pay yoji.;vj:.i?T;o-s i Su'isciiln'ra; Irv.r in r.iiti 1, t'lM wo tro li il n nro it ilisijuu'o from ilm i pcr nuirkc', (mil tliiit our winter stipp'ics liocil tn c. lu'nl i'l lie! fift- tin? close (T novijation, ntpl MO.NKY is ttrelod for li is purpose . To thu Subscribers of t!i& Et. TTi-iy Gazette. Tlio r..l!.Minri will lirrc-ifirr lo sent to the Riilj.xcrilicr of the (iezetto, whieh irrr.ngnriuiiV wo lioj.e will lt Miiisfi.etory, c lire ctinlet lplulii'': front improve ments in tlie I .l!.i limn, nnd we hop" it will meet the wants of our patrons mid friends in Iowa. The tonus w ill remain Ulichuligod. f "or llio 1'a lladnim. Mn. Eonon Dear Sir: If in your judg ment, you think the following cnrntiiunii atioti wurth an insertion iti your valuable paper, you can make use of it. Tilt undersigned, a citi zen of Mills County, raised this season, sixty five In sh"ls of Irish potatoes, from iM rod of ground they sscie the red Mechanics, culti vated the r.aine as Coin, three nnd one-half foot rath way, no manure ( used. Ho much for Ihe pioductiopg of Mills County. Nciphbor firme s A;vk through til! press and let us hear from you. This speaks for Mills County her soil in pood, and her improve ments excellent, and her population intelligent and industrious. And may she still continue 1.1 improve, a: d her rourao he onward. May she soon fill up with men of cnterpii.e, and ladies of Intelligence and refinement p. dohnem. 23 Tlio stcninor Malta smile in tlie Oliio river near I'itdu.-ali, on the 7 !i inst. One cabin passenger nnd twenty or thirty deck pussrngCTs wet r. si; pposed to b j !o tt. Troops foii hik i'l.wxs. ADitaeh Inetit of eighty-live United Slates Ue- rnits left New York 0:1 the Gtli inst.., to. Fort Leavenworth, K msas Territory, un der the eomniuiil of Mij. Merrill, iMdra-j-oot.s. Tlicso troapi aro intended to till up xomc f.kele'.ons cninp.inics; ol dra tutu returned irom the plans. I lit.vs. A Dplkati: I-imhiii. The St. Louis 1 Ii raid states n rne of n yoiuicr l:idy of the most uiidua'iicd rvpc:!ubili!y, who entered a shoe More i.i thai i y, and nskcd to he sh.iwti soma g;,iter boots: n jiumhor W t t i: bliow u lo her which she xamitu'd an ! Iricd 0:1. YVhi'.o the aid n tion of lh(! clerk wins occupied wiihniio'di T customer, several pairs of filers dis fcppepri'd. The lady concluded nut to purchase, lie was compelled lu aeeiist! her of secreting hi: shoes; she denied ii tin 1 he insisted, tinl proceeded to search, mid immd tin ml pair supe:id'?d by hocks wIiL'U Wetc r'.lached to ll.ei l.idy's garters. Ho toi.k from lh''ir honks tho..; to hi:n, 1 11 J left there rvrrjl others, which had no doubt been tak eti from stores. She iH ii''i'vr-'l In di furt. r-The-o ;.re in the Unilel S::.te.(. 2 nti.'i.t'CO farmers; 100 OOJ m,:n:liants; 10 ()00 pbjsi. 1 atis; 'Jl t OO lawyers: of).- 000 te.-u he-s U7 OdO ch-nyinen: TO-OOO ntariiiers; l'l.W'O li.-,henneu; and 10,000 tulo and I't-dend ol'irers. Mrs. (jibMiH, of Siinderhn 1, I'nlntid, whose hnnbiitid lui.l built a vessel, was jirivilrtred tojiivu it a linuie, nnd thiisten cd it The Kist! It is described iti the Sunderland papers as a barque, and Mr. Gibson may have intended it to be one 1 tit his coo 1 hidy lias nude it h smack. tL . - l Dr. Carter! Cough CaUam- XS" It'i" inot pleasant ami emeacious rerne 4y for Coujjhs, Colts, Asthma, Conuinption and !l diseases of the l.ung, ever offered to the public. Our ever varying climate, and the cold bleak winds of the north bud west produce coughs and colds dangers colds, which de mand of the wie i prudent. the earlievt attention Kor thii purpose no remedy has ever been disco vered which has etfectod so many cure, and which seems to p;ive such universal satisfaction to all,s Dr. Casti ii's Cou;ii Read r, hat e youa coujili? Do not lu gleet it. D' !sy isdani;ereiis. Use this Ba!fam, at once, and it will effectually cure you. 37 J'rice 25 cen!s ber bottl -, lare bolll: Tl, or six bottles for $1. For sale at Dr. Easterly's Family M-dicine tvre, southendt cmtr of Third and Chestnut (U., St. Loiiin, M j. AIbo, sold by P. A. Sarpy, St. Mary, Iowa. simI by dealers in meiicinei generally, in th wet. Dr. Easterly's Iodise and Barsajiarilla. CV't is the only pieparation that It worthy of tlie leant confidence of the public, for tit" cure of those die is-s ai f ioin an impure date of the blood, Scrofula, or King's l .il, White Swellings, Knlarped Glands, IVver boren. Pimples on the face, old Sores an I fl eers, Blotches, IWIen, Nervous Affections, Can cers, Erysipelas, Ulieumatism, ISypilitic I'is taei, Pains in tlie liuiiei ml Joints, Kin Worm or Tetter, Scald H"a 1, diseases of the Kidneys, Mercurial Diseune, Lc. Dr. Eas terly's Iouine and SAmArssiLLA, is com pounded of those articles l.ii l: kimultaue- onsly act on the d (li'rent organs of the body, nd H)5( hi thu inont efficient cleiisinu and tn-'il "g propei lit s. Jtundrt Is of the most intiili geiil an respectable faiiiilie in St. Louis, have used it, and speak of it in the highest terms of piai.o. his .j'l.ciim is .k ti.ui :ro;i r, cheaper .nd i,eu-i than any other i r amt.on io life. ff3" Price, il pef Dot.le, or sis UottUs tvi C V I'or sale at Dr. EASTKliI.Y'8 Family Modiciiie Wore, corner of Third and Chestnut streets, SI. Louu. Also sold by T. A. f.ARPV, St. Mary, Iowa, and by dealers iti medicine ceiivially, in the West. (it" lies 1 Dr. Edsttrly's advertisements in niHir '''! unn cf our rp'r, ni giv a l - " 1 4 arr:iale.l io ci. e jill rier of A ind Fcer. C!iil!nnd I'eirr, Il'im') A-ne, In lernnttint aid K.Minttent level, n.d eieiyf inn of Fever incident to tli w i"t . F.' there ,n e s'lf fi'rers in S!. F . i . f , we .iy try it, iml if it f id 1,1 cure, tiie m'.ney fhali he tvf nnie ! to tin: j'-;r-cliaser. More taia tw r v i y-i irr. tiiocsan o im r ; i.i s have been sold, and in no m-i anee has it f.iil-d to effect a pel in ineiit cure as far li" '.-! I'r"i:i pV" f' ' e !l pat' botile, or sis bottles, C V I,'ur sale at Dr.'eily's Family Me l- i'jin M'iic, so'i-iieiisi corner oi i i.iru ua i C .e-tll'lt streets1, S!. Louis. Al- sold by P. A. Sartiy, St. Mary, F.wn. a it oy dealers lit nieuicinc ic(iiierauy , in ine west. Head Dr. Easterly's advertisement in another column of our paper and give him a rail. ju2S. Dr. Easterly's American Oil Liniment. his valuable Liniment, combines the most efficacious articles known for all the various forms of disease recpiiring an external applica tion. One of its principal active ingredients, is the American Oil (or Petroliui.i) which is universally known to possess rare IIf.alinu and Ci SATivr. Pnorr.RTir.s. This On., when combined with other valuable remedial nKenls of known and established elfieacv, forms a safe and sure remedy for Rheumatism, Bruises, Sprins, Cuts, Wounds, Hums, Scalds, Old Sores and Ulcers, Scald Head, Tetter, Kin;? Worm, Erysipelas, Piles, Callers, Stilt Joints, Caked Breasts, Paralysis, Contracted Tendons or Cords, &.c, and also far Strains, Spavin, Scratches, Chads, Saddle: and Collar Calls, Sores, Woi'iniu. Fistula, S.vecnt y and Poll Evil in hor.-cs. Tins Liniment b.nailiject and pow erful action upon the secretory and absorbent ves-els, stimulating them to u healthy action, thus enabling tin in to throw otT tlie morbid or diseased matter which oh-ti aiets t he cireulationc thus icni'iviiie; all diseases or injuries of the Bones, r.lmcles. Cart illapes, Nerves and Skin, One bottle will convince the most skeptical of its wondoiful ellieney in curinsc Jiruises. Sp'ains, niieiiinalism, Puines, Sorene-s and Stiffness of the Joints, &r. Dr. Easterly' Auieriean Oil Liniment is, without exception, the most valuable remedy ever compounded - nil diseases of Man or Ilea'.f, re lirln an ceJtiTiial nji ilieation. lV" Price ".." c !.! I per bottle, or live bot'des XDI oil" i.'llar. t"v" -V liberal di .count made lo w!mle.u!e piivehasert who buy to eel! wiratii. CiT For -ilc at Dr. E.isterly's Fami'y Med icine Stcr:, soutbea-l corner (' Third and Chestnut .itreets. S(. Louis. Ab o sold by P. A. K.i.ny. St. Mt.y, Iowa, and by licdtrs in laeditiiie (.'ci.eially, in the west. (.'T" Read Dr. Easterly's advertisement in another cobui;; of our paner and trivc him a Call. jl?S. 1. II. HEN NET. Jl is opened a boardincr house nf Relleview. for the accommodation of regular boarders, and occasional visitors, who, he w ill take pleasure iu making as coinfortable as lies in bis power. Ile!!eviey. Nebraska. oct .'.r', 'f' t flilF. Ii F.LLEVil'.W SETTLE US' CL1T1 L will l.obl its ii 'w!ar nieel inj-at Ib ll.uew, Nehrn'La 'i'.-ri ito-y. on Siturdav, the itli jus- ol IL -toiler, at 1 n-clo. u.P. M . I.iery iiii iuli.-r is cxpeCLcd to be p;e en!, as b'l-. of g-e;; impie t-iiice will come li. i'oie the no- tin;;. All persons W'ic. l. el h.;ricvii at any action of the Ciilb, arc ia. ite l an x ..-r f loaM, a (. ti .11. CIL.MOl. K, Pi.'t. lisllview, o:'t IS, '.il V. lll'l I SA1. K A S 0 KIT AIL CITV OFCOUNCIL ULUFFS. IOWA. (AT TUB Blr;N OK Tilt 111.; MORTAR.) n AVE Just Received, in addition lo j their former sto"k , a laree and well seh rt.-.l assortment of American. French, Ml and Enirlish Drills, Medicines, I'erfutnery, yc Stulfs, Paints, Oil and UlusKsvare; also, a goo'' asuortmeiit of Oroceries, Wines, Liquors, j in., iieau or nronuway. net I s. '. Notice. ALL persons knowing themselves indebted to Geo. P. Stiles, are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned, or they H ill line their accounts in the bauds of the pro per oflirer for collection. Cruie one, come all and save est. P. J. MtMAllON. oct I is, 54 tf THE CHEAPEST GOODS IN TOWN! ri HIE umlersit'iied is now in receipt of and X receivine the lar-'est and rheaniest atoek of Tall and Winter Good cvtr otlereil in Council Hlull'City, or Western Iowa. Those wishitiL' to pay cash for Goods will do well to call arid examine. Our ntocli cousisls of every variety of jroods needed tiy the people in tins portion of tne country, uch as cloths, casai. uic-.'s, i attinetts, lue :,Ii. jtam, Slhitu nailct, and b irred iLiiiue!, .lain and barred liiiseys, 4i'0 plen a tfoodtlyle madder prints, cashmeres, intrmos, ullapacas, bluachel and brown heot '! atidliirliiijr, ticking and cJrillinj, bleach, d and brown eai.tou Cum. el, drapers itiid era-hen, all w ool table covers, and bleached linen, silk and bay stale tl.awla, und ( vciy variety of dress goods. Me.u unl boys' fall and winter eluthine, hrits and caps, boots and nl.oeg, baidviare and ipict-iisivare, iron, nails, codec, siijji ,t!i Il(J. lasses, l ice, dour, Vc.( kl-o, a Jaree lot of l ur nit ire and liquors. As it is our intention to sell for ca.sli, we lUMer our.selvt j w can hold out s ipeiior inducements to those that w ieli to buy ch'-ap e;Uod th in stores that arc sellinj; on trust. Country deb is a.c rc' to cull and ex amine, our slock. It. Ii. PEC RAM 4s CO. litufr City, o 't I. 1M . PHIL11' SHANIiU.Y, Attcrney and Counecllor ut Law, (ii in wood, Mnis Coun-iv lows, WILL attend to all business entrusted to bis care, witu j-iieiit) and dispatch, par ticular atleutioii j(iien to the Collection ol Debts, (We. hl.i:ntNrm. Hons. A. C. Dod-j tnd James Slu-ilds, Washington, D. C. J. ami A. Lowery, P. T. Letts A: Co., New Yoik City. J.ncph Siianuon, li.,ip, l'aluicr, Cook L Co., S in I i mi i -co, Cul. Webb k. Co.. Milsvuukie, Wisconsin, Hon. A.l I. 'Smith, Janisville. - llmi.-A. T. (iiay, Mad.oii. Hon. Otis Holt, Hudson. Pai'e K Uncoil, St. Louis, Mo.'hliii 4. liuiow, H:. Joseph, M . S. F. Nuckolls, :-.p, Lind. ii, Mo. Peter A. Sarpy, lo p. N.-bi..ska Territory. Ex-Govcr.iu.- bleplicu llcmpsteaJ, jwa. E. JI ui'l, E-j., Co l.'ie. I l',!ulrs, I'.VSJ. Nuckolls 4- Co., Ji. l.i.c'.t i. tlaruin', Le'a Whit-. Gieuwood, J"',s.i. oeill t. 1 Oil ITOItK no's. witjras.';I.rts"sral;7s silt ) s, t ; t sn e. CJi i 0 . . . I A in iv "l' l.iciieei .' r('; e ,r p . il !il el !i ' i m (' A' iift' A lie : , f T , - ie.i n eollt el i.i e o i Nor. .l,,.-.!:..-..!- i i I is. . H is pnblMhe'l !iin lin.;. a i e-a.- In 1. I, f si ilules. ft t !h.' "l I i T e.l.-!l J i M . mn.- ui'.e.. r four I1 in lie i p i.'i'H. a-ii voi- c'S. m ii i mi indi'v. irr aviii1!-'. t i n -'' ie il mi' i; i., it ii 'Ii eiitca :i i. ill c .1 - an I f . in . -i o lo (i i i ii. im il er sv.t'i :! it am-- nit "(' pr; . r, -H cr i ;i1(. p. (.f ,; cv tin..'. : IV1 ..! I. Tl.oKei...,tir,i; Am-. i the in t widely kind now i-nd cure, .el rcien- eii c!!:.!,. j i ' u t . j I r io I . : t! p-,!.l;. '..I. r e;,.,.i ., ,.:, I -,1- a.." . n: ' u He; ah! f'1 I lie in. 'U iii V V. o. !!. The pat.uit c'.i'ms aie p'lblishel we-kly and are imaliri'ile to Inventois and I'ltteutees. We nart ieii'ai I v wnnt.'.e pihiic ai.'-.inst pav- in.-r ni'ini'v to trav !' in' agents. i.s we tlitfbahii ol furiii:'.iin ; errliiioa'.cs ol ki ,i not in agency to bnv one. The folbuvin? Cn.h Prizes rc oirered by the Publishers tor th" fo'irleeu lau'est li inf sub sci il.e. s sent in by the I 4 of January, I .""). 6lllMI will besfiven To- the largest t'.st; ',.") for the serou.l; !i.'..' for flie thii.'; tSla.'i fo- the fo n lb; id fo-the lil'ih; !?i.' f-tue sixth, iU for th" seventh; S )." fur the ei "ht; t l for the nit t'i; fS:.") for the tenth; Jii-'ll for the eleventh; for tweit'.bj SpHlfoc thir- teath; for I Ith The cali will be paid to the order of the successful competitor immediately alter the 1st ol January, l'-.i 1. Letters should be directed (post-paid) to MU.W : Co.. l'JS Fulton at., New York. TF.iniSl TI'.UMS! Tl'.ll.MS! tine copy for One Year ' Six- Moulin il Five Cf-pies. foi- six M 1 1 ' fl Si Ssl Ten ci for sit Mnnitis Ten copies for I'velve months S't Fifteen co.'iesf,ir twelvemonths t(ji 'tveiity c ,r twd v-inon.hs, S;h S'.ulhei a' and U'.-s'ern -uoney taken at par for subs, ni'tions, or Post Oflicj stamps at their fall v,l-ie. "'t 1. '."'I GilAHi VAliTD. T W .1. Co WILL nay tin- highest market pric for orn, i li ill . Oats ami liucKwnf-at, at my Olllce in lileli wood, either in ei.h or mer chandize. PI i I I.I P E. SHANNON, tilell'.vood, oct 11, '.")! tjl'jl cznicral" land "aczncy " Oi-t:c. Gku'vo'xl, 1-l.llf County, Iowa. I.L persuns w i-hin-; to buy or sell . Estnte 'So ibt do well H call on the ntnier sii'ned. w ho is prepared t() F.nt"r Land upon Tune, ami L'-."ate Lanl Warrants. Will al io iili. '.id to the Coih etiun of Debts. ;,,, payment of Tavs in and o il of the Co m'y. Ail lius.iiess mtiiib'eil to me will receive proiapl ailention. oct 11 PHILIP E. SHANNON. FRESH PROVISIONS. yU: will visit St. ytj "r"-rL Mary on W'-ilii'S'l ly's and s ,'.; '1 (ilenwuu.l on l u.'sday .s and Sati.r . f ' n- .1 day's of each we-k, and will supply these markets with Fi'-sli M at.s, Il all T, l'..;s, and '.'et-,!il. .s. ut III" mai ket price S pi .'(.'j-ltf P. POHNER. MfiN I'AliNTFR AM) CILUliR. T II I". b ib eriber bavinir located hims 'lf at St. Mary is prenai-eil to ex-cute orde's of every iliscrip! ion of Plain. Fancy, and Orna mental Pni ltu.-.. eii IJ paitlled. b'tleicl li- d rilil 'd in t'.e mail ii.iroied tf x-U-. io d in tle lientest iniuu'r. I' iir- n.;e re 'ji r'f'illy so. licked. U.I '. a! II. Mv us. Fret Mr. t. St. Mary. S'lAMM.Ai . SCI: I.M A NSiv V. St.' Maty. Sep!. U'i. ' . lizvv & a jEicy erne A I 1. AVl.Vti T.-iliiall-l I... i t'nis pl.ic '. I,' II (U.S. r a le J';;!!'.' ialltc tor t ' if 8. Mi I. V Mi, T. I , I." ) I'S. nod i A e.-uc y l! isia.-ss. v. i o i!d r. :M tlij pa'. lie, to i,e lis a cali. Our Coo. is w.-r" select".! with caie, ar lent In it we shall be al b: to feet satisf action to :i''. and wi ive p.-i . CKLE.NE, KINNEY t CO s. i.t. 27 'jl. OA 1'IECES of 'J'ickine;, best Iy, j'ui jU ale low. at ,p 'il. GKEENE, KINNEY & CO, TRADER'S POINT FERRY. f Mill', subscriber having leased of Clarke & ! Co., the old Council Hlulf Ferry at Tra der's Point, Pottawottam.e County, Iowa. II ivins; built a new and s'lhs'milial lio:it is now prepared lo cross all w ho come. Person visiting Nebraska w ill find this one of the best Ferries on the Fiver. True. 1 have no Steam Ferry Boat, but I have strong arm power, which will propell a boat across the river at this nanow point without any daturer or blow up, quick enough to satisfy the fastest of this fast ae and country RSTVS OV KKRRlSREt 1 Wagon, tsvo horses or cattle, Ss 2 . I Horse and liugy, - 1 Horse and rider, - Foo'man, ------ 15. CV" I 'weiity-fiv per cent added to the above rate during high water. aepU.'oltf 1)4 MEL NOKTOV F K F,S If S 1K I N; n b Ci n tn nut o o Ii 3 . n. ii. losv.xsENn, l)i'tiler in Dry (i.jots, Cirocei ies. II ito ware, tii .'enswari', L i en au.I Shoes, Hals. Caps., ' intie;.-:, Fun")' (jouls, Notions, Je. ; 1.1:1 woop, mw . rjv.n: sriiscuiRFR wo cm ri:- JL r.jiect fully eat' the uitenti iii ol tin: i it IZ.'tts of Mi'is Ulnl the a ' j.ii:iiii"j cutia.ies. to bis l.iioe nnd varii 1 iiSsoi lljli III oi GOODS, s. ( i. li ha is now rceeivitie;. tur! ivl.i.-li will !e olleiej fur nU- to t.'ASll BC YFRS nt rL'.i!.oii.:b!e pi iocs. My s o. 1. eoiisisis uf most i very ur.iiij usa.iliv iuiiinl in u coiiiiu v s hi e. DRY tiOODx, Of every kitnlj vnrietv nml style. CM Fills, Cih.ssiiH rt s. 'esiiii-!, s.itiiii tts. l.ADIKS D.f.i:S (jOUD.s, I.'1 wns, .i;. . uli'l. .ine . 1'i'i nts, Ci i i luiinius. AlajMcca, ikiu 'i Silk, Ci.iiui fli, Works'd Si el en, ts. '., tit:. HAitDWAiifj vs. (jli:j:nsv, ari:, A p-cticriil ;i,S'ir! nu nt. (ilUi.,FRIi:S, (ainviijtiiio of Su ar.Cniei:, Tohaeeo, Rie. MuLiM S Wlli"k , iV,!. JiOOl'S SIFJF.S. (.iclils' Fine C'uif liii.l Ki, Jl nils. UU'lls' Ihisl.iliS, I'll id. 11. li, l'.ill.ili, K. i ivi-it i:. is'.., i.s. (.'iiii r.s. i,n.i j(,.i ii's i.u-i H.iolS.!' 1 ..lilies' 1 luicuiu ii.. i.. lklllii'is, ll.ii I'ului, J.rlioi ii biiJ Wool S. it. i!. TOWNSFND. (i!i uiwo -el. M..v 10. 1M.U. i..-i7--f UAH) Llli. Ji.-VCO.Si lor ale ut Cli so n, h '. ore of G L il N V.' O O D A D Glorious News Titi! ste.'tmorS;.i'.iiiac!i:H itisf :u'.-ivf S.iihiliar !i:H jlisl :U'riM la hh'! f hh is. . I'.roy, .a S ie.n , ( !.! ' 'I .1.1. S. K. M'.l iss,.. ."i bhl M I.M.. N. I I. "...l..e.e. in 1-2 h'n.i. ;..! t.-'i Syrup, "VI .neks C. h. Salt, t I'l bhls K hum 'n do. .''I -a .s cl lire ib. !.! b:j"a do. 1 S.isp, Id bills Cider Vinegar, DRY OUR ASSOUT.MF.NT IS Sheet i;rs, fl-.p brow n ; and bleaeheA ilntnrstic ('it' I'be iitlenlii-.ii of the ladies is called to rind, as remrds price and quality, to be unsurpassed in Western Iow a. Calico, pltie-hams, ia n', deianes le-raires robes of tne latest faslpnii and slyl". Em noidered caps, collars, ch'tiii- :ts. sleeves. :'k a,i ks atiu bui'iiets, linen and cotton haiidkerchiefs, hosiery, parasols, all of which will be sold exeeeilinrlv low. Cros cut saws, mill satf s. h and saws, broivl axes. chopping: axes, ades, lop and loe chains, bench p'anes,aiid in fact every i hint; in the bard waie line, from a Jewharp up to a cradling scythe' 1JOOTS & SHOES. 40 cases direct from Boston. Hoots of all sizes and ipialitien. Shoes, Ladies enameled Jenny Lin. I buskins, callers, slippers. Indies' goat, kip snd calf bootu, misses shoes all sizes. Hals and cups, books and stationery, ilmi.'s and medicines. Javne'g and Loudon's family medicines, and all other popular patent medicines, for sale at hol'esale prices. , QUEENS Of various patterns. Glassware, tumblers, j rsx crucKs, nui it r. of, sly, p rroeKS, sc., &C. FURNITURE. fid bedsteads of different patterns, cherry dining, and breakfast tables, walnut ditto, ditto. R neaus with g'i-s, plain mid fancy walnut presses, cupboards, tin safes, one or two drawer stands, wash stands, lounges and mattresses, double mattresses, slat bottom chairs, Cain seat do., riickiiii; chairs, ciih'..t e. 15 cook stoves, assorted, Patlersan's, ready trimmed with tin or copper boilers, boxstoves, Grecian parlor, stove pipe, elbows. VUslU iO 7 1 L L 0 V -WARE. Pine churns, 1-2 bush's, wood buckets, well buckets, wash tubs, wood bo .sis, trays, doii'h pins, so:;.ir box's, brooms, zinc wadi boards, clothes pins. k.c. " SADDLERY. Bridles maitin.: als. cuciimles. eirtbs. halters, bridle reins, Blaekaivk sad dles, qui I! seats, and ditto La. lies side sail. ties, bii-!;y vshijis, dray hips, O. E. wbips,cow-hidej Kc, saddle-ba's; leather trunks, U.C. LEATHER Sole-leallier, kin, mill cnlf iikins, nmroci n linings, (jnat skins, hair, &.'!. IRON AND CASTINCJS.l Now steel, s.,...r stetl, plows, moulds See. Pols, ovens, skillets i. ml lids. (), X. 10 pnl twetilyy.lloii kettles. PINE DOOliS S by JO and I'l by li sash, vyiu.lnw blind-. CLOCKS $ day 30 hour clock's; warranted to run Weil. TOBACCO AND CIOASR. . i . a. - . irmin. I, onnoke .seetnr leaf U.-'ralia and irincipe cifra-3 of Ihe fin-st flavor. C ibn and Havana si:;es. and various oilier articles, but we deem it inmecess uy to mention them is it is wo trouhle to slioiv tjoods. nnd we wdl i.e happy rt all times to show our old eusNi.jiea s and as manvnew ones as may favor us wiih 1'ieir ji.iti onaire. our (Toodsand prices. ()ir f.-cili-ti -s fi.r s.-ll in? ( ' II E A I '.a re belter than any other house in western Iowa, and we intend to do so. and an nvairunation of our prices is nil thai is necessary to convince you of the fact. Clenwoo.l. .liilv. J. lS.a l. 4o-w. ' jM.'CKOLLs"&. CO. t . . , ' 1" V 'rUBNIslUMi, il f:J 'V, 3' Suceessor, to If V 1crA rAr til fl i t wStlA.Zy No. 215 MAIN f II M K LtT, Corner abosa I J visr.i.v i ii or ri st importers A' . M.uvi facia ers "J 'f jfrnuh Dr. iv iUill Gioiico TEAiiLV' TVVi.N 1')' E I US EXFKri .x ri.ri: in f.irni.slun.; basine.s in S.. Loni-, (coniuiencing at the workman's bench) eiiahies uw lo juu.'e corns tl v of the ,j lalily ol' buirbot ad.iii" l to luiJIing iu the West. " 'l o obi jin th it (piality, we bale found it necessary to vis.t Ihe ipiar: i' -s in France, and there mnko sell cl ,o,.s, liar slock til's year was sclecle! a I I he u'lau n f by one of tlie linn, and samples let'l with the pi opi ii'tors, that we may. w han ve outer, I ceitain of ohtaininjr tim' desired .piality. For saer-lul i.iillmg, the practical mil let nnd iiiiil'i iuht can appreciaie tlie tanee of this arraneiuent. (lur nlncK is always iarre, and any ih'ired temper and text lire oi bun ci.u beolnaincJ vvithoui delay. r.OLTlNti CLOTHS. To obtain the (piality of Hulling Clolh be-t suited to milling in the West, we have had the greatest ditlieully. Over-loading bolls by fast grindiii';, and tlie large quantities of spring wheat and oats proved so desti in-live to the or dinary Cloth, that coiriplaiufs of mill owner: and millers became no fie.pient, we found it ne censary to obtain heavier and stronger Cloths, or subject ourselves to a suspicion of idling an inferior article. We laid before the manufac. torcrsour objections to their Cloths, and order ed heavier and stronger to be made. They un dertook it with reluctance, fearing that they could not make their Cloths heavier and pre serve the uniformity of meshes so iudispensa iiie for good milling. They have succeeded. OU a BOLTIWli fl.OTHS AKC NOW M.SIIK i.X 1'KK-S-LV ior i s, and for beauty of finish, uniformi ty of inrstics, strength and durability, we refer to the millers generally in the country, and es pecially to the millers and null owners in this PORTABLE (IRA IX .VLi. Our attention for many years has ben di rect!. I to oie un the be-t piiin Fir constructing th. mills. In iriany cases they are used by in. v p. rieuced bands, and tin reloie, il'ira:..lit v and s.inpiieity of canstruclion was the object to be nt. ained. In t his wn think e have sue. r.led. We believe so bee nisp in the great I. uiher svehsve ..ld. thereh is not been one re in, acd, nor to our kiiiiwie! tailed to pciforin .-lit. rely t.) the satisfaction of Iho e using tlieai. T.iev are in extensive Use in tlie i'e-t, ami in i-itr of them in New Mexico an t California, a I. -m lis are known as TODD'S 1 M PUD VEI) Clitl.V MILL. We mill, iracliirc th'.-e kinds, to is it: cast iron hacks, to grind by weight of the runner; si oik and ok.sin mill, the luer stone lo run, and the mt.ssu hi: iii.i.. I'ut'.-nt riveted, cemented and lii.ichliie slretch ti LUdvumi ni:;xixc. Pais ar1 icl is now made in the greatest pcr- fclio'i, and beeunng exleasin-iv Used in the in aiafact irn.g eslh .liliuicnis of Ihe country. V.' ket p o:i hand the largest assoi lint nt in the ii.terii country, of our oivn, and Eastern ma I'linctui e. UI.IAMKO RI1IHLR llLI TINli STKSH r ACk I Mi AM) liu e.uiR liosK. We Hie the only a if. '.is of Ihe Lusloii Coinjiany in this city for Ihci. -I ' of these guo ls. If a.stoig mens, mill spindles, regilating sci a n, "la'iisal irons, patent iron proof Safes, mill p eks. scii'en wire, copper r.i."-'. lace lea tin .', l-a'c. ied l.i.nter, i.C, tc, QsJ' fJildtaiil- Land. St Lo us, A'iril '.'(). ls-L li 10-1 v. i ) I'. It.M) NS Wlsl.ll.glo p... ii . :, a:. I I. u j w ill to e i v , i.s a call an I .nni.i on sv...... whicli ci. inn. is'-s a g"' asso: tinolit. a id Vi il! ba stdd a' ifvent ha1 -aiiis, s, JT. (.UI ENE. KINNEY . CO. 1 .NtikS AND LAIV'I'IES. Jaia s'"-!.--! IV ipiali'y of Mi'.-nil Kiit.'s ami Lats'i' s, l s.,:--t CREE N E, Kl.N.xl.Y i. Cu. H Ul '.' ' ' I. MAHASKA CLfiLu-i. C1 1 '.I 'd A N l'S v.;l ple i-e take noti.-e tha .i.i proc.-v ling if !he l!"l!iu it vv fie.tita ( I ah, in ike il tne duty of all Claimants t j re coi l s liaciptioii oi their (tlaiius at n.-xr as tnev may De utile to ..e,c,'ihe tana. O.lice ut iK-ll'TVit iv, N -b'-.-iskH. CIUKLFST. K'M LOW AY, ' ! - E-'-wT-.y. V C rt T 10 C M 7. N 7 & . ibr Nebraska." iljit.ulcl to (he irnanls ith -roods for t I. Ms ". 1 and 2 Mack-rot, S tin's Tar, 'J I am! half boxes iitiir Candles, .'' Ii Tal low caudles, f'l ke's assorted, b'i s Con l'i,h, Ii I sacks Hio I'oil'ce, ! i ; : i : iii and V jun i; rs.n Tea, Sailn. Saler.itas, Candv, Itaisins, l.ii'.'lijh Walnuts. Atmonds, Cinder, Spice, Pepper, &c., 4.C. GOODS. LAIUJK AM) COM PLFFI'. frtll ti:c, Osnob ires. Hnvens, ilurks Ac. io. our assortinent nf dress roods, which thev will WARE, ic, A.c. M(I0 eal. stone ware, thurnes. iar. . . - . ' ' ' .V . ' 4 lvtur n t - - . r - . . r C ;i,-t ;i'v .v r xi.i i"- 1- Uk, w.,siw.i. jTJ sj.Huwgitlon is the L'ifr of vtr.tfjc. A 1 i-'f.V !s VltPYi E.N(;LISH are now -LTJ. receiving nt Glen wood, a well selected slock of dry g.uds. fancy .'nods, clot liini'. hoots and shoes, groceries, hardware, crockery, drugs. Iiipiors, stoves, tinware, ic, in Western Iowa. Tne public are invited to call and examine for themselves, and they will find the truth of the above statement. Also they will find that we can sell as cheap any o! her house iu Mills, Fre- iit. mi or l ouawaiTainie counties. And in giving notice to the fanpinjr commu nity, w e wdl give them the highest cash price for their p. ducc, S'ii:!i as beef, pork, corn. beat and beans. Tiie store is on the west aide of the Public Suuare, Gleuwood. nov 2.i-3m O KINS WWTEI). O ed, f jr which tlie by All kindsof skins want- tlie highest price will be paid M. Jt I .. I " Hi ED FULTT for sale by -VKPY & EN'CLISH, RAISIN.S, FIG S ANT) CL'KKA NTS, for "ale by SAUPY .t ENGLISH. U.MALAST Cloths r.,r sate by V'i .SARPYiEXGI.SII. AVXES PATENT M EDICT X i.S. lor saic by SARPY ii. ENGLISH. l)KODl'CK AN I) CASH wanted in puvrnent J. in payment of debts. S Altl'V li ESC. 10UX and Oats wanlujby 8. JtE. nO USES, work oxen and voun" stock, ditto. SARPY t ENGLISH. BEEF AND PORK wanted at the Public Square by S. 4. E TIf NUliSEKY. QJj HIE undersigned has on hand and for Jj sale a few thousand select grafted apple li.;, a, r;ady for transplanting in orchards th coming fall and spring'. VARICTV. RedJune, bald win, white winter parmain. fall pippin, Uelmont, wine sap, yellow beltliiwer. Rhode Island greening, swaar, priors red, red asfrachan, early harvest, aweet June, summer rose, summer queen. Rail's janet, raiabo, wine spple, whit bellellower, Komau item and Northern py. roa IHADS. The Catalpa and Ulack Locust. OBKAMENTAL. The snow ball, English and American lilac, red dogwood, honey suckle, rose, ic, ic. A few of the Isabella and Catawby grape from Cayering. bt. Mary, Iowa, Aug. 31, '33. ?hll GEORGE IIEPXER. i.O.i; LOOKED FOII, CCHE AT LAT. NFCKOLLS K CO. have just received oneof the largest and best a.-lecled stock of GOODS ever bifore exhibited in tlie west. A iiiuiiij their assortment may be found DRY OOODS, A variety of clothing of all sorts and hardware anil cutlery, drugs, medicines, furni ture, bedsteads, bureaus, tab'ts, chairs, cook, box and Grecian, parlor stoi es, 4.C.; iu short, every tiiin.; yo'i may c;ill for. Peso is need not be .let imed when thev come to the cheap coruar, as they are well sapphod wit.i i.iiitiile i lei ks on th-ir first I. "'s. iind al vvavs have sharp scissors an 1 dull con se.encc'.s Eiuigrants wiil Iind if to their ad.' !o call upoa us b. f are piin:h tsingelstwiic.-e. Glciwood. April !!'!. 1 S:i 1 . nlia-tf ,) Dt.. 1 da," and Hi) ho.u cocks, waTi.u, led, for sale al the eheip cash atore of inlo-tf Nl'KOLLS !C CO. J(;r. LITi'Llafdliey holiolIsTors'ilea :)U'JU cheap as di t. at the cheap cash store of na-tf NEC Iv O I.f.S i. CO. i,frYv'v vp ni) v . i.r i 'HE r: 1 EAME'lNEHK .SK A Is KL'AMXU between ST. MARY . DZLLEVIEW CITY. t Mill. . .1. Pen Neluaska is a new an I sideinlnl boat el by experienced ollicei s and ciew. ittdleview City, Nch.asLa, &i. Mary, Iowa. EMKiRAN l'S c .m.iiig to N.-biii ,k.i f'io'd 1 c :ue directly Ij ST MARY. 1 in is the front g-ifuny to th- en st iirtiortant and i..!e.v.-ling pciiinu of Xi bia.ika. ileir io iijiii ! I.1 at tr. MAT t EELIE7IE W CIT'f sre tb two bi kt put..! lor ths cin.iation to eei i-r. -;lis C.rr . Jaly 1 1. 4f f. LI )S A0VRTIv5MINr U): vie iin lUuoUng CiitimciU. Wil'i a 3l2..1.aj Btlm wo coin U greet yo t. fMHE action of thi Liniment is one of Ui. I inot i.en"-et i"ine lies ever offered to the aiilictel. lis i.i.!i..;i upon the or-.nuatioti is truly wonderful. lt,vobi'ie. penetrating, tooth in:; and 1 r-.'. ( i , . p.. .p je ui,; . i.. tlieinselve to Ihe very bou -s. It mtrrs intotne ciieiilalion of the bluuil give a new impulse to who!' nt rou system to the very rl rein. t ies of till fineet and ktimulates to the aloi b.-uts ami secretions, .Hid Illlls ASSIST IS ATi- HK to till OW Oil' Klld till he-self of 11MV (i,..,se.) section of the nervoii . hoi ds or liuine;its, inaku.g if r.pially applies ble to sores of any, rheumatism psin. in every part of the hotly, from a diseased actioa of ar.y or the slrurtnrai portions of the system. While it is perfectly harmless to healthy flesh, skin or bone, it; the property of entering into combination, and dissolving any of the or ganic tissues when thev are diseased', or their vi tality is destroyed. Possessing these peculiar powers, isthe reason why it is equally efhesriou. in so many different complaints. It acts upon scientific principles and fixed laws of th. Crea tor! The large number of cases in which this lini ment has proved its value, in the short time it has bee.-i before the people of America, is sivfh cent to give the greatest confidence that its vir, tues are incomparable in curcing rhciimstism bruises, strains, bums, wounds, swellings, brok en or cracked breast, old sores or pains iu any part of the I Kt V. Sr. Louis Tkktimon r. State or Missouri, County of St. Lo'iis. "' Be it remembered, that on this fifth dsy May, A. n. 1H")3, before me, the undersigned, mayorof the city of St. Louis. in thecounty smt State aforesaid, came personally David M. Smythe, w ho, upon his oath, says that the fol lowing statement is true. In testimony whereof I hereto set ujt haa4 the day and date last aforesaid. JOHN HOW, Mayor. Soc. Newman, Retrister. Sr. Lotus, Mo.. May 5. 185.1. Dr. A. (i. Hraoo, ft Co. Gents: You will probably recollect that I called into your estab lishment some three weeks toiee and purchased a fifty-cent bottle of your "Mexican mustang liniment j'' my object in so doing was totrybt merits upon iriy daughter's arm, who has beea suffering from the effects of a severe dislocation of the elbow for several years past. The excruciating paiii consequent upon falw se'.tingof the bone had dw iridic! and contracted her nriu to a puny size, and I consider it a duty ffevol ving upon me to acquaint the community of the beneficial effect your liniment has paodnced.. Her linn was dra wn to a right angle, and wes almost inert and useless, until vonr invaluable iiiinneur. was a ppi leu, since wnicn time, i am happy to stale, she has enjoyed uninterrupted good strength, and can use her arm nearly as jili antl y an b. fore it was dislocates!. I would dt.ite, however, that prior to trvins: your uiiequaled l.iiiuient. I use.) several other remedies, and among them McLean's volcanif oil liuiment," but with the least beneficinl result. I). M. SM Y'THF,. We offer this liniment as a remedy in the vari ous diseases and co.'riplain's for which it ii res commended with full confidence of its success iu curing them. The following is a list of the numerous and e-- traoi Jinary cases it has cured during the la few month : ti.T.'xi cased of rheumatism iu all its forms 4. '.'iS) 5. PiO tlo sprains and bruises ; di do dd do do do no hurns antt stains ; fresh cuts and wounds ; cancers ; s ii-of ilous sores and ulcers that bad resisted all other trealu.eut ; inflamed or swelled joints; piles ; luiiihngo. sciatica, goat and kar4 3.-1. "v. I !') 7,7-ia fv.210 7,'si() 4'W 6.2.V) 3.01M 4.ii0l) PI.(KH) bony4 imiirj do chppped hands ; do cake l breasts, tlo tooth-ache; do various ch's'" !..dscs. 'Fhis must appear alinoit ni'iedibie, but tha nuni.'i ous ectliica'es and lttif.s Iroin distin g.shf'l physicians, cil'ens, i-g"i.ts and others who have used tiie medicine, enable us to sub stantiate the a hove fact.-; mill ions of bottles of it are yarly consumed, and it has always given satisfaction. 'Fo ( oi'NTRY m RUTH SM S. E very store sho'4 be s'ipjilied with this valuable liniment, ai it pays a good profit and sells rapidly. pHU'tS OF TH K LIMMKKT. It IS JHlt Up ill battles of three sizes, and retails at 'iii cents, bl) centsar.d SI per bottle. The 5') cent and one dollar bottles contfvn fid and 11)0 per cent mora liniment, in proportion to their cost, so that money issayed by buying the lager sires. A. G. l!UACG4i.CO.( Sole Proprietors. Principal offices, cor. Third and Market sts. St. Louis, and 3ll Bioadwuv, New York. For sale by P. A. S srhv. S:. Mary, and Ra rv & English, Gleiiwood; and by denier ia medicine every vvheie. aug 31-ly DR.A.GJ3RAG G S TOMCAND ANTI-13ILIOUS PILLS. The great popular triedieine of the ilay Vast amount used per month The nu merous and woiulerful cures it etrccls Its mtijgicul elfect uo!i I3ilioms Fevers, nnd Fever iitul A'iie Great excitemuut Mnon the 1J tutors ! A KE now adtiitted on all hands to be a most Ix. extraordtiiary Snd valuable medicine in gene-al uso. Ii not only acts as a specific upon the bilious nnd typ is fevers, chills and fever, and fever and ague of the West and South but iu all diseases of debility, weak stomach, indi gestion, bu t of appetite, impurity of the blood, and all diseases prevalent in a ne'lern ami south ern climate. Their great power consists in their peculiar t'liect upon all Ihe orcans of th system; and the rapid format ion of new ami pare blood they produce. In this lies the great secret of their success. They are mil. I nnd pleasant in their action but searching and per manent iu their eli'ect penetrating the remotest recesses of the system by their ready absorption intolhe blood, thereby inf ...sing a new supply of vilalii y and lid vuus power into all tlieiiinchin ryof fife. The tv'ensiie popularity they hava acquired all our the Wct .So'ulli ensure sales of at least Su .oiiO hoxks era month ! And we find it dillieult w iili our large force of ban Is, an J tlie lute iiiinroi euieots in machinery which ue have adoit-d, to manufacture the lit fj. i enough to supply tiie demand in thirteen ua i'ern and south, rn S!a!ia! One large iiianil. facto, y is constantly er.gag.-d in preparing tht iiiiious concentrated e.xtiacts of which they d' coinpoiiiiileil. From the best information wn can obtain from our H.lltiu selling agents, and iios's of attentive coi rcspen.lenls m all parts of the country, our medicine cures pr month not less than C 1,000 fas.- of fever and ague, one thousand of Which have resisted ail other treatment j case of weakness and penei al debility ; ' of Siliti'is chronic diseases; " of weak stonneli and lots of appe tite; ca.seu of dyrpeps in ; of I lieuiu.u ism ; ' of female roinpiaiiits ( ' of agne enke. or enlarged plr 5.3,1(1 a..Vii) s.ijvfd f-'i0 l.-'ii'l I.i 'i "I l.s'iK) 'Fliis m ist appei.r it I moat incredible, but tne nuin.-io'is leile.s from phv sieians, agenti and these who use the in liciu'e. f min all the it. ern pud souif em S! ales, si.tisfy in that this is a in. derat. estimate, and ti n! our is rap. i lly taking th p', e of the v ai ions ci.imleife,ls ivhte'i h. a'.l a.", and tne nau'.e.tius tonic utla t irssina.le sy holly of ipiiiiii.e, which aic linpot. e liipoj tin, puli! t- by n jioifat I'.ieis whs .' nobody knows w here ! P .'! uf 'ifjn e pit's T.' . 's and Ae'i-bi. on - ' ee rs. A . ij. US i ... ;. lr pi or t St. I.'i.ns. For r .) .- p. A. t! j rsAtirv, a li 1 V . m n.l s . u v L .. , . , . M .. (' . . . i v,y ler s iiwbcine tst-t,. (.'.:! fb- i ii t4 fst 'o;.I S a f o.