Nebraska palladium. (Bellevieu City, Neb.) 1854-1855, November 29, 1854, Image 3

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Q.j?" Wo am milt.orizc1 to announce! Hadty I
I. Jnhti'iin, F-q , of Omaha, n a !i mnerntir
r n ni itl i 1c for delegate to Cot. pre. Mr. John
aon is one i f ji'(oic,rr, rind is well kno
to the people of N' 1 t -K It .
Dr. Carter'! Cnigh ralsftm
(JT" lithe mnt pleasant .in 'I eflie ic'nns rotne
iy for Coughs. Col. , A'lmu, (Yns'iniptiop
aiv! a'.l diseases of fie I.tnigs, rv er offered lo the
public. Our ever varying rlitnits, and the rol l
bleak wind of Hie north t.n I west produce
coughs nl rotiln dangers col Is, which de
mand of fie wio Ik prudent, Hi.: earliest atlrnlion
For thi purpose no remedy has ever been disco
vered winch lias elleolnd so many cures, and
which seems to give inch universal satisfaotmrt
to all.asDr.CAarm's Count 1!ms M. Head
r.havc Vouroig:iV Da not neglect it. Do-
tav is dangerous. I'sethi Hatsam, at once, nn J
it will effectually cum ) int.
fy Price 2.i cents her bj'tlo, lirjc bo'il
JJil, or aix bottle" for J"i.
For rale et Dr. Easterly s I "ii'y Me-Prtftf
Store, so t . rnir of Third and Chestnut
iU., St. I,o:ii-t, Mo.
A!o. si,!d lv P. A. Sirry, St. M.irv, low n.
ind hy doa'ors il in'd cities generally, in II
ar si.
roBviiti.Y Tiir mcNmi.v I'nrsr.,
Council TtliifT , low.
"S now Kept lv Svi vi vr l)esti-.
Iterations in th" II ni
biin-.e f IlK'l lie Will lie owe in provi'l' any
l;n fa voi- li.'n With n call, a minim hit le bom".
IIii tnhb. will lie supplied with tli h-M thr
In'it'k m n'lnru pTepireu iiyi'IiM'll'Ti liili!'H,
and tin- w-rry will find a good re-ting place.
' ('cms axd vtr. vor iisf;i v f s to iiovi:.
In confer! ' in wih th;s Hotel nny abo b" found
a good on I cl "i;lo
for the accTtim I i'in:i of nil w'nwisb to oh
t:iin lio-e and ca-H.ii', wlvoh in" a good
subs' il nto for fr-t (1 i ri iii o :d e:t rs, ni sm t
untie ; or superior s-nl He ho .. for p'ther In
die or genllrmoii. T"A "-'.p I ir or 1'i 1 i v -cry do a-e itl'ssr.;,', y Hi' -TIN.
PliitrCity. Iowa. nov'.'H. l-!ifu:i
jr.- ft?' rv""-r'.i v"";'- ; -yp-TJ,
n: sn:-nur.r.R t.-inr
in to (' ililoi nin. '!!
I I,m f s I ! ti o! li) iicrii.
s!;i-e t"inirii St. ,Io;i'pli
; ;.!'. n. il. k ! ..'I'll f-f t' "i'"-'
.,r'ti (.!' tlio mII.i. i! ' I' V
the Missouri river, hi .Mill C'"i
t!roii is ff i:r
- for
sit. lilt
m!" his
I on 1h.
;i 1 1 1 1 Cil'ilicil
i;i,iii'. fir.J 1
v, and in-ar
I , lo wii ; and
Onno-Un Ecllf. view, Is'c Drask.i, I.
Also. d'Ml arret of I'miiiii: I.SNPlienr St.
M.uv. and '.' ' ions of 1 1 n ni.tu n LlMi on
the M.s-o iri r.vr. an I n-ir (Jtenwood. These
Lands are a'l in M.lls Coinlv. Iowa, ami P" -n
nt .iel'icetn'-it to la id pnrrl, e(nin ol
fere.!; ront a in i i.:: tiinher. pinirin, lime !oi:c,
nt.d s'onc. and it, d. cations i ( plmilv of i'o:.l;
,;n I n!-o loi :r :t Mle.l ,.ft tits mod fei-iiiil -point
on Hi" M i --"oi: i i i e for I lit trusinsj of
(Jlorious News lor Ncbraskn.
.U.riciin ii.nct.uig Uiiumcnt.
the I1 .n'ilii- It i . I . o id
it '.le c ..III.' l.i
t.c I i!."tt in eM'nroi.r
ian h ive iin'.ui".!
IT i n in ati I f ai'inin ret
1 ,'adeis 1
r . :r the I'l-iins will
fair rates. Tt,e Iniv.-r
,,seion, and all the
i, l,e wants "1 a f lil
n.WII.I, Hl.ltltlii OIU)
lint, inn 1 . '! ' I
Tin slo.iinorS;;,ic !ia just nrrie1, loaded to (lie guards i L a toous Tor
con,iiil'C ol
1. . I V . . I .1 . r -l. I
o ii. hs .o. i aim 4 ,tj.icKerc:,
j W.Lh a J
1i lihds. Itro n Snsrar,
.o hh I,. Claritied do.
'II hhls S. If. .MoUsse.,
Hi Id Is. . I). AI.ilr.eHHj,
Id I-'.' I. his. O.ihleii Svnii,
o.i'l if I, - (J. . Salt,'
lit.) hhl Kaniu li.i do.
fill .ir's il.iil'V do.
I'll hnvei (lo. 1 Soap,
10 hhl.s Cider Vinegar,
S hhls Tar.
20 bnxes and half boxes Stan Candies,
lioves Tallow cand)e
!I0 Ivcps NaiU. iissr'cd,
i. boxes Coa I'lsb.
.'til sacks KlO Coffee,
Imperial and Vonnt; Jiysnn Ten,
Soiia. S::lera,t'is, Canay, Kaisi:,!,
1 nirl i W'nliiMts, A'.monds.
(in'er. Sii
Dr. Easterly'! Iidina an SarsapariU-i.
It is the only preparation that is worthy
cif the leant confidence of the public, for the
cure of those disoii S ariMiii fiO'n an inii.nie
Mate of the blood, via:: S:rof ula, or Ku
F.Til, White f;vellniE; Knlir:cd (, Fever
lore? Pimples on the face, o'.d Suici and Ul-
H'otrlies. llilei. N.'rv.MH AlT.:c;'lo:n, C
cers, Krysipela, Kbeni.iat i-.n, Sypilitic is
eases, Fains in tin; I, ones and Join's, Kmi;
Worm or Tetter, f;.-ald Iad, rl 'Cases of Hie
Kidneys, Mercurial llisOa'e. J.r. D.-. F.a.s
terly's Iomnk and Sabsapariila, is com
pounded of thoc articles which fininltane
cnsly act on the different ore nu of the body,
nd possess 1ic most c'Tici' .it cb:tiing and licsl
ing piopcities. H ind, eds of the most intelli
gent and respectable families in St. Fonis. have
used it, and rp"ak of it in tl.c highest terms of hn in i ne i s tini! :rui'.!r,
chraiter and better than any other prep?.nit.oti
in ui-r.
y Tiice, $1 per Cottle, or six Dottle for
CV "or at ,,r- EASTERLY'S Family
Medicine Store, coirier of Third and Chestnut
Btreets, St. I.o ii.s.
Also old by P. A. SAKPY, St. Mary, Iowa,
and by dealer! ill Medicine generally, in the
Q'yf Fcad Dr. Fasterly's advertisements in
another col. .inn of o:ir paper, and give him a
rail. ' rt'i-
Dr. E-utcrly' American 0:1 Limmeirt
bis val rihlo I.inunont, combine! the ino't
efticicioui article! known for all the v.irio r
forms of disease req'iirin an rxte-tial applica
tion. active inured. cuts,
il the Amkrican Oil (or Prtruliur.i) which ii
universally knovn to possess rare
lid Curativk Pnopnvil.s. Tiiis On., when
combined with other abiable remedial agents
of known and rMablisiieJeflicaci, foims. a safe
and itire re for Hlie imatism, Bruises.
Bprins, Cuts, Wounds, jl nris, Scalds, Old
Ko.rj und l.'lccis, Scald Head, Trtter, Uin-
Worm, Crysipelas, lUes, Can ers, S ill Joint ,
Calied li;asls, I'araUsis. Cont -acted 'l'endons
or Cords, Sir., and cUo for S'.iains, Sp'jvin
fceratcbes, tliates, Sad lie ar.d (.oFae l, alls.
Kores, Wo'ite.U, Fistula, Sweeney and Poll H'.
in hoiscs. Tfiie Liiiinient ll is a direct and pow. p c 1 10 ii npun the tecrelory and absorben
ifsseh, stiin ilating them to a beal;by action
tbni tr.ablii.e ll.em to throw off the morbid or
liscasd matter which obstructs the circulation,
thus rirmovimT all diseases or injuries of the
Por.ei, Af'iiicles, CarMWafu, Nerves and Skin,
Que. Iiottle will convince the most tkeptical
rf i'l wonderful ellicacy in curing JJr.iiioj
Fptains, l!!ici)inatism, I'aines. Soieueii and
Stiffness of the Joint, i.e.
, Dr. Eaetcily'f Anicriean Oil Liniment is,
without excejition, the mojt valuable remedy
eer compounded fo al! diseases of Man oi
Beast, requiring an external ap ilication.
P.-ie.e 23 centii per bottle, or five bot.lct
f or one d !!ar.
(Tsf A liberal discount made to wholesale
tjurchaseri who buy to sell again.
5T For aale at Dr. Fasterly'i Family Med
icine Store, loutbeast comer of ThirJ and
Ches'nut streets, St. Louis.
. Also old by P. A. Sarny, St. Mary, Iowa
and by dealers in medicine generally, in the
fj"tff ftoad Dr. Easterly! advertisement in
another column of our paper and give him a
call. ju2
Corner cf .V.iin ond (Irrgury tlrnh
St. .V.-rv.
AS JFST KECF.IVF.T) and now has
.ale a l.irire nssortinent of selected
in rchandise a.liiiteil to til'' wants of all in the
new und thriving coiuiii'imtv. which b" can sell
(is cheapas evi be otl'ere.l lUewii'-re so hi,;h upou
the Missouri liser. His poods have been ieec
te.l by all evnefienced purchaser, with special
reli'i rence to the circumstances and wants of Ml
rlaH'es of Hc'tlers ill a new country. I.a:i a
und rei tlenien, ehililien and youth, all can he
supplied. Call and see for vnurelv
(,i;m'u.i. land At.i'Nrv and
p;oe, 1'eppcr, c, c
sioeK conis s or ine 11:11011-; nui.ue
innr.y other articles be cannot now enumerate
Aukiiii; his drv i.roi)ils may be found woolen
and sattinctt cloths, c.nsineils. tuee.h, c h
ineies. Iincys. flannel, red, white, p.ey and
blue, Caspian plaid'-. Cotton (roods, heetins
and siiirlinirs. bleached anil unbleached; blue
and white dt illinjs, osnahur;, bcdlicking, hick
ory, check:-, Ai.C.
I A vc v doors.
A beanliful assortment of fancj- prints of
everv variety of ty!o and patlem. (iiiu;)iatn
lawiiF, figured alpacca, bointnines, boinhay.
ette. shawls, cnfs, handkerrhii'ts, crape, mus
lin, edgings, ribbons, k.c.
A wcdl olec'( d Ftie-k of S. winner, Fall and Win
ter Ciothinp, con iistintj ill part or line ores
coats, p ints and vet-; al-o pood summer cloth
ing or ull ileseripiioi; aim neavy cunning lur
fall and winter 11 e.
Also fhins, knit flmnel drawers mid under-
hilt snck. A.C. Men's and bovi' hat and
is of various f ishions, rpialit ie, and prices,
loots nnl shoes, thick and thin, polished mil
uupolistioii or every uc.cripuon, 101 uie.i noiuvn,
and children's use.
Orocf riet.
Crushed, clarified, loaf and brown suir, mo-
lce., syrup pioaej, (jolil ni syrup, superior
tea, Kio'and Java coll'ee, sas.-afius, Kins-'er, pep
per, clou s, spice, cinnamon, (.-round (riiii-'er,
nuhnes, sniiil's. tobacco, eiar.', pipe?, so.iji,
candlci. viue'ar. ptekle ., j; -nuur-iaucc, ."k.c-.
Provision i.
A larire assortment of (lo ir of various quali
ties and prices: com meal und all the various'Kiu of tiie farm and garden; bnenn and
lish, kiln dried aptdi 1. pe iche. currentH, taisitis
iC. JIaiuiwahk. stoves or various o.uierns
for cooking a ml beat n rooms, stove-pipes and
citiinvs. larc, ant small Hon kettle, trying
Pins, f-killcN, Imnd-irons, shovcU aiut lontts
ma one foiksndhav forks. sc ibes, shovels ai.d
apadet, Ug a iitl litice chaiin, axes, hammers, iroj and steel, nailc, hotss-iasiei, lilei
saws, knives and forks, jicckct knives, raiois,
butts and screws, door biindlei. knobs, lock-l
kr. Jisw Anr.. A (reneral as.sortlu Mit keid
for '.ohm hold leu 1 os s. W'doow ahi.. H'ash-
tul s, Shaker pailM, wood und zinc washboard
1.1. AT II .K. i.oii-leal till , l.arne ,s lea In ei .cow
bide, kip -kin , c.i'f . kin... Iiuinji na I morocco.
Saddles, bridles, hal'eis, lirriietts, ciicitiirl
lieilv-bands, di n nig lines, collars, b ick-straj B,
S'nliw. hliti.l-bridb-s. Mcnir im:s. A cn-
eral assortment i f inlici'-,es for fevers, lev
and airue, and the. common complaints of the
country. Cook's, Fee's, S ippeny Ion's. Hi aire's
and Janes' pills, (Quinine, tonics, and various
kiuls s" sti n i'.i iU, am 11 -s, l.uiiu inW and,
other article! necusary for the sick and me in
valid, i.ov VP. M
HF. niL'aiied in the biMin. ss (,f bnyin'.r and
Helling Land Warrants, and e'lt u in:; Iinds
in llie l.'onneil lllulf Land l)!-:triet. Tm-ir iir
lantements for eiilerin1; La els I ir settlers and
I others, o;i a credit of on-, two, or lliree years
are net deliei -nl. And they will he prepared
at .ill tun" to till all ord of In it clnr.ictir.
'I'll" iiiveHlisatio.i of Land Tiilfs, payment
of tii'CS. purclnisT and sal : of lands and tow
bds llirou rliout this land di-lriet, and all busi
ness co.inected with llie Land Olhce nt tli:-
ilac, entrusted to th'in, will he promptly at
tended to.
S'ralit; ts wisbinj to locale gn el ement bind.
will be furnished with a iruid-an 1 ei,uvi'vai:e
If they d 'siie it, and directed to tin bed puinl
fo" S i-ethei.
Lveli iu.'e on Si. Loon and the F is'- rn Cit
ies, bought and sold. Interest paid on uepuj-
itei as per nKieeimmt.
Our ailetitmn sviil niii- no riven to iii pur-
las.1 and sale of Town I.o:s in Ou.alia City,
liellenew and Winter Quarters, INebra.ka 1 er-
Itt KFar vers. L. AV. Iiabtult and l)r I
f.owe. Hejister and K-ceiver ol tbc J.and ()r-
dee at Council lil lif--. and Col. T. A. Walker
and P. M. Cabals; It gi'l'T and lt"(( uver at
Fort l)ern oine,, or any of the business n,"nof
c ither place.
OFFICE on P..oadwny, We t Honm of tlie
Pacific Hotel, pearl v opposite the Land Ot.hcc.
Council ltliiils nov i-ly.
K Strawberiv l!oan Indian Fonv. about 4
years old, and of good lot a poey.
II is not beui seen for some two or three weeks.
When last sen had shoesou nuht fore foot, and
inane and tall Hell filled w ith buns. A llbeial
lew.inl w ,11 he given to any pi is. 111 who will
return said pony to the subscriber or give in
formation M here he can be found.
Cn incil Bluff C'itv. nov 1. '.
Fhee! li,Cs. fine brown ; and bleacbei uomestic rtrilliiiL's, (inaburg. Havens, ducks. ic.Ao.
CV" I he nt'eiition of the ladie;. is called to our assortment of dress coo. Is. which Ihev will
find.", rcsards price and quality, to l e iu:urpa -se.l in We. tern Iowa. Calico, rl illiams,
lawn-., beiages ro'ie- of tiio latest f.isdion and s'yle. Lm iroidernd caps, roila-, chimi
. ..,. ileei i iiilk atel sat in bo'inets, linen and cotton handkerchiefs, hojiery, pirasols, all of
winch will be Sold eveedin..'! v low.
C'o rut saw, mill a .vs. h iiid saw s. broad axes.chnppini: an.;'. ad.e. In? and le ( chainr
bench p'aiies.and in fact everything 111 the hardware line. ti oin a Jcwjliaip up to a rradliii;; scythe
.'I caes direct from P.oston. Hoots of ull sizes and qualities. Shoe-, Ladies enameled Jenny
r ind hnshiiis. traitors, slioners. ladies' Eoat, kill and Call hoots, misses ktioes -all sires.
tlra wc cc:i8 to trrret
t.on . " thi- .'i.'i'ie".t is ( tie i.r tin
t 1 1 r-1 1 ' ic.r-e l rs ever otfered In tlia
Mli:cte:. In i.cti.ui i.p.ui tne or.itii 'atiou is
truly wot,d"if il. llsv-l. t ile. re,;, atii.;;, poo.'h
ine and healing p-i'pe.liei .iitihsu tlieni' dves to
Ine very bnnes. J en-ei s in'otbe ri mil a' ion r.f
the blood ..'ives a new impn'-' lo w hole nervous
system to Ine ve' V extreiiiiti' s of the tirners-.
and stitiiulales to the aPsoi bcnls ami s cretion.,
and thus assis r s re a K to throw oif and ri 1
herself of any diseased section of the t:errou
chords or f srain'-nis, making it e.piaily app'.ieiv
ble to sores of any kind, rheurm.tisni pains
in every pa'i of the ho lv. from a diseased action
of atiyof the etric'ural portions of th system.
vvniie 11 is perfectly haroiless to heaupy tleli,
of ti'i or-
anic lissuo-j when they are diseased, or their vi
tality is (ie-troyed. Possessing these peculiar
powers, is the reason why it is equally elhcacio'Jf
in so rnh.iy dilleront coiiiplaints. ft acts nrii
,1,1 1. 1 ..H. I.UJ ll.llllJll'- 11 IU , 'I'
skin or bone, it has the property of
into combination, and dissolving any o
scientific ptinciplc. and fixed laws of the Crea
tor t
The larre number cf cases in which tbijlini
msnt has proved its value, in the short time it
his been before the people of America, is fufi
cient to civeth'" treated, confidence flint its vir
I tues are incomparable in cureint rheumatism
I bruises, trains, burns, wounds, jvvc' iins( brok
I en or eiaeked breasl, old s.lroj or pains 111 anf
i part of the body.
11,1. !.,-.:.. 0.l ,t.t,np,i- rlro"c and medicine-,, -lavno's anil l-oiilon s family 17 1 ilhihuih
medicines, and all other popular nalotit medicines, for sale at Whoh sale prices. ibfATE nr Missoflit
WO gal. stone ware, churnes, jars,
Of vai iuus Patterns. Glassware. tiimhSer.s. ars, A.C.. Kr
cruets, nuirer crock', smve criu KS, a.c, etc.
fn1 iK-iUtoads of diiferotit paMori.i. cherry dining, and bieakfast tabtes. walnut ditto, ditto.
Hureaiis with gUs, plain and fancy walnut presses, cupboards, fin ;al.'s, one or Ivyo d-aw?r
sruid- , wash suuds, lounges and matl. t.s.d s, double mattre.-tcs. slat bottom chairs, Cain seat do.,
rocking cbairs, ciihs.J c.
s'xsxr&s asm xzrwxim
43 cook stoves, assorted. Pntlersan's, ready trimmed vvitil tin or ci.pper boilers, boxstoves,
Grecian parlor ditto., stove pipe, elbows, 4c
voud a d v; 1 1 l o v -v are.
Tine churn", 1-2 bush's, woo d buckets, well hue.': ct. Weill tub?, wood boA'ls, trays, dough
pins, boxes, brooms, ine wash boards, clothes pins, 4:c.
SADDLERY. liridlcs inarlinuMls. circinu'les, girth::, halters, b-idie reins, Blackawk sad
dles, quilt feats, and ditto Ladies tide saddles, buggy whip, dray wliips,G. E. whips, cow-bides
i.c, sadJlo-bngs, leather trunks, &c.
Solp-trntlior, lc lii. ntv? rnlf nkins, morocco linings, pout sluns, hair,
IRON AND CASTINGS. Plow steel, sltepr steel, cast steel, plows, moulds &.c.
Pot j, octis. skiilcls Mid lids. G. 8. 10 iirul tw out callon kc'.tles.
PINF. DOORS ft by 10 and 10 bv 12 sash, window blinds,
CLOCKS h day and ill) hour clocks; warranted to run well.
Virginia, Fioanoke Nectar leaf tobacco. Ii--''aiia and irinc pe cizars of the finest flavor,
Ciibu and Havana sixes, and various other articles, but we ileem it untii'ce try to mentioti them
as it is no trouble to snow poods, and we will ne happy rt all times to show our oid customers,
and as many new ones as inav favor us with their pati onage. our poods and prices. Our f.icili
I ies for seli 111 J Cll F.A P,aie b;tter any other house in western Iowa, and we intend to do so,
and an axaminatiou of our prices is all that is necessary lo convince you nt tpe tart.
iks:,iri, jl
Attorney at Lnv.
AVill practice in the SiMh, Seventh, I'itrhl
and iNiiitli Judicial Distrii ts in Iowa, and .Ne
braska Territory, lie will always he supnli. d
with blank Ueeli, mortgages, ! J, of trust,
declaratory tt..t'!nenls for pre-emptions. A.C..
and will give pruntit attention to conveyanc
ing. oxamniM ion of titles. Kc.
Particular atlcntion paid to securing
aim collecting debts.
References Hon. F. IL Norton, Platte City,
Mo., II. M Vones and James Craig, F.sqs., St.
Joseph, Mo., Curtis Hates, Fort lie. Moine.
Nebra ska Oil y, ebra.-ka Territory,
nov 1, ' j-l-ly
(ilenwood, July, U.1n."i. 4d-hw.
-1 ',0'
' ll s,
Dr. Easturlsy, Fever and Ague Killer
(J"y Is warranted to cure all rases of Ague
nd Fever, Chilli ami Fever, Dumb Ague, In
lermitteiit rd Remittent Fever, and every form
of Fever incident to the west. If there are suf
f tiers in St. Louis, we say try it, and if it fail
lo cure, the money shall be refunded to the pur
chaser. More tiian
Twr.sTy-rivi tiiovsamp bottlm
have been sold, and in no instance has it failed
10 e'Tect a permtnent cure as far as heard from
flT P;Fe SI par bottle, or six buttles,
QPJ- Tor tale at Dr. Easterly'! Family Med-
i:ine Store, loutbeast corner of TLlrd and
C icstnut itreeti, St. Louis.
Also iild by P. A. Sarpy, St. Mary, Iowa,
a id by dealers in medicine generally, iu the
(jy F.ead Dr, F.asterly'i advertisement in
another column cf our j,aper and g'.vi) him a
tall. JuSH.
Ijiversity of Free Medicines srd Pop"
X ular K nowlt ..'go, rha.rtered l.y the S'ate o'
reiin.slvi,m Apnll'Oth, INY), mainly to nr
Itst the evili of purioiis iiOitrums: also to sup
ly the public with reliable iemed:es, w here
tui) best medical advisers cannot or w .ll not be
employed, having pu rehased the invaluable rem
edy, 1UI WAND'S IOMC MIXlLP.i;, the
fust and only known 'orTui sir vi aks,
the cenuln cure for the i'rver and Ague, and
its kit-Ji eei complaints, comli lentiy reconiineiid
11 to the pktioiuge of the afilicuj.
'lie above inititaticn likewise reeommends
for Uowel ConipU.nts, LOIVANL' S COM
J'OU.ND SVliLP OF UL..( KliLRltY JiOOl',
end 111 in d 10 time will fuinuh its own remedv
lar f-vii v 1l.te.1ke that can be s-tely titated ii;
this way.
ly order if the Truster,
JOHN 11. JiOWAXn, M. D.
I'residciit of the Lnivtrntv, and Jlra.l of the l).-p ill ment.
lmne Dii peinrv r.nri Office, ,n. ii Arch
, ITi'latl-'pf . -ut '.), ly
Or, Lvcrv one his own Fnniciun
fJUIE Fifteenth Edition, with jlJy
L Or.-i Hundred ttigravings, . "i'jr
ibovving disease! and inallorma-vJsLJTLi'
tionv of the h.iRian syst -m in every ahajie and
form. To which is added a treaties on the
diso-i? of f 'males, being of thelnichest impor
tance to married peoide. or those contemplating
marriage. By. W.AI. YOl'SO, M. Ff.
Let no father be ashamed to present a copy
of the 'cupalius to bis child. It may save
him from an early g-avc. Let no young man
or woman enter into the ecrect obligations, of
married life w ithout reading the Pocket iEscu
palius. Let no one Mill" -r from a hackm id cough,
pain in the side, restless nights, ncrvou! feel
Ins and the whole train of dyspeptic ienat ions,
and given up by their physician, he another mo
mnt without consulting the A.'seupalius.
Hav- ihi married, or those about fo be mar
ried, any iinpdimnt, read this truly useful
book, a it ha been the meant of saving thou
sands of tinfortiiiale creatures from the very
jaw of death.
CVAr.y pertoti Rending Twenty-Five Cents
enclen-d in a letter, will receive on copy of
this orwk by inail, or live c jies will ba lent
for One Dollar.
Addresi, (p-ut-psi i,) DR. WM. YOt'NO.
No. 1 ji Spruo Str-et, Phila.
nov 29 '51 ly
ri " a r cv vr :r" -n-n
0X: I)!10 nl'LOW W. t'LAXCV' klOKE.
TNV1TES the attention rf the la
dii's and gentlemen to his assort
ment cf Juwelery and FancvGoods
in part roe.sislii.g of lh ful'ovvii.g : Gold and
Silver Wat-'be.s, Lockets, E 'r-i ings, breast
pins, Finger-rind, Chains, Pencils and Pius,
Jr. Violins. Arcordans, i'lutei; ilio, an at
lortrnei.t of ToVSc-
All of wi.ich will be told at the lowest
pi ices; every article warranted to b? as recom
mended. The greatest attention will bs paid to the re
pairing of Watches and Jewelry; all work
warranto f "p ov I , 'ri )
flUIF tubscriber will visit S.
I Mary
on Wedui a lay 't and
LlenwooJ on Tuei ij 's and hatur-
iiaj's-ot eacli week, and will an;
markets with Fresh M:uli, Uill-tr, E
cf'tj!,p s, at tlij juaik'- t pi ice g7, 'lir P. P OR NCR
tl, 'df
, und
in: 111 0
A i 1-1 ' lutionj for kale as
-iiUry cheap us dii t, at tiio cheap cash
itjie of i.ji-tt NL'CKOLLS Ai C.
" I I'l F.Ci:i.t "J'iel.LibLc;--t7iiidiityy'i!M-t)f
sale low. at
.-p it. J'liEENF. K INN'F Y k. CO.
' MOD ACCO. Lovers of tbo Wvod w:!!
.1. t superior 111 lu ' tf ebe.s ii:g an d Kinoking
Tobacco, it lha Agency Store, uf Gil L E.N L,
KI.NMCY Ac CO., hi. Mai v. oetj.
flIIIUTY dozen Mm utu' liova' Caps, for
I mle rb' up, t th Ag.-ncv tsiore of
fr-Y V7. Gill I.M . KINNEY 4 TO.
Iff Y " -y 1 f
!.'.. A -tl Cs i'-'i.! -vi ! 1..s.!'A(i
Ojijiosilion is Ihc Life of Truth.
receiving .it Gienwond, a vvejl s-lecled
stuck of dry good-, fancy goods, clothing, boot.
and shoes, groceries, hard w are, crockery, drug.-,
liquors, "loves. tinware. .Vc. in Western Iowa.
I he public are mv ilcd to call ami examine lor
tliem-elve.-. and they will hud the truth ol the
above statement. Also they will find that we
can sell as rhcapany other bouse in Mil!.!, 1 re
moid or Potlawattaune counties.
And in civ iiig notice to the farming column
nity. we will give them the liighe-l cash price
for their (nod. ice, such as beef, pork, corn,
wheat and beans The store is on thewe-t side
.if the Public S-iuare. Gleiiw on I." nnl-ly.
HAVING pernianenty located in this place,
for th puepos" of idling GOODS.
LAND, TOWN-LOTS, and doing a General
Agency liiisiuess, we would respectl ully invite
the public, to give us a call.
Uur lyoods were s.'icciea Willi care, uuu we
a co di.lent tint we shall be able 10 give per
fect satisfaction to all.
ppt. 27 'M.
I I Alt D WAP I".. A lm g and g oi-ral assort
XX inept of Hardware can b" h id at
80 pt 'i7. I
1 ,000
Collmi liattin;
for kale
ale l.V
I UOKS and biulionerv lor:
I.- r V w' vi ( I.' 1 ,11 1. -. .i r 1-. '. ... .
be. i t i, . v 1 1, l' rvil Kiliu-i'i a,, ins wall' -ed,
for whicti the highest price will be paid
by S. & E.
DRIED FREIT lor sale bv
P AlslNS,
XIl, sale, by
f UMALAST Cloths for -ale bv
11RODECE AND CASH wanted in pime.,t
J. in Tinyin il of debts. SAItY fi ENG.
lORN and Oats wanted by S. it.,
UORSES, work oen and vonnt' stuck, ditto.
(at thf sics or thf. 1110 mortar.)
I T AVE Just Received, 1:1 addition to
I 1 their former stock , a laigc and
it inn fo rt
indwell ff
French. ji
selected assortment oi American
and English Drugs, Medicines, Perfumery, Uyt
Slull.i, Paints, Oil and Glassware; also, a good
as-orfmont of Groceries, Wines, Liquors, Ac.
At Hi ! head of llro idwav. ort IS. T) I
A. 10
persotis knowing themselves indebted
loGro. P. Stilei, sue reqiifsteJ to mak't
iinmodiute payment to the iiiiilei.'igned. or they
will fi ie their accounts in the bauds of the plo
tter otlicer for collection. Ci ine one. come all
and save est. P. J. Ml.M.MK'N.
octlS, 'jltf
f f Mir. undersigned is now in receint of and
X receiving the lurgest and cheapi' -t stock
of Tall mid Winter Goods ever oli.-red in
Council lilulf City, or We-teru Iowa, lim-i
wishing to p..y cash for Goods will do well to
call and examine. Oar stock consists of every
variety of goods needed by the peopl ; in this
portion of Hie country, audi us cloths, css
meres, s.tttinclts. twe. nls. jeans, white sen let.
and barred flannels, plain and barred linsey.
4'KI i.ieces good it le in id.ler prinl s, c l-lnueie..
merinos, ullap.icas, lileaclied an I brown M. rat
ing and shirting, ticking und ilrillnii;. bl-aclied
and brown canton llai, 11 1, diapers and rr.:-!i-ers,
all wool t.iblo covers, b'OAii and bleached
linen, silk and hay Mate rb.avvls, and every
vnriety of dress goods.
Mens' and boys' fall and winter clolhi"e.
hats and caps, hoots and shoes, hardware and
qiieensw aie, iron, nails, ci :! ,;, tog ir, tea mo
lasses, rice, Hour, AVc ; al a large lot of f;;r
mture and liquors. As i. is our inlrnliou to
si II for cah, we llatler ourselves that vie can
bold out b'lperior inducements to those that
wih to buy ch ap (;ooiU than tdorca til-it are
sclliiigou trust.
Country dealers are requested to call and e.v
tiiiiae our etock.
1). R. PEG H AM & CO.
Coiit.cil l'dufi' City, oet is, l".it.
s 11 E suI'Mi il;er hav.i g lea ed of Cl.i:keAv
C o., the old Co 11 .' il lllud' Ferry at l ia-
der's Po:lit, I'oltav.oltaiiuu ( oiinty, Iowa.
Having built a new and kubstanliil boat i
l.ov pit pared 10 cross all w bo com.). IVrs-oiis
iliilii.g .Vebiuska will bud this one uf llie best
Ferries oil ItiJ Rivir. True, 1 have no Steam
Ferry lioat but 1 have strong arm power,
which will propoll a boat ncroM the river ul
th'.s low point v i'l, out ajly danger or blow
up, quick enough to satisfy the fastest of thin
fat age and couuli y
11 vi ix uv tii 1.1 :
1 Wagon, two h,,r ,e, or c.n.lii, Jil Ci.
I Hoi.eaii.l b ig.'y, ... 1 (Hi.
Hoi -e ad 1 idc. , ... - bo.
1 out man, - - - - 1 ;.
1 Wi nlv -f:v per cent td-b-ti to 1,'ie above
r.iiin during h ilIi .'u.
p i
1 t!
p.lMl I. MiKlDN.
$.'300,000 worth oi' Gills,
for the Mihcsrihcrs of tiie
jLHLlsllED simiiltaiifously in the three
citiew of .New 101k, Philadeliilna, JJ.ilti-
niore. as soon ns 3iH),(K)l) subscribers are obtain-
ci; and having already an acluaL'riiculat ion of
iMO.Hi l), is now citaiii
'J'hii Distribution will soon
take place.
Among the extraordinary Lists of Gifts,
(being one for every ticket issued,) are
Prof. Hail's elegant country seat, valued
at tjvjri.OOO
A Magnificent city residence, worth $17,000.
A cah loan for lOO years, w ith interest or
security, Silli,HMI.
liuilding lots, elegant Piano Fortes, Melo
dious, (iold Watches, liraeelcls. Rings, Hooks
of Irav els in the old and new world, by Prof.
Hart, real estate. A-c, A-c, a.c. in all fituiibi-r-Hig
atMUNHj Gilts, valued at sil lilil.lXl'J.
livery single remittance of tjil, secures one
ycai's aiibsciiption to the Mammoth Pictor
ial, and the gratuity of a Gilt Ticket, which
entitles the holder to one share in the 'MH (Nt)
Gifts. Tiiub every person investing in this
stupendous enterprise iceeives tiie lull wortb
of liis or her money, in subscription to a tir.-t
class journal, (the greatest and most interesting
pictorial of the age,) beside a Gift for each
kubseiiber which may prove an immense lor
lune to the receiver.
For a complete li- of giflv, and full and ex
plicit particulars in reguid lo the great en'er
!.rise, distribution, A-c, see a copy of Tlie
Vv'hoie World, which will be promptly sent
tree of charge, where desired by letter, post
The Whole World may also be seen at the
olbus of ail papers containing this advertise
luent, w h ru into. 111 it on may be obtained in
legard lo ll.e paper anil eineipnse.
Ari'l,l, Pohlii.aster;, and Ladies, desirous of
a lueiutive and at the satin time genteel eni-
luoyiiieiit. r-tioiitil not fail 10 see a copy nt 1 lie
Wliole World, w hich contains by far the most
libeiul inducement ever oli'ereil to agents in
lb? way of in, in. uise cash premium,
uiinion, A.C., wiieiehv any Person with ordina
ry activity, can ea-iiy make fjvl.iiOO ami up
vv jids, . jear; to which fact tin agents we
ahiady have can certify. Secure the pictor
ial, and bectiim wit-a, rich, and happy.
Cone.poii.lents lii i-t write t -eir a llress
N'..,', Po-tolliees. ('un ity and Stale, plain
and distinct. or it will he their own fault if they
1 ul to g t an answ er. Adhere to this, und nil
return will be promptly sent wherever deoir
eii, in any pa it of t'ie woild.
Ci" If a.iy 01 deis ure reeeived after the
30",iai;i tubsi'iibus are obtained, the money
will bo promptly returned, post-paid, to tiie
pctvns sending it.
x1 I' tl'US remitted for the Pictorial,
lu Gift Tickets, mint invari-ibly be addres--el,
post-paid, lo Prof. J. Woodman Hart,
Hart's it, Hidings, Cii,!nnt Stieet, Piiiladelphia
I',i.,tinre being the principal iditoiial an
nil!.! ,cal ion odie-. nov l.'.it.
" miscellaneous cards.
J U 11 N M ) Ncv ( "A S A I ) V ,
At'ortK ys at law. and General Land Agents,
rii v of Council Llulls, low a. w ill atti n 1 lo pro-
fe-sionul business in the 6th and 7th Judicial
iitiicts; also, to the pnriha-e, sale a:id oca-
.10:1 "f Land Wan. .it-. Particular i.t'en'n
paid to Ibe e.,oe:ion of aug .'il-.'bn
).'vV !itici-C
.Mtiui.ev at Law, I o-. r,.-.:, ulntl I ity, Iowa
Itsierlo It. M. H i, he-, Sr. J, is. ph. Mo., Job
It.. 1 .' l.::n. VevVi.i. Mo., Mi-il A. If' -, ;,
i, M i.' ii:.'.:ft
J f
AND PORK wanted at the Public
Square bv S. Ai E
Coilipv of
lie it TOiifntierl, that on 1:v lit ti cay o
May, a. it. ltv.'ji!. In f ore me, the uncersigne 1.
mayor of the rityof St. Louis, in tbecountv and
Slate aforesaid, came personally David M,
Sinytho, who, upon hi. oath, says that the fol
lowing siatement is tntf.
In testimony whereof I hereto set iny hanj
the day and date last nioi e-ai.!.
JOHN HOW, Mayor. .
Soc. Newman, Ile.glster.
Sr. Lovis, Mo., May 5, 13o'l.
D". A. G. IlRrir:, L Co. Gnts: You will
probably recollect that I called into your estab
lishment tome tti'-ce weeks since and purchase I
a fifty-cent bottle nt your 'Mexican uiUHtan'
liniment ;" iny object in so doing w as to trv its
merits upon my daughter's arm, who litis ben
sutlering from the eifects of a Severe dislocation
of the elhow for seveial years pasl. , .
Ttii excruciating pain conc pient upon false
set ting of the bone had dwindbsl and contracted
her arm fo a puny size, and I consider it a duty
devolving upon me to acquaint the community of
the bciieiieiiil clfccl your liniment has paoduced.
E-r 31 m was drawn to a right angle, and w
almost inert and useless, until vnur invaluable
liniment was applie i, ir.ce wbich tune, I ani
Inppv to s.c.te. she bus rnjoved uninterrupted
good stie.igt'., and ran use her ai in neurlyas pli
antly as b.-f re it u as dislocated.
I 'would state, however, that prior to trvini
your uncpialed liiiinient, I used several other
remedies, and among ttiein " McLean's volculiie
oil iiniinent," but with (be least beneficial res'ilt
D. M. SMVTHi:.
We offer thi-liii'ineul. es a remedy in tiie vari
ous diseases and complaints for which it is re,
commended with full coutidencc of its success
I in curing them.
1 ne loiiow ing is a usi 01 i ue numerous ana o- ti
truordinary ca.-es it lias cured ibiritig the la
few month :
t),7r-0 ca-es of rheumatism in all its form
4.JO0 do sprains and binises ;
.r),4tl0 do burns nud scablF ;
3.4o0 do f re'h cuts and wound ;
40 do cancers; ,
7,7-10 do' scrofuio 1 eo'ej and ulcers that
had resisted allolher trcilu.cnt ;
5.210 d ) iiiilamed oi swelled joint ;
".fl.Kl do Jiilcr-; " 1
4v0 do ftiiubago. se nd lea, gout and hard
l.or.y ' ,mor-;
0.2"i0 do chapped h irls ;
3.1a k do cak"d b-eus s,
4. 'ion do tc.ith. u. !io ; j
ln.iittO do v.ttions ,..j,e---. ;,ase.
This must appoir almost incredible, but the
nuinero'is ce: tiiii nies and letter fioin d'Stin-gui-beil
physicians, citizen-, ag-nts and oUiets
tf f lilfl undersigned has on hand and foi
T sale a few thousand s.lcct grafted atiple
tr, ei. ready for transplanting in orchanfj tbe
comii,gfatl and spring.
Red June, bildwin, w nite winter parmain, fall
pippin, lieliuont, wine tap, yellow beliiower,
utiode Island greening, swaar, jinors red. red
aslraclidii, early harvest, sweet June, summer
rose, hummer queen. Rail's janet. rambo, wine
ajiple, white belIe;io.ver, I'.ot.ian stein und
Northern spy.
foil HI VP v..
Tbe Catalpa and Ll.n k Loc ist.
The mow ball, EiiglUh and American liinc,
red dogwood, honey suckle, rose, &.,.,tVc.
A few of the Isabella and Catawby grare from
St. Mary, Iowa, Aug. 31. 'uX
Glerpvootl, luilh County, Iowa.
VLL persons wishing to bay or sell Kt-al
Estate would do well li call on the under
signed, who is prepared to Enter Land upon
Tunc, ar.d Locate La. id Warrants. Will uls.i
attend lo the Collection of Deb's, and payment
of Taxes in und out of the County.
All liusiness intiiisted to me will receive
prompt attention
oct 11
stantiate the above fact-; ini'l mus of bottle of it
are yearly consumed, and il has always given
fcat'-tJCtion. , :
To eot'srav mi.k ihits. Every store she'. I
be supnlii l with t ii i si veluahle liniment, as it
pays a good proli; and sells rapidly.
Pricks ok riiK iisiiMfST. It 1 put cp in
bottles of three ni.'.-, and retails nt 2 cents, M).
cent and ftl per b t'i". Tno oO cent a:id one.
dollar bottles contain .1 and PH per rent mora
liiiinient, in p' l'poi tinn to their cost, so that
uioiiov is save I by b ivotg the lager sizes.
A. G. lilSAdG -(., Sole P: oprietor.'
Principal oifc-;. cor. Tli'rd .mi Market sts.,'
St. Louis, and .'in F:oiuwa . N York.
For sale by P. A. Svaey.S'. M iry, and Sa
pv A Enoi ish. (ileiuv rind ; and by dealers in
m-dicine every 'Vhe i . . ang 31-ly
DRTalit" TTg frs t5xTc anL?
TIip e;re:'.l pojml.T ni 'dicinc of ihe d y
A'us: ntnotmt used per inntrJi The nu
liionms t.nd wnii'ifrtnl ctirrs it effects
Its m:.r;:c.:l til'.-c' hjioii lUliams. IVvern,
und rerr t-iid A;n- Ureal exciioncil
nmo.iir the 1 );;, ir !
- ; - f S7 1
- a
EE now a l nltt,-,l ,01 ut. inn b to b a most
r Ktraordinuiv and val-tuhlc medicine in
"nieial use. Jt no! only acta us a specific upon
;!, h:lm.i and lyp 1- ii v.-r-. cliiii- and f.-ve',
and lever all I agio of the Wc-I atoi Soulh but
in all diseases tit iHnliiy, weik stomach, indi
gestion, lo.-s of (ipii. ii:.., iiiipiirify of the bicod,
und all iliscr.M s i.' i i aient iu i we Iera and south
ern ciiinale. Tiieir great pu'.vur coiisicis in
their peeuiii.r ciiei upon nil th o-gans of the
sv.-lei::; an I the run. d foriaaAion of pow ai.d
pure blond t. produce. In this lies tl.e
secnt of tlie.r siu'ie-s. To;?," are mild aid
le.'.-:t',' in t:ilr.!ction 'en siirdiinjt and
iiiinent in tiieir cd'ejl p: m-; ruting tiie rs-tu jtc-t
,eiv.--esnf ; ;c sysueu by itedr ready atpnti"-v
iato ,iie biood, t,,e.'. d,y iul'iising a new supply cf
vitali; V iin.l 10 rv oiis power iinoail tiie mach'ir.c
ryof life. 'J'h". --"is v e popularitv the-- buva
I a iptlied all o,. r tiie a;.l Soi.tu rus'ire
sales of ut le: -t
t 1,' nt 11 o x r r a m 0 ; r , ; !
And we f.rni it diili ' i't w il.i o ir 1 ir'-e f,e re of
l.ii'nl-, and Ine late iiiin:ov('ni"Uts in lujeln ,ery
wiiiivi vv.' tiuvi a.iorit'-.l. ; m i-rifactur t'n
ti:-t enough 1o sippiv ti.e .I ,! rel in fv.'i-ten
v.e-tern and i,:,rn-,'ii ;a'l,! '.,, id i.iin.o-
factory i- cm iuui ly en ." '. I li, p; t j-jrieg ti,t,
Virio'is lime ":t -ait d tMric's of vviicli tf.ey
jaie 1 ."imp juteied. From ii.-' b-t i.;un mit.oq
i we can m-t tin l-otn o:tr .' u.i foii.jfrr agents
1 1 1 1 . , - d ..r :,....,. i,,... ;.. .il
j.ait.s of the ro'jn'.ry, our iu.;u.cine i iiii'si per
inniittl not le: s iii. in
l:i.t.i c i-es of lev er a::d ague. o'ie tliousand of.
w'uii h have re.-ip'ed all oilier tieittneuf ;'
cases of weil.ncs and general deSiiity ;
nt' varinuj chronic UiS a-.e ;
" nf W eak stotn ich a rt I n-0! il-ipo-t.te;
cus.-s ol 'ly jtep-tn ;
' of I h- atlitisin ;
" of t. 'in. He c.lnplaiuts ;
" of U'lue c-'ke, ir ent.irL'i d p'ci 11 ;
I'.iis i.iiist ;,p t; r nliemt ineiediidc, but Uie
li " in -ro ' 1 s letle.'.s roni physicians, rrcuts md
thosf. w !,u n-clbn inedieii.e. from all the west
ern a" 1 ji.'it.e-"! St i;ti s. Kt!?fy us that Ulit is a
in 1 jeiatecitiin ate. aim tb tf o ir med is rap
idly taking t' e plae ef tbe v.M imp e uiiriteifeill
which are alio it , and the run ,c -on, tonic mn
tui es m i le w bid' v nf 'pii nine, w !ii'-b are imjinv
e! s '! e ' r 1 y i....i i' - .urers w bo live
11" b,i ly kn.-vv s ,-. .r: (
Pi lee nf 'lone pil ! -, S r-i U j mid An'.-hi,
i n:s. '.'.! e, ids. A. G. Psai'.', '. " . "'" Pf
eiot, St. I.nuis. Fit sib bv P. A.. Si i v 1 , S
v .11 v , 11:,! stiai .V F-ni.ItU, le, r wv' ' : kV
V v 14. in ir ,1. u r b.e',rr.n1 ft-s I ' '4
s i'. t ;
Attorney and Counsellor ut L. V,
7 ILL uttei.d to all business entrusted to hie
V V care, with fidelity ni.d' h. Par
ticular attention given to tlie Collection of
DtbG, A-c.
Hon. A. C. Dodge and Slieilds,
Washington. D. C.
J. un.l A. Lovverv, V. T. Jietts A. Co., New
York City.
Joseph Shannon, Esq., Palmer, C'o 'li & Co.;
San Fialici.'CO, Cal.
Webb A. Co., Milwaukie, Wisconsin.
Hon. A.'ll. Smith, .lain svilie.
Hon. A. T. Giay, Madison,
Hon. Otis !l" I, llud-nii.
Page A, il.icoii. S . Louis. Mi,
McLi;;ii:h!in Harrow, St. Joseph, Mo.
S. F. .Nuckolls, F-q., Eil.d n. Mo.
Peter A. Sirpy. 1. .-,.(., N.l.ri.-ka 'I'er.-itory.
Ex-Governor Sti ; hen Iii nii-sica,!, l.'ubuq it,
E. Ilonii, F-q., Council f;li:C-, laws.
Niieknlii A. Co., lieiiliett A. llai i'lug, li -'a
Wliit-. (ilen Invia. (.-.It I'.
I WILL pay the Inj.hesi ma-ket ri-o fuv
Corn, U heat, Oats tint liuekw! "..t. ut u,v
Udiee in Gleuwood. ctli-.-r in r.n'i or i..e:-
Glenwood, oct 11, '.'! til'fi")
jEllsONS winning lo make pure ,a , will
do wi ll to give ns a t ail an t exaiiiint our
stock, wliii'li roini: i- a general as-oi I iiicnt,
and vv ill be soi l et grout bargains.
s-p -.'7. (JltEI.M:. KINNEY At CO.
K- NDlJS AND "LATCHEs.-jaiiiei' 'b.'
quality td' M n-ral K nnl.s ei"t Lite e j,
tor sale nt GREENE, KINNEY K CD.
B-p 27 '.il.
1 L J M N fi w-dl 1 t::- n
the p, ni ivtUUS nf 1,ie ll -'ll-v i.:W JSC. tiers
Club, l.'iAe it Lie duty of all ( laituan'-.s to re
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