ff ASH NEBRASKA PALLADIUM. BILLSVIEW, NEBRASKA. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 0, l4. AQESTsl 3 V. B. Palme., Tribune biiildinrs. H. M Pct !l!lJ' 1,9 ""' srret, W. H. McDonald I Nat.au street, New York Citv. C. P.aree, C. VI. Carr, Crane. Co.. Phlla aelphia. W. S. Swyrnrasr, General Newspaper Agent, t. Loin. 4 Dra. Mc.Mahon It Williams. Council Muffs. Iowa. A. T). Jones, p. M., Omaha Citv, Nebraska. Ir. M. H. Clark, Nehra-Va Center. II. D. Johnson, Fsu., Ft. Calhoun, Nehralis. J. C. Mitchell & Co., Winter Q.isrWs, Ne braska. P. M., Paa-na. Loupe Fork, Nebr' a. Maj. H. P. Downs, braka Citv. .Nebraska. U. Garnet U. S. A., Commander at Fori Laraaiia, Nebraska. U. Heath, U. 8. A., Commander at Fort Kearney, Nebraska. C. M, Mount Tahor, Fremont Co., Iowa. Cal. Tho. Farmer, Mriiissicks Grove, Iowa. Ofdeo Crjr, J'mlii.utvi, Iowa. William Greene, F.q.. Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Post Mssr, Fort De Moine, Iowa. . Aiirutua Hall, Eq , Keossqna, Iowa. Hob. A. C. Dot! ire, liurlinpton. Iowa. Hon. Ihemas Brown, Marvaville. Ohio. I. M. Bnuet F..q., HellevieW, Nebraska. Jeaae VCat, Tahor, Iowa. H. P. Botinet, Glenwood, Iowa. B. Tsscbuck, bl. Mary, Iowa. M. K. Hollisier, Ottawa, 111. Silas Titiia, Syracuse, N. Y. John C. Kred. Cooimington, Malt. lliel Barnard, Eikj., orthnmpton, Mass. TKAJriiarmo is mllxyiew. One of the privileges attending the in troduction of civil gove rnment in Nebras ka, it found in th establishment of a Uianksgiving da j. In accordance with Puritanic enslom, nd rt;l the recommendation of Hii Ex cellency, Gov. Ctaiine, Thursday, the 80th ultimo, was set apart by our citizens, M a day of public thanksgiving and praise, "Him wAo givtffi us rwiy, all things to en?'ry." The day was tstin und lovely, ad th earth, though robed in the dark hues of autumn, never appeared more beautiful, than on this consecrated dav. We were greatly pleasedto witness the j-eneral interest, which this estive oc o.tsiofl seemed to awaken among our citi zens, ami the zeal which they seemed to manifest in the exercises that belong to this time-hallowed institution?1 Considering the place, a large and re spectable audience attended public wor ship, held at the Mission, at 11 o'clock, A. M. Ad excellent lecture was deliv ered on the eccasion, by the Rev. W. Hamiltok, founded on the following text: 1st Tk ima low i ass, 5 h Chapter, 18 h Verse: "For iti everything, give thanks, far this Is he Will of God concerning you." The fallowing meagre abstract of the discourse, has been prepared for the bene fit of those of our readers, whose circum stances denitd them the opportunity of bearing for themselves. The subject was divided into three parts, viz: The Nature, the Object, and the Duty of Thanksgiving. Jn regard to the first of these divi sions, it was shown, that Thanksgiving was an expression of the feelings of a greatful heart; arising from a senic of obligation fdt. This was illustrated, by familiar examples, showing that if grati tude did rot exist in the heart if there wst ot a feeling of obligation, there could Ve no true giving of thanks. There migh' be the outward form, or acknowledgment ou the pari of the individual, while the heart, being destitute of this feeling of bligalion or gratitude, withheld what it proffered with the Jips to give, and there fore, cculd sot be acceptable to God, and it wst only honor.ng him with the lips, while the heart was far from him. It was next shown, that this feeling ws natural to the pious end unselfish mind trod that these who indulged in that feel ing, found real and substantial enjoyment from such indulgence. That the idea id Jtrnulily was excluded, beer use it would he an attempt to impose upon the object of our thanks a profession that we fell, what, at the time, we were conscious mn did not Jul, which could not be ac ceptable to a heart-searching God. Sue! cenducl, it was true, was common among sen, whe often profesaed what they did set feel, hut was altogether culpable and hateful i the signt of God; and the in ference was plain, that there could bs no genuine thankfulness on the part of man, unless there was a feeling of gratitude, and sense of obligation existing iu the heart. This feeling of gratitude, it was observ ed, was seen imperfectly in the lower cre iiotti animals often manifested it, by some act r cxpresion of the eye or coun tenance. It was seen much uure in aaan; even etuncrs feel thankful for tin, to ihoee who do them a kind new; that it was sauch more fully devel oped ib lli Leart of the Christian, but shown pueat and brightest iu the redeem ed spirits beior the throne of God, who rested not, day wr night, but were coif staatly giving utterance to the deep feel ings of gratitude that swelled their hearts, uA (hat much ef the luppines of Hsav b, consisted ia the iudulgeoce and ex pec t km of d.i feeling, and that there fre. sinners who f-ad no suth feelings to- w'id GuA, but w ere selfish, could cot be It ws alsonrgueil, tlmt true thanksgiv ing was not spasmodic in it nalure, bu a state of mind felt, even when not exprr-M-cd. That n cup of cold water the fruit of ihe earth, whenever received, would call forlh the mol m ely ense of (jriiti tuc.e sml thauksjrivitijf. to Htm who pro v'nlej all these rich blesiiti". That among ourselves. v" could not re spect a man who wos coiilinun'.ly receiv ing favor from us, yet. never showed any sense of gratitude, much less would God approve our conduct, while we were con tinually enjuing the riches ot his bounty, without one gre.Uf ul emotinn toward him who dtii'y supplied our wants. In regard to the second head, it was shown that the object of thanksgiving wi'S the author of the kindness shown, m.d that man, as the instrument, was often the ohje.f. of pra'itude. To i!'',is'ra'. tliis, rcf enoe was made to our sochd conditioM, nnd the wise provision of l'i ovidence, in mak ing us dependent on ene ano'her, pud lints making it necessary for us to collect this feeiing. But the special object of our thar.kgiv ings, wssGod, the author of all our Tuer cies of all our enjj men's. In reference lo the third head, viz: the Duty of Thnnksgiving,it was observ-j ed, thut we were daily receiving favors at j his hand that we owed it to him, as a being of infinite excellence, and power. That he had a right to expect it of us, his creatures that we were dependent on thankfulness, us it was through the go verning providence of God, thut this ter ritory wtis now a part of our domain, and that w were upon it. Others once ow n ed it; but God gave it to our nation, and while enjoying his bounties here, it would be the height of ingratitude, not to feed and express our thHiikfulness. Allusion was also made to the public expression of our gratitude to God, that! it was on acknowledgment that h: was kind to us, and his kindness Lid us und;r deep obligation to love him, and devote ourselves to him; and, that if we did not, we would be without excuse at bis bar. In conclusion, it '.vu slated, that while all these temporal mercies were so abund antly bestowed upon us, not one of which, we were worthy, to crown all, he give us I let veil's richest gift, in the person of his own sun, which ought lo call forth our lasting gratitude, and our con'inucd praie by a comparison between our own happy Ojvermcnt, and the governments of the various nations of the earth; in which, ii was shown, that we were particularly fa vored, in the rich and abundant supplies it our country our freedom from the scourge of war and famine; the peiceaid safety we enjoyed under ur institutions, which secured to us, the right of con science, and the possession of the pure word of God. In spcuking of our newly acquired ter ritory, it was observed, that much as we admired it, iis geni.J clime, its vast pariries, rich soil, refreshing streams end fountains, God has made it all, and nude it long ago. We might talk of it, and call it our own, but all we did, was to come and enjoy it and even here, there was cause for the deepest gratitude and From the foregoing positions, it was then inferred, tlut the inuiwdiud who .ived without ihank'ti uny. lived without happiness and w r.i.ou. God. That sut.li could not be h; pjr, , while in tl.ii stale o! mind, as ho was completely wr; pped tip in himself, living him laboring for hiin.e!f, and wanting all to himself. The duty of cultivating a thankful spirit, was then shown, as wheie it reigned, it rooted out and defclroyed tlu.1 sclliah spirit, so de siidciive to ilie happiness of man, and the peacj of society; and while we ought to feel thankful as individuals, it was also proper, to unite together in the expres sions of our gratitude, as we were com mon partakers of the bounties of Provi dence. Our special obligations us a peo ple, weie then referred to, und ihus: rated liitn, having nothing but what we received from him. That he was the author of all our present mercies of all w e hoped to enjoy in this life, or in that come and ihat it was his expreM;d will, revealed iu the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and taught by his example that it was a duty, in cumbent upon us at all times, and under all circumstances. iLicnojr. Our readers are aware, that the elec tion of a Delegare lo Congress, and of a Territorial Legislature, is to take place, on Tuesday next, Decemoer 12 h. Let every man who has the iuierest of the Territory at heart, turnout on that oc casion, and vote for those men, whom they believe, will best represent and sustain their interests in l!i Territorial and Is'a lional Legislatures. JUtecxolegual Table. It is our intention, heieafter, to furnish an accurate wetkl table of meteorologi cal phenomena, fur the benefit of those, who take an intcresl in such obser vatiuus, and particularly, far our numerous readers jabraad. who are e ipecting lo take up their j abode h '.his cjuuTt, sf $.t.i fure dsv. THE BCOLE AG MX. The Biigle thinks that without regard to the opinion of a thousand and one, inter esled imli iduuls" that Omaha should be lite place selected for the Capi'ol, because there has bpn n greater displiy T enrr PV at that 1 :.ice than at :inv other one in it.tt T..rri.in t.m.-ill.M ft . rl rtl n. k 1 I . ll ! a house has been built in whn h the Legis lature nisv c.vivne '-mil which has been done no where cNe.' Our deeply coiic-nied ncih'ior iilJs "We tannol. however, believe tliKt he (the Governor) will sea any ndvunldes or mTo'iiiUixhiiions at llelleview, equal to cur neighboring Omaha." In reply to the above, a few words only will be needed. In the fi st place, great as the amount of improvcmeifts hiive been at our neighWs favon'e point, they do not yet equal those now existing at Ihdlc- view, and so far as the. wants, or interests of the Terri'ory arc concerned, we cuii- na' see why improvements made Inst jear, i .. .1 i.. ire no ju; rts goon as nunc maue mi j ear, an i why improvements made several ears ngo, under vav'y greater disadvan tages than those at Omaha have been, ar not ns much entitled to consideration, ns those that have been accomplished with the advantages possessed by that piace. The doors of tic Mission are open to receive the Legislature, if it is called here, and we hazard our reputation Upon the assertion, that equal r.ceomrno lations cannot be offered elsewhere in Nebraska, before the 8. h day of Juiiuiry, 18f)J. Tis hcise was built under diHicuhies such ns had disappeared long before Oma ha was thought of; most of thn lumber having been sawed with no other aid ttian hand labor. Now according to the princi ples itpon which our anxious neighbor thinks ought to control the location of the Capitol, it would be located here. In the next dace, whether Governor Cuming "will see" any advantages here equal to Omaha or not wo cannot Say. We have read of those w ho "having eyes see not" but we do not believe lids is the case w ith the Governor but we know this is the raso with the man of the Iiugle, and for aught we knew, it may be so w ith others. Silas A. Strlckiand. This gentleman arrived here from Nash ville, Tennessee, a short lime since, and intends to settle in our midst. He is nn intelligent, energetic, business man and h::S com.? to a place where his means, intelli gence, influence and industry may be ex pended to the greatest advantage to hitn self, and ihe community nt large. Mr, S. graduated in the profession of lavr in he S'lte of N'HV York, iu the year 18-17. lie ihun turned his attention to public works, and was for a tism; en gaged in the I'.rio canal enlargement, and nfterwards upon the Ship canal at ihifljlo city. In he went to Canada West, where he contracted to bu'.ld a portion of the Northern railroad from Toronto to Lake Superior. After completing this contract, be went to Indiana, where, in company with T. C. Ward, I'.sq., he pre secutcd to a sjedy completion, several miles of heavy grade on the Ohio and Mississippi railroad. The Vernon Whig Iktnuer, published in Jennings county, In di .na, speaks thus cf Mr. S. and his works: 't hv lliil 111 plt-miie of riilinj ovr that ..,rt of the O. A: M. It. R , t ttilt by S ri k laliil &: (' .. nfi'l ar pleairj to jy, UU'ler the DianaL'-Mi .t of Mr. S. A. Strieklaml, lli'-iriri-cipul iiu iH'i'r of the tain, Una part of the ro;d has hwn romple'ed in an aiino.t inrreiiihlr short nlaer of lim. Mr. S goes ti TrniH-ssee from here, where we Wiiierstaiiii. he ha a heavy rontrat t ou the L. U S. K. H., h- has made a bolof friei.d here a;id wh?ier he f--ctf we wili him mirceM." Mr. f. has since been engaged in sev eral heavy conlrac's ill Tennessee, from whence he coire?s here with very flatter ing recommendations from Maj. Win, ll. Polk, of Teini.. and other distinguished individuals to the lute Gov. Hurt; some of w hich are dated back lo midsummer, show ing clearly his intention to make a per manent settlement among us. It is the intention of Mr. S. to enter into business of some kind, and to labor for the speedy commencement of the Great Pucifc Railroad from the Missou ri river, up the, I'lalte Vidley, to the "South l'uss" of the Rocky Mountains, to California and Oregon, lie has got a long race before him, and a glorious field wherein to display hit tmhitioii. We ex tend him the right hand cf fellowship in this grew, enterprise. 3 Next wet k, we intend to publish the boundaries of each County, and such inforuil: ni connected therewith, as we may be enabled to procure. Tiir CsritoL. Although dngresmen will rot re-assemble for a mouth lo come the Hall of Representatives is nearly ready for their reception. The carpets bav e been put down and the heavy rich draper put up. The spittoons too are in proper place capacious enough lo contain the tobacco expectoration of the iuoi devoted consumer of the Indii-n weed during a nihi i.i:d a day session. The deeks have b-en handsomely polished for aman other uss the resting place of hon orable gentleman's htavy aled boot; and the old wioter stuffr-d ch..irs re-itiriticed for the w.mfort of the repidiiieaj. tlitii-t'jii".- IVf'hitgfcn StT.tintl. For the Palladcun. BXLLIVIXW AND ST. MART. So much has already been said about Rellevicw, that prehaps, any further des cription is unnecessary. I will en!y add the testimony of a strange' to the. beauty of the location. Prehaps a more beauti ful site for n large commercial city, nev er existed. It is situated on the right bank of the Missouri, six miles hove the mouth of the Pl.itle, or Nebraska liver, (ordering on the Missouri, is an alluvial prairie of more recent origin, covered wi h widows and a line growth of cotton wool; this, in high water, soinrimcs ovei thiws. Then comes the more elevated idluw.d bo'.to.i prairie, of vast extent, mil in the spring and early summer, covered with a deep green carpet of the most lux uri.int crass, enameled with myriads of flowers of every variety an hue, and over all these, a deligh'fu'' prairie breeze is perpetually blowing, renJuring the atmos phere pure and healthy. The soil is in exhaustible, composed of a rich vegetable. mold, of great depth; which, when expos ed to the sun by the farmer's plow, will, prehapa, render Ihe climate unhealthy for a few years. Next in succession, comes the highland prairie, rising about fifty feet above the one just described, on which Bclievievv is laid out. This site com mands a most beautiful prospect for many miles arounl. This, also, is a broad pla teau, as level as the great son, bihI in the background, are a scries of gentle, undu lating pyramidal hills, covered with a rich carpet of grass, rendering tho survey beautiful in the exterior. I will suppose that you are Standing on this beautiful plat eau and looking at the broad valley through which the Missouri travels its resistless course. On your left is a series of lofty conical hills, in the distance, ris ing one abov e the other and clothed with a dente growth of valuable timber onk, ash, elm and hickory far up extends the valley of the Missouri fringed with mag nificent groves of cottonwool, and on the opposite side, a series of gigantic b!ulrs, composed of conical hills, rising ore above jihe other and extending further than the eye can reach, funning immense bends, in which are those broad rich alluvial prai ries, peculiar to this country. Opposite IW'evtevv, is one of these prairies, inclos ed by the hills, as if by a gigantic wall, on w hich St. Mary is located. On your rigid, in the foreground, wind the Papillion, a fine stream, fringed with timber, and iu tho distance, is the rich and fertile valley of the Matte, one of the most beautiful valleys in the world. Here is found an abundance of excellent timber, and timo will reveal rich mines of coal, iron, lead, copper and sail. The Geologic:! formation around Ilclle. view is carlKiiiifercius, which extends as far as the Hig Sioux river, where the Creta ceous formation commences. Fine beds of coal may be exhibited when a thoiough survey is made. About a mile North of liidleview, the bluffs strike the river, und a valuable bed of limc-stone is exposed. This will have an important bearing on the settlement of IJe'devicw. A Geological .ec'.ion of it would Ixs as follows: 1st, An argillaceous scl.is'ose lime-stone, cf a yel lowish color, very compact, not suitable fur liu.e, but well adapted for building purposes. This be.d is very near tlio a icr's etlgc. 2 1, A course grained, greyish whiie lime-stone, containing no cLy, and therefore, suitable for lime. Tlus is an important bed, and second only to a coal mine in its value fo this portion of the Territory. F. V. II. DrPAaTt ac F. W. Svaras. We re gret that this etntlemnn is about to leave us for South Carolina, (his native State.) Mr. Symms came here with the lamented Gov. Hurt, and has been active ly engaged ever since, doing efficient ser vice f vr Nebraska, in taking the census and doing various other official business, pertaining to the organization of the Ter ritory. Mr. S, caries with him the best wishes of numerous friends inadu sit.ce his arrival among us. COUNTIES OS DISTRICTS, lit. Riciiaaoio.f Cocfiiv contains two Piecinrts or places of voting; one on the north, and the other on tha south aid of the Great Neuieha. The first will be held at tha house of William Level; tli second, at the home of Jo ami. Foawev Coi'Mi v.--There ahall bione Precinct or place of Yotir.g in this County. Naweiy: at the hotcio of Richard Jirown. 3rd. Pittaec Coubtv. There slm'i be one Precinct or place of Voting iu this t ,nly. .Vauntly: N'brk City, at the Lou ot If. P. Downs. 4th. Casi Couhtv There shall be two Precincts or placm of Votinr in thii Coantv: one at tha bouse of Oil. Thoinpsun, Kanosfia Precinct. lUe second, at 31fUirs I'lecini t, at the house cf H. Martin. lioeoLAS and Omaha Cocntics, blank. 7th. Waihimoto Cocstv. There shall be one Precuut or pUee of Voting in Washing ton County. NiOitly; at the Put-( hl.re. 8lh. Bust Cov rv. There shall be two Precincts or nlacts of Irotmr in thix rt,inA vit: 'I t kin. uh and HUckbli. 1 he fir.t ,hif be held at Ihe house of enl. John H. Robin soi.; the ktroud, la Blackbird Precinct, at the iiMckuira House. j:ii. uoiioi loc mtv. i nere shall t one Preciact or place of Voting in this County.' Nauiely: at the h'juss of Iir. M. ii. Clark, t ununtiie rrecinct. rj" There was snow in Salt Lake city ou the 1 1th of Sept. Five couple were married at one altar at AU.rrel, ., Jajt weet. . mi: mono lou cal taijli: P.rt'eview, Nchrasks. fliite J Thermo'lor I)c. Clmulv I N,.v"'7I Tm " " S T m f 's J ir I'R"A li '2 ti "2 '21 M JO -W W 3 2 4 '2 T .''1 i 4i 3 15 ?! W :tn :xi Its 3 On so T si .vi 3 o Dec i r 22 ti :t- i i) o 2 S 3fi S 12 (I o Aver 21 1.1 31 Notr The inures nn trr the rol.imn hesdrrl eloinls. ri'pren.Mit th ilpgr'i ef eloudiii-ij fiom Ocl-ar, to li! entirely cloudy. 2d The fiirures under the columns headed wind represent the force of winds, from Ocalin to 10 a t io'ant hm i icariR. DOUCILAS COUSTT. r.xtracis, from a private letter: Coi.im hi's, ()., Nov. 12, Til. "Tunes are very tiuht here at present, the S'iipensi"n of lome of ihe haiAs ha? opened the eyes of the people; the City UanU rlewd on the 1 lib iin-1. Tuere has been si-veral failure among soin" of 0'ir leadirg men. " The emigration to Iowa and Nebraska frou this State will be large in the apriisg. ' Now I tell yon, we do not want to he kept in the dark anv loair-r respecting the name ef yn'ir rouutv; there oeing two distinguished in dlt iiiuali ot the same name; a small touch in Ihe J'alla.liuin explatninc to us whether it is named after Ferde'ic or Stephen Dangles, will be very acceptable." For the. information of our correspon dent, and that of others who may be in volved in similar darkness, we lake pleas ure in saying that the name of our county was given in honor of the distinguished author and defender of the Nebraska bill Stephen A. Djuglas. Although we are utterly opposed to tho establishment of human slavery in Nebraska, wc hold that the pcojdc have just as good a right to es tablish that institution here, as they have South of Mason's and Dixon's line, ll it Is right to establish slavery South of a certain line, it is equally l ight to establish it North of that line, mid we honor Mr. Douglas for having given w idcr scope to the doctrine of democratic equality than has hitherto, been done. ARHIYALS. Hon. Flward R. Harden, one of the Associate Judges of Nebraska, accompan ied by the clerk of his court, M. W. Ridcn and J. D. While, Ls( of Georgia arriv ed at Rellevicw, Dec. 4. The Judge is a middle aged mar, spare in person, and to appearance, quite feeble in constitution his manners, dress and eijiiip.-.gc, ail henr the st; mp of democratic simplicity and economy. He is courteous in manner, agreeable and alT.ible in con versation. His countenance indicates frankness, sincerity, and honenly, intelli gence and virtue, and at once recommends him to the confidence and friendship of the stranger. The Judge, notwithstand ing former predelictiuns, appeared to be agreeably disappointed in this country, and found the high expectations he had enter tained of its gre ilness, fertility, and beau ty, far below ihe reality. J. S. M0RT0X. This gentleman, formerly Associate Ed itor of the Detroit Free Press, and lady arrived at B.dleview, on tho 30 h ul'.., where they inleiid lo settle. Mr, M irton is a young man of ability, snl a popular writer, and hav ing had the good sense to select one of the most beau tiful locati ns for his residence, as w;.!l as one of the most slrotigly fortified points 'n a political view he will no doubt be an important acquisition to tho Territory, and to this community. r We had the pleasure of partaking of an excellent thanksgiving dinner, in company with His Iionor, Judgq Fergu son and Iady, I. ll. Be-nnet, Fsq., and Lady, at the bouse of our esteemed friend, G. S. Tozier, whose Lady, knows full well how to provide for such an occasion. The Printers, as usual, w ere also remem bered on lit s occra'on, for which, they return their sincere thanks. Tut Faccz ras. The Ti us'ees of the Association known as "The I.benezers," having visited Kansas wi'h the view of making a settlement in that Territory have returned, and report a location made lhere of 100,000 acres. jU A meeting for the choice of candi dates to represent this district in the Ter ritorial Legislature, and for a Delegate lo Congress, will be held in the room adjoining the Palladium Office, on Sat urday, December D.h. One sad Omaha Mission The School attached to this institution, is about to be transferred to the Iowa and Suuc Mission, near Ihe Northern line of Kansas, under the charge of the Rev. S. M. Irvin. I'.mioxant io NiaatsaA.- The cur rent of t migralion lo ihe West, lo the Ter ritories of Kansas and Nebraska, is sti'.l onward iu favor of freedom. Last wek one hundred and fifty Iwrdy men from New Finland, passe I through this city.-. t'rte Prut, Chicago IUsmso and TuiMkixo. Those who have rtal abotil i very thing sie thought lo understand everything too', but it is not always so, reauing furnishes tho mind t idy with the materials of knowledge. It is thinking that makes wl at we read ours. We re ef the m'.nating kir.d, and it is not enough to cram ourselves with a great load of collections; unless we chew them o er again, they will iU five us s'rfrtftb an lneuriihtnen?. SSL1 .' T "Jl .. H e ... I I . I1'. I I II .1.1 AN ADDRFSS TO THF. VOTERS , OF NF.RRASKA, ON THE SUH- JI'.CTOF PRE-EMPTION RIGHTS. Fn.tovv Cnirrns: There is no mea sure of such ital importance to the settler, at this lime, as the rntensinn of pre-emp-tion rights to hctiial settlers, and tveiy ictller, nnd all persons who intend bec om ing so. and feel intcrcstrd in Ihe subject, should ghe publicity to their sentiments, and menufai lure lis strong a public senti ment in favor of their principle, as pos sible. Notwithstanding, I am very dr. sirous of bring e'yeff d, ye, I feel a deep er interest in securing the indefinite ex. lonMon cf pre-emption privileges, than 1 have in my own flection. Now, there arc many persons, who want a pre-empti.m law of some kind, but can not settle, in tht if own minds, what kind cf a pre-emption they should hare. Now, as it is impossible lo suit the t:.ste of all, it is wise to adopt somo general ptincip'.e, and sll subscribe to it practically. Now, in my opinion, there is no heller piinciple than the one I advocate. The oslensible motives for a pre-emptiou low of any kind, are these; first, to encourage the settle ment and occupancy of a territory, hither to unoccupied; secondly, to secure scutti al settlers, a temorary right to the landa ihey have improved; until such time as ihey can dig out of the soil, the amount of money necessary to eater them. Now, any pre-emption law that does cot secure either, or both of these objects, is in part or whole, fruitless, and should be thrown away, and soum principal adopted, that will secure the ends legislated for. It is a conceded point, that the pre-emption l w of eighteen hundred and forty-one, in a great majority oT caies,ha.s been destructive to tho inieri sts of the pre-emptor; from the fact, that as soon as a person who has no capital, files on a piece cf land, some individual, w ho has more money than good principles, will lay his money on ihe ann? ItnJ, with the hope, that the pre-empior may not bi auic io emer ins lan.i.hi mo expiration or ihe time for which his land was pre-empted; and, if unfortunately, the pre-eioplor, from any cause, should fail to enter his land, the speculator not only gets the lsnd, but all the improvements made upen it. Say a cabin, thtt cost iu labor, fifty dol lars: the breaking of ten acres of land, which, if hired, coat three llnllura nri.i which is thirty dollars, fencing the same, w ill cost in labor, thirty dollars more, uhlrh ! a low rfctifrinf mnt tn- ; ll one hundred and len dollars Joss lo ihe pre-emptor in labor, besides the increased value his improvements have given the land, and in addition to that, it is turning a mother and her babes, out of doors, and driving them away from the shelter they assisted in building, homeless, comfortleas and penniless, upon a friendless and merciless world. It is taking one hun. dred and len dollars worth of education clod rs and bread, from the minds, backs nnd mouths, of innocent and helpless children, whose) fathurs only fault, was overty it is another destructive blow te the hope and energy c Again, if he is not entered out, he is, in order to save his land and improvements, foroed to borrow money, at forty of fi-y per cent per annum, which are the usual rates of interest in fitch cae; and in mast cases, the land is morgaged ii.v one year, !o the money-lender, at ihu end e.f which tiro,, if prim ipal and interest is not fcrtlicom. inrr, the land iroes to the mtniev-'ender. with two year's improvements. This is no fancy picture, but an every duy occur rence, lo which most every citizen of the teiritoiy has been an eye witness, and as all men have note quid capacities, and are not surrounded by the ' Same circumstan ces, it is impossible to meei the wants and neccssi h s o! all, by a de-luiUe pre-emp-. .ion law: "We hold tlus truihs, to be self-evident, thst all men are endowed by their Creator, with certain unalienable rights; thai, to secure these rights, laws are established, deriving their power from ihe consent of the governed; thai, svheu any law becomes de sir u 'live lo these utda(, it is (ho ) ight of the people lo ahor or iiliollkh it. hlul Pnnfl A Iilu luur iui tiu-lk principles, us to them, shall seem, most likely to enhiiuceiheir interest and safely," Now, Fellow Citizens, it is not wise to humbly ask of those, whose ir.U'rests arc destructive to yours, to give yui such . ..... . -.i t law sat you ucsiie, lut to demand, wiua the boldness of a lion, and with a united voice as loul as seven thunders, and as irresistible as the l'.oods of the great Mis. souri. You have the power, will you. exercise it j Your opport unities will nev er b belter. Now, some people effect, to not understand w hat I mean, by cstteisding iho right of pre-e'.nplioii indefinitely Now, I lake it for granted, that everybody knows vvht.t ;bc '.vord jre-euiptiun means, then, the only haul word, is the word in definitely, whic'u means without limitation. Hid as the prc-tmptor could not obtain u patent until he said for his land, under a limited prd-emptiun law, which Is now limited lo one year; neither could he ob tain one under the operation ofau unlimit ed pre-eraplion law, until ho paid lb.rru. NiY,lt us examine the opcratiou. U