Nebraska palladium. (Bellevieu City, Neb.) 1854-1855, November 08, 1854, Image 1

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V Jl
iJ. o
in;m;vn:v, doiicl'as co., m-:huaska, Wednesday, Novembers 15 1.
VOL. 1 .NO. 15.
ljv f). :. in:Ki), & co.
rr hi i-.ii i n w i kk i v b v
Odj. STIortoit.
Kthtnr ami Proprietors,
fF.i.r.rTirw, rncot.A' rorKTV. m nri sss A.
TKRMS. fVip rnpv nnc vrar, Oil nnr
rpv six months, 1 0 ikvamam.v I A n-
CT" No j.;irr will 1"" 1 1' nti 1 1 ruioi! exeetif at
(lie discretion nf the proprietors, until all nr
Ftoraprn are paid.
f nrrrt i.;nre .f twelve lilies or less,
first inwi lion.
T'aeh snhfon'iPiit insertion,
( n soaare three mnnthi,
One (jiiar(i six month,
fine siiTnro twelve months.
One imrtrr of eriloiim twel months,
One hdf column twelve months,
fine column twclv mnntln,
Xiinrinq ;rUof ii.'ht' lines, yw'f.
tt it monlhs.
$1 "0
x on
12 PO
30 no
fi (Kl
3 (HI
II It ' three mnntll
AilDiiiitratnrs' anil t'verntors' notices,
run i . w or nt. wsrArr.rts.
I. PinWrihefs vvlin rlo not cive express notice
tn Hip enntrarv, nro cnnsiilereil as wishing to
rni.timfe llieir subscriptions.
2. Tf snhserihers nr.ler 1 ho discontinuance of
Heir pnrcr. the poMisher may mnt i nil c to tend
' llicin until nil nrrearnj-cs ire pnvl.
II. If siihsri i!cr neirlert or refine to faltc
il.rir p:iprr from lhe office to which they ire
directed, th'-v n-e hdil rc.t.otiille until Ihev
nave 'ettleilthe hill ond orileifil the paper clis-
' rontin't"il.
, ,t. If ii,cCriicrs remove o othcrnlares with-o-i!
infcrri'iitr the rt'iMii'icr. anil It"" vnrcr is
-nt to tin? former direction, tlisy nro held re
sponsible. fi. The CnrnTS lisverleeiileil Hint refiisin! to
ilk a tunir from the oftVe. or rrmnvini' nrul
leimr it iniral'nJ f"r, is ti -"ti!i:i f,iri.- eviili'iirp
of fraud.
SnliKrriliern will tticrrforo iiniler1and
1. Tlnit '.beir tnrHT w ill li eontiniie l nffer
the pxpirntion of tin" time for which they paid,
urile 'illirrwiiip ordere 1.
T!ml no on nor will he dirnrtin"od until all
arroarao" arc paid :p to time st whieh 'he
T'oliee ii ciien. unless ne arc atifie 1 that the
iiSme'-ilir m vnrtlilem.
3. Tht when the par"-. through tlm f.vil of
n H'lliierihrr. ha hern iid'rip.I to everri'li the
time. Ilir int and mM eonvenient way i? 'o
remit onp dollar fi.r annih.T ix motit'i. with
li i'pc I'm ms to di front innpM the Pnd of tint titne.
Thi direction will, in all ce. he noted upon
our hook", and if not attended to shall he our
.SI '
AJ nntlTI AToR. Collec'ni-. Cer.enil
IN A'.'ent. ''oi't'Felloj-, Ac.
ftr-Hrview. Ne'ir.i - i,,i.
llavintr an ppoi i"nce of 17 ye-try. t . i t'"1
ritiirv. will rmv i romnt nfierttion lo nil
iniinicat ionv, nit, liaid, iiiiraul lo tin
. !;-,
I ito' '. , r. . ,Vi'.
f.'" Office near fie ( 1 1 n'erli men t hlphiin
:n it in leeriit' I'. A. S'lpv'a hankirc; ho'isp.
I'l l!, I.wCitv, Nehra-k.i. .fnlv I . Is")!.
( V.. U'ATSOV,'l Sn ve tr Hli l I'.mjitirpr, Tlellp.
view, .Velirarka. I.l-lv
i i ; Ti(Vi: iiiii'NKii.
Attorney an I ('oui.vellur at I.a.v, St. Mary.
Mill ( 'mint v. Inu i. anu'-tl-lv
". ' J. .M. I. V'l'll A m7
Attorney aim CouinL-llor at I..nv, St Mary,
Miln t'o.. Iow a.
f ,r. Tv u7c v.,
rhvicim and S'ir"on, respectfolly tenders
hi iiervices to the citmens of ht.
Mary and vicinity. Oilier two miles nulth
we ii of St. Mary, on the Mm lito creek.
it. TscurcK,
Topographical I'.n'iiiifT, ten lern hi' profes
sional M"vic;fji lo the citi.cnit of St. Mary and
vicinity as Snui'yor and I-'.ninecr in all itjva
icties. Ollirein 1'. A. S.iri)'s store, corner 'f
(ire -ory street. anj;31tly
v ats( ), k . n x i; v tTv it i: i: T
Onrral t.and AroiiIs, St. M iry, Mills County,
Iowa. Will attend to tiie purchase ami sale of
real estate, the prifectinj; of titled, paying tax-A-p
, Ac.
(.-V J 'Umi'iR 'and ami village lols, to tint
piui liuseis, on hand, for sale cheap, and on
rea.sonahle luiins. C'HAS. I'.. WA'l'MJX,
, n43-tf JUoKi'll 0HI.KX.
Ke Creek, MilU Co., Iowa. '1 lie propne
tnrs of lliis mill intend to keep lumber of nil
!r.M'i iptioMi con.tantly on hjnd ; also to niiji
.ly all Apecial oidcin for luinhcr at short no
tics, for cash. nl'2-.'tm
Timer and llrasiei is ready to manufac
ture or re.airlin work of every description, at
ahort notice, and at the cheapest rates. His
hop ii situated one fourth mile north of P. A.
S.irpy'a store. Maiii-t., St. .Mary.
June U. IK. I. , li-:iiri
Ilrainajo Coiaini.sioner, Ollice in St. Mary,
Iowa. anf;Jt-lv
P. A. SAlil'V,
Wholesilr and Coiriiniiuou Merchant, dealer
in Dry Coo'l), Hardware, J leimware, tilass
vi arp, Gioeeri.n, Dnis, Medieines, Hooks and
itaboncry, corner ot Main and lirejrory street.
ant; 31-ly
c7j:. wArsbx,
' Conveyancer, Notary Public, and Surveyor.
Olfire at the More of (iii ene, Kinney, A Co.,
fit. Mary, MilUco., Iowa. Ant.2,'0l.
"""" AsToit lioiJsT:
'IJir Kuli.scriher haa just opened thi.i new and
1 ciinmodioiis huildin; fur the reception of
1h rravelun; puhlic, and solicits a share of pub
lic favor. I'mmpt u ml ehVient utten'ion villi
he paid to all h)ih Hiay favor him with lin ir
t'ilronane. J1m table will h-! sunpiicl wi h : lie
hest the inaiLet alioiiis. A i" el t idle is at
taclip.l to tbe premises. Wm. I. N (, I'.l.I..
st Mrv, Iowa, mar. 13, 'j I nV'
11 A I.( i!iol . e 1 uur conin ctin as part"
jien in llie "(ia.r! !e,l; th no p..:ous iiid iiicd
to. or hav inj; e!,,i:., i aaiu ,t I he lat li.niof
Jd'.KI) 6i LATHAM, will ca.l on J). K.
eisi. hu i.i a ithori.ed toe!t!e the m itlersof
the cuiicerii. J). K. hi'. Kit,
M. M'iv. Jelv 1051.
(Original pottrj.
For the rallndiiim.
Bright shoiKf the sun when for th West,
Ahhy, I Haw thee start,
Yet ntill a cloud of deepest ploom,
Wan shading over my heart.
Yet when thy partin; kis was giv'u
FleHveen a tear and smile,
With anguish ih-pp, thy mother's heart
Seem'd breaking e'en the while.
Now thou art gone, how sad and lone
Is the forsaken nest ;
I long to sec thy face again,
And clasp thee to my breart.
Yp oft for thee my absent one,
My bosom heaves a sigh,
Thou art as fondly cherished now,
As if thou still were nigh.
I Diiaa thee, in the evening hours,
Thou hast so oft lieguil'd,
Amid those pensive hours, my heart
Slill yearns for thee my child.
I miss thy fond bright smile, that fill'd
Thine eyes in days before ;
While seated by thy mother's side
Cunning thy lessons o'er.
Ah then, I feared it would he thus,
That in sonic future day,
Thou'd leave thy early home and friends,
And from thy mother stray.
Now, thou ait in a fctrangcr'n home,
And stranger's voices there,
To greet thee in the morning hour, J
And mid the evening air.
And thou, may'gt list but list invain,
To hear thy mother's voice,
That oft in younj; life's early years,
Has made thy heart rejoirc.
Yet still, within thy mother's heart,
Atrection lives as true,
I love as well, as in those years,
Say, Abby near, do you?
A teacher's task, thy cirly choice,
Devolves upon thee now,
(,od grant, its cares and toils may bring,
No shades upon thy brow.
O, may life's path, ne'er prove to thee,
A dark and tedious way,
May irladiiess ever shed for thee,
Its bi ight and joyous ray.
Yet itill. mrtliii.ks I see thine eyrs,
Oft languishing wiCi care,
Then i:h a mother's f rvent love,
I breath'! a whispered ju ay'r,
Thai Co l may shield Ihy youthful hc
And ail my f vot-steps guide,
His Inly woul, thy anchor be,
Through life's'ul tide.
J.nuow, Oct. 10th, 113 1.
From the Washington Olohe.
"lie h id been deputed by the Captain to fire
(lie s c.nul gun, (when all o! tiers had tied.) and
v in id t!ie irel.inilioly Hail he pursued hisduly.
WiiPii all hope ha I lied, and the vessel neaily
level with the ae I, Holland Mas seen busy witli
Ins gun. I In la-il shot boom ' I out as the Art ic
sank, and he went down with her persevering
in tliw strict pel foruiancc of Jus duty." The,
H.'wspaner account.
I'poti the Artie's deck was seen
A noble form, and fair;
l inn, lesolulu amid the gloom
And scenes of dark despair!
His ear was pierced by shriek and wail,
And melancholy strain,
Of sti iiijling victim ! all around,
Who sought for help in vain 1 in that depressing hour
Of dismay and pain,
He thought of home and lov'd ones far,
He'd never see again.
How'er, he did not flee the wreck,
To trust the treacherous wave,
Which bore some to a succoring hand,
Hut others to the gTave.
His post was at the signal gun,
" Wh"ti all thercjthad lied,"
Nor from his duty turned aside,
To dying or the dead !
Ah I no response, to cheer, was heard,
And hope had well nigh flown ,
Bat rumbled still o'er mountain foam
The signal's doleful tone!
The noble youth, with brow exposed,
Throughout, undaunted ttood,
Though gathering waters lashed his form
To wliclru it in the HooJ.
And calmly with the Artie sunk,
While yet the cannon's breath
Went moaning o'er the sea' expanse,
The aignal of his death !
L. A. CionaiGHT.
Washington, Oct. IJ, IS5I.
The Two Sex to. There is much
truth in the following, which we clip from
the Syracuse Starulurd:
When ti raking youth Roes tislrny, friends
gut her round him in order lo restore him
lo the paths of virtue. Gentleness und
kindness are lavished upon him, to win
him Luck to innocence inui peace. No
one would suspect licit ho had ever sinned.
Iiat when n poor, coiili !in girl is Le
truved, hhi: nvt ives thu brand of society,
and is l.i iicefnrih driven from the ways of
virtue. The betrayer is honored, res.
perted mi 1 esteemed; but the ruilo I,
I.iiirl-Lrol.en victim knows there is. wo
peace, for her this si In of lli" grave. So
oiely li.-is tit) helping hand for her, no smile
of comfort, no voice of forgiveness.
These aro earthly moralities unknown
lo hctveii. There is u deep wrong in
1 them, mi l IVarful rre the rtonseijiKncci.
Correspondent: of tho Palladium.
Matlers and Things In New 7jrV.
Ni.w York, Oct. 14.
Tim pj!ootn which fell upon our ci!y like
n visible shadow when (he loss of the
Arctic was rmnniinced, has not yet dis
appeared. It. is true, that the arrival at
S. John's, N. I'., oT the propeller Ves
tt , with thiity-one of the steamer's crew,
f.nd the in'iellicnce that the second male's
boat and another, containing (ogelher for
ty-five persons, reached Capo. Kace in
safety, have lessened the supposed ng-
grcgalu of victims; but as nearly nil the
rescued arc employees of the ship, w ho,
like base dastards, deserted their duly in
the. hour of peril, the report of Ihcir safe
ty creates very little interest in the pub
lic mind.
The entire numSer of lives known to
be saved thus far, is one hundred and
eight, and the three boots tint heard from
arc estiinalp.'l to have contained from scv-enly-live
to one hundred sou's. Urn; of
these missing crafts was manned by Mr.
Gouilie, Ihe first mat, the boatswain and
four hands, who were sent by Capt. Luce
to look after tho propeller, and could not
afterwards be taken on board the Arctic.
The other (wo were first-class lifo boats,
which might be made lo hold forty or lif
tv persons each. Mr. Hums, tho agent
of Adams Si Co., states positively, that
one of them was nearly filled with ladies,
only four men being on board of her
when she pushed off from the wreck. He
thinks this boat had oars. How the other
life boat was occupied, none of the sur
vivors who have been heard from seems
lo know.
It is a mailer of doubt, whether the
family of Mr. Collins were tilted into the
sea by the breaking of a boat's tackle, or
not. Tiiey may have been among the la
dies in the life boat, yet it iscpiile as proba
ble that the first account was true. There
is not, I fear, any good ground for believ
ing they were saved.
The fearful lesson taught by this catas
trophe, will not be lost upon the owners
of our ocoan steamers. The important
fact ennnccied with this disaster, cainot
fail to make an ltiuYiitiie impression upon
all "who gojjwn to the .sea in ships."
The Arclio was racing through a blind
fog, at ihe rate of thirteen knots tin hour,
. i . i . t - i i i i i ,
wiieu me v csui sirucx iier; s;io nau no
fog bell ringing; and with four hundred
souls on board, she had not boats for two
uimireii. I ossuiv, tiie six ' s intirlit
have sustained two hundred and fifty per
sons tilbiat in s'ill water, but they could
no! have b ,'eu rowed and steered proper
ly with more than one hundred fifty on
board. Of this, I am positive, us I know
ihe size of the craft. There should be u
fog bell continually ringing in a fog, and
ihe speed checked, to prevent accidents of
this kind. There are rumors about town
this morning, that Mr. Collins has be
come insane. This, I find, on inquiry,
to be untrue. He is, however, laboring
under great prostration of body and mind.
Confusion worse confounded, reigns in
the political camp here. For the mayor
alty, there arc "six Riehmouds in the
field," viz: Augustus Schell, (hard-shell
Democrat,) Fernando Wood, (both shell
Democrat,) Jno. J. Herrick, (Whig,)
James W. Darker, (Know-No;hing,)
John N. Gcnin, (Independent,) Wilson
G. Hunt, (Ilufonn.) For most of the
charter offices, there are from three to live
cfndidalcs, and who will come riht side
up out of the chaos, II lipus himself coald
not guess. The oldest and hrcwdet cam
paigners arc at fault; as well they may be,
after tho late astounding news in IViih
s) lr'uiiia, Ohio und Indiana,
The verdict in tho case of Dr. Graham
seems to give universal satisfaction. His
counsel have given notice of a bill of ex
ceptions, but if wise, they will not move
fur a new trial. Another jury might be
less lenient. The maximum of punish
ment under the verdict, is seven years im
prisonment, cud the general opinion seems
to be, that he should be sentenced for the
full term. Jagcr, found guilty of mail
slaughter in tho third degree, has been
condemned to the State prison for three
years." I Its offense, was the stabbing to
death of u inui n lined Moran, during a
drunken quarrel. Yesterday, (mother fa
tal krlifo case was concluded in the court
of oyer and terminer. The prisoner,
Chas. Graham, was found guilty in the
same degree us Jagcr, mid rt'vcived the
same sentence. It would seem, hoV'vcr,
the Kpitit which is rile among Ihe rowuics
of this city, has not been checked by the
late examples. A deliberate homicide
was coinnitled in Ih oome street, last night
by an unknown man, who lenpe I upon
the platform of a Harlactn car und knock-
iellhe lr.;:l;;':n-'ti oil. ilic unfortunate
man, whose name whs Kkkert, died fif
teen minutes uftcrw nrds, in consequence
of the injuries he received by the fall. A
rowdy who had been rngaeed in a dispute
with Rickcrt, on Wednesday las!, is sus
pected to bo the guilty parly, b at he has
nut yet been arrested.
Some of the small banks of this city
are shaking in the wind . The Knicker
bocker, Suffolk, F.ighth avenue, and Bank
of the. Union, have suspended operations,
and their circulation is going in for re
demption. It U scarcely possible, that
bill-holders .should sustain any loss by the
failure of these concerns, whatever may
be the fate or the depositors. The fact
is, we have too many banks of the small
fry class. They do anything but a legiii
,fnate business, ut.d the sooner they arc
:ound tip and (heir notus redeemed from
the proceeds of their stock in the hands of
the Comptroller, (he better. The Knick
erbocker Savings Bank also has failed.
The weather here is warm enough for
August, and the furs, merinocs, and other
winter goods behind the plate-glass win
dows of the fashionable stores in Broad
way, look singularly unseasonable.
A fine body of firemen, from Lynn,
Mass., calling themselves the Silver Greys
nd wearing a beautiful uniform of that
color, are now receiving the hospitality of
the fire department of this city.
The cholera, which has nearly ceased
its ravages on terra lirina, is making a
frightful havoc at sea. On board the Har
vest Queen, from Liverpool, and the I'is
catoro from Havre, both arrived yester
day, the total number of deaths on the
voyage wai one hundred and twenty-five.
Seventy-five dead bodies were thrown
overboard from the former, and fifty from
the latter.
The Second avenue railroad compnrij
was yesterday mulcted in 13,000 dama
ges, for a breach of contract in suspend
ing the laying of concrete rail, after hav
ing agree therefor. Whenever a jury get
a chance of this kind at a railroad corpo
ration, they arc pretty sure to give the
plaintiff a rousing verdict.
Besides the criminal trials in the court
of oyer and terminer this week, there
nave been two In ilie co n i of "sessions j
one for manslaughter in the fourth degree,
and the other for rape. Bjtli the olFen
ders were found guilty and sentenced to
two year's imprisonment. So we go !
All the theaters here, seem to be doing
a good business, notwithstanding the 'hard
times. At Ihe Broadway Lnglish Opera
is decidedly successful. Miss Louisa
I'yne, the prim;i donna, is a delightful
singer) but the "great Engliidi tenor," as
he is culled, is by no means equal to Wood,
Wilson, and others, who have preceded
him in the same line.
Business continues to be dull, and re
trenchment of expenses seems to be Ihe
order of the day among our merchants.
Still there are no heavy failures, and al
though we shall probably havo a 'tight"
lime this fall and next winter, there is a
fair prospect of a renewal of trade in the
spring. The clearing house which was
established last spring by the different
banks, has been the cause of the suspen
sion of the banks reported above. If a
bank fails to settle up its accounts daily,
it is suspended from the privileges of the
house, which causes a general run upon
it, which few banks can go through safe-
A Good Rebuke, A very good lady
in Boston had in her employment, a young
man from tho country. On certain occa
sions he was instructed to inform any com
pany who mjght ring at the door that Mrs.
, was not at home.
On:", day, John made his reply to an in
timate friend of the lady, who shortly
went away, leaving a card and a promise
to call again. As the card was handed to
Mrs. , she said: 'John what did
you say to the lady?' 'I told her you
were not at home.' 'Well, John, I hope
you did not laugh?' 'Oh no, iim'mu,' said
John, I never laugh when I tell a lie.'
A Female in Bkeeches. Yesterday
afternoon, a female, who, for months past,
has been attending tho theatres, dining at
first class hotels, and circulating generally
through the city, under the garb of a gen
tleman of wealth and fashion, assuming
different names as occasion required, was
arrested as a vagrant, on the complaint of
Odieer Downing, of the lower police court
sho having no homo or visible means of
support, but constantly wandering ab ut
the city in the company of m mi. She p ive
tho namo of Annie Linden, under which
she was taken before Justice Welsh, and
sent to tho penitentiary for UO days. She
was born in Now Orleans, and is not yet.
1 years of njc- - f.Wi.' York I'rjnt.
SclctltU U a 1 1 c r .
In commenting upon the eventful Hum
mer from which we have just emerged,
the New York Mirror Rnyn:
Another summer has past and linrd and
hot it has been. Fires, failures, disease
and death, have brought mourning and loss
es to hundreds of thousands; and the ca
lamity of short crops, makes the poor man
look anxiously to the coming Wi-iter. In
our city, men who ranked as miHionaries,
when the summer opened, have seen their
riches suddenly take wings and fly away;
arid some, by dishonest efforts, to retain or
increase their reputed wealth, have "'reck
ed their honor and sunk to rise no more.
Many of our citizens who bcrran the
season in the fullness of health and beau
ty, have perished with the early flowers,
and thousands who went abroad, decked
in g.;y colors ot joy nud hope, rre now
I robed in tho attire of grief and inourninz.
Autumn has come (o many a heart even
in the spring time of life; and tho earth
has become to thousands of its pilgrims
literally, 'the valley and shadow of death.'
They who have passed through this try
ing season unscathed by sickness and mis
fortune, whom the Death Angel has not
even brushed with his wing, should make
their lives a hymn of thanksgiving to the
Infinite God who has dealt with them so
gently and so graciously. Instead ct
looking o.i the dark side of tho future,
they should look up in grateful confidence
lo the Reaper, whose sickle has felt them
to flourish a little longer in the field of
Time, while thousands as full of health
and promise as they, have been cut down
and withered in an hour.
Just imagine, dear readers, you that
arc mothers and every woman ought to
be one just imagine nearly two hundred
babies; not dolls of gutta percha, lapsus
lazuli, porcelain or wax, but babies -"real
live, palpitating, meal babies, in one tent,
together, ull between tho ages of seven
and twelve months, kicking squirming,
nursing, tooting, crowing, laughing, and
ji'ir; ono niiit the s;ito timo? D.1 YOU
deem such a collection possible? Does
n't it beat hollow the wonders of the Tow
er of London, the feats of Gabriel Ravel,
whig nominations, and the new m.istodom
discovered by Professor Morse, at I'ougli
keepsie? Ou the 5.h of October the ba
bies were displayed for the prizes at
Springfield, Ohio. Mrs. Ronney, of Vi
enna, Ohio, took the first prize a tea sett,
valued at $300. Mrs. McDoDsnell, of
Cincinnati, the second prize a tea sett
worth rj 200 and the third premium wa
taken by Mrs. Arthur of Philadelphia
$2o0. The handsomest child under one
year of age, took a Parian marble group
it was given to the daughter of Mrs.
Howe, of Cincinnati. One singular fact
connected with this exhibition, was that
all the noise in the collection, proceeded
from the femah children, which we think
is a slander. Most of the young ones
made the most astounding efforts to swal
low themselves, commencing at their fists
Fortunately t one of them succeeded. The
successful competitors were escorted from
the grounds by thu Diaper Band, the in
Htruments consisting of guin rings and
willow rattle boxes. Numerous letters
were read one from Fanny Fern and
the greatest good feeling prevailed.
Duffalo Republic.
Monet i Dead Letters. A cor
respondent of the Baltimore Sun, writes
from Washington, under date of October
3, says, that
The operations of the Finance Bureau,
of the General Post-Office Department
for the current year disclose the fact of a
rapid increase in the business and import
ance of tho dead letter office. In the first
quarter of ISM, the number of dead let
ters found by the openers, which contain
ed money, wi s l,7ul the amount .f 10,
2'SS; second quarter, 1,73G le'.ters. and
.fll,17ti; third quarter, 7,781 letters, and
.-f 10:8G9; futirth quarter, 1.842 letters,
and $1 1,713. In the third quarter, end
ing 31st March, 183 1 t wo years uftcr
ward the number of valuable dead let
ters reached 2,323, containing 14,401.
Tho second quarter 2,427 letters, and
t 14.323 in money. We have from the
third quarter ending Sept. 30. h last
2 331 letters, in which were found .f 14,
OSS in cash. When it is recollected that
iher do not embrace the dead letters from
foreign countries--which are all returned
unopened the progress of this branch ot
governmental service is more apparent.
The 8 uiio correspondent slates, that
seven-eights of the losi money is s
ret urn'-1 to ii !:' m i"i :
Lirxitf KJW tout.
The Wii e or a Rich Ou
M!. The New York Sun, of Saturday4 ,
morning lust, serves up the following dish '
of scandal:
"A gentleman about sixty yenrs of age,
doing a large importing business In South
street, and residing in one of the fashion
able avenues in this city, for some months
suspected his wife,' a vry linndsomn
young woman, scarcely out of her 'teens.'
with being on more than friendly terms
with the son of a wealthy neighbor. On
Thursday morning, he announced his in
tention to leave town on business, and not
return until the following mornings He
however, did return sooner than was ex
pected (about 11 o'clock at night,) and
unlocked the back hall door) with hit
nighUkcy, not stopping even to ring Xh
bell, and crept stealthily (is lh do-af tt hit
room on the second floor and looked thratigh
the key-hole, when he saw a light, and
imagined that he also saw objects moving in
the room, lie listened for some moments
and finally heard suppressed whispering
One of the voices he thought was a man's
His patience now became entirely ex
hausted, and he attempted to open the door,
but found it securely locked on the inside.
He listened again, but all was silent.
Determined on knowing the worst, lie
took from his pocket a revolver, and de
manded admission to the room. His de
maud not being complied with as soon as
he thought it should be, he burst open lha
door, and on doing so, discovered some
thing white leaning on one of the wind
ows of the bed-room. He ran lo the win
dow, looked out saw) and discharged ona
barrel of the revolver at what lie took tn
be liis neighbor's son, as he was scaling
the fence of his yard, without any other
article than his linen on. On looking
about the room the injured husband espied
snugly piled up on a chair at the foot of
the bed, a pair of pants, in one of tha
pockets of whieh, was a port monnaie,
containing $1 03 23; a vest, coat and cra
vat, and a pair of socks, and on the bureau
a hat and fine gold watch, Which, he say,
the owner can have by calling for and
proving property. The wife, during these
discoveries, said nothing but wept most
bitterly, htlorts are nc-ing maue uy -im
friends of the parties to settle the affair,
without bringing their names before tha
public." - ,
The Toronto (Canada) Watchman, con
tains an appeal from the Indians of Rice
Lake lo the whites, begging them U Stop
the plague of intemperance, which has
been communicated by them to the chil
dren of the forest. Somo passages in the
appeal are exceeding eloquent and touch
ing. It says :
" The five villages, Alnwick, Ricclake,
Mudlake, Scogog, and Credit, and all that
is left of the Mississ-agan Indians. Save
us! Our while brethren, Save us!
" Long ugo yo i came to us and asked
us for a place to build your wigwam ; we
gave you a country say, was it not worth
giving? We now ask you for deliver
ance from an enemy we cannot ourselves
overcome ; like everything else of the
white mim it is too strong for Us. We
i love our home, and we do fight this inva
dor of its purity and being ; but our rankf
are getting thinner and weaker; our dead
ly toe is inarching onward, wasting, da
iroying, crushing a victor lo the Westl
" My white brethren, could the souls
of the dead Chippewas and Mohawk,
killed by Fire-water, come from the land
of Shades, and camp by the door of the
whisky trader, from the city of Rock to
the head water. of the big hike, town and
city would be crowded by the Pule Out
cast ; Red no more ; scorched by the blue
ilames! Warrior no more, the Totems of
fathers lost; hopeless! The track of a
canoe cannot be seen upon the waters, nor
the trail of an eagle in the clouds. So
dies the poor drunken Indian ! His ca
noe shoots down the stream, struck by
the poison the white man brought, his
spirit Hi :s into a dark cloud ! he is gono
who cares? In a few winters so will
our race pass away ! Scattered, weak,
dumb, hopeless, who cares?
" Give us back our woods and (he
deer! Give us back o tr bark wigwams,
and our Fathers virtue !
' Save us, our white brothers, save us!
A dying race implore you ! Put out the
blue flame that is consuming us! You
Ci'ac ioa the Gour. Tue lollowing
cure for the gout is taken from an old
work: "First, the peiaou must pick R
handkerhief from thu pocket of a maid
of fifty year who h is never hud a wish
to change her condition. Second, he must
wash il an honest miller's pond. Third, ho
must drp il on a person's hedge who wus
never covetous. Fuunli, he must send it
to a doctor's shop wlm never killed u
juitieiit, "Fifth, ho must msrke it with a
lawyer's ink w ho never cheated a ciicnt.
Siv.ih, apply it lit tho pirt ufUxjted and u
cure wiil apeedily follow,"
FT" Moderation is the silken string ru
' mn through thu p"arl baiti ut all the ir