Nebraska palladium. (Bellevieu City, Neb.) 1854-1855, October 18, 1854, Image 1

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it la IU
liV 1). K. REi:t), & CO.
VOL. l.NO. 12.
r f " J1 li!
ri'Bi.iiu.n i:fii nv
Kdilors til Prrvpiidori,
nt.rirw titt, rmt'otAS rn., kjibvSks.
TERMS. One rnpv one year, $2 00 one
ropy six mouth, $1 00 invar'auly ix ad-
CT No Jiape r will hr 'Sir-ro,-.; ItiKi'i? f ol Hi
the discretion of the jr.,pf 'w!t.i,,,'U!itt rt
r ear in are paid. -
Forearh srjuare of twelve line j or lesj,
first insertion
po no
30 00
TiO 00
f 00
3 oo
Each subscouent insertion,
One square three months,
One square six months.
One square twelve months,
f)-- r'Tnrtrr nf 21 r ohsmn f'.r-lee months.
Otic half column twelvemonths.
One column twe've month",
Business cards of eight lines, vear'v,
. " six month.
" three months, 2 00
Atimmlstrvlorn nd Executors' notices, 5 00
1. Subscribers who do not give expre notice
1o the contrary, lire ronsidered as wishing to
eontinue their subscrintions.
2. If subscribers order the discontinuance of
1hcir papers, the publisher may continue to send
them until nil arrearages are paid.
3. If subscribers neglect or refuse to take
Ihoir pipers from the office to which they are
directed, thev nre held responsible until they
have settled the bill and ordered the paper dis
continued. 4. If stibcribers remove to other places with
cnt informing the publisher, and the paoeris
sent to the former direction, they are held re
sponsible. 5. The Cor rt have decided tint refusing to
take a paper from the office, or remnviior and
leaving it uncoiled for, in prima facia evidence
of intentional fraud.
Subscribers will therefore understand i
1. That their tuners will he continued after
the expiration of the tne for which they paid,
iiiilesitherwie ordered.
2. That no naper will lie discontinued until all
jirrenrnues are paid up to th tiniest which 'he
notice is (fiven, unless we lire latinneil llial UK
subscriber is woithless.
8. That when the pape', through tho fault of
a subscriber, has been sulicrrj to everrun the
time, the just and tnod convenicMt way is to
remit one dollar for anolher six months, with
directions to discontinue et the end of that time.
This direction will, in all rasos. be noted upon
our hooks, and if not attended to shall be our
v. ft.
r.xt; us!!,
AT FOOT! ATOTU Collector, Ceneral Land
l Ajrei.t. Conrttfcilur at Law
11,'lleview, .ehrali.
4c, ,Ve.
llnviiiu an e pi lence of ) 7 years i t Hie Ter
li'orv, will pay prompt atlentioii to all com
mivirii I mil' , post J aid. in reganl to the Ter
i ' v. K r.. Kr.
(.'t Otli' e near the iiivertuni-nt hiiilii rg,
in iear.f f, A. Sa pv'ii IniiikiiiR hoiie.
iew City, Neliraska. July I , 1"" I.
i C. I). HOi)ISO.V,' ,
ll;i i ened s linsrdiPK house at Kelleview,
for Ihe iii-commiidatioir ul regular liosnihrs, and
M'rii'i Hint I'isito's, who, he wiil ta!i- pleasure
in mii' ini? a coiiifoi tal le ai Tit s in his poiv r.
Mi-lleiew City, July 15. lil-ly
C.'n. WATiO.V, '
!.snd Aiceot, Surveyor and Engineer, Ilelle-
icv, ?,(,! ra,ka. nt-ly
. , t;i:oR(ii; sir.r.NKit,
Alturney mid Counsellor kt Law, Kt. Mary,
Mills Conn!'.', Iowa. au31-ly
JT i Vj-ij A M,
Attorney and Couustlh'r at Law, ft Mary,
?WT ilis Co.,' Iowa.
I'hysieian and Surgeon, rcpertf ;i'!y tenders
his piofe.'sioiial cernc-s tt the cilr.i'i.., of Si.
Maiy viciuily. Odics two miles uoitli
wealof !5t. Mary, on the Muniuito crei.-U.
; aotfai-ly-
7 , ' a t;jsciii'c:k,
Ti;p'Urpliicil Engineer, tenders his profes
sional serticcs to the citizens of 8t. Mary and
rirliit?) a Kurvejr-r and Engineer in ail itsva
rietiei. Oftke in 1'. A. barpy'k (tore, comer of
4 ire.gory st ree aug 3t-ly
General Land AKtn, St. Mary, ALUs County,
luwa. tS'iil &llnd ta tti purcha; and tala of
real estate, tin perfecting of title, payinjj tax-
fi. C, A.C.
f;. 1'aiiiiing land and village lots, to suit
rxut tut.-cia, on hand, for sl cheap, and on
rcioiiahlt Liiuj. CilAS. E. WATsO.V.
L. it. KINNEY.
Ii43-tf JOaF.PH GUEE.V.
Keg Creek, Mills Co., Iowa, 'i lia proprie
tors of this mill im'end to keep lumber of all
descriptions coiihtautly on hand ; also to sup
ply all special orders lur lumuor at snori uo-
tiee, for ea.h.
r, 1-3 in EAU.vr, . .
Tin lur and t!niei is ready to oianufac
tuit or icpairtili work ut every description, at
short notice, and at ths cheapest rates. Ilia
shop is situated one fou.-th mile not lh of V. X.
aipv's store, Main-st., Mary,
lui'ia 11, 1854. U-I2-3UI .
llraiuug CoinUiUolotier, Office iu St. Mary,
fwa, aug Jl-ly
v. a. sAnry.
. Wholesale and Coinmissiou Merchant, dealer
tin Uty (ioods, Hardware, Qteoiuware, Glass
' .vaia, jroriies, rugs, Medicii., Books and
S.utiui.sry, uoroer of Main and Gregory stieets.
Coft- rysncer, Notary Piiblic', and Surveyor,
fnhce tfi titurs of Greene, Kinney, L. Co.,
:t. Mr,MUeo.,Iov. .,ug.2,'5L
f li'.t. sutiseilber has justoiened this new and
1 t Oiiuoitioi.s t.uildiii for tiie rec option id
Ihe tra riii ? pnl.lie, and s.dicitsasi'lareof piih
1U: favu, . rtuipt u4 efticlent attention wi!)
he paid U 'iv;i t,,.y favor him with iheir
i.ationnije. li's will be Supplied w ith the
h;.! ti.e njui' .-J 55t.'U,. ra si hl- is t
lei lied to the preunses'. Wi. L.VlM'I.f..
ftt. Mary, ow, mar. t-i, 'S4 niitt-tf
OU WOltk done with7eat:irs b J ii i.p.W i
It is common 'o sj-ruk of those whom a
flirt lias jilt'! as l101" victims. This is o
grave error her real victim is the nun
whom she accepts.
Ws never .knew a man that observed
politeness to ladies who was not happy,
contented, clevr.rish and nit that. Hence,
if you wish to be on the right side of
yourself, n; id other folks in the calico, Jus'
111) til pulil. .. , ;
of'ler.i. v--dioi,i". li Kt ireit l'iu; ; :.
(.; us 'ofp
as life endures; tiiibits thut will nmrHcra'c,
not destroy; occupation that will render
sickness tolerable; solitude pleasant, age
vensrable, life more dignified and usci'u!,
and death less terrible.
Wkesj you go lown to drown yourself
always pnt off your clothes, they may At
yonr wife's second husband.
An Irishman being as Led on a late trial
for a certificate of his marriage, bared his
bead, and exhibited a huge scar, which
looked as though it might have been made
with a fire-shovel. The evidence was
The' Inrgesl church in I'.urope is at St.
Petersburg. It wn begun in 1771, bad
in twenty years two thousand tnen and not
finished the walls. It is polished marble
ho'.h outside and in; the pillars are of one
piece, fifty feet high, tin: base and capitals
of solid tiilvcr, but the greatest curiosity
of all is a wooden box, constructed to cover
it from the weather.
Silence is the perfect herald of jny.
At ft very lai and respectable meeting of
lh-cili'."i.s of licllview and vicinity, assfin-
hled at Hi llview, for the purpose f making
regulations in regard to clainm, William tilt
noi'H uaa calli'd lo the Chair and C. K. Smith,
w as appointed Secretary.
a luution, a coinimltiic of three, vix: Mesi"S
MolliHler, how and ilalloway, were appointed
a coinuiittec, lo draft preamble and resolutions.
The committee reported the following, which
were adopted hy the meeting:
We, whose iiaiin-n are hereunto auhscribed,
do enter int an vMiiutio, Sot Ibe piireose ot
maintaining o,:r claim to h,nd in Nebraska Ter
ritory, at or n-ir iieliview. )ur motto is: "In
union there is strength." Our principles are
lv ufity, l'lntcriiity ami Justice. We will be
goverm d by Hm h m! 'a and reulatioiii as may
or hereafter, o approved by the aisocia-
lit. This Association sh ill he known and de
signated In tbe name and Mtyln of the Jiellvu-w
S.-tileirt" Club.
2, id. Tlie Ollicera ahull consis of one Presi
dent, two Vice I'lvaidetita.oiie U'Sjister and one
Marshall. Also, a commit tea of live, whose
dot V it ahall be to dei iib all diaputed claims
sulip c. to hp appeal In the association.
a.-d. Jt siiall l.e tin; duty or e:ich claimant, to
gister his claim, wi'.li a description as near
as maV he and tha Reglatni shall keep a book.
ill w hit h he hall keep if.e minutcg of lliecuni
miMe and the association, biiiI shall register nil
c lai.1,1, and he allowed one dollar for tach claim
regis!" ;ed.
ltd. 'I 'm Marslial! shall enforce the decigions
of thi ( 'oinmittee, when not sppealoit from on
the same ilav or making, togeiiiur wiiu the Ue
cistorls of the AssiKiislioti, and preserve order
and decorum at the meetings of the Associa.
tions and ('immitli!e.
5th We will recogaize no claim made before
the ratification of the late treaties with the
Ooiahn, OtiM und M isaouri Indians.'
rtli A claim shall co.mwt uf not more than
'. .
'111. All claims must be well staked In the
pmi ie and hla.ed In tiie timber, so that die
Um can bs rean'.;i wac?d. .
Ki.ll. i'l'iy pe-,soii not occupying his claim,
shall, within six months from tha tunc of th
rinht of occupancy, be required to have done
lifty dollars worth of work, and the succeeding
twelve months, an additional quantity of one
hundred dollars; and any cUimuit i ailing to
comply with these rerolutions, ahalt be deem
ed to have abandoned his claim,-pro 'ideu no
fierson shall he allowed to hold a claim, im
lss he shall within eighteen tnontlis, become
an actual resident of this territory.
Utti. 'I'll I Asuoculiou will not recognize the
right of any person to hold more than one claim
in Nebraska Territory. Nor the right to hold
hy Companies.
10th. Any person to receive the benefit of the
foregoing regulations, must subscribe thereto,
except excused by tho Association, for some
good reason. And is in honor bound, when
called on, to assist the Marshall iu the per
foimauce of his duties. !
11th. All claimants having difficulty, shall be
required to hand a statement of their grievances
to the committee, at least six days before thu
regular meeting of this Asiociatiou.
J2th. The regular meet it gs of this Associa
tion, shall be the last Saturday of each month,
Slid the President is authorized to call special
meeting, whenever he may think necessary.
13th. ilesolved, That tlie proceedings of this
meeting be published iu the Nebraska Palladi
um, bt. Mary UazMte, Omaha Arrow and
Council Bluir Bugle.
The following persons were elected Officers
of tlie Association: t ,'
1'Hi.fiPiiM. William Cilmors.
Vic t: I'stsiDCN'ts. Saimud Alice and C. E.
Marshall. A. Lork"ood.
Kecordlh. C. T. Halloway.
Committik. I. 11. bennett, L. B. K inpey,
V. Cook, J. H. Phillips and Jonas Mitchell.
WILLiAVI GILMuL'lt, Pres't.
1 C, E. Smith, Scc'ry. .
riOB aCCO. levers of the Weed will find
1 a sunurior article of chewing and smoking
Tobecert, at the Agency Store, of OH li E N E,
KINNEY fc CO., hi. Mary, ' ocu.
AKIJWARE. A laigj sod general assort
ment of Hardware can be had at
eept 'J7. ;KI.E.NE, KINNEY it CO.
' tw'p Ul. GREENE, KINNEY A. CO.
PCS. Hickory Shilling, for sale lw, at
sept Tt "51. .
i.sOKTY dozen Men and Boys' Hats, of every
description, at .
.p ?7 (rKFFNr. KIRNFY It CO.
There is no spot, or high or low,
Which darkness meets not at times:
No shelter from the reach of woe,
In farthest lands or fairest climes.
The tempest shake the stoutest tree,
And evea-y (low'ret droops in turn;
To mourn is nature's destiny,
And all that live must live to mourn. '
No homeso happy, but that pain,
And ;tu, mid ere, tbe tltwirs will press.
When (eve's 'ni m ius thopr'i' -i.-e vat.
W.'i i iw.xsoiia tir hri:.tue. . ..
And yet, iX aught can soften (pi',
'Tis home's sweet iiillueiice; if there be
Relief from sorrow, that relief
Springs from domestic sympalhy.
i I he borne that virtue hallows, flings
Another bliss or blessedness
And e'en to orrow's children bring",
Or peace to calm, or hope to blcis.
From the Christian Spiritualist.
Thou wily, mean, seductive thing,
Thy substle spares, Ihy baneful stinj
Invade eat h human breast;
We hate thy form, detest thy art,
Yt safely lodge thee in our heart,
A secret, welcome guest.
Wc spurn thy name, yet love thy smile,
When thou invitest to go a mile,
Unasked, we follow twain;
We crave yet hate, repulse, embrace
Disdain yet seek thy smiling face;
Refuse, yet entertain.
When thou hast tried each other form,
And we resist the nectered storm;
Yair. that we're not vain,
We smile at indirect applause,
Extracting thence the tick'ling straws,
That flat'ry we disdain.
'Tis said each man will have his price
Some high, some low, obscure er nice,
By which he can be bought.
'Tis quite as true that thou canst spread
A lut of coarse or. finer 'thread
Hy which each man is caught.
Correspondence of the Palladium.
Thingi as ikty art Death of Bishop
. Wainvcright and of Samuel JVicholt
Whig JVominniiont Schuyler Fa$h
ion Reciprocity Trtaty llemi.
Ntw York, Sept. 23, 1851.
The cool weather has driven into camp
the latest lingerers nt the summer resorts,
and the whole army of fashion being now
'withdrawn fn;mthe provinces," is pre
paring for a brilliant full nnii winter cliuin
pi.ign at home People t;:lk of hard limes
und ihe fancies iu 'Vull street have just
received a smart shock from the New
York end New Haven expose; but nevcr
lhcless, the theulres and other places of
nmttseme'ut are draining, in the aggregate,
ubout $12,000 per ldght from the pocket.
of our light-hearted population. Thou
sands ' tire won and lost daily on the Na
lionul race course, and if commercial dis
aster is rctd'y staring us in the face, wo
meet its frown like laughing philosophers.
A great loss lirts been sustained by the
Protestant Episcopul church of this dio
cese, in the death of Pishop YVainwright,
w ho expired ut 4 p. m., on the21it., after
. l out a month's illness. He was in the
first ins'iitice attacked wi'h bilious remit
tent fever, which subsequently, assumed
a typoid t-haraeltr. Bishop Wninwrighl
was an Englishman. Ha was born in
Liverpool in 1793, and was, therefore, in
his sixty-second year st the time of his
decease. By this event the Episcopalians
of the diocese are again left without a bish
op, and another provisional appointment
becomes necessary. It ij not unlikely
that the vacant mitre will full to the lot
ofhe Hcv. Dr. Vinton, of Brooklyn.
Death has claimed u victim from the
press us well as from the church, during
the present week. Mr, Samuel Nichols,
editor and, in part, proprietors of the
Sunday Mercury, was fatally injured on
Monday night, in consequence of missing
his footing while attempting to gat into a
city railroad car. The vehicle was in mo
lion, and poor Nichols, falling under the
groved wheel, was so fearfully mangled
that lie died in about nine hours ufter the
accident. His remains were interred on
Thursday in Greenwood; a large number
of fellow-citizens of all classes and pro
fessions attended the body to the grave, -Mr.
Nichols was, perhaps, the best thea
trical critic in New York, a mun of high
integrity and of the most kindly and ben
evolent disposition. Only the day before
the eatastrophe, be was talking of writing
a strong article against the folly and mud
ness of attempting to mount the forward
platform of a car while under way; and
yet strange to say, this very act of temer
ity was the cause of his death. Mr.
Nichols was in his 4 lib year.
The political leadtrs of every stripe
are industriously stirring the political
cauldron. The nomination of Clark and
Raymond. s the YV big candidate! for Gov
ernor and Lieutenant Governor, is consid
ered a free-soil triumph. It is said thai
the Know-Nothings will support the whig
ticket, but of this I "know nothing. ' The
confusion of tongues in the tower of Ba
bel was not a finer sample of discord limn
is the contest of political factions in the
State of New York. There are at least
ten distinct organizations in the field, and
there is but one subject upon which they
are agreed, viz: tliat the jwssession of office
is t!;i most , blessed of all jtolUtV-u! oon-fumts-.
1 'r.iiiniff stini his laal aeen tlim.l ?y
the s'uick'.iuUers nf the N, Y. and N. II.
Railroad Company, for the apprehension
of the arch-swindler, Robert Schuyler.
Tliief-iakers anxious to make ,''5,000 and
doitij the Stale a service, should be on the
look out.
On Thursday our leading modistes in
troduced their fall fashions, and long lines
of carriages at the doors of all the cele
brated arlutts who 4:make up" the fair
diunes and demisellcs of New York for
the promenade, Xbe uaH-room, nnd the
opera, indicated the deep interest with
which our lady birds take in tho cut aad
colors of their plumage. , Rich velvets
seem to be the materials for bonnics.
The flat crown supercedes the rounded
one, and the hats are about as far in the
rear of the face as ever. Many of them
are trimmed with rich laco and embellish
ed with velvet flowers and drooping
plumes of ostrich feathers. The prices
vary from $15 to $80. The mantua
makers still adhere to the basque waists
and multitudinous flounces. Sleeves are
of nil shapes, and are puffed or "slashed'
with a material of a color different from
the dress. Skirts are made sufficiently
long to sweep the side-walks, thus per
forming a heavy tost tohusbands andfath
ers, the duty which the street contractors
neglect. The provocative chemizette re
mains in vogue, .;
The medical faculty in this city, as well
s the pulpit nnd press, fcavc been visited
by the hand of death during the week
D, Sweet, onh of the most akiiiful physi
cians, was yesterday, consigned to his last
rcsliriir place at Greenwood, and I fear
that the venerable Dr. Lewis, who now J
lies ill at his residence, will Boon be laid
there. The de.stroyer has struck many a
shining mark within the last few months.
Il is generally believed the stockholders
of the New York and New Ilaveu R:ul
road Company, will repudiate the spurious
stock issued by Robert Schuyler, and that
his will have a bad eH'uct upon Ame
rican securities generally, both in England
and in this Country. 1 t is said tl at ni il
all the spurious stock ten be identified.
At a meetsngof the stockholders on the
21st insl., iu this city, it was shown th&t
the eight directors owned only 105 shares
real stock out of 30.000,an 1 that more f-pur
ious than real was holder by them; thai on
director owned but one share, and lhate
wo or three owned no genuine stock.-
Tho directors were requeued to resign.
At a meeting at New Havi n on the 30b
of October, it is thought tbe whole mutter
will be decided. ,
A meeting of the anti-Know-Nothings
was held last evening and it was found
that there were a majority present in fa
vor of the Know-Nothings and an adjourn
ment was declared, nothing being accom
Tlie Canadian Parliament has accepted
the Reciprocity Treaty, and when the
legislatures of the other Provinces, Nova
Sco'ia aud New Brunsw ick accept, it will
go into immediate effect, which will not
be until they meet in February next.
Of the $7,000,000 of Mexican funds,
which was received from ihe United
Slates treasury and placed on deposit in
the city banks, only one and a quarter
million remains on deposit, most of it hav
ing been sent to England.
Liviso s one pleases. It is fool
ish thing that one only can't live as one
pleases, but where and with whom one
pleases, without money, Swift some
where says thus money is liberty; aud I
fear mon?y is friendship. It is a great,
though ill-natured comfort; to see most of
those who have it in plenty, without pleas
ure, without liberty, anl without friends.
("Letters of Gray.
Milk is rising in price in Boston,
whereat the papers complain loudly.
They say the article is high enough with
out chalking it up.
A Novelist's Confession. Buiwer,
the celebrated novelist, in a letter to a
geittleman in Boston, says Lave
closed my career as a writer of fiction. J
am gloomy and unhappy. I have exhaust
ed the powers of life chasing pleasure
whie H 't uot to lo found,"
C 0 m m n n i t a 1 1 b .
Female Teachers Class 1 Miss Em
ma Brewer; assistant, Mrs. Elizabeth
Class 2 Mrs. Emily Miller.
Male Teachers Class I Mr
Broom; assistant, By mm Seward.'
Class 2 Win. Ellington.
Class 3--L. S. Gardner.
" The names of schollars and the "
ber of verses committed lo memory .y
&, i'.,!l.'m etito,....
Female Class 1 Mariba J. Warren
Rachel J. Catron, Martha Catron, Emily
Miilcr. Mary J. Anson, Ariainda Minard,
and Julia A. Mimud,
The whole number of verses committed
to memory by class 1, 1356.
Miss Martha J. Warren, committed
3S8 verses.
Miss Rachael J. Catron, 354 verses.
Female Class 2 Mary Meade ws, 99
Male C1;.js I James Meadows, com
mitted 45 verses.
Class 2 John John Meade ws, James
Meade ws, J. Eperonand D. Eperen, com
mitted 211 verses-
Whole number of versps committed to
memory, 1G11.
Glekwood, Sept. 17, 1851. "
The beautiful address which follows,
was delivered on the occasion of the pre
sentation of a Bible to Miss Marti J.
Warren, tbe pupil, who committed to
memory CS8 verses, oi't of trio sacred
scriptuice during the hist term by the
superintendent ot ne tho school, John 11.
Miss Wasren: I am deputed by ibc
West Liberty Sunday school association lo
present yon this copy of tlie holy Scrip
ur es as a testimonial of the high estimate
placed upon your effort in memorizing
verses from tlie bible; and iu doi ng so,
allow ma respected , nvidain, to say,' that
your 'instructors nad tho onicers oxams
school, have been careful to select the
best gift within the reach of mortals.
Human productions, however excellent,
loose their interest upon a second or third
reading, but not so with tbe bible. Drawn
from the fountain of all wisdom and good
ness, its themes are sublime, its depth are
fathomless and its variety is infinite; the
more we read the more the desire to head.,
and the longer we rend the better we love
to read it. The bible is emphatically The
Book, " The Book of Books,'' yea the book
of God. It is a Heavenly Chart with
which alone life's boisterous seas can be
safely navigated. Its precepts are so sim
ple, that the most ignorant may understand
them, while its mysteries are so profound
that tbe most learned could never have in
vented them. While all things iu the bi
ble essentially connected with doctrine ex
perience and practice are sufficiently plain
for ordinary readers; its resources are so
boundless as to call into requisition all re
search of the learned, directed by the
strongest intellect without exhaustion.
What are all the treasures of classic
lore compared to the Word of Life. For
depth of wisdom, beauty of style, and sub-
b'imily of thought, it surpnsses the sages
of Greece, the orators of Runs, and lit
erati of modern times. Would you learn
the origin of the world, and the years of
its existunce, instead of resorting to Geol
ogy, and dealing in uncertain conjectures,
go loGeuiMS and read an authentic history
of the crealiou'of all things from nothing.
Would you know whence earns man, read
it in the history of the fall,', Do you de
sire to learn what is the enly remedy for
sin and its miseries; it is all comprehended
in this: ''Christ died for our sins and rose
again for our Santification," Are you
still prostrated, fettered and powerless
undr the bondage of sin; accept his free,
unmerited advocacy, nothing doubting, and
you are redeemed, regenerated and disin
thralled. Such are the history and doc
trines of tbe bible. It guides the pilgrim
stranger through the howling wilderness
in the palh of safety. It hangs cut the
lamp of its exceeding great and precious
promises, to pilot him over the gulf-stream
of dentil, aud leads him forth with songs
of deliverance to join bis friends in the
deathless of immortality, where the river
of life glides forever amid the beauties of
perrennial spring. -
Now, the bible which alone affords any
satisfactory information of our origin, du
ty and end, or any satisfactory informa
tion of a higher and happier state of exis
tence thnn the present; is a like suited to
all classes of society and to all the circum
stances of hum -in life. It is the plain
christians mumul, end tbe learned man's
Itcx-l'j.V, the tii'i win rajr
poor man's treasure; the travelers guide;
the mourner's chart; the widow's com
panion and the orphan's guardian. It is
the basis of legislation and the standard of
morals. Il binds over the witness, juror,
and judge, to a future reckning, nnd re
quires the administration of universal jus
tice, according to the golden rule, of doing
unto others as we would they should di '
unto us. It cliecks the turbulent paKsious
cf the w icked, protects tlie rights of the
innocent, and ciijuii s r;ita e. oarib and
pwd win io'Tnnn. I' ' i;'.a toe h'.;i cl
and kindles t:. Ire of i !...'. .i,'. 1' im
parts light to ihe ignorant, peace to tbe
broken hearted and breaks tho wizard
r pell of superstition. It is the sick man's
consolations, atid sustains the dying man's
' Accept it then, in behalf of the West;
Liberty Sunday School Association, and
II !!
may you enjoy ns messings in nie anu
the future Uite. of blessedness revealed lis
its puges in eternity.
Miss Warres 's rcpiy on acceptation
of tiie bible i
Rei-ecteu Sir : Il is with pleasure that
I accept this copy of tlie Holy Scriptures
awarded me by this Sabbath School As-.
socialism, as a testimonial of the high ap-t
preciation placed upon my effort in mem
orizing verses from the bible. (
In performing this delightful task, al
low me to add a few words, although as a
work of art, litis book is no mean evi
dence of thy excellent consideration, yet,
it is not o:i account of its arlistie excel
lence, or neat tyr.oarraphic execution that
its real worth is to be estimated. Not u in
frequently, we find the most brilliant tins
ling of gold covering and enclosing . that
I which is eitlir worthless or pernicious.
But the value of your gift, consists not
chiefly in tlie. binding, but in what is
bound, not in the folds and leaves and
embclishraents, but in the gems of incor
ruptible truth which it contains. We are
indebted to the author, not to the publish
er, for tbe ruc excellence of this book.
When we consider that the organization
which has brought us together, in the eu
dearing relation which ure here recogniz
ed, has for its princ iple aim and object,
the giving and receiving instruction
drawn from litis volume of exhauslless
truth, may I not ask, what beside this pre-
i cious book fould you have chosen ns mi
embodiment and expression of your es
teem! and whi.t else w ould have been
equally acceptable to inc. My heart is
placed upon this volume, 1 love it becausa
it is the best counsel of youth, and ihe
sweetest solace of age. The glittering
star which shc-ds its light upon tbe earliest
prospects of youth, and leads the weary
pilgrim, errerging from the wilderness of
life, safely and triumphantly to the bind
of promise. This book is not only prais
ed by me,, a Sabbath school schollar, but
il ij venerated by tbe citizens of our hap
py country generally. We regard this
book as the faith of the Protestant Ame
rican chnrch, ihe bulwark of American
Republicanism, the terror of despots, and
the undying hope of. the oppressed. If
the last star that glitters in tlie firmament
of civil und religious liberty shall become
obscure and hiden from s iew, by the
darkness of surrounding tyrany aud sin,
the wandering exile of freedom, and the
mangled captive of the opressor shall turn
their tearful eyes again to the higher fir
mament of divine revelation, and from that
firmament shall come down upon their
crushed heads the authority, the inspira
tion and the hope that .'hall nerve them onco
more to arise end sucjessfully vindicate
the spiritual birthright of man, and the
freedom of the race. This, then, is tha
sublime mission of the word of God. I
ask you, then, beloved superintendent and
instructor, lo accept my unfeigned thanks
and with them my heart-felt prayers for
your future usefulness and happiness in
ibis world, and for your final reward ia
the kingdom of heaven.
" Holy bible, book divine,
Precious treasure thou art mine,
Mi: e to tell me whence I earn,
Mine to teach we what 1 aut.
Mine to comfort in distress,
If the buly spirit bless;
Mine to show by living faith,
Man can triumph over death "
Tub art of tha writer ran only be ac
quired pen in hand, as that of the swim
msr must be learned in the water, st
whatever risk; and however long the first
experiment may be delayed, the result in
both esses is almost unavoidabla on awk
ward display of ill-elireoled powers, coup
'ed with distressing aid unnecessary ef
forts. Edinbtirg Review.
Yur have no business to tiave business
wi'h oilier people's business, and that it
business enough for any Lusincsi
WuUiCa ii-t mii.d their or. u ba:ia
. f