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About Nebraska palladium. (Bellevieu City, Neb.) 1854-1855 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1854)
- . -- ,. ..- w, .. ""' ,t e . vfiint mi f srilli ."TIOSS 1 4 J - .,',.. il.n s u l!i hear in in'tiid. '1 rcjiniint '(:i'ivl ;is';.i.-- l"rmi lb? pu ,rimMlu!, Mfl ill:,! cur winter supplies il'.t'fi bo buid in before! tin: close ol" inviMirtrt, end MONI'.Y is needed for purpose. UTiOUAllY fiO'HClOS. 1 IlnntY H I..ATIT a Hook. 1 he xJelolior K uiUr (1 this rph inii.l monthly, is re ;.ei. It is I it lily mb( dished wi h plate r..1(? add'ed Willi luMiiliiul thoughts. I', i.s Mill :i Ml rupee, s fa i oniumeiii iniy where, tin f,i ail tut it- is 1 e.iu'iiu. Dub ilrlphir,. TitLIishdl dt Ai m inai s. YYc rye niiiciiitni in "SI , 1'oWl.l.R fv lYll.I. (if Nl'W York, for tlirir rlrovuilly illustrated 1'lii e r.c!' i 'l A'nii.ii-.?. Also, It, r part 1, io I f Fruits nicl I.triiic-cea, a most eicnl'i'ul work uiou the Mibjc-l of vep-e-' l,lt diet, ly Jolm Smith, Willi iintefi, and 'ill I'tr.Mioi. ly ltoh,rl T. 11.11. Sri i NTirie A sii:iiicas. 1'nliaps there i popular seieiiiifio jit-rio.lical issneJ in m tlio Anierieun I'l rs, rornparable to th s, in adaptation to the necesbi; ics of an . iij'rili'onl. ii-,,ji!e. K H'h number contains f 'ij.!it L.rneiju.irlopapuo, of nearly oiio'i ; i,i:l tnti'Kr nsnjily illustrate"! with tW I i riiivin'.rs. Published Weekly, by M ass U Co., New York, t,t 2 pt -annum. Arirmr'AN Aokk, ri.-rrniST. This is tn inijiorirnt I' publication, f which wc slioiibl like, to m:c in every farm lioiipc in tho bind. It is n.dioiuil in its s !bur;,el(T ntul n! ip'eil to part of the i I iiiitil States. I Published by Allen fv. Co., New York, t $ I 'JJ JUT Milium. 'f- ' Fi .un the .New nrk Herald. ! i NEBRASKA PALLADIUM. I The first nunil.f r of the Nebraska Pi.l- i v .... lijiiur.,'' o handsome looking sbeet, puh- . Jisheil :.t ISellcvu'W t it v, iniliraska Ins l nobi (1 (is bv ln. il. No more signal e, i oY.ore can be abbrile.l -f the ridieuri en! 'rapidity wiiii which ind'Ueo' mil i.iel ni. ..) progress po :i,n l in hatnl, in ll.i? Jiuiuitry. than the npin aianee of this jour J 1 1 a I. Jb fore the Ten i'ory itself ran be -Jp.ibi lobe crli c'ivf ly ori;ai.iz(".l, (in! b". f j Suit even !ic fiifl iiccesiiirs (,f life have, been fully pioiIe(i for. we find i.ieiiKUrcs taken to smip'v these men! 'r..vinjrs whieh rons'i'n'c ihe most prrss- j in;'. ! tnry M e. Uic ncl,esl uspirai ions oi ir ii.!'i.nt n iiiinuiiilits. Sucli fac's con i:i:ue the les.l nec-ie's vt the pi ?nt uiil ! i iciloiriiuiitii' infmi'iue whii.h this cou:i trv rirci'dv cxeii ise:, in the nii'iirs of the i v.orlil. Uliire, rven i:i (lie lnmibb s' j " ,iii:i,i(,n i, life, mrntal ru'ti a'ioii is ' .!.u-c,l ;ibov all lii.tri Iv Rensual fr: c:- ii..ts, ivrhit'jr nan nrrest the pro;;re.n o" f i coiilc. v.'t'iisc miion et.;i to us bi liu ihu h so;is !r;.wn fn.m ihf p,,!,;.:ul 1q for man, u Moir hop- fnl fulurr. V.V.C jnf .-..s. that we. opened the first nuin hrr of our Nrbravkan eo'entporary , wi'h oine inis-gi in;;H n to the lesull of la bors pursued under b;ui unfavorable ron ii;ions, 13 it-must for thfl prpsent l.e j,h.Led unli'r. We never wo.-e morr ipreejbly Jisappointrd. f In point of s!y!c, l;;i,r and oit r -Uh st of ilii-'ion, there are liot many papers m the Union, that can H pre'end to it. In i s Luinpss rolumn, too, !.i:ybe fomrl r.ntiounee !nen!g tjiat show that the l iy of l'el'eview t Is rlre::i!y ii!i'!!, U stale of ailvaliefnien',, L tin lo be in B jjo-i.ion to salisfy ;.ll t,r the t'i Tf'isonable demiuids of life. . By way of a iiieeiint.u of ihelyr'uu' pinius of vounij Nidua.ska, us well us of moral lo our i.r ic!, we raunol more ap iiKJiiiialtlv Li intr our obsr ra'.ions to ( tiose, limn by t runnel ibin from run IriTiporury, llie following ilVnsion, whie! Vps iirig at the 75ellevicw Fourth of July eiebratiuli: Iii Uic limt where ol, .'1.1111111011 d'jlli rtln. 11.! coioc to, tl,o tin veil it r- t, ' ' Vl.rre llie poor ainl t lie neetly uliall ne'er be j j uppies-.eil, ! rjursoil it isrirli, nr.d otirpra'uies are wi,!ej ' . , Tlit latfh-pitringscf our cubiii hai,g iway out n'ule. A right h'arty wrleome a stranprr will find, t or (he soiii of Nifirikx Bre unchil m,,l kinl Dr.r.i,;ri'lyi rvtr Pi.l Y.nt -,r I v,irii,,','t torur all t.i -f A.;,,., (...i.rill.l.t a'd U-initleiit I' ev.-'i y I r JVver il.ei.lcnl to th- we-.t. II t:- 11 '!, -I-remsin SI. t.o iis. wc s.iyhvi',1 'f ,..r, 1!,.- liM.Mcy !,..1! rnrl-Hollipj..,-, lmci'. M 'in TV r.N IV II VI Tlioe" O I' have i.ceji p.,1.1. an I in no m to rir.-ct ! lri in oici r 1'm. c ft I r i -r- r.imnloat Dr. r.ii!cilv'.s I' V,- iiirc. ,.nthc-it enmrr of (' .imIiiiiI streets, St. Louis. Al. ta.M by 1'. A. Sni v, SI. Miry, !wa. n i,l hy '.':U r.4 in incliriinj encrnlly, in the IVI't. gy Ki'ad J)r. Easterly's ailvertisnnei.t in nn,, tin r column of our pn;cr im,l (cive !,iia a rail. Dr. Cartor'i Ciugti BaUam Q'j," Is Hie most plrasant nn,l elhcaeions rcinc ,!y f ,r ('oitths, CoU , .'ht'n, Cotisninplioii anJ!lb--aef.f the I. ni':. ever offered l the ,V. OV LOTS i s Tit l' i ' v- ' i r 1 1 .1 1 nil s , nfc ,i .i ' I I i , ', ir" in f.i i a ' h f,,,"i hull!,-, or six t,ottl.-4. " Tiiinl n I N F, 1! 11 A .-s i-: A 1 , xr. it:: .'! ! eh.. : f i i -ci-i ii, I :.ll W,!l I," Oll-I ,1 ,ll 'I' I t.. t ) ii RlT.illY. ,, -, , To .vp fi"' ,',!., lel'ii tlicreri.'- on th ,, ,,!, Ill 111 eillier S li'l lo l'!o-ci,' ,11 Mi GI.ENWOOD ADVCPvTIGCMtlN i ft, "" Jlorious News Tl c( M,W,.- I I V OU .Villi.. I i ,o'v; II1T! ('(.. -S mg .4 ibi Ncbniska. i.i'l.-' i lol'i" r:;;ir 1 v.'itii :":).U for t C?T. LOUlii . D V L" UT i 6 L Iv L NT G i ii, u 1,3 v ri II. .I ,1.,. i:. . -.l il, jiiiMir. i oir ever a: j i i,u ,i,,omii. in" rifi""i .u bleak winds f 1h; noitli t.n,l west proil lee ; f th- l.uen;,i,il liailiienl. Hi,l ieill cim;liq and eniils ilaiureri ee.ldi. which ile maiul of the wie pr.nlent, the earliest nt lent, on ',r thi pat "e no h is ever ',ccn disco vcrc'l whieli has eliccl l so unny cures, nml which seem to K-,ve snrli universal "al i 'fact ion to all, as Dr.CAnrm's (Vroii II.m.bkw. K. h I rr, have you a cnuh? Do not ro'tlc t it. I),'- . t. I..,...... ..( it,,. I lay is ,la ntrer ous. i. sc i.o? i,,i ,,,,,,, - , it will effectually euro you. Q.y Price C.i eeiit.s b-r liotHe, l-ir.jr bottle frl , or nix hot ties for '). Lor sal- at Dr. F.aslerly's Tamily Medicine Store, sonlhensf eormrnr J lur.l ami v ncoioi' Is., St. Louis. Mo. At,.,, si.l.l hv P. A. Surpv, St. Mary, Iowa. ii. , I ley dealers in inc l.coics Kenrral'y, in U ' s':'.',':,tli il:,v ' I Oe!,,l r ii ''. to t i' ll'lT'C'st il't'l IfS, O'll I 1', I ii, ,;,, .. r,Mn,eii e on Ihe i:,o'i'i'l ,1 II o". ,-e A. M. of s;ii,l .lay. ai ,1 "i, limed ml. I sa,,l t-ns n: 'all s.,t,. I.i I'lc! in an til,.- ,us ,i,s I' pin chase at. Private Sale, , :,,,, .'d o.i lib "al t rioi hv rati i.i, -r ' I at Council III, ,11 t ,t WllMS ' HiOl ''S e.lM I,.' M a 1:1 , I ,l a list of l.'.;s to h -old. is nit iat-1 " i th M iri iivr. hoot l inil-.s nl t o ice, I l .IV al in rn, on or W iat'r i u.ut -rs 1-, v.y. Ut,u ,l th" i'ie,..i,i .iii.'v. me sarv 'v i ,,,r 1,, 1 1 , . . , , , . , , lu-l, and hv lar !lie most li-a,U", iom,- i ..i iforiiia, Oie-rc). and S.ilf 1. ,K". 'I n" U' ,,.r,. i j M..,ii -tliioi.' Ir-.m ; li.tu I. in f nuiHii'-ii ) .mi. wol.', with a solid It o c !: E o 1 1 o m ! from s'line (o snore at n il.-tdh of from five to twdv t-'t. and r,,s -, u.nt I v , j.-' ! in., , i,t hunks i,u l,:(i i,, , v. hii h. so lar as tin- l.;im ', of Man i-xti Is, " upp" uraui: s i.i.l'.c.iie, ii.'V-t hive i-hO'.'",! or ovitUowi',1. Ii the ext,.iae hied water til" holt, on on tin low-, sid ovm -I i 'mm- extent m :ir th" bluff; toil Is-yr I ii,." t ..-r. SliriliL' h'fi'ie l.l 'l. dll illL I.e' hn'h w.i!e, il was 111' o.,lv J, o'.it ah. i, i, t!i" ir.oulh ot I'latle (exept St. Mej ) wiice rmi "lants c,i,l. c oss llie j".lis,,,i,i and some ! thousands of Mououis nml ol'ius did r;osi 1 iL-reilurin th -vi-rv liuz!i-t -'." of Ihe water. I in laet In.'., I I, or low water was never kumv.i lo ! s'op Ih" f.-rry in ir al tins point. 'J h" Town Sile is H.t'iat.e.l a b' .until' il hi, ill Dr FaH-orly'il'.di.ueaudBaroapariUi. b -liel. or slop- u.mi iliuMy o.i tl.e rn...wit, a J , ,i I "ood p.'ri ii ,"!, I f t am n'. 1 ,u, !,;,"; lor i.t I" as- a It is the only preparation that is worthy - ip ,1.irfhi Tll.., are ,vot,;' streams run- nil," lliroiili tin town, n.i holn ot wni.Ui are rvc"ilei, I imll r.i iviiL'"S. Tiie MoMnoiiS dnr- ft I, ',! '.I I !' t i hi II N. 'I. .lo!.,. s. u 1-.' hhis. ; ,l,!r:i Syrup, .ro i.'Ws C. . Salt,' jo.i hi, Is K.m'iwhs .1". i..'' .lc'ks ,l:,irv' do. 'J( (.. !;,' ilo. S .a p. J l 1,1, i.i Ci rT Vim-'ar, T, V.U Xi. I iisi'l i Mackere', H ! ins ' ,ir. J I h,,e-- a, id hulf l,o,.:et Star CandV. f. Loses 'Pillow CUlldtCt, III' A.i i assorted, .' l-ovs Cm l',sh. o'l'.S RiO i'. !;"., I npi.ri ,1 and You,, ' jvs"'i Tea, S. .;-i. Silent ii. C. n,.l, Kaisins, I', .irlnh Walnuts, y!ii)''v,,l.L (ii',,er, Spice, I'ej'pcr, Jte., &e. Dii y (U)ons. OVR ASSOtlT.MF.NT I J.AI'CF, AM) COMTUVrr,. fl., M.v,i and I, 'far 11.-1 i!i'!nf ic ill u H i n::s. t'lsnahiirs-s. Itavens. il::c!;s, f. . o. 'fa. pi,..' 1it,.,ilo)'i o'th" I ,di' is .I'l.-il to our a-so::ni"i,l of i' which th"v will (lu,l.,wren-,!M;eea,,l t" "-is u: -pi.sed in Western l-wa. Cal.-o rli:!,a,L :r, a.,-le!.ine, l'-r: , loh-io." I," l.,t-l i'.-Mo , and s-ve. ro,,,l runs.'L (i.'lti. sleev-L ,:!h -. ,1 i'oi bonne's, lircn and collon !u'iiunere.ner.s, liosie.y, p.,.. .sols, all o. wlnell will be sold cxe -n linjlv low. (t C'lt si'.'."', bench p'aie in, II s-.v. in fact ev. s. tr,!-' saw?, broad n "--.i dm; pi , iixci, !.'. lo? Ind b'e'l etitlns rvtiiini: in the li.ndwaic 1 : ue. a Jew sharp up to a cradlir, scythe -1:1 cases diet from IVis'.mi. Hoofs of all i'S and ipialities. Shoes, Lad :cs enainXed Jen"T T l.,,.l,; ,r.,il,.,w sin, nil-. :,, ICS Cut. I. Ill I Cli! Ili.ol-'. Mlsif-. s.ioes a, I SI7. IM. M',,t r:."i. lii,U aiiil t itioiierk. llin'-Sind llled i C i 1 ie. .1.1VH1 ui"d ini.s, and i,ll other popular patent medic. in s. for hale at a hob-sale pi ices. ,ul London", family Dt various QU E K'NS W A II K, tone ware, eliurn. , jars. vt. of the least confidence of the public, for ltte cure of those di-snses an nn- t : oui an impure state of the blood, izf Seroluia. or Kind's r.Tit, AVhile Swellings. I'.ularrc,', (Hands, l'.-ver Sores, Pimples on the face. ,,',.1 Sores and I I ecr". Buddies, Biles, Neruiu? A:T, clioiis. Can cers, r.ry.sipclas, Khcii'iiatisin, Sypililie Dis-e.i'-es. Pains in the Holies and Joints, Pinir Worm or Tetter, Scald ll-ui'l, ilisra-,c of the Kidnevs, M. rcuiial Hiscnies. he. Dr. Las. terlv's loiuv r. and Sahsa c i,i i.i. . is roin ponnded of those nrtirles which siniultane oiisly net on Ihe d.iouent orfiM of the body, arid pcsri thn most efficient c!. t, hcul ini' propei lies. 1 . in, i, e ls of the most int.'lli ee,t and rr-pecta'dc fimili'siu Sf. Louis, have iim-,1 il, an 1 sp-alc of it in the highest terms of ?, raise. Ini ni'l..:iui iss'-c ton s'.roa ; -r , cheaper and better than any otiier prepai atioli in i'e. ' Pi ice. $1 per P .He, or sis; Butties for l or sale at Dr. 1'. A'-Tl'.RLY'.S Family Med, cine Slore, corner of Tniid anil Clieslnul M rc-ls, St. Louis. Also sold by P. A. SAItPV, St. Mary. Iowa, and by dealers in l,i-.!ici:,n cenerally, in !ie Wi-'. ' fjl" P.cad Dr. Ha-terlv" advertiseni,int in an.ituer eoliiiiiu of u-:r p ii"r, in 1 givj him a call. i'-'V It. Ex'tcrly's Afior'.can 0;1 Llnm'tnt. his valuab'.e L;nii.i-i,f. Ct nihil. ,'S the nm' cllic is article for nil the aiiois forms of disease icipiirinr an cxternsl applies.. tuition. One (,f Its i,rincii,., a, due iie're.len'', slhe Ami.iucan Oil (or Pelrolim.i) which is uiuvors i:iv Know n 10 pos-..-- ml Ci:bai uvi: Piioi i iinn'i. This On , when omldned with other alm.hle remedial a-eutu .f known and established efficacy, forms a silt- and lire remedy fir Rheumatism, Itruiscs, prin-1, Cols, Wounds, Burns, Scalds, Old Sore and I leers, Sc ilil lleail, Idler, Wo.un, Lrysipelas, P.I.M, Causes, Still Joil.t.i. Cak-d llrias's, Paralvs s, ( o'l'raetcl len.ions H e r soi.iu. n leu ,' i. io n c ,., , run of bus and a saw, on o ,. of lh s nu.n.nH the frame is still et.indmiT. Tli' i" extensive im --s:o-,e piarries. exc dbuit clay for hi id; m and other purpos -s, plenty of lirxt rate sand, crave!, and an iiliundanc- of irood tnnh'T outh- town site and in th" innicilat,' vicinity. As it is not our object lo ilaeeive, hut to sive a lil.iin and slat"ment of f.n-1 , at Hn-v will be foiii,.l lo ex-is1, the jmblie can rely upon tiv c,,' i e.'tn, ss el th'1 above difc-ipiiou. All we is that tho'i" p"isf.s who eo-itemplate b iyin;r piop- rty in N.diiaska will. Ii- fore rn .. b i : i -C toeir pnreloi:". es.uii ic our point as w-ll as i,'.h"H and ticn draw th'lr own coue.lii s : o , s . There vil! b" S fi'sf rat" slenin f -rry boat at th" ahove mm,"! r-,int ea-ly next serin-'. .!. Ii. STi: I.i'.! A. "I, II. !'. I'l.l.H M. J. C. MITt'lll'.LL. SI. Mu-y n.i7. tb.aiiN Nehraska Paltadinin publish 3 w.-ks, ai.Jfui wa d their biliu to this ..Ihe.' for payment. H'pV. ENERXL"Ib AGErJCY OFHCE. Glcr.wooc1, Mllli County, l57. LL persons wu.-!iin' to hnv or sell Ilea! Glasswi vc. tun, id. is. jars, nr., he. Kin v crocks, e :it, ',, k-. s,.i e c r.H-ks, ,.c., .sc. FURNITURE. fa) bedsteads rf different patterns. e'u.-rr .hniic.'. and In-eakfast tables, walnut dit'o, ditto. Hurenis with tl:.-, plain and fancy walnut, pre -es. cuphna , ,1 tin .--alVi., one or two ibawer si .in Is, wash stati, Is, loun:;cs and, double in.iltre.--i.ei. slut bo' l,,i,i chairs, cain a ,at do., ri .-kt nir e.hairs, cill,s-.r. 1") co:,k stoves, asaorted, Put itr- mi's, re a dy triiuui d w.lli tin or copper boilers, box.s'ovcs. Crf cian liarlur ditto., stove pipe, elb.o s. c Pine churns, 1-'.' bu h's. wood bocAetL well liuc',;et wj-h t ih. wood Iioa-'s, t ays. d u;h i.i,.-. r hove- bv.,,, ins. zinc w a-h boards, clot hes pins, he. SAD ni.r.IvY. Hi idles n, '.:tin:r-ils, c i.-iiejles. jrir'lis. halters, le iuie reins. I'.lnckawk s u!- .!!.-; . (j ult e-'.ls, and d.tlo Lailies side s id, lies, bnivy wl.iis, iliay n'ps. Ij. cow-luui Jtc, naUitlc-bas, leather trunk , he. LtAIH bH S:de-bn!lief, kin. nud ralf "kins, in-inn'.'o liniiv's, rju-i! skins, buir, ir!()X AND CASTINGS. -Tiow steel, sheer stiu l.e ist sled, plows, moub'.s fee. 'ols. ovens, skillels ;.nd UU, G. K. 10 and t h i ud e ,l!oii liettle.i. ri.Vi: I'OOKS S l,v in and JO 1 y li i-a h. w in. low biiiels. CLOCKS S day and hour clocks; warranted to run well. TOBACCO AND C'GASR, Virginia. Roanoke Xrrtar leaf 'olmceo. Ileiralia mi l irincpe ri;rars of the finest flavor, Culm and Havana sixes, and various o'her amines, lint we deem it unnecessary to mention then as it is no I ro uli I-. to show poind s, ;u,, we will no happy it ail times lo show our old ens tenners, nndas niativ new ones asmav favor us wiih their paironiiv-e. our eon, Is a nil pi ices. I lur f i -ties for si-ll'ir.a; (. ' H 10 A P,nre belter ihan any olhei hou.-.i in we-tei n Iowa, and we in lend to do so, and an axamuiatioii of our prices is ail that is neecs.-ary to convince you if the fief. fileinvor. I, July. IJ.N.:. Ki-H-.v. A l,t lo M.i.S h III. i : i ;': ,-i p, i u and (., II, e xery hoi, the h, .o.i ., '. m lo l! ,,i u'.l'.otli'r.t. j 1 :ti v.i. rorrc o gvrf, !,is l,:.iinieiit is cue ef leiocuies ever o!i,e -d to tli n ii ,, "i 1 1," "i ir . -1 i '.at ion is . i '!at i e. pen, I ratm;. . Infuse tiiem-.-Ues to cot- r- Oootl,e crcnl-itiou of cll,e-.V impulse o -A huh IOU VOUS ,.,y r i ri'i-ir iew of th-i fi'n.-erB ,1. 1 A . l'..-tate w ould do well Ii call on the under icd.who is ii'i'Miiid lo I'.nler J.audupoi Time, urn! Local.' Land Warrants. Will also attend lo the Coll. ciioii of 1) his, and payment of 'fixes in an:! out of the County. All Bus ';,,.. iiiUM.s'.c.l io mc wol ietive promp rttic,,t,oa. ori It Pit K.J ! I". VNON. AIM A N'T-i will th a-e lake i.ol.cetha H J rl -fBsisiiis.i, .. ii , G. SC. Toed&Co5"-", i 4 Successors to f ; Y At II! TODD h f a- sow ri . !-. s, us I'll . S i s--5? 1 1 .i If' .A tS v : II y fh J 3 "Km? s i n to; r, Carner ahova ft:. A IMA NT.' J the I. roe ..d I i TKSTIMONV OF A P1I V S1C1 AN. Lxtract of a letter dated Pittsburgh, Jry K':b, 185J: -I w.ll aay that your Mustang I.iannci.t is thcl cit Liniment I ever used, ' BavB used it in my own case, aim,? the lower jsrtnf tli njiiiie, for npiiial irritation, with rompb to a 'cces. I ued it a few ni:hU ago when I ftas inrfcclly rrubked, and iuV back in rcinplete torture, from what the books wonhl j ' rail Oji-stliotonii condition of the iniM-les, wbii-b yon know in about as hml as "lock-jaw." 1 ) Jt give in. mediate r lief, and in the ino.r 'iI ' eould bend !ike a eutta perclia man, nnd v..lh t li'.tlc i.ain. The medical profesjiou, you V,-oW, have a gn a t ave, sioii to these kinds of rn i lien, but from a know b d;;e of the ingred ients ef the Mustan? Liniment, I would have j,., bfcs'.f .lion in reciimmeiidin it, w herever a l.u,- ly ! iKtl.i-ve pain is iu lica'.ed. I Iriva ro- ...1 .1 it i.. .......1...-.. .i-fl 1.1 II. x- UU 11 , . I.UH1UI, UU I 11 IM illlllll. i V. -J .. .. f i ra.'i, -e, an! as far as I ran li am it lias ncte.l ) 4 itb .,.i il ma.-ity a.-,d ccr'ainty as in my own iss. Hoping thit it i.iay b used for and ' b ivo a y I'", .efvr it, and that is I . sy i tun, i .era ) u well for your exertions J of bri lining io Vil'iaul reuicly Lefoie ; p it'li. Truly )ouu, j . ci.n. il ur.Ysrrt, M. d. or Cords, he., and also for S!rains, Sj.avin, Scratches, Chafes, Saddla and Collar (.'all. Suns, Wounds, Pistula, Sweiuicyand PollLvil in borses. 'I'tiis Linimei.t h is a direct and .r.w erful cctiou up 'P. the s-crciory and ubsoibent fsst!, tlimul itii, them to a'by r.d'.on, thus enabling t'lem to throw off the morbid or liseasi d matter w hich obstruct the rircnlatioi C thus removiio all diseases or injuries of t ,e Hone, M i., le.s, Cai tillages, Nerves and, On lioltle will the most kl.eplM-al of its wot'derful elliraey in cininj; Bruises, nain, Ilheiim itisrn, Baines, Sureneks and Stiffness of the Joints, fc.e. Dr. Kas'eiU 'a American Oil Liniment is. without exccptuoi, the mo t valuable rei ly ever compounded fo' all discises e,f Mill or Biat, requirln"; an internal ap ilictition. I'rice C'j cen'ii per b. '.'le, or five but:les f ir one dollar. A liberal (li-count made to wbolr.sulu p ncha a rs who buy to sell a-' tin. Cj" I'or mile at Dr. Iiasterly's Family M' d ir inn More, noutheast comer of Third and Chestnut str.-elr, St. Lonijk Also ?o!,l by P. A. S art y, SI. Miry, Iowa, an I by dealer in medicine generally, in the w e it . T Red Dr. r.asterly's adi ert'sement in another coluinn sf our paper and give bim a 1. i.roe 'I'.tui r oi I ,e ii.-r.i'view .-.uieis Club, in., ke it the d.i'v i f all Claunaiits t re- rord adi-eription of iheir ( lamis as near an l',e,- i niy 1) able describe tiiein. Oiin.-.-.' at Itelb'X ievv, N'e'.i-.iska. CHAItl.l'.S T. IULLOWAY, t. 'o I Reeonler. A-.1mmLstr.UnT s Sle. N'OTICE is hereby jivui, that I. Mir-aret McAlpm, have been appointed by th" Countv Court iff Milk County. Iowa, to Ad.nmi -t -r ii;iui the estate of Alexander Mc Alpm. dec'.!. All p -rsons know nil; themselves lo tie imb-Med to tie- e-tate will please lo m ike ariai'i niciits to h -111'- up I iiime liatel j ; and all p"isons havinz cl iiuis afiimt the esi lie. are ie,pietifd to nil them, p.onnl iii'cord.ii tu law, as soon a.s p. mible. A sale of personal property wi'.l he lid d on Saturday. October It. at mv r. Hnbiuc. m aki;aiu'.t M'.'M.riN, Cl.-r.woo,l, s-p '21 it A,Smu.ilr.iti-.x. RIE3H PROVISIONS. ciib-r will vis.t St. riMir. a I Mary oil W lu'.'S. 1'itiLiP ih siian::o;', Attorney and Ccurmllor at Law, Clinwood, Mii.i.s Ciu-mv, W ILL attend to all li'i .n.i-s entrust..,! ., ins care, with lidelitv and ui-palei. I'a.- fieular attiiit.oli t'lven to the Co'.lcclioii of IVI.t., he. n i r i k exci s. lions. A. C. Dodgn and James Sheilds Wu-biii!;toii. D. C. J. and A. J.owery, r. T. o to., .xc-.v V...k Citv. Jo-'ph SI an non, I. sip, l aliiur, C o. .. ft Co., Si. n I lancisco, Webb h Co., Milwaiikie, Wi.-:coi..-.i;i. Hon. A.JM. hinilh, Jam-sville. Hon. A. 1'. ray, Madison. Hun. Otis Hoyt, ilud-on. I'aoe A;. Bucoii, f,l. Louis, Wo. M,-Loin?hlii. fc. liairow. M. Joseph, Mo. h. 1'. N ..-'..oils, l.sip, Linden, Mo. I'.t.r A. S.opv, l.ip, N.biaska T.-nilory. Fn-Coviui.i'i hleplnui lliinpatead, ,.liu.pie, Jovt a. 10. Horn, L-c)., Council illuffs, J.nva. Nil, koU.sfi Co., Benin tt llauliui;. B hi Wli,l, C!.u,w,.o,. .wa. I' Git A 1 VV A is TI D. IV'll.J. the hifhest ni'kel r , 'ce for Corn, W li't, Oat and BiiJ. w l,i a,, at my Ollice iu (ilei.wood, either in esh or iner ehaiulie. PHILIP 1. .S1MNNON. CI. r..r.-,a.!. !!. . . JSf h.esday's and :'.. 'f (ileliwood on Tti 'sd ij 'a and Satur- day's of each wa-k, and will ,ipdy lo se inarli-ts with Fresh Mints, Butter, l.-t, and Vegetables, at th" Inai k d !,ric'i -7, I if l'. I'.oriNT.R. "KiN TAINTFlt AN1J (il I.DI'.lv. f IMIL B'ib:i"riln;r bavii-j located bims, If al .1. i t. Miry i prejiaie.1 loexecuiu old. us ol cv-ry disci ii' ion of Plain, Fancy, and Orna mental I'.untini:. paiiii.-ii, .-t.c,, .i .., ill, l-d iu tin- most p prmed htyle, and in the Teat -at m.inlier. I'alroMi,"' lesperli'ully soli.-, l-.I. Ollice. at II. Mil 's, Mo-.-t. bt. Miry. STAM-xl.Al S isC 11 1 .M A N olv V. St.' ,-Marv. S.-pt. 1.Jj. Ai' f i -"j s, if ,? ; . ? I . . ' . ii -- ' ' - " IN; p ri.uii,'-t,ty located in this ph,e.'. tl,' pl,r,,n.. OI H-IKng l.DKl'.s LAND, TOWN -LoP.S. and .inn," a (...muni Ag'-'l.ev B : in, -s, we would repp, ctl'ully inviK the puld'o , t n tive t.j!!, Our lioodi were s lei te I with cure, and wv -ore c.e.t- l'-r;t that shall bj able to give p-r-lu. t .s.iti.,1... t;ou to a'l. C U L 10 N F, KIN'NKY t CO- Kept. 27 '.!. . iro7: i PIIOCI'.S of 'I n long, beot quality, I'm f) 1 sale low. Hi p Clil.FN!'., KIN'N'lOV A. CO, , 1 i I, I V do.-ii U f I ,li I, I I 1. ni' -cli ;,t II;. ii and Fov A--, cy Si., I ips, ' of lor 10 FN ii, hlNNI'.V .V CO. u p '.'7. Oo J S AND hlloLS. A laiO and gen -ii. Jl a o, '.m ml vim V low. r.t .. -H. l.liFF.NIO, KINNT'.V CO. -t . -r f Ci C IS. MO . Jft.o , 1. 1 ' ii. . I n. ii 7.. , . t!ucrsr.fy frenc.) Uwvr iUiil CtoiKo. "VKARI.Y TW10N VV YF.ARS I0XPI0' I Xs nte i.i it.? Mnl fitniidiiii? business in 8:. lauiia. ( I'oniiu.-ucin.r at the Work, inn's (encht enables us to iud'T" orr. elly of the i; uahly of hnrr best aibtpl-d to inilling in the West. 'To obtain that i i.ility, w; h i-.o found it ne,-i- ;ary lo visit the ipiiiri ues iu France, and there make sehct io us. Our stock til is year wis select-"! at the ipiaiu ics by one c.f the ti. m. and .sain;d"s left with the jiropi i.-tors. that weraiy, wiuui we order, be ciut-iiu of obtaining the desnt'd quality. 1''.' sueeessfui imiiiii, ine pr .cuiuii miller and miwrii;lit cm nppieciaie tue iuiior-tam-e ol' t diss ii. ra n io uncut. Our slock is ill way s birgc, and any desired temper and texture oi burr can lit! obtained without dehiy. IJOLTlNt; ( LOTUS. To obtain the quality of B.,l!in;r Cloth 1 est suited to nii'ilmi in the hat e had the gi-ea1e.l dillieult V. bolts by fast grinding, and the large ouantit es of spring w heat mid oats proved so desti uct ive to the or dinary Cloth, complaint of mill owners and miller became so fi cqu.uit, we found it ne cessary to obtain heav er and stromcer Cloths, or subject nurselvt-s to a suspicion ot seljin.; an inferior article. We laid before the manufac ture our objections to Mieir Cloths, and order ed lieavier aiid stron.'er to be in id". They un dertook it with reluctance, fearing that they could not in.iUn their Cloths heavier and pre serve tiie uniformity of ineshes so iinlis,.e.ii , bin for good millin:?; Tliey have ueece,li'd. Ol.-HHiif.TIM Cf.o'l IIS A Ut NOW MADS. liXI'M.SJ- i v rim i s. and for beauty of .''.n.sii, .uiil'orini- ty of inches strength and durability, ia - re' r to Ihe millers generally in the eouiiliy, an-1 -pcri:illy to the millers and mill owners, in ':)'ronT.1BLE (1R.1LV MILM. Our attention for many years has been di rcc'.e.l to obtain the best plan for consirueiing these mills, lo ninny cases they ar- u-e.l by inexperieiieed bands, anil th.r.-f'oie, uurabililv and suuid'city of const rue; ion was the object to he attained. Ll this we thii.k wo liaieauc- ceedi ,i. Vi e bid, eve so. bi-cau. u in tiie gn-at iiu.i. her we have so',1, lliere has no! oe.ui one ru- tu: n. I, noi lo our W.i.itvlc.tge tail. 1 t p.'rl"i in ei, i i :-, 'y to ihe salt 1' ae'i on of th--,e u-ii, 1 lu-iii. Th'-y V'' in extensile iis. in tli, We-t, and lomv of tiiein in New Mexico and California. On,-'in. Ii.,.. re known a TOOli'S 1 Ml'li'lVIOD (;it.l MILL. We manufacture three kinds. to w.t: cast liidN hacks, to grind by weight of the runner; stock ami cuain mux, llie blW.'l 1 slone 10 IUiil, 11 lid tiie fHKKsU Kit Mll.l.. patent rio led, vt '1111.1, ted and machine .stretch- This aiticle is now made iu lh i grcutesl pr fe. iioi,, and becoiniii-r etiui.siv'l y usd iu the ,,,a i il. i, luring esllialishuifiils of the connti'V. We k, iptin hand the l.irgfit as.toi tiiient iu the W . so hi country, of our own, and I'.astei ii ii.i.nuf u-liii e. i i.i a s" i 1" n Hfr.aia Bitl.Ttvo stfvm e t ii I mi a v n ko n hi k uosr:. Wear th" only a:;, lit of the !!,. ton Coin, any ill tins cilyfor lh.. sal" ol tl.ese goo ls. Hoist,', ' fCcw s, mill spindles, m ilati'o screws, iluiiisal il oils, patent iron proof s of -s i.";iri',oi:io',l t 1 j c Hi'i: cf tr.u.e. T I0SS ;s. SARI'Y .v 10 N't; LIS 11 A III'. NOW ill. receiving at (lieu wood, a well felected stock of dry guo.I-i. fancy goo !s. i-.lolhini;, hoots a',,1 .-hoe, groceries, bai dtvare. c, oekc, y. drugs, liuuor-, s'ovt's. tinware, he,., in Western low i. The public are iut iled to en!', and cx-utn'.lie Tor themselves, and they will ti-i ! tiie truth of the above st item 'nt. Also they will find that Wf can s. ll a s cheap any oilier house :n Mills, Fre mont or I'ol un a I lam ie count ics. And in giving notice to the firming commu nity, i w.ll trivc them l he cash price for their produce, sucui as beef, pork, corn, tx h'-at and beans. The store i.s on the west side of the. Public Suuare, Glen wood, not' -11 dim O KIN'S WANTJ'.D All kindsof skins O ci. for wh eh the highest price will In" mid by S.&.L. Dlt;:0!) FRLTT f -r s ile S It by l'Y h 10 VOL! SIT. T 1 A I SI s.s, IICS AND CURRANTS, for IL sale by SAIU'Y h. F.NtiLISlI. s I'M A LAST Cloths for sale by SARI'Y Ai. F.NdlSIL AYM'.b J'Ail.Nl' M I.D1CIN I.S, for sale by SARI'Y IONiiLlSll. II I'.ODl.'C !0 AM) CASH wanted iu pi. merit j. in i:ivment of debt. KAlil'V .V l!.(i. 10K.N and Oats wauled by c r TORS.F.S, w ork ot"ii and vnings:o 1 JL .SAkl'V h LNoJ.ISH s. hi:. d:tlo. 1 I0IOF AND i'tJRiv. wanted I Jl Square by it llie l'ublic S. -V 10 am! si . i, . s totlie ahsnitien's and secretions, a nl I'lti.'auT MATra a to thi-O'.v oil' and lit ber-'tf ,!' a-iv ii,-. i sc. s, tio,i ot the ihtvo.i clio-iiJ or l.g.iiio'.ols. ma',1 u.g it equally aptd ie bie !,, sores ,,r nt ki-ei. lb a'lsiu puiis in et erv I s' I of t'ie i'i"ly, from a Ce r is, ,1 act on of 'if til'. P'rneturnl po.tions,f I l,e system. Wioie 1! is piuf u-ily harmless t,i l.-.-l'by I'-o-, skill, ir hnni. it has III property of luiteril.? into i-.jinhinalioii, and any of llie . ra :ie Vi'iv when thev are (lise.ise l. or their vi tality ,s destroyed. Poss.-siing these peculiar power-,;. Ihe rcasuii why it isnpiall v efl'C.ici.uu in so many different cnvplairds. It aria upon scimlilic piiiii-ipli's and lixcd laws of tiie Crea- Tlie large iiumh.r of cases in which thisliio-r,i-uii I, i-s j.roi e, iis value, iu the. 'i.t1 tune it has !.... i fore the ju ople of Ainerra . is snlh ei.uil t u gif" Ihe urea I est conli deuce Unfits n t ,e, pre in en.-eing rheum.-'tism.'-'Pi.stn-ius. bums, wounds,, swell i.ogs. Irk en or einekel hreaa', obi sores or pliii " pai t of the body. Sr. Iiurii Tkstimosi v. St ati; or Afissm. ri. j ( 'oun y of S:. Fjouis. Be ii reiiieni'.e.cil. tl at on this fifth day " M l)'. A . n. 1 i nl. before me, thf umlrsigncd, mayor of tiie ci'y of S . Louis, in lheoiinty and State oforcMiiill came ju Mnally Daid M. Snivthe. who, upon his oath, says that the fol lowing .'-'aictn.u.l is true. In testimony whe-eof I hereto set my hau.l Ihe day and liaLe 1 jsl .ifo-eiul. .1(11 IN HOW, Mayor, if. or. Nfwm a, jtc.. is'cr. Sr. T.ot is, M ... M-y H. IC.W. Dr. A. (. lliido. . ('". Cents: You xvilj -oh-tbly recollect t.'ial 1 called into your eUah-li-iiieenl suuie ihrec weeks fuim and piiichased a lilt -.--cent lio'.tle of jour "Mexican inusianjT . limine. it ;" mv obect in so iloing was tutryr.a in, -iits upon mv Daughter's arm, who lias bee a ring from the effects of a severe dislocatiua of tiie in bow for scve-ul years past. The excruciating pain conscpu-nt upon r .Is llingof the hone I). id d.vindleu and contracted her rtii to a puny sie. iind I consider it a duty d'. t o 1 1 mg upon ine to acquaint llie community or tiie hem lie 'nil effect, your liniment has paodnced. ll.Tiirin was draw, i toa right angle, and was almost iiin-t and use!':, until vonr invaluablfl linunent was applied, since which time, I am h;iipv to stale, .she bars enjoyed uninterrupted good strength, and can use her ai in nearly as pli miilv a In fore it was di-h, cried. 1 vtould stii'e, however, thai prior to tryinff your on.. "polled, I used several olber remedies. and among thorn McLean's volcanic o.i lil.iin. lit,'' hut Willi ;be leu-: b"u- iieio I result. J). M. SMYTH K. Wc offertliis liiiim"nl as a lemedy in the vari ous disra-es and complaints i'or w inch it is re comrtiendod tvitii foil co:niur nee of it succest in curing tb"ui. 'J be is a lis! of the numerous nnd e' a Iraordina. y cases it has cared during tin la tew iiiou! b : ft 7."U case of rheuuiatis-n in nil its f onui A-'Z'V) do sprains nuil lunises ; , l(l do burns ami seal, Is ; 3.t i!l ilo fre. Ii cuts and wounds ; b) do cancers; 7,7 id do scrofulous sores and ulcers that had resls'ed all other 1ir.tlil.ent ; 5.210 do iuilauiHil ir sw died jnintn j T,fso(l do piles; l()'J ilo luiubago, sciatica, gout and harl bony ' iiiior.q t".a.,i ilo chipped hands ; b'.nisi do cak'-d h.-e,isls, i.t) 1,1 do looth-ache; l.t.ii'-il ib- various cl)r -e-' ;..ises. 'Ibis must ao,er u!ioot incredible, but lha nninirn is e,"li,u-ate and letiers from dislin g.dsbe.l physicians, ci'lens, aguif and oljieri wuo hat.' lisy I tiie Medicine, enable us lo sub stantiate the above facts; in : 1 1 ions, of bottles of it are yearly consumed, an, 1 it has always givea satisfaction. To ( oi-nthv si r pril x s rs. F.tery store abo'd be supplied with this valuable liniment, as it pays a :no I proht and sells rapidly. i'Hicrs ok tiik i.iM.ti est. It is put up in bottles of thri'csizia. and retails al vj." ecu's, h'l cent-, and Sil perhotlhi. The fill rent and on dollar hotiios contain .')! and 100 per cent inoia liniiri.ui', iu proportion to 1 1 1 i r cost, so that money is saved Dy tiuvingme lagersizes. A. L HR.VtJii.CO., Sole From ietori. Principal ..dies. cor. Third and Mark"t sis., SI. Louis, and W)l B.-oadw av, New York. For -ale by i'. A. S xae v, SI . Mary, and Saii rv & I'.siii.isii, Oleuwood ; and by dealers in medicine every where. aug lil-ly fix I IF. 1 Co N u i:s e ii v . TJI; iiiidersigrii'.l has on hand and for i,. Side a fety tnoiisiirid select gral'led app .,-,s, r. n.'.y fm- tr.uisjilunliiig in orchard the coining tail and s,riug. VAIUETV. Red June, b old Auu, white winter tiarin iin, fall pipiiu, li.nmont, wine sap, yellovV bi'ltlowi-r,, ide Island gi .'.uiing, stv iar, priors red. ml astiachan, early h.triest, sweel June, nunimer ro-.,, Mumiii"r queen, R ill'. janet, r.unbo, wine apple, while belh-rlower, Roman mem and N'urthe: n s,y. ron aiiAns. The Colalpa an I Black Locust. o una m i:r A i.. The si.o-v ball, lOughsh ami Am eric-, n lilac, red dogwood, hom-v s ickb', ro e, &.-.,.xli-. A few of llie Isabella and Cata.vhy grape from Ci'Vering. St. Mary, Iowa, Aug. 31. 'ml. aug:n-ic. ' gfoh;; r. ji','.pnf.p. l.O.Nti LOOK lib I' OK, C0LIE AT Nl f Ktll.lA CO. linve,Usl rece,ii,; oneor Die largest and h.'.-l seb cled stock of GOODS ever hrfore exhibited in the West. A iiiong their assortment may be f miid DRY (iOOUS, v iricty of clothing of all soils and sics h.irde, tire and i.'iitlery, drug-, medicines, lurui ture, bedsteads, bureaus, t ih'es, chairs, cook, tiox ami (irecniri, p.uioi isit is.c. ) in anon, eterv nine von liny can ior. I'-ersoii.s need not lie di tainod when they eome lo the, cheap corner, as they are Weil supplied with nimble clerks on llnur tirsi legs, and al ways hate sharp scissors and dull conscience lOmigi ant.s will Iind it to thiur a, it a,,t.,ge io Call upon us before purch .siiigelsvt-!i-.u e. Cl.uiwoo.l. April -' l Ihl'A. H d.ii and HO hear clocks, warranted t for sale a. thcch.'ip cash s'o,e of Nl'KOLLsi ,x co. Dii.A.Ci.niiAGCr.S TOXIC AND ANTI-lilLIOUS PILLS. The jiopiilur iii.-nioiiic of the. ilny Vits! tiin.iun'i, used per month The nu-rn.-roiis, an ! won It-rf ill cures il ctfect I s m leiiuil elb i t upon liilioniH Fevers, and l'l-ver au.l Aejui; Greut excitement iiinoiiif 1.1 1 e 1 )oelors ! TFiADEfl'S POINT FEfiflY. s I i 10 snhsci.lei bat ll g least,! of (.aikei l.l- i. Id Council ill nit li-tiy Ul 1 ra- ,bu'. 1 otl.nto'.l.uu-.e Coiiuly, low a. Hating built a n. 'W and substantiai Boat, lb now pi ,',;, n il to cross an w uo t oine. l ei sons vii iliiig ,'xeti, askii will iind i!,o one of the bcl I'ei l ies on Ihe liivcr. 10 ue. 1 bat u no S.cau, Fi rry lie it. but 1 bote sti.oug arm potter, ahull volt piopcll a boat a.uo-s tliu ner at this narrotv point wilbout any d mgi-r or I, low up. quick cnou-.h to sati. l'y Ihe for.,.-,t i.f thin l a. t age and c.o.intiy mio M:iisiAii: ; 1, t A ' lin.M- Ci.' e iult, . St! .. I and 1 ,g,;y, 1 U'. Horse ali i rider, ... - .r.u. ' o'li in. ill, - - - - - 1.). t'.'i" I wenty-fiv.-! per i er.t added lo (lie a bote rules during hitch water. ep n. '..i if i s.Nir.L nor rov. mill picks, serci ,i xt lie. copper r-.t e s. lace Ica-ib.-r, tdastcr, AsC, he., "'"constant ly on band..,'' J ' St. Louis, April -'d, DC) I. nld-l y. m:)lll'l'il. Lovers of the Wed will find I a s in, t ior an ic In oi'tdie-. in;; and sui..uii Tob ici-o. r.t ttie Ag.'.u-y more, or, KIN N F. Y A. ( . ! -M iry. ecu. M.DWA!'..;. A l.ue and g -n.-ral .issort- i i . a .. . l.e-nl OL llainw.n' Villi O" in o , i H'O V7. Il'lo-'f 1,(550 Ll 1' l'LF. i" incy not- .ns for s ..lea" in store .,r iiiu-ir .. i jxoi.i.m x . "SVltPY'S" SITlAMTIvYIIIY 'E0VL'" N K i U A SKA. TllKX-V V A M F. R N F II R ASK A IS BIN l N (1 OT. MARY 2i BlLLCVluW CITY. rpiIK Nfb'H ks is anew and sp'.eo.lul Iioat. I iiiiinii.-d by eyi.erieucf 1 olli tusaud ei-w. 15 dl.'viciv Citt'i .N'el', is o,,iositt) St. Ma.r, low '1. US dnl. a I t' iaHtls 11 OKI. I. MO, K INN FY CO. VRF. now adunll"J on an bands to he a most extraordinary and valuable medicine iu gi' Use. iiitoioiny ucis as ii speciiic upoa '.Ii- bilious and typu luyers, clulU and lever, . . i .... i . ii' ...... i , , ,. i ... i and iet.u an.i airue oi ine tt uieiooani mu in all diseases of debility, weak siomach. indi- gest on.lossof appetite, impurity ill! the blood, and all .1 is.-iises . i cval.uil in ii we.i.u n mid sourn e'li clinnfe. Their great p,,tfer eonsists in heir peculiar ei.cct upon nil tho organs ol Ilia ivs'eiii ; ii-ni tb' r .i, id form. ill, in of new and lore blood tiiey produce. In tins lis tli great ,c,il or in, or success. i iicy are mnu aim ant in tin -ir actum but si arching and pcr- uiiiiciil in ine peueiraiing ine rciii.iieov reci s-esof the s .s-iun hytlieir ready iih.sorpt iou intolhe I. loo 1. 1 hereby infusing a netv Hiipply of t , ;i lie, I'.uis potv er into all tiie inachiiif- rj of I. If. The exteusit-.! popularity tiny Intra a'ei uire ! i:ll oter tile Wi;.-l ail 1 South eiib'irc saici of al least iiO.O'r.) no n'ks run month I And we find it diliieuit With our large fore of hand i, and the lale ii.uro-oci moms in machinery which we have adopt si, to iiianatuciii.f fast enough to supply toe demand IU thirteen'erii and south.; u r,.ut-.s ! One j, ge iiiauj tacto y is constantly engag'- l in piep.n ing lha various concent rated r.vtriets ot It inch they aie compounded. From the bcsl i'-! '.i. iinitioa we can iiM en from o ir ts ooO s -llii.g agents, and I, . 's of tilieniiie ci,i i espen lKiits in till p.arts of the country, our Medicine cine per in nit h I,"'. l,--s I ban I'MUO cases of fever and ago", one thousand ef ttlia'll Ii .t e i i-d ail o'iier I ,',, I ; 5.1!lM) Cdse.s of " alvlU'Ss llli l g, eei-ll debility ; g..Vt,l of t ai iou chnu, .,- .1 ceases ; J ii III of it . ak -toillii',1 uli I i.'SS ul I ' tite, r.l' U.epsla ; of i in .. in il I-in s . o I lion.,!,' 'oui .plaints I i'r 1,000 K r n V i . LBS. Cotton Batlii'g, for s at Ciil I NF., KIN'M'.Y ; CO a k t't'S. Jl ck 0J ' Cl.i.LN Mil : t il". J'.,r si.l l.ftv, at LINN I.i h Co. sORTY lii'ioi Me l and Boya' Jl.rts, of every I'.MUIR VN TS comiug lo to ll-hC'ipI ' i il l. I". NT'.. KIS.MEY h ( '. "i-l, t '.hold I luxnis d,t ret ;j i r.i a it y . Tili i the fiont gutet ,ry to t'ie inost ir,r.ovtt'.',t hii . in. :uv;i,'g poilio.i if Ixdna-ka. Be..r :n mind lb it i:. UAI-Y li ir.LLEVIE tV CITY are the two b- .-o p. nut. f ar the em uu .,t ion center. lil.-viix Cty-Julj f. U'i. nt-Vf cases , SiV) l.-'llll l.iit;;) l.o,,i ' (i t,,'. i r en lh sr'eeu ; 'J'li is m id ai'pe ! ;.l,i',.-t. ineic l.ble. but tha :i'.!!.' roils lei.'eis from phj aician-, ids i.n4 iboseitho Ihe me.iii iiie. from all lleweit-,u-t: and souiii'u n Sl.iie. sattsf,- , s that this ia a ai ute, ite i : i.i a'.e. .o,d thai o ,r ini ' 'ine i.s raj -niiy t '.in; ine place of Ihe virion? roun'ci leit wi.i'-i' i-e r'!,- ,1, vol I'ne nue.ero-ts l.ui.e r:u tores ,.!.!.- ,-.!, ;t. ol qiironc ts Inch ul r l.u.po.,- i'.l ,''..'! th ;, d. ,,' ' .- inaiiuf ic'.iiii i s who Iivr lli.1lO.1V k I.O'.V !.i. ! -r.f?of Funic .ii's. O") t els ; and .,,ti-bii oils, . .cents. A. .. f ;.'i.'.. ,M. I'.. Sole Ol' t .1-.lii-,.St. I.,.,;. For sab. by I' A. Sir.ey. h M.i, y, sud S'oii'V ' F.n.-i isii. 01. o'-o ; I,fl'.',' il IS'I.-"1? t!."J'lJkl'u1 Oe 1 ' 1 ...'ei. a i- :1 ') i , I f 11 "'l ittZJKl H UMlli. l "o V I i