Nebraska palladium. (Bellevieu City, Neb.) 1854-1855, October 18, 1854, Image 2

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'JL " 1 !. ..
iLLr.viLW city, rrr.RASK'MAV, .CTOBr.J RTf
V. B. Pilmc?, Tribine bethiinus, S. M. Tet
t inxell, 119 Slum ilwt, W. If. McDorifM,
102 Nasait t-eet. New York Citr.
C. Pierce, E. W. Carr, Crane At Co., PhUa-
W. S. 8rvmm?r, General Newpa er Ajlcnt.
8t . Lom.
Dm. McMahon "Williams, Council Blufls,
A. D. T. M., Omaha Cttv, Nebraska.
J'r. M. H. Cb.rk. Nebr.ika Center.
Stephen Decatur, F.:,'i., Belleview Citv, Ne
braska. II. V. Johnson., Ft. Calhonn, Nebraska.
J. C. Mitchell 4. Co., Winter 4uarttrs, Ne
braska. P. M., Pawnee. Lo ipe Fork. Nebraska.
Maj. II. 1. Down, Atbraska, Ntbra-k.
l.t. Garnet, U. S. A., Commander at Fort
lotriirpie, Nebraska.
I. t. Ileat'i. t. S. A., Commander at Fort
Kearney, Nebraska.
). M., Mii-mt Tabor, Fremont Co., Iowa.
Col. Tim. farmer. Afckissicks Grove, Iowa.
Opka fcCe-pn, B:uiiiiirtoii, Iowa. Greene, l.sq.. Cedar Rapid, Iowa.
?V.t M inter. Fort De Mtie, Iwa.
Hon. A. C. Docc, liurliitoii. lows,
lion. 'Jhoniss Hmwn. Murysv'ille, Obio.
Fliel narnanl . K., Northampton, Mass.
John (.". Reed, CVrnminirton. Matt.
M. F. Ilotliiter, Ottawa, '.
Silas Titus. tSvracus" , . Y.
Je is Wet, TaVr, Jc x.
II. P. Ilcajjet. GionuOil. Inn-a.
U. Tzschnclr, St. .Mary. luwa.
The Secretary of this cempanv, J. W.
Richardson. Il-q", nnd the Rev! W. W.
KfiMi, linnored us with a call a ft v
since. They were on their return from
locality winch they had selected on the
F.ik-IIorn river, about thirty-five mile
above it s mouth. These gentlemen, ac
companied by Dr. M. II. Clarke and sev
eral friends, visited various points on tbe
Missouri, Platte and Eik-Hom rivers, an J
after a thorough examination of the var
ious localities, decided in favor of a site on
tlie r.ik-IIorn river, a clear beautiful
(ream thirty yards in width, with a suffi
ciency of water for small steamers
fifty miles above its mouth, ut il s ordinary
depth. The agents ofthccompany after
having decided upon the place for a loca
tion, gave it the lumc of "Quincy." Ac
cording to the representation made us by
the' secretary or tlie company, it will be
a desirable, if not a benutiiul location. The
JJrrrripie ti.-t(iv;iiii,igevpi'ken of in con
nection wi;h this plate, was, the acarci'y
of timber; the method proposed to compm
sate for this deficiency, was to substitute
ditches for rails in fencing, and clay, li'i.e
stone and brick for building. These ma
terials ure found in abandance in the
neighborhood ofthu wte. The necessary
machinery for producing these materials,
and preparing limn for use, will be
brought along; ly Uia colonists in the
It is eipeoted tlicre will be, at
least, live hundred families come to take
possession of this wilderness site, and
turn it into gardens and fruitful fields, and
ckth twithar;ifiialas well as'social audi
moral beauty. We anticipate an imrtor
lantVldilion to the selllt luent of Nebras
ka in the Quincy Colony, which is re pre-
mcn of
wealth, morality, intelligence and refine
ment; end we have no doubt, but a high
order of civi'iz ition and intelligence will
be represented in the Colony.
The object of thecolonisis arc thus des
cribed in thtir published circular:
" The objects of the Nebraska Colonization
Company a.e to ohUin permanent iioujca fur
oui selves and f aruiliej to advance the prosper
ity of those wi'h whom we may te associated
in the settlement of tins new Territorv; and in
obtaining these eiids, we ee nothing 'inconsis
tent with propriety, or antagonUtical with true
KepuMicaniaui, in pivi.g our full support to
the present federal administration, tr arowinff
our favor of its principles and measures. And
to this end we intend to taljeapresa for thead
rancement of the Territury, our interests aiid
settieisest or kebkaska.
The Territory of Nebraska is now
epen for settlement, and will soon become
the buisy theatre of iudus'ri tl pursuits of
trade and politics, and social lile a thea
tre lere pmbitious men will meet and
contest the narrow piss that leads to
wealth and distinction; where it is to be
fcared, that in many instances, at least,
those great moral princSplcs by which a
man's conduct should be guided, will be
overlooked, or Irampe l tinier feet.
Under ati institution of ovcrmnent like
curs, where rvery individual is left free j ser.ted ts being composed of
w nit uwu voc event winch
cpens so wile a field to the enterprizing
and ambitious; would naturally awaken an
intense intciusi. in the minds of the Ame
rican peop'e, who cr ever ready te enter
into an honorable con'est for the prize,
whenever a field of walili s.nd distinc
tion presents itself to view.
The settlement of Nebraska is an event
particularly interest iir to the States that
lie contiguous) to it. It will give them
neighbors, and afford them a cash market
1st .heir prodnce and s'ock, and ereativ
fnhsncethe value of their land, and add
to their comfort and wealth. A" in, its
settlement will be a matter of great in
terest to tho'e who become its oooiipunla.
They will not belone loth North. East,
Fouth.or West; their w ill be cen
tral and commanding. ' Their interests
will not conflict wi h other section of the
country; their great occupation wi'I be
that of agriculture, and the products of
their labor may be appropriately sent to
any point of our national cornpas. In re
turn, the produc's of every section will
te reo4uIred such will be the relation
listing between this country and ether
sections of the union, that whatever tends
lo promote the welfare of one, will lend
to increase the weahli and Iuiury of the
einer also.
The time is not very far distant when
populous villages, and splendid cities will
spring up a around us, and exercise 8
rommanding influence in the councils of
the nation,' and it is not beyond the reach
f probability, that the National Capilol
J'seir, will tc located near us.
The march of improvement is sure t
bring the Great National Railroad by our
doors, and up the Great Platte Valley, to
me -outn r-ass," tue Rocky mountains,
end the gilded West. The Atlantic ai.d
the Tecifio will be united wi h bands of
iron, rnd Nebraska will te the Ley-s'one
by wluc.'i tins grert arch will be connect
cd. We tope the people of Nebraska
wid take an enlightened view of their po
sition and be prepared to rreet the respon
sibilities that devolve upon them in estab
lislunj the foundation of n new State.
YV arc told that there were I:") prrtons at
Ih" "uceptioii" at Uritciiew Innt Mii lay
AIMhe ilizens and some neighbor. Wonder
how many hinrlreds lh"iewill beat Oinjha,we
ihall e when his I'.xo'Henry becoines convul
tscenl. On aha Arrow, Octotjer 13(h,
it is w ith emotions of heart-fclt. sorrow
and shame, that it has become our du tj
to stain the columns of the Palladium, by
the insertion of such a paragraph as the
above. Urtil the appearance of this bricl
paragraph, we had entertained a more ex
alted opinion of our neighbor's intelli
gence and honesty) than it is possible for
us to have now. Does the L.iitor of the
Arrow believe all he is told? D.ns lie
believe that Del ie view contains less than
fifteen inhabitants!'' I)(s he believe the
number ol persons assembled at the "Re
ception Mceiing," dul not exceed fifteen!'
One of two things Tire certain. If he be
hevas the story he was told, ho lacks that
degree of penetrationy that should charac
terize the conductor of a pub!ic.i'i;ry;!
ir no uocs not omeve it, tia lacis nut
measure of honesty and unrvhiHess, for
which the conductor of a putjiic journa
should be 'distinguished, atd upon which,
alone, its value depend. Now, to say
nothing of the number of "Citizens" .
nothing of the number t'lat crosse 1 at oth
er 1 ernes, und attended the reception
meeting, we happen to know that not less
than twenty-five persons crossed the ferry
at St. Mary, and attended the meeting,
and that many were kept from the meet
ing, by the report ol the Governor's sickness.
We know nnt how many hurrdrcds will
honor the Governor, when he goes to
IV I,, f:,.. I .
vsiiiuua voy, nciincr uo WO Care. l e
wouldn't give a s'raw for honors, that we
had to buy; or that were withheld, be
cause we didn't go out to seek them or
because, we wouldn't prostrate ourselves
before an "Idol,' as a pre-rc(uisite to their
bestowal. Tue language of the paragraph
standing at the head of this article, when
reduced to its simplest form, sccin to be
this: '? Guldtn Calf had been set up,
before which, the Governor was required
to prostrate himself, us ihe only condition
iijKin which he could gain the honors of
the"Hundieds," that stood ready to shout
is praise, whenever the nccissary con
ditions had been fulfilled.
Our Iowa neighbor of the Council
Bluff Uugle, has lately h id the honor ol
being serenaded by "a bevy of fair la
die," (ttMrtariiurt his window, rt some
S iMmer is tiiStiS, i's green robes ere
laid jiside, and the georgeous mantle of
autumn is spread over the face of nature.
- The ei.r'y frost has dis-roted the earth
f nd the trees of their emerald beauties,
atid tinned them with the hues of sadness;
the 'eaves end the fruit are falling, and
'desolation assuming its rt yn the harvest
'is over,' and the fields so lately covered
with thtir rich products, left in their na
kedness, to receive the cold embrace of
winter's icy arms. Great as w ihe c'lange
that has come over the face ef nature, i
is bright und beautiful stii! its Lretzes
waft the sweet (.Jars tf d ing flower,
rut dow n in die midst of their bloom, fra
grance und beaut -heir jfe twd beauty
is ended. Nut so with the beautiful flow
ers of youthful .lifethese, though they
. fade, tit ter die, tut ripen and grow tweet
er, wl n U.e frofcfs of i.ire Uuin toanwar.
The lessons at autumn, are sorrowful,
yet beautiful.. It s j e .ka of yuulh's fading
fJi.tU, 'ad the mellow fi uiis of tge it
j-v!r.l to tinoiir end a tetter iil'e-to
.(loners tlmt are fadeless and immortal.
Thu f!-s of the heart never fd, nev-
rf i'i9. They, jf properly cultivated,
ror Liighiti" (ftiiJ iLe stonas wi.b which
i eis t Ucd, iu I eu'-Hve Ieath l'ttf.
Among the families interested, are some
from Iowa. fit. Louis, (Juinrj and Springfield
111.,. tb Missouri river, fce., whm uuliticsd
character in in aerirlai.f- u.;ih i.A . ...i...
above tiprtssed; who are among our oldeit and , la e hour "' ,,,e ,!lgn, f resting bis sluin
best citizens. k- I. .i .
nun uirn smci niutic. in me es
timation of our neighbor, it is perfectly
proper, and lady-like for ihe fair se to
be found strollm alwut town, and loung
ing about gentlemen's bedroom windows,
at all hours of the night. Now, we con
fess that we look upon it, as a inaik of
indecency and vulgarity in the female
sex, to be found engiged in nocturnal rev
els, s ich es occurred in this instance.
We had the honor and pleasure of a
serenade ourselves, on S.iturday evening
lost, but it differed in several respects
from the one es tended to cur neighbor.
Ours came off at a seasonable hour, before
bed-lime. It was given by the male sex,
and was bo'h vocal and instrumental. Il
ws given by musicians from abroad, and
mutually enjoyed.
The Colonists einbrarn i'ltl nir.l.
finetswat, htpo intelligence; and, in fact, all the
elements of good society, and the requisites of
eirilization in its most pure and elevated form.
" We propose immediately to open uch
schools as will meet the wants of tho colony,
and without delay, to take such M.-ps as wi'l'
secure and establish a College of htti literary
character. The advantjcea of surj, a settle-
uieni, m drawing around it a commercial, me
chanical, and agricultural influence, increasing
the value of real estate, as wt-tl as other pro
perty, win be very apparent.
" in securine these ends we hve tb.e,.
ration at men of high standing, who are of the
'Young America' stamp; who have an onward
nterprue at heart, aad the development and
sustaining the Laws and Constitution of cur
Such are soma of the leading obiccts of
the colony, and from what we have been
able to learn, we have no doubt but that
the objects set forth in ihtir circular will
be accomplished.
It would seem that the members of the
colony intend to make mutual helpers and
dependants of each other they are nr t
oniy to look out for themselves but tohav
rrspect to the welfare ol their neighbors,
ana the coinmuni'y at large.
The secretary informed us, that the
rompai.y intend to ccr:ic provided with
various kinds of labor-savi::g machinery,
to aid in the more rapid deve'opraent of
the resources afforded by the country for
the productions of wealth. Among the
machines that witl be applied for the ben
efit of the colony, will be a fencing ins
chine, ly the epperation of which, one
half mile of excellent fence can be com
pleted by a single day's operation,
Threshing anj mowing machines, and pa
tent reapers, steam plows, &c, &c, wiil
be nrovided.
With the facili ies at the commind of
the colonists, we anticipate their rappid
growth, and the speedy acquisition of
every thing that goes to make tip an
abundant supply of the physicial.sot ial, in
Ullectual, and moral necesMtiis of the
people of which thtir community will b
M e are indebted to V. A. Sarpr,
for some beautiful specimens of Iron Ore,
found a few miles up the flatte Valley,
where an abundance can be procured,
and ivhi-jh, if we mistake not, will soon
be sought sifter, and manufactured into
that most useful of nil i ..
v v.. j j HUlli .
Judging from appearances, the ore is nol
the richest kind. Its iild would proba
bly be about thirty per cent, and wou'd
afford the miner a hanJsotne nrnfU f nr t,i.
Messrs. Sarpy & Hollis'er. are about
to build an extensive Hotel at this place.
It is to be eighty feet in length, and forty
feet in breadth, with wings, wash-room.
&.C, connected. It is the intention of the
proprietors, to have their house completed
at an ear'y day, and supplied with every
tiling needed for a traveler's home. The
house will be commodious und comforta-
e, and sufilciently elegant, to meut the
Maj. George Ilepner, accompanied by
six men and the Otoe Chiefs, sorted from
the Otoe Village, for the purpose of s?
lectirg a location for that tribe, on the
16 h inst. They are seeking a location
net far from New Fort Kearney, on the
Active preparation ure now being made
for building up Jklleview. Every re
source for procuring building mati-rials
and Lb.r, is being employed, anj some-
tiiiii? w ill so.ii te done, A to'el, pnnt-
ir.g-olijce, 6iiJ several private dwellings,
will soon be c4;nl!ed, aI i. in'o jJ
wants of a new cou
The heath of the Governor, since his
arrival at Blleview, has been such, llut
he has been unable to lake any steps to
wards the organization of the territorial
government. He lm been confine I to
his room most of the time since his arri
val, and although somewhat better now. is
still unable to eiiJure either physioJ or
mental effortbut it is hoped, that his
health will soon be restored, and tlut tho
organization of the government will Le
undertaken, without unnecessary delay.
Isouas. A bun! of Sioux or Panca
Indians, siiied ibis place, on the night of
the Itnh, anf stol a large number of
horses frora P. A. Srpy'i herd, A
irompnny ef men hive sfsr'ei In fursuit.
... . -
For the Palladium.
NO. I.
Ms. I.nnoR : hoevrr will take p-uns
to exaininc and investigate the principle!
upon which society in its present form is
based, will find much that is justly liable
to condemnation. Self love unfortunate
ly predominates lo such an extent, that
man through love of gain, cupidity and
avarice, will sacrifice the better and holier
impulses of nature, that pride, vanity and
indolence nny be gratified at the expense
of the practice of the virtues. Men form
society, and society founds government,
nnd government enacts law s to restrain the
vicious, and control that moral depravity
which developcs itself in acts injurious to,
and subversive cf ihe trencrul com!.
How far the object sought to be accom
plished by the enactment of laws is attain
ed, let the present lamentable state of
the social condition answer. ,. ,. ,:
. It is no (loubllrue, that man is. imper
fect, ami perlmps the deduction is n!so le
gitimate that, that which is imperfect can
not produce pcrfec'ion. Admitting this,
it is nevertheless the duty of men indivi
dually, and of society, so to improve their
and it: condition, as that crime tniy be, if
not totally eradicated, at Icist to such an
extent diminished, that the intercourse be
tween men may be elevated and based in
reJity, upon principle--that the srntimetit
calied honor may be cultivated in its puri
ty and that the virtues m iy be t s'ablished
as the basis of our acts and dealings with
eacli other.
This brings us to a brief consideration
of the method of education now in prac
tice generally throughout the social orga
nization, and til's too in the midst of the
boasted vvisdo:n, and very extensive in
crease of knowledge, with which the mid
dle of the 1& h century has surrounded
us. The impression entertained by the
public generally, on the subject of edu
cation, appears to be that it consists of
knowledge derived solely from books.
Patrick Henry tells us that wc can onlj
judge of the conduct of man, in the fu
ture, by what he has done in the past ; so
we can only properly understand tli e opi
nions of men on particular subjects, by
their acts in relation to those subjects.
The prevailing practice, therefore, in the
education of the pupil, is, to send him to
as good a school as the country can pro
duce; the best authors of books, and the
best teachers are selected: and the fond
pnrent fondly hopes that his son will tt.kc
a position in the front rank in the army 'of
learned men, w bo grace or curse the world;
his unenlightened conscience is lulled in
to Gjiiictu le by the exultant idea that he
has thoroughly and faithfully discharged
his duly ; and in a ripe old age he goes
down to slumr in the tomb, the truth for
a moment never having dawned upjti his
mind, that he has thrown into being a
spark, that ;i.iy go out, or lhat m iy kindle,
anl bum, anl destroy to infinity.
Webster in his unabridged Dictionary .
defines the term LVlucutiou thus: "Kluca
tion The bringing up of a child, instruc
tion, formation of manners. Educ.viioti
comprehends all the series of instruction
and discipline which is intended to en
lighten the understanding, correct the tem
per, and form the manners and habits of
youth, and fit tlu m for usefulness in fu
ture stations. '' II jw far the present me
thod of educating youth, runs parallel
with the above definition, it will be the
object of these papers to show ; and also
to point out what further duties not desig
nated by the above author, still remain in
cumbent on parents, guardians, and the
brinjers up of children. The practice of
the world does net extend beyond the se
cond proposition contained in the defini
tion, viz : the "instruction" of children in
the Vuiious tranches of know ledge. The
"form ition of manners," and lhat "series
of instruction and discipline intended lo
enlighten the understanding," receive from
the great mass of mankind but little or-no
attention. Deep'y absoi bud in the great
tjuestiotis of gam and accumulation, most
matters relative to the ultimate benefit of
lh ir offspring, are loo trivial lo receive
their attention. Occupied as they are with
the great idea of acquisition, the great fact
ceases lo be remembered, that they are
hurrying onward to the grave, and that,
t"-t Union and those Institutiur,i, ii.d the
liberty of which they are so proud, ure
rapidly passing over lo another generation
of whose capability to perpetuate w hich,
they have never for a moment thought.
These facts, I think may ba traced to no
settled determination to disregard duty,
but rather lo a misconception of what du
ty is. Jlecause every man no doubt wish
t .1:1 i ii i .
c ma cjwiuren wen no desires lo see
them properly established in lifo ; end in
many instances, his very labors to accu
mulate wealth, are intended fwr their es
pecial benefit. But the operations of the
social system, f how a great defect some
where ; crime does not diminish in a ra
tio with ihe increase of civilization, sel
fishness is almost universal, benevolence
is tardy, and ostensible labor though seem
ingly U be respected, is in reality sneered
tumely nnd neglect, of the rich by inheri
tnnce, and the intelligent from iitcc.s.ily
And yet the banishment of these evils
to u certain extent within the power of
every man, and he is therefore to the ex
tent of his power to remote thrtn, respon
siblc for their continuance. How this is
to be effected w ill be the subject of lb
next pnper. At present only remarking
in conclusion, that as the existing defec
live state of Society, is attributable to the
prelect or failure to net in accordance witl
certain physiological law s, or natural prin
ciptes ; so the effectual eradication of
these evils, can only take place when the
laws end principles app!)ing to them
come to be respected and observed. And
that inpsmuch as these sores upon the bo
dy p-wi'.ic, have descended to us here dita
riiy, so also the remedy beginning will
this generation must go down to our de
scendants, and besides accomplishing much
for ourselves, will be of inappreciable be-
ni.t 1 thme ti ,t fol'oW tl,:: i J, V- M,
"'. THR AKEilXAW ThdIASI.' si ""!'
Obscurity of their Origin anJ early
History- their character and present
The condition of the American Indirns
previous lo the settlement of New-I'ng
land by the whites; is very imjerfcctly
known; even by those most conversant
w ith aboriginal history and character. At
what time, and how the natives of this
country came here, no one can tell. From
whence are they? and from whom were
they descended? these questions thougl
often discuistd, have never been iatisfac
lorify determined. The probability is,
Ihey were the sole possessors of Nortl
America, for many ages previous to Ihe
settlement of Kuropeans; how they came
here none can determine with unv degree of
certainty. Some very leirncd men sup
pose they are the descendants of one race,
anil others equally learned, suppose them
lo have descended from another. They
are described by eminent histoiiatis, ns
being possessed of many of the higher at
tributes of humanity, and a measure of in
tellectual capacity,. .for which we have
found no warant, in the observations we
hav e made. Among ti e rcdemi tg traits
among Indians, ure their social develop
ments; they have their friends, and are
ready and willing to divide their last mor
sel with thein willing to peril life itself
foi their welfare. Their code of honor is
to be faithful and liberal to their friends
their religion, is lo do In others, as others
i's, t; them to love tbrir friends and We
ihrir enemies.
It is a miller to te deplored by the
friends f humanity, that nol withstanding
so much has been done to rescue the abo
riginal tribes of North America Indians
from utter destruction, nothing adequate
to that purpose has yet been discovered;
or at least, it has not yet been so applied
as lo allay our honest fears that such, will
be the result. There is no question, but
that the aboriginal races are rapidly dis
appeaiimr. Ten years ago, the Kiekt.x
tribe numbered some over two thousand,
now tiie same tribe does not exceed
eight hundred. We could jint out s
similar ratio of diminution among other
tribes along the Missouri river, and else
where if our space would permit.
From our "Extra"' of FiiUv, Octoba- 13th
Hon. '. F. I'tuntson, Chief Jus'ioe of
Ne.braski, anl family, accompanied by
A. R. GtLMona, of Chicago, arrived at
IMIcview on Wednesday, October 11 ih,
in good health and spirits.
The Judge is about forty years ef'ajji,
prepossessing in his sppearouoc, i.nd has
ihut degree of dignity, refinement, and
socia'iiiiiy which will doubtless sank him
o popular judicial officer. The Judge ex.
pressed himself delighted witli the ooum
try, and dimmed with its prospect.
Hun. T. 11. Cvtiii!cs, Secretary of the
Territory, i.rritcd. tn the 12 li. The Se
cretary' is quite yourg, rppsientty nbont
thirty is a shrew d, discerning man, and
no doubt, eminently fitted for his statioa.
The f
- ........ .. . .r ,v,vi"K
from ids trcHri;i. until the 12,U inain,t.
when from improper annryrnce from vis.
itors, and pet Imps iinnetr ssary exposure
of himself while in his enfeebled condi
tion, his fever rt turned with n aspect
sufficiently thrcatiiing toraaka it necessary
to send for his physician.
e can assure the public that the Gar.
ernor is comfortably situated at the Otea
and Omaha Mission, where every neces
sary atlention to Ids comfort is secured.
tW" The Associate Judges, the Atter-
ney and Surveyor General, are looked fer
J Maj. Hepner is intending lo start
with the O.oo Chiefs in a few dnts, (us-
leot a place for their future rnMdm,
Ntw Auvr.ftritt.MEMs. Wc refer
our readers to the advertisement of B.
R. l'tgn rn &. Co., published In another
column. Tills firm keep an axci llent itek
of goods, and here is the place to obttin
a good winter outfit at a reasonable price.
ihe company hate a urge stock of cloth
ing on hand, adapted to every taste and
habit of life, which they w ill sell at such
j.rices as cannot fail to please.
Those wishing to medicine,
will find every thing in that line t! Mes
srs. McMalion hi. Williams, of Council
Bluff City. They keep none but the best
of articles, a ad make no prescriptions bul
such as may be relied upon. See adver
tiieinrnt in next page.
To the Subscribers of the St. Mary
; uazeue.
The Palladi'im will hereafter te s6ut
to the subscribers of the Gazette, which
arrangement we hope w ill be satisfactory.
tie are contemplating great improve
ments in the Palladium, and we hope it
will meet the wants ,f our patrons and
friends in Iowa. The terms will remain
Yellow Fivtai i.m i ut "Sooth.
The New Orleans papers of October 1st,
report the deaths in that city the preced
ing week, at 514, including 31 of yl0w
At Augusta, the yellow fever alarm
continued, although there w no increase
in the disease.
The posl-oflice, banks, etc., were de
serted by the clerks, and business was
entirely suspended.
The Charleston and Savannah papers
speak of an ab ttcmenl of the virulence of
the diseasa in those ciiies.
O- The Omc
Annexation cf the Sa dwich Islanls.
Though the runurs are contradictory
respecting the arrival of the treaty, it can
not be denied that the annexation of (ha
Sandwich Islands is an object ardently de
sired in some quarters, end that ihe act of
annexiilion i nearly in.itured. O.i this
subject ihe Albany livening Journal, New
York, speaks in a manner which leads t
ihe conclusion that it possesses some reli-
ble information respecting the terms of
thi anitraet. It a iys that the islands are
lo be a once admitted into the L'nion, nof
at a Territory, but a$ a Slate with full
Stale sovereign powers. In ennsi Ieratiou
cf this surrender of their national sover
eignty, the United Stales, besides agree
ing io respect all existing charters, land
i.ies, arc io jxiy some three or four
iiiiidrrd thousand dollars annually, as life
aiinuiiii s lo such persons as 1 he sovereign
uuihoi Lies shall deignatc. It is believ ed
Uml tlie number who w ill be declared en
titled to share in this annuity will not ex
ceed thirty individuals, including ihe King,
his two sons, an J the n embers of tlie
IIii of Nobles, all of -w hom r now
rich, and constitute the great landholders
of the kingdom. Their i ges will average
about forty years; and lh. sum to be paid
to eucii will tense lo be a dcbl upon tint
I'uited States Government at their death.
lle.side the sovereign y of the islands.
uil the Government property im-lutiiinr
buildings, claims upon Jereign govern
meula, oic-'W iil, it is understood be trans
ferred lo the United Ststes Government
by this treaty. Tlie vulue of these build
ings alone is said to exceed one million
five hundred thousand dollars, and the
claims ujon the French and British G.
verumcnts are said to ba about five hun
dred thousand dollars more ; unking an ag
gregate of two millions of dollars.
These terms, alihoiuh not extravagant,
are sufficiently liberal. Tiiv islands would
prove important acquisitions to the United
Stales, commercially and politically. Our
rapidly grow ing commerce in the Pacific
require them as places of trade and shel
ter. Their products are exactly what our
shit.s rrquire ; and in ihe event of a wsr
with any commercial nation, their posses
ion would be invaluable. Nor w ill all
the benefits of this acquisition be upon our
side. The islutids themselves will at once
feel the impulse of new life, and beoomt,
ultimately, as rich as they are now salu
brious. Washington Globe.
Induu living South of
the Plutte, lately set fire to some hay
Hacks belonging lo the settlers. It is
annnnaeJ l-t ... .. ..... ... . .
l l c,- i ii . . i n " up to commit
ctet o'I:,rt 7' V'', U.eir white eoun
utjectf 4 to the taunt and gibe, and co-1 lf l1Itt
SurUogtoa ens of ta Citisa.
There is no ques'ioti, says the St. Lauis
Intelligencer, lhat Burlington, Iowa, is
destined to be one of ihe most important
cities upon the Upper Mississippi. She
has great natural advantages, and her peo
ple are improving I hem with a spirit and
enterprise that will command success.
Many ryes are tnrnej toward Burlington
as the seat of much future promise ami
wealth. The Burlington Telegraph af
Hie 5 h, has the cheering news that th
iron is all contracted for lo lay the re
mainder of the road between that city and
Galesburg, 111., ana! says that paper,
".here is nothing save delay in the receipt
of the rail, to prevent a connection with
Chicago within sixty days."
The Mississippi and Missouri Railroad,
which is lo connect the Mississippi river
at Burlington with the Missouri at the
mouth of the PlaKe, will place Burning
ton on the Highway of Nations."
Our leaders are referred lo an in
teresting report of the West Liberty S i-
day School S)ily, published on our firat
pftge. If the young people, who were a
successful u committing passage of Scrip-
lure to menurv. art eauallv as successful T
in reducing tiium la prao'ioa, ucie . 1
m uch lo he-p from them. . t '
-wwsBaw ti, .. mm- ff