Nebraska palladium. (Bellevieu City, Neb.) 1854-1855, November 15, 1854, Image 4

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l 1 U
"ID !l, . U 1i
. ; I '
; .'.H tv ftr r ; i: i .. i ,. tr;,i:,$
'.-.,. tit. J 1 1 i!t. 11 i't AV.'c.'.'.A.i.
rev ,;i f-ye '" ' I-A ;'
:.-' r, y Tii io. .M i k t 1 1 . J
lenh. r!" man the hntni'inlis iim'l cr,
1'eid i.iiu sdll w c,,i n itml wile;
, lev. ho hrsl VM.'lM ; i, hr.i.h. i ,
Shnre"s wiih liitii 'hi sc gilts i!i inc. y n power v. ill.iti her ttosnin
Ni r-lf ss, M-J.'in. w..ihi honca .!;
1 1 ! arc (!!. i i:d , i.pj I t, Mom.
(.JoL.t-ri ci.r s.;,.l'cred re;.:l,.
Those to mvi !1 will, sirci';t!i:in.l lnvat'y
Is the rn! task of it) .n;
Mao's r kiln, is ''imne is ! ily,
Since tlx wuik on ivr'.h l,e..n.
Fbid an 1 Innes', Moon mid lin'i'nu',
These, like in, in. nre fnii'.s o" cn.ri.hi
'laioped in . I.iy, a!.cnti,'y miti'ii.f,
Ai! from du.sL root ivy their biiih.
Wn ami mill, an 1 w ine-vat's (Tonsures,
li.iririly sroods lor rnrihlv iiws,
These Hie Nature's i.n.ii nt pleasures,
These her chill i'ruiii her dciivcs.
. What the dream, l.ut vain re!,!lniL',
If I
nan i-iir : U v, e son-:!i' o in pr
'Tis our s'ore'l nnd air
,. ti i nil
'Tis Iroiu i; the skies wo s-'e.
iud ui J frost, nnd hour and t-cuun,
Land water, sun and sduule
Work with these, as hid thy rensvti,
For ihey work t!y toil to u;d.
S.rvv thy and rojji in gladness !
!L,n hhisel; is a'l u sec';
Hope :uil hardship, j..y ;mJ sadness,
!siov the plant lo ripeness loud.
A iSunsTiri'TK von Potatoes.
As the potato crop is even moro
than usually unproi.iijing this sea
ton savs the Providence Po-t, the
question of a substitute for this
invaluable article of daily ieoJ be
comes of tin rreatc-t interest.
We obst'rved 1 p;iragrajh in the
newspapers a iltort time since,
propo-sing'lhe u,e of the beet.
li.Mn-r .A' ,,,,.: t . ..
and healthy root, we luve tried !
the experiment, end with every j
prospect ol succes-. i'erhaps we!
are not so fond of puL.toes us ma-t
.. , ,1 ' 1. .1 1' I
aiy w ho seem to think them mdis-!
pensable; but to our taste the beet 1
vvill allbrd all the gratification,
while it Lrnishcs etpual nutriment
witli tne lotatoos. 1 he experi
ment to which we refer is the
baking of the beet in the sam
I,, ., ,
iiiaaitur as many peopi- uaKC meir
1 ifil m tf.i"J in fhtt ruol a m.irlrt r
cooking which we never knew
adopted with the beet, and which
we very confidently recommend.
Speaking of the scarcity of po
tatoes we notice that they are pur
chased in large quantities in New
Tork at three dollars and a half a
barred, for the transportation to
inland counties in that State. I Fere
personj are paying ioiix (iouars p-'r
1 1 1 . 1 ' ! 4 I
barrel, and the farmers are U'dingl
ILS With terv tTave fdCUS that thev
. . J
cannot raise tiiem at any price.
.TmWtl in lYtnnv titirtu nF f Ue t:,1
. " . ' : C ( liu::- or otlier Bin.-iPir f..ta!,l:!,lii:'fi,t.-;iii....
from which formerly large qnanti-j in a ;-.i ami workitiaaiikom,aii ,,;
lies were exported, tLore wiU notlr
lias year be fcUihuent lor liotnc
. ,j - ,, .,,
u.5ijiiijiiui.'. 1 uoi luiiva inn
l:ave to get rich or ghe up pota
toes. Jietter learn to like buked
beet. Try it, at any rate.
Harvesting Cork. After
making triol in throe ways, viz:
topping the corn; cutting it ud at
Ihe .ground and shocking; and
leaving it untouched until the
leaves and stem-s were dead; we
have come to the conclusion lliat
f he best way is both in poict of
rOnouiy and convenience to top
tho corn when the spindle and
little below it is dry, and
. Jea e t'te remainder in the field,
110 matter, if the weather is mod
erate until into November; the
grain wiil not hurt. In topping
the corn the grain is undoubtedly
i.iminiihed; but the quality of the
bidder will make up for this, and
all the labor of harvesting the crop
in this way is greatly inore con
venient j.nd pleasant. Farmer.
CiiFAi' C'AHrr.TiN'c;. Sew to
gether strips of th cheapest cot
ton cloth, of the size of the room
.'1 rid tack the edges to the floor.
Then p.--per the cloth with fany
sort of room paper. After bein
well dried gie it two coats jf
arniih and ) our carpet is com
pleted. It can be washed like
carpetai without injury, retains its
!.loss, and on chambers or tdecp-
i ig room when; it will not met
f'Miidi Uod-'e, it ui!J L.t two vfarj.1 f xl i-Fr:Li:ju.., v-mv:..,.,, .,-. sui-
' , r ' 1 Jul )'J f e'eioi ti at lherh"ai r.'.Jj
I'OGil Un Ii'.'V.'. Ipicit I.J- ti M'sii-JLlij i'CU.
.. 1
s i ;u s l i c c 1 1 o r ? .
V . K . 1 I I 1 t
rno'n.r, (;i:r.V.Ni
I U ', ( II"' , t 1 1 ,1,1'
11 tr !vnr
.c;..-'. ,
-, I! ,:- ('; -.
I., , .; I i!rn W .
.-vl, Ma
'. I'
SA1U V .V r.V.I.ISil.
Who'. -..'.. :rel 1Vi..l M' !'-h v '. ''"a'er in
Kim- Ill :i Mi (,. -. lire- ( ' i. -. I-V C
l..l.e. Meek III .1 M.ttioJM'ry. I'.'l', S'l.ii
H. iN aixl C:ii'-. an-! rtwv vr,-i.'v ef I'.iim v
l' mi ve4 si-.: ef 1h I:1.!.r- Sf.,w.
I, tii,i, i. I . :i. :o:i; 31-1 v
rcki if.tN n:
WlielesaV !"t.l K-'.i:! M.-r.-li iii', f,-.r-',ir of
.... ni and ( ,",ii.i.f keei. p..i..(a!''v
.:..! :i In-,- r.t ef li:m-'r", Dtv
i,"e 'y. l!:ini..i;', .'i.'l fiofkei .
1 ,. ' .oil :u-u
" IT. V. V'.NNr.T T.
;.i:iev n:,it ( .n,,- !lr nt , ;
I S'.'ii-:'-:':v'li
r i i Cnot" v. .11 rr.u-'i.'e in
w . !l .1 'I'll- I 1 ll.ll 1 1. 1. 1 'l e.K
IV i" i n, ! t.. ,, '. I .rtiiiHl ! '.! i ii' n.-'i ,1
;n '.,, c Vf., (, Ml'Ci f..H.T "f Cm :.r- 11 '. I. Mil
streft. t;ic"'."Mi, I,oa. :o:u" M-lv.
wm. sTur.r.r,"
riiylrinn aii l S'r-ri-ei. In n. porn::iint ' y
li.cTl'l l'l (.l"lH'." . .M'iU '., InU.l, Ulll
jrvep!ly a''"il In all iii ii. ;fele-..ii.
. 1 1 ' . r en Locust st.p"', Oiif il. ..r in,, l'i ef
While's M-irc. aiii! :l-l
Attnrlii'V a! I.-l'.v, (ileiovooi!. ('. Iowa.
Prai t"-.-- 'in K.i'Cn His ef tae li Ii an I 7:!i J :-
J,. nl I)nlni'.-. am, liit & loih: ei i ij
i.lav :i.l. 1 !.
At'ornev c:i 1 nii.-e 1 1 . T at Law, (.'i'-hwim,
h.w.i. " J'l'"- -"-ly-
Att-.nn-v ami Conn- '.lei t Law. 011 the mnt'i
!, i.f,v 1,1-ova. au3i-tf
Ml". I) If A I. NOTKT..
D'.cter Jail, I L',,::, l ::i. w. Slhi " -s ; I fi il ' y
mi, :m II,,- ,-i'lf-:; 1 f ( '.' I' I u ceil . Mil's Co.,
. .. ... I... I ... . ,.' I , I !...! in .!, ,u
111 , I t il I ... i 1 . - ,, 11, 1 -. v, , ii'- . 1 1 ... ,. .
v 1 t . ' v . II , iitoi, i.-.l a full Coarse "t
Me,.,, i.l L.-.-t,irv-s, in e- i.i e, ti: n ,tli Co- St.
I.i, mis ll.,-,il.l,'.-is i'.'t.nt
to 1 cmli i ',., a .ai.Met!i.ri to tti e who ir.ay
f:n"- hii-i wi'li 'In-ir )- 'i-eii.u'.:.
L'V" Otiii'P at 1!ip le-i.c Slum.
.1. i.v wo.ii'. Mill- C 1.. Iowa.
I).,: l-hH. mi'.'-lv.
uoiJi:itTs.' cAvr.NJ):;K.
Wllei'I.F. 1)1 Al.fl ill Wnoilrfi, V.'llhiw,
MIV,,rW:n... N... Se.-..,1((J ;-....;
M,nr..p II ii-, St. Lmiiis. M.j.
l,i G..l ! sV,-l war.-I.e-.w . , ,:,.l,.r CH. .Main
' r. i l, SI . I. fi'ii. " lat: a ; '. n l:(-ri Cnierianv,
P' ". In. -n'l I !.: o it In, .( !i inf-t I ooi. la .1 1
i ' 1!'.:
latli. . .V.P..
ri!-, e,:.-,-t,.,.,s, r., i.,;-.noJafti.r.-.i at
:'1L .'--'v. A.':Jj..
TI LM AN. Kox"ir.K. ,v Co.,
S .o-onri lo ll..-rtlio'. ! Hi-el!i'.-s, whole-ale
,,,.,,. in t;r(,ci.n, 4. T,..,,. v.-.i-ami i.i.p.,.,
1'mnmi.,,,, .m-t Forwai-.r.i!; M-rpiiants, j.h
"vix.uiu 'tim.m Vs,' 'v.'m! i-v i'i ....
hmi. H..:liK.Ja. AMKI'lt L KXI lioLln
Oa'ev, MrC'ii.p V Co., 'a i-p-i M -rc iri ai !
Creel. 's'i..-t.-, en .Main ..ini S.-coml "tirt t, bt. I
L.O 'llr, .'l'l , I.,lll,(lK Ol . TO Mill I .. V. 1 HI'S. IJ-HOT
; dl) .wy u.-cr.tU of M.iln.a, hinei y.
I a:,: 1 - - -1
sel war.m.M-e. 1'! M..
Sli.-eTieli! s.. war. mMe. 1 'i Main, porn, r
of Morgan street, St. I,tn'i. t:!'.-l of all,!
hest'ter,,,.. L l.-ini II. IJ L A li F W I". LL, Ac I.
Who!, sale mi l re'ail tl'-.l' r in Boohs am!
Shoes, ef al! kiinls, No. 15-! Maia ttic-t, St.
Louis, Mo. apt I'-i-Iy
V. RANSOM c ( O.
"A Tatiiif.tPtnrvr of Coi-pi h Ti.s and Siiki t-
.fl iiha- wiiiii.. 1, :,-li :,h Cor-.o.r Piti-j f,,r
- . 7 - -11 - - I '
steam uk--u an-i uist.iirie. an :
Cl itiii,i- So la (jem-'atorsami Foun.dais, !ijp-
v;.,. uI. . aU .;,., !0f v .w We iai,.i
('lM''" P'.mpsai.! every otfmr .-, , I i. I.; in thPir
j line ot Ji'i-iii.s!4t ll.-v also n.aiiufac'.ui-p am!
k.? :.-iiMtm,tiy on h.t"i i Hip st. L...,i,
I ('"'kim.' Stov.'i. teiithi.-for S'pnm H .:-.t Hot. 1 ,
rr 2'-4-Mam 5tr-t, south-east cor.
ripr of I lu rry, ht. Louis, ."do. aj.rU-.,:n
"VTCKOLLS . CO. InuejUsi.-ecpivpil one of
XX the laiCPI ami he-; selected flock ol
t.OODS ever h. f ore exhibited m the west. A
HioiiiJ their assort, 1, cut imy he found
A vai iety of cio:l,iii; of all so.-t-i am! fi.e-
hard n are and cutlery, ilr-ic-, H;t- p u.cs, t inn
turp, Iip l.-tea.! , hur.-a ,s, lab'tts, 1, c.i.iic,
box and (irepiaii, parlor sloven., ic.j in biio-t,
everything you may call for.
Fersoni need not b . d-t nrr-l hen t!.- y com"
lo llie heap P", ai they ait Hell nupplm-i
wi1!i iiimhie clerks on tle-ir I, t Ice, and al
wtji havetshaip scissors and u id c msp ipii.;i:.
I' will hud it to their a.lvanto-e lo
Call ;,( in heforp p in:!, 1 on'elsp a ion p.
;'!. woo,!. A ; 1 1! '". 1 -.'. 1. i.'ta-tf
.kililNEURASKA. L2j2
'1 1 i L M 1 1 A M K it N F R It ASK A I S K L . A 1 A t,
h.-tw ppii
f Mill. .pl,ra-ka ii a and pl.-ml.. boat,
X maiiiicd by experienced oihcem an 1 rrt w .
li.iltv ipw Cty, ,. ,Jrasa, bt. -Maiy,
low a.
coiniii- to ..-h,a.ka siioul 1 tiniie iLicptly to
ST M A !t Y .
Tilis is Hie frtn.l ji'. v.ay ( rhr most lamorUnt
and iii'prestiii(,' j'ji-l.oii'ef i, bri'.oka. Lir in
inilid that
are tin two Lent point lor t:i to
helleview City. July la, ul-tf
Just arrived, per s'cumer Jjeluwart', nl
sjupy's cwjj' store
On Main kiu-i-l, St. "Iary.
("ilizens nn 1 tniirants can liow find a
full j p!y of lres.h (jrocerift, J'n.i isiot.s,
Jry (joods iiitd Jlardiiartt, V. I.jch !l ey c;.ii
buy thtap for rfii. i,.'7-ti'
"1 (l SACKS sail t-: h!p f.l the riie-tp ca.h
3YTL0 i J : S A D V.-t Ti 3 1 M N 78
J'k :n t1 e N - j.-ii.T I
W. S SWYMEil. .V... 1 1.
:,. S'.. M . I. .I'
M.VVV CITY AM) ST.LOlMSi',::;. ".iV ''iXT,: ull
A';'- r.icKi.r llv::. it ";
- T -. ' J
(t , I .! , I 1ST I) ' f til r iveril.- !'.,--. n. . . I ..
.' ' ' 11,1 VV. M. J'lIeH'. e .,11. ;e !
; . . . I , v 1 . 1 1 I' i.... r I'e I I'. II. U ? V :. I .
II. I;lltiv; le.c ell'l'iiV iH-ve a nt !'! t'U
f i i " ; h. I I' ---l'.e k. t J AS. II. I.LVAo.
A. Wi i s .
'I'!..-a ,,, i- i'. i',,-r .! f.iri" n lvlllii'I.AI!
wr.KKi.v p u r. c i.i i. f.- st. L -1 to
('o'illCll Hl'i'!-, I'ivi!;;r S'. I,IIM orrfVlH-
; ,'av. at I i . 1 .. ai, I l.ii. i !'o v i .. I ' : '.V
I at 'P'..i. . 'i in !:. i 1 ! .: he.
t'.ve, n I, I II I Ci. I '. . . :.'.0 I-
i:il,' w ir, 'e.i: .. I 1 P"! .1 t-;,o a:i I J.i. II.
!.;ir . t S'.. .le'pli.
. !i!...H !-...!! ;ire Hot exi-' lle I f ir .ifi fv.
' '. a iii I r,,i;.l n ' . ai.'i n a m ti." Ii .o 1 '- I
p., ('-i.,' ,'i,,t',- (an t.'l. i,:'i-'i 1';'' p.-: M,a;,' in'V
;' .;. liu.s I'll! :. ' ' - : 1 1 , 1 !
will r t .:. hut . f-w - ' u: at
.1 ,. 1'. A. M hV, A.'-'il,
ii :i.'-!v M . M ! y. i.
;li?ra I". 1 1 r j - 1 L nr.
kt'vki::. )'. i.e. i.. r,. h-i an -w
I V,. 1 1-. r.ii:-e ef I m !n-1 e.o e
in 1
lrelx-lli-ri '.11
o tr'W .. nan
tie , el er i ee
, I I':,.
.'Il ,l:- lll-h.
.jiial to iiiat ef any oil.n re .tc a:
lll,,il VI M
rt'A-.nial 1-- I'-- r.".
CKAV. rGK!).' CO.. 1'r. pne'.or.
For fri-lu-hl !v t- f)
C. II. I!.. 1-" S! -.!'. .'.
I:. A :!.
-; J. I.. War
.-.lia-i i
-, ! i). s.. N,,
lier. A :
;. 1;. p.. n
N. V.i (i .. .1-1: i. '":. A. T.
1"."' !'ei I -ti-H't. S. V.; C 1 i.i.'-. :Wi-i .'i Cr iv-
. . . 1 . ' 1 . . ., . 1 c . . , . , . . . . , i'i,, 1 . . ,
I l '''. ' ' ' I" " i V.-nj, ..-, s..,.sU-,.. .
LI.; .Mat:!, -r ;t C , . .i ..
t, I .'.il l .ii h K V A IT. Jr.. A -.-it.
1 n ?,-ly ,... ; " .' ..1 -i . h J-e.;'.
-- fcii'imiSO.'i'j IiaSJi-'a?." "
fjl TIIL I'renr,,; .! ,ie- uum N.n-'rv
Mfiati-J ft Yi 11 ni.!- ...!' S". Lain-
J '..UP IO.W OI l'-.-.V;! " 111, I ll-.l'V f'T Mil
ml ;,-h
11, is I
i'u Sj-riio:, I :i''
i I ., 1 1 . r a - sr . 1 1 1. ,
n I ( :i,,' a i, t.,1 !:.-. a'
1 lian li.-retnf. rp th. v liavp h'-en :, !- to I 'it iomi.
'I'll' )' Hall" r tli-n.'.-l-. -s t!,at ecrsons ishniK
,rt:pps in ti.i'ir liie-r ni hp fnriislu' I to any
xi ci.t. am! et ii,'.: e tin il y at, 1 v. j,,i i.-a, u'i n Hi.
ttiali ,-an !il ,--'.!, r, ; i- i at Inio-i tint
ilin-t l-iake it tin- lli'n'-t ,,i a'l i.-lnl,,,' S Kilp
iiv to call an, I e.i:n an- l',.eii s',,,"k.
''j'',. ir Di-.i-ifiu- C.,l ! f T lsi.'.l i now
rea (y for il.'livery. ami v ,11 ' f n nisl.'-.l t.j all
,(,st-,ai'l a,,l nai i"i,s. iln, i k.-iiisi wi'l !,p as
net. t, ,f ,.: a , I as il os in--: l 1 HV, llllll-S o'.hei -w
i sc a ."ei I ,i,i, n. am! ry a.i to the mr
,',.! a.'.; '-I tie- tiepj or lant-i.
Ci.l. i 1 r Fall Until,,' s.!il.! vt.t in Pur
Iv, to prerpnt .'i-anpoi,.!.!,. -it I ' ti. v.aiit of
tillH' to till m,, ,., 'n : I., loll- U'i. Il I set., ill.
All nr-HT! Iiy mail sli ,ul, he a ! ;reisp'l to
Si. Lo-iis to
,'iMlJ.lV J.i;iVSI(.r.!!:'"V '!li0.
4T- t M I L L 7a";
K. .rr ' r a ami p
j V! it f t ri.. i -i'..:i. i'i
''" S .V i.i ii .'r.'ii ttof V
iri'r.cfi Vrrr '
VF.AKLV TWF.M V V !" A i' I".V?'".t 1-
in the Mli f a-:
-' - -ll- i'i .
'ro . liari's t,, - c li
. ('I' , ,if 'j ,i.l , ',- , :
i ' I'.e ;"o-t. ' i e
1, ini. (r,iaia,-ii( ,,c ai i',
: i, ,. r i, ... i", , . ,
I o'tiaie tl.a! -m -1!
'e I....I- i it ii". f. ::rv ;
I ."i,,,, T)"' stm'k t e'T- 'r :! ss'-a'n-'. 'a' ' '
II. (p: irr.i-' hy imp r.f lh - 1, n, :i'..l fa.
I"ft w ill t-f' pr, 'oii-tors. A at u.--;iy.
Hco:'er. he r.ilaiii if o , i',::,c t:,.- , '. :.!
ipml !;,'. F r si.r,-,.. f:. , tr, )ir,,.. ;. a
mill. 1 u-l mi: I wn ;i,1 r u :. r ;a. m.ue t'i in.--..r.
' i .C'i 0! ': i,:ir:i-..',.ini,!. 1 1 ,r .-toe!; j tlu.u, s
i;ii:r., aril ft.y -i -. r 1 t 11 ; . -, a oi tt.x ' o , . 1
I'm . pan hp n hi ail. I .1 ii , -,: , lav.
'I'o ohrari t'.n.' .)'y ef ; ;,n;. Cl.,'1. t. t
s jiU-1 to Itiilln- iu tio- V.p-:,i.- I.aic i.a 1 iia-
' r-ilp-t .limpiilty. Over-!,,, r bdl.b
1 nit !inr. and tie ! ';, r... ti.'.ties o .
j wheat ..i, - i ... .!es.r.ip,ve to t
d.'.ary Cloth, ( 1- '.tins of i n!!
. j- ' I
er- 1
nnd in 1 1 Iprs !i...-; im- -o t , ,,' . w - fo-n 1 .(
pe.-aiy diila-. ii-o tr -n 1 s.,-,,.1 f
or -nhi' pt our-eh es to a s'l-inciin, p, r R,,
H.f. :...r art He. We l'l i. 1 : th m:o. .fac-t-irersour
oleectious 1a their Cloths, an I nr l.-r-
p l'i.-avipr a 1 'I s'nm.e'- n, .(. on i... 'J',,, y 1,.,
lerioaK 11 w. in t.-im 1.1, ce. t, i' I'cv
c.nld not mi!" tle-ir C'-i'ns hf , r an I ,rc
S"re tl.e iiniformi'y of 11.e-t.e- so itid:.-;-,i,a-
blpforc e d linilin. Ih-y ha.e sm-pp,.- ,.J.
Oik 1101 1 is-.i i t mat" ah. sew m 1 x
lv foH rf, ar.d for b.-a ,ty of fmoi. unif-irfni-ly
of i-i'-.-li'", strenc!!, an i durahi: ,tv, v.p refer
to the millers I'eiie.ully .11 lap -. .jf.l ry . ai-l es
iecial:y to liic m.liers and null owners iu this
' l'ORT.IBLK Cll.ll.V MILL.
Our at'.Pt.l.on for in ,, v. in has h-. n Ii
rec!... to oh'ain the 1 l i 1 f .r coi.s.r i. tii,"
t', esc mills. In luinv r.t'. p 'h'-va.e u.-.S by
! ii,.-, i. ...... .1 I ... a. ' .. ,1 t ,.'.'. a .. ...I I..
and ;,,ip!icitv of p,,i,,r , i,.- was the obj.-c't
10 he at'aine.l. la t'ns llnii'tf we have biic
cpedt d. WebtliPVp Co, h'-p i,e e in tli (,oet
11 imher wplnie o!d, th.--"l tint .,... (,.,e rp-turn.-d,
nor lo our kin a 1 '" fa I lei to p-: form
eiitirel v In I t,c ! alls!' or ' ion ef th-.s-. usin tliPin.
Tat y ar m ixiea.-oe j,, V- 4 :,fd
IU .I.)' of th.-m in .New Mex;c ) an I Cjliforria.
'mr m.l.snre known at TODD'S lMPhOVFO
dUAlN MILL. We m ii.ufacturf th-pp kin Is,
to wit : caiT ikon mi ks, to urinj hy Wficht
of the riiiii.-i; hoik asm i.iiais mi i.l, the
lowpr stoiip ti. run, am' rt.- fHi isi.'nt: y.n.t..
Patent, era., i.ti ! ami machine .l.tttli-
in.rnn:n p.euvixg.
This ait tele is now made in Ihe creates! prT
fcetioi., ft id b. coin.,, ; . x!t ,,v. u. ; in the
I, 1.1 it.if',.-ai-.inr Ps'h..;; ',.,.. -:,tj of t'l.p i.oiii.tiy.
WpU on hand the !a v''-,t a,.,oi ti.ient m the
W. J T. cuuntry, of ,, c.A i, ui Lai'.'-.:'
mai'nf lp'irp. ,
Vlll.t AMil.U II ..'niit. 'l fcLI.7I.SU 1KAM
PAfKivi ami Mri.Ht.k ,1, m.. Wp are t .e only
a;;eats of the H-iil in'j- i:, lii3 ci'.y lor
II, p.s..1p of Ihese k-iu.h.
llo.-tli. scirw- II tn'mlK-s, ricilafinc
sen w , ilaiusal irons, J ab ,,t iron proof bates,
n.'dl jui k-, sci pi n w i.e. c,,j.j, r riv, ' lac lea
ther, al mod t duster, A.c, Vr., co...,tai,l-
ly Oil hal.d.i J
St. Louis, .i; nl I'.')!. i, ', ,ly.
JOICI'V ilucii Mm, and Jioyu' jiata, of tie.')'
il. 'rijiiioii. at
t .illHTY h-.ui Mn, ami Il-.v,' C t i
J nib- chfap, : t th- A-r-'.pv St-.r- 1 f
-jLl'i7.- ' ; ' ! 1 ' N A K 1 -N M'-V J 'O.
On I'iKCLS t.f Ticltiii, bit quality, far
- J t tale I01V, I t
h o 'll. (, M'FNF. KIS.N'F.Y i: CO.
'. Liners of the Wicd C.
a u pern. r ai tit le if chew in tad ftiokm:
T.tbur-... at Ihe A... hloie. . ( I. til I'M-
KLMl'LV i. lO . .St. 11 ii '.'. '.!..
. 7..rrf-.'--'ri:i.s! ni v.i. JJ ft-
1 I1' !iV'-M MJ. n.l S , , s ,!-'
I. A 1 .V Ci an I Sarfii) v-i 1 1 1.
tV r.Mi,,nal ami
."-i-, ;u nsim: f e:n :i
riMinunl a:ii I rrm;ui' ,t i"i,'p r
;ui I ii ' i ; e ! ,oe el i
I' !
I ..: 1 1 .1.-. r.n.J h" "li t':" 1 are, l'l. .!,'.
H ( '111 i, I e S , V. I--. ,:i .e; V.'l.l 111 . t-
ter.ri.lll He:' I. Sit Klifnlii. I'iil.s HI ! 1 If
ll'.'i . an I .1 .i..i. 11' I an 1 I hn I i. K'.. i- I
in ,ii-i... .,.'!. ..! tin- 1.1 ei'l-. S el, oi, I p I
I ' nl'.l -1' I.I I .i: .-. I: ! . 1 , . t -' 1 '! j
ii ... Ki.i... '...i.;i., I ..I h. A ii .mi.,. Ill eu- (
I lull:., t 'ini ' n 'li. I'..p , H,.'i..sni
l.ii.T 1 ' 1 , . ; I an t. ,i; All.., li,,,,.
I), hilly, Ne ir .1(1.1. er I 11: J li -lo-nenx. I. an- ,.
, -, I.e:t e. Wlai, V.. , II-.,-
sn.i; I'ioiii in, in i.i in ,. m i: f MetP it ) .
Lp-Ili er Ii.. in' ill L.le. I.nil.1
I ' , nlai it . al,,( i..',i,,-.iic t',,'.!itii il
1).,. a-, s.
Tl.i.t uihi-.hlp Hi',!, (.in, ri.'iihin, in-!
a I ! ' , r v nu, I ; : i . . i..e. ai 1 1, I . - m I h" 4, ! 1 'ne
1,111. i i.i in.. 1 v (:, : -,- et I 11 1 .,1 i
I Vti-srt of Si- '.-I .1 . ... , :! . I .. k.
v. I ' 1 e Ih-ln . !,,! P i - nun. ail . ,' v.! . I.
ii-' i.i. t 'In- in"i ! ! il.v t" he !,. ;. I
t.V n e.-i 1.. t.i. I- m. .11 ,! 1'.. I (.. :....
,1 .; 1- nf.e a ;.-., ' ,. I. p... .. I. , ..... Ki.'- ' -
H '.. t ', .11, I-. a I. I il': 1. - rv i.i-j.i!,s, 1 , : , - .
I Hi, : i ! . , a In-.ii 1 1, v .e i . 1, in 4 : le n, t- ; , ,
; I" 11:1 !', t 11 .-In.;,-. I'm,- .;n, ! I' 1. ,.. I
1 .I..:. ..:iv 1. :.. 1 - 1,...; 1 1... 1.1 r. . , ; . i - j
I S e - 1 '. I a 1 - ! he I, - -I .;.. r n.r a .- ,1: '
1 I 1'iiritA in ' iii...l:
ic. It 1- l ie a" r
c I T (,,', 'e 1 to I!
.. '.,.' r, .11. I Wall I
', J ,-.;,ii.., h. o , !,.
hi ni sc:;oT"rr.A.
1),. y.x t, r'y's I,li-.i-i :.,! i:. U
main-ill!.-.! as t !,,. m.-.s i I, r-.:, j ,., . ; , , t
C.lll I I s 1 !,! . I'i; II s,n ,.t 1, in- i',,1,,1,-,, ,n 1 1 -1
fail 11 1- lias r: m ... u ia 11 I 1 : 1 ,if ii I -.- : !.
I',.r Si illll, II,-',1.. It!. :-'-.. 'I'.,: , Wl.lle
Sv ,h,i t;.-.-' -. Canee. .. (,;.,, ,,U
F.v.-r S'-.i' s, ;i.. , urL I !),-.-.. S,-; u:;,.
S li.' I, .,'..-. i l ie- , Ci) ,;; .. '',:. . S it
H'l "ini. a:. 1 !.'.! v -li .-a ., Dr. I'..,- ! 1-
U' I . ., i i r, - a:. I
, '. . .... ,,.1 ,
aail',lai ai t l... to.. I.'ll-
ai r liei ont t -:,' ,'! r. ,. -t . f
, t ,,,.-1.
ti e ,!:.. i... ,.'r,-) III,- !',:i.i, ,y pin-ifvii.s
il, ' Inn , I ami .l.-.v in : on! ill i -,,, . e or .1 ,3 1
lliii- el'th'.-l 'V il nl I Vie::,',, n: Ca l.-e.
rpinl'-ri t h" r n : .- , ! 1 ,,, -in ! p, , i,,- n.i ,t.
!.'!Mt;r.:.T!n.. (.) i j Vs :'' L !'.- I A .
N i In. .heine. e: ii ,: li ; i v.- 1 1 ih".-.v.
ore.! W h.e'l s . iuucll tone to the itinell
1 I'.ll-
'i . I, of In al io,
f -- !.;- Dr. l:.,.'.',!
CUs ;
- I' I
inarill i. A, . o,,f lias ii-, ,1 it lor
con plaiiits w it'.o' t he. i :'.
Dr. F.'iUHy's I. ..lino and S irs-u-ririlia ii ...-,
with the creates! 'ipp,.,s ii, r!i'"ia, itie rorunlaln '
p-i" ial A s,;,-!i ;, i,r(. .-In. -.nip. It cur. i , v I : i- '
vine out V.I i:,..,iiili-s an 1 foul li .i.i ft uhl.-li ! !-s.-.w.. aula mor.. iii-".t.,Mp el enn ,,,,.
hav c ace u inula te.i in Hip svsteii!, w!i;pi are th,- I ''' '' '"' iiuacnie-l than a i I.i 1,1 Mili.-i in.; uml, r
rausp of liheuiuiitiiii, (.out ami -Ap;inc of th- ! ,!"' e;,ln,ary s) in pi, mi of on,.--. '.,:,.ni , n, U
joints. llln r renii'lii's son, ptimi-s c,v s tempo-j '"-is : Willy.. i t,..; blame ir... Ivp. if .eii
Vary iplipi'; tins eiiloelv eia'hrate i the li .,-a-e ' ehihlr'en ill'-, that vim 'ini not me Ir. F,,. t.-'i l '..
from Hip n -'pai.
l ull )lo.u KI.O. AND VlVIH.ll. IIS:ts.
Al I i ( I imi rill: M.oon. (,i A s oj.
(l.mi'.J.IIMS AMI I'.OM.
it. i.i- iiy s J i.ii... diiU ,s.t , - a i a 1 1 i ri is tuei
h -t retl.t'.ly e.-.'i- liut-nt.' . 'Ih.s n,-!.,--l:e Is:
"il-re l i.i 1 1... p.jhlip not im-rel v as a puniier of ,
tin- I: i o..r, Imt a- a p.'-.'. e. f .1 era lieator of , . j
im.-t m p,,,M,n. , ..,,,,,... hv ,.., ii'i.,1
a;, 1 i . I e-al taiiit-. u liiriiie .i-.i,,. a,! ,,,n ol al 1 I
oil, er ,-;:i !.. Il wi'l euip III.- wo. -I kiu i ,, ,
i,,ei i',i .... I inas, , t. matt...- h".v (!'-,. Iv ii
in :y I avi- . alen into tin- lii.m-aml it a I ,. ..i.s.
1. wiil cuip ,'" w nisi .as.-..,! s. a ,i;i! ti -,- s
; !,,le or M-i.eral ili-.-a- -. no main-r l,,,. I,, a:
"' -. "'' v I, ,ni, ni ,..w .;eepi j
-"'el in I1'- vtipiit. il will i,:,'iihilt,; an i - i
pi i ! .e i: ii, an, I i ,V.,i ,- tn a -v-tein t . a sla'e ' t I
p..r. h.'.itii an.i I-..:,!,-. For FI'-.-i.-i .:, ihe ;
i..o-,i i iim.,, i.m.n ei.-.e.'il ol llie I.I.lii !-, ;
...' i' or rn-i;,i :,i ,,, I .,ii..i., iio.les, I'ai n., in :
I I" fi !!.- Jo, II
I no ;i, i si.r, -
r:-n I '. 1 o .!i pe. : on j ii . I, at., r.-.s,:, t
. '; any ilun , ,1 ,- in C i.- !,!...!, i.i! her h.-l
e t.t.iiy r i II. laelil t,f .1:1,11 u lnn-p o , chl to p 1- I
r,:ya':-i .ic troy thin virus l, Im-p pi't. rii.c f.'-l
ia ir-i t ,t. , ;;. :t y 1,1a v ihei.hy li"t 1,
-r ' - I I haiil !..-. ' im-t Hi.- tianee; of in,
tcio y ami ( !,; ei: a .,; tui.c, l.ut .s.-.-iire th- 1
, .1 a ),..: p ami tAay olij,,;,,,;. Jj pa:
, 1 hv p T.7. of tiihar jex, lull, il.e 1,. .,
t s . .
I t 'I-
In 1.1. i.i...nii';.i-.s r i i:e, Ft..
.'.Ml I'lilNAHY Ort'. ISt,, liM-M'sV, UllAi i.l.
A M I.H lot C ,' I I. A I SI .
lir Fa
"V' l'i!.ii"ai.d S 1, .- a I a ; . '. i 1 i -, t h - -
, . t
.,.! o-ly IXliji t t,,t on 'l,t to 1 , i. li, j
C'.-nphl Ii'a, li s U.edilll.P !,,..s,l. .1 j
a. 'oln, ...I.' ci.r.:,.
N-. !a:i:'.:.i.-iie can p oivpy an a-l-i into idri
ol'liit: ui.iiii-il.ate and nliiiot .,- il ,. 1- .liince I
a .1,1 .1 ia j : o I , i I y Lie np of Li. -....,t..,-!v"f I
Ir ' ,::. 1 S n. .j.j.-aila, in th- ,!,., ..s,..!. ,,'.!, i.i-
..:tp 1 ami s.iari. ie 1 nervous M Mi ,u. , i.etti.-r I
h: a - .lots 1, .y 1 Heal: h, 1,;.! nre, 01 iinn.!- !
i. 1 f.y ne..,i .,, (,..(. iiiisinm an 1 ilax. .1 ., 1.-, it u, , I'-bract.I. icv'ti.-U and limit
'ij.. Ji, case or -iiialciH, .Nervous beadaebe,
L'.-s oti ,--i., , v ,'p.e:.i: Pio.Ir -.'.i'm, Nerinii...
lie s. p.t,i- .. Pain in ti e ,',ei'es ef tiiP J'.ite,
a I 1 i.e ,.1 10,11, 1 1 jn f iK-rvoas air, clions, il
tlille. 'i lie liect of Ion mcdliniie . to .rf.
:r::ir,-iit 1. !., f I t tim salferer, and to n- tore the
. . , 1. .11 .... I :
It) nil". LADIF.S.
Ladies of pale pomplpxion mi l c-riMtVive
In In I.,, and hiicb as are debilita'p I f 1 01,1 a-, v 01
" ! the ,w-'i act ions incident to th - s-ji , su, ii ,t ob
struction or paiulul menstruation, Hour A:bus
or Wit. tit., lireen hicknes"; also, exi p,,i. p llow
of llie Menkes, Farr. n,ie?, Ate, ran be 1 es'ored
Ly the uspol two or three 'mttl rs of Dr. Lat
arly'sj Iodine and Sal saparilla, to bloom unl
vicor. It is f ar t he l.p.t rent y ever d, icon-r
ed lor weakly children, and fi.-ii as ha.p I.a 1
haiiiom ItPiuK I'lPasciit t!i"y take ir.
It restores tne a;i,i'-t,t,. ,-t
an, 1 color, isounii can lie more 1,1:1
than its inyicoratii.c eliect m, the human fii.m.-. 1
1'p.rtoiit all weakiip s ami la sii u le h.-fm tak
ing Dr. Fisterly'i lo.lii.p and S .f triUa, at
cacu hcon-.c lolioi a.-.d full i.f rnrig 11,1 b r
itu ilid iei.ep. It irulue lintely poimtract the
nttrvoiist.pss of tb f'l-mj!'.. ft a ....
UB. KAkTKIII.v'n i'.IlM; A N I) S A MS A P 1 H I I.L 1 li
A WoNDHlikLL l'L HIl ll.a OK Till,
It ill vpry (,!( us. i,t to the tai, and is more
poiiceiit, a'e.l, hcin .-troiiC'-i , betlt-r ai d rbeaper
than any oilier i,i--,l,pii.e in use. Fami! es who
have used this article are never w ill ,i, to be
wiJhnut it. Taken in the eajiy titaires, it i- a
me of almiiii any sjiecies of di :
eae. (JV"Ask for )r. Kasterly't Iodine and Kar
.sapui dla and lakp imlhinc else.
l rice !;, per bottle, or sik bottles f,,r ti").
A liberal discount made to uholpsule pur
clir.seit. ('"-"For sale at Dr. LaMprlv's Family
,i!o,e, n-'Uih-.-a.-l pornt-r of i'hnd and ( 'In -nut
stiects, M. .o lis Mo. Also by I'. A. Sarpy,
St Mary, low a, ami by deult-M ia mediciiii j C' n
erally in the lvVt.
Ii 'Aarr.i'i'ei! to can; Acne ami IVver, Dumb
A fr '!-, Cliilln and Ftvt-r, u'e, iiolant and lo.
mit'ant Fevers, and a'l the vano-in forms of i e-ti-r.
Iiicidrut to the W.-ht !!
This ji'.jailar itiucdy has now been before
the public tAo Jia,t,,and 1I..1 il,;t that limit about
Tw t NTV-l II I. Tllot tAI.ll P.01 J I.LS
have been told and in i.o iiu'dm e has it fade I
!o 1 !h-. '. a ppiH.ii. nil rmpa, f.,r t arj f,i,
or to file en'.irp fa! fai t .on to the purchaser.
It is vianeiitel tocuio all ra-c.-, or II." moiu-y
wall he i.l in !,,(. I,,.t 1,0, wmnai, ..r th,l.
siilb r w it!, this rtiftrtM'i.2 !a-'-a, , wh.-i, a t-aie
it inedy is at hand.
L-ad the (e.tin.oi.y from J .hn Mill, r ,V (S.
Fvas ,vn 1 1:, FI., Oct. ,, lk " J,
Dr. Fu.i'erly S:r: U t ta! ,- , 1,-a-,rt in Ma
iiClhit we (,::- p.,., I,..., I I'i holt le-.of Jon
lewr and A.'-ie Kdler, and hivp ud 1 the nuae
to our j a'.ro.-s, ami thai it I as i II, , led a ja iin i
nent ri. inn t te.y . We have hold nearly
all t.'.pvaiam.i me l in, for ac',,..ail fever, h ,t
none h;s piven iip?i H.tirit fal.i.fa-l.on as ion
r... ... k. 1 a l i, - ,,. . . ' ..
t . . .. "' 'tr. ,.p i.-i.pve 11 tl.t-
i'!""J'.:V, J ,U M.IIcr Ji Co.
'-rrrrr, Jnf. t C. " T
A I... I - ...
I ir. ' ni, 1 1 Sir : Wh.-'i I -i- i'i "'.r(,li
in ,M i,. a I. V, I , ,n !,.-. I enr .1. , t . i 1 el
V " 1 ' I' I .'III .'li I . . I' Kill. I,,V.:I UaH,...
I I h, ,,.. (
,;, t'tl '.."ii. e.-'i ii h
i . ,r in 'se.i.e h i i n
I ..; . il h.n ini' ' 'I i '" I J' 'I
hi. I I'. V"l . I: " ( a I ... 1 1 1-
I .ill.. W.irr:,.,-, I.
It,,,, s in, , .
..ftiie (hi I
r , , ., , !( . -., ., , v , , , , ,, 1
,' .. ,'p;,, , '. t ,: ,t, .-
n, i ,.,.., I, , -. !,...; I - I,
:;! , U I Mine llir
! 1 t-1. .1 a :t
a ... ..'I art
(.f t
I all i : e. '. .c!i f i.h '. ha.' ! eicY i
le n .,r (In i',-, a;: I lie. .. .. !, i l i,.
! i -' I . . I . I it. 'i .',li...!. c v. I. iiiil
!:...,'!!,, a I : ti . '. . i m m r. In ,. t.i ;
i ' I a. I, , i el1,', t n m i i,i r ! it r r r.
1;. -i i :t iiiv . ni 1, .t .hii :-. o i;....
p. s.-1 ,:i )
a . Oil
.-!. nllv.
nn ' will l.'M ., -r I ,, , I-.-.
. It. A ! ! III. I. :-' ilv'- I
r j'i I A lt -i p
K.U. i.'t.'i 1 1'., ' I. , ' , '; I . .i,'l ) ., 1 a . ,, ....
l.'i.- il ,. e n: ! in , 1 -t v.i,,,'. I-.'--i.-re.
I'r - e SI h- 'll -, '., i l-.'ti. - f... W"..
-',.r '.in i-'l Dr. I , t rh ':. I'.ui'l, ! , . in.
l 'li' o nn1 ..I I'hir.l an, I (lii -eotl si,,-, U M.
I.-;.-. ;.h. .h) P. . : . :. M . .... I h)
.' . i--1 - in in- : 1 i I . i.. , 1 v , -i t h .- ' - ' .
!!!. L "T!".!:iA'S I'I !" ;-'' SV'M!'.
T! - H .11'' - a nt. -:! . : '. : ' . I 'v fo
il 1 en I.i; v, Inaii! 1 a.l ! ,1 C. ..:.-, . .: -o
S.,,-ii.i.'i , on. j I,, 1 n I . ', -i i,- . - , n t I i ..
W 11! 11 !! ' '. 'I. .ir!: : 1 ; Jhi.v, , . 'i. .
!': IT ; :, : 1 C, ,, ; ' , , ,.,',. ... ; 1 ., :.!: ',,.
j ' ' ila. !:. Ma .;.,
! It i . .ii. . r I!,- i.e. -t elf'.. m at. (-I, as-nt. ainl
! j 1' I'll., i'i (., ,.!l.i',' li, lie , !,i i .- 1,1
! ' 1- i.i 1 ; ,,l , f it... .'n (.,... . 1 . 1 a i . - - -1 ' . n'i of (I,-
S'o'n : 1 1 1 an) !!.., Is ; n I ..! 'i- h- v ' n ' I, V
,,f i',,.l..:,,i ,. r I , ,. ,-,.,,:.: CI .,!. r , Iiifn,.
t'li'i ,,,'1 S imiii. t ( : ni hi 1 lit, a n,l ,'JI I In- 1 1 el an
lii"!, 1 . , f 1 !." Ii. v ! s f 1 , ,1:1 ... i-1 tiii. ;.
1 i. . h.:o , I -. '. ;.!. ; a's,, j, i ;'!i--lt V-
r-.'ioii ,.j t! j ,t t,,hi','.! F.t'.iiy Meli-
r ii. 1 f V. I' lls.-..M '.',. II in I;-.-. I : of 1 1 1 ; I 1 if
thr .:. t i i' v i.i M. I. eon 'i,u.- i.s.- I ii
an i h ai I m- 1 1 on j, -t t. -l in ,.-,y in -t s I i v or.
I'll. .- 'J.'..-. .e, I, .'"....
I or i.' at Di . I' m t.-lv'i Faiaily M-li.-n,,-S-!
-. ri ri.'-i ,! 'I',: i ! ami Ci.e-nut stie'-t SI.
Lou i -. nl , , I- v I'. A Sh ,'y, ai I !-y ili ..h i in
ll.-'hl ilies j.- n ral'v' 'H I',''
dk. f. v-i i.i;! vs vFPvrr rc!':.
'I'll-(,:. it h. m. !, I', Ii;.e!i,,i:; onus fiurn
Ch I ' IT.
'I'he im-st Tfc. ,,1,..,,., t a'nl pll.-et nl mo-lieine
km. vmi f, i t In- i, ,mo al of u oi la, l oi ni eliii'l-
,. . I ell is ! )r. II: r' h- ei nut a.:".
j I - ' I - a ri I c a i r l ' a ri s I, i ; i e ! !ip cli - i ltp of
! c-l. II Sr.'.l. -I, ".I 1 - '. "-.'.lolly Ho- syili lonn
j ot w oi i-i" in t In-ir eh ' , 1 1 , -,. i- li-l ai -.'.on a . svin n.
'e-i" imln-a'.e I hen j r -emn'. tli.-y ..ii.eii.i a
r" t . t . i.f I),-. I '., s!.-i Jy ' 'er::
Mm.- ' l.ieii - u !.. Ir-mi ... e: . than all
ii.' a 1 oh,
Vermif -c.-- ill t line V Tlii.i ermiri.-e will i.
li.o. e ery pinnl -., or I i- 1 1 em l!i,; i slim
la s.x or t
I.I h.oirs al'er taw, n.
Fl ' .'.I perl I
ror.-.u-a, tr. i.u-o-.-iv.!v ri.-imn
St", p. :",, I. -;, s pi,iior of Tie ml ami I in- li -it
"' i '-'-. t. Louis, ai-o hy P. A Sarpy. S'. M n;
ami hy !i;. i.i lie !;' me 1 1 ii, !,,, Wl.,f.
dr. p. STi.ULY"S I'AIV KtLLIili.
I',,r (i,,. ,ii,.,,f j , , Suai -. )',',, n.!'.
Pool , A'-'u-. C,,, - ( i n "s i'....'
Ie,n. Dy"ii'pry. Klii uma 1 em. I'aiat in the
':. ::e ai 1 )l ,.s, anl w'n r.n.T 'lu-,,,1-P
.: ,. it e. a s.,.,- lv i- rtaoi r-ire.
i'n' Me.llpni.' Ii.n in,, i ,. p..,, I o , r ra'l r- n'l.s
III in a:. elltPi ever inv. nte.l. I' I
In , 1 1. ,!A an, I F..-: ;,1U . .....I .
ej Im'h
l.i.'iC i f-
I rl i imi in.,, in! I v I .-I I I, v I,.. .. ,(,
i,. tl,e i:,...t -ct ii t .t ::.i puias m alVw I:..:, a
(,s. In a v ii , I , it a 1 ' a I :.' I
li : : 1.1..,.
A . 1, - :,, a : i- I ., in , I v or i.l.w, ,n. ,,.!.! I
.) s .. ... f, s!l(i,
, ; I, on ir. I o,i i
a ii., ,1 . Im -ls.iml ,,i
in 1. 1 1:. r- 1 1 : .;. -,, ami i. , : '! J -. :.,i i,. -L
,i-.i: 1 all i'."i. 01. it tj.-most s:.vp
,11 St.
I, anl
Mai ili v.- 1 11,-y hi a-e.t' a,- j.
1 1 a f.en.m'.i r.u.i J'. 1 1. 1. ik
1 1 all o -..,!.' 1 1. :, 1" - I certain 1 ti.,- ' v in
! P. 1 l' in 1, ! iiiu.ii. p .,',.. j,
, Li, a.'. Pa-,. ! I t 1 .,',- , ,.,
V j ii h, )
I al 'line rem,. :y lor Coli,-. lo.n!,,, ,. ( ,.o. 1.,
'd ,:-! '..-. J'aii.t. -'a Co!., , ,',,, , r ... ;;,, .... a.
!::., - ! il'.v.els. l),,, .,,.;,i, Sore 1'.. oat. II ad-
t lr, iV .
cai ri') to T.'ii; pri.'i.ic.
I I',
, w t. . , , e I v , 1 ri . 1 s " s -' ( . 1 . , , . , , T' s
The ..,.!. .i .-a .( i.-.-.l l'..i.. k'.lt. .. '.
p-r.-d . . ! , n-l i by Dr. F... .'1 - ly. t! - m !
,-o;e i.'t'T. 'li-pref. IP co ,''. rt lo. :.,i ,;,.,.
ti .U i,bt..xl. 'l'tle -on.- hi - r.. to ., L 11.
Fi-i.-'lvi Pain Ku!,,-, an link,.- i,r. oth-r, a,.'.!
'"i a re s,f,-.
Pi ue -Ja .-.-of - -r hor'.l, ; f-, .. h"'-.. for ftl.
"' -'l--.t If. I :. - 1 v F.o.i.Jv ."! I ie UK.'
S'ore. s. ap pot.-i-oI Ti, i,! ,,nd ( ne.m.t j
'ii'"' , 1.0 i..-,.n.- uv 1. a. .'.'ijn S!. Aiaiy
ami by deal, i s in ,u- lo in, c( nci alii in tin nn1',
I", 1 the run- 01" (',, ihs, C, (.',,:,-
' ol !',',,', ', J ..!!,
,t V, U,. , ,.:.::
I!,,- Lines ami
. P.-
l-l trie Snl t I
Cmie!,, ; ;.
!a :.
Am.,,,.' all t .
. . f 4 1.. I ....
1 li, , ,.M, I 1.
1 :'. -. , , 1;.
. hralp ! r- me lit . for D ......
1 ill., I . , ones.n.i to he
uppp'i -am! lo L'ivt a li b i-a-
m- IMJ "I'll
t..-p .- .'!-..'. i :o.i to a!!, as
t;!l. CAHTKF.'S COFCli li.VLSAM.
Tiii' valual.'.e remedy i., v.-'-tahle in
it., i.,c . di, Ms. and r I) haliult- s Hi all N
(p.alil.i and as mi i ! an ! jd. a ., n'. a, tl. i
lii-ale C'--diaL It in v i i v soo' I. it Id, .1
ii, C to 'he L' and l eiei v -v hm e a. i.-.o ,v i--!cdby
I'l l::.-1 is, 'h,.p'an.s. and ail u,..
hnv e usij it to i.e the i:;-t.U
.'o i-i'-i le.-it to oar pjit-ia'p is so uni-
i. i v ei ana at tue fau.e time so latal, as lii'-
! u.oiiaiy l on oi!.'. n'.ioii. ar. 1 .1 luuUd
s a,.-.-
ov.-r tin-laud its a D"-,tn, inc A
I ayii.C low the all ami. i 't nnd tan, t cf onr in e,
M.,ln.i. of the youii.' :tii, tin- old am auiiuai.v
buirod to tl,.; tomb by thU dreadfal i,alio,,
t iiHsisirrivi: It r nt n : tl.-v. arc of i:iiii
pa!h '.live im.'ii.t ines. i he ,,' .If, t of i t ,,r!v all
the medicines HOW Oli.t.d 1 r iIim-H-ci. ul Iln
Limits, is I'i lelo ve and not lo cure. Such it
not Ihe case Willi Dr. Cntrr'a Cooitll liah-am.
Iu coldj and Clinch whiui are the Inet fjinji
loms of l oiiuliip'loii, it is the most plea, rut
ii,'! t .1.' ..c om i.:;n,.ily t.'.at ran p., .l,Iy he t,-,.
In e, .mill... col. ;..m lit,-.., t ba h -n n-eii With
peih-ct ami linilni tiant fic-ek-, when lit. t,,o,t
eimueiit phisiciam had -1 v.rii ui all ho,e es
vain, hit co, it, i'r, it is I he p. .pi lelor t I lis ow -er
lo cure Tubcrcm ,as (. onsumption, that he
solids a trial in tin- v. oi it of ri o.
SP1 1 I'lNfi til' FLOOD.
'I nis f, ij'ht! nl v r r . j 1 1 . i i if commm j.tioti is
s,ee,,Iy ch.-cke, i,n jireve.ili: I by Ihe ij. of
Dr. Carter's Coueli Fals., m, which h.-als ti.-alb-cted
membra ni-, re mm pi Dip i n . i j ji .-i. t t.i hi r-cb-s,
am! r, ftoies tiio-e it a I o'er.ii.,, the I i!,-s,
to a So il. I an I healthy r lebtio-i.
H K M F M 11 L It l'l DS.
Kjiittmi; of Flood a! Ait) s ariMt-t from a 1tn
deiiry to tiibeicnlo ii .'.,-t a-e, and if i,ot rheckpit
at tlie oul'et, will toon,', or later term, , ate in
dialh. A tier -.on who rahes blood once w ill
raise bloo.l u.ib- -t a j.rop.-r curative is iiu
meiliati ly t-mnlnye I,
'Flos dis re. ii.jP .yi.,.'om i f ' u rripf ion a
I ise. from iMlam ilioii of the In,,;;, ch, ;,!;., ,t.
railed the lieuta, or from broiicbis! alb i lions
t'f the air 'a-.iu--. In either case it is a v.iy
da iiL'. rou . indication of ,i4 ,se. It in r ve.',t s
f nil am! f, .-e Lr t h i ny, end w.-srt a-Aay the . -t.i t f tie-1 ) in. 'I he pause i.f
this ,.) In .ti.m t-honhl I.,-, retnoved at t in e, and
in.rliin:; c an pon.-ibly e.'li-rt t tin t obiect to
llv and hai .ly as D, . Cartc'j Cnifh lialnn
winch it al a 4t ..!..- andeululary in lit c:fecu
on ll.e coiihtiluti'ii.
In cases of ( oiivimptioii the Lner in alwa) s
Untie or kite, ti d, ami alio the f plet M, pleura
and email luti-.tttiies. I it t oei I .f Ijr. Cailer'c
s (o.-pii iiaiiain in ni:-' a es oi ine Liver, espec
ially 1 1 it he of an i, Ice. imi i.aluip. it diipct and
joat-ifai. S.xi.pttt t..neIUie'l..u'r an..'.-
PU U., 4!.MH tf tii.'Li"' f ,f I. Mi r I em .h.lei d imim,
i : e... Ai I. .tr. r i.. t h. i , k i c N;i..,'i, h. m i
j I. 'I I hV CVl. , !,, ,, y ,,1(.J hv
wi"i r: li oi ( it
I lie far-', !
far.', hy mo, 1,,, ;,l!i;,-l. i.
ami 1: N 11, a ! utatB ( ,,, ,'
I "' I I
II I .- ell, el,: .l
.- I lir Hi- u p ,.r D, ... '
'1 - a 1 ai- on. ' I wan,.., ,.,;.(.,,
..tlinu! .Ii'l Pie u ,,,. ,r, ,t,,; ,,,. , ' ,H"
.""I 'iiii'in'e, I!.,. , 1. 111, p, , !sr, ,"'"'
tnr ,,,.-r of'ip S',. '.-,.,, lltl ,
I'iali'l -. Bliil the lilL''tip nt ,1,,. ... ' 1
1. I I I 1
- ' ,,r.
In A 111.
, . I
'I'm it
" '" eill.UH l.lle.l HVSI.
1 cm.
P. I I (' N C 1 1 I I I s.
h'om hiti,. .Inlirnltv ,,f , , , ,
' ""-1''" "' ' ' vpeoloiatinn. ivitli a ,, "
.)-..,...,,,: ,,11) a a:i,-,l,M, tirt r
.ailo.t: .mine li,,Mt ,1,,.);, s, , ,;,,".
'l l -I III! 'IHV llllerl-,1 Bll.l (-nr. , I,. Ik,,'
-f '' f '""hV,,l, Ual.a:,,. ',-,, j';;
I amf il,n,-oi',-: ami n.jini,,,,, r,,i,.,-.i, A
ah'. i.- lias a ?v.,f temlriiry to ,,,(!.; J
; ,." '-."v ' : im.Impc ii,,, '
I" ef I . .n.e.uv ,1, ., P. J;,, , "l
Ion-. y I. I, ami .in, ley V.luabl,
I.M'LC I 'Of! T!fi . ,
.''';", !:v!; :;e,is tlK....Umpr(),ft(
t -i M ,: ;-. TIik
I uls.
nrrli I.
I .!.! v the rp.ilt Oi 4 i,(tQ
ml Is l..r. .1 . f.. n;ktf..rl ,i,
I i . ait p....! i -Mil eon 1 1 1. iip I,, .......
'mm mh- ii... ,.,.( ..I., aroa-i,. Chil
'- ' .mi I 'in. p. . , . i a i i.,.,.,, I,,,'! fl
i --'-.a i' 'i i.u. - :-'-! nl- f. I nihility hi ,x.
i,( ' or .1 e III tin' l.iltri- jrajr,; ,,f oollftin.;tioa
Is i ll' I .1 1 'li-.llll. '
Lii. C Ali n'.lfSCOi. (.11 Ii ALS AM, . '
I- 111" Cleat l;.e, !,., nt. I: ,.u,., t,tBw.
hi.! 1,1, I .-,;,.. ,na'!.-l intheairp.,...,,.,,, c;1Jn.
i.--. I- r..mi n I'liek i:ltiu.ins iht,nirp to 4
linn s-i ll-inl, ami throw it ,.-Cli-a.l'
,1 p,i-sil.,. i-j... to llip , at.ii lit. Tbw ia
I." h. ". I in, ,!ie,i. ,;, tj.e w .,,1,1, 1', i t-xpsciu.
rant ,; la!,t:e-: a!, he ro!i-i,l.,,.,.
I'..r ' ,i-ij,'.' or s,. urn !,e .!, Ih.',,',,
l'..!.-r than Dr. Cai lei C.iu-1, l;Mn
Tin. ,I...:n -i.u.; .Ii-o-a-ip !,uh rpsi,.ii k,,,t
ty , i :!,, r. '.!-.,) i, hi. t.t'i'.,;i p.. ,.' ful ,.
hu.M" -i tn. ,,:.,..,! r. i... !v ii- Hal.lyaJ
ether f ,i: ,:i of .., (.,-,, ,j. n.. 1
slioul ! ! k ; pi.. ' willi J),-. Cail.-j-i Cot,l
h -i.'i, I" ' i, , i ,.. i,p ,.iiv ..,.n..,,,f
r hL. ml ' ' T PI !. I'aiu in Hip Snip ..i,,(
Clic-it, lir.MiellilH. IlilliPillv ef Itr.l'llin,
.Vtl.t Sii . ai.,, A.slinii.i. Iii!lnpii.a, Wlitxip; ii
i.ii :!i, ami M i. ri' Cionp, ami IliPreh) rxiiilca.
a- I Iln- r,",.,,ni Ii tei,,;, m y w hi, a M prodj-(i-lh)
(",r ler e(: in -in--;-l.m.,1... '
P: I' e I';:.. I I ,,:;, -. -J . ,-,,,'- .,.r ImflPi'sffl
l.o.l,.-. si , In,.:,,., ix I'ol I les( f, r V'l.
For .-il.-al La . I'.., U 's FaniiA .M..i.rint
Kt'.r.', ..Ol!!,. ,;,.( p,.iri, ,- ,,( '!,i.. ;,,A CIKJI.,,,,
st ret lit. .V. I. ,l;
Mai v. ami hy il
ill t'ie We,'."
H-. 1 i.y 1. a . ssiipy, tit.
1 iii i.e In in. j .enci a"r
a or IMr
1 ! A .
For !,..
li . -I
ol law i Comtdams. I).ppiii,
i'lilo' -nr.-.., ,os, ,,f Ann, ,
II. hit .i.l Co. in. I,, ..s. Cn ,,-,.,(
j, a.,i .v Vrt,.-..'.4. an- I all ili'.-.t.- a i,
in 1 lr,u 1 a i!ifp.:d..p, Luer. ..r ji r. st, on ! I,
'I I, i h is p..s..i..m,i,l,.ihp nu i-.-ratinr;
S' 1 enttli. i,n,' ami K. s!or:r u p 1 ., rl :r,, vvliiej
'"' ' '-' nh.' th- I',., .ii.-1 '.cai.;.. a.,4
IU..I.P tin ia inv a la: hip for
L -. 1 a O i 1 v, J.iiM.iei:, livtt'i nt ,
Af.d all !:... 1 ,-i (.11 s 1 Inriu duaiitfC'l
.-tare of the l.,ma'-i, l,ue., an 1 li, p,- u-j.itjr
ten I (,, ,. '.-!,: 1 1 ' t e- or w.-i!.p,i the "V-I'm.
D!i. illM LIPS (.Lii.MA.N 1,1 1'l'FRS t
Cant..,! be to Inhlv rccomm, ',,-, I 1,, puriont
"'I I- ' ' -' !:.' - -li -..l. n 1 LI'. FU or lad,. ...
trm. I.. --S ,,f Ar;-'::., N-rvo., P'-i r'.'.!!
II. -i. ho he. ;ial,ltu, I Cnsllvei,.'.-., i;,.,.r;, ).,j. a,.,i a v. ,:,,', i-i C o.ij.iRiois wiici, u.,g
-1 ri il S. Louis, (hy u:g
Frire ip.'ppr hoitl.-, or, ix holll -s f..r i2 5.
I or s ileut Dr. I.a,., r!y' Family Me.Jirun
! to.-e. i i, ,,, i , :"J'i,,.. ! Ch. -i.ilt she. Is, M.
L.ei ... M ,. AI-... hy P. A. S'.tipv St. Mrv,
and by i'.e, di ,s in i.-'.ediein. l cencraliv in lilt
W'-t. ir 12-lf
A ..!e and c. r'.,.n ii o , l,.r ( .olio: : he a, liletl
l I. " I .: . ' ( mi :.. I Wi, and aii d;-.t-af
ol the (,, ni'al O i" ins.
"i. i p..p in : .pe, ji,.. reir. Iv iifiow of.
Ii o-l li, l,f n:,l:,-:ii, ami vva, it ulpd lo cu; all
ca . -ofC,,,,, iilii...i, (,!.-. t. t ; at ' un s S'eaiii.jl
W. k s. and ..II ,i., a.p,.',f ihe (.rnilal Org tut
ll'-ll-.'.l "..)' 'ii.. Il.t.ll.hia illndy llt
'""''i lets i pon thoil-aii lf from Hip haadt
ol Mei cii... ij i,n i, ., ii not fii iii a pi. mnturt
I'ra.p. L, . a .- of inl't cii. a, Di . l!ak'-i' Spe
cie i. the only s.,f" ami snip remedy. If p, very
acr. eal, I t lo Ihe tasle, pr.-ales no prcri ptahla .
do: , an. I i.i.i v ha by i eraom i.f e.itier IP
w t. n'iie s, ..-r, ,- v vn:i, n.t i . r n , to diet, hiB
tl'.tfipp f..."i bi'.i'ni ,s i.l V. ,'.ral Adviser, at
I l i a du .-.-: i", . !nr u-e ii p-nei, pan y Hip me 1,'pir.f
Header have o;j a private ilm-as. Do not n
-lact it. l.-!.',y i., tlanci tties. With Dr. 1U
k. rs S.- in.r o I an rnie yo'in.lf, and tin
i l:veut ..II ( ' sun . Thi- l.i'- licil.P Will fptt !
llv nnd t-i.-.-ti.a.liy pi.rp th tin -l viral. 'til raft
oi Seci. i Di -. a. . s. ami ei a Heal. ver V pnrtic!
ol ii, I, , io . lull.i f oi,i iin .,v stem, and resto,
the 'ii-n: I ' a j .-it.-ct .Ii.ieoi hiaitii and parity.
I', ,ce, :". ,r bottle.
l or : ai,-at In. Kasiei lv' Family Mf dtrlit
Store, south-. a;d coi ner i.f Third Mnl CIipp nut, St. I..i Mh. Also by 1'. A. Sirpy.
St. M u y, low a, ami by ih-alcis in medicine
C'lieialli in Hie W.-.t. apr 12-1 y
V-. .,.' ... .,7. fTi
lain able .iin.-dv lo. sii.,reioii of Ihe Me.
H i V'.'Ioie', I'd. nf nl .M.-iotriiat,,.,,, li,olen
i y or llatiinne-.,'.v Com; leKion, Head
a he. D.r.ini s-i, WeakiienJ of the lierie.s, olii
all ,1, sen.. which ari,e from a tleranp-cmdit
of the furotinns of inline.
'Flu, most . a leet, safe and infalllahle remedy
for the c ue of all those diseases of f'-maUs, ar
isinc limn w . ai. .-..-. or d. Ini. ty, and obstruct in;
in iln- .-.esua! o," ins", fcii' li a, i.-rperidar er miji.
J pie--id of tt.e M.-iisis, Fluoi Albiu or Whiut
I'.-.l.ii..' of Pip W..i, Il.-adaciie, liip'litful
Di i-am.s A p., cau-e,! hy oh! ., ehe, kpd ,ri spiig.
j lions, l iic.t., ov er-expileii.riil, tie., ia
I, It IKH il-I'll K LIMiir IllIMilAI.
Several ladies in the cily w ho hate tutlertd
for many v. at with the above romjiiainls, tn4
have eiiiployed our most eminent physiriant
without em a -s, have ll t-d Dr.'t F Cordial, an I have h, en up. e.lily ami
iiinne. illy l ined hv itnuhe. If there are tuner
em iu Si. Louis, they can rely upu i Dr. Huo
. r' Femaia )! .rdial as a al, b . cut and
fectuil i.-im dy. .
1'in-p SI per holflr. or mk Iio ties for kl.
Fin nale al Dr. l-.ust -r! v't Family Mtlleic
Stole, corn, rt f Tiiiui and I'hesmH fctrc-!,- bU
Louis, An.. AKuhy I'. A. Sarp) , St. Mary,
ai, ! by di alert iu medicines c,",...Tallv in ti
West. pr 12-ly
l)r. Caok'b MijTuIiToiL
For the pi. -erv ation, Lea .ty, ;i ovvtli, ui.i
ii--loralin of Ihe I Fur.
It has I one been the desirt of jiersnlit troubled
w ith alitf, h'ti.-li, iiiiruly hair, lo j.iocure n ar
ticle which would at once lender tho hair oft.
li.tly and hen it. ful. The iim.d . iierfrct ami
admirable ailicle ever di-envied for that pur
j.oe i.s Dr. Cook's M i,;it ilair Oil.
I'liis (Id ja-ii. trales lie in.iiut. st pores, gir
inc ti e dry and wtthi" inc t. ilhs la w Lie atel
viC'i'.opeii'iie; llierjjulla, n-s, tmPSens pret rves
I c.n.!.li , '-mi bt; tiiciheiis I tie, and tutu
f, o in la iln i.; oil, r.ii.o.f, tie dal. li all. and t-uTM
iii.'-i-d ban into that w h'.i li Is Miioolb, k'""' ,
ui.d wavy. It is admitted by all lo be th" creat
es! invention of the a;re foi'beaat.fy in;; the hair
ai.,1 no. I. i:ii' it p.-, mam-tit.
Dli. C'.Hih'.S.MAtilC IIAIH OIL. .
Ii a t.ll'l-ltt aitlcle, ami fhould be I'll.lll'l IMI th
toilet ot t vpty lady who VbIiips th j.;lotjr ami
hiaut.liil appeaiaiuro of "tb flowing rliiK,w'
an I the w iu,ii! curl."
Puce, .'41 i i'iils per bottle.
For fale at I'r Faslci ly'n Family Medic''""
Ptore, corner t Th.M and ( hesnut ttreids Ht.
Loui. M . Alto hv P. A. !aror, Ht. Mary
! uml I y der.l ti t .n Ci'.'d.cim.t ftnci all y I"
;.. 12 ly
" -w'ciM M,riJJf t,f
; r
.,. . - '