Nebraska palladium. (Bellevieu City, Neb.) 1854-1855, November 08, 1854, Image 4

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i I
5 -
!' l I.V !i" I ;:
Ii . m
" '.v..r. : .
l'.o riii1'-'
il;'', ui'.i
a. ill c!:!'.).r!
1 .,1'
:'.S 1)U
around liini, viz
tiling in the. it k;;
even thing 1') it
; 1 (i u: c ;" -
r 'i i".; i". co:i vprl !
proper pi c:.
1 .
Ino nno'ovi'ii hrt
1 ,e.M..l
ofcvtll''.' hor.scs, :she-n and w int.,
and keeps no more than lie can
keep well, cither i'.i summer or
He alwiiys drives on his work,
and never lets his work drive him.
His animals are never underfed
or ov er-worked
1 1 i s o;il-!i.)ii
ijl(t rv-tto;i-:o.
a ;il;o;i-
r.' n
; n.l com-cri
xvnh'jvl on tho
fin. in nrv.l neat within.
I Jo ha-; ;i tool-iUMi.',
for evory tool in it, w!i
wnntc 1 lor nnv oriiinni
s'io:i r.s in"iu:iir.' wi k'-: kmh.-, ana
i i ... i . i . i ,
niiikin. tfv?, hot or l'ork
handles. I
careful-, 1
an. I al-o ior slowintr
iv, awr,
as will not ho wantcJ un
til :n
e u, s! aroitnu
,ti i
oar n i
j'nj.'ii '
tii pi'OO'l't ll!S (.'
tlit wciit'ier
sthles for his
I lias leaves
or other r;
vpfotaoie ltiiilicr
(-jc-eteer v
from Ir.s head land
convenient o
lii.s barn-yard, to decompose wiih:
his jaunura l:cp thronh t'ie
tor. !
He docs not allow the liquid i
niHii'ire to cscapt into Lie nearest
stream a quarter of a mile fronij
his lurn-yard.
His ham and sh' ds, and dwel-i are supp
with coo.
His fences ore always in rood i
crder, and materials for repairing;
or renewal, are collected and made
ready during t!ie winter.
His wood-shed is supplied with
wood cut in Aucrut, oidv oiit; vcar
1 His wife never scold-, because
she never has occasion t:).
His cellar and jiantry are alwavs
supplied with the raw ir.aterial,
which sh.'i works up into palata
ble form, to 1111 up vacuus at meal
Heavy bread, cold buck wheat
1 1 -ii . . .
"iKs aim rancieu ouiier, are no-i
cities which her ;'.ide man" and ';
the children have heard tell of by
the neighbors, but have never
Ifo considers it a duty to pro
mote the circulation of aL'rieullu
ra! papers, and has saved himself
?ft,C hundred of dollars by fol
lowing tfv-.'r advice.
" His crops are ai.'.'?ys equal and
often better than any "in -2 neigh
borhood, and are kept clear C'J'
lie watches the market and sells
bis crops at the highest prices.
He makes it a rule always to
spend a little less than be makes.
Himself ,nd wile are both in
dustrious, the children are brought
up the same way, are not allowed
to shoot brills, drink whisky, or
.sn;o!:f cigars, or cV'W tobacco.
He buys and sells on the cash
principle, and thus saves himself
from losses and bad debt.
He has a large fruit orchard,
well supplied with every variety
of fruit to ripen in succession.
He studies the theory as 'well
as the practice of firming, ha
flared oiF the hundred dol
lars of a morl '.'.ige, and is serious
ly talking of nuking a bid for his
neighbor's sloven urm, which is
Jip at Sheriff's sale.
He goes to church on t!i3 Sab
Ij.ilh, minds his religious duties,
and brinr-J no his children to do
the same, lives respected and dies
regretted as a useful man and a
0i chri-tian. Far. ."lag.
llncK Cakks. Mix together
M;e j.ou id of
of butter; h.
"c'icrri--s, and
I i,it the whit"
.r; hall
currants or I
ijr eggs,
; of two;
it: iiii
wme an
Cd'y l!
:non IM-
ii gi'ciU F.ipi-ov e
y 1 ii
tv o lu
I i ' I';
o r r
. (.
., . .
, i
:i v
,1 v.
t .
-, Mo- ..r
Im- S ;-i i
c CO.,
i .-ban's, rorfer
.; r"; s, l;ee i cons' .1 '
rt ; iv 1 ( f (JriiccriH, !
...I Croikery, ;V;i'.v...
I a I ar:;" :
1 I.ti u ai
an. I (" -i;:-i l : or at Law. nti-l : .1 i i t -,r
v. will pnirtii't' in ;llii rii
.1 !'vt.-itN. nw:i. Will pfini;''
(i pn.C-vifiml l-.'"' "" iiris!M
U! i-i i T el' I'ij.i!:. r ai.'l l.vl.ti
IMHVM..I. I.m .1. .O-lv .
fir in ( !i.i
' nl !i .In
ly n'.rn 1
'o 11 1 c. ' '
-trcts (.
vm. mm:i:i;t,
inn wti.l S ii ','ini, liaviiii pi'rimiifnt'y
i,"i i- i
. i, w.
..i t..
, M h
I , i a , i i I
:l'.' at.
in pruf. -iuii.
one dour nf
unj:i 1-1 V
at I ...iv,
-. Hi" L".i
U I,
. M)l,DMt)N,
, (i'n ir.vooil. MilW ('". li''J.
mi ,s ..r i:i" if'i ai''l "'ii
,1 t!f -in i-r.-iix- Co:.r: f l"v.d
.V t h i ";
r i"l '.'"- '
u-;. 1)1 I
;. l '. i.
WILLIAM CMKl'li'.I.l).
, ai.,1 Co i:,-t'.ii,r at l.a', ll!i'H'"'i I,
j'u.e 'J"-ly.
A'"ni(".- an. I Cmn ---1 1 - .1- at I..nv. on the north
,i of I.o.:if.tti.., t. ,', low a. an 31-1'
I1ort;.r.!..iif U il. inn. v..;i, r--"pf r t f'llly
,f,.nn th.' ( i::7 n." of (..f i.woo l. MiIIm ('"., '.'.a he I."-' T.ri inn if!: 1 1 y l"ratfil in thm
.,i.,.. an. I t-", ',"!" lii- i',' i:"--i"f.'l S'Tvil'C-. .'i 1
I i i ii . v.. rii"." ! r. ",'.. -. to Pi" f'iti.. " a.'i I j
it-',! 'iv. Hi.i ',' at;... .'1 a fill ( ",r- "I
11 vi , ,) I : , "
lai'iii II. 1
tn I.Mi.ier L'
I'.ll or lillfl
CV" ",r
(.1 i.v .
J ), .' I
il. fl it'"is li,i,i-":f
ai s,M f'ti.'Ii to tin f
il.eir patn", ir".
ill li e ln. S'..'P.
y. ; r. 1 " C., low A.
. 1 . '.'-'.V.
Willi III IV
V."'i,ii Is" K Dr I I 'i
".I t'.'.lar Ware, N". 7
Imirne 1 1, ,1;.-. , St.
"V oii":y Willow,
She'!'":, I '",1 ware!;..: . 1, - rr. T -. r '.'!'!. Main
n'l.'et. I,. .11... "Mai!,. p. 1:1 I.'n.'l ( n.'.'l pa I. . '
ft., st nn. 1;: an "I :. ft fi.r-i nf ii,,c:.iiicsN tool , !.,.!!
r it'. in"; ami ilrillii.c machitic-. lat!i". kc ka.
Kile.". (,'.' toi l-, tr., t.-., art ure.l at
VW'i.t'.M i'.ll Wi.ik.-, bin.;!';. 1 I. imp "t. ! to
11. ISAkKWKI.I.,
aprl?-lr A'-.i-;t.
T!LM.N, it'li;!t. ,v .-).,
S-:iM :'"! K ii.'rt 1-! , iV liriltllPf". whol.s.i!.'
l.' i!:-: :. i'i (. I'. " ' .' r i ' -. T' a-. Wiii" ami f.iij'iors;
('.).. :;ni-. ii.'i a:i'l I','rii,ir !';i; .M-Tcliaiit.1, 1"H
Nnith Si.'. nil -i!.'":. t 1. 1 us. Mo.
ClIAKIlS TlllSHS, V M . I I' IT. A (i F H,
I'iiap. Itnii.n.Ja. Ami.pi.i: KLHTimi.n.
MississuTi roiNnuv,
Odtcv, MvC'ii.e V Co., between M irt'.in -i!
(iremi .-Let-, nn Main ami S-ecml sli.el-, t.
l.oiii-', Mo ; li il iers of S "am I'.nrri m-. llouei
ami im v '': ,ptf ,i! of M.U iii.ii tiin.'i V.
ar,.- 1
wm. jr.sso? .
"el .' ; fl W.l ,'flioil-.
.: i i s' rent, St. I.oui
' - in .'., ". nr iripoi
si v
i Main, r
nT M
"'"I '
1 1. e! of a:i ,1. -
! In i. Her. (ill 1'ie
he t ter: .s. l.'-t'ia . i! I. A ' P. V. !'. I.L. A't.
J. V. CO.,
VVholeal ami retail dealer in Hjots and
Shoes, of all Win!.i, No. lit Main street, tit.
Louis, Mo. iiprl'J-ly
facti.rers of ("opitr Tin aifl SllKr.T-
woPK,n'h listiopper J'lpea for
St.-im Knin.'s uinl )i-!ilierie, Jiieeclinij and
CI, imimv-'. So. i a li' n.-ra torn and Fount ftiii!. iire
wiiit i.ii"l dil Wimis of Col fir K t:les, W t-l and
Cisiern I'niri'is arid . vei y nther art irle ill their
line (if Hii-iiiess, limy al-o inaii'ilaetiirc ami
keep ( nii-taiitly on hand th" St. Louis premi'irn
CooUir ; St.ivrs, tmilal le f jr Strain Moat Hotels,
(.'nlle-. i or ot her : miliar r ii.lishmeiits ; mad"
i'l a iro 1 1 and workmanii-:.' inanner, an. I out ff
fond am! s'il.s".ant:". materia!; and nf dillereiit
si.e. All kind (-f 'l inwiiip on ham!, wholesale
and retail, No. '-'-i Main street, south-cat cor
ner of Cherry, St. J,onis, Mo. api U-.iin
T2. Briti-hh Cuiri --lifts andBJackwood's
I,Fos vnr Scott It Co., Nv York, rontiniip
to pnldisli the f 'illowti.T liritis.'i Periodicals :
The Loi.doi. (J aart 'r'.y Jiev-p.. (Conservative.)
The K. di!iliiT'.:h lleview (W Irf.)
The North lintmh Iievie ( f ,-ee (Tiurch.)
The Wfstmiri-'t.r liview (Liberal.)
JiUcWwood'n J'.dinbiiifrli Mr:,;uziiie (Tory.)
The present rritical state of Knropenn aiTaifj
will render these puiili.-atinns unus lally inter
estinc t uri 'tLT the year IS-il. Tin y will orcu
py a iiii'hile tfrj ir:d betwi-e n the hastily written
r.cvis itcrrLs, r.-i.rt.i .s,icnlaUoiji and flying m
iimri of th" pie-ent i! aily jo':r'.:.I. and the pon
di r.ois 'i'i me of the i":i','i, e hi iLoi .an, written af
ter the pin.' and e ci'dnent of the
STif i'. political evenls of the tiiif (hull have
pa-si d awav. It is to these periodicals that
readfH in A lo- k for the only really intelligi
ble ami reliable history of rnrrent events, nd
as siich. i'i a.l.litioa In lh.;ir well established lit
erari. ih("lnt'irn), and (."ient f: r!.naeler. we
lii'L'f th.:." upon ti.e ( C'.'iMi.lcnitjon of the reading
Arran;'fir.e.,w " pro-ress fur the r. rc pt
Lfca-iv s:,. estfon ai-h a.ildi-h. r. l.y
y.!,i, !,'e s',,,11 hei hleto piar'"rr.:rluTni'1"
in tin- hand.; nf f lh-cr.Seit. abo'it as f-nnn .
tliev en u , fni ni-h J wph llm foroi'n copien,
Al:h'.:ijo thisrtill ininivea ei V lare OMtlay
on pit, v -lial! eoi.l to iriirh the pe
i in i !r:j at he same low ratrit ui teretoforc,
viz : i r aim.
1 ortify oi.of 'he tour Peviews, )fii ("'
For any two of trie f ir kf.ien, )U
For 8.'iy thr,;e..f ti.e ',v ir jiem iis. 7
For nil four of ti.e HoiieA-, X '
For Jl acka iM, i'rt M I'.'atine, 3 (Hi
For Pl.'n'k a oo 1 iii. d t'.fcf It". iei s, it Hi)
For lUiU'kwomi ami th f nr Jieiietvs, 1 J IJl.
HLi GO CD 3,
Juni iirrivi"b i'r stimuli r D"!nwiiro, ut
m l C ( ( 1
i V
a uurAsjiivs cIK.'W CJSU STORE
On rfi.i'i stm-:, M. Mar
l i sin.l t'ni;;r..ri
.... . .
i an
n i vV
find a
rail , .,!y
lry ;., h,
if. ' ,n !
1'i'oy isi.ins;,
ich ilicy fi.ll
I If
i pi'.
.-p rv:
. !i'!;oj.s
. o
f !
I I. S T
1 M.
IT; l.
r.iiwr.r i.i.v;:
' t'l
). II,
r P
;,- IV.
I', !.
.1 ..
ii : I'
, i ,.t j
11. 1
A. V. i-
W l.l i.'.A I
1 i W I
I i.l
. i. r-. i
. I... 'I
, . v 1
'In ri
;-t. I, i
i'l':!'. i
I I.l I'l-
. Ml,' ,1 I
! .v. ,.t 1 p. '
..; I '. a. v.
t- S.. .1.,
i! ; hi'Ii tlif
I. ;il SI.
I l. ,i' ....'
'I !.. -'.-.
-' !i ..' I
- Ii l.lliT.'
In "Is , r.
i:if irt. si'
. ..I'l i
r i'.
rt- Ii
. I, ;;i
I. up;
i 1 tl.ii ti.m ,
I p c -nil.";
'.ill, mi at !
im: roinii nii.ty iviti r.-lv up.
i,r tii, luif. Tliroiic'! fi.
.vi',1 ini-.'l it'i Init a C". lin
.1... , 1'. A.
ii X'-'.y
ii Hi-
:t . hi
!M il: '..
SI. !.,
, A I.
'" '
N.nhorn Italnal L nc.
P.TV.'l.l .'-I. I ...iiis Ii..',.ii nifl .
V ,, k. -"!"-1 1 r: r ft t'.s ,'U lr rl 1-' Mi am
if up. I i"i . on 1 .1 1."" 1 : .1 0 1 11. 1.1 if .11, 1 .,1 n 1,1 J in.
m tii.w ) rep arc-1 t o .'.ii,' , a 1 I I ,r 1 1 if I r m "t '
ti.iii of p', "Iff .'.nil ii!"r,'!:,'i'nlip wi"i ,ti-p;,l.'h.
T ,, ,
rt a
il (. ff an;
otifr lotitf a,','! iijio:i v.'ry
:if 1
VWI'OR!) & CO..
,i; -.-. N. V.
II. A ;,
I .r f'c:,'',t a; ;,'v to ():,!- Ki
C. It. H.. I" S at.- strct'l. It'"
-i,.i : J. I,. ar
iifi. Al.-iiI .N. It. R., .
( '."irllarnl street, 1
N. Y.; ;, . .T , -1 1 11 i i .
U.." li:. .! OriM't, N. V
,.'.i,li. ai , 1 O. S.. o.
, iiai'i'iei I 1 i 11 Av. (.': a w-
,.r. I. ( i.-v.'ia'i.l. O.; S. I ia
il.: ili.-r ,t Co.. !..
(.ILIU'.Rl' K' M l'. Jr., Accnt.
an-rl-lv No. V2 S.v'.ifl t.,S!. l.oiii.
fTJ TUP Pinnri. !) el Pie a'.ovf Nursery,
y vitiiHteJ srfii mil"" o'ih cf St. 1. 0:11?,
ave nn' ill emu:!,- ami rcauy inrnan
n l ileliverv tliii Kali the coining Sprlnc,
, m.i,'!, larier anl I,,:'. r a-ioi ttin'i.t. of Vru.t.
( r:i : 1
,1 1'
h mi I., r. -t' !me ;
hi v flatter tii
lit,, i'.-i ill' I
. i.-i.t . an,! nf it,..
tt n.'i c 1 11 lie lia l
inii-t ir.ake it the
I '.v to ra'l a'. 1 ("
l.avc I
...ii.- I"
:i a.)l" l i f 1 rm -h.
it p"i sons i-hiii?
can I "
f .riu-li. ! to buy
e th: i! ! V a'fl V !;'oloil 1 OWtil.
.-ei:"'.; ami at pricei that
inter.'. t f ail w i-!iinir tt 9'.ip
rn;i.i t ir S;.i"k.
Pheii Ii.-r: in'ive Catii' "' i'.1 for l1 '! 1' now
i.i I v for ;.'lii .1 v. niel w ill I." f irn "h.'il to all
pii-i-pan! applf-alinm. Their t"rin will he as
he r.'tntoie, ( " . 1 1 on riliiKHV, iinle.''i 1.1'hfr-ivi-e
a,'r.'".l iij mi. an ! w .1! v. ry to the si.o
111 I a--' nt the frees or plaf
Or.l'T- (or I'all plant:':,--im-! ! h 'en' in far-
(v, to prevent ,ii. -ppoi;.' ' fur the
time to fill ai,'l .li nvr t.-fme Winter-
A'l or.ier-i l.y t;,ail uii.. 1: I l.c a ! !
S. 1. ."us to
aprl'Mv J'lIIVSil.I'I'.-'lV .
want of
I 1 iii.
vmnisiA noTrT .M i.mi f mo. ij
t;!y.oj7.7 kV.Uiiii''( ,'n en rf $
fr:nc!) Uuvr th'.l O'.cuics.
NI.Mil.V '
twi; "' i i
V.XPV.' I--i
I. " i'l S".
'Il'fl he tch )
e il'lul.iV of
West. 'To
it liter. . ary
liV-re i,iae
, se.".'l.'l at
and ,s.i::..ilt
e f .
'- ( I
i nn,' i ii at ; 1
. to j '!..'" ..(" n
a laj t"d to in il.
i il lal it V, A c ' :
" i li'ri" - i.i i .
. 1 1 ir s", "k t :
i. irr le d
.'. ai : th.
to i i-.t ;i
rr.. s
hy one of tli"
i m
t v.
It a. tli
tiie propr.ct .t s, 1
we I. lay, w hen
'i.' In..'' ii- -ired
tin- pri "lea!
::ii" tim i. : ,.r-
A e order
't ':'
miller a',
lance of
, he cei'tu, u of o i' a i
For s',.-(-.... f::l u,. ii
d millwright can a;.'f
this an iineni. n. in;
k is a! ays
larue, and any de-ired icii.p",- ami text'ire of
burr can he obtain.':! delay.
uoiriNi; cloths.
To oh'ain the ipialny of li,,tin- Cloth best
suited to inillmi; m ttie W. -t,e have h! the
Sreate-1 rlitric'i'.ty. ()vw.!..i,,h hulls I y fast
riiidm, and tfie lare q .ne. il ;es nf sp-mir
v, lieat and oats proved so ile-trmt ie to ti.e or-diir-iry
Cloth, that complainis of tn I il owiktj
and millers b. f.inie so I eij ie ;.! . w e found it ne
cessary to oiitiiiii heav er and -'inn.'.-r Ci'.tiis,
or subject o"rselv.-s to a -'i-p'fion nf selling
inferior article. We laid I. "lif e the man il ac
tnrers oi;r ol, ectinns to their Clu'hs, and order
e:l heavier and ston.;er t. l.e made. Tl.ey uu-d.-rto-.ic
it with fejrifi!' tliat t:iey
could not make tin-ir Cio' is heavier and j re
erve tiie iiiiifoi inity of iu"-h. so iinlisix i. ga
ble l'nr (.'nod liiillim.'. T.'iev hale Slice. (...;. j.
Oi'K l.ol.l I M. I .1 II? A hi: nw m tit ex
l.v n, i f, and for beauiy of tin,''i. uiiilo.ini
ty f meshes, strentli am! il'ir.ih.lity, we i.-lei
to the millers generally in i!ie couiiliy, aiel -pecinljy
to the millerH an I mill owners ik thin
Our attention lir lii. i y y.ars has bcoi di
rected to obtain the besl plan for Coiis'.ructini;
these noli i. In many eases th"y are use. by
inexperienced buliii.-, and t'l. ri fo.e, duia'iility
and simplicity of roi,siniriioii wa the cSjeret
10 be 'Iai,,.d. in tbi thinW we havt tc
ce, led. We believe o. b. c an ,e in the i? eat
iim,'i"r we have o! l. ther' h , not Iw.-n on, le
turiied, nor to our km.w'e '. j,- )'j,le 1 to peiform
iitii'i'ij- to the hatlsraet ion nt iho'e n ffcem.
l'hey are in eKtens.i e use in the We-l, am!
many of theiu m New Mev.eo an I Caiifocn.a.
Our mill - are known as l'()liJ'S I M I'iiO YF. I)
(ii.lN MILL. We e lamifaciur, . i,iee kinds,
to :t; cast ion Hill,, to (ri'iii I by wfirht
of tho run aer ; rroK and chain i:n.if tiie
lower stone to run, and 1 iie pin sm m: m i i d.
I'ali lit riveted, Cfli. elite i and machine Jllttcll-
LK.ITlIEll rr.;vLYG.
" aitwJe is t.ow in i Ie in the erea'c-f per
fefiloT,. and JZ"' ' 'x'"'-;'' !.V '"led i tiie
mannfa' t ir.iii; e-i..i .rr-!' u. !.'" '".miry.
We keep on hand the t .i---.ii tn.i v.?
V.'. sieru country, of uvw., and li.''.. a n
iiiauol act'ii e.
I' A I K IN(i A Mi llnsK. W Me thf oll'y
agents of the l!o..ton ( ..nj any in tl.i. n'y foi
tiie Sale of the,.; K-.'.'Is.
Jinl-l ll IK'le.Ss, mill
"cic.w, ildiiiai, p4
indies, re' t'atirg
iron pioo i-fii,
anil piciJ, njiceii w ne, tnpp. r nv.-is, lace I'
Pie i , calcined plaster, &.C., jic, ("j
iy ou hand. iJ- j
I.n...-. "vi'iril -2 1. 1 .) !. n I l-l v.
I . OKT'i- doi, ,: M- u
I. dci -ripiio i. at
. i i'..-)3'n.u, .
:. KtXNT.Y 4
f "ve ry
Ml HIT V do.'Il M ,,
Fjl Ch-'tlp. l:t III A
r. OKI.I. !
.... I
it .-
Ci;r, f .-
', I
.) I'IF.CKS . f i'.
U i',!:: lo.V, 1,1
'. K'l
To'. ..-
i U. CO. !,.... ,
an ja.rior i: rr i.'le i,
ii,. I.t ihe A.ency
. '.o , ':
li-.- W. -t will tin I
i.-. -.ving and . i-.k I :;
st.i.e, i.f ,;ti'.'.;.;;,
r. ..-'It.
, r,tl STQs
it Vtffs G.Ac" Todd tCsli I
I Ar'S V t 5 S.irr ,r, to I U p"rlei'!
J 1 ttia' C'.in.r ahnfj li i in',- u:i I u
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J. VllfillH lnTn,.M I.MI 1- M'l. I'J i ,
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ronriiMP tlif ni"-T
ii'-fi-M n r ' i t I . - iri ib .'c-'talilf
r, i i!y .-f..r. ... . j.- 'i .,( I!,.. Ciiin
f ii ilia. V.'low I...'li.
itc ,if Pnl.i-.ini", ail nf whii'li
.in' k'lii'.vil Id t!,P li'.l,'- il f li1 lity t,i lif Infill)'
"tlirdc in i - in tli.' I fiif n a I nf ili-i'.m.v, an I In li;u
a !'. a. tii.n on ! in' l.uu. I,iu",', Kil:i'tt.
Itl'ifl, (JlaiiiU. nifl jl'rinarv nri;.iii, rr-tni int;
: lii'Ml to a In all liy ii.' 1 1 "li. f ii n 1)1 1'liT I Ifin to pip
I n: t lif f ,n "t inn" f aimi' -m'n' I. It is iin
rni,li.!.'i,l!v li.'li.' 1 that ).n! ir Kt.rlv's .
lii.p' aifl SafiapanJIa (. t In- !."t Altfr.'mtiM' arnl
III.," t I'm ifyn, i,if,l;cii,f ni r nil. rfl tn Hip
puMu'. It i rln'af.tT, plea-anl.T, an, I wai ro;i-ti-1
Mipn ior tn an v ,.,l.
Dr. Pi Vr v's Initiiic a'fl S.u :ipai ilia i. rir
i!;iiiii.;i'l. , a- th.' iitn-t I'llii-arinif iiH'iliriiif that
rati p,i -tf.. l,f ii-i,. ,,it o:ip iii-ti'ico (if iN
f lilm lia-. r rr m r-irr I wlirn f.ntM'iilly ns.'.l.
pur Sniri y I1"!!1. Pintriir., Tt.iiuir'., W hile
vv .1 1 in.'", I'l.."'", C.iif.'r". I". nliirt"' I (Jliii'ln
Krvr, M.'i.'iuial 1Ii-im-p. Svphil-tic
Liprn-j, r.rysip.'l.n, Tctt.-r. Salt
mi. af. I all ri',tart'o'i Jij";i, , )r. . i;,-r-.
liti" iiii I Sara;,arilla ."',' !' too lii rli-
ext.. I
1. It
Ii." n it ! '10 vrr v
-,t nf
hln.,,1 ii
ui .nl unit in- or ;i t t
M'inU ol' t!n'!Miiy aii'i lv i'c:ihnn Mi C'u'jn,
teiitli i tlif rtif' rt t U i,t an t ti fhinirtt.
iim;i;sTHN nit DV.ri.i'MA.
fril u Inch n imirli lorip In t!i tt'im;irh
!" ""' ,' ' n 1 ' 7- T '"'
-ncMo d,;.v. .1,,- 11' Jr. I,.ft,,y m ln,l ...
C0I11J, lailitt it!lo'i )'. 'I"l,t.
I lr. Kf'erly 's IoiIitiC an I arapiri!!a f iisri!
Wit h th ("11 at. ft s icee-s in ilieama I ic coin pi a ill's
cupe.'ially such as are clirn.ii". It cures liv .In
line nit all impurities ami fell li'imnm whirh
have aee iiiniil,ite,l in t ie system, whieh arc t!ie
cause of llheiKnati-m, ami swelling nf th"
joints. ( Itlmr reineilii s sninetnnes riv. s lempn
rary leliel; this eniiiely ciailicatiM tin! di-easi;
frnfi the system.
Foil Mmu niMi. ano Venkhai. I)is..ks(
Akiixtim; rut. iii.noii, (ii.ASns,
C.ll: Jol NTS AMI ItoM S.
Dr. F.a' terly'.s Ioiline am) S ars ij.arilla is the
h.-t ever ii.veiitcl. 'Phis iiip,.!i..iii is
id to the puMir nut merely as a purifi T of
the iii.noii, h it as a poweiful era.Iicator nf the
n.o-t I'irnient poison-, (leci'.siom'.l hy r:,e:cni ial
ami taints, which resist the a.l.on of. ill
nlher ri rne-lir. It will chip the wm st t.i:fl nf
limri'iirml ili-eases, no matter li.nv deeply it have eaien info the frame and i ital or.ins.
It will cure the w orsl case, of secondary fy
philes nr eneral di.-i-a-es, no niat'er huw l""'
it may have e isle I, Imw had, or how deeply
seated in the system, it will annihilate and ex
pel the vims arnl restore the system to a stal" nf
nt!i ami parity. 1 nr Llceis in the
ntll ami throat, lililar; ment nt Hip Cilaml-,
j Ooit ie nr tn iiioi ' in the I'll mat, nm'.es, I'ains in
ttir li ones a let Joint it is ti.e only sale and sup
remely. Vuiiiiif per-on who havo ica-nn In
s i i eft .-.ny impiint,' in their hlond, ci' her her-
' ie
'ill nl' lliipril lelii p o' f,-l, t tn p:
this virus nclore enterii.:' t'
t.',astlfv may th.'iihy in: only
nf i:
-el', es a'.':.l'l-t the (la
ncy am! .,;hei mi-t .rtm e, 1 T
-cc:.: .; I ii
-pin,-. 1.
, itn l!ie
.... . , t a pule an ! I '-ail.-lv
f--1 liy par -oas, or i,:,-i
i . . ; s..i.. ; y.
S .' I I. lo-nlll' '.," ' . I' TIM". At 'IS K v, I'l. M PI h
ami L in n a fi y i !m; A V , Ii !.,,: V , till Wl.l.
an ii Li i i ii I'i..'; i a i .vi .
Dr I'-.-ti i lv's I". i. ne ami a: sanai iP.i i . !h.
,d only Ia'
that n.i :
!.t t,
I. In
.::i.i I
i '
FO!l ni:u Ol'S msp.Ar i;.,.
No laii' i.i ;'!! can ennvey an ad. ri ate idea
I of t in id. ,1 i.ite an I a 1 it..,-1 mil a- i.!..-,s e h.-, .,
willed is pne h iff. I liv use of Dr. li.'ateity's
Iodine and S..i saparilia, in the diseased, d.'liili-
tat 'd and shatl dncivoiii system. Whether
broke down by tces, weak by nature, or impa
le I by sickness, the iinstrut, am! relaxed or'ii
nii.itioii is ol mice rebrarej. revived and built
up. Jn ca ie of Neuralgia, Nervom lieadafhe,
Lo-s of la.-moi v, (jeneral I'ro-tiation, N'er oii--n.
-s, Vnt.C'i, I'ain in the Nerves of the Face,
ami the vano is train of nervous, atT'C ion", il
will pro. lure a cure in an asloiiisliuitr si, oil
time. The filed of this medicine is to (jive per
manent relief to the nutferer, and to restore the
sbatleied and debilitated coimtitution to llspiis
tine health and cor.
Da lies f paie complexion and consumtivp
habits, ami nu ll a are debilitated from any of
the obstruction incident to t.'ie sex, s ic U as ob-
strii. tion or painful menstruation, t four Albus
or Whiles, (ireen; aln, excessive llow
of the .Menses, Jiarrentiess, ic, can be restored
by the use of two or three untiles of II.-. Fast
arly'ii Iodine and Sarsaparilla, to bloom un l
viiror. It i far the best remedy eve.r discover
ed for weakly children, and such an have bad
humor tieini; pleasent they readily take it.
It immediate! V restore the apt.etip , rentfth,
n l color. Noihimj can tie more R.ippris'ii'
Ihnn its im it'or a'lii;; eib .' oil ihe li.iii.aii f ame.
I'ersoim al! wcikuesa and lasituue le lore tak
ing lr. Kaslirly" Iodine and S.u lap.irilla, at
once become pd.iut ami full of enemy under
Its iiiliueiicc. It immediately counteracts the
nervousness of the ! finale frame.
A Wosni.ui XL I'l iiii i nu ok 1 ll r. Jii.oou.
It in very pleasent to the last, and is more
concentrated, bcmij sti otier, better and cheaper
than any other medicine in ujc. Families who
have used this article are ln-ver w illin;' to be
Without it. Taken in the early stat'es, it is a
sure preventative of almost any specie of
V"Ask for Dr. Jvisterly's Iodine ami Far
sap.ti .lia nifl take notliin else.
Price tfil per bottle, or six bottles for ft."..
A liberal discount made to wholesale pur
chasers. yi'or sale at Dr. Kanterlv's Family Medi
cine Store, s i p, h-ea st corner of 'I 111 l t and t'hes-
iiut street-, ht. Louis Mn. ANo by V. A. Harpy,
ft Mary, low a. and Py deaie in medic in' s C'Ui-
' eially in Ihe West.
vn:iiLY'.s fi:vj:u and a out:
1.1.1. u.
I warranted to cmt Ajim
" 'I Fever, Dumb
-true Cinlls and I ever. 'InfermUant
mitUnt K-veia., -.,..d nil the variouis forma of Fe
vers liu-iik'i.t lotiie West It
Thil populir 'eriiPily has now been before
the j.uMir two y .ar-, in 1 during that time about
have been scd an l in no instance has it failed
to i Ifci t a rmin int ru e as f ar as heard from,
nr to give r t,i f itulaction lo t.'ie jj(if:.,er.
It is vv alien '.- I to c ue al! ease, ..i Ihe money
Will be refill, h-1. I j ' ;.. man, w mnall or child
su.i'er w .th this n - tress in;; diva-iC, w lien a sure
i eiue.l y is at band.
P.'-a'l tha te 'iii,..;:-,' from Jo.:i Milb r k Co.
I.VANSV 11 1.1., il., Oct. '',), Si l.'i.
Dr. I'as'er! , .-.r; We Cke i b-H-'.le' in sitt.
,1 i t!i...t we dive in a -Insed ijii hnt'Jesot
lever ;.u, A .''ie ivller, ;,.id bine atid tin.
" Saul"
to ..:
lo '.!
id 1 1 ifis e iet si a p.'i m.
1 -. W i hafj s'.'d r.'"ii ly
ins f .- :i"ue and Jevcf, but
id ii ;-! i .f .i tioh u:t your
r. We la 'i' te it is th,
fo.-e th-p-:! 'ir.
J ! i .';:',r K C'J.
l.'iri" r
S i ! ! ii"
in M.i
i ,r i
i.'il I i
I .il.i
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1 .' l' .ll
I l.l't.T
I th. I,
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,t !'
I i.-.r!
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,l..ri S. ( rinap. (ir'i.l
lU. o .i i ioii, hi .i' im; tlaif
v- -
rt A'ii"H I w.i in yn'irrity
! I liini' I OIL' il.'f rn !i.i"l" of
I., killi-r, w !m li yon srrnn
m.'.iI , ..n i'l' t!)i'M.'.i-'i. w Im h
'iiif li" .ilii-iiif Ii i :;nrn rii
f.n, it lim iii'':" i i"'l ' si
an i I . if; . ( ii," r.i p:i 1 1 1-
Ii i I ! t. hi'! i" I i fir
i"itn..-. ninl lis I t' I" If !.'" '.'I
i ai. l A
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I ,H
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I iO . I' 1 -t
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i i in-.' a p:i i i i.iii pa 1 1
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a 'i. I" ! hi . ci liii'l ii"
i . nl i r ! v r ii i I. i"l
f vr .in'. Pi if) Ci
I I.KIf'Ilt in".
, , I t!,i- t ifi-.-. all i'l' ' lii'
I ,.,;ti.' til' vi"T'iii-
. I n ." l I r It. '!"
I Ill-l-hfH " I !.- "l I l.f.lltll
' ll.lH it I llll li Ll I li.Tt d
i K.'M , ll'iiilv im: S. Criiinp.
I P. S. I will 'f in vnur pl.irrr a.iin pliin tly,
i an I u ill Imv nun I.i,'..'. Iv.
N. P.. Ask f r Dr. l asterly's I ever mi l Ajue
killer, snd take no other, an I yo i air sife.
A lihiial il.sco'inl made lo wholes ale ilealere.
J'li." SI pi r In, Pie. oi-s.x hollies for tji i.
I'orsaleiit )r. Fiistrth 's Family Medirine
Store corner of Thii I and Chesnuf streets St.
Louis, al-o by P. A. Sarpy. St. Mary, ami by
dealers in inc. I if ines ceiii r.i liy in the w est.
This is a pleeseiii, safe aifl ellecliial remedy for
Dvs.'ul ny, liiiiirhu a,Chopra.('hopr toi!uis
S imin. r fomplmnt. Cnlir ripm;;. Pains.
Wind in the Stomach and Jtnwels. ('ramps,
1'retlint; and Crying of infants, and for all ir-
r.'i; llaries of the bow. is.
1 1 is oiip of (hp most ririfirnf, pleasent, arnl
safe prepai aii.ui rvcv olfi rr ! to the public for
the rem. .ml of the v:ii ious (I"i,iii,'i i-fiits of the
S'mn.i, !i nnd I!o rls ,in, the only rti le worthy
nf I he li a-t enn li. !en ir fur r in iiif, Chnlei a I nf all
ium on Summer Complaint, and all the dcratij,'
mr nts nf Ihe linw els from trethmi;.
Dr. liasterly's Dianhu a Syrup is without ex
C( ptiou one of tli most valuable Famiy Medi
cines ever discovered. of families of
the tirst respectability in St. Louis luueuse l it
ami beai the strongest testimony in its favor.
I'ri. r Jjcents per bottle.
For sale at Dr. I iartei I , '.s Family Medicine
Slo'e. corner of I nidnti l ( hi nut street M.
es, aU., by I'. A.Sirpy, and by dealers in
medicines t'.ieial!y in III" west.
DK. P. V.-l'iiKLVS VF.liMirrCF..
The K. iiiedy for Fxprllinc; Worms from
'i ll.' mo-t safe, pica tri.t aud elTeclna ineili. ine
known lor the removal of worms form child
ren is Dr. Fasleily" Vermifuge.
Parents mid (T'lardians b.n inir the rhnrrrrof
clnl drrn, 'Ifi'ild watch raiefully the symptoms
of worms in tlfir rhirdrrn. ami as soon as sy mp
tniiis iieiicate their presence, they should at otice
le-oit to the ii -i" of Dr. I.asierly's Vermifi,jji.
Viore childi. ii die from Worms than nil other
diseases, and a more miserable object can scar
cely be imagined than a child sulf'. iiiir; under
the ordinary sy mploris of worms. Parents, m i '.:
this: Will you not blame yourselves, if yo u
children (lie, that you did no! use Dr. Faster!)'
Vermifuge in liln" V This Vermifur will re
move every species of worms f mm the-system
in six or fi'lit hours after taken.
Price i'.i cerits per bottle.
For sale at D.'. Fasterlt's Family Medicine
Store, .so lib-east coiuor of Third and Che-nut
stre. !s. S. Louis, also by I'. A Sarpy, S'. Mary
and by dealei.s in medic. n irenerall in the wrst.
For the cure of liruisi"., Sprains. Wounds,
Tooth Ache. Colic, Ciamps or .Spavins. Cho
lera, Dysentery, Kheumat ism, Fains in Ihe
Stomach am! Hour-Is, and wherever there is
Pain, it is a speedy and cei tain cure.
'Phis Medicine ha - inoie eon trot over all pains
than any other ev er invented. It is u-el holh
Int.-i inily and l .vlernally, and its sootbuu: ef
fects a re msi a nt Iy felt by I he v,,!), alleviat
iiur the most excrutiatiri!; pains in a few minu
tes. In a word, it is a I'aim Knu r..
No human" family or phys.cian should he
wilho it it. It has bi rn used ,y thousand of the
inosl nil. iin,'i iit am! respe -table lamilies in SI.
I. mi; : I all pi on mi nre it the iuo-1 Speedy and
Lift ft a. il (,'urative tiiey have ever used.
Da F I Mti.i "s Pai.n Kii i i b
i- beyond all douht the rit'.st eerlam remedy ever
,1 ,- .. i red for Pains in I ! e M'li'iaeh. Pains in
in" :- d", Ii . as;, l!.ic!. an I 1. nibs. Ii. is al-o an
r fa!!.! ! remedy for Colic, i l.arrh ra, Cholera
M.'thn -. I'.iiiit' r's (,'oiir, W i ml in the S'nu at h
ail li t.eis, Dyspepsia, Soi o Throat, Head-
' ' L ( Al ITON TO Till; i'l'liLIC.
Hl.W.MU Ol I .11 I l loS AND (iot'N I 1 Kri.ITS.
The only miine and real Pain Uilliris pre
pared exeln-ivel y by Dr. F. isterly, the mle
I .-'( ii t..r. 'I ( ifinti i leits and ilnlla
t mn . altroad. Tiie- sfoie be sure to asl; for Dr.
I. a-t. rl v's Pain Killer, and take no other, ami
you are s: fe. -.' cents per hotllc; five bottles for fcl.
For sale at D.'. Fasteily's Faintly M.-dicme
Store, soiitti-eat comer of Third and Che-nut
street ,, St. liiiis, alo by I'. A. Sarpv St. Mary
and by dealers ill medicine generally in the west.
"... 11.1.
.si Jii, i
For the cure of Coughs, Cod. Is, Astham, Con
FUinption, Bronchitis, Spa ling of, Pain
in the Side and Breast, Pleurisy, Whooping
Cough, and all disea-es of the Lungs and
Among all the celebrated remedies for Disea
ses of the l.i'M.s and Chut, none seem to be
meeting w ith such success and to give such en
tire satisfaction to all, as
This valuable remedy is purely vegetable in
its ingredients, arid perfectly harmless in all its
qualities, and as mild ami pleasent as the inns
delicate cordial. It i wiy -soothing and heal
ing to the Lungs, and is every "vhere acknowl
edged by Druggists, I'hysicans, and all who
have used it to be the most l.tlectual Curative
No di'easr incident to our climate is so uni
versal, and at the same time so fatal, as I'ul
.i.....aiy Consumption. This awful
a eeps over the land as a Destroying Angel,
iavii g low the strongest and fairest of our rare,
.Million or .. young and the old are annually
hurried to tin) tomb by this dreadful national
Covsc M I 'l IVL IUai i.h! Bewar e of mere
palliative me lic' The objert of nearly all
tile uiedicinea now oll'eretl fur diseases of the
Fun.'S, is to relieve am! not to cure. Such is
not the rase with Dr. Caller's Cough Balsam.
lu ctddi and coughs, who h are the hist syinp
tnms of cnusumjitinli, it is the most pleasent
and tfi' acious remedy that can posaibl y be used.
In confirmed con-umptiori it has been used with
perfect am! triumphant success, when thrmost
eminent physicians had given up all hope a
va.n. So conlideiil is llie iropnetor or Its ioa -er
to cure Tubercuroiis Consumption, that I.
sola-its a trial ill the worst of cases.
This frightful sy mtdoiii of eornumptiori is
speedily ch( i;k"d ami prevented by the Use of
Dr. Cai ter's Coiiili lijl.sim, which heals the
ail. I 'f I meii.hraiie, removes the incipient Inher
ed i, am! restores those vital organs, the luns,
to a soul. 1 and healthy rondi'inu.
SpiUmg of Bl'jod always arises from a ten
dency to ti.bei culoi.s duea.-e, and if not checked
".) oiitse. will sooner or later terminato in
d-il. 4 "r"a wuu r-sis blood once will
rdiVe'bbMjdVgam no'. l'fopei curahva is iw
luadiately emplo) ed.
This dis le.sing tymp'uiii of consumption a
rises from inl'umaiion of the liuigs or wein Inane
c.iiiid the 1'ieura, or from bronchial miectiolis
of tiie air pas .'l'". J it either cane il is a very
i.iii,eriiu i indication of disease. It prevents
f ill and free breathing, and wear awajr the
iiatuial itriui .'tll of the system. The eauso of
tins -j uiptoru should be removed at once, and
iti.ibing nan po. -iblv tll'e.'t that obert joepeed
ily and l a i Dr. Cartel ' Cofl.rh Balsam
which is aj a s salt! and salutary in its edicts
i on the ( ou.-tit it :n'i.
Fi re -es of jsi.n.piion Ihe Liver is ahvaj i
m. ne or I. -s ail. ..!( I, and al-o the s, fx il, pl'tir a
and sm .It int. Vine-. The ( ii'-'ct of D". Carter's
; ( nuii Balsam IU dr eane.s of the I.iver, e.pec.
j ially if it ba of an nl.-t ro is m' ;re, is direct and
f(i"S'iful. S tuple 'i-e-nc of Hi" Lixr ma.
t ende I by cnnsumjiuotl speedily rules! by j4
w'lv'irn rnrnn.
The hsr-bdry w inter rnugli which afllicU (,(
pe..j ir and ii' nlids in a low state r.f b"ilt,
can be nl rtiiallv rure.l by P,. use of P)r. Car!
tri's Co ih lialssm. It warms, mi.istana sn(
slunul ites the vv hole breathing; apparatus, pur,,
lies slid animates the blood, improve the secrn.
tur power ofthr Spire,, ,,d olMer )(l
ulamls. and the d,u.vl,ve oiK.,ns. and impatia
new life to the Win and financialed systKio
IPciirliilii. (Iithciilly or breathing, ht,)
(niiah.a slimy t rpertnr.i'i.'n, with all (,11,.
ymjiioms caused l,y nn all, , tmi, of the sir tubus
radiug from the t'.roV to thr lungs, are direrti.
and eprrilicallv nirertnl ami rurrd by 1he use
of Dr. Carter's Cungli llals.nn. 'Fhi's if s very
painf ul, wearing ami injurious Complaint
always has a powerful trnilrtu y to inflsms sns
snflcii the Fungi and thereby induct the worst
forms of pulmonary disease, lie warned in
time, ye afflicted, and emjdoy this valuable
Free F.xpecloration is th most iniportant ob
e, t to br obtsinrd in sll attempts to curs uj,.
ases (if the chrst arid lungs. '1 he couch whirls
's so distressing is simply the result of s stesir
to expectorate:, and as lung as foul matter ensta
in tiie air passages, it w ill confirm to irritate
Ihe membrane and prevokea cough. Coiighinr
is an attempt to throw otfthis matter, snii ti
perforation gives great relief. Inability to i
pe( torate in the latter stage of consiimptiftsi
is the cause of death.
is the great expectorant. It dissolves th nr.
bid and disease matter in the air passages, cbis
grs it from a thick glutinous substanca t t
thin harmless fluid, and throws it ofT with th
greatest possible case to the pahent. There is
no better medirine in the world if its tijiects
rant qualilirs alone he considered.
For simple or spasmodic asthma there is a
bettrr remedy than Dr. Carter's Cough Balsam
'Ibis distressing disease which resists almost
everything else, yields to the all powerful in
fluence of this great remedy as readily as an
other form of perioral disease.
should be supplied with Dr. Carter's Cour
Ha Nam, to be used in the eai Iv stages of Cotijas;
Colds, knitting of Blood, Pain in ths Side
Chest, Bronchitis. Dillnully of Jlrathin(f
Night Sweats, Asthma, Inlluenr.a, Whooping
Cough, anil severe Croup, and thereby counter
act the consumptive tendency which is produ
ced by our ever changing climate.
I'nce Trial bottles, 2i; cents per bottle; large
bottles. 51 per bottle, or six bottles, for 5.
ForsaleatDr. Fasterlv's Family Medicise
store, south-east corner of Third and Chesnul
streets. St. Louis, also by I'. A. Sarpy, St.
Mary, and by dralers in medicines generally
iiMheVrsC spr 12-1 f
i o. . ..
Fur the cure of Liver
Complains. Dvsriensia.
lilliousnrss. Loss of Appetite.
Headache. Ilahitual Costiveness. (ienersl
jjcuiuiy, .servousness, ami an uiseases aris
ing from a disordered Liver, or Dig'stion ! I
T hese Bitters possessreinaikahleinrigorstinf
Strrngtlieningaiid Itestorative properties, whirt
give tone and vigor to the Digestive Organs, an 4
make them invaluable for
J.ivfr Complaint, jArstMrr, DvtrtrsiA,
And all other diseases caused from a deranr4
state of the stomach, bowels, and lirer whick
tend to debilitate or weaken the system.
Cannot be to highly rerommended to person
smb-i iii'? with a disordered Ll VFK or ladigss
tiou, Loss of Appetite, Nervous Irritation
Headache. Habitual Costiveness, Ceneral Dehi
hty, imda rarirty of Complaint which it il
impossible to describe.
If there are sutl'erers in St. J.euit, tker are
advised to try these Bitters.
Price fklr. per bmte,orsix bottles for $2S.
F.irsaleat Dr. Fasterlv's Family Medieins
Store, corner or Third ami Chrsi, nt strerls, Kt
Loiiis, ,M... Also by J'. A. .Sarpy .St. Marr,
Aii.i by dvalcis in luediuinaa ;..)lr in lb
We-l. apr!2-ly
,..t.:t.... s- . .. .
J.'f, .... . ..
.... i J.v ..t- J
v ..iiws
A safe nnd reitain cure for (iunorrhira, Clesl
Strictures. Seminal Weakness, and all disease
of the tietiilcl ()j;;aiis.
'1'nis popular . Hid s. rcif.c reined v is nasr f-
reietl to the atllicirtl and warreiited lo cur all
e -esof (,oiiorrlnea. (jleet, Strii lures,
Weakness, and -11 disease- of the (eliital Orjsns
in a lew days. 1 his infalliahle remedy rus
saved thousands upon thousand from the hand
of Merciless Quacks, if not from a prematura
grave. In case of infection. Dr. Baker' Spe
cific is the only safe and sure remedy. Itisrtry
agreeable lo the taste, creates no precept ahls -dor,
and may be used by persons of either tt
withentire secrecy without regard to diet, hin
drance from business or Medical Adviser a
plain directions for useaccornpany the medicine
Header have you a private disease? Do not ri
trlact it. Delay is dangerous. With Dr. Ba
kers Specific you can cure yourself, and thus
prevent all exposure. This medicine will speed
ily and ell. 'dually cure Ihe most virulent caiee
of Secret Diseases, and eradicate every Iiarticl
of infectious matter from the system, and restore
the pat lent to a perfect stateof health and purity,
l'rir.e, $1 jl per bottle.
lor sale at Dr. Kasterly' Family Medicine
Store, south-east corner of Third ard Chesnut
streets, St. I-ouis, Mo. Also by J. A. Sarpy,
St. Mary, Iowa, and by dealer in medicines
generally in the West. apr 12-ly
Sr. 121 irTa Yfzlzil7
A valuable remedy for nppression of the Mea
ses, Whites, Painful Menstruation, Impoten
cy or Barrenness, Sallow Complexion, Head
ache, Dizinrss, Weakness of the nerves, ana1
all diseases which arise from a deiai.geuienl
of the function" of nature.
The mud (scifcct, safe and infalliabl remedy
for the cure of all those diseases of femalu, ar
ising from weakness or debility, and obstrvwtioa
in the sexual organg, such a irregular or sup
pressed of the Men ws, Jr'luor Albus or White
Falling of t!ie Woruh, Headache, Frijhtfut
Dieam,s isc, caused by Colds, checked persiira
tions, excesses, ovei-exciteuirnt, fce., is
Several ladies in the city w ho have sufler-l
for many year w ith the above coinplainU, and
have employed our most eminent physician
without success, have used Dr. Hoojier't Ke
mala Cordial, and have been speedily ard per
manently cured by Its use. If II iere are sutlsr
ers in St. Louis, they can rely upon Dr. Hoop
er's Female Bordial as a safe, pleatnt and of
fer tual remedy.
I'nce (t per bottle, or six bottle for
ForsaleatDr. Fasterly' Family Mediciac
Store, corner of Third and Chesuut streets, BL
Louis, Mo. Also by 1'. A. Sarpy, St. Mary,
and by dealers in medicine generally in tie
West. apr 12-ly
Dr. Cook's Magic Hair Oil.
For the preservation, beauty, growth, an
restoration of the Hair.
It has long been the desire of persons troubled
with stiff, harsh, unruly hair, to procure an ar
ticle which would at once render the hair soft,
lively and beautiful. The most perfect aaai
admirable article ever discovered for that pur
pose is Dr. Cook's Magic Hair Oil.
"Ill is Oil penetrate the minutest pores, fir
ing; the dry and withering bulb new life as.
vto.', "'"tiling the cap diaries, softens, piesrrroa
brautifu an 'tringtheiis the hair, prevent it
from falling oiT, rem..'ves the dandruff, and tur
ragired hair mtuUiat whirii ii smooth, glossy
and wavy. It is admitted by all to ti9 th gisal
est invention of the age for beautifying th b-ii
and rendering it permanent.
Is amipetb article, and should be found on the
toilet of every lady who valuss the (".lossy and
beautiful appearance of "the llowim; nnjlal
ant the vs i'.'bing riirl."
Price, fsi cen's per bottle.
nr sale at Dr. Kasterly 'a Family Ml''"
Ft. a,', comer i f Third ami Chesnut itroets M
1. as, Mo. Also I. v 1'. A. harpy, St. Marf
and l.y .1. slai s .ii bu'dicine rnrstly U
W.. ..ill')
' :i I
. . a. . t . ti . , '". a.
t 1
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