Nebraska palladium. (Bellevieu City, Neb.) 1854-1855, December 06, 1854, Image 3

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i i
i. . "
n uiiliini pre-evnp'.inn I 'm'
tinpior, in the FiV p-lv-, is r. it"'
tht riltlllct f pre uk: -.r: n t s i :.ti i I
place, it will encourag-' iic n Km'
rnent of tli territory; h i!. thii.l ;il,o.
it keep tht money in cottnu), i!...
comet in with tli emifmiinn, un it th re
it a lurplui of proJuci raised in llic conn
try, for a distant market, thereby, kc rpuv
up a free circulation of money in ihe conn
try; giving hcat'.h and tor.e to mechanical,
agricultural aad commercial pursuit; ami,
in the fourth piece, tlia lamia will be act
tied up, by induatiioni faring ra, initead ol
i aiiift en'ered by foreign apeculnlort, nnd
tl.t U It held lack for a high price, until
the oounlr- looks more like a barren wil
deritet, thun well cultivated fluids.
Fellow Citizena, there are a thousand
other arguments that tnigjil h adduced,
butpaee forbids any jore being offered
at this time. I will now conclude ihi ar
ticle, by making a few remark in reTer
fence to self: l iist in politic, t um v
? Democrat; by trade, a lurtiae-carpetfer.
thirty-five years old, nil feel high, weigh
. ant hundri-d and seventy pounds, have a J
wife and thrca children. Expected lo he
' a naartd at, belied anj opposed by all, at
whose interests my principles strike, but
I wist it to be distinctly understood, that
1 ahell walk this race through, wdup ing
the language of Kichilieu: "Thai there is
so such word in the Lexicon of Vou.h, us
f.-ii." Josi:ni uyson.
I hereby announce myself a Candidate for
the House of Representative in the Ter
ritorial Legislature of Nebraska, to be con
vened en the 8th day of January, 155.
Bsllevlew Preclnt, Dec. 6, 18M.
I bertby announce myself a Candidate for
ta Houaa of Representative in the Territo
rial Legislature of NebraiH , to be convened
ea the fill) day of January, 1 8 'j 5 .
ftn.A . 8Tr"I,AD,
Bslleviewl'r.j V., t) i. ;
5T VVe are autho :e I lo tn.i vn ea Hadly
D. Johnson, Esq., of Omaha, a a democratic
candidate for delegate to Congress. Mr. John
sea is ana f the pioneers, and Is well ki.ow
to tae penpla of Nebraska.
Dr. Carter's Ccogh Balram
5 Is the most pleasant and erhf acinus reme
dy for Coughs, Coins, Asthma, Consumption
and all diseases of the Lnn?s,ever offered to the
public. Our ever varying r.liniAte, and the old
bleak winds of the north and west produce
coughs and colds dancers colds, which 1-
i wand of the wise prudent.the earliest attention
For this purpoie no remedy nai ever been u.soo
vered which has eflectoil so many cures, and
which ems to five such universal satisfaction
' o all, as Dr.CATv.n'i Cotioii Balsam. Itead-
r, havr you a couh? Do not neRlect it. Dr.
lay is dangerous. Usc this Balsam, at once, and
it will effectually cure you.
Price 15 cents ber bottle, lai j bottle
' fl.or ail bottles for $5.
For sale at Dr. Easterly's Family Medicine
"are, southeast comer of Third and Chestnut
i its., St. Louis, Mo.
Also, sold by P. A. Sarpy, St. Mary, Iowa,
aad by dealers ia medicines generally, in tN
Sr. Xaatarly's led las and s-rsaparlll.
J- It Is the only preparation that Is worthy
f tiie ltatt confidence of the public, far the
cra of those d:seaics arising from an impure
state of the blood, viz: Scrofula, or King's
C vil, White Swellings, Enlarged Glands, Fever
lores, Pimples on the face, old Sores and Cl
ears, Blotches, Biles, Nervous Affections, Can
ters, Erysipelas, Rheumatism, Bypilitie Dis
eases, Pain id the Bones and Joints, Ring
Worm or Tetter, Scald Head, dise of the
Kidneys, Mercurial Diseases, &e. Dr. Eas
terly's IoDrt and Saajafa-u.i a, ia com
pounded of those articles which simultane
ously act on Use dillrent organs of the body,
and possess the most efficient clt-ftting and h.l
In f properties. Hundreds of the most intelli
gent and respectable families in St. Louis, have
eed it, and ep-a. k of it in the highest terms of
praise, hi la-vlicine is six limn stronger,
tfceapcr a-4 better than any other preparation
ie ess.
tJT Price, $1 per Bottle, or six Bottles for
r For -U at Dr. EASTERLY'S Family
Medicine Store, earner of Third and Chestnut
streets, St. Leuis.
Alio sotd y p. A. S ARPY, St. Mary, Iowa,
aad by dealer ill lucdicine generally, in the
15" Read Dr. EssUrly's advertisements In
another coluu.e of our raper, and cive him r.
tall. juW
Jt. Eastcrry'i Aniorlcan 0:1 Liniment
hit valuable Liminent, combines the inoM
eAeaciou art c Its known for all ttio various
form of 4-m requiring an external applica
tiea. One of its principal active irK.TcdIents,
il tht AatSBKAN OH t ot IVt.ldii.'.T) wliicl is
aniverjally kuowo tc pots r:i-rf JIka'.isq
aad Cobativc Pa-eiains. Tbis Oil, when
teoibined w ith otJier valuable remedial agents
of kr.own and establihlisdetficacy, forms a sal.
and lurt reJieJy fur' Rheumatism, B' uses,
prin, Cuts, Wounds, Buiiu, Scildf, Old
Sore and Ulcers, Kcald Ucad, TS.Ui, It:"
Warm, Erysipelas, Piles, Canseis, h'tilf Joints,
Caked Breasts, Paralysis, Contracted Tendons
or Cords, etc., and also for Strains, Spavin,
Scratches, Chafes, Saddle and Cellar Galls,
'.Sores, Wound, Fistula, Sweeney aad Poll Evil
a horsss. This Lin Imeut has a direct and pow
erful action upon the secretory and absorbent
wwU, stimclatint; them toahfallhy action
thus enabling thein to throw erf tlie n.urtid cr
diseased matler which ob. true Is tli; circulation,
thu removing all diieajes or iujuiies of the
Jlenea, Muscb-s, Ctrtillas, Nerves and Skin,
Oue bottle most yi-pliral
at it wonderful tiheary in curing bruises,
tpiains, Ivbaumatism, Paiiies, horcnevs and
Stiffness of the Jointrt, Ac.
Dr. Easterly' Auirriean Oil Miiiinent is,
"itkeitt exception, the laoat valuable rcuedy
evsr tBpcundd f j ail dibeaae of M ui or
Bteat, requiring an aatcraal p lirt!un.
VW" Trice Si eeiits jxrr bolil, ur live be Mo
vent dollar.
lit?" A I' discount titf.l' to wholesale
purchasers who buy to sell airain.
e-T"- for tiv t Dr. T.,-!erly s t amily ,MtM.
n v.:r.r. soutlfist riini'r of Third and i H
I'hes'nut st'c-ls, St- Louts.
Also sebl by P. A. Sarpy. S:. Mary. Iowa,
and by rt.-dlrro in medicine generally, in me
Read Dr. Easterly's advertisement in
spottier column "i j.t". ,.
11. J"2-
Dr. EfntBiby, Fever -nl vju Killer.
(jy Is warranted to cure sit cases or A in"
(in. I Fever, Chills an I Fever, Dumb Ajue, In
termittent 'd Ileniittcnt Fever, and every form
of Fever incident to (be If there are suf
ferers in St. Louisi we say try it, and if it fail
o cure, the money shall be refunded to the pur-J
chaser. More tlun
have been srld, and in no instance has it failed
to effect a permanent f lire a far a heard from
flf Piiee t p.r bottle, or six bottle. "
(JT Kr sale at Dr. Easterly's Family Mcd-
i:ii.e Store, southeast corner of Thlid nnd
C icstnut streets, St. Louis.
Also sold by P. A. Sarpy, St. Mary, Iowa,
aid by dealers in medicine generally, in the
(J flcad Dr. Easterly' advertisement in
another column of our paper and give him a
rail. J"2-
Attorney at Liw.
HAYING determined to locate permanently
at ltelleview, 1 will promptly attend to
ny businejs entrusted to nie pr.f lionalty
Bellevicw, D-c. I, ISM,
iiii:'ATLlTJn"cli)ysE. 7
Council Bluff', Iowt.
IS now kept by Pvlvkncs Desnf, 7r?t
who, havinz made repniis X
sr, t aUti.Tlons III nie iiouhc, iianni!
Mi.-'ir thet be will be ablo to provide any
who favor him with a call, a comfortable hems.
His table will be supplier! with the besl tho
market affords, prepared by experienced hands,
and the. wearv will find u Roou restmi; place.
Come aio "vaar voi'ti.vr. to homk."
In connection with this Hotel may also be found
a rood and ext-nsive
fer the aecommod ''ion of nil who wish to ub
isin horw ;md - 'i i-.: t n-1' -'i ' -rood
.ibstitule foi h " ci
o'.'ce: or snpo. io
i l:'' h;
Tii p-i
dies or ten'.leroon.
ill i 1 1 v-
erv !;!ile a
HI iff City, Iowa. in.vW'.i. lolh
Corner of .Main ami Grtgory tlrfds
St. Miry.
S JUST RECEIVED and now lias
t'T sta (Trrt n..wllri.t rr s..lec 'T
ncrcnaiiume 'aiiapie.i lo i:ie wann oi an i.i no
new, and tliri vine coiiuiiuii;tv. which lie can sell
. , . . . . , . J. ..II ... .....
as cheap as can heolb-red elsewhere so hitch noon
the Missouri river. His roods have been Holer-
led by an experienced purrhas ;r, with special
veurn't-nce to Ihe ciri'umat.iures and wants of alt
clashes of sciilois in a new coin'ry. Ladl e
and neittlemen, children and youth, all can be
supplied. Call and see for yourselves. I!is
stock consult of the following, among a (Crate
many other articles ho cannot now enumerate
Amnn his dry i;oods may be found woolen
and sattinett cloths, rasainetts, tweeds, cash
meres, liliseys, llanuel, red, white, firey ainl
Hue, Caspian plaids. Cotton ponds, abei tins
and shiri.iurs, bleached and unbleached; bine
and white drillings, osiiabur, brdticking, hick
ory, checks, &c.
fanty noons.
A beautiful assortment of fancy prints of
everv variety f if '!e and Kattcrii. (inshain-
iawns, filmed alpneea. bomba.ities, bomhay.
ettes, shawls, ncarl'.-i, hand'aerrliief s, crape, mus
lin, edgings, ribbond, &.(:.
A welt selected tock of Stmitner, Full and Win
ter Clothing, consisting: in part of line dress
coats, pants and vestsj ulso pood summer cloth
ing of all descriptions; and heavy clothing for
fall and winter use.
Also shirts, knit flannel drawers and under
shirts, sock, tec. Men's and boys' hats and
caps of various fashions, qualifier, and prices.
Roots and shoes, thick and thin, polished and
unpolished of every description, for uin woinen,
and children' use.
"Crushed, clarified, loaf and brown sugar, mo
lasses, syrup molasses, golden syrup, superior
tea, R io and Jva coMca. sassafras, Ringer, pep
par, cloves, spice, cinnamon, ground ginger,
nulmegs, snulis, tobacco, cigais, pipes, soap,
candies, vinegar, nick Sen, pepper-sauce, c.1
A large assortment of flour of various quali
ties and prices; corn roeal and all the various
products of the farm anil garden; bacon and
fish, kiln dried apples, peaches, currents, raisins,
.V.c. Hardwahf. S:ives of various puttorns
Tor cooking a nd heating rooms, stove-pipes and
el lu, s, large, and small iiou keUlt, frying
pans, skillets, hsul-iron, shovels and toi.f.i.
manure forksndhay folks, icy thrs, shovels and
spades, log and liace chums, axrs, li.iniiin.-is,,
pincers, iron and steel, nails, hm e-ranp, dies,
saws, knive and forks, pocket kuivi-s, razors,
butts and screws, door handles, i.uoln. lor kit
.c. TiNW abe. A general assortment held
Mr household purposes. Woouwaar;. W u .b
i ibs, Shaker pails, wood ami zinc washboards,
LEATin.a. Sole-lealhec burners leathur.cow
hide, kip skins, calf skins, linincs and morocco.
Saddles, bridles, halters, larnetlN, circiults,
bellv-bands, driving lines, collars, buck-strap,
giiths, b'.ind-bridles, e. Mbdic inf.s. A gen
eial sssoitineiit of medicine for levers, fver
and aguo, and the common complaints of the
country. CooV'n, Lee's, S.ippniiytim's U-afic's
ami Janes' p !ls, yuiiune, Ionic-, a ! vinu'is
kinds of st. ii -a i s iuo n s, Iiouuki, a and,
other articles ntcessary for Die v ami lor in
valid. ,iov ''.', ;t
rrrrrr. r' ? r-i' rr?
INVITES tho attention (f ,0 la- (L
die.i and gentkiiien lo his ami:'.- f xj
mcul of JeAidery and I'aliCvC'oods ttjTJ
in part cm. minting of ihi I'ol'owing : Uoid and
Silver Watches, Locket. F. r-r,ng, Breast
pins, Finger-riiiga, ( hums, J'i ncils and Pins.
.c. Violins. Accordans, Klnle-j alio, an as
j.o' luiri.i ot Toys, a. c.
A1 oi wiii. ii w.W I,.. o'.J ..I I'.i; iortc t
pi ii p; every a: tale M si i anted lo le as lecom
uienilid. The g-iM'i -t attei.tiuu will b: prtid to the re
pjiim of 'ulcii; and Jim In; all work
an nov I . 'a I
1EIS()XS wishing to nuke uurrhas-s, nil!
do w-ll to gnu us ackllaiill eximiuu our
stock, which comprise a general a.Mu tiuent,
and will hi) aold ut tr.-.a btri-ains.
aep 27. UKEE.NE, KINNEY 4- CO.
1 TOVES tot sals by
I Al k at the cheap ca
.LlMJst-raeif , NVCKOM.S C0.
HIE SI'lJ-irHIIU'.Rbei.i? deirons i-r mov
ii e to ( ulitoMiia, rub is for sale his
imim rtn of liVJ acres, situated on the
:.i.e rosd between St. Joseph anil Council
H i n i mil.-s South of C iiMtcil lllu.1 and 4
N'orih of the village of S!. Miry, and neir
the M'xivi i rivr, in Mills Coiiiily. loivn; and
Oppvite Eellovlcw, T'ebva-.k. 1.
AIo. ion acres of PniRiF. Land near St.
Msrv.nnlu.Kt acres of Ti.MRF.arn I.isn on
the M i"ouri river, and near Glenwood. These
Lands are aii in M IN Count f, n a, anil pre
kcnt ndurenients lo lamt purchasers seldom oT-f.-re..!;; tiinhu. prairie, lime stone,
sand xtonc, and indications of plenty of coa';
and also beimf situated on the. most feasible
point on ihe Missouri rive for the rr'sui; or
die I'.ii ilic Uuilroid.
Snitiib'ii: cat'.le for e.iom)f the Plains Will
beUk'Ui in esc!ianc;' at fair rules. The buyer
can have iniiiii'di.iie po-np-sion. nnd all Ihe
"rain mid fariniii'; ii!imiis he wants at s fair
rate. H.Wir.L II ETIUEFDRI).
Traders Point, nov 1, Til-IC
(ii:Ni;itAL J.ANH Av.T.NCY ANU
ARE engaged in the business of buying and
H' llinK Land Warrant"!, anil rnterini; Lands
in the Council Uliiff Laud District. Their ar-ratiC'-'nenls
for etitriufT Lands for aetileri and
oilier, on a credit of one. two, or three years
are not d-fii'leiit. And they will hs prepared
at all times to fill all orders ..f that character.
Tin; investigation of Land Titls, payment
of taxes, piirehiiS'! and sale of lands and town
lot throughout thin land district, and ail busi
niss coiiiicrted with the Lmnl Office at this
place, entrusted to them, will be promptly at-
tfli'leU lo.
S'.raiur rs wishlnfc" 'o locate eovcrnment land.
will be fiiinKtvd with a (ruide and conveyance
if they d-sirc it, and directed to th,; hcntapoints
or S fb'ct on.
Exchange on St, Louis and the Eastern Cit
ies, bou'lit and sold. Interest paid oil depot-iie-t
as, pi-r a.i cr u)"i.
Our attention A ill also' be jriven to the pur
chase .iiil .sale of Town Lots in Omaha t ity,
Il"llcviev ami Winter Quarters, Nebraska Ter-
"'hkkkrf.scf.s. L. V,. Babbitt and Dr E.
Iiwe. Register and Receiver of the and Of
(w! at Council Bluffs, and Col. T. A. Walker,
and P. M. Cassa'.lj; R vuistisr and R-ceiver at
Fort Desmoincs, or any of the business men of
ettb"r place.
OFFICE on Broadway, Wet Room of the
Pacific Hotel, nearly opposite the Land Oliire.
Council Bluff, nov 1-ly.
rawtierry Koan lmlian l'ony,
;rs old, and nf good size for
about A
a pony.
it Ii .i see i for . ,jtu two or three weeks.
V !a i n! i::ht f o.- r m!. and
n, an.! 'a I VV I! !i wi. 1 liurr.5. A libci.ll
,e. v.i i'l '.;'. J . 9 'i i. I tijiin who will
return ev.d pony in I sc.- b t or give in-
f ii niiinn v, h'.ue h can :.ef iur.d.
Connei! H'ofT fit v. nov 1. Vil
Attorney at Law.
Will practice in the Sixth, Seventh, Eight
and Ninth Judicial Districts in Iowa, and Ne
braska Territory, lie will always be suppl e'!
with blank deeds, mortgages, deeds of trust,
declaratory statement for pre-emptions, bc,
and will ssive proinpl attention to ronveyanc
inir. ex iininn tion oi titles, &.c.
I'ai ticiihir attention paid lo seeming
a'-ti i-oliecting delits.
llelereiiaes Hon. E. II. Norton, Platlc Citv,
Mo., II. M Vories and Jumps CiaiK, F.sis., Si.
Joei,h, Mo.. Curtis Hates. Fort Des Moine.
X ibr aka Cily, ebrasika Territory.
nov I . 'i 1-1 y
Hc!AH0;i & VILLIA2I3.
HAVE Just Ilece.veii, iii addition to
I heir former -lock , a large and well
elected assortment of American, K.-cncli J'R
and English Drugs, Medicines, IVifumeiy, ijve
Siull'e, I'amts. Oil and (ila-s warej alo, a gooil
assortment of Oroceriei, Wines, Liquors, &c.
At th tiead ot liroa'!wiv. net IN. 'Si
VIE subscriber will visit St. y':7r!i
Ma.y on H eriie'sdiy's ami V.V--
r.lefiwoiid on Tn'sd: v'h and l;itlir- ti if
lay's of encli week, anil will supply llieae
markeis with Fresh Meats, Butter, Eggs, and
eietabes. at the market price
Sept 27, '51 If P. P ORN Ell.
u'A l i doui Aleii and Boys' Hats, nt every
Uescri4ion, at J
sep 27. OKI'.hit, KlNNI'.r Cii.
f II HE undersigned is now in recc'nt of and
i receiving the largest and eheapiest stock
of Pall and Winter Gnuih efr otlured in
Council Blurt' City, or Wctein Iowa. Thove
vsitdiing to pay cash lor O-md will do well to
call and examine. Our slock consist oi c.ciy
variety of goixl.i needed by the pen pi a in this
portion of the country, audi as cloths, rasxi
uieressaltinetU, tweeds, jeans, white scarlet,
and barred flannels, plain and barred linseys,
UK) pieces good style madder prints, caihineri-s,
merinos, ailapacas, bleached and brown heet
ing and shirting, licknij and drilling, bleached
and loon n canton llanncl. draners and ciah-
ers, all wool tnble cover-, broA'n and bleached
ti.'itn, silk and hay atuto ahawls, alia c.iry
variety of dri goods.
.Mima' and boys' lull end winter clothing,
hut niui caps, boots and ehoey, haiduure and
ejueiuisware, iron, nails, coll'oe, i'gir, lea mo
lasses, rice, tlour, &.C.; ui.-io, large, lot of fui -
intiire and liquors. As It is our intention to
sell for cash, we flatter ourselves that we can
hold out siini'i ior inducement I to thoM- that
wish lo buy cheap goods than stoics that are
selling on trust.
Country lieu his are requested to call und ex
amine our stock.
B. 11. PEC-HAM 4t CO,
Council KlurT City, oct 1H, lHil.
rri ., . .
i i. r, r-1
Ut Loery
rn:;i: i,h
Ait own
'e: ih C
iiou, with
: I Hi
.1 o
Ii ,i i'ic I
I ii.,-r uvi iR-ycf -(Wyr
- ' mal fornia mJ4'
m-iA'iii.' ,;,s
1 1 1 ot tne Ii :m.. : -in in i". Ty Miiipe and 'lo w I. ic'i ... a.lile I a tie.:tien in the
iii- i- -,f f-in.iio-, being of ti;e highe'it iiniior
lance to married jr-nplu. or thosoconteBiplati.ig
marriage, by. W M. VOl'Nti, M. 1).
Ix't to fal!i"r be abbameu tj juesent a copy
oi ins r.tcupaiiiii lo iiis ci.iki. it ,.y naVf
him from an early grave, i-t no young man
or woman enter into the aecrect onligalionsj of
Qiairii it life without radiiij( Ihe J'ji U' t Kscu
palliis. Let no one sutl'.-r troin a barkneid cough.
J ' a i i in the siile. trMK-t ni;lit(, nervoutf feel
i io's ami In whole liain of dyspeptic sensations,
anU given up liy their phyeiciao, be another nw
lo"iit without consulting th .'Ks'-upaliua,
Have the maii ieil, or those about to tie mar
ried, any imp-ii'iaeiit, real this truly useful
bodlc, lis it has been the means of sav,n' thou
sim'sdi' iiiil.ntimatc ciratuieg lioin tiie very
jaw- of d pe s ni ni.liiig Twenty. Five Cents
enclosed in a Idler, will receivu one ropy of
this oruk bv ni ui, or five, copies will he soul
for One Dollar.
Addr.-Hi; (post-paid,) DR. W'M. VOI'NG.
" N.. I'M Spruce Street, J'lula.
Hickory f-liii tinr. for a.ilelow, at
ept7 .t -
Giwiiius" Ncavs lor Ncbrnskn.
The steamer Saranac has just arrived, loaded to the guaivta with goods for
consisMne of '
'..'jhhds. Brown Sngjar,
ft hhds. ClariSed do.
W bbls S. H. Molasses,
111 blls. ,V. O. Molaeses.
I'l 12 bbls. Golden Syrup,
2nil sacUt (i. . Salt.
1 ')) bhls Kanav ha do.
f.O sscks rlairv do.
!"') boxes io. I Soap,
1 ) bbls Cider Vinegar,
Sheiinirs, fine brown ; and bleacheA uomestic rfrill.ugs, Isnaburgs. Ravens, ducks, .tic. &is.
I he attention of Ihe ladies is called to our assortnn 'it of dress goods, which they will
find, im regards price and quality, to be unsurpassed in Western Iowa. Calico, ginghams,
lawns, delanes beraires robes of tiie latest fashion and st le. Em irnidered caps, collars, eliiuii-sett-,
sleeves, silk anil satin bonnets, linen and cotton handkerchiefs, hosiery, parasols, all of
which will be sold exeeedincrU low.
Cross cut saws, mil! saws, hand saws, broad axes. chopping axes, arizes, log and loe t chains
bench p'anes, in fact everything in the hardware line.from a Jewsharp up to a cradlnijj scythe
40 rases direct from Boston. Boots of all sixes nnd qualities. Shoes, Ladies enameled Jenny
Lind buskins, gaiters, slippers, ladies' foat, kip and calf Imots, misses shoes nil sizes.
Hats and caps, hook and stationery, drug and medicines. J ay lie's and Loudon's family
medicines, and all other popular pntetii mBilic.ines, for shIo at wholesale pi ices.
Of variouf patterns. Glassware, tumblers. jars, c, lc. WHl gal. stone ware, cburnes, jars,
crocks, butter crocks. to.e crocks, ice, c.
fill bedsteads of riitTerenf patterns, cherry dining, and bieakfast tables, walnut ditto, ditto.
Bureau with rla, plain end fancy walnut presses, cupboards, tin safes, one or two drawer
stands, wash stands, lounges and mattresses, double mattresses, slat bottom chairs, rain seat no.,
rocking chair, cubs, fee
4-"i cook stoves, asiiorteil. Patters ni's, ready t.i.ame.d with tin or copper Pollers, boxttoves.
Grecian parlor ditto., stove pipe, elbows, ic
Pine churns, 1-2 bush's, wood buckets, well buckets, wash tubs, wood boAls, trays, dough
pins, suffir boxes, brooms, zinc wush boards, clothes pins, &.c.
SADDLF.Hy. Bridles tnartimcals. cip'inglej, girths, haiieis, bridie reins, Blackawk sad
dles, quilt feats, an 1 ditto Ladies sidesaddles, bjgy wliips,di-ay whips, G. E. whips, cow-hides
Ac, sadd!c-hags, leather trunks, 4.C
Sole-lpnllirr, kip, anr calf nkins, morocco lintniri, nnt skins, hnlr, he
IRON AND CASTI M.S. -Plow stenl, sheer steel, cast s'.ct!, plows, inoulih &p.
Pols, ovens, skillets ni lids. 6, 8, 10 r.rnl twenty irallon kettles.
1'iNE DOORS 8 bv 10 and 10 by 12 hash, window blinds,
CLOCKS 8 day anil 30 hour clocks; warranted to run well.
Virginia. Roanoke Ncctcr leaf tobacco. R 'galia and irincipo cigars of the finest flavor,
Ciihu and Havana six-s, and various oilier article, but we deem it unnecessary to mention them
ns il U no tioi.hle t-j show .nods, and we will oe happy rt all limns to show our ojd customer-.,
and as man v new ones as inav favor us with their patrona;e, our goods ami prices.- Our facili
ties for selling CHEAP.are better than any other house in western iowa, aud we intend to do so.
and an examination of our prices is all that is
dlenwo.itl, July, Vi, ihi. -in-"w.
HAVIVO permaueuty located in this place,
for til" purpose of Selling (OOI)S.
LAND, TOWN-LOTS, and doine a General
Agency Business, we would respectfully invite
the public, to give us a call.
Our Ooods were selected with care, and we
are ro'dVlcnl that we hU be able to give per
fect satisfaction to all.
sept. 27 Til.
I 1 A.KUWAHE. A large and general aiisort
XX inent of liarfiware can be hart at
sept T..
gep 27.
l.HS. Cotton Batting, for sale
low, nt
OOKtj and Stationery lor sale by
jL;iJ,,I VS .iiwV'.lv-'5 J vsr Vs,J
$300,000 worth of. Gifts,
for the subesribers of the
.C:f . Wt "ZTV:,
1L1JLISIIED simultaneously in the three
cities of New York, Philadelphia, Balti
more, as soon asIliKI ,IKK) mibscribers are obtain
ed; and having already an actual circulation of
allA),':!), is now certain
T1.3 Distribution will soon,
take place.
Among the extraordinary Lists of Gifts?
(being one for every ticket issued,) are
Prof. Hart' elegant country scat, valued
at j,0kj .
A magnificent city resilience, worth fjsl7.l1).
A cash loan for 100 years, with interest or
security. lt),!l)0.
liiiililing lots, elegant Piano Fortes, Melo
deoim, Gold Watches, Bracelet.!, Kings, Hooks
of travels m the old and n-w woild, by Prof.
Hart , real estate, itc, iu:., (ice, in all number
ing lis) ,IHHJ Girts, valued at :i!Ml,0UO.
Every single remittance of $1, secures one
year' nnhhcription to the Mammoth I'ictos
ial, and the gratuity of a Gift Ticket, which
entities the holder lo one share in the 3(l(i,(SK)
Gifts. Thu every person investing in thin
stupendous enterprise receives tiie full worth
of his or her money, in subscription to a fust
clas journal, (the greatest and most interesting
inctoi ial of the lire,) besides a Gift for each
subscriber whicl may prove an immense for
tune to the rcceher.
for a complete lie. of gif's. and full and ex
plicit partlcul'.rs In regard to the great enter
prise, dint,:bulioii, AiC, see a copy of The
Whole Woild, which will be promptly acnt
free of charge, where desired by leltcr, post
'lue Whole Woild may bIso bo seen at the
ollices of all papers containing this advertise
ment, where information may be obtained in
regard to the paper and ,
Agents, Postmasters, and Ladies, desirous of
a lucialive ami at tae same tune genteel em-
ii!oiueiit, should not fail to see a copy of The
Whole vvoriu, which couiaina oj iar me inosu
liberal inducements ever ollercd to agents in
ih way of immense cash premiums, gifts, coin-
mission, .c, wlieretiv any person wnn oruina
ry activity, can essily make $!,tXJ0 and up
wards, pn year; lo winch fact tii agents we
ulnaiiv have can cerlily. oeci'.rc me pictor
ial, and be:onii'. wite, rich, an 1 happy.
i oiic'i-'ondeiits must write their address
Naiue, I'listoliices, County and State, plain
an. I distinct, or it will be their own fault if they
fail to get an an.iwer. Adhere to this, und ail
relui lis will ha promptly -'Ht wherever desir
ed, in any part of the world.
(far If any order are received after the
3'N,oiW subscribers are obtained, the money
will be promptly returned, post-paid, to the
persrns sending it,
U'jT" All letters remitted for the Picfuiial,
Wan U'fl Tickets, must invariably be ad lies
scd, po-t-paid, to i'rof. J. Woodman Hart,
Hart's Buildings, Chestnut Street, Philadelphia
Pa., there being the principal editorial an
piiblictt on office nov 1, f1.
I'lECES of Ticking, best quality, for
t) ) eale low, at
aep 27. GKEENI KI5NEY fc CO,
lOHACCO. Lover of the Weed will lind
a superior article ot chewing and smoking
Tobacco, at the Agency Store, of GREENE,
K I N N J. V IO., M. .Miry. ocM.
1H1HTY d.i Men and Hoy' Caps, fur
tale c lie up, at the Agency Store of
aep 7. l,HI.I..M., KI.N.Ntl CH.
tT'n'OBS AND LATCHKi Jaims' beaj
I. quality of 'Mineral Kimhs and Latehes,
for aale at GR E EN KI N NE Y - CO.
aep 7 'M.
B hhls o. 1 aii'tv ?lackerel,
K bbls Tar.
2i boxen and half boxes Star Candles,
ft boxes Tallow candles,
Vl kc;s -SV.l. assorted,
tf boxes Coa Finh.
3H sscks Rio t'oll'ee,
Imperial and Young uysnn Tea,
Soda. Ssleralns, Candy, Raisins,
F.nylith Walnuts. A!mond,
(,iner, Spice, I'ejiper, c, .Vc.
necessary to convince yon or tne rart,
Opposition in Ihe Life of Trade.
receiving at Glenwool. a well selected
stock of dry goods, fancy (roods, clothing, boots
and shoes, groceries, hard ware, crockery, drugs,
liquors, stoves, tinware, &c, in Western low.
The public are invited to call and examine for
themselves, and they will hud the truth of the
above statement. Also I bey will find that we
can si ll as cln ap any other house in Milld, Fre
mont or Pottawattamie counties. '
And in fivinz notice to the fanning commu
nity, we will give them the highest cash price
for their produce, such as bivf, pork, corn,
wheat and beans. The store is on the west side
of the Public Suuare. Glenwood. novl-ly.
tORN and Oats wanted by S. &E.
I TORSES, work oxen and youngstock, ditto
II harpy & English.
THE undersigned has on band and for
sale a few thousand select grafted apple
tree-, ready for transplanting in orchards the
coming rail and spring.
Red June, bald win. white winter parmain, full
pippin. I'etmont, wine snn, yellow belilower
Rhode Island greening, swaar, priors red, red
astrachan, early harvest, sweet June, summer
rose, summer qiu-en. Rail's ja net, ranibo, wine
appb . white belleflower, Roman stem and
No: ihorn spy.
roa siiAnK.
The Catalpa and Uiack Locust.
The snow ball, Eiiglixh and American lilac,
red dogwood, honey suckle, rose, a4!.,.c. '
A few of the Isabella and Catawby grape from
SI. Marv. Iowa, Aug. 31, '"3.
aug31-ly. G EO Rii E H EPNE R,
"general Tand agency"
Glenwood, Mills County, Iowa.
LL persons Wishing to buy or sell Real
V. Estate would do well ti call on the under
signed, who i.s prepared to Enter Land upon
Time, and Locate Land Warrants. Will also
attend to the Collection of Debts, and payment
of Tases in and out of the County.
All Jlusitiess inlrusied to me will receive
prompt attention.
philipeT shannon,
Attorney and Cciunielior at Lew,
Clknwood, Mn.i.s CoiiKTy, Iowa,
WILL attend to all businesnentnistcd to his
care, with fidelity and dispatch. Par
ticular attention given to the Collection of
Debts, fcc.
Hone. A. C. Dode aud James Sheilds,
Washington, D. C.
J. and A. lwery, P. T. lietts &. Co., New
York City.
Joseph Shannon, Esq,, Palmer, Coot ft Co.,
S'tn Francisco, Cal.
Webb i. Co., Milwaiikie, Wisconsin,
Hon, A. "II. Smith, J tuckville.
Hon. A. T. Cray, Madison.
Hon. Otis lloyt, Hudson.
Page t Hacon, St. Louis, IV, o.
McLoiighlin it Barrow. St. Joseph, Mo.
S. J . Nuckolls, l-sq., J.iinleii, Alo.
Peter A. Sarpf, K. i;., Nebraska Territory.
Ka-liuvemor Mephen Heiiiiistuad, Dubuuuii,
E. Ilonn, Esq., Council KluiTs. Iowa.
Nuckolls Co., lb nnett . Harding, TJela
White, tilenwood, low. octl 1-tf.
I WILL pay the highest market price for
Corn, Wheat, Oats and lluckwheat, at ir,
Otrice in CleuwooJ. either in cash or mei
cbandiite. PHILIP E. SHANNON.
Glenwood, oct 11, '61 tjl'05
A LL persona knowing themselves indebted
X. to Geo. P. Sliles. are requested to make
imuiediale payment to the undersigned, or they
will line their accounts in the haiius of the pro
per olhcer for collection, (.'cine one, come all
and save cit. P. J. Mc.MAHON.
oct H, 5 tf
1ttl l'1 1 i'J-l''"":y notions tor saleas
SVsJv' cheap as dirt, at the cheap cash
store of n.l-i-tf NUCKOLLS , CO.
CLAIMANTS will plea take notice tha'.
the proceedinirs of the Belleview Settlers
Club, make it the duty of all Claimant to re
cord adiseription f iheir Claims asnsaras
they may be able to describe them. Otiive at
Bslleview, Nebra-ka. i i
ert i, '51 . rsonisr
aMM MWWUisaMa 4
OJctricuta illniung .iuimcnt.
Wit a Ilealing Halm wb com to pi cot
"IHE action of this Liniment is on of tke
nioit iififect remeJies ver rrToied to ta
afllicted. Its ctioa noon the organisation is
truly woiiderfi l. I s volatile, penetrstinr, sootk
ins ami healing piopsrties tilliise themselTes to
the very bones. 1; enters intothe rirfulatioo f
the blooil trives i new impulse to w hole, nerroa
system to the very estrnniilies of the 6ngers
end stimulates to the absorbents and secretion,
aud thus assist NATcae to throw off and rid
herself of any diseased section of the rervja
chords or ligaments, making it equally appliaa
hie to soles of anV kind, rheumatism pain
in every part of tlicbtidv. from a diseased sstioa
of any of the struCliirel portions of the system.
While it is perfectly harmless to healthy flash,
skin or bone, it he the proprfty of e'ntsnaj
inio coininiiaTion. anu uissoiriog an ?r or
ganic tissues when they are dines-!, or their vi
tality is destroyed. Possessing tii'e peculiar
powers, is the reason why it isequally rffitiaeiou
in so many different complaints. It acts nposi
scientific principles and fixed law of the C'rea- '
tor !
Thelarifenumherof ease in which thislini-
ment has proved its value, in the short tims it
has been liefore the people of America, is swfft
cient to five the greatest confidence that its vir
tues are incomparable m cnreine; rneuniatism
bruises, strains, burns, wounds, swellings, brok
en or cracked breast, old .sores or peine in ajr
part of the body.
St. Looia Testimowt.
State or IVIiksouri,
County of St. Louis. (
Be it remembered, that oh tliis fifth Hay d
may, ia. t. isod, neror; me. tne. andeTsigaeC-,
mayor of the city of HU Ixiuisv in theeountyana
Slate aforesaid, came personally David M.
Sinythe. who, upon his oath, says that the fol- -lowing
statement is true.
In testimony whereof I hereto set luy hand
the day and date las' aforesaid.
JOHN J TOW, Slay or.
Soc. Ntwius, Rr-ftster. '.
St. Lsiria, Mo,. May 6, 1853.
Dr. A. G. ItsAGi;, t Co. Gents You will
probably recollect that I called into your eitab' '
tishmeill some three weeks .since and purchased
a fifty-cent bottle of your ' Mexican mustang
liniment;" my ohjeet in so doing was to try it
merits upon my daiiirhler's arm. who ha beta
sullering from the ell'ects of a s'vert dislocation
of the elbow for several year past.
The excruciating pain consequent upon false
settincrof the bone had dwindled nnd contracted ,
her arm to a puny size, and I consider it a duty
devolving upon toe to acquaint the Community of
tin' henriicial eflnct your liniment has paoduced.
tier arm was urawn to a nglit ancle, ana was ,
almost inert ami us.-lc"s. Until your invaluable '
liniment was applied, since which time. 1 am
happy to slate, she has enjoyed uninterrupted
goon srrenfnn, ami can use her arm nearlj ,cs pl
antly a bufjreil was dislocated.
would ile, liowzver. that prior to trying
your tmeqticled Iminient, 1 used several other
remedies, and among then "McLean's volcanic
oil liniment," but with the least beneficial result
D. M. S.hVTHE,
AVe offer this liniment as a remedy in th"arl
ous diseases and complaints for which it is re
commended with full conlidcnrc of its surcen1
in ciirinc them.
The following is a list of the numerous and 'si '
traordinary cas-J it has cured during the la
few month :
0.7.W cases o). rheinniitism in all its forms
4.20H do rpraiiii and bruises ) (
ft. 100 do burns and 4cal ls ; ' ' '
3,4'n) do . fresh cuts and wounds J i .. H!
1H do cancers ;
7,710' do errofiiloiis sore anJ nlerrs thaf '
had resisted all othur treatmenU
5.2 10
Inflamed or swelled joint
fiimbatro, sciatica. cout aitduaral .
bony' nnovsj
do chapped hands (
do caked breasts,
do tooth-ache;
do various die e- leaned.
Tliis must appear almost incredible, but tht
numerous certilicate und hitlers front distin'
guished physicians, citizens, agents aud otherf.
who have used the medicine, enable us to Suh
stantiale the above facl? millionsof bottles of il
are yearly consumed, and it has always
To roiNTv McacilAVT. Every store sho'd
be s.ijiplied with this valuable liminent, as it
pays a good profit and sells rapidly.
Prices of ti k i.inimk.nt. It i put up j
bottles of three sizes, and retails at i.i cents, tot1
cents and )jkl per bottle-. The 51 cent and on
dollar botlles contain A) and bs) per cent morrf
liniment, iu proportion to their cost, so that'
money is saved by buyiiiir the lageriies.
A. G. HR AGG i CO., Sole Proprietor.
Princijial offices, cor. Third and Market Jt.;
St. Lotus, and 30-1 Broadway, Ne-.y York. ,
For sale by P. A. SAaev,'. Mary, and Sa
ey k f. siiLisii, tilenwood; and by dealers in
medicine everywhere. aug 31-ly
The great, popular meditti'ie nf tiie duy
Vust atnoiint used per month The nu-i
nitrons anil won.lcrfiil cures it efli'cls
Its mtio-icul clR-d. upon Iiilioms Feveri,
ami Fever nnd Ague -G rent excitement
atnonje tiie Djcitors I
" HJ-i GSw-j yzzizl
a2 V
I - '
A HE now admitted on ah hands to be a mst
IX. extraordinary and valuable moilicine in
general use. It not only acts as a specific upon
Ibe bilious and typus fevers, chills and fever,
and fever and ague of the West an.l South but
in all disease of debility, weak atomach. indi
gestion, loss of appetite, impurity of the bloo 'f
and all diseases prevalent in a western ami south
em climate. Their great wer consists in
their eculiar elbct upon all the organ of the
system j and the rapid formation of new and
pure blood they produce. Irr thir lies the great
secret of their success. They are mild and
pleasa'it in their action but searching aud per
manent in thoirrtlect penetrating Hie remotest
recesses of the system by their ready absorption
into the blood, thereby infusing a new supply of
vitality and nervous power into all the machine
ry of life. The extensive popularity they have
acquired all over Ihe Weal ami South ensure
sales of at le-st
0,000 soxks em month ( ;
And we find it diiticiili with our large force of
hands, and the late improvements in machinery
which we have n-iupteii, to'actn-e the.i
f.t enough to s'tppiy U.,; t',e:ij:i ; v. tl ! 1 1 ; :.i
western and southern S'utei! One la -re n.anu.
factory is cotrstaii'.iy angajwl in pn p.inng the
various concentrated extracts of which they
are compounded. From i lie best inform itica
we can obtain from our ,000 atllii!-; agents,
aud hosts of attentive corichptndunU in all
parts of the country, our niediem cure par
nimith not less than
10,000 rases of fever and ague, one thousand of
wh'rh have reiisled all other treatment
.a, 300 cases of cakuess ami i-nnei al debility
2,5(K) of various chronic disoaiea j
i,lk)0 ' " of w:ak stomach and loua of ppft'
800 eases of dyspepsia ) '
1,2(K of rhatimaliBUi;
t.OOO " of ftinale euinplaiitts
l,istl ' of ujue eske, or tuhtrr.cJ jdi-cn
Tuis must uppeur aliu,.st incredible, but the?
numerous letters run physicians, agents d
tnose who u e thn iiicjitme, lot n nil the a
t-rn ii ml foul h.m St ntes. satisfy u Ih' this U a
moderate estimate, and Hint oiu' iiomI.cuio is rap
id'y takiio; the plae of the various cnn'rifctU
which are at'iu''., and the numerous tt.nir mix
tures made w holly of quinine, wnieh tie impo.
ed upon the pubfio by uuiiufiCiu.Ti oo In
no body knows when;
Price of Touie pill. "a cents; aud Aati-tai,
ious, k!5 cei.t. A. G. Bf Acn.M. n., sole prof '. . .
elor, St. Ijuis. For sai by V. A. RajT, k
Murv, and Sarv a. Im.uis, (iio.'.wtiw : aur
I b-y dealer it luftsticu.e tjuoogf.olt the t'eetr
. IS .
war-M ifiiaa-evtsi m