thoughts, his own spirit will 'absorb the
poison; and he will crawl among men as a
bruished sdder; whose life is mischief,
und whose errand is death.
Tn Oret Valley cf th Weat.
The difference of elevuliun of the val
leys of the Missouri and Mississippi has
been determined. The level of the Mis
souri at the month of the Platte is one
thousand and sixteen feet above the level
of the Mexican gulf; that of the Missis
sippi ul Kock I.shuid in near the same lat
itude, only five hundred and twenty eight
feet. At Fort Pierre, iu latitude 44 deg
21 min., 'he elevation is one thous ui l-and
fifty-six feet, while at the lower end of
lake Pepin, in the same latitude, the ele
vution is only seven hundred feet above
the gulf.
There are in the Missouri 210 islands
between the Yellowstone and its inouJi;
one half of them produce forest trees
chiefly Cottonwood, willow and plane trees,
below the Plutte, and above intermingling
with (reej and shrubs peculiar to higher
regions, until the predominating growth
is stunted cedar and pine. The number
of its tributaries within the same space
ii over two hundred. Very few of them
ure of any size or length. Tiie Kansas
and the Platte ure the only one west oi
the Stales of any value for navigation.
A lady being asked what bit.-incss her
husband followed, said he was engaged in
finishing. Further explanation wus
necessary, and after a brief hesitation the
lady cculiuued, 'finishing his time out in
the state pmon.'
rvustso. To have a lly light on
your nose just as the dagiic'rrto!yj)ist
p;i!'s out his watch an 1 says 'Now'.'
' I l LL . . J .
A thort Btory.
'V.'lien Mury nnd I were marrieJ,"
s.'javiiaiu i norniiurn, "we were young
nnd foolish for we had nothing to be mar
ried with; hut Mary was delicate, nnd I
thought I could take care ofher best. 1
knew I had a strong arm and a brave
heart do depend upon.
MVc tented a chamber nnd went to
hoiise-kerpine. We got together a hllle
furniture a table, bedstead, dishes, but
our money failed us before we bought the
chairs. I told Mary she must turn un a
iu; lor t could not run in deb!. No, no.
It was not long before our rich lieighbor
Mrs. M. found us oul, and kindly enough
supplied us with a half a dozen cluirs,
added to our store. They were old ones
' , T-l 1
j tobe sure, but answered just ts well for
us. I shall never forget the face those
chairs put upon our snug quarters-they
never looked just right before. The ta
bles have turned wilh Mrs. M. and me.
Now she has become a poor vcidow", but
she shall never writ wdiile I have any
thing; never! cried the old mnfi, wi!h"
beaming face, '! shall never forget the oli
And now the secret was out. It was
Uie interest of ihe old chairs, which main
lined the poor widow. She whs living
on the interest and compound interest of a
ilile ftiendly act done years before, and i'
sufficed for herself and daughter.
How beautiful it is to see how God
blessed the operations of, His great moral
law, -Love thy neighbor;" and we should
ofl'inrr see it. could we look into the paths'
if life, and find that it is not seif interest,
nor riches, nor fame, that hinds heart to
heart. The simple power of a friendly
act can do fr more t(ian they. It is these,
the friendly kindness, the Christian sym
pathy of one towards nnother, which rob
wealth of ils power to curse, extract the
hitter from the sorrow, and open wells of
gladness in the desolate homes. Wetlo
not always see the golden lin"i shining
in the chain of human events; but thoy
ore there, and lip?y is he who feels iliclr'
gentle, but irresi-i b!e influence.
i.irt..ii.i i... 1
This iaA, :tv wme i f a community Iocs-
about eight miles from Buffalo, N. Y.,
on the old Seneca Reservation. Their do-
mam consists oi about nine liiousand acres
A great portion of it consists of large
fields, more thoroughly cultivated than any
other portion of western New York in
deed, it is almost a garden. Their farm
buildiiigs, and especially their barns, are
mode's of the kind. They have valuable
water power, which they use for saw
mills, and other manufacturing purposes.
They have large flocks and herds, and
what if unusual in this country, sheep
under care of shepherds. With them
work, work, is the order of the day, and
in the fields and shops, both sexes and ull
ages are seen. Their population is about
2,000. Their domain they wish to sell,
and move to Kansas. They have been of
fered )f 5,500 000, they ask $G 000,000.
They ere styled a community or a com
mon property association of a : religious
type. They organization hud risen in
Germany, on the banks of the Rhine, and
lias existed for more than u hundred years
They have an elective board of thirty el
ders, on whom devolve the duties of leg
islation., and who appoint a single execu
tive officer, who is the genera! superinten
dent of their multifarious concern. Little
is known of their internal policy, saving
the fact that is voluntary a member hav
ing the liberty to wi'hdraw at any time,
and draw out the fund all he has contri
buted, Mid his proportionate shure of tlie
Every one familiar wi h the bible, as ull
are presumod to be, will understand the
origin of the name ''Ebenezeis."
At first, il is said, when their circum
stances were narrow, the Elenezers con
cluded their should be no increase of their
population by births; but since they have
become more prosperous, they have not
ceased to "multiply and replenish the
I have read books enough, and observ
ed aval conversed with enough eminent
and splendid cultivated minds, loo, in my
time; but I assure jou I have heard higher
sentiments from the poor uneducated
men und women, when exerting the spirit
of severe yet gentle heroism, under diffi
culties und afllictiuns, or speaking of their
simple thoughts us to circumstances in the
lot of friends and neighbors, than I ever
met wilh out of the pages of the Bible.
Sir Walter Scou.
Kaksas Territory is two hundred and
seven miles wide, uul averages six hun
dred miles in length capable of division
jtife three S'a'es tin si? of 0':i-i.
VOL. L NO. 20.
There is nothing which goes so far to
wards placing young people beyond ths
reach of poverty as economy in the man
agement of their domestic affdrs. It mut
ters not whether a man furnish little or
much for his family, if there he a leaking
in his kitchen, much more in the parlor, il
rui s away he knows not how, and thu
demon wasle, cries, more, lik the horse-
leach's daughter, until he that provide
has no more to give. It is the husband's
duty to brinrr info the )w...-, J i .. irc-
duty to see that nothing goes wrongfully
out of it. Not the least article, however
unimportant in itself -to cstnblish a pre.
cedent, not under any pretence; for itojens
the door for ruin to !alk in, and he sel
doni leaves an opportunity unimproved.
,. A man gels a wife to ionic otter his af
fairs and assist him in his journey through
hfe, tnl not to dissipate his propriety.
The husband's wife's care, and the grest
est ambition should carry her no farther
than his welfare or happiness 'together
with that of her children. This should
be her sole aim. and the theater of her
exploits in the bosom of her family, --her
she may do as much towards making
fortune cs he in a workshop or counting
room. It is not the money that makes the
man wealthy it is what he saves of his
earnings. A good and prudent husband
makes a deposite of the fruits of his labor'
with his best friend, and if the friend ba
not true to him what has he to hope? If
he dare not place confidence in the com
panion of tus bosom, where is ho
place it? A wife ads not for herself
only, but she is the agent for many sh8
ores, and she is bound to act for geod
and for her own satisfaction. Her hus
band's good to which she should aim his
approbation her reward. Self-gratifica-tiun
in dress, indulgence in appetite, or
more oompany than his purse can entertain,
are eaiully pernicious the first adds vr.
iety to extravagance; the second fastens A
doctor's bill to a butcher's long account . ,
and the latter brings irdetapYuoce, th
worst of evils in its- train. ' - .. i
f -
it Mon n rnrrv iimi 'u.1-
.... .. miun i.i.-c uiiu U,
confess they arc p ion When ihey siia'l
be to the world what they ar them
selves. '' '
Look at this peasant his feced bronzed
with mid-day toil. From sunrise to sr.ft.
set, with cheerful looks and uncomp!tin '
ing words, he turns the primal curse to'
dignify, and manfully earns Ids bread by
ihe sweat of his brow.
And here is a white-haired shepherd. As
a boy, a child playful as the Iambs, he has '
tended, lie labored. He has dreamed
uway his life uon hillsides, on downs, on
solitury heaths; the humble, simple, patient
watcher for fellow-mun. Solitude has
been his companion; he has grown old and
wrinkled, bent in the eye of the burning
sun. His highest wisdom is a guess at
ihe coming weather; he may have heard
oT diamonds, but he knows the evening-'
U;r. He is, to our mind, a most reverend
knight of the fleece. Dovglcs Jerrold,
Gooo Wives. That young lady will ;
make a good wife who docs not apologias .
when you find her at work in the kitchen
but continues ut her tusk until jhe work
is finished.
When you hear a laly say, uhall at
tend church, und wear my old bonnet and
every day gown, for fear wo shall have a
rain-storm," depend upon it she will make
go d wife.
.When a daughter remarks, I would
not hire help, for 1 can assist you to da
the work in the kitchen," set it down that
she will make a good wife.
When you overhear a young lady siv- .
ing to her father, "don't pui chase a very
expensive or showy ditsi Tor me, but uie
lhat will wear besi," you may always be
certain she will injke somebody a good
.When you see a female arise early get
breakfast and then sit do ah to sew or
knit, depend upon it ho will inuU a .
good wife.
When you see a female anxious to learn
a trade so as to earn something to support
herself, and perhaps aged parents, you
may be sure she will make one of the
best of wives.
The best qualities to look after in b
wife ure industry, humanity, neatness,
gentleness, benevolence und piety,
2jtA. while man was punished with
fifteen lushes, in Norfolk, Va., the other
day for stealing . 15 one lush fur every
dollar. After the ptmi.-diuicnt was over, '
he thanked tho sheriff und gave thru
triumphant crows, a U Shanghai.
Tiie "bank where the wild thyme
grows, ih tiered dividend oi ti it
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