Nebraska palladium. (Bellevieu City, Neb.) 1854-1855, December 06, 1854, Image 4

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    mrnmmmmimtmmimft-mWd& uiaaimat Minim wv, k . an, -a.,.:. T ...vfl , , n- -,f j
' i
1 !
3 9 1 i ( I t u r a I .
PLANTING. A forrespond.'nt objects to tLe
practice of those" who still contin
ue h the old delusion that fall U
the licst time for transplanting
trees" stating that pome shrubs
find almost all plants, rcnewd. in
the fall when the sap, the great
supporter of their life, has pone
into their mot, vegitation ceases
In them, and they consigned to n
new soil, perhaps not a single fi
bre of the roots taking hold until
sDring, if indeed, detached almost
if not entirely, from all nourish
ment, any life remains, are des
troyed by fill transportation.
fruit trees, being more hardy,
bear up, but they are forever stric
ken," &.c. In the sprinc. "if the
dirt is wet.nncl packed solid round
the roots, before they are dim.
touching or injuring as few of the
Lores and roots as possible, rnd
carefully setting in their new bed
egetation goes straicht on," kc.
We gve this quotation for a sake
of pointing out a very common
error, nimely, that the sap poes
down into the roots to winter:
Instead of this, th", sap pervadei
usually all parts of a tree alik?,
and while covered with leaves,
these keep up a constant drain or
escape. When the leaves fall, al
through vegetation has ceased,
the roots still absorb a small quan
tity, and as their is no escape
t le leaves, the vessels of the tree
gradually become filled or distend
ed, so that on the approach of
warm weather, stimulating activity
the least wound is followed by a
flow of the sap. As soon as 'the
new leaves expand, as a general
rule, his flow from incisions cea
ses, in consequence of the drain
afforded in other direction.
Now it usually happens that
removing the tree in the spring
cuts oirin a measure the supply
from the roots at the very moment
it is most wanted, an evil quiet
as great as that res Iting from any
diminished supply in consequence
of fall planting. One correspon
dent speake of the evil of "a new
:oH soil;" are we to understand
from this that the plant has warmed
the ted in which it stood, and
that it is chilled, like a hurrnrt
being, by removal to a freh bed!
Is not the "new soil" as relatively
cold in 6pring as in autumn ! lie
speaks of life being "destroyed by
t an?poration" this must refer to
long distances; vet trees mav be
fjat thou; and of miles .if we'l
picked, with nearly or quite the
safety attending their removal to
the next farm. Ample experience
has proved this to be true. Why
are we not all allowed to take the
same pains in saveing the roots
and carrying the earth upon them
for autumn as well as for spring
But throwing theory asiJe,
we have in the course of our
practice set out many ten thou
sand of trees of various sizes, both
in autumn a ,d in spring, and we
are satisfied that more, by at leat
twenty-fold.depends on a pood soil
careful work, and especially on
the subscqueut culture, then on
the season of the year; nevrrthe.
less, if it were not for the liMIitv
to be thrown out or raied by
frost, and the danger to half ten
der frots from the cold of winter
we think the advantages would
decidedly preponderate in favor
of autumn more especially be
cause it is not accompanied with
the check we have already spoken
of at the very moment the trce
should commence to grow vigor
ously. We have never found
hardy trees to succeed better, if
as well other things being the
same, as when carefully dug up in
autumn and well laid in till spring
when they were set out without
the above mentioned check.
Shrubs and small plants, if in
clining to be tender, are always
made more tender the first winter
by transplanting; hence they
should be either protected, or the
'work done in spring. Hardy,
early starting perennials, as peo
nias, pie-plant, &,c, should al
ways be 6et out in the fall while
tulips and many other pulbs re
quire setting a month or two ear
lier. The practice must be modi
fied by circumstances, climate,
and the habits of the rarious
plants. Country Gentleman. 1
business pittctoin.
T. I. TOOTf.r.l M. W. UKEE.
tootle & nnr.r.NF.
Tea!er in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard are,
iueensw are , Stoneware, furniture, Hoots
Shoe, Hat As. Cups, and Heady M.nle Clothing.
Locust Glcnwooil, Iowa. n!i;'-ly
Wrn-leaV and Retail Merchant, dealers in
Fur and In lian Good. Groceries. Dry Goods,
Hardware. Hooks and Stationery, limit. Shm.
Hat and Cap, and every variety of fancy
foods, on Hie west side of the Public Square.
Glenwood. low. aug 31-ly
" Nt'CKOOrjc CO.,
Wholesale and Retail Merchant, corner of
,oC'it and Continue s'reet. keep constantly
m hand a hrg assortment of Groceries Prv
Goods, Hardware, and Crockery,!.
Iowa. anc 31-ly
Attorney and Counsellor at Law. and Solicit
nr in Chanccy. w ill practice in the sixth an
eventh Judicial District, .wa. Will prompt
I) attend to all professional business entrusted
to hi care. Ollice corner of Coolige and Lynn
streets, Glenwood. Iowa. aug 31-ly
VM. STUl.r.T,
lTi"ician Mid Surueon. having permanentiy
located in (Jlenwood, Mdls Co., Iowa, will
promptly attend to all calls in his profession.
Oltiee cin Locust street, one door north of
... Oil..
W rule's store. a'lai-ij
Attorney at Law, Glenwd. Mills Co. Iowa.
Practices n the Courts of thetSlh and 7th Ju
dicial litrici., aud Die Supreme Court or Iowa
May 3d. I V . 't'1-')"-
Attorney and Coainellor at Law, (Kenwood.
Iowa. j""1' 'l'1-
j. LlTXiTT'.
Attorney and Counsellor at Law, on the north
iile of Locust sti eet, Glen wood, Iowa, an 31-tf
Doctor Juint-s Donelan, would respectfully
inform the ci.irens of Glctiwood, Mill Co.,
Iowa, that he ha permanently located in this
place, and tenders his Professional nerviecs, in
all of its various brunches, to the citizens and
vicinity. Having altomte-1 a full Course of
Medicil Lectures, in connection with the Si.
Louis Hospital. Fitters himself competent
to render (feiiriral sal isfa' tion to those who may
favo dim with their patronaje.
(jy Utlice at the Drue Store.
ji.KNWooi), Mii.i.1 Co., Iowa.
Dec 22. lTrt. nM-lv.
W;ii.r.s Vr.ALr.n in Wooden, Willow,
and Cedar Ware. So. "f, SeconU sU, opposite
Monroe House, St. Loiiia, Mo. a
Sheffield steel warehouse, number 213, Main
street, St. Loin. "Mattapan Iron Company,'
Jtosfon, maniifacturers of machines! tools, boll
c itting and drilling machines, lathe, Ke., ke.
Files, edk' tools, kc, it., manufactured al
Wei.two.-lh Works. Shellielii, iuipurtnl to order.
Ji. UAkLU Kl.L,
pr 12-lr Af.tsr.
Sucessors to Berthold k Brothers, wholesale
dealers in Groceries, Teas, Wines and Liquors;
Commission and forwtrding MerciiatiU, 10H
North Stcond Htrect, St. Louis, Mo.
Cm fan Tillman, Wit. fui.LAcr.,
l'KRn. IIozicr, Jk. AMKDte Ukbthui s.
Gatey, McCune V Co., between Morgan and
(Jieen sheets on Main and Second streets, Si.
Lomr, Mo ; builders of h'eain ICnfines. tioaeis
and every ilescnpi ion of Mill machinery.
apr 1 2-iim
Sheffield ateel warehouse, 213 Min, corner
of Morgan street, St. Louis. Steel of all iU
scriptions in store, or imported to order, on the
best terms. 126m H. BLAKKWELL, Ag'l.
Wholesale and retail dealer in Boots and
Shoes, of all kinds, Xo. 152 Main street, St.
Louis. Mo. aprlif-ly
Manufacturers of Corrta Tim and
mow wobk, such as Copper Pipes for
Steam Engines and Distilleries, Breeching and
Chimneys, Soda Generators and fountains, Bre
wing and all kinds of Copper Kit lea. Well and
Cistern Pumps ami every other articU in their
line of Business, they also manufacture and
liep eonstantly on hand the St. Louis premium
Cooking Stoves, suitable for Steam Boat Hotels,
Colleges or other siumlar establishments; made
ilia good and wuiknianlike nj inner, and oi:t of
good and substantial materia' and of different
siie. All kind of Tinware on hand, wholesale
and retail, No. 233 Main street, south-east cor
ner of Cherry, St. Louis, Mo. apt 12-Am
N UCKOLLS k CO. bavejttst received oneof
the largest and bet selected stock of
GOODS ever brfore exhibited in the west. A
uionir their annulment may be to Hid
DRY (jliODS,
A variety of elolhing of all torts and sixea,
hardware aud ji.t.eiy, drills meijiciiies, f.n.i -ture,
bedsteads, burea s, t tb'es, chairs, cook,
box and Grecian, parlor stoves, kc.j in tboit,
everything you may call for.
P ersons need not be detained w hen they eomr
to th cheap corner, as they are well supplied
with nimble clei kt on their firt les, and al
ways have sharp scissors and d ill consciences
Emigrants will find it to their advantage lo
cail upon us before p'irch sui,'eUewiiere.
iGlenwood. Anril 2fi, ii35-tf
Tit fc 9 1 E A M E U N E B R ASK A 1 S U U . A G
bet wee u
f MIL rvebraika is a new ami splendid boat,
X manned by experienced oilicer, and crew.
Belleview City, Nebraska, isoppo.ite St. Mary,
coining to Nebraska should come direetly to
This is the front gateway to the most important
and interesting portion of Nebraska. Bear in
mind that
are the two best points for tiie emigration to
Belleview City, July 15, 1S5I. nl-tl
Juxt orriveJ, p:r stemner Delaware, at
On Man fcin-et, Si. Mary.
Ci izct'i end tinifrranli ran now find a
full s'ipp'y of frouli (j rot-erica, Provision.
Dry (jixx! and Hardware, w liicli iliey can
i.ny chcr.p for cash. Ii37-tf
SACKS fait for sale tt the cheap (as
store of M'CKOLLS fcCO.
Ol s'CS. Hickory Rbl' tme. Tor uuiow, at
Mfit rt '.
. ftC. TtddCr J
Smci''iri lo
ST HI. I: I .
Corner ubov i
IfJ VIIIGINU II ITII..-1 Lui.".i'i.
iHijHirlcrt iV Mmufticlu tn ff
xcni) LUur ill ill Otcnco.
1 ence in the Mill furnnlnng hi'iiir, in S . i ,
I- (
Louis, (coinmeucing at the workman's bench)
enables us o judse correctly nf the ii-iulity "I I
niirr nej a'lapteu io inuiiuir in ine vvci. io
oi' that quality, we have fnuiid it necessary
to visit the q larrie in f ranee, and there make
selections. Uur stock this yeir was 'elected at
the quarries by one of the In in. and samples
left with the proprietors, that we may, when
we order, he certain of obtaining the desired
quality, for successful luiliiiii.', the practical
miller and millwright can appreciate the impor
tunes of this arrangement. Our stock is alnays
iarge, and any desired temper and lexluie of
burr can be obtained w ithout dr'ny.
Tn obtain the quality of Boiling Cloth best
suited to milling in the West, we have bad the
greatest d.fliculty. Over-loading bolt by fast
friniline,- and the larj;e quantities of sprin
wlieal ami o:ts iiroeu so iirnnuiTr m uir or-
V ... V i . i . f . ii i
dinarv Cloth, that roinplaiiits ot mill owner
and miller" became so frequent, we found it ne
cessary to otitniti lieav er and rnnjrer i lot (is,
or snhji-rl ourselves to a suspicion of sel ling an
inferior article. Wc laid before the m inufac
turers our objections to their ('loth, and order
ed heavier mid stronger to be made. They un
dertook it with reluctance, fearing that they
could not make their Cloths heavier and pre
serve the uniformity "t meshes so indispensa
ble for good niilliiur! They have succeeded.
LV or l . and for beauty of finish, uuiformi
ty of irienhes, strength ami durability, we refer
to the milli'irs cenerally in the country, and es
pecially to the unllcis and tnili owueis in this
Our attention for many years ha been di
rected to obtain the best plan for Constructing
these miil. In many caes th-y are used by
inexperienced hands, and therefore, durabil.ty
and simplicity of construct ion was the object
to he attained. In this we think we have suc
ceeded. " We believe so, because in the great
number w chave sold, there has not been one re'
turned, nor to our knowledge failed to pis-form
entirely to the satisfaction of those using them.
They are in extensive use in the West, and
many of tliein in New M"ien and California.
Our miltsare known as TODD'S 1 M PROVED
(iKAIN MILL. We manufacture tbiee kinds,
lo wit: cast IBO- bud, to grind by weight
of the runner; stock Asn i.iik Mill, the
lower stone to run, and the rut ssr iik mill.
l'atcut riveted, cemented and inu.-liinf suelch-
Thi article is now made in the greatest per
fection, and becoming extensiiely used in the
manufacturing estiialishinents of Ibe country.
We keep on band the largest assortment in the
Westers country, of our own, and Eastern
Vulcanised rume celtivo steam
rACKiifo aid ucisli Hose. We are the only
agents of the Hoton Company in this city for
the sale of these goods.
Hoisting seiews, mill spindles, regulating
screw, irons, patent iron proof safes,
mill pick, screen w ire, copper riveu-. laee lea
ther, calcined nlanlcr, s.c, U., y constant
ly ou h llld.Jt
St. Lous, a nri 2. ti-(. r.V'-lv.
riHE diversity of free Medicines and Pop
JL nlar Know 'ledge, chartered by the Slate of
i'eiinsylvniiia, April 2ih, Is jd. mainly to ar
rest the evile of spurious nostrums: also to sup
ply 'he public with reliable, w here
ibe bet medical advisers cannot or Will not be
employed, having puichased the invaluable rem
edy, iOW'AND'S TONIC MIXTL'Kf., the
fust and iinly known for twenty veahs, as
the certain cure for the fever and Ague, and
its kindied complaints, confidently recutumend
it to the patronage of the attJicud.
Tne above institution likewise recommeri
tot Bowel Compla nt, KO WAND'S COM
and in in due time will furnish is own remedy
tor every disease that can be safely treated in
this w ay.
lly order of the Trustees.
President of tue University, and Head of the
I'hariiiaceiilial Department.
Home I)ieiuary and Ollice, No. fW Arch
t' l'l ,,),.!.,!,, O, Jy
Siai.Vs WAft'J fD AU knidsof skins want
ed, for which the higliesl price will be paid
.v S. & E.
RILD f HL'lT for sale by
sale by
" UM.VLAST Clotbrorsdle bv
AY.NU.-i PA1ENT MI.DICJ.NEs for .ale
JRODCCi: AND CASH wanted m pavinenf
L ii of debts. K . RP V Jk. K NG.
I ) t-ouare tiv
PORK wanted
at the Public
8. Jr. K
'I H E subiKCriber having leased of Clarke t
A Co., Hie old Council Bluff Perry at Tra
der's I'o'nt, Pottawottauue County, lowa.
Having built a new ami substantial Itoat is
now niepared to cross al! who come. Person
visiting Nebraska will fi-id this one of the best
1 erne, on the River. 1 rue, 1 have no bteain
ferry lioat, but 1 have strung arm power,
which will propel) a boat cr..s the nver at
tin iiarrow point without any danger or blow
up, quick enough to ati..fy the fas.est of this
fat n't and country
ATf. or srK. aaiAGR :
1 Wagon, two hnrsrs or cattle, $12
I Horse and buggy, . 1 t.
Horse and rider, .... Ml,
fmi'man, - - . . . . 1ft.
fXV Twenty-five per cent adJHtj th above
rate iluring h irh Water.
s.n n. :4 tt DANIEL NORTOV.
Attorney at Law, and Ceneral Lind Agents.
rity of Council rJlulls, lows, will atii D 1 to pro
Vmuoiik-I business in the bib and 7th Judicial
District also, to the purchase, sale and I oca
ion of Land Warrants. Particular attention
paid to the collection of claims, aug 31-331
I), w. PHici:
Attorney at Law, Council WlutT City, Iowa
Refer to B. M. Hughe St. Joseph. Ml, John
Doniphan, Weston, Mo., Mudd it. Hughe, St
Louis, Vo, u32-tft
. A.
Attorney and Counsellor
vVjuciI blufls, low.
Law, eitr of
fept 21-om
rvniuag Cominissioner, Olfica io fst. Mary,
U a. a qj
. I
the removal
a nd .ier on
I' j t Im.iiua
i in
the Pl.OO1), or h;itiil of the syslcm,
Scr' f'iln,or Kin' Kvil , Olntimile Cntuilro'is
fruptiiin. l'impli" on II face, Blotctics,
lioils, Cln oriic Sole Tys Ivinc Worm or t
ter, Scull llejd. Halt Kheiim, I'.ilns in fie
lhinei an '.Joints, old Sores and I'lcrs, Khe i
ri. iti-in. Sweilmj of the Gland, Svphillitic
).-eafs, vsip' la, l.'imbaijo, Diseases of
the Kidneys f'oi'hs did, Atlum, K-on-chitis
C'lhSini'ption. Dropsy, Dypepia.
I.iiit ("oinplaint, .Nervnn Ath etions Gt'
Debility, Ne ireli;in. or Tic Delonre iv, Can
cers Gii'tre. White Swellimr-i, Diseases arri-
smt. liuih an injoi! u' ion use or jietcnty.
l'.poire or Impriidence ill
I. te. I ein lie
L'ul u itiis al-o, Cliio.iic
'I'fi,-. a- .LiaKIsa IMsa.l '.f ! si PninKiriltl tli mtif
.erticieh,, a.ticles in th, ,ahi
. . , , , r r,
I I lit;' mill . il - ii .ii, i if in m.- i in iiiv ....III-
punuil evtract of S.irsartarilla, Yellow Duck,
i and t Ii Hydriodate of I'otssium, all nf w hich
an- k ioivii to the med faculty to he highly
elhcacio'i in the remnval of disease,-, and to have
a specific action nn the Lung. Liver, Kidnevs.
niii'.il, Clauds nd .L rinaiy org.ins, ict'iring
them tn a healthy action, enahliui; them to pre
form the function nature designed. It is now
eonfidentl V believed that Doctor Easterly's In
i 1 lie a ill S irs.iparilla is the best Alternative and
Blond I'lirifving medicine ever odercd to the
p'lhlic. It is cheaper, plcasanter, and warren
ted sujierior to any sold.
roft scKorcLA.
Dr. f s(erly' Iodine and Sirsiparilla is rec
ommended as the most efficacious medicine ttiat
can possible be used. Not one instance of it
failure lias ever occured when faithfully used,
for Scurvy, Boils. Blotches, Tumor, While
w.. .ti;.i. i'iura r..i-...,.i ri....i.
,v . i . , . ..
lever Sotes, Mercurial Disease. SvphiNtir
Symptom. Iproy, Erysipi la, Tetter, S.ilt
Khenm. and all cutaneous diseases, Dr. Lasler
ly's Iodine and Sarsupai ilia cannot be too high
ly extolled. It searches out the very root of
the disease, destroy the germ, by purifying
the blooi) ami driving out all impure or diseased
ft lid of the body and by removing the Cause
renders the cure rer'aiti an I perminant.
iDir;i.sTioN on dysplpsi a.
No iintl. cine, perhaps, has ever been discov
ered w inch give so uricn lone lo the stomach
and causes the secretion of healthy gastric
juice to digest the food as Dr. Kaslerly's Iodine
ami Isarsaiiurilld. ,u one has useJ it or such
complaints without benefit.
Dr. F.asterly' Iodine and Sarsaparilla i used the l'reat.'st siiccess in rheumatic com nl a in
especially such a arechionic. Itcures bydri-
ving out all impurities and foul humor w hich
have accumulated in the system, which are the
cause of Rheumatism. Gout and swelling of the
joints. Other remedies sometime gives tempo
rary renei ; mis entirely eradicates i.'ie disease
from the system,
foa Mr.ncuiti al Awn Vemeial Diseases,
Cobos, Joints asto Ijosi.s.
Dr. Kaslerly's Iodine and Sarsnparilla is the
best leme ly ever invented. This medicine is
uliered to the public not merely as a purifier of
the moon, but as a powerful eradirator or the
most virulent poison:., occasioned liy mercuiial
veuerai laiius w-n.eii resist ine aciion oi an
other remedies. It will cure the worst kind of
mercurial disease, no matter how deeply it
may 'nave ent'n into the frame and vital organ
Il will cure the wn'-f! cases of secondary v-
pinie or vener.ii ni-ases, nu mai'er now io-ig
II may nave exi leu, now nan, or now deeply
sealed in the system, it will annihilate and ex
pel the virus and restore the vstem to a sta:e ot
perfect health and purity, for Ulcers in the
mouth and throat, r.nlaigmeut of the Glands,
Goitre or tumor in the Throat, nodes, Pains in
the Bones and Joints, it is the only sale and sure
remedy. Young persons who. have reason to
suspect any impurity in their blood, either her
editary orihe resuii of imprudence ought to pu
rify and destroy this vims bW'oie entering the
marriage state, as they may thereby not only
protect theiiist I vi" ag..ii,i the Hangers of unpo and other misfortune, but secure the cer
tainty of a pure and healthy offspring. It ca.i
be nsert by persons, of cither sex, With the Uio.,f
perfect safely.
H all nisoRnf.ns op the Kidsikvs, Hi addi-h
ami Li vi. a Co.vui.Aisr.
Dr Easterly's Iodine and Sursaparilla is the
best and only Extract that ought to be used. In
these complaints, this medicine has performed
most astonishing cures.
No larignague can envey an adequate idea
of the immediate and almost miraculous change
which is produced by the ne of Dr. Eelei!y'
iolineand irsanarilla. hi ttie diseased, debili
tated and shattered nervous system. Whether
broke down by excess, weak by nature, or impa
red by sickness, Ibe unstrung and relaxed orga
nization is at once rebiaced, revived ami built
lis In case of Neuralgia, Nervous headache.
Loss of memory. General Prostration, Nervou-
ness. Vertigo, Pain in the Nerves of the face,
and the various tram of nervous affections, ii
will produce a cure in an asiomslung short
time. The e Ifect nf thi medicine is to cive per
manent relief to the sufferer, ami to restore the
shattered and debilitated constitution to itspris
tine health and vigor.
Ladies of pale complexion and eonsumtive
habits, and such at are debilitated from any of
the obstructions incident to the sex, such as ob
struction or painful menstruation, flour Albus
or Whites, (jreen hickhess) also, excesaive now
of the Mense, Barrenness, 4tc, can he restored
by the use of two orthree bottles of Dr. Easl
arly's Iodine and Sarsaparilla, to bloom vn I
vigor. It i far the best remedy ever discover
ed for weakly children, and such as have bad
humors heing pleasent they readily take it.
It immediately restores the appetite, strength,
and Color. Nothing can be more supprisuig
than its invigorating effect on the human frame.
Persons all weakness and lamtmle before tak
ing I.-. r.istei ly's Iodine and, at
once become robust and full of energy under
its influence. It immediately counteracts the!
narvnnsiies of the female frame.
Da. Esstkklv's loo i nr. and Sahsaparilla is
a WoNDi avuL Puairi:a or the Blooo.
It is very pleasent to the tast. and is more
concentrated, being stronger, better and cheaper
than any other medicine in use. Pain I e who
nave used tins article are never willing to be
without it. Taken in the early stages, it is a
sure preventative of almost any species of dis
ease. jy-Ask l'rT)r. Easterly's Iodine and Sar
sapaiilla and take nothing else.
Price $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $.".
A liberal discount uiado to wholesale pur
chaser. .V For sale at Dr. Easterly's Family Medi
cine Mores nitii-east corner of Third and Ches
tiut alreels, St. Louis Mo. Also by P. A. Sarpy,
St Mary, Iowa, and by dealers in medicines gen
erally in the West.
Is wananled to cure Ague and fever, Dumb
Ague, Chills and fever, luteiuiitant and Re.
uiitiaut fevers, and ail the various forms of fe
vers Incident to the We ,ti!
This popular remedy Ii s now been before
the public two J ears, and during that tuna abjut
lwiisrv-iive iiiavivsu Moiili.i
have been sol i and in no instance ha it failed
to effect a perminant cure as far as beard fioin,
orio give enure aausraritou lo tne purchaser
It is war rented to cur all cases, or the money
will be refunded. Let no man, woman or child
sutler with this distressing disease, when a sure
remedy is at hand.
Read the testimony from John Miller A Co
Evansvii i.k, 111., OcL HvW.
Dr. Fasterly Sir : We take pleasur in stat
ing that we have nurctuaed 3d bottlesof your
Fevei and Ague Killer, and have sold the aaui
to Oui patron, and that it has effected s perma
nent cure in every esse. W have sold nearly
all the various medians for ague and fever, but
non has given such entire satisfaction a your
Eevtr and Ague Killar. V believa it il tfc
eat M'iicin now bafurt ih public.
tL-fXMif, Joa Millw k C.
Vitir Jcverainl Ague ner, wen-n vou na,i
el to ine. I have sold seven of the 'oeii. w hich
I also warranted. Your medicine h given en
tire salictaction so far. it having cli'ected several
cures of the Chill and fever. One case parti
cularly t lsdv who had been affl.cted since th
la'tcr riart of last summer, and had tried a great
many remedies, beside having a phvsician part
of tiie time, all of which failed. She nought a
bottle of yoiir medicine, and before she had us
ed nne-thi'rd of it. she wa entirely i-nicd, and
hasenjnved g"od h-alth fver 'itice. In no Case
has it failed to effect a permsnent cure.
Respectfully jours, John S. Crump.
P. s. I will he in yonr place again shortly,
and will hoy mote largely.
V I). Ask f r Dr. Easterly's fever and Ague
Killer, and take no other, and you are safe.
A liberal discount made to w holesale dealere.
Price jil p -r bottle, or six bottle for $ "'
for sale at Dr. Easterly's family Medicine
Store corner of Third and Chesnut streets St.
Louis, also by P. A. Sarpy, SI. Mary, and by
dealers in medicines generally in the west.
Tim is a pleesi nt, safe and effectual remedy for
Dysentary, DiarrhrraXholcra.Choler Morbus
Summer complaint, Colic Griping. Pains,
Wind in the Stomach and Bowels (ramps
f letting and Crying of infants, and for all ir
regular les of the bowels.
It i one of the most efficient, pleasent, and
safe preparation cvey offered to the public for
the removal of the various derangement of the
Stomach and (towel and theonly article worthy
of the least confidence for curing Cliolci a Infan
tum on Summer Complaint, and all the derail
mentof the Bowel from teething.
Dr. Easterly's Diarrhiea Syrup i without ex
ception one or the most valnahle t.iiniy Med
cine ever discovered. Hundreds of families of
the first respectability in St. Louis have used it
and bear the strongest testimony In its favor.
Price S'icent her bottle.
for sale at Dr. Earterly's family Medicine
Store, corner of 1 hint Slid Cliesniit street St.
Louis, also by P. A. Sarpy, and by dealers in
medicines generally in the west.
The (iieat Remedy for Expelling Worms from
The most safe, pleasent and effectual medicine
know n for t he removal of worms lorci child
ren is Dr. Easterly' Vermifuge.
Parents and guardians having the charge of
children, should watch carefully the symptoms
of worm in their rhirdren, and a soon a symp
tom indicate their presence, they should at once
resort to the use of Dr. Easterly's Vermifnge,
More children die from Worms than ail oilier
diseases, and a more intseranie ohject can scar
cely he imagined than a child suffering under
the ordinary sympton of worm. Parent, mark
this: Will you not Maine yourselves, if your
children die, that yon did not use Dr. Easterly's
Vermifuge in time .' 1 his Verinilnge will re
move every species of worms from the system
in s x or eight hours afler taken.
Price 2.') cents perboltle.
for sale al ur. i,aieriy family Medicine
Store, south-east comor of Third and Chesnut
streets, St. Louis, also by P. A Sarpy, S . Maiy
and ny dealer in medicine generiill in the west
For the cure of limit?. Strains, Wounds
, Tooth Aehe, Colic, Craini or Spasms Cho
lera, Dysentery, Rheumatism, Pains in the
S'oiimeli and Ilows, and wherever there is
rvn. it is a 'needy and ceitain cnie.
Tins Medicine has more control over all pains
than any oilier ever invenled. It is use 1 both
Inlernaily and Externally, and its soothing ef
fects are instantly felt by 1 lie sufferer, alleviat
ing the most excrnliating pain in afew mjim
tvs. In a word, it is a Paiis Kii tin.
No humane family or physician should be
without it. It has been used by thousand of the
most intelligent and respectabl fatnili in Kt.
Louis, and ail pronounce it the mostSpccdy and
Ellectual Curative they have ever used.
Da Esptehly's Pain Killer
is beyond all do ibt the most certain remedy ever
i il.scovi r d for I'an.s in the etrouaer., j'ams in
the Si ie, Breast. Back and 1, rn!n. It is also un
ii fallible reun-ny lor Colic, Diarrhiea, Cholera
Morbus. Painter's Coiic, Wind in the Stomach
and Bowels, Dyspepsia, Sore Throat, Head
ache, fi.c.
BrwARK cr Imitations asth Cui'ictkmp eits.
The only genuine ami rtn! Pain KilUris pre.
pared exc lusively by Dr. Easterly, the sole
proprietor. 1 lieieloie counterfeits and imita.
tions abroad. Therslore be sure to ask for Dr
Easterly's Pain Killer, and lake no other, and
you are sale.
Price 2 " cents per bottlt ; five bottle for tgit.
for sale at Dr. Easterly's family Medicine
Store, south-east corner of Third and Chesnut
streets, St. Louis, also by P. A. Sarpy St, Mary
and by dealers in medicine generally fn the west.
for the cure of Couglis, Colds, Asthani. Cmi-
sunifition, Bronchitis, Spittingof Blood, Pain
in ine Mue and itreast, I'leurisv, Whooping
Cough, and all disease of the Lungs and
Chet. j
Among all the celebrated remetlies f or D sea
ses of the I,usi,i and Cmbst. none seem to be
meeting with such success and to give such en
tire satisfaction to all, as
Thi valuable remedy is purely vegetable in
it ingredients, and perfectly hai tnlcss ill all its
Dualities, and as mild hud pleasent as the most
elicaie cordiai. It is very soothing and heal
ing to the Lungs, and is every -vheie acknowl
edged by Druggist, J'hysicans, and all who
have used it to be the Must Effectual Curative
No disease incident to our climate is so uni
verial, and at the same time so fatal, ar Pul
monary Consumption. Tins awful malady
sweeps over the land a Destroying Angel,
laving low the strongest and fairest of our race,
Million of the young and ibe old are annually
hurried to the tomb by thi dreadful national
CoNspinrTiv Reatv! Beware of mere
palliative medicines. The object of nearly all
the medicines now otfeied fur diseate of the
Lungs, is to relieve nd not to cure, bucti is
not the case with Dr. Carlei's Cough Balsam.
In colds and coughs, winch are the lirnt symp
toms of consumption, tt is die most pleateut
and efficacious remedy that can possibly be used.
In confirmed consumption it lias been used with
perfect and triumphant success, when theiuost
eminent physicians had giien up all hope as
vain. So confident is the prunrittor of its pow
lo cure Tubci enrolls Consumption, that lie
solicits a tnal in the worst of cases.
This fiig!itful symptom of consumption it
speedily checked and pieeuted by the use of
Dr. Carter's Cough Baltam,which heals the
affected membrane, removes the incipient tuber
cles, and restores those vital organs, the lunjs,
to a to and and nealthv rondition.
Spitting of Bloo 1 always arises from a ten
dency to Inhere ilou dmeae, and if not checked
kt the outset, w II sooner or later terinin ite in
rira'h. A persTu win raisns blood once will blood fcgs'ii unless a propercuiativ is im
mediately employed
This dis resjing symptom of consumption a
rises from inrlatuation of the lungs or membrane
railed the Pleura, or from bronchial aifeetion
of the air passages. In either case it is a very
dangerouj indication of diease. It prevents
full and free breathing, and wenrs away the
natural strength of the ystem. 'i be cauae of
this symptom should be removed lit once, and
nothing can possibly effect that object so sneed
ily and her pily as Dr. Carter Cough Balaam
which is alwsys safe and salutary in its effrcU
on the constitution.
In esses of consumption the Liter is always
more or less a fleeted, arm also l lie spleen, pleura
and small intestine. 'lhe effect of Dr. Cartel's
Cough Balsam in disease of the Liver, espec
ially if it be of an ulcerous nit ire, it direct and
Mwtrfsil. BitflMt ! eftM User aV-
!e I by conS'irriiiiirm spejiljf enr
d it,
wr:,"rr.rt core; n.
t r ' i n t ;b r ' isJVe
ij-in at d mva' ' i (- fie slule ff bo
it, I I., elleciu il.y cat s 1 b !h Ur f f J- Oittff.
ler's Cough Baltsin. It Warms, mois'.and kJ
stimulates the whole breathing appara'u, psirt- '
fies and animates tht blood, improvesths r.
tivt power of tin Liver, Spleen and ot W larn
jland, and th digsstiva organs, and impa-u
new l if to the wtn and tmiiclattd system.-' i
bro.chit:u. .
Bronchitis, difficulty of brsathirr. hra"- :
touch, a slimy expectoration, with all oths? '
symptoms caused hy an attectiuncf thaalrtubaa i
eadiiig fiom the throat to the lungs, tradirectlt ' i
and specifically nfTected and cured by tht us ' r
of Dr. Carter's Cough Balsam. This iskftry .,,
painful, wearing and iiiiiirious couiulaint, tad J
always has a powerful tendency to infiarnt sb4 t
soften the Lungs and thereby induct tha worst
roruis or pulmonary disease, lie warned ia
time, yt afflicted, and employ Ibil valuable
rruiedy. , ,
L.l LL 1 OH A J 1UN.
Free Expectoration i the most important
ect to be obtained in all attempts to cur dis- f
nsesoi uie cnesi anu lung, ine courtl wfuca
's so distressing is simply the result Of a desire ;
to expectorate:, and as long as foul inattrr exists
in the air passages, it will continue to liritstl 1
the membrane and prevoke a cough. Coughing . j
is an attempt to throw otfthi matter, and tx
pectoiation gives ptat relief. Inability to ex- '
pectorate in the latter stage of cousutoptioa
I the cause of death. ,. 1
is the great expectorant. It disiolve the mon. '' .
bid and disease matter in the air passages, chat-
res it from a thick glutinous substance to a .
thin harmless fluid, and throws it Off with the' ! ;
greatest potibleas to the putient.. There i
no better medicine In the world if its expecto-
rant qualities alonebe considered. ' '
For simple or spasmodic asthma there ianf t!
better remedy than Dr. Carter's Caiigh Baltaia
This distressing disease which resist almost
everythin? else, yields to the all powerful in.
flurnce i f thisgieat remedy as readily as any
other fo. m of pectoral disease.
should b i supplied with Dr. Carter'. CougV t
Balsam, 'o be used in the early stage of Coughs' . '
Colds, Sidttingof Blood, Pain in the Side an J '
Chest, Ilronchitis, Difhculty of Breathing, f
Night Sweats, Asthma, Influenta, Whoopinj ,
Cough, and seveie Croup, and thereby counter
act the consumptive tendency which is prod a
cel by our ever changii.gclimate. " -Pi
ice Trial bottles, '2i rent per bottle; arr
bottles, !l per bottle, or six bottles, for JtV
for sale at Dr, Easterly' Family Medicine'; ;
stoic, south-east corner of Third and Cheani.t , '
streets, St. J.nui, also by P. A. Sarpy, St.' '
Mary, and bv dealer in medicines generally1
in the West." B,,r l.y
I-'or the cure nf Liver Comtilains, Dyspepsia, !
Jaundice, Biliousness, Loss of Appetite. :"
Headache, Habitual Costivenrss, General
Debility, Nei vousnes, and all diseases aria ,
ing from a disordered Liver, r Digestion ! I ,
Tbe-e Bitters possess remarkable iuvigorntinf L
Strengthening and Reitorative properties, whici
give tone and vij;or to the Digeatif Orjjens, an
make them invaluable for ....
Livi:r Comi laist, Jaundice, Dvirrrsis, !
And sll other diseases caused from a
stale of the stomach, bowels, and liver wbict
tend lo debilitate or weaken the system. i
Cannot be to highly recommended to person! ;
suffering with a disordered LI VFR or ldiges
tior., Loss of Appetite, Nervous , Iinlano , i
Headache, Habitual Costiveness, Genersl Debi- .
Ii!y, tiid a variety of Conplaints which it is ' ;
impossible to describe. . . .
if there are ml'rer in SL Louis. th are .
advised to try thest Bitter. f ?'
I'nce O'Jc. per ooitle, oraix bottles lor 250.
fjralet Dr. Easterly's family Medicine '
Store, corner of Third ami Chesnut street, tit, i
Louis, Mo. Also by P. A. 5rpy M. Mry,.
and by dealer in meU.ciiies generally in th i
West. apr li ly j?
3, Dii-rs G-
A safe a:; j certain cire for Gonorrhea, G'esvl '
Strictures. Seminal Weakness, an J all tliitsts
of the (iemtal Ojgans. .
This popular and specific remedy is now of
fered to the alTiicteu and w ai rented to" cur a'l '
case of Gonorrho-a, Gleet, Stricture. SeiuiaaV'.
Weakness, arid all diseases of the Gvuital Oigaaf
iuafswdays. This infallible remedy, bt
saved thousands upon thousands from the hands
of Merciless Quacks, if not from a premature'
grave. In case of infection, Dr. Baker's Hp- -cific
is the only safe and ur remedy. It is very
agreeable to the ta-te, creates no preemptible ,
dor, and may be used by persons of sen
with intire secrecy without regard to diet, hin
drance from business or Medical Aduserfai
plain direct ion for une accompany the medicine
Reader have you a private diacate? Do notne
tlact it. Delay Is dangerous. With Dr. Bis'
keis Specific yu can cm yourself, and thus
prevent all exposure. Thi utedicine will speed-;
lly and eifectually cure the most virulent ias. .
of Secret Disease, and eradicate every particle
of infections matter from the system, tnu restore i
th patient to a pertect 6tateo! health and purity..
Price, l bu per botlitr, . . ,
for sale at Dr. Easterly' Family Medicine
Store, south-east comer of Third arnJ Chesnut '
strie', Kt. I)u is, Mo. Also by P., A. 8rpy,
St. Mary, lowa, and by dealer in u.'S'lKiM,
generally in the West. apr t
SiJ?. y ? si's IPiiaiSiOat M tl
A valuable remedy for suppression of the Men;
es, Whites, Painful Menstruation, linrTolea-
cy or Barrenness, Saliow Complexion, Head
ache, Dizziness, Weakness of lh nerve, ni
all diseases which arise from a derangement,
of the functions of nature.
The most perfect, safe and infallisble remedy -fur
the cure of all those disease of femals, ar
ising fioui weakness or debility, and obstructor
in tiie sexual organc, such as irregular or tup.1
pressed of the M eiittes, l-luor Atbu or Wkiitef
Falling t,f the Womb, Headache, Frightful
Dieam, Ac., caused by Colds, checked perspira
tions, excetsrs, over-excitemrnt, Ac, it
Several lad e in the City w lio have s iderti
fur iiisny years with the above complaints, end
have employed our most eminent physician
Without lucres, have used lit. Hoopsn 's Fe
mala Cordial, and have been speedily ar-d per
inaneiitly cured by its ue. If theie ire suffer
ers in St. I-ouis, liiey can rely upon Dr. lloen
er's Feina'.e Boidial as a safe, pleasant and ef
fectual remedy. . , .
I'nce $1 per bo'tle, or six bottle foe 5.
For ale at Dr. Easterly's family Medicine
Store, comer of Third and Cheauut trLs,
Louis, Mo. Also by P. A. Sarpy, St. Mary,
and by dealer in medicines genet ally in tu
West. P 12-ly
Dr. Co)k' Uaie Iltir Oil. ,
For th preservation, beauty, growth, an)
restoial'on of the Hair, . ,
It ha lonif been the desire of persons troifbled
with slitT, harsh, unruly hair, to procure an ar
ticle which would at once render the hair toft,
lively nd beautiful. The most peifect n
admirable article ever discovertsl tat that pur
poe i Dr. Cook's Migic Hair Oil.
This Oil penetrates tiie minutest pore, gt
in( the dry and withering bulbs new life ana
vicor, opening tltectpillaiir-, aofttns, prysine
beautifies atiJ stiengthens the liair.ff, and tu-nt
from falling olf, removes the dandruff, a4 turn
ragged hair into that w hich it smooth, g'"'
and wavy. U u admitted by all to b U a
est invention of the age for beautifying the Lttr
and rendering it permanent.
Is a siinei b article, and suo ild be found on tht
toilet of eve. y lady wh value Uie (loy n
beautiful apiieaiknr of '-the towii.g ril.jle'
and the wilciiingcilil.M ' ' "
Price, cent per bottle. - ;
For tale at Dr. ea,rly, Famil JHdli
Store, corner of Third and Che.nul trrt U
Louis, Mo. Alto by P. A. Sarpy, Kt, JUjr
and by dealer il liil Jtllf
Weet. ! "